- Tk. .rsr, sr.eMe-.te, . '1" "! fha Hf Orleaat pepert eoatain lertere and eetnmenleatlaat front Monterey, front which we anekathe following utrieti: ' . Linr. Coii. MvCuim rapidly recovering frMi ths) effect ! hit wonndt, and It new eat of dancer.. Ona af tha efnceraof ait regiment In formt at thtt tht gtlltnt Cotoatl.waa tha flrtt , . anta Ibtt tkowed himtelf on the Irat fort ttorm ad bjr General Tayler'e division, and that lit re- 'reived hit waundt whilst waving hit ' tword a '" left and cheering aa hit men, hooting "vieto. ' ty !" The matket hall atruek him on hit left t band whilst holding hit arthSard to hit hip, and cat off two of hit flngera, f lancing from the acabbard and entering hit ibilomen, fracturing .in ita course tha bone above the joint. MccTtNd or Mmican Orrtcett witb Gr.nr. J raL Woara Manjr of tha Mexican offieere rat. lad oa Oeneral Worth, among whom were Don Fraaciaro Bene, who commanded at tha Obit Fade, or Bishnp'a Ptltre, General Ortiga, Col. I Marino, and othera. While drinking with theaa a gentlemen upon thie oeraiion, Gen. Ortiga gave the following toast, at whose pronount, we and ar, I coiiIJ not help hut tmile. Ht taid, "I .drink to the perpetual p?tce of the twit Repub-: , lies ; may we hereafter be ai brother! joined in -one came, and let at show .to foreign nation tha greatness of our power, while the valor of our arma thai! teach all Europe that we can stefythem." Am podia. I had occa.itm to go on a matter i-f buaintw, with teveral of our officer, to call on Gen. Ampndia J we found hi quirter finely .furnished, h t tablet loaded with fruit, wine and cigart; while, in tn "dj inin; iptrtmrnt, were -ofo teveral worn?, gjtidily dresied. On our (taireaafiTiaiiunU him he inarc'.V bnwd, atamlin; with hit Und ia hit Urrechi-a. with a white ;Jicket nn.aad at eaJsteifer in hi mouth, and Miked what we wanted, wiUiout evea extending to ut thecnurtcey nfj.e A, mueli lee to partake iT the v:andt on bieiimnUeve table. Jle wag evidently drunk, turl no doubt had been, from appearance, hsastly en, she rwrht brdtf. lie it a large own erf Ml r-isc 1et,indltnod 4a corpu lency, with li'llr. shrewd, 'cunning -black eye, indicative of deceit, ioru?ue and ilibrrtiraiswi; ihc.wore an iinjw.itX,HiJh a tt'ft af ieard oa hit cfl". 'Iliete 's titthiip; in hi manners are ,poesinj or p'casj.i, but, nn t'tu contrary, you toiJiOJ J igti ci it!i the man. and (evA he hi i!1it. t tf rant ttd t eowr.r.1. And thia yfrrit Mexictit Geurra!, I am conSJor-tly told, "wit or.ee a couik.iairy.j ill the BUfceU af lit' 01. An IisttpiTCT Tli'-w nro nvy i cidentr tiii' anc'cJoU-s it' till Uieinnroiilo tunic, which 1 miyU rchto to ymi, bull nwit take tome thr ,i;pjrlMuiry tfcse this. Salt it to tay fur 4(m pr'n 4lt avhtn vie lial gained the etreti o' MuuWy.vn'l a h idy of U itinera were lutt Tinjj down the dmir ot a huom) to pa la ti -tnnce to another street unj whicti niie of warfare thry eiktii taurrht to thn regular troops, who knew nothing of itrert fighting :n".,e m Jfat nprrnnili nf tiic Ti x iri, in eui:h cm and u ,1(111 p.iininu thr e.tran:e to the Imoae, hi'y found fevenl witmeii ineeling in pruyer tifforo a eruciti.t attd lijtlited nndle?, w ho, iijk.ii flic entrance of one ot them, itti-u. iliutel)- riw ml t.'ir.'W thoir ir n arou.td'him. KupplicKin him fur protti-in. Ttte pr fllo becuriiin,; alarm ui), lxik from h!m the embraces ot tin Yair onet, ntiJ ruituinz out to hi cmp inions, uut of bn-a'h, taid, 'don't if.t in there, thcin womn will tmother ynu to death, if you du; Ihry t 'icd to come it on im, but Z iuiid, tiidu'i i ljnikea brcuk of ill" 'Caciit dp AuriDiA4 Cjiriri'LtTioN Cen. I Aiipudia hat irtued unn'.h-r procl.iin itiiio since kit retreat fro n MonU-rry, calling upon the Mi-xicant to flck tu hi tamlsrd to rep'l the irivatfera of Voir anil, 'fill excufe, in the proc tam.iCion, tor itufeiit at Monlrrfy, tnj the anr - rnlr of that riiy to our troop, it a win I of ummnnilion ! The tilt it Ulmy of thia atotc mentis well known, fiir ay j in"i'y i.f tm'ou jit ion vai fnu.id at Monterey aftcrtlie capitu lation. Cair FotTasr.. It is taiJ that the amount of r-firienry which the Poatmaiter General will re. juire from tht Trratary will be bat $100,000 f thit te to,' the cheap pottage t'yttem workt tell, and will toon pay itt own expentet. A Btvtaria,rinx or Bloohto tnfl, at I ia eaoVd, Can m areuunttd for apaa "no other ria ip'e than from euirupt and atagnant lom iri a the venoua eireul.ii.-n, which prevrnt the pro T rerarn of iha vil I fluid to the heart. Tha bl ind an have no mre predilection fat the head than r any other pari itideed ita own tprci6e gravity etriJ give it a trndttiry to tha rx rcmitiaa but ' hen the pae-egra tra choked np, and it b cornea, i it were, priannar in the head, na wonder there ia diatrnaion or awelling af the Mood vrtaeU, a prat ira opon the brain, and hatd.iha, gidtlinra, p(. talion of tha brert, h.tauity, tpopleiy, and ether aadfal raralia. WVgWf ftdtan Vrgrtnltt fills are alwtya err , hi ta prevent Iha above nnpleaaant ramplaiota, tttwa-tbey tiprt from circulation thea vay ha , ore which are the eanaa not aoly af ll disordered oliona af tht blood, bat of et'vry malady IneUanl ; man. TJay aha ad anJ im.evac5,a.ten,aod ; avefova will aaaal atanrejly ga health an vigor the body , aa avail at ewa-tnt any evil eonareinan. . i feaat whM U tainted a riah nf Mead U the heed. CaWe-i, It shot Id Va remembered that lit. ' iward Celt, af Philadelphia , Mr. John bikaa, Caeteet, fa-, and M antra. Biawaing k Brat hart, FWIadalphia. ala Ml Meat af Mrt. and aa f rarchaee aa WrigkVa tadian ttfttakW ft)U , aae.amet, taa caw a at gummtff m gmtt y ataaVaMtt Mat traaa Aatrt ht stWh.' fJAgaa aWtV.aala afWrkkf. Indietl fegrta. ' TOt hi ataadM-y.Xaanaf MaaasV " Tat etfcar ciat tea H1lliB ! IMthtf . Cavat ef Wa4t-.A Ocaa fn Waana. Woraat are formed from tha foal ha mora which tattle In tha ttomica and in the iateetlnee, baaaao Ihete aaattara kwt aralrad, by thrif degeneration, a atroag atiaay nttare pea per ta Iha eonceatratien of thoee Intacta. They are eariotialy named the ronnd worm, generally In prraant af tender years j iha maw worm, a mail iroablreerae Inaect J tad atao tha long thread worm, tht tenea ar tape worm, Ac, dte. They eiit under different forma, Mima timet they knit together and go aut into balle of lener they divide and go out one after another When they ascend through- the ia'eatinat ent, they may he rjecled ly the m 'nth, and rvrn by the nne. .When this bpprna Iha paiieni is in much dancer, such eymtime being almng eviilenre that hit eysiem ia i'aiiKroua'y encumbered w.th (tie corruption, nd lie ri .uni ui ai'd these tw nfT'C tlnna wh- n united, my eaust Instant death, or a shiMt illneos, railing in inevitable death. Drandieth'a Pills remove not only the worms of whatever kind, bul tine the humors which form ihero, end upon hlch ihey 'f. e.l, Desiilre, Ihey have the rrieity ef evsru-.tini every sultnre which might favor a new formation of worms, ty regenerating the mas of humor. Purchase of H. B. Msser, Snnbury, or id" tha agent, published in snnther pint of thU par. I'J . i ' i JftJinUIKHt At Northumberland, on Tuesday the 37th tilt., by the Rev. John Patton. Mr. Josarn O Tracy, of Baltimore, Mil., to Mitt Acimatu C. Bi s a, of the former place. On the2!)th ult., in Delawsre tp , by the Rev. S. S. Shedden. Mai. Rnsxet Wiijon, of Munev, to Mist Ahk, daughter of Mr. Jos. Rynearaon, of the former place. On the 22d tilt , by the Rev. A. B. Caapor, Mr. AeaaHAM Feaoceict. of Union count v, to Mitt Cathaiinc Eshiach, of Lewtt township. DIKD, At the resid-nct of Geo A. Frick, F.q , in Danville, on Thurailav, the 5th intt., Mrs. OA- TliAU'NEII. wife of J. D Colt, and daughter nf Mrs. R. Phillippt, formerly of thit place, aged 22 years and 1 1 months. . It were vain to tell the gloom that thia mourn ful event cast over those who knew the departed, the universal hurst of grief that overflowed the hraittof hrr friends, when the intelligence of her death retched the place of her birth the home of her earlier yean. It it a tevere trial for the mother to give up one child, though ma ny others are left to sympathise with and con sole her; but, oh ! it rendt the tender chords of human feeling and almost tnapa asunder the life, strings, when the on y one, the idol of her soul, whom she has nurtured like a precious flower, it cut off ere the dew drop of youth bat vanished from the opened bud. The light and life of the circle the adorned, Kate was known only to be loved. Her early death it mourned by all, and by none more than thoae among whom she lived from infancy till within a few years. Many a tear from the eye of afflicted friendship fell upon her face, lovely even in death, and moistened the cold sod around her grave. Her last moments were those nf the true chris tian. During her long illness the memories of the early instruction in the truths of the Gospel came vividly to her mind, and the recollections of the promises of salvation to the repentant, gave her that comfort which those only can ex perience whose trust is in Christ. While her friends grieve that she was so soon taken from them, it alleviates the severity of the shock to know that she baa gone to a happier land. ,'Tho' he slay me, yet will I trust in him," where the M'brtls ef faith that felt in whispered accents inte the ear of the mother, from her lips, as she gen tly closed her eyes in death, with an angelic smile of hope and happiness, that the wasting of the tomb wilt alone efface. And the mother gave, in trars and pain, The flower she most did luve; "She knew she should find it soon again, In the fields of light above. C. Oti the 29th ult., at the reiidt-rlce of his son-maw, Mr. L. Pfauit in Point tp , Mr. KOBKRT CROWNOVER. a Revolutionary Soldier, aged 90 years, 1 1 months, and i'i daya- A PROTRACTED -flECTIIVfi. Is now in progress at the Captis't Church in Sunbury. PacacHiNO every nf'rrnnatt, at J o' clock, and every evening at 7 o'clock, throned the week, and on Santlau at Inl A. M . 3 P M. and 7 in the evening, by Mr. Ketcham ot i'hila- delphia. The following subjects will ta Uesctiised, at the limes here specified : Saturday Keening. Prayer. Sabbath Morning Faith. ' Afternoon Hope. " Evening Chanty. Monday Evening Lecture te young men. Tuesday Evening. The weddini supper. Wednesday Evening The wrddinc garment. Tbniaday Evening The general judgment. Friday Evening The water of life. The public are respectfully invited, and as. ttired that every effort shall fee made ta afford them comfortable arttt. N c w Firm. fl'tHR Underlined hereby gives notice, lliat he 1 has aariaet with hl'i self, at t partner in tne mercantile bus ne, in hie store lj .mine; Weaver's Taem, In Buiibury, John Usee, ami that the ssicl Mere will hereafier be ron.lne'ed UA il r the firm nf Clement Hasa. The slma at the South West vomer of. Msikel Pquare Will le contorted a here' tore, bv lh eubseritx r himself, la which ba nap ctfu ly initvt Ut custnmns and fricmla. i He a' n 4if.ee all iha-e indebted I him. ie call between this tod the let ef January nest, and set t'e their areoania. ... AH kinds of prodaca will be taken on account, at esse prices. Hereafter fto longer than four avvntha credit will ba given. - - (U r. Cl.BMB.NT, - ctunlory. ftov. tt. )g' tf.. , ; ; it. CLEHEITT & HAAS, T ESPRCTFUU.Y tefsa tha pubtia. h. an AV ih tfth Inet , they antared inu partnenhip. wine meretnunj aaatnaes, at ma atora reeeo'ly eesalad y tra T. Ummenl, adjoinrng Weaver's Ta veers. In anbt.ry. They beta lately taaaivad a nets ateek af gaade, which the will ditoaaa af at aha kaoeat awieea. ' 4 'AM kiada af pvedoea wiU to takers kt etckaage far ffoaue, i - t j N Isngav shew feae aaMtlbe evedtl arttt be eeat. s r JOCT IfAnV. ataBbB7, Wv. , UmX-af, , PRICE CUUREfJT.T Cormttd MMtft ly Henry Matter, Wnaav, t -" - . ' . v" ' Rta,-. - :; SO et 6ft J5 6 III 14 8 SS to 10 10 75 IB0 Goat, Oats, Pans, ' Ptixstta, DoTTta, Rate. Bssswsx, , V't-r J e ' TilUw, ' Ttkx. HteattTi Ftst, Dm i sit Aerits, " ' Do. PtAcacs, I t Measles. . DR.SMITHVJ ADVICE. ' f IIIE Mea-les appeared in Europe about the A ssme time with the small p . and have a treat anlnily lo that dis ate. They toth came from the same quarter of the world, am bo h infer tinus, and seldom attack tha Sams peraon but once. The Measles are most common in the eprinr sea ton, and generstly disappear in the aumnvr. The disease iteilf, when property managed, seldom piovas fiUl ; bul its consequuncea are often vnv trnul'l. some. Our business is tn a.eist natitr) to throw out the eiupiion. DliMid-tetting it almost certain death. Nothing ever discovered hne done the work to tently and efTectusliy aa Dr. SMITH'S (Sngir CiiatM.1) -Indian Vegnisb'e Pills. ' Yotl nctd not force them down, ei.her S3" t JAUriON. Aa a miserable imitstinn hs been mde, by the name nf Hot r Coated Pill.M it is neci rs try to be sure ihnt Da. U lltej Smith's siena'ure ia on every I I. Price S6 rents, Piineipsl Office, 170 Ureeiiirh et N. w York. Bold by JOHN W. KHII.INO. Sunbury. WM. FORSYTHE. XnHhum'd. Nov. 14, IM6 rVeir and t;heap FALL AND WINTER rplIE Siibei rib. r has jul opened, al ha old JL atand, in Market treel, Sunbury, a new and eplrndid assortment .f FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will t II IS per cent, rhespsr thm ctn be hid at any nih- r store in 1'ie pl.c. Among psrt of his Mock msy be f.iund t Cloth from f 1 5(1 to $7, Overcoat CMh at 51 37) t SI 87) Htinett from 44 cent, to ft 2S, Superior PliiJ Cloaking from 87) cenia to fl 87); slo, superior Cahroe, Muslins, Checks, Tickiuiis, and tjhswls, Gr.iceries. (joeent wsie, Hardware, Ca darware, dec, for which all kinJs of country produce will be ta ken in exchange, such aa Butler, Eng., I.tr.l. Dried Fruit, . Grain. Potatoes, Chickens, Hard Snap, Festhers, Lumber, dee . Puicha-era will do well to give him a call. It is no trouble for him ta alio hi. goods, if they tie not buy. JOHN HOG A It. Hunburv, Nov. 4h. 1846. WAS taken edrif', on the Sueqiichanna. on Ike 15 lb iosl.,by the stih.ciler,rceiiliiig in Jack son township, Northumberland county, a KKIKF, with a lock and chain ; alo, a canoe, p anted red, with lock and chain. Doth rrsfla were fastened In a hewed white pine log. The kifl ot feiry boat ia neatly worn out The csnne is tiesrly new. The owner can bae ihe property by calling on the tub. acnUr, pating chargra, &c ADAM OTTO. Jackson township. Oct. 31, 1848 3t Valuable Property In the Borough of Northumberland, Z2P CO Hi S3 X LLa 13 WILL be sold, on S ilurday the 58th day i f NovemW neit. by public sale, on the pre mire., the following t'eeciibed property, to lot ging to the rsla'e of ta harine De duchy, dre'di t-l. T. L 'lt of Groun l on Nnubway, lium lerad in plsn of siid town fi4 and 6ft, a ch l l CO feet ly 1(10 Oct. upon which is a conimod.vus dwelling bouse, psrt hrirk and part fr une. 3d. Ll No 04 adjoins the alxive. CO t'e. I by 180 fret. u nn whii'tt is a atone dwelling house. 3d. Lot No 5 ) aljoii.s ihe above. 60 f. et by 180 fi-rl, upon which ia a double Iwo story flame house and stal'te. 4th. Tsui ts.etlending from North ay lo 'he river, rsih 60 fret fionnKing Nusll and SS in town plsn. 5 h. Two Lots, adjoining the above and Orange atreM, upon which I. a hi irk building founeilr u xil ss a d.s;il eiy, and a nver failing well of wa ter. The Pennsylvania Cftl inns through ihe two Is at described p'ncesof pr.pvity, wtiiih rend, rs then tn eicellenl lorati.n far any biisoe.s dn ncted wiih the canal. 6 h. Two Lota of ground, e-ieh 60 f.et by 160 feet, fronting on North ay and Water strtrt, unni. bered in pl.n of said town, A7 tnd 68. 7ih. A Outloi, conuioing upward of five acres. The sbove property will he add on ey t-rm-. Condi. ion of sale made known on d v nf s-de hy J K I'RIESI LY.' Atliemy fr the Kttculor . Nnnhumbeiland. Oct. SUt. 1846. Al NORTHUMBERLAND, AN Election will be held at the Hanking H.ue, va Mon.l.iy the 16th i'ay if November ti. between the hours of 10 oVI k. A. M. ai d 3 cl k. P. M. for the purpose ef I, cling thiitera di rector, to aeivefor the ensuing year. A general meeting f the el-tkhohler. will I held al the Dunking h lise. mi Tue-ilny the 31 dsy t t Novemh.r, 10 e'e'ork, A. M , in ursu anca artth the act f ineorpnia ion. J. It. PRIES ri.EY, October t4iH. 1846 3i Ca.hier. CJIieaper TUan Evert JOHN H. rURDV. h.a jusi received, st h a New Hlors. iii Market fqu., a fiv.h supply .( Seta, ttthle Oo.mIs, such aa - Clotha. Uiimers, Birinells, Krnturky Jeans, ; Cords, DiiHingo, Alpaccaa. Ging'i ink, Prints, Muslint, Hoaieiy, Gloves, die. ' Al-ot IJoeenswsrt tnd Groceiict, which will ba aotd very low.. Pulchsaera ate in-i-led lo call and stamina his atari he,tfa purchasing elsewhere. The hlghcet vica psid for Produce. . BunberV, Oeteher ttrh, IK6 tf. ' ' " " ITOP.-raTTMBEKL A1TD . aoaaoDcaasjaa. TUB eaUta are herrpy notiftrd, that iha Bridge freaa iha Nenhaaaaertsnd abere te the Ulad it aww s Ut ua-leaad, ikat at eaa be IriVsiled fth aafaty by all tairitgea af berthsn, ( wall at II othera, Ac. , , D. LtAUTIGAkl, : - WL North'd Briegt Ce. vl-w-i?iawrr won jsaIsE."-,-; ,. fYlHri auSscrilvar ofT. rs, at ptivale ea'e, a Iraet of X land sitaate In Aug-ta township Northnm. "berland 6unry,.'B inlt.et lalw Sunbu'y, on the road leading' from Sunbury Id Harri-burg. The Iraet eonlaina ISO erree, shout 100 aerre nf which are cleared. ' Forty teres of tht cletreJ I md are Rieey Bottom, and In a Mgh state of cultivation, with a'reVrmah'a portion of Meadw and Mesdow etnnnd." There ia ale a rtnmhet of ft nit treea of difforent kinda on the premises The buildings are a targe iwo story stone tinpse', with rellar and retlsr kitchen under the whole also a bank htm 3t1y 60 feH ( also a shed and corn rri'ts. Af. There ia al. a fery a'tnehed to tid f.rm. kcown by ihe name nf Fisher's Ferry on the wett silo of the river ptn.qoehsnna j sts a lime k tin on taw farm, within two miles of lime stone, on tha hsnk jif the rivet, " '' If the atiivve Farm Is not a dd by the flrst Jy of January negt. It will le rented a trrm nf yrata. Pi. iwinll given on the first dy of Aprd m-lt, or pe h ps tnoner. If required. ' Anv-persnn wiehig to view the fsrm, can do an by catling on the tubtprilwr, livnt on the sroo. ' - WILLIAM R. JONES. Angoti, October 17th, l4 t FETEPv & AOTE. ' TENS OK THOUSANDS of onbappr beings in Ihe "Ague Sections" of our cnntiy are n.'W tormen ed with thsl 1 hsted eomp'atnt" FE VER ft A.UIIE, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or Cants ana Fays, ae'it i. vatii.ly c .lled. The unive e l virt nf thia en tire commerii y from Maine to Georgia" and from the Atlmtic to the Rrky Mountains, tlecUree ROWAND'S IMPROVED TONIC MIXTURE to be the great and only tnfe. twt and rmtint turt, when ptopetly used. 'Phis esnunt be eon. t'ttveiti'd. Ii re.tnrrs the natural feeling and (i.i'c'.v nf the contlilutiun in a tn.nttcr that uu thing else wi I. E'trset of s letter, dated LawisTOwa.Ps.Oct. Ifl, M43. '-Every botilo of lh' lniMVed Tonic M inure sent hs been aiJ, and I do not know nf one in. stance th it it did nit affect a cure. Fur bottles cured fire ca.e of ihe worst kind of F. ver and A gue ne ciae wsa mvstf. After trying (jii'nine and all other cures th ogM of by my Physician, finding no re'ief I finally sent for one b tile nf your Tome Mil 'tire, and ws relieved, in fart cured in 34 Hours. I'lesst send nn a fr.sh supply, as there is none left." "U-a. tru'v, SAMUEL HOPPER. dj S.dl On Agency In Sunbury. by H. Maer sn.l nihera, tnd til the Storekeepers in the adjoin ing Counties. Oct -her 17, 18 16 A ITATUIRAL PkEIvtCED7 Suited to the Human Conftutnn, and rqual to tht cure nf tvery turahlt Diteatf, to il be found in - WRIGHT'S HUUN TECETACLE PILLS, or TUK Xortls American College orilcalth. THESE eitranrdtnary Pills ere romposd of plsnts which grow sp u t.ineouly nn our own )!, and are, thenfne, ltler dptd lo our con stitutions thsn Medicines concoct, d from foriign dings, however well ihey msy te compounded; rid as Wssht'i tant. VrnsTiats Plus are founded upon ihe principle ttv.t the htimsn lody ia in truth SUUJJ3CT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, con opt humors, and that said Mediilna enree this di.esse on NsTtmsi Paiscirta. by eleanting and purifying the bo'ty, it will be man ifcst lh..t, if the roiutitotl m be not emiiely ri hsusled, a perseverance in their use. accntillng lo t'iioctioiie, i abmluiely certain to dilvc d sesc of everv nsme from tha ho.ly. Vt en we wih lo re-to e a swamp or mornaa i fertility, wsdrs n it ot' the upmshundnt water In like manner, if we wiati lo rrs'ii-e ihe body lo hrslih, we mu! clemie il of import' y WIfIGH l"8 I NDIAN VEGE TABLE TILLS will he f.oind one of the best, if not the vrrv best muli'ine in the wo, Id fir err,i'ie nut thi. Gaaan PoairyDiO I'aiscitLS. Incsune thry ril fr.ini ihe IwHly all morhid and C orol hum r. the mue f tticd.se.se, in an ei.y nnd Natural Manner' nnd li!e ihey every dsy civs ( mil rt4csc. ill ese f every name la r.pidy driven fr. m the I'ody. The foil wi.,g highly respec'alde slorekeepeis have teen duly ar- oimed sg-'ii's for tha snl of Writ hi' Indian Vegetvble i'tlt; In Nottbumb' r I U'l county " llrnry Mastvr, Sunb ity. E. dc J. K.iiffman, Angoata lown.hlp. bsiruel lleih, Lilile M ito-noy. William Depfieo. Jackson. Brhrville Hoist ine, tfpir M.honoy. Juhu G. Rrnn. Up er Mjliouoy, Hamui'l John. Stmmoltintnwn. For-vih'a Wilindt .. NHihunibelland. E. Im r iper, Walsimburg. Irl .nd A. Hsys McEen. villa. J.m. a Peed. P.itt'griiva. VVm. G Seott. Ru.Kville. llaninvn KnceMe, Eiyburg P. Q. Am a T Beieee', 'Turl'Uisville. (i d on Sha.'el, I 'peer Mshti oy. IlliVje. 8t Farrow. SnyiUi.toWo. J sitt K'l'g. Farm-r-v lie, ' fi sa C. Co. k. Martin's Cl k. J. Ie Yting llick.Vile. At.rjhuin Sinr. r Iti hm.tud. S.m.rl I'sjlor. Sl.t foit. - " Jo! a H. Vincent, Chilisqosi)iie. Wm. He neu dc Uiutber, Milton, Office tlevoel rirluiety ft he sale of U'TlUHfS INDIAN VEGE t'A Itl.E PILLS, if the Nottb Amvncsn College of HeJtS. No 883 Gre.nv.ich Street, N. w York ; No. I'lH Tr mnnt Street. Boston) tnd PR'NCII'AJ, OFFICE No. 269 It.es tSTT. Pliilatelphia. 8 pt. I0;h. 1846. ly. UNlUVALLr.D ASD UNtQUALLEl) In -em ing ('olds, Coagh. Ahme," Influent , .Wboiiiiig-tMueh, and all Diseaaca of the bteutt and Idi gs. tesdirg to Uonsump- tion aomposed of the concern filed vinure of the herhe HorehoOnd, '' Bdneaett, DUsodr-kot, and . aaveral other vege'a fT'" U anblnea. . . . w . Warranted -PURE MOM AhY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS InValoatile Medicine is the most titkly And VA.La remeJy ever discovered fr thfe a Uvg tMttspla ava, at Iheueeade wbo.atvt ttead It il teatlfy, Fu tale, ih Huabury, by ' -w-te. -.-- J; W. FHILINO. gad krs lberUnd. ky U. DRAUi lOAM, and at wtttK m rWiadkUhia. by .' r . ' F. KLETT dt Ca. Oataee efSaeond and Callawklll ttraatthi vptetsaev irto, !. ty EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! j 0(V SBAF2TSSS OMM MM OTJUOtl COOPER'S BTERIAL OIL-A pretapt and ltting rommly for. Dttragss, sine for paint ami discharge nf matter from the tTsrs. . Hundn d of cun t in raee deemed ut'ry hope tea have fl mtv a tatdished its aapariorily avetaet ty f 'rmcr Medic il discovery, f - i . Tht. vs'ushle Acoustia MeJieine Is "a cnmpouiHl (if four differi nt Ode, one of whMi, Ihe aelive end p'inripnl ing-eJienr, is olliinal from the hack nf a Jeriain sfciisi.f W.ivot, a Bew and effect Ul gent in ihe cuie of Da.fie.s, Pernon who hsd been deaf for 10, IS and own 50 yer. have beei permanently cured by tteing tbls oil. In fu-i, so numstous and to emphatic hsva been tha tertinvmisls in it. favor, that Iha in ven'or claims for it tl.a dit'inrtlon of an Infallible Remedy, in all easrs, when the Ear ia perfect In it. f itmatt at. -('', ' Foi futther parieulare, and evblenet of itt great value, eee printed ebe ta. in the hands nf Agents. F. r s le in Hunbu'v, by .J. W. FKILINfJ. September ISift, 1846 ly .. FAZili lYIILLINERir. JOH1T STOITE he SOITS, Dcalt rs ill Silka, Kibbons ami Milli ' y " ncry Good.), S. 45 iVoufA Second ttreet, -PHILADELPHIA, . HAVR now in Store a largn aesortment of . nirh Nllllncry Ooodn, ' Adapted In Fell 8i'e, tttrh as ' , Bonnet Silka and H.iins Agand and plain. ' Fancy Kihhons, af enliiely new s y I.e. ' ' Pi tin Mantua and Satin llilibons, of all widths. , lll rk ami Cohved Milk Velveta. ' -French Fancy Fetthera and Flowera. Fai.cy I'ap Neta and Laces, ' Utickiains. Willow, Crown Linhigt, dee. dee. Many nf the. above articles being of Ihelr own imp nation, ihey are ennbled to oiler ihera at the lowest trire . Philadelphia, Sept, Sih, 1816. Im CIIEAI'KST IX THE WORLD! , Steam Refined Sugar Candleg, IVi titers rta room. WR.atstBB. V J. RICHARD$iO., No. 42 Mstket Street, Of p PuiLAnaLtHis, tskes ples.urs in informing il. e nul'lic. that he slid cotilmura In sell his eery 8a- er i.r 8 sjm Refined Candy at tha low price of (12 60 err 100 ponnils, sncl the qusllty is etju d to any nianutsrturtMl in the Unfed (States. He lo off ra all kinds of goods in the Cenfet tioneru and fVuiliue nt rnrre-ponding low iiuee. aa q'nek ealre end small pioQta are the order of the nay. Call or rend your orders; and you oannot fill lo he sali.fied Don'l foigei the bumber. 42 MAR KET STREET, PIIILADELt'HI.. . J. J. KICHARDSON. i A ii cost 29 h. Itlfi. Cm - W. H. THOMPSON, fnttiuoiinuie -BOOT AM) SHOE MAKER, Missis Htssst, Svanvaf, ' TIIANKFI'L for pa-t lavorg, bega leavt loin, lorm h t friends snd the public generally, thai he haa jo-l returned from the city with new and faahionalile lista. anl a fu l astortment of Light colored, Ilmnie, Black Kid, and all nther kinds of Morocco for (irntloimn. Ladies snd Children's wear; and ba assures all whr. may fjver him with llicir cu-tom. that ihey may roly up n having their w.nk d ine in the mml sulailai.tial and fsshi.n.We msnner. mid at veiy low prices. He al-o lias a full a-"rimaot of .iw priced work, aeUcl d hy himaaif which he will aell lower than ever 'tT red in ibit pl.ee, via I Mui's Mines. ttlovru 1 1, 00 Et ra Siou: B.k., " 8 00 G.Hitl Lace U.to t fur Women, " 1,00 Women's Hi pa, (0 Clnhlr. n't Sh.-s.. : - ft S le Lead ar, Momco. Ar.. for tale low. August Stl. 1MB. aplSlf ' Hloot Sc Shoe ESTABLISHIiIENT. DAMF.ts nRUCREMILLEh, i4f Ut OtJ Ettollihment. in Market Street, Hnttbuty, (iirrostlf B tub acu LION nOTCL.) 1 ai C TL'ltNS his thanks for Dial fjvore. and rev lIV' tpetfollv informs his fiieuds and the paMic genrrallv. that he continues lo mtnbfsclurt to Ol der, in the reate.t snd laie-l slyfe, CIIHAP HOOTS AXU SHOOS, w.rrsnteil f the lsl mtl -ri.l, tnd made by the moal ektct. nrej workmen, itt stan keeps pn hund a (;ener..l sa.oitn'knt of fashionable U.iots for g.n'l aw.', togMhe with a large aWk of Cushion b'e grntl men's, lo la.lles' and chlldieu'a 8hoea, all of hich bVe been mida under h e own immr. liate incil.in. tnd tro nf the best material and wo km iiiti;r, w.1.-h hi1 will toll low for cssb. In 4 1 lit loo in the stove, he bat lull received from Phitsd liiia a Utee and extensive t'Hp'y of II. mvs. Kh'WS, Ar. t.f a'l descriptions, which he l-o ffes for t a-h, clicsjK-r than ever befora off red in d.ia place. He tespectfUliy Invltct hit clj rtitto mars, snd tdhcrs, in call tnd rx twine for them s- Ivee. . . Rrpvring done with nealneaa tnd despatch. Sunl'urr, August IVh, 1840 V II O I. E SALE BOOT & SHOE STORE. t HEKP FOR CAH. JVe. .15 South Third Street, above Cketnut, rxtiLAtisLPniik, rasTtat ao (iii MiMtr.ctosta a4tt An allots. fllllE Sohsrriher ba.t.keo iha liberty ot-addree 1 sing Ihe lIi ic, sati-fird that thty will nd il to tbi it inter si to call and eiamine biaetoak ef Boots aed Klio. , sod aeijuainl thdmeeltea with his pr'n-cs. . felling ettl sivelv foi it o Ctah, he it oosbled snd determined tn aril lowrr than thy other rega. Ir bottst In the city. . . ' ' Per.ont will ptesaa esmite Ihb msrkel the rooghU, and, btfma nuitbsslrg, call st iha ahka df thos. I. Evans, 1 No. 35 fioutn, Third, above Cketcut St. - Phildti.hl.. Aue. 16. 1J EXIr.kM eplKMS OF tsOAH, tor eg J) tr.ct.og Wag.ske. frwa ing Oreaee, Dry Ptihtt, Varnish, Tar, r,- klailhine of 4'nv stasweiMlon. wdr. raaiad o4 lo ihjere iha ciolh ar tha sbot delleea eblora. Thia beja a bat alee been oeaJ wan great auteasa in rases oi Burnt. Scald, Tetter. Piaaptts on ttve face. Chapped Undo, Sore bp. Rbeuaaa ti.au, Hard of eeft Cotna, dee. (fyfikm. Met, per Utile. For eale at lb atera mt m Jul. 16, 1846. H- MAtsSIR DENTISTRY, JACOB HELLER, nnHkNKFL'L for the liberal enenragement ,-U- h', h ha baa ,reteivi d, .woul I reu.estVly Infirm ti't frtetds snd Ihe cit gnns of Nortlm o land ertunfy In general, -bat heha prrpire.l I I n. swlf with the est Ineiirrup tWe l eeih. U,.l ; 1'N-, Uold Foil, dee ,4hal ran hid hi the eilv of i't.i laddphia ( and ih it he wid i n leavor, t iho utrmwl of his ability, to render full satisfaction to all whu tony think proper to enrage hla services. , He wilt ha tn Sunbury at tha Augu.t court, where he wilt fa prepare.!, et me residence, to insert Teeth on Oold Plata, or on Pivot, on tha latest and moat ap proved pi ns and attend t ell iha branches belong, ing ia DENTAL SURGERY, r Ldi's will he waited on at their placet of real donee; if desired. i' His charge wilt te reseonsble, and hit Woik warranted. He will visit different p.rts or tha county, abont once in three- tnttha. " Banbury. July tSlh, 1846 flirt - ' ' S. KIIVIBEIl, JR., - So. 34 TVorfA Fourth Street, Under the Men' ennnft' Hotel, .Philadelphia, k l Mona va rsett. "tfEEPS constantly on hand an etnivs ss 11 sorlment nf til kinds of Silk, Fur tnd Re vt t rt sts, which ht rff. ra for sale nn iha most raa senshle terms.- Hit Halt art made kip of the best materials, and in the most approved atyta. - Ver. n visiting the City twill And it lo their intere.l 14 call. July llth, 184B. ly SILVEIi MEDAL, Awaaatn ay thi raiatLtii tsaTiTOTt, 1613. City Dagherrfotype Estaillsliirttit HCP. CP. CaCJDELaSSS, (LlTt StMOKS dc I'otLIJIS.) Ha. 100 Cltetnut it., nbiive Third, South tide, fUIL ADE X.FHXA. IATURES taken equally aa well in etna aa in clmr we.lher. A dark silk diest for a lady, dy, end a black suit for a gentleman, are .rc forslle In titling for a picture. No extra chnrct it made for coloring, tnd perfect likeneese. are guarantied. July 4th. 184ft. ly "fountain hotel, Uitrht street, THE Houte hss undergone a thorough lepair. The prnprietors solicit its former patronage. Termt ft 25 per dsy. WM. W. D1X. ARTHUR L. FOGG, Ju'y 4, 1846. te Proprietors, CO'LTTMBIA HOT7SEs PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and eommndiout Hotel hat vrrently been fitted up wiih entire new famliure. 'The awbscribera therefore solicit the patronage of the public, and tiVl.t ihst Iht-ir , xpetience in the business will rntlle thrm 10 giVe entire Sa'tisf.c tion. Terms moderate. BAOLEY. McKENZIE dc Co. July dir.. 1846. t y Keller & ISrcenoiiffli, FATE ITT ATTOR1TEYS, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASHINGTON, . O. ORAX'INC3 and Papers for tlie Paent Ofi Gee w ill he preps red by them at their offh-e, opposite the Pa'ent Office. July, 4th. 1846. I y , k "si ip 43 it 1 a iv t TO ALL COUNTRY ft OUSE KEEPERS. YOU may be sure of obtaining, ti I all times, pure and highly flavored By the single otr-.d or Itrger quai tity, tl tbe PeUln Ten Company's ITttfrehoute, 30 South Stand ttreet, (Wuwri Marktt and Chtz nut ttr ceit. Heretofore it haa been very difficult, indeed, Jl mosl impossible, hi way S to obtain good Ore n and Bl.xk Ttg- But tiojr you hav 01 ly to VMi the Prkin Tea Cpr.tpauy'g Store, tn oblam as dcliriiUv tmd fragtant i e ss yon could wish for. A n ta'tea can hete he tutted, with the advintsge of getting 1 pure tttlclo at a low price. June 27ih. 1846. PREIVIIUIVi SCALES? Dale's Cele itlrd H il K al fSc.les. tULatU L'oal snd Hay rl Iron Venufac'a' dd l'tMlable I'lalfurm do SO different S'tea Domnutor Floor do ft different size. Counter dJ 13 diflerent sites' The eboVt 8ales aya made either sing's or kdduSfe betm, and tr decidedly Ihe msi durable, accurate and ctwiveuW enl lis.lre er inve.iled. We abxi bave Plait urn) and Ceur.t r 8cule.. Talent B.lancea and aver kind of Weighing Machines in use f.r tale, whole-" ssle atid reiait, allow prices. All Scales told I v tfi to go oul of ihe city, sre boxed fret tlf rhsre, thil waiianlrd to give stliafsction It tbe purrhecr in every p.rticul.r. GRAY dt BROTHl:a. Mtnursctureit snd Deslera, ISo, 34 Walntjt street, Jbna 87. 1846. ty PhitiHeljihia. HORSE SHOES. Bdrdrn's Patent I Horse Shoes, for asle at rainufacturus' fpiitts,by , CRAY ft tROTHCft. Juee tT. 1846. ly 84 VVslnnt st. Philad. -N.w Yoik Sil in ieifala tnd bsgt, K niaOof.slurrts' h'riees by GRAY & lJKUIiir.11, June 87. 1646. ly . S4 Walnut st Pbilsd (JLOTHI.T o- , ; fuOLCS4lC AHO llaSTAIaw ; TaE-rorereibsra era constantly toantrfsctuHn fiem tha beat French, English end A-et'M J skdnufeclHtcd Clothe snd Ceesimere, 4. LOT lilMt - : 1 .. kl. am ani WOTkCMnsDi! Persons baying to aell again will Bnd ana at ih Urgeet and mmH rasblonabia slock of goods 10 tele I froaa ia tkat kityjabd at nnprecedenled lot price..- . f . W, at B. Uw o 1 us r.o, ,, 4 MarkHet. Pbilad. s jL BY A targ awonmect f OdH f vllowa Re lalia aonatantly on hand, and al nrdera frora lodge or Indi.Wosle panettltlly attended to, an the mos4 liberal terma. ; , i -Y,m " " Philsdelphll, Juot tITlbr 1M6 If to do d do do du do do do do 1 I partanmeeiiseo, oet. lf lata, ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers