Editorial Miscellany. The Episcopal Church, lately built In Williams port, will l consecrated on Sunday the 12ih of June next. Thomas Tustin, late auperirrtmn'eirt of motive power on the Columbia and Philadelphia rail road, , lug resigned hie situation. 'I he rumor that he ia e Jefaulter to large, amount, is without shadow of foundation, and Mr- Tustin ha commenced legal proceedings against the peison who originated tho slander. The crtirena of Columbia cfturrty have form-d a County Home League Society, fur the iloclion 6f damestic indaatry. Peter Baldy of Danville haa hrtnty .made a dona tion to Christ Church in that place, which e.lievca "!he church entirely from debt. ,''J'he following ia the total number of enrolled militia in the United Slates, according to (ho last returns ; Infantry, Efifl ?GB .; 'Cavalry, n5,?07 ; Artillery , 82,065; Riflemen, 33,lltl. Whole number,' 1,668,387. ! " The leamhnt Louisa, whiiih arrived at fct. 'Lou is on the 10th inst. froin .Now Oclnnns, had on ;1:.ird 350 jinssengcra, mostly Moimona bound ifor JVauvoo, Illinois. Itqnning to'TVjtas'is now c tiled "footing an ac count.' This ia an improvement on the .Bank rupt principle. The nvorago cost of conveying letters dn the Weal India mail st, amors, is ascertained to be a :bout one thousand dollars per teller J These steamers arc ten at a gtcat .ex pence, each being manned Vy riphly n:rn, am! -consuming about ! (thirty tons of coal a day Tho Common Council of Whocliiig, (Virginia, have n fused to grant any Licenses fur Public Houses in -that. city. ' Glass church bells are among modern-wonders One has just been cast in Sweeden its diameter is six feet, ami its tone is said to be Tutor than any metal bell. The Philadelphia dimmer? iul List -states that during the pat week there a-rived at Fai.ui.uint j Locks, one thousand and' ninety forty-two po.,nd ' Cannon U.ills, weighing log.' ther 102,'.(l(i pound?, j 'J'hey were ce-stBl the Anlhrociurf'uiiiace at Mount ; Carbon, and ie,part of a largo contrast .recently ' made a supply of the'U.-S. Ciovcrnment. The.IIev. Mr. Dur.vin, President of .I)isLinivi -College has suiltd for Eur.)e. .He .will. be ebaent about a.year. (iood wholcsomc-water'wlll be supplied .to the citizens of New York through the Croton Water works, about the 4th of July. The New Yoikeis will. then tastofully ai'khoWb'dgo tlieeharms of the chrystal stream, and swell the number of the. cold water army. Two regiments of Uri'ish troops 'hive'br-en or dered from Cnnada to Eomo-othur.part of the vorld, where red-coats aro better' suited and more polen- ' tinl to "cire the frighted souls of fearful advtra tics," than they are in these diggim. A memorial in favor of the tariff, signed by up wards of nine IliousunJ citizens of !laiiitirc,vtia been latrly pFc.srniel to'Coutjress. 'l'tie U'lJi'th of the memorial is JiJIy-sur yarda. The legislature of Iowa have- lefuscd to exrmpt tuakeia from milir.iry.duty. At Cincinnati, on- the ! .l h iuxtvhaeon was sel i'lg at 2 a 3 e. nl per pound, hog roundfor ca!i. Flour at i l. The noininalicn ol'ti. Vv'. Tyson, Esrj , aCm-nii.-sary (iorifral of. purchases for the aimy'i.f the l.'nited fSlales.vwas rejicted by tlicrfiiate, un Fri - Jay last, by a votecfiO to l l. ti. W. Dixon, in Ualtimore, a few days suice, Avdlkitl sixiy successive l.ours without taking ret . or sleep. The "Wolf Ibtnlrrt" conmiuc to flock towards Texas in Urge, panics. ,TJ:ey waiUiuve a glorious ''.hunt there during the eummer. Mass .cUueetts, mainly engageJ.in maimfai lures, 1 'buys anl"payr for more 'American 'flour this 'year :-nnd every yer,'thAn 'England ever 'did. Oo-siys' Mr. Wi:.w, a delegate to the NatiouaLHoinei Indus ; try Convention. Il ia said that up to 'lSSfl, the Affchan war-cost Ihe lisitish Coverumeul liO.OOO.OtM1, .and. it Ins tost 1 5.001,000 every jear aiuce. Th f. ' Cuii' m bia Fi'hmack -was 'Wfwvn out on ; Jlonday last, after' having len in blast for nearly . fifttm months, during -which time the has woiked . admirably -weil. Messrs. J. P. & J.tjuovrs have iieen.MJduced to this step by the low price f Iron, and the little demand for the American article, in runsequence of ihe boe.e i4uc.k of Scotch metal in Eastern niuiket. If .tio siillicient proieciion. is af l.irdeJ tooitriiron Matters, tho rest -of the furnaces will iakom follow suit, v. hich -will (brow nunc two-oi tiirec hundred' iianJs out. of cmpbymeul .afiacii .cal iUustrutiou of tho hvauues-cf fiVce trade," that .-cannot fail tn.po luuiie' to.the heart of many a fam ; rlvi '' dcpctriJenl upon those rstabhshmnils. We .iioj-u lor the bet. Hunvitk I'dcl. vMAtLjJoBRttit. .JyhiiCsCetiJztl.ediityr. of he j r 'emre t)ejicliier, a-tiinnau diaper, ulliohod at ' ,ronsliurg, was, on Saturduy week brought to iJclle- .fon.e, auJ lodg- J in jail, on 'be , charge of .hav. iug abstracted from the . United Slates Mail a draft i(awn by the NoitLuuibqlaitd 'Dank on a .l'hila- ; tlelphia baqk, in favor of an individual in the jvet- j in part of Ihe Siate for 150. .Payment having teen sl ipped, the draft when presented was traced to j Cenlzel, who nys he purchased itin Harrisburg, : but diies not, we Mieve, -knaw of wlnu.i be' got it. He was admitted to bail on Mo;iday jit ,jhe ' lum of five hundred dollars. YisiTATiutu or Ameku in .VmU The Sa- ' lrm (iazette kays tliat,Ci.l. toiiwsy, of brig Mer- I maid which arrived eterday at that port, last i from liio (iiaude, was boaided twice on the coast 1 of Africa, from H. U. M. buy Hnsk. He Iiealcd, uii both iM'ca.ious, with great civility by the Iwarding fficer, and no attempt wa nnde to search his vessel. The officer would not even en ter the cabin, without particulnr Invitation. Cap. tain C, was informed by British oiTtcera, at St. Helena, that their government had given precise orders to abstain Xrom proceedings of nn offensive nature, such as the removal of hitches, and similar proceedings which have been comlaiiied of hereto fore. Even in the Uritish colony of St. Helena, public opinion was strongly expressed against the former seizure of the baiquc Jones of Salem. Caiwtrriott'a New UJ. A kthiiacitr Inn. We stepped into the new Franklin House, now being prepared in Ohesuut ftrect, just above our oflice, for the .public accom modation, under the excellent auperintendence of our friend Sanderson, hl'e of the Merchant's Hotel, and weie delighted with the novel, economic, and superior arrangements we beheld ar.iund us. The lower -floor will form an elegant restaurat whence meals can be furnl-hcd to any hoarder t a price suited to the depth of hU .pocket. Board can thu be futnUUed at from Sii-l to fit) per week. A i handsomely furnUlicd privato parlor, eommunica Ung by folding doors, With n neat chumbe.r, was shown. us, to be let at the extremely low price of i& ,per week. l)ut what etiuck us moat, was the profuse employment of iron, manufactured from .anthracite coat, about the premises. This is a no-vcl-expccimcnt. 'I'his iron w very handsome, rind cost dbnut one-third the.ptice irf ordinary iron. The railing from the'fronl is beautiful. Its material was manufuctuicd at the Shtimdktti Furnace, and cast by Savery cV Co. of ilhie city, from a drawing by Sanderson. It weighs I2ul pound, cud its whole c,,i,i'ia only fr'J Sanderson is bound to go phend, and wc shell l.-e much surprised if Lis now Hotel be not one of the moMTrtshiotiable ami liborally p.itr.mwrd, as it will be one of the most elegant and comfortable, in .Phi ladciphia. Spirit of the Time. An American .In Iultlri. We understand that it we a natural Yankee who had taught tlic Afi'igh'ailr.'fo rea'-st the Uriti-h power in India so long, and who left the sociUi of diplomacy and discipline with them, th it rcccn-ly ,mr8t forth 80 successfully at Ci.bo.d. His name )r-11 'rlao, a n .live of Phil idnlphia. ILirl-.m was lomui occupying a i.:n rai.K in irvr aimj;,,:,.. a'iny when .t-abni! was l.rst ti.Ken liy tin; buttlcn The Urit.sll captured him, end cent ,hin; .ba.'J. -to Europe. He is now in this c.Hinti.y.ni d says that, with a mililary leader, .the AHaghaiis. could oveirun all InUia and (-l.ina, create a new Mogul empire. rival (ienghis Khan and diive tlic Hritsh entirely from . the east. We doubt it A". 1". Herald. LivkH'Comi'lai vr. In Liver C.mipi.iint, when the bile (Naturo-'s Pnrpe,) is not secreted of a pro per rjuality, the bowclr; bfcc.wne inactive, and the humors which should pass olT in this way, arc re t.irud in tlio body,.Uken up by. the circulation, and' add to the, impurity of tho bloud. hramlruh'n Yc gilwle .Unirirtcl J'llh not only cleanse the sto mach and bowels, but stimulate the hloou to puri fy itself, by dcpotitiug its imuritios into the bow els, and by repealed doses of these Pills, d seae is literally drained from the body. ''w trrtu:ii'.c Pills wiih no Drusuist are foiiml, Alihuogh many Couu'.eif. itn ivuli th'.m alioinid. (fj- Purchase in iSunbury.of H. P. Masser.ainl the agents published in another pari of this pnper. itt .t K it. I Hi. , On Tuesday Ul, by the'P.ev. J. P. hhindel. Mr. lllHV HTKHI.r.ol AtlSllsta toll.hip, til Miss EsrHKii, daughter of Mr. John IJlotwii, f if' is plai e. On Saturday ,ist, by (Seurpc Writer, E-.., Mr. IImki. iYaiuhick, Of Dan'lle, to Miss Nuik-ii Fimhfr, of Augusta township. iln West Chester, on the 1 1 tlx inst., by. the Kev. t;.'l.l!e.J'll, William P. Mim.h E.i , of Wilkes barre, to li.r.ABKrH D., daughter ill John Ligg1''. of ihe former place. t)n t'je Iih .inst , "Mr. jnii.N A.-S pniR xt, il -Lewit-iewn, to Mi-s iAiiAH K. CiiAP'iA.ii, dabbler of ihe late Judge Chapman jf. .Nunhuiiil-eiUuil. Itit lics .ot llruttli. rjHOF who enjoy health, must ceiliiitly feel blessed when ibey compare tLcrn.-clvcs io tbo.-e stitJ'erers that have been iillioiod for .years with va lious diseases which the human family arc all sub ject to lie troubled with. tlW.ws present them selves in VHfious forms aud from vari lis cireum stanets, Weh .in the commencement may all be checked by Dr. O.'P. H nlich's Compound Siri-igih-tiling and (iernian Aperient Pills, sgrjt .a-i ily -pepsia, hvrr complaint, pain in the sido. rheum i tiun, gcntril debility, Fenialu diseases, an.1 l ,li,. eases to whii h human no'ure -is Si'.Hlrd. D,nc lions for using these Mojjc-nie always accompaiiv them. These Medicines can be takeu wiih pcilecl safety by the mosLilelicale female, as ibey are mild in their peilin, m l pleusaut in their ctl'. ei. Pnnvipal ttliee for the Luiiod States, S-o. I'J NorlhtLigblh slreet, I'hil.idi lhia. i Also for sale at.lhe store of HEMiV VOX I'llEIMEK. April-aOih.-IS-l'j. Jut-nt. 'TillE public are hereby inililioJ,thaL on the iti ! .1. day ol'.Vpu!,. 1S-13. the nubsctilwr puribased ' lit constable's rale, ttie following, as tho propi ity ul ' William Crulchlry, sen., t wit : one Korel M ue, one l of Harness, one Hog, 8'x Sheep, two cows, j five acres ol Crain in the ground, one Chx k.j.iul one ltureau ; and the said Wilhajji-CiuiriUvy, ben. holds them as a bun. and in. no other wy. lLLlAM-CHU'i'CIMiYjuii. xN'orlUwbrilaud, Aril.U0lli, IS 12. 3l. lauil .ZiniHK't uiun'N 1-Xtitc. "30'l'ICE is hereby given that lilteiKAif . admin, isttation havelucn granted tu the siibtcribcr. . upon the estate of .Dauief.i.,tw,tji,an, dee'd., I.lo l.l .luuita wn,,a.i' I'lilHJIIIll II 11111 lOUIIty. Persou iudehled to said . estate aro requested to make payment am the si h day nf June next, at the house i'f the Joceasiid, aud those who have tie-, mauds asaiui'. the estate will render their acciuus ptuprriy authenticated. SA.Ml EL LKLsKIt, April 30 1 h, 1612. Admr. 'f.ootl 1 ul cut I'in Conipaiii A sl'A I ED MEETO ol ihe .Ciuupauy will le held on Thursday rvn;:ig r.exi, at 7 oVIoij;, at the Court House, Punctual attendance is le 'juesiej. j. t. J'ACKEK, April 30, U-12. fcfttui-y "(.tiiHl I 'I it ;olllilJ., rI HE niemUis of Ihe "(i ,od .Will Fire Coin. pill)" are icqnostcd In meet ul llie Cill-l House, on Mi,n,l:iv l-'. i ... . i ... -.- .. j ,.,,H.k rfclBt.v Punc.ual aiumdaneeis ',rqi d. I Apnl.'Hi. II. ZI.M.MEUMAN, .l(r. 1'ltlCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Yuxtluimcr. VVIIKAT, U0 Kir., . . Cornr, . . OaT, PoRK, - . Flaxsfkh, UtlTTKR, IIkkawax, -Tamow, 1)hif.ii Appi.m, Do. J'kachks, Flx, Hkiklf.ii Flax, Euun, 00 40 Su fi li.'i i'i 25 sun H 10 a ATTENTION SILMJUIIV CIJKiSS. Otr are required 'to .meet for parade i d Maiket-siniate. Sun- ibury, at 1 oVJotk 1'. M. of Mon day, tho yd day vf May )m., in Winter unil'um, each Member to bo .provided with -10 rounds of blank en i '.ridge. U.y older of Captain iDewart, J. II. ZIMMKKAIAN. .Oricrfy 'Srtg't. April S3d, 1S12. IisMlti(lou of J'uiiiiorslilp. rill E partnership heretofore existing between Ihe X. nubiocibers, was dissolved -by ninli: il eousent, on the ;)tst of Match last. The partnership bonks, anil other evidences of debt due the partners, arc placed in the bunds of Christian Howiur, Esij , ol Snnbiiry, for collection, who-rlonc is anthoru-.nl to receive payment. The, partnership cutuuieticed un the first day of Apr. I. I H id. HF.NKY -YOXTIIKtMER, !IENKY DAWSON. Ap il Hi h. 112. THE Aubseiibet inlorms the public ami his lor i un r customers that iiUhough Mr. II. D.twsxti has wittnliawn hiinsolf from bis store, be still con tinue bis business as hcretofoie, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to thoke who will gie him Ibeir eiis'om. He. is th ankful to the puhlie for the large shaie of patronage extended lo him for the last twen ty years. IIENKY YO.VniKi.MEK. Xiinburv. Aril Httll. I Sri 2. MEKClfANT'S' house, An. 2;7, .Vo7i Third, nlmrv i'allouhiU St., PHILADELPHIA, rilll E sub.ciibers lakes pleasure in ocijiniiiliug I tbeir fiiends and the publie ill uener.d, that llir.v tkavc taken the laign and commodious Hotel, recently kiilt by the Mcsris. H ut. on the same site once tiernpietl by llie old established Hotel known as the liLill a lle-.l, in 1 l.ir.l slieet above -Ccilow-bill st. 'I'his Krttel-is finished in the .very best .possible manner, ami of the best niulrriala. lis Incut, on is vety desirable, particularly fur ciiunliy merchants.; j the arrangements for healing and ventilating inch j room is such as. to secure any temperature. The brdroomsare !l lilit and airy, all luiiiuhcJ ilia nrat style, so as to iiistiie comfoit. The ricciving p triors are also futnitbctl in a su-M-rb style, the windows are on the French style, iiiiminj? un entrance to a balcony in front, whi.lt makes a pleasant recess. 'I'm Uciilar attention has been given to Ihe ttds and bedding, which, with the furniture, are enlirtrly new. r rni'.i yea's' .expeiieine in h-itel l-usinr: , we trust, hy strict asssiinty to biuiim-ss, to miike llu ll.ilise a dc-uahle steppilu place. Our table will abv ivs W supplied with ll.n very lust our market call Hlbrd, mill mir bar wt'h Ihe hot liipiors aud wines ut (J'e inosl appioved brainL, P. s. 'I'beie ate nisi rate Unlu.g and cutriige houses ultaibi'd lo the hotel, alien, led hy caiel'ull mid sober bo-llers, and our charges will bc.luw, in accurdance Willi the present hard times. Mil LTZ DEKK. Pliila.b Iphia. Anl Hi, 112. House. FIHE subscrila-r, roiding in the TJiree Sluty '1. llnek House of WiM.McCally, in Waitrtieit, has i ened a ptit jie. house, on ti:mi'i-:ka .set: riitxcii'ij-s, and is piepaieJ lo eccuminoihilo huarders and In- ve.lers. l'i;ii;K WBIMISK. Sunliiry, April IGlh, Ul J. .The Harrisburg lnt lligeucei will please give the atiove three insertions, and forward their Ull. JIOTKL, CATTAWISSA COLUIWErA CO., .'.VA.s i i.v . rjTllfE huIiscmIm-i re-pectfully inloruis the public J3 Uul he iias purchased, and nuiv occupus the J.arsr and ( 'umMiidt'.'Us lliltU Tuicrii Staiul, Well known as tho property, late of Tlieuduie Wells, aud f.iiuierly kept iv Samuel A. Ui-ajy. He is now piepaied to urcommodAie al!- Iiavelhrs nud visiteis who nii,y l.ivor him unii a cul', and wrllu-ie rveiy etfirt in his power to render eciy convenience aud comtmt to J-.is cUstoinevs, while under his charge. His acocmimo,latioi',s are ample, and bis moms well hushed. H'.s stables a yi sue and ill good CMiiiAuioil. H is I'i lf. him! H k will Ih supplied w j ; i the Ix-sl that lie i.iaiketcau afford. Uy puqctiuluy aud.HtloiU.jii, he feels curfident that ;he,wi;l meiit the. patronage of the public. ( ' II A KI ES H ,K. I'M A N Caltawissa, April (lib, ISI2. WAiaiiii: AMI JOl'UL ,H' l!OLlTK Li rEKATLPj:. flU E Libt.uy is published on a double toal :1. sheet, siMeen paces quarto each, on. new tvpe, Mlid punted in ihe best style uf bonk wmk. jJ'iic I style ul bonk wm k. i he weekly Journal of Ue!cs Leltjes wj!l ,be priiipvl as formerly on llie cover. Price Fivit Diili.a.rs yeijr, if paiil at, or re- milled to,. the oilier. Su dollars j! collected by an , agent of ihe office. Subscription commence with Jauuaiy, iin I no ! j siibscripiions lken for less ihsn a year. Lett. r must be all pot psid. I'ostnia.li rs aie al one. I bv 1 I -w to fotw ,id iuhs-, iplious fee. As p. ol.iue h 1 b en a very heavy item ol ixpen-e, we urgently re ; qtie-l s'lb c ibi ,' al eitlton . 1 1 I s. J'rcm.'uin.t -f the e aieiome rxt a copies for I IH.'tli, IHil'i, n3n. and l:t', two ol ih.-e yeai.,' ' Library and the in w se.ir aieub i(, t-I Ti n H 'l- l.irs. At ihe same lutein old subsiidw rs, who wish I i rnuipl, le sets. a.j Sub-crij tions received ai this utbec. 1 I.l'B'TlililS JirSEI'M (IF l-OREIGK UTERATITiR. CONJ tiNTH OF I'll i: APlilL NUMHJiU. i rrriis of David Hume; Debutes of the un 4 repi.rled llnun' of Jt'oujuions; E. O. Wake- ti. Id's Means i f Mational Etniiiration; Letters and Journal l Ib.bcrt Haiibe, ( I :V- J Wi;) My Life and Times, by Nimrod; llorrow's Account of the ('ypsiis nt Hpain; Sir IMward Sug.b n; Daniel (Mourni'l; tlxc :af; fharinvH Jxtrieis Imuii I'a- rish t.i'i'islers; liic NeniiisiH roulricin lui-isia. io. 2; Jaek IIintou,the I lUttrilsmaii, I 'hull. 2 to il; Kohl's Sketches tf SSt. PelersbU'g; la-ster's (ilory nml Niume ot I'iiigliuiil; elon Literature; I onsi deralions upon England; The Deuth Blow. tSeiFM B Afin Art. Jejiort on M. snarl's Ni w Musical Itistrunn ul; Mujiicsl Festivals; New Dis. eovi ry in Piloting; Thnrwahlsvn; liuptoveiiienl i j Photo Riiipby; JJrajidy ftoui W hi.itlela irie.-; i-Jua-tic Dba:ks. .Oliilunry, Poetry, and MincelLmy, fjj- The. MLEUM is fold by Messrs. Citrv II A: tlo.j I0S llroidivay, New York, anil by the Hook-M-.llets throughout the linited StaitM. J'lut k. Six Do.Uu-s a year, in udvauc. Seven lind a half, it not. JWiiff, Six sheets, .under .100 Uiiu's, i) cts.; over l((l miles. 15 els. As Six DokUtrs is not a ,e.nivv niei.t temit'iiure, ditaut subscribers wall iiiease s-i.d in pint; on tecui, t of which .the work will be sent, carefully . wiappid up, lo any i'ostit tlliee in the 1'inied Slaves ! or U.insU Aiuene t. )). Li r i'lU.!. ec C.O , ! 2 ill Ciinuul .Strict, t'hijnd Ipliia. liiiwcB ! "Limn V I FIIIE su'.i-c.nbrrs are prepared to furnish farnnrs ' and nthers.wilh any ttiautity of Lime of a very I supcrioi ijiii.lilv for laud, or pttiistcring, at liie fob lowing very reduced prires, . viz : -rt els. per bushtil ' for 1 anil Lime; 10 cts. fir the best muilnv of plais- ' ti ring Lime, at the k-lns. below tho bornugh of .Sun- I I'll' y . Tiny will also.d- liver, at un V place within ihe borough of Sin, bury, J.ime tin land, al lOettits ier ' biiahil, and Lime lor p'aisteriug at 12 J cents pet ' bu-hel. The stilwc.i -ters It ive iitM-:ii on U:i,ut a) large e,u miiiy of Lime. Its quality is f 'lid, bud thu luneslune.is.iiol equalled by uny in the.nugh bnihood JSfiASHOLTZ A- HEHfiS'l UESER. Augiila, Apiil d, ls-52. QBIOADS IIISrECTOH. VVPT. WM. II. K.sE, of l!ush township, Noithtimbeilarid vountv, (illi is hioiself ys u candidate, loi.tbe etiice ol" l!ri nle Inspector, at tile cinuinu elec tion, lobe held in June next, 1,.. res eel fully soliuiis ihe suppoft of his foilow ci-tis-.i . imil ti iitts that his long experience in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a. r inatlirs, will eini'-le him o di.a hti'gi' ihe .duties it s.iil ollico wiih t entile iiiistctiun lo.pje people. Mar.h Ulih,,lM,12. y.&lGAXill INSPHCTOU. rPIIK tune is rapidly npproaehing when ihe Itri gade, conip isi ii if Ihe colllilies of Nwribuniber I mil, Lnimi ami Coluiubi , will be called upon to elect a uilahlc pen-oll lo I'll the office uf .Lrigde Iuspectoi. COL. J. MoFADDEN. of Lrwi-blirg, Union county, oilers bini-.elf as a candidate tor Slid office. As Ihe Colonel has had j considerable expeiience in inilitaiy allaiis, he feels persuaded that lie is fully competent to ili-eharge Ihe dut esof ihe oflice. April S. 1 12. BRIG ABE INSPECTOR. A S an eleciioti will tjke pLce in June next, for - the purpoM- ol" electing a Utig ide Inspoi t;r, Ct)L DANIEL FOI.LMEU again itTeis himself to his fellow eili.eus a.i a can didate for tlutollice, and trusts, as he has ihus f.u dischaiged the duties of said ollico with sulisf u ti.ni In llie commuiiity, he may ask Ibrni for a cobtiim slice ol their f.u or. Alai.li 2,lli, IS42, v .vrr ic iia it i:sv, Suiti d In our constitutions, u,d cumvi t' nt l alien i vi i i cvnttdi dim hsi , trill be found in Ulllulirs. INDIAN .VRtlETABLE TILLS. Ol' TUK NllKTll AMF.KIK AN ( 'ill l.i:(. K (!' 1IkI,T1I. 1 Ill'.SE extraordinniy pills ae composed of plants wluch gr,iw spontaneously on our own soil and are therefore better adapted to our consti tutions than cu'Jiciiifs concocted from foreign drugs however well iht-v may lie comiiindiid ; and as ihe' IN DUN YEAETAULE 1'ILLS ,,. fndrd upon ihe principle til t the liuriuj. ti.xly is in truth Kiilijn! t" lut une .fifiiti; viz, : , cotrupt humors, an, I that subl medicine cures this di-ease on villa nil principle ly ctdl-rr and purifying (he bmlfi ; L will be inumfesi that if the couslitutiou he nnt emiii lv cxluosted a jicrservaiicc v. , lluir use, uf J"k'.iiil' 10 direction, is khsolulily . certain lo drive disease wf every name livui thu-luxly. The liu!iu:i Victe'ik 1'illx will be fuuml oue of the best, if tint the very lest niedicinu in ihe world fr cairing ut this frtind pui ifyiw; principle, ls eause ibey t xpel Irom the body all morbid and cot ruplliumors (tiii, i.Ai sisiiF ntsLAje) in any easy and M'li'iiii. manner ; aud Avbile they every day fiirt tusr and pl'Ufurc, djeae of every name is rjpid y diiien from ihe. body. 'I he a''ovf. named tndi.iu Welal l Pills J,ae hi en tun e, years befoie the Aiiieiicuu nublu; ; and ue can l.mv sy uiihonl feat ol contra, lu; ion, that ol a I llie tarjiius incdKines wha li ha" heretvfi re been fiopular not "mte I as gien such a pt'imuiit m bold upi;i llie ull'eciious nl Ihe (.''!, 'le iSnl only do t'.l who use ;t inv.ni.il ly exerience leliif, and ii-cninni.'nd ii in ihe stmiic-l Icini.., hut it has rth en d ioite uflhe nn ut asloiiislyn j cures cvu peitoitnedl y in, dicine. I'ot salrt by II. i5.MAS!SEKH.nihury. Apul 2d, l.i3. BOLTON & CO. (I'uctul iiimbiioM .Hcriliaiitii, For the ."':!. of Flour, Vj'nl Si id, Vc, Ac. ;7-'iW -- H OPEC I'f'l , LEY iiii'.om iln-ir lii. tkls and the Mcich.ints geitcMlb , (htil (hey Jiaie ta ken i hne latge and etunmndious Inn a, nh I o Doks, .)l!ll 111 ('lllM)lll btlClt, lll, Hie Dil.W).e, togsihcr wth,tl0 i-toi,e No. lit Sjuth Whafve-, wheie ihey would be . plw.-e.l lo tee- ive nui-l-jn-nienls ul .Ciaiii, I'loui, S,- d, 'hi-l' . lion. Ac. Ac. -ilcing also wi ll P'cp in d to In: ; r.l all 1. 1 in! -ul Mi rcjujinlrt-e o the Si huv ' ill mid 1 ri.m.oi lis ihe Che-api ul.e and I e'e W ater t ana'.-, at, low lioalj are kept i xpris.-lv .Uu tl.e pijrpnc t f in.t,g bonis by t i bei lolOe. Meicbiilits w it pli-.-ji- ii pntii ular lo evnd .thtjr goinis deslnied l",- .enl.tr ansi , I i iNo. lU South 'halves, U(wten MulU.I ait.l.t.'Jn ::iul sine's, un i the -Dvlaware, w nit iluei l ua an .nop n ing iljeiu which route !;ey w irdi Hu nt to be k,tppe.l. : 0 V .Plaster and fall fot s -lie, at lli , lowest in.;,r- ki I pi tee. Ma'ch 1?, Il'.'. :U!lLTON A C-. No. lUSoit h bine. tlTlCB i leielv lii ii.lbal the K- gts'er ol 7 N'iilpiuil etl uul uniutv lis gaoled )-tlv'- it (lament ny upon, the i ( itc nt M, n v Anit.t 'h.ip- lli ait l.,le ol lle Umimh nt Nonh.luiheiiai tl. dec it., 1 1 ll e siibcnliet, ie i.hng in said l)uioiiii. A I p, is, tin. Ii.,ii g any dein.in It ii imrl saiil tsta'e. I aie u qui.ii.il to present iheiu. and ih n-e iielit-ul I to make p.iMnent to !ie eul'-crther Ma eh. t', tiw. JJIAH CU A II MAN. ntmniT (MitTr.u & so, MANlirACTUllEIlS, i. limb it i it Strtt, lliilUmnrc. T I AVK fnnsjantlv lor sale, Printing Paper of all J A jijjr.,., Hl q.uuhlii s, tJiip Wining Paper, rul.d nd f bun. Letter Paper, white and Hub, ruled and j.lain. Hanging Paper, fin and cornui -n, Envi-bipe Paper, lo. do. ined, tun, doub'.e crown, crown and cutis sie.l Wt.iniiing Papers, t 'oti.trd Medium and lloyal I'lipe.s, Ijooint, IJinitets' and Siinw Uox Hoards, TiKiiiie Papi-r, mill all art cles in their line, which they will w U on accnmiriodaliug terms. H ghost j;rue iven fa old tans. ICO HE K I' CAUIEK ft SON. M .teli IK. E ktoo, Md iti:..i tTUiv iMi''int'ii, I IJ'liDoV gives notice to all who ate indebted tojiirn, to call and seiile jtheir aeentinis. on nr 1 linfoic the t'-rsl day of M iv next, itfei whiih liuie, Jhosc which we not settled will be placed in tli,e hands of a io.igwlia.te for cold elimi. iln wll tl- tetnl in per mi uiiUI,tliciirnl ol prd ,li(Xl. I nuniius'y, f.lanlt I'Jih. tt. I Siwtiurj, .'iiillitinJrrlnnt i'iniiti) '('iimx U anlii. .flHR huh-enber. rcsecMully intorms4he public 1 I (hut he has Ti moved .(othtt large hud eotnmo 1 dioiit Tavern Siand, at ihe eonu;r of Market and I'll w il suet Is, 'sign of the ISink ) foi uieily occu pied by Jouus Weaver, and lately by iAniol Ajib hoii, wlnre he is iww prepared to accounnodptf all who may favor bun with a call. l)y strict utteu--tinii to business, mid his utmost endeavor to render satiafaction ,to ull. he hopes to.iece vo Itlw-ral share of public palroiiage. t.'U A.HJ.ES WEA.VEH unli'jiy, Match I2ih, 1812. WijaUTONsSTBL, SuiiDui y, oi f liiiiitlM i IsttKl t'oiuif y, TENNSYLVAHIA. -FIlllE Hubsiinher resn cil'ully inloruis ihe ubic. m. that he luis rctilPVed.lK lhat large and c(:itimo- dious Uriek Jlnu-u', on Maikct arpiare, opisisiti! the tuurt House, (formerly kept bv Hiram Price,) w here he is now prepared to bccniinioikitp ll wl)p may favor him wi ll a call. Po.tig thankful ,f.t pa.it favnis, he hopes by strict attention lo business, to leccive a liberal sba'e of public pa'.roi age, Ac. CHAKLES D. WHAUT.ON. Sntibiny, March 5th. Iii4'j. Wliojowalv lrusi;ltslN, JIAyRE-DE-GIlACE, 1MB. II SAVE cniistanlly on hand a geneiul assort B B mcit of Mti-i.s. mi:mcim;s. pai.ts. oir.s, VAHMsitKS. WIMMW (il.ASS, dm: sir i i s, Ac, aa, w hich th.-y n! r tor salo on tin' uiot !,U r A teims. and at prices us low hs .these nf Ptii udelprna and Baltimore. Paiticidai attention v:ll be given !j ihe quali ties vf such ai tu b s jis ,ue selei ted or Manufactured for s.ile,as also tojia. kiug.thi in, for transport itioii. ,-H 4vre.de-(S race, Al arch &lh,;18 12. nirilJlTANT TO THE liEAltlM! IM BLIt'. flHE New tjiuirto Yoliimo of the "NEW 1 .WOULD" acknowledged on id! hands to be the hands-'ine.-t, chespcbt, mid most popular aud eutif : lininj! pi ri.slii-hl ,iu ihe woild rcomiheiu-ing January I si,. I 12, w ill coutiiiii, siinultaneOMs with it- publication lu-Eiiglauil.the (iiainl New Military Novel, by the aulho. of '(Chaije-. O'M alley," enti tled j- I II Jl I'i.SS," .CD CouiiiK'iieing with ihe story of "Jack Hwituri, the Lite tiliardsniaii." No rommeiid oioti .of this new wpk will I e i.e eissary to those who have. icad thedehglil'ail Novil of -Charles O'Malley.' Also, aiu-;v Novel by Miss.C. M- Sedgwick, al ready wwimeiieed, .which diaa g.'i'at, ciedit to that distiiiguiibed Authoress. Many original Tales ' great interest, m,)ng wh'ch we . may meutioii, asalieatly in hand, "Mary Tud-r, a Tale of ihe Pas,ioits," by Edmund Fl.'gg, Esq , author of .the 'Fur -West,' -The L'liihe-s uf I'enara,' tt-trii ,. A:c, a work of deep and thril ling interest ; "Abel Parsons," a Tide nf ll(p great Fire in New York in Deccinlier, 1835, '(bounding in pnweifullv w inugbt passages; '-The llaqksmitli of utwvrp," by a popular oiiginu! coiitj-ibutoi. Also, a .series of sii,i rb Fngra ings.on Wood, by the U-it artists in England and Aui' nai, wail nn hellish the coming volume, Cj""AII tlu-se Nove. ties, and a muililudc.li:f o-lln-is, for O.m i Tiihf.s JJoi,u.s, citfrciiljntincy, lemilted free uf poslaga. ..Ill ')e uual book foim they would cost ten tins that amount. CHARIESO'MAUBV, ENTIRE, Can be bud hy all now subscribers who wish this popular work, by ordering their t--ibsctiplions lo commence with (lie iul tuario Volume, July 3d, 18-11. Fur three I'.olhrs on auy solvent chattered Ban)" in ihe United Jsiu.ti'S or Canadas, free qf pos lai;e, ll-.e New Wofid .will be sent one efir, (jum ihe couiniiiiceuicul of -Charles O'Malley,' including ihe Ist.Vbljtue gratis, published in extra numbers. Addi.-sa J. MNCI1ES I EIL Publisher. 30 Ann lreet, New -.Yoik. the'"gcttZ&e"sisle A Ml I i'iiii.v i:io.si;roii. (it TWO VOI.l'ilM-.) TAIXLMJ the Old an.! New Ti siiimeut. ' wiih j.iacicd rxpe'sii"M 4in evplai, m ry notes. ; bv TI otii i- W iiluitu, Author ul "ihe Ate of Infi ll l.n," Di. t iiii nv ot all Kchgi us Ucnoimna It. ins," ec. To which an- adile.l the n f -touees and marginal readings of the PobgloU Hit le, logedur I wiiji otigitial notes ami telie-U -lis liom 4iater .('uiii:.-l'i-i-sice Piblc, uiu! o lu i stnudaij works I ii.iroductory and toncbidni;; I' marks on. each book j ,,t (he ;.'d .iitd new Testaiuetit, and a vt,luahle.chro ! i nd .gieul linli;);. Pbr w-lni e cart-fully revised and aJ.i,t' .l in the use of S.ind iv School , llit-le el isses, ; jjid.l.'lirisii )(! generally . (iit"!!-sh d ft' A mup 1 .i.o i.' iri',.eil)teil by the It-v. Wi.harn Pill ion, ai d ,iildi--tii d.ti ,(' e, Til'aity & lloiniam; i Jla!'toi,l,.t'oii., 14 I. This w.ok h is been highly rec. rnniend-d by the ,.dl w.it i.iuoi r o'.'jer ilis-ii-iiiiish-d ihv-nes; j In . Slept en In nut It, p ,:'ln of Ihe Mitli-.- ili-t Eptsi op d Chnieb, ttiyol l ti. I Kiv. W. C. Piownl. e, p.i.-t.,r .1 the Middle ! U.iich buieb, N.w Yoili. ! Krv. ,1,1 iDV'-i M liter and . A i x int. r, Piol'es- s,iiiu 'riii. , lon;i'heooic.I S, j:i t an , N. Jeisey. I v. C. P. Ciautb, l.'ie.ibrn vt Pet.-iy Uania i,l.'. lleie. at tiellblilg. I ,Hev..C.V Scha. tb i, j-astot ,iaf ihe Lutheran ciiiiuh. II inishurg Pa i.: t or sale bv 1 . Ii Mss.t AUelll I I II- l'ulii-hers. Jan. L'llih Kilt? AMERICAN MEDICAL X.IDRAH.Y lMIJJ.Iia.MUL ; ,CO t E N lli A I LD conl of M-du at Sci- I - cine and lileiantre, by Kobli-v Punglis.m, M. D ..Pioli i.sor .if Ihe lnstruies ol Me.licine, i tc. indi , moil M. dicul I 'nllece of Phl'ade plus, puls-1-tlCil lllill, ll.lv bv Adam W.iUlie. No. 4 Ci.ineii- ! r stii-o, Phil kI. Iptiis. Sob- tipiioii price. i!i a r u Ki,l....,i,aioii f ,rib ah.ne work nrei'ed Iv tlic sill, niber. il. U. MASEEH, D.c. 1 1th, 1SU. iiLnt- II. B. MASSErL, ATTOUIVHY AT LAW, 8U2TBUQV, rA- UubjnesA iittended to in the Counties of Nor ihuivU-rlaud, Union. Lvcoining yii Columbia. Hrfrr to I TnoMtti Hart Co., Low su 6l Oarrox, Hart, Cvmmiiio Sc Hart, Ph'dail. IlKtSOLIIR, JVlCr ARlAKn ai JUo. Sptrino, 'Juoji (c Co., (r.:ui(rrcltcr!' Ueulli lllpiv 'TVio public will please observe lhat no JL-aiul elh Pills ro genuine, unless the box has Uiree la bels upon it, (the lop, the aide and the bottom) cth containing n f.ie-aimjje signature of niy hand writing, tl;us IJ. ii it a tv ti a r it , M. p. Tiliese la. b,el- ate engraved on steel, beautifully esignril, liud.done nt an etpense of over 2,0UG. 7'ln refom il will lie seen that the only thing nrce.ssary to pr into n.:e tm-uicjiie in its purity, ia to ohserve ttieo .1 ibi-ls. Kciik (t,lie.r tie lop, the aide, and the .bo'tom. 'Fhe following icKtiecliye jHeona f re duly pyhi.ri 7.eej, and lm',1 sCERTICafES OF AGENCJf, Fo.rhe sale of Hrandreth'g Vegetable I'liursiil fill. ' ' ' Npcthuinbeelaiid county ; Milton tdaiikoy A -Ch.itulh-ibn. Suiilmry II. B. M.isser. M'Lwena- ville Iiel.onl & Meixell. Nortliyinhciland AVnt. Forsyth, .(eorgp.ioyi'n F. Midluiger Sr Co. Uuhm ('ottnty: New JJe.rbn John iloliinmi. Selmsgrove ..Ever and Schtiure. MjilJlclpirg Isiac Smith. Heavcrtown J. & F. Hiiiga.ucan. Adamshiirg -H. V. A. Smith. Mttllinsbyig iswope cV. Lnird JJaitteton Daniel Long. Free burg (i. & F. C. Miyer. ,Ci ntreyipc Ktatlcy ..V Leitliaii. Lrwisburg Walls At.Oreen. Coiiiinbia county : Dmivitlc E. JJ. Kenold &l X'a. lb rwic' .Shuin in V K.ttenhouse. ,(at taw'issit tJ. A. & C. (J. llrubts. liloqmalj jrg John JL Mover. Jeisey Town J.evi iltael. VVa shinloii :-Kobt. M1.C11V. Jimestone -D. L, Schmcck. Obsctve that each A gent. has no Engra' d .-Ci r tiltcate of Agency, enntaining a repn si ntaiioti nf Dr llHA.NDKE I'H'rt Manufactory at in'g .Sine, and upon which wl also be seen enact copies nf the nitv labels hlw ucd upon the Uranjrcth -l'ilt Uir.rm, Phil idi lphin, office No. R, North 8th s'ret.t. V. Ilb'ANDliEni M.D. J orj try 1st, JSI2. at1 WjTi, mJU.Ua EJiOU sale 11 stiiall Fa 'ii, -. u h ' hundred and ten a, .'es. tiiovj , in Point township, Noritnaii! eili, 1 t 1 nt s, fituui". it , aln,,. lilO In.,! 1 n - lu i u 1..! i-lhei -. Ab...,t I two nubs ubovrt Noitljuuit'i-.l ni.l, j road bali;ig Inun thiit plat e to 1 1 : . land-, ol John l.eghoti, Jesse C. Hot' now, in the occi:pii!ey cf Sunun I !' forty acres of said ,tiacl lire cleaied, kiid i:i sjood state uf eg fi t alion, .on w hich there is a small hunt recti d. 'I'I'.e property w j!l. lie sold on ,f usot.abb! leir.is. Fir further particulars, pi-isoqs arc request ed Jo apply to,the nur-scrjl-i r. JL U. M AbSUK, Aent. Nov. 27th, .IS4L if ' Sui.tm.v. Pa. CHF.TSOLITE FOLiriH. N snide uue(Ualled for ccaij;ug and g ving x highly dotable and nost btilh'jt polish to sil ver, Ciermiui Silver, Urass, Copper, Hnttunia ware. Tin, St, cl,. Cutlery, nnd for resi.oiing the lustre 011 .varnished carnage-, &c. TI! V Prepared an, I sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Cbrysulija: Puhfh -Conipany, Owego, J ioga county, N. Y. WM. FOUSYTH. Agent for Nortbui'd, H. 11. MAssElt, Agmt for Sunbury. Noveipber SOl'll. I S4. t . ' Cliiu.'i, Glass lu1 Jiverpoul War.eious.o vV !Cj-! ,YorA Third si cert, third door biluw I'itif sired, Philadelphia. AlHERE tl.ey constantly keep on hand a large issiiii;ne-ut .uf China, liluss ind Liverpniy Ware, which, they will dispose of oa the most iee suitable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. Juroh FilMiuilli & Son J KSIKCTFULLY iufoims tin ir friends any acquaintances ge lerally lhat they still con (itJite lo keep at the old stand. No .246 Nou.h ?y street, Philadelphia, all kinds ol TOHACCU 'AiV' AXP SKOAIIX. Which they will aejl ithe . aeeoniiiioJuUnv and reasoiial le terms. ' N. H. All gpods sold ill Le 5u.11 iitcc J idj, orders promptly Alii ndt d to. Philadelphia. Nuvembet 13, I &41 -ly. aTT.iT7)f;NVEj LAST MAKER, No. 7-1 C'alltAwhUl Street, lNiilatldpliip. C Three doors aliove iiec.ind. ) 4 HOE Fim)iiig(alvays kept pn hand, which l ol'.'ers.for sale on the loe.-t terms. (Country Mcrch tuts are particul-itly to c ill andudga themselves. J.'liilud-lphia, Novem :r 13, 1841. ly. Importers ami Dcnlers jn l'oreign a,ti 1 liintestio 1 laiilw are, No. I'M Nohtii TliiR!- S,-LLT, I'm tern elm. 1 T 11 EI!E their ftiends and tustopiers will always ' find a hrpe and geneial a-sortujonl of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which, they will eel atlj, lowest prices, Ptiiledelphis, November la, 1S4I. Iv. UKYNI,1)S, Mc-KA H I. A NJ cv ( 0 T.m!esalc l)ealers in .Fnivign Jl'iti'y and Ai'icrii-an ''i v tai.uis. Al.. 105 Mnifet iireit. Philadelphia. COUNTRY Me'clianla, i.nd others can be sur phd al . !i umcsj.ith en i itmsice asser mi-lit of ihe Ix-st and most lushi' a .'W lioooSi ,u;ut. '!' riiosl rt-asi-nai-le terms. 1 PUi! i.V'i-h: Nqvetnl'er lo. .-lv. it 5t.iv. I Wt iiui' V Son, r.orE waueiis & sinrcxiANDiERs Yu. I 1 S.'i'i Water Street. I''nttidelfJtiu. H H A'E co.istnntly on hand, a general nsaort fl l.iel)t of t'ordaae, Sine Twit es, 'Ac, viz : 'I ar'd l!npe, Fisldng Hopn., Wh::e iCopes, Manil 1 1 .koiics, 'low .Lines far .Cana: lb sis. Also, a ! e.iinplcle assnrtmeiit of S, ine Tvvinea, cVe. such as . Hf ii)p Soiui i.iul Hi nil g l j.ie, Heat Patent Oil I Tine, C illon is hail and lliiiing 'I'wii e, Sh. i Threads, eic.'tVe. Also, Ued, Cords. I'lough Lines, I H ilieis.Ti-.iei'a, Cotton and, Linen ' "pel Chains'. tf. all ui which they wtli tlts. oi .-a isonabjf, lellns. I'liiladetphia. Ngveml ei I a,,', 4 l.iU KsiiHirK'K7iii:Nsi:i-ii A cos! WIIOI.ESAIX DnY COOPS STORE. No. Ititi 1-x! Murkt-t .Street, l'liila. (He Into Fifth S.ii.lhid i A ,tvVN keep on lia.nl a loll and general w rtmenl of II j.'ieiy, Lace, ai d Fancy llojiif-.. j I Co' iiutiy .Vci. hauls are iespes ininv request jit it. yive them a t sil and examine for Ihei.i-elves. PhdaJtlphia, Novemlier Id, .541. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers