.mTEIUMS Or T1IK , AMEBIC" -nH, B. MA8SBR,! t Ptr.tfWtll la' Inovnu vtunt v Oca in' Centre ,ffty, A ir rear, of tt. Jfst- mt i Store. THE AMEKICXK',' jblMibEahed every Satur day at. TWO DOLLARS per Annum, to be paid half yearly in advance. "Nd paper ditcontin 'Wed tllf a aa arrearages are paid. ' ' i"-,ei - inr JJoautawlptloni iccairM for kaa period lhati tix pTa.. All cornmnnicationa or. letters on , business relating to the office, to insure attention, ' most bs POST PAID.' ' " ' REMOVAL: 1 1 J O K N. H. ; P U R DiY,, TE8PEC l FUI.r.Y. inC.rma , Itia fiicn.la and cuatomcri, that he hta reraofd lit ilork of ' gorfda to the Stiin Itounr, tin Maiket tqbarf, fotm. wty ecOjneJ Ky Mr. Wrh. Dwart. where he will happy to ame hi old eurtonx-ra and the pub lic generally, on a good terma , and at aa low, pri teeaa can be had etowher. ' ' ' ' ' "" " ' A large eaaortment' of Ororerieiv' Dry Oooda, an J Queenaware, conatantly on hand. f v,ri., I , June t7iht,lM6.tf.i i; . , , t V . Tin -and Sheel-Irwii Ware 'MANUFACTORY. 1 BfiLtirsoHOVii, vazriffA. THG eubacnter rerpecifulty infurme ibe public lhat . he haa commenrcd the, manufacture. .of .. , Tin and Sliecf -Iron Ware, . in all ite varioua branchea, at Sellnagreae. Hi Ware t oot onty made of the httt fnaterlala, but i put tdgethcr Oubetaatial and workmanlike man ner, differing in ropeot fiom much ( ibewaie tuld, which ia made up '0 a huny for that purpore. m etcellrnl axaerimeni will kept on hand at all Uma, which will be a.dd oil h no reaaonaUa awme. -J ANDREW 8.' W?G$BTV , elinaer May iuaa484fi.n-lC' ! ,( IT ... Lime ! ILiiiic ! ! I!IS JrjERPECTrtl.LV uiferroe btafitcada, that ltd he haa commrnred , the buaineea ef Lime Jumln, on the faun he" tiow occnpiVe. f He haa tew eat band a duaniity of Lima for aah and wilt Iwaya endeaTor la acromnoUata ,Uiae erbo eaay Korbiaa with th cnatum. , 1 ., -Augiirti. April llth, 1846. 6m ..-.j -TCP..? A CARD. - TO THK CIVILIZED WORLD!! - WT U. I'ALMEK. tha Amerienn Mrwupaprr w Agent, duly authorised and rmpoweted, by tie proprietor! of rno f the hMt nWMpaiara of 4t the ritiea and prineival tewna in the V. IS. and Canada,. In Tfceive mbecrip ioi end. adverliae xxiu, and to gi,ve receipta fur them, reipectfully mtiGea the Mic, that 1te 1 irppared to eiecute rderafrom all arta of the Civilid WerU, env ruciBg'' Individuida, Firm Boeietiea,' t:io'a. Rea ing tUotnn, t'of porathiM, 6lc, at hai-eevrral olE an the ritiea of Ptiilad. Ihia, Ualtimnre, New ork and Boston, and whei noiinonicaiiona and ftiirira, cM paid, may he directed.1' Addieaa V. , J'ALMEK, HhMadelhia, If, W. corner Third id Cbeeou atneut fialtimr, 8. E. CMnet Dal nore, and C'alaert alaseta ; . New York. Tribune Dvildirtge opposite Ciiy Hall; Baxton, W 8tate at ' ' A we enher person or peraona are in any man nei ronnarted with the aulwdriber. In (be American Newapapei. Agency, all tettera and commuairationa 'or him, ahould be carefully dtrxtcd a above, and e no other person. ThU cauiion has become, nc pfmrf, in order 1 a avoid mismki'S. and put the pub ic on their guard against all pretended Aeentm " ; r 'w.n h ':' -r V.fl. PALMEH,!. . (.... . . Awiettran Jiewpprr AgenU Gditora ihrotighout the United 8ttes for whom 1. B. Palmer ia Agent, will promote the advantage f all roncerued.bv taiMwhiug ta alrf." '1 ' tHIIILlU NOTICE. V. U. Palmer ia the nly authorised Ag'-ntfiw tlie ei!iwi Ami iu irii-aif Phil.idelpliia, New. York, i.rstoh' ana" Baltimore, of which pub!ic notice is ereby given. ' ' March U. WO. ALKXAXDER'-. I IICKriY. r R U N IT MAKER, .., JSo. 150 Cucsnut Street, ; . . rtXZXULSSXfSXA. v .TTHERE all kinds of leather trunks, aalieea and cariel'baga, of eveiy style and pattern are ianuTSrd, in the beet manner and front the best laterial, and aold at the loweal rale. , rhiladrrlphiit, July 19th, 1845 ly. . ' SlIUGEirrS PATKNT FHI8 Machine hse rtaw been teated hy anora than thhry families In this MfrghhoiliAod.and aa given entire atirfctia. .It ia a aimple in it (MNnraction, that it cannot get out of order, , It intaiua o kon to mrt, awd no sfHttigavr rolhrsto et tifl or repair. Tt will do twice aa morn wavh- ig, wish Ikaa than half I he wear and tear of any of telate mvenHono, and whal ia of greater injftor. 4ice,t coots bn nvie over Mi aa eauch as other ashing machines. 1 The aarbsrviber hta the. rirliisive rrphl fnr Nor. itimherland. Union, Lveeminat Gotumbia, Lu irne and Clinton couutie. Price of eiwgle ma '. tine $. ,., . ,H. P. MASHER. , The following ceitinrsti ia Trom a few ef tboee botive these OMchfirea in waa.'' 1 "n -I., r.,-. 1 I tAinbury, Aug.M, IMi. We, the auWribrra, certify thai we hive new use, in our familiee, "ShttgcH'e Patent Wall. g Machine," and do not hesitate eiylng that, it i meet exeeKcat inventiraji. ' llist, in Washing, will save more- than ons hall tha) aMtui labor. hat it deaaayrt require saere than one third the ual anantiry .of opd water ami. that,.thva no ruWniig, and eonsrqueaitlyi litjle or ne wear, r ar leering. That it koaefca orTne but Km a, and t the ftneet tvarhs.euth a cottars, Uera, aorks, lis,, aai be gfaWaJ in a aery aheri time thoutthe leant iniuty, ana m act without anv renl wear and tear, whatever. We iheref.ira M-ifnTIv racnmniend it to OUT friends Mi in th M a most UseTel arW labor savin, machine. it. i,iV(n io t;nAll.M w.HtAiirJat,' n""h sdHwEfAVi'rrt",', i -Ciw.'p. ASANTar"' mf.nvt iv,;jDBO MARK1.r3, , ,.,; . . .ii (.i.Vnllon. (iaiU. ik -WKI.KER, CJlDEON.XEISENRINd. ibb a HoTii, (formerly Iremont House, Tta. J 18 Cheant auaet,) PhiUdelpbia, September tl...lM.' " - 1 I have need hogerfe Patent Waebing Maehin my honaf upwarda 0 ight mopth aMde not aiiate to t av that I deem, it one of lb moi naa . aod valoabU lahor-eaving aaaehipa ever Iqveav I.- I foraaarl kent two ' women eontlntra1ry oo- red in waahiug, wha tfcw.ki! two ya aa they then did taw aveeiu Ji M bo , tmmw In washina. and it rea air sa not mom lit one-third (he naval quantity f MfT I d a number of ether machine! in my lamiiy, ou-. . ji.u.i! uimrinr to averv thinar else, and little liable to gal put'of lepslr. that I would not withont ona if tlrayeawnW awt tan tmae ne ee they are aold for. Vir ix.- m in LJi-m-j?M m-rs-i Ji v-t mo n !. .1 :aiiu-l i !?,.'): ,,,,.1 0 : !; -fc 1' m W m W . W m M W W-aj, V e aM " f - - - ' A - SV V II I I XI II I I I I II. Il l I i . J- 1 l ,1i J II II I 1 ..IX VI "n: 'ia (iiinxinTu tia ajiniirt-ini bna 01! tlr.i.l w roiUiiimii'.iln mvi bdo finnarn 1 ! I tCbrrMTtondehcVorthiVtlblicYeiger c.urorwi..:,miBl;j;.jiOI, ;r i,,;;,;;.' . : Wa 1 M t 1 ' . ' . - t - i a I l , . ii 1 ne leipgrapit being out of order, we have not a Word yet '0r the electfoa in New York ; I cannot therVfore.'gire yon an idea of whai than- gaa taey tn.y produce hef:' ' I wilt, however. detain tbia letter u kt posible. 'and ' enc!ea. vor te ftweehadow event, ai tooH a we atiall hearfNev York city.'. -i ! ir i-.v-! !U,t : By way of epiaode,' d would obaerve lhat' I railed, laat evening, pit our very popular Secre tary or Ine Navy, whoaeaafcm ia a I war crowd ed with the moat dieting wished naval offieera in the city. Hia manner are eo elegantly eaay and winningly gentlemanly,, that even the, people of Washington, who, aa a matter of course, are op P1 to every democrat i(C administration, apeak of him in term of unqualified praiae and candid affection, t there found Commodore Sloatthe conqueror of a vat Empire, in half dren, hi full nnfform1 navina; beeii kwept' away in the Perry during nil last hurricane on 'the! Coast of Florida!'' The Commodore citraa a verv unatTec- ted, plain account of hia mcceiaee in the Pacific. He Veprent the whole country from thirty to sixty mile inland, a 'completely lubjeeted,' and the proprietor of the ioil especially rejoiced at the prospect of annexation. i; He haa rio doubt of the result ef the expedition of Col. Fremont, who he tbinka, ia aura to catch Castro; and a toi' Pie Pico, the Governor, he will probably come in ol hia own accord, being one of the largest landed proprietor, whoae ibrttioa would quadruple un der the atripea and stare. !-.'-' :, 1. The climate of the country is represented delicious, varying acarceJy ten degreea the whole year round. jThere are two crop in California i hut they are not alwayi sure. , When there ia plenty of rain, that is, when it rain hard twice in the year, the crops are good and yield SO and CO fold ; when it raina hut little, the harvest ia front twenty to twenty -five fold, and is then cal led a failure! ' ' ' ' '-' One of the beat justices appointed by Commo dore Sloati ia Dr. Gilchrist, Surgeon ia the Navy, and from hia tecarded wiadom the Californiana may indeed cry oat, ' Daniel come to judgment a second Daniel. Would that his judicial deci sion Were to form precedent,' not only for Call fornia,amt for the State of tbia TJn ion, etnec tal ly aa regard expedition. '! 1' :' -v j ! : , v .To give yon bntn couple of inttances. A Mex ican came and complained that defendant owed him $40... , , 1 ,v , .'!... . ,.' i '1 !. Judge (to defendant) 'You owe the money V Defendant 'No, my Lord !. J owe but $20 ; I have paid 30 already,' .., . ? . , , ,;; judge topiaim in) -now is tnii : , 'Plaintiff 'I have no recollection of it, my lord. ' "' " ' " Judgement. Since the defendant acknowledge to have owed $40, and to owe $20 still, be 1 im mediately to pay over "the $20 he atill owea, by hia own reckoning, and remain in dure till he haa 'proved payment of the first Instalment.1 (Marks of general approbation on the part of the people in the court room ) ' : ::- -wr..") Oc another occasion, one ef the U. S. trooper had bought n fine haraa for 25, but it waa prov- ed that tha vender had stole him. The rende red man came phtlng te the Commodore, and re claimed hia charger. ' 'None of my business re plies the Commodore, 'apply to the Jnetiee. r " Court aVoaat,' Dr. Cikhriit rerafro aVajina? a In- bit Jnrtrce 'Where lathe plaintiff?' 1 .rJ ' Plaintiff 'Her, tnf lord T 1 have been roh- bed of my horae.' ' V" " ' '' : Justice 'Condable, bring np the prisoner . ' (Boatswain bringe in a fierce looking Mexican, with his hands tied.) " v s ,. m,;: Deretidant 'My lord, I will confess ' Justice 'It' the only way te nhtaia mercy.' Defendant 'Thank ye,' my lord? lr L lodgment-'Coiiduet the prisoner back to his cell, and keep him there till he has raid nwehf $60, and let the D. 8. trooper - return the horae instantly to hhj lawfal wner.' i -i' The lino was paid matanter and the prieoner releaaed, while the owner mounted hie charger and spread wide and far the- tiding ef American itrrpartrality and the smparalleled 'wiadont of our ledgee.n It ia hardly tmcestnry to add that oar naval Justice got a kttk to wiaxrwnrd by hia de- ciaion 'ftiO ml only covering the first coetof tb animal, by 'which meana the trooper wis eirnbored; bet leaving a vwiderabla margin rnr'etmrt few nnd contablei-The Commodore thinks, and very justly I too, that ah joatic doea the United Stales snore good than a body vt 500 troop. ; There are few Californiana, he thfnkt, who would not rather' ebmif their pri. 'rate wrongs to the detrsioa of one of his surfieoti than Uaat te the Mexican ilamaad, which is the same as oar Court Of Chancery. ,xf. , 1 In regard the viatt 6f the Br'Hiah . Admiral, Kir George ayaaaai, to the harbor f 8an Fran eiaco, 1 cam tell yon h very pretty Aa aw, sflir George obaarveJ that he should have prefavred California te havaWcama an ladependfnt ptate, rafbetlhaa aee her under haatriMa) ami amtl t wturaBponComuaaduea 1oaHvanar1ted,jUt as nainkly'w4lsssKraaaM and atnta alanaUcan give laaj vhwi sin'avissiie mmy nuaiannasi ! aacCOaa Let this cwantry he ogeaettiad byatoraril tng PrMtio,!aadyr aaaaaasaveasimail ehnntn wtll h r market avkich will naaaarll contribute milliooa to the cemmcreWl nroape'Ti ty of England. !: usi ui ,; .ban ; 'a Tbia atiked John Bull, who exprcned big , Pr.Ma.r . EUely. , , ,u ,,,, ,indt-.! finnbury, Northumberland Co. VaSaVuVday; Wo v.C,W . . rol wiku -mi 4. r- ,1. -i i 1 l" 1 VI" 1 1- " A 1 U f f - I 111.11 VI"' ni1" ' -' mi .r.hfin in - .1.,,. r JJ;-5S sill 9i9,l( njirli nta.'tt i li bna .yA ' , r- a'Jf.t I ni 9 li.,. i t 1 tit i- nt I 1 i unui ig nrgcgri inmi inn rnr ra inn mull top gallant malt. , ' Vou need pot be embarrassed to,I,hat, replied our old Commodore :;all the w'ooJ 'jo& ee here belong to the United State, and yoti heed only akyi what you want. Sir George accepted,' and hortly after (ailed for the Sandwich Iilanda. J ' ; ' . '' Nothing new from either arms or nary, ' The acheoner Flirt, Lieut. Sinclair Commanding, ar rived at Norfolk, brought no new of any impor. iivv iivin ioa suii sqiiauron. OssEavKa. I (I I VS't V L.'!:iL y :iiiai . Tha rirst America at Ocean laUaassiahlp. ' :t The New York ocean Btearhehip now build. ing at Westtervelt & Msckay's ship-yard ie lit. tended ae tha firat in the line of ocean steam ed ipe to tuo betweon New York and Bremen, via Cowee, in tha employment of tfwj Podt-nffic Department. ' 8ho ie called tha Washington, and a New York paper gives the following ac count of her 1 - tt w "1 v., n:-- 1.1 ,r-nn .t Tha YVahmpton taof 1,759 tona, Cna'om ilooae measarement, which ie ral to about 3350 tona carpenter' meaeurenient. tier frame ia wall oeaeoned white oak ber tirubers are ppicea2afet)t lonjgf, sided i2 Inches, moulded 20 inches, aad Very dose 1opetlier. ; All the erooka araatwh an prew with the) timber;' and none of H ie Ctit aeroea : the grain. ' Her keel and kelson are of great solidity,' forming- a' mass even feet in thickness; m) bolted throughout with heavy copper bflt. ' There 'are four kelsons to form the bed of the engine,- rnnninjr fore and aft, each SO mchea at the bottom and 30 inches above and 4 feet 3 inches high. There are, in order the more In atrettjrthen her, bilge heirona rorming fore and aft, 10 inches square. The length of the keel ia Q3M feet of the npper deck. 245; the breadth of beam 1839 feet, and depth of the hold 31) feet' Kie is to be planked op raaide and out' with 8 inch white oak plank, except acona the timber-heada. where the plank ia to be 8 tnchee ; nnd what aeema to a indatpesanble to tha safety of ail sea-going atanmahips, she is to have n complete flush deck front stem to stern, so hat if a hea vy aea be shipped, H ramat ran off, aa there are no openings into which it can pour and thua en danger the safety of the voaeel. ; b -,. The Waahington as to be, equiped with two marine engines, now const rncirrig by Gtillman, Allen At.Co.,of73ioeh cylinder and ' 10 feet etroke j the wbeeie are to have 40 feet diame ter, and it ia intended that they shall, when puehed, make 19 revolutions, , Her cylinders, furnishing 20 inches ol steam, will be equal to 2.000 horae power.,,., ,. .. ,;,,..,.,.,-, She will have an unbroken cabin saloon of eighty feet, which ia to be finished in that most tas'efu! and brightest ol all styles, varniehod white and gold. yTIo mair cabiu, willfurnieh two hundred berth not settees nor cole, nor occasional substitutes, but ample bertha in con venient and roomy state roooia. t 6ha will have a second class cabin forward, with one hundred bertha no leaa comfortable, though less luxuri onsly furnished than the main one. ' " r'-iV' 'll . ' To crown the whole, we were aseured by Captam llewctt, who ia to command this' fine vessel awl whom we may ray in a ptrmthveta, to name ia to praiae that her whole coat afloat and ready io receive her mail and paaaengera. will not reach $350,000. ! Thw Miesiaaippi and Miaaonri arar stesaners, (the one built in Phila delphia, the other here, by the Government.) each cost, we believe, close upon $700,000, aiid they were not so large aa the Waahington, and, by.no means, we suspect, so etrong. The, Government, it ia . known, have made a contract with Mr. K. Mill (or four ncean steam ahipa,'in which to transport the mails to fire- men, touching going and coming, at Cowea, The contract ia to laat for five years, . and t the price is sne hundrtil thousand dollars per mn Mtian, , , j, i, ,.t-,..t, ( .... , ,,. The Washington ie tbo fiwt of the fvwr, and she.., will be, ready , to .comptenca. ber, trips in Jarch next. s Ai soou aa ahe i launcbnd, which will probably be early j in, January, the keel of another ship of lib dimensions is to be laid, and the four are te be completed ia sur-ceaxion that each one may be. rendered mors per fect, by the experience of i those tltat precede her, 5 ji i-in i'I fs'i . t .- iv- ii s ' " it rfttw i.V" .i JV o'.!' 1-3 i1kHit Uuin r?...w. a i.ia. A ... . . n.. n 1 . fhe lt September ..saya' 1'JmiWif' dcpusiU of guaivo have, beep discovered enmpoailol JV tagonis, aouUi of the Rip Negro, of. which Eng. lib) merchants bays oiado freaweans; perm 10 aioo ef tkia gavernmeiitritbe righifuL owners. Some throe hundred ahiptave Waded: there during tk, present. eriiilw, and between thirty and arty wore wrchad( with a number of the crews orawnecU Tl coast hit mot fnhoeprta ble one; being iron botJnd.'and hot a good hirbor. Thk'traa Will W regulated W'aa to1 yield' a arnall wfenu' fe the counVy Wheh "peace fa ee-. f tifclbhefl ,l ,0 rts-ii'dfq-.'.i it-.: j av a.'al X" S "'' " eonumjas 1 yfihnmVfl f. awktown wi ataie Ifif nm'Vrm M Um tsHraonl yoy lccoea oo iJauT itresabsof Va ptit appreeeh CMtagaaua duawasa with ss empty stootach, nor ait betweeq the aick and the fire, kacauae." heat attract the tbia vapor. M-l.fA. prfndpto a--w-a.a--aaaaaai.l 1 h -r, W 1 ni ... ,immimim . The 1 town is situated ht the trrtjitmain pdas which epparatea the plain exlemlmg tothe Gulf of Mexico from the mountainous region, Whfch continue until you have ascended the tableland upon which the capital is situated. ''' These mountsina arise with great abruptness from the plain, unlike tHe Alle'ghaniea, which are ap proached only Ihrongh a country rough and broken, long before you are at their Use. Their aspect ia bleak and dreary in the extreme. The aacont presents an angle apparently 'of sixty or seventy degrees, and their crest exhibits a sharp ridjre 0! nearly uniform' height, except where broken through, aa though pieces had broken ou;'..,nea'nsr Peftu'eaof eoven hundred feet, with perpendicular aides, through' which no other range l discernible. Detsched hills seem t0 r,'? 0CCM!on','y like anexcrcascnce from the p!ain,'endi many pi them of great height . On one of these atanda tbe; Bialmp's Castle, com. maqding the town and plain form ilea.: . It iaae ceaaible, it is. true, from the eaal, with gentle ascent, but aa you look west front Abe heigkta immediately beyond it, the head growe dixxy, and one Unaccustomed to high plaeee aal am shrinks Involuntarily back from the' precipice, and instinctively seeks a surer footing and a firmer1 grasp1 npon the thorny cha parrel eurroun ding hint.' This cattle, you know,' waa taken by General Worth. How it waa done I cannot comprehend, although the moJus ojxrandi has been explained to me., hall a dozen times by those who participated in the battle. One would think it an effectual resistance, properly measured against one body aa welt na another, totally regardless of numbers or courage.' In tact, no one doubts that the troops who have taken the town could defend H pa tost a myri ad of men.' Gen. Taylor in conversation with me, said he had no hesitation in pronouncing h the strongest opposition on the Continent, except Quebec. Correspondence of rte Cincinnati in .d ii'-j rr. ,-...-.. I : i-r. Social Lire lit Matamors. The Ameri can Flag, printed at Matamoras, has the follow ing domestic picture " -' ' "When we first entered Matamoras, and the eer vices of the Mexican were needed, applica tion had to be made to their masters, who hired them ont for from ten, fifteen to twenty do! la re. The sums which they owed their maetere were various, but whatever they might be, under their own government and I a we, it would be sufficiont to have held them in bondage through life, and entailed like bondage upon their chil dren the offVpring being alwaya held for the debts of the parenta, , A debt once contracted it waa impossible ever to repay, rN moan were afforded them to cancel it Two or three dollars per month waa the extent at which their services were valued. Every thing they re ceived from tlieir masters waa charged to their account if aick, the loss of service end medi eat attendance were added on. If plate, cup, spoon, chair, table, Or any other article belong ing to the maeter'e hoese wss broken or lost, no Tiiatterif the master or his chilJren broke or lost it; to the servant's indebtedness it was pla cet:. When be or she died, the funeral expen ses were' like wixo added to the indebtedness and carried forward to the account of their chil dren. " Thus were they held io endlesealevery, unless by theft or murder they could poesces themaelvra of sufficient money to purchase their freedom, :tThe many, opportunities . aflurded them to acquire money since the occupation of Ihia city by the Americana have enabled alnvea to cancel all their obligations to their masters, and with few exceptions, all are now free. Much of the ill feeling lhat exists against us 011 the-part of the wealthier portion of the inhabi tants, has been'engendered by the roes of their slaves. 'Their former servants will no longer work for thenC' They will not or cannot come up to the rate of wages offered by the Ameri cans, and even if they dtdv lUeir former slaves wouJii prefer working Jroi; their, new employers. We have heard it stated t(ial even . the lady of Iho gentlemanly, all pQfitlu( and riglij. byewa blc Alcalde, ia nqw forced p io lire drudjfory of her owu kitchen, aud we- are Lkoevure infor med, that u she makes cxoelieut luriW,n No arnndrr, when they are patted into aha pa by her delicate bamiewi We would he .aeeaptfd to taato orw of the things tajiwlves, if we were certain it had been aqueeied ihroegh -her fingers.' -.iliina ot ) :i ...I., in si,cit': v,Mwtt lsrrcu.logNCK.-Mi A letter from Lon don rajentiitni that there are aww awtwveo aevrvi and right hundred members ef the HomoDopa- tbiao) Aewwwtron.the majority of whom areper eons' et elation -end influence. 'The Archbishop el Dublin ie among the contributors to its funds, and converta from the medical pWessroneome ln from'ime Io thne.n,Ai 'second eiilfon' of Simpson's able work oh llonioibpatriy has been CglWd for."'"" '""u .'""" y - uA: Yaakea paper thua pntaetieally deaetihes Vhs) feinting of a lady is '. a is . rt'i ra rwafalkiha, lovely mauln0 ot!, ,n- j ' Just like a slaughtered lamb: Her bair bung down her pallid chetkaV " ' Like tea weed M a clam: -iVilt.ll" r'f-II ni 3 k ' lis v n: -mi- .!! wort f oa'ii nm A In1 ,Tl!!:t fitirf. ' .f..a end immedi... parent ofA1 'r . nH 1'f fW Vti-'ft !! J . -. . Polished Dlamewd. Amsterdam ia much engaged in manufactures, and some of them are peculiar to the country. Tha one of these which I was most curious to see is that for the polishing or cutting of dia mond. 'There 'are eeveral In the citv, and they are exclusively the property of the' Jewa, who are quite numeroua.'. In the lower atory of a large building were six or eight horses, driven round and round by a number 'of boya, and turn ing a large wheel. . .From this I ascended a nar rw and atcep stairway, lined with dust, smut and cobwebs, to the second floor. 1 Here were about forty workmen, seated at their benches round the aides of tha room. The large wheel below turned' four smaller cylinders in tha mid dle of this room, and from these bands ran 16 all the benchea and kept in motion a number of cir cular iron plates, horizontal and even with the surface 'of the table.': The superintendent sat in the centre, busy' at hia work, and overlooking the room. s He spoke English; and took much pains to explain ' and show me 1 the whole pro- cess.''1 " 5,,;ti'a i x.i-;;.'. ft .- ie The flat plate of soft Iron . is about ten inches in diameter, and burnished with a file or piece of course sandstone, eo aa to be full of fine linea radiating from the centre. Thia laata a work man one or two daya, and, muat lhenbe prepa red once again., ,Tre rough diamonds are email, irregular, round pebbles, just , about the site ol the shot a sportsman is accustomed to use, from the smallest size to buckshot, ' 1 rM ' The workman takes a small copper cup, one inch in diameter, which is fastened to a strong wire, and (ills it with composition of zinc and quicksilver. This compisition, when hot, hs the consistency of wax, and is easily moulded into any shape. ' The workman filled a cup'and rounded it off with a flat piece of iron' fn bis hand an experiment which, he told me would be difficult fnr an inexperienced person to try withont burning his fingers, but Upon bis horny hand the ' red hot metal nade no inrpreasion. When finished, it looked just like an acorn upon ite stem, with the diamond partially embedded in the apex.' ' ;! " " ?". The whole waa then plunged into cold wa ter, and the atone waa' held firmly in Ha place by the solid 7 zinc, end resdy for pol idling. This acorn of zinc and ' diamond la then fastened firmly "in an' iron clamp,' which is whirling round and grinds it off." Sometimea k weight of lead is put on to press it down and grind it down faster. 1 Ech workman attends two at he same time, and takea them up every minute, lo apply with a eamcl-hiir pencil the smallest qiuntily "of diamond dust,' which is the only substance) ' will : cut upon them,' and ia ' much more precious than gold; or to ' bead the stiff wire with the thumb' and form a; new face. Ilia' first step is to 'make a table,' aa H ia call ed , that is, to grind down a considerable ear- face on one aide, around which the other facets are arranged. Every diamond is here finished with sixty-four facets, and dote entirely by the eye. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,! ; " u ' ,(The workmen are employed twelve !uuts and finish three or four a day. The diamond mcr chants of Amsterdam pay. Ir-jm four lo ten guild ers that is, from two to jour dollars each for poliiiing; ,Tie ben place for buying the rough atones is France, and the beat market for ael ling the folished jewels is England. Any co lor jnjitrts' the value of the stone. ' The clear ';mid diamond is the moat valued. A workman showed me three of the same, juat finiahed, weighing about three carata"cach, half, as large aa a pca( and aaiti they were worth 600 florins, that i". about ninety dollars each.' Doubtless they will soon sparkle in 'marble halla,' and in unison with splendour and beauty but I doubt if Ihey will ever again sparkle in more striking snd brilliant contrast than when I aaW them in the sonny' bands of the workman. V""'.' 1 : rTr)o pitrce wag covered with smut, dust and oil,, Thf wheels rattled and the workmen shou ted rouglj jokes' at each othe r above the noise, snd grinned and dashed about tbeir duties at merrily aa ever the Cyclcpe could have wrought . , ,. ... t. ' . ,i ... . .. . ( t when Ihey made (he precioua ahield of Eneaa. And now and then the tortured diamonde aent forth shriek, the like of what cornea from fi linga aaw", but lo which, thai is a mere whisper, that pieiced the eara and contracted the muscles of the yety' workmen themselves. ' " " 1 ii ..11:1 r ,f-si . f It vX FaaHioit The pioua 1 Mr.- whf by the way ia suspected of being no belter iban he ahould bn,' notwithstanding alhia pro feaion rebuked a well known merchant or Philadelphia for tiling profii tjj language. 'You language ja.ungentlemanlv, and impitmy Mry-j ;You hyuld .hffik. yw'fVt aa aporninaile. pta,ciice. j l"''0"5 returned the merchant, ut 010 man 'ill Into some ejror M aMther upkmwa to lamaetves, yet they are eotirely uinoeeot nf WtWDtentioa te do wrong, notwithstanding' fhelr 'inaccqrgcles : how,- I taw car $ great ctefl, and jeij jpray f grot degl yet neither of us, I am confident means swajn AigTeiS I iir... .'1 ir .-'J - i . " ....!'. ' . T ratcaa or AotroTigBfo. M square I ImerUon, . '7$6 80 '! ' '' 'I'd a.- -;f. f.'.f. 75 l do - do . . . v 1 00 Evrvubeq aent Insertion, . - 0 25 ' Nearly Advertisement, t one column, t5 j half column, 1 8, three equaraa, 1 1 t two equares, f V ona squa,,,!. Hrf., , n. t0umn, IS half column, fig ( three equarea, IS j two squares' f 5 ; ona aquare, $3 60. Advertisements left without directions as to the length of time (bey are W be published, will be eontinusd until ordered bat, and charged aceetd ingly. , . .j, tl... .,t,. it , CSitteen Unas or less make a aquare. - , Arthbaottb Coau This invaluable miner al, of which Pennsylvania contains inexhausti ble mines, is found in the eaatern counties of the State, in three "basins of fields., The aggre gate area of the three basins is uearly , 1000 square m ilea. The first discovery. of anthra cite coal, on the Lehigh, in Carbon county, was made by Philip Gintter in 1791. He found it adhereing to tha roots of a tree that waa blown over by the wind.1 In 1792 it was taken to Philadelphia from the Lehigh and tried under the boiler of the engine at Centre square, but the mode of using it not being known; if put the fire out. The remainder was used in place of gravel on the wall of the square. In 1S20 the Philadelphia market was overstocked by n supply of 30o tons, sold at $9 40 per ton. ' But mark the progress of improvement which intel ligence and le-jjerience never fail ' to produce. In 181S thequantity transported 1 from the three basins and distributed throughout a wide range of the community, waa 2,012,742 ton, wljich placed in the bands of consumers at tV per ton, must draw from them $10,063,710. A Wise systsn. of political legislation and a suand currency will soon double the quantity of an thracite from the mines of Pennsylvania; vln no part of Europe can coal be found to compete with the anthracite of Pennsylvania, in price or quality, and it is reasonable that before many yeara it will constitute an important article of export."'' '' 1 ' ' l:-" Thereare99 placpoof religions worship in Boston, coaling $3,246500, and having ac commodations for 64,185" persons, " These churches, &c, are maintained at a yearly ex pense ef $170,826. There are 80 ' Sunday schools, having 1864 teachers, and 17,000 acho lara. ' " ' i"'- ' ' " '' "' PorvLATtoR or tbb Woau. According to Mr. McGregory, the popnlation of the world is 812.553,713. According to Bell; thii vast mul titude is thus divided: ' ' ' Whites, 440.000,000 " " Copper Colored, 150000,000 ' vMttlattoes, ' ' 7 '230,000,000 ' " 'Blscks, ;!' ' ' 120000.000 .' HstseV deemed th? world's populstion to be 536,461,000, possessing the following religions: ! Christiana, . ' , 252,000,000 ? , .'7 ewa,' ; 5,000.000' " , . Mahometans . ' 120,105,000 Braminists, ' ,. . ,t, . .. 140,000,000 .... ,r Buddists, , . , 311497,000 . Allothers, ., . , 134,000.000 - The Christian world; ; t - Catholics, '..' . v . : 187100,000 . Proteetsnts, . ,- , 05,000,000 Greek Church, Aie' - t : 50,000,009 The popnlation ot F,urope- is strmared by Malte Bran at214.OG0.00O souls. Asia is put dowaby Balbt at, 41344,000. ; What' ih'a Nxw. The Man Farmer aaya we have ever been of the opinion that there ia more in a name than has generally been conce ded by (evons," Indeed,' we never could be lieve in the dogma, 'that a rose by any other name wou!d smell aa eweet.' The following which he recently found in rumaging a multi farioua collection of old newspaper volumes, not only clearly demonstrate that there is much in a name, but it is a curiosity of itself. . 'A French paper he Journal du Loiret, cays Napoleao'a name ia composed ol two Greek words, Nopot mud Itton, which signify the JLt'oia of Iks , Desert The Utters of the same ingeniously combined presents s phrase which offer a aingular analogy with the character of that extraordinary man; ' ''.'- -' ' 10 1. Napoleon.1- ' ' ' 6. Apolcon. ' 7, Poleoo. " - ' ' - 51'Oleon.' '' 4. Leon. 5. Eon'.-'1 1 '"2. Oni ! -i1 " ,: " ' ' !-.'; Ilk j By5 atriking oft the first letter -of thtl -,wi)rd, and pursuing the same courts with each follow ipg word, eix. Greek worda are formed, Woich literally translated in the f rder designated by the figures, aignifyj A'aoo.eon, being ihi Hon of f he people, betmmem i'Mroyer of citie , . A m ....nti Ml r.n- l .!:..! &11J . lW i. us'.aq uirm wii cnwa umj:i to perioral the faceral aervieesvjf adeed debtor. After the veremarty was pctfoTtned, -sad tke eerpse Was ort ita way to tlie'chrchyard, th Sheriff man a descent en the "body and altaalW if for djot,'ss by the Theti law of England he li'power1d'co.',,;' - " MbvV'on!' 'said tha priest. ! ;f " ' "; 11 'Sf'op r 'er'Ocd the Sheriff.'' " !' " ,'' '" " 'Move 00 'sxcia'imed the priest again." Tbis body is mine!' mid the Sheriff. '' ' ' '?'Thie body ia Ged'a roared the prteat. ' 'In thg King'e name corrimand you to lower the cofSat' exclaimed the Sheti'ft. ... ... 'Bery the man V shoete4 ttie infuriated prieir. !an4 if the Siierillsaya three words, tako hui 1 tawj.ilvg seed tha tonerei aervMM, and asaMbtv dy shall bt barVed.' t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers