SHERIFF'S "BV virtue ofaundiy writs of Vcrntitimi Expon M J& and Levari Facias, issued mil of (he Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland couutv, to me directed, will he exposed lo public sale nl ihp Court House in the Hornugh of Suubury. on Mop. day I'm lul tl iv i'f January lux, at I o'clock, I. M i the following decribed properly, lit wit ! All Ihp defend nit's interest, soppmcd to 1 p the un divided sixth part of n Ir.irt of land situate in Point township, Nmt' limit' tland county, bounded by Innl Intent John If. Cotvden, now Ctilich, I iints of John Schiiner, Henry Watt an I olhcrs, and the W'vrl Hranrh of ihe Kivor Stiiuohnnnri, contain inil 315 acres and allowance, mine or less, about ISO arrrs nf whirl) are rlrarrit ; vhrrrnn nre crrr 1ril two sloty log dwelling house ami kitchen, a spiirg house, and a large log bain, a lime kiln, nn nichard, A-c. Also : All the defend ml' intrrrt, supposed to be Ihe undivided sixth part of four contiguous ol of ground, situate in the borough nf Notlh'tl Nor thtimhcrl and rnunlv. nil in irki'il in the gcto-ml yhn of said town Nn, !'.). MO, HI ami 32, fionting nil Nnrihway on the north west, nml bound, il on the south ent by the nrih Hunch Canal, on the south west by an alley, an.l on the nor'h east by Hanover stieet; whereon mi- elected i la ge and conimmlious two story Immn ilitolling house ami Kitchen, a l..rgr tiaine stable nml a irnmo rarri ge i lioti-c, heir g the ntiuslon property of the lion, j Still ('llHJHll III, ilrr'il, A'so: All 1 1)0 il fend nil's iiitrr-vt in two other ' Contiguous tots of lit u i nl, situate iti the I .trough of I Northumheilmd iif.irrs-.iiil, and marked in the plan j itfnrpsaid, No. -7 nml 2, bounded on ihe noith j past by nn a Icy, on the smith west by lot No. 2fi, on the xnu'h east bv ihe North llraucli Caiul, at.d ; fronting on Nmlhway on the north west. j Also: All the d. fi i d inl's iti', suppi-cd to he j the iiinl.',1 -ixdi p rt of four iviiiLiioii lnt ot ground, in the town .foresaid nr. ,1 maik il in the plan aforesaid. No. 201. 211."), 2'if, fronting on Noith wny, and bniliided bv the Noilh ltramh Cand on the south east, and by an Iby on ihe south west ; whereon is ererteil a frame hani.k. Also: AH the ilef'4 inleriwt, fllppo?ed to be the undivided sixil) p irt nf a lot or piere of t;r.iiiid. aituatein the town ol'Norttuinibe'l md nf resaid, be tween the Kiver and the Noith llraneh Cm. d. op posite the M nirii in House proprrly afoirsaid, and adjiiinim; a lot of the Hon. Klhs Lewis nml ll.uio ver street, containing all. ut two acri; w hereon is o good orchard. Also: All ihe r. fendanl's iiilerPst.Riippnsrd to li. the undisid d sixth part of imnthtr lot or piece of prniiiid, -i'u iiid la 1 weru the Kiver ami the ('.n d iifnies .id. ndjoiniiii; lot of William A. Liny.!, Tho mas lliindle, r., runt lininu about tw acies; wl.eieon is also a 3001I n-i ha d. Seized, taken in 1 xerution, an. I to be (-old as iho ir..perty of J s: . Il ('l apmin. Also: A rertain trai l or piece of land s-iui ite in. formerly Turhut, now Lewis township, N .rtbiiri) berlatid coiiniy, adj.'iniii:; lands nf J.iroli (iain tl, Pi ler Stmu e, Mu hvel lroh-t ami others, contain in thirty noe more or b ss about 20 arreu of which tire cleared : hereon aie ereclt'J a J J story frame house and two log stables. ie zed, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property nf Isaac Jerret. Also : A certain lot of around situ ite in the ho ropfjl) of Milton, TVo'lhuinberlniid county, and mar ked in the ucner 1 plan of said tow n, X i 35, boun d'd 011 the noilh by I! n.idway, on the Solid) by an alley, 011 the cast bv Cherrh Lane, and on the west by lot No. 31 ; wheieon aie envied a two sto ry frame house, painted while, widi a k'tehen Bt 1ached,aiiJ a l uge frame Marksinitli !iop, iljsteied inside. iSeied, taken in execution, ai:d to he Bold as the properly of James ICelley. Also: A cerl tin piece 1.1 I ! . f pr 11111I siMia'e in the borough i f Sin.litiiy. Nor henibeil mil county, hounded by I' iwn street on the wit, nn tiie south by a housi! and lot of Jacob Ue. k, and on the 11 i lit by a lot of CI'.! m'ian ISover, cniiuiiiini! ill I It II on Fawn hlioil 22 b et, nud depl!i -T)!i f. el In. tri er let-s, containing one a. re ai.-l a h ill' more or s, "wliich sii I lot has been divided into parcel- by de. lendmt as fellows: One p in-el or lot adjoining J.i coh C. ck, rout lininii hi fc, t ill fr. nl nn Fjwii lreet, by 250 in d. plh ; one nth. r lot vlpiinint; the above. Conlaininn 5' .J ftet in front 011 V .wn tired, nml 550 feet in depth ; one. other lot adj .iniiir; (in last above rHeiitiniieil coiKininj; 5V J feel fr..R! on Tawn street, by 20 tecl in depth ; one oiher lot adjoining the atnive, coiiUinini; foriy-twn ( ct in front on Fawn strei-i, and C30 f. Ml in depth ; an I one oihrr loi adjoiniiic the above, and on ihe north a lot o4 Chris ian Mower, containing in front !u fiut in front on Fawn sl.r, t, ami 250 fed in J.piU. Also; A certain oilier lot of ground siiu ita in the borough of Suobu y nf re id. and marked in the genrriil f'.in of raid town No 12K, bour-oled 0:1 the cast and west by lot- No. 125 and 12V, and on tl.e norlti by an alley, coiiuiuinj of an acre more 01 1'. Also: The one equal umUvid -d founh prrt nf a crrlain titxt of land siloaM in Co d township. Nor ll.unit.eil and roiiuty, sum ed im a w.,r.niit in the name of Meiriek larr, anil cura in the whole 20fl acres more or less This land is well lim'.tr-. ed, and upon which is an evcelieni raw mill seat. Seized, taken in execution, utiJ to he .old as iho pioperty of Peter L urns. Aim: A c-rt -in tract or piece of liml si'uitoin i'oal town hip, Northi.iiibci I .lid c uu'v, adjoining lands of Willi no ti .ss J 1:1ns (i .ss, William Fa mily and ithrrs, coii'aiiiiiij thirty uires ino.e or les-, about 7 acres ol w h:cli are c eared ; wlien on are creeled a two story frame house anj log k I hwit and oil mill an i a sav mid. rei.ej, uVo.i in cxerurion, m j to 1C tulJ an the iroperty ofuiuuel I'.i-enliail. Also : Tlic one utijivi I. J nioiely of iill that cer tain tiact nf land sil ite in A ii;i;.- a, towiib'.iip, N .itlrj.le il u,d county, i.ilj i :.iu I. nd-, of ihe boirs of Thomas Snvdi r. il-.'.l.. Inn I ol il oclor yililor.ion, Fr .v.c Mucher a A others, coiilainu u ihri i" !.un.'.;r.l and il'i ty ..i';i-- m ire or less, a!i.jw. unce me isuie, w. ll.e on, inieu.nne, bting ihe riiini' which on the l;.h day ol JNCpleiiibpr Was patl uted ) JnivS Hoik. I'o -the sai-1 fr.t ol lan! arde rclid a loj.- hamo ilniiliiit! house nud k 1 1 0 1 1 r 1 1 , sevi ml s nail hou-as!, etc., about 2u0 ncres of n hich aiec'eirej. ft,, ited, taken in execution, and to lie fold us ihe j.roperiy ot John II. Mupman. Also: A ceriatn tract of la-nd situate in I'pper Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, ad joining lands of John Sallmle, (i-dfrev Kalmch, Michael Kabarh and others, c inlaiuing 110 acrea more or leas, about tiO ariea of of which are ch ared; whereon are erected a two alory log houso and a log barn, a good oichard, e', taken in rxecu ion. and to be aold as the jMioperty of William Korcher. ' Also: Two contiguous lots of ground situate in the boron nh of Norihuiiibcil nid, ill Noithuinb. r laud eouuiv, bound. J southward by King street, imrthwaid l.y an alley, we4waid by a lot lin-ty of John II. Cowdcn. dec'il., ea tward by a lot ol John II. Uo)d II. t.'anipli. II ; wl.ereoii are creeled a largd IWJ alory b.iek storu mid dwelling hou e, a two sto.y buck kill hen, a store house, sun kc huu r, 1 unip of water, and a logo tiaine stuldn. Vl.-tj : Another lot of ground ilu .le in borough f jrlhuir.'H:1'-"u' Cl'u",y af .resi d, buuinhd ' 1 .1 I. Uii.e.l tlf' s -uihwanl by Uuke l , wan! by a lot of (irotrjn Mi ler; whereon pre rrrrled large two rtory dwellirut home, wenlhedioanled nml painted while, a largo kitchen, a stable and a i II of wiler. Also: A rrtti'D lot or piece nf ground riluatn in the boieiigh nf Ni)ilhlim'.iTlnnd i.loresaid, bnuinled ea-tward by FTih sired, westw ird by Slrnwhiidgn Kend, tioriliwnrd by a lot of John Whoatlcy, jr., cuiil.itninc oi.e aero more or less. Also : The life rsl.itc of the defendant, to wit : The undivided fourth part of a certain hit of ground situate in Notthiinibeil ind afor, said, bounded south ward by King street, wea'waid by an alley, north ward by an alley, and ea-twii'd by a lot of . V. Miniii.on, wlieieon nre er. clod a two story dwelling home it ml a well of watrr. Abn: The hfo estate of tbe defendant, to w it : The undivided fourth part nf two certain InH uf ground ttinle in the borough of Northumberland nfoti.-iid, bounded a..uthward by Orange street, wi 'tward by Si con. I aired, northward by nil iilbv, nml eastward ly a lot of Joseph Wallis. Seized, lnk.-n in execution, and to be aold as the property nf John l e'.reniiiig. Also : The equal unilividi d m.'idy or half of two eirtain Islands, ti'uale in the river Musipieli iima, in Align In township, Norihumherland cninly, op posiie the dwelling bouse of Win. U. Jonca, one thereof called Moody's Island, conlaiiiimr, 37 acres more nr ler. about 2.rncnsof whieh lire cleared ' and in a high stale of nil ivaiimi; the other ihen ol, j i ailed "I'ound l-laml," roii'.iiouig iihout three - i res, iiear'y all of which are cie.ued and ill a high ! slain of culliv i -.- .. i ...1..... :.. ,,..,..,i:..r, to t... 1. ill,. property of Wiiliaoi IJ. .loois. Also: I ur contiguous bos of ground situate in the boiongh of N nlaimbetl in.l, in Noitlnimber laud county, m.i'ked in the general plui of sai l town. Nor.' 01. 02, fill nml li t, hounded south by II lion r street au l on Ihe west bv a 20 fed alley. Also : Four other contiiigiious lots in the town of Northumberland aforesaid, nod matked in the general plan thereof. ',. IH3. l.ll, 105 and 100, bounded ea-thy Noilhwav, soirh by Hanover at., west l.y Water street, arid noilh by a 20 feel alley. A'so : A certain lot of ground situate in Ihe bo rough nf Noithtl nberlmd af-resml, described ns follow: itcginiiing nt a ptt on the ninth emu biaiuh of the Kiver Siisquelnnna, thence along Hanover stred, noilh 52 .'egret a we-l,C U pciches to a corner of lot No. 210, thence along lots N"S. 210. 2i".. 80f ami 207. north 3 ib g'res cist, 15 I pi reins and two-tenths to a pest in centre oTn 20 ! fiel alley, thence aoutU 52 degrees past, 37 perches In n post on the bai k of ihe liver aforesaid, fhenre I down Ihe same to the pi ire of beginning, corllaiu- ! ing lo aive and seventy perches. I Also: Lots N w. 207.'2iHs. 20(1 ami 210 adjoin iiip the last above nien'ioned propeitv, and b.-urnU i d thereby on ihe sou h. on the west by Hanover ' slreel, on the north by Northway. and on the ea-l I by n 20 feet id'ei , c-'tilainin each fiO feet on Norih- ! wav.and feel in dei lh. ' Al-o: Lots ... :23. 121. 1 .0 ami I "ti. coti 1 I lining together on Nurthway 210 f. et. and in dep'h i ISO fc.-t. b ounde I moth by Norihw .y, east w -rdlv j liy'.s formeilv of Jonah Hai ies, soudiw-tir lly by . lands of John Vaughan, and west by a 20 f.-ct u. j AIo : A cettain lot or piece of ground tituate between Ihe last above describi d lots, and ihe n rlh cast branch afoie-a-d, bcguiniiig nt n post, (corner j of lols No. 120,) Ihcnce south 52 degree east, 30 p. relies lo a post by a sumach bush on the l ank of j Ihe river, thence ilown the sumo, sootli ill ilegreer west, sixteen perches to a post on the bank, thence by land of William Foaier, north 52 degrei a wit, 35 iiercbes to a post in the middle of. and al foot of a 20 fertnlby, ihcnce bv hall" of the raid alley, j and the fool nf aaid lots. 123. 121, 125 and 120. in-rih 3S degrees e isl, 15 perches to the pi ice i f beginning, coniaining three aetca and for y percher. Also: Lots Nor. 21'J, 220, 221, and 123, con taining togetln r in on Norlbway 210 led, in depth 10 h et, bou eJi d aou'liwest by street, nor hwei-t by noillr.vay, noill.casl by a 20 feel alley and s-.ulhea.-t by laud granted lo William Foster. Also : A rei'uii) lot or peice of ground adjoin, mg lots aforesaid, atal discrilu-d as lollows; lie-in nii-g i.t a pivit in ll.e middle and foot of !., tl.euce by half of mid ttn e', nod bv f .ot of said Ijsl lols, u.-r'h o- ilcgre-s eas', lit and ni e -tenth p, irlu to salil 20 f. et ulb y, thi lice bv land vld lo John Viug'.rin, 5 .'.2 J. gret s oast, 3i piriltes lo ni.r!h-cat com- r of a site, t, tl ern e domi north lo Jegiees west, 17 .11. d two-tei.ths pen lies to a post on bat U. thence by land sold to Joseph Piiesly. jnr., iior.h 52 degrees west, 35,1 pi rches to the place of beginning, cotit lining 3 J acres and 3t perches. Also -. Lots Nos 153. 151.155, 1. Mi. 167 and 1 5$, raiJ lols Nos. 153. 151. 155 and 1 50, bound. d north by tjunn street, south by Uuke street, west by Ci;;htll strict, and east by an alley, and iho re idue i f s.iiJ I -U Imuuded north by tjueen street, south by Uuke stieet, east by an alley, and west by 7th stieet, containing togitlu-r shout two acres. !S,':."d, taken in execution, and to be told as the propeily uf William A. l.I-.y J. Also; Two rerla'n tracts or p;eres of I nd titu ate in the borough of Nortl ii'i lH-rliind, Nortl.uio. 1 -t I a 1 J county, one ihereof adjoining .,n 1 ol J. II. l!od on ihe norlh P 1st, ihe West Unmet) on the south east, and land ,.f Win. Met-oy on the south west; the other thereof being bet w ih Also: One other liart of hind situate in Ihe coiiniy of Norihuin'ierland afiresaid, being hulled, bounded an I desciilied a filliws, viz: IJeginning at a white pine, adjoining lands of Ihe Assylum Company, thenee north 1 1 degrees west, 171 perch es to a corner, thence south 81 ilegr. ca wes', 51 perehea In a corner, thence south 71 degrees weal, .IS pen lira lo a pile of ttone, thelicn noilh I 0 de gereeg west, 8 pcrche, to a pile of alone, ihenc" south 71 degree west, 100 perches' to a pile of alone, thence north 16 degrees wpsI, 10(5 perches to a 1 i'e of stone, thence north 75 degrees past, 818 pi rches to a pile of stone, thence ninth li degrees we t, HO pe ches to a gum, thence s 'Uih 71 degieia west, 275 perches to a pine, thence south 05 de gree west, 112 perchea to a chesnut fallen, thence south 73 degree west, l!)li peiches to a chesnut oak, thence nnr h 5 1 degree to a chesnut, thenre wrst 121 petrhi-s to a chesnut. thenre .uth 70 west, 55 p. rches to a pile of stone, a cor ner of Sirnh Uie.-c's land, thence a-uith 12 degrees east, 150 pi'rchcs to a post, thence noilh 85 degrees eat, 215 petclies lo a pile of stone, thence north 75 degiees east, llrt perches to a pile of rlonc, ihcnce soulh 12 degrees east, 3Jrt perches In a pine, 111. nee north 7 5 th grees east, I'M perches to a white pine, thenee 11. rth 12J dcgioo west, 'Ml perches to a ile of s'one, ih-nco soulh 8 I . degrees ea-t, 2 I H to a pile of stone, formerly a m i I pb1, thence south 01 degn-e Past, ti I prtehes to a ; while pine, the place of beginning, containing 1012 1 acres, 43 peieln s and allowances. i Seized, I ikeu in cuccution, und to be sold as the ! propeily nf llmd l'ntleison. Also: All I h nt ceilaiu house together with the; lot, wheieoti Ihe rune i erected, siuiate in ihe lo : rough of Norlliuinberlnnil, and couutv of Noilhutn- j 1 0 r I in ol . it 1 tjiii'eri street, and Second slreel, lun ning back in Uuke street and ad joining lot No. ' SO. ihe said lot luilig liutill ercd 85 ill the plan of I said borough. j We zed, taken in execution, and to 1 sold as the ' propeily of the IS tplist Church, in the borough of j Northumberland. Al-o: All those six two story frame huil.lings silua'e in Co d township, Norlhuuiherl ind county, 1 adjoining each other au l all under one roof, ami Ihe piece of land and rurrilago iippii'lenaiit therein, ; being a part of ihe tract of land upon whiih the ; said Compiny are or were, conducting and c irry- ing on iheir Iron Wink and Coal Mines; the; said liousis being e ich forty leet long and eigh-; teen fed deep. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold a the J ptopcrty ct ihe Shaniokin Co d iV. Iron Company. 1 FELIX MAL'UEIl, Shc-riJJf. fherill" Olhce, ? 1 S inhurv, Dec. 2, 1-JI3. S LIST OF CAUSES. i T.l i! trial in the ( hunt of Corn in. 111 Pleas of Nor- - tl.u.nteilai OAKLFA'S IHII'l ltiTIVi; sviti and Couutv, at I.iuuaiy IS cointi-.eruing thelir-l Monday. Ttim A. H. I I ich Shi'z ' S ephen Wilson I S inui.-l Kei ler Uoiigal ,V Met'l. ety John lluinuiel j C. m il. of for U. I ah j John (iriU'en Ac Jacob Leiser sr. ' F.noeh llower's exr J II Flanigai) Vc W K li-own John A Llovd The Hank of Norlh'd. Probst Holier! Miner's admr Uauicl rtruutigiim David F Cordon Same Christian Philip J 11 ought 11, lot. lei ,Vc Uavitl WnlMili Philip Weiscr 8 into Ur 1! l h:li .Inn is K. hhnei's rxr Abraham Sirndi Kreilz foi Loi t; "vc Ch as F Sh.iir.e W II Miller The Com'ih of Penn'a. C Angst for H ami 11 I tin Ajrr Sn phen Derr Conrad Haver Is 1.1c Uavis Josci'h UoingarJner v J- hn Si.,):t v F A Ki.telit v Janus Heard vs Chri.-topher II ll.tkcr v T; P .sh union v John Friek v S T ltuirow'4 J II Ml) ivisnu John Kiiorr v W U llonsel v Peter llinlieu Hebecca Well vs Paul Ced.le A c vs Matnuel cV H McKee s II Frick i t al vs John Crwdeu's exr vs Hugh Ucilas Name vs John U Miller vs Packer cV Cuniuiii gs ts Patrick Montague t Joseph Wallis jr vs .Sjiiio vs McCariee ct Putdy vs John Peal et al s Jonathan Adam vs Nicholas Long's admr vs John T Mvhias s W H Ftymyer vs Felix Maurer ct al vs John He iVt 111111 v Cli nics Cmig vs Cit n-n.' Law reiice vs .1 .hn Jludd vs Jolm Rower vs John Murray SAMLEL U. JOHUAN. '11113 valuahV propiTtiea of Oakley's Dopma-1- live SSyrup of Marsaparilla, a a purifier of the blood, is so well known to t!m public generally, that it is umicccfs iry to occupy nitleh space in rct ling forth the advantages to he derived from its use wherever the medicine has onre been Intro duced, il takra precedence over all others : cveiy one that ha laken it, have derived so signal bene IV results from il, that il i recommended by Idem with the u most roiiujeiir.c. Physicims of the highest standing in the profession, presenile it lo pn'ienU under their catc 1 cut lining nothing deleterious, but being composed ol the on si mild, yel rtlicacious vegetable materials, it is offered w ith mnfiilriiro, a the chesvest anil most ellieient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles. rsNvialy in ihe spring monilis, will he at tended with a most derided improvement in the ge. neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disca-e that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor lo lh body. For the cure of Hemfula or Kings I3vil, Hheiiui iiisin. Ti ller, I'imples or ptuptions of Ihe Skin, While Swelling, r isluln, I hroiue t'ough, ic. I lie im merons ccriilieate in lite possession of the siibsen ler and his agents, front physicians und others, are sullicieiit to conviiiee the in, si skeptical ol Its su a rioiily over all prep rations of S.ns ip iiilla. H.,d whole -ale mid retail, by ll.e proprietor, til'.lll.'lii: W. (lAKLLY. Noilh hill sired. Hea ding, links Comiiy, and lo be had nl the following persons : In S(i'lliniii!irrl,iii,1 Cmiiiti II. II. M as-er, Stinbiiry ; Iielnul V M xel, McCe.cnsil!o ; U. Kiau-i r, Milton. In I'ninn Ciitmli. J. death Hi, Selinsgroie ; A. (int. bus, Miilhubing. In f'uliinihia County. H. W. McCay, Wash ingtoii. Heading, March I I, IS I I. Mh. OiKi.rr: I believe il the duly of every one lo do whatever in iheir power lies, for the b no fit of their tellow nit", and having had po-nive proof in rnv ow n family, of Ihe wot,. Icrful properties of your Ui-piir.iti-e Synii of Svsnp -trill, I in st ronseieulioii-1y reeotuuieiid il lo ihe alllieled. We had the tnisfoitime to lose two of our children, by the brinktug out of ulcerous sores that coveted the face, head ami neck, although we h id some, of the miMt scientific physicimi l atieml ll). in and had liied all the known lemedies. iiirlii.hng Maim' I'linucea, without avail. Another of my children was an. tike. I in ihe same manner, her lire ami neck was completely covered; ihe .1 selnrge was so nllcns'ivi , and the disease al such a height, that we ilc-p tired ol her life. Seeing ihe wonderful elli-cls of vour UepuTa'ive Sviup ol !S ,iaparil 1, we wi le iiiilii. id lo to al.e liidnl il, a- Ihe I tsl rt s rt ; il acted like a cliatni ; the u'rers rmrl'ii, net d healing immediately, a f w boltli . eutirelv n -Ion .1 to r lo Iter hetllh, whith site li.seo..,l umiileiiuptedlv ever since. As a porilo r ol the blood, I verily be lieve il has not ils eipial. JOHN MMVF.K, Tailor. Walnut street, neat Fouilh, Hr.t.luig. U.tugl issville, pril l'.llli, 1 S 1:1. M11. Otm.i r : My son IViinind Leaf, ha I the sctolnla in the most iliea.llul and distris-ing in. in ner for three yeais, dining wh eh lime he wis de prived of Ihe Urc of his limbs, hi; he ul and neck were covered with ulcer. We tried all the ihll'-r-enl remedies, bul to no rlloct, until recommended by Ur. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Ur. Isaac 1 1 tester, of Heading, lo use your Uepurntivu Myrup of Sars.ipiirilla, of which I ol-lnined several bottles, ihe ura of which ibove Ihe di-ea-e rutin Iv oul of Irs system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was j restored to prrh'ct health, which he has enjoveil ' uninleriiipledly rvtr since, to ttie astonishment of. many prisons who seen hitn du iug hi h lit tct ion. I have thought it my duty , ami send ymi this ceili fic tte otl.e a who have a like allhclioii 111 ihe family limy know wheie to obi nil so valuable a nu ih lue. Vours Irulv. AMELIA U LEAF. Sept. in, tgtH. ly ( omilrt n-Krrs' DEATH BLOW. fPI)o pu'-lic will please observe that no Jlrandreth Pill nre genuine, unless the box hna three la bel upon it, (tho top, the side ami the bolt. no) cadi containing n ftc-simile signature of mv hand writing, llius M. Hit AtvntiKrii, M. U. These In. I'pU bio engravetl on steel, beautifully designed, nml done at an expense of over f 3. OHO. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing nrce-saty lo pro cure ihe medicine in ils purity, is to observe those lulu-Is. I5ememher tho top, tho ride, and the bottom. The follow-intr, respective person are duly auhnri- zed, and hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of llmnilrrih'n I'tttahk Universal I 'Ufa. ' Northumberland county : Milton Mat key oV Chatnbeilin. Sunbiiry 11. II. Masser, M'Ewetis ville Ireland cV. Meixell. Norihuiiila'iland Win. Forsyth. Ceorgetown J. Ac J. Walls. Union County: New llerlni Ilogar eV Win. ler, Hclinsgrovc (ieorge (iiiiidtum. Miildle burg Isaac Smith, lleaverlown I lavid Ilubler. Atl inisburg Win. J, May. Milllmshuig Mensi h V Hiv. Ilartletnn l)aniel Jotng. Fieehurg (J. Ar F. C. Moyer. Lewishurg WnlU A- tiiei-n. C1.l11111l.i l enmity I Ualivllle E. It. Kcytinld tV Co. Ilt rwiek Shuiniili Ai Hitlenhouse. Cnt lawiss.i It. (J. Ilrohts. I'lonrnsbiirg John I. Mover. Jeisry Town Levi llisel. Washington Hot.l . Mi-Cay. Limestone lltilliel r McNincb. Illturive that each A cent has an Engraved Ci r litieale nf Agency, roiilaining a iepres iit.iliou nl Ur I1H V.NUHETH'S Manufactory nl Mug Sing, ami upon whieh will a'so be seen exact copies nf the nfir luhtix null' UMtl ujimi Ihr llnniiri Hi I'M I'll ee.v, I'lnl nh-lphia, nflice No. H, Noilh Slh slreel. 11. 1IHANUHETH.M. U. June 21th, IH Ct. J. I). Waters, 1 Ink. JOSEPH JZ. HOVER, Mitiiufacturcr of NVritin.u und Iinlolli blu Ink, No. Kki Nnrlli Third Street, Fix ilimr. 1 11.' low Kacr, (oast sidr-,') FIIIL AOSLFHI A, I I',I'E(3'I'FI:LLV inform country merchant I and others, that ho con-tantly keep on hand a large stork of his superior k, lllun nml Hed Ink. and also a superior quality or ImhlliMe Ink. His ink is put up in bottles vatytng in size, from I lo 32 ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable terms. The exi client qualities of thi ink basso lliiiroiighly established Its character, that il is now extensively Used throughout lli country. For sale al the store nf II. II. Mnsser, Sun. bnrv. Pa. May 27lh, 113. ly Cabinet-Making (.v INInlilMnm'iif.Y VILLI.M HOOTS?. SI H lISI'ECTFri.L V informs Ihe citizens of Si 1 Sunbiiiy und vicinity, lhat helm recently comim neeil the ( a i , 1 1 : y a k 1 x ( ; m ' s i x i .ss, in nil its branches, in Maiket street, Sunbtiry, im mediately hi low the post olliee, where he will be rcaly lo receive ai d execute all orders in the line of his hu-iiif-, will) promptness ami despatch, und in ihe Im-sI style and manner. His prices will be low, in accordance with the times. 0.' j' Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. .May 27ih 1813. fun ( Tl Y R liXITl UK AlC'l'lOX", AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. "-". ami '.il North Thin! iSlrcct, Ncir tho (' i t v Motel, I'HILAUELl'HIA. Prttlhoiiotnrv's OilVe, VrutWij. Sunbury.Ucc. 1. IS1U, $ " 5?.. P. Z." T-STI1TS, j 11 EM'EC I'Frl.LY inf.irni the public that he j hat made Noilhuiiiberland his placo of resi. ; ilenrp, and i ready lo attend to any calls in the . line nf his pri.frs.-ion. i rrj- lie may at -!1 times be found at Mr. James : Dec. Itiih, ISIT tf. Lee's Hotel. Northumberland, ecu Ihe North i 7 S hert by given, that I have purchased the lollow- ich Coial antl the North Hrai.rh, adjoining' in? arliclea, sold al Shenll s sale on Ihe oil) inst , Iii'ts of St ih Chu'tiiaii nu the norlh ea-l. and 1 as the propeily of Samuel Uruckemill r, which r- Hanovcr street on the sou h west, the sod Iwo lirhs I have loiiind to the s-iid t'ainuel until I sev pieces of land lhiit. cn acres more or 'e s. Also ; The f.. wing nut lot 1 or pieces if gro iii l. con: lining fiv s etch, and in.nkej in the gen -ul plan of said out Ms .Vs. 6, IS, 22 12 and i'O. Al-o: The following in-M or pl.ces f e'Hifil in ihe tow n of N't ihnin'o. rl nd ufoic-.',id. and u rk-.J i.l t! a gene al plan thereof. No. 50, wberwii cr. cte.l a lar.e two sloty fan 10 dwcl b g I1.11ISC, brim on iho south we-t corner of Noilhwav a. id an idd-v, auj hounJcd on ihe noudi we-t by l..t No. I'.. Alo: Lot- N. ts. I,l, til. d and CI, houn.lcl o'i ihe south ea t l y Norihway, .in the ninth west by Wut. r trt ct, on the north ea.tby llain-tei si. an I on tlo' s u h wo-sl by ;i:i alley, containing a bout ', of .n ai re e o h. A'so . Lots No, iml I'M. l'.io, lOfl, ID7, lt, l.l. I. 2l0. ami 21)1, bound., I nu ihe north west t. v Wall I (!ict, tin tlie soirll cist by Nor hw.iy, and oil the south west by 1 1 atiovcr sir. et, coniihii'.ig each about i ot 1111 acre. A's ; Lois Nos. 2117. 2tW, 200, .iml IIO, hound, ed tin 'he norlh west bv Noilhwav, an I 011 the Wer-t by U.uiovt r s'reet. ) said lot, No. 810, is c red. d a large log barn. Also: Loi No. 12. tituate on the south west corner of O-icen and Water stteets, whereon are r- i reeled a large two slory frame building, formcily . occupied as a stoie, I AIo; A tmtll fiume Shoemaker's shop, and a i 6'iiall fi-inie building rcrupiej as a Fancy store, j Si i. -d, t tken in t xcciuion, and lo bo told a the . prop, rty uf William A. 1.1 .yd. Also : All thai et'tlain tract or piece of land titu ate in the county of Northuinheilaiid, and stale of I'eniisy Ivanii, hcoiuiiiiig al awhile pino corner, a 'joining lands ol Hi. Idle A: Company, thence north 'i.i degrees east, 1,11 perches lo a pile of stone, thence lloi h 12 th giees west, Itlti peri lies to a post, 1I11 e noilh Ss degicrs west, VU perches to a post, thence, uorlll dtgieeswesl, H'J p. relies l a pile of stone, theme south o ilctcc west, IS per. he lo a po-t, thence south HO degiees -i si, Ibl perche to a pino, ihcnce south lJ.lcg ees east. 105 pt ich.s 10 the pi it e of I t limiting, cont ti ling Hi ) acres ar d i.l pt relic-, aad alljW.incc vl U pi x cent tor read-., Oi.c.,oiV. opt r to remove thotn, vrx: IH at f 2 H 1 Mantle CI,k.;. 10 00 2ft vd-. of tarpeling, al :il els. p. r yd. -12 15 y ds. .In 10 els. " 1 olt 1 Ulniug Tal le, 25 ,1 'T.11 Chairs, 3 211 lluieau, 5 i'O ? 05 fl UANir.L I1il CKEMIL1.EH," Suiibiuv. Per. 9ih, 1 K I :l. :i N' Male of 11 in. IllW'y tiasi, dvcM. JtlTICEi hcieby given, that lellcr of ad iniiiiRiraiion upon said cst ile, has this iljy I.e. 11 gian'cil to Ihe l ersons knowing tin ins. Ives 10 lip i.ul. lne.l lo said estate, are te.iie-t-t'.l to 111 il.e itnu.eJia'.e payinent, and I'lose h iving nee. units or demand ugatinl tin) estate are retpies--ed 10 present them lor ei-imiutilion ami -e'tleiueiii. AHH IIAM Mlll'M AN, Augusta. Uceinber 2.1. lfl:J. lit. Irinlcrti IiiL Vf. w kegs for sate, at a small advance f r rash, ly Dec. !). II. II. MASSEU. TORESTVILLE itu i:i;iit 1)1V I LOIKS. TIlIE subsCiiU'r ha just leceived, for tale, a few I of tho above ci h brated Eight Uay t.'locks, w hich will be sul I at veiy reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, superior 110 hour t 'l.n ks, nf li e l e.-l iniiko and tpialily, which will be sold for cash, at f f0, A Is,., superior lirass 30 hour Cloiks, at f HO. l i.e. 2. IK 15. ILH.MsEH. n)v coons. lME mbscrilrr h aa received a fresh supply of I V.I tiootls, which he will sell 1 heap for cash 01 country pro.luc. J. II, M .smEH. Ktii.buly. Dec. 21. Is II. Atlmtuiti'af ur's iXulito. j TsVJOTlCEi hei. by given letl. rs nf a.l- ' minislratioii have I een granted by Ihe He j gi.-li f of N oilhuiiibrrUiitl couniy, lo the subsrril ers, , in the estate of John It. I'rire, late of the borough I if Suiibtiiy , Noithutnherland county, dec 'd. All' persons having deininds against the estate will pre-cnt then iluiy aulheu'iea'ed for setlb-ment, and those indebted are retpics'e.l lo call and make set- tleuicul immediately. N. LXNDIS PHH'E. HEHECl'A I'. PHICE. j Suubury, Nov. lttth, Is III. lit. j w 1 i,m am ,r. Ai Aii nx, ' i-TTOPlTET AT LATTjl j SUNBUIIY, pa, I OFFICE, in Ihe building occupied by J. IHiollt, j on Market stieet. j I Cel. 2 1st, IS 1:1. j i OTONF. WAKE f .r sale. I '. 225 Stone Jug, from I ipimt to 3 gallon, j i fill Stone Jars, from 2 to I! gallon For salt', cheap, by Cel. II II. H. M SsEK. I I ASIIHV A: SSOi'Al', I i HAT CAP M AN I'l'.U'Tl' IlKIJS, Smith Hast conn r of Murk' I tinJ lilt tils., IMilLuU Iplila, 1 i p ESl'EC TFl'I.LV ii.t. rni ihe public that they will rousl.inl'y keen on hoid a Itrgs us-o.t- lui'lit ol Hals, Caps ill nl Furs, lo siiil Ihe l.tll Ir.ile, . nf tl e best ipi.tlilv. It) stru t ulo lilioll to bil-l-loss, and by selling their stock at Ihe lowest pii. es, lln'V littler iIii'ius.Ims in being able to gitc entire s August j, IslJ ly j en Till t. ommUsioii ..I i t liau(, An. -I ( 'nuiim f Si , In Imp I'lllfi, riui. vDSLririA, T"I3I'P roiisiai l!y on band Intporied Secara, Urai.difs, Liipiors. A.C., at the low est prices, lot ca-h. C. J. Wni. in 11 r jr. Wm, A. Jix!.t. Aif.'ust ,'th, Htl-Cm 1 n 1 i'un SALU AT TlllSOWlCli ftyWV. sub-ciibcr will sell oll'l.i- stock of Heaver, JL Hussia iii.J Hiusb Hats, of the la-st tjuali'y, al very red need pi ire. Sunbury.Aug. 5, 111. II. It. MASSE H 1 'riu liliijr .ilai I1I110 for Siiio. f M1IE sob,cribrr ol3'ers f .r sale a TllKEsiUNC I 1 MACHINE, new and in food or. I.l. The Machine has be. 11 trie. I, and roves I.) be uu excel lent onu. Il w ill he sold at a reduced price, and warrant!.. Apply I.) II. IJ. MASsEl!. Julv Is', Hit. ( II MM.KS NN. IIKCINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUMJ1UIIY, TA. HAM l iken the olliee lotmi'ily oecupi-d bv ll.e Hon. I hailcsli. U.iuu.l, opposile Ihet'outt II u-e. Ile will a I. i.d to btsilii'ss in ihe Court ol Norihuinla'iland, I niou at;J Culuiiibii couu'.ics. Ma 20l!i, 1SU, j 1 i ( 1 (3. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfully in- --; viies the alti-iition of teroii desiiou of pur ! cha-ing Fiiiniiuie, lo hi extensive Sales Kooins, i (boih pu'dic and 1'iivate,) for every description of Furuiliire, win re can be obtained al nil .' times, a large assortment of fashionable and well j manufacture J Cvhinet Furniture, Ueds, Mattrasse, ; Ar., at very reduced prices, for cash, i 07 " Still's lv Auction, twice a yveck. 1 May 27ih, 1S13. ly " LOITGLEY'3 ca-rnt AV .t'i ii liulian l"aiia oa, ', Coiiipoiiiulrjil entirely of 'egotablc i Substances ; I'n-t frnm Ctiltmirl unit till vllirr Mineral. ! For the history uf thi medicine, and lis unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, see large hills. T i recommended as general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea- sis, 11 is invaluable for Asthma it is cnnsi.Ieied a specific, no casu having yet occurred which it has fail.d lo cure for common cold, (inflammatory dis-ra.-r. rheumatism, allectiona of the liver, A.C., and for females, it i a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From lr. SHla West, of lUnhitniptnn, S. Y. Mr. Longley Dear Sir : I have used your (.'real Wcs. ru Indian Panacea iu my family, und have n Mieilly prescribed il for patients under my care, and am satisfied it is ulwavs a safe, ami in very luiny cases an invaluable medicine. It o'rates a .1 I .x .me without nausea, or pain ; und while it of 1. 1 tu.illv obnutes cosliveno acts upon I lie stomach ai d liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, an.l re storing Ihe h- allhv condition of ihose orjaus. Very respectfully vours, S. WEST. For .ale l.y JOHN W. FHII.INli, Suubury. JACII1J I! Kill 111', Northumberland. M .y 'iiiih. I S I :l. ly Daniel Ynrick, BECS leave to inform the citiz.ns of Siiii'niy 1 0 ft and its vicinilv, Iba bo Ins rommeiier.l the , , ( US.MI I IIINC ih sixkss. I iii M i. kit sired, Sunbuiy, cast of J Im It gar's ; store, and din'ctly opp isue the post nllice, when- be t men. I. to cany 011 the hosine- in all its various 1 brat ebe, including, Turning, Milking Mill lion nml I'liilic Springs, Imniinf Curringi-n, with llx- m.viiri or Stunning Ihjm, fi.,ruig lltifrn, 0,1. Ciders w ill lie promptly and puiictu illy attended to, ir.d wotk done cheap, fur cash or country pro duce. Ol' IIoiso Sh.ieing done at f 1 per ctt. Sunhury, April I5lh, 143. ly. ! 1 EslF.3TFL'I.LY iiifonn the citizens of tba - r.orolioh nf Nn.llit.,l..l .. .1 ... I :. . - - .., siiu us vieiniiy, that be ha commenced C o T;ii loving ItiiincKtu, in a'l i'a vanou branches, in ll, shop iotmi rly ecu 1 .ted by Henry S. 'J'hornas, directly oppnsiln Fnrsth' flore. A herie. ives the New Yuik nml Philadi 'Iphia Fashion qualterly, he is dial lid to do all jobs entiusted to him, alh'r the neatest nt.d. latest style, and upon the hottest notice. Norlhiimbrrl iiid, Apiil S2d, DMo. ly blacksmithing" fi v o r k c Z 1 111 111 c r 111 a 11 S o 11. TIllIE sulriiU'rH beteby inform Ihe public, (hot 1 lin y have entered into partnership, in the DlaACESIVIXTIIINO BUSINESS, which will hereafter be earned on al Ibu old stand in Suubury, under the firm of "(nor no Zimmciiiiaii A; Son," where they will crindint the bu-iiie.-s in all ils various branches, including Ttrra int;, Mnliing Mill Irons, Irnnimr Viirringis, SIkh ing ilnrux, ,c. tinier will be piomptly and punc tually alt. ml. d lo, and work done cheap, lor ca-li ur Coltlilrv pio.lure, (J j" Sliming done al orm tlull-ir ner sell. CIliiKci: 'IM M13HMAN, .1. ll.ZIM.MEKMAN. Suuhiny, Maich llih, ltS. I)r. J . JL lSSIJll. ! 1 F.tM'ECTFI'LLY inform the citia-n ol Hon j ' l ury an.l it vicinity, that he has taken the olliee f.uiiierlv im-cii ic.l by Ur. Joi n I'enl, wl.cie be will be happy lo ri reive call in the line ol hn. profession. Aptil 22.1, I s 1:1. p-?vtits?sI3:-:ip. rpH E subseiibi'., having entered into a partner - ship in the practice of Ihe law, will be happy lo attend lo all business ruttu-l.-d lo their care. Collection will tie promptly alien. led In. They may always ! foomi at tin ir oilier, in Market street, tMinhury, formeilv occupied by Will. Ucwart, dec'il.. as a store-iooio. WILLIAM L. UEWAHT, j. hklne:;. Sunbuiy, Feb. lib, IXl'l. ly. MBIIC1 EAST'S IIOUSK, A'". i:t?, A'r.rA 'J'iinl.nii.K Culluxhill it., PHILADELPHIA. "HOIIN ULNCAN. late from the Pennsy Iva 99 I'ia Farmer, and Samuel f'ike, jr., late ol A 1111 ricau Hold, t 'oluiubtls, tlhio, take pleasuie in nr. Iiiainliug Iheir fiieiids and the public jirm lully that they have taken the large mid commodious Hotel, leceiiily built by the Messrs. Ilirt.on the same situ once net upietl by Ihe old eslahliBhcd Ilolel known as ihr Inill'u Head, in Third stieet above Callow hill si. This Ilolel is liuishc.1 iu ihe very '.H'st posslhln manner, and uf ihe best mt.termls. Its location in very dcsiiuhlc, particularly for cuunlry mcrcliants ; the arrangements for healing und veniilaling racli room is such os to secure any temperature. Tho bedrooms aie all light and airy, all furnished iu a neat style, so as to insuie cemfoiU The receiving parlors are also fun. ished in a su perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess. Fiirlicuhit attention ha been given to Ihe hi da and In tiding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. From yea's' rxperienre in hMcl business, wo trust, by strict assiduity to bushiest, lo make this house a desirable stepping place. Cur table will always l-e supplied with Iho very best our market can all'or.l, ami our bar with the best liipiors and w ines of Ihe most appioved brands. P. S. Thete are fut rate stabling and carriigo houses ultachrd to the hotel, dhyc.i ami sober ho-llcrs, mid our charges will be I v-v, iu accordance wiih the present haul Philadelphia, Cel. 'ith, 112. IJjNION HOTEL, ' (dcnrriil Stage Iffrcv, iXq CS..T jxsr az- LYCOMIKC COUNTY, l'fiiiisj It aula. rilllFi Stih.-rrilter respectfully infoiin his friends 1 ami the public iu, that ho has Ukuu the above l.Miui: am) coMuuniors HCTE L, I N T II E II t I! O i; (J II t) F M IJ N C Y, and that he is now well prepare! to accommodato ull who may favor li in wiih their custom. His Si ih inu AriHTMkHTti ere well aiie I, an.l comforlable. II is T it l) i mi Hut will a'tay he sj,plnj with ihe best themaikel can alUud. His S-4Hi.imi, which is g.M.I, will le ui:J.i the charge nl good nud l an lul hostlers. He ft rls rouli.leui, by strict ntteiitioii to I u. iiif . and an earnest desiie lo lender comfortable 1I10-0 w ho may patronite him, lhat he w ill not fail tains general s.iii.-ladion, II. 11. WEAVER. Money. Cel. I.t, 112 If. 'i 111: rr.iL.i)LU,ni. r.Ki)it; axd puttsvillii RAIL ROAD. ISoot & Shoe 1c1.1rjrj.z1 o?.t. 11 n r I i 11 I r v i n , KB I'.spi.c I It I.l. V iuloims his In. n. Is audi Eft, "hi utonicis. that he has removed hi innny sutn: i:.sTMiusnui-:T to 1 1 ie liaine luii'dnig a. homing bis tlw. house, between that i.lul Ur. U. T.Tilles' olliee, 11 lew I'uor , west of hi' old est ,t hshnieiil, ill Maiket slui't, j wheie he intends 10 tarry oil Ihe above business cxii'ii-iv. Iv, i'l ull its riiri'ins Inniieln s. I - Iteing lor pisl f tvors, he hope-, by strict utletill 01 I.i business and lioeial charges, lo give general satisfaction and that tic will continue lo re. ccike ti hU'ial -hate uf public patloitatt, A pul Slh, IblJ. ( i.viigc of mi s. Cm 4n initi Sjti hihv, Aphil I, l"l-t. The passenger trains leave at the lollow nig hours : Vhilmh ,, a n,ij Fiithriffr. I' I'hi'ii.hlphi 1, at ti A.M. , From I'ottsville, al A.M. y ifaurn tij' jnii sin g A'vrng-. For Polt.ville, al 'J A. M. , For Philadelphia. at "1 A. M S lioth 11 tains, pa-s al I'ollslow ii. The down l?a n brenktasli al He. 1. ling, and the up Imiii at lown, foi which 15 ininu'cs aie allowed ut eacll station, i'.i u a; .v. Iletwecn Putlsxille I'lnlada. .Vi A: f II. iwceu Heading A d . 2.-5 A I i ' llctweeii do it PoltsvilV, 1,10 cV 1 Evn usio Ticnars tiooii fob uiti k mext hit. Ileiw-een Poltsville ,V I't.iladelphia, -ll. twt. 11 Hi ai'iiiu V do. 3 t.i Iletweeii do. A. F.'ttsvillo, .1 All ihe tiains will top for way passcn-.r ut the usual points, C j" All passeitgeis nre Yc.p'.istcJ tvv piinuru their tickets before the li nns .tait. M iv 21. I HI 2. 11". Fn !i .tippy ot i;ni: oiN vst : i'.t.vm,, s .iml o, ,.tU. I y ll J. ,IA!tU. Nov. l'JUi, IM2. t'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers