SHERIFF'S Y virtu of sundry writs of vendi'ionl cvpo. nas, issued out of the Court nf Uummon Pleas of M(irlhu:Tibi-rl.ind county, to me directed, will lie rx pored to public sale, at the houao of Michael Krnnrf, intikcei-cr, in the Horotigh of Miltnn, on Saturday tho 7ih day of October next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following described propeity, viz: A certain tractor piece of land, situate in Chilistpjnqu township, Nor thumberland county, adjoining land of James Cameron, Philip Foust, Philip Follmcr and Philip Long, containing fifty acres more or le, neatly all of which in cleared, wheieon are erected a two tory frame house, a fiame bank barn, a waggon house, an orchard, a well of water, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to be rolJ a the property of Daniel Hoax Also: A certain tract or piece of I in J situate in Chilisauaune township. Northumberland county, adjoining land of Daniel teiiler, Daniel Eckert, Jsmes P. Sanderson and other, containing one hundred and sixty acre mine or less, aliout HO acres ..f which nre cleared, where on ate erected a one arid half story frame dwelling liouve, and frame barn, a small orchard, Acc.&c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of 1 Ciul'rk. Also: On Monday the 9th day of October next at 1 o'clock. P. M. at Hie house nfJarnb Krim, in the town of Sh unoliin, Coal township, Northumberland county, 3 con llgious 1 its of ground mlu .tc in tho town ofSh. niokin af.-rcsnid, in that part of said town laid out I y John C. Boyd, and minked in the general plan t erenf No. 45. 46. and 47, containing rach 28J feci front, and 190 fed iiai k, fronting on Sham kin strei-t on the west, nod bounded on the enst by franklin aired, on the south by Independence street, and on the norlli by lot No. 41, whereon are neeted a large two glory frnmn dwelling house Mid fcitchen. a More room and counting house, a smoke hint e, wash bouse, mid a frame stable. Also: Three other contiguous lots of ground situate in the town ot Shamo kin aforesaid, and marked in the plan aforesaid No. 121, 122 and 12:', containing each 2SJ fett Tout, and 10!) feet back, hounded on (lie south try Shakcspcar s:rerl. on ibe north ty Independrrice street. eat ly lot Mo. 121. and west by Franklin street, whrrcon are creeled a l.irge foundry, ware room and pait rn shop., taken in execution, and to be sold the property of Jacob bait. Also: At the Court House in Jriil&.the borough of Sunbury, on Monday the ICth l.iy of October next, at I o'clock, P. M. a certain tract or piece nf hind situate in Augusta township, Nortbuinlierlnnd county, adjoining lands nf Aaron Robins, lot of Daniel Holer, land of John My. rr, Mrs. Clarke and Peter Overdorf, Juu'r., con t. lining thiny acres more or less, about twenty acres of which arc clearc l, whircon are erected two log dwelling houses. Tbcie arc also two wells of wa tr and some, fru't trei s on said prentices. Seized, tnken in execution, and to be sold as the jiroprrty nf Dunon Mvers. Also: All that certain lot of ground situate in the borough i f Sunbury, adjoining Hitiry Ynxtheimer on the east, tho puh 1 c offices on lite wis', Sh inn.kin or Market street on tl e norih, and an alev on 1 '. suth, and num bend eight in the plan . f said borough, containing in width sixty fe. t, and in depth ore hundred and eich y feet, nti w! ich is t rn t. d a largo two svrv briek tivr rn h. us.-, now t ccup ed ly Chsrles 1). Whurton. will, the appurtenants. Also: Another certain lot in sa d biimu numler or e in the town l Ian. l oon. I, (I l y S!n in' kin or Market nn ti e north, an el'ey on tie ,imi h. bv lo s of Mrs. Hullm the Wit and .y Mrs. SUfto.i on ihe aaf. containing in breadth axtv foil, at d in depth to Ion ibid ai d thirty f. ei, on w! i !, Hie cdc'cd it l.vo ,tu j b,n.k li'Olm and o her I.uiMiiigs. f-a Aisor (titr. ntl-ni' lrt iii c-ii,I i-s-ba-nugh, number e'gl.ty, li. und.dbv Uroad. way on tli) wis!, an alley on the eirt. -nd flic rail lo don 'he b u'h . eon ainint! in bie id li fit' y -f evi ri bei nj s hdlf, mid in iVoth two liun 're.l ai d fifiv fc, I, on whieh arc ir. eti d a wratlirr t'0jr:!ej two story ,,g bon e a . I other buildings, now in po. s' i.iii of (I. M. York. Also: The one uinliviJctl ntoic- Jt - IV .11 ll .ll' Hurt . f :l!l tr:,.-l ..fl .M.l .,,,1 I lautn'ion, adjoiiiioir the bnrnngh nf Sunbuiy, I ind of (ieivg -. tl. H'elki r mid ntbf s, cuitaining three bundnd ui d twenty serts nimc .1 less, with Ibe apiiertenaiici s f Tin rly owntd by Mr. M.iclay, on which are en-e'ed a birgc three tory brick (iriM Mill, a large Saw Mill, a Hover Mill, .vrtral dwill ing houses und other buildings. t?S Also: The undivided moiety of lbe foil. .wing Oil lots situate in the said' bo. tough nf Sunbury aforesdd, to wit ; Fifteen acri s at tha Point, bounded by Ihe Susquehanna on tho vest, and the rham.'kiu cieek on the esst, formerly owned b Henry Master, whereon are erected a dwi I ins hnUM a Ure bank tiarn, now occupied by Petir Pitsi I, In ing numbirs 61, 02 and part of 63 in ihe pi ri of md homugh. Also: Xus. GO, 01, 0."), 00, and t CS, and the p .rt nf 6:1 not included in the pur. chase from ll.nry M-ser, each out lot cunt lining five acres or less. ff5ji Also: One out tot containing five acrei, a 'j .ining lots of Christiun Miller ai d of William CJiay, forui.tly the property of Henry Bui her. aerj, Also : Out lot No. 10, hounded i-by the grave yard, a l it nf (icorge Weiser and a lane on the west, containing five actcs mare or less, fj Also: One five acre lot, LounJ- d by EUlerbery and Deer strtf!s, and by lots ot II. Bellas and the la e Dankl Uogar. 3, Also : An Ifland at the Point, and the Junction of ti e tShanmVin and us.jtu haria, in August lonsliip, forimily Murtins Island, tontsiiiing right acre moie or less. Also: One moiety of the follow-1 4Uiiing in lots and buildings in said lrotgh, lo wit : Lot No. 83 adjoining Mr. II us ted on the ' oulh, Jane Black on the north and Broadway on tbe west, 57J feet front, by 240 feel in depth, on which is erected a large and splendid thtee story I rick house and other building. Also: Nos, 309, 310, 311,312. .313, 314 and 31C. boundid by Elderberry street on the south, and Bilberry alley on the noith, nd stso on same street and allies numbers 297, 2!3 and 299. Also : Lots No. 323 and 321, bound ed by Whortleberry street on the north, Bilberry alley on the s .uth and Deet atreet on the wet,nd No. 333 on the e .st, 8eited: 'Kfu m ,x,euijon and lo be sold a tho 'property of Wni. MoTsny, FELIX MAURER, Mcr-, Sheriff ' Office, Banbury. Sept. 16, 1M3. ) . MKD CUEHRICH f. r eVtely Ju'y I?.1V1'J. If. I. MASSF.F). IS OAKLEY'S DCPL'RATITK SYIIUP. flHE vnlunh'e proper'iea of Oakley's Depttr. I. live Syrup of ctaraapaiilla, as a pur fier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is onpecefsiiy to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to ba derived from its use ; wherever tha mrdi.'ine hof once been intro duced, it takea precedence n'er nil otbeta t evety oiretbat has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u most confidence. rhyiciins of the highest standing in tho profession, prescribe it to patient under their care ; containing r.nthing deleterious, but being composed ot the must mil. I, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is off.'rpd with confidence, as the chenpesl and most rflicirnt pu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be ul tended with a most decideJ improvement in the go. neral strenctli of the r-ysirm, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vij.-r to the body. For the euro of Scrofula or Kings Kvit, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or ciuptiont of the Skin, Vhite Swelling, F.slula, Chronic Cough Asthma, SfC The nu merous certificates in the possession of the siihsrrl her and his ogenls, from physicians sod others, sre sniTicicrt to conv;nce the most skeptical nf its su periority over all prep irations nf 8.irspatillii. Sold wholesale and retail, bv the proprietor, GEOKOK W. OAKLEY, North f.lh meet, Rea. ding, 15'! ks Cuunty, and to l e had of the following persons : In yo-th'ttiihfhuil County 11. B. Macr, Sunbury; t.eland A. M xel, McEwensi!le ; 1). Krau-i r, Miltnn. In Vivnn Crnintif. J. Oenth irt, Selinsgrove ; A. Out. lius. Mirdiiii'iirit. In Columbia County. R. V. McCay, Wnsh it'gton. Heading. March 14, HVI. Mn. Oaki.kt: I believe it the doty of every one to do whhtever in their power lie-, for ihn b ne. fit of their b llow man, and having had po-Hve proof in my own family, of the w.'inteifiil properties of your D 'pnr.itive Syrup nf S.vsap irilla, 1 ni st conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. Vc had the misforttino t.i lose two of our children, by the lirraking nut of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head snd r eck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to attend ttv rn and had tried all the known teme.iies. including Swnim' Panacea, without nvail. Another of my children was attatke.l in the same manner, her face and nerk was completely covered; the discharge was so nllcusive, and ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired of her lifts Peeing the wonderful effects of your Depnrative Symp of S irsaparill i, we were induced to make tri il of it, as the last res irt ; it acted like a charm ; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a f.w bottles entirely restored her to her health, which she his enjoyed uninterruptedly ever siuco. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it bus not its cipial, JOHN MOYER. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Doughs-sville, April 19th, 1843. Mn. Oaki.kt: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, dining which time he was de prived of the use of his limbs, hi he id and neck were covered with ulcers. We trbd all the diflW. ent remedies, but to no rfl" ct, unt.l recommended I y Vr. Johnson of Nonirtown. and ali-o Dr. Isaac Hiostrr, of Ites.dit'g. to use your Depuralive ciyrup of iS.irsaparilla, nf which I obtained scveiul bot:es. the ust of which d ove the di-ea-1 entirt ly out of !vs sj s'em, ibe sore boiled up, and the child was res'ored to'ect health, which he ha enjoed uninleriupledly ev- r sinee, to t!i ast -titshment of rnmy peis.Ts who seen birn du l g his uftl ction. I have thought it mv du'y, and end you this certi ficate thit nt' C'S xh have a I ke affliction in the fnrti'v mr.y Know nhcre to obtain a i taluaMc a mull ine. Yours truly, AMELIA D LEAF. ir,. iQ:tiv )R!'it t's' cot ivr itA:.' TN puri-n-iiicH i f the Orphans' Comt i f Nortbutn- betla- d rountv, i'! be expose J to public sale on We.lnrsd.iy the 25 h l..y nt Ooto' vr i ext. on the premise, to wit : A cerlnin tiact of lai d situ.ite in Shauii.kin township, in s 'id coui.ty, ailj tin nc 1 md of D ivd Mc il'iams, IJIi-hi Barton and Otiaduli Campbell, conta ning t.viniy.fivo acres, anJ one hundred un. I lliirtv nine p. rchea i.ioro or K'ns, on which aio eiecte! a U'ge two stoiy frame house, barn, and other out li u-et. I.ito the estate nf James Camiiliell, dcc'J. S.ile to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M of said diy, when the conditions of silo will be nude kuowii by WM.PERSIXO, t)BALIAH CAMl'BLI.L. Sunbury, f'i'pt. It), Is 13. St Admr's. ":rw aa-a- n cCs .mi"" I S In rely given to ull persons interested in tbe A quest io: s for trial, and the distribution of lh proceed. of the sales of John H. Cowden' rsta'e, in the Court of Common Pluas of Union county, to at peir, it they think proper, on the tec. nd Tuetday of Novrmber term next of the siiJ court, when they n,ay be heard in the prenvs. By the c urt. WM. ROSHONfS. New B. r'in. Sept. IB. 1643. bu ProMy. 1 ttt i:ti 6x. ry It E li mn kin and Rush lodepcnd. nt BataMmn of volunteer are co n minded to m et for di ill, on Saturday the 7th d.iy of October next. Rusiiville. in ltu.di lownsh p, at 10 oVto. k of said thy, f ii t 'y smi'd and equipprj, provided with six rounds of Ll.-mk c.rtri.lges. Punetuiil nt'endaiice is rerjueved. By or Jcr of the M ij r, WILLIAM H.KASE. Se t. 1G. l?n. XTOTIOr TO THI3 ruFoT OTICK i here1 y civen, that the l!o..k of the NORTH BRANCH CAN A L CUM. PAN Y will be opened on Wednnsd.iv the 2uh d.iy of S. pi ruber inst , at 2 o'clock, I. M.. at tho, inx Hotel in Wilkesbarrc, I'a., tvhvn tho under. signed, Ci'inm'rsioncrs iinJ, r the law for that pur. pose enacted, will attend to receive subscription for Stock ol'sjiu Comp iiiv. tiEO.M.IIOLLF.NB KCK, CHESTER BUTLER. WILLIAM HANCOCK. JOHN N. CONYM.HA.M, SAMUEL HOLLAND. OEt)I!(.E I. STEELE, (ARIUCK MALLEKY. September 9th, 1813. It rpiiE subser her offer for ale, all lb . i. piece of ground, situate on the V" , ,ip, of the Susquehanna, in tho borou- berl.nd. containing fir n m ;u'"'u'" erected. . spaciou.'hiick V ... 1 - -e name of "Tha Col'cge . , V Oris, Mill, with i l?t f'U"P! Branch Cans' the buildic passe thioujh the same clone to The Burrs, Elevators, Bolting Cloth, 'y. Machine, or any part of the fixtures or ma. 'winery, will la !,! separatc.or together with Ihe . . nuiiiiing or lot. Il would lea desirable situation for, and many advantages to a person desirous of esib; (oundry. l'( foitbr pirttcuUi nquir of D. BHAUT1UAM, Trusle for Jcuh Chspman. .Va.'tborcl rilaiid, Atgust li, Ibi l, CHEAP CLOCKS. CHEAT H.VItGAINS I'Oll CASH. THE subscriber ha on hand, (left with him for sale,) handsome assortment of elegant lira Clorlt, warranted good, which be is authorised lo sir 11 at eight and nine dollars. The same kind of clocks have been lately felling by To. liars, from SO to Q5 dollars. Those who want bargains should c.ill soon. H. B. MA33ER. Sunbury, Auatft CO, 1813. Italc of Grot-Rc linn?! sur., lcc'L NO TICE is hereby civen to the heirs and legal representatives of (Jcnrge Long, sen., of Au. gusta township, Northumberland county, deceased, that by virtue of a writ nf partition and Valuation, issued out of tho Orphans' Couit of said county, to mo directed, nn inquest will be held at tho late residence of siid deee ed, in Augusta township on Friday the 0th day of Oetob. r next, at 10 '. clock, A. M., for the pu'pose of making partition of, or to value and appraise the Real ltate of said dr. ceased. FELIX MAURER, ihcriJT. BherilT Office, Sunhurv, AuoufI 26. 1813. 6t VOLSEUT & JA1T1TEY, Cicncrnl CommlHsilou Jlcrclmnts, iYo. CI Commrtce St., brloio Fifth, rnZZ.AJDSX,PHXA, T"EEP ronsiai.tly on hand Impnrted Srirara, ' Brandie?, Liquors, &c, at tho lowest prices, for cash. ('.J. Wot.rinT.jr. Wm, A. JsNnr.T. Aoausl .r);h, 1343. 6m An& ROIMP, HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Ilttsl corner of Market ami Ith sis., riiil.tdrlplila, OF.SPECTFULLY inform the public that they will constant'y keen on hnd a largs asso't ment of Hats. Caps and Fur, to suit tbe fall trade, of the bevt quality. By strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their stock at the .Hvent prieo, ihoy fl itter themselves in being b'e to cive entire satisfaction. Angus! 5, 1843 ly JAMES S. SMITH'S Wholesale C'lncU i:stalllsliiuriit, No. 82 North Tltinl .Street, tlllLAiOELPHIA, "1 THERE is to be found the birgeat assortment of Clocks in Ihe United States, among which are Foireslville. Hill's Goodrich & Co, Atkins, Porlet ct Co., Ivea', B'CwsIits, and other Eight Day Brass Clocks; C Jerome's Bris'ol Manufac turing Company, Atkins, Porter fc Co.. Hill's, Goodrich cV Co., Forreslvillo, H. Welton's, ami other Thirty Hour Brass Clocks ; Boardmm & Wello's, Hopkins ct Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and other WoihI Clocks. Sole Acnt for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Also : Church and Hall Chicks. fXj" Watchmakers, Merchant and others, will find it lo their interest to call. Looking Glasses manufactured. Philadelphia, August 5, 134.1. 3m TIHE subscriber will sell ofl" bis stock of Beaver, JL Russ-a and Brush Hats, of the best qualby, at very red uced lice-i. Sunbury. Aug. 6, 143. H. B. MASSE R. to tiieTvotkrs ir N()RTiTuAfBliir. LAND COUNTY. IT'ELt.OW CITIZENS: At the earnest sot ei tailors of many of my friends, I am induced to oflVr rovse'f as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER. ShnuM I he el rted, I will endeavor lo discharge the duties of the office to the hest nf my ahiliiv. CHRISTIAN BOWER. Sunhurv. July 22.1. 1S13. '"e'zchaitge hotel. C'trtt'rc Striet, opposite the Town Hall, rOTTSVSI.LC, IM. 3. ('. 1, E S S I G . JiSri-V L'Sl'ECT:ULLY nnottnee to tgVlCVS 'bo travelling cauimunity that he jimjKi has taken the large and splendid eslali "ly lisliiii. nt, ibe ExcHtOE HoTL. si'ua. ted at the Corner of Centre and Callowhiil s'recin. neaily opposite tho Town Hall, in the borough of I Pottsvil'c, which has lccn thoroughly r, paired and j materially improved for the accommodation of vUiu oi s. 1 he Hotel n .rlv It. lionl on lentrest., anil one hundred and thirty eighl ft. on Callowhiil, thiee stories hih ; il is admirably provided with Parlors, Silting Koi.tns. Rcsding Room, mid Urge airy ChainlK-! the most spacious, pleas ml and conve nient D'Oing Room In the country a new awl m. perior Bath ng Esiabbslinenl ; nJ every conve nience and comfort to render it in all n sprcts a most ile-irahb' Hotel. No paiis or expense will be spared to furnish the Tble and B ir with ihe bet thut this and the Philadelphia Markets afford ; snd wilh a detcimi na'ion toilevo e his entire personal attention to the cmnf rt and a.'conim ida'ion of t!io-e who may fa vor him with a call ; aided by active, careful and obliging seivants, be Lupci, to give satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES wishicg to visit ibis bighlv interesting and healthy Region, will be provided wilh Pallors and Chambers, winch he feela eon fi, l.nt will please the most f.Ktidiou'. fXj 'I he Slahling attached, is large and well conMroeti d, i nd superintended by experience 1 and atti utive ()!, r. Horses and Cairiaes may be bad at any time to Cnnvey pirsous to any part of the country. fXj-An Omnibus runs fiom ibis Hotel ,.i!y 0 and from the Depot, lo meet tho Cars. fr tt-, ,t.. eomntod.ition of person tiavrllinp Pn jjj Road. No charge for onindius U v ii P..t.sulh.. Lily S. 18KI., COUNTY TiiE aSUKER. ro TWic'i:0' ofsohthiu. o cm; sty. i 1 " 1 .ENS: I be bre:t i:.dor,d to offer mv sell as a cuiididate for the office of Youiity TitaHVJitvr, at the r 'tuning election. tnir.ul.l yon tliin rie and I should be so suc- worth y of your support. c,.sful to be elect'i", I will endeavor to giie gen- erj aatisfactioii to ll who may re concerned. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Sunbury, Juno S4th. 1843. CITY i-TJRN ITURE- AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SALZ33 ROOMS, Nos. 20 nnd 31 Nortli Thitd IStrcet, Near the (J i l y Hold, . PHILADELPHIA. C O. MACKEY, Auclioneir, respectful'y in 1 vites the stli ntion of person desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hi extensive Hides Rooms, (both puhlte and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, whir can be obtained at all lime. Urge assoitnient of Ushionshle su.l well msuofacturwd Ctbinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrksses, etc., t-t very reduced prices, for cash. (ffy Kutcs by Auction, twiru weetf. May S'th, IVII.-ly C;ountcrfclrrii DEATH BLOW. '"Phfl pu' lie will please observe that no Brandrelh Pills are genuine, unless the box has three l i bel upon it, (tho top, the and Ihe bottom) eih containing a f.e-slmlle signature of my hand writing, thus B. BnonnitTii, M. D. These la bel, ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipense nf over 3,000. Therefore it will be seen that ihe only thing n'rciary lo pro cure tha medicine in its purity, i to observe these label". Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following icspectivo person are duly auhori ted, and hold CEXITICATB3 OF AGENCY, For the sale of liramheih'i Vrgetabft Univertal l'llh. IS'orthuniborUrd county : Millon M ickey ct Ch imbeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Encns villo Irel ind At Mcixell. Northumberland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. Sc J. Wills. Union Cmnty: New Berlin ct Win. ter. Pelinsgrove George Uundiuin, Mid. lie burg Isaac Smith. Beaver' jwiitlavid Itublcr. Ad'imsbnrg Win J. May. MiUlinsbun: Mcnscti 5t Ray. H.ntlctoii Daniel Long Freebnrg U. & F. C Mover. Lewibnrg Wall ft Green. Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds ot Co. Berwick Shtiman A Rillenhouse. Ca lawisja C. G. Brobts. Bloornsburg John R. Moycr. Jeisry Town Levi Bisel. Washington Roht Mct'ay. Limestone Balliet ct McNitich. Observe that each Auenl hss an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of l)r BRANDRETM'K Minufaclory nl Sing Sing, and upon whieh will also be seen exact copies) of tbe iett label's ttnw used vjiuii thr. Brandrelh I'ill Hares. Phil idelpbia, office No. S, North Rib street. B. BIIANDRETH.M.D. June 51th. 113. i TliiosIHiifT 33aclil(ic f'oi Sale. T IIE subseriber offers f r sale a THRESHING M.('Hl.E, i.e ,v and in good o-d. r. The NtarUine has been tried, and proves to he an excel lent Clio It will be sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo H. B. MASSER. July i 181 .1. Hart, Ainlrctvs V Ji'Kcvcr, For ward inir ami Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stcoiiil ll'fiarf iibnrf. Ffttf St on the Dcluwarc, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCE : tfeniy Farnnm ct Co. jJaivia, Trabue ct Cur ', Bray, Co. Tj)ui&vil!e. Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Luckny, ct (,'o. ct Clitic, I Cincinnati. Eckel. Sp angler cV Raguel St. Jhn Smith, Esq , Keed, Brn. ct i'hom i, I Portland. Rogers Brothers ot Co. Joseph Souther, Esq.. W, R. 'Thompson ct Co, Rot ert Sieen ct Co. J. ct J. KeaVcrt, Mulford ct Alter, Bo-ton. Hon. Wm. Bialer, Charfirld, Pa. U. Hendricks, J. R. Wel-h. E q Sunbury, Pa. Philadilphiti ,R. Hum. s, E-q. Davnl It. I'orter, I.sq. Messrs. J. ct P. Martin, lliirr!.birg Wm. K. Hoffnagle, Esq Lewis Hurford.E'q. Lancaster Jones, Murphy ct Co, E. A. Brown ct Brother. J. K. Mooribead, Eq. PitMurg; Morgan ct Andi rson, Geo. Piesl ury, Esq. St. Lou's June 3d, 1613. ly Robert Crane. Esq., Jeney Shore, I'a. Wm. M'Kelvy ct Co., Bloornsburg, Pa. Walls &. Green, Iewiburg, Pa. T. W. Kin'rng ct Son, Istrl- Haven, I'a. teircltct Potter, tewittown, Pa. Joseph, Eq., C olumbia Lo , l a. DAVID EVANS, A'o-76 South niNfr crt, opposite the Exchange, I'HILADELIMIIA, (Fimitry of S'o. 78 South Second street.) M.ioufacturer nf Impiowd and Patent Firs and Thicf.pronf Chests and Doors, Water and Pro vision Coolers nml Filter'rs. R. fiipera tors, Hoisting M ichiuts, etc., etc., Ptit.1 continues to tn ike WATER C o!. , ai d Filierers, Ibfiigern. ' MMkaH ' . tin iois, lioth ot the roni c! and t'!fa5'f'-'-- -.VVqiiare shnp.', with impnve e test mutciiiU ..'snd wo.kmanship. 0" 'The Chests ri iiiaiiiifacturrd without pl ink of any description, of the best muter. al which is ca'cu'ated to resi-t Lurch's and heal na bu g as any inanufacturej in the 1'i.ited Stales a trial ot I whi.-li be is wi'-ling to make with any other, ro- vided the trinl be made nf chests already s...l lo I customers, snd not inanuf ictured for ttie express I puiposc of a trial. Purchasers sre invited to call j before purchasing elsewhere. CAL TION. A I persons are cautioned agunsl making, Ustni.', selling or causing to he sold, anv Keyhole cover f. I'ue Proof Chcs or doors of any kind, imi ar in c ins'rur lion to my paten' of July 10th, 181 1, as they will be desk with accord. Itig to the Patent Law. M y 5V b, 1843. litn. Hovels Ink. Mr imifncttircr of Wi ;'): and IuiiciH do Ink, No. '.,iN-lln Tnr,i s,rrti ,jx II lloor., hi'h- .v R ico, fonrt uido - ' -X I "a. A Tl tl T. p TT V A . 11'T:0 l l.I.V iiif.'rnis coimtrv in. '. :i.t- ! u'"t i.dieis, lh-at he con-laritlv ke.-j.s on ii.o. 1 j a lar-tf sto, U i l' I in S'lpirrvr Bbict, I'.toe . nd R-l ''.', and i.Im a snpcii. r n !'ty of Imb I'i' le Ink.! H s ink is put up in h. t'les vaiyma rn s;ie,frnni I I to 3'J ounces, nn,! wdl ho sold mi rrarotial !e 1. rill-. 'The i-x- ii'r t qnahlVi of th s ii.'k so thoro.mhly cstahU-hrd its f bar-icier, t'.it u is now 1 extensively ur.d ihroughoiil thu eouniiv. , For alc at the store of H. B. M;is-ir, Sun. hnty, I'a. Mav :7th. lS'.:t. ly XI. 0."LAV?iTO:3, ; Jvr of S-Htlhtrorth Mannjnc- : tirrintf Cinipani j SUPERIOR M RI'l INli PAPERS ; Waielintisc No. 'A Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE following kinds r. iiaiantlv on hand, and for sate to th Trade at the lowest market prce ; Fine thick FUt dps, 12, 14, and I A III, blue and v h te ; Ex'ia super, ai d superfine Fu'io I'oi-'ta, bltie slid white t Extra super IV-kct and Coniincrcial posts, blue and white ( Esti tt-'r Linen Note papers, long ; do, broad; superfine and fine Counting house Caps, blue and wbi'-e ; Emu supr ('oiigrxs Caps and Letters, plain and lu't.l, blue and while SnperRne t'riiuh Tosls, plain mi I ruled ; S,i erfuie Srimoii t.'.q and Posts; SuM-rline and tiio t'.i S mid Posts, ixil.d anJ plain, blue and while, Vjinol-qnalitirs ari l pli. es. Also Horn, t Hoards, Tis-uc, Envelope, Wrap, pins. mi.iI H-nd t are papers, etc., dec. May i7, IsJ 1 G n. I'oti S.l I. T THIS Oj-nt'E. Cabinet-Making iXcw IsNt.iMishmciitO VILLIAl SIOOTEP- ESI'ECTFITLI.Y informs the chirms of ., Sunbury und vicinity, that he has recently coinmcnred tbe CA1HNET-MAKINC5 RUS1 NESS, in ell it branches, in Market street, Sunlnirv, im mediately hil.w the post office, wher he will be realy lo receive ai d rxectlte nil orders in the line of hi businec, wilh promptness and desprrtchrlnj in the best style and manner. Hi prices will lie low, in aceoiilanc wilh the times, 03" Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May 27th 1811. Con L01TGLEYSr fsi'cnt W"tlci ii tnOlan ca, Conipountk'd entirely of 'cfjctabl j Siilistaiicos ; Frre frnm Calomel and all other Minerah. For the history of this medicine, and it unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, see larco bills ! T Is recommended as general eslhartic for family ue in dyspepsia and all bili ms di-ea- ! sts, it is inv du ible for Asthma it is cor sidmed a ' specific, no esse having y t occurred which it has j fail, il to cure for common c..ld. iinflamma'ory diseases, rheuma'irm, alTcctinn of the liver. Ate., and for females, it is safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, Frron Dr. &iln West nf Rmghamptnl, A. Y. Mr. Lonnley Uenr Sir: I have ued your Great WeM.rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly piescrihed it for palienta under my care, and am satisfied that it is nbvavs a safe, and in very many cases an invaluable medicine. It e.peia'es ns a l.ixative without nausea, or pain ; nnd while it ef fectually ohviatos costiveness acts upon Ihe stomach aid liver as an alteiative, coi reeling acidity, and re storing the liiallhy condition of those oraan. Verv respertful'v vonrs, S. WEST. Forsaleby JOHN W'. FRILING, Sm.burv. J AI'OB BRIU 11 T, Nortbutnbcr land, M-y SOth. 1813.--ly CHARLES AV. HEC.INS, ATTORNKIT AT LAW, SCNBUHY, PA. B AS taken the oll'ice formerly occupied bv the jo Hon. Chatles G. Donm-I, opposite the Court House. Ha will 8'tend to business in the Cnlirts of Northnm'-erland, Union and Columbia counties. Mav gOlh. 1941. J. D. Waters, ESPEC TFUI.LY informs ihe citizens of tho tiorouuh of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he lias commenced the Tailoring If iisincst, in a'l its various branches, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thoma, directlv opposite Forsvth's store. As he receive the New York anil Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all jotis entrusted to him, niter the neatest and latest tyle, nnd upon theshoitest notice. Northumberland, Apiil 22d. 1S43. ly Dr. J. B. M.dSSER. O EKPECTFt'LLY informs the citizens of Sun (iury and its vicinity, that he has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive calls iu thn line of hi profession. April Sid, 181,1. Daniel Yarick, EGS leave to inform the citizen of Sunbury and its vicinity, that be has commenced the RLACKSMITIIING BUSINESS, in Maikit strert, Sunbury, east of B.. gar's store, and dnectly epposite the post office, where he intends to carry on the business in all its various hrn ches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons and Ei;pt.e Springs, Ironing Carriages, wilh Ex tension or Standing fops. Shoeing Honrs, c. Orders will I promptly and punctually attended to, nnJ woik djne cheap, for or country pro. duce, Ity" Hois Shoeing done at $1 per ictt. So., bury. April 15th. IS43. fun o o t & Shoe .71 a v tin 1 i- w i u , ESPEC 1 FI'LLY Informs bis fiietnts and old rustomerc tnM nrt nj, tPrnoved hi noOTf SHOE ESTMtUXlI.KEST to (he frame hi4lM ng ail)..;nins his dwelling house, be-wern th' . Rn, Dr. H. T.T.iles' oiTi. e. a few doois we-l or 'u i e-inlbsblK'-nt, in Maikct street, where f int.'idto ra..v i-.i ihe sb .vi t u-intbs "'.ensivcly, in a'l its various bunches. Being thankful forpist f-vo-, he h ne. by strict attenti m to and liberal charge., to cive general sai'fartion ; nnd that he ,". con'inuri tc re ceive n liocral hare of public patronage. Ap:ii 8lh, 1843. Wh.r. .V. I.. PrlCO, Thankful f.r p?.st fa y Jrvo's, respectfully informs .e inh.ihiian! of Nurburv fcri-J coun ry a.' .und, tint be hns, taken Ins residcni-. and oliice in loaiki t s'rect, in tlie end of the building occupied ty, Cogar's sl ue, wto re ha will l e happV to wait Uj.o.i ull who fa vor oim with their c Ii. Sunbtitv, April 1st, ISll. dm C eoVR P ni ni e r ni a n S n fjMlE sii'-scii' era lu-.e'.y I- f .rm he y: 3l ll'.i-V have i inert'd int parti its' i". :'- . nx.Ac::cr.iiTinNO ETjrf7-v..-, wlich wil toic ber bo cartel on ui t xt ii d in Sunbi.rv, under tho i) m . f 'G-orje Zonm.rinno ct Sou." du re -hev wi'l e-ndoet the hu ine-s in ull its va.i.iiis I -ranch, s, inclo-liuji, Mukiiis M It Teens, Irun n? Currm.-iet. .'Cor ing ilorser,, it. Order- wi'l be .ror.iptty ai d punc lu.iitv ait. n I d to, and woik d.uTO cheap, lor cash or country produce, try Sh.iving done at ni e dollar per sett. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN. Snubti'y. Mirch 1 Ith. I Hi I. THE snhseiibi-s. haniig enivr.d into a partner-- ship iii th- r.eiiee of the law, will be happy to attend lo all I u -i ness eiiiru ited 10 their tare. Clle Mion w P be promptly attended to. Tiny iH.iyaUviys be found al their oPoce, in M liket siritt, t-uiibuiy, l irincity occujicj by Wm. Dew art, tlcc'd.. as a store-routn. WILLI M L- 1E WART, CH RLF.S J. UUL'NER. Sunt nrv. P r. tih, H4:l. ly. " Fr n si pt.v ot KtlSE OlN I MEN T. received ar d f" ' by H IV M.VS3ER. N. tfrtts, IS-li. . KATTDR, WTERY l.EsprxTFI.T.LY les (, to h V lo.m I. ii customers, and the public generally, that he still coiiiintiea tbe IIATTINO BTJSINXiSS, in all its various branches, in i,e ,,p tlrai ly oppo site Ihe lilt, k T avern, formerly occupied bv Hen rv Unas and himself, under the firm of Hans & Druckemdler, which firm hi.sbecn mutually disaoN vcd. He hopes, by his long cipcrionce in Ihe nhnvn business, and strict attention thereto, to fender di n era! anti.-faciiou, and receive a libeial share of pub lic patronige. Suiduny, Oct. 13th, 1P42. t y. MERCHANT'S house, So. 237, S'nrth Third, above Ctloichill St., PHILADELI'HIA. JOHN Iit'NCAN. late from lh Pennsylva nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A mi rican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake plenaure in t.c qoaiming their fiends nnd the public penr rallv that they have taken the Inrge and commodious Hotel, leeently I uiit by the Messrs. Hart, on the snne sits once nernpied by the old established Hotel known s the Hull's Head, in Third sticct above Callow- i" s'. I I is It-t,. is e! V.- ver ' ef t.ejt'-. Iiifti.l.-r, lo.d . f the lst ii H fi n s. I - i 0 . . i ev ib s;r Vile, (.ariic u!ai ly fr ci uril v u. i.-h ii.t , tie nrrang. m. u fo- tn u'ir.g vei.iili fr.g tad tnm is ttch as to secure ni y lenip.'.n'ur". 'I l--1 brtlroo'.rsare all light ar.d airy, ill Ininislod ir n neat sty'e, so as to insure tomfort. The receivji p parlors are nl-o fun ishe.l in t wi- perb style, the wind uvs a -.' i (-. Frci eh s yle roinili g nn on'ia ct n ; e--:iv in frnni. wbiili t"..i:i..iti has v.bich, wit!i mtikes i plpisnt t ri C-: been given to th" b i's in" -I -,.! h.-r tno turinliire, n-r "r. 1.: v. i ic in t From vfs1 ext 1 b- nrrs, we trust, I v -t . !.-! ',r b -i .'( ., r ': - ,- I o .. ."it. 1 V '. r-llf V: y !r. rn t.: V lh'4 :r 1 :' ! wi:l ic-Vrt , ::""S ;'!-' -1 ch'. Wi'li ll.. v : : i P. boils- ','br j.; j;- ' r.. and snl ei - i i . . accordance wi'h. the , ..f ,r,r Philadelphia, O-t 7-ii. 1 -.: vr.i- : d lir-.CA 42. UiNION HOTEL, (d'cnnul Singe 0ee,) tx ocj Tsay tsz: 9 LYCOMIKO COTJNTT, l'cmisj U a n in. "IHIE Si.bcriher respeetfullv informs his friends A and the fiublic in general, that he has taken the above LARGE AST) CO J MOD IO IS HOTEL, IN THE DO R O L' O H O F M U N C V, and that he i now well prcparrd to accommiJjtvy all who may favor him with their rus'nin. His SLtr.nso A tartm f.nts are well aiied, and comfortahle. His TsBti: ati Bin will always I ijphtd with the best the maikot can anLir-.l. Hi Stahlivo, which is good will It under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He f.cU confident, by strict attention t l-ndness, and an earnest desire to render c mforuhle those who may patronize him, that he will not togiv general satisfaction. H. 13. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, lflii tf. 1 , 1 "I"r. I. T. TrIttS, Kcspectfully infr,nstl ft U citizens of Sut,bury be has r. -tnovod his cilice to the budding I.-.tcly occupied I r t icorge Jiriuht, in niaiket sticct, Sunbury, win "i he mav he found at all holtis, uulcjs profefsiona!'- cnp'riReil. IM.'.. TRTTES rctt'.rn !ns sincere thnnks for ''m er.couiagcineut he has ico-ivrd, in the line of b si profession, in this place, and lru-.t-, by prompt r.t J tention to the duties of bis protemon. end reason nble chs.rges, that he will enntinuo to receive a lilwral shate nf the public patronage oiibtrry, Oct.lsi, 1 M 13. tf. . " A CARD. ' Dr. J. IV. Ir:l begs leave to tend, i le ;in'-. ful acknowlci-gmi nta 10 the people i f Su it u y an.i sucourulir.g country, fit theit put ci i.-o- i -ment in the line of bis piofcciion ; at:' v i'i . thcsauie lane announce to ttiein. th : st. i l- tend.-lo continue tlie practice of uicJi. ! - 1 -vari..Ut.depirtaii ot . He would, lb '" -a Ci.i.tinu.inca of their cci.t'.dcncc e He may be louuu at all f.mce ut His -north ceat corner of Ela kheny ai - U e- professionally enc mej. Sunbcrv, Oct. 1st, ISIS.!'. SURGBCN Km-WlS'i; Tl l.Si'EC I FI LLY inf.- i- a tl , public t'lai I has made Norihnrn1-. ' n; I I. is p rmai.ei t acple of resi.h nc.e. and is ready to attend to any o . lis in :!.e line of Li- .-n. Julv 2. f-2. lv.!, : .mi pottstulb tw vt, -. t'i A 33. Jt 4. !...- . ... J.fcS .'!. - 1 s- ' . - - I - ... ... .Av'.tv, . t.. i . I be .i.m-i p-, - ' - ' FI,i!aJ;!,:!"a ,.;:.r J; Ph.iu Piii'.idi h hi I. al 'i A M. Patly I'uui lVttvii:o. al f A.M. Honrs of putting htarfiug. For rot-tvi le, at tlj A. M. ? Foi PhiUdelnhia, st tl A.M. $ Daily. Doth iiain- p-s at Pw'tst wn. 'The down tia'n brca!fis( nl Reidi'.g, and the up train at Norris town, lot which 15 minu'c ' allowed tl each station. r.i n e s. Hvtween Po'tsvilte ,V Ph.lada. $3,50 i f 2,60 Ib twccn Reading cV do. 3,25 & 1,75 Itetwecn do cV Pot!vtle, 1,40 & 1. 00 Exrvukiosi Ticntrs oood ro Tcai) KiT K4T. Itetwecn Pottsvide cV l'hiladi Ipln. f5 00 11. tw een Reading Jt do. 3 0(1 Reiween do. & Pottville, S 00 . All the trains wilt stop foi wy passenger al the uul points. tjj" All passenger nr iuested to pfOCUr i heir tickets before th train (tart. tUy n, 141. if. Ti i I III KA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers