Mr. Epitoh. Allnw us to recommend for the office of Brigade frtpcctor, it the emitting election, Captain Wilms L. Dsn-aav, of the Sunbury irrys. He is an able commander, and would, no xloaht, aaake an excellent Inspector, THB dllKSTtOV SKTTLKtX We trust that we ate no fully out of the woods, "with regard to tin resumption of specie payments. A general resumption took place yesterday by the , (following iartitutinns: Viie rhilaiclhia Bunk, 'Commercial, North America, FHrmera' and Mcch jnics , Douthwark; Northern Liberties, Western, Kensington, ticrmantown. The HMmvrACTcitKii!r and Mr-mAsncr,'," the "MotAitMUd," the "Much skua','' and I'aew Towjtsaie," did not open. Like the Hank of the United States, the Cirard and the Bunk of Penn sylvania, thaw instilutioiiH are closed ; hut it is to Ih hoped that in the course of a short limn, they will be able b redeem all their note. A statement ly the Moyamensing Bank will he found in another frt of our paper. The resumption ofyesterd.iy was complete, mj we think we may say fully successful, wilh regard to the nine hanks first named in this Article. At several, the demand for specie was rather active for a time nsmcV, at the Farmers' and Mechanics', the Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, the Western and the Bank of. North America. Befoie 3 o'clock, however, it had nearly if not wholly sub sided, and confidence was evidently gaining ground with the people. Around one or two of the Banks' a cunsiderable number of persons assembled, drawn thither by curiosity, and very few of them having any demands to present. A few minutes before 3, the bankingtoom in the Farmers and Mechanics, contained a large number ufpersons;but the paying teller was frequently idle, the demand having near, ty subsided. We learn that this Institution recei ved 100,000 in gold in the morning, New York, and that the drain during the day, was much less in amount than her Directors had anticipated. The demands were mostly fur small sums. The aggregate amount paid out by all the Institutions in specie, was by no menns remarkable, when we re member thai in the morning, our citizens were with out a currency. New York funds were deposited in all tlie specie-paying banks, and at par. Tlie excitement in the public mind was moder ate, and a spirit of forliearance was every where in culcated. It is probable that after to-day, every thing will work well, especially as all the hanks pay cut their own notes. I'u'lad. Ii qwircr. Itrsirmptlon facts. XV e have asceitained by application to-day, the following facts, concerning the payainAs and de jmeites of specie yesterday : ( The Philadelphia Bank paid out in specie 10, 000 dollars, and received on sV-posile 7,000, and in New York funds 4,909 dollar, making a nelt gain of 1.800 dirfbrr. The Commercial Bank paid out in coin 5.379 J, ilbrs. and received on deposite -1,008 in specie, and ki New York runds 2,500 dollars, nuking a ictt gain of 1,127 dollar. In tlie aggregate, all the Banka paid out in sjiecie sod their own specie notes 137,500 dollars, arid received on deposile specie, t--pecie funds, such a New York drafts, &c. to the amount of 139,. OOtl d.ilUrs, showing a deficit of 28,IK)0 dollars. The Bank of North America paid out about 6, 000 dollars more than they received ye.-terd.iy. The Northern Liberties Bank and other banks were busy to-day, and it is conjectured tint tliere is but a trifling difference tietween amounts received and amounts paiJ yesterday. V7u7. Guz. 1 , W.OrtO .000,000 2,500,000 5 00.000 The Pail. Inquirer, (nys: Resumption has ac complished the great garni of forcing tho insolvent bankseat of existence-. The solvent institutions being, thc-eforo, lio longer incumbered with them, will be able to employ their funds entirely in dis counting for the business community, which will soon infuse animation into our long languishing trade. la short. sound currency is now estab lished beyond the risk of being again depreciated by the mystifications of financiers. This is a result in which the country has greater reason to rejoice than in any event since the restoration of pence, and the iTthof March, 1812, will deserve to be long remembered by our peoplo as the auspicious day of their deliverance from the misery and dt.giace of bank suspensions.' A man was robbed of ffiOO yesterday, while standing on the steps of the Bank nf Northern Li berties. He was after specie, but some pcison re moved the 'deposites" Ivfore lie had an opportunity to touch the srcer. i'hii. Kas, CotiTSiBiA Frttii arc. If there is any thing whfeh tends to pl ioc the success of the anthracite iron buisinesi tvyoud doubt, and is calculated to con since the most sceptical charcoal operator of the superiority of this new process in smelling ore, it is the fact, that the above named furnace has now Ikm-ii in blast for upwards of rntini:n m.isths, without having encountered tha slightest difficultv, except the repairs of tho mnc'iinery. We learn from the, the Mes-rs. (i aov is, that they feel confi dent of being able to keep the furnace in operation for a number of years, if tho macliineiy would hold out ; but they have concluded, we Mievo, to blow her out soino time in April or may next. Dun till Democrat, Mercy Ann Chapman'" rotate. NOTICE ia hereby given, that the Register of Northumberland cotnity haa ganted letters tvstamentiiy upon the estate of Merry Ann Chap man, late of tha borough of Northumberland dec'il., to the subscriber, tending in ssid Borough. All persons having any demands against said estate, are tequested to present them, and those indebted to make payment to the subscriber. Mach.28,Gw. JOSIAII CHAHMAN. BRXOADXl XNsrsoToa. AS an election will tuke place in June next, for the purpos ofeleeting a Brigade Inspector, COL. DANIEL FOLLMER again nfleia himflf to his fellow citizens aa a can didate f it that office, and trusts, aa he has thus far discharged the duties of said office with satisfaction to the community, lie May ask them for a continu ance of their favor. March Sftth, 142, White Slavery. What would he said nf our southern planters, if, when the labor of theii Macks became unprofitable, they should permit them to STARVE TO DEATH, men women and children ? This is the precise condition in which multitudes of British Laborers now find themselves. Their masti rs having received all the proli s of their la bor heretofore, beyond the bare means of suhsi-t. nice, ami finding that nothing is now to be made by ihem, TURN THEM uUP TO STARVE, with their wire and children. We are not the advocates ofslavery; but we submit which system is most abhorrent to justice, human- I. I: - .1 . : t i .1 uy aim religion, mai which comiieis inc inas er 10 .; ,,r , Crucifn longer j fresco P.iinti Ilrokeit Uauks In IMitladr Iphla. The following list of Banks still occupy their banking houses in this city, but their business is sua j'cnji.l, and their capital tnuy be considered out of market. We annex their location with the enpi 41 of each institution t j. S. Bank, located in Chesnut street alwve Fourth, capital f :I5,000,OIK) Schuylkill Bank, cornet Sixth and M.itkct, Jirard Bank, Tliird below Chesmit, 'Pennsylvania Bank, Sacond below L'besr.ut, 1'enn Township Bank, Pixtn & Vie, Mechanics' i!k, I'hird above Chesnut, Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank, Third and Vine, COtt OW "Moyamensiog Uk, Second i Chesnut, CoO.OOO support the I .borer when his lalxir is no profitable, 01 that which rmplovs him for a bare subsistence as lo lg as any thing can be made by his labor and then turns nun out to starve ! Answer, blind philanthropists, who ixhaust your benevolence upon subjects beyond the ocean, while thousands of While Slaves are peri-lung around you. Kendall 's Expositor, DAXOA.SB INSPECTOR. pAI'T. WM. II. KASE, or Rush ' township, Northumberland county, offers himself as a caudidnte for the uilice of Brig ide InsH'clor, at (he eiHiiiug elec tion, to be held in June next. He res ei l fully solicits the support of his fellow ci I zens, and trusts that his long experience in military malli rs, will enable him to dmcbaigc I lie duties of si id uilice Willi entire "a'isfactiuu to the eople. March 19th, l42. ijth;m;s Jll'SEl'M OF rilRCin L1TE1MT1RI'. Ct)NTENTS OF I HE MARCH NUMBER. W T.TTf.ns from the Baltic; Viscount Palmerston; Ba1 Serjeant Talfouril; Right Hon. t'harles Shaw Ltfevre; (Speaker;) I'rolcbetv Men anil their Counterfeit; Lifo and I'oeins of Margaret Miller Davidson; Letters of John Adams; ImosHi es; I'be I'nivcrsity Feud, a Poem by Hood; Polities of the Old Wntld; Captain (tray's Journal of Two Expo ditions in Australia; Anson's Expedition, No, U; Mrs. Pa vies' Residcute in tho Family if Muial; Dr. Parkin on Epidemic Disean-s; Cell er's Rea sons fir n New IMition of Shaksicsrr; Pet re's Ac count of the New Zealand Company; Luc is' Tr ins l.ition ..f the Maid of Orleans; '1'ho Cill of Ifili; The Steppos of Southern Russ a, No. I; Memoirs of M.idaiue Lafargc; Essays written in the Intervals of llusine-s; Dikker's Comedieoftho Patient Cris sell. ( l(io:i;) J.ick lliiilon, the (iiiardsuian, Chap. I to 1; Handy Andy, Chap. I to ;l. St tKM'K AM) Art. Ficsco Painlina; Thunder; New (!alanie Batte ry; (ieol.'pical Map of Fiance; Silk Worm; II ibits I of Swallows; I)iscoery of fainting by Kuleiis; 1 , Floating Breakwater otf iliigli on; l'ouipressd Air j I applied lo Slop-; Mr. I -Ji ll on the Pennsylvania 1 I'oal Mines; Snow nn Rail Roads m-lied by Sie im; ! Round Timers nf Ireland; Fossil R mains ot a i Sloth; Marks of Masons in the Middle Age-; lin- I oil a 1 rer; D'scov.ry ,1 illitlns; rrotyK) and r.lectiotv e; noiii:itT iiiTi:it so, TAvzsn MANurAOTunsns, l.mnHuri Stmt, ltaltimorc. f AVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper nf all sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white mid Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope i a per, no. no. medium, ilouti'e eiown, crown and ' extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and j Hoy id Papers, Bonnet, Hinder and Snaw Box , Boards, Tissue Paper, and nil urt cits in iheir line, j which they will sell on accommodating terms. ' II ghcfcl price given foi old raun. j ROBERT CARTER SON, March 19, 1 612. E kton. M l. mrvjAMix iicximit'its, i TTEREBY givea notico to all who are iudcWd j - to him, to call and settle their aecoiiuis. nn or befiin the first day of May next, afer which tun-', those which are not settled will be pl..ced in (lie h ttids of a mng'Htrale for collection, lie will ut tend in per-on until li e first f April next. Sutibury, Mar.h I9ih, I Mitt. WEAVKlTS HOTEL," Sunbury, JYorthutobrrland County l'iitts.t Ivstnla. FI1IIE fiilwriber, respectfully informs the public I. thai he has removed to thst larre wnd cummn. ilinus Tnveru Sinnil, at the corner of Market and Fawn struts, (iuu of the Buck ) foinicrly occu pied by J mas Weaver, and lately by D.micl iil son, where he is now prepared to accommodate nil who may favor linn with a call. By strict utteii lioii to business, and his Ulino-t emleavor to reiulei snttslaclion to nil, he hopes lo reee ve a M'cnl share of public patTonace. CIIXRLES WEAVER Sutibury, Match 12lh, I iist or CAUSES. FOH trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thuin' eilainl County, to beheld at Sunbury, on the fust Monday of Apiil next, hcin tbe4ili. Joseph Trego vs Martin A Stock E oHiinil It el.-rr for vs Hugh Bellas vs ,les e Parker vs John Flick i i S epben Wilson v J lm A Lloyd vs Henry Frick v. l iid Hartinnii s F.-lwaid Y Binjlil n D ivid W B'smIi vs W'm A Lloyd vs S -moel Srtieiehart va J C II Nourse Li vi Ho sit - vs Will, am McC.y vs .lobii Ft Boyd vs O P Do ran v, John & I'h lip tH erdorl s I)auel Son d I Scc fa Jolin LI d va (i.Oig Lung vs Ik-try Cio.s-ler -t al Win II Ida r E' j ,h Ciawf id Cnni'tli for II Sajre llenrv f lek A ' dr w Tti k It iri'el f r Piper 'I'h Hints u-s.-l V ii s cV. Meliityro John F It.intbr Wdhaoi F.y John tinvii e nl IM v ud V It ilit Willi, i,i Mel! y Levi Mois t Hi nrv II Buw W.!..mi Monrz I u her B is el I! L f i rover no & Wife J (' II .NoQ so t!eoT(r.e Shiley Coin' ll f t E Godin Nancy Huuiet's adma el al Rob. rt Miner vs Daniel Rolens vs Willium Hib'er rt al Wilson for Bound etc vs Vn H I'nnra Henry Ecki rl Ceorge Aims'iong A T 21. S. IvCAGSErL, TOKNUY. AT LAW. rt ViVr.. "J SUNBURV, PA. Duiine.-j LltrmlrJ to in the ('ounties of Nor thuiol ctlaiiJ, Union, L corning and Columbia. ItrTer lot 'I'h 'i m is Hi ii r eV Co., Lowtii cV Bashiis, Mast, Ccmmikos iV Jlisr, Hr:t solus, MrFiKtAkntV Co, SrKiit sa, 'Jimii Ac t.'o., Couiitfrft'lUis' Death Itlotv. Hlie pit' lie will please observe that no BrandiPth Ptlts arc genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) cich containing a f ic-simile afgnatura of my hand writing, thus li. Bra btiti It, M. D. These la bel ate engraved on, nlcol, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $,000. Then fmo it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro, cure the medicine in its purify, is to observe theso labels. Pcmrmber the top, the ride, and the unMoni. The followi- test tjve j.'iraonfl nre duly suhi rt Z"d, and I'. ' J OE?.irCAT2S Ci' .G-r.JCY.. Fort'i l'niiirlrr:.'i j ,'ti.'--.'.f ir J.i r;'nt Tho whale sliip Marin, Capt. Fisher of Nan fuckct, after on absence of iikhiiIih, brought home 3-)(IO bills, tipertn oil. valued at !S?lt,(HMI the shortest and tstieces.-iful frutn Nantucket in ten years. Remarks om so. Bleeding may allcvi Paintuir bv Paul Dclarochc; Piiucess Ri Aid's Por trait; New llistmical Picture; Roman Antiquities j in London; Sir F. Chanliry. Obiti'arv. Admiral Sir John Will-; Duncan Munrc; 1) m necker, ihe Sculptor; Kail of Wesnuorebiiid; Dr, Barclay; Mr. Mider, ljueen'e Counsel; Mr. Wrhl, M. P.; Earl nf Kgmout; Earl of Falmouth; Rev. James Clntiilwrs, f. rmer Provo-t nf the Univer-ity of Pennsylvania; Col. Cuyler; Lord llalybuitun. 1'OGTRV. The Pearl-Weaver; Ki c ill Me Not; Love Never Sleeps; The M nnks of t).l; A Home Scene; The Ohio; Kindness; A Child lo his Sick Craudfuthe.; A Psalm of Life. .MlHCIXI.AVY. Statue of Poussin; Population nl (ireat Britain; Cookery for the Poor; I i reek Tragedies on ibe ' w-. I, .1 . II..... ft I I t r ate tha symptoms of some diseases, as ilie impeded I ,, , , " , ,. . ; t iiok s t ovagi s; (.bin ite ot South Anstrlts; r.rui- circulation is reiiuerea more nee iy sosiraciuig a portion of the circulating fluid ; but it isnuiiile-t that only a small iortiou vi the impurities sie la ken by this means, hicause the pure blood will Ib w with the most freedom, llrnndreth's Vegetable V niversul I'ifs possess the unrivalled power of sti mulating the blood to discharge its impurities into the laiwels ihe sewer provided by nature for that purpose honcc it is strictly in accordance with na ture, causing hei to do that which is required to produce a healthy condition of the body Such be ing the case, it is evident that they can lie nd i iuis tered with safety to advanced ae, as well as to hetptesa infancy, and invariably with the mine be neficial results. (Jjr Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Manser, and the agents publi-hed in siioiher part of this paper. V Jt K It I Kit , On the 17th inst., y the Rev. J. P. Sliin.b-1 Mr. Ssmi'CL C'LtitMS, to Mis Misi Rikv, both of Suutiury. ritici: cuitPvi:T. C-urreeUd teeeJily by ILarxj Yuxtheimtr. Total afaesfirt tf eapiul, f iC.SftO.OOO TUe total numlnn of bunks which diva failed within a few uiitutlia, and four of them withui thee klays, iscLgkt, ssii a comfcmatine) of th-sir capitals makes the anag surn af furt yuix tuitiwnt, two ma di ed and Jifty thouiuind dutlar.Vhil. Oai. Wheat, - - - I Ml Rrt-, ...... 60 Cuh, ...... 4u Oath, ...... att Poaa, 5 FLAXsrcu, ... . 125 UcTTAS, . .... it Bk:swa, .... .25 Taluiw, .... IJJ Dhiku AreLSs, . - 75 Da. Piscars, - . too F Ul, ... R HtCKLEU Flas, - 10 Ecus, it Erattou; I lie I out r I bat doverns tbe W orld; l.liest Players Chronicle; Mr Lyill; Btrou's Don Jinn in French; letter of tjueen Charlotte; Singular (irowth of Funjji; Public Feeling in lla;iotr; tiiave of Mozart; tias Lights in Australia; '.kI Music t 'oinUicive to Ileal b; Mr. Carlyb; Anecdote of tbe late Earl of Westmoreland. cry Ti e MUSEUM ia sold by Mesrs. Carvill A Co., I0M Broadway, New Vork, and by the Book sellers throughout the United Stales. Piiici:. Six Dollars a year, in ad vane. Seven and a half, if not. l'ittir, Six kheets, under MM) miles, 9 els.; over Mill miles, 15 els. As Six Dollars is not a convenient remitisnce, d'mant subscrds-rs will please send in part; nn rect i, t of which the woik will tie sent, carefully wiapped up, to any Post OlKee in the United Sta es or Biiti.Ji Aiucric i. K. LJTTKLL & CO , -iVi Chrmut street, 1'hdudiljihiu. & ISIFaEBPaXDEa lioli-saU' lriisKlitM, HAVRE-DE-GRACE, XiID. HAVE constantly m hand a general assort ment of Ditfi.'s. Mf:tirir:s. i'aists, oir.s, VAU.X1MIL.S. WI.MWW (iLASS, JIVE STl'fl'S, xe e., which they ell' r for sale on the ino.t l.lurd teiins. and at prices as low as these nf l'lii udelpliia and llaltunor.'. Paiticnlar attention will be givtii to the quali ties of such articb s as are selected or Manufactured for sale, as also to pa. knia them for transport .lion. llavre-de-tiraer, M trch 5ih, IHVi. in. Tt the lldiiiirulie I'llis Isiri, Drrsidrnt, and hi .isicititi. Judijiy of the Court of Qnnr (tr Srsxiuil for tin comity of Sorthumberlund : HE 4Miiion of Charles D. Wlunton, of Son burv, in said couutv, humbly represents, that he lias rente. I that w, II known tavern stand in Sun bun, f irmerly tHCiipnd by Hiram Price, opposite Ibe court h.ue, auj is well prepaid lor (he accom modation of travellers, Ve. He llierd'ore prays your lloii'irs to grant him a license to keep a ta vern duiing the ci. suing vear, and he will pray. A; e. CHARLES D. WHARTON. To Tttt Ji'iuiKS ANovK sitx riiijii.ii : The sul scnliers, lesidents of Sunbury, hereby certify, that Charles D. Wharton, the applicant for the Iiceu.-e, is a man nf good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well irrovi led with house-room and conveni ences lor tho lodging and accommodation of stran gers uud travellers, and that a publid hou-e there is neccssiry: ll-cy therefore recommend him as ptoper Trson to be licenced to keep a public house. S iinoel 1). Jordan, William Vouugman, John W. Peal, Fiedriick Lazarus, Chailes W, Hcgius, tieo, Martin, v IJ. njaniin C Clayton vs Tin- Sliamok n Cod Co SAMUEL D. JORD'XN. j Prnthniintnrv's Otliee, l'rutlt'if. i Sunborv March A. IN 12. S "r.Y"r J r.a t r' X i 'CREDITORS TAKE No I (t:E, That we have ' applied to tbe (Vint id t'oininoii Pleas of Not tbilmlierl Hid Coiiniy, for tbe benefit of the laws nude for the relief of the insolvent . dcltfois; and that tin- .Indies cf tbe said Court have appointed tbe 111! Monday of April next to bear us nud our debtors at the Couit House in Sunbury, when and where you may attend if you think proper. DA VI It MCE, SAMUEL (SABLE. IV".. IS, 112 WILLIAM HARUISOV VI.I, pi'rsons indebted to Ihe Estate of tho Wi dow Maiy My t rs, det 'd, are retjuested to make pay nienf immediately, and persons having cliiins aam.'t raid ola'e, are leqnesltd to priseut Ihe sJine, properly butheuticatt d. to D. BRAL'TIGAM. IS4'J. 01. t'z'r. Noithumlierlsn.l, Feb. Vi. John Bogar, Charles li. Donut Tl, Wm. L. Dena t, II. H. Mas-r, M uch 1 1th, 143. Wm J.. Martin, Ceo. Br gl.t. l nrv S. tioKiu, Peter Ii.iz.uu-. BOLTON & CO. CU'iicrul tsjimiilsftloii 3lcriliaiiw, Fur the Sale nf FLiur, drain, Seed, 4c-, 4". L 'XL' il. IK M6a Tu i Yakcic Tikx, V'esrday the sifticera of tl e Moyniuensing Bank were ao eagei la tretWni their notes, thai they ieH an lator than assiiat, and invited p.eiyile to cerae and get Ihem ie tedet med. Many unsuspecting pmple did so, aaal they suWrjueullv found that most of the funds which they exctsiigedfitr their awn, were woithteas tiash Tiom abroad, aa wrfl as tha anost depsecialed .paper at home. In this svsy.tlrey got rid of large iisn tines of carroncy wtrich was nearly worthless .to them, and thus redeemed iheir own paper ! To dsy, their doors are ciied. I'hil. tiur. latlillfH lliiKnitllts ; r Vuliiio iiary louuiiuittiui. T a very prevalent disease, aid carries suit.iava to the cold and aileal grave, 4,lMicate ncsn sesuvxi" coinasonW tail a ey to this tell dutrsy er ot huaatn fifo. This disease commences art rsl with a dry hacking cough, pain in the tsrast and aide, loss f appetite, and ie nights. At length a wasting or decay of the w tittle txt-ly ia fierce is ed. which is called ty rr.sny Caxscar nan, "aoiso ikto a Msctma," a complaint thai thuusimU are laboring under with faint hopes of ever recovering, not knowing that these is a medicine exisiing which will alfurd ntlief even in the last ataea. Tbui ia DR. DUNCAVS EXPCC'raiAKT EME DY tir 'otsiMnptinn, Cougha, Calda, Spiump of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of the Livsar and Lungs. A full treatment in gien of diseases in a small pamphlet, which Lau be had gratbiofthe AgeAit.avheretlie MeiJiciue can always be obtained. Prioe f I ie ,tlle. For sale i.t Ma, 19 ',nrtli h alrcet, 'Phila delphia. Also at ,'rie store of henkv voxint;iMrR, Var.-n, Sfith. 184?. Lfnt. Juilirtoua men repress the telief, that the Uauks now rerntiiiiug in Phirailetpms r stronger than any other Banks in the Union. Their specie is . I 'I..!. .-.a,tl sa ss.1 I huH sian . .mine attu.toeir uaoumr. - - .... ,titul Mr,vnipuny.' ,.d . run whi.vh wouidu every Bank m , (f h- MfJ oJ w..u .Ct)mmaKial Lmporium." ''Ai. fiUS. j J -piny" are ifooe-wd to meet at the un , ,, ' " ,. J." . ... . lit' . House, nn Monday Evening, April 4th, hi -1 r,' ,Uo0l!y liMUtf, il- OH coi.k prC4isely. Punclu.l .'!. ,e.,uircd. Tuesday Ust. ' March 20. t. W.sHlNDEL, Nr, IB tho Merchants generally, that they have ta kes! those large arid eamnwidious VMiarvnc, with twa Docks, north Af Chestnut street, on the D lawire, together with the store No. W ts,jth Vhurves, where liitf would be pleased lo receive consign, meirts of Oram, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, tkr. Ac. Being also well prcpaied to forward all kinJs of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Uniuii, or by the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as tow boats are kei rxpretvly for the (lurptwc u( towing Isoats by t-i'her route. Meukutit will jslease he parlhtilar to end their goods destined by either canals, to No. lit South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on tbe Delaware, wuJj slirecliijis acx'Aunpanying them which route diey wiJx thtMU tote shippoil. Q"fl'las)cr aud Suit for ask-, at the lowest mr.r ket Pice. Ut)LTON & U . March 19, i Si. No. 19 South Wharves. TAVERN NOTICE. To rrV Honorable i'JIi lWu, .'., 1'rnidtnt, nrirf hu Associate, Juages J the t mrrt nf tuur ter Hessions of the eounuj of titirthumbsrland fit HE peti'ionuf John Haue of Sunbury, in said M. county, humbly -reproaeuts, that he has rented the tavern stand now occatpicd hyCliarlcs 1). W bsi ton and formerly kept by ilenry Shafl'er, well pie pared for the scconim dation of tiavellers, ctic. Ha therefosa prays your honors to grant him a I -eenseto keep a Isvoin, iiunng the ensuing fear, und liewill,pray,Ac. JOHN HAUW:. Tu rsi JiiifcKa aovk mektiossau : The sub- serilmrs, lesidents, of Sunbury, hereby eertity, that John Haute, the -applicant for the-lio ne, is s man f good Tepule for honesty and temper nice, ami is wvll provided with 'hiviika rosim sod co v. nii tiers for ths l-H'aing nd aecoiiiinodutton of straniteiai and travel!, rs, and that a public iioua llteir.ui lie. eessary : they Iheiefote Kcornmend biw as a pro per person to be licensed to ks p public houw. TATES.1T 1TOTICIE. To the Hmcniile Ellin Ixwit. E.q I'rttiJtnl. mill hi Associate, Judges o f thr Court of yiur. ter Hcnivna, nf tlie county of Surthumberiand ; FIIHH pet i lion of Paul Berth, ( Coal lownsbip in 1 said county, humbly represents ill it h" in tends to keep a public house of entertainment in the house now occupied by Solum. i Fagely. in Coal township, and is well prepared tor the iccnmmoda lion of travellers, Ac. He therefore prays your Honors lo grant him a license to keep a taveiu, during the t tissiiug year, ami ho will pruv, Ac. PAUL ROTH. To tsjk Ji ahovk MKsiTiosin: The sai'i seribers, resnfiuls of Coal township, hereby certify, that Psul Roth, the applicant for the licesiae, is a man of good repute lor honesty and leriMaame, audi, wtnl p nun led wilh hou-o-room iid s'onvitii ences far the l.sjaing and accoanmotlatinn of alran cers and travellers, nud thu a public house tiiere is necessary : they therefoie rtcoiisuiend Is us a a profx-r person to be licen&rd to kop a public house. rvikimon r.'gely, Jobu Assign, JafAiii Krjin, John Thouipson, Jas'iSJ Kaird, John II. Rutiyau, Ceorge K liege, Iteulicn Fagely, William Kueblor, Saaiuel tv.sebrt, .1 aim's II. Paileii, 1' M'.U-ruvf. t,r.iw, Dtii-cl Keisltlier, C'i l rV.isei loirt, lleieiti sli March u, wr:. TAVERN NOTICE. To the ihnoralde V.Vn'is. En , 'resident, ami hi AsiMciatr, Judges uj Ihe Court of ijuur Ivr Stations, if the eouny if hurt'iumjerluin . rilllE pr-tiliou ef (ieorge 'Conrad, of Aujio-ta 1 ttuvnvhip, in said county, humbly tepresents, that l.e otiulinues lo keep a public house tif .entei lainmeut, in his old laud, in Augula'townihiii, and as well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, rVc. Ho therefore pruys your Honor to bun a liiwnse lii-kscp a tavern, during the ensuing year, aud he will play, Vc. sirEt-H!N: COVRA D. To vat Ji'l.css as. OA'S m i si'ist v i n bi'sub seiibeis, resiilcnls uf Atignitta. tow nsbi. hereby. seiii fy, that (ieiMgH'Coiiiad, the tppbc mt lor hceissci. in til of pood irpute for hiiliesty ami Imn, ein:-e and is well providetl with hous, .room ami conv n . enrea for'tiie lodging and acioinmoilaiitui of strati gels alii) liavelli i;, and thai a J'tiblic hou.-e llieie i nere-sary : Ibt y iheiefoie tct .-innn ml loin as s pro. per poison lo be Uccmc! lo keep a ut ile tn.Usi , A V"0?.LD F EELIGHT. nil'ORTAM TO THE READING FtBLIC. flIlE New Quarto Volume of the "NEW I. WORLD" uckiiowltdued on all hands to be ihe handsimest, cheapest, slid must popular and entcrt .iniug periodical in the world comnvencing January 1st, lJf". will contain, simultaneous with il publication in England, the (rrnnd New Military Novel, by the autho, ut Chailes O Mallev, cu ti tled iO"'oni h i;t!i,o ('otnmeiiririg with the story of "Jack Hinton, the Life (iuardsinan." No commeml ttion nf this new woik will be r.e eessary lo those who have read the delightful Novel or -Charles O'Malley.'. Also, a new Novel by Miss C. M. Sedgwick, al ready commenced, which dots g-eat creJit to that di-lingui.-hf d A uthrcss. Many Original Tales of creat interrsi, among wh;e.h we may mention, as already in baud. "Mary Tud-r, a Yale of the Passions," by Edmund PUpp, Esq., author of the 'Far West,' 'The Duche-s af Fetruia,' -Beatrice,' &c., a work of derp and thril ling interest ; "Abel Parsons," a Tale of the cent Fire in New Yoik in December, 135, nhouiuling in piiwetfulty wrought passages; "Tbe Blacks, nith of Antwerp," fiy a popular oiiginal emitributor. Also, a series of superb r ngravings on oml, by tbe lest artists in England und Ann ilea, will cm U'llish tbe coinmc volume. tj" 11 llsese Novelties, and a multitude of o theia, for Oslv TsHn Dollaus, current money, reiiiitteil tree i t po.lane In the usual book form thev would fost leu tunes Hint amount. CXLA.BXXS O'MALLEV, ENTIRE, Call be bad ty all ih'w n'ocrs who wish ill s pojiular work. ty orjcnuj; their subscsiplions to commence w ill ihe 3.1 Quark) Volume, July 3d, 1811. For tbrt e Joll irs on any solvent el: uteri J Batik in the United States or I'auaJas, free of pos taite, tlsu New World will be sent one year, Irom the commencement of Clunlcs O'Mailey,' inclutlilig the Ut vulyuit) grali, published in eilrs nuinbeis. AJdres J. WINCHESTER, Publ.slier, 30 Ann stret t. New Yo k Ts.:E i'llili. Northumberland countv ; Mtiion--Mic'try . Ch imbeilin. B. Masser. M'1'r..e.-s, villc Ireland & M"iiCvll. Norlbum' eiland V.'nt, Forsy th. Georgetown F. Midbim- i tV. Cn. l.nion xjonnty: iMw ileum J tin iioiin. in, Selinitertive Ever and Silinure ; it I ltl ur . Isiac Smith. Boaverijwn J. A' F. Bmgaman, Adamsburg -II. & . A. .Smith. Mitilms'uuig fivVope & Laird. Haitlelon D iniel Long. Free, burg C I . C. Mover. Ci litrci'ilie Slciley V l.enbart. Lewisbnri Walls cV. Oreen. Columbia county : Danville E. li. Kcyaolda t'o. Berwick Sliilm. hi Sc K ttuuht.usj. ('at tawissa ('. A. cV C, U. Btobts. lJlooiosriiu'g-. John R. Mover, Ji iscy Tow n Levi Bist I.- W'n siiin-tori Robt. McCay. Limestone -D. , bcbtneck. Obseive that each Agent has nn Ejgraviii Cer tificate of -Agency, containing a rcpres-iilation of Dr BRAXDRE I ll's Manufactory al yinjr iing, and upon which will nlso be seen exact copies t Ibe nuu InbeU now mcl vjiuu the lirundrcih J'i!( Dure. . FhiliJclphia, offico No. S, North filhstrnet. B. BKANDRETII.M.D. Janusrv 1st, 1 Si 2 2yskT" 3337 Ht3L ?C?s SALE-. V')R sale a sma'l Farm, containing about t na " hundred and ten acres, more or Ie s, s-itu us in Point township, Nor humberlaud Ci-unlv, about two toil's idiove NoMl urnl.eil inu, on the in sin road leading from ihat place lo Danville, luiiil- of John I .cation, JsseC llort..i and other-, now in the nccujiifcy i.fSamutl PytiC. About forty acres of said tract are clru. d, and in &ood stale of cultivation, oiivvtich t ere a gioall barrj erect-d. The j rojierty will be Lild i n ri usonabla teims. For further particulars, pi ioOls are rrijues'j. ed lo apply to the m! scrili. r. H. li. MAStR, Agent. Nov. 57rh, IH4L tf Sunhuiy. Pa. CSPaTSOLITE 01ASZ.' N article unequalled for cleaning and civmg a J- - highly durable and most brilliant p.sltsh to sil ver, (iertmin Silver, Brass, Copper, Britt-iiiia Ware, Tin, Sliel, Cullerv, aiul or restoring the lustic on vainisbtkl carriage-, Ac, TRY IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and letai', f.y tho Sustiiahanua Ibrysubtc Polish Company, .Owego, Tioga county, N. V. WM. FORSYTH. Agent for Norlhum'd, II. B. MASSE R, Asnt for bunbury. November 'JO'.h, IS J !. TTE LSIL2LE ( laleb Bsrieit, tieoige Raker, Abraham Wolf, 'Henry IJvrrly , D.tVnl Reescr, Samuel Laut., March U h, INI . W iili.uii Kramer, John Sterner, Cenrge Kefi r, David Ham lj Samui I Sit-ivfj NlCaVvlias Widf. Samuel D. Jordan, ticorsV Mait;p, C. D. Iisivmi, John Boj-ar CHiarles V , Hegint, Dsniel Uibson, March 1 th, 181V, liih'linas U U H'is, tt'ha'ba Wraver, Jso b Klir, Joseph ilisily, Wnstr ilt i, J'ctcr W. ,Civ. , WHARTON'S HOTEL, i SiiuLM'3, oi-IIiuiiiIm i lutiil Count) , j PENNSYLVANIA. : fltUD tptisciilMr resjirclfully tiilorins Ilie ptihlic, 1 lie Las it move I to lhl lare alio Comiiio ilinus Urick House, (Ml Maikel .U.e, i.paw.U' lbs Court House, (fonnvrly kepi bv llira n Puce,) wlieie he is now prepared to acciiimisilate all who may favor turn wtui a cull. Being thai Llol .fir psst Isvols, be hopes by atiiet attention lo l iisiiif, to iocclv.e a liberal share of public wtro aae, A.c. .CHAKLEfc- D. WHARION. Sunbury, March ;th, 1st,'. 1MIII.Y r.Vl'ONlTOH, (is two vuLi yiJi.) CONTA1MNU the Old and New Test men!, with exAjoui.ns and explaimior" u. tes, bv Thomas V. illiauis, Author K "the .je nl' Infi delity,1 Dictionary if all Religious Diuomnia tioin," Ac. To which aie adiled the ret. leims and marginal leadings nf tbe Polvgloit Bil.le, lojje her wilh urigirisl notes aud m bs-iions fioto Bakler ' ComprebeiiHive UiMe, and otiei stun. laid wot!, v and coin'loiliu reii.irksou each book of the o d iintl new I'e.ltiini'iil, und a vi tu tide , inn 1 1.. I igical linlex. The whole carefully ievied and adapted to Ibe use of Simd it School-, Bible i, anil Cluisii iUs gi ut'rolly. eiiititlli.Jiid iciti riy un enrmitix, et'lled by the Rov. William I'al- I. iii, and publishe d by Case, U'lllUny A Uuinl.ain; Ha il.ird, Conn., I. 'I'bij woiL lias bseti highly recoirmeudcd ivy the f.dl vvitiit, uuioiiu oilier tlisiiuiiuiahvd tliviues: Rev. (Stephen lb in a c.ioii. ji tor nf Ihe Mctho ill -i Kpisi'opil t'biirt h,.Broul.lyu. Ki v. W. ', Itrtivvnlin, .pastor of ihe Middle II. i'. li Chinch, New Xol. 'Cev. 't.i inuel l ill. r aud A, Ales Older, 1'iofis s.iis in I'niicMtoii Tbeolngie d S. ui l.arv, N. Jeiaey. I'ev . it,', -p. Cr.niili, bus, I. m id Pijuiisy Ivmiia '..tlee, al tirityslung. Rev. C. W Scba lb r, pistv-r ti -the Lutheran t'buit h, II inivl.uiLi, Pa rry- For sale l y H B Y'.u-sr. A cent for the Poi .i bei. J.m. trtsih IM5. cV'OKlStT e rtV;E, and f i ale. iheuu, by JI lf...i- .1. tss-tS. i in: AJMSHICAN MPPICAIs UHlAIiy ASM miiihiiAiiJii ACU t E l UA I'liD .R.ioid .1 Medical Scj. slice and 'l.lteiire, tiy -lio'. lev Diluglisoil, "M. D, Prts;i'sr,if.tue,lusiiiuifs.uf Medicine, ate, in Jiff, ison M ml nail C.'lieae of .Philpde pbia, puls liln d inoutblv hy Adam -Waldie, No. 4li Carpeu t.r slitvt, PliiUJi Iplua. feubciipiou price, Jf,) a y ar. Suluuiiptioiis-lur iktJ above woik r. rsivwtl bv tbe ub.eriber. H, U. MASTER, Dec I lib If 1 1. Afrnt. lew -Coal rstovc li. MASTER. 1'. k A. ROVOUDT'S Cltiiia.Cilass and Liverpool Wiiii-Iioum No til Snrlh 'J'lud .trret, third door Inlaw Vint Ar.'t, I'liilnilelphia. AXMIEKU they consiantly kiepon hand a hira asiaiiltnent cf China, Class aud Liverpool Ware, w hich they will dispose of ou t,ue tjiost r,ev eouu'ile terms. If ilarelphia, November 13 164 I. ly .Itu-ub I'l liiiiitli W Son. r ESPEt'TFl LEY informs their friends ana! k acquaintances generally that they still coil tinue lo keep at the old aloud, No. 240 NoJa.3sJ stret t . Philadelphia, all kinds of TOUACCO SSUEF AM) SEOARS. Which they will sc. I on the most accomuiudaUii and if 'is lUabje terms. N. U. AH coot!- -..M will le guaranteed, and :uf enters promptly atieiub-.l lo. JMiilitiMitkia. Nov ti. i 13. IH-tl I v. iM-yri-:!;' i'rArEi;s. LAST IKaAKEH, No. 71 (. alliiwli. 1 Sirt;L-t, l:liUaileljlu r Three du its ubuve Srti nd.J AslllOE Fiudiiigs alway s kept on baud, u hich he ) ntlers for sale or. the Liwo-t terms. Country Merch ints are pailii.uiurly lo call und jtide hil theniselvea. Pbilndelphia, November 13, 1841. I v . Ilt irtoltttj soil for sale by II. B. Mas- sir Uosi n Syrup, r.ugar H..i;- and sk. (. Mulasssta; Loaf. Lump, Crushetl,:Uowu And Clirv W-iAcd tngur; tiranUrn. s, Rsisius, Cracksrs, At , rr'ieiu h and Eiji,h Merinos; Meujio s;id oiiki isliuvls; t.'loltis, Cus;jiiwrs and t'sssiiirlts Di.v CiumIs, Hardware. SijJry , ic of ad kind. Nuv. ?t)!h, lull. .LOWJ'.II A: UAJIUON. Importers anJ lenlers in Foreign aniij liniesfie llatdwaro, No. 17r Nohtii Tuiiin Stifit, I'.HiLAiirxriitA. 1 ' II EKE their fiicrds and tiistotuers will always find a larie and geneinl eajoiiniBnt of Foreig:i and Domestic llardwaie, which they will sell ill. thy lowest prices. Philedelphia. November 18, IS-I I. lv. U Kv3TJLT).sr, JleFAllLAM) ec CO Wholesin'o llcalera in Fiu'eign Hri.tU ami Amei'iean I Iry Ciotxls. An. ll6 jViwcVW strut, i'hi'utftl'hiu. CsJOL'N TRY Mhu'Ii.iiU, and others can Isf aitp J pltrd ut ull tunes with an extensive assm!. nienl of live let mhI inortl fashmniibleCooda ,ujhu the most teasoiiable It Philadelphia, Nuvnuber 13, 1841. ly. Hit Itat-J Weaver A Hoii, norC MAKEKS tV SHIP CIIANDI-ERS. aVii, 18 jVurti WuUr Street. Thihidtlphiu. MAY E ctinsiantlv on hand, a general aqU tnent of t'onbme, Seine Twines, A.c., : Ropes, iFishing Ropes, While .Roptu, Manil la Hopes, Tow Lines tor Canal Boats. Also, it complete assortment nf Stine Twines, Ac. stu b si Hsittp and Herring Twine, Best Patent (iI Net Tvv.ue, Cotton -ihad aud Herijng Tuire.-jlii Thread.-, ve. i!c. Also, Betl.Cotils, Plough Lilies, Nailers, Traces, C.tllon and Linen rf-Vpal'l-haius, Air. ail uf whiwli ihey will disioee ui on i.nii;i4bj! minis-. Philade'phia. fv.iv,mli I.I. I l .-1 V. 1-:shi:iu?k. 1 Fan ski. l a. revs. U'ilOLXiaAJ.E DRV GOODS &VORE. io. -liitl-l-y M.ukul Strcq!, Hiihi. (BUi Fifth South tide ) A 1AV AYS keep mi bund a lull and general a.a lu. st.rluienttifllo'ic.-y, Lace, and Fancy (oods. Country Mart hsuls ie isspeclfully rtijuesled l) give lb. in a call and eiumilie for themselves. PL.iaJejihui, tviulH't Kt, IStl. ly. s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers