SK83V - n JH.MMWP" '.". M I "If'? Mistakes In Family Government. tt is fuxtly easier ti find fault with other pimple's family government, than it is to have h perfect system of your own. Yet this is no i.;wn why we ehotild net speak of their errors, mi I avoid them, and mend our own as we find t'ifin out. This in the way to improve. We have given i:p tcolding. It has neither reason, religion, common sense, or experience to recommend it. While there arc ronton ma ny and mighty to justify its total and immediate nhnlitiun. It sours the tomper of children ; so that one thorough scolding prcpires the way tor two or three more. It sours yourown tem per, provided it was sweet, which is a question ifyou are prone to scold ; and thus the more you will have to cold, because yon have be ccinn croserand your children likewise. Kcolding alienates the hearts ut your chil dren. Depend upon it, they cannot love you as well after you have berated them soundly ss ( tin y did before. You may reprove Ih. in with ft r,u tier's and decision, you may punmh with ee vi'i jiy adequate to tlie nature of their offences, mid they will feel the justice of your conduct r.n I love you notwithstanding all. Hut they I. ito scolding. It stirs up the bad blood while it discloses your weakness and sinks you in their esteem. Especially at night when thpy are about to retire, their hearts should bo n.i-lted and moulded with voices of kindness, thut they tniy go to their slumbers with thoughts of love Healing around their touls and whimpering peare. Our neighbor Mrs. C , is very uneven in her system of government. Or rather 6he has no system. She lets her children do very much as they please, until they become so intol erably troublesome ihal her patience is emptied completely, then she flies at them like a fury, whips them all around, and then aits down to have "a minute's comfort," as she very pathe tically expressed it. But the minute is dread fully short. They arc at mischief again, before their tears are dry, and this scene of forced submission and swift rebellion is repeated as olten as might be expected, where there is no evenness of temper and no system of disci pline maintained. There is no peace in her house, and never will be, although Mrs. C is a very excellent woman and love her chil dren dearly. Mr. I) , who lives opposite, whips his children too much. They have become hickory-hardened. He is not a passionate man, but he has grown up with the idea that the rod is the bent medicine for children, and as all chil dren need to be corrected, the rod murt be the appointed means. So he whips, on all possible occasions. And the occasions of course come often. His children have loot that sense o!' ehamo which they would feel most deeply hud he governed with discretion, and therefore they often tall into condemnation. lie has made a great mistake, but he is one of those men who know mure than every body else, and conse quently will nerer change his system. We have been trying for some tune past to mingle gentleness with firmness, patience with decision, and it seems to work well. We find that the hearts of children are not made ofntone; they will yield to the tones of kindness, and im pressions made by affection and authority com bined, are the impressions which ought to be made on the young heart. We punish our chil dren when they deserve punishment, and they have no idea that our lovts for them will ever shed them from chastisement when disobedi ence demands the blow. This is our system, and we mean to give it 1 fair experiment Thus fur it works well and we find from year to year less occasion to use the rod, an more pleasure in observing the growing willingness of our children to regard their parents' wishes as their strongest laws. Mv Wire and I. New York Observer. Tbe loltry of IVmllh. This insane and insatiable passion for accu mulation, ever ready when circumstances fa vor, to seize upon the public mind, is that "love of money which is the root of all evil," that "covctousness which is idolatry." It springs from an undue, an idolatrous estimate of the val ue of property. Many are feeling that nothing nothing will do fur them, or their children, hut wealth; not good character, nor well trained and well exerted faculties, not virtue, not the hope of heaven nothing but wealth. It is their god, and the god oftheir families. Their sons are growing up to the came worship of it, and to in equally baneful reliance upon it for the future ; they are rushing into expenses, which tho divided property of their father's house will not enable them to sustain ; ao ihcy are preparing lo be, in turn and from ne-res-iitv, slaves to the Fame idol. How truly it is written, thut "they that in'W be rich, fall into many temptations and a snare, and fall into ma ny foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men i destruction and nerdition!" There is no need that tin y should be rich, but they u ill be rich. All the noblest functions of life may be discharged without wealth, alt its highest honors r.Mained.all its purebt tdcaeutes enjoyed ; yet I repeat it, nothing nothing will do but wealth. Disappoints man of this, and he mourn as if iho highest end of life were defeated. Strip him of thin, and this gone, ill is gone. Strip him of this, and I hn!l poinTto no unheard ex perience, when I aay, he ball rather die than Whole Potatoks tub bkst ros. Tlant ino These generally insure tolerable crop in all seasons and are said to prevent the dry rot in hot weather which cut pieces are to lia ble, to. nun ") . "i .1 mr i. ' h.'.j'j A H NOTE LIST. rnwsiLVASii. The f"llmvin list shows the current value of nil 'ennsvlvani Bank Notes. The most Implicit re- hnnrn'miy he placed upon it. it U every week arcf illy compared with at d correclcd from Bick- ncll's Reporter. Hanks In Fliltaarlpliln. . Disc, tit 1AMH. i.ochtiois. I'mLAn. NOTES AT TAR. 3mk of North America . , pur Bunk of the Northern Liberties . , par Cnmmerrinl Rank of Penn'a. . . pnr Farmers' and Mechanics' Batik . pnr Kcnsinjrton Bank par Philadelphia Hunk . : par Schuylkill Hunk ... par Sonthwark Batik . . . par Western Hunk . . . par Mechanics' Hank . . pal Manufacturers' A. Mechanic' Hank par Country Hunk. flank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County H.wk of liermaiitown Hank of Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Hank Westchester C 'heater (lormantnwn NorrisWiwn Doylcstown E,ston par par pit par par pnr Easion Hank Farmers' Bank of Bucks co. BrMol par Office of Bank of Penn'a, Office do do Office do do OllVee do do NOTES AT Harrishurg" These Lancaster I offices Beading T do not Easion J issue n. DISCOUNT. Rank of the United States Bank of I'enn Township (iirard Bank . Moyamcneing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bonk of Poltsvillc. Bank of Iewistown Bank of Middletown Bunk of Nnrlhnnibcthind Philadelphia 2S par 1 i . par par i li 1 par par 1 1 1 par par par 1 pal i i l U H Pot'sville Lcwistown Middletown Northumberland Columbia Bank & 13 ridge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg; Do d. branch of Hnllidnvsliurg Farmers' Hank of Lancaster Lancjstci Lancaster County Lancaster FarmerH Bank of Beading K adiug Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg Lancaster Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Iebnnn Merchants' fc Mannf. Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg Pittsbuig West Branch Williamsporl Wyoming Bank Wilkeshane Northampton Bmk Allentown Berks County Unnk Reading Oilice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed do D,i do do Eria Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. In. A do Penn Township av. Ins. do Hank of Chamlwrshurg Chamhersburg Bank ol Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Hank Erin Fanner..' A- Drovers' Bank Wnyneshurg Franklin Bank Washington Honesdalc Bank Honesdala MntiongaheW Bank of B. Brownsville k'otk Bank York do 1 t 85 3 2 1 1 4 1 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we jmit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Pbiladi Iphia brokers, with the exception ol those which have a teller of r fen nee. BROKEN BANK S. Philadelphia Sav. Im. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuvlkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Hank (T. W 1'owiinda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beater Bank of Swalara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmer' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' tV Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute. Huntingdon Bank luniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New 1 1 one Del. Bridge Co. Norihiinih'd Union Col. 1IU, North Western Ha'ik of Pn. Oilice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Art, & Mauuf. Hank Silver Lake Bank L'uiou Bank of IVnn'd. estinoieland Bank Wilkestiarre Bridge Co. J'hiladel.hia failed do failed do failed Dyoti, prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sale Iteaver closed Harrishurg cloted Wa-diington failed Im II. f.uile closed Pitching no -ale I'ltuhuru failed Fayette co. faded (ireeucastte fulled Harmony no rale Huntingdon no hale LeniMown no sale Warren failed Doodah" no sale New Hope closed M ilton no Mile ,Meadille cl.ised Port Carbon Cnrli-le failed Montrose closed I'uionmwn filled Cicciihburg clove. I W'lIWi nosiile (Jj All notes puipoiling to be on any iVmi-y . vauia Bank not given in the above li.-l, may lc ct Jowu as fruuds. xi:v ji:icsi:v. Bank of New Biunsnick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Brunswick Belvulere Medford Perth Amhoy Bridgeton Mount Holly Railway N. lliunswick Middletown Pt, failed J par i par Commercial Bank Sumlierland Bank Farmers' Bunk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. par failed I Jelsey City failed tail, d failed failed failed 4 failed i par no sale Hoboken Ukg.& Crazing Co 1 lob.. ken lersey City Bank JriM'y Cily Mechanics' Bank Manufactures' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. .Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg iV Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Patterson Belleville Morrislowu 1'iecliuld Nrwaik Trenton Jersey City Newaik i i failed failed 4 fuih.l 4 Lainbcrlstillt) Hoboken N J Pioieclon & Luiuhaid I k Jersey Cily Orange Bank Orange Palerson Bank Patersuil Peoples' Bank do fnnevton Hank I rmceton par Sulcm Banking Co Salem par State Bank Newark j State Bank Klial.ethtown j state Hank" atiuleu par Slate Hank of Morris' Monistown J State Bank Trenton failed Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem tailed Sussex Bank Newlnn Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Union Bank Dover j Washington Banking Co. Ilackensack failed ii:livaui Bk of Wilm Ac Brandy wints Wilmington par Bank of Delaware Wilmington pal Bank of Smyrna Smyrna par Do branch Milford par Farmi rs' Bk of Slate of Del Dover par Do branch Wilmington par Do blalieli (Jeorgetown par Do branch Newcastle par I'nion Bank Wilmington par (Tj" I'nder fi's 1 (J On all hanks marked thus () there are ri, tker eauntetfeit ur altered nates of the vir.oui V i noniiuatiocs, in circulation. 1 '" . I'l 1 '.. ".. Kin I BJi I ".I i. . U.. . K H. B. MASSES, ATTOUNKY at law, SUITBtJRY, PA. Business attended to in ine Counties of Nor thuinl crland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia, llefrr In I Tun m 4s II a n r A. Co.. I . n w t n .V ItinnnT. Haht, Crsmisns ltntOLtis, McFtnn &. Co. Sphbio, rjonn A. t'o., roK thk rt'iiK i.r T) Y S P K P S 1 A . THIS Medicine is offered to the public gener ally, from a full conviction th'it it is superior to any other nvdic'infl now in use, for ths cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or Bodily Weakness, &c. Its effects have, been tested in a private practice of nctr tight years, and il is now route extensively ci'ciiUteil, nt the soliciiin'e of many who have re ceived the miii-l benefit from lha u p of it. Tim fo loing is one a number of ccrtifl cnies received in illation to the succcsi of this me dic. lie: Lac.asteii Co. March 18. Da. Gf.owoi! W. Allen, Dear Sir.- Il is with great p'easnro that I in form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic. Medicine, while employed in my p aciic. From past experience, 1 firmly believe lhat in eicht cases out of ten, Ihe Dvspep'ie, by the u of your niedi tine, may emir, ly rid hiiosilfof lb s thorn in ihe pathway of life : not only in dynpeptic casc, but in all ciscs of conslipatton. and diseases depending on a dihilitaied state of the nervous system, toge ther with a st ite of the bowels, i: your E liiir lie found of inestimable value. Nuri.erous in stances wherein the usefulness of the medicine has bein reali-ed, may he foi warded, if required. I vtii-h you great succes, and recomtinnd ihe medi cine to Ihe sufler ng part of maiikiinl. Yoiiis, with creat respect, KOBEItP AG.NHW, M. D. CrY For sale at the store of H. B. M asset, agent for ihe proprietor. Sunbiirv, Pa. October Sl'.th, 18U. ly A S II if Y&rK Mr,lTl, WHOLESALE & RETAIL IT AT Ax CAP IMAMTFACTUUKUS, South I'.ast rnrnrrof Mmlut and llli ts.. lMiiladt Iplila, "f TniERE they alwavs keep mi hand an rxlcn ' ' sive s-Koitrnrnt of HATS U CA I'S of everv description, got up in the bet and most approved 1 j le. Peis. ns di rir. us of pnrt h isinrj su'iior arii cbs on the most reasonable term. ill fit d it to iheir advantage to call hi lore ninkmg purchases eUew here. Philadelphia, Oct. 5lh, ly SPA N I S II H I D E S TAXxr.iis' on .rO0O D y La T lata Hides first quality. :S.00 Dry La Guira. do IOOO Dry Salted La Guira. do MOOO Dry Saltul Br zil Hides, do ;." Ba'ea Green halted I'ntna Kips. Ut Bales Dry Pa na Kips. l'iO Barrels Tanneis' Oil. Tanner' and Curriers' Tools. For sale to Country Tanners at ihe lowest prices and upon the best terms. N. B. The highest inaiket prices paid for all kinds of leather. I). KIRKPATRICK A. SONS. No. 2l,S,,iilh I bird St. Pliil .delphia. Seplrmber II. 114. ly. nsnu(fi:n r s Tatkxt VALSHX1TG IfCACHIlTE. flMIS Machine h .s n iw been tested by more I than thirty families in this neighborhood, and Ins given entire satisfaction. It i -o simple in Its ci i strurtion, lhat it cannot gel out of onh r. Il ec.iita'iis no iron to ru-t, nnd no -piingsor rollers to eel out of repair. Il will do twice as much wash ing, with less than hall the wear and lear of anv nt the late inventions, and whit is of greater in por tal. eo, Is but lil'le over ball as much as other washing intrblnes. The nibs, riber has ihe exclu-ive riaht for Nor tbumherland, I'oion, Lvcoming. Columbia, Lu 7.erne and Clinton counties. Price of single mi- b oe 6. h.b. m asm:i:. The following ceitificab' is fiom a few of those who hue in use. Sui.buiy, Auf. 21, IP-1 1. We, the subscribers, ceriily thai we have now in n-e. in our families, "Slmgeit's Patent Wash ing Machine." and do not hi shale siying tint it is a most i xeelb nt iov. n'i .i. Tbal, in it will save more th in one halt the uual labor. 'i'l. at it does reunite more than one third ihe usual (luantiiy of so .p and water ; and that there is no ruhhing. and roiiseooetiily. I tile or no wear iug or liaiini!. That il kmnkg olfnu buttons, and that ihe finest rloihes, such as collars, lai cs, lucks, trills, Ac, may be washed in vey short lime wiihmitlbe least injurv, and in fact wilhoul any siiparent wear and tear, whatever. We cheerfully recommend it to ourfiiends and to the public, as a most useful and labor saving machine. CHARLES W. HEUINSS, A. JORDAN, CHS WEAVER. CHS PLE SA NTS, (.lUEOV MA UK I.E. Hon. OKI. C. VN EI.KER, BENJ. HENDRICKS, (JIDEON I.EISENRINO. IIchii's Hiitki., (form.'rlv Tremont House, No, 116 Chisnut siuci,) Philadelphia, September 21st. lft 14. I have u-ed Sbuaert's Patent Washing Mel.ine in mv hou-e upwards of eight months, and do not hesitate to lay that I deem it oi e of the nut t use ,d and valu'ihle labor-saving machines ever inven ted. I formerly kepi two women continually oe. copied in washioe, who now do as much in two days as ihey then did in one u.ik. i hero is no wear or tear in washing, and it reejiiins not ru ne than one-third the u-ual iiianuty ol soup. I have bad a i.iimhirof odn r m chines in my lam ly, but this is so decidedly aopeii u to every Hung else, and S i II tie I ul'le In get out of lep or, that 1 would lid do without one it tluy tlioul.l coal I, n limes ihe price ihey Hres..ldtor. DANIEL Hi:iR. NOTICE TO MIMillltVIK llll.I.IM.US. W.M. M. & JOS. K. AlAl'LL, M ANT FACTI' R Efts AND DE ALERS IN FOREION AND DOMESTIC STRAW (iOODS. No. o0, North Second Strett, f opjwtite the Madtton llaue,j PHILADELPHIA, (TVj WHERE will be found a general assort- ff Vi-Bient of Florence Braids, Ali ens, Rut-tt lauds, Peddles, Willow Plait, Rica Stiaw, and the much admired Neapolitan Lace, and Fancy Bon nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at the lowest manutacluie prices. Merchants and Milliners are invited lo give tia a cull upon visiting the City, (rJ N. B. Wa have also ronstamly making our supeiior hair and otl.r edgings, all of which will be sold cheap, for rash. rhiladulphia, May lift, 184. ly r 1 u 'u 'i '.mil w OAKIiKY'S Ii:iM KATIVC SYItl I. flIIE valnnble properiies of Onkley's Depute- I live Syrup of Hnrsaparilla, as a purifier of the, is so well known lo the public generally, that it ia nnneeeFSaiy to ocrtipv much spare in set ling fonh the advantages to he derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence ocr all others t eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u'most confidence. Phyxicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to pa'ieuts under their care ; containing nothing deb terious. but being composed of the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable is offered with confidence, as the chenpest and mn( efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, eseciaby in the spring months, will he at tended with a nmst decided improvemi nt in the ge iirral strength of the sysicm, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health Mid via..r to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tiller, Pimples or ciuplioni of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asth.nn, Ac. The nu merous ceriifica'es in ihe possession of the subscri ber and his agents, Irom physicians and others, arc sufficient to rnrvnee the most skeptical of ns su periority over all preparations of S us ip.irilla. S..ld whole-ale find retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th sire. I, liea- ding, Beiks Coen'y, and to he bad of the following persons : j In Horthuniherhmtt Vnuniy. II. B. Mass?, Sniibury ; Ireland A Mixel, SleEvtcusville ; D J Kramer. Milton. In Union Cnunh. J. Rrarhart, Selinsgroves A. Gutrlius. MlfTlllihurg. In Culumbia Cuunli.TX. W. McCay, Wash ington. , Rinding. March II. ISM. Ma. Oaklet: I believe it the uty of every one to do ia hhtever in lliiir power I ihe b ue. fit of their fellow man, and having: bad po-i ive proof in my own family, of the woiidi rful properties of your D.'pur.itive Syrup of Saisnp .rilla, I m st conseienliously recommend il to the afflicted. W e had Ihe misfoitunn l-i l se two of our children, by the breaking nut of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head anil nci k. although we bad some ol Ihe most scientific physicians In attend lh- m and had tried all the, known leine.lies. including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the d seharge was so offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful elli-clH of vour Depurative Syrup .t S atapnri! ', we weie induced In make trial of il. as the lust r. s rt ; it acted like a cha-m; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a fi w bolllcs enliiely restoredher to her health, which she hs enjoyed uuiiiteriU) tedly ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not lis equal. JOHN MOYEK. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglassville, April 1 9th. 18-13. Mr. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf. I. ad Ihe scrnttila in the most dreadlul and distressing man ner for thn-e years, during which time he was de ptived of the use of his limbs, his head and neck weie covered willi ulcers. We tri -d all the differ. cut remedies, t ut to no i fleet, until recommended bv Dr. Johnson of Noni-town, and also Dr. Isaac Hiestei, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of w hich I obtained sevcial bolllcs, ihe use ol which d'ove the diea-e entin ly out of li s sys'em, the son he di d up, and the child was restored to prrhct health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly e vi r since, to the as..inshiiient ol many peisons woo seen him du'ii g his alU'ctiou. I have thouchl it mv duly, and send vu this certi ficate that olScs who haves like allli.'iion in the family may know where to obtain so vsluanle a ine.lli lne. Yours tnil. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1943 ly ( oiiiitorlclf V DEATH BLOW. rpiie public will please observe lhat no Brambeth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it. (the lop, the si.le and Ihe bottom) e..i h contniiiini; a f .c-simile signature of mv hand writing, thus B. Bhaisiiiikth. M. l- These la. bel-are engraved on steel, benutifolly designed, and done al an expense of over f 2.01)0. Therefore it will tie seen lhat ihe only thing necessary lo pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the lop, ihe side, and the bivtom. The following respective persons are duly aulln ri zed, and hold CERTIFICATES Or AGEirCY For the sale of UramheiWs Vegetable I'liiver.iat j I'M. ' Northumberland eountv : Milton Mackcy & ' Chamheilin. Sunhury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens- j ville lieland A Meixell. Noiihuml cilaod Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. VValls. j I'nion Cunty : New Berlin Bogar iV Win- ter. Selmsiirove tieorge (iuniliuin. Middle- ' burg Isaac Smith. Beaverlown David II ul'le'. Adamsbutg V'm. J.May. Millluishuia Mensch 1 V Ray. Ha'llelnn Daniel Long. Freeborn U. A F. C. Mover. Lewisbnrg Walla eV (ireen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Rcwiold A Co. Ilcrwick Miuman ' R 'Henhouse. tawissa C. C Brobts. Bloomshurg John R. Mover. Jeisey 'I'own Levi llisel. Washinulou j R.iht. McCsy. Limestone Ball'it MrNuieh. J Observe lhat each Auent has all Kngravid Cer- 1 tificate of Agencv, containing a repn ntalion i.l ! Ir BRANDItEI'H'S Msnula.loty al Sing Smic, j and upon which will also be seen eiacl copies ol i the tic io labels nuw useil upon tbe llrandreth 'ill I Uoxex. j Philadelphia, oJTice No. P. North S:h sireel. j B. BRANDRETH.M.D. June 21th, 1K43. ci rv Fuit.M ri i:iVi: Arcriox, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. 'JO and .'II North Thiol .Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfnl'v in- ites the aiteiitiou of perso'.s desirous of pur chasing Fiiiniiure. to bis eitensive Sules Rooms, (both public and Pii.ale.) for every desctiptioii ol Household Furniture, win re ran he ohl'iined at all tunc a, a lare assorlmeiil of fashionahle and well manufactured Cnhinct Furniture, Beds, Mulliaasfs, SiC at verv reduced prices, for cssh. (C- Sules bv Auction, twice a week. May SVlli. 1843. ly rP WEED i LOTH.a handsmne arTiVuTaTUr, light and elsatir, fjr Summer Coats and Pants, for sale, very low, by June 15. If. B. MASSER. BAl.ZOItlNKS, handsome article for Ladies' Dresses, for sale cheap, by JuneJIS. IT. B. MASSER A TlirCBliliis? Mnciiliie for Sale. rpHE subscriber oilers f .r sale a TH RESHIXO L MACHINE, new and in good order. The Machine has been tried, and proves lo be an excel lent one. It will be sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo II. B. MASTER. July lil, 1843. H EEILlfTAlT & CO., Commission cV. Korwnrdinf; Merc It tints, Foot of Willow Slrrrt Hail lloatl, OW THE, TTAVING associated wi h them Joseph Barnet, J'-Jlaleof Enstou, Pa., rcspeclfiilly inform Iheif trieiuls snil Hie pulilic generally, lhat they have la. ken that large and we'l known stole and wharf st foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occnpiel by Jacob Marlin, where they purpose doing s Genual Commission and Forwarding Business, and fom Ihe local advantages of (he place being connected with all the public Improvements lhat have their outlet fn the city, they flatter themselves (hey will be able to do business to as gre it, if not gicalci ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, nod they assure their friends that any con signments made to Ihem shall have their strict at tention, and nn exertions spared to give entire satis faction. Tin y are also prepared to receive and forward goods lo any point on ihe Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Enslon and Phila del bia, via Delaware Divisi, n and Lehigh Canals; Iso, to anv point on the Juniata river, or North hii.i ,.1,1 i ( it in tics oi llie o u so in o a o il a m i iiiivi. kill ... Union, or th Chi-iiiimuke and Tiilo Water ChiihK i tv. . t i r u.. u u-i i For ihr Bcrommndntion of Knat coming or co iog via Schuvlkill and Union Canals, a Sie.mhnat j b. kept expressly for towing boats from ihe , Schuv Ikil! around to the Delaware and bark, which ! ...,n ... .i.i. . !,.,. , i.-... ,u:r ,.t... .1.1: i ered on the Delaware, and Iheir goods sl.iiml nt a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, on the prices fir h.iiilii c acio-s, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of patr.nnce. W. HE1LMAN & CO. William IL llman, ) William W. Ki yser, Joseph Rari.el. Philad .May 11, 1813. ly J. SZAVLANS, JH. Sc CO. j Smill' n nJ Tobacco Manulacluiets, : .o. li'J Aorri We st corner of llareuttd Third Slrrrls. PHILADELPHIA. ! rT"MIE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership A under thefirm ol .1. MAYLAN D Jh. Sf I o.. i as successors to Ihe late lirm ol Jiieuri .Maylnna , Co., and will continue the business at the old es!a- j hlisliment, on iheir own account. In addition to ; their own close attention Biid experience fit many years, in the manufacture of iheir ccfibrated snull'-, ' c, the long experience of the senior partner of Ihe late firm, will also be devoted In ihe inlere-t of the new concern and as no exertion and care will le spared to insure their goods, al ad titn- s of tbe ve rv best tpialily, Ihey solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi .cmls and customers of the lute : firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. M AYLAND, Jr. . Philadelphia, May 14 th. 1813. ly : " To 'oiiiilry MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hal Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wl.oso Unix ate highly commended f jr tmd tol-ji and durnliuty. 1 has on hand a lir-t rate assorlm-nt of HA PS ard CAPS, suitable for Spring sites, wh ch will Ve sold vety low, foi rash or appioved credit, al the nrtrd ttorr. No. 40, North Third stt'.-l, o p isi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBKRT D. WILKINSON", .4,",. N. B. Orders for Hats in the rou; h, promptly attended lo. The holiest price iu tert oi tra ie given far fur ittn.r. Philadelphia, June 11, lt?13.--lv BOLTON Sc CO. (s'rnri al oihiiiInsIoii .lSrreliunts, For the Stile of I'luur. (train, Sitd, Jjc, Ac. .71 1 1 I'.SPECTFCLLY inform their friends and he Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those I irge and commodious Wharves, till iwo Docks, ninth of Chesiiul street, on the D. lawate, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where they would be pleased to receive consign ments of (train, Flout. Seed, Whikev, Iron. Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or ny ihe Chesapeake and I lite aler I anals, as tow- boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by ei bet toute, I Merchants will plrise be particular to send their Hi. ds destined bv either canals, to No. 19 South j Wharves, between Market and Chcsiiut streets, on : ihe Delaware, with directions accompanying ihe in which route they wish them to be shipped. ; (TV Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar- . ket mice. BOLTON A C' . 1 j March 19, 1843. No. 19 South Wharves. 1 ItOltt'UT t & SO, PAPER MANVrACTUSEBS, j l.ombexrd Street, llaltimore, I T AYE constantly for sale, Priming Paper of al. j 1 J ' and ijuahlii s. Cap Writing Paper, rub d and plain. Letter Paper, while and Hue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, line and cumin ui, Envelope I Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e eiown, crown and ems sired Wrapping Pa ets, Coloied Medium and ' Royal Papers, llo.uitt, Hinders' and Suaw Hot ! Boaids, 'i'lssue Paper, and all articles in their line, ' which they will sell on accommodating terms. Highel price given for old tags. J ROBERT CARPER A SON, 1 March 19. IS43. Elki.m, Md MERCHANT'S house. No. J.'17, North Tii ird, above Cutlnu hill St., PHILADELPHIA. TJOHN DI NCAN. late from ihe Pe.msylva 9Je nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A mi ncati Hotel, I'oluiubus, t ihio. lake pleasuir iu ac tpiaiioing iheir friends and the public uenetahv lhal Ihey have taken the large and commodious Holt I, recently I Ui il by the Messrs. Hart, on the site once occupied by (he old eslaMi.hed Hotel known as the Bull's Head, in Third sticet above Callow hill sr. This Hotel U finished in the very best possible manner, sod of I be bet materials. lis location is cry desirable, particularly for country merchants) the arrangetnenis for liealir.g and ventilating each room is such as to secure any tempeiature. The brdioomsate all light and airy, all luiniahcd ina nest style, so as lo insuie tomfott. The receiving parlors are also futi ishej in a su perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whith makes a pleasant recess, rnrticulai attention lias been given to Ihe beds and bedding, which, with ihe furniture, are entirely new. r rom yea's' riperience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity In business, lo make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied with the very best our maikel ran alTord, and our bar with the best liquors and wines of Ihe most approved brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling snd csrriige houses attached In the hotel, attended by caitfil and aider hostlers, and our char ea will ts low, in accordance with the present haid limes. Philadelphia, Oel. 7lb, 184. ROSE OINTMENT roil TKTTKU. RinnvvoRMi, riMPi.rsi on the face, and othe CTTANEOrS) r.Rt'lTIONS). (Tv 77,f fnllini'ini frtifirn'e drun-ihn one vflht mnt fTtra'nrdinary eurr tver effected ly any ajiplieutinn, PiitiAiirtpniA. Fcl.iuaty 10, 1838. 1 OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tuttkii on the Fbcc and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and . continued until the Fall of 18:16, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of Ihe time, great part of my f ice was covered with the eruption, frequently aitended with violent itch ing; my head swrl ed nt times until it Miss if it Would burst ihe swelling was so g eat, that I couM scarcely get my hat on. During the long period thai I was afflicted wi h the disease, I used a great many tt plications, (among them several celebrated preparation-) p.s will as taking inward remedies, including a number nf bottles of Swnim's Vanacm, I'.rlrnrl nf SiirnipnriHd, Ac, In fact, it would bo impnsihlc to ennmeiate nil the medicines I used. 1 was under the care nf two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of ibis city, but without re reiving in -ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f dl of I9'.tt, the disease at the time ... , , n J v,oUl,i, roniiw-nrri! u.ini ! the hoe Omfmrnt, (rrpnrtM lv A Buci.nn IYivik.) In ' & f, w, ni.nlinalirtria IliO friikimit ltjtkiiir? ni'ttuAij thfl swelling sr-a-eu ine .r.ip.ion nee,, , oisappear, and More I had used a jar the di. case was entirely r" J- h ha now 1'r'',, n, Br,y ",v r and a half since, and there is not a ve-tige of Ihe disease re- a.- i a .1 I . II - i manure, excepi low srara hum, ine nia-ji ii'iuicu by the disease. It is imm.ssible for me to descri!e) I in certifies!., ihe aeveritv of the disease and mv I Fullering, but I will be pie ised to give a fuller ac i count to any person wanting furiher satisfaction, who will call on ine. At the lime I commenced I using the R. se Ointment I would have given hun dreds of dodais to be rid of the disease. Since u- sing it, I have recommended it to severaperons, (among them my mother, who had ihe disease bad ly on her aim.) who were ad cured bv it. JAMES DCRNELL. No. 13fi, Race St. Cj- 'I'be Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yaughut, Sou'h East comer of 'I'lilrd and liaca stre. ts. Philadelphia, and sold on auencv in Siinhu- ry, ,v H. B. MASSER, May 11 1 4th, IS 13. As;ent. EEgkc Oir.ltncnl, foi Tetlti. A I'lWOF OF I TS F.FF1CACY. Piiit AliiLilUA, May 27th, I83!. rpillS is to crrlify II at I was severely atll.cte.l - with Tetter in trie hands mid fi et for upwards of lorty years , ihe disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4 iiiiinbirof physicians, nod used a great many iippli ca'ions without cll'ivting a cure. About a yi nr since, I rippl ed the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi aii ly cuted the disease, which there has been no return of, alihough I bad never been rid nf it at any lime for f.uty years. RICHARD SAV ALE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. (Jj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yauiihan. S uith Ea.-t corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and s. Id on agency in Snnhu rv. bv H. B. M ASSER. Mav 14th, 1843. Agent. MEEICAI. APPROBATION )J the llt)Si: (USTMF.NT, for Titter. AI.TIK il'lill the siiperiotilv of the pn paia't .n over all nllu r. is fully es abli-he.l. the pr .pr . -tors t.-ike pli as-lite in laving before the public the f. Ilowii g certificate from a respect ib'e physician, a graduate of the I'niversilv of Penos, Ivanu. Dr. Baiigb, having found in. this einedy that rehet f.r a tedious and di-agri cable nffc 'tion which ihe means within the ranee of his profession failed to all'itd, has tint hesitated to give it his apptohati n, alihougtt the pttjiidiccs and interests of that aie i pposed to secret Remedies. Pini AonrmA, Sept. 151, l3r.. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic rruplii n, which c.ocied nearly one s'e'e ofmv ficc, und extended over the ear. Mr. Ynughan, proprii -lot of the Rose Ointment, obsciving my face, insis ted on my living his preparation, of whirli he han ded me a jar. Allhoutth in common with the mem beis ofmy profession, I discountenaiue and disap prove ol the iiumetous nostiums palmed upon the public by ii;noianl pretenders, I teel in jusiice bound , ihe Rose Ointment from thai cla-s of me- denies, and lo give it my approbation, as u entire ly turcd the eruption, ahhough it h id resisted the usual applications. DAM. BAl'C.H, M. D. rTV 'I he Ifose Ointment is prepared hy E. B. Yaughan, South East cornrr of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold onagmcv in Snn burv, by H. B. MASER. May 14th, 1 81:1. Aint. EJ!ovvrs Mali. JOSEPH, E. HOVER, Manufacturer of Vriiiu; biul link-Hi-hie Ink, No. HXi North Third .Street, six j doors below Knee, (cast side,) PHILADELPHIA, EH'EOTFI I.l.Y inform country merchants a al others, lhat he constantly keeps on hand a large stock of his supcrier Hlack, Blue i-nd Red , Ink. and also a stltii.r quality of IndellM le Ink. His ink ia put up in bellies varying in sire, fnnn i I lo 32 ounces, and will be sold nn reasonable term. 'I he eieelent qualities of this ink has so i thoroughly established its ch iractcr, that it is now ! eJt.nsiv. lv used throuchout lha country, i . For sale at the store of H. B. Mass. r, Sun' ; bury. Pa. May 27th, 1 84:1.--ly VII AliLKS w. iik(;is7 i ATTORNE1T AT LAW, ! SUNBUItY, TA. 7 AS lukrn Ihe oilice l.iioieily occupied bv the Hon. ( hailes li. Dunn. I, ,.'i oite the Court li "use. He will a'tend lo business in ihe Courts of Norihumherlai'd, I'nion and Columbia counties. May Stllh, IM:t. UNIOX TlOTEl.7 " jpsjjai n III! I II 11 i (Centrui Stunt llt,re, ttts: 'our ir tsi3 -b"., LYCOMING COUNTY, I'eiuisi Mania. rilHE Suhscrilwr respecilully inloiins his friends L and the public in general, lhat ha has taken the above LARCH AST) COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OK MUNCV, and that he is now well prepare J to arfommodstu all who may favor him with their custom. His Sl uriss ArssTmiSTs we well aired, and comforlahle. His TsSlb B will always le sanplitd with the best the market ran afford. Hit Sraanao, which is sd, will li under Ihe charge of good and rarrlul hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention la bu uitfe, and an earnest desire lo render comfortable those wbo may patronise him, lhal he will not fa,! logivo Sneraf ssiisfuclion. H.B. WEAVER. Munry, Oel. 1st, 1842 if.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers