FOM.IGJ SEWS ARRIVAL OF Till! M r-ittiislilit "h. Sr V IHbcrnla. 1 lie proposal was most ut.fuitiiimt-ly Ten IJnys l.nlrr f.o.i. Knrnprt The Steamship nihernia, Captain Kyrie, ar rived at Poston on Stintfciy at noon, having made tlio passage in loss than twelve days. She brings teifdays later intelligenc. Among the passengers, arc Mr. and Mrs. Chs. Kean and Mr. Hackett. They will remain a year. It is .a id the terms of their encasement ire the highest yet ;iven to any actors from Kngland. Mr. M'T.nrie, tbe newly appointed minister from the United States of America to this Court, Ins at rived at Thomas' Hotel, llerkely square. The annexation of Texas to the United stales lias not at all excited surprise. Comufik l.u.. Serious fears ofa tailor of the li.iivcst now begin to ho felt. The weather has been fur fiom favorable for the harvest. The supply of giain at present in the country is very limited, and a failure of the oniing crop would be a serions inconvenience. The stock of Uni ted States flour in Liverpool, under lock, con sists of!n,r?S bbls. ; of which about 1 1,(11)0 are sweet, the remainder sour ; should the new w heat want help, this article, owing to the low coarse quality ofthe Paltic wheat, will be of unusual virtue, as it will give strength and color 1 so. li!i.iA'Mr:NTAnv. The last few dayshavebecn sinfnrtiuiutety rife in railway accidents. Mis fortunes, it is said, seldom com singly, nnd the ealamitico c.f locomotive transit strengthen the lonectness of the axiom. I.oid Palmefston brought the subject before (he House of Com mons, and coupled it, strancly enough, with a strong -condemnatory peroration on the defence less stale of our seaboard. With regard to tia velling by rail, the PrcmieT threatened, unless the directors used a keener supervision over their servants, to rase them of the duty, and tiansfer it to the hands of the Kxecutive Govern ment a threat which will probably WMrk a speedy ami permanent cure. On the subject of national protection, he evinced less apprehension and seemed to chide the fears of his assailant . War seems remote, but the best mode of keep ing it so. is to be prepared for it at all times. Cupidity is often excited by contrary policy. 1 The present is the age of mechanical wonder, and in deciding the fate of nations by physical condui t, the engineer will play as prominent a part hereafter, as the field marshal ha done in times gone by. It is this consciousness of li ving under circumstances so different from our fathers, that has probably insured Lord Palmer ston with his patriotic misgivings. Mr. Ficlden, one of the members from Oldham a large manufacturer, and a gentleman ol ex treme political opinions showed in an able speech, the other night, how grir.ilingly oppres sive the income tax can be made, even in the case of an obstreperous member of Parliament. Mr. Tieldin's wealth and credit enabled him to make a statement which would have been the ru in of a smaller man that this business, far from yielding a profit, entailed an actual loss. The commissioners treated his assertion, even his oath, with indifference. They first assessed his business as producing CO 1,01)0 profit, and then, on appeal, to ll.O0n for refusing to pay the tax on which the officers ofthe C.'overnmeut distrain ed on his goods ! Put although he made out his ease, he obtained no redress. He merely succee ded in proving what every one knew to be a fact. that many are obliged to pay this most inqui sitorial and oppressive tax as the caprice of the commissioner choose to levy it, from the fear of worse consequences that of revealing their pecuniary nakedness. The Slave-trade Treaty Pill, which seeks to render the subjects of Brazil amenable to Eng lish law courts, and to treat them as pirates, ha met with a becoming, but a fruitless, oppositou. TUP. KIT. C.i.vstantin-oi-i.f, July 17. Cot.i.iio or run Sti-aiisuics .jus of one nintlrrrf nnd tfiir'i-!re live On the night ofthe 1 1 lb instant, on the lilack Sea, about fnitv miles cast ofthe P.osphnrus, a most dreadful catastro phe took place. Two Turkish steamships, the one ruining from, the other going to Trcbizoud came into u sudden collision, uud one of them went down with the greater juit of the crew and passengers. The vessels were Scutari commanded by Mr. Dubbins, and the Me.ljehiai Tidjahret, comman ded by Mr. Lambert. The commander of each vessel was perfectly aware of the approach of the other full twenty minutes before the fearful event happened, and there was apparently no danger. Put Captain Lambert, fiiiicyinj he had nil Austrian vessel be fore him, to obey u rule ofthe Austrian service put his helm u st.n board, whilst the commander of the Seutaii, lull. .wing the rule of the Knglish service, put his helm a port. Thus the former ran right under the hows ol the latter, and the collision was inevitable. If both commanders had put iheir helms a port, no accident, 1 am in loruii'd by naval men, could possibly have hap- peiied. Though it w as a moonlight night, there j was a good deal of fog, so that the mistake was not discovered till it was iinHssible to avoid its, j ten ible consequence. The Mi-jehrai was struck between the fore rigging and the engine. The : shock was tremendous. There was a great mini- ' ber of passengen onboard both ofthe vessels, chiefly Tuiks and Italian!'., and a scene iiulesen- j liable ol" dismay and confusion arose. At first it y was not known which of the steamers hail recei ved fatal damage. As the Scutari is an old ship, uud greatly out of repair, it was thought she must have sufficied most, but the contrary piovedtobe the case. Whilst this was in doubt, however, her commander proposed that the vessels should bu lathed together, or that oue should be taken in tuw by the other, in order that, if either of them thnuld he found to be unscuw ul thy, or in a ktutd of wreck, the sound vessel might be able Iv) rtbtuu the thij.'s tumjiany uud iussci geis of the ntle r rejected. The vessels parted; the Medjehrai Tidjahret dropped about a mile astern, and in the course of less than a rpiaitcr of an hour it was found she was sinking rapidly. The fVntari which had got but slight damage, then went to her help, but it was too late. Very few , comparatively, could be saved. About seventy, however, by swimming, and clinging to spats, reached the Scutari, where they clustered round the paddle-boxes until they were taken in. Captain Lambert and an engineer weic picked up by a boat of the Scutari. All the rest one hundred and t'liity-five souls, perished. Their agony wus a short one, but it was terrific. As the Scutari approached the wreck she keel- ed over, (the people on the deck, like w ild mani- j acs were visible in moonlight) and as the sea i Tin? Trice of Grain. As every thing connected with tho price of grain will bo rtaJ with deep interest, by our far mers, we publish the following article from Wil mer and Smith's Times, of August .It h, in rela lation to tho prospect of the crops in Kngland. The price hero will depend almost wholly up on the successor failure ol 'he Knglish harvest. Should the unfavorable weather continue lor a few weeks, there must necessarily be a great failure, and consequently great distress. To " 11 ' 1 -..- i j the Knglish government and people, the failure n7"U'e are indebted to the lion. Simon Cam- nf rrnp 4,s ,no,t calamitous. A few years since, eron for valuable public documents. , when the crops had failed, nearly fill millions of r?"A number of new advertisements, for the ! dollar in specie were withdrawn fiom the Rank .... I... .r.... I ........... 'ill I... I., ml,1 ii mil- nilvcrt . - l.nginilll. lor III- in... ll.ise ni supines. 1 ill i ina columns, this week. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, ,fn( 2:1, 18-15. C7Tk u.i At. O ct.r.RE.lcs M W.isiiintox Ci- J DrlUgerant Stat of Affairs at Purkertburg;. rr. -There has been another fashionable murder at Washington, got 'Tip by some of tire young bloods of the place. If the law was administer ed as it ought to be, in such cases, these street murders would be less frequent in the South. The following letter to the Philadelphia Ledger, fur nishes the facts : "Waxiiivjtom City, Tue.-day morning, (i o'clock. Von have the announcement of the death of Williair- Kendall, son nf the lion. A mo Kendall, hy the hand of William Rut'us Klliott, tho brother-in-law of John C. Itives, K-q.; nnd tho wounding in the arm nf Mr. Josinh Riil.-y, Some few munlha ago soma Virginian cap tured several Ohionnsona charge of abducting fclavie, and lodged them in tho jiil at l'arkcrs burg. Tho net waa considered nn outrage, and tho pcoplool'Ohiogrevv first indignant nnd then valorous, and theatflncd to ro-capturo the pri mmer. The Virginian equally corn goon, re mitted ti nppos,.' them, nnd prepared themselves furs terrihlu onslaught upon the invaders tie; moment they appeared. The on'y exploit they have performed yet are published in tha Cincinnati Herald, from which it will he percei ved that a most 'v rish excitement prevailed. The Municipal (iiinrds in Parkershur-r, ar.) still mi duly, !u'l of Old Hih and l'.itr.otism. A a printer, formerly of ll.iltimore. Fur years ' ' ' I ... .1 . . I I ' T r liank wasobl.ze.ltoeM.ita loan in Tans to I". .."-'-,""h w ....... , r.s),lt ls.t. wotlt.roil witlt l . r r o 1 , d tMi.l . meet the demands unnu her vaults Vor the in- ni'ite as brntXit rst. Some hour!" previous to the ; . . . . . maii'is ii'iii in r aniis, loriio in i . luir the river, hreaine an nhiont o to i 1 ------ j , .1... -...:.. I ; . . I ' , -ti i ., '. a ..-111 . .... it llkl r-vililliei. 'linm niyn writ; ,iin,: iiiiiiii- sin ki'ii ni'i hiiuii in. nir m'ii,, --I .3 ,ii ii, i. tin. - - - n "quaitcr is equal in cigni uusiiein, anu inai ,i not I luui a quarrel , which wan i'smiiriT,i foimed in sinking alTnost made Ihe Scutari spin 1 have an opportunity of witnessing the perfoim- J , ,.,, value ofnn Knglish shilling is about j H uley. About 0 o'clock, young F.lliot, armed round Willi tl, mot ion there arose a scream of j ance of iheciretis ol Welch Mann & l)elevan. The rtg wolK, n)ak(, ,,,,, rrire of .np, nt . wj( a flx i)arrce. pir.,(1) on, lt,nning on an utter borror-a last scream 'which those who j company is one ofthe best in the country, and , ,p pol,s o-tie Paltic, from whence the Knglish jrn gun-barrel cane t-talumed himself on the heard will never forget. the music is sunt to lie excellent. per bushel : PrT-Cini-rs P.y an advertisement in another ; rorrriatinn of our readers, we will here state that heart rending occurrence, young Kendall and , test to the astonished crew, who in selt'-ilefenco protruded an empty silt barrel in such a potsi , tioti as to rake the town ; when lo ! the valient i .-, . k I .. .,,, tint.,. .L- 1 1, in., diil U. id li, lliiiirifiirniuirj are chiefly supplied, laogft fiom yj to r, cts cnrh(.r immediately above he (.lobe office, on ,. . . . ' .. '.. . ..... Felinsylvania Avenue. Messrs. Kendull Si ! , ,. . . fmil!:,ti.m of coi.r. "Tiik I'iiws. The eh ments rontinue-tobe ; H.iley h id been playing nt Ilurcli'fl nine-pin ! , , , .in",i, ....i.i ( i,ir paper, is also publish-d in tb-same olhce, which n ,j rt ()f .,.ri(,,19 apprehension, and fears , alley, on Fourteenth street. Just as Klliott j ' , ir,....,..r iliee b.-lnue,! tor the safety of the harvest are daily on the : .? ,,ere, they came out, and pnesintr down TiC accuht rull8 ,llls: A ar2e party, increase. The weather continue,, hmken, the , by him, llailey remarked to F.lliott that 'now ... ll(it . nil,11i11.rii f.r,ir ...,u joining counties. i t peralure is low, there is little sunshine, and ,.y could .settle tl.nt !,ir..:ul.y.' F.ilio.t, l.H,k- j(( n(M,,!, W(,rfi swimmirjJ .er.-ss the river ... , . , . . ii i- , the iihseiice of warmth is siiiHilied bv occasional ' in. r i.fier ihein. renlied 'von have vour Iriends . ... .... , . i II k nave ini'i several sniau Mioi rs miii- , -- i - j - ) utiru mo town, i lie ininiary screweu iiieir , courage up to the slicking point, inarched down, Put more impressive .till was the passive re- Advertisers will fimfit'srcatly advanta- sicnatiou of the Turks; Ihey rat motionless. .,,.: ;,;.,., 0r flerman mnttenug Iheir prayeis ; nenner oy cry nor ges- ... .. r . . I. . - 1 1 .. ture ...o )ey manner y c.os.e,, . .., , . ,.xt,.siv,.,Vi al ...ost exclusively passive silence amid the shrieks of despa.r of ,-..,., ,i..,; f this d the ad". ... ... . . , - . . .i - - .1 , ,-..1 i. ...... . - ii I hrisiians nie imaiisis nn'i iiiimf ii luiiin . From the first shock to the sinking of the vessel not more than half an hour elapsed. j The captains ofthe two vessels, yon will see in , )a,t ,,. ,ays. M1t t enough. The conn- f''11" ttllic1' ''W) ''rirti, have done with you now.' tiy their names, were J'.ngi were also Knglish. ,h ; the engineers , ; ti Ml(r itl2 mili(.r ,. ..fl-.-rts of the long , s nous, hul not irreparable inj.iry to the growing , Kendall and Ilailry were joined on the other j i.,.,..,.,,! ,. ,rve then, hack to the oi.dq. eontimied iliought. The Susquehanna has not j cmps. Lptotuo present moment urn iimiiiini ; side of the nvenue fiy two other, a nil alter . jt,. al.-ro, rescued th town Ir.nii imiiiuieiit penl, MfJlio Mini llir V. ilatr. I been so low for many ycais. o! inj..ry, taken in the aggregate has not been conv rsa.ion Kendall remarked, angrily. ; . ,,,:,.,, for tlie-.lven ii.i.norlal lilury. . . - ; , ..I.I il. .. . C f. ...I. . . l l It f( . I ' Speaking ofthe last a Ivices from Mexico, the rTTo-'i M--tiu John Smith has been ap- : " WM" "ni " .., t, over ai ck nun now. . cms.-.,, , Wlt ,t.y ,)id will, the firebrands we are not Washington Cnion says -.-"As far as we are ad- j pointed Post-ma-t-r at Dalmatia. (Ceo.getown.) j P1"" " ' 'oul,l spee.hly ripen, ; over, and reach ng the -pot where KII:ot wa.s. , ,,, j, prPji,IH,, ,l(.y will h sent to vised, the despatches to our government are not io this comity, in place of (.eorre Prosius. I He result would equal, perhaps c.Need. M.n took the cane fiom him. ' ,,e cn ,at ,.f the tii.I I.....i..i,..i. t., bo prcserv.-.l tin yield ol any recent i ne uanger is , U,s cane gone, Urew Ins piM.. ami I""'' ; f.,rt.Ver and ever, n trophies or tl.e xalor of her as to the future. The harvest under any cir- the trigger ; ihe cup rxploiU d. Klliott retreat. ; cumstances, must he late, and a late Inrvest is Vl b,, Awards, Knulnll pur.-ui:ig ; F.lliot pulled ; always perilous. In the meanlime, the titock of the second trigger, when the ball entered Ken-j V. S. Nvai. Foim k i nn: tii i.f. The drain in the country is daily dwindling away, dall's chest, between the second and third ribs, j Washington Constitution says that the Tinted Itiilev, -vim had i States squadron in the Lull ol Mexico is ample before he fell ! f',r an" emergency likely to arise in that quar- more decisive than our private accounls. War vr.i;vi i s Jvst m v. We have received may come. The next arrival may bring the ib- j ,,,in,, to Wright's Justice, which con claration ; and yet no man counts upon it w i1b tli()8 a t,rm.,i(.a Jj?(.st t,fll the nets of Assem any certainty. Still, it is best to prepare for the ( My al(, ,lTjsj0s r ti. furtSl croIII jsy-j ,,, worst ; and, acting upon Ibis safe and prudent j . ., ,. , , ,.onl.rr...l will, the duties maxim, we have no I'oubt that the Kxecutive is I o A K),.r vl jostucs ol the Peace, with full ', nn,, calculations are being mnde that there is ,d he lell a I i Mess corpse, taking early precautions to meet , the blow, and ; , 01,,.IS , it,,. nio,e ot' procedure, and all '. ,,ot "ctually more than a fortnight's Consump :,ppri.ached to assist Kends ... ah "T t .... .... Ji iii.essii ,i,ii'i ,ii,t..-, making every preparation to repel rroops are actually oil me noinn-is, mnu - pl,nirlit c 1 ()0 alreaily at tialvcston. I lie l esar.s may prnua- f0V)f tV( bly be invited, if necesfarv. lo co-operate with j our troops ; and rations will be furnished it they j C-Pkm u. s -Tins fine fvmt seems abundant require it. Our squadions in the gulf will be on 1 i'b.s place. We regret, however, that in some the alert. The first blow that shall be struck : places, on the hills, the frosts have nearly de bv Mexico, will become th" signal of efficient stroyed thciu. We think early peaches are much the ITiited ; " "'f- a"" wouiu iiKe co see tnetii mote gen- . t ... -i . . . lp 1 I ii.l i tl,a cfi.:i,Ti IriirtTi. llKlsmnt Price of sup- j l,,m " 'l,ml- ' now alv.inceil upon l'.!ini, wiio coininuci to . r - 1 1 ..i . i- A ii'u iiirt n.i venn 11 nn n nni ninri I r n I iv. 1 n.. .. D ,..i I.... , n .,i mi..,, n i i,t. ' ..,.. - - J lie original won, III paper I - ' ' 1 ill '. on y line mini in. in " ,.!- I at the present time so fenrful that we turn frem j terin;, Hs left arm. These are the facts sub its contemplation wilh feelings ukiu to horror, , ,ittt., before a jury, and a verdict linn heil and nothing but the gtmlncss of an all w , reniVred iu accordance therewith. Providence can save us from the impetulmg K!li,,ti went in a back to his friend's, (Jeorgn ii-il Tlio mmoiN ()iet4 fit'n IimiI hurvpst- in ! n -i ft. .. ...I. ...... ..nI...L. I,., ,... . - I IK-I. Ii I.., HI II II i iii'i i., in ruiir ii- : . , , . I.i- r -ill . . ' ' i eieht of our vessels ot w ar. and this force will hi; war. mounting over two hundred guns " This, we believe, is a larg r force than has ever been heretofore concentrated under the common! of anv naval officer iu our service. On the western I coast of Mexico there is. or shortly will be, . i. .....::. . ..llt.M I . i - ... . t . II - 1 I 11 If ' ,rtsu,,i I"-'""" ' " "eren l.i.oseii up to v apiain ..H.uaru auu ,. ... ; ; , .,, v,.ssi.snf ;a5t llu)ia sun..- Ml,tp. e.allv cultivated. i.u.u...... r , - .Morrell, l.-q. lie was,. ,o j i , dron, now on their way home " . ,i. ..r a I'li.i il uiIi.ii njii,F,!i uic . ...i :n i... 1...1.1 The New Orleans Pulletin .r the '.Mh instant lb m.ixg. Aow is the time for budding or in- .-s--" j , 1111s ir,oriiinL', wuuiibh . au ...... ... ui ... - says "As war with Mexico is by many deemed j occulatmg. The piocess is very simple. The 1 1":'H.V. Otiring the night the rain , ,,,p (lr, IlousP. T)lP excitement ll.roueh- nnrobable event ome information relative to , finest fruit can be proiv.gate.1 in this wav. with ''" hplv.v "rrent. Today the Ftm has out ,,t0 eVeiiinr nnJ ni'.t waMremendous." 1 ' 1 .. . i. ... c k. ..,J.,, ....1 ii,-.1. ...i,.,. ,.r , - the slrcnuth and resources of our adversary , very little expense. JVach ami oilier trees.""" "--("-'" . - 'I niitfht not at the present crisis be uninteresting, should have the earth, about the roots, dun up I each day renders matters more critical, j 1 . . . .. ... . . if ., 1 1 . 1 . .1 1 lie entire pollution ol the Mexican Males, and .iresseu occasionally, an.l 11 any are in a lan- i n. ...... a.-. r....r...... pro..(line w. the Democracy of ' Old Nor- on the Misso.ui river. '' V. y had despaired of twenty-two in number, is estimated at about j uishing condition, a handful or two of common : their departure, and in no instance In s the pro- , t In. rnlir tittitl" will be call -d upon to place in , gettina on this season, and are planting buck seven millions. From this amount a deduction ' salt revives them almost immediately, and also , Verbisl fickleness of our climate been more ,mmjutlon somc 1 suitable person, a their candi- i wheat, with th-expectation of obtainina provi must be made for the Indians, half U.-eds and ( destroys the worms. j apparent. date lo represent this county in the State I.e. I sions on which they may lesuiiij their journey negroes, who constitute about six-sevenths ofthe j Knoti v l'lan. We have known fruit trees The wea'her has already began to influence gislature, permit us, through the columns of vour next spi ing. census. 1 hese are all mere slaves, aim a class . tlial t.ore nothing lmr scrulitiy ana knotty truit. 1 the Com market. In l.mlon the rise has tieen deservedly noonlar naper, to recommend 1.1) OlIK'O.N K.IKiR TS The St Joseph (la.'tte, published iu Missouri, has news from the Ore gon eiriigiaiits. Another company is lost, which For the American. ' contains fifteen men. and thiity-five women Mi:, r.i.non : As the time is rapidly ap- j They were about Mil) miles above Council Wolfs i:i. P.ninos 11k 1 tskii. Tho : 1 .1 1.1 ... I... .1...I - ..1.. 1 .. ..f .,.l .....II 1 1 - - .. . . , 1 1 .- , ARRKX 1 11 100 ii;oorunv .i.e. iirgiiiui-'i i rninMi ...... w- ,u.i-i.- n. n .n .m ., imiiii..,ii c hi -ihih ..... . coil in era oil , a nil urn quoin, loon iieiica..- .101 . A li 1 1 1 . lil v 1. 1 1 1 , I .sq. , our laie auie oo ri- 1 . . t 'P mong the military statistics of the rountiv. In ' formed fruit the succeeding vear. by working at ! ,uC, (he business done as the fears w hich pre- fn-ieut member, as a gentleman in eveiv way 'V,'v l''rs,' 0111 1 ol 1 anions adjournei at ren ..l,..'...,.l ..;...,r ,.n,l ;..t..ll....t..;.l ean:.bailitv. ll.ev 1 the rotb:.v;.... off tl.e outer balk and white t.. ..... 1 .....1 l.v:.i I 1 I ...I,... 1 ton on Friday, having .h-clm-il, alter a p;.tiei,t .ii . .-.1, 1 , ,. -.. . -.. -i--- . - - --- (lull. Ill llir liill ipiiil iikii m-i, 1111 1 1 iiiii, ami niuiii) hi nil- nuiiiuii, mi'i un' nnu-i .....i......,. are said to be much inferior to the negroes ofthe washing the trunk. S-outli, and are certainly kept under a bondage ' -There are twenty-seven furnaces much more galling and enervataboth to mind and body. Throwing this part oTThe population out of the account, there remains only about a ' million of Mexicans w ho can be said to be of : pure Spanish or Kurnpean descent, upon whom j any reliance ran be placed for the defence ofthe j country. Kven this small fiaction of the pepu- j lace is greatly degenerated, and, compared with : the Spaniards of the days oft'oitez or the Anglo Saxons of the present era, niuy be called an ef feminate race. An Kxtra Si'ssion. The Philadelphia Inqui rer, of Monday last. My We bear it ruiiioied on pretty good authority, that should Mexico de clare war aga inst ihe I'liited Mate, the Pvesi ileut will immediately call an t xtu sessioii of Congress." It is said that a number of the officers of the Prigade otnn and. .1 by le-n. A. .. Koiimfoit. 1. ..e .1... ....l:.....:.... 1-...... ..... I 0..1... ' . 1 1 , I . II 1 I . . . ' . t ..-. . , ll'.t ...It. Ol ..... .I'llll Ullllll .l L ill HI HUH I Ul M, i Saturdsv, prices uiioroved consi.lerab'v, and the ; would render general satisfaction to the voters1 11 . , , . . , .. ., , . , . .. . . 1 . .. . ! to grant them a p.iriloc.. I heir cae has now nnd inurkel closed firm at Mil advance on the previ- of the county. Mr. bright bus always been a . . . . .. ..... . 1 ... 1 1 b.-en final V iased 11 ihiii bvall the tribunals ot forges , Clarion co,y-s,xteen of which were , ous quotations. 1 lS same mtbience baa and , t.rm am, consisten ..emocrat. wa, u.iy au.un, . .c, itlrisii Theyare to erected within the last year. i wi.l be exper C-d in the other great Con, to the principles o. the party, and ever reau, . ' u an.l willing to ai.I in promoting Its iiiT.-i esi an.l ' markets of the Kingdoiii. There are profon- the v'id uist. All , ..f l,,in.i:ii!s. ai.,1 invul.e tln Into of narlii s ami securing its advancement. His couise in the Legislature, during the two yeais which he, ro,.rr I., ,.,,1. -P.dwaid C. Parliiigton. seived in that body as tl.e repr. s -ntative ol this ,. i( )Un () ,. xal,lin,.r ali Herald of Lan county, met the nppiobation of all who had the Frliy .(i t Mj vors (, t interest and welfare ofthe State at hem I. Il j t.onvu.,cl, ,. mvj,)R puMi.h.d a libel upon was mainly owing to his untiling cxeitions that J() ) he ,,rni ,,v plluisling to thu tl.e liauds pra. upon tl.e State Treasury t wol, ,iat M r Wise was a lunatic. ! ileleeteil. and the moiiev aonlied to its le- III AMI IN ri.OlllliA I lie M. .AllgUlle lleraiil !. procured gi'.iniate tl.e payment ofthe interest no .1 . u, . . .1 .1.. i .... t.. 1 1 s'ati s that the l. 'st gu.ino cm l 11roc.11 ej 10 1111- .Ulll. iiliii. 1 iimnj e.iiiu iuii iii'n 11" iv,,.- she stands 1 I0II1U, on tl.e iviicun 01 which mere er be stigmatized with repudiation; character, of are a number in tin- Toninco river. It says it minee, Mr Power . stands a fair chance of being elected. of Philadelphia, have volunteered their services. ! wretched country intends doing, iu regard to the 1 frtun these ample details, that the up ward price ( members in Congress to suppoit it as it is, and and that Oen. 15 has tendered his own and their j annexation ol Texas. If she is mad enough to tie- j 0f (r j (iirin" the last month has been steady oppose any attempt to repeal or modify it. In terprisc sufficient to put ten piivatecis afloat ; but awar will afford a pretext to adveutiiieisof other nations to commence a system of robbery under letters of marque, and (he best means we can adopt to del. ml 0111 selves against them, w ill rlmv f'oi'V'. V Tin. 1 l.n u.f ra I ie nilii. ty Convention met at New Perl.n. on Monday ! ' Civi"? "" ?"" la.f, and nominated Thomas Power. F.sq , ,r . picture of present ii.p.i.rances, und tl.e 'Mgucs Senator, and Mr. Cioss for the Assembly. Mr. 1 "' (.'f8 ' proverbial for having little sympa- , Power was the only candidate for the Senate, be- ' ly vx a I 11 the rest of the World. Speculators fore the convention. The I 'uion Star seems to are now beginning to count the odds against thii.k that a mistake was made in not taking up I the weath-'r, how fcuccesstully u ehutt time Col. II. C. Kyer. Mr Kyer was not a candidate, j w ill slmvv The character of 1 lm wr-i.ther, du although a nuinber of delegates persisted iu vol- j rlMjr . .xt lurliiight, will ilrculo ihe liirtuucs nig for him at the Convention. w hig.ol I nion county, inloi me.l ns, a lew .t.i vs i ,- . ....... .1 ... 1 -i. 1.- 1 1 . i:.l smce.tnar , . ,,ver com.. e.v , e. reu , Mbj..c, of,lt. W(.,.k, we have a,jaill before the wo, Id in her true be was a candidate We think the present 110 . ,. ; ; ... ... is the real urit. and that there are laige deposits ; 1 I'"? I? i . . ; uadian am! United Stiles' readers with a com- ' It was Mr. Pright, too, who first moved, in ol j prehensive and correct return of the principal the last Legislature, resolutions favorable to the l.,, n,s Mr. Philip Ileybol.l, of F.astern T7"Mi xi o It is still uncertain what this ! p ir. mnrketi, j, (Irest Ilntain. It will be seen present tariff, and instructing our Senators and shore. Marvland. has raised this year over twen ty thousand bushels of peach-s. They are unu sually abundant and cheap in Philadelphia, not withstanding 1 he most of the crop in New Jersey were killed by the frost. A'-sn.rivi rim Mm. rru Fink Coi.t.ectob. Two young lin n were fined, one 'J". and the o ther I i, in t'n Spucial Sessions, for assaulting (inlick, the New York militia tine collector. The hiws miit be maintained, however odious, until they are repealed. .' iilN en's I'sro'c The lands belong ing to Ihe estate of John Randolph of Roanoke, V.i. . ai e to be so.', ut auction in October, num bering some a.'.'-ti) acres, and very valuable. Laniu iii 1 nu t Hi lo Repeale I changes in the temperature h ve a very l ad rtl'e. t upon the I'loo.l ; a su.'.lcn ch uige from a fuf, u'cneious, to a. low. poor .bet will be iqnallv injurious to the heal h as sudd, n changes of we nher. If we w.iuM have health we must endeavor to prevent, as far as iu us he, B'cat ritremes of all kind-. I'v.ry execs-, uf heat nr cold, 1 f eaiinj or drink na, t. il ls to pi' duce liupiirily of th hi ml ; thus iu c r. u'.ni n laciiu s laiuuid ; the ery tiu'i'irv . f I lo me ( '"-T-nl i and il.u fust cunse. pmue la .hat the LiOW Kl.iS Ucome COTI'K. When the bowels are costive ihey rcq iire ih d i ministiaiion of II R AN DUE PI I'd PILLS, which, clare war, she will be a severe sufferer from the consequences. A few more days must determine what her course will In1. Our government has been making every preparation. V. S. troops are now on the frontier o! 'Texas, ready to repel any attack or invasion. War with Mkxk . Since the above was in type, we learn, that the .Mi xn an (iovernmeht in council have ic-olve.l upon war, but l ave thought proper to h ave it to the Chauibeis to decide. 1 . . . 1 . . . . 1. 1. 1 .. ..1 i.:....i.. and unitorm.and that the article is dearer now I 6,1"- a" ",s vo,,, s .... . ...... ... bvl-,s.lo IU per nn.rlerlhan it was a. an ar.Unt and uncompromising Ir-u-nd ol that mea- ... 1 1 sure. ciirresK.ndiiijr period 111 July. At l.tverpinl : . .. ' ' , We cordially mute in expressing our most on llip last market da v, rorei(n r lour improved ... ,. , ,. ., ... ... 1 ' lamest desire that elr bright may be the noun- from'Js. .0 per barrel, and W heat iquvards , ((. Ue (, ,.moi.ra,ii: at,Vi vo hjv? of :i,. per TO lbs. As a huge mpply wdl be rit;rt. ,.nfll,lll.e iu lt, llol,t.!.,y ., i.,,.r aC. i looked f..r from N rth America, where tl e re. lis ,,!,, ;CJ ,,1 i , ,0 f U k , and believe that with him cent accounts represent the new crops up oeing ,, t ?to ticket tl.e democrat y of Old Northuui- pr.difie, the subject is ofthe last importance to ' t,c.t,a wout . triumphantly victorious our commercial readers, and to it we direct : Mami Ihmocrulsrf Ituxh. services to the l.eneial ( .overiiiiieiit 111 case ol war wilh Mexico. The ship Kalamaoo sailed from New York on Friday, for Texas, with I'nited States Co vernment troops on board. Lkttkus ok Maii.ii k ami RkI'Iiism.. The Philadelphia Ledger says, we heard it stated on Saturday last, by an intelligent officer of the I. States Covernmeiit, that Mr. Polk was deter mined, in case of a war with Mexico, lo make a teuible example ot any foreigners, not belong- 1 ' following aie the resolutions pass, d 11. coun imr f i t,.v ii-n sir rvirtioii 1 1 tlm tt'ftr 1-t111 rn:tV . ' ... .... i !-. - attempt a!rr$ioiifi upon Anirricm roniincrrc mulct- rnlnr of littirt nt' nuirdiit t'rnni tlif Mi'xi- '. nn Coeari.mont 11a U-1 I .iil'u nr.l.ira I.i i Naval commanders to treat all such adventurers ' , a" 1 ,,r ""rs ,l'0 1 l'"v'' ,r",,, "" ,,""1 '""y Mt 1 or rv,'n ,KU ' ' r -M-ai. :, two as .irites as in reality Ihey will be It w ill be ' ',lvill'''d it, it shall declare the nation at war with per quarter I iVeponileiico is to be placed in the : and a quarter nii'ea in length, remains tube easy to distinguish then, by language, and a few I ,a"'8 01 N," ,,, America . accounts from tl.e Baltic ports, tl.e produce of cnslrucled, lor which propo-als lire now under examples, it is thought, w ill he sufficient to put A,IT- -' "lf "'.ject of ibis war shall be to se- , Wheat iu the districta where it is most exten- I coiiHaleratiun, liamiiig $ill,(KKh If it should a stop to their cowai.lly, dii-honest and murder- ' r"rt' ,'" 'utegriry ofthe Mexican t.rritoiy, ac- lively grown is likely to he very deficient. At I Ihi let nut at tin cum the entire out'ay fjr com. cms op. rations. The Mexicans have but a very cording to its ancient limits, acknowledged by ; )nM.ij, a r,HH deal of ppecillaliun lias been gtw j pit ting the Canal for operation w ill not b" limited marine, and have scarcely energy or i n- i "'" 1 t"" '1 Mates 111 treaties iro.n ti.e jear !.. ((n B)i rrire p1,a (r( p,,r nartPr j ,r,. t18n .4 lli,(KH less by jsT-MNMIor -Sl MKKI their altention. Kven with fine weather, it is -Ainu i.t: 1 Fiom lie- moment when the su- ' h.-lieved. so low are the stocks, Ihit the recent WwoNisro Caxai. The whole of the i.n- govci.niiicut shall knuw that the depait- advance will he maintained ; and, if the worst finished work mitl.e lino ot thist anal lias been ment ol 1 exas anuexe.i itseii to iiie.ymeii- . apprilieiisinns reinzeu, neai, in less man a all 'Ited to cotilractur.-5, who oblige tlieiiiselyes pe ulcnce of the to ISlii, and to insure tho nation. Cod and Liberty ! Mexico, July CI, 1M V I. US O CCKVAS." Staok Ac. ii'LN r. On Sunday rr orning the be to pursue tl.e course w hit h the Presidei.t has ' jr,,!, jlis.t t al, U1.,:i,,.nt happened to the mail already n.aiked out, and pi-iush them as pirates. 11k was a anii tiiev took III M in A stranger lioui Ohio, at St. Louis, on the (ith inst , was enticed into the field west of the Mound maiket, iu the ravine, by two men, who knocked him dow n and robbed him of his watch and money the latter about Jt'O. After the rob bery, one of the robbers drew a knife, and was in the act of cutting his throat, w hen the other in terfered, uud saved his life. Poth the villains were arrested. One of them is named John Lit tUjohn, chut Pvte Mi.iiay. tula, Ills, to litis, have been real ed. At Ros tock and the lower Uiltic ports i Is. per quarter, free 011 board, have been given, and even at these rates only a limited quantity could be had. stage, while descending the Puck Mountain, near ! t Stettin nearly the eamo rates have ruled. free oi hoard, have, it is said, lM-en piid. For i than the most sanguine friends ol Ihe under suplies received from the interior, down ihe Vis j taking anticipated. The tuine letter slates that arrangements are now making for replac ing the rails on the I.ykens Valley Railroad, which h) and a half miles long, with a descending grade from the coal mines lo the Wilkesbarre, Pa. Th? stage had but jiut com meuced the descent, when the shot s became loose from the wheels, and the coach run against the horses ; this frightened the animals, and they set off at a full gallop, which ended in the coach being upset and dashed to pieces. The driver had his leg fiactured and his back badly hurt ; there was a lull load of passengers, but foitu nately they escaped without injury. The driver was named Jacobs, ai. I it it said he has died uf the injuries received. In short, tht least additional t-xciteiner.t would send up the price of Wheal alarmingly all over Kurope." A Foi'r-story Bi'ii.tu, designed for a cotton factory, is now in course of erection in Al leghany city, Pa. The owners, Messrs. Kenne dy, Childs it Co., expect to have it iu operation about the commencement of next year, and in tend driving seven thousand spindles The cost ofthe factory, it is ebtimuted, will be f 100,000. Can si. by esciiing a c.unninlioii, or tccelersicJ movement Roth the Railroad and Canal will be in that orgun, will occasion all moihid contents to completed early in the coining summer. Ci xrowiirR. A large number of kegs of pow der were seized at St. Lous, a few days since, be expelled, then by producing puiity to lh Moid and heslih to the whole frame. fXj Purchase of II. U. Masser, Sunhury, or of i ilia Buenla. l.llhlii.he.1 in n.i.h.i, n.,l nl.lii.ii.n,. for being at the wharf in the Steamboat Swallow ' mmlm BBBBBsm snsassaaasaaBsaKsHBaBM contrary to law. The Mayor finally permitted the steamboat and cargo to depart for the Upper 11 II! II, At Y.-U- r.ortln nnlU 1 0l k in.t Mr CUtt' Mississippi. If an accidental spark had blown , AL AL'RAN I), age.l 47 years. Mr. Auiand was the steamboat to pieces, the owners, no doubt, i a,1 ,,lp "n,e o(1 Ui;at P- S's'1' Recorder of ... . ,n . . i Union county would have given plenty of affidavits to ihow , j,, , his place, on Wednesday evening, the if th that no gunpowder was on board. ,, AARON ROBINS, aged about CO yeats.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers