, II A 21 K WOT 12 11 ST. rHXSYI.TAXIA. Tlie following list sbnws the curtr-tit value of nil Pennsylvania Batik Nuti i, The most Implicit re innce may 1 placed upon it, a it I every week wiefully compared with at d corrected from Dick icll's Reporter. Kniik lu Philadelphia. t PlC. 1l Nam. Locatio. .KILA NOTES AT TAR. Punk of North Ameiica . , pnr ink of tho Northern Liberties . par Commercial Hank of Penn'a. . . par Fairrcr' mid Mechanics' Bank . . pnr Knsiiipton Bank . . par I'hilailelphia Rank . J Vnr S, hnvlkiil Rank . . pnr iiihwurk flank ... far Western Hank par Mccbonics Bank fnI M:mi'cturere' cV Mocha-iics' Punk par Country Usuili !': nk of ( neuter County H.irk of Delaware County Hark of Oermantown Hunk of Montgomery Co. floylestown Bank Pnston Ttank Farmers" Bank of Thicks -co Oir-ee of Hunk of Trim's. Office do do Office do do Oifice !o -flo Westchester par Chester Oermantown Norris'own Poylestown Caston Bri-tol par" pnr par par par pnr TCarrifhnrg't Those Lancaster I ofiiceo Reading j do not Easton J issue n. D I fi0 f) V N T. NOTES AT Hank of the !Tniied States Prink of IVnn Township Philadelphia 21a22 par 10 . .. par Oirar.l Bank . Mnynmenfing Bank Rank of Pennsylvania . . Miners.' Bank of Poll.villc Potisvillo Rank of Lewistown Lew-blown Itank of Middlctown Middlctown par o 2 Bank of Norlhoinbeiland Norlhuiubeiland par Columbia Bank & Uridpeco. Columbia j fallible Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pillsl urg S i i i Do do branch of Jlollidayaburg Farmers' Bnnk of Lancautei Lancaste l.nticaster County Bunk l.ancnslor Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading llarrishurg Bank " Harrishurg Ijancaster Bank Lancaster Lebanon l!nlt Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg think of Pittsle.rg Piltshuig West Bronrh Bunk Willianisport Wyomirig Bank Wilkebbarte Northampton Bank Allentown l!eiki County Bank Reading Uiliee of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg i 2 i i 8al0 2 failed do Po do do Erie Po do do New Brighton Kem-inetnii Sav. Tn. A 00 Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chambersburg Cliamhersburg do Bank of CJellyshurg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Erio Farmer' et Provera' Bank Wynet.hurg FiHiikliii Bank Washinaton Honesdale Bjtik Honelero MononpalK'hi Bank of B. Brownsville York Bank Yotk o 30u40 3 3 H H H 'i N. B. The note of those hanks on which we omit quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchtu-cd by the Philadelphia brokers, Willi tic exception of those which have a letter of re fen nee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Hchuylk ill Sav. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. Pyotl, prn.) failed failed failed failed St no sale closed closed failed Closed no sale failed failed failed no a!e J'owanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bunk of Svvaliira Bai.k of Wushingtoa Centre Batik City Bank Farmers' V Mech'cs' Batik Farrueri' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs'&Bank Harmony Institute Huritinpdor. Bank Juniata Batik Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Pel. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Basik of Pa. Oifice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Apr. At Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank f IVnn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver Harrit-hurg Washington Belli fonle Pittsburg Pittsburg Fnyclto co. Grecncabt'e Harmony Huntingdon no sale Iewistown nosule VV'arren failed Pundalf no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadville cioM'd J'ort -Cut boll Carli.-lo fuiltd Montrose closed I'niontown faik-d Oreenshurg closed Wilktsharrc no sale Wilki-bhaire Biidge Co, dj All notes purporting to be on any IVniisyl 111111H Bank not given in the above li.t, may be et down as frauds. Airtv jmtsr.v. Bank of New Biuutwick Brnntwii'k failed Belvidere j Medford par Perth Anihoy Btidyofon par Mount Holly f ii Rahway I N. Biunswick failed helvideie Bank Burlinpton Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bunk" Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' end Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Middlctov.11 J't Jersey City failed fatbd failed : filled fail, d i failed i par Hnhoken Pkz& Grazing Co Hut'okn Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mrchnniis' Bank Patterson Manufactures' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mee'lianics' Bunk Newark Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morri Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Poi4 Note Newark Bkp & In Co Nrwaik Nt w Hope Del Bridpe Cu Lm( n.ullo N. J. Mauufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J I'rutetton & Louibuid I k Jersey City i tailed (ailed i faded i Orauge Bunk' Oranpe Futerniii Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bunk fak oi Banking Co State Bank State Bank State Bank State Bank of Muni State Bunk Salem und l'hilad Manuf Co Susmx Bank Trenton Banking Cu Union Bank Wailungton Banking Co. Palersufi do Princeton Salt ui Newark Elizabt'lhtown ('amdeu Monislown Trillion Salem New ton Trenton Pevrr Haekensaek par par i par failed failed i par J failed mxAWAitr.. Ek of Wilm cV Brandy wine' Wi'niington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Milturd Farmers' Bk of Slate ff Del Povel Po branch W ilinin.ton Po luanrh Geoig.toun Do briiiU Newcisile Union Bank ilu,iiiatuii fXT" I m'er ft dj- On all lank marked ihua () there are live counlerfiil or altered notes oi the various l.ouiiruifuns, iu circulation. The best tnrthod for the Abolition of Disease ' t Jo ctcanse and purify the Hotly. WKIfallTPS IMIIA1V VIUil'.TAHMJ riLLS Of TIIR JWn th Jlmrrttan Voltere " tlrallh. Are now acknowledged to he the best Mcdicino in llm WnrM for the cure of FYERY VARIETY OV Pit? EAST ECAUSE ihey completely cleanse (he to macta and bowel from t1u'e trillion end cor- ropt humor which are the euse not only id HeU.lie, Giddiness, Palpitation of the. Heart, Ps-na in the llr.nes, nheumatim nd Gout, hnt oiin iviiiAM every mslndv incident 1o wan. SAID IiSPIAIi VFCiETABI.E PILLS are a certain cure for in- ipimireni. 'emniru. nprvno, iiniMinniw t Fever. hpcaine thev clearme the p.tdy from those , mnthid humor, which, hen confinpfl 1o the cireu- that I wa afflicted wi'h the di-wase, I tisect a fireat l ition. rp ,Se chis nf all kind of FEVERS. ?o, 1 many at plication', (invnc tlm vernl celehratpd W, vhpnthewtme impurity i deposited on the I prqi'aration-) ns v II a tnUiiiB inw.ird remedies, n emhnte and nwwle., imsmir pair, infistna. ! inclmlint; a nu'nhcr nf!.tth of Siraint't Vannern. t'ort arid w(ilinc" called RHEUMA TISM, 1 R.rtract nf Sursupnrifo, iVc, In fict, it w.Mild he (iOl T,A:c. Wrtpht'a Indian VrgetaMe Pills may j impofsiMe to emitnetn'e all the medirine I used. I'erelitd fTi a always ertuin to nve nlief, and If J vns b!co under the c ire of two of thr moKt (lis persevered with, accordlna to direction will most ! tinpdished phyician of thii city, hut with ul re sssutedly, and without fail, n.nke a perfect cire of I reiving; nu rh henrfit, and I despaired of ever hi ine iho ahnTp puiiift.l n nlnilie. From thrpc to six of ' cured. In the f dl of lS:tfi, the disene at the tirne s.ild Inilian Vepetab'e Pill taken every nipht po- j Iwing very violent, I commenced uaino the 7of ing to hed, will in a nhnit time an completely rid j ointment, (prepared hv Vmiplmn ic P.iw.) In the hodv from every thine that is opposed to health, a f, , ai plications the violent itching ceased, 'he that RheumntiMn, Gout, and p tin of every deaerin- tinn.will he literally URIVEN FROM TlltJ UU PY, Forthesimo reason, when, Irom sudden chance of ntmoThpre, or any other cause, the per spiration is checked, and the lurniot 1 which should n.v off hv th" skin are thrown inwardly, causing . HEADACHE, GIDIUNESS, nause ami sick- i in n ecTtifienie the se rity of ihe ilisP4e ami niy lns, pain in tho hone, watery and inflamed eyes, Hn uup,. hut I will he p!e im d to yive a fuller ac orc tliroa', 'hoarseness, ronplm, consumptions, tmtl to nnv person wimtii p further atif ficlion, rheiimntic pains in various part of the hoilv, atnl j who will cull mi tee. At the lime I commenced ninnv rttnr vmptom cf CA'lHUlIMt ('t)LP, 1 iKinp the R sp Ointment I would have piven hun- yVrinht's Indian Vmctuhle Pills will invariably pive immediate relief. From thiee to f'ix of said Pill taken every nipht on going to bed, w ill in a hort lime, not only remove all the above unpleasant : symptom, but the body will, in a hori time, be j restored to even sounder heahhlhan iefore. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- I NO. Wright' Indian Vegetable ZVVswill loos en mid cany of)', by the stomach and howeis, those ! tough phleymy humors, wliich stop up ll the air oclis ol the lung, mid ore the cause, not only of the nbovc distressing -complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that mo.cdieadful malady called CONSUMPTION. It vhou'd he also len euibeird that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillt are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sickness, lo.- of appetite, costivenrsa, a yellow tinge of the rkin and eyes, arid every other symptom of a torpid or diseased state of tho liver; because they purpe from the body those impurities which if dt posited upon this important orpan, are the cnu-e of ecry variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation -is convulsed by liots, outlfe.iks and rebellion, (lie only means of prevent ing the dreadful consequence of a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed one from the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug gling with internal foes, the true remedy i to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitor to health and life,) Health will be the certain retult. That the principle of uring diseasetry cleansing and purifying din body, is strictly in accordance with the law which govern the animal economy ; and if pioperly carried out by the use of the above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ccitainly result In the complete Abo lition of Piseasc ; we offer the following testimoni als, from person of the highest respectability in New Yoik, who have recently been cuied of the most obstinate complaint, aolcly by the uae of WnisnTt Isihaw Vror.Tat.E Pill, of the Nvrth American Colbge of Health . Jamaica, L. U June 9th. 1841. Doctor William Wright Pear Sir It is with great saii faction I inform you of lay having hem entirely cured of Pyspepsia, of five years standing, by the -us of your lnuiin Vigetablk Pill. " Previous to meeting with y-oor celebrated tmdi cine, I had been under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried vatious medicine; hut all to no eilect. Alter using one. 25 cent lox of jour Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, that I received to perscvcie in the use of them accoiding to directions, w hich I am happy to state, ha result ed in a jwfect cure. Inpra'itude te you for tlie great benefit I have received, and also in the hoe that others similarly afflicted may be induced to make tiial of your cxlrawdinvy medicine, I send you this statement with full liberty to publish the same, if you think proper. Yours, &c. New Yoik, June 19, 1811. G.iX BLACK". Mr. Richard Pcnriw, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Bear Sir I have been afflicted for several year wiih inward wrakneg and general debility, accom panied at time w ith pains in the side and other distressii g complaints. Aft.-i huving tried various medicines wi'lumt rlbct.l was persuaded by a fliend to make trial cf Pr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used die me dicine, as yet 1-ut a shoit time, nd have uo doubt, by a perseverance in the use of the medicine accor ding to directions, ihi't I shall hi a short titise be perh ctly tcsloied. I most willingly recommend said Pill to all per sons simibiily afflicted, and in the full belie! that the s hop beiiel'ii-inl results will follow their use, I re niaiu yours bincerely, HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwaising, L'lbtef co. N. Y. ? N.w Yona.Sept.SO, 1841. 'Phis is to certify ttiat I have trued NVntcni-'a I in an V.u.TAaLK Puis wilh live greatest bene fit ; hav'nm intively cured myself of the frequent at tacks ol Sick lKud.lebe, to whith I had previously Uin subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, y.i-J Gii-enwieli Nir.-ei. N. Y. To Mr. RieUnl Dennis Agent lor Wtighl'a In dian Ygetable Pills, r.i v ti .v. A du re are at this tmie many wicked persons busily . injniiej in sctling a counlerleii niedii inc un dcr the iiuine of the Indian Vegetable Pill and as lliese d.-si-vrale men are so utteily reckless of con sequei.c. , that many valuable lives may he lost in roiiM-quence of using their dreadful compounds, iho pubbc are cautioned aguinst purchasing any Pill, sunlesa on the tidesuf ihe boxes the following wording i found : WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE FILLS. Indian Purgative.) I OI THE XOrH AXtRICAN CULLLOI OV HEALTH. j And aloe to be especially careful against purcba sing aaid medicine of any person except trie regu ! Isr advertised speuis. pnr par ACHKTS FOR KORTHUMBERLAKD CO., PcnntyUania. H. B. Masssr, Sunbury W'm. Forsyth, Nor tbonila rland Jacob Haas, Shamokin Samuel Heib, Million. iy Bverlv A P. Haas, Aucusta par ' par par pnr psr , par par ' 'I I on, as Fi lliner, Milton Ireland A. Meuell, McEwensvilb E S. P per, TurbuUville James li'.e.l, Po'.lsuruve II. Klase, Snyd. rslovt n II. H. KiaW, P. M Elysburg P. O Win. l.ei enrinr, P M. Union Corner. Oll'iee and Grueral P. pot for the sale of Wright's Mian Yegetutde PtU, Wholesale and ltet.il, No. Dili RACE STREET. PHILADEL PHIA. M.y ai, ly I ii dc- v . SB OINTMENT, AIL J o roil TKTTTJl. MNOTVOriM", riMM.t: OH TltH FACE, AND OT1IF.K (ry The following eertifieatdcseries ant of tht tnnut extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. Pmt-AntirniA, Fehniary 10, IMS. IOTl twenty year f was severely aftlictrd with Tittum on the Fare and Ilendt the. disease commpnecd when I i seventeen year old, nd continued jiKil the Fall of ISM, varying in vio lence, but wilhntit ever disappearing. During most f i,e time, great pnrl of my faen was covered with .1 . .1 ' t 1 1.1- -1. tne erupnon, irpqupniiy aitenuca wnn tio.piu m-u-ing niy head swelled at time until it felt a If it would hurst the weKini was an K'Vit. fhnt I couM scarcely Rot my hnt on. Purina the lor.R period swellii'C aha'ed, the 1 ruction henan to iltsa pear, and het'.irp I had used 11 j r the di-eane wit entirely cured. It ha now been nearly a yiar and a half since, and there is not a vetijn of tlie dii-eie re- tnaii.ine. except tlw sciw from the oVcp pit formed I,v the dire. It is iinie-Haihle for me to deseril-e died of do. hits to be rid of ibe ihwiisc. Since u sing it. I have recommended it to n-vir il poisons, (ninonp them mv mo'.her.who had the disease bad ly on her a-tiO who v re a'l cured hv it. J AMES PUKNELL, No. l.'ifi, Race St. IJj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I'. Yauhan, S.m h Ensl comer of Third and Race streils, Philadelphia, and sold 011 auency in Siiobu ry. hv H. B. MASSE R, May Hlli, 1813. Ktoc Ointment, for Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS F.FF1CAVY. Pnii.AiiiiniiA.Muy ?7t!. 1SW. rttllK ij in tf-rlifv ll.nl f wn si-vprptv Atl1lCed with Tetter in the hands and feet for upward j offortv years; the disease wa attended generally ' with violent itehing and swelling. I applied to i number of physician, and used a great many uppli ca:ion nitln nt i-fleeiing a cure. About ayar since, I rvppltod iho Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itclenu. and a few applic ili -m imniedt atilv cured the dt-ease, which there ha hieri no return of, alt hough I had never been rid of it at any lime for forty year. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spuiee Street. fXj- The Rose Ointment is pn-pircd by E. B Vautl.ati, S mill East comer of Third and Ruc ace Streets, Philadelphia, ni.d s. ld on asenry in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSE It, " May 1 llh. ISIS. Agemt. XVXEDICAZ. AITHOEATION Of the HOSE OLTMi:.T,for Tetter. A trilOUGH the superiority of .he prcpaiatien over all Others la fully e0ablihed, ihe propr e- tor take pleasure in laying In-fore the public the lollowmg certificate Irom a respeciatue pnysician. a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bauph, havine found in llii rempily that relief fir a tedious and disagreeable affection which ihe mean within the ranpe of his profession failed to afford, has not hpsilated to pive it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that jirofeseion ate opposed to secret Remedies. PiilLAiiri.rni, Sept. 19, 183(1. I was recently troubled with a tedious herielie eruption, wbiih covered ih arlv one si.'e of my f.ice, and extetided over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie tol of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, insis ted on my tying his preparation, of which he lian dvd me a jar. AUhoimh in common with the mem bers of my profession, 1 discountenance anJ disap prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignorant pretenders, I feel in juiiee hound to except the Rose Oinliuwil iWnn lhat clag of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire ly Hired the eruption, althoupli ii had icsisted the usual apphcaiions. DANE. BAUGH, M. D. fjj" The Rose Ointment i prepared by E. B. Yauuhan, Surth East coiner of Third and Race Sticels, Philadelphia, and Sold on g ncv in Sun burv, by 11. B. MASSER, May 14 th, 1i3. Agent. J. IVIAYLAND, JR. & CO. Snul!" ami Tobacco Manufacturers, JYo. 'J'J XortJi West caw ef Have und Third "Slrvrl. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE iinder-iplied have firmed a Co-partnership A under the tVriii of J. M A V L AN I) Jh. eV Co.. i w I If I I jt a euei-essoi to the late firm ot Jaea'i Afttilana t r. 11 .- 1 1 . 1 n Co., anil will c iiitinue the l-usiucs at ihe old esta- hMinietit, on ihe-r own accoi.ni. In addiiion to H,B !" 1" " "i i-T- " -their ow n close attention and experience foi nmnv I '"' ' ' . . e . - .1 r 1 n- years, in tire manufacture of their cefehrated snutl-, eke., the loop experience of the senior paitnerof the I late firm, w ill also he devoted lo tho interest of the new concern and a no exrilion and care will I e ; spared lo insure their goods, al all times of the e- ry la-si quality, th.-y so Ik-it a continuance of the coniideiice 01 thu li.enda and customers of Ihe late , firm. THOM AS ADAMS, J. MAY LAN D, J. Philadelphia, May 1 till. 1813. W EAGLE b it as na "ci - CnrtiT 0 'Ph-rd und Vine Streets, wxiitiAMsronT, rv. flHE siil-scribi-r ri sci tfully aniiounei s to the 1 public, thai he h ie opened a Hotel in the com. miniums brii k building s.luate on the coiner of '1 hiid and Pun- streets, where he will be happy to wail 1 ipu 1 1 lose who may tavvr hint will. Ihen company. J lie l.agle Holel 1 large and conveni ent, and furnished in ihe l-e-t modem slile. Ii i provided with a Imge numlier of well aired and comfortuhle sle. ping sptrtnx nt, rooms, private prlors,A c. I'eisons visiting illiamsporl on bu siuess or pleasure, may rent MS'Ured lhat every ex ertion will le used to render their sojourn at the "Eaple Hotel" pleasant and asreeahte. His Table will he supplied wiih the very best the msiket af fords, and his bsr with the choicest wines and other honors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in th borough, being situate in the business part of ihe town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Willianisport and Eltnira Rail Road Depot. Suflicient Stabling provided, an J gooJ aud tiusty ostlers always in alt. iidaii.-e. Attentive, accommodating and hono- Servants have been employed, and nothing left oudoiie lhat will add to the ecMiifoil and accoinmudalion of bis guests. There wilt be a carriage alwaya in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey puseiigers to and from tba House, free ef charge. CilAM.ES BORROWS. May Mth, I8.-U ATTOUNKY AT IAW, STJITBURV, TA. Bustnesa attended to in the Ooontie of Nor tkuirloriand, Unioii. lAemning and Oolunihia. liefer tot TnAiri Hist A Co.. Lnwtn et Bariiox. Hart, Cummiwos A TTabt, y-Piiad. RuTjroLn. McFala?ii) Al Co, Krtniso, Goon 6c Co., To'tiouiitry IVIERCH ANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon &. Harri, Hal ManuCieturer. for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other larnc cities, whoso ( are highly commended for gwnt tnl-it and durability , has 01 l and a fir-t rate a?ortin-nt of HATS and (?APe, suitable fur Sprinp de-, wh'rh will e sold very low, fot eaili or nppioveil rredil, at the nrtrd cheap store, Kn. 10, North Third utro.t, ojpjsi'c the City Hotel, PUhi.lclphin. ROBERT P. WILKINSON. Agent. N. B. Order I.u Hats in ibe rmu;h. ppimplly attended to. Tin highest rice in tush r tra-le given f ir Fur itn.. Philadelphia, Jnne 11, lSI3--1y ':rc&GLirm?J2L aoz etc- LL persons itnbbted to the firm of Lyon ct Hnrr-, under the agency of O.N. Thnehrr. ( and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, arc requested to malic immedi ate settlement of th ir aeer.i.nt uith the subscriber, their legally authorized api-nt, who is fully empow. eled to sellle and collect lie neeoiint-" of Slid firm. ROBERT P. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1812. tf AgmU GOT) EN "SWAN An. ()'.) iVori ''hint, iihoir Arch Slriel, i'l Ml. A DELPHI A. Arr-oMvop m nivs run sivkmv Tflio-5i. ! Ml ARLI'S WEISS, b,ir..f Ibe -White Swnn." I and "Mount N'ernon House." respectfully in i forms his friends and customers, that I e ha become the proprietor of the ahov well known Jlnlel. Country Meichatit will f-nd the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons Ira vellinp with private eonvevanee will find a Inige I yard and pnod stabling fot horses, and the bit of i outlets. Iloirdinu ft perilav. ! Mav llih. 1842. if. -T! (.'oniiiiisviini . I'urwnnlini Merchants, Foot of Willow Slrt't linil Road, II TIIK I I I. I W A II K, HAVING' Bs-ocinttd v i h tin m Joseph Barnel, bop of Eastou, P,i r. si eitfollv inform th. ir fnei ds and the i.uhiic pei-craMv, that they hart ta ki 11 th it large and wed knon store and wharf at foi l of Willow Hired Radroad, l itily oeeuiiiel I v licob Martin, where thev nit-nose doing a Gem tal Commission and Forwardiop Business, and faun , ...... 1 .i e .1 1,;..,. ,.,..J I I lit: I' M 1 ill nie n--t w . n i 111 ' i ,i. - K ...., . with all lire iibl- improveiiK-nts that have their j outlet in the cilv, they (latter themselves they will be able to do business to as pre:it, if not p eater ad- vrfhtnge, and upon as reasonable leimsas any other house, and thev assuie their fiiends that any con- niiiMtunila mu.tr) l.k llwlil illfl KfVi till If fiTlfl Itf. jon j no .ltlIW eJ lo ive Clltiic .3tiR. I f faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward pood 10 any point on the Delaware anil Lehiph rivers, liclween Mauch Chunk, Easton and Philn di Iphia, via Delaware Pivi.-iui and Ihii;h Can ,1s; also, to any point on ihe Juniata river, or Nordi and Wist Branches ol'lhe Su-ipiehanna via Schuyl kill and Union, or tho Chesipei.kc and Tide Wutei Canals. For ihe accommodation of Boats coming or go. ion via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Sioiinboat will ne kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuylkill around lo the Delaware and back, w hich will en .hie merchant to have their produce deli ered on the Delaw are, and their goods sl.ippid at a savinp of 50 to ?f er cent. o the price fir haulii p HCl0s, with these advantage they re spectfully solicit a share of pntr. iiai.-e. W. HEII.MAN & CO. William Hellman, William W. Keyse', s Joseph B.-riiel. Phila.l.,May 14, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO. Crucial ('iniimiMsloii jtli'i lianfM, For the Seie of Flour, drain, iked, V"- Vc F.sPECTFFLLY inform their friend and he Merchant generally, that they have la- ken those lame and coinmodioua t haivra.wilti two Dinks, ninth of Ohesnut streel. on Ihe Dels wire, tou'ttln-r with the stole No. VJ South Wharves, where they would tie t'b aed lo receive roiisipu- ! ments of Grain, Fluui. rVel, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. 1 A p. Being also well pu-pared to lorward all hinds 1 riff 1 I: 1 .1 - .1 ....II. Ml .....1 l..i.i fir till ; Ol .l e.CII a I IO is. O .IIP r-l IIHl 'Sill nil'. ......, ... .-. 1 . ' , , .... . ,. . ,i . ..,. 1 ihe ( hesaiu ak and I , e W ater I anals, a l.im- i ' . .1 f , ,.:,, 3teicnnni w n incase oe .uirneuiai m nt-un nm, ' . . , . .. ... v. m si, ponos oeM.iirii iiv t-iiiiii iniinir, ... .. Wharves, hrlvv.-cn Market and Chcsnut stree'. on the Delaware, with direction accompanying them which route thev wih ll'ni to I sbip.e,l. fry Plaster aiiJ Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ketprice. IIOLTONAC. March 19,1843. Ni. IP Sooth hirvp. noiti:u i' hrh.r & so, FAIDIt IO. AIITjr ACTUBEBS, I Lombard Wmf, llatttmare T I AVE ci-iislaiitlv for sale. Priioinp P..ir of ah - sij.es and ipjiilities. Cap Writing Paper, ruled j 1 and ph.111, letter rupee, white and t-lue, ruled anu I plain. Hanging Paper, fine ami common, Envelope I 1' nner. do. do. medium, doub'e nown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers, Nodded Medium and Royal Pap'r, Bonnet, Binders' and Stiaw llox Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in theii line, which they will sell on acconimodaliiig terms. ILghest piice given f.w old raps. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 19, 18-13. Elklon. Md AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliunl polish lo sil ver, German Silver, Braes, Copper, Brklania ware, '1'in, SUel, Cuthry, and for restoring the lustre 011 varnithcJ carriages, etc. 'I'ltt7 I F. Prepared and solJ al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Norihuiu'J, H. B. MASSE It, Ag.nt for Sunbury. November 20lh, 1812. LAST riAKEU, No. 74 Callow hill Street, riiiladcljilna C Three doors ulutt Sreuilil.J SHOE Finding always kept on baud, whluh he olli r for tale on th oet loimi. Country Merchants are patticulirly to C H aod judge for themselves. Philadelphia, Novemx-r Id, Ibii ly. G. V. & L. B. TJTLC?. ifFFER FOR SALE, at the South Esl Cor l W ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Boot, titched warranted, do do do pepged do io do do water proof, double sole and double uppers, do CIf-kin do do do nailed and upper, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neafs do do. do High quarter Shoe, Calf-skin, da do do Crocker do do Fino Monroes warranted do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse li do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do do do da do do lo do Calf and Seal Skin F-jmp. do List Socks with and without sole.'. do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin, Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoe. Gentlemen' do Over shoes. V hh every other desc iption of boo! and shoes, Fur Cnps of every description. Travelling Trunk of every description. Venetian Travelling Bap. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe lilackinn. Bonnets of all kiiuh, P.riin Leaf ll.rt. Philadelphia. NencmVr IK. 1K1S. ly. Ir, BPbCTHEPb, ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKsUL LERrt AND KTAI'ION F.Rs, No. CliPsiutt St reel, below -It h, riiilailclpltin.. "W7"EEP constantly on hnnd a renerid assort Gi vV nieiit of Hooks and Stationary ; cmnprising Tlieo'lopieal, Law, Medical, Classical, Miserllaue Oils and School Bool.. Pay Books, nli size. Led cers, do.. Family l!i!lc-, Pocket Bible. Wiilint Paer, Wrn ping Papers, eve. Ac, which they cA ler at the h.west pi ice to Country Merchant's I'tc fessioual Ov-ntlemen, Teachers, and all otliera that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia. Noi?mherl3. 142. I y. .TEicliael Weaver X- Non, norr makers & ship chandlers. Sc. 12 A".rri Water Street, Philndi Iphia. b constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw hies, A c, viz : Tur'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. AImi, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Miad and Hiti ing Twine., BcKt Putent Gttl Net Twine, Cotton Shad and lleniiig 'I'wii , thoc Thread. Ac. e. Also, Bed Cords, I'lollu'll Lines, 1 11 itlers, 'i'raees. Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, 1 tVc all of which they wiil dispose of on iiasoiiahle leims. I'l.il.iile'phia. November 13,14-:.'. ils l i Isitmt li is. Sou- UF.SPECTFVLLY rnfor ms their friends and rieiiiiHiiiliMiees c lernllv thut Ibev sti'l con- linup to keen at ihe old stand, No. "JG Nor lit 3d street. I'hiladeipiii.i, all Voids of TOllACCtt SM .'"' .4 V' SECAFS. Which they w'.ll Eell the in a '. uccummodatiii( and reason lo term. N. B. All cooIs sold will be guai snteed iu:d till orders pnrmplly allendeJ lo, Philadelphia, Ni:vemlei 13, 1842. ly. BSTZ? CC1TCTEB., Wholesale and Uetail Shoe, roimct, I ami I'alm Leaf llitt Warehouse. J ,V t 6 fiorth "d street, a fiv ilours rtmve .trrh, I Piilailelihia. i ft T.SO Trunks, Caipei Barsand Valiv.sf ev- ' ry desciiplioii, all of which he oll'eis for : sale on the must reasonable terms. ' Philadelphia, November 1 3, H-iJ. l v. j J W. SWA Tn , i rmlirella and l'arasol Mant.farttirer. : A'o. 37 Kuolh Tint it street, ttro duori Ixlof' the , Ci'v Hot' I. Philadelphia. , COl NTRi Merchants and otbera are solicited I to v a, mi ne his assurti.icnt liefore purchasing ; elsewhere I Phila'clphia, NovemUr 13. 1812. Iy. i & A. UOVOVDT'S China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, Ao lt.4 AorM Third street, third door below Vine ! street, Philailelphia. j AT J HERE they conrtai.tly keep on hand a larpe j assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool; Ware, w hich ihcy w ill dispose of on ihe nnt rei- 1 suitable terms. 1 Philadelphia, Novendver 13, HiC. ly. j TlUxVpiLrs ( VIA'. I Manufacturer and Importer of Sad- j drorv, llarduaie, A:c. . So. 5 South Third street, four doors belutr Market Philadelphia. M EEP constantly otibaiul a larpe id irorwr-al rwsorlment Conch Lnmi.s, Carriape Hands, AxIp Arms, V'hptW Sprincs, Patent Leather. Ac Country Merchants and saddlers will he supplied at all limes on the motft reasonable terms. They w iil find il to their advantage to call sod cxaniiihs hi assortment before purchasini! elsewhere. Philadelphia, Noweml'CT 13, 1842. ly. 1 ' V. V Xt) 1 .1 )sTs Tc FA ML AN 1 1 vV CO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Uritish and American Pry Hoods. A'o. 105 Maiket htrttt, Philathljdiia. COUNTRY Merrh Hits, run! other can le sup plied at all times with tin extensive " ns"i)l of the I'ost and most ft-hion.ib!c Goods upon the Most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1S42. ly. l.OWV.U & liAllltON. Iiniim ters mul 1 )ealers in Foreign and l)otirCotic Haidwarc, No. 174 Nohtii Thibii Sthut, Piih-ahfli-hia. AiniEREtheirfriendsandiustomerswillalways find a large and general assortment of Foreign . 1 i : ,k .i,. ni'l s.Jl .1 ihe and Poioestic Haidwsrc, which they wi.l iH at tne lowest prices, Philcdelphia, November 13, 1842. ly KS11F.U1CK, IIANSFM, & CO S. WHOLESALE DUY GOODS STORE, o. IOC l-'-i Market Street, Hula. 'liclow Fflh South side ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general a sortment of Hosiery, Lace, aud Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully recpiealad to give ihcm a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, Notember 13, 1613. ly. S1M2.UXU, COOl) At CO No. las Market Street, Philadelphia. WNVITE the attention of Country Merchant I to iheir extensive assortment of Briiiih French and American pry Goods, which they oifrr for sale oil ihe most leasouuhl term. Philadelphia, NovemUr 13, 1812. ly. WINSLOW'S BALSAM Or IIOREIIOUND, AN nnparelleled remedy for common Colds, Cough, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cotiph, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading 10 consumption; composed of the coneen (rated virtues of Horehound, Bonet, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegc(nhle substance. Prepared only by J. M. W'mrlow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viitueaof the Herb from which the tinham oj Horehound i made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is theiefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vegc table substanees, a to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f r the com plaint above mentioned. The Balsam removes nil imflammation and sore ness of the Limp, lons-enc tonph visid phlegm, en aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and frpp dom, nssuipe polish, relieves athmatic and dilli- j cult re piration, henks the injured part, opens the I pore, and composes the disturbed nerves, and pics I strermih to the tender lungs, and thu producrs a speedy and lasting cuiP. i I G R ATITl'11 K IS TIIR. lMT Cn-IMT. 1?l Vv. 'n ... . .,. . - ) c are mil among mil etas el i.onors ivtiu lor a few dollar will, (ut the rxppuse of truth and fio r.esiy) "craek up" an arl'nle and bring it into rapid sale ; neither ate we willing to remain siletrt, after having tested flip utility of an im rovetnent or cW is. covery in science or art. -ir re.uler w ill rerollert we. told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent Culd some few weeko niL Well, we pur chased lo bottles of INSLOW'S BALSAM OV HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the CAire, that we forpol we -ever had a cold. Those mho are Btllicted, mav try it upon our recommendation. iV'i.-.'o T' fifroph. For sale by HENRY YOVniF.lMER, Sunbur,,, JACOB BRIGHT, ftirlhumhcrlana'. Alo, ly Drucciits pener.dly throughout the country. f"j Price, .Ml rents per bottle. Auiust Mtli, lJC. ly. i35b iac 2ja: nr . ......11 r ...... J.. i..:..:., i.... . . 'ik rule n rui'iii ii'iih, .oi.t i.kimk n""in .no " huiuhed and ten acres, tmrrc or less, situate 1 in Point township. Nonhunri erland Countv, ulmiit two nub above J orthumberl and, on the mam road leadinp from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John Lection, Jesse O. Ilorton and others, now in ihe occupancy t.f Samuel Payiie. About forty acres f fikiri trad are clean d, and in nood slnti- of cu'tivation, on which there i a smart tairn ereclnl. The property w ill be sold on r nsonalilo teiros. For further particulars, ieioii art request ed to applv to -the sol rto--. H. B. MASSPTR, .I'Mif. Nov. 27th, lt1t. tf Sunli.irv. P. 1 tF U K-iiV DEsfltll'TloV. M'.W r.MM.AMlOII. COMIUNV. j No. -J'.i Norih W'siter tr-cx.1, lliil.u 1T3 ANUF.VO l UlM'.KS ,! dealers in Oils of every dci-cripti.-n both fir hurning and 111:11 1 11 t.ic : r , ri ir r.urnuses, which will bp sold much i lower than they can be procured eisa-where, und j wuriauted in ipaality to ecjual ar-y in the chy. Any t oil sold by (he company not pmviug as represented, , may be returned wrthout any expense to -the pur chaser, and Tlie money will be refunded, j Their slock now -in atom eonn.ls of the follow 'rug 1 oils, viz: ' UO.OCO gallons Winter Bleached Spctm" O.I, I fibtltl do do Coloiles Oil, I IS.tltHI Co Fail and Sprinp Sperm Oil, i Gl. t'OO do Winter S.-a Bb-pbaMt, i 211.(1(1(1 do ,,, Pressed AY hide Oil. 1 C.OI W do Slimmer do do do ) ' "1.0(1(1 do Coiiipiitfi WhwIeO.!, 21)11 Barrel ol'O do .Ml do s supen.,1 Sira ' I lil, Cod Hank Oil, Nea's Foot Od, -.5 Ca-k Olive Oil, Tanriflr's I lils. qj This Company has n niriiior r of V.-ss. U en gaged in toe ('oil Fish, ry, and Turners m-iy r. ly upon renin,'; r.t all IMiesOil a pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. l.t, IsC'. ly. McCALLA & HERSH, o ."!, oi lK Si-uud Nli t-t l, (l oan 111 of coomb' ix.r.x.) Wheie they constantly keep iwi hand a geuer il assor'rni'irl of CLOTHS, CASSIMJERES, XjaSTINGS And a grtnl vmiity afartiehrs if a sujeeriar quality, which they ..tier lo dispose i( upon the most lea.ouable terms. C COUNTRY MEIICIIAN'IS anj il.-rs wiH J find it to llioii advantage to can anl exsii.iuo tin ir stock betiire purclia-iiip el.-ew liere. ! Philadelphia. Nov. ti, l-42. ly ! LIST OF BOOKS, POH Sl.k III NTIlON S Cl.irsKal Dieii.snary; I.einpri.r's i do.; Amsw or.h's do ; C'olib's do Knphsh and , Gert.isn diM Ambon's Ca sar; Anllioii' Gr immer; , Ant'iicn's Ck-ero; Mail's Latin Realer; Opilly'sdo.; I Anibew's I .al in Lessons; D.-niM-gan's I.exieoi.; ! Fisk's (ire. k Exercises; Davies's Lependei; Gracra ' Majora; Adams" Roman Antapiilies; Piniiock's 1 (.'oidsiwith's Enpland; do. Unwr; Lyell's Element j of (ieol.-pv; Mis. Litieohi' Botany; El. nients of j Botany; Bridge's Alpelca; P oriel's Rhetoiical Rea : ders; Einrrson's (opraphy and History; Oloey's do.; Pur!.' .hi.; Smilli's Orammei: Kirkham's do.; Kav's Readers Cobl ' do ; Cbb's Arilhmetick; Pike' do.; Emerson's do.; Cebh's Spellinp Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Libniiy; Collage Bible-; Family do ; Ci lluti r al do.; Small Bibles and Test irni-nl-; Paikei's Ex-erei-es on Composiiioi , Fiuit of ihe Spirit; Haxter's S .inl's Rest; American Revolution; Maiiysll's No v.ls; Mrs. Phelps ..11 Cl.i-unsliy ; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; l.eit. rson Natuial Magic; ( be inisliy for Begiiniers; Enphsti Exeicises adapted to Murray's Grammer; Scjuel to Comley's Sjielling Book; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A ereal variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, I8I J. . AT'PEZTIO j j S I I " ' ...C'.'s T1 1-411 pw-ps ,i, , , I , 1 I 1 '' t'!l 'hv, attention of hiscounlry fiwnd j, .. ' . f who are. in want, to his vervlaree stork of Crpel;.,1gii Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, oiaii Roda, Ac, Ac, that be ha jusi opened, at his warehouses. No. lei North 2.1 street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, IS 12 ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. KIKKl A Tit ICR a SON, So, 21. Sorth Third street, (tiTwirn mas t awii rHiutr irxtiri,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assoitmenl of SxhuA lhdis, Palna Kips, Tanners' Oil, iff., at the lowest market prices, t ithrr for cash, in j exchange for Leather, or upon credit. I Consignuieiila of Leather received foi Stle, 01 . purchased at the highest maiket price, Cj" Leather sloied tree of charge, I Aptd 17, 1813. ly m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers