terms oiljyiiijrAatEnicAx.' H. B. MASSER, i pu JOSEPH EWBI.Y. $ Panraiitrnas. . JZ. JiJISskR, Editor. Ofice in Ccnti f .1lltjj,in tht rear nf 11. II. Mat ,,' Stare.) THE" AMERICA N"U published e rer Satur day at TWO DOLLARS er annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. No subscriptions weired fur A 1e period than it mouths. All communication or letter an business relating to the olBcc, to insure attention, kiuat be POST PAID. .1, 1 1 '! J .' 1 .J 11 1 1 . 1 1 1 H. 3. lASDE?s, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUIfBTJRTT, PA. Ytuslncss titlcndej lo in the Counties of Nor Oiurpl erhiud, Fiiinn. Lycoming and Columbia. ltrlVr lo. Tho t is H aiit Sc (Jo., l.owrn A II tit mi. Habt, Ccmmivb iSt Haiit, '.'( Ilatl. Kkt noi.iir, Mc Kaiii.m ii iV Co. .fr-HUHI so, 'JllOII (V '.,., sniiVi-iiT s PAT K XT riXill.S Machine hi now h en tested by more r"" "r," ih! ,i .i i h irh I nil I ' li.is Riwti entire satisl.clum. ' o simple in it. ; a nstruction, that it canno.' C"t ""I "f nr.hr. Ii I rcatai,, n iron to in t, soil no -p.iiiRsor roller In , eel out of repair. Ii will d.i tw.re a much wash-' ing.w.lh less than hall the w.arai.d tear ofan of the I He inventions, and wh it is of renter in per lance.ii cost bill lit le over bull' us much as other ' Washing machine. j The Mibsrrihrr h ihn exclUMve ri(ht for Nor- : tbumbt-rrfftid, l.'nion, I. (Miiiii;tf. Coltnubii, i"' 7, me and Clinton cuutics. I'rice f '; ! Tlie f.,lowi.,R ce.tifirate ' fio.n a few of those ' trim have ihe.-e iiMcliiues in use. Sunbuty, Aub. 21, ISH. 1 We. ibe stil seribers. certify that we have now in u-e, in mir fiinilira, "tSluiceit s riilenl h- i ! ii . v . .. . . ... ni(.' M.ictone, and ilo not lutHte sij liia! tint It l n must i xei lb ut invi inieii. Tint, m Wn-hing, ) il will -live more than one lia't the usual labor. j Tl.m it dot- net n-ijuiie more than one (bird ihe j .1 : i- . I ... . .....I iki il ..... iseni iiiiiiiiii ill -i, oi lino -o i , mm ni l, ' - . . . s ii,i rii'iliimr. mi l consi nueiulv. I'ttie or no wear ..r i. Briuu'. I'h .t il kooi l.rf. fl' no bullous, and that the fines! clohes, si.e i as collar'., lair, lurks, frills. &e., may be d ashed in a ve y short lime ' MliiHHil i mi- ii'ii,., injury, nun in me! v-,i.iu ioiv 0iparen' wear nd tear, uhatev. r. We ihrref n ( lii erlollv ri'i'iiiuioeiid t l our f ieinls ami to the I'Ublic, B a lliot.1 u-efol anl l ib r -avini; in irliine. en m;i.i:s w. m:t;is, A. JOHHAN. VMS WEWRR. (Mis PI.E SANTS. (5lUEO MAUKl.R. lion. C. WEI.KER, lll'.M. HENDRICKS. Gil'EO.N I.EISE.NIU.Vt!. llriui's IIiitkl, (forniirly Tromont HoU'-e, No. 110 Closuut etac:,) riiiUdcIphia, September 2Ui, 18-M. I have used Shlltferl's P.ileot Washing Machine in tnv hou-e upwards of embl month-, and do nut hesitate lo av that I deem it oi of the mo t use ful and vaiuilile hbor-taving machines ever ioven led. I formerly k 1 1 two won en coi.tiiiunUy or copied in iishiiii, who imw do as much in two days as liny lion did in one week. There is no wnir or tear ill vvuKhmi. and il require not more than one-tliiril the uual iiuaimtv ot soup. I Imc bad iniiiiUr of other m climes in mv fsm ly. bul t this isso decidedly siqsri,., to every 1 hi nj else, and j so li lle holile lo tji-t mil of n pur, Ibul I would nut i ...i . i, . . .i no wunoui one n uuy siioui.i eosr leu nines uu i.rice ihev ate sold lur. DNIKI. HEKR. ' UMl.Iti:i-!.AS PAllASOLS, cheap ron cash. I'inlne!l;i ;inJ I'lirnsul Alanul'iK-lorv. An. 37 Ao'ft Z'iiml ftrrri, ieo ir Lelmc llit CJl'Y HOTltli I tl I I H l V I l ll 1 St . A V.'.Vf "" ""T ."l-"ck. ' V" JA ItKKI.I.As hii I PA It M U.S. iiirlu imi! the h.i.-t ii.-w sile oi Pinked E.led Para-o.s of ihe (.est woikoi ii.s ni nod nt.it. rial, in puces lliat will make it mi nhjecl iot!ouiilr Meicl.au s and nlher- to call and iijiione hia M.sk b. for- juiicha-iiii' r'sfwhere Ke- "' IK4.ri Iv s3 SPANISH A II TANXKKS' OH :)) D y 1. 1 l'lit i lii.h fir-t qiiailiy :i."0 Dr L-i Iniiia. do IOOO Dry Ka'ilid Li li'u ra. do tiOOO Diy Sa i d lir yil Hides, do :J." lla'es (,'rceii S.ilii.l I'atua Kips. " Male Dry Pa n Kips. 1'iO lianela Thiii.i is' Oil. 'I'anoer-' and Cni'ti is' Tools, For sale In Country Tanner ut the lowest prices Hnl iii oo the heM terms, N. II. The luhi hi iiiuike.l prices p lid for all Linda ofhuther. D. KIRKP.VTfilCK ,V SON'S. No. 21,Soiiii I lord St. Philidelphta. SeptrniLir 14. IMt. ly. " rj- , fl i- r nii"r v ; i:t a HiLs: con poiad, niR tii. rink or i) v s p i; ps i a. M ally, lf.ni mil couvicu. n mi n i superior lo any other medicine now in u.-e, for Hie cure of ij ... . . . Dyspepsia, l.iver (!'.iii laiii', Nervous Deliiliiv or lbhlily Weakness. &c. Its . ffecta have been tested in a private practice of near rlchl rears, and It is now more extensively , ',i . ..r ,.. hav. r... reived the nio siitn.il benefit Iroin ihe u-e of it. , in. iiiiiui'iiiij nut, ,i,....K u in on ... , inm' rniri. iiirniu hi iiia.iuu iu ii.it luaui ui iiiis mv ,l.,P! !. sTMi C... Mauh It. Dh. (JroanE W. Aitaa. Veur S,r .--U i. with Breat pleasure that 1 '. "JZjyWl r.asi exia iieoce. 1 firmly believe that in eieht rasea eul of len.lhe Dy'l-entic, by the use of your medi cine, may emin ly rid himself of this thorn in ihe pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic eases, but in all ctaes of couatipaliun, anJ ditcases depending on adiluhlated stale of the nervouSi.ysieiii, toge ther with a toipid state df Ihe bowels, will your E lilir be found of inratim.ible value. Numemus in Munct'f wherein lb usefulness of ihe medicine ha been realised, may tie foi warded, if required, I wi.h yuu great auccess, arid recommend the mi'dl cin lo the autfenug pari of mankind. Youis, with great respect, ROBERT AtiNKW.M. D. For aate at Ihe atore of H. B. Maaaer, agent for ihe propneior, Sunbury, Pa, Octouer 3(ih, 184 4. 1 BUNB1JR AMERICAN. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL; Absolute acquiescence in the decj.,iun 0f the Ily IInsscr & F.Nrly. TO MY Wlt'f 1 on the axsivmisakv oi' urn vkimnc-diV. i I which was also in.it nittTii-DAV, Willi a I kink : j An Fxchange papr .ay one of the most beau- attributes to nr. affectionate, t, ued.ca. ted wife, which we remember bavins seen, is the following, written some eighty years ago by tin ,.- c(,ri,vir,atl namiM, umm. Bishop. Few ..... ariread such lines without believing that the author was an amiable and happy man : 'Thee, Mary, with this rin I wed" So, loiiiteen years ao, I said, Pchohl another rim' ! 'For what'' .To wed thee o'er auain !' Why not ? ,,h ,,,at firt rln2 1 mnrr"'(' yo,,,h. f!raee, beauty, innocence and truth ; Tate Ion? admired, sense lontr reveied, AlMal my yMv ,!. nppeared. . " . .. Il she, hv merit, since disclosed, ' I'rove twice the woman I nipposcd, J plead that double merit, now, -y0 justil'va double vow ,, , , . , . . . Here, t heii. tn-i a v wit i l.ntli as sure with ardor us intense, as pure, ,s when, amidst the rites divine, j took thy troth, and plighted mine,) i To thee, sweet girl, my second rinjj ' token and a pledge I bi inj? ; u'it'i this T wed, till death us part, The riper viitues of Ihy heart ; Those viitues, which, before untried, , The wife has added to the bride ; Those virtues, whose progressive claim , I'.iicb arin" wedlock's very name, My soul enjoys, my son approves, I For conscience sake, as well as love's And why ? they show me every hour ! Honor's hijih thought, AlTection's power, j Discretion's deed, sound Judgment's sentence, I And tench me all things but repentance. ' ANOKKW JACKMW, The following beautiful and th ipi.-ut tribute ' to the memory of Andrew Jack-on, taken Iroin I the Dublin Freeman's Journal, of July Pith last, iloserves a tir-rusal bv all. The character ,if np ,, -.,' . i-..-:,...,.. i, art ru. " . 1 ii inirnnitpi in iii eountrv or Ins ancestors , i y appreciated in the country of his ancestors ' as in his own, and it cannot but be gratifying to I Americans to find Inm admired in other lands ' as the champion of Freedom, whilst his name is enrolled in their records and enshrined in their memory, side by side with those of Wash inpton and Franklin : j UrntH of flrmial .Tnrl:nn, ! A packet ship arrived til Liverpool on Tues- ! day last, furnishes us, though having but one . 1 ' . ' " , , , , day's niter news from America, with tbedeep.y I to he lamented tidings of ( neral J.ick.-oli's j je(,) Tis, , VP! ,(H)ti ,,,, st ,rV;lt,. ... ,. ,. residence, the "I Ii rmltage. III tne western : state id '1 emu s; ee, mi the f Jone last, in the 7-ih year of his age. AuoIJ coiurade in uriiis, hurry nig to the veterun s dying bed, to abide wi-h li'io in tin- ti nil coiill.cl; which it is the lot of all men lo suslain, met his physician ii tin. way, proclaiming that the btro was no more. We can imagine how this intelligence lias been receue-J throng! o it Amer ca. Friends palsied with a m lden gru f, and they who were once his foes, now Voluble ulogiels ! his ha- racier. Over his grave there i. heard but one eiish of universal sorrow. II s death is indeed a national calamity (obis countrymen, aud a wide void left in ihe ranks of umiihno J PI.......I. f... I, , ...... ..I... I ;..... .. public life, the orncle, meinoriibie for truth nnd age llius veiled in honored privacy, was heard in the farthest and respected in the highest quiiilerr). His very muttering were treasured by the favored few, w ho lately mv him face to: ; nJ (,(, W()r , (n,u xh ,h.cided the . destiny ol Ins Ciiulinriit. A great career, in- j deed, IJ closed ; a luminary has pone down in Ul(J wps, am, ,)lH ,..lt,, Wli lltt!j Cl)lue out tu us, across the waters, I A ,., !.,,. i... i .e. ll !,..! ; .. ,,. I,,..., ,-,,.,' 1 oak : and ill his fall the Mem and all the brunch- - s - ! ,s were shaken. Kin.rs die of, en and Ihe com- ! lhn) er() C()lllU).rorg rih ,,own ,ie prrci. pice- of i(e lo ,cir owll udtnir, but tho fair of. c,, .d merciful h, war, I straiirhtihrward and iiicorruntible iu peace, who ! made his arm a shield and his po ver beloved, cannot be sustained by any country, how ever rich in public virtue, without the sense of be reavement which is never entirely forgotten. The new world has lost a second Washington in death, for though their characters may differ somewhat their moral construction was the same. Times and temperament modify the o peralion of similar principle, and so with them. Jackson waa more ardent, more tenacious, more of the iron cast of Napoleon in hia action. Ho w ai a man of unparalleled firmnus in the camp mnjotity, the Vital principle of Republics, from which Mmfoiiry, oi tlitniibcrlaitd Co. n ml in the cabinet. Made as if to mould the. future national character of America, his own was deeply marked with all the great Republi can lineament.". And ho Las impressed limi ne I ('more deeply- than any'otlier man, Washing ton or 1'ranklil) not excepted, on the general j character of hi? people. I le lias given them a boundless tiatiniin! nnibition an amhitti n not j to enslave hut to liberate not tocentraline, but i to diffuse pnwn not to Iteap wealth in one imperial fortress-, but to partition its influences, . j anil scatter its advantage over the area of the to literary acquirements, l,niy Hlessinton can I confederacy: not be. rsted remarkably hioh. Slie is lively, (lem ral Jackson wa. horn in March, l?fi7, j p:iuaut, and pleisint mid her literary soirees, of Irish parents. While yet a hid, he entered i depite the scandalous rumors already alluded i the army of the Revolution, and carried his J to, are a match fur Ropers' breakfasts. Rut I musket tlirouph thn war of Independence. The ! preateet event in his mililary career was the j proud prerogative, lie enjoyed, ol terminating I by one master stroke the war with F.iiL'land of lSliJ-'lo. On tho banks of the Mississippi, at I St'w Orlems, he encountered the veterans of j the Peninsula, and their serried host were le velled with the marshy waste, which they had j polluted by their presence. In punishing the ' incursions of the Indians, his usual fortune at , tended h rn civilized skill and ravage wile j were alike broken before him. There ptew up in America, alter the second , wur v it 1 1 Moohind, a moneyed motif poly, called i ! Uie Lmtoil Mates ISink. I his great machine, ! i in the hands of reckless and negligent men, ' woiid, it suilered to exist, have long since ion- I j pard.zed the liberties and the prosperity of Unit j whiskers, which almo.-t eonceali d the hour j country. Jackson was made President, and he j pari nf Irs face, and meet, in monstrous hu-ln-, overthrew, by an exertion of his darmp peniu-, j ties, under Ins well shaped chin aud so is Irs j this dangerous enormity. The factious railed, complexion. Seen in profile. Ins features are j and the avaricious conspired apainst him ; ne- j exquisitely regular; bu' Mill there is an unman ; vcr wait Matesinen so butted by the snarling e- y .softness a preltiness which ill becomes a I missuries ot a bastard aristocracy ; ho stayed i lord of the crcati.ui. about it. 11 is dress was not lo retort or to hear, but working under the I fury o! Ihe storm, with a faithful few, he swept away this standing army of usurei9 as corn- ' pletely as he bad swept a way the hosts of Pack- j taken with his toilet. A'terall the tailor bad ; eiiham. Too public voice nt lust was heard in I n poml deal to do with his Cmiiitship and it , his defence, ami ho was placed a second time j there is one thing on earth which is-more ridicti ! in tho chair ot the Presidents. In his eight j Ions than another, it is the man who only lives '. years ot (.llice he gave a new complexion to A- j for his looking-glass, merican politics, and one w hich has never since j Rut Count D'Orsny is by no moms a brain been changed, less bean. Few men are more Rccompl.shed ! Wec'innot here enter at length into the con- ,,f 1 t " i m i- man. We say illustrious, tint in common place of senseless cnlorv, but b. 1 - ' cause we consider (hat pre.it integrity, williont pretension, ambition without n'llishness, and riiccess without arrorBnce, are among the best lilies tn that high appell ilie. The world has known no man more pure than Jackson. Ame rica will feel his less most iulimaicly. Rut why should not we here, throughout the heroV of Lady Ryron, whom I saw at Clifton, about fatherland, give Voice ti deep regret and tit- three years ago. 1 do r.ot know that I might t teranceloour melancholy pride in the depart- cla.-s li-r among authoresses ; but she is so in ed ! The home which his parents loved the ! timately connected with lilernry tna'ters, that a alter where they wert! married the last spot ' -light sketch ofher may nut hu without inter ot Irish soil they saw may he unknown, hut Ihe ; est. f.iiuo of their son reflects hack upon their conn- Lady Rymn frequently t ikes up lu r tempo try Inn broadly and brightly to he confined to j rary rei iilence at t'lc place 1 have just mention- h calities, or have limits less extensive Ihuu his island. liven in h' life he was proud of his desrent, and his liart would plow at the sight Hf any ol Ireland's humblest sons. While a grateful people over whose growth be has watched, for whose rights he braved death in j ihe field, and the tury of a strong bad faction in peace w hllo toey are rendering due honor to , is virtues, his services, nn. I his example, some sf,n Ireland, banished bv misiule, will, we trust, us a representative ot Ihe people of the hero's fathers, mingle in Ibeir grief, and cliiiiii ' as a sad prerogative of Ins h:rlhrig!.t, to mourn lor the illustrious dead. I'r ! Ri-rinir "e autlior ot ine l en ami uu, n'i''"'. l'"' alludes lo the Countess ol Rlessmgt .n. nnd l'Or-uy, as he sa w them in one ofthe LmJon Theatres : "In a side box of tho second tier sat a lady, whose name at that period scmdal was rxtrei ' . , ly tu.-y Willi. I. el us, lunvever, nope inai in her case 'common llil.nor was a couiinon Liar.' , W1)g the CounteSH of Rlessingtoii. And well . . . .. , might Uird Ryron, in speaking ot her, call her ; 'most jrorgeous Lady Ulessuigtou,' for seldom have inorlal eves resloiJ on a more iiianuiuceni . ... ...... - . I - I pecnneti woman kind In this instance, ali ' ' "'' "'' ,,cr i'" ordinary beauty, which had gathered from published portraits, were more than realized, al'.hoiigh it was evident that her ladyship had passed the po nt ... per- tectimi. Sho was rather moro fi 6o-i ;! than I expected to have aeei: her but what in others' would have been a defect, seemed, in her case, to bo an added charm. As she care lessly leaned against the pillar of her box, she realized llyron's description her from. "Heine somwhat large. and languishing and lazy, But of a beauty that would drive you crazy." She was elegantly, and, almost as a matter of course, simply dressed. A black velvet dress displayed her superp figure to the best advantage her hair waa disposed in much the tame mode 3 we see tn portrait of there is no appeal hot to force, the vil.il principle In. Snlurdnj, Augmt 23, IS 15. Queen Victoria, and a single row nf1arge pearls ! encircled her head a pearl necklace, a ili.i mond stomacher, and a plain gold bracelet, were her only extra personal adornment. It would he absurd in mo t ) attempt n descrip tion of l.ady T51".-pin!nii style of beauty, the engraved portrait of her, by S t Thomas Law rence, whieh every ottc has seen, '.vill convey nil the inlormntion that ta tieceesory on this point. Neither Cbalon nor Paris have at all suceeeded in port ray in jr her. With ret-pect am nur I need not detain the reader with fur- titer particulars re.-pectino; one ofwbotii wiliis has written so much and so wrll. Stiudinp behind l.ady H'essitipton, and tanii- iarly ruiivcmiirj will) her, was the famous 1 Count DOrsay, " The (ilnos of liisliiou and the mould of lioni." Count !),( )rs ay is a son. hi. law of the 'oiie. te.-s; but ulthoiiiih tiepurated from his wife, lie, is on very food terms with her mother. As lie stood, Ins line form rt In vi d by the drapery of! I lie 0"., in: ci-riiiiiny appeareti lo tie one ol the bt.'cl lookiu. ami certainly ihe very le-st ilrescd man I ever haw. I say one ol ihe best lookio;-; lor he by no means carries nway the palm in (his respect, lie is rather elleminate tliuii other- wise in face. Mis bur h lipht snare his j faultless in color and cut perfectly pl iin mid simple, nnd lining to a nicety, hut I could not help smiling at Ihe pains he roust hnve than he. He is a graceful sketcher an excel lent musician and his recent statute of the Duke nf Wellington prove him to bo an able art st. Alas! nil these aids could not savehmi j from the rude prip of a Sher.flV idlieer: lortho Count has been recently a prisoner for debt, and ' nm not sure Hi it he is ii"t yet within four walls, liirnishmg "I uncli Ii" with materia! for Ihe ' Dos-ay Pottrails." Writing just now nf ,ird Ryron. reminds me : ed, nm! it w as during one of her i.-ds there that ' I saw her, with Lady King, (now the Coiiutes- ol Ixivelace.) the "Ada"ot Lord Uyrou's poems, strol.ing through Ihe Xsi'ogi. ni (iirdens, on i Clifton Down. As they stood be'ore the ele- ' phant, f. t iling ihe animal w ith fruit and cukes, ' I had a good view ot both. , Lady R, roll's countenance w as anv thing but ' prepossessing, and I should think it never could i have been handsome. There was a shrewish ,Mik about it, and as much pride in tho whole expre-sioti as 1 ever remember tulnve seen dis- ; fi-utp a hiininn countenance. I'erhans trouble ; might ha .-e done its work, and ploughed those 1 dm liiinl'ul lines ; or the constant cliort to sh i contoinnt f.Tthe world's .minimis or conjecture, ; ny have chilled the heart, und so fro.,. n upihe . ,ir,.s n.pu!siveness. Whatever may j ( M,(. b(l.u h(. c:ill!l, f(, ,t wis the widow ot j j),,. nrent poet looked anything but amiable, 'Adu'' vvasr a fine, buxom girl,-with a gosl ; humored, not e ver int. Lcctuhl cast of counle- ! ' ,aee. I look. il in ,nn tor some resemtiiaoce i t0,nn who has lininortal,.e.l hi r name. She 1 seemed lo he mightily amused bv the monkey, ; . w,o were gambolling in a large cage ; and I ! .c, ,, ..,,. daughter ot R., rou's "i -e nn. I ,1.1 at the ti-.eks of a . i.eait scieauin heait" scieaiiinig w lib di i Champan.-e. Ret'ore I clo.-e this pi; Oer. I wou'il say a lew j wrds rcsp. dug an r..vUli lady, whose l.i-l,.- ry us u woman b ib been as ioel .i,. i.o y us her I , - a lV.es has be,, 1, 1 j hide to tho giltcd daughter ol Richard Uraiiisley Sheridan Mis. Norton I saw her once, and only once; it was at one ofCarlylo' lecture. Hut her' was a face, w hich once looked upon can never be forgotten. 1 had heurd iiuch of beauty, and seen some lino specimens of it, but until I saw Mis. Norton, 1 never knew w hat iith lit ctutil loveliness in re ality was. It seemed a if nature had lavished all the treasurea it could command, in order to furnish . tittiiifj tabernacle for so brilliant a mind to inhabit. Her complexion wa very pale and clear, and hci hair, jet black, wa simp- ami iinmedia'e parent of despotism. Jr.rrr.mo. Vol. ft--.o. IN-niiole Xo. 25. 'y braided on either side of the head, and cunfi neu ny a iitatnomi circlet tienmci. Her eyes wcrfl hifpe, dark, and lustrous, yet femininely soft in their expression ; tho nose was pure , t? , . I.... . . i- : . .. . .t. 1:.. I l .1.:- .. i:i . ..iee.au , me. ,.1Trr . L..r eu u mm, v. nusi tho lower was full, and both were of the richest , coralline hue. Her neck ami throat were grace- j fully motild. d.and the bust and figure exqui-j sit.-ly proportioned. Rut. it was tho spirit which liphted up that beautiful fe.t.nle, which, after all, formed its chiefrst attraction. No one could j naze on Mrs. Norton for an instant, without j feelmp that he was in the presence of penius. : Well has she been called the. Ry ron of Poetess- j e. jstie lias nil mo lervor oi tno preai poet, ami for iinp.issionate rloquetice and sterling poeti cal vipor she has not a rival. S-v rely Ins the admirable poetess antl es timable woman hern persecuted ; but fhe has cotiio fnrtli from the furnace, without cen tho smell ol fire upon her raiment. In the opinion ; of all wlios.! pood opinion is of any value, she cannot st mil higher than she does: and by that le st and truet verdict, the peneral voice of ,,r cuniitrv wienrii, she stands guiltless, whilst i(T ,),., .u.,,h'e enemies are scorned ami con - tr.n,md. I have deemed it but ripht to say lint much nn a subject which is all important, j so fir as regards the fame of a true poetess anil imble-ln urted woitih. otherwise I would never have adverted to it Mrs. f 'ittiillr's t'lirliilii l.rrlnre. MitN Cm im.i:, w i vitim nf M okhi i:. has "a ; ii!i' nrsiKK to si:k FitNfK." Rless me, aru't Voll tired, Cuulle ! No? Well, w:is there ever such a man ! Il it nothing tlniis,oo. -ifiiousi, innii,ifyn-" iiu'i J j hi .. . .V. 1 1 ....... .....I l . i on , i i-j., t. no i .1 II I emi lit. I lltn.- m in 11 I HI Wh:-t ? No an I! And I wonder what Would ! - - - become of the children if I d d ! No; it's e- iioiieh for their father to lose his precious t mie, i talking alaml politics ami bt,hops, and lords, and a pack of people w I.e. would'nt cMre a pin if we hadn't a root-to cover us-,-s well enough for- no. Caudle. ,,o; I'm not gomg lo worry you ; I never worried Vou vet, ut:d it isn't likely I should begin now. Put that's always the way with ty alwa I'm sure we should he the j hapi iest couple nl.ve, only you doso like to have j all the talk n yourseif. We're out upon plea sure, ai.il tin rehire t's lie comfortable. Still I must say it ; when you like, you're an aggra vating man. Caudle, and you know it. "What have yell done now !" There, now ; we won't ttisl'l it. X'o; lei's po to sleep; o- Iherwise, weWTiall quarrel I know we shall, i rPinained at home ; and it wasagsinst my will What Ion e you done, indeed ! That I can't ,.v,.r c,ln. here; I should never thought of leave my heme for a tew das, but I must be in- France ; but to have it staring in one's face a'l sultnl ! I'.v. ry body upon the pier saw it. day, and not to be allowed to go; ii's wnrsu Sm what !' How can you he there in the j ,),, cruel, Mr. Cundlu ; il's brutal. Oilier bed and ask me! Saw w hat, huh ed ! 'I i people can take tlie'r w ives tu Paris, hut yn'l coutse it was a planned lliing regularly set- n!ways keep mo moped up at home. And what lied b More you I-t London. Oil yes! I like ; ,,r I Why, hat I may know nulhing ; ye--, vmir inui.cnice, Mr. Cmniie; not knowing what just on purpose to make tne UkiIw little, and for I'm talking about. It's a heart-breaking thing . nothing else. tiir a wnii. an to say of her o.wi husband; but! "Heaven hless the woman! I la T you've you've le-en a wicked man lo me. Yes ; and j,0()i r,,ns, t, uy that, Mr. Cmdle; lor I'm all your tossing and tumbling about in the bed i Mire ,,1, ,,te hles-ed by you. She's been won't make it any better. j k..pt prisoner all her life h is never gone .n y (Hi. it's ea- enough local! a woman 'a dear j where oh yes.! that's your old excuse t.ill;- so'..' I must be very ..'ear indeed, to you, when j m.y to ihe children. I want you to go to I'm nee, jo. i bringdown M is." I 're I ly nm ii to there now, 1 an,i should like to know what the children ymi needn't shout like a w ild savage ! Do you ; have lo do with il ! They're not babies mow know lin t you're not in your own house do uro they! But you've always thrown the did Vwu kno v that we're in lulgings 1 What do (Jren in my faco. If Miss Prettytnun there you suppose the peoph; will think of us ! You j now ; do you hear what you've done ,houting needn't cull out in that manner, for they can ' in that nnnner ! The other lodgers are knock hear every word that' s ud. What you sny .' j ing overhead : who do you think will have tho Why roii't 1 bold my tongue, then ! To bo filCe to look at 'em to-morrow morning! 1 ehan't sure ; anything for an excuse with you. Any. breaking people's rest in that way ! Ihmg to st.p my mouth. Miss Pretty man's to j "Well, Caudle I declare it's getting day follow yon here, and I'm to say nothing. I i light, and what an obstinato man you are! tell i know she A,. to lowed Jou; uml II you were to . .. . . g..b. li.re a nnieisiMte, mid a shilling oath to the cotiiiary, I would not believe you. No, (.' in. he ; I wouldn't. Yery well l;ieu !' I la ! what a heart you must have, tn say 'very w.11;' and artel the wife I've been tn Von. I'm In bo brought from my houie dragged down here In Ibe sei-side to be laughed al I tOore the wor'd don't tell me ! )o yon think I did not see ho.v she looked nt you how she puckered up her farthing mouth , and what 'Why did I ki-s her then ! WI,..lV liiat to .!.. will, il ! Appearances r i ! ii. i,,g Mr Cui.f'e; nn, I feelings ure another. ! I . I , .. mum llw .r uithoiil , vs I. wounn . "i ' ' , lio u.ip ' ai:V thing by It ' u.'lll ,' tltiV llllllg I'V It " .'"'I "i 1 iou.li; 1. " ' .. . , . , i , .. i i ....m M.e v,i ,,o U-il a: cold ami as loruiul hi tier as J well, C.u.ilu ! I woiildu I be the hjpocrite you uro for tho world ! There now, I've heard all that story. I dare sny she did come .low n to j.iii her firother. I low very lucky, though, that you should be hero ! Ha! hu! how very lucky that ugh! ugh ! and with Ihe cough I've cot noon me oh, you ve heart like a seaside flint! Yes, that right. That' jut like your Immunity. I cun't Ciitc'.. a cold, hut it must bo my own fault ; it nr.iM be my thin shoe. I dare say you'd like n Ute me in p'oughman's lasils j t' would I',, no matter to you how 1 dishVured m)e!'.', Mi, Pretty man' foot, How, would he ur.othcr thin jj no uoubt. I'l RC'I'S OF AITIgTISIX. I square 1 insertion, fO BO 1 tin 3 do . 0 75 I do 3 d, . . . . 1 OA Kery subsequent insertion, . 0 SS Yearly Advertisement s one column, f 25 half column,? 18. three square, f 12 ; two squares, f 9 i one squaie, .r. Ifalf-yenrly : one column, f 1 8 ; half column, 12 ; three square, f 8 j twosqtian s, f .) ; on qunro, f 'I fill. Advertisement left without direction as lo the length of lime they rc to be published, i!l he continued until ordered out, and charged accord. inlv. (Tj'Sixteen lines make a square. 1 1 .. '-"J-.-1";-"" 1 . i i j 'I thntipht when you would make mo leavo home, I thntipht we werecominp here on plea sure ; hut it's always the way you embitter my life. The sooner tint I'm out of the world the hotter. What do you say ! 'Xothinp V Hut , kmw w)mt ym ,)pftor .fym r hnr , nn,y hnp(, jW, ffpt u,;trr wirt (U Mr Cnwf!t w,ln, , yolM n()t ,ry , Wouldn't you ? I know you. In six yol., fl p my plnc(,. yl g fln(, drea(N riluy niy ,rar children would sufllr for it. ..Caudle, if you roar in that way. the people wiji vo t!!, wnrnin!r t.morrow 'Can't 1 be (,)ipf lPn Yea tliat'a like your artfulness ; anything to make me hold my tonptie. Rut wo won't quarrel. I'm sure if it depended upon me, we miht he as happy as doves. Inn an it and you need not pnmn when I sny it. Good nipht Caudle. What do ynu say ! 'Riesn me ! Well you are a dear soul, Caudlu ; and jf jt wasn't for that Miss Prettyinan no, l'i j nnt tortitrinp vou. I know very well what I'm j doinp, and I wouldn't torture you for the world; ; but you don't know what the feelings of a wdb j are, Caudle you don't. j -Caudle I Fay, Caudle. Just a word dear. 'Weil !' Now, why should yen snap me up in I that wav 1 You want lo oei to sleen V S i do i - -(---( .. . - . I hut that's no reason yon should speak to me i in that manner. You kn" , dear, vou once pro- I miod to take me to Fr mrc. Y' u don t n Co'. Mi ct it 7 es that - hi;., you. ; lect many Ho" y o vn nroin , ei ; -T' or..-- a h' l' -n n u i'imi'i r- eol. Uie ; but I do. - -v Cr T! ... t..-f:. ' What of ' V , . -: leave the ciiil -r. o v. ' . .. ,, ' Nonsense ! ( c. nr. e ; l'i w 1 . o n il : its always iien-ense. O'her m .t I , i their wives half over ihe world but -i a lion it quite euoujli to bring me down to this hoie i t a place where I know every pebble on the j ,)(.ndl i u, aci,!1IlltaI,CPv4.-lrr,. ther,.'-, j lnth,.f , ba 8,.en but the same n,ehir,..sthn j Mn,p j,.v . tl(0 me donkeys; the r-amr eve- j ,,i)t th).n ,,d ,,.r,r(it . M;)r(,llt(. h(i j ,. , ... ..... i . ! an attraction for vou ; Miss Prettyman s here, , . .. " - . , . . . bite an angel ; but the ay in which tluit youi g woman walks the sands at all hours; .'here! there! Iv'e done ; I can't open my lips ubont that creature, but you always storm. "You know that I always w.in'ed to go ti France, and you briu me down here only on purpose that I should see the French clifi's ; ju-f, to tantalize me, and lor nothing else. l! I'd in, .,, , . me, snail i go m nance ; j ' I forget, gay I audio, "my precise answers but I think I gave her a very vvido permission ! to go some here w hereiqaui, though not w ith- ; out remonstrance as to tho place, the went to , sleep." Punch. TlIK CONSI MM ITIOJI. "'TwaS twilight. Seated at the door id" a moss covereil collage, was the pride id the village lovely Piiocbe -Her finely . Doubled form l.tr exqiisilo an! voluptuous hu-t her chssiu uud b uutiliilly chistlled features her sweet I.ps leelliel pearly whiteness and such eyes ! tw tlr r ot I. quid ur.ure set in enow ! all e uubiin d, ' i : iiougu u on ii uie erv He.i.ie Iliiri an id L r : ; ("hie U llslies, I. ,il U;.J .; , .. p, ;i 1H t..,. i , i "Tel! n . ' - .-. y V .... 1 i." I . ' r- ' lllntlll III ' i ' '. 7 ,.., 0l( i,,,,,,, j Any thing-. , y Uro. - n 1st I ; 1,111 k a 1 t dagger in icy l O'lH t lie o Vn, el sus'Vii so no lunger : .y, love y Will you Will yu i" nirir .- He treinid' ! his heart throbbed--she saw lie xHrei dv ' swoon a crimson flush, mantled bar oheek - .Like the rich sunset 'io ath Duli s ky " Sho took his band iu her tiny fingers. pi.j her smiling li'a to In ear, and wlr(itrca "Obid, .v,ai' imthin'thr
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