1IA2VK JIOTt 1. 1ST. rrwsvM ami, Tl c following list show tire-current value of al Pcunsvtvania Hank N.itia. The ntol implicit re liance mny le plncnl upon It, as it frrvry n-nk run fn'ly compared wnh ai J cortcc nl Iioiii Biik (Jt'll'a Kcpnrtcr. Ittuikn In lillal l'ir. t SSxnr. Locatm. ., . I II I LA II. NOTES AT 1 A R. Bsi k of North Ameiica Hank of the Northern Lilicrtic Cunmerrial Hunk of Penn'a. . I'snriis ami Mechanic' Hunk Kensington D.iiik par par pnr par pnr p.r pnr pur par pm Unhid. lphiBiitik Nvlunlkill Hank W.iiithwark Hank . Western Hank . . MMiiinics' Unnli . . C'oinilrj IlnnliN. H fk of Chester County W slchestcr pnr pur par pur par pnr p.r Thc-e Urn k of Delaware County U 11 ik of (crmantow n Bunk of Montgomery 'Co. Doyli stow n Hank Khs'oii Bank F 'timers' Bank of Bucks co l Vice of Hunk of 11 iin'n. Ollice do do t 'tVro do do OJl'ice do do CIlOHtlT (rrtniniitown Notristnw ii Dovlcstown Esston Hii-tol Harrishii'g" I. air. pit Leading T'iitun r V oll'iPOK f ilii riot J issue n. NOTES AT Bank of the United States' Bunk of IVnn Township (Irani Hunk DISCO UN T. Philadelphia 5aeo 3 ( 4 (Mo Bank . Ida 15 I 12 7-6 PotiBville Ga7 Lewistown IS Middlrtown 4 Nurthimihcrlaiid 4 "Columbia 3 Carlisle 6 i I'ittshuii? 2 llillidavlurg '.I Lancaslci '2 1 l.nnrniler S Heading 5 j Hnrrishurg Cn7 I.nncaster 2 i I.elmnrn 4 I'ittchurg 2 J I'iitfchuig U 1 Williaim'port I i kclHtrre 10al2 j Allt'iiiown 17 I iitiidilig I Hitiohurg j T'rio , New Driihturi do do Chnmhdi-hlltg (i I (it My.sl uig (i : Moi, Huso 8 I Erin 7 ! V 'uynethorg IS t.Kl.Kllo.l 'A Moi4!'ile I i J lSriiuimville 4 i Yoik 6 1 ' hunks mi which we I Moianicnsing Dank B ink of Pennsylvania Mini rs' Hank of Potlsvillt Hank of Lcwistow n Dank of Middle-town ll.tik of Nnrlhumhcthind Columbia Hunk & Bridge co. Carlisle Hank Exchange Dunk l)o do branch of Farmers' Hank of l.ancastci Lnncastor County Hunk Fanners' Hank of Heading 1 1 ;irrii-lm ip Unk I .-.ilicnn : t Hank Lebanon Hnnk Men linn's' & Mnnuf. Bank Hunk of Piitslmrg" Wist Bninoh Hank Wy inning Dunk Nnrihmv .ton II ink l tks County Hank Office of Dank of U.-S. Do do do Dii do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A I ' i' 1 1 Township Sav. Ins. Hill k of Chamhorshurg H i! U ol (icityshurg Bank ol Susquehanna Co. Erie Bai k Fioini rs' A. Dtovcr.' Dunk Fuiiikliu Hunk J1.hjimI.iIi' Hnk Moi iiignhcla Hank of B. Yoik Itank N. H. The note of tbosi omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) aic not purchased by the Phib.dt Iphia brokers, wnh the exception ol those which have a k'ller ol -rcTiri nee. BROKEN HANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'hiladt Ij hia faik'd Philadelphia Loan Co. do (hi ltd Schuv Iktll Sav. Iiiii. do failed Manual Labor Baiift (T. V Thou, prop.) failed 'i'owanda Hank 'I iiuaiiilu f.iili tl A lit " I any Hank of Pa. Hunk ot Heaver Hunk ol Swalura Uank ol Washington Centre Hank City Hunk Farmers & MetliW Hmik r.iinit rs" MerhVs' Hank Fiiimi rsW Mech'ci' Hank Haimony Insiiuito Ilunnngilon Hank Jul. lata Hunk I.uiiilx'niifh's Ibi.k Nurihi-rn H.ink of I'n. New Hope PW. Hiidgc Co. Noilhumli'd Union Col. Hk. Noilli Wesltrn H'.k of I'a. Oil .co ol Sthnxlkill Hunk l'u. Ar. & Mnnuf. Uunk biiM'i l.ukf Hui.k Union Hunk of IVnii'u. t'siii.ou laiiil Hank llttllorj no rule Heaver ckwrd lluiiilurg thoetl Wusl.ingiou t.nltil IU II. l.llllO ll. Rt ll Pittfl'Uig Iio a!e HitM'Urg failed pnyi lle en. failed (i'ui'ma.-t c fuiltd Ilaimony no i-uit' 1Iuiiiii)'Iiiii no t-.ili' liCwisloivi) nofule W'arrvii laded IhnululV no n-ito New Hope clieil M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iio rale Mendville elosid 1'oitCuidon (.il. l Carlisle fullid Muliliiiso closed I'nii.nionn f.nletl (reenKl.nrg cloM'd W'llkeNhurie no sale ilkcshaire Undge Co. (Jj All notes puipoiiiiig to be on :iy Pennsyl vania Hank not given in ihe ubovc list, muy he set down as liuuds. xiw ji:hsi:v. Hank of New Hiuusw ick Hrui.swii k failid I sr p.r ur I f.iilt.l y f...i.i laibd lui'ed failid lulled 2 I fail, d I ui Ht Ividete Hunk HiiihuKion Co. ISfink i'omu.eicial Hank Cumberland liai.k Fuiiners Hank Kartnt is' and Mechanics' Pk Furn.crs' and Mtchnnics' Pk I'oin.ers' and M n l.aiii.' Hk Fianklin HankofN.4. Helv idere Meillurd Perth Ambt.y Hridett.ii Mount 1 1. illy liuhWHV N. Hiunsuiik Middlitown Pi, Jerscv t'ity Ilolxken Hkg&. (Jiuzing Co llohokeri Jersey City Hank . Jersey Cily Mechulliltl' Hank I'ulleisoil Manufacturt ra' Hank Helleviile Morris Conipany Itai k Morristown Monmouth Hk of N.J. FroviioltJ M.ihanns' Hunk Ntwaik Mccbaiiick' and Maruf. Hk Trenton Mums Canal and Lkg Cu Justy City Post Notes 1:0 S.ile I Newark lika & Ins Co Newaik New Hope LWl liikle C LalliUl Is villi! N. J. Manufac. aid likue'o HobiuVeii 1 lulled lu.le.! 2 fail, d I par pur I N J Protecton ii. J.uii.Urd I k J rs-y t-'ity Orange Hulik t Irani. e l'aierson Hank Faieuon P.cplea' Hank do Piiuceton Hunk Princeton Suit in Hanking Cu t-'ub hi rtiite Hunk NeiAaik State Hunk l l;:il il.iuHci H:ate Hunk Camden State Hank of Mollis l..niiju n I j..r I oiuie Dank i union n::c. ,i SaU'lil and Philad Mauuf Co Salim i.,...,: Koi-si I Lank Ntuioii i 'I'lenion Hanking Co Ttcntou i Union Uank Dcr I VS dtliinytoli I'm king Co. Jluil.tusuik In! ti I3'.i if Vi!m i Uiuiuiy w n.i V i loingltiri l'ai k ol Deiawait W iln.n gn u 1Ui k 1 1 Sin Vina Snvna llo blanch M.lloid I'aiuieis' Lk of Stale i f Dii Dovtl Do br .nil, W iliuinitlon Do PihihIi (ieugttowu Do bruliih Neclle Union Hank Yt ihnington try Undei 5a p'.f 1 1,1 pm I '" pur I "r p ,r pur pur 2 qj- On ull I auks ma krd thua () there ar ei tl,i tount, lleil or abend notta of lb vsriuus tic nuaiinationa, in circulation. The best method for the Abolition nf Disrate j n to clrantiC and purtfy the lloiiy, AVIClfllT'N I.M)IA VUCJUTAllIi: 111. 1-S OF TUB c-ffc .tmrrtenn Collrgf of llrallh, j Arp now arknnn In'gpil to be 'he bent Medicine in the World for the rure of ' EVKUY VAU1KTY OF DliSEASK. BEl'AL'WK ihev conip'plely rleanne the Mo- j Tnin Ii and howelx from ill, lulliou nt d cor- ! ro I hiiinor 'vhich ore the cause nut only of' Ilratlnehp, Ciitlilinron, Piilpilntion of the licit, I IVns in the It.. ne. Hhi uninl um and (J. ui. but 1 cveiv mahit'v ii cidrnt to mull. SAID INDIAN ' VM.ETABI E PII.LN are a nrain cur.- f..r in- ! tf m rent, iriniittl, nervooa, inllunist.i y nml pu ritl Fevers, bccmife they cleaimu the pody frrin tho-e ; moi bid hnniom, which, when confined lothe ciicu- j lutii n. are ilio ( noe of all k tidn of KE VE lt.", Wo, j a'sn, hen the name iinpunty is deponited on the ncmliime and muscle, cum tig .in, ii:(1.nnn- ! t on nml Kwctlmiis culled I.'IIEEM ATISM, ' ('OI T.oVc. riplilV Imli in VrgelnLle 1'illa may j 't ri'Iinl , n a always ertuin ' uive n lief, and il persei, icd w ith, arcoullne In dmrtionn will most of-sim illy, mill Willi, nil fiil, mnke a pcifecl t il e of I il p ii'ii.vo pninfi I n ulnilies. Fioin ihrie to six of ' mid I ii ! n ti Vigeliibe I'ilU t.ikin eviry iiiiihl go- j il a In beil, will ii. a flimt tune so coiiiplelely rid j li e I in'y limn veiy tl: ng thiii i In hi alih, ' tl ai ll. cum. iti-iti, li.iol. in d p .i" ot evi iv devcrip- . lion.w.l bi-lmrallv DHIVEN Fl;ul TliE HO DY. For the a .nie teason, when, from sudden chai pes of am o-pln tc. or any other cnuce, the per- ; hh'hiii.ii irclicckid, nml the huniois wh eh thonhl ' p.i'S oil' lv tin- skin arc thrnwn i 1 1 unity, fiiusint! HEADACHE. CilliDI.NKvSS. to umu and sii k- ', ms, am in the bums, waieiy ai d ii Ibimed c)c, , sore Itirnut, lloareln f, coog!:s, consumi turn,' rheumiitic pains in vaiimis paitu of the bmly, ami i maiiy otlo r svmpiom of CATCH I.VCJ (.'Ol.D, Wright's Indian Y(ielnlile. 1'i'l.i will invariiihlv I give in mrili te n lift. From thiee to six of said ' 1 ills taken every ninht on g.in In bed, will in u short time, not only remove all ihe above tui h as nit sviii tims, but ihe body w .ll, in a short tune, he i restored to even romu'er heul b iban before. . ASl HMA.oti DIKKICI I.I Y OF UKEATII- IN(J. Wright', Indian Yigttublc 7'i7wi.l Ions- ' en nml enr.y otli by the Hlon.ai h and bowi is, those ' lough phbgmy Iioiiht-, -which stop up the nir ' cells ol the lungs, and are the cause, nut only of the above distressing complaint, but when neglected, i ol tt'ii It r mi not on in thai mo ediendl'ul malady called : CONSUMPTION. It hhou'd b also icncubi i,d ( that Wright's Imlian Vrgttab'r Villi are a certain cute for I'AIN I.N THE SIDE, Oppression, nuu- ' sea, and sickness, In. a of nppi tile, coRtivciifs. a yellow imge of the tkin ni d eyes, and every oil.er symptom if n ti rptd or diseased stale of the liver; -because they puree from the body those impurities which if dt posited upon this important ore in, are the cau-e of eery vatiety of 1.IYEK COM-j 1'I.AINT. When a natii n is convulsed by liot-, oti:brtiiks and rebellion. Ihe only means of prevent ing il.e dreadful cmisi quenecs of a CIVIL WAH. , i to expel all traitors, and oil dispostd onis from the couniry. In I ke manner, w hi n pain or sickness- of any kind, itlitatc that the body is siniL'- (ling with internal foes, the line remtdv is to EX- i PEL ALL MOIiHiD IIUMOKs, (Tinitms to j l.culih sii.l life,) lltallh trill be the ctrtnin result. ; That the piineiplf of curing di-eae, by ileunsing and putilyii.g the body, is stnctly in accordance with Il.e laws which govern the animal iconomy; j and il pro crlv cunied out bv the inp of ibe above i named WliKiHT'S INDIAN VIXiEIABLE; PILLS, will ceiiaiuly result In ihecompble Al o- 1 I tiou ol Disease ; we offer the fnllouiutj testimoni- ' als, fi. in pirs.ms of the highest revpeclabtliiy in New Yoik, who have lecentiy been cuied of the I in nst obrlinale complaints, solely by the use ot ' Wmiiirr'a Ivmiv Vir.TMLE Puts, of the ; Surth American Collide of Ikuith; j Jiica. L. I., June 9ih. . Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with ureal sati-faetion I inform you of i.iy liuvii.L' I een i ninety cured of Dyspepsia, of live yiars slut. tin g, I I v ihe use o! your I mii Yirii.TAin.K Pu is. Pn vioiis to mee ing with your celebralnl nodi- j c'u.e, I h id b. n under ti e hands of seveial Physi- ) ciiirs. ain't n.n! tried vaiiou- nu ilieim s ; l ot all l no effect. Allrr o-ii K one "5 cent box of uti r i Pills, hovvivcr, 1 ixpiriu ced so much beicfil, thai ' I icsolvid to persevete iii the use of iht ni iiccoidiim to direclioi s, which I am happy to slste, h is result- I cd in a peifecl cure. Incralituile to you fm il.e j great li'iufil i have rei eivcd, and al-o in the In pe thutothtis similaily ullbeteil may be induced to j in, ke tiinl of your i xira.'iibuny nicdicine, I send ' ou this stuleuiKit wuh Kill liberty to publish the I same, if vou think pr. per. Yours. c. 1 New Yoik, June I'J, 111. G. C. HLACK. j Mr. Hieh.ini Deiiiim, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. t Dear Sir I have been aflliclcd for several years with inward weakness and general debility, iccom- j panied at times with pains in the side and oilier ilislrissii g cotiiphtitiiw. Afot having tried vaiioiis . mrdii'ines w i'hont i IT. ci. 1 was pcrsu ided by a Ii it n.l 1 to make trial cf Dr. Wtigbl's Indian 't uelabh- i Pills, which I am happy to s'ale. h ue telieved u.e ; io ii most w ml, i fill ni inner. I have u-ed ihe me- ' dicii e. " i" but a li.'.t iniT. ami have notlnobt, bv a I t rst ver .nee in ihe u-e t f the nn d ci ie accm- ; iliui! in din i turns tin t I shall in a short time be ' pi it, civ le-tioe j I most w 1 1 ! 1 1 glv rcrrmmi nd sai l Pd!a to all per- sons siunbiny i.llln u tl. ai d in be toll bcln l that i I lie a'.nie benelienil resiMs will fnlb.w their use, I re- ! intin ouis sinceiily. H F.N H Y A. FOOTE. I W'a .waiting, L U'ci co. N. Y. Nw Yoiik, srrt. v.n. inn. j This is to certify that I hate used W muni's I. Vu,rriHI.I: Pu is Willi ihe giealesl bene- I lb : bav ini! ii'irt lv cured mvelf of tl e tr ijio nt al l: t ks ol Sick Hcml.it be, to u hit 11 I bait neviouslv leiii si.l ject. ANN M l;iA J IIOMPSON, " D'.I'J (t'reenwich aine'. N. Y. 'J'o lf.1!icbnid D. in 1., Agent lor Wiinlu's In di.m ifei table t'i s. I .t I TI .V. As ibero rc al this tune many' wit Led fervmis I rii'y mci't'ed in si I ii c a c in li iliil imdrv itie on t'i r 1lrt' naine of li e liu'.imi Yrgelable Pills and as le I'ispirate mi ll are so utterly reckless snfcin- I s 1,1.111 cis, ilmt many valuable I es msy be I si in eoi seijiii ore of using ll eir dreadful coinpo'.iiiils, be nl. 1 1- lire cannoned against purcba inf; any : I i I- t.nl, ss on the lii'esof ihe b, Its the b lbming .v, uiinnr is f un.l : VI. i(. Ill's INDIAN VEtiKTAHI.E PILLS, j (Indian l'uraltrr.) j ni r hi: miiitii imikihv eoii ii.i. or iiiii.tii. ! .s, l u'se l,i be ipcci-!y can fill UL'all.st purcba- n ... sud medicine of any permit ekit pi il.e regu- J i i .. i-fie,l i fen's, Ahwrs ri: .ointi vi:n:i.AMca, I' I II II SI 1 1 Ull 'hi. II. W. M js- r, Suuliry Pav ne cV I'osp, Nor il i ml" il mil J .a ol, Hsas. SI aim. km Samui I JJorl., M.,hon,i Jlverly & D. Haat, Aucusla lU'in. i d Fi'iimcr, M ilion Irelnnd ,V Meixtll, McEvvensvi If I' fer & Dearmoi d, TuibuUv il'e Jaines I'eid. l'olls(;riic II Kluse, Snv dt r'o n II. JI. Kiirli.1. P. M.. Elv.biirg P. O. Win. Lei ei linf, P M. Union Comer. Olliee "i d (irner.d Dt pot f,,r li e f.i'e of Wrighi't Indian XtgetaHe 1'ills, I ol. sale si d Keiuil.Na I6'J KACL l LEE P. PIIILADEL I'HIA. May JI, 184?. ly ROSE OINTMENT, rm ti:tti:ii. K1N0W0UM, MMPl.L-is ON TIIR PACK, AND OTIIEK ti TANWIUSI :Rl ITIONS). Olj T7ie fiillnteing cerlifica't dtreribes one nf Ihe innxl urtruvrditiary cures ever effected by any application. Pini.Aiitt rm , Februaiy In, lfl:IH. JOH twenty ycaia I was severely afflict, d with 'Pf.TTKii on the Face and Head: the disease Commeiicid when I was seventeen years old, ami continued until Ihe Fall nf IH'tC, v nvinr; in vio lent o, but witbniil eer disappenriiiit. During most of ti e lime, great pari of my face w as covsrid with the eruption, frequently ailt tided with vin'ent ilch tog; my bead swi Ped nl linns until it felt as if il Would blirrt I he sWf llui.4 MBS SO g'Pilt. lllal I COUld scarct ly get my hut on. During the long petiod that I was iifflicli-d wi h the disease, I liseil a great many ai plication', (aimmg ihem s, vend celebrated prep itation-) as w II astukinu inwaid remedies, imliiding n number of In. tilt a of Sicuini's Vanart-n. Extract of Snrsnpnrila, c, In fact, ii would be iniiiosible to eiiumeia'e all the medicines I used. I was iiNn under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this cily, but with, tit re ceiving m. ch benefit, nod I ib spniretl of ever being ciirid. In tl 0 f dt of ISIlfi, the ibsen-e nt ihe time being very vio'ent, I commenced usint! the llnse Ointmttif, (pn pared by Ynuulmn cV l),vis.) In a fi w a plicalions the violent itelnnii cinsi d, the swelling al'a'etl, the i runibui becan to disa pear, and bef,,re I hail list tl a j ir ihe di-ease w as mutely cun d. It has now been inai'y a ytur anil a half since, and there is not a ve-lige of Hie disease re inaininL'. except the scats from the deep piN funned by the disease. Il is imp, ssil le for nin tn tlescril e ina crilificiite thesevtrily nf the disease iinl my snlT. ling, but I will be pie Bid to give a fiuler nc coi.nt to any iersoti wantit R fuither s itisfseti.ni, wbn wdl r .dl on me. At tl.e lime I con nu nce I Using the I! se Oinltmn'. I would have gieii liiin tbetN of do bos to be lid of ihe tbtease. Since u siiiK il, 1 have recomioi mlt tl it to M-viril peisnns. (ainoiig llicni my innihf t, wh had ibe tli-eusn bad ly on hi I a m.) bo re a I cured bv It. J AMES DUKNELL, No. 15(i, II ice St. The Kose Ointment is pi, , and by E. II. Vsuhao, S.ui h Eust co ner of Tli.nl ami b'uee stie, 1-, i'hiladi Ipl.iu, and sold on aueiu'V in Snnbu rv. bv II. U. MASSEH, ' May I4ih, IS 12. Agent. ltov Oiiitiisciifs for 'refill'. A riiooi' (' i Tm i:ri'i('ACY. l'u r i.ji in l.i-ni a. May 27tl, 1 H.T.I. rPHIS h to certify that I was severely a III cic.l willi Teller in Ihe hands and f, et for upwards of forty years; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent iti hint; and swelling. I applied to i numbi r of hv sienns, and used a great many appli cations withi.ut i fleeting a cure. About a y, nr since, I applied li e l!,i-e Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a fi vv uppliculi-ins imtnedi aulv i on d the disease, w hich there has been no return of, nlihiiugh I bad never N'cn lid of it ai nny lime for f. ily years. IMCHAUD SAYAt.E, Eleventh, lad,, iv Spmce Sin i t. The I!, iso Oii.lineiil is pn p iretl by E. H. Vniifchiiii, S mill East corner ol Third and liuce Suet Is, Philadelphia, and s, Id on ajenrv in Sunbu ry by II. U. MASSEH, May Mlh. HfJ. Age-.t. TIEDICAI. APrnOBATICN (if tin uosi: oi. rMi:. r,for rater. VI. Till II t i II the soperiorily ol ihe pn paiaii, n over all otln rs ia fully es ablihed. the pr.ipr e lors take pi. asure in laying before ihe public the follow ing certificate from a re-peetalile physician, a graduate of the University ol Peunsv Ivaui i. Dr. Itaugb, having found in ibis lemrily that rclicl f r a ledieus and di-agreeal.le aireclion which the means within Ibe ranee of I is profession failed to all'ord. has not hesitatt d to give il his approbation, altln ug Ibe prejudices nod if.'eresis of that proli-fsi in ate i pposcd to secret Kcmedies. Pihlai.i I i nn, Sept. 19. lH.'lG. I was recenlly Iroubtid Willi a lidions herpetic erupi ieii. which covend m arly one si.'e ofmy f,ce, and extendi d over the ear. M r. Vuughau. pioprn -lol uf the Hose Ointment, obseitiug 111) fai t, uisis tt'il on my t, yini! bis pit p nation. , I which he han ded me a j ir. Ailhoiigli in coiioihiii with the iiiem bets ot in v pr, fession, I it si'tiutilt Hani t' ami iloiis pn.ve ol ihe nuiuen Us I. ostiums p. timid upon the public I V inoi ml pr, le mlt r-, I ti 1 1 in jus ice bound to exei pi the lb.se On, tun in limii ilia c'a s of me tl eini s. ami to uive it mv appiobation, as it eliliic Ivilired the eruption, although u h d lesisied the u u ,1 applications. DANE H Al (ill, M. D. Qj' The ,,se Ointment ia piepar. ,1 by E !'. Vauthan. South East cm cr nt Tl.lnl ai tl I! ice Siieeis, I'tiiludelpliU, and sold mnnwi in Sun bu. v. by H. 11. MASEU. M iV 1 1th, II2. Agent. BOLTON & CO. (. ih r;tl oiitmisxloii llt'Kliauls, 'nr tin- Sale of I'tuur, !ruin, Stid, c., ic. EPEt"l FULLY inform their InciiiU and ffi ihe Merchants iicncrjllv, dial they have la- ken ilmsc large and comiiitKlituis W barv, s, with two Dotks, moth of Chesliut street, on the Delaware, loLi'ther with tt'e store No. 19 South Wharves, where Ihev would be pleased In receive consign ment of drain, Fb ui. Soul, Whiskey, Iron. Xe. Ac. Heing also well prt paied In forward all kinds of Mi rchainlise by the Schuylkill anil Union, or by the Cbcsnpi ake and Ti.le ater Cnniils. us low boats are kept i xpressly fm the purpose of toiviug bonis by i i' I er mule. Meiebants will pie se be particular to send their g.'i tls des'ine.l by eillir canal-, t i No. 19 South h.ives, bt tvviiu Maikel and Chesuut sine's, on the D, law are. w ith directions nccomp living ihcin w b.ii Ii route ihev w ish tt em to be sb'pi e.l. Cj- Plaster and S.dt for sa e, al lb lowest nmr ket nee. ! 'ETON ci. C . March I!), No. 1 9 South Whit vi s. TAGS I tlll.l I.M'OMrOSl. ( I l TW O 1 ol.l M ..) MlNTAIMNti the Old ami New Tistamcnt. wnh pinc'ical evpivili, ns anil expbiuat, rv no'es, bv Thonias W illiams. Ail'hor of "the Ace of Inli ihlity," "Dit lain irv tl all Heligi.us Denouiiiia tiotis," c. To wliit h are added the n f rein i a and loargimd leadings i f the Poll g'olt Hit le, n e.h, r w nil o: igmal unit's and si lu ll , i s fiom Haler's Comprel ei sive Hill,-, and o hei stunduid work. introductory and coin biding it marks on eneh lamk 1 1 the iiil un, I new Tc'unii'i.l, and a vtbi.il It cluo iti I igical iiu. X. 'I be w hole cuielully levised and Hil.l led to the use of Suud iv School-, Hibk1 cl isses, ai d U'bri.sli'iiis gciieriilly, i mix ,ici with iniijix and i ngrvviiig, edited by ll o lb v. W'l hain Fal lon, ai d iiillisliiil by Case, i'lll'aiiy cV Hun. ham; Haul, r. I, Coiiii., IS 1 1. This wink has bun l.igl Iv O'coiiiineiided by ihe foil, wing, uioong other .ilisiinguishetl divines j L'ev. Slepl en Iii mil gl, II. pastor I f li e Metho dist Episcopal Church, Hiooklvn. lit v. W. ('. Hiownlee, pastor if the. M sidle Dutch Chun h, New Yoik. Kcv. Lemuel Miller and A. Akx Older, Profer sois in Pnni etou Tbeologic. l Seminary. N. Jeiscy. litv. C. P. Ctaiith, l'u.tl, nl ol J'eiui y Ivsnia Ct M ge, ul ieiivs'nuig. L v. C. W Schutller, pastor of the Lutheran Church, II inisburg, P,i erf For sale by II. U. Massir, Agent for the I'uUi brrs. Jsn. 29ih 1P15. WEAVER'S HOTEL, Sunbury, V)irthtimberland County, I't'iimilt aula. TIIIE stihscnber, respectfully informs the public .1 that ho has removed to that large and coinmn. dioiia Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn street, (sign nf the Huck ) fotmeily occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel (jjh. son, whi re he is now prepared to accoinmndute all who may ravor him w ith a call. Hy slrict ulleti tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hopes to receive n liberal share of public patronage. I'll AHLES WEAVER. Sunbuty, Maich 12lh, 1812. Colllll(rll('l'H, Ucalli lUoiv. nhe pul lie will pkdso observe that no Hrandielli Pills are genuine, unless the box has three 1 1 bpls Unn it, (the top, ihe aide and Ihe bottom) Chi li containing a fie-simile signature of my hand writing, thus H. Hraiinktii, M. D. These la. bclaio engraved on steel, lieautifully designed, and done at an etpciisc of over f 2,0(10. Tin refute it will lie seen that the only thing nn-e.-sary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. KeniPtnber the top, Ihe side, and the bottom. The following respective persons ure duly auhnri zed, and hold ' CERTICATE9 OP AGENCY, For the sale of llrnndreik's Vegetable l.'nivertal I 'ills. Northiimheilnt d pnuulv : Millon M ickcy oV Ch imbeiliti. Sunlniry II H. M.ifser. M'Krens--ville lielantliV. Meixell. N'orihuin1 eilaml Win. Forsyth. Oeotgetown F. Mtdbiiger cV. Co. Union dimly: New lit ihn John Hollinnti. Seliuagrovc Ever ami Schniire. M itl.Mcbuig Isaac Smith. Heavcrtown J. cV !. Hingaman. Adimsburg II. A- A. Smith. Mitlltnsbuig Swope iN: Laird ilaitlelnli Daniel Long Free burg 1. & F. ('. Mover. Ccntrevipe Slailey et Lonhurt. Lewisburg Walls cV (Sreen. Columlii i county : Danville 12. H. HeynobU iV (.'o. Herwick Sliuinan ifc. U ttcnhotise. Cat lawissti C, A. vV C. (. Hrobts. Hlootiisburg John K. Mover. Jei sty Town Levi His, I. Wa shitietoii Kohl. MiCay. Limestone -D. L. Silimick. Obseive that ench A cent has an Engravnl (i r lilicateof Aeency, containing a icpies-utaiion of Dr HHA.NDKE I'M'S M uiulaclory at Sing Smg, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of Ihe in iv Hibei.i m.w used upon the lirundreth I'ill Muxes, Phdidelphiu, office No. R, Noilh fiih street H. UltAN Dl;E I'll, M.D. Januiry 1st. 1S42. i in: AI.IERICAN MEDICAL jLIDIlAHY 1MI i n:i.i.i.r.( i:k. A CONCEN'I KA I ED K. i oi. I ,1 Medical S,i. u clue and Lileialurc, by Koblev Dunglison, M. 1)., Prolessor of the Institute ol Medicine, etc., injilb ison Medical ('o liege of I'lil'ade'pliia, pub lished llionlldv by Adam Wuldie, No. 4t! Carpeo tirslreit, Philadelphia. Suberipiion price, fii a y ar. Sobsciiptions lor the aluive work n ceied by the siib-criber. II. H. MASSEH, Dec. 1 1th. I H 1 1. Agent. STOIt sale a smut Faun, con i nning about one hunibed and ten neri s, uinre or le s. silu ile in Point township. Norihumt i rlaud counts , about two miles above Noilbiiml,et n.il, on ihe main mail leading from that pt.uc to D uiville, adjoining lauds ol John Leglinu, Jesse C lloin.n and others, now in the occupancy i.fSamutl Puyt.e. About folly acres of said trad arecband, and in good slate of cultivation, on which there ia a small darn erect, d. The property w ill be sold on r. asm able trims. For further pailicnlais, peisons are requi sl ed to apply to the arul sciib. r. H. L. MASS."-'..., Agmt, Nov. 27ih, 11 1. if , Sunbuiy. Pa. rrn.u ii:ut,i last MAirnn, Nu. 1 1 Cailt Lit1 Siiixt, l'liil;uJt:liiia ("I'hrte dm.ri uU ie Sternal. J IIIOE Findings always kept on haml, w l.ich hi ( oilers for sale on Il.e loac-t terms. Countr; Merch mis are (i.iitiiu! ulv to I ill and juilge I'm themselves. Philadelphia. Novetn icr Ft, IP 11. I v. OF EV EliY DKst'KIPIION'. m:v !;.ci..M) oil comtany. .o. ''!) Nuillt YaU;r Street, Hiila. MANUFA(; rUi:Ei:S and dealers in Oils of every description bo ill for burning ami miiiiulaciuritig purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and ivnriauied in ipiuhty tonpjul any in the city. Any oil sold by Ihe company not proving as I0 resented, may be relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will U' refunded. Their sloik now irv store consists ol Ihe following oils, viz: UO.dOO callous Winter Uleached SiieimA Oil, 0(100 do do Coloilcfs Oil, do Full and Spring Sperm Oil, do W inter Sea Eh bant, do do Prcsed W hale Od, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 15.IUI0 10, 000 20.(10(1 tiOOO 15,1X10 2(10 Hnricls superioi Sua a Oil, 3IKI do Cod Hank Oil, fill do Nea's Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner' Ids. Cj 'Phis Company has a numlier of Yessols gaged ill the Cod Fisht rv, and 'Fanners may rely upon getting al all times Oil hs pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. Ft, I si I. I v. G. V. &, L. S. TAYLC?.. FFEK Foil SALE, ul the Sutli East Coi ner of Fifth and .L.rl.it Sietts, I'liiLulil- pint) Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched warranted, iio iio do pcggti) do do do do wver proof, double sole and double tippers. do Call-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Hoots, iio ih) Neata do do. do High quarter shoes, Calf-skin, do do dt) Crockets do do nailed Fine Monroes warranted Kip do C..lf do Coarse do do Shoe Fine do do do do do do do do do Kip do do Call' and eal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with uiul without soles, do Curpct llo do do do Patent Warranted Wuler-prool Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Hublier sinus, (enlienieiis' do Over .shoes. With every other dec iplmn of boots and shoes. Fur Csps of every description. Travel! ng Ttui k. of every di script ion. Yencii ii Travelling Hag. Patent liiiiu Elastic Shoe Flat king, lloiinets ,,f u kind. Palm Leaf Hats. PhiljJclplii., Nmt-njUf U, It-ll. ly. - -'. " - .! J L ... Smmmmm I CHP.TSOLITE -POLISH. A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil er, Oermnn Silver, Urass, (Jopiier, Urittania ware, Tin, JSteel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. THY IT. Prepared and (old at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Norihum'd, II. D. MASSE It, Agent for Sunhury. November 30th, 1841. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL HOOKSEL LEKS AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Cliesnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. T"EEP constantly oh hand a general assort ment of Hooks and stationary t comnrisina I Iieological. I.aw, Medical, Classical, Mlscellane ous and School Hooka, Day Hooks, ull sizes, Led. gers, do., Family Hibles, Pocket H.h'es, Yiitii Pers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ae.. which they ol (er ai the lowest ptices to Country Merchant's Pre fessional (iVntlemen, Teachers, and all othcra thai may favor ihem with their custom, Philadelphia, Nniomber LI, 1811. ly. .TliclKH'l Vnvrr cV Son, ROTE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'. 13 iXm th Water Slrcel. Vhiladehdiia. i . v i., . -.. , . nr, consianiiy oil iiano, a general assort ment nf Cordage, Seine Tw ities, Ac. vi. : I nr'd Hopes, Fishing Hones. White Hones. Manil la Hopes, Torv Lines for Canal Duals. Also, a complete asSDitmcnt of Stine Twine, Ac, such as Hemp Snad and Herring Twine, Hesl Patent O'ill ' Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and llening Tw ire. Shoe j Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Hed Colds, Ph ugh Lines, i Halters, Truct s. Cotton ami Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of w hich they w ill dispose of on imsonuhle i telnis. Plnlade'phin, Novembei 13, lIL ly. Jacob l'liMiiiilh Son. 1 ESJ'ECTFl LEY inlorms their Iru nds and -- acquainlniices ge lenilly thai they still con tinue to keep al the old talid. No. 21G North 3d strei t, Philadelphia, all tmls of Ton Arc o km : v aw si:;afs. Which they w ill sell ;n the mat '. accommodating and leasoiial le teims. N. D. All coeds Mild w .11 be guai llitccd and ull orders promptly jtl.ndt .l to. Phihiileiphia, Nevernber 13. IM1 -ly. rSTS? CC1TCVS?7" Wltolcsalu ;iinl Ketail Mine, lioimut, :iinl l'iilm Leaf lint Warehouse. .Vo. ("( Xnrth 'id street, a few doors uliure .hell. I'h i In iti Ij hia. I A I.SO Ti unks. Cat pet Dags and V nlice. of ev J.iL "y dcsciiplion, ull of which he oilers for ! sale on the iiiosl teas liable terms. I Phdndelphia, Novojuber 13, 1 1? -I I . I v. j J . w . s vaTn , j I'liiltrella ami l'arasul Manufacturer.! .Vo. 37 Xnitii 7'hitd ttrtei. urn doors bilolr the Citu Until. Vhiladilphiii. COUNTRN Merchiilils and others are solicited to i xaiiiini! his innoilt.ii lit hi lore purchasing elsew here Phila el, hia. NovcmUr 13. S-lt. ly. i . vv a 7 1 0 v 0 1: 1 ) t ' s " China, (Ilnss and Liverpool Warehouse, A'o I til AiiWA Third street, third d'Hir below Vine street, I'hilaiijdiia. VTifHEIiE they ronstuiitly knp on huinl a large ' assoilment of (.'bina, (.lass and Liverpool Ware, w hich they w ill dispose of on the must lei sonuble teims. Phil iilelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. TIILOIMLUS Cl Ll. Manufacturer and . linpoi ler of Sad dlery, Hardware, r. .Vo. 5 South Third xtrret, four doors bilo'V Market I'hiladi liiia. EEP constantly on In.nd a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Hands, Axle Anns, Eliplic Springs, Putt lit Leather. Ac. Country Merchants ami saddlers w ill I e supplied al ull limes on the most ic.ioiiable It tins. They w iil find it to tin ir advantage to call and examine his ussoiiuieiil before purchasing elsewhere. Pliiluib Iphia. November 13,1811. ly. KLYNOLDS, Me F All LAM) vV CO Wlmlesalo Dealers in l'oreiiin Ilritisli and American Ih v CikuIs. .Vo. 105 Market ttrett, I'hi.'adt Iphia. COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at all times with nn extensive assort ment of the la st nml most fashionable ('nods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1811. 1 v. LOW I'll vV l!AlNiO., Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Ilaidware, No. I7t North Tin tin Sthi.it, Piuiini trim. w HI ERE their fi lends and i ustoiners w ill always find a large ami general a-sorimenl of Foreign and Domestic llaidwjie, which they will si II ut the lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. LSHLUICK, IIA.NSKLL A-. ( ()'. WHOLESALE DKY GOODS TOHE. No. 1-' Market Street, l'hila. ( . Fifth Si'iith hide ) VLWAVS keep on hand a lull and general as si rui.cn t of Hosiery, Luce, and Fancy (joiuls, I ountry Mcichaiits are respectfully reitiestjd to give tin in a call and examine for ihein elvi s. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. NI'KKIXl,, GOOD & C(X Xo. Ills Maiket Street, l'liiladclphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants tti their exleiikive assortment ol Uiitiih French sod American Dry (foods, which I hey oiler lor sde on the most reasonable terms. Phibnlelphia, Novemlier 13, 1811. ly. "iricCALLA & iirasET NU ."!, UI 111 S- OIIl kll t-4'l, (eoimiH or coomb's an.tr.) Where they constantly keep on hand general assortment of CLOTHS, CAESIMEBES, VESTING S, And a greJ xaritty ofurlicien of a mijurhT quality, whh h lisey niter to dispose of upon the most leaionalile tirina. CO! N l HY MEIiCH AN ! S and oihers w ill find it to llitii atlviintspe to call and ixuUjtnc ir slin k lfore purchasing elsew here. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1841. ly VIIOLXSAr.B r.HOE, BONNET, Cop anu' I'alm lsf Hat S(,re, No. 10 Sot th 4ih tsSTi.T. PH I L A D E LP ill A , A17HI-lvE an ertn.sive a -iorliiient nf c, e g,e artiilea aia coi,btantly kept on 'itld, for .ale at the most reasonable terrm,. Msy '10, mi.- ly. A N unparelleled remedy for common Colds, CoiikIis, Asthma, Influcn7.a, Whooping Cough, Droni hitis, and all diseases of the Ureast and Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of Ihe concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Donset, Dlond Kont, Liverwort mid several other vegetable substances. Prepared i lily by J, M. Wikslo w, Hocheater, New Yoik. The innocence nnd nnivprsnllt adtnilleil pectoral vitluesnf the Heibs from which the tinhorn of llniehound is made, are too generally known to re iitiire recniiiineiii Biion ; il is ibeiefnre only necrssa ty to observe that this Medicine rontaina the whola of (licit Medicinal piopeities, highly enncentralrd, at d so happily combined w ith several other vrge table subsiances', as to render il the most speedy, mild and cett .iu rtimdv, now in use, f r the com plaints al ove mentioned. 'I hn llalsam removes nil imflammation and sore ness of the Liiugs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en nbling the patient to expectorate w nh ease and free dom, nssuiucs cough, relieves nlhmatic and dilli cull respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the iore, and composes Ihe distuiWd nerves, and giea stniiuih lo the tt inter lungs, and thus produces a S eetlv and lasting cute. Inn-riTi in: is nut a jisest i ai M K I ! Maw. W'c are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollais will, (nt ihe expense of truth and ho nesty) "ciack up" an article and bring it into rapid I stile ; neither nie we willing to lemsin silent, after having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis ; covery in scit nee or art. Our readers w ill recollect W'c told them we were uiiwt II with a sore throat and j violent Ct Id some fi vv w ciks aco. Well, we pur j chased two lollies of INSl.OW'S BALSAM j OF HOKEllOl ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forot we evtr had a cold. Those who I are nlllicied, may tiy it upon our recommendation, I l.e:t i.toi legraph. For sale hy I II EN HY VO.YTHEIM E R, Sun bur if, j J ACtiU H Klli HT, Xorlhumbei land. Also, by Drugcists gcuer..ly tlirouehoul the country. rrf Piice, SO cents per bottle, j Auitust lllli, 1811. ly. LIST OF BOOKS. run sale nr sS, Lli. 5yf.N.qy,?grarr- VNTHON'S Classical Diciionary; Lrmprier's do.; A inswoilti's do ; Cobb's d,,.; English and (ieimsn do.; Antbon's Ca sar; Ambon's (irammer; Aiitheti's Cicivo; Mail's I. alio Header, (tgilby's do.; Amiiew's Latin Lessons; Donm gan's Leiicon; Fisk's (ire. k Exerc scs; Duvies's Li'L'entlei; (iraeca Majorat Adams's Human Antiquities; Pinnock's (tolilslnilh's Et 'Eland; do. (ireece; Lvell's Elements ol (ieoloi;v; M is. Lint i lo's Hotauv; Elements of lb tanv; Pridi 's Algebrn; Portei's Hhetoiical Hi a-der-; Em, rson's (ieoirahy and Hi-lory; Oluey'a tlo; Piir'ty'sdo ; Smith's (irammei; Kirkham's do.: Kav's Kead. r-; Cold's do.; Cobli's Arillimetick; Pike's do.; Eiin rson's do.; Cut b's Spi lling Hooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fa mily Libiary; Coitaite Bible. ; Family do; Collater al do.; Smalt Uil'les and Testament-; Paikei's Ex ert i-es on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxtei's S jot's Hesi; American Hcvnlutinn; Mariyatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Clicmistiv; Iliad; Catechism uf American Lawi; Letters on Natural Manic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's (trammer; Sequel In Coniley's Spelling Hoot.; Ann r lean Class Hook; Daboll's Schoohnns tci's Assistant; A creat variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, I8U. ATTENTION, j . s 1 1 i: v j i: s , 1 ElJUESTS tlie atienlion of his country frinuls k nlin are in want, to Lis vc,v tarue storli of ('aiprtintjs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Hugs, Bindings, Siiijt Hods, vte., vV.c, lltut hehasjiisi opt in d, at his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila de'phia. July 31, 1841. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. Kl K K PA THICK & SOX, A'o. 21. Xnilh Thirdsreel, (m.TW'l.K MAHKF.T A II rHFSJIl'T STnFfcTS,) PHILADELPHIA. TT AYE for sale large and excellent assoilment - nf Sy in mh ll. Jts. Vutna Sips, Tanners' Oil, Ac, at the lowest maiket prices, ettl ir for cash, ir exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Cuiisigumi nls of l eather rei-eived for aile, ol purcbasetl at the highest market prices. (J" Leather stoied free of ttiaigc. April 17. 1811. ly. 4 olt'., 4 oulis ;iml llirir I'alal l uii- qlM'lMCS. 7 HEN w-e behold the bills nf mortality, and the vast unrulier that die of that lell tie- slrovi r Consumption, we cannot but feel for ihoso who tiiouin thi ir loss, when we know that secular ileinonstrati.iris are daily made vi-jh'c lo the public, that Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Iii inedy w ill ill nine cases out of ten complctily crul.cale the first sympioms of ilmt f ol dneas-. Will patien s or ibetr i ea'est friends any loiicer dt lay piocuring this medicine, w nh tl e ex lactation that ihe disease, mil i.aiuially reiitcve its, Il 'I be vast number that die annual y i f Coiisumpiioii, find 'hrviry many of our friends ami acquaintance who are dangerously iilllieted thai must ere long pay the tb It of nature, should convince all afflicted thai it is l est to be rid of the in ly and evil seeds aa soon a os ible, b. loie they lake root and "destruy I he life" when in tie bloom and beanlv nf health. Alwsys ssk for Dr. Duncan's Expoctoiant He me.lv. ai tl be ,u e you obtain i1, as there are sonic I eis, uis base tiiough io palm some uilu r medicine on iho-e who a'e not on their guard, which they buy at a very trilling price, at the same time sell it at full piice, thus fleecing the afllitted of their mo rn v and hi alt!'. Film- p. I Cilice. It) North Eighth sircet, where ibe medicine is sold w hoses .le ami retail. For sale at ihe store of 1IENIJY YOXTIIEIMEIt. Oct. 8 h, 1842. Agent. Itltt-iimuliMii r.ntinlij rurnl tnj the tisr of Dr. O. P. Ibir llich's Ceiiiijuutid String tin iting and Cier vmn .Xjniiint Fills. A I II SOLOMON ILSOX. .- O' es.ereoui te. ' . xdlictcd for two .,,.,!, lUaLov,,!,.. trcs-ing ili i asi-, ,.( H . hlll , UM. ,lW ,,. i a f , r eighteen I'.omhs his symiiioins wcicexs ' ciucating 1 1 .. j pi, jollll; ,Uiclay ; ,, hi a, e'n ti a, i. ,k pain im-rei-iug toward j eeu ,,(,, ii,.,.. wqt, ,t. Mr, Wilson w .s at . o.iClniie not able t i move his lunlis on accuint of I lh pain l-eina- so gnat; he biing .dvised by a fiiend ol his in procuie Dr. H.rlnh's MI, for wlncli lie sent to ilio ageni in ci Chester and procured some, on using ihe medicine the ihtid day, Ihe psin ilisippearcd, and bis strength increa. std I'.st, nd in ibree iv,i k was able lo attend to tii til iness, winch he had not done lor eighteen m il lb-. For ihe benefit uf otheis till end, he wishes these line pul bslied, that ihey may be re. Iievid, and again enjoy the le un f h-allh life. Principal oliicf, No 16 No th Eighth atreet, Philudclptii. HENRY YOXTHELMER, S.pi.Vlih, 1813. -4rii. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers