) i - jj I, 1ST Jl A JX H rrAASYI.VAXIi. Ttn following lis shows the eurnnt value of nil Pennsylvania Hunk Notes. The most implicit re liance may I placed upon it, as il is e very ueik carefully compared with ai J corrected from link lull' Ueinrlpr. llniiliS III llill;ilclilil:i. .. . Hi sr. JNamk. J.ocatio. ., I tm.An. NOTES AT TAR. Park of North Amnion . , pnr Bank of the Northern LnVrtics . . par Comirrcreml Bank of Pcnn'a. . . par Funiura' oml Mechanics' Unnk . . pnr Kensington It, ink . pur Philadelphia liimk par Schuylkill Bunk . . . Sotithwnrk Bank . pur Western Unnk . par Mechanics' Hank pi Country llsmkH. Hank of Chester County Wcstchcsler Hank of Delaware County Chester ft ink of liermaiilown (tonnantmvn Hank of Montgomery Co. Norristown lloylenlown Hank Doylestown Fusion Bank East on par par pnr par fmr par Farmers' Itank of Bucks co Bristol par Office of Hank of Pctin'a, Office, ilo -do Itliee ilo do Office do do NOTES AT llnrrishntg"). These Lancaster I otlices Reading Jo not Fusion J issue n. 1) I SCO UN T. Hank of lite- United States' Hank of Finn Township Philadelphia nTurliO IS'.hIiJ 40a Ui Cirard Haul. . Miiirufiielureri'' & Mechanics' Bunk MoMltil. lit lllg lbltlk . loalS I da 1 2 7 iiH I'm 7 ; Rank of I'eniisvrvtitiia Miners' Bairk of Puttsvillc Hank .l Lowistown Bank of Middlctown lt.mk of Northumberland t 'oliinilii.i Bank A Uritlgc co, Cai lisle liank Potisville Lew tstow n Midi Ik-town Northumberland (i Coin mbia Carlisle l'ittsburr A aft li I ;t 4 Exchange Bunk lo dn branch of Farmers' Itank of Lancustei Lancaster County lt.mk Fainicis' Rank of Reading I r ris-lni n Brink Lancaster Hank l.elianon Batik Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Itatikol Pittsburg Went Brunch B.ntk joining lt.mk Northampton 1! :irik lieikK County Hunk OHkw of liank ot U. S. l)o do do )o do do Kensington Nuv. Inn. A IViin Township Sav. Ins. Bank of CliainlM-rsliorg Hunk ol licrtys-lnirg 1 it nk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bunk runners' A Drovers' Hank Fianklin Hunk I loin sdale H.nk Monnngahcla Dank of U. Voik Hank Ilollidaysburg l.aucasrei l.ulieiiHter R ading Jlirrislinrr; Lancaster Lebanon I'iltsburrr I'ittsbuit; 4 fi f.a7 :i ; y 40.tl2 lCal.r VN'illiamspnrt Vilkeshano Allenloyvn j!i inlinu 1'itlsbiirg E r ie New Brighton do do Mi smliersburg icttysbing Montrose Erie Wnynesbnrg ushin(!loit Ilouesdarc llrownsville York N. 11, The nolca of those hunks on which we, omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc iol purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, with iIk exception of ihone which have a V'lter of rt lercnce, BROKEN DA N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Suv. Ins. Muntiul Lalmr Bank (T. W Towauda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Sw atarn Bank of Washington l.Vntie Bank City Bank Furniers' A Merh'cs Bank Fanners' A Mei h'es' Bank Famurs'A Mech'cs' Bank Jin nioiiv Institute lluntiiigdoi, Hunk .luinala Bunk Liiinbi rinen's ltjnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Biidge Co. Notlhumb'd I'm. hi Col. ltk. Norlli Westirn Bank of Pa. Olliee ol Sihujlkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bunk Silvet Lake Hank L'uioii Bunk of Penn'a. estmoielaiid Bank Philudelphia do do Iyott, prop.) Towuirdu Bedford Beaver II arrisburg Washington Belh foute 1'iltsbuig Pittsburg Fayette -o. tin eneat e Haimonv failed failed f.iiled f.iiled lailed 4io sole closed tloed failed closed no sale failed filled failed no sale Hunlingilon no sale J.itti-lown nns.de Wjrn ii Dundi.tf ta ik'il lio sje New Hope Milton Meuili!le Poll I 'aiboii Carlisle Molllll Si! I'niuiitown lirreiislnirg Wilkrsb.ine llucil lio sale elosiil 1.1 1, d failed rinsed failed closed ilki sbarre Budge Co. Wilkisb.ine nosale ( All notes puipnriing to be on tiny Pennsyl vania Bank not given in ihe aUive list, may be set down as frauds. ni:v .ii:iisi.v. Bank of New Hiuiiswick ltelvideie Hunk Buihngton Co. Bank ( 'uunncii'ial Bank ( 'iiinberl.ind Bank Furmels' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk 1'arnit rs' and Mechanics' Bk Fanners' and Merchants' Bk Franklin liank o! N. J. Jiobi.ken BkgA (Jiaiing Co Jersey City Bank Mechaniis' Bank Maliulactur. is' lt.mk Morris Coin) uny Hunk MomiiiKilii Hk ol N.J. Mn haiiu s' Bank M, luii.li'' and Manuf. Bk Morris I 'anal ond Lkg Co Posl Notes Newark Bkg A Ins Co New JloJr Del Bridge Co N. J. Maiinl..!'. and Hkg Co '..I '- 'Mi A OT.tJ Itruuswiik fuilnl Bel vale re 1 Mcdtbrd par J'erth Amboy Bndgelon pnr Mount Holly pur Rhway I N. Btuuswii k fnilisl Middiiiown Pt. :t Jersey t'tty fail, d Hobokeu (nihil Jersey Cily failed Putteisoil failed Bellevilln luilid Morristown I'm hold iiiilnl Newaik 1 TriuliHi pur Jusey City I'll siili- Newatk I Luinlieitsville Hi Hoboki lt fiidi d , J Fioti cton A Loiiibaid bk Jersey Cily lailtd t Ir.ine lt.ilik Fultiiuin liui k 1'iopliV Bunk 1 ' I In l loll Balk ."s all in Bankiii Co Mule Bulik fstalv Bank .-lale Bank Male Bank ul Munis iSiule Bunk hulem and l'hilad Manuf Co Submx Bunk Trenton Bunking Co Union Bunk Washington Banking Co. Orange Pali iBOll failed I par pat I do PriluH Ion Sab UI Newark Lliala ihtow n Cam.li li Monistow n 'J'n moil Salitn Newton Til I. toll Driver Jlackcnsaik failed failed ;t par a failed Dl.l.iVI Aiti:. Bk of Wilm A Brandy wint Bank of Deluware Bunk of Smyrna Do bianch Fanners' Bk of State of Del Do branch Do bianch Do Irani h Union Bank rrr Under ft's i iiiinglon par Wilmington pin Smyrna par Mdlord ar Dover par Wiliuiiiglou par (ieorgctuwii pr Newcastle par Wilininglun par o ej" On all tank ma'Ken uius ( ) lliere are oihei luntitliit or ubered nous of tke various de- i Ket.nl, No. 1 i RACE bTREEl', PHILADEL livunuatioiis, lu circululioii. I PHIA. .May SI, 184S. ly The lcst method for the Abolition of Visettse is to cleanse and purify the ISody. IMII iX VL.i: TAIII.i: 11 M.N OK 1 UK ,Vlirth Jtmcrlvem I'ollftrr if Health, Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in the World for the cure of F.YKRY VARIETY OF DISEASE,. BECAUSE they completely cleanse the sto mach and honels from th. pe hilliotia and ror tn t humorit which are the catie riot only of Headache, (iidiliuesn, I'alpitntion of the Ileut, 'ais in the Itoite. Kin uinatrnm and (Sntil, hut every malailv inriilent to man. WAIU IMMAN V KiiETAUI.E IMl.I.H are a emain cure for in leini iimiiI iiiiiiii. it itirvmi tiilliitrii.loi V fltlu liU'rill Fevers. Itemise tin y rleansc the p.tdy fient thuse mot hid humors, whiih, when roiilined to the einu- l.ition. are the cause of all kinds of FK V F.KS. Ni, also, when the same impurity is dctited on the meniliiai.e and muscle, c nisinp: p.ilns, inn iioa lions and awellinpa edled HIIKIIMATIS.M, (it-ll T.iSre. Wtiphl's Indian A'epelalile Fills may I relied on as always lerluin to pive relief, nnj it perseveied with, oceoidlnp to direction will inosl usstindly, and without fall, make a petfeet ell e ol the nhove painful n.alndie. Fiom three to six ol ssld Indian Vipeluhle Pills t.iken eviry nitiht go inp to hed, will io a shott time so completely rid the body from evety tliintr that is opposed to health, that Klieumati-m, liotit. and piitt of every defcerip lion, will W lit. rally DRIVEN FROM THE HO DV. For the s.nne leusou, when, Irom stiihlen ehanpes of alnt pin re, or any other cause, lite pet spitation ischecked, ami the liumots wh.ch fhonhl pa- oil by the skin are thrown inwardly, cuusinp HEADACHE. UIDDlNF.sSS, n..us.a and si.k ensa, pain in the lu lu s, wuiety and ii llmoed eyes, sore tlitoat, hoarsene-s, eonpl;s, consumption rheumatic, pains in vanous parts ol the hoily, ami , who will r;.H on me. t me time I coniini.ni en many olio r symptoms of C.VI CULM! COLD, ; ting the R. se Ointmenl I would have pi ven bun Wri'lit't Indian Yilulde 1'iHx will invariably ! .beds of do lais lo be rid of ihe diease. Since u pive nnine.li V relief. From llnee to six of said j fing it. 1 have reconinn nihil it to -cviril persons. Fills taken every niuht on goinp lo bi d, will in a ; (umotip them my mother, who h id the di-eu-e had short time, not only remove all the above uiiph as.ml y on hei mm.) who w. re ail cured by it. sviiitottis, Uil ihe body w.ll, in a short time, be J " .lAMF.. Dl'RNELL, No. lot;, Race St. restored lo even utmnlcr beat h (ban More. j (J V The Rose Ointment is prepaied by E. H. ASTHMA. on D1FFHTLTV OF BREATH- Vnu jian, S..u h East comer of Third and Race Sr. iii:lit'K Indian Ymttulilr I'M will loos- , Mie.ls Fhiladelpl.ia, and sold on agency in Snnbu- ,.i,.l .-..r, v ,,V. I,i tbe Hloii.arli uiul bowi is. tho'.e . rv. bv H. B. MASSl.l!, touch I'hlicniy htiinor-', which stop up U the air ' cells ol the "lungs, and ure the cause, not only of the abme distressing complaint, Ittl when negieeieil, olten terminates in that mo.e ibeadlul malady called CONSUMPTION. Il shou'd he nlso iemeiiibei.il that W'lijrhl's Indiiin Yittiihlr Villa are n ceilain euic for FAIN I S THE SIDE, Oppressi inm- sea, and sickness, lo-s of uppi tile, eoslivencsa. a j (), fllMy v,.rs ; the disease was aitcnded gmerally yellow tinpe of ihe tkiu ui d eves, ond every other , W(( vj",.,i in hmg and swelliiig. I applied to symptom ol a torpid or diseased slute of the liver ; ' ,,,( r ,, j hvsiciaus, ami used u preal many appli because lin y purge from the body those impurities ,N, !,,',( elWliug a cure. About a ar w hich if dt posited upon this important organ, are j,,,., :,,,,P, ;e Hum- Ointment, w hich entirely the emi-e ol every variety .f LIVER C M- i f. ,,M.j ,l. inhing. and a fi w aiii'liciili.iis nninedi- ; PLAINT. 'When a nation is conMilsed by liot, l ouibreaks and ri belli. Hi the only nteaiis of prevent- j iug Ihe dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all Iruitois, and evil disposid ones Irom j the country. In like manner, w hi n pain or sick- ness-of mi v kind. Indicate that Ibe boily is strug- pling with itilcrniil f.ws, the true retnedv is to E.- PEL ALL MORBID IM'MOKS, (Traitors to health and life.) lUiitlh will he Ihe rertuin rexull. That the pi inciple of curing disease, hy cleansing and purifying the body, is stnetly in accordance with the taws which govern Ihe animal economy ; and if pro?rly carried out by the Use of Ihe above named WliltiHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ccitainly result in ihe complete Abo- I Ittiott of Disease ; we oiler Ibe following testimoni als, from person of the highest re?peclubility in New York, who have lecentiy been cuiod ol the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use ot Wmi. nr's Inihav Vii. kta ni.r. Pills, of the Surli .mt rutin Cullie if llitillli : Jamiii a. L. I., June (lib. t 1 1 . Doctor William Wright Dear Sir Il is with grcl suli faction 1 inform you of my having been ilitnely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years standii g. bv the tire of your Imi Y v.; it c.i.k Pills. Pn vioiis lo nueiing Willi your relebiaUd III. ill cine, 1 b id b. i ll iinilei ibeluinds ot seveiai I'll) si ciiil.s, and had tried vuiiou- ineduiiies; but all to ' j no clloet. Alter uii g one '25 cent box of jour Pills, howiver, I expirienced so much l-ci'dll, thai I ieoUrd lo pi ri veie in the use of limn accoiililig lo Jirn li"! s. wbich I am hai pv lo state, h .s n-nlt- . , , in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to yon bo ihe ! ,...,, i. ,,, io I 1,-ive received, and aUo in ibe hrne ! ,i. ,, .iinil'iilv utlbcii d mav be induced lo ! i nn.ke tiial i f your exira.niliti'ny medicine, I tend you this slalemilit Willi lull libeitv lo publish the same, il von think pr. -r. Yours. Ac. New Voik, June in, 111. ti.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Yigeluble Pills. Deal Sir I have la en iilllicted for several yeats with inward weakness and general debility, iceom piu.ied al limes wiih pains in the side and ollu r distressing eoiiiplaitiis. A ll. i having tried various mnlicincs withonti lliel, 1 was persuaded by aftiiiid to make trial of Dr. light's Indian Vegetublii P.ll.- i l.u li I sin Iimih.v In state, have relieved me , -- - ii ------ : . .. I. I ... I I. . .. ,,-.t it,.. ...... III m lll.'ri i'ii. i, ..ui ii,.iiiiii,. ii,.... .-.. i... .... - 1 ilicine, as yet but h shotl time, and have no doubt, j by a perseverance In the use ot the medicine accor ding to directions, tln.l 1 shall ill a short lime le ) pi rb i lly ietoie.l. j I most willii glv recommend said Pills lo allper- sous Miinhiily i 111 i l ie. I, und in the full beliel that j the s.nne l-cni liei.il results w ill follow their use, I re l main youis sincen ly. HENRV A. I'OOTE. aiwaisiug, I Ister co. N. . Nmv Yitlih, Sept. !J(I, 1HI1. This is lo ceilify that I have used Whii.ht's 1m. l is M.n ihi.i. Pills with the griaiesl bene lil ; Inn li g , ui i it I cured tuyi-ell ol ll.e lniUi nl at Is-.u suljict. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. a IIS t.ieeuwieh sin el. N. Y. To Mr. Richaid Dinnn, Agcnl lor nylil's In i ili.oi Vigelable fills. . f T I .V. As there aie at this lime iininy wicked ersons 1 busily inaged in si I lug a Coiinterleil mnlieiue mi. : der the none of ll.e li.ili.iu Yi gel able Pills and as j those ill s i rate nun ure so ulteilv nikli ss nfenli 1 si iuein i s, that many valuable lives may be lost in : cotiseiiieiice ol using ibeir ilreadful compounds, i be public are cautioned against puteba-ii p any 1 1' " 1 Pills, unlisk on ihe tides ot ihe boxis ihe following 1 wonliiig is f..un l : WRUilU'S INDIAN YEfiETABLE PILLS, (Indian Vurf;utirr.) n tiik Miurii ioi.HH i iiu.Ln.L- or hialth An. I n'se to le ci-criullv canlul aguinst urcha , sing snd meiliciiie of any person except the rigu ! I.ir aiiven.se.l ..gi ll's. AUhXIS I' i It .oltTlll'Mllf:iil.AM CO, l'i iinsili iiiiin. H. B. Massi r, Suubiiry Payne A Rose, Nor il, iiinl.i ilui.il Jji oIi llsji, Sl.amokiu Sainiti I Herb, M.ibonoy Byerly A D. Ha;., Augusta Heiinr A Foiimer, Miilon Iielutul A Meixell, McEwensvi le P fer A Deainiolul, 'I'urbul ills James I'm!. Poltsgrove II. Kl.ise, Siiyilerlnwn II. H. Ki.iImI. P. M.. Elvsburg P. O. Win. Lei-enriiig, P M. Union t'ornir. Oil'ice i.i.d (iriier.il Depot for the sale of ci- ri t'h i'm India n Xigilufilr VilU, Wliolisale ROSE OINTIVIUNT, I'oit ti:tti:k. niNOWOHMS, MMPl.r ON THK FA K, AMI (ITltnit . tTTANMtlK ERt'lTIOIW. tjj The fullittring crrtifica'e dcurrilie one of the mnst cu triiordinary cunn ever effected by any ajipliciitivn. riiiLAKftrtiiA, Fchiuary 10, 1818. IOR twenty yearn I wan nevetely alllirtcd witli 'I'kttkii on the Face and Head: the dincase roiiimciirtd when I wan aevrnteen yeara old, and rotitinued until the Full of 18:16, VBiyinrt in vio lence, but without ever disapearinR. l)urin(t mst of the time, preat part of my f.ice was covered with the eiiintion. frciiuenllv aitcnded with violent itch- inn; my head swt X ed at timia until it fell if it would hurst the swelling was so pieat, that I roiiNI . scare, ly pet my hat on. llurinp iho lon peiind ! that I was alllicle.l wiih the disease, I used a preal J many a plications (am.mp them a. veral celel.ral. d 1 prep trillion-) as w, II as tukiuu iiiw.nd reni. du s. iuelttdinea tinniher of bottle of Siraim't I'tinnreti, llitract nf Siimapii) ilu, e. In laet, ii would be impossible lo entitiierate all the medicines I used. I was also nmlei the care of two of ihe most dis liucuished physician of this city, but without re ceiving much ben fit, and 1 despaired of ever being cured. In the f ill of I S.Hi, the disease at the time lieing verv violent, I commenced Usinu the AW Ointment, (prepared by Vauphall & Divis.) ' a fi w applications the violent itching ciased, the swelling abated, the i rnplioli beaan to dis'.ippear. and bel.ire 1 had used a i.ir the di-ease wa- inliiely ruled, it has now been itiar'y a yuir and a hall since, and there is not a ve-tige of the disease re maininc. eNcept the sears from the deep pits formed by the di-ease. It is impcasihle for me to describe in a e riil'icate the seventy of the disease and my snlb ring, bill I will be pie .scd lo nivp a fuller ac count to otiv person wanting further satisfaction. M.iv I Ith, IS 12 A'tl. Etooc tliiiluu'iits lor Tcftti. .t moor or its i'ti ic u y. Piiinnn.i iiiA. May 27lh, IHM'.l. rplS is to certify that I was severely alllicle.l A with Tetter in Ihe hands and f. el for upwards j tv (llf,, ,i,e ,l,.,c, which there has hi en no r,.U"MI ; iilih.iuah I had never la-en lid of it at j inv (jun ior holy veins. RICIl.MiD SAVAtiE, i Eleventh, below Spruce Streit. (Tj-The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. v.,... I.,,,, ,s ,uili Lal comer ol I bird and bace jtrftli Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu rv lV II. B. MASSER, Mav Mill. 1SI2. Azet. MEDICAL ArrEOBATION Of Ihe ItOSi: OI.TMi:.yT,fr Tetter. VLTHOL'till the superiority of the prepaiatiolt over all olln rs is fully esiablished, ihe proprie tors lake ph aure in laying la fore ihe public the fallowing ccrtilicate Iroin a re-pectable physician, a uradtiate of the I'uiversily of Petilisy Ivanis. Dr. Ibingh, huvinc found in this icinrdy thai relief for a tedious and disugreeable all'ei lion which the means within the range ol his prolessioii tuileJ to allord has Dot hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices uud interests of that prole.-sion uie opposed lo secret liemcilles. PniLAi.n.riiiA. S. pl. in, is:if. I was recent I v lioubli d with a tedious herpetic eruili' n. which coveted mark one si.'e of my lice. and extended over ibe cur. Mr. Vuughau. pioprii I.. I of (lie Rose Ointment, obseivmg ui) face, ilisis. led on in v tiying his n paraliuu, id which he ban led me a ur. Allhough in cuimnoii wiih the mem la'is ot in v profession, I discountenance and disap prove ol the liUHieii'Us nosliums palmi d upon the public bv it iioi.inl pn lenders, I feel in jusiice bound lo cin 1 1 the Rose Oinlimnl limn that class of me d.emes. uud to give it niv spprohalton, as il rlilire- ly iUii'J ihe rtuplloii, uhhoogh I' h id resisted the ustl.il applications. 1M.M. I'M Ull. il. I'. (1 ; 'I he Rose Ointitienl is piepanj by E. B Vaunhsn. Sntilh East comer ol TbnJ and R ice Sneeis, Fhd.idefnhij, and sold on sgi nev in Sun huiv.bv H.B.. MAssER. Mav I Ith, IS li. Menl BOLTON & CO". 4.-u'i al 4 oiiiihI-skIoii Mvrt liunlsi. Fur Ihe Snle uf Tlmir, limiii, Sted. -e., ie. A EPF.t."l FI LEY inform their Iriends and ihe Merchuuls generally, lltnl ihey have ta ken those large and commodious hutvrs, with two Disks, ninth ol Chesiiul streel, on the Drlawire, together with the store No. Ill South Whnrves, whete thev would lie pleased lo receive consign ments of liralll, Flout, Seed, W hiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepaied to forward ull kinds ol Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by ihe Chesapeake uud Tide Water Canals, us tow boats are kepi expressly lot Ihe purpose of towing bouts by el' her route. Men hunts will please la' particular to send their Bin ds destined by either canals to No. Ill South Wh nves, between Muiket ami Chesnul sine's, on ihe Delaware, w ith iliieeliolis accomp ill) ilig theill which mule they wish tbein to Ik shippe.l. Q V Plaster und Suit for sule, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C'. Match 111, lsf2. No. Ill South Wharves. LIMB ! LIIYZE I LIME ! fllUE subscripts ure prepar.d to furnish fanners I and lliers w till any ipianlity of Lime of a very I supetiot ipiahly I r land, ot p'ui-ti ring, al Ihe lob I lowing very reduced prices, vi: si els. per bushel lor I und Lime: 1(1 els. I.ir Ibe best iiuuluv ol plul. ' ti ring Lime, lit the kilns. belnw the '.mrough ol Sun burv. They will ulsn deliver, ul any place within the I or. nigh ol Niinhory. Lime for Ian, I, al III ciiils er biishi I, and Lime for plaistt-ring al I2J cents per bushel. The subset ibers h.ivealwus oil ham huge otlaiiinv of Lime, lis ouiility is good, und ll.i ir hmesloue is not equalled by uny in the neigh bolhllud. SEASHOLTZ A BERtisTRF.ssER. At giisla. Apiil I f 12. WKAVKirs HOTEL, Simliury, kWirlhtiinb mint 4ointyy l' iiiiy Ii iinhi. f IHE subscriber, respicllully inlorms the public I that he has n moved lo thai large und commo dious Tuveiu Siaml, ul the corner of Market and Fawn struts, (sign of the Buck.) lotmeily mcu pnd by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Dsniel liils son, while he is m.w prepared lo aceommodati' all who may futor bun wiih a call. By si nil atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction toull.be hopes loieceive a III n-r.it share ol public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunhury, Match lilh, lilS. uiul 'olll'ho4, lcalli lllow. rPhe pulilic will please observe that no Brandreth Fills are. genuine, unless ihe box ha three la Ms upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a fitc-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. Bit Amiiir.Tii, M. D. These hi. belsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipense of over f S.lltill. Therefore it will lie seen thai ihe only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective ersons are duly auhori zed, and hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sulc of UrundreiliS Yrietalile Universal Tills. " Norlhumheiland county ! Milton Mnckey fic Ch.imheihn. Sunhury ILB. Masser. M'Ewcns ville licbuicliV Meixell. Northumbcilnnd Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midluigcr .V Co. Union Ciunty: New Berlin John llollinan. Selinsgrove Ever and Schnure. Middleburg Isaac Smith. Beavcrlown .1. cV F. Biugnman. J Ail uii.biirK 11. Si. A. Smith. M illlinshuiri I Sw,..e Laird ILullelon Daniel Long. Free-j ... ... .... hum V F. C. Mover. Cenlreville Stailey A. Leuhart. Lewishurg Walls A (ireen. Ciilumhiit county : Danvilh E. B. Reynolds i A Co. Berwick Shuman A R.ttenhouse. Cat lawissa C. A. A C (!. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Mover. JeiseyTown Levi Bisel. Wa shiugton Kobt. McCoy. Limestone-D. L. Sclimcck. Observe that each Agent has an Engravnl Cer tificate of Agency, containing a tepicseiitalion of 1. I , t , I 1 . I, l..'l' I I 'h! II I.......... V..... irr it iv.v u ii i i ii iiiiioiiiiicon j ui .'"in oin, . and upon which w ill also he seen exact cupies of ihe ntn lulxls nine twi upon the llrttmlreth J'iI ltn.ee. Phdidelphia, oJTice No. S, Noith filh slrpet. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. J.uiunry 1st, 1S-I3. nit: AMEIIIOAN MEDIOAIi XjIDRAXIY AMI ivri:i.M(.'i:.vc A ''' OM'ENTRATED Record of Medical Set- rnce and Literature, ly Kotney iiungnson, M. D., Prolessor of the Institutes ol Medicine, etc., in .liMc I son Medical College of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adjin Wuldie, No. 40 Curien ler street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, f o a Ti ar. Subset iplions for the above work received by the subscriber. H. B. MASTER, Dec. 11th. 1811. Aiiinl. BO DC FCP. S-LE. f ,lOR sale a small Futm, containing about one Jj' bundled and ten ucres, more or le s, situjte j in Point tow nship, Norihiiml i rlaud Countv, ab..ut two miles shove Noilliumbeil ind, on the ui.iin i road h ading from thai place to Danville, adjoining j liind. of John Leghou, Jesse (. Horlon and others, I now in the occupancy of Samuel Puyue. About forty acres of said tract are ilrand, and in good stale ol cu'tivation, on Wlnen lliere is a small burn ereclid. 'Ihe property will be sold on n asonahle ! iuble let ms. r or lurtner particulars, peisons are request ed lo apply to the aul seiiln r. 11. U. AIASSKH, Aient, Nov. 27(h, lMll. tf Sunhury, Pa CHP.YSCLITE PCLir.H. VN article unequalled for cleaning and g.ving a highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, (iermiin Silver, Brass, Copia-r, Biitluiiia wure, 'I'm, Steel, CutU t) , and for restoring the lustre on varnished carnages, Ac. I 111 11 . Prepared an. I sold at wholesule and retail, hy the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga counly, N. Y. W.l. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, )L B. MASSE R, Agent lor Sunhury. November 20th, DUE l'KTJ.u 1)1;vkjTs, LAST ISAKER, No. 1 ('allowl.il! .Sireet, J'hilatlflpliia. C 'I'h rit dour d ubnee Steund.J 4 HOE Findings always kepi on hand, which hi oilers lor sule on Ihe lowest terms. Country Meich nils arc purliculxily to c ill onJ judge foe themselves. Philadelphia, Navrmner 13, 1M1. ly. OS EILsSESaj OF EVERY DF.sCRIPTION. Ni:V K.C!.AM)Olls COM PAX Y. No. Nitilh Water Nlrcct, l'liila. ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description Ixtlh for buinnig and iiiauiilucliiring purfioM's, which will tie sold much lower than they can 1 procured elsewhere, and wsnanled in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may lie relumed without any exx'iise to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now in sloie consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spcim" Oil, fiOOO Ki.OOO 10.1100 20.000 tioon lo.ooo do do t-oloiless Oil, i!o Full and Spring Sperm Oil, do NV inter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed W hale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels siipermi Stra.'s Oil, :t()0 do Cod Bank Oil, :() do Neats Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. 2 j This Company has a nunilier of Vessels en gaged in the Coil Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon petting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 141. ly. G. V". & L. P. T.7LC? FFER FOR SALE, at the South Easi Cor ner of i-'i und Murktt Streets, I'tiladtl- phut Mens' ("all-skin B.iols.slitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water piool, doulle soles' and double uppers, do ( 'all-skin do do do nailed and uppers. i do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do ibi. do High quarter Shoes, (-'alt-skill. n ilo do do Cioi kers do do Fins Monroes warranted do Kip ilo do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Culf uud Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socks with uud without soles. do Carpet do do do do Patent WarranteJ Wuter-proof Moecjsius. I. a. lies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes, (ielilli liiens' do ( 'ver shoes. Wih every other dt sc iptioii of bonis unj shoes. Fur Cups of evi ry description, Truvell ug Trunks ol every description. Yciieli .u 'bran Iling H i... Patent (iuiil Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bounds nf all km. Is. Palm Leal Hals. Philsdelj his, November Li, 141. ly. EAT & WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LF.Rs AND STATIONERS, No. Vi'i riiosnut ISlrcct, lclow 4lli, 'liilniloli)iin. J7"EEP constantly on band a general nssort mi nt of Books and Stationary ; comprising 'llieological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellatie on ami School Books, Dny Books, all sixes, Led gers, do., Family Bible, Pocket Bibles, Willing Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac, Ac., which they ol fer at the loest prices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional dvtitlf men, Tcachttrs, al,j a others thul may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Noiemher 13. 1841. ly. JIUiiiu'l V :ncr A; Sou, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. i v. i o ior in i MAVE constat) merit of Co Ropes, Fishin in. IJiNoVi Witter street, l liiUnJtjiluu. constantly on hand, a gcticnil assort- Cordage, Seine 1 wines, cVc., vir. ! pes, fishing Hopes, Mile lloncs, mantl- hi Ropes, 'J'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Cill v... t ...... wi..i I u....:..'rH.:... kt Nel 'l'w ine, Cutton Shad and Herring Twii:c, Shoe Fhrea.ls, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Colds, Plough Lines, Halters, I races, l otion and I. men V &t- all of which they will dispose of II rdlcrs, Traces, (.'niton and Linen Carpet ('hams, on r asonahle teints. Philadelphia, NovcniM 13, 1841. ly. Jat oli l'l loiiiutli & Sun 1 ) ESPEC'I'FI ELY informs their friends and J V seoiiaiiituiices ce.ierullv thai thev still con tinue to keep al Ihe old stand, No. S-1C North lid street, Philadelphia, all Voids of TOIIACVU HKl ."' .4N' MWARS. Which ihey will aell m the nut : accoiiiinoilutilii, uud rci8on.il 1e terms. N. B. All eoods sold will he guanritcod nlid ull orders promptly itlcndcJ to. I'hiludelphia, Ncyeuibei 13,641 -y. " " PE TE?rC C1TCV E?sS Wliulcsale and llclail Shoe, lJoimet, anil l'alin Leaf Hat Warrlionsc. No. t'O Sorth "d tlrert, a few dimrs ubvrt .?rcA, Vliiladildiiu. ALSO Trunks, Catpet Bags and Valices, of ev ery desciiption, ull of which he oilers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. J . W'T N V A 1 i , Umbrella niul l'arasol Manufacturer. Act. 37 Kmdfi Tlntd itree), tti u doors In low llie ('ill Hotel, Vliiludt hihiu. ' OI'NTItY Merchants and others are solicited to examine l.is uusoili.ient before puichasing elsewhere Philu 'eli l.ia. NovemU-r 13, l41. ly. " 1'. vV A . 11 O V O V 1) T ' S China, (Ilass anl Liverpool Warehouse, Aii 1114 Nnrlh Third street , third dimr below Yine street, I'hiluili lihia. "II f HFRE thev consiunllv kieu iev rniisiHiillv Lion on hand a tnrirs iW,iiniciii of China. Clusi ,, ,r i-hiim. Cbiss sn.l t.ivri..i..l Wure, which they will dispose of on the most iei sonuble terms. Philadelphia. Noveml-er 13, 1 H 4 1 . It. TlIEUrilA'S CUU Manufacturer and Iniporler of Sad tllcry, Hardware, &c. So. 6 Kiulli Third tlrert, four douri below Market I'hiluili 1ililU. TT7" EEP constantly on hand a large and general Jlk- assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliplic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will he supplied at all times on the most reasonable turns. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, lHl I. ly. HKY.Nui j )S, Me FA K LAND HI 6 Wliulcsale Dealers in Foreign 1'rilisli and American Dry Cooils. JVu. lllft Market tlreet, J'hilndilpliia. COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at ull limes with an extensive assort ment of ihe best and most fashionable CooJs upon the most reastinuble terms. Philadelphia, Novemler 13, 1P41. ly. J.OWFK St 5AltUON Imjiortcrs and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic llaidwarc, No. 174 Notii Titian Sthi.lt, PmLAntirniA. " r HERE Iheir fnends and lustomcrs will always ' find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic lluidwute, which tJiey w ill sell at the lowest prices. Philedelphia, Novemlicr 13, 1841 . ly. KSllKltlCK, IIANSF.U. & C(VS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STOEE. xo. l(i(' 1-' Market Street, l'liila. (hiic Fifth South title ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as M.rlmrnt of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (inods, Country Merchants are respectfully requested le give them a call and examine for Ihcm-clvt s. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. SPKKING, COOD CO." j No. IHS Markot Street, riiiladclihia. NVITE the attention of Countty Merehiinls to their extensive assortment ot Bntnh r rei.ch uud American Dry (ioods, w hich ihey ofler lot sale on the most reusonuble terms. Philadelphia, November 13, IR41. ly. McCALLA &c HERSE, No 51, Noiili Si oml Kln t t, (l OHN I.H OF COOH b's ALI.IT.) Whcie they constantly ktepon hand a gener il assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEIIES, VESTINCS, .411 u grt i.l vanity ij mlicht of u mjniiirr quality, which tiny oiler to dispose of upon the most icasonablo terms. C10UNTRY MERCHANTS and oihers will find il lo tin it advantage lo tall and examine Hit ir stock before purchasing ebcwlieie. Philadelphia. Nov. ti, lt4l. ly v m j. rr .:r f y r i-rrr . SIlrCClT ?sT, J EsPEC'J FULLY iiiloitu the citineus ol Sun V bury and yieiiniy, lhat ihey have lukui tbe shop Ui.lv occupied by Wm. Durst, where ihey will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in nil its vanous branches. By stiicl amotion and leasouable chaiges, ihey expect to infill a shsic ol public patronage. Sunhury, Sept. 4th, 111. jc:::its ?t, c"Jitci:iTGS. WHOLESALE f.HOE, BONNET, Cup mm' l'alin l.euf Hal Sore, No. 10S..ITH 4jh SraiKT, I'll ILADELPil I A, ArHERE an extensive a isoitmeut of ihe alane ' ' arliiles ate conslanlly kepi on hand, for sale al the im.st reasonable ! run.. May 1 S 1 . ly. iiniiarelleled remedy fur common Colds, nugiis, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, ami all diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs, lending to cousumptioB; omposcd of the enncen Iraled virtuas of Horihound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared ouly by J. M. W Yoik. Tie innocence and universally admitted pectoral viilucs of the Ileitis from wbich the ISakam of llonliotind is made, are too generally known to re o,uir recommendation i it is Iheiefore only necessa ry to observe thai this Medicine contains the whole of theii Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with seveiai other vege table auhstauces, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, fur the com plaints above mentioned. Tbe HaUain removes all imflanimalion and sure nest of the Lungs, loosens lough visid phlegm, en-, ubliug the piilieullo expeclorute with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic arid d. Hi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to the lendet lungs, and thus produces a speedy und lasting cure, 1 3ti h ati Tv he tsTSjt HAsr.sTcamr.is: Ma. We are not umoug that class of Editors who for a few dollais will, fat the extMiae of truth and ho nesty) ' ci ink up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we willing to lemain silent, ufter having tested the utility of an iin rovement or dis covery in science or ait. Our readers will recollect we told tlif tit we were unwell with a sore throat and viuUnt cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOKEHOCND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgo! we ever had a cold. J hose who are atllicted, may try it upon our recommendation. .(.uiVuu leip-uph. For sulc by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Suntniri, J ACOU BRIlillT, Xorthumlerhmd. AUo, by Druggists generally throughout the country. fjj' Price, 00 cents per Bottle. August 14lb, 1811. ly. LIST CP ECOKS, IOB HALE ar ANTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; Ainsworth's do; Cobb's do.; English and (fi-tmari do.; Anlbon's Casar; Ambon's Crammer; Anlheii's Cieeio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby's do.; Andiew's Latin Lessons; Doiiuegun's Lexicon; Fisk's (ireik Exercises; Davies's Legenilei; (Sraeca Majors; Adams's Human Antiquities; Piiiimck'ii fioldsinilh's England; do. O recce; Ly ell's Eh mcnls of (ieolopy; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Portei's Rhcloticul Rea ders; Eimrsoti's (ieogruphy and History; Olney'i do.; Purity's do.; Smith's (irammei; Kirkhuin's do.; Kay's Readers; Cobl 's do.; Cobb's Arithmetick; Pike's do.; Emirsou's do.; C'obb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Tuble Books; Evungf licul Fa mily Lihtary; Coituge Bible; Family do ; ColUter al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paiket's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Many-all's No vels; Mr. Phelps on Cheuiisliy; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's (! rummer; Sequel to Coinley'a Spelling Book; American Class Book; Da boll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great vuriety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, Dili. ATTENTION. j . s l n i: y joxns, 11 EljUES I'M the attention of his country ftii nils t- who are in want, to his verv Utge stock of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stuii Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opened, sl his warehouses, No. IS North 2J street, and No. i Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, I'hilu delphia. July 31, 1H41. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 It K V A T l 1 C K vV: S U N, No. 21. Koilh Third ft net, (llTWtr.X .MAHRf.T A5II rllISl-T STBIITS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a Isrpe and excellent assortment of&ptinith llidis, Valna Kip,Tanmri' Oil, dr., al the lowest matket prices, rilhr r for cash, ic exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consipninenls of Leather received for svle, 01 purchased at the highest muikii prices. j Leather slmed dee of lhaige. April 17, lr-11. ly. HEALTH IN MISSOURI. Dr. Ilnrllrli'H Pill. "THEN these pills were introiluce.1 into this Sts'e, the Agent diJ not urge them on the notice of Ihe public with any superfluous praise, confident thai a fir and imparli.il trial was all the recommendation they required, to prove their itsr fulnss. Thev have now been tested by a number of peisons Ulmring under that miserable complaint Dyspepsia, in this section of the country, and in every instance, as far as we have heard, have pro ved I eniiicisl. We wish to give sullictent time tor a lull and lair trial, whin we will add such le-timo-ny of their efficacy as will do justice to so valuable and sale a medicine. Jr fftrsnn (Vn.) Kmjuirrr. N. B. Those who may be suffering from the various diseases incident to men, would do well lo procure immediately the above medicine, whereby thev msy soon be relieved of their m dailies. Principle Office, No. 19 North Eighth street, Phila.le'phia. HENRY YOATHEIMER, August lltth, IK12. Apnt. to iUv C'onimuiilty at Laifri'. WISH to inform the afllicted, through ihe me. dtum of the public pr. ss, of the wonderful cfti- c icy of lhat truly valuable new ,,discoered .Medi cine," vi.: Dr. Harlich'a ("omnund Strengthen, ing and (iermun Api iienl Pil's. 1 tcel, and consi der it my duly, in order that others liny receive re lief froiii the same source. For two years 1 was subjeel lo tht peace destroying disease. Dyspepsia, und ii accoinpanynienls, Obstinate Constipation of Ihe Bowels, Flatulency, pain in ihe side and sto mach, sn km ss in the head, Ac, and Used mnlieiue until I br gsn to think ibere was no he'p for me ; I I bad little faith in "published remedies," until I cal j led on some of those who have heeu cured by the above medicine, which induced me to give it a tri.il. 1 piocutcd tbe medicine and used it fur three w ei ks, when my health was entirely restored. It is now aU'iil three in. 'iiihs since 1 quit Using it, and no return nl the disease or its symptoms apearing, I feel warranted ill udiliug my testimony in btlnll of otheis, beloie the coinmiinilv. Accept my besi wishes, and Believe me ever yours, Ac. S. CLARKE, Jiuuarv llthlfll. Pittsburg Cily. nil Ihpot, No. Ill N.inh Eighth siieel, where the most respectable retereii ces to peisons w ill I given in lavor ul Ibis valuable nnJ n inc.. Fi i ile at Ibe store ol HENRV YO V I'HEIME R, Aug. f.ih, Ifli. .4.'.';.'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers