FEARF-t'L DISASTER. Lota or the Steamer Swallow. The usually safe and peaceful navigation of the Hudson has been marked, since the opening of the present season, by an unusual number of se rious accidents; but not for many years have we been startled by an event of such magnitude, and, there is perhaps reason to fear, of such distres sing consequences, as that which we are now called on to record. We give all the informa tion that we have been able to obtain. The swallow, it appears, left Albany on Mon day evening at six o'clock having on board pas sengers in number variously estimated at from 200 to 330. At a little alter eight o'clock, she truck upon the point of the island bptween Hud son and Athens, with such force as to lift the bow entirely out of the water, break the boat in two, and render her a complete wreck. About one hundred of the passengers were brought down by the Rochester, and fifty by the Kxpress, the remainder being landed at -Hudson, many preferring to stay there forthe purpose of making an effort, in the morning, to recover their baggage from the wreck. Thk Lives Lost nt tiik Swallow. The apprehension that lives had been lost by the wreck f the Swallow has, we are sorry to say, proved too true, as we learn from the Tribune. Tues day was devoted to the sad duty of probing the sunken wreck for the bodies of the dead, and with a too fatal result. Seven bodies bad been recovered six being females. Among the lat ter had been already recognized Mrs. Briggs, Miss or Mrs. Wood, and Mrs. Coltrou, of Troy, whose hiebund came down on hearing the news of the disaster, and was present when the body of his wife was recovered. A gentleman from Albany had just arrived in search of his two sis ters, who were discovered in the wreck. Mr. iilson, who was on board with his wife, escaped, but can find nothing of her so fur. It is possible, however, that shu was taken up by the Rochester l'.xpiess. It is known that a Mrs. French and an old lady named Mrs. Lambert was drowned. It was rumored that a young lady, a niece of Joseph C. lleartt, Esq., of Troy, had died from fright, after having reached the shore in safety. A correspondent of the Mirror communicates the following incident which occurred on board the steamboat Swallow. "The awful scone exhibited to the wlf-pos-ses sed observer many striking traits of human nature. In the very height of the confusion and dismay, on the upper deck, when all was dark lies, the snnw tailing1 fast, the bent t-inkinrr ra pidly, wives shrieking (or husbands, sisters for brothers and children fur parents, and the ac cents ol a prayer best befitted the lips the voice of a s'ronjy hearted ruffian was henrdeven above the tumult, pniiriii volleys (if oaths at the ptor !onixed females around him, because of the emotion they exhibited. A gentleman wan Itiirryinj: up from the lower cabin, with difficul ty recapiuir the pursuit o! the waters, and when lie reachi-xl the saloon he saw a husband hasten from a state room beside him closely hugging- a valise, while lii wile, with an infant in her arms, and another liltio child by her side, cried to him i tie rushed a way, never turning iiishend to view their fate 'I liisband ! husband! iu Cod's, ttaute, drop your valise and save your wife and children!' But he disappeared unheed ing, lie probably preferred the miserable pold in his Vilise tu hi wife and children ! A pen tletnnn, although lie hud apparently lost every thing, except the clothing on his back, did not make an tflort for himself until he had secured the safety of that family. We rejoice to be a Me to ofTsctt so fiendish an inhibition ot selfish lies, with the energy of disinterested generosi ty." One ninn, on bring seised by the hair, and his Lead lilted ait of the water, exclaimed, 'Save lier 1 save her t let me go and save her 1" On looking fa it her, they found and succeeded in rescuing the lady, who was a it appeared, on ly an acquaintance, who had been placrd in his charge. A gentleman of Dctr.iit, nauu d lluc-t, liaving a hag containing 1J1."IM in guld, jump ed overboard with the big upon his arm, hut soon was obliged to let it go. lie wan only sav ed by having fortunately grasped a narrow strip jf board, as lie jumped. Close after him came another man, claiming the board, with curses end imprecations. Ashe struck out from the boat h. almost immediately went down, grasp, ing the possessor of the board by the foot. He liowevcr, released himself with great difficulty and was saved. Anlliracll Coal amt la China. About two weeks ago, the Barque Rio Grande took in a load of Anthracite Coal at Richmond, Ihe Depot of the Reading railroad, above Phila delphia on the Delaware, to be taken to Boston and to be shipped direct to China ! The pro proprietors ol this enterprise are Messrs. Staf ford & Co., two Xew England men. They are also to load another ship at New Yoi k for the Celestial Empire. This enterprise, so startling to the great mass of our people, has no doubt been well consideied by the close, calculating, clearsighted Yankees who have undertaken it, and it may be the commencement of a great and pro fitable trade with that singular people. Only think of it: In 1620, the first Anthracite coal reached the sea board fiom the Lehigh, and then only 3C5 tons. In 1533, it was first transported down the Schuylkill canal to Philadelphia, and only a few year before, an influential Senator from Schuylkill declared in bis place, that there was a kind of black stone which some fools called coal. In 161 1, from the Lehigh, the Larkawana, the fcwatara, the Susquehanna, and the Schuyl kill, more than ONE MILLION, SIX HUN DRED THOUSAND TONS was tent to market ; and in 1845, several ships were loaded with j COAL FOR CHINA '.-JIarriib. Arqu$, J lor Ihe American. Trofessor Espy't Theory. Without pretending to much knowledge ef Pro fessor Espy'i extraordinary discoveries, I ven ture to say that some of our public prints in the cities exhibit as little proficiency in his scien tific meteorology, as those upon the banks of the Susquehanna. The extensive fires in the forests, and the great density of the smoke, for several weeks, without producing rain, some suppose to be a decisive refutation of the E.ipian theory. On the contrary, I assert that they corroborate both the principle and the exception, which he has announced. To produce rain, his theory re quires that the smoke should ascend perpendicu larly, that is during a calm. Now, the recent fires and smoke have been attended with strong and continuous currents of wind. Rain has not followed during this concommitancy, and thus the exception has been proved. Rut, the wind ceased between the 15th and ICth inst., and on the morning of the 10th, and during the day, we had rain. About the commencement of this smoky atmosphere, during a calm, another rain occurred, which ceased upon the wind rising. Mr. F.spy states another exception to the produc tion of rain, by the upward current of air, caused by large fires that takes place when the upper atmosphere is too light to sustain clouds, with out which rain may not be produced. These are the only exceptions recollected. . B. Sunbury, April 10. A Merited llebnke. We have heard a pretty good story, which is told of our new Postmaster General. It seems he was waited on not long since by a Rhode Is land Senator, who importuned him to oppoiut 'o the New port Post Office, a eon of the old incum bent. The Senator told a very melancholy story about the poverty of the applicant, and of the benefits which his family would derive by hi. appointment. It was urged that the appoint ment would be deemed an act of cumiiicnduble charity. Mr. Johnson heard the Senator through pa tiently, and addressed him as follows: 'Mr. G , do you whigs in Rhode Island, when a vacancy occurs in any of your State offices, till them with poof democrats! 'I do not know that we do,' was the reply ; 'but then this is a particularly hard case; the applicant is, I assure you, a very, very deser ving man, who is poor and has The l'ost Master General interrupted the Senator thus : '.Mr. G , have you let poor Dorr out of that Prison V 'Why no,' said the Senator 'ahem good morning Mr. lohnson, good morning.' This simple story shows how hard it is for Fenncrites to awaken the compassion of demo crats in high places in Washington, with pitiful stories, so long as the course of the party is so proscriptive as it is in this Slate, and above all, so long as Mr. JJurr is held in his dungeon. Providence Uaz. A Oam.asi Man. The editor of the Savan nah Georgian recently received a Vwl of fine strawberries, which he prepared with cream and su!ar, and then t-at down, and sent them to a fe male invalid and that man is a bachelor. II AL.T1MOUK SI Alt KK T. OJfice'ofthe Ualtimurk Avsuii-ASi, Apiil 11. FLOUR The market for Howard street Flour exhibits but little animation, and the More price for good mixed brands continues to rule at 4, SO with moderate sales. The receipt price by cars is $4,37. City Mills Flour nominally held at $1,70, but we hear of no sales. GRAIN. Sales of two or three moderate par cels of prime Md. red Wheat to day at 100 a 103 cts. Sales also of 4000 bushels prime I'ciina. reds at 100 a 103 cts., and a lot of prime retina white at 1 15 cts. Corn is iu limited demand at 41 cts. for white and 43 a 44 cts. for yellow, i SalesofOatsat25cts. j WHISKEY Is dull. Small 'sales to-day at 221 cts. f" hhds.and 23 cts. for bbls. McRcraT, whether in the shape of Dhie Pill, Calomel, Corrosive Si.bl.mate, or any other fomi, never can e (Ted a permanent cure of any di-e.ite, because, being a mineral, ii cannot I digested, and consequently cannot purify the flood. The only curative properties it p isc is lo change the prcu nt development nf the disease and tubi-tilule another in its place. Uraudreth's Veyetjb e l"ni lertul Pills stand pie-emiiieul in Ihe cure of dis ease, becau-e (heir effect are as ceitain as ihey are salutary, and being composed entirely of vigila- j Ida-, they cannot pessihly injure; therefore a ttial i of I hem is always .fe. I dj- Purchase of 11.11 Master, Sunhury, or nf the agemt, published ill another patt of this p iper. N Friday, the I Ml inst.. on Ibe mad leading from t-unbury to Danville, a large leather rot'ltct ISooIt, containing a (heck on ihe Dank of Noiltunuhf r land lor $125, seviral lelnl notes, a number nf promissory unlet, and o lirr papers which will be. nf no use lo any r,on hut the owner. Any r son finding said pocket hook, and forwardiug it to the owner at Humokin, or leaving it at Ihe office of the "Sunbury Ameiican," will he auitaldv re warded, w. d. (jEakiiak r. Jhamokin, April 19th, 1815. if lH'lioruli C.ruiit,tt llate. "WTO I'ICE ia hereby given, that letters of ad J ministration have been granted to the tuli scriber, ou the estate of Deborsb O'sn', dee'd , lata of Augusta township, Noithumbeilaud cunly, ', aii persons iiueiiuu io i4j ,it,iel wil riJhe j,,,. mediate p.yment ,Dd the, preMint Iho same.di.'-y ,.; nlktitX xo Ls. ins, unli.-5.ri.,,lie ,ulki.,,n0. us Walnut street, runtut-ipbia. KENDL'RTON SMITH. Aful ITib, 1845-vt, Ajw'r. PRICE CUKUENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthnmer. Whcat, . 85 Rrs, . . . 60 Coast, ...... 40 Oats, 2ft Pork, ft Fi.AXsr.sn, ... . 112 Ucttib, la Eons, .... .6 IIkkswav, . . . . 3ft Tatiow, ... 10 Dm tn AreLKs, 50 Do. Pkachis, . . 150 Ftx, r 8 HscKLtn Flax, 10 Orphan's' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court of Northumberland County, will be sold at pub lic vendue or outcry, on Saturd y thn 10th dav of May next, on the premiers, to wit : A certain triirt of land situate in Shsmokin township, in mid county, adjoining lands of David Mc Williams, E lish.i 11 1 rum and Oieidiah Campbell, containing twenty-five acres and one hundred and thirty-nine perches mure or lew, on which are rrec'ed a large two itory frame house, barn and other mi'hnu-es; la e the estate of James Campbell, dct'd. Hale to commence st 10 o'clock, A.M., f said dav, when j the conditions of sale will be made known lv OI1ADIAH CAMPBELL, WILLI M PERSlNO, Sunbury, April lOih, 1815. It Adm'rs. Daniel Killer's IMatc. TJVfOTTCB is hereby given, that letters of admin 11 istration have born Granted to the subscriber, on the mint nf Daniel Keller, Lie of the borough of Sunbmy, dee'd. All persona indebted l.i s.iid estate, or having claims against the same, are re quested to call oil the subscriber for s tllcment. BENJAMIN ROBINS, Sunbury, April 19ih, 1815. 6t Adm'r. To llic Electors of Aortliumberlaiul County. f ?ELLOW CITIZENS: As I have been great. ly eucouiageii by my mentis, I solicit jour support for the ollice nf S II K 11 I V V. Should you confer this office upon me. I shall endeavor to discharge the dut'es thereof with fide lity. THOMAS A. BILLINti TON. Siinhn.y. April I9ih, 1815. To the Electors of IN'ortliuinberlniid County. i T7ELLOW CITIZENS. At the solirita ion of -1- a numbirof my friends, I have Conventcd to lie a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I promise the ritir.ens of the county, that if I am elected. I will endeavor tn.discliarge the duties uf the i ffice faithfully and impardallv. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunburv. April 9th. 145. : t;, r; ; 7 r . lo the Electors ol Aortnumberlanil Countv. TEI.I.OW CITIZENS. Havint been .ncou-A- raged by mv friends, to ollVr myself as a candi date for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I opicil'ully solicit your support. Should you see proper lo Confer the office upon me, 1 w;l en deavor lo dii-ihatge the duties theieof wiih fid. lily and impartiality. SEBASTIAN HAITI'. Sunbury, April 19th, IH-15. To the Electors of Noriliiiinliei land County : TELLOW CITIZENS: I heir leave to i.IT.i l myself as a r .ndidate, at (be enduing election, for the office of County Commissioner. Minuld I be so f -rUinate as lo be elected. I phdge niyoclf o diiH-harge the duties of the office w.tli promptness and fiJcblv. CHARLES WEAVER. Smiburv. Apiil 5th,IM5. HAAS'S IKTfKL, s tj it s "J ?. 7, X o r t li ii m I o r 1 a n tl Counl y , ii:nxsylvaxia. HENRY' HAAS TS" ESPECTFULLY infoinn. his frirn.U and the Bft, public in general, that be baa taken the lrirk I ,:,n'b h "ormigli m Miiilmry, lately .-rui.ie.l bv John Hail as a puhlic house, (wi st ot llieSla e II 'Ui-e. and nearly npoite. thn Ciurl House,) where lie is prepared to accommodate hi" trn-nd. nn I all othris who niav favor him with their cus tom, in Ihe bei-l possible uiannpr. His BAR t-ball uparkle with the choicest of Li .i ob, and his TABLE shall be well supplied w ith the veiy let the markets alfor.l. In idiort, no p tins nor r xprnt will lag spued to render liis Ionise in every way worthy of public pa mn.ge. A liU rtl kharn of cu-tom it 'herrfoir soliitl. d. Snnhiiry. April filh, IK 15 tim REUIOVAL. V.SHI1TGTC1T HCTSL, West hide of Main st., in Ihe IW of is&ij. bj ar an i LYCOMING COL M Y, PA. fllilE subscriber would lesiirclfiilly inform his l old fiiends and the iravelliug publ r, that he hat recently taken and fnned uj., in a upcii, r inaiiner, tint kpacious hrick edifice, sin of OCNERAL WAMIINGTOM, where he it prep id lo uccooolo.Iuic liav, b rt and tisiioit in I lie veiy list ai.d plesteg My .-. H house it kilut'id io the mokt hafanl ai d central part of the luimugh, convenient lo hurliiess, ui.d It ttige and the lonms airy, 'I'll oik lul for the lilx-tal support while UeP inn the elil Muncy liolel and the A ionic an Hotel, m thit l orouyh, lot ihe past thiee yrerx, Ua up. el fully solicit, a couniiu iiice of the s.tne. THi:ODOI5E WELLS. Money, April 12th, 1845. if N. II. The Harrirhuig, NuithumberUnd, Potts ville, Danville, Willi nn- oil, Lock Haven and llellelnute Stages uutvo at and depart from ill Hou-e daily, P. WELLS. NORTH UM H UI , A NT) EFJEGrE COivlP.lTT. ' A N l.'n rV.oii for olViceis of the Nordium Vrlainl . "t. ilridje CompsiiV, lo serve for one year, will be iit ld at ihe bouse of James Lee, in Noithum heitaiid, on Monday ihe 5th day of Msv urn. The election wdl open at 1 o'clock, P, M., and c'ose at 4 o'clock, P. M. The honks and accounts ol the Company will bo tu! milled lo the stockhol ders for llixil iiispcclien, at the tame lime and place. JOHN B. HO YD, I'.et'u .Northumberland, Apid 12, 1815. It Notice IS hereby Riven, that the subscriber has purcha sed, st a ssle held by Thi'inss A. Dillinglon, constable, in Augusta township, on the IStth nf March, thn following prieriy, which was sold by siid constable as the property of J. It. Rhodes, snd which I have since leaned to said Rhodes duiing my pleasure, vi : 1 Cray Mire, I Dun Mare, 1 Dun Celt, I I! 'in die Cow, 3 ett Harness, I Wagon and l.adde s, I Med, 1 Plow, 1 Harrow, 6 Miosis, 1 Brass Clerk, The undivided hull' of the Wheat and Rve, in the ground. JOHN WYNN, jr. Augusts, April 5th, 1845 fit CAsVI'IOX. N'nlice is hereby given, I lint I will tint pay a note, given by me lit Jonathan Tharp, diited on or about the I-t ot March, 1915, for fifty dollars three months afier dale, as t have not received value for the mm. F.rillMIM R. MILLER. Rhamekin, April 5th, 181531. (ienrge lYclliart'H INfulr. JOTICE is herely g ven thai letter of ad- .lins'ralion h ive tiecn grant, d to the siih-ri- her, on the estate nf George Neihart, hue of An-Cn-tJ tovvn-hip, Norihiinilierl ind county, d-c'.l. All hts ms indchltd to satd Cs'ate, or having ,! nvn'a against the same, are reiiie-ted to meet the suhscrihi r. on Mond.y lb.- 12th day nf May next, at the house nf the deccucd. lor settlement. JACOB ZARTM.W, April 5th, 1815. 6t El e in o nit. .toiix m RESPECTFULLY informs the- ci- r--"V ti'ens ot Sunhiirv ami IN victnl'v. Ihrt VWii . - . .'.: . ,i ' : I A dm r. v a 1 . im:ai.. fe has removed to I lie Hick House, in o,,U. and it s. eininglv rcMored her. Hie p;.it a se Ma ket streil. flirtinrlv occuined hv I roml. and It, forp it wa- half taken -he was rextorrd It. nj ioiiii llendrii ks. eo-t nf the More f..rim-rly or- ' lo jurfirt hrnl.'h, which i-be has eiij-iyed t-i the pre ciipi. d by Mi.l.-r .lart7., and now liy La T. t.'lr- : H,.,i iimp, without the hlightrrl symptom other for Cll iiient. wheip lie w ill U happy to receive c ills in the line of hi. r-d'es-ion. uiiI ikv, March V'tih I 1 5. lMate of M illiaiti IU tvst r, h M. J DTK 'I! is hrn-bv given, that lim-m Ic-'ainen. lary in l! e is'aV of William Kcer. lale nf Aogiii-la tdwe(iip, Norlhiini'ii rlaml countv. drcM, hvr hreri gr illed lo tM suhserilirrs. IVi-ons knoMiiig iheiiKi-lvcs in, I, -Lie. I, will plea-e rail and make viiu nt, nnd these hating rl ii.ua against the ist.ite aie u-iio-ltd lo n-Miit lliem for CX4 imealioii and aiith incut. SAMI EL I5F.ESEK, DAVID KEENER, Augusta, Match 22J, 1815 (it Executors. UYEsxurrs, paints, ve. triHE nuhM-nU-i keeps n i X ,-i rcaM.i.ai.v trrm. constant lv for sale nn the an a-snrtmenl of Medi clues, Ding, DyeiOnHs. I'aitiis, Oils, Varnishes, sVc. lfeing luigvly eniai;i'd in grinding such articles as (linger, Mm. laid mid IN pier. I,e has th. rn for tale ol a superior qualiiv, below the market puce. He would iiicnti. ii lliui he has a Patent M idline uoiked by steam power, which euahlis loin to s. II Pi nr ol the v.-ry h. st quality for 3 cents a lb. in Hla. Id. rt, and 3 rents in Hulk. He miifnh ntly asserts thit his piices are such a' to ;ive sa i-faclioii lo those who in iv favor him wiih a rail J. W. W. (iOKDtl.N, No. IAS We-t Pratt St., H.,li.m, re, n posite Hal- tiiii.ire and Ohio Rail Road Depie,, N. Ii. No rhnge made for dthvt-iing (i.iods iu any pari of 'he ritv. March Hth, 18 IS 3in STAKING. rpHE subscriU-r. I .tenf llie Ii III . f U. ck vV firo 1 siui-, wnii'd le-per'luily intorrn his .-Id rust, in ert slid the public gei rr.dly. ib it he now i ccitj -the new huildiHg e-t ef lieiny ll.ui i's Ta lor -hop, uud i pi 'sue (ieor.'e linlu's Diilir st.ire, in M rkrl -Ireet, Snnhuiy, where ha t...ei,ds lo cany on his former hustoess of IIUOT A: SIKIK MAKIMS. in nil i's aiieus I r ir rhcs. He wi I pirpiied o do ad kinds f work in bis I lie nt Ihe h n.t n. - I tire, slid in the nii.st ilur d le manner. He is thai k- fut for lorimr patiornue, mid lv slrir' allcndanc. to , lul ine an. I reasonable charges, will endeavor to ilc.-eie a continuance ef it. JOSEPH HECK. fMiiihuiy, Feb. 521, 1815, Bin 1TSV" CI .?.? IS T I IT G S . 'I MIE sub-criheri hsve received, and sr.- no n; ei ing a splendid a-sorUm nt of tin' fo. lowing g irxb - Samny, Wilinn and Velvet CarfietinKS 1 llrnsse's and Impeiiil 3 i Iv il i I CAIf- Eltri sil rilioe ai d line li.gr ins do PE f Engli .h sh id. d rt 1) inn-k Vein ti.ui do INti, A ni. i ic hi twilled and lij'il do J Engli-.li I huuue'U ami o..l. n Flair Clolha !-i air and I'.i.sago liock ncs " I'llili isrp.l Piano and 'fable Covers le II Ion Chenille and Till ed Itugs I), .or Malts ul cveiy des. riiiion. f.LSO A laige nnd t't n-ive rsMVto.pi I nf Floor Oil Chilli-, lioni one lo righ' yanl- wide, rut lo tit eve ry i'ecii.lion of looms or pis-a.'i s. Al-o, low pined L gr.in Cait't iigs ft ni 31 J lo r. "J J rents per vatd, logethi r wiih huge and riieli sive assoriincnl uf g 'odt u-ua ly k pt fyca'pcl inercliants. The id-ove goo Is will be sold wkoles-de or retail at the loive-i tmirkii prices, t.' nn.iv iinrehiiil i.li.l n heis tie partieult'lv invin-d to r ill nuleta nnne our st-s k I" foie inaUn g then ti ler'ions. CLAIiKsn.N. RICH vV Ml 1. 1. Hi N. Sucres. t to J. s. nh III .ckwo. d, No. 1 1 1 Che -nut, r uner ol Fr .lik'io Pi ice. 1'htl.i.li l, Ina, IVo Si i, I8IS. " rMlUll'.I.EAS & IWKASOI.S, cxi eat ron CASH. T. W. S7.I1TS Uinliiollu and l'a-rusul iSIaniifactorv. Mo. 3? Soilh Tiiitd ftrril, iu-o doors below the CITY HOWL, V Ii I I a ! c 1 i h I a . LWAYS on band, a lnrg r-t.ick of I'M- lllvl.l.l.A no r.u int i,.-i, inriu uiig ine j must n.'W .iv le o! Pinked Edgi'd Psra-olt el the hesl woikiiianship and malt rials, al prices thai w ill muke i'. an uhjecl iu Country Meichamt tied other, lo call and isstuilie b.s st s k hi lore pincha-ing elsewhere. Fe!-. S3. 1815. ly gi LASH, g .y U). NlqUili.y, xJ Cut Nail-, all sizes, Salt, l y the sack and barrel, H its and Caps, of the last quality. All for tale al reduced prices, by lfuiibur;,Oct.S, 1814, Jl,D,MAS8ER. ' W I STAR'S it ii.s kit or wim ciii:nitY, A t'oinpnnnri nalsxmle Preparation fram Wllil Cherry Hark anil Tar, 7?ie fV. remedy known to the world for the cure of eoriif.'it, tvldi. tt'thmn. croup, blreding of the lunrit, whooping cough, bnmchitit, in flu enza, fhnrlnein nf breath, pain and wenkntun in the brenat or fide, liver fnmf'laint, and the firnt Binges of COXSILMPTIOX. We will net anwrt that this BALSAM will cure CntiMumption in ist woml form, but it has cured mnny after all ether means of rlief had Jicen tried in vain, And why not ! It seems Ihst the WILD ClU'RItY was dc lined by Natuie to be our PA NACEA for the i sinning dineanes nf this eld la timde. Let not the dcpairiiiq invalid waste his mmiey and loo-n TIME, o him s nil impnr'snl. in x!rrimniting wiih the trashy notrums nf llm dav, hut iiie ut unrr a medicine llmt will cut. If cure he p s ilile n ne dicine that science approves, and manv art nf riperence h ive demonstrated that it almny relieves. 'There i ho snrh thing ?. fftil." in the history nf this wonderful BALSAM Evidence the miwl convincing i ve leiice that no one ran d.ol''. fully e-tahli he ties fact. For the sake of brevity we se'ect the f I owing from thousand. Isaac Plrt, E-i., Editor ef the Pekeepsie Eagle, one of the m mt influential journals in the aae of iew oik, states mulct the authority ot his own name, lb it a yniitig lady, a relative of his, of very delicate coiiMeu'ioti, was attacked in Feb. 1812, j wiih M-ere cold which immediately produced spit ting ef blend, rough. f vpr, and other dangerous and . al.irin'e g vniitonis. Through medical liestrnent I mid cue -he petialty rec vend during; summer. I But on ibe return ef w inter rhe was attacked mure ! vi-ilriitlv thnn nl feftt. -.tip luraine searrelv atdp lo wa'k and wa- tmiibh d w.ih rough, chill and fever every day, and api-eated to be going; rapidly with cnriHiinii im ; t lhi time, when there was n i sign nf improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a boitle ef Wistah's I1ai.m nr Wn.n CnrniiT. which she khghtcrt sympt mer dt-e ne. M r. P att savs "the cere c ime under my sn oh seivatiou and I Cannot be mistaken as to the facts." EXTRACT OF A J.KTIT.R FROM A POST MASTER. DATED I'lusnoir., Washiiigtoii ro., Maine, Apr. 20, 1 811. M It. Is A AO HI.'TTS. Dpar Sir : At the ic qopst of iinuiy of mv friends in this place and vici i iiy who are ntllicled with consumption and liver roriip'aln's, I lake Ihe IiUt'V of asking you to ap point some one in Ibis roiiniy as ajent to sell Wis tah's Hai.sam or Wii.ii t'HKnnr, and tospnd bi-ii a few dor.en. as there is none of i! for sale witt.in V00 rnilea from this. I have noslotibt that il would met with a n ndy sale if il wrre where it could le pioeured without loo much expense ond delay. Mv wile was attiirked about sii m nlhs since with what Ihe physir'atis railed ihe fiM s'age of c. n-unii'ioii a comnhitut vi ry prevalent in this . r'ioo of country. Having seen ihe Balsam ad-vi-rtised in Augusta. Cr 200 MILES FROM HERE, I I -ink the psuis to send there for a bottle of it, which she took, snd which helped her so much that I sent for I A o botdes more, whiih she has also ta ken, tiii'l -he now savs she has not felt so well for -ix years as she does nt this lime. All those who have inquired nf ine and asi-erlaiued what effect the 11 dssm hul, are anxious to have some lor sale Hi this v rin'uv. which it iho cau-e of my writing you. l'lca-e inform me I'V iciu n of mail whether you com 'm!e lo send -otno, and il so to whom, in order that it may be known where it can lie bad. I am with re-peet v-mrs, ptc. P. (i. FARNSWORTH, P. M. The wb.de coiimrv is fast learning that no medi rine no phvsinau no preparation of any kind whatever ran rqnal Da. WisTAii'a Halham or Wiid CiiKtia r. a Titi i.v woxniiniTi. c i nn. Wats.hvii.iv., Oneida ro.. N, Y.Xept. 15,1813. l'esr St I owe it to the iilliicted to inform y. u that in .1 iioinrv I i-t I was alia, kid tiy a very vio lent e .'il, caus' il I'V woikii a in the wstcr. which i seito d on mv luns It v as a roiiipanied by a v rv e'C pain in mv hn .is! and sides, nnd also ilisiirs- ng c-iigh. I had in aitrndam-e all the l est mei'ir I rod in nur vi'lige; but afier exhstls'tng a their ski I o i o v .il. ihey prmionnce I my di-ea-e a e.-M in m n i o-v-i mitiov, mi l they one and al gave me up to ilie. Afier iinieli prrsu -sioti I got 'ho i on-, n I nt mv phxsinail to us the HiLStM ol VV ill Ch i lin v it pared I'V Dh ISTAM. I pur. clei-ed of the Ag.-nl in our (line one bottle, before u-ieg h ill' . f iv l.ivh I I eg in to gain sireng'h. and it w .s very evident my cough was much hettr and my sv mptoma -n every vvay impr 'ving. I h ive II. vv n. tl thiee lioilh s, and II m rrntorrd to prrfrft liiut:.i 'I'liis re-nli is id -lie inving lo the u-- of DR WIST All's MMAM OF WILD CUE lt ; IIY ; and 1 lake this method of g vmg you the in I' 'nn ill. -n. partly to f av you Ihe debt nf gnlitudc 1 I owe Viti. and putty itiat oihit- snnilarly atllicled i may know where io apply lor relief. Vciv liulv yonl-, JAMIiM "Mir,. M ii. I'aVhi a Dry juist, under dale of Waiirville, S, pi Still, IM3, writes; Thn slat iiient given y u by Mr. James SgBa ja w II km wu to be imio I v'ilos whole ctimmitnit'i. I: r- rl ink was a moM remaika' le cure. The sale ef the l!al-am is very gv ill, and its success in cures iiu'V II I teiieg. Huit n sis ctfullv. D. D. PALMER. Till'. MOST HKMAltKATJl.K it iip. i: r.u lU'.ioiiDKi). Haiiii.isitm ii, N.J. April 20. 1811. I On or ih'HH Ihe 13 Ii (lay nf Octoher, 1811, I was taken si Ii a violent pain in ihe si le near the liver, w lei tl i eteltinid lor a'l. ul five d s, and was lo. I.nvnl ly the hreik'Hg ol an lid r, nr iilse-s, in v lul'v. wb'c'i rel ev. ,1 the pant a little, but cause. I III" to throw up a treat qo ninty of oll'eii.ive uitlter i ami also much llo id. It.ii. a priady tl.nmd.it : tin-. I ippl.ed lo a pi X -ii ian. but be said he llii'iil'l ! be roid. I d . I ill i ll. for me except g ve ine .e ,,. j Mtr.-uiy '., wlieb I ulu-l t lake-, d ehng I aiis!iil H al Hoy c. uM ilo ine no gum- ; -.nan) i- i I tint Mil-die were then 1 1 'Clued bv w,g ,( j i lend., t ut none did ine uliv I'o ,, .ai,, ihe ills, j charge ol blood am1 conupti hi .t '(1 enriluiui d tv. rv ! ; ', iv tla. and at I sl t oc.. kll ,., i,Kive thai I 1 cu il scarcely I lea be I tv . us , keied with a vi. I I ob lit rnuli, which at '.une csu-id lira to raise ' mil. Ii in. ne I'loo I i'.mii I had done larf.irc and mv disease ctintiiicid ,n tins way, slid grown g worse, I unlit Febru.irv, whi n ul! hope ef mv lee-. very was I given up. riu lny lunula all theughi I would die nt a O in oriso Cossi Mriio. At ibis moment, j h'.oii my IHe was app iren Iv drawing ncsr its clo.p, ' I hea.d of DR. w IsTAK'rt B A L S A M O F Will) CHEERY', and got a buttle whi'h j vnviii hk immiiihtiii ; and by ihe e.-e ef only I thrss- b til. s of ihl-uie.,1 cine, all ill'; p ni,-vvrie removrd my cough and s mint; ol blood and cor- inptioii enliuly slop) ul. au-'. p., s , w weeks my In ..fill was to far re.loie I s, rn,b'e ine lo wo k at my trade, (wbii-ti is , rtrpentir.) and up lo ihi nine 1 have en .y . A g(,,., h. t'ih. IIDMAS COZENS. Cloi cvsvsa I'ui sri, N. J , t. I'trt naliy came beloie me, the subscriber, one of the Justices nf the Pesc in and for Ihe ssiJ soan ty, Thorn sa Cozens, snd being duly afTirrnaJ s cording to law, ssith the above sutoroent it iu a I things true. Affirmed bi-f-re me, on the 80th of April. 1843. f i Ctr-aaxT. J. P. S Such ia lbs unprecedented success of sliie BAL SAM. ".VTtRl7o FAVORITE rEESCRIPTItW," a prescription eongenid to our wants, at his pie. , pared from chemical eittacts from sabstsnces which the author of nature has placed in our awn IsnJ . for wise purposes, that many who know nothing of iho mode of lis prepantion are endesvoring to reap pecuniary benefi'S by selling sn atticle similar in nsme, or in appearance, or by representing their own trash as" superior lo this BALSAM, r by put ting up a mistute snd solemnly asseverating that it is imported Iram a foreign country, which it not thn rase. All these deceptive arts goto show th,t ViTAn'i Kalsam is known to the world lo bn "77f; CHEAT JIEMEUY," snd that te ,rlt any mixture it must be tiki this tn name, r pur port to be like it in substance. rjrj- Relieve not the cunningly wrought fsluirs tioiis snd lake only the original and genuine Wistaii's 11ai.avi ut Wn.n Cmhht. NO OTHEXl CAN BE LIKE XT. Address all orders to ISAAC LIU ITS, No. 3 Ann St., New Y'.ok. Agents, JOHN W. TRU .INC.. Sunbury, D. llll AC I'KSAM, Xnrthumbcrlanl, J. K. MO YE II. Rinom'tiutg, J. WAOGONSRLLER. Silin.t.nrove, IIHIIWN k CREASY, Mrfhnville. Feb. S2d, 1845 ty lfFTV nou.Aus lKWAHU I CANTRELL'S ( olchraJcd l'amily orIcdicinc wiBrrn,L not cure evcrv thing, but slid remain o l uneqiiallei.' ii th'ir several departmentt hy every thing ever oflered tu the public, who have voluntary came forward end ellereil numerous ami highly respectable testimonial of their superior etiicscv. CanirrWs Compound indicated Sirun of Sar tiipiinllii f or, Antt-Scorbutie' Sy tup, for the cure ot Srorfula, ("hronir Rheu.n ili.sin. Chronic Swel lings of die Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Disea- arising from the abuse of ftlerrury, ye., unsurpassed by any thing in the market, combi ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-aparill with a modern medicament, onlylately brought out by ihe most respectable medical authorities. Price, 50 cents per h..ltle. Citntreir.i .Inti-Dyspeptic Powder, forthe re lief and permanent cure of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all its forms and stages. It is tiuly a most valuable, icincdy. Sold in bottle at 25 and .10 cents each. CuntreWi . Igue Mixture nnd Tonic Meilica niriitu, stands at lit head of the list unrivalled by Hiiy, or all the innumerable medicilfs in u-o throughout the length nnd bread h of the land, for the cure of Fr.vi a and Aol-e iu all its stages, and from all its consequences. Residents iu Fever and Ague district shoull never he without it. The sultciil-er will forfeit EIFTY DOLLAR where his medicine fails to perform a euro in the most obstinate cae. S.dd Who'esale and Retail by CALEB CRES SON. at his Dru-i Warehoe. No. B North Third Slreet, Philadelphia; also, bv the regularly ap pointed agent, SETH W. ROBERTS, Wholesale Druggist, No, 51 Water Slreet, Mobile. Prepared orlv bv the Subscriber, corner of CAR PENTER and SECOND Streets below Chri-:i-an, Philadelphia, w',iere it is also retailed. Observe, none tie genuine without the signator nf JOHN A. CANl'RELL. 1'anli Mi's i?:iio lixliir?, or Tuuic 9l-ltani-iila, For the cure of oil Ril'mux iiffirliunx, if taken a Curding to directions. It is a never failing icinedy which no family ought to be without, especially in low marsl y countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie. tor's immediate inspection on the must scientififJ principles, being Purely Vegetable, and having tried it etlictcy on thousands, for upwards cf Pi years, and to his knowledge w hen taken sirictlv ac cording to dtiections, thrre hns not been ere fadure. I 'rider sui-h circMmtances I recommend it to thn public, adding a ccrlilieaU iu support of my bsaui tioti. I, John Horn-, do certify that 1 was in lh s! lr Tohacpo Plant of Philadelphia., Cnpt. Reed, in June, 1SS7, bound to Liverpool; look the fever and cue and laid in Liverpoel sometime nnd;'. the doeioi's l inids, went from there to Raltim r , lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks ft .r thence io Philadelphia; was six months under 1),-. (oiats; fiom thencu to New Y'etk went to tl.o Hospital, lemaiiied there about four w, eks wit'.,out nny relief tried every thing without hriv t-r nefit, for ti years. Hearing of f mitred' Agu Mixw lure from a friend, I went to his store, t 'ld him how I was sillicted, and got a Kittle of hi mixieru and used it according to direrlions. It made a per fect cure, and I have not had the least rrlnm since. I do w ith confidence lecomincuil it to the public. JOHN BURNS. Mfillratrtl ni! l;rsniarllla. Phil idi Iphia. April 10th, 1S14. Mr. Johh A. rsTnt, Dear Sir, Having be.n nlV.ic cd f r v.pvurds of two year with ulceration of the throst ilc-troyt. K the whole nf ibe nfl p d ite, then lb .,uh Ihe upper part of my mouth into mv nose. f- m wbirii sever ul pieces nf hoi e came i lit, wl- .j, ,jirriat'y detliev ed my speei-h, through a kte, 1 Providence and . er Medicated SyiupnlSars (, i, I am now lector, il lo peif. rt health, and r,, ( hu h vv.sso muca iuiiair. d, is as slroe,, (. a boy. I ihoughl it a d u',y owed to you and those tiinU larly ah"ccl d, I'. ,nuke it public V'outs, R.specifullv, SAMI F.L KIKK, Corner uf Tenth and L a c Stints. W I-. ilal'iil J iiist.in, No. fi Reckless tteet, do cei t '.v that ill v wite, Jane, was afflicted for two veai wiih ISheuintii on, and at la-t was entirely di.-al led, j s.illial she wasebliged to he roufiued to bt d , f.ea -i itij uf Canl'itl's Melicated Symp ef S t ipuriila, I or Ami Seoit'U'ic Syrup, I procured four boitb a, which cnmpli ti ly rciuoved all her pain anil st. lines- from her luubs; two more bottles made a p r- led cure. SI e is now able to attend 'o her house. I hold duties as usii.l. li ABUIL JO.NslON. Phlladv Iphia, Jan. 'ii I, 1811. (jj pe rripive Pamphlets mar bf bad of the agents. (Oralis ) J. W. FEILING, Suebmv, ,iv. 9, IS11. ly rlge'it. Miaiuoliiii foal AT NORTH U M B E 11 L A N D. rpHK Sutiseiiber has a host lo.d of excell tit I shainok ii Cod at Nonhun.beil ind, whirli fiv titlert loi sak) al the lowest prices. Persona w ishing lo paieh ise w ill call on il.r e.lwii'n it Sunbuiy, or E. P. Shannon, E-q. nt Nonhum'iei. land. H. U. MAEK. Suntiiiry, J in. 4lh. 1S1S. BXUSS.It. h HA ion liair.l dj.. al 11 r5 e b. f n't B.lltlNiliviCrs--, Sunhury.Ocl. 19.K, 1U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers