York on Tuesday morning, by Pomeroy'a Express, for the Bank of Upper Canada, The amount of Revenue secured at (he port of New York during the year 1841, wa$IO,146,fi35 99. During three quarter of the year 1842, $9,. 911,387 23. According to the last census, goods to the amount of $114,000,000 were manufactured in the New England Stalea, Mr. Thoma Blanchard, of Massachusetts, haa invented a machine fur turning fhoe last of all aizes. Marriage are noticed in the following manner in the Hamburg papers, the parties sending in a joint advertisement I "The joyful celebration of our marriage, this day complelej, vie announce to relatives and friends. Carl If KisaKitHKit, Maris Voir Hkisherokr. Marmonlinii George W. Robinson, Lite a General "in the Nau vxi service, haa withdrawn from the Mormon con nection, as he 'cannot consent longer to remain a mrmlier of said church while polygamy, hscivious ness and adultery ore practised by some of its lead ing members.' He publishes a letter in the San gamo Journal, corroborating Dennett's statements concerning tne infamous character and practices of Joe Smith. The last number of the 'Times and Seasons,' published at Nauvoo, containa letter from Joe xiniili, which was recently read to the Saints, an nouncing his flight as follows : "Forasmuch as the Lord has revealed unto me that ny enemies, both of Missouri and this State, were egoin on the pursuit of me ; and inasmuch as they pursue me without cause, and have not the shadow or coloring of justice or light on their side in getting vp their prosecutions against me ; and inasmuch aa their pretentions are all founded in falsehood of the blackest die, I hive thought it expedient and wisdom in me to leave for a short season, for my own sifely anJ the safely of this people. When I learn that the storm is fully blown over, then I will return to you again.' Then follow direction upin various church mat ters, especially 'baptism for the dead.' The samepaier contains an account of a speech in which Eldrr Rigdon declares his perfect faith in Joe Smith, and relates a miraculous recovery of his daughter from sickness, which he says, con firms him in the Mormon belief. His diughter, lie says, was pronounced dea I, but a ion aftiT rose and addressed them all at great length, and finally id that, having been dead, the Lord had 'scut her back' in obedience to her father's prayers. An Old Times' Speculator, The debts duo by the estate of John Nicholson, once the partner of Robert Morris, of Revolution ary memory, are said to amount to I ivelve millions of dollars J He wm Comptroller General of the fcuto of Pennsylvania, from 1782 to 179G, and in some way used the public funds to carry on hia speculations. Uflhe extent of hia landed posessious, some con ception may be formed from the fid, that his liro ther, Samuel Nich ilson, aft T a very laborious in vestigation, reported to the government in 18015 that the binds to which he hid ml indisputable till.', covered one-sevrnA of the surface of the State. In a letter to an intimite friend, he mentioned a transfei in a single orration, of between one and two million acres in Georgia, About theyear 1798, he became seriously em Virrassrtl, and die J in the year 1800, As he was B debtor to the Commonwealth, the State had a lien on all his lands. Many of these have lieen cleared of all incumbrances by compromise, but the b in still remains on more than a million of acres, rendering, as a committee of the legislature say, titles doubtful and uncertain, retarding the improve ment of the Commonwealth; and keeping all con cerned in endless suspense.'' To adju-t the conflicting claims of land hold ders, heirs, creditois, and the Comiionwi allh, the Legislature of Prnnsylvatri t a few years since, in stituted a special court, called the Nichols in Court, with plenary power in the premises. And, the peo ple of Erie county in that Stn'e, have been not a tit le astounded by an order from that Court, which if carried into clfect, will cause nearly the whole country to pass under the auctioneer's hammer in ah iuI five weeks time ! It appears to have been the first intimation they had, that their lands were embraced in the cl lim. Great also wa the surprie anJ alirm in the cotiory cf Leaver, when a handbill wn received fica Pitislajre, coii'ainiiie lists of land to be soli at Pittsburg on the "Oth of Ociolx-r by older of the commissioners of the Nicholson Court. On exami ning it, there were found embraced in il, two or lliree hundred tracts, of four hundred acres each, altogether exceeding one hundred thousand acres, of the beM laud in the county, aud embracing near ly a fouith part of its lerritoiial limits. This ad vertisement to sell is, il is alleged, the fuel iiitirua lion nal John Nicholson ever Lad a claim to a sin gle Had of lutid in the county the in my hun dreds, nay, almost thousands uf person now in ioaessioii, not dreaming of insecurity from Inat or ny other quarter. Such ai the effects of speculation. Through John Nicholson's alt-grasping cupidity, the peace of whole counties is distuibed, forty years alter bis .Icath X Y. Morn. JW. Klwortii, tub IVim'si kian. We learn from the IV ton l'ot-t, thai Kl worth, the pejus trian, on Wednetsduy morning triumphantly completed the arduous task of walking thou. and miles in a thousand hours ; but to show I hut he was neither still nor wind-broken, he continued walking a milo every hour until Ti, P. M. He walked IIih last mile in seven mi- nutes and fifteen seconds Ix-in.' nintlcen se- conda tcna time than it hud takon him tu walk the mile previous. The nnlny Day, AT It. W, LONOFKLLOW. The day is cold, and dark, and dreary l It rains, and the wind is never weary The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, Dot at every gust the dead leaves fall, . And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold, and dark and dreary j It rains, and the wind ia never weary ; My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past Dut the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast And the days are dark and dreary. Be still, sad heart ! and cease repining; Hehind the clouds is the sun still shining i Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be daik and dreary. A Touifh Cutlomer.'ihe editor of the Jones borough Whig, who, albeit a clergyman, wri'cs and fights a little harder than any layman extant, says : "We still continue to do our owu writing and our fighting, upon all suitable occasions; and we will, at all times, run any filthy rascal through our tmuf machine whenever the public interest is to be promoted by the operation." PIIII.ADKbPIHA MAIIKBT. Dickkll's RseoRTr.R, Oct. 11th, 1812. GRAIN. But little Wheat arriving, and prices are fully supported. Sales of good and prime Penu'a red at 93 a 90 cents per bushel, and South ern at from 74 to 90 cent for inferior to prime, chiefly at 84 a 88 Cents. Rye A sale of South ern at 47 cents. Corn A sale of round yellow at 55 and some flat 53 cents ( Southern, if here, would command 52 for yellow and 51 cents fot White. Cuts Sales of Southern at 23 a 21 cents. Assistant tir Naturk. Dr. Brandreth does not profess thut the Brandreth Pills ate other th in an effectual Assistant of Nature : He knows that if she be not entirely exhausted, they cannot fail to cure; and lie it rememliered they may be taken at all times without fear of other than good results. In truth, in this city, where fivo hundred and thirty five thousand boxes have been sold, there is little occasion for saying any thing in their favor ; for it I is clear thut 5,000 boxes would never have been sold had they not been good ! Every fourth indi vidual in this city has nude trial of them. It may be observed, that (heir object is to restore the consti tutiou to a slate of health, and the tesuit, when they have leen persevered with, has fully established their power for so giand a consummation. In o tb. r words it is i lie Blood which has t h. come M-rfrcl ly purified, as on Its prtri y deiH iids cn iicly the health of the whole animal machine. Dr. Benjamin Brandrcth's Ve.etable Universal Fills are indeed a universally approved medicine, which, by its peculiar action, cleanses the blood of nil impurities, removes every pain and weakness, and finally restores the Constitution to perfct health and vigor. Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Masscr, and the audits published in another part of this pser. uii:ii, On Mondny evening last, in this place, MOR RIS MrEWEN. aged about 31 years. Al VVi'oMi r. Chin, on the 21st of September Lst, THOMAS WARNER, formeily uf Auus a t wn-hip, in th a county, ag d 61 years, 5 mouths and 7 das. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Whkat, .... 95 Rtk, ...... 60 Coax, ...... 40 Oats, 25 Pork, ...... 5 Flaxsfkii, ... . 1(10 BlTTfcK, 12 IIkiswat, .... 25 Tallow, .... ISA llMitii Aei-LKs, - - 75 Do. Paaciiks, - - 200 Flax. ... 8 lUcKLKU Flax, - 10 Euos, ...... 8 Anuflior Kt'criil Tc-sl Of the unrivalled virlin of Dr. Ilnrlieh't Compound Slrrniithenimi and (iirmun Aperu nl lulls : i hysficpsia or tkr tkaks' star hi sg cinr.n, WAS afflicted with the above complaint for ten years, which incapacitated me at ir.lerval for the iM-riod nf six yeir from attemling to mv business, I nut now r. stored to perlecl healih through the freiUi-nl use of ihe above medicine. My symptom were, a sense of oppression alter e linir, pain at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, giddiness, palpitation of the heart, and great d. Li lit v . I am willing In give any information lo the afll cled reap cling the ben lii received from Ihe use of Dr. Harlich's celebrated Medicines. Any person wishing information concerning the i llic icy of ihe Medicine, can by duel ling to me at the poal office, Downingtowu, Chester county. Signed W'm. HkMimcK.. Principal 'Mice, foi the sale of th ahove ined cines, is at l'J North Einblh s eel , Pbilsdelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Oel. 15ih. 1H12. Azent. Slicriir's SnTe: Y virtue of a w iil of Yvn. Ex., issoe.l ul of the ('ourl of C'ommoii Pleas of Noilbum- Urlsud cmiulv, and to me direrted, will be etsjs- d to public sale al ihe Couit I loux-, in the boronch ol isuiihuiy, on Monday ihe Vili day ol Novembir next, st 10 o'clock, A. M., lo wit: A icrtain trad or pan-el of laud sitmle in Coal town-bip. Norlhumbtrlaiid eoiinty, adjoining lands of Jacob (iass, Philip oinmh.eh aud oihers, coniai ning two hundred acres more or has whereon are erected a one story log house, lug stable, and the f i sine of a saw mill, a spiing of water, and sn or chard, atrout twenty acres nf said laud ia cleared, H, izrd, taken in exeeulioii, and to be sold as the pioperty of Samuel lleflner. HENRY Grss!,ER. Oc, I5ih, 1812. Sherijf. IliitKoliitlun r l'aitiH'i'slilp. KE NOTICE, ihai the Pailuer-hii. her. to foie existing between Ihe sulenbera. ineler the funi uf HAAS &. DRrt'KEMU.LER. in the I claims wi l plea-e piewnl tbrui propeilv auibenii Hailing buaiuesa. wa dis-silved o i the Kih inst , I Ci'ed f r seiileinenl, u IX iHirdav, the ll. OeloU'r ly niutuul consent, and that Ibe books of the lain firm have been let! with George Weiser. E.ij for col lection. Tl'iitv Juvs' lime, fiom tins date. vi'l he. I ",ve" '"' ,'WI,'V.H..''' ''"H"' process will be res .ned to. 11 E N R V II A A SAMI F.L DhTCKEMILI.ER Sunbury, Oct. I5.lt, IS12, Ut. HATTER, VERY RESPECTFULLY leu- leave to in form hia eustnmets and the public generally, that he still continues the HATTINO BTJSlNEtS, in all its various branches, in the shop, neatly op osite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by Henry Haas and himself, under the firm of linns lc Druckemiller, which firm has been mutually dir. solved. He bop.s. by his long experience in the above business, and atrict attention thereto, to ren der general satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sunhury, October IMh, 1W42. fim. Take Notice. ALL those indebted to Dr. John Pesl, either l.y note or on book uceount, arc invited (for the first and last time) to call and settle up their resec tie accounts, on or before ihe 15th of November, as after that time they will be placid in the bands of a proper officer for collection, without rce-t to persons. JOHN PEA l Pel. l.Vh. 1812 31 l,it of' IsCttri'M, ' 1 EMAIXIM1 in the Fuel Office at Augus'a, Sept. 3IM h, 1812 : James (.'lark. 'I bourns Smith, Soloman Starnc, Thomas llramlield, Ephnim Ly lb'. Abraham Dreb belbies, Gideon Leisenring, I-anc W. Farnswo th. Oct. 8ih, 1842. J U'OU BLOOM. P. M 1 J vTiiT 1 1"." t V v I'm t? i OFFERS his professional setvics le. I lie citizens of Sunbury, and vicinity. Office next door to the residence of Revd. It. A. Fisher, where he miy be found, unless engagad ill discharging the duties of his profession, Oct 8ih, 1812. tf. TAKE NOTICE. THAT the llnparlnership I. erelofore existing V tween Dr. John W. Peal and Dr. D. T. Triles, in ihp practice ofmidicine, has this day I een di-sol-ved by mutual Consent. The hook ami accounts of the late firm nre in Ihe hands of Dr. J. W, I'eal, who is fully auihorizcd to settle the same. JOHN W PEAL, Sf.pt. gBth.1812. 1). T. TRU ES. A-CARD. Dr .1. V. Ilsl begs leave to tender hi grate ful arkuowledginrnts to the people of Sunt u y and suirotiniliiig country, foi then ps-t encourage ment in the line of bis profession ; and would st the same lime announce to lliein, th it be si ll in tends lo continue Ihe prielice of rnedieine in all its various d partment. He would, therefore, solicit s column .nre of tin ir confidence and p itrona je. He may !e loiind al nil lime- at his olliee, in mar ket slree', unless professiomillv engiged. Sunbiirv, Oct. 1st. IS 12. if. A CARD. Dr. I. T. Tl llrx, Respectfully itif nmsthe ciiir.ens of Ronton v ainl vi ii i v. tlial be has a kensii office in the buil.lins Intel) mcu, iedby Peter Laxiru us a drug stoie, in m.irket stioel, Su .bury, where lv may W f.und at all hours. DR. TR1TES returns his sino re thanks for 'he encoiiragemenl helms iec. ie.l. in the line of his profession, in (his place, and lru-ts by prompt at. lent ion lo Ihe duties of his profession, and rea-on-nblo charges, that he will continue to receive a lihertl .hare of the public patron "Re. Sunbury, Oet. 1st, 1842. if. UNION HOTEL, (Crnrriii St, i tie lifter,) n: a: j ir ctz: Tar LYCOMING COUNTY, 1'rmiM.i Ivanlii. TIHE Siib-crilwr respecifully informs his frier ds l and the public in general, that he has taken the above LA ltd F. AD COMMODIOIS HO TE L, IN THE B O It O l. G II O F M U N C Y, and that he i now well prepared to accommodate all tvbo isbv favor h in with llieir eiislom. Hit Sluthu ArRTkSTs ure well aired, and comfortable. MuTsHLr Avn BtH will always be siipplid with the best the market can sffonl. His SrAHLisn, which is kimuI will be under the charge of good slid carelul hestlers. He f. els confident, by stru t attention to bu-iness, and an earnest desire lo render c mlortable tlii.se wbo may patronize him, that he will not fil louive general satisfaeli.m. II. B. WEAVER. Money. Oct. 1st, 1812 if. iXTiiT ivmf , 11 o I a il S Ii o v .11 a U v r, TITER V Reseetfuly mlonns bis freiol. and old ciIKloniers, thai he has opened a HOOT & SHOE Establi-htiient, in the shop formerly "c cupied by Peler Lazarus as a ding store, in Market street, wlo re he iineuds lo crrv on the business in all its various branches. l)y st'iel attention lo lui siness, resMViidilc charges, and hi u most endeavor to give gem ral satisfaction, be hopes lo receive a liberal share of public patroliuge, Oct. 1st, 1812. .11. amelo Ihe premises of ihe kuhacriher, on the Shamokin l.laiid, ill Auun-ta township, si on Ibe 1st of August Lsl, SIX (SPRAY MIKE P. nisrked by having a piece i lipped from the end of one ear. The owner is tcqticsird lo come forward, prove proja'ity, pay ihirqss. ami lake ihem away. PETER VANDLI.Mi. Oct. 1st. 1 S I It. CAUTION. LL H'rsous ure hereby cautioned from putcba- suit; or receiving a piounssaiy note Riven by ! the suhsi ribers to a Ci il mi llemv Mooers, I n the pavineul of Two llornlreil 1 loll ,rs v. ilU iuli'ri si. (dated April I Mill, 'i'hr sulM-ribi r havinu leeeived no cnliidf ration lor ibe ubove note, aie ili leriniiied not lo pay the same, unless compel id bv law; and have given none to that elleel lo lliiiry P. Ilsiv.v. the aRi-nt of ibe sa d ll-nrx Mooeis. STEPHEN BITTEN RENDER,' : II.LIVM FAG ELY, ; ELI TREGO. Shamokin. Kepi. Klih.lSl'J. I'.rlat of John T liop, Stu'r. "tT l) l it ' 1'. is heiel y Riven, thai lull, rs of aduon- 1 1 i-'iuiiou on 1 lie estate 01 joiin 1 1 nopp, sen r., I.le, ,uwer Mabonoy township, diceasetl, weie ill due lorin of law granted to the suhs'.ln r, re.id ng in said township. All prrsous in. lei led to sai I es , siale will plea-e in ike pavment, and ihoae liavinu I ell, at the house o tba deceas. d. ts. pl. 24ih. Ik42. JOHN TCIIOPP. II II .11 iSSr.ll sRiui notifies all who n'r. Iinhliie.l lo Ii nit or Hie firm ol . (I. Masser & Co., to call and sellle wi'houl delav, oilu iie thur ac inuiils will be placid in the h inds of a uiauisirtte j for cJli'clioii. Kuubury, Sept. 21, lei'.'. PIIOTOUICAPIIIC IVOTICI?. JNI. P. SIMONS Ao. 173 Chrnnut Vretf, 4'A Story, a? HIL ADr LPIII A. ANUFXCTI IJEU nf DAKfEWEO. TYl'F AFl'ARATCS, Surgical and Mi niature Csia, Importer of F'cnch Cbemicala and double silver). lates for the l)nanerreetve, adnpla ihi melhcsl of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that he csrrii a on ihe bove nusiness exlinsivelv, in all its various branches. Persona desirous of obtaining any of the above arlicVs, csn he promitlv supplied, on the lowest terms, for cash. All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate attention. Ma. U R. LILLEHR'DGE, now (ravelling in the Northern purl of the Stale, will prnmplly at lend to nil orders, give necessary information and Photographic instructions to any person on appli cation In him. Aui!iit filh. 1812. Bin EH AVE this dav boiiubl of Samuel Ei-unhart, nf Coal township, Noilhuiidierlnml entity . one lllack hotse nod tie'irs, one Deaiborne Wagiron, one Yoke Oxen, Ox Yoke, Waggon and Chain, and one lliass Iwei.ly-foiir hour ('lock, which pro perty I have loaned him at my pleasure, S. JOHN. Shamnkin, Nept. ttlh, 1842-51-31. VJ irjnj Ol ICrt is hereby (riven ihit the partnership wbirh beretofoie i xis'pil between the snbsrri- I ers, i.nder the firms of Bear cV Trea.i nml Treuo, B.'ar cV ("a, i ibis ilav dissolved bv mutual con sent. All debts due by the films will be paid by Jacob Hear, lo whom h II ibe ilehiora of the aame will please to m ike payuniit. jAcon m:R. Jt)HN TREGO. Shamnkin, Sept. 10th, IS 12. TAKE NOTIceT LL those n d. bled t.i the firir, r ihe snl'srrihrrs will please call and niske satisfaetioii. either bv payinR up r Riving tin ir no'pa with security. No longer hidnlueoee rsn be uiven. lilin. ROHRDACH cV BROTHERS. Auc'isl 0th. 112. T) 1 f. J N. SI J A I N I i SURGEON DENTIST, T FSPEtJ I Fl I.I.Y informs Ihe put. be thai be bus made Norlh'iiiderlan. his pi rniam nl pla-e of icsiib nee. and is ready lo attend lo any Cali in the line of hi- profession. July 2. IS 12. ly. ho tiii: ft iti.ic YiniEREAS Letters Patent were (jranted to Mr. II. W.t'.iMr, in Oct her, Ki, for a new mid useful imprnvement in the deseeiidiim I'i.i i; Cook i fS tot ks : b.svp umh is'ood one H A TH AWAY is iisinj nn said iinproeineiit umler the name if "Hier Air Stui k," wbieli s'ove ii.vol s the principle erur. l tome. This is to caution all eisons against makim:, v, ruling, or usina said "Hot Air Moves, as I shall prosecute all who in any way infringe my liahls; mid I hereby consti tute Josni'A W. Comlt, Es. of Danville, my law fol Attorney. empowering him to bring sni's against any person who shall use inv improvenients in anv manner whatever. HENRY W. CAMP. ' Ow.go, Tinea county, N. Y Ju'v 2. IU42 3m. TAILORING, ON HIS OWN HOOK. OEsPECTFI LI.Y ml oins hi- IriemU and ihe ' pubbc geneial'v, lb it he has commenced the T a i I o r i 11 g It u i 11 c j , io all its bra icSes, in ihe bou-e formerly occopnd by V' in. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in II l.ickU rrv street, iicarlv opposite the Pr.shyierian Church. He ris eeliully solicits a share of the public patron uge. and tiusis by stru t aitctition lo business and reasonable cha ges, be w ill be enabled lo give gen eral satislacioii. Nuiibuiy, June 18th, 1812 l v r-. ? r- a 7 ;cr ,Vff HOTEL. Miantulilii, i tlitiutliri land Co., PENNSYLVANIA. flHK subscriliers ie-p.eitullv inlorui the public I that thov have taken that large tind rum modi oli lit) PEL, in Ni,.inokinlowii, Mi tint Ci litre oi the tiest Coal Hi i; ion, lately kept by Jacob Kram. wlieie ibey are now prepared to ueeomuiixlale all who may favor them wuh iheir custom. 15 y strict attention lo business, they h. pe lo leceive a hhiral share uf public pationaui-. It A IflllM.OR V GOVE. Slnmokintow n, June 18th. 1842. To oiiutrv MERCHANTS. rPllK fsubseril er, ArcoI nl I yon & Harris, Hal M mot n Inn rs. for N. w Yoik, Pbd ilelpbia, Baltiiiiiiie slid 'fiber lare 1 il 11 s, ! ow lints me highly ciiiiiiin 11 Jul I 0 ui'nd ed;i aud dur'it.Jitt. bason land a lir-t rate 'isieilm nt ol HA I S ai d t'APS, tui'.al.le for iSproia s.U--, ah ill .11 e .hi very low, fm eas'i in appioved en'd.t, at the mini cheap btiire. Sit. 40, North '1 h id sire I, ofpisi'r the City H 'lel. I'hiU h lpbia. RtiUiIHT D. A ILKINSON, ,4,'r't. N. ll. Oidi-istol Hals .ii ihe r.n;, . pruniptlv altei.de.l lo. The highest tiee in :uii r Ira U given I r Fm skin.'. Pi lljilelphi. June II, I K I - - -1 y NEW GOODS. I 'ST m eived. a fresli supply d cheap Dry lioods. Groorna. tlaiilwur.-. e. Siipermr l.a.lles' black kid til ikes, t 'oboeil do , I. awns, Chllites, N!ou-n tin de biiuea, Ac. t'lolhs, I ois-imcics, t 'asbnieiets, Linen )i llii.gs. Muslins, ii. StiH'ri.r Po't W u.e, Pun- tpeini 1 'il, f erill (.'alidlis, Rai ins. eVc. Jm.e Jib. is2. . M SM1K. l.. (h isi.i.s nub hied to the lillllr.l I.mio K II i i s, under Ihe agenry of H. N . Tt sebi r, it unit fiiji Manufarturirt. !Vo. -Ill Noilh Third, slieil, Plul.ub Iphui, are inputted lo make iiniiieiti I tile seitb uieiil ol I' s.coi.i is lib ibe su'oscrilt-r, I tluir b cal'v ini'hoi ieil agent, who is lul'v nipou. end to i lih and colli el the ceounls of ssi.l linii. ROI1ERT D. WILKINSON, June 4 la. 112. If Aiieul. IV.lA'.'.l V77.7J Nl Fr.tlinlt 7'f) .l.YJ' O TIIFIt A FMi St.MilRY. JOHN ii HENRY LANDAT, having rented the Lime Kilns of llemv Master, in Sui buiv, have now for sale the Is st Lime in this part of the eouiiiry, and w ill continue to keep eonsl .ntly "ii baud tresh l ime for PI .sienna, lluiiibng and for Liming laud, oil a rensoiial le terms as cn be bad uiiv where in ihe i.eih! oihoisl. May 21, IS42. J. vV W, LANDAU. THE rniLADELfniA, READING AND rOTTSYlLLE RAIL XIOAD. AN EXTKA ACCOMMODATION LINE U ill rnmtnrnrr running brlwrrn Philadelphia and I'oltsvillc nn Ihp fuHuwing dayt atnl hmii it : Orj ann AVTra Mmnir, Mat 9. 1S42. Leaving PolUville, on Moinb.ys, Wednesdays anl Fridays. at 8 A. M. Leaving Pbilsdelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdav. at I j P. M. Ilimrt nf finftintr Hearting, t or rhil ..telphia, nl 10 A. M For Poltsville, at P. M Tri-weckly. F.I It K N. Between Poilsvilb' V Pbilada. 5.1.50 V f2.50 B.lwreri Reading V d -. 2.25 cV. 1.75 llelwreu do V Pot'sville, 1,40 1,(10 Exi t'lisio Tickhts oonn roa rati'iiniko stir n t r . Iletween Pottville cV Philadelphia, 5 00 B. lween Read lig do. 3 00 lie. ween do. cV Pottsville, 2 no The other pnssentjer trains will as before, at Hie following h 'lirs ; Philadelphia and Polhrillf. Frem Pbihidelpbi., at 5 A. M. J From Puti-ville, at 2 P. M. S Daily Ilnurg nf passii u l!riidin;. For Pot'sviiie, at 9 A. M. ? Foi Phil i.lelpbia. st 31 P. M. y Dsilv. All ihe trains will stop for wuy passengers at ibe u-ual points. 0j' All passengers nre requested to procure their liekels before the trains slat. M iv 21. IU42. if. E sTMnil ach von I'otts viisLi:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! FI1IIE Mall Coach for Pottsville leaves Nnrthum 1 berland everv morning at 4 oMoek, and arrives in Potlsxlle in time for the cars to Philadelphia. Ft nr. as low as any o'btr line. For seats, applv at Mrs. W'iibington's Hotel, N.uthumberlaiid, o at Georae Weitzel's, Seiil.ury. A. E. KAPP & CO.. North M.. Mav 21. I 12. Proprietors. r V Pas-enters coming fr.v Pbihi.'eb hia w ill p'ca-e s-cure llieir seats at the Wh ti Swan Hon I, Rice St., before they leave the itv Pis-ei rjers coii.iuis in this line, lnvc lb- ir seat S' cured in any ,s ii,,. (ir Packet boat from this t-v. ' host ColniliL' in Ibe i ll. i r line may la lefl behind. CLDE Bl WILIilAPIS' lClanK Hook .llaiuilat lorj , Opposite Prime's lintel, iiai:iiijhi(;. f':IEY sre i-r.p.r.d to nr.ii.uf icture blank woik M. of every de-cnplion, ruled to nny psl'ern, sued ss IbH'kels breords. Div ll.siks. Ledgera, As-s-sor' and t'ollectors' Dupbeiti a of Ihe finest quali ty of panel, in a style equal lo any in ide in the ci ties nf I'hil.nle'phia or New York, All descriptions of IhiiiIiiik i rally executed. Serap Ito. ks, Albums slid Portfolio made lo order. Laiv Hook-, Music and Period r . Is bound to any pittern. Old Hooks rebound, etc. Also files if paa'is boll i d. Qj- Work left at Ihe office of the Sunbury Ante riesn, will be iirou.plly attended to. May 2 lsl, IS42. ly. EAGLE n n a rn? h Corner of 'Plfrd and Vine Streets, WILLI Aivisr OUT, FA. rPIIR aiihscriU-r resjieiifully announcea to the public, that be has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wail rip hi those who may favor him wit'i their company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ge and conveni ent, and furnished ii, Ibe be-t ne dein st b'. Il is provided with a laige number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private I arlors, cVc. Peisons visiting Wilbamssirt on bu siness plea-ure, may ret as-ured that every ex ertion will le used to render their sojourn at the "E-iule Hot I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTahle will be supplied with the very best the market af fords, and Ins bar wiih ihe choicest wines and other liquors chorees re .suitable. 'Ihe Feijle Hotrl possesses greater sdvantaees in point nf location than any other similar est 'iblishmeut in the Iromugh, being situate in the business part of the town, aud within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wi hunisporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, slid g..od and trusty ostleis alwsys iu lillendan.e. Atieiilivr, itceoii.modHling and lione-l Servants hae len i insdotcd, snd nothing left undone that will add to the comfoit and sec. inmodauon of his gue-ts. There wi'l be n carriage always in .ittei.d.u c st ; tin1 Boat l.aiiduii! to convey pas-ei g r to ainl If m ' I lit- HoUst', frttf of charge. ch i;i i i;.-iRK'-r,v. Miv Mil . I 12. yfrf mmmTT T " L 1Y z- XiU. LmLi.Lil.d'mX.X (Xt sw.) yrjii -v --jvvr ' ('otniiiisMHii Ac l'nrworilitt Mt reliant, : loot of Willow Strtf I li.ul Road, j on I hi: i tit Wank, HAVING ss.oeii.iid ei b im in Joseph Darnel, late of Eastou. Pa., r-Si e Iti.lly inlorui iheir I fnei d. ami Ihe public ticni-ra'lv, ill it Ihey have ta kitilli.l I ofe n I wi I known store and whuf at fi.. ( illovt Sunt Ka Iro.i.l, I lt tv M copied lv ! .In oh Martin, where tbev pU'post doin a Gen- ral ; I '..uimii-sl 'ii and I'Vrw sriling llusi.-iesi, and I mil ! the loeul inlvHO'iijes of the place I rilii! conin cted .will 'II lie public inipi.iveineiits that have their i oin'el in the cits, thev lUlli r llieinselves ibey will ; Is at.'e lo do I usii.es lit as gre .1, if not g ealei ad j VMiitai'-, and upon ss teas u:il!e ti mis is any other I h use, and th, assuie their f. elols tint hiiv con- s ji nn nl. in ide lo llo iii shall have lln ir s r el al . I nlmo, and Ito ex ilifcio-spared lo give entire satis, fic'on. j Th-y areala prepsied lo rreeive -ir d fo'W -ir I JJ ,sls Mliv O'o- oil lte 1 I. I IV oe -iU'1 l.i bch ner-, Ih le. n M.toeh I i.ui k, Ea.-. o and I I. U del bin. via Del. .War, Divii n mo I ebi h Ctn I-; i a'so. t i anv point . Ii il e Join i;i ilv, r. . r Nor b 1 and Wt st II nneh" so' the Sii-qiiehauna ia V'oiv kill and I i.lon, oi th.i I'ln sapei,ke ami I i.U- U -le ; C oi i s, j Fur ihe accouim.Hlation of lloats Coming or go ii II via ehovlLul and Cnioii fallals, a Ste nil m' will li i ki pi exp'ivslv lor .niii bo it. tr.mi the : Hello tk il' .-toil d to tin IM ,-e it, ! la.-k, wl.teh will en ble inerehai Is lvhjtfll.rn ll..dj-vile l vced on ihr D. aw oe, uiid tl.nr K ..al. s' ipp d at j a aaing ol fill lo 15 per rem. in. ihi pi ices f.r J b .ulii S sc o-s, Willi thise adtaiitagts they re ! sp.cilnl'y solicit a .h.re of air na e. W. HElLMAXiCO. William 11 lltiiso, ) W U sui V. K. ),. Jti-i'lt ll-tiict. PUilad .Msy 14, 1812. ly H. B. IrlASSEP,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 suirsunv, TA. Buaines attended to in the Counlies of No thutplerland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. Ilrfrrtoi Thomas Hart or. Co., Lnwta cV Barrov, Hart, Cvmmiras A. Hart, P.hilaJ. RxToi.ns, McFarlaro 6c Co. SrKRito, Goon 6c Co., J. IVIAYLAND, JR. & CO. SnulV anil Tobacco Mnnufaclurers, A'o. 95) Xorlh Ycl corner of Race and Third Slrrrta. PHILADELPHlaV THE undersigned bsve formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J, MAYLAN D, Jr. & Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jacob Jilnyland 4 Co., and will continue the business at the old est a- blishment, on ibeir own account. In addition lo their own close attention and experience for many years, in Ihe manufacture of their refebrated snuflV, cVc, the long experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the new concern and as no exertion snd care will be spared to insure their goods, at ail limes of ihe ve ry lest quality, ihey solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi.cnds anil customers of the lato firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jr. PMIadelpbia, May 14th, 1842. ty GOLDE N SWAN Ao. li'J Mart It Third, ubove. Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. v i oMMi.nvitiiNs for Hr.vr.vrv rmnos.8. pHA lvl.ES WEIfSst, ai,.f the -While Swan." and o Mount Vernon House," resHctfully in forms his friends and customers, that he has become Ibe proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Cniiirry Meirbniits will find the above Hotel a central I caiion, and the best of fare. Persons Ira veiling with private conveyance will find a large yard aud trood stabling for horses, atd the Inst cf ostleis. Iloardini; f I per dav. Mav I -1 1 h . 1812. if. ME R CI'LOTTS HOUSE, .Yo. 237, Xorlh Thiid,ainnet'i.Uoichill St., PHILADKLIMIIA. rilll E sub nihers takes pleasure in C(,tta!nlir i 1 ther f imds and the pnblie in general, tbt Hoy have taken the larse aud commodious Hotel, teeentlv tuillhv the Missis. Hut, on the same silo once on npied by the o.' cstahlihed Hotel know.i as the Bu'd's Head, ill Third hticct ubove Callow bill si. This Hotel i finishrd in ibe very best poss b!. manner, ai d ,1 ihe lt materia's. Its loeulion very ib sr ihle. oa-'irnl ar 'y f.r cutmt.y rpercharls ; II e .n .,n;i on u s tin hia nt; and v . i li'nlii.g ear room is - nt- tt as t sicure at y tempeiature. Tl Udroomsa'e all lig'i' aid airy, all luiliishid ilia nrat sty'e, so as to inuie toinfoit. The r. ceivit g p .rkirs ar. al-o lurnisheJ in a su perb style, the windows aie on the French s'yle, I.. nnii g an entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a plea-ant recess. Pnrt'i ular attention lias been given to the bids and bidding, which, with the furniture. Bre en inly new. From yia-s' experience in fc.itel business, we trust, l.y strict ass. dotty ti. business, to make this house a de.uable stepping place. Our table will always t-e supplied wiih Ihe viTy best our market ran afford, and out bar with the best Irauoraaitd I wine, ol i lie must Hpptovfd bian l. r. I Irere nre lirst Tate stabling w.dcarr age houses attached lo Ibe hotel, ttit nded by ca:tful and sol-er ho-llers and our charges will be Ijvs, iu accordance wuh the present haid limes. sill LTZ iV UEKR Philadelphia. . pril lb, 1842. S iFSQlJE HAN Nl HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUTVIBXA CO, 1'LWMSYLVASIA. IHE subsciilier respectfully informs the publie. that he has purchased, ad now orxupiva tbo I-orZ liviVJ llrltli and ,l5ai Commodious )jggTixvm Mam Well known aa the properly, late of Theodot-' Wills, and formerly kept by Samuvl A. Birtdv. He is now prepared to accommodate all travellvT and visiters who may favor him with a call, at ' will use rveiy effort in his power to render ' convenience and comfort to his customers, wh' under his charue. His accommodations areampK , and bis rooms well furnished. His stables exin sive and in good condition. His Tablk and Bar will V supplied with tlo' I'eal thai ihe market can afford. By punctuali:v ami attention, be feels confident that he will lue.it the patronage of the public. ril.Rl ES HARTMAN. Catrnwia. pi il 0th. 112. i'APEB ii a it u r a c t u be rr, Lombard Street, Uiiltluiore, ' t i A V 1' constantly In sale. Pr nting Paperofsh I I 1 i.es aud qualities. t'i Writuii! Paper, rul I ! and pi nn, Letter Fairer. l lie and blue, ruled at plain, itai.KOig raper, tins Hint cooiimm. L.nveo ' Paper, do. do. meititi per. tin. tin. inc.'. inn, douhv crown, crown an l ievt't sized V lapping papers, Colored Medium ac 1 Royal Paeis, Bonint, liindera' and Snaw B -! Hoards, Tissue Paper, snd all urt cles in iheir lin wlneh tbev will sell nn accommodating term.. Higher-! price given f r old rns. KOUEKT CARTER & SON, March I U. 1x42. Eikton. Mo W II ARTON'S q as rn? ni bl. siiiiliui y, orlliuiiiherland C'ouiilj, PENNSYLVANIA. TIlllE subecnlirr reSHcilully inlorms the put ,,. L thai he has ctnove I to that large and cu' m, . dtoUs Br.ck Housi , on Market square, oppo- jile (; t'ouit llou-e. ( lormt-rl kept bv Htrair p.iee.i wbeie he is now prepared lo accinniorl' )e mj j, in .y favor him wi'ii a call Being j,,,,!,! ft p.si i .tots, ne nopes y a,r,.-v ..eiK busin... ' a III.. Ill e ,l p..b..c p ,tm.,.-B Ar H! v. M ft Rl. s D. WHARTON. -1J lelMj? LIIVIE ' T ''V'.l' ' '"' .1,",' J ,Mr'''1 l" '"""so '"'nier l und ,.Uei. ..!.. nv .iosaMvi.fLimenfav,.,. supe,,,., M.,al,- f r .a , a. h f lowine V. l l. Uice.l .., , c " . . , ,r..r!a.,II.i..s 1.,,, , f. ,V 'be -t ,u.h, of plai Ion. l..VV.-,-,fc(,,M , or .Hi? i ol . :,. Jl;ty I nn,- loi l.,l. ti 10 c.-nt. , , bos h. . at,., L(m fl.f p.i.t,ri!.,, tjc,,, Urge c,U:,r,)v ( (J,liiily- u b nJ c!oVho!ij " 10 lh W'tth- SEASHOI.TZ A BERUSTRESSER. Augusta, A'til 2J, lb. 3.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers