!2S!T!S . For the American. ' Assemblyman. M. EniTo Permit mo to recommend to the Democracy of thie roimty, for this rcspnnalhle ti lion, a man who, for hi unwavering effort to sua lain the Tariff of DM?, and hia atern ami manly adherence to every other principle of our (real par ly, in spite of lha attempta of the ruling powers lo govern him, merit Ihe confidence of hia former constituent. EDWARD V. BRIGHT hna faith fully served ua in oilier year lei Da try him again. Uoller elect one whoso sentiments we know, and whose integrity we cannot doubt, at this crisis, than new nin that may torn trnilor lo our Interes's. Evtry one knows that Mr. Uright wa always In f.ivor of protection In American Industry, and wa mover of the reo'uliou institicling pur Senator and Rcpreacntntivi a lo anppnrt ihnl policy. Lei every demoeral v. ho knows hia country's and hia own intere, Ante fir the uncompromising ipim nent i.f thertc trade bill of 1810. KI)V A I'D V. 1) RIGHT. SHAMOKl.V. For the America). Mr. Eiiito). A the Standing Committee of this county have appointed llio 7 lh day of Septcm her next fur the meeting of the delegate lo tlio De mocratic County Convention, it behooves us to look about for some suitable person to represent this county in lha next Lcgiidaiu'c. In this township we aie decidedly in fnvor of the re-election of ntii late reprc.-nttive, EDWARD V. Ith'lliHT, E-q. We believe him lo I honest, lailhful hikI coiiiih lent, and w armly attached lo ihe line interest of the people of ihis county. In I'Mof of this, we need hut pn ni lo his course in fa vor of the n rill', mid all I is ott er public actt hy vhich Ihc interests of his co:iMiiuenti were lobe oll'ectcd. Many Dkmocbat of Lowkii Maiioxot. Fr.vtia n Aocr, as all Ftvan Ct'nr.n nt BriAJi iiKr.Tit' Pills. All fevers arc oeras on hy the ilisonlercil motion ol'thc Mood, p' Oil need by the humoral aerosilv hy hardening the va've of I ho ve-sel. The Mom) cirrulntta with greatly in creased sped, mid is siill increased hy tho friction of ihc glnhu'c, it panicle which compose ihe ma, of fluids. 'I In n it is thai the execs-ive heat ami t'lii Is is cxja-tiiinN d through til the mil. le system, mill necoinpani. d with great ihir-t, piin in the head, luck, kidneys, and in fiet a complete pro-.trm.ion i f all the fiii'u'lii s if iTie Tiifiul us M i II us I o.ly. On the li st attaiii of fever, or any disease, in nil d ntely ttfke 1 -ri'O dense of tt an. troth 's Yegela Mo Cnive-sal IMIs, and continue to keep up a powerful effect upon the howels uiril the fever or pain has entirely ceased. Six or eight will in most case he sufficient a a doae, sfcd one d.sjo of hia kind It r ftrit SmprltliiiKlo, nuty prcerft mon hs of sii kni ss, pclhaW death. , 'Dr. Benjamin I5r;indielh'a VegetaiMii Universal ('ills are iilUecd ntinivrTsully itinroeil medicine, .vhich by irs peculirfr action, Cleanse the blood of ril iil)itirificn, n'riioves every PaiH and Wenkiitts, mil finally ReslureM the Cuinlitulion to perfect 'leulth and F'.jfor. .. . fjj" Purchase of H. B. Maeer, Sunhury, or of ft agent, published in another pmt of this paper. .It A it It I E il , On Sunday evening last, hy Christian Cower, , Mr. IIknkV S. dun to Mis 1'uiklk Mo vki.vv, all ol this borough. - 1 I 12 D, On Tuesdey hiH Miaa LOUISA DOWER, of us place, oj;i'd about 1U yeam. t. I . "J. " l-lll-ill ! I . I I I. .11. J. '.a4re aisil IXjM'i Icinrc our IX.l'i' 'Xtra-irdin 'ry and well aoihen'rcji.il cur. i wroi L'hl bv the rclehrut d Srota Coathi ,' ll.l.s, 01 Dr. 'uiitir I upioved lild'au Vivi'IhIiIc lis. h iv( 11 ilur.iliy drawn puhbe 111 tfl-il mil to ii'iii. Per'inps in the history ul Mrdieiii", from e lime of llippocra es in ihe pre-cui d iv, iln-ie i iifs idiHtce ol a medical oinp niiid obtaining eiU il Unity "in He short a time. There w as in v r a n il cine Ti-roimneniVil b MN-h high authority as ir. Sin ih's Pit s. 1. nlc tin ir grv il curu ive per ies, (p s ssiog as ihey do, -u. il s-t.. Ills' i i '--v. rs 10 i. 11 ill i!i n In' , iliauM of the h . y. vi'.: the Iuhl", Kido.y , Skin no. I lliwila.) iey are unlike a I other pil!s. i Kiiem ly pltasani. ing eon cd it'.i nijir. ai d as 1 In v do mil gripe, jr priuluce nnu ei, 01 a iv other imp ei-nt con ipjeniX1. lh'V have lieei me verv popular for Dys "l'ia, II- ada- he, I !otivenes., Itili.ois complaint, ml Slum n h. Feve Worms. Want . f Apeiiie', npuritic of the Ill -oil,' llli-iivclioes unit Fnnr iimplaiii's geiiei silly, I 'olds, ,Vc. One of Ihe most linen i d ami benevolent la lies in New VnV, Ir. S. A Colli I. M iron of tl e U. H. Naval Hon till, is, "There is no medicine in tv-v kunwledge 1 iv. H a lsie,1 to tm numerous i.il neuis of man- nl, Dr. Sm ih's Sn.-Mr v!iat.-d I'dla.' Sri" jieciillv reeoni'--nd them loladii--'. jj CAIM'IO.N. A a nnm-raMe imil.M'nii h .s vii Wl iite, ley ihe name ol Sogir 5na'ed Pill-," i neci ry l-i be sure that Da. ii Kcnj SiTvia jna'uie is 1 m ev. ry rmv. Price "5 cents. Piinc.iii.il Ollice. 17!) tSreenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN Ws FKII.INO. .VarrftHrk-. YM. FOKSYTHE, ArnV. Se.t 5, 1M6. CTm U AD 91 mmawsi a. e Aivm calrrs in Silks, Ittbbntw aittlMilli mry (luotls, A'i. i-'i Vnf Second tlrrttt PHILADELPHIA, I AYR now in Store a laigo assortment of Itlrli .llllllnery Cuoilt, AJapK-d lo Fall ISa'e-, uch a junel rSilk and Halma titfvrid and plain, nicy Itiblioiis, of entirely nrw aiylea. ain Mantua and Satin Kilibons, of all Wrdlhi, ck ami Colored Silk Yilvela. onch Fanrv Feather and FtoWria. .ncy Cap Nela ami lres. ickiams, Willows, Ciown Linings, Ac. Ac Mau; of the above article being of their own iporiation, they are enabled to otlt-r ihnn at ilia weal price. 1'hiUdelphi, ffept. Aih, 1816 lm To Tcnchors. 'KN Teacher will be wanted for the coming Tall and winter school, in Lower Augusta dia .'I, Norlhuniberlind county. Peraona wishing hs employed as fitch, will please meet the board directors, at John Packer' office in Sunbury, on ilurday, the S4lh day of October next, for cxami linn according lo law. Persona applying, nut tonally known lo the boaid, will be expected to nduca teller of lecomint ndaiion touching good ral cbaracUrr. By odtr ol lha board. THOMAS HNYDEIt, taiuAM SAavta, Hec.'y, l'rc't. I, Auui Dut., Sej-I. 6, 1840. VI I'RICH UUURENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Matser, Wbkat, ... 80 Rn, cs Coan, 6'i Oats, . . 25 Poaa:, ... 5 Flaxskm, ... -mi lluTTta, ..... 15 Eons, . ... . .0 BaaawAt, . . 25 Tallow, . . 10 Flax, ... . i HicKLn Flax, . It) Dmikh Arri.ns, . . '. . . 75 Do. PACHKa, loO "?v'najliliiff,ii llre t'onipanv." fPJin mcmhera of the "Washington Fire I'om- piny" nro requesiiil to meel nl (he rliit House, on Mi n.liv Eveniim, 8i pt. 7. at 7J o' clock, precisely. Puni'liint iittemhince is required. Sept. fi. 8A MCF.I, .1. VOIJ.NO. S,e. The i::n. I.ullicraii Nynoil, Or EST la5lsLTASrA. Xyrn.l. meet at Milton, Nor hiimhcrbnd coiin. ly, on the list Thu sdav evening of S.-ptem-her ilia , and the following dava. J. P. 8IMNDEI., Sept. Ath, IS'lfi. Pse-id. iit. IVolice. rilllK iin.leri(ned Andl -r. npimin'ed hy the I. Oiphnns' I'ourl of .orlhuinlieil,ind county, lo make distribution of the b ilaucn of the etileof (ip.ttlv't;!" WATT, renmining in the hunds of Frederick I. 7.1ms. his adininiMMlnr, to an.l anioini .ihoe lejillv rn'itled to receive tho vntne. will at tend lo the ilmic of his npp iintnient, 11 1 hisollire, in Simbiiry, on Ihe 21-t dny of Mepleml ei, I81fi. All person iiitcicsted are ri(iiiste l to ait 1 d. W.M. J. VAIM IN, Aug. 29,1 H1fi. 4t Auditor. C!IKA1KST IX TIFK VvVlltM) ! Steam ItrfiiK'tl Snprnr t'amllcM, l2.jer.vTs rtn roovn, vn 'l.rsira. W i. KICMAKDMIN, No. 42 M ok. l Street, $J a PHii.AHKi.eui a, liiki'K p'eiiiri' in iiloimiiii li e piiMic, that he sti'l eouliiiuea lo aril hi very tu er'ir M e nu Id fined Candy at the l iw price ol J 12 M per 100 pounds, and ihe iii:-lity is riU il to any mauufiictured in ihe l!ni ed Stnte. He hNo t ff r nil kinds of goods in llio Cenfcc tiuiirry and Fruit line nt enrre-poudinu low (nii-es, a ipnck aale and small piofit are the order of tho day. Cull or rerfl your orders, and yoh c.inn. t f.il lo I satisfied. Doiil forget the number, 42MAK KE I' STKEET, I'llll.ADKI.IMII A. J. J. I.ILHARDSON. August 59 h. l1ft. fiin The Rriiiorrat tc Klrcloixt ol'Xortli- uiubarlaiMl Cuiuily. A KE reipie-ied lo meet, nt tho ui.ua! p'tees of - holilmg liiwnahip rhiiiuia on Saturday the 5ib it y 'oYSetiiint'r mil, for the purpoae of elic ling delegsin o meel in riiiily convenii n. at ihe rurl HouM'iu'tiirliurv, on Mondny the 7th of tSojitttniber, JOHN MrKINNEY, A. JtVKUA.V. JAt-t)UD. HOFFMAN, A. D. PATTBKSON, A. SHIP MAN, ; Siatulinq ("onimitlee.. Ango l5J. 1846 W, H. THOMPSON, 1iiliioiiallc HOOT AM) SUOK AlAKKllv MANKart SrnT.Kr, SY-antiBV, FlHANKI'l I. firr pa-1 favor, beg lcae to itr JL form h a fiicmls and rhc public geneiatly, ibat he ha ju-t returned from the city wi'b new and fashionable lists, an I till assort iron I of l.iahi col red, l!roii7.e, fil:ick K id, and all nthtT k nds of Morocco fir 1,1 leu,, 11. dailies nnd ClulilTeii's tvear i und bu assure all win. may f.ivor fiiin with their co-torn, that lh. y may ivty upon h ivmg their w.-ik d ine in the m-wt hiiliKtiiiitiat Hint f udrtou diK) uiHiiuer, and ai viiv low uiiees. I le al-,v has a full --r inci.l of! itv "nii e I Wmk, sehct d by himse f wl ieh lm will atoll lowir than ever i ll' red ill ihia place, vie: Mi u's Shoes. as low aa f 1 .00 Fx la S;ou: Hoots, Tiflll (i. Hid I, ace ( o e for Women, 1,HI Women's Slips, ' ftll Clul.ln n'a Sin-, SS S. le l.i .i'er. Morneio. A c., for u!e Vw, Aiiriisi 2 J I, IS4(i aptwtf Hoot & Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. DAXIHI. 1) It UC K K y 1 1 .1.!', ft, At hi OlJ r.stullislimrnt, in Mur1.it Sirtrt, Siiiilnitir, (orroMi k this ur.u mon tiortu) RE I'l'CNS hi thanks for pisl f ivors anil re Ssc;fnlly inform hi fiieud and the pu' lie nenrrally. that he continues lo nianufaciuie to ol der, initio i-ealest and late-t style, ciir.41 iiootm Ai siini:.s wairauled of the la?at muterial, and made by tin most rXptiieiiced woikiiien. lie ilso keep 011 bund a general assmtiiieiit of fashionable I) ols bu geiubmeo, together with a large st x k of fishion nbSe cetilh men's. hot.', ta Ies' and child en's Shoe, all of which have been made under h a own imme diate iusclion. and are of ihe best material and wmkminsh'js which he will sell low fotraslu In aJdiliou to 1 hi' al-ove, he ha just r reivnl from t'hiladi Iphia a lariie slid eileinove t-upply of U.sOs, Sh.a-s, Ac. of all ib-wriptiou. whrch he l-o Itcns f.r t a.h, cheaper ihau ever la-lore oil red in this place. He lespectfully invites hi old ruslo men, and others, lo call and examine for theiu- Iv-. Kepa ting ibsie wild neatiiess and despatch, Stinlsjry, August 15th, 1816V OritliaiiK1 Court .Sale IN pursu -nee of an ordor of the Orphans' Court of Norihuuil-eiland county, will be Sold at pub tic Vendue, 011 Saturday the 5ih day of Sept, mher next, on the premise., ii sa d county, lo wit: A ceitain trsct of land situate in Hush lown-dvp, county freatd, adjoin'iig laud of Isaac Kline, Widow Stroll, Henry Hull and oiheia, containing CO acre more 01 le, 25 acres of which aro clear ed, wherron i erected a small one story frame and I"; bouse, a small log stalde, and an apple orchard. La the estate of David Kaaemau, dee'd. S Lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when iba condition of will be made known by FREDERICK KA8EMAN, August 8th, 1846 61 Adinr. I ROM the premises i f lh subscriber, in Slaa inokinlown, Noilhunilrerland county, on Ihe 2lt of July U(, T W O O O W 8 . On fresh milch cow, led, with white belly and il, and ionic white about hur face. The other a dsik biindle, with a short tail. Any pertain biiug ing the laid atiaya to I bo Mibacnbri, ut giving him information where ihey can be found, will lie rea annhly rewaided. WM. M. WEAVER, rtuamukuituwii, Aug. 8, It? 16. Ut, MHO L E S A la E BOOT & OHOE STOFaE. CHEAP FOR CASH. iVo. 35 Sotitk Third Street, above Chetnut, PIIILADBLPHIA, RASTER!) AMD flTI MANDrACTURRU BOOT AIII SHOvS. fflllE Subscriber ha takon the liberty of addrev 1 sing Ihe public, satisfied thnl they will find il lo their interest to call and examine hisalok of Roots and Shoes, and acquaint themselves with his prices. Selling exclusively for the Ca-dt, he is enabled and determined to aell lower than any other regu lar house in the city. Person will please examine Ihe rmrkel tho roughly, and, htfoie purchnsinc, call at ihe store of TIIOS. L. EVAN. No. H5 South Third, above Chescut St. Philade'phi i, Aue. 15. 1810. To TcarlierM. 1 LEV FN principal teacher and one as i isnt, will be wanted for Ihe coming fill and winter eliool. in Shamokin district, N-nllniin' erlanil coun ty. Persona wishing lo be employed a such, will please meet the board of directors, at the home of Felix J.ereh, in SnulVtown, on Saturday the l.h day of September next, for examination according to law. Persons applying not K-rsoi ally kn iwn to the hoard, will be expected to pr.tduce letli rs of recommendation touching g-md moral character. The board wi I meet at H n'c.liH'k, A.M. By older uf the board. FELIX LERCII. Aileal. Pres'l U S. D.Sh im D1 Eli 11 JoHa, Sec'y. Shiimok'ii Dist., Augu-t Pih. 18U. TO Til F. KI.FCTOIIS "oP NOIM UUM. ni:iii.A.n county. lELLOW CITIZENS: At the sol citation of a number nf persona, in ilillereul 1 ails of ihe eouniv, I have consented to bo a candidate for the oflice i f COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I can only promise, should I I e elected, make every cll' rt to dim-haigc the duties of the ollieo lo your entire t-atisfacli in. UrCJH McFALL. ' Di law-are township, Aug. Kih. 18 Hi. to riir. i:i.i:cT(its or north- l M It i: It I, A M) CO I .V V Y. IEI.LOW CITI'.ENa : Through the eneou ragement of my frienda, I h ive been uulucid to olfer myself as a candidate f r ihe ollieo i f Count)- '0111 111 Ivrtoiicr. Should you sec proper lo elect me, will m ike eve ry rll'ort to rendei general aitisfaeiion. WILLI M WILSON. Lewis towuship. Aug 8. 1810. Valuable li(i;il Estate; ALL that certain Tavern Stand and Valuable Farm, eituite in Shamokin lownrli p, Nor- humhcilaiid county, on Centre Turnpike, about 8 mile ftom Suubury, the county town, adjoining lande of Fep ly'a Hi i', Anuania Sailon and o ther. coulaiuiiig 150 acrea more or less, 20 acre of which being in good meadow, a sma'l ere. k running through ihe same, and about 20 acrea theri ol being well limbered, the residue being in n high state of cultivation under excellent fence, 011 which is an orchard of choice fruit tT.es; tire bnil ding consist of a two story sti ne dwelling house, welt adapted fir a Tavern Stand, which wia k p' as suih for Mpwaid of 35 yeata, a large eoriveni cut bank b.iTii. rth a'luudaure of good shitfa and orlier out Vui'rtmjr. Al.SO Another smnll trarl of laird adjoining the above and lands of Daniel 3. Rote and other, containing i.tviul IS acres in go.vlYti.ie of cull va tiim ; die builibng iht-ie 11 C-msHit i f a two rtoiy t'r line ilw. Ilnid h. vise ami frame bank l-ani. with Ihi r tsnt buihbng water apiiuitiirg ai the il-ior of this dwelling aisl (he tivem slarr.4, by means of foBnl. iii puwK Dii g l ite llie real estate of Mar tin Wv-aviT. ihc'd., ai d will le "l I ut pri'o sale by the suh-cribi-r, being nutlioiiw-.l by the InV -f said diCisetd. I lid snulul le titles will be uie-i. dnif.l j. Rurc, F T the Dae of the IL-ii of said d ceahthl. Slintnokin .-wushi-, Augtrst X. I S 10. 11" DKiNTlSTRY JACOB rHlH-KFI'L for the lilM-ral encoutagemeni J which Ire haa received, wool I rrapictfuHk inform his friends and Hie cititene of N.nlliuinS-r land rouuty in geireral, that be tias firrriired biin--elf with the best Ineuriuptible Te ill, ti.-l I Plato, (iod Foil, that can be T nl in Ihe city of Thi ladi Iphia ; and that he will endeavor, 1 1 ihe utmost ol hia ability, to render full satirTaiiioo le. s'l who may think pinjier toengige. his -er vice. lie will 1 be tu Suubury si tire Augu-l court, wheie he will I t e perparvd, si his residence, lo insert Teeth on (oi l Plate, or on Pivot, on ihe latest and nnH p- ! proved pi mis, mid attend lo all ihe branches Ivloug mg 10 DEN I'AT. M'KOHRV. I.ulii-s will be wailed on at itieir places of ccm- I deuce, if ilea red. Hisiharge will be reasonable, and Ilia woik warranted. He will visit dilT rent pails of tlio covnity, about olsrc in llnee m vi'h. Suubury, July I Mil. 1 8lfi 6;n E. KIIVIBER, JR.," .Vit.aU AWA i'nurih Sint-I, rm'tr ihr lcr frnf Huh I, I Il 1 1 ti d o I p li I u , H MOIIK III. CAIIIS KIMll'S constantly on h ind an ei'i n-ive a oilinenl of a!l kind of Silk, Fur ami Ilea-vi-i Hals, which ha tier bi .alo on the ino.t it-a-sonable terms. Hia Hits arc mado up ot the best material, and in ti e most approved 'le. Per sons visiting lha ci'y will find it to their inlerest to call. July llih, IMlt. ly "FOUNTAIN HOTSIi, l.lslit Strt, ) y. i f -ri r riXllE House haa undergone thorough icpair. I The proprietor solicit il former pal luiiao. Terms f 1 2o per day, wm v. nix. AltTlll'K L. POOH. July 4, 1848, ly Proprietor. EXTEK'S 8PIKIT3 OF 8()AI, fir ex Iravting (irease, Dry I'ainta, Varni.h, Tar, Wax, tVe. from clothing of any description, war. ranted not lo injure lha cloth or tho mo4 delicate color. Thi l.qu d ha also benn used with great succots in caae ol burns. Scalds, Teller, Pimple on the face, Chapped hands, Sole i, Kheuma tiam. Hard or aoft Corn. Ac. (Jj- Price, 25 eta. ier lioitle. For sale at the stoie of July IH. IHItt. H. MASSE It. t-OXGRESS AA". Illue aud Dlaek tJongtOHi Ink, ol kuptiioi (fUab'v. "' i-ale cheap. at Ihe alnreof UEMtY MASSEIt. July 4ih, 181b SILVEU MEDAL, AWAItllSU BY THt rHAaXLIN INBTITVTK, 1815. lily Dngncrrcolype Eslablinhmrnt. (Latr NiMuaa A Colli,) Air. 100 Chrtnul it.', above Third, South tide, . mil.afiDEX.PIIZA. (MATURES t iken equally a well in clou dy aa in cloir w either. A dark silk dies lor a lady, and a black suit for a gentleman, are preferable in sitting for a pictu.e. No extra charge is made for coloring, and perfect likenesses are ciisranticd. July 4 1 la , 18lli. ,ty COLTJlvCSIA ' HOUSE, ' CHESIHTT STREET, l1 111 I A I) K . V II I A . rilll'S large and commodiou Hotel hau reeentlv I i . . . oeeu iitieu up wnii en ne new lurniMiie. The snhscrilier therefore solicit the palroriKe of Ihe public, and liust that their experience ill ihe business will enable I hi in lo give entire satisfic lion. Term- moderate. I) Via. FY, McKENZIE & Co. July 4th, 18111. ly li'ellcr V laiTtitoiili, PATS1TT ATTOPalTETG, AND MECHANICAL KNOINKF.KS, WASHINGTON, D. O. KAWIN(iS and Papers for the Pa'eiii Of. fice will be pr.-nand by them, at iheir ollice, opposite the Patent t.tllire. July. 4th. 181(1. ly 1 M I It T 1 HI T TO ALL CO I.' NT It Y HOUSEKEEPERS. YOl' miy be sure of obt lining, al fi I nil times. I lire uud hichlv flivored HiiA-TI I!y the single p iund or larger quat toy, at the I'eUlii Tea C'umpaii) U'ureliniive, HO South S.eniid tlrrct, brlwi tn Market und Cher tiut atrrr's, PHILADELPHIA. Heretofore it has hct-ii very dillicull, indeed, ul-mo-l impossihle. always lo nbtuin koihI (ire. n and HI ck Ten. Hut u..w u have only to vi-it the fi kin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delirious and fragrant Tea as ymi could wih for. A II la-les can heie l-e suited, with the udvaulnge of getting a pipe article ut a low price. June 27th, IHIIi. C L 0 T H I IT G, " VIKMalXiM: Al 1 1 1 VIM II- rP!IE rulsisibeis aro eousliiiitly mannTicturiiig - fioni the la-st Fr- neb. Encll-h and Aiueiiean uiauufat iaed Cloths nd Cassirners, ( "LO Till in a very superior style, cut and workmanship. Persons buying to sell auain will find olio of the largest and most fa.Mouabki stock of goods to u le. I from iu the city, and at imp eeedeoled I v price-. J. W. cV E. I). !S POKES, l!4 Market si. i'hllad. N. II, A forge a-sorlnu rl of Odd Fellows' Ite galta Cori-tanilv on hand, and all order, from lodges or iudi'idual rui.cinal y uiteiuh-d to, on the most hla-ral turns. J. W. .V E. tt. S. Philadelphia, JimeSTlh, 1lli. ly rRExraiuivx scales rated Wail 15-iiul Scales Coi.1 mid liny d i I roll Manulae's' do P. rliibb- Platform do 20 ibfl'en-n' sTes, Doiniut or Fl -r lo S dill' nut tir. -. Counter do 12 d iVe.ent sizes. The above Scales are in ule either sm'e or double It-am, uud are ilecidedty the nmsl du at-l-, uei ina'e uud comeub enl e.l,s eer inxc Oil. We al-oba Plafuni and Count r jrcalcs. Patent U liauc. s ami every kind nt Weighing Maihinesiii ti-o f i s.iS-, whole sale and retail, al low price. All Scares so'd l y u to go out of ilia illy, sre boxed fr-e ol charge, and waiiaulol lo'e ve salisfactiim t the pureh -si r in every p.irlicul .r. till AY & II Hi VII I K U, Manufacturer and Ih-alcrs, Na, 34 Walinil Mnpct, Jnm 27. Is Hi. ly IVi7m(7ir. HOUSE S1I)1. Hind, n's Pal. nl Ho -e Mums, for sate at maiMifacturi Is piicea, by mm w & ii!onii;i;. Jm;t 2T, IN-lfi. ly !)4 Walnut -I. I'hilad. Al.T, New Yuik SaIi ill l a rels and bags, for sale at niunufirt-tunts' price bv (;KAY A UIJOIHEIt. June 27. 1K. Iv :tl Wi ut M Phil id Notice. "VJkTdTll'F. i In iel' givi o, that an u pht slion wdl be m.ole to ihe in At lecislaune 1-r a ehatler for a IJ oik wi h a cnpnal of f 5(1(10(1, and powei to increase the ca il .l ih reof to $llill,H0ll, with banking uud di-c-nuiliim piivileges. In be cal led "The Uank of Shamokin." and io be l -caled in the hoiotigli of Suubury. in Nor liuuiU rlai.d cmill iv. June 2Tih, IStrt. Unit' lOU llt'.'ll'll ll4 l'Va t NO! VHAT IS IT? Wiit, il n 'a l tot- nnsn tiut MARTIN ntWIV, .4 hiathtip, im Murktt ttrrrl, inclining the thnt tlury llntk Ai.w, HASjuM reciived from Plnl ulelphia ihe largest, handsomest and best assortment of HOOTS AN I) SIIOI'.S of i very derciiptiou, thai has ever Is en brought lo ill's pl.ue. Aid what is -III l-rcr, ihey iy he sells io cb.e ip. that y-ui can boy two ri t thr mine tuoury that fi.u uird tu fui fur one pair. He litis mil Caii i li-l Sli t. Ioh Cash, and that I- the ie..s.ii Ihut he can sll'onl In w II theni so much cheaa-r. If you iloi.'l want to buy, just call aud n-e bis slis'k. He i ulwav glad lo see In cu-toir.ers ; r.ud it i no lr,.uMe i hun to show hi goods. Jo-I to gie von an i.U-a Inov iheap be ibws i-ell, the billow ttn is a hl of prict-a of a pait of hi M tk : Men' Thick Uoot, worth Jl Ofl at f 4 75 d i l ine (train do " 4 50 st 3 00 do Cuf d.i " 6 HO at 3 00 Hoys' Thick do " 50 at I 75 Youths' do " J 00 at I 25 Men' Thick Erogans, " I 87 at 100 Women's Morocco W ell and Kid Sprinas, " I Ml at I 00 Women's last City mado Ktd Slipiei. " 1 63 at I 12 Ladies' ) (ialUr and Cal ler Hoot, " 2 00 al I 37 Also, very variety ol Ladie.', lioys' and clul- dini.' ahui , at pi was lown than t m l-ilcjit- oltit- id. Come and Nif Suubury, June IJth, l"lfi. (tn ale's Cvle' do di dl d. do do do do dj do TPUTE in 3IIG-HTT A1TD VILL FKETAIL." A. B. MARSHALL, Ko. iSH CliCNniit Street, between Sctenlli uud rhlli street;, L- lL. Ha ZJD UU LLj l- 12L L vl JS now prepared lo ofler. Wholeale and Kelail, a lurge assortment of Famcx and Stapls If It Y (HlOUfl, MiileJ to the Country well ni I'ity Trade. He continues tho system of -no abatement in pricri," which he haa pursued lor the past ten yeara. nnd desues lo call the , ei iI attention or the pub! c lo it ns iIir only true itrm of retail business, and which is deciihdlv I i the interest of the purchaser to promote. It is ipiitn time the fraudulent prac tice of i sking a lii:h price, and iihntineto mike Ihe porch isers belli e they are ihe favored few," was done nw iy with, a, nine times out of leu. they are in-iil in piv a hicher price (however great tlie re ilueii hi) than ihe like style and iiuality can be pur chased al Ihe 'One Piioe St, ire." A! II. M. la in n Olllnr ICrnim .f ll.a nnumt an.l cbeape-l wa-oiuihle mi als. nu.l when any tiriiele depieeiat. a in V ilt.e die pri is at mice inuiked down so low that il cannot be uuders.dd. Uy (his system the pu-i ha-er c m al all tiinrs buy with ci.lifideii.-e and s .li-faclion. and without wa-le of time in n-eless bargaining. He ha al this lime a complete nsw-nmeul of SIl.KS. ll'aik l.u-trino, Oitom ni, l'ottx dn Soie, Man illa, (Irosde Ithiue, Armure, and other lhess and Muni ill i Si'ks. Also, Fancy liras Silks, from 44 els. to ?2 2" pet vard, including all the variety of approved and useful -Ivies and combination f colors. Lining Silks, Foulard Silk", Silk (iinghftin. I. A M AN .4A7 ,'0 M.V';.V. I' .ris l'a nli d l.i wn and Oigiinlies. of ihe neivist and most p-oved a'yle, as will as the chcapist ill Ihe market. A(.-o, Scotch Lawn at very low price. frf sett ;is;iiams, , . , . , . .Li., t - Ol ihe newest d, s gn. Also Scotch (tiugtiain ..... , i .,, i,,i i- .i nill.llli:iiniiiita,iii.. ,riy lllini,. mil u iihm- stoll wt ur and M iuchc-ilcr (iinghams, fur chilJien'i rur.ycii ciiistzes. Liyhl, inediuni, and d irk colors, 4-1 wide. Also, horl in kc American ( hinli-. uiel 1abcoes, nt ihc in w patterns, at 12 J els. per ymd. MOV St. LIS .' LAISES, Of the most splendid Ombre and Printed sih down to the French, English and American, al cents per ya d. li A I! E ES . 1 A l HAI.ZO R I X ES, Of nil nuiililw's and every variety of designs, -lined lo all tastes. A'a, emhroideied and chain--lilillid 1,'olns, llayadere and Polka llus-cs.emb'il Swiss Miis'in and l)i-h -p Lawn dress patten Taih t. u und coiOivd plaid uud alripu Swiss Mus lins. WHITE GOODS. PI till Swi.-s. Mull, N uisonk. Jaccom-t, Cambric, Hook, nod Tarhiun M u.Iiiih, Piaul, Stupe, cold. d and fumed C.imbiic uud Sa i do , lllshops Lawn, JOHN. !!. Pl'liDY, 1) Esl'EC'ITl LEY intorms his fitcn l un I cnslomirs. thai be has removed hi stork of no 1 1 to the S,,n. Iluiise, on Maiket square, foini. erlv occueie-l by Mr. Win. Dewart, where he wiil be happy los. re his old customers and Ihe pub lic gem-rally, t.n as pio.l leims, and al as I iw pri- cs as csn be hid e'sewheie. A hirue a-sorimeiit of (!rocerio, U'y fJonl. and 'oeensw aie, em-si lut'y tl hand. June 27. h, l!fi.-:f. 'Bin mil! Iit'fl-Irii '"Ware BANUrACTOKV. SELINSOaOVE, PENJtf'A. r 1111 VJ sol scrt'r re-peetlu'ly informa ihe public 1 th 'l he h is c iiiineiM ed the maniif icture of Tin nl Slicct-lron Ware, in ul! us v.nious tirai.cl-e-', at Sebnsgroxe. His wire is nni i.n'v male i 1 the ht nia'eriuls, but is pin t.i!c 1i. r in a -ii'is-ainial and workmanhke to in ner, ilito-iiiiL' in this ospeei fiom much of the waie s ihl, w ich is n ude up in a Imriy for that pu'poso. u i xcellenl u-sortiiu nt will be kept cm hand al nit litn-iswhi.il will be -Id on the ne-el reasonable term. AN DltP.W S. WINtiEliT. S. li si;r -vc. May lli h. I S 1 rt. if. Hit ti ;ui.l r.l-;;aiit CZ-PsFETG, OIL CLOTHS, M V ITINCS AND U INDOW SHADES, roa SPUING TRADE. rilllE sii scit'ii has josi i-pi'iodloi spring liude, 1 a Urge and coitq h-'e ass irtmeiit id' llius-e's, Imp. n -I, -upeilioe and fine Ingiain and Venetian t'AIIPET. which hi.ve all been iurchased wiihiu a month, ut the lowest cash rate. They are now offered al gieail reduced price for cash. Tl ere i:-H.ds mo i f an i-iira style and finish, and being of the I e-l ur.ike ai d fabric, olli-r gicul in. I'ueeni nt- to purcha-ers lo obluiii a handsome and disoaMc aniclo si prices below the usual lat.s. The :i i i tinenl is rouq-liie in every res ect, and cou-i.is in ail f the following New and s It nihil llru-sels Do i'o I grains j I hi do luqslia's ICACPEI'S. Do do Twl'd Venetians - al l.educed lbs do I'l in do I Prices. D I c'.o Fine , 'ommoil I lurain -J Splendid EinbM-s.il I'lano and Tab'e Covers; Sis i K hU, Itiiuliiitfs, Sheep Skin, eVe. Ac. With an nnnieti-e st ak of low pucid Carp-ls ol ell ilicii.ions, I, s , ( ig Hemp, and Cotton ('rH-is, from 12 t" hU cents s-r ard. t'oiinliy Merchant, housi keca-r and others hae iniw an xppaMriuni'v of supplying thi-m-elve Willi ban.lsoine and de.-ir .l ie geml st greatlv reilu cfd price.. 1,'OHUUI' U. WAI.KEK. 25 N 2d st. opposite Christ Church. I'lilad.-lph a. Mav Kill. Iflti .lm I'KXXSYl.VAXIA IIOUSK. DANVILLE, PA. fllHE -ulMilier, file of the I'nion Until, Mun L cy, P , respectfully informs ihe olj and nu merous cost. liners of lha IVlllaftlllUlliU IIOIIMO, and the public generally, lhal he haa leased the Tavern Stand of John li bodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared lo entertain traveller, and per son visiiuic Ihe town, iu the viry 1m I style. The acconimoJalioiia will be such a well conducted public house should ull'ord, and no effort will la spared to render satisfaction, in every resjicct, lo sll who iiisy call. The citiaen of Lycoming county re Invited lo put up with tho uudt-rsigited when ihey visit Duiville. IIENUY WEAYEK. Dsn.i'le, May 3, !Mi. M W III. ASSES The In si quality Sugar House I Mola.ses, only t$ cent per quart; lo, a i.uM'iiiuo article of yellow Molass-e for baking, ou ly 12 cents per qu air foi aale at the sloie of June 13, ISl'i. IIENUY MASTER. Imitation Cambric, Canthrc Dimity, Irish Shimnn Linens, Dama-k Table Linen, Table Cloth an I Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Cambric and Lim-n Liwna, cheap Shitting an ) Sheetinu Mus lins, and Miperior Long ('loth Shirting. MOVUMSG (iOOVS. Lupin's Uoiiih iz-nes of all iiulities, and the rii-u shades of I! lack. Summer linmhazinc or llrilhnnles. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Silk", Mouselin de Ltiines, llaregi s, lhil iriuea, M.ir,iiiii . (treiiadiues, ( iiturharns. Lawns Ciapes, ('rape and Love l.ei-se Yir s, Kid aiid Silk (iloves, lloneiv. Plain Silk. (Jlaei-i, Ottoman, Thibet, Uarege mid I'wialcd Silk Shawls, S.-nrf and t'ravuls. SHAWLS .ISO SCARFS. French Cashmere long and sriiinc Shaw!- i ,,',',',,' ''. I'liutu', Uarege, Thibet and Terkerri . ,,'-,'l Twisted Silk, t irenadllie, Ueruaiil mi l : J" . 0,"l '"W priced do. j "'lU. uiunlino, Uarege, uuJ other long and ! s,""t ta,T("- Also, Cravats. I Hl'ick Lace and Silk Mantillas, Viaili, Cape and ', ''duial. ol ihe new style. RMHROIUERIES AM) LAV US. Erub'd t'aps, ('ollars, SpciiceiR, uud Chemizi.-ti. iiinh r Sleeves and Cull-', Eiiuhish and I'n rich i Tlire.ul Laces, I'dviugs and liiscrtinus, Linen Hob ' b il Edcii gs and lneilints, emb d Sw is-i and (.'am ; brie do , HI o k and White Laie Viels, Lace Sliawl ; and Scarfs w i.b- ltl.u k Laces t , r Mantillas and 1 Semi's, rtitd HI nk ltiUsscU Lace, lor triuuning do. I and dri sics. I HOSIERY. ! English while and black ribb'd, emb'd, open i worked, und p'aiu Silk li. siery ; white and blin k i hall II se, tilili'd mid plain ; spun Silk and taw Silk ; do,; also, Eni-ish and Swi-a white, colored, ami unbleached Cotton do; nbli'd, plait.-, emb'd cI-h k eo, lllltl lilieil wlflKCll, BISU, .III(III-Il -.'iFin-ll i , , ' , ... , . , . , , . , .... . land 1 .allies while and unbleached I.IMO Jnren ' . i . i .1 i . -i . . i -l.:i l t .1 . do , of various totalities', a Marco and dc-irabht nr- ticle, and oilier Hosiery of various descriptions. L1XEX CA.VlllUC ASD J..4WN IIDKFS. Plain, corded, berdercd, riviere, musiipie, an.l emb'd Linen Cumbtic and Law n Hdkfs., troui 12', cts, to ?20 each. Also, Hans, l'uiscs, (irecn Ha rtge for Veils, (inure Viels, Ulack Linen, Lead col'd and Utown do.. Pnprr Muslins, A.C. FOR GEXTLEMES. All the new lhs rich and cheap Scarfs und Cravats; Kil, S.'lk, Thread, and other (jli.ves. Cotton half Hose; Silk and Limn Cambric pockd llilkfs, Suspenders, Ac. (T- You can find at MARSHALL'S. ISC Clie. nut street, ubiioM i viry ar.io e in Dry (i.ioth that you requite, and nl pricr a quite as low, if not low, i than else win re, (it rs to hii interest toft II cnwO I and lis ho is cousUtltilv adding to his Mo. k t!ic nev - est uud cheapest good, yuU Will be sure ol belli ji suited. - Dot, iea.br, you are iuvilcd to tall m.d I judye for yourselt. j l'hi!ailelphi i, May Ifnlj, ISMti, DANVILIiIS WOOLKNFACTOIIV. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, lVmisyU a ttia. flHE Ihmrille Strain JWivr Faetnry, foimoi JL ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pkthi kin, h.o; recently la-en purchased by the subscribers, whit respectfully uiiiiouuce lo their friends and the pit'' lie uenernl y, that they are now picpared lo do i.Kl kinds of w irk in iheii line of bustnos, at the shut test notice, according to order, (in. I in th-j best i'o.n. partitive inaiiner. Having i:t. ti Ciinsider.il!i rxpen-c iu repairing Iheii inacbinerv ami aj ai itus. and hi ing very patib nl u in M i-urii g the seivice of rx pei iei iced nn'chaiiics, they feel coiilidetit ll.au Ihey are capable of execi tin? b!1 kind of wi r!i i:i a aiylo siierior to any o'her rs'ahli-hnieiit in tho country, -at the old ctirt.iniarv p uvh. CI.Ot'HS, SATIN E ITS, FLANNELS am. IH.ANKETS const in ly mi ban !, and lor b .'c a. leduced piici-K. for Ca-ii or ll.ir'cr. iiciif:j wm 3't' i.i.i will W done iu the best manlier, at the usual oi Ces. All kind, i f country piodui-0 taken in pay -until for tvuik, al D .iiillo unket piices. For ihe aeeommola ion uf those who live at u distance. Wool hioI Cloiii will a inken in at. and, when finished, re urn. d lo the lolloAing pla ces. Plain written diiccli.m must accompany each parci I ; Columbia Cuuniy. Roup & Man's store, Wa shingti nville ; K. Fruii's si.-re, .1-r-evtown ; Yea ger's inn, Kouiing t'le. k; Slia-ple.,' suiie, 1'nli.i wis-a; C. F. Mann's sloie, Milllnni.le ; Millet's) si. ne, lieiwiik ; .1. ('line's Mill; K ckil's ftoie, (liaiigexille ; Heir's slum. bite Hall. Xn tlmmiit rltinrf Ctui Michael Ivea.ler's inn, Turbutvilh-; Inland & IIji's ;o,v, McEw.-us villi ; E, L. Piper's stoic, Wat.ot slown ; S. I. Cumly iV Co's tine, Milton; Cibson's inn, Cbil lisquaqiie ; Foisvtb's sto.e, Northumlicrlaud , Vniing's :oie, Snbu y. I. ii zi i it. County. Iti yuold'a stoic, Kingstun , (iildeib-i ve's store. Witkesharre ; Cavlnrd's store. I ' I V iii, -ni Ii ; Sici's store, Nainlciki); Judgo Mail:' M II, Huutitigtou. t.yonuin:; Cuni,ty. D. Cl.-pp" iloic, Muiu v , Shoomakfi' Kl.-re. Smith's Mid. CE A h'HAIi I' KtlWNOVEl.'. Danville, May 0, IKlti. Linu)! Lime!! ERPEC j Fl l-l-i inbiim bi- tneiuls, Hi .( be ha- coniiiiei ced tho busuies-t of l.m o liuiiniii'. i n ibel nni ho li v is-cui i. He l ow on bsii-l a quauiily of Lime for slc, mid m 1 always einlcavi.r lo uccoiniii.-daie those who luiy faioi him with their custom. Angusti, Aptil llih, ISlti. fim 1 K T I : It 11. M A S S K If, Kl'CEMLY FROM PIIILADELP1HA UEsi'ECTFI'LI.Y intoiias the liiuens , i Wuulajry aud viciini. that ho haa opened a., i llico at the re-idernv of Henry Ma-er, in Mmk.-t strict, where be is prcp-ned to exicute all kinds of Dt.NTAL St aotMf. Piste Woik, Ac., on tholate.l aud most approved plana. Having bad some rxarieiice sod iustriicli.u-, under i ne of the mo-l eminent aud successful Dei. tis's iu Pliilaiblphii, he believe thit he will li able to give satisfaction lo those who may waul Li . aei v ice. Lad.e will be waited on at their place of re -denee. Ill charge will l-e moderate, and b work warranted. Suubury, March S8th, 1S46. fMHE Ctt-aaaiTKU Mo imii Haih On, b -X iu.l Ihi-ii receiveJ and is for sale st ihe store ' Miy tfo, IMti. 11ENKY M As-SEIi. C- 1 AliDE".N"sEEDS.A"Vi'esh supply of L , jaj Risley it Co's superior (taiden Si-ed, ji; received and for aalc at llio atoro of M-mlt 21, lain. HENRY MASSER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers