BiKK 3VOTI! Til ST. Tbe following list sb mi the current value of all Pennsylvania Hank N. ti a. The mot implicit rc Uanes may ht plsced ppnn it, as it i t rcry v-eck carefii'ly compared with ni A ccrrecol from k- Mll'a Reporter. Itniik In Fhlkidclphlfl , Disc, l IvM. I.ncAttojf. Phi'ao. NOTES AT PAR. flunk of North America I'nr.k of th Northern f ibrrtie Commerst I?nn1i of PenrTrt . FnrtPff' and Mechanics' B .rik I'kPnjirjftm Bank . Phi'mMpfiia Bank 'chut Hill Bnnk ioii:hcTir' Bank Wcs'cm Bank . . , Mechanics' flank Mjiiurftcturi-ts' A Mecbat.ics' Kv C'omitry trnlis. R it. k of rtiPUr Crn'riiy Westchester Bank of Delaware Corny Il.nk of Oormantnwii Bank cf Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Batik Easton Bunk Farmers' Bunk cf Buck, co Office of Bunk of Pet.n'a. HOSZj OINTFtfENT, SIX IM I 1-lt. hisnwonvii, rrviri.r:; on Ttin 'acr, and orurti rrtANForn rtvtrrioNs. Cj The fidh wing eerfifira't drscrihes one of tht mast extraordinary cur it ever effected btf any The Irxt method for the Abolition nf Disease j fo thaiie iin-J purify the JJoily. ixniAS TKamnLG pills OF I'll R Mirth Arntrtcan Ceilteet cf ITrnVh, Are now acknowledged to be ihe lint Medicine In j artpVcalion, il,e World for the euro of , PHTttnrt ertf a, February 10. 19:19. F.VIIRY VARIETY OF DISEASE. TOR twenty years I was severely' afflicted with BECAUSE they eomp'etcJj cleanse the i?tn- Ttrrxn tn the Face ami Head: the disease mnih and bowels from h fc hillioiis and ror- commenced when I wis seventeen tear. nM, and nipt humors which are the caue not only cf continued until tlic Full of 1P:1G, v riving in vitv pir J Hfodaohe, (tidi'itif e. Palpitation cf the He itt, ' lenr-e, but without ever disappearing. Purine most ! a-ns in the BonM, Rfieumotsm and Until, tun of ti c time, frent part of my fuce was covered with every rtmln'v ir cider t 10 mnn. SAID INDIAN ' the eruption, frequently aitrndrd wilh vin'ent itrli VriiETABI E PILLS are a e r ain rure fr in : i, e: mv head an-el'td nt timrn until it fi ll na if it trim'ttrrt, emi'tfd, nertrtie, inflnmitory i.nd j.u'lid 1 would hnret the iwfllini yrn'to (t'eit, that I couM Fever bre.nxe thfy c esme the p:y f'ein thne moihid hi morn. which, hen confined tothe eitcu- lution, are ilteraiwof all k'nda of FKVEKS, Pr, t . pr.t . Par j Pii p:.t par pr.r pur pl pnr I seam ly pet my h it on. TJiiring Iho long period I aw nfTicted wi'h the dinense, 1 tiaeil a grent mant at plirntion, fiinions tlietn arvernl celetirflieti n'so, hen the eame impurity ia depoiited on the ! preniration') n w II a taking inw.itd remedies, par par par par jmr par pnr Office do da Offica do do Office do do NOTES AT Chester (JermatitOTrn iV orris' 011 Ioliitown Ei.aton fJritol Harrii.huia" These I.anciatir 1 ofTicru Iveailing Easton DISCOUNT. I'Uiladilphia 80 pnr incfuding a ntimher of hnttlea of Sii'ijim's I'ttnnrcn, Extract nf Rarsnpnrllta, &e. In fuel ii would lo impn'-aihle ti enumeta e all the nirdieinra I uard. waa olo nndei the C:ire of 1wo of the most di tinjrtii.ilied physicinna of ih'i cby, I'Ut with .lit ro lo not ifsuen. 13il4 Bank ol the United SirUV Bank of Perm Townahi" . ClirorJ Bank foyoDlpnling Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Minera' Bank of Pott ivilU Bank of Lewistown Bank of MidJIctown Btifik of Northomheilftnd Columhia Bank i Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exchangn Bank I)o do h ranch of Farmers' Brink of I.nncastei Lancaster County Bank Formers' Bank of Heading Hairisburg Bank I.nncnater Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Mantif. Etu.k pHiik of PittHbnrn West Brnnrh B iiik WyomiriR Ba.k Nortlian.ptfiii Bnrk Pfilif CoimtV B:n k Office of Bunk ol V. S. Va do do I'o do do -ir.Blfti t'av. Ins. A n Township Shv. ln. of Chamberi-bnrg a ol (icttysburi; Bnnk of SuMjuehanna Co, Erie Bur.k Farmeri-' Sc Drover' Bank Franklin Bnnk Honrs-dole B-nk M;it:onpiheh Bonk of B. Vork Bank N. B. The notes r.f thos r i" fTno'o'inr.a, arid substitute a da-h ( ) are not I -.;:.!. ns d by the PI i' .dclpl.ia brokers wih the excu '.ion cfihrse vhiihhave a letter of reference. E V. V K i; N BANKS. failed fnilrd Tiled f.iled Fl'.iP5 in snlr 1 1, fill 1 liihed faih.1 no tale I'jiled fnh'd failcil no sale 110 sule no e.ili' fuiled no ac doted tio tali1 rloxed par pnr r..tvilla S l.evistovn 2 Middlelovn Ij Nirlht,mber!nd par Culumbia Carlisle rittaburf 1 Hollidaysbuig 1 i.ancistri j l.nnraster " heading i ILurisburi; 1J Lanra.sler J Lihaiii'ti l.i Pittsburg 1 Piilthuii; 1 Willinnwport J! . AVi.keri'nria 3 Alleiitoun ilisding 70 Pittsburg failid Erie i!n New Brighton do do do Cliambershurg " d ' :1 i tJittysbnrg ) Monlrose Erie f.aC Wnynesburg frnM WashiriRfou la I Hoi ediile M Brmvnsviile Yoik .i i bank on whiili ve '..'.! hia S iv. I; . i':.:'Je:i hi !. . .. i. 'r..j' Suv In V . L..!'. r Bank (T I". .i.da "r.i.k A lie s: ai.v V.."ik of Pa. II. ink ol Bevt-r Bunk ni S.a' ia Bank of Wnshingtoa Centre Punk City Bnt k Fi.rmer' & Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' ck Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' & Mech'ca'Bai.k Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bunk JuuiHla Bunk s.umi'errr.i'ii's Bunk Ni rthern Bank of I'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. No-'lmml.'d Union Col. BU. ?. i-.ith Westirn Bank of Ha. P.'h.-e of Schulkill Bank i'.i. Ar & Munuf. lijnk vet Lake Bar k I'll 01: Bat k of IViin'a, ",ls!:: f;"'a:.i! I'sr k Y I'ki sburrr I'lice 'o. 23' All in tis puipoitii B Voiiu Bank not given in the Uuwn as traudai. M':V JF.RSLY. Philadelphia do do r;v prop.) 1 1 1 m di . r,.Ki Kei 1 Wasbinplon Belh funic PitlsbuiK Pitihhurg Fayetie co. tineiicat'e lisrinniiy H untincilon I.enistoivn Warien liondiir New Hope Milton Meadiille Foil I'url on t'urllNlu failed Montiosc clund liiiuntonn failid ireci sburg closed U'ilkcsbjrre no sale to be 011 any IVruif-yl-uhove licit, may be eet F.ank ( I New Brunswick L'llvidt'ie Bank Builinuton Co. Bank I'ommercial Bunk t.'un.lx .l.ind Furnjers' Bnk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' arid .Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Hrni.hwirk Bclvideie Medfurd Perth Amhoy Bridgeion Mount Holly liuhway N. Biunswirk MiJiilit.mii pi, Jtrey City llobokt ii Bkp i. lirazmfc Co Hobuken Jersey City Bank JirscyJ't'y Mi'fl.uui.B' J'biins.iri Maiiufactunr Usr.lf Btl't vi'ie Morris County Bank Murristun Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fiichi.ld Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Msruf. BU IKntcn Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jtiscy City Post Nolea Newark Bkn A Ins Co' New Hope llp Bri.lee Co N. J. Mm. Blac. and Bkg Co fail J I par U pr par , i failed . H fuiUI fHll.d fulled fuiltd fulled H failed 4 pin Newoik Lamliettsvilla Hoboken no sale I 1 fuilnl N J I'lOieiiwi & Loud aid tk Jrwy Ci'y fuilej failed 11 Oi ine llnii I. Pa'OMiii Bul k Pi epics' lilll k PiiiiCf lon Bunk 8'uh m Hat. kin! Cu etue Bank t-ute Bank tsiale Bank fute Balk ol Morris r-ule Bunk t'sleui slid rinlsd Mi.i.uf Co fruseel Bank TitnWn Banking Co I'd i. n Bdi.k W asLinglun Banking Co. r.f A ilm 6c Brandy wine Wi mington k of UeUwau f )rani; Palersun do Piinceton fculcin N tirk Llii.d'i tl.lown I 'lllllill II Morri.tuu Tn wicn 5" iilern N wton Ttcntun I'nvel Iiuckcnsack ncnibimo and tnusclc. cumintr ntns, inflimi liona and swellinea culled KHEUMAT13M, f.OI T. A e, Wrhl's Indian Veceta! le Pills may It relied f always rertuin tn plve Tilief, and if persevered with, accordlnc to directions will most essun dly, and w ithout fail, make a perfect en e of ; ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever beiiif ib.e abnte pninf. 1 n iilsdies. From three to six of j cured. In li e fill of I9;?(i, the disco? i.l ihe time said Indinn fgetnblc Pdla taken evrry ntRht po- , being very violent, I commenced using the Rose irg 10 lied, will In a Mintt time ao completely no , Oinlmtnf, (furpnrcil tiy nnishnn 6c Djvis.J In the tnity irom every tnmg thai is opprscj in nennn, that l;iietimnlim, '(out, and p ort of every devcrip. tion, will be lit. tally D1UVEN FKOM THE PO DY. Fortheaimc reason, when, from sudden elianpea of atino-pheie, or any other couse, the per- sptrauon is checked, and the humors which should p'S efl' bv th"- skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. CIDD1NESS, niiiisea 'and aiek ness, pain in the bones, wa'cry and inflntned eyes, sora throat, hoar!ene-s, cnugha, consumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many othrr symptoms of CATCHINO COLD,' Wrieht's Inriinn Vceetnhle rills will invarinhlv a tew opplicationa tne violent ilrlima ceasco, Hie swelling aba'ed, the rruption began to disippear, and I hd used ajar the di-ease wa eiitiiely euied. Il haa now been nearly a year and a half since, and there ia not a vovtign of ilia diseno re mainiiiB, except ihe scats from the deep pits firmed by the disease. Il is imp.-ssil le for me to deaerib in a CftlihVatc the severity of the diaease and my sefTrinr?, but I will be pie .si d to cive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time 1 co'i.mcnre.l using the IJ. se Oinirrnnt I would have jjieen bun dieds of 1.0'Uif to lie rid of the disease, fincc 11 give immedi .te relief. From thiee to six of said j fing ir, I have rrcornmended it to reveril persons. 1 (among them my mother, who hail the i!i-cu?c luu- ; ly on bet aim, who wi re a'l curej bv it. j JAMES DURNELL, No. 15U, K.ire ft. j rlj The Kose O.ntmcnt is prepared by 1'. B. Yiiuha'i, S.m li E isl coiner of Ttnrd and '' Mreits, Phi'iidelphiu, and old on necnev in Snntni. ry. bv II. B. MAssEH, M.,y Uth. lSltt. Anit. Btosc Oimf n:cn(, for Tetter, j ,1 moor or its lfficavy. Pnil adi iriita. May STlh. 1 ! 'PHIS is to certify ti nt I was si verely allbeied j with Teller 'tl the hnnils mid f. et for upwards ! of forty yeais ; the diwtse was nttended pijierully ' with vio'el.t itih'tlR liliJ swelling. I npplied to i.lilnbirof 1, and used a great mo".y i.ppli- j ca'ion. wiiln-ut elTictins a cure. Al oul 0 yi ar 1 since, I appbed li e l!.se Oinlmeni, which entirely flopped the i'eh n.nnd a few 11111110.! 1- ! at ly cured the ili-e.-n-e, which there has been no j rtturn of, nlihonqh I had never been ml of It si any lime for f. ity yearn. BIOIIAKD SAVAt.E, F.levenlh, below Spruce Street. gj- The Here Ointmeiit is prepared bv E. H. Yanchnn. S juth En.-t corner of Third and Knee ytieeta, Philadelphia, and s Id on aencv in Putibu- iv. hy H. B. MASTER, ' Mov 14th. 1943. Axct. i ii v.. Ni.) mi blunt h of !?!':!e i f ! branl i- 1 r. n 1 1 nth i.L 11 w. V iluiinutun rmy n. a Mill. nd Dov.i V iliiiiuuton tie., pi iom n J w cisile W limiriuiun par par i par 4 failed tail, d I Ir failid par par par par pur par par par par Isl) Pills taken every niiiht on Rning to bed, will in a short time, not only remove all the above tin pi. asant : symptoms, but the body wdl, in a short time, be restored to even sounder henl h than before. , ASTHMA. 01. DIFFICULTY OF BIIEATII- ! INC; lV;i;.'x lndmii Yrgthibk Pills will loos, j en snd enry oil', by the stomach and boweia, thoe j touch phhciny humors, which atop up alt the air ceils of the lungs, and fire the caue, not only of ihe j al ove distressing complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that mo.e dreadful malady called j CONSUMPTION, hr-hou'd be also ieinenihei,'d j that Wright's Indian Ycgrtahle ViUs are a c rtnin j cure for 1'AlX IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau- j sea, and sicknrss, loss of appi tile, cos'.ivenrsa, a j yt How tinge of Ihe rkin and eyes, and 1 very other . symptom of a ti rpid or diseased slate of the liver; j because they purge from the body those impurities 1 which if deposited upon this important organ, are j the CBU-e of eiery variety of LIVER COM- , PLAINT. W hen a nation is convulsed by riot-, . ..inbreaks mid rebellion, the only tnenns of pn vent. in;.! tne ilremllnl consequences ot a Llv 11. U .'Mi. is to exel nil trni'ora, and evil d sposed ones from the eoun'ry. In hke manner, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strut? plit.g with internal lorn, ihe true renudv ia lo EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Tiaitors to heahh and life.) Health will lie the certain rttult. Thut the piiiieiple of curing disea'e, by cleansing and purifying the body, is rtrictly in nocor.l.inre with the laws which govern tho animal economy; and if properly carried out by the ue of Ihe above named WIUOHT'S INliIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, w ill certainly n still In the comphte Abo. I'tinn of Dbcnsc ; we offer the following testimoni als, fiom of the highest poetabiliiy in New Yoik, who hove iccentiy been cuied of the n.ost obhlinate eemplainls, solely by ihe use ol WmGiir's Im.ui VmerAiiti: Puis, of the Sarth Amtrici.n Cvlltgt of IhaUh : Jamaica, L. L, June Odi. 1?4I. Iloetor Wil'iani WrightDear !Sir It is with grer.t sali faction 1 inform you of my having been entirely cuted of Dyspepsia, of live years stai.dii g, by the m-e of your iNiirAi Ykkktaiilf. Pin. Ptevious (0 tiiee'ing w'nh your celebrutnl nn di cine, I hod In en under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried vaiious medicines; but all t. no effect. After using one 25 cent box of jour Pills, howivor, I experienced so much benefit, ih il I resolved to persevere in ihe use of tin m acemding lo directions, nbii h 1 am bnppy to slate, tn.s rr snli din a perfect cure. Irigratitude to you f n the grtnt briii fit I have received, and nbo in the hi pe ihnt others similarly afflicted mny be inilu.'ed lo liiuke tiial of your cxirantdinny medicine, I ti rid you this rtutcmiiit will) full hheity to iulilish the same, if von think proper. Yours, cVc. New Yoik, June I'd, 1811. O. C. BLACK. Mr. Riehaid Dennis, agent for Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Hir I have hi en afflicted for scleral yeaia wilh inward weakniss and general debility, accom panied at times with pains in the side and othtr dietiessii g complaints. Aft. 1 having ired various medicines wi'hont cfT. cl. I was persuaded by a friend to make trial cf Dr. Wright's Indisn Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved me in a most w. nderful luuiirir r. 1 have u-.od the me dicine, as yel but a short tune, and have no doubt, ly a perseverance in ihe use of the nod eine accor ding lo directions, that I shall in a short time be perfi cdy rc-torrd. I most willingly recommend said Pdls to sllper- ' sous similarly iifflicted, and in ihe full belicl that the tame beneficial rem'ts will follow their ue. I re main jouia sircutly, HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwaising, Ulsier co. N. Y. Niw Yttiix, Pept. 'JO, 1K41. This is to certify that I have used Whioht's Ijipia Yi.oiTAats Put with ihe greatest bone tit: having iii'irrly cured myst lfof the frccjuoi.t at lacks of Sick Headmhe, to which 1 had previously Uin suljeut. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 392 Greenwich sir. N'. Y. To Mr. Richard Dinnic, Agent for Wright's lw dian Vegetable Vills. V.I I T rt.V. As tin ro are ut this lime irniliv wi. lied peri-rris hi.&i'y ri(jn'4i,l in si-Ming a ei tinierfeii inedienie 01. di r the nmoe of ll e Indian Vegetable I'llls nml us ll.e-c desperate mm rf ao ulitily reckless of ci n si quener , that many vsluublr l.ves may lie b sl in coiiseiiuence of using their dresdfiit compounds, the 1 ubbc are cautioned nenin: l ptiicbs.ii.i7 snv Pill, sunless 011 the tides of the boxes the lollowing wording rs f..urul : WEIGH 1'S l.ND IAN VEGETABLE FILLS. Indian Purgative.) 01 Till XOH1II AMrilll'AM CUtLIOt Or H f A LT!I. And sUc 1. 1 be especially careful againet pnrcba sing said medicine of any person eicepi the regu lar advertiser! agon's. AGFMS FOR FOli THUMB ER LA AJ3 CO, i'eriHtiaato. H. B. Masser, Suiilniry Wm. Fnrsyth, Nor- ihumherlaud JacoS Haas, Sbamukin grnui I Herb, Mubtiii. y Byerly Sc V. Haas, Auirin.tu Tlimnas Foilmer. Milton Ireland A: Men. II, MeEwe-ii-vi'le E S, I' j er, TuiliiHsVille J allies l'id, Pollrgroti' II, Klase, fi 1 .1, rsto" ri ll. II. Kiusk-cl. P. M.. El.i.buig P. O. Win. I.ti-eniint', P M. Union Cornti. ATTOIINEY AT i , A W , eoiTSvnv. ta. Businesa tllended to in the Connlies of Nor thurrl trland, Union. I.veoming and Columbia, liefer to t TltflMAS IIatit & (.'o., "V I.owrn cV BAaativ, Hart, Cr.MMisns A Haht, VM!ad, Rxtf)i.rn, McF.iantrii t Co HentriMo, fJno cV Co., ToCoFiiilry MBUCHANTS. THF. Subscriber, Agent id I yon & Harris, Hut 1 Miiniifir furors, for Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and I'hrr large cities, ! nso Ilat.1 are highly eominrn.led I rr pttmd cd-ii and dunililiti, has on band a fir-t rate -is jeitnvrit if HAT3 and: CAPS, le for Spr'np n de, vh rh w ill 'e s d.l very low, foi or at pinved cred.t, ot the mtid cheap stirc, No. 40, North Third s'revl, oppisi'e Iho City II. . ti l, Philadelphia. ROBERT I). WILKINSON. Artnt. N. D. Orders lot Hats in htrim. promptly atteiided lo. The highest rice in ruiA or trade given fat Fvr in.. Pbilidelphia, June II, lfil3.--ly VLL persona ind. bled to the lirm of Lyon ck Harris, under the agency of O.N. Thooher, flit untl Cap Mi'rtiifiicfvrcrt, No. 40 North Third, Ftrect, Philadelphia, ore requested lo make immedi ate settlement of ih. ir ai counts . ith ihe subscriber, their legally nuihoiiiod r.gont, who is fully rmpnw eled to iclilc and collect ti e acenuutsnf said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1R42. tl" .4e. G O L D E"N S W AN All. (VJ A'prfi Third, ahnrc Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. AOTflM MOD A I IONM KOIl SET.TV rriTFONS. pHARLEJ WEISS, la'eof the "While Swa." tin I "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms hi friends and cnsli mcis. that I e l o- become the proprietor of Iho abut"? will known H.'til. C'. uniry Meichatits will I'nd the uLove Ho'tl a central b ention, and tbe In t of Tare Persons tra velling with private convey ante will find n large yard and good stabling f. 1 horses-, m.d the list of osl'eis. Ifoarijiiiu fl pirdav. May 14ih, 181?. if. W. & L. 2. T.7LO?s. A (VrFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, J hiladvl. fifiiil Mens' Calf-skin Boots, slilched warrantcj. do do do pegged do I do do wa'er proof, double solo and double tinners. do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy VValor Leather Hoots, do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed Jo Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shnea do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks wilh and without soles, do Onrpct do do do do Potent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladii a' tanned India Rubber shoes. (entleinenK do ' Over shoos. With every other description of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Traveli ng Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blnekin?. Bonnets of nil kinds, Putin Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. November 13. lHi i. ly. WK. EEIL1A1T & sVT5V f :. i '1 . uiik n.S'led thua () there are ei )ua 'tVii or l ered ne ttt of the various de- ivaEDIcaIj ArrnoBATiorx j Of the ROSE OlSTMi:.T,for Tttl,r. ! A LTHOUfJH the superiority of ihe prepoiarion ever nil i th. r ; is fully es'abli-hed, the T'pr e- . lors pli autre in laying before ihe public the j following cer'.iiieo'e from a respectable physician. I a graduate of the University of l'onris) Ivania. Dr. ! Baugh, having found in this remedy that relief f.r ! a tedious and disagreeable olfertion which the means 1 within the rji ge of bis profession faile I to all, ml. has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession are opposed to aecrct (t.m.Ji. s. PlIILAIitLI'Ull, 1'J, 1S.1C. I wasrecrt'tiy Ironbl.d w ith a tedious herpetic eruption, wbiih c.e id nearly one si ..f mv f ee, arid etieiidrd over the ear. Mr. Vatighan, propr'n -lot of I lit- Rose Ointment, ol solving m face, uis. 'ed on my fyirg bis preparation, of which he han ded iiit 0 j ir. A lib. nigh in common with the mem l.'is of 11. v pr. fession, I discounlenanrc r.nd ili-a pv. prove of the iii'mcr. lis miliums palmtd upon the pnl lie by iji 01 ant j r. ten,.', r-, I ft cl in jusijce b. 111 id to exei pi the Rose Oin I1111 nl fmni tha' cla-- of me d ciius, and to give it mv api lubiition, as it initio- 1 Iv Hired the eruption, hhhoiigli ii h id lesiste.I Ihe I u-Ual a) pl . alions. DAN L. 11 A I (ill, M. D. I rj- The R.1-0 Ointment is prepared by E. B. I Vaugluin, Sniilli East con er of Third and R ice ! Sneets, Pliilade'phia, and told on nci nrv in Snn j II. B. MA -SEP.. May Mih, IP IX A", nt. j. nz av L and, jnTt&co. Sntiir nrul Ti!j;icco .Manuluetiirt -rs, .Yo. tH AorfA West coriur of Face and Third Strei ts. PHILALEI.PHIA. rpiIE un.ler-igne.l have formed a Cn-partr.i rship -i under the firm of J. MAVLANlT Jm. & I'n. ss suceesors to ihe late firm of Jncni .Vailuiid cV Co., nn. I will e oitinuc the business ut ihe old esta-bli-linn nt, on ll.eir own accniin'. In addiiion tn their own close attention arid experience f.i manv i years, in the mantif n-lure of their refebrati d snuff-. ' cVc, ihi b.nri 1 xperieiice ol the senior partner of the i late firm, will ul.(, be devoted lo the interest of the ! new concern and ns no exertion and caie will le i spared to insure their p.i,,ds, al all lii.Tsof the vt--ry I est i.!iiiy, they solicit n continuance of the confidence ol the friends an. I cu-t.incrs of ihe late firm. 1'ilOM S AHMS, J. MAY LAND, Ja. Philadelphia May Mlh. 1 f-13. V EAaiiK form r of 'I'h rd and Via Struts, wiixiAMsroivr, pa. ffHE subscriber r. spr ifnlty snn.'Lrioi s tithe .1 pub-e, ihnt l.o h o em .1 a Hotel in th. corn nindioua brirk ;; luate on the corner of I bi:d olid I'm,' slreilr, where l.f will be happy to wait ip n ihi-'T who may f.vor him wita ;fnii roii'J.v r. The E igle Hotel is la go and c nn r.i eio, 111 d fii'i i,.h. J in the t e t ni dein st. Sr. : i-. pr.. tided wnti a Ure nurr.her of well aiiel cr.d corrif. rt .tde slot ping upartmenis, rooms, private parlor-, A e. Peisona visiting Wiiliamspt rt on bu riness or pVa-ure, niiiv ret ss. urn! thut every ex ertion will t ased to ru der iheir sojourn at the "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied wilh the vtry ki si the nimket af fords, and bis l or wuh ihe el oif cl wines ami nttur liquors thsrges re .amiable, 'f'htt Eaglo Hoir) possesses greater udvaniages in point of locution than any other similar establishment in thebotough, being fituato in the business part of the town, and within a convenient dislunca of tha Court Houso and Widismsport md Elmira Rsd Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty osl'ers always in attendance, Attanlive. arcan.modalint and hnne-l Servants j bav been r nir.n ed, and nothing b fl nndone thai 1 MH add to iho coin foil anJ erc..nirxodation of hit i Commission A: Forwarsli'iix -Mcrt-liitnts, Foot of Willow Srrnt Had Roud, 0-1 tux 1 1 1 ivitr, ' TTAVINO nssociOid vih them Juei h B.irnet. 1 i --l ileof lOiislon. Pa., r. s: ectfnllv inform their I fnends ond the public per erallv, that thry havt ta. ! It. n th .t larce and we I know n store and w Ii irf ol foot of W.lloW Strict Railroad, lately occupiel by Jacob Martin, where thry pu pose doing a General Commission and Forw arding Business, and f 0111 the local advan'a?es cf the pi ice being connrrli d with all li e public improvement that have iheir outlet in the city, they flatlet tht in-elvcs lh y will be able to do I usines to as great, if not g;ci'cr ad- vantage, and upon as teasonable terms as any other house, and tin v OMiuie their fnends that any con signunnts made to llu tn shall hove ihiir s'i .1 at ti nta n, ar.J no exertions sj .ne d to nive enliie r.ati.t. 1 f.ic'ion. They are ulso prepared lo receive and forward goods to any poml on the Delaware and Lehigh I rivers, brlwei n Munch Chunk, Easton and I'lula- : del, his, via Delaware Divisi. n and Lehigh t'm Is; j also, to nnv point 1 n M e Juniata rivi r, or Nonh ! and Wist Blanches of ihe Sii-qot-h iiniH via Spluiy . ' kill and Union, or tho ChesTipeako and l ido Watei i Canals. J For ihe of Boa's e .iiiiog or go 1 ing via Sehutlkill and Union ('anils, a Steonboat ! will be kepi expresslv for lowing boats from the j 1 Sehutlkill around to the Del ..ware nnd back, which ,' I will en .l b: mere!. ai Is lo hate iheir produce deli- ! ZAT & B?sCTHE?t, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKsEL i LERS AND STATIONERS, i No. I'JsJ C'liesmit iSlrect, Icluw 'llh, j Piiiladdi'liia. j "P7"EEP constatitly on hand a generic orsort j fivk.. rrient of Books and Stationary ; comprising j Theological, Law, M dieal, Classical, Miseellane ous and School Books, Dny Books, nil kizis. Led j cers, do., Furnilv Biblev, Pocket B.bles, Wiitinf 1 Papeis, Wra ping Papers. Ac. Ac, which they i f ', Icr ut the h. flest prices to Country Merchant's Pre Gi ri'.lemen, Touchers, and ail other'! llnl ' may favor '.bom tiith iheir Philu.lelphia. Not Mnbtr 13. 1I2. 1 v. 1 .YJieliacl Weaver V Son. 1 norc r.iAHEns & ship ciiArctLsns. I Ao. 1 3 .nrr Water Sirtcl. I'.'iHai.'i, fJS AVE cons'antly 0:1 hand, a goner .1 ssnrl iJ m. nt of ('iirihige, Seine Tw ines, Ac, v : ! I ar'il Ropes, Fishing Rop.-s, While Ropes, ."tT .1 (,i I 1 la Korea, 'I'o.v Lines f. r C-inil Uoats. Also, a complete assoilinent of Siinc Tw ines, iVe. such as Hemp Shod and Hi rring Twine, Best Patent Gilt Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twii e.Shoe Threails. Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Curds, Plough I Halters, Traces, Cotton ond Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all ol which they will dispose of on ri asonahlo teini. H'ih'ilotphi.-i, .November 13, 112. 1 v. Jacob ri isttiutZi Son. T ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and - acquaintances peien.llv that Ihey niil con linuc to keep ot the old aland, Nn. 21ri Nm.h ! sireit. Philadelphia, all Oids of ! TOBACCO SM AM' SHOALS. ' Which they w ill r: II n the nut '. ai comiun.h.'iiH : and leasoii.i le term;. j N. B. All eoodj sold will be gna. ititeej anJ i ll 1 o.ilers prompilj atl. ndi.l lo. Philadelphia, Netemlei 1J, IM3. ly. teie l on Ibe llelaware, i.n.1 Hit ,r goods sl.ipp.d at s s iviiiu ol SO to lo 1 er cent. 00 the tie. s f r iiaulii g nc o. s, w ith thise adtkntagea they rc spu 'ful'v soliut a share i f p-'r rov e. W. HEILMAN A CO. Willism Id ihnan, ) Wdliuin W. K.vse , ' Joseph B.. met. ' 3 PliiI'I.Mav M. 1813. !y BOZiTON Bl CO. (;'! r:il 'tiiiilNfo:i tl r Itanli, Fur the Salt cf Fluur, drain, Sad, S,c, f. 1PECTFULI.Y ii form their Imnih and , rET'EPs CClTCTEPs, 1 Wliolcsalo anil Retail Slmc, Ikumut, ami l'alm l.caf Hat Vari:lioi;s,c. -Yo. Cti Sorth 'id street, a ftic u'vurs cbui t .tieh, 'lulinltl'lhit. 1 A I() Trunks, (;arpet Bags and Vnliciw, nf et- : 2i ry description, all of which he oilers for; sale on ihe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 1 3, I S li. 1 v. t J. W . S V AIN, j rnilneihi ami Parasol Ala lit. fjir 1 over. .Yo. 37 Nkj.'i '2'hiul fnit. Urn .W It, w tht , fit-, iv f,',;,., i. ',,,;, "OUNTR Merthuuls and others are sfdrriteil ! to rxamiue bis uusoitt lent Ik fore purchai ing elHewl.cre I Phila Mphi WIWSLOW'S BALSAM Or II ORE HOUND. N unparelleled remedy fof common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Infltienja, Whooping Cough, Brum hitis, and all diseases of the Breast ond Lungs, leading to consumption; compos d of the conceit iraied tirtiiea of lion hound, Bonsrt, Blood Root, Liverwort anJ seterol other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wis si.uw, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universalis, admitted pectoral viilticsof the lleibs from which the lltil.-um J Ilurehiniiid is made, ate too generally known to re quire iecommeii.liiii.iii ; it is therefore only nocrrwa ry lo observe thai this Medicine contains the whole of tin ir Medicinal properties, highly concenfrali d, ond so happily combined wilh several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, n.ild ond certain remedy, now in Use, f r the com plaints obove mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammalion and sore ness of Ihe Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expectorate wilh ease snd free dom, nssitRges cough, relieves olhmatie nnd dim cult respiration, heal the injured parts, opens tho pores, nnd composes the disturbed nerves, ami gives siiength to the ti ndet lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cure. I.M.H 1 1 i-rrrn: is -rnx BtsrsT cnivir is Max. W'e are not timong that class of Editors who for a few dullais will, (nt the expense of truth and ho ncsiy) "crack up" an article arid bring it into rapid sale ; neither ore we willing to icmain silent, after having leslod the utility of an im rovemeut or dir covery in science or ail. Our readers will recollect we told them we tv re unwell wilh a tliioat on.) I violent Cold some few ttetks ago. Well, we pur chased ovo h:.l:!es .f WINSI.OW'S BALsa.M OF 1101! iwIOl.'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we eter bnd a co'J. ThosC wlu are alllicled, may tiy it upon our recnnimeiidation. Lewistun i'i,rrrr;,A. For sule by HENRY YOXTI1EIMER. unt.uri,, JACOB niUtiHT, Xt.itlimnbrrhnid. Also, by Drugcisis n.ner.,ITy throughout tho country, x ' Piico, Ml cents per boti'.c. Antusi Mm. lsi:. ly, .. . is . .xv".Ej cT.ya or sJJ-.L:. . f&A' 'R ''le a una ! Farm, cont lining about ine hun.lied nnd I n liens, or le-s, situate in Point township. Nonhu'id fount. , about two mill a rib'.ve'.imbeii nd, on ihfi riui'i road hading f.-oin itiat place to Dmivilh., adjoining land-, of John Legholi, Jesse ('. HoMon and others, now in the occupant y of hamuli Payne. About I'oM v lie ret ( f said tract are r Ii an d, and ill good slab- ol i-u'iitnli.i!i, on w hn h there ia a small barn creel, d, 'Ihe pi. pi ity ttili be sold on r. asoi.a'lo icons. !'i.r further pai I tenia rs, p( i sons are request ed lo u ply to the luUciib. r. H. B. MAf-S.iR, .!-o,j,'. Nov., lv.J.if Snnbory. Po. OF EVERY DEM RII'TliiN. i;V ll.NCl.AMi Oil, CU.MrANV. No. '20 Noith Wntcr Street, Milki. ""fta A.M'I'At'I TRERS n,l dealers in Oils of lVfl (voi v drsrilion both for burning on I ac iiriru pn'po-es, whi-h will be sold imich lower thiol 'I i v can le procured c-wherc, ai d w .i lunO'il ii. .p: ilitv to ijiial nnv in the city. Any o. I sold by the company not provin;; ;.s lepresented, may be relumed without any expense to the pur eb iwr, and ibe n.enev will be refunded. Tin ir slock now i- store consists of the follow ing oils, ti. : 30,000 gallon. Winter Bleached Spurn""1. !? Oil, do Cobnhss Oil, Fait and Sprint: Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Eh-i I. ant, do Pre.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do t ominon ha.e I hi. snpeiioi Sua 'a t III, Cod Bank Oil, NVa't. F.-.. O.I, fiOllfl ls.tmu Kl.lHKl 2H.1KKI boon 15,11(1(1 20(1 3i'0 f-0 do do do do do do Bariels do do ic 7 ') I 'tisl.s i line Oil, 'I'.i i tier's 1 Us Q j 1 Ins r.:,ip ii , I g Ulc.l ill the Co i l'lr-1 li; on pi fn g at ail Phik'delphli, N- J ir a number of Yt -vis, on , and Tanners n.av reW t.r.i- s (iil a. pii a- r,i.i,rted. v. !.t, il-.'.lv. he Merchants generally, that ihey bate ta ken i hose I irge in d comiriiHtions hart, s, w iih two Dotks, north of Ch.snul street, on tbe D I. ova re, tomther wilh the n.ue No. 1'J South Wharves, where ihey would be pleased lo receive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, sVc. Ac. Being also well pu pated to forward all kinds of Mi rchandise by the Schuylkill r.nd Union, or by the Chrsapi ke and Tide Water Canal, us tow boat are kept iipris-ly foi the purpose of towing boa's by i i I er rou'e. Men-hunts will be to send their g.x ds I'esiine.l by either c.u.ub. t No. 1'J South Wharves, bi twun Market and Chesnul slree's, on ihe Deluwure, w iih direction aocomp m ing liiein wbiih route they wisli them to W slopped. Pluslir and Salt for sale, at th' lone-t rrnr ki t price. BOLTON A C'. Maich lf, 1S43. No. l'JStith Whirtes. 'I lure will he a oiriai-e alwsvs in atlendsnee at Ollice bid Gciir.l !) rnii' for tie Sale c f i ihe Liir.dii a to coi.vsv : le.ri m r to ?,A fr.,m XYright't hdiu-.t Vrgvtil.U J'llit. Wholesale si d ' the House, I taot charge. Keiailo. lf KCE t'i'ltEE F, PHILA DEL. j CHARLES L'OFEOWS. PHIA. May :i, 1813. ly ; l iv Milt, IS4S.-vf itoitruT ( ui rni cs. sow PA?EK M A Jf "J r A C T u n e n E, I t.iintbartt Stieit, IStttttinoi f. HAVE riu.-l.milv for sale, Priu'iug Paper ofub si.f i and qualm, s, ('an Nv'ri'.ing I'upir. rub. I j and plain, I.ctlcr Pnpir, while and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, flue and .'otniiur, Envelope Paper, do. do. nir!,i;m, doub'e crown, crow n snd ' extra aixetl Wrapping Pai crs. Col. rt .1 Mvdiuni sr.J Royal Pupe.a, Boniul, limdera' and Suaw Box Boards, 'Pissi.e I'jjii r, and ;. urtchs in iheir l.ric, wbiih they will sell on ucceminoja'ing terii.s. 11 ghc.-l price given f.i old rsr.. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 13, I P 1 i. Elkiiin. M.I rTTT Vf TT-T? tr-T TJtT rOwiiiili AN anic'o unequalled for c'eaiiing and giving a highly durable and mot brilliant p. Iish lo sil ver, German filter, Brass, Copper, BnUaiiia ware, Tin, Sliel, ('ulleiy, and for restoring ihe luslrc on varnished carriages, Sic, TRY IP, Prepaied an a old at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite. Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. V.f. FORSYTH, Agent lor Noilhum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 80th. 1312. PLTEU niiWTI LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callowhiil Street, riiiladelpliia ( Thrtt doi.rt ub,'Vt Second. J NHOE Findings ult'.ays kept on baud, iiich ht offer for sale on ihe los'iM tsrius. Country Meichanis are psi.icuivrly lo (ill aoJjudgafvr ihtDibelvea. Pl.ila'.,el;hii, Navcm-vr 13, 1612. ly. Novendir i'l. '.i'i. lv. r. vv a. KuvuniT's j ( 'liina, (Hass ami Liverpool YVareliotise, Su llil .Vw.'i Third ttrrrt, third ihrnr beaw l ine strut, I'hitattthihia. I ATHERE tht y constantly keep on hand a large " a-soiinnnl of China, G'lass and Liverpool Ware, which Ihey will dispose of on the most rei sonuMe terms. Philadelphia, November 13, t J-ii. ly. TTiKorn .us" "cui.r." Manufacturer and Importer of JSatl dlery, Hardware, &c. .Yo. 5 Suuth Third str,-et,f,:itr duort below Market I'hihidiljihia. T" EEP constantly on hand a large snJ general assorlmeut I oacll Lamps, ( urnage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants mid saddlers ttili le supplied ut all rimes on the mosl leasonable lerms. They w ill find it to iheir advantage to Call and examine bis assoi Intent rv'fyre purchasing i Isew here. Philadelphia, No'.nnler 13, lr-42. ly. ii i: V NO 1 .1 )S Met' A Tl L AN U 'JTCT) Wholesale Dealers in Foiciati Iiritish and American Pry Clonus. ,'. 105 Marhrt ttrttt, l'ki!ade!ihiu. C COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be n.p- plrrd t aM times tv'tli f.n ext. I. site a-eort- men; of tec oest ami inert latbtotiaMe OoeJs unon I the most reasonable tcici'. Philo'elphij, November 13. IS4C lv. Importers aiul Denlers in Foreign JJomtMio Ilaiitware, No. 171 Nomtu 'J'liiBb Stai it, I'Hinnrt nn Al T HERE tht ir fib rids and lusto.ners will b f.uda XffcCAXiIiA No .'.I, ui (El M i inul (l-ll'(, ( l oil I 11 o (oli.M it's II III.) Whi le ihey coiistji.tly keep on hand r il DsoruTtont of cloths, c.ssinrars, veetiijgs i .lirt a X''ent V'lrn'i; nj i'rticUt. i j a tHjuro.r quality, which oiler In dispose of np.ui tin: niosl icaonahlc t. nns. CxOl'.M'RY MERt'HAN'l S and others wi l ) f.nJ it to tl.iii iidtunliiec to lull and examine j Ihtir sloe before p..ri h.t-iiig el-cthcti;. PbitndetphM. Nov. '., 1842. ly LIST OF BOOHS, 0ll SALS III g-'f s . ii'V r -t -v-i rit -jx- r NTHONfJ Classi.-ul Dieiionary; l.rmjriir'e - do.; Ainstvoilh's il.. ; Col li' do.-, English and 1 German do ; Ambon's Casur; Anihon's (iiaininei; J Anthen's C'tci'io; Mail's La'in ReaJei; (lj.ill y'sdo ; Andrew's Latin Less, lis; D. iinigau's Lciiiot; Fisk's (ire. k Exerci.Va; DaVies's Legende.; (iun l j Majora; Ad nils'. Rornuli Ant: jtii ' lt'-I'lnl.oi k's : (iol.lsiliith's Ei g! .r b, di. Greeci ; Ly til's Eli Un i ts et Giotopt; Mrs, Lincoln's Boiant; Ehnionis of Botany, Briiie's Alpebr.r, Porter's iihetorical Ria ; il.-rf Enu.'Soti's GiT-graphy and HLloryi, t'his's i do ; Par!i v's do.', St.iith's liranimc: Kirkhum's do : Kav'a Read, rs; 'a do.; C-obb's A nil .meuck; ail'I j Pike's do.; l;.n rr n's do;'s Spillitig B..k; j l'u ti'm flo.; Cobb's Tiiblc Books; Etai Fa i mi'y Lib: art ; ( 'oi ',.;,( Fuhli ; Family do ; Coll.iti r i a! ilo.; in .i 1 1 Bibles uuJ Testaiiients; Paikei's Ex i t ni i s o:i Composition; Fiui! of il.e Spirit; Bax'ei'l mi s lies'; American lievi lutieii; .Vlarryall s . a- v tst Mrs. rtielps on t. i rmisirv; nun; tanriTiista of Amencsu J.'ins; I eitirson .xaiural .vugic; t lie mistiy for Ileginnt r-; English Exi reisi a ad apled lo Mtirrat's (I'rainnier; Seitiel to Coirley'a Spelling Boo!.; Aiiuiiran Class IS, .ok; Dsholl's Schoohnas- I toi's Afsislanr; A t'fat variety of Blank Bo. ks, Ar. i August st, t always large and general a-soriraenl of Foreign and Domestic Haidwaie, which ihey wiH.tiiul the lov.t prices, Phtlcdelphia, Novembtl 3. 12c ly. IHFIUCK, HANSELL A- CU'S. WHOLESALE DRV GOODS STORE. IS'o. ICC l.y Market Street, l'liila. (btbw Fifth South sidt ) A LWAYS keep on hund full and genera a. fy se rlment of Hosiery, Lac, arid Fancy Goods, Countiy Mrrchants are respectfully rcque.ud lo give ihi m a call and examine for ihem- lvcf. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842 ly. SPKHING, GOOD (T(X. No. 135 Market Strttt, Philadelphia. BNVITE lha attention of Country Merchants lo iheir enensiva a.soiiment of Brttiih French and American Dry Goods, which the offer fornle on lha most leaaonabU Urrn. rtiUc'clthit, Novoyster 13, lfi.2. Ij. ATTSNTZON. i j . s i i : y j o i: s , r ELElJ l'S Ihe attention of Lis country friends I who are in want, to hia very large si oik of j Curprlings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Suit Rod?, Ate., Ac., ll.ut he has iust upmd, at his warehouses. No, IS North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila dtlph.a. July 31, 113 ly. SFAmSlZ HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 K K P A T II 1 C K & SO N. No. 21. FuvtK Viird street, (tltwiw MAKXrT aau cuasaCT nai. lis,) PHILADELPHIA. IT AVI' for sale a large and excellent asboitmioi ofS;icn'A Hides, Patna K:p, Tanner t r' 4c, at tha lowest maiktt prices, nthr 4 for cash, m exclisi'ge for Leather, or Uon credit. Consignments of Lealhsr received for Sile, 0 purchased at tha highest maiket prices. Leather stored fit ol charge. April it 17, 1P13.-IJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers