THE AMERICAN Saturday, Tan. !, 18U. it . . . j. . . -. n J.. -! rj- V. D. riuci, Eao.. at his Real Enlace ami Coal officP, No. 69 Pine Strppt, Philadrlphia, is au thorised to act as Agent, and to receive and receipt for all monies due this office, lor subscription or a J' vertising. RKcvir.n Tvrr. ino lbs., or more, orsrc nlitl band brevier type, for ale at Ibis otTire. at IS cts. prr lb., cash. The type are the sntnens tiiose used in our ndwrtiaing eolunins. Jn eonsi'ipience of our constant profession al enCPtoineMts at court thi week, we ore una ble to give i-ur r-aib-M the it.-iial variety of edi toiirtl, and other liui'lter. C",- We lay before onr reu lor., this week, the Coventor's Messnse. Not having bad time to look over it, we can give no opinion mi ft merits this week, TltoVOKIMi TllK MksA1.K AND HlK M ii.. We hitd reserved room, uud were pa tiently waitir.2 frr the lbirrisbura mail on Thei's day niornini;, for a ( f py of tli (iovcrnoi's M ;" s.i. Tie iFiail urrived about 11 o'clock, A.M., but as the Tot master pt X.irthlnnbrrlHud bud put the wrens lock on the mail bag, nil the let ters, papers, kc. for this place, had lobe sent on. unopened, to Pottsville. n tlie afternoon we cb'spu tidied a nies-rnj;:,r to Nortlintidn'ilitiid for a copy, mid weie I'oitnnate enough to cet one from the Postmaster there. This is the M-cor.d . . . . lime this thing has oPcnrred ttlthui tlir- last month or two. Should it iisain occur, wp sb.l'l bo obliged to insist on hav ini the mail ilelivercd jt this place before it nmvesat Xo-i thniid'crhind. is the contiai t requires. W e ;ue conspipieirflv, linahle to ixe ot:r readers :;ny of the ptr-cccdius of the Lcg'fbitui'e, tlii Week. C'T"1n Tn-sday la-t. on motion of P.. Green-ou-U. , (oo A. Prick was admitted to prac tice in th"! ta-x rial com ts ol this counlv. r.7" Timai. i- lb n R On Tiii-sday last a Jury was called in the case of Win. Hunter. M-ho, i tit Robert Hunter and John Devany, were inflicted at November term lat. for tli" murder of John VanJIins. The del' ndants having plead ed nperately, tlie emu t riunted a aeperao tiiul for each. At the time of going to Tress the evidence was not it heard. We bsive p'ei'tved the first nniulier of the 'flay Pilule," published nt 1 lai i isbur. by M.-l'iirdy Kuabb. It conies out with a strona blast in favor of Henry Clay for the Presidency. tT- Sri:Mi: i'V Titribti'sr. .hones R Si-.ow-den. of Venango, was c'.ert d Speaker nf the House. Mr. Snowd -n was nominated in caucus on tli second ballot, by n majority of one vote. iz : Snowden Jl, Roumliiit Ji. f .7" The I'uion Times says : on Monday th" 1 Mb i n -t. i nt . tli.; large ,m I ect usive Ful lint; Fac tory of Jacob Ivliti. in West llufTalo" township. I'liiou county, was en'irely d-troyed by lirp. Lo-s eatiiuat.?.! at ah :it .1.lil;l. Povvice or Si:t Hon u. Intkrksts. The M.uli soniail piibli'le-s a tabb1 s'io"ii: the relative strength of the dillerent .sections o the Union iii Coi!i;ies. The nine North.-iMcrn State have '.i I iiieuibers. tin? four fiee Wcttern States Lave 41 tneinbers, the thirteen Southern and Western slave Statej, have SS iu-nibrs, making in all 'Ji t. These tables show, the Madisonian says, that the repioseiitatives of the slave-holding States ore in a minority in Congress that the Western mid Southern States united can control the North and 1 ji-t bva considerable majority that the Western free States are dependent upon the South or the North, or both ; uud in fact that the three sections are dependent upon each other und can I'tl'ect nothing more. lit edlng Itttll llnnil. I lia l.onti Olitnlilrit. Though the llloils of ihe Presi Ipiit, Mr. Cry. dcr, lo i.egocia-p a loan in EnslaiiJ for the PhiU dclphia Ac Ri a ling Rail Road Company w. ru un successful, yet the rvcnl has proved most fortunate lor all renccrnr d ; as, simp his rliim, 'he tjin nf about Oi.c Mihi. n of D diwia h is b. ui obtained in our own country, c.H:, fl t New Yoik and lljs'.on, al l!;e istc of 9 percent. This will lo graiilyint; Dews lo all ii tcic. l,'il in thin important wjik the ! onion nt lai wti ly sufficient lo complete the ae- ! cond track vtiih f.O I'a. tails, and stock the road with a full c -iinpli'ijcrii of Euair.fa and C .rs. The Iron has a!t,-ai!y brru cimKjed, and the fir.-t cargo will atrtv in February ni it. Oraiiom will be ceuiiucnccd a early aa praclicible in the Spring ; nd it is contt ntplnted In have the track completed nl-outlbe 1st of November next. In no'her column of to-days pnprr will be found m sdveitisi mfiit of the Engineer, for proposal for fnriukhiiig fill ; and we are infoimej thst in a fi w days prepoaa' will I issued for one thousand Iron CW Car,, capable of bidding ft lon. each. It ts ill thus lesren that ihe prospecti of tba Company are of the most flattering character, and lust appecdy completion of ihe road ia very certain. In cennection with thia, if we lake into eoiiaidcia lieu the fact thitt doling the par yeur, a larger bu smen hm been done than any tingls irark road in England, anJ on any road in the United States, we may safely cuk'ulsta that the investment of thjf Sipi Lliold. i will nr loey yitM LauJaine in'pr t. Hiaduig (Juztitc. Oregon. Mr. Atchison 'n UiLt. The object nf this Oil is to take possession at once of the Oregon Territory, including the whole country lying West of the Uocky Mountains lo the Pacific Ocenn, and between the psrnllcls of 42 and 54 degree, if) minutes North latitude. It author ises the President to liavo erected a line of stocknde and block-house forts, five in number, extending from some point on the Missouri to the best pass for entering the valley of the O rogon. Provision is also made by tho bill for Ernnting nix hundred and furty acres of land to cVery inhabitant of Oregon, of the age of eigh teen years and upwards, whnshnll cultivate and use the same for five consecutive years. Tho grant is upon the condition secured to him and his heirs, livery married man thus Fettling in tho Territory is to rrceiveanadditionnl grant i.f one hundred and r-ixty acres (or his wife?, and ( n like etantity for every child under eighteen, i The bill has been rrlrrred to a select com- mittee. composed of Messrs. Atchison, Walk- t:n, .Skvikh, Men tin k and Piiki.s. ll is alto- i "ether likely that a favorable report will come " ' ' mini mis coinmiiten. j r,hp nre, f No'thmn'wrliml. until 2 ..Vlork. tSKORtsn W. OAK1.F.Y, North tr.t. Kea- , Rt.t. M. Oay. Limestone Ilallii t A: McMnch. A word or two is nil that wo hiVo to pay nt P. M. of the hth .lami iry. 11 1, at the nfllcc of P.. ilinn, Hrika Comity, mid to Ins bad of the follnvvinp ! Ohnetve that each Agent has an Kngravrd Crr presi'tlt on tliis (subject. The whole iitiestiotl ' ""n, '--yt for the nircbanipil work of a i pi ianna : lilicite of Ag-ency, containing reprea-ntntion of ;.....!..-,. ..r.i.M v , (11 t Ut V. J Ml 1IITJ IIIUUVI ll lilt; Vl IttllU'IJ l, 1 Hirt , M,..n..i an It.. .1 .i.ii. I . .. ... , ,l,n"J- 5 one Masonry and Uncklaying, we regard as a qoe.-tion of titno merely. The; Carpcutrr rk, country beyond the Rocky Mountains will be ' L PUterng and Pain.inj j , i take possession ol it. It must bo settled, when i tho time for its si.-tlletnent corns, from the States j ufthis Union. Whulher it i9 good policy at this moment to hasten the eocrso of events by hold ing out special inducements to emigration thflheV whether it ia tliC best mode tofnsure the peacealile esta'bli.--:!imcnt of our claims in that quarter by taking military possession of the country before our people can ofctify it as set- .i . . . . i : i i hits inesc arc poims wuc (.oiiHiucre.i. j ne The tide of emigration, when once it m l.ut ly set. , through Ihe psres vfthe Uocky Mountain', must bear every 'h'ng bcflire it There can be nj do;rbl of our f.nal posees.-ion of tlie ftregon. Unit. Amrrifun. A f nr.xi tl Sti:Mkr DiMvsirn i-.v an Avtr.Ri- can Si.m n i i:. An ndicer on board the 1". j S ship Delaware writes that, on the evening previous to her arrival at Naples, (on the ICthof I October.) she met two laru- steamers from Al- , , niers. lioth I rem' ii. One of thetn. in trying to I pass abreast of c.s. (-ays the writer.) caUght otlr living jib boon, and to nrtr irrentcst sr.rprise. eve ry mast was swept ontol'lier, f lose to her deck' I'.ven her smoke stack and steam pipe Were com- pletely prostrated, as also the (lag btalfoVer her j stem." The Delaware had been to Naples o bring home some statuary for the Government. She will be back to the United States in Fe bruary. I'hiht. Ledger. At Norwich. Conn., a vat burst last week con taining "0011 gallons of vinegar, 3000 of which Was lo.-t. AsrnM ('viikii. Mr. Jamca Ward, residing at 214 S.iu h Fillli Tcet, I'l.i'a lelphii, was (or more than four years badly nfiln ted with the Asthma j From i;s i fle -ta upon the system, he wa reduced lo a mere k leton, anil as he thnucht beyond the j reach of nil human aid ; many medicines h d tno j recommended as a sure remedy, but on liiat proved I j lo I e of little or no service, until finalW he wa-i. through the persu.isio:is of a friend, induced lo Iry thp Rrandieih Yceetabla Univcisal Pills, which in , - , , , . , . , less than five wicks succcecicd in makli:? a p. ifcct i cure. Mr. W. hichly re-Tctahe citizen if; Phil ub-lphia, and well known aa being a mninfj Irii'h and honor; and in older lo satisfy the impii- I ..r ..... . . .... i... ... :ii .. oi. . i ! T ' 'i T ' ,. -'i, lit - iii, o .i ii n- ipoii-, ui , i- inriii : 1 . .' iviry iiiioioi l ion rc.Jiie in ui caie, ny applying as s'iovp. (Xj- Pur hasp of II, H . Maa-cr, Sunbury, or of ihe aqents, pub!i-he, in anot!i'-r pail uf this pier. .Tl .1 It It I K Jt , On the ?Mh ult . by the Rev. J. P. Shindel. Mr. PfTioi Strihi, to Miss C'ai'IMIiinc IIihivxr. both of A iiu-ta. On I uesl iy ihe '.Tulj ult.. by the Rev. A. Hi it- j tain. Mr. IsiAC V. Fahvuirril. lo Mi.-s Mn- , u s h kt Mimkii, both of AuRusia township. j jtj3UjJJK3-oErigBrvi.r awirTCCT I 1 I I) l , j On the n!t utt.. MARiiAKET SI'EECE. wifp of Mr. J. Ii ii ISpcPce, of this p'ace. i i t ritici; crfi!ii:.T. Corrected;!y llinry Yxlhrimrr. Wur.r, . . ft.', Rtc, . . . . . . ,,o (,'iiav, . . . t -4(l 0rs, ...... 25 Pokk 5 FLtxsriii, ... . 1(H) HrrrKB, ..... in Hl.KSWlT, .... '.' 'Paulo w, .... In Di.ikii Aei'LKs, . . 7 5 Do, PtiCltLS, . . 2tut Fi, ... . S Hn KLtll Ft AX, 111 Euiis, f Stray Ihdt. rt.ME to the premise of the subscriber, in Rush i -- lowrahip. about the 1st of October lat, a BRINDLE Ul'LL, with a white face and white It'its, and a nurk upon one horn made with a saw. Said Dull ia kuppoaed lo he ubout two years old. The owner ia reipiested to come forward, prove properiy, pay cnargea, ana luke hun sway, other- wie ,ie dl he auld according U liw. innZ l" - 1 EMALMNtl in the Pot Ollico at Auiru.(a, Ik Jan. I. t8U ; John Fleming, Win. Kulin, Wilson St ivis. 3 Dauial Conrad. Wm. Campbell, Nathaniel Lylle, Cab b Ely, Jjuics Ro.a. Daniel Cum ad, HAMS u HIOCLUEKM for talpche7irfor cJ-h.t y II. U. M ASSEK. Dtc. JOlii, Ul'J. .'oorpc M'nsiici'a IX ale TaJOTICE is hereby Riven, that leller nf admin titration have lcn ihi day granted to Ihe sub scriber, on tie estate of Oenrfle Wagner, l.ito of Little Mahonoy township, Northumberland eoUn'y, dee'd. All pita ont indebted to mi. I estate aro re quested lo rail and aeltlo the lame, and person Iin y'mt demands will present them fur payment to the subscriber. FREDERICK ItAKER, Little M ihonoy, Jan. fl, 184 fit Ad'm. TOTIC:i:. Tho public will take notice that Wm. H. Rase has withdrawn from the firm of Family, Kase& Co., and as William and R. Fa gnly have hern conducting tho bodiiCss, ho will not pay any debts of aniJ firm. Pee" 30lh., 1843. 3r. ' fl A M K to ihe premiers of tha sutwrilier, residing ' In SShamikin township, s,me time in Septenf- btr last FOUR STRAY (SHEEP. They nrp marked by having the riqht fir cut otTat the pnin', and Iho left car lil. One of (hem has a Im'II en. Tlin nanpr n, nwnm ar., riviiiM'nil In l-nll iitiiji property, pny chatgcs.and take tiiem av. ' . MICH AEL DI.MMICJ, jr. b,Xi&m IVollrc to Btiilllc'i'r. fJE LE1) propasilrt will be received by the anh. ! , ' . . , committee appointee, nt .the I 1 rut Pu-sI'Vteran thnicrt ami t oncrcmtion 1 a . a M . ? 3 I tinrcli, t.i bo tiolt io the l.oiong , ol oritiom!.cr. mi iiirii ri i ( ' ii i I'liiiiiiiit v i liiiis linn i"rt lilt i tinn ii ho exhibited until the day of letting, at "'d oifice. V. P. f Ir.nnon, John Porter, John Youi.gtnan. Win. H. Wiiples, Jos. M. II or. Norlbumhirlsiid. Dec. 23, IiIST or CAUSES. l.'OR trial in the tJmirt of t!oinmoii Plens of Nnr- ! -- llrjmhnl.ind t'ouiilv. at lunu.ny Tvim A. 1). IS 1.1, commencing the first Mondry. I 1 ipob Shi' V J.din Si ut s,(,m(,n v,,n vs F A Krarht vs James Beanl Va thri.-l.iplier II Baker Simuel Keefer Dongat A: Melt cry .lohn Hummel va K P rIiaiin.m tai nt 'll. of P. for D. j Vaiiv.ilah j J.dlll G'llTen oic j .1 hi oh .riser sr. j F.nix h II. over's exr : I 11 KI:inor:in A e. va John Prick va ST Hnrrow va J & II M Davison vs John Knoir vs W D Housel va Peter llnrheu vs Rehire Well vs Paul Ged.les Ac v. Si'euel Ac R .Mchlee vs II Flick i al vs J dm Cnwitcn err vs llimh Rcllaa va Samn va John II Miller vs Packer Ar I 'uniniiegs va Patrick Montague s Jo-eph Wallia jr VS Rme Vs McCartee & Purdy vs John Peal el al va Jonathan Adams va Nicholas Lung's admr vs John T Ma'tiias va W H Frytuver - Brown Jolni A Idov.l The Rink of NorthM. U, ,'''.'!l , , Rolert Mmrr s admr j , t , Ur'Uti",in David F Gordon ('hris'iau Philips J Ileughl ndohtet Ac Davitl Wiil-ou I'hiLp Wciscr Simn DrK Philips Jim ia Ktlchnei's clr Ahrahsm SStrsub Krcitz foi l.oi g &c Chas F Shallle it Miller The Coni'.h of Penn'a v Felix Manrer Pt at (J Angst for H union va John Bp dleman l. hn Agtcr vj t'hatles t.ratg vs George Lawrence vs .1 din llu. Id Vs John II. over vs b tin Mnrrav S AM I EI. D. JORD AN. Sti phen IVrr t'onrad Raver Is.iac Davis Jocph Bomgardncr Prolbonolarv's Ofl'ce, Vrulli'y, Sutibur.v.D-c.'lfi, ISRt. S TWO S'AKelS TO I.HT, IN UNION COUNTY. j f "NE of tln m G milea west of New lleilin, on ,V""' (-"' k, occupied by (.'i or8e Yabenlin, about DO ncriM cleared, a saw mil!, lindr l iu.l.iVc. t, ., . . ,,... ,,t I ., a l.n ..i ir -l mi i npi ol ! orl .mm ocrl itiil. near R, n'-Tvem H. BELLAS. d c lCth, isn. Ct. r?.. ?. B. T.GTI1TE, - . .. . r , , . i l)EPECII l LL iiiforms the public, lhal lip IV m ulrt NorihunibrrUiul hi Uc f rei. dence, and i ready lo kl'.eud to any call in the line nf his profession. (jfy I' "lay al all limes be found at Mr. Jantfs i I.M,a llnlfl ! Nuithuniberlind. Dee. Ifi.h. 1813. tf. I f hercbv given, that I have purchased the follow- ' ins articles, told al fheiiif snle on the J5th irn-t , a, the nf .S.unuel Drurkeinill. r. which nr- i ,.,., (,,,, hmntd to the said Samuel unlit I see roper to reiiutc tLem, v i: i IS Hits at f"l -1 l Mamie Clock. 10 00 j 28 yd', of l.'arpr ling, ol .11 ct. p. r yd. fl 33 1 IS v. la. do 10 cU. loll ........ . ... I uiuine i at ie, i -' J if len t'luns, 3 -1 1 1 Uurcau, fi HO jus r.j DAMEL DRI CKEMILLER. Punbntv, Dec. Oth, Ht3. IH INtatO Of M'lll. ItllCJ- ;;IM, llOfM. TiJllllLKii hertby given, that letters nf U aiiiiSTra.toii i.ii'i'i saij est-ile, has this Aiitfus'n, Di ci in'ocr 2d, l-.i:j, f!t, I'ruttcrA li,-. i kcjj for si',e, at a small a lv..ncv f r en.)., IV.-.'.). II. 1J.;. V i.v by TOIlESTVILLn Hit ASS lllGllf liV (LO( its, flHE sulKCiiber.haa just icreived, for sale, a few I of the ubove relebrated Einht Day ("locks, w hich will be void at very reduced prices, for cab. Also, superior 3ll hour Clocks, ir the lel make and (quality, which will In- sold fur ca-h, at f 1 60. AIo, superior I)ras30hour Clock, at $r) 00. Dec. 2, 13. H. 11. M Af sER. iKW COODS. rjHE fcubicriber haa received a fresh supply of I. Fall tioods, which be will sell t heup Ur canh or country produce. II. II. MANSER. u.ibury, Dee, 2d. 111. "BLANKS'"'" ruic y.vLi: at Tiiiyori'icji 1 1 I. I neon (iraireu 10 me Mom run r. ieia.niahnio.ioi:! V7 WJ ,';' CZ, Jf t i. ( J. I 1i i . H t5 K leave to inform Ihe citizen ol SunMiry j Ihcn.s. Ives I . be i.nUbled lo said estate, are ipipiest- ..j,,.,.. fom,ulJoil V.VU JiailH, i U 'ti od il a vicinity, lhal ho ha commenced the ; id to m .ke. iiuincJiite pt.TU.ciil, arid lb h .v n, , ..... Ill V IC M IT 1 1 1 Y ( 1 111 : I !'' ! 7- - ;";; --v- -1 M- :;rr::i';.:;i'r ' ,J,ht ' . . " 'X, VJ"y. VJ:.! i t,v u.;;.; i .. i. i . ... irr'ST n ti - - -s ' j. OAKL13YS ti:irit vtivi: sviu p. rilUK valuib'a projieniea of Oakley's Depnra u live Sytup of Parsaparilla, as a purifier of the blond, ia ao well known 1 1 tho pQldic ftonf'rdlly, thnt it U unnecessary to occupy rfiu':h spare in srt tiiiR forth the advantngp lo he derived from its use wherever thn medicine has once been intro duced, il lakes precedence oer all others i eVciy one that has taken it, have dcrivrd so signal bene ficial remilta from it, thai it ia recommended by them with the w moat confidence. Phyuiciina of thn highest atanding in the ptofusul in, preacriho it to patient under their care I containing nnthina ibdrtertnus, but lirinft composed of Ihe tnnil mild, yet efficacious vegetable matorials, It is ofT-red with confidence, ai the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottiea. especially in Ihe spring mouths, will be at tended with a most decided iinprnvem,,nl inlhnge. hersl stn'fg'h of the system, eradicating any seeds of dispaee that may have bpcti genet .id'd, lifaides giving health and vigor lo the hody. V'or llipcuro of iScrofula or Kings F.vil, Rheum itism. Tetter, Pimples or rmptiont of Iho Skin, White Swelling, Fi-lula, Chronic Cough Anth.nt, Axe. Tho nu merous certificates in the possession of the m1'rl hpr and his agents, from physicians and others, urn suf?vicnt lo coov'iicfi the m. at sUeptical of its su- inr!rilii a'l urnn .r t tta if M a f at n .1 M 1 1 it. I -..,.,-- . I S . ,1.1 wlinle-M an.l H"t ut, l Ihe proprietor, 1 v.r,)..;lfr, fn'inhi II. R. Marr ' r Sonhurv : Let-mil .V, M xcl, ; 1. Kiaucr Mih.m " ' . ', G, Sclin.grove In Cohtmhia Connty.Ti. V. McCay, AVnsh- iiigtorr. n.ading. Match U, ll:t. Mn. Oakiki t I believe it the dutv of every ; one to d, wlii.lrver in their power lie, for Ihe li ne. lit of llinr h llow man, and having hal p-tive proof in mv own family. of the wonderful proprnies f VoUr Deiiurativn Svrnp of Satsnpirilhi, I m si j Cons.-ienlioiilv recoinuiend it lo the nlllicted. We j had Ihe mi-fortune t lose two of our children, bv j the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, bead and reek. ttl,onch we hid some el the ' most vetenlilip phystctaus lo attend llv m and bad tried alt thn known remedies, including Swaiuts' j Pana'.-i a, without av ii!. Ano'ber of my children , vas atturke.l in (lie same in mm r, t.rr lice ai.d , neck was comp'etely cover, d; lite d sclimg" was so otVcn-ive, and ihe ilip:ii' at such a Lc'cht. that we de-p iited of her life. Seeing the wonderful cticcts of vntir Dcpi.r.i'ive Sviup ol itsai-ari'd i, we weic induced to male lii il of il. as Ihe l.i-t n s rt ; it acted like a charm; Ihe u'ci rs intieuci d dialing immediately, a fi w hollies entiiclv r-tored hi r to l.i r health, which she b .senjvid uii'.olcrru; tedly ever since. As a pimfn r ol the b!o d, I vcidy be lieve il bus not its equal. JOHN MOVER, .r, Wulnul sire.. I Iii'mi l-'tinith. Rea.lillL. - ' ! Douql isiiilh", April 19th, l 95:1. ' r.moneneed the j Ma. 0.iKi.rt:-My son P ',,! Leaf, had the ( 'A li 1 X KT-M. V K I N ( lU'SlXT.SS, ; scrofula in tho most dreadful and di-ttpsung man- ; j ,,H ,ranrhe, in Market street, S'uiihury, im . ner for three yea's, during wheh lime hp wis ib-- m, ,Imu.y below thn post nllicp, wliPre ho will be prived of thp use of bis limbs, hi hel and r-eck j r,.a,y m receive and execute all orders in the line ! were rovcred with ulcers. W Iried all the dilf r- j ,,f ,, husineS, with promptness and despatch, nnd I cut remedies, hut to no effect, until recommended j,, ,Mf H.Kx .tyc nd manner. His prices will be l y Dr. Johnson of NonUtown, and alo Dr. Isaac OVVj in accordance with the times. I Hipster, of Readme, to use your Depuralivo Syuip J Lumber and ('ountry Pnlnpc lakpn in Ex i of S.irsapnTills, of which I olainpd several bottles, j r,noge. May 27th 1 f41. Oin the use of which d'ove the ili-ea-e eutin ly out of; i"Viii"Vr'iTi k. T'Y"iM it . . --... lloa.wn l.n.l..l.o. and Ihe rlnl.l wis ' restored to ptrfeel health, which be has enjoyed ! 1 uninti-rrupledly evr sinpe, lo llie aslonishmcnl ol ! many ieisnns who seen him du ing his affliction. i I have thought il my duly, and end Vou thisccni- , fieale tint vho have a ble allliction in the i ! f.iiniW mav know where to obt i n s i valuable a ' meilii me. Your trulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. to, i sin ly Ahtii:ielrators Aolicc. "JVTOTH'E is hentiy civ-n thai lett. r-of ad rninistralion have lpeii Rranted by the Re Cisli r of Noithnniber'and eoiiutv, to the subscribers, in the rtii'P of John II. Price, Into of the hornuuh ofSnnhniv, Nnithnni'wriaiid oun'y, ibe'd. All pre-ent then, duly aulb. .. i. a :ed lor -th mei.t. an.l tho- indebted are requested ti call and make art- tlemciil iinuipJuteiy . N. I.AN'I'I PRP'E, i : i . :ti RERECCA P. PRICE. Sunbury, Nov. lfh, I l i. Ct. AV lAA AM J. MTiir fx, i-TTC?.lTET .T LAV" , SUNBURY, PA. J"KFFI''E. in the build. ng occupied by J. 11 loom, no Ma ket rt ecl. Oi l. 2 1 si, I is 13. OTONE WARE f.r sale. 5 "S5 Sione Jops, from I ij.ia t lo 3 gallons, 5t) Plmie Ja s. f om 2 to nation. Tor sale, cheap, by Oct. 11 H. H. M ASTER j vlKHXBV A: ICOCMI", i HAT cap MAM'rA('Ti:ni:i;s, ' South J'aiit cftrmr r Mirkct a:ul !h sts., rii.huli lilii:i, I 1'PECTFI LEY ml. rm the public that the, l Ik con-iiiiit v ktCi on It -r; J a ,,(,, s,.0'l- n.ent of Hats. Csj t r.t.d Furs, In -Jlt d,r j,,,,. . t il the be.-l quality. Uy tiM ut etition lo bu-i-I mss. and I v scIIiub thetr .i.rli ii, i..,.., i ,;,.,.. ' ; il.y fl .tt. r'themM-lve', , t.euiR ..b'e In civet ti'i.c j it stact on. Au'iisl o, 1st:) ly ttiirulu's, Liiiiior. e .11 mn lowest prtct s. , . M. A. Jlvsi t. . . for ra'-b. j I", j. Wm ni a r. !r. Au.'iist .r)ih. tl l -:.ii i MM', sul'-cilber will sell nil' hi stock of lieivi r. a ai d litush Hats, of the be.-t cilnli'v, al vcrv red need piiccs. Sunbury, Aug. S, 111. H. U. MASsER- 1 Tlircsliliiii .tliu blue I'ur Salts T 11(E anhscrilipr oilers f.r sale a Til 1! I1 1 1 (i ! MACHINE, new and in good nid.-r. The Machine ha been tried, and prove to !e en rxeel- lent one. ll nil! bp sold tst a reduced price, and , warranted. Apply to 11. U. MASTER. 1 July l?t, 1HI1. I (MIAI.I.KS W. IllU.lNS, X JL UJ.lV X Juit XXX JwlJlt W y BONBUHY, PA. AS laken l!i nlbce foimeilv nrclipiid by the Hon. bailt (i. Uoiiiu I, npi.oile the Court li use. He will a lend to b.isinc. in the C. urls of Nnrilniml.filaiid, fliion anJ Coiuuibu counties. .'l-IO, ..... ,..,u ...... L ... ..... An ll.a l..tul.,n.J .,. . t .1. ... ..... 1 May iiOtli, lslJ.' I'otmlri Itlln s' DEATH 33 LOW. rphn public will olisprve that 00 Hrandreth Pills aro genuiiip, unless the hex baa three li bels upon it, (the lop, thn si.le and the holloni) phiIi containing a f ic-similp signature of my hind writing, lints H. Hnsnni!TH, M. 1. Tlmsn la. Ielaie en trraveil on steel, heautifully designed, and done at an epen of oer f J.OOO. Thmf ire it will he seen lhal thn only thing nrresstry In pro cure the meJicinn in its purity, ia to observe these Libels. KemembiT the top, ibo side, and the bottom. The following respective persona are duly auhori led, and bold OEIITIOATES OF AGENCY, Portia sale of DranJmh't Ytgr.tahle Universal Vilh., Norlhnmbptlsnd counlv Milton M:ckcy A t'h imheilin, Nrinhury H. H. Masser. M'Ewens vile Ireland A. MeiXell. Norlhumhpilnud Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. At J. Walls. Union County i New Berlin Dogar iV Win ter. Selinsgron George Gundnim. Middle hiirg Isaac Smith. Tlpavcrt9wn---I)avid lluhler. Ad imshurg VVm. J. May. Midlinsborg Mensch At Riv. Ilartlelnn Daniel Long. Freehurg ti. eV F. C. Moyer. Lewishurg Walla At Green. Colombia county : Danville E. U. Reynolds V t o, Herwick sluiman vV Kiltenhouse. l,nt . t w va a . Yt 1 . . L tl a,.sn u. moms. jJ.oomsnurK-,nn . Miver. J pi spy Town I.ivi lliael. W axliington t'r 11 . I)l 1. 1 rl S AlanulacUy at ring Sinp, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of thp new labels now used upon the lirundreth Pill Ht'.'-rr, Phil idcfphia, office No. 8, North Rth atrrel. B. BRANDRETll.M.D. lone 2tth, 1843. Hover's Ink. JOSEPH XL HOVER, anufacturcr of Wfitinr; nild Itldclli- Ii5j Ink, No. 1 (HI North Third Street, six doors below Uace, Xeast side.) PHILADELPHIA, I I'.spKGTFl'M.Y informs country merchant k Bm) others, that he constantly keeps on hand . a Luce stock of his supplier Black, Blue snd Red I li.k.and ulso a superior quality of Indelli' le Iiik. ' li s ink is put up in hollies varying in awe, from 1 I In ounces, and wdl bn sold on reasonable ti rm. The cxcel'pnt qualities of this ink has so , thoroughly established its clnracer, that il is now , exit nii-lv used throughout lh cmitrv. i . For sale al the ftore of M. H. Man. r, Pun . hnrv. Pa. Mav .7' isft. Iv j C u 1 i n c -31 n li i si g i S'-.(aJliliiii,ut., WTh tSl'KG'l'FCLLY informs Iho citizens of Hri Simhiirv nnd viciidtv. thnt he has recently I V.I I 1 I I I I 111. -'. I- ' I "'-'I AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nns. and 31 Norllt Third Street, .Near the C i t v Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CI C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, resppctfully in ' vites the attention of persona desirous of pur (hs'lti Furniluie, In his extensive Mules Rooms, (Imth pli'die and Piivate,) for every description of llouseiiold Furniture, where ran le nhlained al nil times, a la ran assortment of fashionable nnd well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Ueds, Matlrasses, Ace., nt very reduced prices, for cash. Sales bv Auction, twice a week. Msv 27th, 1H13. ly L01TC-LEYrS VI t-tcrii Indian l'unat rsi, , 1 I'H'.pounded entirely ot CgetaWtS ' SllbstailCL'S 5 ) Vep from Calomtl and ull uthrr Mineral. ' TFor the history of ibis medicine.and its unrivalled and Uuly surpiisinR auceesa and popular liy, see largo bills. T is recommended a a General cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all billons diea- i si s, it is invaluable. for Asthma it l considered. a ' sjiecific, no case having, yet occurred which ha : fad.d to cure for common colds, imflan'.ma'.nry , disea-es. rheumatism, affections of tho Lver, Ae., i and fur females, it i a safe and excellent remedy CERTIFICATE, From t)r. Silas West, of Kinhair.piont JY. V". j Mr. LohRley -Dear Sir: I hav e UseJ your CrPat Indian Panacea in mv family, and have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, j and am s.itisficj that it "IS always a safe, and in very j many rasea on invr' rnedicine. It r.rate aa j a l.x itivp wilbo-jt naitaea, or pain; and while itrf f. tluslly ob',tP4 costivener acts upon the stomach j ard live- a4 , uierati'vp, corrrctins aVIdity, and re I titori4ig the healthy condition of loose oreans. : Yery rrs'ctfully vours, S. WEST. Ft.rsareby JOII.V W. FKILINO. Sunburv, I JACOU IlliUillT, Northumberland. M..'y 20th. Panicl Yarick ,,( t,0. inc-l tili T..rr'nc. iVn'.'i'r,J Mill Irons r nil t'.lijtlie tyring, Ircnin? Cnrriag-, with I'x- f ,ifi'i,n or f-'tnnding iyiv, Shoeing llorsfn, t,t. Older vt ill Is promptly find punctually attended to, ahd Wink done cheap, for cash or country pro dut e. r j Hotso ffhiVioc done at f 1 per sett. H.i-.bury. April lfith, tt4.' 5 o o t & S h o e 11 ti r t i it I r iv i ii v "rtjl r.-rt.t ' 1 1 iM.v ii.toim- in in-mi and fl ft o'd list ni"i,. that hi ha- leoiot.d hi jnnn'i .so;: i:srMSi.i.sii.u:.T In the liarnt In,!. tin: nil i itnine; bis iHsrliif . honn'. . beiw,'. ii mi I Dr. D. T.T. iie" li'u" , , ,laoi wliero be u b i .Is tft cany ,. id.ovo l u-itn eiie.Mvi lv. i t u'l it yuli, 'ran.-htt. I Riinir Ibanklul '..r put; , be hooo', by miel i ' attt iilion to n.4 ,i .i,,.'i ,.(,,!,...' i oiv ! j general ' .,.f.,.,i., . .. i,.. ,i .,,,,,,,. m re. J ivi- . ..,., ,1,.,. ,,i ....i.t,. ... 1 .... I dii. i.i i J. I. Waters? 1 KIF.(M'FI'I.I,Y informs Ihe citir.en. of lh k oorotigh of Northntnbetlariil, and ila vicinity , that he has commenced Ihe Tniaorins; IIiiincH, in a'l i'a various branches, in the ahop formerly occupied by Henry N. Thoma, direrllv oppnile Foisvtli's stoie. Aa he reci ivea iho New Ymk and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, hp is enabled lo do all jotisrn'rns'ed lo him, stlpr the npatpft and latet stvte, and upon the shmtesl relice. Nnrthumlrrl,ind. Ap'il22d, 1S13. ly "BIiACKS1VIITHING. () p o r jt c Z I in in c r lit 11 ti t S n riHK suhsciil era hpreliy Inform the public, that JL they have cn'pred into partm tst ip, in the CLACESI1ITIIINQ BUSINESS, wh'Ch will bereiifter ho carripd on at the old stand in Sunbury, under thn firm of "Genri-o Zimmerman Ar 8nn," where tbpy will rmiduct the hjisihPn in all its various hranrhes, including Turn Making Mill Irons, Ironing Carriages, Slmc ing Utirtrx, A. tlrders will be promptly and pimp. tuallv nttendid to, ond work done cheap, lor cash or country produce. (Jj Shoeing done at one dollar per sett. GF.ORGF, ZIMMERMAN, J. H. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, March 1 1th, IS 13. TERPECTFl'I.LY informs the citizens of Nun k hury mid ita vicinity, that he has hiken iho office formerly occupied by Dr. John Teal, where he will he happy to receive calls in tho line nf his profession. April 22J, 1R1.1. PARTITERSEIP. ''IIE suliseiilieia, having entered into a partner ship in the practice of the law, will he happy In attend to nil business entrusted to their carp. (Jolh'Ctions will be promptly attended to. They may always be found at iheir office, in Market street, Sunhury, fnrmeily occupied by Wm, Dcait, dee'd.. as a More-mum. WILLIAM L. DEW A RT, CHARLES J. BRL'NER. Snnburv, Feb. 4th, tHLi. ly. MERCHANTS HOUSE, Yor' Third, n'ltilP Ci.l'ofchill St., i i'il.Ann.PMIA. I r.M '.N. Iht u tho V. tJ? ii F 'timer, ? f'-tm ' . jr.. o' A mi rican Hotel, Oolunihus. ' ';. . 'a-.e i.'i mm,' c quiiin'inn their fii -ids nnd tte puh'n , .'. '! they have tiikrn the huge i.nd cnmmo.,,,i. M , l( rrc-ntly tuiltliv ihe .Messrs. Hail on tf: I onee iicrnnie.l bv ihi. ol.l pstiihl'K'heil Ho.. o II .W- as the iJull a Head, in Jinrd sttect abtvc hill St. This Hotel is finished in ihe very best possihb, manner, and nf the best materials. Lb local on fi very dcaiiable, particularly for country merchant! ; the arranzements for lu atii.g and Ventilating each room is such as to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all light nnd airy, all furnished in a neat style, so as to insure ctimfort. The receiving parlors are also fun.ithec! in a su perb style, the windows are on the French stylo forming un entrance to a bslcony in f'jiit, whiill makes pleasant refess. rrti.-ulm attention ha been Riven to the beds and bvddiug, which, Willi the furniture, are entirely now. 1 mm years' experience in hotel business, wo trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make thi house a desirable stopping place. Our table wdl ulwaya I supplied with the very best our market can afford, and our bar with the best liiptora and wines of the most sppioveil brands, P. t. There are first rate stabling ttnd carriage houses attached to Ihe hotel, tltfuded by ca'tful and aoler hostfers, and our charges will be low, in accordance with thp present hatd limes. Philadelphia, Oct. 7tb, IH42. IJiNION 1I()TKL7 " i il:,i I (ftViicroi Stage,'i n: 'elj Gzz '-ssr X.VCOMIKG COUNTY, l'-niis) 1 nitia. rj'lHE Sub-criher resiectfully iiiforma his fricVt I and the public in general, that he has hken the above l.AIifiF. AD COMMODIOIS HOTEL, I N T II E U 0 R O 1' li 11 O F si i; N C Y, and that be is now well prepare to accommodate ull who may favor him null Ue.r custom. Hia Pu.i.riMu Ariii rntNTS Co well aiie I, anJ comfort ab lo. His Tahi.r Asn IVir wi'l a'vays be ajplndi with the best ihemaiket rtn atl'ord. Hi risLixii, which is uotd. will la under the charge of pood and careful hostlers. He f.cls confident, by strict attention to biikinrs, and an efirnebt desire to render cnmfortthle lb iso who may patronize him, thai he will not fnil toiiva general PaiUfuition. H. U. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, IS42. If. TllK riliLADELrill), KE.l)G ASD rOTTSVlLIB XIAIL ROAD. l'liam;t of Hours. Osj at ii i?Tra S iTratuT, Arnn I, is 13, The pa.-.!' t.gcr Iraiua wdl leave at Ihe following hours : rhilad.ld.ia and Pot.-rile. Prom PhihnMi hi... at 6 A.M. J .. j From Potrsville. at fl A.M. ? ""'V Hours of 'farting 'tv.r t '.- ! Tor Pot'tville, al !l A. V. j For Philadelphia, at I) A.'.' j Roth, trains pa-s at Potts:, wo. '! b i l-rett'. f sts al Rpidinit, ai.d t!:e n;i -( 'it, for w'.ifh 1 j tninu'c a c r t'a':n. ii ti t: s. Hatty. it Inrl t .Nop St at i:tll Ri'wect. Po-s;i.. ,V riid"d. : P. ."i li. a bnj cU tl . do tV Piit'f'i'fP, ' I'lll Hl ! "I'tl KI IS Blltlfl ! -.i.r.o A; f 'JjOI A- 1.7ft l.t'i & t.oo Its tt KM.UI j urr int. ; Hetweci, iVtsv'.lle At P!.lUiM ' M. V 0 ', tMc'ii Hiai'mj V tin. :t OH Del w fen do. iV Potl-viUe, i I W AM ihe Iib'os Will way ; .ivT!, . i at the iik oul i-.uotM. (J All past-engeia are rpipiPs.cJ tl. i. tickets hi Tore ihe liaina alait. Msv "I, ls4i. if. j incur Fri-a'i .:n:iv ol ROSE OIN I ' ",M'. ren iv( . 1 i I and for ta:e ly II. IJ- M AStfLU. .Vpid 8lb, tsM, J Nv. mil, mi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers