hold's bill reducing th pay and roileajffl of mem bers. Mr. A. thus far, has been Unable to gel his 1ill before the House for consideration whenever h is callcJ up It is lkl Ovct.Amer. SeniiiuL From the Hull i more Ameritan. TWEXTV SEVENTH CO.UKESS. YVasmikhton, Aug. 1.1,1812. UNITED STATES SENATE. The main business of the Senate has lre.cn of but little importance to the public, Mr. BUCHANAN present! memorial from Lancaster County, retina,, praying f,r the issue of Government Stock of f 400,0(10,000 to be loaned to the St ile, and based upon the Public Lauds, The memorial was laid Uwm the table. Mf. WRIGHT presented memorial from the rnanuficlurers of Glass in Baltimore, Jersey City nnd New Voik, stating that they have discovered the mode of manufacturing Glass into Clo'h, as lately commenced in England, and asking that a duty of 50 ppr cent, may I imposed on the for eign article. The memorialists state that no evils can arise from the imposition of this duty (or the reason that the article is used by the wealthier clas ses alone. From the improvements of Machinery they think that ere long it may be manufactured at reduced rates. Mr. Wright moved that the memo rial he laid upon the table and printed. f. pBuuTnw i , . ,l, inn i iui"i Piirriiu at itr invci ui itic memorialists. By and by he would not be aston- ish.difit ws asked to ha e ice produced by the j cold temperature of their own frozen regions protec. ted in order to prohil it the exportation from their Canadian neighbors. Mr. SIMMON'S said all there was doited, was to be protected from that "divine principle of free j tiade," much as Senators might sneer. He would i state that he had seen a lady's shawl made of glass j threads which would vie in gorgeous splendor with the most magnificent fabrics of the orientiils. Give J these people the protection desired, and in a little while every farmer's son and daughter m'ght be dressed in a fabric that the crowned beads of Eu rope could not have purchased 50 years ago. Mr. TAPPAN did not desire that the honest and modest matrons and mnidpns of our Republic should be arrayed in such flaunting apparel. The memorial was disposed of as proposed by Mr. Wright. Thames JtrTcrinn nnd n Protective Tur in. Delow we give the opinion of Thomas Jef ferson upon the utility of American manufactures, and the necessity of liicir protection by the gov ernment. In a letter to Usnjamin Austin, in January, 18 IG, Mr. Jefferson says : "You told me I am quoted by those who wish to ! continue our dependence on England for manufac tures. There was a time when I might have been o quoted with more candor. But within the 30 years which have since elapsed, how are circum stances changed ! Compare the present state of things wilh that of 1786, and say whether an opin ion founded in the circumstances of that day can I (airly applied to those of the present. We have experienced, what e did not believe, there exists both profligacy and power to exclude us from inter change with other nations that to be independent for the comforts of life, we must fabricate ihem our tselves. We must now place the manufacturer by iho side of the agriculturist. The former question i suppressed, or rather in a new form. The grand inquiry is now, shall we make our own comforts or go without them at the will of another nation ? He, ihrefore, who is against domestic manufactures must be for reducing us tither lo a dependence on . , , I,,. i i . , i that nation or lo he clothed in skins and to live I ii iii . i i r i 1 like wilil lM-asi in dens ami caverns. I am p'oml j . , , . f. l i ! to say that I am not one of them. Experience has i taught me that manufaetuies arc now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort ; and if those who quote nie as of a different opinion w II keep pare wilh me in purchasing nothing foreign where tin equivalent of domestic fabric can be obtained, without regard to any difference of price, it will not be our fault if we do not have a supply at home equal to our demand, and wrest that weapon of dis'ress from the hand which tus so long wantonly viola ted iu" The Ron in vvllh n I.l;ht In it. The following anecdote is only equalled by an; occurrence that took place in early times, in Ten- j liCffcee, in which Gen, Jackson, (ihen a young man.) was one of the principal actors : The wrilei ! heard tbe story often iu the town where the occur rence took place. Tlic General w as riding the cir- i t uit at the time referred to, as o lawyer, and Couit wbb silling in the jit tic town of R now much I larger. It was a pleasant summer evening, and a group oflhe gentlemen of the bir were standing in front of the only tavern in the place, engaged in discussing the news oflhe day, when a stianger rode up to the door of the tavern and dismounted. 'J bi re was mudi of the dandy iu bis appearance. He wulked into the house, looking neither to the light nor lift, and paid no attention whatever, to the friendly greetings of (he gcnlh-uiuii before men tioned. The house was kept by an sged widow lady, who was resiecled and esteemed by all who knew her, Tbe important gentleman sought her presence. "A loom to hini-elt and a light in it." Mrs. R. politely informed him that as Court was llien sitting and her house somewhat crowded, it would! impossible to accommodate him in the way proposed, but that he could have a room, if be would share it with another gentleman. This he refused and finally became so insolent and snuoy ing in his remarks upon the want of accommoda tion, that the lady scut for General J.ckson a one in whom she could confide, and reque.ted bin ad vice. To him she slated the case and he desired her to leave the matter lo him. He iuiliiediuiely l-(,.k a servant, and intde him enter the lut e log , , , M i i torn crib, take the com all on one side, und sweep ' the floor. The light so much wanted was placed upon the floor. The entrance was a bole about iwo feel square, wilh a door, or shutter which was fastened wilh a padlock, The General iheu repai red Iu ihe gicut man, and told him his iooui was ready, with a light in il I The grinning tliirkry look another light ami prtrccilfiil him, while, (ho Gcncr nl, with due deference, brought up the rear. Jack led him to tho liolc, it which ho stopped wilh very manifest tokens of rage. "There's your room,"said the Goncral. "Don't keep us waiting !" "Do you mean to insult me 1" atammerecl tha stranger, as he encountered the flashing eye of the Ocnrrn! rivet eJ upon him. "(Jet in air! (was all the reply) or by the Eternal, you shall go neck amj heels. Jack ! (to the negro) help htm in, he wants a room to himself! Jack's aid was not needed. The dandy crawled in, the key was turned, and as in-islcd up onhe had 'the loom to himself, wilh a light in il." Disouacem'L Conduct at a Fi'.ni.kat,. A correspondent infornis us that a fov days, imiico in (i town in the interior ufllockingliaiu county, N. II., at the close of a prayer nmdo nt t!ie fu ncrul of an aged lady, one of her poiih, who wits intoxicated, exclaimed nudibly, ''That's a good prayer!" A remark in the nernvin induced him to say aloud to tho minister, "That's not the text you eantc here to preach from !" niter which he slavered oi:t of the room, imittcrinr something which was not understood. As the bearers were deporting tho remains of his mo ther in their final resting place, this Bon step- ped from the procession, reeled and fell, his hp,,, etrikinr? a pravo etonc. Me arose, the blood oozinff from the vound, and dropping from his chin, but did not return to the house with the. mourners. This man was educated for a school-teacher, and inipht have been use- fill and respected, had he not fallen a victim to Intemperance, which destroyed his chancier ntid ruined his abilities, while the rum-sellers took possession of ull his property, as a reward for 1t.irniid.iinn; him with the poisonous beverage which has degraded him from a human rational beinj, to a point fur below the brute creution ! Host on Mrrr. Journal. 11AI.T1.MORK MAHKKT. Office nf Ihe D a lti m on k Amkiiicam, Aug. 15. FLOl'R. Thcte is but little demand for How ard street Flour, and hnldi rs continue lo a.-k fr good standard brands. We have not beard of any ssles to-day. Sales were made on Saturday at f.. The wagon price is unsettled. City Mil s Flour is in fair demand. M derate sales ate making at f 5, cash. Sales of Susquehanna Flour on Saturday and to day at ff, cioh. Theie is veiy little now in mar ket. GRAIN. There lias not been much Mar) bind Whrnt at ma'ket for a day or two past. Salet ol prime Md. tcjs wero made to-day at 00 a 05 cts. and of infciior lo good lots at 50 to fia cts., as in quality. Several parcels of Pennsylvania reds were sold on Saturday at 9fi a 07 cts; and to-diy two parcels white and led mixed were sold at 102 cts. There is no change in the price o Corn, which we quote at 55 a 57 cts. for while and 53 a 51 cts. for yellow. Sales nf Md. Rye at 50 a 6.'J cts. and of Md. Oats at 21 a 23 cts. WHISKEY. There is very little d emand, and prices are declining. We note tmali sales of hhds. at 23 cts. and of bids, at 21 cts. A Tm L PTaniT exhibits his love of country i by admini-tetitig to the comfort and happiness i f the cmimuni'y in which he resides. He who di- covets, and mukes known the means of preserving the heultlt, and consequently the happiness of his fellow citir.cns, evinces as much patiioiism as the 1 i . i I: c ncrB' w" mr"" Uut wllM 1h 1,0 ",in 1'' ,hu i,',,J' r's ,nnV or iptchds disease or death among the people ! A 1 I I Traitor! Dr. Urandrt th has discovered a tneli- cine called Ijraiidnti'x Yr"itublr I'ntvirstil Tills, " which nas proven a messing lo ino people, nui Druggists have joined the ene ny 's tanks by conn. ti-rji-iiivg there Pills, and arc sell ng poisonous drugs iu their name: thcicfore buy out f them, they cannot be genuine. fXj Purchase in Suiibury, of II. U. Masser, and t he agents publit-lied in another part of this paper. .n ji k k 1 1: it , On Sunday evenia last, by the Rev. J. P. Shin del, Mr. Gkom.K llniKisos to Mini Kttl.ee Bow tit, both of this place. In Northumberland, on the 1st insl , by the Rev. Mr. Mill, Mr. Wvt.L. Grv to Mis Eli t Hurt: wi ll, both of that place. '-T-rTlrr-T-T'- '"rrrrffii'i mm i i i: i, O'i Thursday lnt, in Augusta township, WM. SA lIKil;, i-iin of John Savidge, aged li years. Principal Itt'usons HY Dr H A ULltJH'S ComjHitiinl Mriiigthin- ing anj German Aperient Pills are used by all 1 classes of people, in pnlcn nce to o'ber Medicims, r because llu-y aifl prepared from a Hire U'tract of ' hu bs, a wbulisomn medicine, mild in Us opt ration j and pleas'int iu its effect the most certain piewiver ' of health, a sate sod cfli ciuil cure of D)sa psia or Indigestion, and nil stomach complaints, a prrrrtci an I puiifiei of the whole s)slem. Because tbey soothe the nerves of sensibility and fortify the nerves of motion, imparting to their nv s' subtle fluid its pristine tour, thus giving strength and clearness of mind. Because they never destroy the coals nf the sto mach snd bow i Is, as nil strong purgatives do. Beeuuse science and ex eiieni'e teac h us thai no mere purgative alone will cure ihe disease of the sp'Uiiich and nerves. Weakness is the primary cause nf a host of diseases, and, bv continually ie soiling to Vri'e puigalnes, you uiaku 'ho disease much worse, instead ot better. Because Dr. Harlieh's Medicines are put up up on the common sense; principle, to "cleanse and strengthen," which is the only cuius lo pursue to elli'i t a cute. Lastly, because these Medicines really d, cure rlie dis ease for which they are leciunineiided. Principal Office (or Ihe L'nilrd Males, is ul No. I'J Noilh Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, A ,.U Qlllli 1K4 A ', lit. ! - ' - - . . ! IVoliC'' lO i'l't'tUJor. I riIIE iilideisigned, having been vpooititi d Audi- j ! I i i JL lor lo tippoilion the assets ol Ihe est ite oil ; jwte Hoey, die'd. in the hands of John Landau, ; tho administrator, w II ulleud at bis nlliee lm that j ! ",' Uu lay the M day of S. pleinbe. , will lake noli,,.. (Ml vIM.Ks W. HEtilN'S, Sunbury, Auj. SOih, 1512. A id. lor. THICK CURRENT. Correctetl weekly by Henry Yoxlieimer, WllKAT, 95 Ute, Cmis, . Oats, I'okk, Fi.AXsrv.n, IhiTTKn, Bf.mwax, Tallow, Dm in Arri.F.s, Do. Pkaciii:, Flat, HtiKt.mi Flat, Run, 50 40 25 5 100 12 25 12$ 75 200 8 10 8 Tlic 1' top It's Cniulitlalc F02H SHERIFF. AVID N. LAKE, of Sbamokin Township, is induced by ihe urgent solicitation of ma ny friends, to offer himself as the People's ("audi, date for Sheriff. Having had fifteen votes out of the thirty-one Delegates met nt the court-house in sunbury Ihe first day of Angu-t, and claimed se venteen bi foro they met, but by some rnisimilcr standing received ontyfiftien, he thinks that the people should have a choice nt the coming election in October nexl, and therefore shall lonk lo them for his suppoit. Angu t 20lh, 1912. rHbTowKApBjitrS'OTiri-:. M. P. SIMONS, jY. 173 Chesuut Slreit, th Story, PHILADELPHIA. ANFFACTLREIl1 of DACVKIUil'A) TYI'i: AWAKATIS, Surgical and Mi niature Oasrs, Importer of French Chemicals and double silver plana for the Daguerreotype, adopts this method of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that he carries on the above uusiness extensively, in all its various branches. Persons desirous of obtaining any of the above artie'es, can be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for ci-h. All letlers (post paid,) will receive immediate a'tention. Mr. (J R. LILLERR'DGE, now travelling in fie Northern part of Ihe State, will promptly at tend to all orders, give necessary information and Photographic instructions to any person on appli cation to him. August 0th, 18-12. run TAKES NOTICE. VET. those indebted tothcfnmn' ihe subscribers will please call and make satisfac tion, either by paying up or giving their notes wilh security. No longer indulgence can be given. GEO. ROHRBACH & BROTHERS. August f!ih. to Tin: i:u:ctohs'of soivrin m- ,' L.1 .XI) COr.XTY. 'lHE snh-crihcr respectfully informs the electors of Northumberland county, lhal be will I a candidate, at llie ensuing election, lor the olliee of Coroner, Should he be favored wilh a majoriiy of votes, he will spate no exertions to render Rent-nil satis faction. CHARLES W LAYER. August lith. 1 12. US LSini, A?"HEREAS the Sbamokin Coal .V Iron Com- ' paiy did, on the 0th day of July, 1 S 14, nt. cute an asmgninent of all their properly to the sub scriber, in trusl tor the bpnelit nl their creditors, all persons indebted to the said Sbamokin Coal and Irnn Company are requested to make payment, and those having claims, lo present them without delay to John Nichnilx at Shainokin, or to the kubacnber, No. 1C South 4th Hitel, Philadelphia. IL H. YARN ALL, July 30th, 1842. A.nnfinf. JL LAKGS PLAT ron sale. nHHE Subscriber olTcrs for sale, on reasonable L teims, an excellent new FLAT, SO fietlong. :t feit deep, and 11 feet widp. Persons wishing to purcbaie her, will please call on Mr. Eli Dieim-r, in Sunbury, or on the subscriber. WILLIAM CARR. Sunbuiy July UOih, 18-12. Ut. Rriijamln TujIor'N llstatc. "WkTOTH'E is hercbj given, that letli rsof admin Jj i.trnliou have U'en granted by ihe Register i, Northumberland county to the subscriber, resi ding in Shamokin township, upon the t stale ol Benjamin Tav lor, dec"d, late of said township. AH persons having demands against said estate, are requeued lo present ihim. and ihos who are in debted to settle their respective, dues with the sub seiiber, at tbe housi tf John Yordy, Esq., on lb lillih day of August next. SAMLEL FI RMAN, July Ifiih, 142. fit Ailonniftrutiir. "SaT sDr n.B oz: T HAYE Ibis dy bought of JACtHt HUNT, ol dial township, Norihiiiiiberlarnl county, one Red Cow, Iwo Hoes, six Windsor Chairs, one Ma ple Table, and twelve yards Carpet, which proper ty 1 have loauej to him at mv pleasure. S. JOHN. Sbamokin, Ju'y lith, IS 12. LI MHDICAIi CARD. 1 1 1 V LSlM.t 'I r I LLl luforms Ins Iriemls in Sun- tir an absmce of nearly three years in l'bilad. I bin, j (ihe tount iin bead ol Medical Science in llie I'- I lilted States,) ho has relurned and located liiuisi II j in Norihundieiland, for the purpose of practicing , in all the branches of bis ptofctsion. Having cm- braced llie many advantages of the public and pri- ! vale medical institutions in Phil.ute phia, he d els prepared lo enter upon ihe repoiisil b1 duties nf his protes-ioii, nnd would then-fore solicit the patron age of a cenerous public. Noiiliuu.lsilaiid, July Ifith, 1812. It T "T C'1TA1ATL,1) SURGEON DENTIST, j 1 l.S'i;C'l Ft LEY iiilorma Ihe public that he I has made Northumberland his permanent place of icsi.lenee, and is leady to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. s July 2. 1842. ly. ct 51.0.;; "larva ai zr TO tsii: PI IIJ.IC. 7HEREAS Letters Patenl were granted to Mr. 11. W.Camp, in Ocl her, 1&U1, for a new and Useful iiupiuveinciil in I ho tlesceudini! bill. Cook i m; S iiiv ts : I have undi i stood one H A TH AWAY is usioi mv said iioprotement under the name ol 'I lor A i u S to vis, Inch i'um- n-v ,ilvt the principles .ecureil to me. This is to cauliou ull ersons gaiiil making, v tiding, or using said "Hot Air Moves," as I sh ,11 prosecule all who ill any way infinite my light-; ulid I hereby consil tule Jo-iii W. CuMLtr, Esq.ot Danville, my law lul Att lln-y ,i inpovM-iiii.. hlio to hung sous against uny person who shall use mv improvements in any manner whaiev, r. IILWKY W.CAMP. Ovv.gn, J'ioua coiinly, N. Y. July 2, 1612, 3ui, J 1 ON HIS WN HOOK. GETTER, ESPECTFFLLY informs hi friends and tbe public generally, that be has t ornmenced the T a i I o r i 11 II u m i n c n , in all its branches, in the houi-c formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Blackberry street, nearly opposite the Pn sbyleriim ( bnreb. He ri sprctfnlly solicits a share oflhe public patron nge, and trusts by strict attention to business and reasouuble cba ges, he will be enabled to give gen eral fati-faciion. Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1S12 ly Sliiimoliiii, Xm MiiiiiiIm-i latul t o., TENNSYLVANIA. flllE subfcribeis rtpi eifully inf.'rrn tbe public 1. that tbv have taken that lurr nml niii'moiti on IIOTI'.L, in Sh unokiiitowii, in ihe centre ol (hp great Coal Region, luttly kept by Jacob Krani, whe:e thev are now prenaied to neconimodaie all who may f,vor them with ihcir rusinin. By strict j attention to biiiness, they h pe lo icceivn h lib, ral share of public patronac,., HATCH FLtlR GOVE. Shamoliintown, June llh, 1H(2. .ainiH'k I). .lorilaii. FFEl.S hiiii-ell l i the Lleclors ot N'ortbuin beil.itul County, as a candidate for the oll'ic s ol rno rnoyoTA u y a n ci. f.hk or 77; si: ;nAL ronrrs of said county. He tru-iN, if elected, thai hisrxpe rii lice in Ihe tliities of said ollices will etiu' Ic him to give genercl r-ntihfat lion to the public. Sunbuiy, June 25, 1HI2. -I -i s I o 1 H a o 8- t-j . ? - c - l f !. ? . OS -3 S. 'r. 2 -CO S. 2 w "2 o - 2 i. s i ? ml an I nm1rv IrlEJUC HANTS. Till; Sols riber, Agent ot I yon eV; ll.ir'i. Hat Maunt ii lurt rs, for Xiw York, I'hil nlelphi.i, Baltiiiiore and other large cities, w I use Huts arc highly coiiini' tided i t til! alii and durubitily, has o:i band a lir-l rale ascitm "lit ol HATH and CAPS, suitable for Sprmp site-, wh eh will be sold very low. foi cash or appioved credit, at ibe mini elttap store. No. 40, North Third atrerl, npp isi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D, W ILKINSON, A'tnl. N. 15. Ordeis lor Huts in the rwi h , pmniptlv attended to. Tbe highest price in taih ot trade given far h'ur ikin.t. Philadelphia, June 11, 1M2--Iy NEW GOODS. I'ST leceived, a fresh supply of cheap Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, tVc. Superior Ladies' black kid Gbves, Colored d..., Laiis, Chintzes, Mou.selin de Inines, A'C. Cloths, ('as-imere. Cashiiien ts, Linen Dr llings. Muslins, c. Superior Poil iue, Pure Sperm Oil, Sj erm Caudles, Rai-ins, A c. June -1th, is 12. II. IS M ASSER. """:?5aA,' aurH v.n a 3 i"" LL petsoiis nidi bud lo the linn ol Lyon cV Hairls, under the agency of O.N. Thaeher, .( anil Cup Mnnufacturtri, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadi Iplna, are requested lo make inimedi ate settlement of ih'ir m coi.nts wilh the subscriber, their leeally autioii.ed ngent.who is fully tmpow eicd to selllc ttlid colli ct tbe nccoiii'tt olsaid In in. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June lib, 1812. If Ainl. ri.iL.uiLinin. Kr.'i'i(i ami i,(msn.u: RAIIi ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE 11 ill ettminrnrv running In tirri n I'hiludt Ijditd ami I'ottsi illi' on tin following days and hours : Cs ami AVTi.ii Moniiat, Mat 0, 1812. Leu vim; Pnttille, on Mondiys, Weilnesd iv s and Fiiibivs, at A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tue-days, 'I'huisd iys and Saluiday., at ' I $ P. M. limits iff passing Heading, For PI il idelpbia, al 10 A For Pott.-Mlle, at ( . l. P. M. ? Tli-werkly. r.i tt t: s. Between Pottsville Phil oh. A f2..r.O lieiiveen Reading A d . 2.2' it 1,73 Between tin iV Pot'stille, 1,-ltl cV Um Evt l UslOM TlCKVTS lillllll roll KA'l-rll.MNll snr n t T . Between Pottsvill,. ,; Phil ulelphiu, f ft (HI Bi tween Reiu'uig tV tlo. '.i (Ml Beiween do. eV Pollsvilh, 2 d0 The other passenerr trains will as before, at tbe follow inc hours : I'tiiladelphia anil I'utt rtt'e. From Phibnb ipbii, at " A. "t. j From Potlsv.lle. at 2 P. M. S Hours of fiatsii.g Ueudmg. For P.ittsvilie, 'at U A. M. For Phibidclnhia, at S,1 P. M. S Daily Dadv. All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual points. IT? A" passengers re reonesteJ to nrocure 1 llicir tickets tn fore the trains stuit May 21, 1812. if. CIiITDE Si WILLIAMS' lilauU irfk Manutai lrj , Oiijiiisiit I'rinci'x llotil, II.MiRISBtRG. riHLY are pn p ind to manufacture blank woik 1 of eveiy tit .cnpli.ui, ruled lo i-ny patu tn. such us DiH-k' Is bee -rds, D'-V Books. I.e 'uers, Ase sor' and ( 'oHecuirs' Dnpiifilts of the finest trjafi. ! ly (,f pa'er. in a style equal lo any nude in the ci- Hi's of Phdadeliibia or NtW Yoik. All tb seiiplions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Rjoks, Albums and Portfolios made lo order. La Book-, Music and Periodic ds bound to any pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also ti:es if pupeis ti -uml. dj- M'ork lefl at the ull'ice oflhe Suut'ury Ame lit an, will be promptly alleudt-J to. May 'ilst, 1812. ly. U.S. Mail Coach VOlt POTTMVf 111?. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH I FlllE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum 1 berlnnd every morning nt 4 oMock. and arrives in I'ottsvillo in lime f,,r ihe crs 10 Phil.idt lphi.i. I'ahF. as low as any nlbi r line. For seats, npplv nt Mr. W'ilbiiigloti's Hotel, N.irlhumbeihiiid, ti at Gi ome Wt itel's. Sonbury. A. E. K.M'P .V CO., North'd., May 21, I N 12. I'rnprirtiir. C j-PaspiiBor coming from Philadelphia will pVa-e secure their seats the White Swan Holti, R ice Sl before ihey leave the eitv. Pusspngers coming in this line, have llnir schI s cuml jn any St igi-or Packet bout from Ibis laeo, 'J hose Coming in ihe ollu r line may I e lefi bebiml. wahiiaxtiw srrr.iimn to .a.vv OTIU.ll si: n ,s f A f 7v' Y. IJOHNeV HENRY LAN I) A I', having rented ihe Lime Kilns ol llenrv M asi r, in Simburv, Imve now for sale llie l t Lime in this part of the i rnuutiv, himi will foiitiiiue lo kieii eonstiinllv on hand Iresli Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming laud, on a. reasonable terms as can be had anvwbere in the neighborhood. May 21, IS42. .1. A H. LANDAU. GOLDKN SWAN : .ea & jsirv h h .Yn. (I'J Aor'r 'I'hinl, iibore Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. At t DM Mll M I1INSI roll 8KVI:VIY l-I.HSONS. TMI ARLEs WEISS, laieol ihe ' Whi c Swan," - and "Mount Vernon House," resprclfully in fiirius his friend-' and customers, that be ha become Ihe proprietor of the abov well known Hud I. Cnun'ry Merchants will fnd ihe hIuivm Hmel a cential b cation, nnd the be st of fare Pi rsous tra vvlliiig Willi private conveya'ice will find a bnge yard and good slubling for horses, Hl.d the best of oslleis. Boaiding f 1 per day. May 11 h. IS42. if. J XAyLANC,'j Siiutl' itnil Tobacco AlaiHilactiirers, .Yo. B!l Aor Yinl rorui r of llarc uml Third Strrrts ' PHILADELPHIA. rPHE under-igned have formed a Co-partnership 1 under the firm of J. MAYLAND .In. A Co.. successors to the late firm of Jtirah .Mayhnd A Co., and will c nlinue the busine-s nt the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition lo their own close attention and experience f. many vats, in me inai iil irinre ol tt eir ceieiiraieo snnll-, iVc., ihe bmg r x peril nee of the senior partner of the I do linn, will also be devon d to the interest of the new concern and as no exerlimi and care will be pared to insure their goods, at all times of tbe ve rv best quality, Ihey solicit a continuance of the confidence ol the f, cuds and customers of Ihe late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jr. Philadelphia, May Mill, IS 12. ly EAGLE I'oriirr of Third and Yine Strrrts, WllXXAMSrORT, PA, 1 HR aubserilier respeitfullv announeca to the public, that he bus opened a Hotel in the com modious briek building situate on the corner of t hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may favor him with Iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is lurge nnd conveni ent, and furnished in Ihe be-t modem sKle. Il i provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment', rooms, private pallors, A'c. Peisons visiting W illiainsport on bu siness or pleasure, may ret as-ur-il that every ex ertion will be used to ter.der their sojourn nt the 'T.aulo Hoi. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied wilh tbe very best ihe maiket af fords, arid bis bar with die choicest wines and other liquors chaises re s inutile. 'I lie F.iihIp Hot'l possesses greater advantages in point of location than anv mber similar est ibli-hmeiil in tin bioongli, la ing situate in the business pari of the town, ar.d within a convenient distance of the ('unit House and Willtninsporl and Elmira Rail Road D- p it. Snllii ient Stabling provided, nnd good and trusty ostlers always in iiliendan.e. Atienlive, accoii. modeling and bone-l Servants h ue been emi-bneil. and noil ing left lunl. lie that will add to tbe comfoit and accommodation of his guesls. Tin re will le a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers lo and from the House, free of charce. CHARLES BORROWS. M.iv 14th, 112. HEILliCi-XT & 30., C oinniissioii A; I'orwanlin'i .Mcrclinnts, Fool of W illow Sin 1 1 llail Road, ll THE lllI.tWAHR, HAYING associated wih them Joseph Harriet, late of Easton. Pa., rt snectlullv inform their j Ine. ds and the public uenerallv, lh.it they have ta U' n lti t l.trce and we'l known store and wharf at i fool i f Willow Stri-ct Railroad, lately occupied by 1 Jacob Martin, where they purpose ihiinij a Gem ral ' Commission and Forwarding Bu-iriess, and l orn die local ndvau'aces of ihe place I eiiu: conin e'eJ with all the public iniprovi menis dim hava their outlet in llie Cllv, they tlatter llu Ills. Ives ihey will i 1 . ali'e lo do business lo as eiel. it not L! eater ad- MiiU'ige, and upon as ii-is,.;able terms m any otlo r i bouse, and thev assuie their friends ttiM anv con- ' sHinments made to litem shall have their sir. cl st- t. ii. in sii.t ii. i I'T.Mtn.nx siotieil lo Live cntiie satis- i f,,.., ,,. 'I'bi v nro also nren ired lo reeeit e ai d forw ard 1 goods lo anv point on tbe De aw ire ami I .etnc.n iiver-, between M inch ( 'hunk , I is' hi ami I Inra ; .VI, bi t, via Di lavvare Divi-i n and I ehili Can I; I a'so, to anv point oil the Jnni ita river, or Nor h I and Wtsl B iinches ol llie Su-qiii b alma via Sebny I. j kid and I'liion, or tho Cheas uhe and I i.le Walei 1 Cilia's. For the accommodation of Boa's Coming or B" ing via -aliuvlklll and linioii I 'mIi '!, a Sip ml, oat I w ill b' kept expressly lor towum lio.ts Irmn the i . . . . i . - 1 1. i. ...I.1..1. SehllWKHl (irounil Mine iienwai.' tun obi,v.ouii whl en.ble mi ichanls lo have ibeir pioduee deli vtoed on the De aware, and Ibeir g '.nl. sl.ipp.d at itsiviiii-ol ,r0 to 75 per ceiH. o' ihe piices Or h iidii'g hcio-s, wilh these udmiiliigcs they rc kiHClliilly solicit s share of pair n o e. ' W. HEILMAN A CO. William lL ilinan, T Ibsm W. Keysei, J- Jos. ph B..inel. J PhiUd .May 11, 1 842 ly to Tin: r.i.i'cTons or .xoiitji- t MIlFtiLWI) COF.XTY. T Ill E piibM rilier bt ing prevailed on by bis (i iends, re-pecltiilly ii. forms the public that tie will l a candidate for the oll.ee ol COMMISSIONER, al tbe rnning ceneral el ction, He promises, if tdeeitd, to tiillill the duties of said olliee, wilh caie and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG, May 7 lb, Iti-W. H. B. MAGDEPs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UIIBURV, PA. Rusiness altemlcd to in the Covmlies nf Nor thmpl erland, Enion. Lynoniing and Columbm. llrTer to TrmstAS Haiit A Co., Lo-WKrl eV IInnoy, r, "ii'i'rri. It . IT. RnYa-ftt.il. McFaiii.amii Co. j Spkiu o, eriiiri cV. Co., j YrWx j!lovi"ci MESPECTFFLLY informs tho Erertort of , Northumberland coutrty, that -lie will be a tnt.didate firr the oHiiT of siiRRtrr. f promises, if elected, to tlischargc the duties of said ofliee with care and fidelity. Jpier Mshmioy, May 28th, 182. Oi n. ,IOH IMMIi&IK T. TIHTI, HEsPE(;T('LLLY announce lo the itiena of Sunbury, and its vicinilv, (hat fhev hav this day vnteml Into copartnership in the Practico of Medicine, in all its various (Jcprfrlmeut, and hipc by ihrs armncempnt, ptniClual attention tn business, arid moderate fhargrs, to receive a liberal share of publin patronage (Xjf"l)r J. PEAL tenders his erateful acknol eilgemeiils for ihe very libeml patronsge beTetofora received, and feeling confident 'bet the Hew nr. rancement, (the firm of Pen A:. Trite-,) wrll b conducive to the comfort and w elfare of tbe 'pub lic, he most resprclfully solicits a toniiilimrit' of ll eir confidence, Siinhnrv. Mtv lh, 1812. fim. i H S dc, a Farm retraining ab..u' 80 act s, more i-r less, sitnite in Shamokin township, Noitliumberlaitd coiti:;, , a'i, lit seven miles f-,-ni Suidairx, oi. the main road I' Hiltrig fr m ti at pi. eti lo Pen r-burg nnd Sham, kintown, a ijoioing land t of V m Farrow, Abraham Klnsn, S imiiel Gon-i r and Wm. Marti, on which ihere is a good laign Brick "House, wilh a well of never failing water at llie door, a large Barn in good repair, a goori Or chard, tmd a good seat for a mill or any kiufl of water power. Nearly a'l the land is cle led and in good cultivation, twenty-five acres of which is good meadow. The Danville and Polt-vil'e Rail Ivond runs tbrouch said f mi. It will lie sold as the pro perlv of Wm. Waters, dre'd. Any person Wish ing to purchase can do well, as the tirnis are rea sonable. Pussi ssion and a good title can 'be given in xt Sprine. For further paiticulais, persons aro 'eqoes'ed to apply lo the widow, who lives oli tl o premises, or lo Godfiey Watirsor E. (irepnough, Esq. in Sunbury. GODFREY WATER'S, C. R. WATERS, Mav 7 tf. rixrnof Wm Yukr,'dvel. MERCHANTS HOUSE, A'o. 2:1?, Sorth Third, above Cation hill &V.t PHILADELPHIA. fllHE suli-critiers takes ydeasure in aci;uanitir 1. their friends and the public in general, tha. they have taken the large and commodious Hotrt, recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same site once occupied by (he old established Hotel known as the -Bull's Head, in Third street above Callow bill si. This Hotel is finislied iu the Very best possible manner, and of the best materials. lis location is very di sirable, particularly for country merchants I llie arriuitsiTVicnls for hcatilg and ventilating each room is uch as to fccure any lemperatore. The Udroomsare all liehl and airy, all furnished iu a neat style, so as to insure comfort. The ri cciving parlors are also furnished in a sU perb style, the windows ate on Ihu French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whiJi makes a pleasant recess. Particular attention has been given to the Vi ds and b tiding, whichs wilh ihe furniture, are eii'irelv lie. From yea's' rxnerieice in li ate) business, W! trust, l y strict ass diiity t. bus ic-s, lo make this house a de-ir.ible stopping pl. ee. Our t hie wdl always be supplied v-t h ibev.ry best our niinket can afford, and our barnih llie best bqiii issi.il Willi s til the lliosl upl'IOM il In and,. P. S. 'Hieie are In i isle stoblinc iii.d c irr fti house- alt ii bed to the hotel, tin ndeti by ca (bit mid sober lio-ilt rs. nnd oui charges will lm l.nv, in accordance with tbe present lia d iiu.es. SHI LTZ A. EEKR Philadelphia, April If., Is 12. S US Q U E II A N NA 110TE1,, CATTAWIS3A, COLUWIIJIA CO, ': NAN YM.1.Y4. fWHE sutivciiber rr.pectfully informs ihp pul.'lto that he has purchased, and now occupies tb J Large and Com moillotis Tmrrn Sloml, Well known as the properly, late of Theodora Wells, and formerly kept by Samuel A . Tliady. He is now prepared to accommodate all traveller and visiters who m..y favor lum wilh a call, and will use cveiy ell'ort in his power lo render every convenience and comfoit to his customers, wh'la under his charce. His aeeon ino'lations are anii'le, ! and bis rooms wt It furnished. His Mubles rxtcn I sivp and in good condition I 11 s Thi r. and P ah wi'l be snpidied with ihfl i Ifsl thai ihe niaiktlC.II atb.nl. By pin cloaliiy I and unei.tton. he dels r i.l'ideni that bo wid iiie.it j llie patronage ol ibe pit' lie i I H VRLES HAK I MAN. t'allawissa. Ap- il (lib. 10. mmt.uT ( utn.it & sti, i.imibarrf Strut, lloltinuo r, HAY P. constantlv for sale, Printing Paper of all sies and qirslitit s, Cap Writing Paper, rub d and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Par, line and common, Envtloptt Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e crown, crown and jrxiia sired Wrapping Pa ers. Colored Medium ami Roval Paners, Bonnet, Binder and Sliaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their bus, whieh they will sell on accommodating terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER A- SON", March 19, 1S12. Elklon, Md. WHARTON'S his as as nl- Sunbury, tliumltorlund totmlj . PENNSYLVAKlAt FIHE subscritier resieci fully mforma ihe public, 1 lhal be baa lemoved to lhat large and commo dious Brick House, on Market squsre, opposite Ibe Court House, (loimerly kept ly Hira.u Puce,) where he I iOW prepared lo accommodate all wl o may favor bim with a call. Being thankful for ps.'t lavors, lie hopes tiy sirict attention tobusinsw, lo lect ive a liberal sham of public patronage. Ac. CHARLES V. WHARTON. Sunbuiy, MaivU felh,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers