i - U AW K XOTV. ?.. -..' . tEXXSYIVAXIt. The following list show the current value of till Pennsylvania Bank Notre, - The most tmplicit ro titnre may he placed tipon it,' as It Drrvry iwfr --.r.o ... , .1 - i. careiuiiy compared Willi II U corrrccu iroui un n- bell' Reporter. llnnki In riillan lilil. , Disc, tw Tint ah. par pnr pnr . par . par . pnr par . par pnr pm par NOTES AT PAR. Rat, k of North America . . Bonk of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Rank of Pcnn'a. . , Paimcrs' an J Mechanice' Dank . Krn.inglnn Dank Philadelphia Bank . . Kcliuylki.1 flank . Smthwark Bnnk . . Western Bank . . . Mechanice' Bank . . Manufacturers & Mechanics' Bank Count rr IlniiKN. Hunk of v heater County Bnnk of Delaware County Bank of (Jermantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestnwn Bank Enston Bnnk Frmora Bnnk of Buck co OlRce of Bank of Trnn'o. Office Jo do Offic Jo Jo OlIU'O Jo Jo Westchester par par pnr par pur pnr Chester C'crmnntnwn Norristown Doyhstown Rnston BrMol P'ir HarrUhwg" Thee Lancaster I office Kruding f Jo not Enstnn issue n. NOTES AT DISCOHNT. Bank of the United Stutcs Bank of Penn Township Uiranl Bank . Moynmrnsing Bank Bnnk of Pennsylvania Miners Batik of Pottsvillc Bank of Icwirtown Rank of Middlctown Bnnk of Northumberland. Columbia Bnnk & Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Io Jo branch of Farmers Bnnk of Lancnstci Lancaster County Bnnk Farmers' Bnnk of Reading Hnrrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bnnk Merchants' A: Manuf. Sank Bark of Pillsburg West Bianch Bank Wyoming Bnnk Northampton Bnnk Beikt County Bunk Office of Bank of U. S. Do Jo Jo Do Jo Jo Kensington Sav. Ins. A Philadelphia 45a47 par . . par . . par Pottavillo S Lrwistown 2 Middlctown 3n1 Northumhciland par Ci ilii mtii j t Carlisle 4J PiIIkI urtr I Hnllidnvshurg 1 Lancaslcl j Lancaster 2 Beading j Hnrrisburg 3a4 Lancaster' j) Lebanon ?Jn4 PitlBburg 1 Piltsbutg -1 Williamsporl 40u4. Wi'.kcshario 8 Alleiitown NO Reading 7l Pittsburg failed Erie Jo do New Brighton Jo Jo Chsmbersburg lultysburg Montrose Eriu Wayncsburg Washington Honesdule Brownsville Yo.k Penn Township Sav. Ins, Bank of Chambcrsburg Bank of Gettysburg Bnnk of Susquehanna Co. Eric Bank Fanner' &. Drover' Bank Franklin Bank Hnnesdale Bjiik Moriongnhcla Bank of B, 1 4 ' 20 Cu7 8 UU M 24 4a4A Vork Bank N. B. The notes of those banks on which wc omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. Jo Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Jo Manual Labor Bank (T. W Pyott, prop.) failed failed fnilcd Tailed 80aH5 no sale closed rinsed failed closed no tale fui'od Titled failed lio sale J 'nwamla Bnnk Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bnnk of Beaver Bank of Swatnra Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers & Mech'ce' Bnnk Farmers' & MechW Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs'iUank Hatrnony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Luinliermeu's Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Hilver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penu'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver Harrisburg Washington Bcllefonte Plttshuig Pittsburg Fayette co. Grcciicast'e llarmonv Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no sale Warren failed Dundatr no sale New Hope closed Milton no pale Meadville closed Port Carbon Carlisle failed Montrose cloud I'niontown failed (ireenshurg rinsed Wilkisbarre no sale Wilkrsharre Diidge Co, Qj" All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be ct down as frauds. m;v Ji:itsi:v. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick Belvideie Med lord Perth Arnlwiy Briduetim Mount Holly li'aliwnv N. BMHlrwick Mldilieloun 'l J rev City IL.boken Jert-ey City Patleison Belleville M OiriritnUII Freelndd Newaik 'J"renton failed 1 pnr U pv pa i failed U faihd fail,.! tailed fall, d failed U failed 4 par Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank CumU'rland Bank Farmers' Bnnk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmer' and .Mrchanics' Bk Fanner' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. J, Hobiikei) Blg& Crazing Co Jerfcy City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bunk Morris County Bank Miimimitli Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics and Manuf. Bk Morris Can! ami lAtg Co Pot-.t Notea Newark Bkg &. Ins Co New Hope 1M Bridge Co N. J. Manufac. and Bki: Co Jcim)' C ity no sale Newatk Lainheilaville 95 failed laded u fsibd i par par I Hoboken N J Protecton i I.onit aid bk Jersey Cjty Orange Bank Orange I'aitrson Bank Paterson People Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Kattm Banking Co Balem Ktats Bank Newark Htale Bank - Klizab tlitown Slate Bank CnmJcn Hiate Bank of Monis Monittuwn Plate Bank Tnnti n ralem and Philad Manuf Co Had m Snt.M'1 Bank New ion Tirnion Bar. king Co Tui.t.m Union Punk Dnver Washingtoit Banking Co. Hackentack DLtLAlVAUI Bk of Wilm in Brandy wins i ruington Bank of Dtlawaa Wilmu gton Bank t.f Smyina Smyrna Do branch Mdlord Farmers' Bk of fcuta ,.f Dtl Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Groigttuwn Do brant h Newctsile Union Bark Wilmington fry lruder 6 1 pr fx 1 11 fulled 14 p.r fail, il par psr par par par par p.r par psr QJ" On all banks ma'ked thus () ihtre are i tbw counttrfoit or al.vird uoua of lis tuiiuu do ooaiisatious, in circulaliou. Tfitlcxt tnrthvd for tltc Ahohuon of Jicae r in to cleanse anJ purify the fto.'y. . WRt IS MI 'S ipia vr.or.T ini-r. riLi.s of Tim Mrth .ImrrlcuH Coltrff of tttollh, Are now neknnwlei'gr.l to be the best Modicir.t in the World for the cure of V" EVERY VAHIBTY OF DISEASE. E(JAUKF. they completely creative the sto ma. )i and bnn'rla from lh. m billiotis and cor- ni t humor which am the caufe not oiht oi Iliadnihe. Cid.linesa. FalpitHtion of the lleirl, Pa;na in the Bones, Rheumatism and Oout. hot every ninln.lv ii rident to man. SAID INDIAN VFCETABI E PILLS are a certain cure Tor in trimifent, icmiit'd. nervona.lnnnmi.lory ami pu'rid Fevers, bec.uisn thev cleanse the p.tdy from thone moibid hemnrs, whieh, when confined to the circu lation, are the caune of all kinds of FKVEI5S. !o, n'so. when the same impurity is deposited on the . ... r n emlnni e and muscle, einising lt". inlMma. lions and swellinirs railed U1IEUM ATISM, t.'Ol T,&e. Wiiglit's Indian Vegetable Pills may I relied on as always lertaiu to iiive relief, anil if persevered with, arcoidlog to Jirections will most ossiik Jly, and without fail, moke a perfect cute of the above painful n aladies. From three to six of said Ii'Jian Vtgetsb'e Pills taken every niebl go ing to bed. will In a shmt time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to health, that Rheinviti-m, Gnnt. and p .in of every descrip tion, will be In. rally DIJIVEN FKOM THE BO DY. For the .me reason, when, from sudden changes of atmoi-phrrr. or any other cause, the per spiration iscbeckrd, and the humors whrh should posolVbv the skin sre thrown inwardly. ceutn HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, nutwa and siek ness. pain in the boms, wa-ery and ii flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarsened, roughs, consumption, rheumatic pains in vaiinus parts of the l.Mly. and many nth r symptoms of CATCHING COLD, W right' Indian Vrittiihtc F'' will inariablv cive immediate relief. From thiee to six of ntd Pills taken every niiiht on going to bed, will in a short lime, not only remove alt (he above tinptens int symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, be rei-tored to even sounder be-i) h than before. ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY F BKEATH INC. Wright' lintan YcgttoMt I'M will loos en and rariy nfTC by the stomach and boi ia. thoie tough pbb gmy humor-, wi tch st .p up all the Hir cells of the lunea, Mid sro the ennso. not oi v of the above distressing complaint, but when nee'eeted. often lerminate in that mo ed.eBdful n'ntndy cath-.l CONSUMPTION. Ii then d be n'snie-i end.eil that Wrttrif h'dian Vfetuhlr Pilli are a certain cu.e for PAIN IN THE IDE. Oppression, nau sea, nnd sirknes. los of sppeti e, enstivemsa. a yellow linge of the tkiu and eyes, slid i very other (iyniplom rf a torpid or d;sea-ed state of the liver; lecause they purge from the body those impurities w hich if d. posited upon this important org in, are the cnu-c of every variety or 1.1 bit t lt.M PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riot-, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent, ing the dreadful cmifequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traiinrs, and evil disposed ones from the eoun'ry. In like manner, v hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug gling wiih interi a foes, ihe true remedy is to EX ' PEL ALL MORBID .HUMORS. (Ttnbors t.. health and bfe.) Health will be the certain reiuU. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance with the law which govern the animal economy ; and if properly canied out by the ue of the a'ove named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will cettainly result In 'he compbie Abo I'tion of Disease ; we ofl'er Ihe following testimoni als, from persmf of the highest re.-prctability in New York, who have recently been cnted of the most obMinate cod, plaints, solely by the us- of W minor's Imia VretTiHta Pills, of the AvrfA Americun Colltge of I It a It lit Jamaica. L. I., Juna 9th. 1941. Doctor William Wright Denr Sir h is with great sati-faction I inform you of r.iy having been entirely cored of Dyspepsia, of five years standi) g, by the UbC of your Is ninis Vko eta dlk Pills. Previous to meeting with your celebrated m. di cine, I had hern under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried vaiious medicines; but all to no etli-ct. After using one 25 cent box of jour Pills, however, I experienced so modi benefit, that I resolved to fierseveie in the use of tlx m accoidlnc to dirccliops, which I am happy to state, bus result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for ihe great benefit I hive received, and nl-n in the h pe that others similarly afflicted may be induced lo im.ke tiial of your extraordinary medicine, I send you this statement with full libe.ry to publish the same, if von think pn per. Yours, rVe. Ncw'oik, June 19, 1811. U.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's InJian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I hnveheen afflicted for several yeara with inwnr.l weakness nod General debility, accom panied hi time with pains in the side and other distrest.it g complaints. Aft' I having tried various medicines i'hool cff. el, I was persu uled by a fiiend lo mi.ke Iria1 of Dr. Wiight's Indian V'eeetnble Pills, which I am hnppy to s'ate. have relieved me in a most w.'iidt iful manner. 1 have used the me dicine. a yei but a sh'Vl liu.e. and have no doubt, by a pers, ver iiiee in the ue of the m. d'ci e accor ding to itireeiions. th. t I shall in short tune be pert- civ re-tote I most willii glv recommend aai.l Pdls to sll person- similarly hllliele.l. and in he full belief llial the s'.me toel'ieial r-su Is w ill fo,,w their use, I re. main yours sincerrly. II EN I.' Y A. Ft KITE. Wa'Waising, Ulster co. N, Y Niw Yonx, Sept. 29, l41. Tins is to certify that I have used WmniiT's Iiimav Vrnirtsi.x Fins wiih 'be grea'esi Ix-ne. til; havi.s rn'ir.lv cured melf of He fnqn. rit al lacks of Sick Headache, to hirb I haJ previously l-een subject. ANN M ARI A THOMPSON. 3y'i Greenwich s'net. N. Y. To Mr. Riebnrd Dennis, Agent for Wright's In dian Vegetable 'Nils. f.f I'TI As there are at this lime many wicucd persons busily f ugsged in selling a counterfeit medicine un i der Ihe narna of the Indian Vegetable Pills snj as these iliajcraN! men aro so uiteily reckless of con sequences, that many valuable l.ves may lie lout in consequence of using ll.eir (Ire ad lot compounds. he pul l C are cautioned against iiuichasins any Pid, Mini, ss on the tiJesof the boxes ihe f, llowilig wor.luiK Is 1,'un.l : WKICIII'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILI . (iititiun Purgative ) III Till KOIITII AHI.MICAK COlllfia or RSAITII And also to be rsp-cilly cs-elul sgainM purehu- mil stul me.licine ul any person except the regu lir a lvi rOso.1 agen'S AGEKTS FOR SOIiTlWMBERLAXD CO , rcnntyliuma. H. 0. Mssser, Sunt ory Win. Forsyth. Nor thuniberland Ja4it Hiaa. fehsnrmkin Samuel Herb, Mabonoy Bverlv 6t D. Hshs, Aucusis I honias Follruer. Milton Ireland rV Men. II, McEwcnsvilIe E S. P i.er. TufbuUville James Feed. Pott-grove H. KUse, f,drsluwn II. II. Kiu-b.1. p. M.. Ehsburg P. O. Wm. Lei-enriiu', P M. Uijion Coiner. Oir ai d (irrar D pl for the sale of Wright't Jndian Vfgriokle J'ilU, Wholesale si tl RBtail.Ko. ItW KACJS bfliEEr. PHILADEL PHIA. Msl,l8. Jy ROSE OINTMENT, FOIl TETTER. iwrWortMn, mmplksi on the f acB, aku otiikk evTAMtOVM KRlKTHiys). Tlit filli'ivirgtrrticn'etlef-ifeioneofltt mnt ertrtnrdinary cure tvvr effrctid by any opplieathm, PmT.Annrnn, February 10, 18.19. IJOR twenty yea's I was severely afflict, il with Tettkh on the Fnco and Head: the disesse commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of IKttG. v.irvinn in vio lence, but without ever d isnpnearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended wiih vio'enl itch ing; tny head swcl ed at linns until it felt as if it would burst the swelling was so g-eat. flint I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long peri.wl that I was afflicted w iih the disease, I liFe.t n great many J plication, (among them s"vernl celebrated preparation") as w. II as takina inwaid remedies, including a number of hotilea of Steaim'i riinnem. 1'rtrnct of Stirmpurilln, Ar, In fact it would hn impossible o enumerate all the medicinea I used. I was also under the c.ire of two of the most dis. tinmiished physicians of this city, but with'-ut re reiving mnrh tcnefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f all of 18H6, the disease i.t the time bring very violent, I commenced usina the Iioe Ointment, (prepared bv Vauuhnn Ac Divis.) In a f w applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abs'ed. the i rutition beean to ilisippear, and 1m f, rr I had used a jar ihe di-ensc was entirely ruied. It has now been m arly a y.ar and a half since, and there is not a vestigf. of the disease re main inc. except the scare from the deep pits formed by the Ji-ease. It is impossible for me to deserils in a certificate the severity of the disease anil my soil ring but I will be plc.sed to give a fuller sc ronnt to any person wanting furihrr aatisfartion. who will rail on me. At the time I commenced using the R se Ointment I would have given bun .beds of dolla.s In be rid of th disease. SUnco u sing it. I have recommended il to rvrrtl persona, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her a'm.1 who w- re a I cured bv it. JAMES DU KNELL, No. lofi, Race St. (Jj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauihan, Sou h East comer of Third and Race stre. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on avencv in Sudbu ry, bv II. B. MASSE R, May 14th, 1842. Agent. ftosc Oiiittiit nf, for Tt'lttr. A J' ROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PiitiAniLrntA. May 27lh. 1839. 'PHIS is to certify that I was si verely aHliced with Tetter in the hands and f. el for upwards of forly years ; the disease was attended g.ner ally with violent in long and swelling. I nppbed to a number of hyiiei .ns, and used a great many appli ea ions without elTecling a cure. About a ' ar since, I nppl rd tl e Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a f w applications immedi all ly cured the disease, which there has In en no return of, although I had never been lid of it at any time for folly years. RICHARD S.WAt.E, r.lcventli, la-low spruce street. rrT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yauehan, Siulh East corner of Thitd and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and soJ on agency in Sonbu- ry by 11. B. MAoSr.K, May 14th. 1843. Agtut. mEDZCAX. APrKOBATION Of the ROSE OA TMKX T, for Tetter. A LTHf)U(IH the superiority of ihe prcpnia'b'n over sll others is folly es'ahlihed. ihe .r 'pr;e- tors take pb asure in laying before ihe public the following certificate1 from a respectable physician. a graduate of th" University of Pennaylranis. Or. Bsuub, havinit fonnJ in ihi icmedy that relief for a tedious and di-ngreeabe alTertion which the means within the range of his profession failed to a thud, has not hesitated lo give il his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remeiliea. PHILAI.riFHIA, Sept. 19, 1RHC. I was recently troubled with a tedious heipelic eruption, which covced nearly onr si 'e of my f.ce, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vuuubau. pioprie lot of the Rose Ointment, obseiviug lov face, inn ted on mv tryine his preparation, of wh'clt he han ded nie a jar. Allh. iiL'h in common with the mem- here of my pr.fcs.-ion, I discountenance and ilisa prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by iun. omit pr ti iol. i-, I feel in jua ice hound lo except the Rose Oii.Iiik nt from tha' c a-s of me dicines, and lo gite it mv approbation, lis ii eniira ly Hired ihe eruption, although i had resisted the Usual applications. DAM, B.M fiH.M. D. (Jji The IJ.xe Ointment is prepared by V. B. Vaiiuhan, Soulli East comer of Third and Race Htieets. Pniladelphia, and sold on ag. ncv in Sun buiv. by 11. B. MASS Ell. May'Uth. 181?. Agent. J. IVIAYLiiNE, JR. ScCO. Snufl' nnd Tobacco Manutacturers, Ao. U9 A'orti West rorvrr of Race and Third Strri tt PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J. MAY LAND J. A. Co.. as successors to ihe late firm of Jacob .May land A Co., snd will eintinue the business at 'he old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition in their own clos- attention and experience for many yeere, in the manufacture of their refebrated s nuff-, cVe the long experience of the senior pailner of the late firm, will ulo I devoted lo ihe interest of ihe i r' coi-eern and aa nn rieriioo and care will be spared lo insure their goods, al all limes of ihe ve ry lsi quality, they solicit a continuance of the roiifi.lenee of Ihe f. .ends and rusiomers of the late firm. THOMAS ADA M8, J. MAYLAND, Jb. Philadelphia, May 14th. 184?. ly EAGLE IfflX GCB UT3 XJ. o Corner of Third und Vine Struts, WILLIAMSrODT, PA. riHE sobscribrr i spe tfullv anuounc s to the M. pul be. that he h s opened a Hotel in ihe com modious brick building situate on the corner of 'I hi.d and Pine streets, where he wil be happy lo w.iii i p .n ih.wc who may f.vor him witb their company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ge and cenveni eul, and furniahed ii, the I l lie . I ill . e. I' i provided with laign iniinlwr of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment', rooms, private I arlors, &c. Prisons visiting Wilhamaport on bu siness 01 p'ea ure, mar ret ss. ur, d thst every ex ertion wit ! used in render ilieir aoj vinn al Ihe "Eaj-le Hold" pleaaant and aar.rabte. Hia Table will Im- supplied with ihe very b. at ihe ma.krt af fords, snd hia bar with the choicest wines and other liquors charges reaoiial1e. J hn F-aale Hotel possesses greater advantages in point nf location than any other similar establishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsporl and Elmira Ra.l Road Depot. Sullli ienl Siahling provided, and good and trusty ostlers alwaya in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants hsve been emtnve.l. and nothing li ft undone thsi will add lo the comfort and accommodation of hia guests. There will be a carriage alwaya in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey paasei gers to and from the House, fit a of chaiee. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, IMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUii-Dun-sr, FA. Business ttlendcd to in Ihe Counties of Nor thumlcrland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia, liefer In i Tuna.a Hits A ('. Lowrn Ac Habbo. Hast, Ccinini & Hat, yF.'iilud. Rattsot.ria, Mi Faiumu &. Co. Ser.nisio, 'Joimi cV Co., To Country MERCHANTS. rPllE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon efc Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, rai.oao Hull nit hiuhly commend, d f,r yd ciiit and durnl.ilify, has o.i hanj a fir't rale nssnrtin-'nt of HATH and CAPS, suit it le for Spring ades, wh rh will Ve sold very low, fin rnsli or appiovrj credit, at the tuted cheap store. No. 40, North Third atrc-.l, orpihi'e the City Hotel. Pbihi.lelphia. ROBt:!T D. WILKINSON, A pent. N. D. Orders fdt Hats in thorwirg't. promptly attended to, Th highest rice in wtU or trade given f jr Fur hin, Philadelphia, June !1, lSi5.--!y GOLDEN SWAN Ao. Cy AorfA Third, aim Arch Street, PIIILADKI.PI1IA. ArroMMonAHONsi for mvr.NTY rrnsoxsi. CHARLE8 WEISS, late of the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that he has become the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Country Merchants will find the abov Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling for horses, arid Ihe best of oelleta. Boarding f 1 per day. May I4th,I81?. tf. BOLTON 8c CO. Gciirrnl ('opiiulssloii lor IihiUn, Fur the Sitlr of Fluur, Grain, Seed, Ac, fC. ESpECTFL'LLY Inform their friend and the Merchants generally, that they Ie ta ken thnsclarce and commodious Wharvra, with two D.xks, noith of Chesnul street, on the Delaware, toccther w ith the store No. 19 Houth Wlmrve-. where they would he pleased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Seed. Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward oil kinds of Merchandise by the Sehuy'kill and Union, or by the Chesapeake mi l Tide Water Canals, as low boats are kept ixpiessly ful the purpose of towing boats by ri'l er rou'e. Merchants will please be particular to send their goods destined by either canal", to Nn. l'J Smith Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route ihey wish Ihem to lie shipped. (33 Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C. March 19. 1812. No. 19 South Wharves IIOIICIIT C4IlTi:il & M.Y, PAFEIt MANUTACTUBEBS, Lombard Street, IttilUmorc. HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al. aixea and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging l'aier, fine and common, Envelope Paper, Jo. do. medium, douh'e crown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers. Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Straw Box Boards, Tissue l'aier, and all articles in their line, which they will sell on srcommodaiiiig terms. Highest price given f r old rsp. ROBERT CARTER eV SON, March 19. 184?. Elkion. M.I LAST MAKER, Nn. 71 rallowliii' Street, I'liiladcljiliia C Three riK.rj uWe Stroud. J HOE Findings atv-nys kept on hand, which hr olTers for sale on the loae-t terms. Country Merch mis are parinu' uly to c ill and judge foe th'iiiseUes. Poil.i.lelpbia. Novem ier 13, 181?. lv. OF EVERY DEsCRII"! ION. m:w kn(ji.am) on, comtany. No. 29 North Water Street, l'hila. MANUFACTURERS d deahis in Oil of every Jcsrripiioii both for bumiiig and mauufucuirinti purpooes, which will be sold much lower than ihey can lie procured c'sewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not prrfVing as lepresetited, may lie returned without any cxieiia to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their .lock liow in lore consist ut the following oils, wist 30,000 gallon Winter BlcarhcJ Spcim Oil, rr o 6000 Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Colorless Oil, 15.1100 10.000 20.000 6000 Fall and Spring Srm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whule Oil, Summer Jo do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 s 3 3 200 Barrels superior Sir a ' Oil, 3li0 Jo Cod Bank Oil, 0 Jo Neai Foot Oil, 75 Cask Olive Oil, Tanner OiU, frTThts Company has a number of Vessel rn- gaued in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon petting at all tunes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 84?. ly. g7 v". & iITsTtZylc?.. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Murut Stnett, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-akin Boota, stitched warranted. do do do pegged do do Jo do water proof, double soles nd double uppers. Jo Culf-skin Jo Jo and ii.a?r. do Heavy Wlcr Lesther Boots, do Jo Nests Jo ihi. Jo High qusrlvi Shoes, (.'all-skin, do Jo Jo Crockera do do Fine Mouroe warranted Jo nailed do Kip do Jo Calf Jo Jo Coarse Jo Jo do Shoes do Fin do do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do Lisl Socks with and without soles. Jo Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. LsJies' do do do do Ladle' tanned India Rubber shot s. Gentlemen' Jo Over slices. Wiih every other desciiption of boot snd shoe. Fur Cap of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bag. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe Blacking, Bonnet of all kind. Palm Leaf Hat. Ftu.'sdelifcis.NVcinW 19, I843.ly. V'SaTal SI XUJ1 I I ! Mt.'-'Vr CKPaTSOLITE roLins. A N srllc'a unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and mor.t brilliant polish to sil ver. Cerman Silver, Brnss, Copper, Brill .nia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and told at wholesale and relail, by the Susquehanna t;hrysolitc Poliah Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for NorthurnM, H. B. MASSEIt, Agent for Suuhury. November 2(Hh. 1842. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, 122 Clicsnut Street, Lclow 4lii, l'liiladelpliin. EEP constantly on hand general nsnort menl of Books and Stationary t comprising ISo. Ideological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellsne oua and School Books, Day Bonks, all aizes. Led cers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiitinf Paere, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they of ter at the lowest piices to Country Merchant Pro fessional (U ntlemen, Teachers, and all others thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Notembar I:), 181?. ly. Miclinel Weaver V JSon, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'n. 13 iW7A Water Street, Philadelphia. AVE constsntly on hand, a general assort j ment of Cordage, Seine Twinea, Ac., vir : I ard Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, lanil la Roes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Bent Patent Oill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Heriing Twire, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Dough Lines, H alters, Tracea, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of w hich they will dispose of on rr asonuble lei ins, Philadelphia. November 1.1, l4?. ly. Jacob Ft Isiiiutli & Son T ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and acquaintances gr.icrully thai they still con tinue lo keep at the old stand. No. 24C North 3d strei t. Philadelphia, all Vmds of TOBACCO &'AI .'' A XV SFtlAHS. Which they will ell n the nu ', accummoiUtint and reisoiia le terms. N. B. All aoods old will he guat intceJ and all orders promptly stt. ruh d lo. Philiidelphia, Nevemlr 13, 181?. ly. ?ETES, CC1TCTEP., Wholesale and llotnil Shoe, r.onnet, and ralin lA'at Hat Warehouse. So. 66 AbrA 2rf street, a far dmrs ubi.re ,l,rh. 1 Philadelphia. A LSO Trnnks, (Carpet Bags pnd Valicrs, rf ev- j JJSL ery de-rtipti.m, nil of which he oilers fori sale on the most reasonable terms, Philadelphia, November 13, 181?. ly. "TTwr.7vATi , Umhrella and Parasol Manufacturer. So. 37 Sooth Thttd street, lu n dimrt Ltluw the City Ilottl. Philadilphia. COUNTRi Merchants and otheih are solicited to examine hi afc.oitr.Hnt In-fore pu.chasing elsewhere Phila.'eh hia Noveml-r 11 IRl" lv - - 1'. c A . K l) V U I 1)1 ' s China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, So 1G4 Sortli Third strret . third door beotr Vine tfrcet, Philadelphia. YITHERE they constantly keep on hand a large ' ' assorimeut of t hina, (ilass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose nf on the most rei suitable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1813. ly. " TniToi'TLUsTrLP. " Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, Vc. So. 5 Stiuth Third ttrrrt.fmir dmrs below Market Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on h .nd a large an.1 erneral assnrlment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bauds, Axle Arms, Elipttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac, Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied si all times on Ihe most reasonable terms. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasini; elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. Ir. iTlTYNOLri Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Uiilish and Americun Dry Goods. Vn. 105 Market street. Philadilphia. OUNTRY Merchants, and other can he sup plied at all times with an extensive assort- ment of the ocst and mrst fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 18 )2. 1 v. LOW U II & ISAUUON, Importers and Healers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Thii Stshskt, PHriAnrLrni a AAfHERE Iheir friends and customers will always ' find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Haidware, which they will st Hal the lowest prtcea, Philedelphia, Novemlirr 13, 1842. ly. ESI 1 HR ICK, IIANtSlL&T"cU;sS7 WnOLCSALB DRY GOODS STORE. No. lf.rt 1-8 Market sStreet, Thila. ( Bi low Fifth South iide ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full and general as sv.rtimnlof llo-iery, Lace, and Fancy Hoods, Country Merchant are respectfully requested to give them a call and examine for themsclve. Philadelphia. November 13, IH-I'j ly. .SPKmNG, GOOD CO. No. 13fS Market Street, IMiila Jflpf BNVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of llriloh French ud American Diy Cooda, which they ullei fur sale on ihe nnvt icssnnable terms. Philadelphia. Novemlirr 13. 1812. ly. IVlcCALLA & IIERSE, IV o 51, orlli St t und klrvt I, , (rnKsn tirriwrni'iunT.) Where they constantly keep on hand a geiier.1 assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHE3, VESTING 3 And a grcut variety of articles rf a tujyrrior quhty, which Ihey offer to dispose of upou the most reasonable term. COUNTRY MERCHANTS nd other will find it to ihrii sdvantsg lo call and examine llnir slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1842. ly JOE1TS ft, CTJlrllrlllTGS. WHOLtBALB fHOE, BONIiDT. Cap ftio? ratm leaf Hat is tore, ' No. 10 uvrn im Htkeit, PHILADELPHIA. 117 HERE an eitsrwive assortmsni of ihe atov ' article tie eaimlautly kept on haod, for sal t I he moat reasonable torn. My 89, UiJ. !y. WINSLOW'S SALSAM Or II O R E II O UND. A N nnparellclrd renir.ly for common Colds f.'nughs. Asthma, Iufliienta, Whooping Couch Bronchitis, and all di srs nf the Breast and Lung leading to consumption; composed nf the concen trated virtues nf Hon hound, Bonsrt, Blood Root Liverwort nnd several other vegrlable suhstanrrs Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New York. The innocence and universally admitted pectorn' viiiurs of the Heibs from which the Ituham j llarehmmd is made, are too generally knnwn to re quire recommendation s it is iheiefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whoh of theii Medic nal properties, highly concentrated and so happily combined with several other veco Mile substances, as to rrnder il ihe most apee.ly mild and certain remedy, now in uf, for ihe com plnints above mentioned. The Balsam remove nil imflammation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to excr1orate with ease and free dom, assuages couah, relieves nthmatic. and diffi cult respiration, heats the injured parts, opens tin pores, nn, composes the disturbed nerves, and (iie i sirenirth to the tender lungs, and thus produces i speedy and lasting cure. Ini; ri-rrnE is i iik bxt cmmf. lit Max. We are nol among that class of Editors who for s few dollar will, (al ihe expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack Up" an srl'u-le and bring it intorapii! sale ; neither aie we w illing to lemuin silent, aftel having tested Ihe utility of an im rovrment or dis covery in science or ait. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwt II with a sore throat an.: violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of V INFLOW'S BALSAM OF HOIiEHOUND, and so sudden was the cure that we forgot we ever bad a rold. Those whe are afllirled, may try it upon our recommendation J.cl-iVo Ti lrtrrnph. For sale by HENRY Y OX T II E I M E I!, Sun hurt, JACOB HRIliHT, Korthumherlawl. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. (Xy Piicc, SO cents per bottle. August llth, 181?. ly. LISTOF BOOKS, " run sal ar 02.: rl S3 S3 OB ZaI NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lrmprier's do.; Airisw orth's do ; ('obb's do.; English and flernian do.; Anthoi 's Casur; Anthuii's Crammer; Anthi n's Ciceio; Mail's l.a'in Reader; Ogilly'sdo.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; Di-nneganV I.rxicor ; Fisk's (Jre, k Exerc'ses; Davies's Lecen.lei; (irnera Ma'pira; Adams's Roman Antiiptitie; I'iunncV's (i. hl-tiiilli's Li gh.nd; ilo. (ineei; LjcU's Eh ments , oi iteolouv; .ti.s, l.tneoln Uoinnv; tin n's of (teolouv; M is, Lincoln s Botnnv; Botany: Bridge's Algebrr; Porter's iilietoiical IN n. .h r-; Emerson's (icoura hy and Hilorv; Oh rv's do.; Pari, y's do.; Smith's (irnmmer: Kirkhnm's d0.: K.i's Read, r.-; 'obi's do; C. hb's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Em rsori Jo.; C. 1 b's Sprlling Books; I Town's do.; ('obb's Table Bonks; Evangelical Fa- !n;i!y Libinrv; Oottacc Bible-; Family do ; Collater al do.; hmail Bibles and Testament; I'arkei's Ex er. i.es on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Bax'ei's j S. .'mi's Rest; American Ri volution; Manyatt's No- v'," '" 1 n,,',l's V '''"""; '""; 'iteclnsm 'f American Laws; Lett, ra n,, N3.urn Magic; Che- ?;""'' "'P""''"5 English Exercises adapted lo i ',lrri1) " (rammer; Seipii 1 to ( omlev s Spelling Book; American Class Br.nk; DnboH's Schoolmaa- ici s .vssisiani; iireai varieiy ui uiuun dooks, ore. lei August 2H, IRIS ATTENTION. j . is 1 1 . i: v jom:s, 1 JEtil.ESTl 'SS the attention nf his country f.ii-nds - who are in want, 10 his vcrv large stork of Cupeling, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, Ibst he hasjusi opened, at his warehouses. No, 18 North 3d street, and Nn. 2 Church Alley, next door lo Christ Church, Phtla delph a. ' July 31, 1S42 ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' CXI. AND LEATHER. I), lv 1 K Kl AT KICK vV SON, A'o. 21. Sixth Third ttrrrt, (lit: l I.H M ARK KT A l I'll ISM' T ITm ITS,) PHILADELPHIA. n.WE for sale laipe and exullent assoitment ot'Spauihli (r.. I'itna Kip, Tauntrt il, ir at the lowest maiket price-, iilhrr for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Colisiguim nts of leather received fit sile, oi purchased i.t the highest maiket prices, fjj' Leather snueil free of iharge. April 17, 1812. ly. "uTSkZ" jar Sisv. h a. -.b. FC?. S.LE. H ,OR sale a small Farm, cont ii ing about t lie Q hui'died and ten aens, more or le s, situate in Point township. Nor hund erland c. unt, nb- ut two miles shove Nnitbitmbeil nd, on the. main road leading from thai plj. e to D uivilb-, adjoining lands of John Leghou, Je-se (.'. Hon. n and others, now in the occupancy of Samui I Payne. About forty acres of si.nl Iracl are clean d, and in good slat- ol cu'livation, on which there ia a small barn erect, d. 'I he property will I sold on r asm able terms. For further particulars, peisous are request ed lo apply to the subset ih' r. H. U. MASSSR, Agent, Nov. 27th, 1812. if Kunbury, Fs. t ouiitrrfVKcrs.' Death IMoxv. The pu'-lic will please observe that no Brambeth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom) J C. h containing a f.c- simile signature of my hand t writing, thus H. Hhaviilth, M. D. These la- lel-iaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f 2.000. Thi lefme it will U-seen that ihe only thing nceary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo uhseive these lal-l-ls. Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following respective prs.nare duly suh ri led, and hold CEHTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Bramhuh's Vegetable Vnivertul Pills. Northonibcilat.d county : Milton Mickey tc Chainboihn. Siinbiiry H. B. Manser. M'Etsene v ill,- IrilmdA Meixill. Nnilhuin' eilau.l Win. Forsvih. (ieoigttown F. Midhnger A. Co. Union County; New Berlin J, hu Holfinan. Selinsgrove Ever and Khnurc. Mkhlleburg Isaac $mith. Keivcr'own J- vV F. Uingaman. Ad.unsburg H. A A. Siuiih. MifUin.bui; -Swopr Laird Haitleton Daniel Long. Free Imrg (J, it F. (. Moyer. Cetitrrville htailey &. Lenhart. Lewi.burg Walls &. fireen. Columbia comity : Danville E. B. Reynold A: Co. Bcrwitk S'huinan A Killeiihouse. Cat tawitsa ('. A. A C. Brobts. Bloomsbur?-. John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Iavi liistl. V shington -KoU- MCay. Limestone P. L, Schmcrk. Obssrv that each Agent ha an Engrvd Cer litical of Agency, containing rcpres- utalion of Dr BKANDRLTH'tS Manufactory t fing ri.ng, and upon winch will lo be n tnc copies of th new labels new used upon the Brcudrcth Pill Box. Fuiladclphu, office No- 8. North Dth s(ret. B. BRA.NDRBTH, M. D. Jancsry lit, 1943.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers