U A X K. X O TK JL, 1 9 T. PF.XXS1 LT.1XI A, The fuliowing lilt shows ihe cum- nt W.ue of nil Pennsylvania It. nk Note. Tlie moA implicit re li it.ce nay te placed upon A, rt i'titr tsrolr artfully compared with ai d curwc-ed from Bi k till' Reporter. Aianks lu rmiatlelplilji Nam. Location. Disc, i riLr. pm par filed closed pit . Tar 3ia40 . par close d closed closed . pur psr par par NOTES AT PAfc. ftm.k nf North America . Hark of the Northern Libeitte , Jjnk of Pcnnsvlvenia , , tank of Perm Townsltip . Commercial Bank of PennV . Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank . Oiterd Bank t'ttiisington Bank . Manu'arturera' & Mechanics' Bunk'' , Mechanic' Bank . . Mm meriting Bank . . ll.ila.lelpiiia Bank S.huvlk.tl Bank South wark Bank . . Western Bank . . , Count ry Rnnli. Hrttik of Pittsburg Pitisbuiir pin par "psr par par 1lmk of Chester County tl.ink of Delaware County 4auk uf Gcrrnantowit Eunk of Lewistowfl tlank of MiddtetiTWrt Bank of Montgomery Co. Bank of Northuinbeilutid VctJtchMtef Cheater Oermarrtown Lcwintown Middletowfi Norristown jmr Norlhunibeiland par frka votwrty Bunk (codtr,g 'ulumhia B a nk & Bridge co. Columbia 10 10 far TJBT par 24 par Carlisle Bank Carlisle Doylestnwn Bank lia-con Babk Exchange Bank I)o do branch of XJoylestown Easton Piltsbtlrf Holhduyaburg Farmeai Batik of Bucks co Bn-tol Farmers' Buuk of Lancustci Lancaster Painters' Bank of Rmding lUrrisburg Bank J.Micuser Batik Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Marruf. Bank Minrra' Bank of PottevjIUs Northampton Biiik Tnwanda Batik Reading llarrisUurg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg per 10 par par par par 10 failrd rotisvillo Allcntown Tuwanda Vr'.tt Bianch B iirk Wyoming Bunk OiHie i,l Bank of Penn'a, OAVe do do Of Fit do Jo Oihce do do NOTES AT Williarusport fS to 00 Viikesbarro Tlarriotiurg" These Lancaster I ofFicea Reading f do not Canton J issue II. D I S C O U N T. Bank of the United States Office of Bunk of IT. S. Do do do Do do Jo Kensington Suv. lm. A JVnn Township Saw, Ins. liur.k of ( 'hamhershurg BukI ol Gettysburg Bank nf Susquehanna Co. l.Tie Bank Ka'iiv rs'A- Drovers' Bank Fiunklin Bunk Hoiiesdnle Bvnk Monnngahela Buirk of D. York Bank rtiiladrlphia 1'Utsliurg Erie New Briiliiiin lo do fitiniln thbuig ii tiybuig JHnntioe VVnyneKbiiTg V ashiiiglou IfonendHle Drownville Vo.4t 60 ! lu 1J A. 11. 'J'ho notes of those banks on which we omit quolulions, and substitute o dash ( ) are not purchased by tbo PMIudelpUa brokers, cviih the exception of those which Imve a letter of ft-fvuttie. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sv. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Sc h u Ik d I Sav. I ne. I u Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop ) failed tiiled J.ileJ fiirMi tio rale rinsed eb'ted Allebany Bank ol'i'a. Bedford Bunk ol Beaver It ink ol Swalara l.'ank of VVailiingt.in 4'entre Bank ! B.u.'k Palmers' & XeiU'ca' Bunk I'nnctb' &. Mcch'cb' Bank Kuniiers' & Mech'ca' Batik Ifsrmeny Instifjlo Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bui.k l.uiii!erineii' Bjnk iNorlherri Bank of I'a. 'ew Hope Del. Bridge Ca. is'orthumb'd Union Col. Bk. Noitu Went.'rn Dank of 1'. OflUe of bohuilkill Bank Pa. A nr. Ac Munuf. Bank 'biivei Lake Lanlc t-moii Bai k of PennV ileavor ili.rnsbuic Va-iliiiit;toii Be!l fonto 1'itUltllg J'tltbburg Tayeltc co. (rtciicat e Harmony failed 1 cljsrd no tale failed filled failed 010 w If iTIunlri)Ki.'on lit) rale J.eM'istonu nosjle M'urien failed tJimdrfff no sale New Hope doted Milton no tale Miadfillo cloud PortCmbon fail, d Carlisle lulled Moiilinro cloned H'nn.iitowii f.iiled tireeirsliU.-g clocd "SV'ilkt alurr no sale V tuinoielaiiii Bank Wtlkrsbafru Bridge Co. (Xj- All notes purporting to lie on any Penntyl vania Bank not given in the above list, nun, be lot down as frauds. xvw Jinrsin. Hank of New Biunswiek -Brunsw iek Belvideie Bank ilJelvidere :Burliiig'.JH'Co. Bank Medfotd 'Commercial Bank Perth Aiuboy Cumlierland Bank illridclon Farnnrb -Biitik Mount lioliy Farmerb' und Mechanic' Bk Rtthwey t'armtfrs and Mechanics' lik N. 'BiUnswii k Fiinuer' and Mechanics' Bk Middletowu l'l f!.i!rd .'pin ar 1 im pur par f pm faded , lpin 'Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey Oily failed foiled fulled failed failed par failed par po ssli- llolioken Bkg& (jiazing Co Hohoken Ueraiy City Bank Jersey City Mecbuniea' 'B ulk Putumou Manufaeturi r' Bank Belleville Morris Con pany Bank Tilornstown Monmouth Bk or N. J. Fieehold Mecbutiics' Bank Ncwoik Mechanics' and Manuf. "Bk Trenton Mortis Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg eV Ins Co Newaik Ipm 3 failed farted 1 pm 'failed Upm par ,par New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamheitsvillo N. J. Manulac. and Bkg Co Hobnken N J Piolctiu n A: Lombard bk Jersey City Orange B,.nk 'Orange l'a'eron Bank Paterson Peoples' Bat do Prineeton Bark 'Princcldn B.ileaj Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark State Bank Elizahethtown htate Bank" Oain.leii G'.ate Bat.k of Tlonis MoriiMown r tale Bauk Tn uton balem und Philad Manuf Cu "b'alini par pm par 2pm failed Ulled i.ipiu !;!!! I I'll) tailtd Suw X Bank Trenton B inking'C'J I'nioii Bank Washington Jlar.tng Co. New Ion YieiUou llevt r 'llaifkenssi k mitVOVAIrK. Bk nf Wilm A Bruiijy wine Wi mington pnr Bunk of Delaware1 Wifininrtnii par par par par put par par par 'i Bank ofSu.y ma Do I ranch t;n. ii Miilord Farmerk' Bk of eu'e uf Del Dover Do branch Wiluntigton 1)6 branch Geiugitown Do bianco Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington crt Under 6'a (Cj On all banks tnnrktd thus t' (heie are ei thtr counterfeit or altered notes uf iss various de niminations, in circulation. hi i in ii iriiaii . hi nni AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Samler 29 A Third Street, Philacttfa'a PUBLIC SALES of Dry !ood, Hardware and Cutlery, Bonks, flnlionary. Clothing, Boot. 'Phew and I'Tftt, and in hort almost every dcripiion of goods, are held at this establishment every eveniii; -Goods tre also aolfl rft ptiwete alc duTing the day at rhi'rrrfRC aucl rm piCM. 8iorc keepers and ttadort will find it to their advantage by aftenflii.g t!ie sal-a. V.V. MACKET, Auctioneer. r-hilnJetphin, Novrmh. t 13, 1841. 1y. KAY WH0LCSAT2! AND RETAIT. BOUKSEL LEKA AD STATION EKS Xo. 122 CIs-)tft Street, below 4tli, riiiladelpliia. UZ EEP confr.tnly cn hand a -j;enprnl assort P(. mrntof Books nnd Stffii'rary i eompriskig Tiiealngir:il, l.'rtw, Tlcdical, Clj-nical, Miscrllnne ous and School Dork, "D.iy Book, nil size, Led-ffi-r-, do., Pniiiily Bibles, Pocket B.blc, Wrilini Pnpcrs. Wra p'rr.p Popi ts, Ac. A:e.,1rich riiey of fcr at the lr. ct juices to ('mintry Merchant' IVc IVpsi-Miiil GintlcnHTi, Teachers, and all tftliers that mny favor then -Mi ll-eir ruitoti. Philadelphia, Noi mherio, 1811. 1y. TiTE6pnxTFTTuiJi. Matuifacturer nnd Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. JV'o. 5 SiwtJt Third it rcet. fimr duer IttUitv Marlttt ET.P conFtnntly onlt urd a largo atiJ crncral assorlment Conch Lamps Corriugp Bands, A.xloArms, blipltc Sprtnos. Patent Leather. &c. Country Merchants and eaddlors will be supplied at all times oil the most iCiisonable terrsm. 1 Iwy will find it to their advantage, to cull and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philiidolphi. Novemlier in, 1841. I y. TO CCVNTilX mrKCIIANTS. HPHE &ulsoriler, Agi'tvl of I yon 5f Harris, Mat Manufucturers, for NV:W Vork, PlnbuUpWii, Baltimore onJ other large cities, wlimc llcls are highly commended i t qtiod eil and dundility, has oi hand firt rate nnscr tin' nt of MATS ai'.J CAI"&, suitat'le for .Sprma ile vrU (U will c sold very low, foi eAh or aj.pi jved credit, at the in ted cheap store, So. 40, Aortu TV;rJ utrcri, ojpjiJ'e the City Hotel, Philn Jclphie. OLIVER N. Trf At.IU'.n. Aprt. N. II, Orders for lists i I h -rn4. prompllj attended to. The highest rk:e in ratA or tra it given f jr Fur tkin. PhiUdelplii, Novrmhpr 13, 1911 1 y F EVERY DtsCiilPTfOX. NEW ENGLAND OIL CO.MPA-NY. No. -2!) North Water Street, Phila. MAMKACTLKEKS and dealers in Oils of nrrv ileiripuon both for binning and manufacturing purpo.org, which will e n rll tniK-h ( lower ttian they can l procured emewnere, ar.il warranted in quality to eijiiel ny in the cfcy. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may lc roitrrned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will l.e refunded. 'J'hrir ttock now in store consists of the following oi!t, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached ?peim" Oil. cooo t-5.001! 10,000 20,000 6000 1S.IHU) 3 i'o 'Collides Oil, do Full sridSprini! Spcrm On1, do Winter (M a Eb bant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, do rHmtncr do do do do Common Whale Oil, ClU) B.irreis kupeiiot blmrtj Oil, C0 do :od Ban-kUrt, 1 bO do Nra'B root O.I. p- 75 disks Olive 0.1, Tai.ijr"b Oila. gjrThis Crmpnnv ha a number of Vessela en giped in the Cod Fishery, und Tannery may rely upon petting at ell times Oil as pure as iiuportej. 1'hil.nlelpliiA, Nov. 13. 1M1. ly. GTV. & L. 3. TAYLOE.. I'FfttR roH BALE, at the South ia.-t Cor- iict of Fifth and Market Sheets, il'hiladd- phut Menis' Calf-skin Tloots.atitrhril warranted, do do do pegged do do do do wuier proof, doulle soles anl il'v.iliU? uppers, do Ciitr-iH.iti da 6a and uper. do Heavy Wabr Leather Boo. do do Neats do do. do Hicb quarter Hhies, Calf-.-kin. Co do do 'Ctoe'kers do do Fine Monroes warranted Go nailed do Kip do do Culf do tin K'nars-e do do t!o "Siioee iio Vine do do Kip do do do do do a.i do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Soi ks with and without soles, do Curvet do do (lu ! do I'eli'iit U'urratitcd uter-priHjf Moecasins. I.Muies' do do do do j Ladiis' tanned India Rubber shois. (eiitlcineiik' do Over shoes. With every oilier description of boots and shoeii. Fur Cups of evirv description. Tr.M'ell:r.i 'f'roiik of everv desnrintbm. 'j Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of ull kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. I'biiM.l. li big. N.r ember 13, lr-41. ly. J. S. IvCEEAPwA, Whdlosale V.nietyand Trirnminjj Store Vo. 44, K'irth 1'ourth tnar Arch $t., Jhitudt thia. "7HEKE Country Men bunts and others can be ' ' su plird. el -all times, with a large assortment of Hosirry, filoves, Merino, Cotton, and Woohu Shuts end Drawn -., Spool Cotton, Puient Thiead. Cotton Colds. Butlona, Tapes, li'iidiw, Hook and Eves, Pins, Ac. And a general tarti'ty of-Use-ful ortn't s, w'hih he olllis for sule at the lowest prices. Phila.b lpliia,'N.eiiihe ln.'ll I. ty. Wi:OCAT.I3 I10I3BnY, G10VS &. I.IM R.1. VAVI ft T k lull, No. 31 Xn'h Fourth tt.. under Merchant' J lute I, PHILADELPHIA. f THERE Country fderchant'can be sii(pbed .i . ...... i. - e w.'ii an riieiiwve Tunriv oi cnor.-e (.i.:nil in lii lii e, upon the molt reasonable lunik. Nov. fob t4 I lv i IVIcCAXliA 8l HEIISE, J- -'!, Aortli SrconU htrt-tt, (eonxiM or coomb's slLrr.) Where tin y constantly keep on hund a gener'd enorrment of ailli u turuty oj urtielt ilf wttperiM qtialilv, whtch'they olier to dispose f ! 'Upon 'the nusst leasonuolo Urois. i jsT iOHNTRy MERCHANTS and ethers will find it to tbrii advantsge lo call and riarjjine thair slick krf ire.nurchaliox clktsihcrc, Thilidephia,"Nov. 6, JML Ty r PETEPw C01TOTEE., Wholesale and Kctail Shoe, Bonnet, nnd Palm Leaf Hal Warehouse. So. C6 Sorth id ttrect, a few tlaort ubfTvt vifrcA, I'htluthlphia. AL?0 Trunks, Carpet Bags end Valices, of ev. ery tleciipiion,!1 of -which be offers for sale on the iwni rcasntiablc tcrme. Philailrl.lHn, NoA-cmber 18, 1P4I ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and l'araso JVIftnufacturer. No. 37 Vooth Tfiitrl ilrttl. two Hoari below the Citv llolrf.rhltatlifphia. COUNT U Merihants atrd otbert. ere solicited to e saiuhie his esturtf.ieni before purchasing elsewhere Phila Ij.hirt. NovmiliT 11. 1R41. 1y. SPURING, GUOU At CO. No. 13S Alaakot Street, riiiladelpliia. BNVITE the attcnthrn if Country Merchants to their extensive ti'sorfnteiit nt IJiiinh French and American Dry Ooods, which 1 1 fey oiler for sole on the mn't teasoiiidilo terms. Pliil.idelphia. November 1'3, 1841. I y. MRS, BOLTON, S ESI ECTFULLY informs her friend and the 5 pu! lie generally, that he cotiliiiucs to keep Hint well known Tsvein btnd in Alaiiel Mtreel, Sunbury, srpi of tbo J3L58.i2232EE) BTLsiaiCtlDrkT, fotmedy icept by lohn Bolton, her husband ; and by rndcavoiing to conduct the isisblinbrnent in a manner to give satisfaction to all, hopes to merit a liberal thare of public putronsge. Stir.1ury , I lelnU T ttrii, H84 I . REPECTRTI.LY infoiTn l1iecita-eiifSirn-(ury and viernily. ibat tlre-v hnve tiik-n the S"hop ry occupted by 'm. Durst, where they will carry wi tre TAii.or.mo ursiisrrrs, in nil its vaiions br.iiiebrs. By stiiet am m inn ntid rcasoiinble chmges, tluy expect to meiit share of public atrnnage. Sin, bury. Sept. 4ih. 111. LIST OP BOOKS" NTHON"S t'l.issical Dictionary; l.rn'prier's do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Oe rnan do.; Ambon's Crsr.r; Anihon'a (.rammer; Anlhen's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Rc.idei; Opillj 'sln.; Andiew's Latin J.efsons l).nnej5;rti' Lesieon; Flfk's (Ire'k Exetewrs; Dirv ie Leeendei; fusees Major; Adnms's l;,fiim Antiipii'ie.; Pintiock's G. blsmith'ii EipbiTirt;'do. Hrrece; Lyell's Eltiervt? of Geo1.cy; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Chmenta of Holany; liridge's Algclo; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Emmon'i .eicra hy and llitnry; Oli ey's d.; Porliy'sdo ; S-'niii ) Crammer: Kirkham'a do.: Kay's Readers; Cohl 's do.; Ci bb's A rithmetick; Pike's do.; Etm rson's d4 Cobb's Spelling Bonks; Town's do.; Colrti's Table Botiks; Evangelicul Fa mily Library; Cottuge Bible; Family tkn Collater al do.; Pmiiil Bii'k's and Test ..merit-; Ptii-koi's Ex-erci-es on Composition; Fruit of rheJiTri'; BsxtrtV S -ini's Rent; AnKrioan Revolution: Mariratt's No vcIk; Mrs. Phelps nn Chemistry; Iliad; Cateeh'ftn of American Lawt; I.e'ti rson Natutal Magic; t'be mistry for Beginner-; English Exercisis adapted to Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comby's Kjielling Bool,; Ami riran Cluf s 15. ok; Paholl'is Seliin.lman le.'e A-istant; A ereui vuriely uf Blank Books, iVc. Aiusi 28, 141. MADEIRA WINE. Fhm quality Maineta Wine, for silc low by Set. 1, ISH. HJD1 MAER, FOURTH JT.COF V I?Tn dV."-", iTuT article nlw;ivs on hund and fora!e lv Sept. I. 1 14 1 . If. B. M ASSF.TJ. HOLLAND VIS, Of the best quality always on litKtJwn 1 'for ale by Sept. I. 1S41. TT. B. MANSER 1 OAF AND LUMP Sl-'GAli. Aluaja on band and for -sale by Sept. 1, 1811. 1 1 . JLM A SSE U. NE"W OR1JEANS SI CAR HOUSE MO LAPSES. Ol the Ul quality always on hand si d for sale by Sept. I, 1841. 11. B. M ASSET?, UROAVN SrO.VJt. Of a good quality, for sale low by Sept. 4, 14 I. H. B.MAS.-ER. ii;EJL AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alw.ivson hund and for sale by Sept. 1. 1B41. II. B. MASSER. ClFFl E. Java, bio and Laguiia Cof.lc, con st i it ly on hand and lor saie by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Spurn Oil, of the lest qu-ality, ulwsya on hand and J lor a:env Sept 1,1841. 'H. B. MASTER. 'TUvBL. Cut and Blistt t Hieel, for sale by riept. 1, 1611. II. B. MAf-SEJl. IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly on hand and for aulc by Sept. t, 1S4I. II. B. MASSER. Liyl'OKS. Ol all kinds und or the U-.t fluali lien, always on hund and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H.'H.'f.lAKSTTR. Sl'lUNO S PELL. Of vaiiuusktes lor Eliptic Springs, for sale liy Sert. 1. 1641. H. B. MAWSER. LARGE QUAItIO UlULES For aale at very reduced pricie by Sept. 1. 1611. H. B. M ASSER. BLANK BOOK-S. tf ull kinds, for -sale by S. pt M Llfi4 1 . H. U. MASSER. HLANK-DEUIKS Hands. Mortgages, Ac. fjr eale by epLl,1H4l. H. B. MA-SF.R. Jl'STICES ULAN KS. -for ssle by SepM. h4l. II. B. M ASSER. CLOTifS.Blue, Black. Iuvisible Green, -&c, for si le by Sept. 1.1MI. '11.11. MASSER, t ASSl.MERES AND SAT'i INETTS. For sale very low by fci.pt. I, 1641. H. B. MASSER. CA R PETINti. For sale cheap by -S -pi. 1,'l-ll. 'II. B. M AUSER. BLAKKFl'S -JFor sale cheup by Sepi.'l. If11. II. B. MASKER. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. For sale by Sept. 1, 1H4I. H. B. MAHSKR. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS Fot ssle fcy Sept. 1,1841. II. B- MANSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by "Kept. 1, 184L H. B. MASSER. TOWINU LINES, CORDS AND ROPES For eale by f?ePL 1, 1641. II. B. MASSER. AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influence, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Ureastand Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, B onset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepaicd only try J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New York, The hwoeewe m)3 wirVeTsaflt admitted pectoral virtues of the Herbs from which the Da I tarn of ttorehoxmd if made, are too generally known to re quire rccomniem'a'iori ; it is therefore only necrsai ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, tiighby concentrated. and so trappity combined with several other vege table suhsssnces, as to render it the most peeity, mild end cert hi n remedy, new in "Use, f,r the coin plaints sl-ove mentioned. The Balsam removea all imflammBlirfn en.', -siire-ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phhsjm.n abling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and de!V cuk renpiration, heals the injured poTta, ojwns tbe pores, and composes the disfurlied nerves, rmd gies strength to the tinoVt lungs, and thus produces a epfedy and sling cuie. IjittTiviiTtnr. isrita i-sr.T,ntMK is Mix. W ore oot atmong that class of E-ditors who f. -r a few dollnia will, (hi the expense of truth and fnv Ttesiy) -"crack tip" an nrttcle und bring it into rapid sale; neither aie we willirg to lemain sileiit, after having tested the utility of an im rovctnent or dis covery in science or ait. Our renders will recoiled we told them we were unwi II wi h a sorethroat and violmtculd aome few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM JF HOREIIOUND, and so aud.h-n Tvas the cure, tint we forgot sve ever had a cold. Tho.-e who are n filleted, ny t y "it if)oii our rnoommcnduiion. Leu-it-on Trltgraph. For sale by HENRY VOXTHEI.MER, Suntmrt, JACOB BRIGHT, Korthuvtbtrluud. Also, y Drugcisis pener.lly tbrounbout the country. 0 Price, uO cents per bottle. Aut'usl 14th. 1841. ly. ATTENTION. j. s 1 1 x : y 3 ( i: s , i RElJl'ES'PS the attention of his country friends j who are in want, to bis very large stock of Cirpelrngs, Oil Cloths, Mattine, Rugs, BiisiHg, ; Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has jot ipinid, at i his warehouses. No. 18 North 3J Htieet, and No. 2 i Church Atley, tK'ltl dot to t'hrisl Church, Plnlu- , de'phia. Julv 31. 1X11. ly. j JCHlfTc. O" JlrClrI IT G S . WHOLIEALE f.KOE, EONKET, Cap onu' I'ldm Jenf tint 'irr. ! No. 10 Sm-TH 4-tit Stfikt, I'll ILADELPtH A, ; 1 A THERE an exti-t.wve a uorlment of ibe aboe M-tietrs are c n.tamly kept on hand, for sale at tbe most reannuhli ti rmt, May 29, 184 1.- ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNETIS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 1? K V A T 11 W K & a O N. No. 21. Nj Third t net, (tlKTWKXS MtRIIT AMI (II r t T STB F.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE Ar sale large and rxerllenf assoitmenl ni&paniih llidts, Ptilntt Ay.., Ttvnurt' MI, 4c, at the lowest tnaiket price-, titl.fr for cash, it' exchange for L( ather, or Ufmn rwilit. Cotisignrn.nts of Leather rec( i:d for s de, ol purchase! tl the highest mniket prices. (Jj- Leather stoied free of ihuige. April 17, 1841. ly. THIS MACHLMi AJA1JJST THE WOULD. IKrORTANT TO F AKTVIETIS. AVENPORT'S Improved Patent Tbreshii g Machine end Hoise Power, which ihrcshes ami cle.ms at Hie same time an invention Tor wb'uh Farmers have long looked in vain, and -which lendets the above machine pei feet and past further improvement. Those who hove been waiting for something iH-tter than heretofote offered for sale, williind this to be the article. Cjjine see it and fudge !fir yourwKes. The subscribers have poioliased llie right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for tbe coun ties uf NoUTBl X BI SLAS II, LtCOMIMO, CLINTON, and I'sios and also, the privileges of vending them in any other places for which the right has not bctn pievioiislv sold. The advantages which thia Machine has over all others invented -are many and obvious. One boy and three men can all the threshing and cleaning of 150 bushels of wheat in one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it -takes -the lead of any thing in thia wotld jio grain u icaltered or lost. uch is the superiority of 'the Horse Po-er, that three horses can thresh aa uiucti with 41 as four can w ith any other. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold together or sepcrale, to suit putchaseis. Made and sold in Miltun, by the kutcribeis. M. WELCH, W M.H. POMP, JLENRV F'KICJC. Milton, April 17, 1611. nEvwunE.w.t Tio.y. THRESHING & WINNOWING MACHINE. Having haJ in use, one of Davenport's Patent Threshing and Winnow ing Machines, and being repeatedly called tipoirfor our 0iniun in repaid to their value, durability and advantages, we make, free to stale, 'that they exceed in our opinion, any Thtcilnng Machine we ever befoie witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, 'fit for market 200 btifch. Is of W heal er day, and this with the aid of three hands besides tlse driver. The Straw is passed oil' from the .grain on an incline plane, ex tending almut 12 fea t front the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. W hat ia of some impoilante ami greatly -so,-is the fact that no dust passes from the Machine to Ibe man who feeds it. The Horse power aeema to be erfcelioii itself three horses may work it with esse and iheir fastest gait need only be the ordinaiy plough gait. We must cheerfully rroiiinu ud the Machine lo Faimeru they aie manufacluud in Mihon by -Messrs. Welch Po.up and Frivk. PHILIP HILGEKT. JOHN B HE1.LKK- Cliifisquaoe tshp., NonVd co, Match 20, 1841. II A Z A K 1 'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER Containing doc- uments, facts cvrttl ethrr useful information, illustra tive of the histoiy ami resources of ihe American Union, and ol escl. State ; embracing commerce, iiianufitcluie.-, fiuriru lu e, intirnul iinproveiiienU, banks, eurieiicy, fii amos, educulion, Ac --Ac. Edi ted by' Samuel Hazard. Publi bed every W ednesday, at 79 Duck street. The price lo suOM-ribris is $5 per annum, payable on the first of Januuiy of each year. No subscrip tion received for less than a year. Subscribers out of the principal citits to pay in advance. IMPORTANT fTIHE Undeisigned take tdossure in submitting JL lothe public the following Rer-entmendations of Pratt's Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain HHer to all dealers in Grain and manufsctors of Flour, be having it to be auprrior to any thing of the Itind ver off red lo the public. All otdera addressed to Col. J. M'Fsdden, Lewiabiirg, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEKZER SQUIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. CKItTlFTt-.ITESl MoatzMill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. J. M'Faniun -Sin : I cheerfully testify to the goodnei-s and durability of Pratt's Cast Iron Snrut Mill aril Grain Huller, as being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, arid I have len cticeged in the manufacture of Flour for a great many years, and have alwavstriod to have the best apparatus for manufacturing that could begot, and do ssy thutthc above tni'chrto is the bist apparatus I lelteve now in rsc Jon Moatz. Dlotmnburp, Dec. 26, 1840. Cor.. J. M'Fsnuiw Sib : In reply to yuur favor, received a few ibiys nmce,l have only to say, that the fact nf my having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one or Pratl's Can Iron Smut Mills, is the liest evidence I con give you of their 4i!ility, Yours truly, Wx, M-Kki tt. Milhn, March 17, 8U. J. 'M'FArnilJt Sua : 1 do hereby eortily withiHit any hes tutiori, that frail's Srrmt Mill and (irain Huller is the most erfect mnrhine to cletnse grain of smut and all other iinpctfeclions, that I huve ever seen, nd I lielievcl have seen all the kinds that are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will come in tonrpctrtiim with it. Gto. Ken r.iir. Col. J. M'Faihhn Sin : Dur ng the past 24 ye. its I bae been con-tanlly engaged in uiaiiufac turing flour, nnd during the last 12 years have len the owner of a prist and flouting mill, and aiming all 4l contrivances to remove impurities 1nmi gTuin 1 am decidedly of tlie opinion that Pn.tt'a iron ma cbn e is superior to any with which 1 am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen months. FitMirnuK Haas. YurL-hire Mill; Dec, 1840. I wstrt m my t ouritig mift as good an apparatus to prep ire grain for flouring, as the best, and I want no tcller thmi Pratt'sCusl Iron Smut Mill. It will remove Mnul rtitirely no uiislake. M. Clkvon. finluri. Dcrontber 2i, lHltt. Cut- .1. M-Faiiius Sir have in my mill one of Pratl's cast and w sought iron spiral 3Snut Mrils : and Uriiiu Huller, am, am cfnili.lciit tbat in ng.nd : to siinplici'y ol censt ruction, ami durability of inate- rial, it is sucrior to any I am ecqnaiiited with. IIijisi Maksim. ; Eear i,ip Mills, Dec. 22, 1810. for. J. .M'Faiuhv Sib : I ha e in my Homing mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills, I und I am decidedly of the opinion that it i the liest i machine to prepare giuin for tlourhig ib.it I am oc , ijuainli'd w ith, und as such cheeifully recommend it lo all who aie engeged in tin- in.oiul.u tore ol flour ' Jacob I.m-i nhi m.. Atinmiburg,)anh 23, 1811. i Coi.. J. M FaIihi .v Sih: I Hike pb-asure kii sny ; ing that Piatt's 'a-l Iron S-ri tut MK! is one trf the j best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kinds, thai has M I come mult r my observation, and that I believe it far superior to any thing of the kind evr invented. You may Use iny name in any way ; you think propet. O. P. Dcnca. . " Viiinn MiU.JiU. 14, I This is In eortrly that I have 'had Pratt's Cast and i wrought iion Smut Machine and Ciain Huller in use lor belter than 12 months, nnd find it to answer eveiv purpose Hint it wu intei ileil lor. Smut can be tidicu out of wheal I believe eveiy particle ol itn ho taliell out wiihuut bieuking the grain ol the wlteal. J.okn Piaxck. Atntmsbu Much 23, Itvll. Col. M-Faiiiiis Sib : I have been eiigug.d in manuliicltiriiig Supcifine Flour for many years, and have st thki time one of Pratl's .Smut Mills in each of my mills, and I do hereby recommend them as the most taluablu improvement for cleaning wheut of smut and ull other impurities, that I am acquainted with. Jamis Di'ncax. Cot. M-Fafmisi ib: I have been engaged in the manufacturing ol Hour for 28 yeaia, and most cheerfully recommend the alvove machine, as leing bv fir tbe best apparalua for cleansing grain thut I have ever used or seen. I consider it an indi-j en sible article lor any mill that pretends to do sny bu siness. JoHtl I'lBllF.B. .Ipicduet Mills, Dec. 24, 1-810. Cot. I. M'PaiiI! Shi: Pratt's Ca-l Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and I believe il is the It-st article of tht kind now in use. It will not only remove snail en'eiely, but is a most vuluuble appaiatus to clean wheal and rye uf any Ciiu.-acter, and prepare it lot flouting. Dekjamix Boom. Ifteinburg, Dec. 22, 140. Col. 'J. M-FA-nnix r-is: After a catelul and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gard locoustiuctioii, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power to set in oe rution. I am lully colivincid and satisfied, that the machine above alluded to, ia second to no one in use. J. Mouiiow, "Mill, r and Flour Manufacturer. Caltiiu issn, Dteember 25, 1840. 'Co-L. J. M'Kahiiix Sim: Plan's Cast and Wiouttht Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Gruin Huller, I consider to be the best machine to remove smut and other impurities to which grain ia subject, that I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re gard lo durability of material, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and despatch in execution. Uomhph 'Paxtox. N. B. The above machines are manufactured at the Lewisburg Foundry, Union county and at the Bloomsburg Foundry, Columbia county, 'P. Lewisbutg, June 10, 184 1. SLA.VS, ELXaXOT, laYOM fc GOSH. Tit liulrsinlo lfalrt, J, i Foreign, Pritish and American Dry Hoods, No. 12 N'OBTII TuiBD STBIAT, PlIILAIlKLPHIA C GENTRY Merchants can he supplied at all times will, an extensive sstottnnt of the above Goods, ore tbe n.ost reasciuible and satisfactory terms. Msy 29, Hill. ly. SELF-ADJUSTINC. LO(J UKACK FOR SAW-MILLS. Dr Bewjamin N. Ci shwa. THE Subscribers having purchased the tight for vending and Ifciiiig the above valuable inven tion, fur Northumbetlaiid County, oiler to dispose of the same lo rsons who may desiie to purchase. The above invention ia now in operation al the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, rear Sunbury, w here il can be insptfted by ownirs of saw milto and all others interested. E. GOBIN, March 27. if. -SAMUEL GOBIN. WARriANTEI) " ISrass Clocks, l'or 111 Dullain, EQUAL frr time to any told by Clock Ptd lar$ for f 25, fpr sale by March 13. Jf. B. MASSER. i Iylei(ilft1 Dytpr ihlu ! ! More Proof t oJhe F.fficary of Dr. Harlich'i .Me diet net. R.JONAS HART MAN, of Sumneylown, Pa., entirely cured of the ebcrve disease. which tie was afllicrea with for nit year. His symptoms were a at nse of -distention and opprew ion atter eating, distressing pain in tire pit of the stomach, nsmsca, loss of appetite, giddiness and dim nesa of sight, extreme debility, flatnlency, acrid e ructat ons, sometimes voniltwig and pain in the Tight ride, drprenion of spirits, dist-uiVd test, ftint ness, and not able to pursue his busmcsa without causing immediate exhaustion and wetVmess. Mr, Hartman is hajrpy to slate to the public, and is wil ling to give any information to the afflicted, To-peeling the wonderful benefit lie received from the u- of Dr Hatlich's Compound Strengthening and for man Aperient Pills. Piincipil Office, No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, March ISth, 1512. Arnt. SlltlJng anrTllcioosJ SS nrtnthrr darrRerous symptom of "Pulmonary AfTHim,'' and difficult lo arrest when neglect id; it commences with cough, copious ex pectora tiniS which consi-ts of bright frothy matter, or black, and chitted with blood ; there is mostly some fever, headache, pilpitatitm of the heart, flushes of bent, and redtress of tbe cheeks; d fliculty of brea thing, soreness of the tbtout, and saltish taste in I lie mouth, Ac. "Dii. Dubcak'b Expictobast Rx tr.nr" w ill be found to arrest this complaint. One siuo.le bottle, in many cases, will answer, if used at the first ottnek, hut when nrglectt-d, it may require many more. Those who may be aillicted with 'Spitting of Blood.'" should lose no lime in procu ?ig the alxtve medicine, as this disease mostly proves serous when not early attended to. Price i 1 per bottle. Oflice for the s ile of this medicine, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, also for sale at the atom of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. March 12, 1R42. Agent. To I ho ACIIIclftl. T HIOSE who are suffering from various diseases incident lo the I nman family, would flow-ell to J liroeurc lh. JJcrlhli't Comptiund Strengthening i rn Ircrmtm Axriint Pill, which are so pre I eminently recconi mended for Dyspetisia, Liver Complaints, ains mi the ride, back and breast, Nerviutm Afi'.ctions, Head-Ache, and all the dis eases ol the Stoiirsrli aiul Bowls. Pamphlets may be obt lined gr ilis, which contain full and explicitc directions for usini. 'Pbe reader is referred to sev eral very intivceling certificates or cures in this pit er, w hicti may be relied upon, as fney are taker from ilia original. For sale at No. 19, NORTH Eltill I'll street, Pl.ila.lelpbia. HENRY VOXTHEIMETs, March .r), 1842. Agent. (uic jour (oi.tli btlorc It 1 too tMtC, R. D?'N('AN'S E i'Kcto ii a Rrvtr.tiT is the only medicine that peif, et confidence can tie ic lied (i pon for the imnndtaie leinoval of this J trout k'soine romphmt. 'I Ins inet'icine always re. I lievi s a C'-uaV in a A: v'avs, and when the diase is sealed on the luiic,s, it eanscs it to le discharged by CKpcctor.itioli, thus restoriui; sound health to the tiHpriK-s and cuj ynR'irl of iiioe who Joqj have been ulllicletl. For sale at the Piincipil Ollice, 19 North Eighth slrcet, Philadilphia Abo at Ibe store of HENRY YOYTHEIMEJJ, Feb26.1S1J -iiferif. JJtcr omplaliit. Cured by Dr. Ilnrirli't Cumpimnd 'Strengthen ing and Aperient Pills. R. W1LLIAW RICHARDS, Pittsburg. Pa., entirely cured of Ibe above distressing oiocaute. Jiiis KyvV't'Oiis wore pkio and wvh;lrt in the left side, lw-of appetite. wmiutiiS, acrid eruc ta ions, a di-tenaioti qf Ihe stotn ,cU, sick head.irho funeJ tm goe, rouiilt li ince changed to a citron color, dilficulty (4 breathing, di-turlxd rest, atten ded with a coUi;li, great debility, with o'her syin toms indicating u rt-, t tl. rang- meiit uf the functions of the liver. .Mr. Richards had llic a.lvirc i f seveial ribysicians. but tee. I id no relief, until Usiiig Dr. HARI.TCH'S Meilivme, which leiuiinaied in ef fect cute. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. 19th North EIGHTH Street, Philadelpl.u.. HENRY YOXIHEIMF.R, Feb. 19, 142. Agent. loiHunnptinii icvtl Dt afti. TTill most sssured y be ihe l ite of those who t legl.cl themsilves when allbcttd with the pninonrory svmptoms of consumption, a-t a ('ebl, tCoiii, JJroncbiiis, or Soreness of tie Tbr. at. Hoarseness, Dilhcult Expecloralioo, Asthma, Spit ting of Blood, Ac. Dr. Dr?CAx' ExrrrToaT IU.miot isexpressty prepsrad for Ihe lemoval and cure of these dsngeious and Irouble-onie uisesses Tlien foie, yt U who sre laboring under the influ ence of these complaints, proeuie immediately Ibis medicine before it be too late, (' Bottik msy l the means of prolonging your life. Alway s s.-k for 'Dr. 1H xi as's I-xi'sctobaxt Rkm tpt , and ste that you get il, and not le persuaded by some who sell dillereiil medicines to tuke soma of their medi cine in preference. These persons qblatn some aheap thing, und pilm it on the public at full price. Il is theiefore important for puichasers to be ou their guard. Dr. Di ncaVs Eki sctobawt Remkiit ia put up in large size bottles, and envehqieil in blue va per. '1 he outer form conluius a fine steel plsle eiv. graving representing "Dupe in a Storm." Price JU per bottle. Principal Office 19 North Eighth Sire-I, Phila delphia. Also for aie al the Store of HENRY YOX11IEIMER, Teb. 12, 1841. .4crr. Ijl lsln ol'Tru lfaii Maudlng. 1AM truly happy to state to the afflicted commu nity thai a member of my family was slHicicd for Ian or twelve years with the above distressing dista-e. The symptom were great oppression af ter eating, aridity at 'the lomach, a severe pain in the side and breast, sick headat he, mental despon dency, with other symptoms, during which lime numerous reined its were procured without obluin- I ing much relief. Having heartl of the .good. ofTcc! ol Dr. Hablkh a Compound Strengthening ant! German Apeiiei I Pills, I wss induced lo give Ibeiu a liiul, which I am ha py .to sUte tlsat by usinj one -box of .'.he German Aperient PilU, aecoiupa nied by (he Strengthening Tonic Pill, that they have neailv eradicated the disease. 1 consider it due to those allliclvd that I make this acknowledg ment, that they may likewise procure tbe same in valuable medicine, and ho fried lioin thot dislns ing diseases. With gratitude and tc-pect, WM. M. SPEAR, No. 125 Old York Roal. Foi ssIj at No 19 North Eighth slrcvl, Philad,. and at Ihe store of -HENRY Y OA rilEI.MER. r.b.'C, 13 PJ. ARmt. .ruirruwiLL Fxi: viaj.. " 'Dr. Harlich'a medi-! , ,' nublicfuvnr ... -"e-ee UaHy inereasmg w eslablikl. ..nwixworth. W,.h.ve a commume.uon ... ouiciii,iiiu.to-d.y fmrn a r.ruon long afflicted. wtMfria but one of many vouchers for thia medi cine. Sjunt i,f the Timet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers