Ti:ilMS OP THE " AMmiCAX." HENRY B. MA88ER, 3 Publish ard "JOSEPH EtSEl.Y. $ Pane. .toss. II. It. MASSE It Editor .... - ' ?j ; , ' . . AMlfflCAN. rmciiH 01 Aiivr.m I square t insertion, fo 5fJ 1 do 2 do . . , 0 TA I do 3 do a . 1 on Evdry subsequent insert irn, ' 0 S5 '. Yearly Advertisements, (with tb privilege ol alteration) one column $25; half column, flU, three squares, f 13 ; two squares, 9 ; one square, $ Without tre privilege of alteration a liltcral discount will be made. Advertisement left without directions a to the length of time thry are to be published, will ba continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly, CJ'lf"ixecn hrret make a square. I - - ... . 1 !J --J Mftlrlinony, 'Yon ought to marry,' . . . , Never.' ' I Itnow a good girl lor you.' Let rrre alone.' 'But perhaps yon pshaw'. yoa ionX Itnow orrlO 1 MARKET tTHRIT, HEAR DSKR. THE" AMERICAN" ia published every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearage aie paid. No subscriptions received for a lesa period than six MONTH!). All communications or letters on business relating to tho office, to insure attention, muat be POST PAID. AND SIIAMOKIN, JOURNAL Absolute afquinsccnea in the decision of the mnjorily, the vital principle of Republic, from which there in no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of" despotism. Jarreasov. Simbiiry, IVoi tliimibcrlniHl Co. la. .Saturday, Sept. 10, isi?. ' Vol. II Xo. I From the Knickerbocker, : ; "i - The Hunter Time. There were hunter bold in the day of old, Say legend, lay and rhyme, Dot no hunleri there can ever rnmpve With that stern old hunter, Time. He ioucs hi came both early and late, In dnrkneo a well a in light. And stealihi'y silent follow he ll follow by day and by night. Dea'h and Decay are hi hound alwny, The hound of old hunter Time, And he follows them fast as the rushing blast, In every age and clime. 'Tia in vain to fly, 'tis in vain to hide. Hi hounds are fleet and their acent is true, And earth ha no place in all it bound That may hide his prey from view. No bugle blast goes sounding past As the hunter horries by. No trampling steed with furious speed, No shouts that rend the sky. No dm p-mouthed bay from his hounds is heard, As with silent feet they spring 5 7 TJie hunter utter no wild-halloo, - A he stretches his tireless wing. The whole earth's bound is his hunting-ground And all things are hi prey; And the mighty. and vast must fall at last 'Neath the pangs of stern. Decay, And death shall seize on the fairest form That ever on earth ha shone; And thry vie in the speed of the fearful chase, As the hunter urge them on ! Dut the day will he, when the hunter shall flee Before a mightier power, Anil Death and Decay shall vanish away In that solemn and dreadful hour ; When the angel shall stand with one foot on the sea And one on the tren Ming shor". And utter the awful and J tend command That "Time shall be no more !" From the Journal of Commerce. THE MAMMOTH CAVE. The mammoth cave is about 125 miles from l.exington, Oil from Ixuisville, and 94 from Nashville. The entrance to thin nether terri tory ia among the Knobs, and about four hun dred yards from Green river. The Knobs are a range of hills which border the extensive country called "the Barrens," a sort of high land prairies, which, when I was there, in l-tl3 and 161 1, were destitute of timber. Since the country has become more thickly settled, and the fires prevented from burning over the grass annually, the oak, hickory and chesnut, have sprung up in abundance, and it bus now become a young timbered country. Thut this cave has been inhabited at an early period, there is most conclusive evidence; but by a people, probubly who have now no blood run ning in human veins. I saw and examined a human body in that cave in 1313, and an ex tensive wardrobe which was deposited with it; and have now an inventory taken on the spot The body was that of a woman ; height al lowed to be about five feet, ten inches. It was found in a sitting position in the short cave, in a hole about three feet square, in the earth which overlaid its bottom. Over this hole was laid a flat rock. The wrists had a cord tied around them, and were folded over the breast; the knees were tied up to the wrists. Around the body, were wrapped two half dressed deer skins, .shaved ; and on these were drawn in white, vines and leaves. Outside of these skins was & sheet near two yards square ; and at the feet lay a pair of moccasins, and a handsome knapsack, well filled. Its contents were as follows: viz. seven head dresses, made of the feathers or quilts of rooks and eagles, put together in the way feather fans are made ; these being placed on the head, were fastened by the cords tied back of the head, presenting a front of erect feathers, ex tending from car to ear a head-dress, truly elegant the jaw of a bear, with a string or cord through it to wear pendant from the neck, the claw of an eagle in the same style, several fawns' red hoofs strung on a cord like beads to wear around the neck, about two hundred strings of beads, of seeds which grows in the bottom lands in that country, and rather smaller than hemp seed, -two whistles tied together, about six inches long, made of cane with a joint aboutone-third the length, with an opening of tViree-fourthsof a inch extending on each side ot the joint, in which was a slit reed, two large rattle 6nakes' skins, one having on it fourteen rattles, six needles, some of horn and others of bone ; these were smoulh, show ing that they had beon much used. The nee dles were from Ave to seven inches long, and Lad head, ftuito of which were scolloiuwi others were crooked like a sa.l needle, BmJ without . thumb-niece of the drel deer skin t wear on the hand, I presume, from an examination of this with the needles, that it was used in needle work to protect the hand, in fhe same way that thimbles are now used to protect tho finger. A roll of vegetable paints or colors in leaven; a bank of deer's sinewy f tewing, like cutjut; a mall pared of two-corded and three-corded thread, re sembling seine twine; a reticule in the shape of a horseman's valise, made to open at the top lengthwise, with loops on ench side, and two cords fastened at one end run through these loops, and laced it up very nicely. It was a handsome pattern, and I thought a very in genious piece of work. Tho articles I have here enumerated constituted the entire ward rohe. The sheet, moccasins, knapsack, reti cule, cords, thread and twine, were made of wrought bark; and the manner of putting to pether was like being wove and knit. The knapsack had a double border to work to the depth of three inches, which gave it additional Ftrcngth. I do not think? Ihnt tho workmanship of these articles surpassed what I have met with in various Indian tribes ; hut of the style of the articles, everything bore the stamp ot peculiarity, which I have never met with any where else. The Ixxly of this woman was preserved by the flesh drying on the bones; the atmosphere of the cave being so dry and unchangeable, that animal decomposition cannot go on. - The hair was of a reddish cast, and not more than a quarter of an inch in length. The teeth were sound and much worn ; the features regular and well proportioned. Njar the back bone and between the ribs there hnd been a wound. At the time this body remained at the cave, the cave was own d by Myman Gratz, F.sq. of Philadelphia, and Charles Wilkinson, Esq of Lexington, Ky, brother of the. late minister to Russia of that name. Mr. Wilkins presented toa Mr. Ward, of Massachusetts, for the use, I believe, of the Historical Society of that State, the body and the wardrobe. How long this body remained there, those who read this account of it can judge as well os I, who saw it The equal and unchanging temperature of the cave is a matter of greot interest. - The Green river is now navigable for steamboats from its mouth to the cave ; it can be visited as a tour of plcasute, instead of labor. I expect shortly to receive a bottle of pure water from the mammoth cave. This rich fluid exists there so pure, that it is as transparent as air; and having reposed in its basin for ages, all earthly particles which it ever held in sus pension were lonff since precipitated. The river within the cave rises to the height of from 31) to 40 feet perpendicular. The sup posed lake is only an expansion of the river There are but few varieties offish in the cave; the catfish is the most abundant; and is per feelly while and destitute of eyes. One of the laws of sensation is verified as it respects the fish ; viz. that the ! of one sense increases the vigor andacutencss of the others. The fish are regardless of the greatest degree of light; but the least agitation of the water a larms them. Hence the difficulty ot catching them. One of the fish without eyes waj dis sected at the Somerville Institute, .and it was ascertained that no such organ as the cyea be longed to its head. One of the rivers the third and largest, is called Kcho river, from the extraordinory ech' oes heard on its waters. It is literally deaf ening. Messrs. Craig and Patten took sound ingsinthe river, and ascertained tho average depth to be eight feet. Sulphate of lime is found in the main cave, two miles from its mouth. It is also to be seen in some of the o ther branches. Glauber salts is found in that portion of the cave called 'Salts Jfoom.' K- som salts is found in large quantities in the cave, and in different parts of it IJtrgo piles of it are seen in Cleveland's avenue, beautifully crystalizcd. During the month of August, 111, Messrs, Craig and Patten spent two weeks at the cave, during a greater partof which time they were making explorations beyond the river The most interesting discovery which they made was Cleveland's avenue ; named in hoiv- or tif Professor Cleveland, of Bowdoin college It averages 70 feet in width, and 12 to l"i feet iu height, and two miles in length. The ground 011 which) on walk, as well as tho aides and ceiling of this avenue are incrusted with every variety of formation, and generally pefectly white. 11 is truly a beautiful, a georgeous spectacle. Visitors who have but hull' ado zen lamps can form but an imperfect idea of this splendid avenue. They see it only in de tached parts, and can only admire those singa larly handsome formations pendent from the ceiling. It is only when illuminated at differ ent points with the Bengal lights, by means of which you can have an extensive survey o the entire scene, that you can properly a ppre- j ciate the Fplendor of this avenue.-When thus ' niinatedt a spectacle is exh.b.ted to your view which for brilliancy has perhaps no parallel, and which it is impossible for lan guage to describe. lfyou want knowledge read the newspapers ; not merely one, but several: when bufciiiess presses, be diligent; when vif ecolds yoti, hold your tongue. From the New World. nrformtns; a AVtfr. Mynheer Van Per , who in, in 17110, lived in high style, on, Keizar Graht, in Am sterdam, had a very pretty wife, who dressed most extravagantly, played high, gave expen sive routs, and showed every disposition to pquander money as fast as her husband gained Mie was young, handsome, vain and giddy, and completely the slave of fashion. Her hus band had not the politeness to allow, himself to be ruined by her unfeeling folly and dissipation. He complained of her conduct to her parents and nearest relations, whose ndvice was of no more use than his own. Next he had recource to a respectable minister of the Lutheran church, who might as well have preached to the dead. It was in vain to deny her money. for no tradesman would refuse to credit the elegant, the facinating wife of the rich Van dcr Involved as the young lady was in the vortex of fashionable dissipation, she had not yet ruined her health and reputation; and her husband, by the advice of his friend M k r, determined to send her for some months to a Verbatering Unison, or House for the reforma tion of manners, such as is to be found in most of the towns in Holland. With the utmost secrecy, he laid before the municipal authori ties the most complete proofs of her wasteful extravagance and incorrigible levity ; adding to which, she had recently attached herself to ga ming with French officers of rank, who lay un- derail imputation of being remarkably expert in levying contributions. She wasalready in debt upwards of thirty thousand florins to tradesmen, ! though her husband allowed her to take from his cashier a stipulated sum every month, which was more than sufficient to meet the current expenses of his household, while, to meet a loss which occurred in play, her finest jewels were deposited in the hands of a greedy money-lender, who accommodated the necessitous upon unexceptionable security being previously left in his custody. The husband was full twenty years older than his volatile wife, of whom he was rationlly fond, and at whose reformation he aimed before she should be too far carried away by the stream of fashionable dissipation. Against his will, she had agreed to make one of a party of ladies who were invited to a grand ball and supper of woman of rank and faded character. Her huslmnd, at breakfast told her she must change her course of lite, or her extravagance w ould make him a bankrupt, and herchildcrn beggars. "She certainly had been a little too thoughtless, and would soon commence a thorough reforma tion." "You must commence to-day," said her huslmnd ; "and as a proof of your sincerity, 1 entreat you to drop the company of , and to spend the evening at homo this day with me and your children." Quite impossible, my dear sir," said the gid dy wife, in reply ; "I have given my word, and cannot break it" "Then," said her husband, "if you go out this day, dressed to meet the par ty, rcmemlier, for the next six mouths these doors will be barred against your return ; are you still resolved to go !" "Yes," said the in dignant lady, "if they were to be ever barred . against me!" Without either anger or malice, Mynheer Vander told her "not to deceive herself, for as certain as that was her determi nation, so sure would she find her foretelling verified," She told him, 'if nothing else had power to induce her to go, it would be his men aces.' 'With this they parted the husband to pre pare the penitentiary chamber for his giddy young wife, and the lutter to eclipse every rival at the ball that evening. Toafford her a last chance of avoiding an ingnominy wich it pain ed him to inflict he went once more to try to wean her from her imprudent courses, and proposed to set off that evening for Zul phen, where her mother dwelt ; hut ho found her sullen, ami busied with milliners ui.d dress makers, and all the paraphernalia of splendid attire. At the appointed hour the coach drove to the door, and the beautiful woman, (full-dressed, or rather undressed) tripied gaily down stairs, and stepping lightly into the conch, told the driver to stop at , on the KcizurCraht. It was then dark, and she was a little surprised to find the coach had nssed one of the city gates ; the sound of a clock awoke her as from a dream. She pulled the check-string, but the driver kept on ; she then called out, when some one behind the coach told her, in a sup pressed voice, that 'she was a prisoner, and must keep still. The shock wis severe; she trembled in every limb, and was near fainting with terror and alarm, when the coach entered the gates of a Perbatering Huisen, where s!.e was doomed to tako up her residence. The matron of tho house, a grave, severe, yet well-bred person, opened the door, and cal- ling her by name, . requested her to alight, 'Where am I? I beseech you tell me ; and why am I brought here !' You w ill be informed of everything, mndiim, if you will please to walk iu door' Where is my husband 1' she said, in wild affright ; 'sure ho will not let me I be murdered V 'It was your husband who , drove you hither, madam ; he in now upon the coach lox.' This ititilligence was conclusive ; all her assurance forsook her; she submitted to Ire conducted into the house, and sat pale, mntc and trembling, her face and dress exhibited the most striking contrast The husband, deeply affected, first spoke. He told her 'that he had no other means to save her from ruin, and he trusted the remedy would bo efll'etnal ; and that when she quitted that retrent, she would be worthy of his esteem.' Shethen essayed, by j the humblest protestaTions by tears and entrea- ; ties, to be permitted to return, and vowed that nevermore whilst she. lived would she' offend him. 'Save me,' said she, 'the mortification of the punishment, and my future conduct shall ' prove the sincerity of my reformation; Not to . let her off too soon, she was shown her desli- ncd apartment & dress, the rules of the house, and the order for her confinement, during six months! She was completely overpowered with terror, and fell senseless on the floor. When she ret overed, she found her husband chafing her temples, expresing the utmost anx iety for her safety. 'I have b"en unworthy your affection,' said tho faint penitent, 'but spare me this ignominious fate ; take me back to your home, and never more shall yoti have cause to reproach me.' Her husband, who loved her with unabated affection, notwithstanding her le vity, at last relented, and the same conch drove her back to her home, where not one of the domestics (a trusty man-servant excepted) had the least suspicr-Mi of whnt had occurred. As soon as her btislmnd led her to her apartments, she dropped on her knees, and implored his par don : told him the extrnt of all her debts, beg ged him to take her to .titphen for a few weeks, and promised so to reduce her expendi tures, a to make god the sums she had so in considerately thrown away. Allowing for the excessive terror she felt, when, instead uf being driven to 's route, she was proceeding round the ramparts outside of the city gates, which she could not wholly overcome, shespent the happiest evening of her life with her hus baixl ; and from that day alndoned her for mer careerof dissipated folly, and became all that her husband wished a good wife and an affectionate mother. (Jot Hit. The Philadelphia Kxpress states that a gentleman in Philadelphia who had his pockets picked at the Post Office, procured a small snapping turtle, which bestowed away, head upwards, in the ncket of his long tail bl;ie, and thus provided, went to the scene of his for mer misadventure to take out a letter. 'While standing in the crowd, awaiting his turn, he felt a nibble,' as the fishermen call it, and knew thereby that some light lingered gentleman had mittaken the young reptile for a pocket wallet Our friend enjoyed a qiiiet laugh to himself, and suffered the business to proceed. Presently a struggle commenced, a half sti im pressed acclamation, and the hand of the rogue was suddenly withdrawn, the turtle keeping a fast grip to one of his fingers. 'Someone has I icked m ,ck,'t'' ,aid ,mr ttlv'" tur,,in? ii.: -ir . ...i ,i. j..i: ". ' "-..nT..i.l ... wm t l",l,,,nl? "P ",8 an "?ny tl.e snapper held on, like a bulldog a stream ot blood was running down on the lloor, and the poor destes ted rascal, his eyes streaming with tearH, beg ged for mercy. He was ordered tocleiroul with bis Imoty, which he speedily did, and no ili.iilit lw. it 'i.e. na niivimia t.t .n( .i.t ..I Lib .ivi-m . . , . .,..'.. . , . as he had been, in the lirst place, to obtain it. To Prevent Rotiivi of Posts is the tiuoi'M). Place ashes or limeonthe surface of the earth around tho jvists. This will render them twice as durable, and will prove a great save where the fence is costly. Lime mortar has been recommended to encase all that part f the posts hieh is under the sur face ; but this is not necessary, since the bot tom of the post w ill often lust as long us the top. . . To IKSrRov RoAfiiEt. Tuko three cents worth of Orange mineral, (an oxyde of lead,) mix it with mol.isscs till it becomes of the con sistence of paste. Spread the pnte on small pieces of iNtstelsutrd. Xty .these about the in fested places in the evening ; the roaches eat freely and die at all events many die, and shortly the rest disnpMar, ihiI to return. This is a sure remedy for the destruction of these uboiuuable pests. Nkv Mkiiioii or rmniNii a Ills. In the course of tho examination of Lieut Walker, before the Court Mattiul yesterday, he stated that while engaged with the native on Drum nioud's Island, "lie told Mr. Field, miu was one of the best shots among us, to demoiiklrate the efficiency of our arms." Judge. Advocate. Well, sir how did you de monstrate tho efficiency of your arms 1 Witness. Oh, by shooting a native. A. Y. A liter, Hovr to Commit Matrimomv. In a work written some years ago by John Taylor of Iondon, it is related that Home Tooke, being in company with a young gentleman just on the point of fulfilling a matrimonial engage ment, observed that he was once in imminent danger of matrimony, but was deterred by an old friend, to whom he looked with reverence for his wisdom and experience, and who gave him the following advice : "You must first, snid fie, consider the person of the lady, snd endeavor to satisfy yourself, that if she has excited, she is likely to secure your admiration. Yon must deeply scrutinise br mind, reflect whether she possesses a rate of intellect that Would be likely to render her n intelligent companion ; if you arc satisfied she does, you are to examine her temper, and yoti find it amiable.and not likely to irritate , your own on any occasion, yoti must proceed to 'ain all the information you can procure re- , I aiKMiliiK. tin nn.mttd a.i.l rttlw. il i t'flc ntlit f"VllllH1.l P.IIlir flt.JVIIMI I'l.ll.l I. V..-' ' , if yoif have no reason to object to their being your relations anil companions, you mut then enquire who and what are her friends, for you i must not expect her to sacrifice all her old con nexions when she becomes "your wife; and if you find them agreeable people, and not like ly to lie burthensomeor Intrusive, and are qnite satisfied with the prospect, yoti may then or der your wedding plothes and fix the day for the marriage. , When the bride is dressed suit able to the occasion, the friends at cliureli, and the priest ready to begin, you should get upon your horse, and ride away from the place ii h fast an your hone run carry yini.n A Hit. Our Representatives in Congress catele-s "goss" on every occasion and r from every one. Not long since the Hon. Joseph L. bite from tins Slate, in his remarks upon the 'little' tanlfbill, as it is called, thus defined the position of the Representatives from Dis trict No. 1 '. Indiana Paju-rl "I regret that my colleague (Mr. Proffit) is not with us. In counting the number of the Representatives from my state, who without the repealing feature be retained, will oppose this bill, I found myself in the condition of the servant who was sent to count liis muster's pigs, Wpon hi, ref.trn, being asked whether he had fulfilled his errjnd, he replied 'No. I counted six but there was one little tpotted j fellow that kept up such a devil of a jumping uloul that I couldn't count him at all. Roars of laughter. " ! KvF..N-11a.M1:I JlSTK'E AND RoCOH-FlxTKT) La dim. A fellow, named ' Kdward Pound, w ho married one wife too many, was walking up Second street last Saturday, with Mrs. Pound II. hanging on his arm, when, on turn - ing a corner, (by the drollest accident in the world,) they encountered Mrs. Pound I , w ho MS UU 7V . SI VV lilt IS tlllj I U VI U1SU . i came on to this city in search of her runaw ay husband. The Caitiff stood convicted, em barrassed, and confounded, and in very short order the two Mistresses Pound fell on him with their fists and pounded biin to The con sistency of corn-pudding. He got free from their clutches, bolted down Vine street and has not since been heard oC Ih tiling I'x prt n. The liiiwell Vox Populi says that "All men are endowed with certain inalienable rights except poor mm. All men who do not pay their honest debts are great scamps except tUieo who cheat on a large scale. All men i are born free and equalexcept neerms . . , r All men are allowed to think and act freely except '.i i.v. All il ..1.1 litosv who inr lor a iini. tn hvii niioivs sed and accomplished women are ladies ex cept Factory iiirtx. Aotiipr Vrttv A fund father, the other day, wishing to form an alliance between his stupid lublierly son and a fine young lady of his acquaintance, sent hi n to her with the; follow ing note : "Dear nridani Allow niu to present my Hill for your acceptance." The lady scut the spoon hack to its lather, with the following reply: "Dear bir Your Bill is vetoed." Rkm iRKAfti.B Kat. One year ago, Mr. Caleb Hartshorn, of this place, while chopping logs hi the woods, cut his foot otlijust below the iinklo, with his axe. We arc informed on the best authority, that a uev fb-t has grow n out since, in iu place. It is one of the most pro vidential things wv. ever heard of. Aria iu.il tiaiilte. Providential ! not at all. What says the poet "There's Diiiiity that thajtet our end, RoUyli Arot ihem we will. ' Ihtroit ltaily Advt rUtrr. IJotii t' e ast and the future are veiled ono wears the Veil of the w idow, the other that of the virgin. PuriiRNt k and love are not made for each other, in proportion as love increases pru dence diminish.. her. She is young.' Then she is sly,' .IWutiftii; The more dangeTons.'' 'Of good family, 'Then slie is prond.' Tender hearted.' 'Then site is jealous? She has talents; . 'To lull me.' And onc 'hnndred thousand dollurs 'I will take her.' . . . A Coi kith. Wogive the following infer maticn 'how to know a Coquette,' for the infor- illilliill . il' l ll I IP I if 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 Vl'll it I'fi llf1 T 1 Mil 1 t.S "Cm you tell me,"eriid Cilia to Damon, "from . win nee I mny know, a cmpirtte from a woman of Senie Where the. difference lies V "Yes," said Dr- mon, ! can j Every man courts the one, t'other courts 'every mun We very much admire the church warden" wife who went to church tiirthe first tune (n her life when herlnisbTnd Was church wartfen, and being somewhat lute, the Congregation were getting tip from their knees at tlie tmio she entered, and she said, with a sweet ce-nde-sCending smile, "prny keep your seats, iadies and gentlmncn : I think no more of tnyself Xhrm I did before When Dr. Johnson courted Miss Porter, whot lie mmied, lie told her that he was of mean extraction, that he had no money, and an un cle of his had been hanged ! ' The lady 1)y way of reducing "herself to an equality replied, that she had no more money than himself, and that though none of Iter relations had been hangei, she had fifty who deserved hanging. TiieRt'MNa Passion. A pretty girl named MaTy, has been puaished for stcalrflg a pnifo breeches in New York. . A country merchant who keep a general assortment, advertises among other things niackmen'H giiA es -plain lady's slippeis Ted children's stockings and new children's books, A discarded lover in Philadelphia hung Up his jacket and tired at it, instead of shooting himself. 1 An Irishman cautions the public against bar 1 boring or trusting his wife Peggy on bis ao ' count, us he is w4 married to her. t . Scknk im a Dkbitinu Socikty. PresidOrX We w ill take the ayes and noes on the pre vious question. Member A word or two, Mr. President Friends, Romans, Countrymen ; lend mc you ears President Order, ehr we will take Vhe eyca and nose first ! . A foolish fellow went to the parsoYi of tit parish with a long fare, ami told him he bad seen a gliost at he was passing the grave yard, moving along against the side of tha wall. 'In w hat shape did it appear 4V 'In the shape ol an ass.' 'Go home arrd hold your tongue about it,' said tha pastor 'you hav been trigterred at your own shadow.' Cowab. 'Papa what doea the Editor lick his Price Current with V Whip it ? He don't whip it, my child.' 'Then he lies, pa. Hush'. Tom, that's a very nanghty word.' Well, by George ! this ere paper says, Price Current carefullly corrected,' and I gtnMi when I got;, enrtrrtrd I gets licked hey hut 1 ' A"" my son.' Rich. Star. l'i(Al 'Samlv, vou nigger, nreymi afraid of work !' 'Ilre- you, inassa, 1 no '(raid of work I'll lie down and go sleep nyht by loir) side.' Good morning John, is Mr. Brown al home I 'No aii be has gone out' Well I'll walk in and talk a while with Mrs. Drown.' 'She has gone out also, sir. Well never mind, I'll walk into the parlor and set by trie fire until they return.' 'Sorry to Bay, sir, it has gn ou too ! 'Mik and wit ynmeelf than can be after telling me how they make ice era mea !' 'In truth I Ciin, and rto they not bake tliem in cold ovens, aure enough !' Pa baa lightning got fists 1' 'No my child.' 'I guess it has, Pa, for I read it in the paper that the lightning struck a man and knocked him down.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers