-JlJf .l.'.a-aii The Ruling Paaaloni Cesser folded hit robe around him, anil fell with dignity even at the base of Pompey's Stat no." John Adams J if J on (ha 4th of July, 1820. the fiftieth Anniversary of American Independence, with the word lDrxnrct, on hie Hp. Thomas Jefferson's last words, on tha same day, were ""Warn the Committee (of Public safety) of their danger." Napo'eon died, with th professional phrase, ' Ttte tTarmee," trembling on liia tongue. Gen. Harrison's last worda (supposed (o be ad drained to Mr. Tyler) were "Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the Government, I wish them carried out. I a-k nothing more." Caat. Lawrence's dying injunction waa "Don't give up the Ship." Commodore Bainhridge, when he lay struggling in death, summoning all hi energiea for a final ef fort, exclaimed 'Call all hand to hoard the cue my. And recently, Commoilore Porter, when dying in foreign lind, directed aa hia last requeat, that "hia hody ahould he huried at the font of the flag stofT," (hit even after death the glorinua alara and atripea of America might wave over Uim.Rnliegh lirg. Art Entire Nrw Aa-ridr.. We observed Ht the Iron foundry of Messrs. Swinburn A Co., a few daya ainre, a new and r. ally beautiful article. It waa made very liht and of admiraMe design aa to form and fa-hinn. It waa a cast Iron Cradle' with a little al eiation and addition it could be made to rock by steam. Pill. Amer. It A I. Tl. MO UK MARKET. 0icenAeBAi.Ttoae AiwxaiCAs:, May 29. FLOUR. There is no atock of City Mille Flour. It would readily bring 1 5, if in market. A lot of 300 bbl. ground list Fall, waa aolJ to day at f 4 75. A parcel of Susquehanna Flour, jiut receded, ia bel.! at J5. GRAIN'. Wheat continuea very much wanted, and the price to.ilay advanced considerably. We note the aale of 1500 bushels very good Pennsyl vania red to-day for shipment, at f I 08 ; another pi reel of prime els.) sold to day at f I 10. A email lot of fair common Md. red Wheat was aold to day at f I 00. S.leaof.Md. Corn to-day at 52 a 53 eta for both white and yellow. Sales of Md. Oats at 2i a 25 cla. WHISKEY. The stock ia small and prices are advancing. There are no hlids. in market they would bring 22 eta. Salea of bbla. on Satur day at 23) cent and to day at 24 eta. tiii: kiiilm:ii. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Answer to Enigma of last week. Gioanx WaajmsTOr, GEOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA. I am composed of seventeen letters. My 12, 2, A, 2, 6, 2, is a desert 3,000 miles long. My 10, 2, 1 1, 7, 1. is one of the United State. My 13. 15, 6, 3, 1 1,2, ia a country in Asia. My 13,9,7,2, 12, ia a gulph on the coast ofS. America. My 2. 7. 7, isacpe in the United States. My 3, 13, 2, 11, 7, ia a country on the Medilcrra- nean. My 2, 4, 8. 9, 7, 3, is a connly in Ohio. Mi 1, S. 11, 5, ia a lake in the IT. States. My whole is one half of the Globe. CONUNDRUMS. 1. Why is gooseberry pie like counterfeit mo tley 2. What word of ten Irltrra can tie spelt with five ! 3. What clam of penplo have a name, which means, "I can't improve 1" 4. Why ia a man that walks aver a toll lui 'ge, like one who siya "Yea ! n i r, n, To this bnrniirh, on Monday morning last, Mr. JOHN EISF.LV, ated B2 years nd 4 months. On Thursday last, a n of Mr. Win. Hoover of th'S (n'scf, aged ab ut 8 months. I - I - Dissolution of PnrlnrrNlilp. TeVJOTICE i hcrehy given, that the Coal hui 11 nes. hereVf re conducted under the firm of Fairly, Cleaver A Co , waa di-soived on the fust of Apil lat, ami ra her afl r to be conducted under the firm of FAGELY, K ASE A Co. June 3, IM.1. 3t. .In in cm TI organs J2talc. NOTICE ia hen by given, that h tiers testa luinentary have lieen grantd to the auhacri I era, executor of the eatate of Jame Ma g in, bte of - township, Nalht,mlerlvnd county, dee'd. All peieons smltbted to said estate, or having claims against it, ae hereby notified to call oil the sulwci lra for settlement. HENRY MORGAN. HENRY ROCKEFELLER. June 3d, 1843. 6t Ex'rt. Hart, Andrews A: -Tl'Itcvcr, Forwarding and General Produce COM MISSION M r.HCII ANTS, Ikamd Wharf above Race St , on the Delaware, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Henry F.irnum A Co. IJarvia, Trabue A Curd, Dray. Bareroft.A Co. I Ijiuitvitt'e. Williamson, Uurroughr'fico. Luckey, At Co. & CI nk, j Cinrimiati. Eckel. Spongier A R iguebSt. John 8mith, Esq , Heed, Uro. A I noma, Rogers, Drotbera A (In, W.R. Thompson A Co, R.dert 8:een A Co. J. A J. Reakert, Mu ford A Alter, J. R. Wehh. E q. Portland. Joseph Souther, Esq., Bo 'Ian. Hon. Wm. Biuler, CUarfitltt, Pa. B Hendrirka, Sunbury, Pa. R. Hum a, Eq. Robert (3rane, Eq., Philadelphia. David U. 1'orter. Esq ' Mcr. J.A P. Martin, Harritb'irg. Wm. K. H 'ff agle, Eq. Lewis Hurford, E-q. iMntmler Jonea, Murphy & Co. E. A. Brown Sc Uroiher, J. K. Moorehaad, Esq. Pitlit'urg. Morgan Si Anderaon, Geo, Pie4ury, Eaq. M. louii June 9J, 1143 ly Jersey shore. Pa. Wm. M'Kelvy A Co, Blootmburg, Pa. Walls Ac Gieen. Lewuburg, Pa. f. W. Kin'xing A Son, Ijxk Haven, J'a, SietrettA Putter, lytwiitown, Pa. Joaeph Paxton, EI., Columhia Co , ra. PRICE -CUUIIENT. Wbkat, 80 Rta, 50 Con, ...... 4fl 0t, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 5 Fi.iv.aixn, ... . 100 BtiTTaii, ..... 10 TJaaawAt, .... 25 Titiow 12J Dnikn Arrtas, 75 Do. PiAcnfca, . , 200 Flat, ... 8 HttcKLin Flax, ' 10 Eons, ...... 6 "Good Will Flro Company." THE mcmbare of tha "O od Will Fire Com. piny" are requested to meet nt the Court House, on Mond.iv Eveninc, June 5th, at 7 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance U required. M y2 7. J. H. 7.1 MMKR MAN. Sec. It O J E R T I O O It E , T ESI'ECTFULLY inform the citixnnaot Sun bury and vicinity, that he baa commenced the business of II V T C II E n I !V G ; andth.it he intends, berenfier, o supply them with the bestqnality of Iteef, thiee t times a week, at the Market House. He will sell hia meat on reasonable terms, and respectfully solicit! the patronage of the public. Freah Beef this morning, (Saturday,) at the Market House, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock. Sunbury, May 27th. 1843. If LIST ' OF CAUSES. ITOR trial at a eiul court, to he held in Sun- bury, on the aecond Monday of June next, being the 12th: Daniel llrautigam vs. John Cowden'a Ex'r. Wm. Donaldson A wife vs The Ph ladelpbia H .nk, and The Mannftetiirera and Mechanic!.' Hank of the Northern Liberties, in the county of Phila. dclnliia. Marv Bradf rd EI'iz'iIh th WaICa v Cowden oV Wallia va Ssrah A. H.adf,.r.l va Daviil G. Hirniii eV wife va S.ima Sme Same Same Siime The Pbil.idi Ipbia Hank va The Manufacturers A Mechiuica Bank, eke., and The West Branch B ,nk. SAMUEL D. JORDAN Prothonotnry's Office. J 1'rolh'y, Wunhiiry, Mvy 27. 1843. Sale of Stocks Otvnetl 1.t llic romninnwcallli or PeniMj lianla. N pursuance of the provision of the 4th, 5th and fiih sections of an Act of Assemb'y , parsed the 8th day of April. 1843. entitled "An Act to prv vide (or the payment of the Domestic Creditora of this Commonwealth, sale of State Stocks, and for other purposea," there will he exposed to ailo, Al the Itoroiigh or IYortliuiii IVrtanil, On thr ClA oJL'NK, at 10 o'clock, A. M. No. or Sn arks. ('nMrAaiixf. Pah Vaic. 400 Nortbuinlierland Bridge Company 25 400 LewMmrg do 50 GOO Danville do 25 208 .Neacopcck do 100 92 Mdton do 25 1600 Centre Turnpike Company, (from Reading to Sunbury 50 400 Lycoming and Potti r Turnpike Comp. 50 204 DrrrMown and Youngmanstown do 50 90 Lewi-burg and Younginanslown do 50 128 Lewisburg and Jersey Shore do 25 500 Tnwar dn Bridge Campany 20 328 Su'q'ieharina and Tiiga Turnpike ('o. 100 Purchasers will be required to pay for the Sleeks at the time, or immediately after aale, in certificates insuid by the Auili or (lencal, in purauance of the resolntinn of 7th April. 1842, notes ii-aued by the Rmilte of this Commonwealth, under the act of 4th May, 1M I, specie or the notes of specie paying batiks. The transfer of Stock will he made in a reasonable time after aale. JAMES CLARKE, EVANS ROGERS, JOB M ANN. Cnm'ri fur tale of Stale Stocks. HarrM.nie. M y 27ih, 183. ta. Cabinet-Making (ch IXalrlihincnl.) WILLI-! HOOTEP. H T ESI'ECTFULLY informs the citixena of Sunbury und vicinity, that he haa recently Comni' need 'be ( A HI X ET-MAK1XG HUS1N ESS, in nil i'a dm ches, in Market atrect, Sunhurv, tin iii'ilintely liebiw the post office, where he will te rea ly to receie ai.d execute all ordera in the line of bia Imbues-, with prompinera and despatch, and in be last style and manner. Hia pricca will be low, in acco dunce with the times. Lumber and Country I'r.Hloce taken in Ex cbange. May 27 h 1843. fim Hover's Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing and Indelli- blo Ink, No. 100 North Third Street, ei.x doors below Itacc, (em-t suits) FKILASEtPHIA. IEPECTFI LLY inforins country merchants and others, lhat he Con-taut ly keep on hand large rtm k f his aoptrier Bbick, Blue and Red Ink, and Uo a superii r q'lnlily of IndelliMe Ink. II ink la put up in buttles varying in aize, from I to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable term. I he exelieit qualities o( Una ink haa ao thoroughly eatabli-bcd ila character, that it ia now extensively used throughout th country. roraaleat the atore of H. B. Masser, Sun'. l.ury. Pa. May 27lh, 1843. ly IT. S. L-WP.E1TCE, Agent for the mil of Suuthirorth Manufac turing Company1 SUPERIOR AVIUT1XG PAPERS; Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE following kinds constantly on hand, and for aale to the Trado at the loweat market prices i Fine thick Flat Cape. 12. 1 J, and 16 H a . blue and white; Extra euper, and Uwrfwe Folio Po-U, blue and white ; Extra auper Packet ami Commercial pota, blue and white ; Extra suer Linen Note papers, long ; d.i. broad; auperfine und fine Counting houae Caps, blue and while ; Extra super Congreaa Cape and Letter, plain and ruled, blue and while Superfine French I'osta, plain and ruled ;Su erfina Senium Caps and Posta; Superfine and fine Caia and Posts, ruled aud plain, blue and white, various quilities and prieea. AlsuBor.net Boarda, Tiaoue, Envelope, Wrap, ping, and Hardware papers, Ac, Ac. May 27, 1813. 6m. DAVID EVANS. So. 70 South !W tired, opponite the llcrchangc, PHILADELPHIA, Formerly of No. 76 South Second Hired,) Manufacturer of Improved and Patent Fits and Thief-proof Chesla and Doors, Water and Pro vision Coolers, and Ftlterers, Ri fi itera tors, Hoisting Machinea, Ac, Ac, Sfc Still continues to m.ika V ij!fi.:.i. I.. ivitpp f....i. ii;yfirs, and Filterera, Refrigera foU'ftiflttora. both of the round and Jjjft'quare ahape, with improve- "S'iJFSJffeand workmanship. 07" The Chests are manufactured without plank of any description, of the brsl material which ia calculated to resixt burnlaa and heat aa long as any manufactured in the United Slatea a trial of which he ia willing to make with any other, pro vided the trial he mado of cheeta alremly aold to customera, and not n anuf iclured for the express purpose of a trial. Purchaaera are invited to call licfore purchasing elsewhere, CAUTION. All persona are cautioned egiinat making, using, selling or eaui-ing to be sold, any Keyhole covers fit Fire Proof Ches'a or doora of any kind, simi'ar in construction to my patent of July 1 0th. 1811, us they will be dealt with accord ing to tha Patent Law. May 27ih. 1843. 6m. CITY FI'RN 1TURE AIJCTIOX, AMD PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. '29 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA, f C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vites the attention of persona desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hia extensive Snlea Rooois, (loth public and Piivnte,) for every description of Household Furniture, where ran be obtained at nil times, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltraaaea, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cisli. (fcj" Pules hv Auction, twice a week. May 27th. 1S43. ly Atloiiijali rarnnworlliM Instate NOTICE is heteby given, that lettera of admin istration on the est a'e of Ailnmjah Faros- worth, late of Shamnkin township, Ixorlhumberbind county, deed., have leen granted by the Register of snid county to the subcribcr. All those indele ad to the altove estate will make payment, and those having claims will present their accounts on the 29th of June, 1843. at the late residence of the de. ce..s.d. ROBERT FA RNS WORTH, jr. May 27lh 1 843. 6l Adm'r Sheriff's Sales. KY virtue of a certain writ of venditioni expo, nas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Norlhu.'i.berl.itid county, to me directed, will I exposed to pu'bcsile, at the Court house in the Borough ol Sunbury, on Monday the 12th diy of June next, at 1 o'l Uk, P. M., the following de scribed prorty, vit : A certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Milton, in lhat part of said town called "Upper Milton." and marked in the general pi in thereof No. 19, being a comer lot. and fronting on Market and Second streets, containing one fourth of an a re more or leas, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, plastered, a frame atahle, and a well of water. Seised, tken in execution, and to be aold aa the property uf Robert M.Sydle. Also : A ceitain tract of land situate in Augusta township, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Adam Shisaler. Jacob Sny dpi, Jacob BarUhcr and others, laud of Henry Yoxlheimer, containing 124 acres, more or los. About CO acres of said land are ch ared. Also i A certain pirtof Lot, No, 13fi, situate in the borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, bounded north by Dewlavry street, aouth by an alley, ea-t by lot of Lewis Dewart, Erq , and west by lot of FiJImer. .Van: A cert iu Lot of ground situate in Cod lowiitdiip, Nor.huinbi rbnd county, in the town of Shamnkin, in that part laid out by A. Jordm, Esq. and nthi r,to uit: No. 402, bounded south by the Kail Road, noith by street, west by lot of , arid eat by lot of. Also ; Part of a certain Lot, No. 440, situate in Coal townsh'p. Northti'i'beiland county, in the town of Sham kin, bounded on the west bv the Branch It ill Road, north by the Dnillo and Potts ville Rail Road, and on the east by a lot ofJamea Short le. Srited, taken in rxecuti n, and to 1 sold aa the property of Henry Yoxtbiimer. FELIX MA VKER, Sheriff. Sheiiir'aOrTice, 1 Sunbury, May 20, IP43. 5 CHARLES W. HEGIXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUX17, PA. HAS taken the nllice forineily occupied by the Hon. ( bailea (,. Donin I, ofiposite the Court Houae. He will a tend to buaineas in the C nrl of Nnrthuinl-rrland, Union and Columbia counties. May 2(Hb, 1843. C O U XT Y TH E A SUR E R . T thr Voer of Xnrthumbrrland County IKI LOW CITIZENS : Through the aoli- cititiona of many friends in vaiioua purls of the county, I have been induced to ofl'er uiyaclf as a candidate for ti e otTice of Treasurer. Should I be o fortunate n ia receive a majority i fnur suffraers, I pledge inyarll' to discharge the duties of aaid ollire with fidelity. THOMAS A. BILLING TON. Sunbury. May 20th, 1843. lcit6ley5 (.rent W t'Merii Indian lanarn, Compounded entirely of Vegetable Substances : Free from Calomel and all other Mincrnh. Tot the history of hia medicine, and its unrivalled and truly aurprising euc-esa and popul ,r jiy, see large bills IT ia recommended as a aeneral t sthartie fo' family ue in dyspepsia and all hli ma di-ea-k-s, ii ia inv iluible for Asthma it ia coiiile rd a siiecific, no cite having vet occurred whieh it Ins faibd to cure for rom non c. Ida, nnfl iinma ory diM-a-e. rheuioa iam, alTeeiiona of the liver, A'.. and for females, it ia a aa'e and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Dr. Silui Wett of I! iifianii'on, .V. V. Mr. Loncley Dear Sir: I have u-ed your (ire it Weirr. In. tun Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly pre-crilieU it for patients under my care, and am aatUfied lhat it ia alwav a sale, and in very many caaea an invaluable mrdieine. It oM iaie ua a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it ef feduully obviates co.livenea acta UMn the stomach and liver as an alterative, coirecting aciJiiy, and re storing the h allhy condition of those org.ms. Very re-(ieetfnlly voora. . WEST, For aale by JOHN W FKII.INd, Soiibury, JACOB BRIGHT, NorthuatberUnd. May 20th, 1843. ! PUBLIC SALE, AT MltMOKIX ri ll4 i:. WILL be etpnsed to aale bv public vendue, at Shamnkin Furnace, in the town of She mokin, on Tuesday, tha 6th day of June nexi, the following proity, via t Two hundred thousand ft Oak, white and yellow Pine Lumber.cnnslaling prineipallv nf pi .nk, boards and acantling thirty Kail Road Cara, almost new and in excellent order, calculated to carry three tons nf lump coal each 1 ten aetta of Car Wheel, Axle and Boxes, with all the wrought and cast iion and braaa work necessary for nil ro id cars scventce-i large Drift Cars; ten small do ; sixteen Car Wheels a sett of Furnace Tools; a aett nf Smiih's Tool. ; a lot of Boiler Iron ; a lit of new and old V rough' Iron; 7 Wheelbarrows; Shovel, Pieks, and a variety of Tools usually used about a furnace and in the mining of coal. A No, one Horse, and one cart. The terms will lie made knon n on the day nf aale, by John Nieholls, the agent of the subscriber. BENJAMIN H. YAKNALL. Assignee of the Sham kin Coal A Iron Co. Shamokin. May 2ltb, I8t3. 3t 2"J The Miners' Journal," Pottsville, will in sert the above twice, and forward their bill to thia nfli.-o. J. D. Waters, RESPEtJTFUI.LY informs thecitixen-ortbe lKroiigh of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he haa commenced the Tailoring KusineKM, in a'l it various Lranchca. in tbo shop formerly oeeui'ied by Henry S. Thnmaa, ilirectlv opa-ile Fmavth' atore. As he receivee the New York and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he i enalded to do all jobs eniruHied to lorn, alter the neute! and latest style, and upon the shoilenl rx lice. Nnnhumberland. April 22d. 181.1 I y J J.C OB" "STlZ. ASSE?., KbM'tU 1 r I. Ll.t liilurmM the ctzens ot hori bury an. I ita v'ninity, lhat he ba tnken 'he oflice f.irmerly occu ied by Dr. JoKn IV. I, where he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his profession. April 22d;lS43. Daniel Yarick, elacksilith. BEGS leave to inform the cinzena nf Sunbury and ita vicinity, that he has commenced the MiACKSMITIIIXG RI SIXESS, in Ma'kr t Mreet, Sunbury. east of J hn B gir's store and directly opposite the po-t otTice, wher.' be intends to c.rrrv on the hosines" in all it" various brai'chea, ineludii'K, Turning. Making Mill Irnon and Elijilic Spring. Iromnir Ciirr!itrt$. with t'x lenrinn or Sl'inding y). Sharing Horse. Je. Order will be prm ilv and piuietti illy attended to, and woik done cheap, for t ssh or country pro duce. (Ij Hoisn Shoeing done at f I per aett. Sin bury. April 15th, 143. fun SPECIAL COURT. PKOCLAMATION. PUBLIC NOTICE i- hereby given, that on Monday the twelfth nf June next, in pnran ance of the direetion nf the Hovnaantx Thomas Bi'Mtaainr, Pies'denl Jitdce, Ac, A Speeiul Cmrt of t'ornmon Plena, for the eou' tv of NorlburnU r l.uid, will lie held at li e ("oint House, ill the bo rough of Sunbu'y. fr the trial nf causes by jury, before the aaid President Judge and the Associate Judaea of sa d county, to continue, if neceeaiy, ONE WEEK, of which Court, all parties, nfli eia. and other persona are notified, and irqueated to govern themselves aecordii lv. FELIX NMURER. Sheriff. GihI save thr Commonwealth! Sunbury, April 8. 1843. 10r A CARD. Tatr. X. I... 11 IfC. Thankful for past fa- H ors, rerpecilullv iiiforius the inhabitants of &uiiliury and eoun ry ar uml, th it he has, ta'.en his residence and otbee in ma'k' t strict, in the east end of the building occupied by John Uocar'e atore, where he will lie happy to watt upon all who fa vor him with their c It". Sunhurv, Apul 1st, 184'). fim BTToTfiTS h o e IAITTJFACTCBJ. II a r t i ii I v w i 11 , RESPECTFULLY inform hia fri nda and old eu-t 'mera. that he h remov. l his BUOT$ SHOE KSTAliUSnStEXT to (he frame building adj 'ining his dwelling house, between that and Dr. D. T. T ite' ffire, a few doiiia wet of his tdd e-tal lisbment, in Maiket street, where he intei ds to carry i n the ah ive luima extenively, in alt its vtirimu brnnrhrt. Being thankful for past f.vora, be h-i e.by slricl attentl in lo business and liberal charges, to Rive general satisfaction ; and lhat he will continue lo re ceive a liberal i-hare uf public patronage, .4pril 80i, 143. BL ACICSIVIITHING. Gcoi'Rc Z I ni in e r in u n & S u n. ffHE su' scri' era berehy n f rm 'he politic, that ; X thev hsve entere.1 inl- partners' in, in the . nia ACCSMZTBXNO BUSINESS, j wh'ch wi'l hereafter le earned on at the ! i , stand in Sunbury, under the frm of ' (i ore i Zirnmeiniau A Son," where he wiM eond et the bu-ine-a in all its vaiious I rant he, iiicWl'bin Turn int. Making M II Iron. Irnnm? Carr age. .V'V,e. iii.ty Hornet. Vc Order- wi I be i romptly n d ur.e. luallv atteiiibd to, and Work done cheap, (or Ca-h or country produce. (TT Shoeing done at one dollar fe set. GEORGE ZIVtMEllMAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbiry, March 11th. It3. P APvTlTEP.SKXP. 'PIIK suhseiirx-is. having enter d into a p inner a abip in th- practice of the law, will be happy to attend lo all biuries eu'tusi. d to lh ir care, t lolle Hon wilt he promptly atten -led lo. They may always he fouoit at their ollice, in Market Uriel, lui.lliry, formerly occupied by Wm. Dewart, ilee'd. a a -t .re-ro.,m. W I I.I.I . M 1. DEW MIT. I'll V RLE' J. BKUNEIt. Sunbury, Feb. 4th. Il:l.-C n. "S A .11 ' la" 1 II I'f ' ll I i 11 1 la l7lJIl7 HATTER, 7ERY KE-PEtrrFI-'LLY t4 leave to In. fo in his cuat, iiuers, snJ l'ie uhhc genoially, that he ail ill con i ue tlf IIATTZNO BUSINESS, in all ita various hruiich. a, in lie at.op neaily 0iiO atle the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen iv Haas and him. If. under the firm nf Haas A DiUi kenullei, which firm h .a been mutually dias d vvtl. lie hoi e-. by hi- long cim rieuce in I he a'-ove huHin. , and atrnl attention thereto, to r uder g n eral a olfaction, and receive a litieral shara of pub lic patronage. Sunbury, Oct, 16th, 1642. ly. MERCHANTS HOUSE, Ao. 237, AW A Third,nboveCi,llotkill St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva tiia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A rnerican Hotel, Cnlumbua, Ohio, take pleasure in ac quainting their f lends and the public generally ihnt they have taken the large and enmmndinns Hotel, recently built by the Messra. Iltrt, on the ear.m site once occupied by the ni l established Hotel known aa the Bull's Head, in Third alieet altove Callow, hill at. Thia Hotel ia finished in the very best poaaihle manner, and nf the best materials. Its location ia very desirable, particularly for country merchants the arraneementa for healing and ventilating each room ia such as to secure any temperature. The hfdronmsare all tight and airy, all furnished in a neat style, ao as to in-ute comfort. The receiving p.irlnra are al-o furnished In a su perb style, the windowa are on the French style, formii g an entrance to a hulcony in front, whi.h makes a pleasant rrcees. Pnrt'cular attention haa been given to the beda and bedding, which, with the furniture, are entirely now. From ytarV excerience in h lel business, we trust. I y strict assiduity tc business, to make this house a deairsb'e Ktcppina- phice. Our tible will always leupihed with ti e v,ry best our market can olTonl. antl eur bar with the next liquors and Wine nl the er' a' ipplov. il br inda. P. N. There are firi late -inlilin! hnd Carriage house, atttrhi il to bo tu trl , t rmlnl y i a f il and sl er ho-'teis and ..ii. ch;irue w dl l.iw, in seenrdance nh t'.e reet t h i A Utx.fi. Philadelphia. Or I 7th, 1x44. IV I. .1. . I'Ortl hens le ie to teniler ht-r grate lul :nko. w.er(i;m' Ills lo 'he fen, le nf Siiflu V and am roumiina conirrv, fn their pit encmi gc nn i I in the I, ne of tii profeasn n ; and w u d al the same time an ounce lo them th.the -till in tetuls to continue lh" practice of medieioe in all its various d part merits II" would, thirefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence and patronage. He may be lound nt all time at his nfTice, at the north east corner i f Bla kU'iry and D er alreets, unlesa professionally ene 'ij.il. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tC A CARD. Dr. I. T. Trlles, Re-pectfully informathe citizens nf Cunhury and vieii i'y.that he hasie ntoved bis otTiee to the buibling lately occupied by (corge Briitht, in market atreel, Sut bury, where he may be found at atl hours, unless professionally engaged DR. TRITES returns hia sincere thanka for the encouragement he haa received, in the line of hia profession, in thia place, and trusts by prompt at. lention lo the duties of hi prolesaion, and reason able charges, that he will continue to receive a liber) rhare of the public patronage, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf. DRTjTn. SUMNER, SURGEON DENTIST, i ESI'ECTFULLY informs the public that he -I t- has made Northumberland hia permanent place of residence, and ia ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. July 2, 1812 ly. UNlON HOTEL, 'Uencral Stage OJicr,) 'BLT TT CT2 1ST 9 LTCOMINO COUNTY, I'rmiMjIaaiiiii. riHF. N,ib-rviher respectfully informs his friend I and the puMic in gcnernl, lhat he haa taken the above LARUE AM) COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF M U N C Y, and that he i- now well pn pared to accommixlate al who may favor h;m with iheir custom. ILs SLrtrimo AriaTMKSTa are well aired, and coniforiable. Hi-Taatv. an Bah will a'ways p supplied with the best the market can afford. Hia S-riaLim. which is eoorl will be under tl e chariie nf pood anil careful hostlers. He f. t in confident, bv strict alleut'on to bu-inesa. and an earnest desire to render c mfortable thoae who may patronize him, lhat he will not f il to give general sail-la, tii.n. II, U. LAV Lit. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. if. TUB rillLADELPIIM. READING AND rOTlSYILLE RAIL ROAD. AN i:TUA ACCOM MODATDiN I.INU II ill t nmmriiCf running hi liners l'iibnh Iplila j and I'oltsrillr on flit fi-Howi'i!! n'ujs nif noma ; 'a tin ,rtru Mo'iy, ty l eaving I'.f villi-, .., Mon t y. an'l Fridavs at 9. 142 We.t. . 8 A i e ivr f if g I'liji i(li !.'i.a. on Tne dnva Tim ir '-v. . . at 1 1 P. f M$ nig kei.Sit.g. Kor I ill ii I pi ii, M 1 tl 4 A. M. Kor PotthVille. at J P. M. S I 11-V.erkU. Between PoUsvilb- A Phdada. B-tween ReadinK A d . M,?i0 A f2.0 t.2S A 1.75 l,4U A l.dO Between do A Pnt aville, Exri'nsioai TiratTa noon roa SktT l-t Between Pottsville A Phihilelptiia, It tween Reading A ilo. He ween do A Puttsvilb', SkTtavis. f6 00 3 00 3 00 The .tber pasnger trains wltl sa before, at the following hours i Philadelphia and PvHwlle. From Philadelphia, at A) A.M. i nw From Pottsville. at t P. M. $ 1 "" llnurt rf patting Heading. For Pottsville, at B A. M, 1 . For Philadelphia, at Si Pi M. UMJ' All ihe trains Will stop fur way parsengera at the usual points. Q-y- All paasengera are requratcd to procure their tickets before the trains stait. May 21, 1842. if. Fresh aupiiyof ROSE OINTMENT, received A and Fr sale by U. U. MASSER. N.,v 10th. 1812. BLANKS KORSALE AT THIS OfFlCE. TAILORING, ON BIS OWN IIOOK. PETER GETTER, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and lU public generally, that ha haa commenced tha Tailoring It ii sin cms, in all ita branches, in the house formerly occupied by Wm. Durst ua a Tailor Shop, in Blaekherry street, nearly opposite tha Presbyterian Church. He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron age, and truste by striet attention to business ant) reasonable charges, be will be enabled to give gen rral satisfaction. 8unbuiy, June 18th, 1843 ly ALL persona indebted to the firm of Lyon A Harris, under the agency of O. N. Thacher, Hal and Cap Manufacturer!, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of th.-ir accounts with the subscriber, their legally authorized agent, who is fully rmpow. eted to settle and collect the accounts of aaid firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1812. tf Agenf. WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER NEAR SUM BURY. .1 OHN A HENRY LANDAU, having rented the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunbury. have now for sale the best Lime in this part nf the country, and will continue to keep constantly on baud fresh Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms aa can be had anywhere in the neighborhood. May 81, 1842. J. A H. LAND U. CLYDE & WILLIAMS- llhink IIuoU Itlanuractoi'3', Opposite Prince' Hotel, HARRISBURG. ri1HF'. are pr pared to manufuclure blank work JL of every description, ruled to any pattern, Bitch aa Dockits beccrds. DT Books. I.Cilaers. Ascs aora' and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest quali ty of paver, in a style equal lo any made iu the ci ties ef Philadelphia or ISew York. All descriptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made to order. Law Bonks, Music and Periodicals bound to any pattern. Old Uooks rebound, Ac. Also files of papers bound. fl"j Work left at the office of tha Sunbury Aim riean, will he prompt ly attended to. May 21st, 1842. ly. WM. HEILIiLlT & CO., C'ommission &. Forwarding Merchants, Fool of 11 tllou) Street Rod Road, OS THE PItAWiaV., nAVINO associated wi:h them Joseph Barnef, late of Eastnn, Pa., resnectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta ken that large and well known atore and wharf at font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantages of the place being connected with all the public improvctnente that have their outlet In the city, they flatter themselves they will lie able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon aa reasonable terms aa any other house, and they assure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire aatia faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward gooda to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Lhunk, baston ami t'hila- delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Camds; alao, to any point on the Juniata river, or North and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl. kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Stemiboat will be kept expressly for towing boats from tha Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will entitle, merchanta to have their produce deli vered on Ihe Delaware, and their good id.ipicd at a aiving ol BO to 75 jer cent, on the prices for huilii'g across, with theae advantngea they re spectfully solicit a share of patronage. W. HEILMAN A CO, William Hellman, ) W lliam VV. Keyser.C Joseph Burnet. j Philad .Mav It. 1848 ly tTTu n p n in sc c c e s s, A Sett Discovery In the NEWSPAPER BUSINESS. A MOST important and invaluable discovery has been made by a gentleman of thia city, by which newapaiia may he printed in their present form, and, at the lime time, capable of being con. verted at pleasure into a Maganne form, for preser vation Thia grand improvement, which is destined to form a new era in the business, effecting an entire revolution in (he art of printing mammoth news papers, will be introduced, by penni-inn nf the pa tentee, into tha Philadelphia Saturday Museum, commencing in Mny next. IMPROVEMENTS IN "THE MUSEUM." "The Museum" Is now so fairly and firmly . tblhed, that we feel warranted in ni:ikiug .:! verv extensive snd impottant improvements. ?'y ii e fi'St of May, We shall have complet e a l nut i ii ..em.'i.ta. We sh ill have, in the fitst 1 1 . e, a rm' ftl.tl ir and bold type in the aecoi.l a . ,i-.t- n.vi'S -ind white paper- in the third ( lire, wi- h.i'l mike nn ingenious tnd novel chai ge in '!. aT.-.ri;tment of the matter in the fourth place, i ,u i.l iiu re.iiw our corps ofcoritihutnra in all the variou departments of a Family tfew'peiperin the filth place, we have secured, at a high aa'ary, the services of Ettnaa A. Poa. haq , a gentleman whose high and Veiaatile abilities have always (' ken promptly for ihenisclve, and who, after the fir t of Vay, will aid ua in the editorial conducta of the joum il. The b'urralit of Totontciiitt Journry oter the Hncktf Mtiuntiiini' one of the moat intereating and roiia6iV ever (ruhlUhed, is sent It all new subscri bers. Al its conclusion, our leadera will find them a. Iea in possesion of a woik which aone will be worth double the subtrription to Ihe paper. We hall continue, alao, of coUrsn, the "Biogrophieat Sketches snd Portrait, which are now exciting ao unexampled an li.tetest. With these and other fea. turt-a continued, and with the improvements in con. tempi ition, it remaina lobe aeen whether we do) not amply fulfil our determination of making tho eery bent untonnper in America. i'trsona wishing to secure sis thoua.ind large oc tavo pages of useful, interacting, and unexceptiona ble reading for Ihe select family circle, for the email sum of Two Dollara per year being at tho aston ishingly low rale of thirty pagea for one cent, or equivalent to one hundred and twenty pages for four cents ahould hand their names in now. TERM8. Two Dollars per annum. Three co pica fir Five Dollara, or Sixteen copies for Twenty Dollais, U the extra inducement offered at pieacnl for clubbing. THOMAS C. Cl.AKK A Co., Office of the Saturday Museum, Publishers' Hail, No. Itl Cheanut Street, Philadelphia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers