., y X T U LIST. rCXXSVL-TAXIi. The following Mm shows the rtirr nl value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notca. The niol implicit re liance may e placed upon it, as il i every wrrk can fully compared with ai d corrected I nun Bi.k dell's Reporter. ' llniiks In llillnil4'lilii. NaM. " LoCATIOX. NOTES ATTAR. Ttotik of North America -' . , Hunk of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmer' and Mechanic' Bank . Kensington Dank Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank Sloiithwark Bank . Western Bank i Mechanics Unnk . ' iiisc. m Pill LA It. far par ar . jmr , par par par . par par par Country ItnnK. Rsmk of Chester County Wrstchestcr llank ol "Delaware County Bank of Germantown Bank of Monlcomery Co. Dnylrslown llank Caslnn Bank Farmers' Bank of Burks co. ( tlnce 0f Bank of I'win'a. IIrre do - do Of lice do do OtTtce do do Chester Grrmantnwn Noirislow n Dnvl. stOWIl Ei.slon Bii-t.d llam-buig Lancaster Reading Eastun NOTES AT DISCIIUNT. Flank of the Unilcd Slates Bank of Penn Township Philadelphia .r.5nt;0 lSjnl'i 40a4ft Girar.l Bank . . Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank Mnynmeiising Bank Bank of Pennsylvania I Sal 8 Idal2 . 7H Pot'aville ti7 Lrwistown Id Miildlelown fi Northumberland ( Miners' Bank of Poltsvillc Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middreluwn Bank of Northumberland Ctilumhia Bank & Bridge eo. Columbia 4a! Carlisle Bank Carlisle G Etchange Batik Pittsburgh 2 l)o do hranch of Hollidayshurg 3 Farmers Bank of Lancastct Laucaslct 4 Lancaster County liimk Lancaster 4 Farmers' Bunk of Beading Heading 0 Hanishutg Bank Harrisburg fu7 Lancaster Bunk Lancaster 'J I.elianon Bank Lebanon C Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 3 Batik of Fills!. urg Pittsburg 3 West Branch B.ink Williamnport Wy.aning Bank Wilkcsl.arro I0al2 Northampton Bank Allcntown Hi link County Bunk Heading OH'ice of Bunk of U. S. Pittsl.urg Do do do Erio Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav, Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Rank of Chamhcrshurg Chnmhershurg ! Bank of Gcllysburg (i Itysl org (i Dank of Surquchauua Co. Montrose N Erie Bul k Erin 7 Farmers' ,Si, Drovers' Bank Wayncsburg 15 Franklin Bunk Washington 3 lloncsdale Bank Hotiesdale 1 Mnimiigalit-la Bank of B. Brownsville 6 Yoik Bunk York C N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of ri fen nee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Melius Ik ill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Batm (T Philadelphia failed do failed do filled V Dyotl, prop.) failed Tnwauihi lailed Bedford no sale Heaver closed Harrishurg tinted 1 owanda Hank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Batik Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' & Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' A. Mi-cli'iV Bank Ilann.uiy Insliluto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bunk Northern Bank of 1'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northuioti'd Union Col. I!k Noilh Wrstirn Bank of Pa. I Mice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. A. Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Pcnn'a. eatmorelaud Bank Washington failed Belli folllO rinsed Pltlshutg no sale Pittsl.urg failed Fayette co. failed Crcrncasl'e failed Harmony no sale lluiililigdoll no sale l.en islnwn no sale Warren failed DmidMr no nile New Hope closed Milton no kali' MiinUille rinsed Port t.'a 1 1 ion luilid Carlitlo failed Munliime closed L'tiiulitown failed trwelrslajrg closed V'ilkt sbarre no sale W'ilketibarre Bridge Co. gj- All note iHirporting to be on any 1'ennsyl. vama Bank not given in the aliovc list, may he set down as frauds. MAY JLItSI.Y. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick failed Belvidere 1 Medford par Perth Amboy 2 BrMgeton ' pur Mount Holly pur Kahway I N. Biunswitk failed MkldU tnwn Pi. 3 Bvlvideie Bank Bmlinglon Co. Bank Commercial Batik Cumberland Bank Furmcur Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' I'k Farmers' ami Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. i. Jersey City fail., I lad, d lailed failed Jailed 2 failed I par ro talc I Hoboken BksrV (iazmg Co I lulu. ken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mecbaniis' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bank Morristown Moiimoulll likofN.J. Knell. ild Mechumes' Bank Newark Mtn-JiuiuiV and Maisuf. Bk 'I'renton M ixi is 4 'anal and Bkg Cu Jeisty City Port Notes Newaik. Bkg A: Ins Co Newaik ;t vv Hope Del Bridge Co .am('ilskiIo N. J. Maiiuluc. ai.d likg Co Holx knn - 111 faded failed 2 failed 1 N J Pruleelon & l.umbaid Ik Je rsey Cily t 'range Bank 4 trance Palerson Bank 1'alersi n I'ei.pliV Bank do Prineetun Bank I'rinrcton hulein Banking Cu Salem Mule Bank Newark Stale Bank Elralielhlowil Stale Bank Cuuulen Siuto Bank of Morris Monistown Stale Bank Tlilitu!) S. driii mid Philad Matiuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newioti Trenlnii Bunking Cu Tiei.tmi i ninii Bunk Deer V asliiiigtoti Banking Co. J!a Lriisutk par par I 1 par I failed lulled 3 1"" J fad, ,1 Ilk ofWilnicV Brand) wine i mington llank uf J,Jcl arc umu-glou par Hank of Sm rna Suiyii.a pui Do liauch Miltord - ai Faimers' Bk of Stale of Dl Dovn par Do I ranch Wilmington par Do biunch Geoigilnwu pf Do llanih Newcjstle par Union Bonk Wilmington par y Under b'$ S gj- On all bank ma.ked thus () ihere are ci- thei AuunUrleil or al'sred nolts of Ihe various Ut- nomuiativni, in citcuUtion. H A JVK par par pur par pur par par " These 1 ollirrs J iln not issue n. The brst method for the Abolition of Dixcasc i to cleanse and purify the Hotly. AV km; I IT'S i i i a v i: u i:t a ii i. i: i 1 1. i.s OKTIIR AVi'A Jlmerirun t tillrge nt tlrallh, Arc now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in ihe World for the rum of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BlSCAliSB they rornp'etely cleanse the sto ma, h and bowels from th re bdlious and cor. rnpl hiimorn which are the enure not only of Headache, (jiddiiiess, Paliittion of the Heart, Pa'na in the Bnnrs, Rheumatism and Gout, but every malaily incident to mini, SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PIM.8 arearenain cure for in trim neiil, lemiitrd, nervous, inlhimatoiy and putrid Fevers, hrcaus-e they cleanse the p.xly frem tho.e moib.d hntnnrs, which, when confined to the circu lation, are ihe cause of all kinds of FK VERS. So, ols:o, when the same impurity is deposited on the membianc and muscle, causing pains, inflama lions and swellini;s railed 1(11 P.I'.M ATIS.M, t.'tll T.tSrr. W right's Indian Vrgetnlile Pills may l relied en as always . ertaiu to give relief, and il persevered with, nrroiillnu to directions will most nssuTi dly, and without fail, make n peifer! cu e ol the above painful n nladies. From three to six of said Indian Vi gelab e Pills taken every tiinht gv irg lo bed, will In a slimt time so completely rid the body fioin every thins: that is opposed to health, tl.al Rheumatism, (inut. and p iin nl every, deserip tion.will be Iin rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. For the s.inie reason, when, from sudden changes of alii'o-phere, wr any other cause, the pei Hpiialiou is cheeked, and the humois which should pa-s nlV bv lb.' skin are thr.iwn inwardly, causing 11 1' AD AC 1 1 1'. CIl'DIM'SS, n.useu and si, k lit ss, am in the bi.nes, watery and iiillained eyes, sore tbroat, hoarseness, rongl.s, ronsiim lions rheitmatir pains in vatioits parts ol'lbe hm!v, and tnanyollur svmptotin i.f CATCHINO COl.D, Wright' Inilimi Yigttuhli: I'M will invariably give immediate relict. From thtee lo six of said Pills taken every niulit on going to bed, will in a shott time, not only remove all the above unph as ml syui tnms, but tlie body w.ll, in a short time, be restored to even sounder beabhibau la-lore. ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY OF BliEATII IN(i. Wright' hnliiiH 'ritMi: J' will lo.s eu nod cany oil', by the stomach and bo.veis, iIiom' tough phb grny huinnrs which slop tip all the air cells ol the lungs, uii.l are the cause, not only of the al'.ne disiressiug cmuplaint, but when neglerled, nll. ti lerrnliintes in that nio.e dteadful malady called CONSI'MPTIO.N. Itiou'd be alsoteiiieinbeird that Wright' Inilimi VrgtlnlUr Vilh Ire a cesun cuiefori'AlN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sickness ln-i of appi t'ne, rostivrnrsa. a yellow tinge of ihe tkin m.d eyes, and every olliet symptom of a torpid or disiased state of the liver; because they purge from the body those impurities which if d, posited upon this important oruau, are the cause of eery vnriely of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed ly riots outbreaks and r, belli. m. the only means of prevent ing ihe dreadful coiim .picticcs of a CIVIL WAR, is to exs-l all traitors, and oil disposed ones limn the country. Iu like manner, w In n p.iin or sick ness of any kind, indi, ate that the body is strug gling with internal foes, the true remidv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID 111 'MORS, (Traiiors to hralih and life.) lliaUh trill hr the rcrt'iin risiilt. Thai the piiuriple of curing di -ease, by cleansing and purifyii.g the body, is sttictly in accordance with the laws which govrrn the animal ironoiuv; and if properly ranted out by the Use of the above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will rcitaiuly result in ihe complete Abo lition ol Disease; we oil. r the following testimoni als, from persons of the highest respectability in New York, who have leccntiy been cuied ol Ihe most outlinatc complaints, solely by the use ol Will II Ill's I Mil A 1 YlliCTUHLK PlLLS, of ill,' A'or American Culltgr nf lliulti t Jamaica, L. I., June 9iL. ISM. DoHor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great sali-f.irlion I inform you of ;.y having lieen entitelv cured of Dyspepsia, of live years stundti g, ly ihu use of your Imhan Vn.r.TAin.v. Pills. Pn viiius to nieeing with your celebiattd midi cine, I hid lien under the hands of several Physi cist s. and had tried vanoii- loedii iois; but all In no elli-et. Alter Usit a one 25 cent box of our Pills, however, I i-Ih rieiice.l so much bei elil, tint I resolved In perseveie in the use of them arrmdilig lo dirrrtiot s, wl.i. h I am happy to slate, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to y.iu for the great licit, lit I have it-cctwd, and also in the h. pe that others similarly i.lllicl.d may lie induced lo make ttial ol your extra. nihility medirine, I send you Ibis statement with lull hbeity to publish ill.' same, if you think prn-r. Yours. Ac. New V oik, June IU, I 1 1 . ti.C. BLACK. Mr. Ki, bard Dennis, agt ut for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Dear Sir I have been iifllieled for seeral yenrs with inward weakness and general debility, aeconi pauifd at times with pains in the side and other distressii g coiiiplaints, A ft. I having tried various inrdietues wi'hont i IV, cl. I was persuaded by a fiiriid to uiuke trial :f Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy In slate, have relieved me in a must wrn.lerful manner. I have used ihe me dicine, a yet but a shott time, and have no doubt. I'V a perseverance in lb use , f tin' miilieine accor ding to diieclions, thvt I shall iu a short lime be pert, ctly tesloied. I most witliiiglv rcremim nd saij Pills lo all person- similaily i lilt. led. ai d in ihe full hrliel that the same U i.i fieial rrsu tswtll follow their use, I re main joins sincerely. HENRY A. FOOTE. Wa'Warsing, l ister co. N, Y. Niw Vim a, Sept. 2t, IS-U. This is to certify that I lime used Wiiioht's Imhik M.t-TAht.K Pills with the greatest bei.e fit ; haiiia entiri Iv cured my self of II e fr..uiiit al tacks ol Sick Ht'sdarbe, lo v hi, h I had pieviouslv be, u hid jeet. AN N M A RI A TIlo.M I'si IN. ' 3112 Greenwich irei, N. Y. To Mr. Rirbaid Dmiils, Agent tor Wnghl's In di.ui Vegetable 'ills. c.i r n .v. As lb, re aic st this time nuuiy wicked persons Imsi'v lui'iiged in si I'll. a a c uiiti licit medicine nu lla li e in. n e of the lndi.,11 Vegelable Pills and as tl i-st i! s i rale rr.i n are so ultetly reckless of e n i tjii.'i.ci s, tint many valuable lives may be l.sl in runs. ,in nee of using ll.eir dreadful compounds, he til l c me cautioned against purchasing any l i b, un!is on the tidesuf the boxes the following wi it i u is foiin.1 : WKUilll'S INDIAN VEGETABLE lll.l.s. (;(' IHirgnliv.c.') . -r n k voant amuiicas con tea nr hvaitii. ! .-' i .1 s's,- to I e espcA'iilly ran lul agsiusl piircbs ' .ii t f .id me. Vine of any p ron except Ihe regu- I 11 ai!'-'l se.l .-t, IHS. .ii..NV.s- i' H siriiiruttFi;i.A.i co, rriitisllh'iinin. II. IS. Mas, r, Suul tiry I'axtie V Rose, Nor Ibiuub. il .ml J.icoli Haas, SI amokili Sainu. I Herb, M.ihoimj Bvrrly iV D. IU..S. Autusla lli-iu-,- ,V I'. lho, r, Mill. hi In land V Meix,ll, M.Evvei.sM Ir P ffitV Deaiin I, Tuibul tilt J.iiiia's be..'.. I'otisnrow II- Klase, Snydersiowu II. II. K i.iib, I, P. M.. Elysbuig P. O. in. )ji ci.iii t, P M. Union t'orner. Olbce and Gmcr.il ll.pol for the salt) of Wrifti' Imliun Yitiitublt I'ltlt, holrsale sod R.ia.l. No. I ii RACK STREET, PHILAI'EL PlllA. May i, 1813. ly ROSE OINT1V1I3NT, vm ti:tti:k. RINOWOHMS, riMrLKS ON TUB FAfR, ANtl OTIIKK ft'TANWHtaj rRI'ITHtNS. fXj 77ir following errtifm't trcrilir one nfthe tun! trtntordituiry cures trer rjfecleil hy any applicatiim. PiHt.Atittrni a, February 10, 1838. Ij'OU twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tutikm on the Face and Head: the disease cotnmencid when 1 was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 18:1(1, vntving in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During in'sl of Ihe lime, great pari of my face wss covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'etil itch ing; my head sw. l ed nl tiim s tttitil il felt as if il would hutM lite swellina was so gieat, that I could srarcilyget my hat on. During the long period that 1 was afllietrd with the disease, I tised a great many n plications (among them several celebrated prep nation) as w. II as lakina inw.itd remedies, including a numlier of bottles of Sirniin'x Viinnrea. r.xlmrl if Karunrilla, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to rnumeiate all the medicines 1 used. I was also under the rare of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this cjiy, but without re ceiving mi'chbenefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of ISOfi, the disease i.l the time being very violent, I commenced usina the In" Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan cV Davis.) Ill a few B plication Ihe violent ilebins ei acd, the swelling abated, the i rti.iim U-oati to disappear, and la-fore I had used a jar the di-ease wa entirely cuied. Il has now been m arly a y.ar and a half since, ami there ia not a vetige of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. Il is impossible for me to dcsrril'e ina certificate the severity of the disease and my soil. line, but I will 1 pie iscd to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I commenced using the R. se Ointment I would have given hun dieds of ilo'hus to be rid of tin; disease. Since u sing it, 1 have rceomini udi d it to several persons, (aiiionc tlit-iii my mother, who had ihe di-enso bad ly on her mm.) who w. re a:l cured bv it. J AMES DI'RNELL, No. loll, Race St. Qj" The Rose Ointment is prepared bv I'.. I!. Vanillin, Sou h East comer of Third and Race strc.ls Philadelphia, and sold on neoiicv in See. bu ry, bv I'- B. MA-SSER, May 1 lib, 1X12. Agent. ISoor Oiiifuiriif, t'ov Tetter. ,1 l'UOOl' Ol' ITS I'.l l'H'ACY. 1'itiLAiii.i.eiiiA, May 27tli, ISil'l. TTMIIS i to certify tluit I was se verely allhete.1 with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty yenrs ; the disease w as attended c oer illy with violent itching and swelling. I applied lo a number of physicians, and used a great many appli cations with, ut Heeling a cure. About a y.ar since, I applied the lvn-o Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications imtoedi ati Iv cured the disease, which (here has been no reluni of. although I bad never la-en rid ol it at any lime for folly vims. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh. Ih'Iow Spruce Stret. fj j- The Rose Ointment is pr. pireilbvE.lt. Yaus.hau. S mill East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, mid s.'ldon ajency in Sunbu ,y.l,y H. B. MASSER, May 1 Ith, 1M42. Aget. MCDICAIj approbation Of Ihe liOSi: Ol.TMi:.Ttfnr Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepaiaiion over all others is fully established, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying la-fore the public the following certificate from a resH'clable physician, a graduate of the 1'niversiiy of Pennsj Ivania. Dr. Butigh, having found in this remedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable all'e, tmii w hu h the means within the ramie of bis profession failed to sllord, has not hesitated lo give il his appiobutioii, ullln-uuli Ihe prejudices and ir.ten sts of that profession aie i pposed to secret Remedies. PiiiLAi.n.riu a, Sept. 19, innfi. I was rerenllv Iroiibbd with a tedious hei(ietic eruption, wbiih covered m atlv one side of my f..ce, and extended over Ihe ear. Mr. Vaughan. ptopri. -t. it of the Rose Ointment, obsetving my fn.-, msi led on my tiying Ins pr. pauition. ol which he hun ,1c! me a jar. Aiihoiiuh in oomiiin with ih- meiii- bets ol my pr' l.'ssion, I ihscnuuti nance all. I ,n-as i love nl the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by innm ant pr-ten.ti r-, I leel in pis ice Oolinil lo exc. 1 1 I In- Rose Ointui. nl tioiit that c!a-s of me ibcines, and In gie it mv approbation, as it ilitire ly lined the eruption, ahhoiigh it h l resisted the Usual iippbcalinns. DANE II Al (.11, M. D. (j'j-The Rose OiutiiMtot is piepand by E. IS. Vauuhsn, South East cm er ol Third and R ice Stieeis. Ptiiladclphia, and sold on ni ncv in Suii burv, by H. B. M ASSER, Jdiy'lUh. is 12. BOLTON & CO. (.-itci al i (iiitmisNioii nir liaulsi. Fur the Sale uf t'lutir, tirnin, SttJ, ie., Sc. EsPECTFULLY inform their liiends and the Men-hauls generally, that they hae la- ken those large and comriKHlious harvis, with two Doiks, ninth of Ch.'snut slml, on the D.lawire, loiiether with the store No. Ill S.uilli Wharves, wheisi they would he pleased to receive consign iiienls of Grain, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. A c. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by the I'liesnp. ake and Tiile Water Canals, as low boals lire kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by either route. Merchants w ill ple.-se be particular to send their goods destined by cither canals, to No. 19 Smith Wharves, la lween Market and ('In sunt sine's, on Ihe Delaware, w lib directions accompanying theiti which rout.- they wish Ihi-tit to If shipped. fj j Plaster and Salt for sale, at th- lowest mar ket pi ire. BOLTON .V C". Match 19. IHJ2. No. 19 South Wharves. TnnE ! ! LIIWtE ! Flit!!; su'iscnbris are pn par. d to furnish fanners I and others with any tpianlity of Lime ol a very supeiioi .piably l-.r laud, ol p'iii-tcriug, lit the fol low ii-g va ry reduced pn. e-, i. : 8 els. pi r bushel lor laid Lime; lit els. fnr the be-l iinility ol plaly ti ring Lime, at the kdn-. l-elow the borough ol Sun btnv. They w ill also d- Iimt, at any phiee w illnn i he l'ormih of Sunbury. Lime lor laud, al It) rents per bush. I, and Lime for pl n-tcr n-i; al 12 cents per bushel, Tliu subscribers h ive alwin s on hand, a large iptatiliiy of Lime, I's ipiali'y is good, and their hiiK stone is not c.juallnl by any in the neigh borhood. SEASIIOI.T .V BERGSTREssEK. Aiifttsta, April Jd, 112. WKAVKirS IiOTKl., Suntiui y, t'u tlitimherlmiil t utility l't iiiiHUiiiii;i. flHE suhsridM-r. respteifully inloims be piibhc I that he ha removed lo thai larno und comino- dioiis Tuvcin Siau.l, at ihe corner of M ukcl and Faw ii sir. els, (siun ol the Bin k ) loiioeily oi cu pi, d by Jonas Weaver, and latily by Dsincl Gib son, wlure he is now prepared lo scmmiinMlulc all who may (aor hun it It a call. By suit I addi tion lo business, and his utuioi-l endeavor lo render saiislaclion lo ull.be hopes In receive a hht ial share ol public paliouage. t II AliLES E.W ER. Suuhuty, Maul) 1 Cth, 1st:. Connie! fellers' Dculli Hlow. - I The public will please observe that no Brandrrth Pills are genuine, unless the hot has three li bels upon it, (the lop, the sido.and the bottom) ech containing a fac-simile signature of my hand writing, Ihus B. Bbuiirkth, M. D. These la. bel-aio engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f 2,(1(K). Therefore it will be seen that the only thing nrcessary to pro cure ihe medirine in il purity, is to observe these labels. Remember ihe lop, Ihe side, and the bottom. The following respective person are duly auhri rcd, and hold CERTICATES OP AGENCY, Fot the sale of llriindreih' Yegittthle Unirertal Til In. Northumheilnnd county t Milton Mackcy cV Chamhoitin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Eweri ville lu-land tc Meixell. Norlhuml ciland Wm. Foray III. Georgetown F. Midhngcr A. Co. Union County t New Berlin John lloll'innn. Selinsgrove Eyer and Schnure. Middleburg Isaac Smith. Beavcrlown J. iV F. BiiiRaman, Adamshurg H. A. Smith. Milllinsburg Swope cNc Lnird Haitlelon Daniel Long. Free burn il. ft F. C. Mover, tentrevillc Slailej Lenharl. Lcwishurtt Walls cV. Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold cV Co. Berwick Shuman Ac. Rillenhouse. Cat lawissa C. A. et C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Mover. JeiseyTown Levi Biscl. Wn shinKton Robt. MiCay. Limestone -D. L, Scbmick. Obseive lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BKANDRETH'S Manufactory ot Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of Ihe ntw laheix run- trw, uiun the Itrantlreti l'ill lliijce. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Rlh street. B. BRANDRETH.M.D. January 1st, 1812. TIIR AMERICAN MrDICAIi I.IBZIART A N II - in:i.i.u;r. s:it. rP CONCENTRATED Ricord of Medical Sci nice and Literature, by Roblev Dtn.ulisnn, M. 1)., Prolessor ol Ihe losliiutes ol Medic. ne, etc., in J, If, i son Medical Colleue of Phiiadepbia. pull lished monthlv by Adam Waldie, No. 'Hi ('iirpen (er street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, a yiar. Subscription fur ihe above work received by the siibscrda-r. II. B. MASSER, Dec. I Ith, Mil. Aumt. BTOR rale a small Farm, c.M.ti.uing about one lion. bed and ten acres, more or le s, situate to Point township, Nor'hutnl erlaiid roiint,, about two mibs above Noilhuinhi-il md, on the main road hading from that place t.i Danville, ndjoining lands of John l.euhou, Jesse. ('. Morton and others, now in ihe occupancy ofSjinuel Payne. About fully acres of said tract arc t Iran ,1, and in good slat.- ol cu'litation, on which there is a small l.srn erect, d. The properly will 1 sold on n asm. able teims. For further particulars, isons arc rcijuisl ed to apply lo the sul scrih, r. II. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 27th, 1SI1. if Sunbury. Pa. A N article unequalled for cleaning and g.vmg a highly durable and must brilliant p. hsh lo sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittaiiia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and sold al w holesale and retail, by the Susipiehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, I toga county, N. 1 . WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1811. r Ii t Y 1 1 TiTi w k is , LAST r.SASIUR, Xo. 7 1 ('allow liil1 Struol, I'liiliiilulpliia. ( Three roi.r.r ulifre Si emu. J gtllOK Findings alv.ay s kept on hutul, which hi otl, rs for sale on the loAC-t leims. Country .Meich mis are particul ,rly to c ill and judge f.n themselves. Pl.tla.l, lhia. Novrmier 1.1, 1S11. I v. a 15 B..H'.-iS33e OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NKYV MXliLAM) OIL ( OMl'ANY. No. 'J; Norili W'nlcr Sircct. l'liiht. MANUFAtM I RERS and dealer in Oils of every description both for hti'irng ami iiiuiiufarturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they ran l procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by Ihe company nol proving as IC resented, may be returned without any expense lo the pur chaser, and the money will fa- refunded. Their slock now ii store consists ol the following oils, viz: 311,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spcinrt Oil, S" o dntm do do do do do do do Coloiless Oil, 15.000 lo.noo so. (ion (iOIIO 15,000 Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Eb-pbant, do Pressed W 'hale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 2d0 Barrels supeiioi Stra 'a Oil, 3111) do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Neats Foot Oil, 75 Cask Olive Oil, Tanner's Oil. (Tj'This Company ha- a liutulvcr of Vessels, en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting at all times Oil as pure as imported. I'bllailelpliM, rsov. Ill, 1MI. ly. G. Vr. & L. 2. T.7LC? FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Murhtt Strvttx, I'hiltultl- phut Mens I. all-skin Hoots, stilcbe.l warranted, do do do peuged do d.i do . ilo water piool, doolie soles ami :o uppers, do ('all-skin do do an, I uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Bonis, do do Neats do do. do Iliph quartet SIoh-s, Call-skin do do do ('rockers d.t do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do lo do do do do do do do do I.udie Lildle Kip do do ,bl do do do do Calf do Coaise do do Shoes Fine do Kip ,lo Calf and Seal Ski Poilipi List Sm ks wilh and without soles. Cupel do do d.t Patent Warranted aler-prool .Moecasius. do do iln ' do tanned India Rill la-r shuts. 11 Gelillemens' do ('v.r -boi s. Willi every other doc ipiiou of hoot and sIuh-h. Fur I'aps i I i v, ry ,1cm option. Traveli ng Trunk- ofev,ry description. Vcnell Hi rm. lhou It il'S. Pali-til (ium El tsiie. Sh.M I'dai I,.il-. Bonnets of ..II kinds. Palm Leal Hals. Philsdilphu, No.t-iliher Vi, I till. ly. KA7 & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKsEL LERS AND STATIONERS, io. 124 Clicsnut Street," below 4th, l'liilailclplii.i. "BjT"EEP constantly on hand a general asnrl B menl of Books mid Stationary i comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane oua ami School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writins Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they of fer at the lowest pi ices to Country Merchant's Pre fessinnal Gentlemen, Teachers, and all other thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Not .'mher 1:1, 1811. ly. .TEicimrl Weaver X Son, ROPE MAKERS & SUIT CIIANELERg. No. 1 3 Kurt h Water Street. I'hilnilelpliia. MAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ine, Ac, via ! 1 ar it Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, A c. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Ileriiug Twii.e, Shoe Threads, Ar. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, ('niton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on nasoniihle teims, Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. Jacob I'i isinudi &. Son "I ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and acquaintances ge.ierally that they still con tinue lo keep al lite old stand, No. 210 Noilh Hd street , Philadelphia, all V n,ls of TOIIACCO .S.VrT A T SFCAHS. Which they will sell in Ihe rriji . uccomtnodaliri and reasonable terms. N. B. All goods sold will he guai intced and all orders promptly tl. tided lo. Philadelphia, November 1.1, IM1 -ly. j rE TER "CITC V E R7" Wholesale ami Hetail Shoe, I'onnct, antl l'nlin F.eaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. (iG AyrA "d itlreet. a few tltmrx ubtree . Irch, ' Fhiltuhlfhia. ALSO Trunks, Cnipet Bags and Valices. of ev ery deseiiptinn, all of which he ullers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. J . W . ; W A 1 .N , rmlirella ami Parasol jMantifacttircr. .Vii. 37 Kimtli Tim it tlrret, (wn dutim littuw the Ciln I hit I. Vhiltttltlpliia. COUNTRY Men hunts and others are solicited to rtamiiie his rjssoiluent bifore ptiichasing ilsewbrrc 1'lnlu :el bia. N'ovrnder 11. lull. ty. 1 vV A. IIOVOI'DT'S China, (.lass ami Liverpool Warehouse, A'o lfi4 Knrlh Third rtn rt. third thmr liilmv Yint ttrat, I'hilndi Ijihia, VIHERE they ronstaiilly keep on hand a large assoilineiit of (,'hina. Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rei son aide terms. Philadelphia, November 13, Ifill. Iv. THKOIMIAS Cl'J.P. Manufacturer ami Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, ccc. Xo. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market Philadelphia, EEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, .Vile Arms, K lint ic Springs. Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied at all times on the most reasonable teims. They will find it to their ndvaiilaue to call and examine his ssiiiliiient before purcha-iin! elsewhere. Philadelphia. Novi-mler 13. 1811. ly. UUYNOUJS, IcFAIti.A.NlfvV CO Wholesale; Dealers in Foreign liritish and American Dry (Imuls. A'o. I T Market trnt, Vhilad, Iphia. C10UNTRY Men h.int--, and others ran be sup ) plied at all times with an cxl.nsne a-soil-menl of the best ami mrst fashionable Goods upon Ihe most reasonable term--. Pbiladclpbi , Nov. ml er 1 3. IS I L I v. " I.OWUt As- llAUUOX, Importers and Dealers in l'lireiirn and 1 tome st ie. No. 171 NonTii 'I'hiih. Haidware, S-mn.T, l'nn.in Lrio X TW ERE their fiiciuls and i ustomers will always ' find a large and general a-sorlmenl of Foreign and Domestic Haidware, which they wills, Hal the lowest prices, Phtledelphia, November 13, HI I. ly. KSHKliICK, HANSKI.i, A;. ( (PS. WHOLESALE CRT GOODS STORE. .u. Kili l-'J .Market Street, l'hila. (Ht low Fifth South side ) LWAYS keep on hand a full and genrral as sa.rlnient of llo-ierv, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully request jiI to give tin in a call and examine for them-elvi s. Philadelphia, Novrmi er 13, 1811 . ly. srKKINC,, (i(H)D 6i CO. Xo. l.'ls Market Street, Philadelphia. a'I'E (he attention of Countiy Merchants H to their extensile assortment ot Mulish French und American Dry Goods, w hich they olVcr luis.de on the must reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November 13, ISIL ly. McCALLA & KERSE, Au A I, Noilh Set oiid Nlrtt 1, (l ORM KR lir COOM m'b ALLKT.) Where ihey constantly keep on hand a gener il assortment of CLOTHS, CASEIMEHrij, VISTINCE, Ana ri gri ot rttrnli oj urticits tj a miptrior quality, which liny idler lo dispose uf " upon the most reasonable terms. P10UNTRY MERCHAN'IS and others wi l Xy find il lo ill if advantage to call and iuu. ini tio ir sl.x'k before purchasing ebewliere. I'l.itadelphi.1. Nov.ti, 1811. ly 1 ESPECTFULLY inform the ciiizcns ol Son buty and vicinity, that lley have lakm Ihe Shop Ut. y occupied by Win, Durst, where ihey will carry on lis tailohino Eusinrss, in all its vdiious branches. By strict ailtiition and leasonuhl,- ch.ngcs, they cipcit lo incut a share of public paliouage. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841. JCHITS t, CUILICIIJGZ. WHOLESALE fHOr, rONWET, Cap una' I'tim l.eof lint Sorr. No. lOSui rn Iim SrutiiT. PHIL ADEI PHI , ' III. Rl'. an erloliMve amoilnn-nl ol' the alic ' articles aie e i slanily kept on hand, lor sale al the most reasonable I, rum. May 29, 1811.- ly. AN utiiiarellcled remedy fur common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, liifluenna, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs, leading to constiniption ; composed of Ihe concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wum-ow, Rochester, New York. The innocence nnd universallv admitted perioral vittues of the Herbs from which the linlmim of llnrchtmnd is made, ore too generally known to re quire rcrommeni'air.in ; it is therefore only neerssa., ry to observe thai this Medicine contain the whota of their Medicinul properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with siveial other vege table substances, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Use, for the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammalion and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en nbling Ihe patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, ossunges cough, relieves athmatic and dilli cnll respiration, heals Ihe injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturla'd nerves, and gives sin luiih lo the temlei lungs, and Ihus produces a speedy and lasting cure. IsniMTi-rrnR is Ttir. nnsr.sT cntwt; is Maiv. Wo are not among lhat class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "ciack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we willing to lematn silent, after having tested the utility of an im rovemrrit or dis covery in science or art. Our readers w ill recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat on,! violmt cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSl.OW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUN D, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are alllicted, may try it upon our recommendation, xw-t.son T-It graph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHELMF.lt, Stmhun, JACOB BRIGHT, Korlhumbirlatid. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. J"jf Price, fid cents per bottle. Autust Mm, 1841. ly. LIST CF ECCKS, VNTllON'S Classical Dictionary; Lrmprier's do.; A ins worth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Cfiman do.; Ambon's Ca-sar; Anthon's Grammer; Autheii's Ciceto; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; Andtew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's Gre. k Exercises; Davies's I.eccndei; Grarra Majors; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Ljell's Elements of Geol.'Hy; Mrs. Lincoln's llotanv; Elements of Botany; Bridgc'a Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; E mi r son's Geocriiphy and History; Olney's do ; Purit y's do.; Smith's Gramme.; Kirkham's do.: Kay's Road, rs; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmetics.; Pike's do.; Em rson's do.; CI It's Sprlling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles aniCTrslnnient-; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S dnt's Rest; American Revolution: Marryatt's No- vi Is; Mrs. Phelps on C hemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exeicises adapted lo Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comlcy's Spelling Book; American Class Bonk; DalioH's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 2K, I Ml. ATTENTION, j . s i i: v jo n i: s , 1y ElJI 'ESTS the attention of his country friend I who are in want, lo his vcrv large slock of ('arprtiims, Gil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, A c, that he has just opcnul, at his war. houses, No. 1st North 2d street, and No. U Church .ML y, next door to Clni.-t Church, Phila delphia. July 31, Itvll. ly. EAIEH HIDES. TANKERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 1. K T A T II I (' K Ac SON, iVo. -.M, fkwth Third reel, (UKTWM.S MlllKr r AMI CIIS-T STItF.F.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for s.le a large and excellent assortment ofSy 'ru'i llidis, I'atna Kip., Tanmrt Oil, ,r.. at the lowest maikct prices, ruber for cash, ic rxchaucr for Leather, or upon credit. Coiisicninents of Leather received for do, 01 piircbasc.l i.l ihe highest maiki I prices. Q" Leather sl.ned tree of iharge, April 17, H'll. ly. Ir. SSurlU liN coMi'orsi) sri;i:.;Tw:iso asd ;i:hmas j'FKir.ST ni.Ls A' RE warranted lo cure diseases of ihe stomach and nervous svstcm. Mr. Samuel Phillips, West Kensington. Philadelphia, was entirely cured by the uhove highly and in. snmab'c medicine ; his ( hi f symptoms were pain and weight at the pit of the stotn ,ch af er eatini, loss of appetite, ur,ruc tatious, ll.iiulency, eos ivene-s, pain in the side, and weakness in ihe breast, constant he ulnche, diinne-s and coii!u-ion of sight, nervous iirel ihihty, which incaparitatt-d hun from attending to his bu-in.'-s for twelve months, during which tune h tried va lines medicines, but found lit I.- relief until by uin; the Compound Sirenglhening Tonic and Crm.iu A er i-nl Pills, he was enabl. d in live wctk. to re sume his business. Principal Otfrce for the United States, No. 19 Noilh Eolith slict-t. Phil ulelpbi.i. HENRY YOATHEIMER, Angus! 57 ill. H 12. Agutt. I'rint Ipal lU-asons II Y Dr HARI.ICH's Compound Strengthrn int and German Aperient Pills are used by all W classes of p. ople, in preference lo other M'dicmes, l-eeause they are prepared from a pure extract of hut'f, a w I,..!, some nu-di, ire, mild in its operation nml pleastni in il 11'. ct the most ctilain jireserver of health, sate and llcrtu d cure of Dysja psia or Indiu'i'-ti.-ii, and all st. -much complaints, a ( reserier an I pu. i lie i ol the w hole s stem. 11,-caus.' ! ey s.'oihe the nerves of sensibility and foilil'y lb-' nerves of million, imparling to their m. st subtle llu id its pristine tone, thus giving strength and clearness of mind. Because they never destroy the coats of the sto mach and bowels, as sll strong purgatives do. BocHU-e science and cX-eu, n,e leach us that no men; piitu'iittve alone will cure the disease ot the tlomarh and iicims. Weakness is ihe primary Cause of a ho.-t ol d'scasrs, and, by coiititiU illy ic soil'n g lo Prnnlic plligaioi-, you make the dis, .1-0 much worse, in-teinl ol letter. Because Dr. Il.ii In h's Med cities aie put up U otl the common sense principle, to '-cieii'se an. I sireugiben," which is the only course lo pursue to riled a cue. Lastly, Because Ihesti Medicines reilly do rurr ihe di-'-ea-e lor which they are iccoininended. Principal ( lllice loi Ihe United States, is at No. 19 Noitll Eighth slic, I, Philadelphia. HENRY oTHEiyn:R. August yoth, 1I5, ' J.i'i'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers