1 1-t 1,1 J.....1, r " - v . Vankee Not Inn nhonl militating In the Mo lean War. Ilosea Rigdow, ton of F.xckicl Rigelnw, "be ing down to Bosting, where he wa solicited to enlist in the Mexican War, by a 'entiling sprgcrit' who 'sttutting around with two fe llers a fifln nml drummin artcr him like all natur,' went hnmr and writ the following vcrsei," which he communicated to the Boston Courier Thrash away, you'll have to rattle On them kittle drums o' yonrn, Taint a knowing kind of cattle That iscatched with mouldy corn. Tut in stufTyou filer feller, Let folks see how spry yoii be, Guess you'll toot till you're yeller t 'For you git a hold o' me ! Thnt ere (lag's a leetle rotton, Hope it aint your Sunday's best ; Fact! it takes a sight o' cotton To stnfTa soger's chest : Sence we farmers have to pay fort Ef you must wear humps like theae, Sposin' you should try salt hay for 't, It would do as slick as greaf, 'Twouldn't suit them Southern fellers, They're a dreadful graspin set, We must oilers blow the bcllcts When they want their irons hot; May be it's all right a preacliin', But my narves it kind o' grates, When I see the overreachin Of them nigger-drivin' States As for war, I call it murder, There you have it plain and flat , I don't want to go no farder Than my testimony for that. God has said so plump and faiily, It's as long as it is broad, And you've got to get up airly F.f you want to take in God. What's the use o' meet in goin' Every Sabbath, wet or dry, Ef its right to go a mow in' Fellow men, like oats and rye ' I dunno but what it's puty Trainin' round in bobtail coats But it's curious Christian dooty To be cutt in yallei throats. Ain't it cute to see a Yankee Take such everlasting pamt All to get the devil's thankee, Helpin' on 'em weld their chains' Why its jest as clear as ftggers, Clear as one and one make two, Chaps that make black slaves o' niggers. Want to make white slaves o' you. Want to tackle me in do ye? I expect you'll have to wait ; When cold lead puts daylight through ye You'll begin to calkylate. 'frpose the crows won't full to pickin' All the carinas from your bones, Coz you helped to give a lick in' To them poor balf Fpunish droties' Jest go home and ask our Nancy Whether I'd be such a coose, As to J i lie ye guess you'd fancy The eternal moon was loose ! She wants me for home consumption, Let ulone the hay's to mow Ff you're arter folks o' gumtion You've a darn'd long row to hoe. Take them editors that's crow-in' Like a cockeiel three months old Don't catch any on 'cm goin', Though they be so blasted bold; Aint they a prime set of fellers 'Fore they think or.'t they will sprout, (Like a peach that's got the yallers,; With the meanness bust in out. Clung the bells in every steeple. Call all freemen to disown The traducers of the people, The enslavers of their own ; Let our dear old Bay State proudly Fut the trumpet to her inoutb, Let her ring this message loudly In the ear of all the South : "I'll return ye good for evil Much as we frail mortals can, But I wont go help the Devil Makin' man the cuss of man ; Call me coward, call me tiaitor, Just as suits your mean ideas, Here I stand a tyrant hater, And the friend of Cod and Peace." IIomk Maue Ci'ami. Mr. Editor: While merchants are sending their bhip to Africa and South America for Guano, and fanner- are pay ing such heavy price for it, il acetiii to me that very many of them are overlooking manure of nearly the tatne nature, and of great value, vi Inch in continually left lo accumulate in their hen root . This manure, which ia aoincliinea allowed to accumulate to the depth of 18 inches or two tcet, would be nearly as valuable aa gu ano, and probably more profitable, and it issur prising that farmers are not aware of its value. It nitiul not, however, be applied too liberally; for like all highly concentrated manure, it too much be used on a given apace, it will prevent vegetation. 1 think Ihe bed wty to apply it wou.d be in a compokt. I.t three or four timee i' bulk of marsh muck be mixed with it, then k oread it on land that haa been ploughed, and harrow it in immediately, and it will be found a tugtiiy valuable manure. Cvrreipondent nf Michigan f armer. A Rnawa.M - . . I 1 .a . ihhiu ivcviiii uii on a man a car. Strange enough be waa immediately bound over to keep the piect. Wonder if he haa ! II A JS K NOT 13 LIST. I;!SY17'ANIA. Tlie fdliuviug Hal shows the current value of all 'pnnsvlvania Hank Notes. The most implicit re liance m-iy I placed upon it, as It is 'eery week arcfnlly compared with ai d corrected from Bick nelPs Reporter. ItniiUn In Philadelphia. . Dine, in IN. Location.' . I'm Lin. NOTES AT PAR. Hank of North America . , Rank of the Northern Lilnvtie , Commercial Hank of Pcnn'a. . . F armera' and Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bunk Schuylkill Bank Southward llauk Western Hunk . . Mechanics' Hank . Manufacturers' 4 Mechanics' Hank flank of Perm Township . . Girard Bni-k . . (link of Commerce, I ilo Moyann rxmig Dank of Pennsylvania . . foil ii fry ItnnkR. Hank of Chester County Weatchealcr Hank of Delaware County Chester Hank of Gcrmantown Oerinnntnwii Bank of MnnlRomery Co. Norris'owii ll.iyipstown Hank' Dnyleatown Easion Hunk Easnm Farmers' Drink of Buck co. Itri-lnl par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par par pir Brink of Northumberland Northumlterlaud par I'olninbia It ink 4 Itridge cn.( Columbia par Farmers Bunk of Lancaster Laucistei - par I.Hnratcr County Batik Lancaster par Lmcna'cr Bank . Lanpister pt Farmer' Bank -of Reading Heading par Dlhee of Bank of I enn a. Harrisbuig" These Lincastcr l ollicca It'eding f do not Eastnn J issue n. Olliee Otfice Ollice do do do N O T E 8 do do do AT DIHtIO IJNT. tank of the United Stile Philnd.-lpbia Pottsvilld Lewixtown Middlelown Carlisle Pitlsbutg llolliiluysliurg Marrisl'iirg Lebanon Pittsburg PitUbuig Williamsporl Wilkesbane Allenlown Reading Pittsburg 23 i I Miners' Hank of Pottsvillc Bank of Lewixtnwn Bank of Middlntown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Hnrrisburg Unnk Lebanon Bank Meu-hanls' tt Manuf. Dank Btik of Pittsburg West Branch II ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bunk Olb.-e of Bank of V. . Do do do Do do do Bank of Chauihcrslmrg Bunk of Gettysburg" Bank of Suiiehann:i Co. Erie Bank Farmers' eV Droveis' Bank Franklin Bunk Hotiesd.de Bmk I i i j li failed do Erie New Briuhtou Chmltersbuig (aeltysburg Montrose do ! t u Hal j '4-i IJ H Eiie Wayiieaburg Washington Hooesdulo Brownsville Yoik toiiongalicla Bank of B. York Bank N. 11. 'I lie notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with Ihe exception of those whic h have a letter of r furctice. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Suv, Ins. Philadelphia I'uilcd Philaik'lphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiled Keusingtnii Sav, lint. A dj Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed I owaiitla Hank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of lU'iw't Bunk of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & MerhVs l.mk Farmers' &. Mccb'cs' Bunk Funnels' & Meeli'is' Bank Harmony Institute llunliniloi, Hank Juniata Bank Luniberinen's Bank Norlheiu Bank of I'u. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlliumli'd Union Col. Ilk. Noith Wesk-rn iiaik of Pa. I Wire, of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aur. & Mtiniif. Usnk Silver Lake Bank ITuion Bank of Penu'a. Wi-iimoiclund Bank TowaniU Bedford 110 kale closed b.vd Beaver llnriikhurg Wa-hiiiRtoti 1Mb I on to laileil closed no ale failed fjib-,1 failed no ule Pittsbuig Pntxhuri; Fuyelle co. lireencaft'c Harmony Kuntingiloii no Mile l.eiiowii no sale Wan en Uun.l.ift' New Hope Milton Meadillti Port Carbon i 'artiste Morittose I'nioiitowii ( ireeitaburg Wilkcabarre failed no ule cloned no sale closed failed closed failed t lot.e.1 Wilkebarre Briduti Co, no sale (Tj- All notes purpoiting to Ins on any Puiuisvl- vanis Bank not given in the above list, may be net town as irauus. r'i:w ji:rsi:v. Bank of New Biuuswick Uelvideie Bunk llurlington Co. Bank Brunswick Bclvidere Medford Perth AmlNiy Bridielon Mount Holly Kahwsiy N. Biuuaiik Midtlletown Ft. failed j I I par I j par j par I i ! (ailed 1 . i failed I faded j failed j failed ' faded I ! failed i ' pur 1 oiniiiercml Bank iJumlatrland Bank Farmers' Bwiik F armera' and Mechanics' Bk r'armcr' and MechuuiiV l!k Farmer' und Mi ri liauts' Bk Franklin Bank of .V J. Jrrtey City iloliokeu Bkg&. (I'raciug Cu llob-.ken Icrsry City Bank Jersey t'ny Mechaniis' Bank I alieraou 11.11. vilk) Murriktown F 1 if hold Newaik Trenton Jersey City Mauutarturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Mauuf. Bk Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Pot. Notes no sale Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Did Bridge Co Newaik LamU'ilkwjlo i i failed fulled N. 4. Mauufac. and Bkg Co llotuken N J Proteclon A Lombard Ik Jurtwy City Orange Bank ( Irauge Paierxin Bank Patersun Peoples' Bank do failed i par Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark State Bank ElixaKetbtown State Bank Cain.leu State Bank of Morria Mornatown iitate Bank Trenton Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co - Trenton Union Bank Daver Waaltinglon Banking Co. Hackenaack DEIaAWAItE. Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Milford Farmers' Bk ot State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington r Uuder 5'a par par 1! fail.vl t tailed ' t par i failed par par par par r par par par par (XJ- On all banks msiked thus () liter are ai. ther couulerfeit or altered notes of tha various de nominations, in circulation. WHITE HOTEL, IIac SrnrRT, PiriPrKi.rniA. Y j. rn-runs. THIS locution is convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every puins is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. March 7. 1816. ly llcmoval. DR. D. T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY informs the el t'tens of Sunhury and vicinity, thai he has removed his tcsldi-nce to the Brick House in Market street, one door we-t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, th mkful for past fa vor, he hopes to receive a rontinuitinn or the liber al patronage which ha heretofore been extended to l.im. . Feb 28, 1818. f.m AIONTOUlt HOUSE, LATK nitADY'8 HOTIX, Opposite the ('ourt Home, SANVILLB, PBNN'A. THE Sub-cribi r. who assls'cd for sc vci. I year in the imnsaemput of the -liovo Hotel, lately kept by Mi. 8. A. Bra- "ilv. b as leave to inf nm the travelling puh'ir, thnt he lias taken the etah'hmPiit on hi own aceniint, on the first of January, 1 840. The House h.i, nl late, undergone many impor tant alteration, and the present conductor promise lo leave nothing undone to mike it a comfortable an I agreeable, as well as a cheap and aceomnvidi. ting Mopping place lor alranceM wno may 'Hi' onr nouri-ning village. i pinna nor raperuw wi.i .1 a . tflt at.- al.l.. 1 I. - 1... Is I. si.. I.. U- piiiini ui 1111 uif inniir wnu iir ir wHii hit- 11 1113 111 ukets all'ord, and with th-' ib termina'ion lo dp. vn c his entire personal aid nt.on to the comfort of those wha mav make bis house Iheir lemorary a lode, and nide.l by active, careful and obliging ser van's, h' hopes In give gcn ral s itisfaction, snd re ceive a liberal shatn of rn-totn. ffj Large and ciniiiKxliotH STABLES are at ladled to the ea'ablmhinent, which aro attended by careful and obliging ho tiers. UIDEON M. SHOOP. Jutiuary 21lh. ISIfi. if EVANS &. WATSON, No. 70 Soi'Tii Tiiirh Stixkitt, Ojijtonite the Philadelphia Flxchmtge, Manufacture and kt- pcor- , stantly on band, a large n- j sortnicnt of their I'alrut Itn- r'vt'r',vp'1 Sdamind.r FIRE OPROOF 8AFBH. which are i5.JJ,s-' construct as to set ai rest nil ill inner 01 muii i " no iM-ing alrii-tlv fire proof, nnd that ibi-y will resist tlie lire nf any building in the world. The outside rasp uf Ihe Safes are m ule of boiler iron, the inside c ie nf so iptone, and be tween tbii cuter case and inner case is a space of "ine 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde-liur-tible m iteii .l, so as to tnuke it an impossibility to ever burn any ol the contents inside of this ('best. These Si'iipstono Sulamandet we are "p epared anil do challenge the wtild lo ro.lucn any article in the hape of Book Safes that will stand aa murh beat, and we hold ourselves ready at all times to have them fairly leate.l by public bonfire, should a ny if our competitor feel disposed to try ibcin. We also continue to manufsiluie and keep con stantly on ham), a larce and general as-ortmenl of our Pieiniuni A ir tilit Fire Proof Safe, if which we have a large quantity in use, and in every in stance they have given entire s itisfanion lo ihe puichasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use. N. & (j. Tax lor, 12!) north 31 at.; A. Wiigbt A. N- phew, Vine si. half ; Alexstnlei Cr..r, Cmi veyancer, corner of Fllleil and 9th sis.j John M For I, 32 uouli 3d M.; Mvera Bush, CO nonh 3d st.; Bailey & Broiber, CIS MakH Jamea M. : Paul, llll outh 4ib Ht.; Dr Dutid Jayne, 8 south ! :tdcl; Msiibew 'I'. Mill.r, 20 south 3d si.; aid we could name souk tin- e if four bui dri d oiheis ! if il were mcessirv. Ni.w we invi'e the attention : of tlie public, and panietil irly ihoap i'l w nit ol Fire Prool S ites, to call l our store bifore Kticba 1 .-iug elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them thai they will get a Iiih trid cheaper article at out st.,- ill in any b. r cstsbl bloin nt in Ihe ciiy. W e Uo coiiliiiue u iiiuntifaetuie f eal and (co pying I'ti i , muile in sneh a manner as lo an swer both puro-es; Hoisting Machines, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own maiiufa' ture of locks on tin 11), with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to ihe Fame; plain toil ornamental Imn Railing, Ac. N. B. We keep con-lsntly 011 band a l.rge as sortment ol our Pale.il Male l.inid RefiigPI t MS, Water Fillets and C i br-;ai:d we have ulso on hniid seeral ecuml b ind Fire I'r of Chests taken in cichange for our, which wo will dopose of at veiy li.w pi ices. I'biladelphia, January 2Mi. 1810. ly WHOLESALE i TJE TAIL HAT 1 VAV WAllK.llOl'Si:, An. yiU. Mnrki t St rrri, ohnvr flA, South t'lr, PHILADELPHIA, fji TDK Mihsctil irs icNpceifully call the iitlen S lion nf 1 heir fiieiida and de iters to their large unit well as. r n d sb ek of Its' and C.i s of 1 very ilesrii.ion. will adapted f r the s ring Iride. B ii g made of the l est in iteri l and by the ino-l ex perie ne. d woikmen, ibey feel confident tngiveiiui vc:sil satial'aclion to nil who may favor ibem wiih a tiiil, aa tl.ey oir r to m il aa I w aa 1111 honso in theei-y. BA R PALO IT A BLYNN. Fhilad,d.ia. January H. 1 8 1 ! TU I'lIK llllNt'l M Ol' DRV GOODS. .. IS I J'rorUt, NEW YDKK, I 1 AYINO erlablihed a Branrhai No. (-'he 1 X nut t.. Philadelphia, is now oiicriing. and will be constantly receiving from the N.w York Auc tions, an extensive assortiueut of FANCY c STAPLE DRY OOOD3. which will be sold at the lowest New York piiccs at wholesale and R tail. Among h s slock will be found a gootl assortim ul of the f.illowii g aitictes: Jacconcls, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swi-s and Tarlatan Muslins, Bo-lv 11 and Linen ' Law ns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Ureases, . , Thread Laces, Application D i.. nch B'aek Silk t.ar, iiimi i.iniiin, i.iim ii ianioiii:l Linen Cambric Hdkfs.,Cuitaiti Fringes. Cin-htueie .1 i.iur, niuuaeune uo i.aino, rna auu 1111011 Warp Alaccas, Qu en'a Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinoa, Bl ,k Silk, Cloves, Si k Hose, Shawl, isvais, Rilibon-, Embioidcrii s, See., Jce. Country Meichants and others visitine Philadel phia or New Yoik to purchase, are respectfully in vited to call and rxamiue the stocks. No. 1, IMS. y WHEAT- The highest prica given fur Wheat, al the store of 11. MASSER. A new supply of Rose Ointment just received. Nov. 8th, 1845. BA K I RON Just leceived and" for' sale,' cheap forca.h, by HENRY MASSER. Sunbuiy, Sept. SO, 1845. O U PERK) R Po7Twn;7,"M adcria and Lwboo J wines. Also superior Brandy and Gin, lmon Syrup. Also a few barrel of Blpx Fish, for sale hy HENRY MASSER. Sunburv, July I9lh, 1815. l!JJUk EfsiriP: h If H. B. MAOSEP., ATTORN BY AT LAW, 8UNBURV,rA. Business atlendod to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia, liefer to I P. A. Rovoi-nT, - "i Lowra At lUrtan, HOMKBS &. SdoDORAS, l',Hlatl. RsTitoLtia, McKAat.in & Co. 8rimss,')onii& 'a.. HE nil's HOT Eli, ii.iRnisiurRfj, im. r r T BEO leavn to Inform the public that I hnrm left - Philadelphia, and am now locnted In Harrin- I'ure, the seat of the Executive and State Covrrn I incut of Pennsylvania, where ! now occupy the rnViiua Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mntlliuw I Wilson. i This spacious huitdinp, hnving been tirpnse1v 1 plinned ii lid I redid for n llotil of the first class, is not siirpn-Hed if eipin'ted, by any similar psmli- lirttinient in Pcnnsylvatit.it and hnvmg unilergone a thoronph renovation, the parlors, rooms and Miami" M are now filled up in a style thnt com bine eWnnce with comfort and convenience. Mv TABLE is pledaed to be supplied with the best fare the MatkctJ can produce: the ctmrgea at the sime time being as moderate is any of the ImvI regtibiled natal lishinenta elsewhere. In shoit, no exettion ehr.ll be spnred on my p rt, or on the p,.rt iiv of every member of my household, to make it what j j, hnid be. in tlie Capital of one of tha moat pop ,, in,rrM,jB MlBteJ 0r,,P It,lion. vvil ,Ur)n. pr.,mi,.P( ,crnmmodalions and fiici. . ,iti , ,,, fl)r, thBl 0ltl jI(,tl., t rll(lj,,Iy . - situated, I wi h confidence, moat respectfully soli cit die pntronnge or ihe l ulihc. DANIEL HE Bit, L ite of Herr's Hotel, Clicsnul St., Pbiliid. Karri burg. Nov. 22. ISIo. 5LTn I u a li l c 1 1 C c I C0 . 1 Bikhmcm's ViimirroK- a trrtuin aire for I worms tnfe and very pkamiiil lo lake. j S. (iinaoi's Ex-rnti'TS, wbieh remove (irease 1 I of nil kind-', Dry Pa nts, Tar, Varnish and Wax, j from carpel or from clothing, without injuring ihe I color or the cloth. ' 3 Lntto Fit Pri.a the best thing known , for killing flic and inusqml . J 4. A cettain Destroyer of Rata, Mire, Roaches' and An', snd an iiber of lb d Bu j. '1 5. (it.M's Srn iric foi ur stomach. Heart ; Born and Water Brah. by one who had solo red I thirteen yens, Isforc he discovered the cure. I Da. SrrvK's Cnci.ai Oia-rMKDT for the Pile, It has never failed to cute. 7. IIai' Ti.-rri.il Wsii. (. BakMosn's Isiii.liblk las, without a rival. 9. Tus ('iinrurii Cosmctiom or Fi jut the tnei'i. ii.e for children and for women, it Is so pleasant to tuke. 10. Brra'a Vtiu.TiHLi: Axtirilioc Pitts. 1 1. IJiijj'ii Emollient WaTxa-paoor PTr. for Harness, Boots, ckc. Itauftens the leather, and I keeps out Ihe water. IS. Poo a Man's Strksbthmmia Pt.Asia. 13. Jacksom's DuanniKa Mixture, whith cures tho worst Diaielia-a in a few hour. 14 Jack!!' Dfsit5iTtit MnTi:e, a cer lain and tdy cure for Dysentery and Summer Complaint. The above valuable articles are sold who'esale and retail, by L. C. CJL'NN, Ko. 1 Smith Fifth" itreet, Philadelphia wheie S'or. ke ?r and o ihers will lie upp ied with pure African ('avenue Pt pper, Arnica Flowei, Drugs, Paint", Oils, Class mid Varnishes, ut Ihe lowest pncis. Terms oi ly cash. (J3 Cut oul the advcitucmcnl, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 181.1. Iv. Ii 1: L I li V K A N 1) 1 1 V K . ! THOMSON'S C'oiiiioiiiicI Kjiup f 'I'tir & 1mm1 l;illiu. j TIIIE unpif'f diiitrd success of ibis medicine, in 1 the restoration of heal h, '0 those who, in de- . pair, had gi.en up all hoes, has given it en x.i'- ted reputation il ovo all nlhei reru. dies, fumi-hinii j evidence of its intrinsic va'ueand power, us the on- , ly scent wh-ch can be rel.ed up -o for the cute of . Pulmonary ('onsiimplion, Brombiltin, Asthma, Pain in lis ide and Breast, S.itiing of Blood, Whooping Couch, Crmip, Ac. ' Attention is n ipiested 10 the foil owing ASTON. IHINO CI.'HK.hv 'l'b(imon' Compound Syrup ' of Tar and 'o. d Nptba! ! Vhihiltlphio, Mai 2d, I UK. MR. THOMSON Dear fir With gmleful fee!mas 1 inform you nf the astonishing edi t-is of , your medicine, which has literally rais d me from ' a death-bed! My dii-ca-c, Ptiluion try Coti-uinp. j lion, had reduced me so low that my bys cian pro. no.mctd my case hojs-less ! At ibis junction I be- j can to u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as it may 1 tee 10, il has enmpb lets restored me to health, alter very thing else had failed. Rpspei tfullv vours. WASHIXMON MACK. , Chailotte slreit, abote Ocoiee street. ,, , . , - ., . , J he undersigneil, being, persnna'lv nctluaintid with Washington Mark arid hia ktifleriuit, bear i witness to Ihe atoi.ihing fleets of Thomson's . : I'oinpound Syrup ol Tar, and the truth of the a- , j hove statement. i ' JOS. WINNER. 3IM North Tl ird street. ; DAVID VICKERS. 42 Almond street. 1 j llt'CII M'G'IN LEY, S. E. rormr Tamauy Mid Fourth s'leets. j j Prepared only by S. P. Thomson. N. E. corner 1 i f full and Spruce stre. Is, Philadc'pbia. , .Ttf.ii... 11. li. si ass. r, cuiumry; U.iUffl", ..... if .1 l., . . r ; and Dr. Macphetson. Ha.-rtsburg ; Juo. I.. Brovv.,, j eh lWiltillB , fjC-simik signature of mv hand ! I ot.sv, kt 1 (.e... E .rl. Re, ding t Houi..n ft Ma- , wrili lUllU. Ua.anBETU. M. D.-The .. 1 on. loanda Brad.ord county, Pa. I'rlce 5U cents M. m eKre, on u..uliry designed. ; p, 1 bottle, or f 5 ,. , ' d-ic-i , ,oB , of pw f 3i0()0.Therefote , &'llr"'a ''f "I ""' ;'' . it will Im seen thai the only Ihing nrceaiy lo , 1 "''l'.". SSih. l.15.-ly f ure ho lllejicille in il n lt to ohte,ie PIANOS. fpllE SUBSCRIBER has h. en appointed agent, I for i-p le of Cll.NRAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM IMiE WOOD PI- j AN 1)8, at this place. These Pianok have a plain, ! massive and Uamiful exteiior fini b, and, for depth uiu OTcriui- ii lune, nuu elegance 01 wurainaii- shin, are not s-jrised bv any in the United Stales. 1 he following i recommendation from Cai Diits, a cclebrateJ performer, and himself a man ufactuier: A CA1CD. IlATiaa had the pleasure of trying ihe excel lent Piauo Forte manfactured by Mr. M.yer, and exhibited al Ihe last exhibition of the Franklin In stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker lo declare thai these instruments are quite equal' and in some respects even superior, lo all lh Pi ano Fortes, 1 aaw at Ihe capitals of Europe, and during a sojourn of two yesrs at Pari. Tbeaa Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer' loweat Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Person are requested lo call and examine for themselves, at the residence of the subscriber. Sunhury, May 17. 1845. H. B. MASSER. IT 11112. of a superior quality, can now b had Ua at the Lima Kiln of Henry Masaer, in Sun- bury. May IT, 1815. OAKI.EY'S DEPVRATITK SVntJI. rpHE valuable proicrtipB of Onkley'a Dcptira 1 live Syrup of Hnrsaparilla, as a purifier of the blooil, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unreccrsnty to occupy much space In set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been Intro duced, it lakes precedence ocr all othera : eveiy otie that has taken It, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it hi recommended by them with the u'mosl confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in tho piofes.ion, prpgrriltp. it to patients under their care containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ol ihe most mild, yet efficacious vegetable maleriaU.il Is nff. red with confidence, as the cheapest and most ellirient pu rifier of the blood now known. The tise of a few hollies, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge- j ner.il strength of the system, eradicating any seeds ; of dieeate that may have been grnerst. d, besides giving health end vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rhcutmtism. Teller, Pimples or Piuptions of the Hkih, White Kwcllinr;, j Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthmv, Ac, Tho nu- i mennis ceriifica'es in the possession of the sulserl her and his agents, from physicians and others, srp ' sufficient to convince the most skcpticid nf i s su- j perinrity over all preparation id 8 ira ipiirilla. t ulil wholesale and retnil. bv the uronnelor, rwi-r tn ... ; . . . . " ' " . ' . ". ". , .. ?' I u.mk, um tunniT, oiiu iu on uso ni inc lonuwnig r .. . ii PiorlhuiHlicrland County. H. B. Mssf, Simbury ; lieUnd A Mixcl, McEweuaville ; D I Krans,'r, Milton. ! In Union Ctainly. J A. Outilios. Miflliiiburg. Cicarhnrt, Selinsgrove; In Columbia Cunty.IX. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading. March 14, 1841. Ma. Oiki.kv : 1 believe il the lily of every one In do whxtcverin I lit ir power lies, for the b in--fit of their fellow man, and having had po-i ive proof in my own family, of the wotuleiful properties of your Dt-purntive Syrup of Sarsapirilli, I m it conseientinuHly rerominend it to the afflicted. We had the nibfnrturie to l.ise two of our children, by 1 the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the 1 face, head and neck, although we had some of thi j most scientific physicians lo attend lb- m and had tried all Ihe known leniedies, iiicludinii Swaim'a Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was altockeil in the ame manner, her face and ' neck was completely covered the diai hargo waa so olTensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurative Syrup of S usapari; ,, we wete induced lo male liial of it, as the Inst rs rl; it acted like a charm; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a f. w bullies entirely restored her lo l.i r health, which she hei joyed uniriteriuitedly ever since. A a purifier of the blo.nl, I verily be lieve it has not ils equal. JOHN MOVER. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Dotigluseville, April 19th, 1M3. Ma. Ota tar : My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrofula in ihe most dreadful and dii-trea-ing man ner for thrie years, during which lime he was de prived of tha use nf hia limbs, his be d and neck were covered with ulcers. We lri.-d all ihe difT-r-ent remediea, but lo no 1 fleet, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and uUo Dr. Isaac Hiestei, nf Reading, lo use your Depurative Sytup of Saraaparilla, of which I obtained seveial bottles, ihe use of which d'ove Ihe disease entinlv out of his system, the sote healed up, and the child wa realored lo peifecl health, which be has enjoy ed uuinlcriupledly evi r since, to the astonishment of many eison who seen him dining bis affliction. I have thought it my du'y, and send you this ceiti- ficate that nihera who have a like affliction in Ihe j family may know where to obtain so valuable a ; medicine. Youra truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. 1 Sept. 16, IS43 lv i AMI It V fc U Off A l, I WHOLESALE & KETAIIi HAT & CAY MAMl'ACTUItlMlS, South I'unt rorvr of Murkrt und li ls.. I'liihuU-lplilii, 1 V 711 ERE they n-vay keep on hand an pxlun- sive -sortmi nt ff HATS W CA I'S of every description, got tip in the bett and most approved tj Ic. PeisoiiH derirous ef purrhaoing auperi.tr nni ' cb on the most reasorsblo terms, will And it to iheir advantago lo call bif. ru making purchases ' (drew here. Philadelphia, Ocl. Bib, 1811. ly CITY FUHM'I'lJlir. A CTIOX, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. and 31. North Thiid Strtot, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. f1 C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, rc-peclfuty in- viles ihe attention of (arrsons di siroua of pur chaing Furniture, to his extensive Sab s Koom, i....k ....i.t: 1 n.: -.. .t :. ,. ! ,, ., .. . . 1 . ilousrbold r umiture, whi re can I nblained at a II . . ' - r .. ., , Inn. s, a large assortment of fashionuble and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matnassca, Ac., at very reduced prices, for eh. 07" Sulee by Aucliun, twice a week. May 2Vih. 1843. ly I'uuitlerlcltciV DEATH BLOW. nhe public will please observe that no Brandrelh -1 Pill a'e genuine, unless ihe box has ibree I t- I W. ,.,.... i. r.h- I.- ....I ih- U..I labt U, Rememlier the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following respective person are duly euthi-ri- xcd and hold ' rEBTinriATrB m aanwrt For the sale of lirandreih't Vegetable Vnivertol Villi. Norlhunibeilaml county 1 Milton Mackey rV Chambeilin. Sunhury II. B. Masaer. M'Eweus- ville lieland & Meixcll. Norlhumbeiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. St J. Walla. Union County r New Berlin Bogar A Win ter. Selingroe George Gundrum. Middle burg Isaae Smith. Beavertown David Hubler. Adamsburg Wm. J.May. MifHiusboig Menach & Ry. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeborg U. St V. C. Moyer. Lewiaburg Walls St Green. Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds St Co. Berwick Shuman St Ritteuhouae. Cat lawiaaa C. G. Brobta. Blooinaburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Ievi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCsy. Limestone BalM & M:Nfoeh. Observe that each Agt'nt baa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Ur BRANDRETH'S Manufactory el Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new label now used upon the Brandrelh I'ill Barei. Philadelphia, office No. 8, Noitb 8th street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. Junatltb 1843. ROSE OINTMENT FOR TKTTER. RtNOWORMS, t'IMPl.Ga ON THE FA B, AND OT1IF.H M'TANKOl'fl KRt'PTIUNa. Cj" Tlie fithimis certijimte detcribct one nflh mntt txirmirdinarij euru ever effected by ang application. Pmtr.r.t mtA. February 10, 1838. TOIl twenty years I was severely afflicted with - Tr.TTRK on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until tha Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my f ce was covered with the Ptuption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my head swel'ed at times until it Ml as if it would burst the swelling was so g-eit, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period thnt 1 was afflicted with the disease, I usej a great many S plications, (among them several celebrated preparation-) as w II as taking inward remedies, ineluding a number of bottles of Swaim'i Panacea, F.xtrart of Sarttipnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would ha inipo.iMe to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the cure of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the full of 183. the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Divis.) In if application Ihe violent itching ceased, the Bwriiiiiir nin't?u. inn f runiion nrffun in ittiimonr. ."d lcfore I had used a jar the disease was entire! v i i, i . " , . , cuteil. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a vestige of I ho disease remaining-, except the scsrs from Ihe deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for mo to descril-e in a certificate the severity nf the disease and my stilb ring, bul I will bo pleased to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further aatisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime I co nmsnccd using the R.e Ointment I would have given hun died of do'lats to lie rid of the disease. Since u sing it, 1 have recommended it lo several persons, (among them my mother, who hail the discara bad ly on her arm,) who w. re all cured bv it, JAMES DIIRNELL, No. 156, Race St. fXjf The Roue Ointment Is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, Sou'h East corner of Third and Race streils, Philadelphia, and sold on acency in Snnbu 'y. hy II. B. MASSER, May 14th. 18. Agent. Iloiac Oiiitiiiciit, i'or "TclIcrT A PROOF OF ITS F.FF1CAVY. l'HiLni.LPMiA, May 3?th, 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely afflicled with Tetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwards of lorty years; Ihe disease wa attended generally with vio'ent itching and swelling. I applied to number of physicians, and used a great many Appli cations without effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied ihe Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there haa been no return of, although I had never leen rid of it at any lime fur forty year. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, Mow Spruce Street. Cj Tho Roae Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhan. 8 iuth East corner of Third and Race Stieels, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Aifent MEDXCAX. APPROBATION Of the ROSE OIXTMEA'T,for Tetter. A LTHOUGH the superiority nf the prepaiatton over all others is fully ea'ablished, the proprie tors take pl.ssure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Biiugb, having found in this temedy that telief a tedious and disagreeable a flection which the meant within the range of his profea.-ion failed to afford ha not hesitated to give il hia approbation, allhougt the prejudices and interests of that profession an pposed to secret Remedies. Philaiiklpuia, Sept. 19, 1H.1G. I was recently Iroubl.d with a tedious herpotii eruption, which cmcied nearly oiip si 'e of my face nml extended over the ear. Mr. Yaiiahan, proprit tot of the Rose I liniment, observing my face, 1111 led on mv living his preparation, of which he han .led me a jar. Although in common with the mem bets of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of Ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon th public by ijnoiant pr. tend, rs, I feel in jus'ice houn to cxci pt the Rose Oinliii. nt from that c'a of me dicines. and to give it mv approbation, as it eutiu ly cured the eruption, although it h id resisted th u.-u.d application. DANL. BATCH, M. 1). (JjT The Rose Oiulmeut is prepared by E. I! Vaughmi, Soinh East corner uf 'J'hird and Rue Street. Pniladclphia, and sold on agency in Sun 'Ufy.ly H. B. MASSER. May I4lh, 18-1:1. Age,, sir Qfi a? .h2 naL. Vorni r of Third and Vine Streets, WILLIAIVISPORT, FA. flHE subscriber respectfully announcea to lY. A public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the con minlious brick building situate on the corner 1 I l: 1 . . .... . uiru aim rme streets, wnere he will lie happy I ' 'il np"n those who may favor him will, the ' company. The Eagle lloti l is large and c -liven ! ent, and furnished in the bet modem at to. It provided with a huge number of well aired ar : comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, priva ! parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Will in import on b t fines or pleasure, may ret as-ured that every e ; erti,n will l-e used lo lender ihpir sojourn al ll 1 "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Tab , will lie supplied with the very beat tho market s I fords, and hia bar with the choicest wines and oth 1 litjuors chargr re sonable. The Eagle Hot ; possesses greater advantage in point of locati, than any other similar establishment in I lie boroug ! beina situate in the businee part of the town, ai ' within a convenient distance nf the Court Hou and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stnbhng provided, and good and Irus , ostlcra always 111 attendance. Atlcntive, accon.modaling and hone-t Srrvan 1 ave lieen rmployeu. and nollmig lett undone tfi ! wi" llJ 10 ,he tMJrt and accommodation of t I eur,'5' .... . , 1 "rr wl" eartifl elways in attendance ! ,h' l'"1" landing to convey ptituengers to and fro the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS, May 1-1 ih. 1 84 tl BOPS MaVKER & SHIP CKANSLBIZ Ko. 1 3 Korth Wuter Street, Philadelphia. u: AO constantly on band, a general ssso merit of Cordage, Seine rwinea, &c. vi Roiiee, Fishing Ropea, While Rones. Man la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also complete assortment of Seine Twines, 4 c. such Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent ( Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Sb Threads, 4c 4e- Also, Bed Cords, Plough Ian Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chat; 4c, all of which he will dispose of on n-tsona' terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly. siHiNGrGooiTisr ca No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphi INVITE the attention nf Country Msrehar to their extensive assortment of British Fren atid American Dry Goods, which they offer fur a on the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers