BAKU S'OTE LIST. Ti c following list shows thncurnnt value of all Pcnns) Ivnnia Um.k Notes. The most implicit ro ll. u:ce mny le pin red upon it, it infiiry with i tir fu'ly compared with ai J corrected liom Bick i ell's l.i nortcr. i:anhs In riillaCclplihi. , , Disc. tr rVAJlr.. I.OCATIOS. ., NOTES AT PAR. I'snlt rf North Ameiii Punk of ilio Northern Liberties . t'uiiik of PetinsvlvHiiia , , Hank of Fenn Tub rti-liii, , I' liiiircroinl Hhi.I; of I'iMin'o. . , I'u'ii ok' di il Mechanics' Dank 'curd Hank . . Kenmt'ctin Ear k . . Vaeu :icl,ir r A- Mechanic' Bunk . " ch.'o-' L'a, k pur par par par par par pnr par pnr par psr par par par par i i n i !i:-8 I' .i k , j.iio.'. , ' .. j.i.rik:'! i; k Si'lltl'l". ink ll '.t . '.'.'mtcrn U ii '. ' T..:t k of ri't-'our.;' Piltsbuig Westchester Chi'btrr Getmanlown Lcwistown Middle-town Norristnwn par par par par par par ll.Hik if l -bestir i.Ynv'y i f IVmvnrc County 1! ii k if (!i niiai.towri !.' mil i I Lew istowu .f MiiW'ctown ilatk of Moinroi!.! ry C . I! nk H " rnrihtiiiiiiPtliiliii i i Ci uiit v l.'ai.k pnr Northutubeilaiid par leading YluuthiA Bank 'Hrlitln Bank Driilgcco. Columbia CarlUle par par i.y"lcsloiiii Bank i'as on Iijuk i,'xiha;ige Bank Do tlo of Pannca' Dank of I'm ks CO. !": riiiers' li: iik of Lain tittei r.iiim u' Hank of litadlLg 1 1 jrrid ui L'unk 1 iiciis'i'i' I! iink U I :iiion Bunk xi. rcliants So Mnnuf Dank ' ' itii r' Bank of PoiUvillo Poylestown par Fusion par Pittsburg par Hollidaysburg par IJritol pur Lancaster pni Keadins , par Ilarrisburg ar Lanensler par Lebanon par 1'ittsbtirg paf rt.Ubvillo par Allenlonn par 'J'owanda, ur Villimrport pnr V ilkisl an par llarrictiuig Thee Laiic.iHter I oiliccs Kcadiug f do not Huston J issue n. DISCOUNT. ' riiiladelphia 18 Tittsburg I !) Krio III New Brijjhton 19 do ,m . r'h iir.p'iiii Con nr;!.i I!. ink West Blanch Bank Wyoming Bank ( 'Mice ol Hank of Finn's. t!ico do do t't'ico do do C'l'ica do do NOTES AT tttnk of lite United States Ollice of Hank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A iVnn Township Sav, Ins. tank of Chambi r.burg Rni.k of Gettysl urg Hank of Susquehanna Co. l-rie Eir.k I'-irn-.f r-' A Provera' Baiik L'::u.U:in Hank Bink Moi.niiiMhcta Hunk of 13. Voik Hank do Chamberrburg Ciettysburg Montrose Hiia H H 4 W'ayncsburg Vuhhinijtoa Honesdule Hrownsville York -5 Si j 2 N. H. The note of those bank on which we mil quotations, and substitute a dusli ( ) arc not I urchascd by tl.c Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN 13 A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schilkill Suv. Ins. . do f.iilcd Manual Labor Hank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed AlleRl,a.iy Hank of fa. Hedfoid no sale ilui.k oi Heaer of Swalura L'arik of Centie Hank (.'ity Hank- I'arnieris' & Meth'ca' Hank i"arint rs' it Mtch'cs' Hank Farmer' & Meeh'ea' Hank Harmony Inslituta Jlunlingdor, Hunk JuniaU Hank Lumbermen's Csnk Northern Hank of Pn. New Hope Del. Hii.lgc Co. Noithuniu'd Unii'i) Col. lik. NoilU Wet-tiru H i:.k of Pa. Oiliee oi rlivijlkill Bank I'a. Ar. c Mauuf. Hank .Si'ver Lake Hsr.k Icnn Bunk of 1'tnii'a. Cbtnioicland lliu.k Heaver clnstd Ilarrisburg eloed Washington failed Hell, fonto cLscd Pittsbutg no tale Pittsburg failed Fayette co. failed Urteneail!e failed Harmony no Kale Hunting Jon no sale Loftiiiionn Warrtn failed Dundutr no tale New Hope closed Milton no tale Mcadtille clowd I'ortCurbon faiUd Carlisle faihd Monlioso closed Uniontown failed Grinmlurg cloted Wilkt sbarre no sale Wilkciarre UiidRe Co. (O" All notis put orling to be on any Pennsyl viiiiia Bank not given in the above lit, nmy be set down as frauds. SEW JERSEY. Cai.krfNrw Biutikwick Brunswick failed 2pm par lpm par par Helvideie Hat.k Helvideie Medlbrd Perth Amboy Bridacton HuilingUTi Co. Hank Commercial Hank Cuint'i rh.i.d H.n.k r'ainui.' Hr k Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Labway pin f' uud .Muhuiiirs' Hk N. Diunswhk faded K tinner' and MethaiikV Bk Middlttowu Pi, 1pm Frai.Liin Hulk o! N.J. Jersey City fulled liuln.keri bKgcv Oiiiztng lo Jiubukrn failed failed failed failed Jcioty City Hank Jersey City Meehaint Bunk Putleisoii Maiiul.nturi r' Uar.k Belleville Mbrii C'on.pai.y Bai k Murntown Mcnn.i.uih Hk oi N.J. Fieehuld .iechanies' Batik Newaik Mecbunic' und .'oi uf. Bk Trenton Jdorri Canal at.J Lig Co Jeisey Cily Poet Note par failed 2pm par lj hi no sale Newark Bl.g v Ira Co Newaik iNtw Hope Dt! Ludgt Co Lam(.ertville . J. MatiuluC. tu d Hkg Co Huhlen N i Piuteelion 6c LoiiiUid I k Ji r y City Oiange Hank Orange l'uler..n Hank PateouQ Pctk,' Hni k do Pru.eeton Bank Princeton rali in Banking Co Suleiu S-i. te Bank Newark t-tate Honk ElizuU'thlown ht.ite Hank Caiudcu t-iate lljnk of Morris Monittowa tte Hunk 'i'renton Sukm und rhiUd Macuf Co Tallin tutsu liail' Newton Trrnton Banking Co TienUn 1'i.iun Bank Daver Warhingloii Haiiking Co. Ilackeiisuck EEAVAHE. Ck of Wilm A Brandy wint Wt mington Lank of Dviawaio Wilmington Bui k ol bu.yrn iinyina Do brarult MiJtotd Fanner Bk of isla.e of Dei Dover Do branch W ilui.ngloa Do brunch Georgetown Do blanch Newca.tle Urdou Bank Wiluitngton (Tr Uiidic 5'a 2pm par fuihd faded 1 pin fulled 2pm par par 2 pm 2pm par 2pm failed failed lpm 2 pin lpm failed par par par par par pal par pal par 2 On all banks marked thus (p there are ei tlier f ounlmteit or altered iiouscfth vaxious d' toaiuiuiioiis, ut ciicuUUou ATTENTION MEItCIIANTS, &c. 13. P. &. J. il. TRICK, WHOLESALE HT.'OCERS.'FOKWAPING A rimnvrit I'OMMitHtnn Mr.ncnjiTa, iVp. 297, Market ttrul,firc ilours uhove Sivcnth, ruiLAni:LriiiA, OFFER for sale, at thn lowest market prices, a Rmi'ial nsitorlnirnt nf Ttnn, Cvffim, Sugars, Mtlatirr, Wirrrt, l.iqwm, Sjtictn, Tabneco, fa. ('(H'Tiit Piioiucr nceived and sold on ommis sion. Mrrclinnlj, Hotel Iftrprrs, and others, will find it to tluir ailvniitni;e to call and examine our tock, bifore piirclm-ing cli-ewhero. Merchants wiahirg their good C' liei tcd in this city, by leaving an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious line. xnwin f, rmcK, joa it. chick, Feb. 6, 18-11. I y. ;ii.n.Gii i?i & jlmsoi. Importers and Dealers in Foreign J lard wore, Corner of Trait ami Light its., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY" MERCHANTS, and others, are respectfully invited to call and exemine their fctock of Goods, Jan 30. Iv TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Bubseriber, ArchI of Lyon & Harris, Hat Manufacturer, for New York, riiiladelphia, Haltmore and oilier large cities, whose Hals ate l.iylily commended for good cukr etui durability, has on hand a lir.-l rate aasoitiiient of HATS and CAPS, suitable for Springs. If r, whicli will be sold very low, for cah or approved credit, at the twttd cheap store, No. 40, North Third strett, opputile the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. THACIIER, Agent. N. H. Orders fof Hats in the rough, promptly altei.ded lo. Tl.s highest price in auh or trade given for Fur thins, riiiladelphia, April 10, 1811. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 20 North Water Street, Thila. Ta 'MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oil of i.f J3 every description both for burning and uianuliicturing purposes, whieh will bo sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to c.ninl any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as icpresented, may he returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Thtir slock now iu store consist of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Ppeim" Oil, C00O do do do do do do do Colorlefs Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter !Sea Elephant, do Pre.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, o n 15,000 10,000 20,000 C000 15,000 201) Barrels superior Straits Oil, 3U0 do Cod Hank Oil, do Neats Foot Oil, 50 75 Ca.-ks Olive Oil, Tanner's ( Ills. (TjrThis Company has a number of Vessels t-n. gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting at all tunes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, IS 10. ly. .A.TTE1TTXC1T. fTIIE special attention of buyers fiom the aouth JL and west, and for the stale trade, is respectful ly invited to the following assortment of GOODS, which the suhscril er w ill dispose of at em h price as w ill amply repay his fi lends for calling and ex amining hi stock. To CASH puichasers, at the pre.-ent time, extraordinary inducements will be of ft red. COO piece heavy variegated Spanish matt'ng. 500 pieces Canton mulling, ossoited 4.-4, 5-4 and C-4 w hite, cheeked and (lowered. 1000 hearth rugs, a leautilul asFoitment of Wil ton, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, and Iltinp rugs. 200 piece wooh n, woMed, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting'. An elegant variety of U iltori, Biusxcl, Scotch and English, Venetian, Dainak, Cve. Ac. 1000 dozen men und boys tips, comprising a gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Munkrat, and Coney, Hair, Sealelte and Cloth Cap. 100 dozen Allicant Matn, assorted sizes. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 do Sheep-skin do do do oi) bnlca I' rencu iiakcl&, compriilug every iic- KCription. 500 pair enetiun Blinds, ass d fgute3 and colors. 3000 patent do do do 1000 licla Cabas or SatihcU, ass'd, eu.hoMcd leatiier, straw and oil cloth. 5000 dozen Combs, assorted tortoise rdicll, Bra zilian do horn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a largo assortment of every variety. 3000 dozen M'bips assoited wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, of gut, lea ther ond thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 nest cedar Tub aid Buckets; also, Churns, Piggins, Water Cans, &r. The above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goodii, Hrutania and Geimau silver ware, feather and I rislle Brushis, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gill Flames, of every size and descrip tion, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex pressly fot the southern, western and slate liude. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 18 North 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. c-. v-. & l. bTtz-ylc?. flwFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor II j? ner of Fifth uud Murktt Streets, Fhiludtl- lilnU Mens Calt-sKin Doots.MitclifU warranted, do do do peeged do do do do water pioi f, double sole and double Uppers, do (-'all-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do High quaitcr Hhoe, Calf-skin. . do do do Croekera do do Fine Monroe warranted do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kin do do do do da d do do Calf and Seal Skin Pump. do List Socks with and without soles. do Carpel do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladie do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shots. Gentlemen' do Over (,. With every other dew-iipium of hoot and alioes. Fur Capa of every Jeriptiou. Travelling Trunk of every description. Venetian Travelling Bag. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnet of all kinds, faint Leaf Hats. T HilaJelpuia, Hveubr 7, 1840. ly, CITV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. b'umlicr 2!) North Third Street, l'hitadelphin UBLIO SALES of Dry Uoods, Hardware and Cutlerv, Hooks, Stationary, Clothing, Hoots. Shots and Hats, and in sliort altnn:,t every description of goods, are held at this rstablifhinrnt every evening. Good aro also sold st piivaie aide during the day at the average auction prices. Store keeper and iradeia will lind it to their advantage by attending the sale. C. c. aiackky. Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. KAY & BPwCTEE?, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. Chcsnut Street, below 4th, riiiladelphia. 7"EEP constantly on hand a general flfiort Vk ment of Books ond Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Mediral, t.lnFsical, Miscellane ous and Srhool Bonks, Day Bocks, ail sizes. Led eers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Paper.1', Wrapping Paper, Ac, fit., which they of fer at the lowest piiccs to Country Merchant's Pre fcpsininil Gentlemen, Teachers, and all other that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 7. 1810. ly. LSlILTdCK, I IAN SELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No- 1G0 1-2 Market Street, l'hila. ( lit Imo Fifth South side) ALWAYS keep on hand a full ond general as sortment of Hosiery, Lace, nnd Fancy Goods, Country Merchants oro resjcctfu!ly requested to give them a call and examine for thetn-elvca. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. I v. SuEKING, GOOD cV CO. No. laa Market Street, Philadelphia. "WNVITE the attention of Country Mercbnnts i to their cxlennivc assortment of Biiiith French und American Dry Goods, w hich they offer for sale on the most reasonable terma. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. 1'ETER DEWEES, Ii AST MAKER, No. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia, ("three dour ahove tseccnd.J C HOE Findings olways kei t on hand, which he k"-n offers for sale on the lowc-t terms. Country Merch ml arc particularly lo call and judge for thenn-clves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. LOWEU & DAHUON. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic llaidware, No. 171 North Thiiih SrnF.tT, PurtAiir.i.eHi. "T7HERE their fiiendsand tustomers will always ' find a larpe and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will si II at the lowest prices, Philedel) his, November 7, 1840. ly. J . V . JS w A 1 N , Umbrella nnd Parasol Manufacturer. Ao. 37 Kuolh Third street, two doors lehw the City Hotel, l'hiladi Iphia. '101'NTRY Merchant and others ore solicited to examine hi assoitmcnt before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7. IS40. ly .Incut) l"riiiiiH(li & Son ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and acquaintances generally that they sti!l con tinue to keep at the old stand, No. 246 North 3d street. Philadelphia, all kind of TOBACCO SM'FF AM) FECAIiS. Which they will sell on the most ncci.iiiinoJi.ung and lean liable leinis. N. B, All cood soM will be guaranteed, ond all orders promptly attended to. Pbtla.h Iplii.i, November 7, 1840. ly. Wholesale and Ivetail Shoe, Uomict, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 00 A'uWi 2 stnet, a fiw doors ulove .Jrch, FhiludelJ hin. A LSO Trunks', Carpet Bag and V slices, of ev try desciiplion, all of which he oiler for sale on the in oat reasonable terms. Philadel bia, November 7, 1840. ly i' . a 7 ii 6 v 6 Tri) t s China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse. ! No I CI North Thit d strett. third door leloiv Fine j street, I'ltiladilpliiu. "IT7T1ERE they condtanlly keep on hand a large ' assoiliueiit of China, I! hi and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most re sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. tdeop1TI'sT:l! lp. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. b South Tl'tird street, four doors Lelow Market l'liiludi Iphiw JTT' EEP constantly on hand a largo and general JtJL assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, AiluArnm, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country .Merchants and saddler w ill be rupplied at ull times on the most reasonable teuiis. 'J Ley will find il to their advantage to call and examine hi assortment before purchasing chew here. Philadelphia, Novimher 7, 1840. ly. MUTiaci VVcaver V Son, norE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. AV. UA'wM Water Stret,rhiludtlpliiu. Tf"TAVE constantly on hand, a general assort H nit (.t of Coidage, Weine Tw iues, Ac, viz : 1 si d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Hopes, Manil la 1'oiies, Tow Line for Canal Boats. AUo, a complete assortment ol -Miiio J wines, vc. sucn as Hemp Shad and Hirring I wine, Heal Patent Gill :et i wino, l iu hi r:iaii ana Honing iwine.iMioe Threads, fee. &i Also, Bed Cord, Plough Lines, 11 -iller, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain, Ac. all of which they will dispone of on reasonable U'ims. Philadelphia, November, 1840. ifir!wu) iV co. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British nnd American Dry Goods. No. 105 Market strttt, Fhiladelphia. COl'NTRY Merchants, and others cull be sup plied ut ull time with an extensive astoit ment of the best and most fushionuhle Good Upon the most reasonable terms, Philadelphia, Moveml-er 7, 1S40. ly. J. S. IfCEEP-,. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store No-. 41, North Fourth near Arch ., Fhiladtlphia- "lniEKE Country Merchants and other can be ' (applied, at til limes, with a large assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen Shut and Drawers, Spool Cotton, Patent Thread, Cotton Cotds, Buttons, Tspri, Bindings, Hook and Eye, I ins, Ac. And a general vamty f lul ariKle, whiek he oScrs hr ! at ffie 1:1 iTIffS. Philadelphia, November 7, 1640, ly. J li c n p TIiimi arc. MANUFACTURED and sold by theaubscrl bcr in Sunbitry, of the best Tin, and the work wsiranted, which he offers for sale at reduced cash prices, now as low at tetnil a formerly told by wholesale. Good Watering Pots, formerly sold at 87, now at 76 cents; Large Buckets, formerly sold at 76 and A3, now at 03 and 60 ( Gallon Coffee Pots, formerly Sold at 6fi, ond Ihtee quart at 50, now at 45 and 33 cents, and other article of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipo and stoves made and sold cheap for cash, &.e. N. B. All person indebted to the subscriber, and who wish to save costs, ate requested to call and satisfaction, without delay, cither with cash or by giving thoir notes. nnhury1Apri 10. HENRY MASSER. T ifoTll UN IS II 8 H C 1 1 , No. 2C8, B AtTi mor ft Street, A few doors nest vf Hotcurd si. BALTIMORE. yTHOLESALE DEALER In Combs, But- tons, German and Fancy Goods, and Im porter of Patent and Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Tapes, and almost every description of sSmall Articles. Country Merchant and Dealers in general, are respectfully invited to call and cxa. mine for themselvea. - Jan. 30. ly "TrTsII-aTMON. Oftlie best uualily. con. Bluntly on hand and for sale by hept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. Fiist quality Madiera Wine, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER, MIUHTH l'lvlJUf UKAJM'Y. A gtliuillo article always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1940. H. B. MASSER, HOLLAND GIN, Ol the best quality always on hand and for title by cpt. 12, lMO II. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Always on hand nml Tor ante by Scpt. 12, 1S40. IL LB.MASSER1 NEW ORLEANS SUGrAK HOUSE Ml). LASSES. Of the best quality alwa) on hand ai d for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a pood quality, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. ILB.MASSKIL ""LTliUOKS.oTnii 'kiniiraTid'ni "tiie Lcstlquuli ties, always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. G l E EN" AN D B LAC K TEA S. Of Uie" be quality ulwovson hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. t OFFI E. Java, Rio uud Laguira ColUe, con stantly on hand and for tale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER M'EIIM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Spenn Oil, of ihe l est quality, alwaj on hand and for sain by Sept 12, 1810. II. B, MASSER. fc'i'ELL. Cat audBlioter Steel, for sajo by Sept. 12, 1640. H. B. MASSER. SPRING Si 'ELL. Of vaiious sizes lor Eliptic Springs, for sale by SettjL 12,1 8 I0. II. B.M ASSE R LARGE QUARTO BIBLES For sale at very raduccd prices by Sept. 12, 1840. H. MASSER. LANK BOOKS.OTall kimls, for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, '"JUSTH-ES BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MAUSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, &c., for sole by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, tiAssfM EKES AN lTsATT IN ET'I'sT For sale very low by Sept. Vi, 1840. II. B. MASSER. C A R Pivfl N G . For saloTheap i.y Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale chtap by Sepl. 12. 1840. H. B. MASSER. I N BLEACHED MUSLINS For site by Sept. 12, 1840. 11.11. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COT'lON LAPS Fox sale by Sept. 12, 1810. If. B- MASSER. li EM P AN D COTTON TW IN E. For side by Sept. 12. 1810 H. B. MASsER. I OV 1NG LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Sept. 12. 1810. II. B. MASSER. T l a ii p o r t a t i ii Line T O liALTI M ORE. (VIA 1IIIS WATER CASAL.) Warehouse foot of Chesnut Street on the Venn sylrania Canal. A BOAT have the whorf of the subrriber eve ry morning at 8 o'clock, running through to Balti more in three days. Consignment ol produce, iron, Ac, will receive a despatch by this line, which has not hitherto been equalled by any other. Rale of freight a low as by any other regular line. Reference: JOHN W.BROWN, BUCK & II ERR, KERN AN A STILLNIGER, Baltimore. J. & A. II. HERR. J Good intended for Pittsburg, or any noint on the Pennsylvania Canals, will le shippid wiihout delay on their arrival at llarrisburir, a ibis con nect with the North American line of PoituMe Bout lo PillHburg daily, and w ith the Susqut hnn na Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamsport, likcahane, and all intennediate places. GEORGE W. LAYNG Hanishurg, Sept. 9, 1840. iUt-orgc A.'. S.ayi!;;. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Chkshi'T Street Whahf, Harrisri-ho, IS prepared to receive Goods and Pioduce at Ihe i new wurehouse, which his arrangements will ena jm to forward with dispatch lo Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Williamsport, W i.kes'mrie, Columbia Lancaster, or any other point on the Pcrinsy Irania and tnion Canals, and the Peiinsy Ivamu and liar rishurg and Lancaster tail roads. Goods from Philadelphia for Harrisl tiig, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Ac. Ac, forwarded with care and expedition. Coal, Plaster, Salt end Fish, constantly for sale. Sept. 9. lU'iuovaL BOOK-BINDERY. THE undersigned have the gratification of in forming the public, that notwithstanding they were so uufoitunate as to have their bindery burnt down, in Match last, they have opened a very extensive one, in Locust street, in the new building diiectly opposite Glenn' Hotel, und aie piepared to execute ail woik in their line with despatch, and in a su peilor style. Their RULING APPARATUS and other Machinery are new, and of ihe first order and latest improvi mrnts j and they feel a confl peuce in thi ir facilities for giving perfect satisfac tion to all who may ftnor them with their order. Bank, County others, MeirnsHtsv Mechanics and. others, tanks supplies with BLANK BOOKS j ef ttery description, which fjy neatness and dura- bilily, will te equal to any niado by the Un' I State. HICKOK HARRISBURG, Sept. tt WARRANTED Brass Clocks, Fni 111 llnllnr. 171 OI7..4L for time to any mdd by Clock red 2J lars for f 25, for sale by March 13. If. B. MASSER. SHAXtfOIZXN COAL. OF very superior quality, can be had at any time, by application to the subscribers, in lot to suit purchasers. They keep largo, egg, broken, and fine coal, fit for hunting lime. J. II. PURDY & Co. Sunhury, Sept. 2(1. tf. Works oi iafiuv. IN a state of health the intestinal cani! mny ho compared to a river whose waters flow over the ad joining land, through the channels nature or art has made, anil improves their qualities! ana to kerp up the comparison of the river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kepi pure und healthy; hut if by some ennso the course of the tiver is stop. ped, then the water in thecannlsis na longer pure, but soon becomes stagnant. 1 here is but one law of circulation in nature. When there is a super abundance of Immortal fluid (scrocily) in Ihe intes. tinal tu ties, on j costivencss takes place, It II. .ws back into the blood vessels, and infiltrates itself in to the circulation. To establish the free course of the river, wo must remove the obstructions which stop its free course, nnd thoeof its tributary stieam. With the body, follow the same natural principal ; n move, by that valuable purgative medicine Bruit' rfreA, I'niversal Vegetable Fills, which are an ef ftctual assistance of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in this practice, the ways of iho circulation will then he testored to the full exerciso ol their natural func tions, and a state ol health will be firmly establish ed Remember, never sutler a drop ol blood to be taken from you1 Evacuate the humors a often and a long as they are degenerated, or aa loi g as you are sick. Dr. Brandieth's Office in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where his pills can be had tit 26 cents tier box, with full directions. (j "Only eecnt in Sunhury, i H. B. Masscr Esqr. Sunhuiy, Sept. M, 1810. rriTiHcaU'M ol A g'ciicy. THE following are the duly appointed agents in their respective counties, for the sale of Brandreih's Vegetable I'uircrstil Fills. Northumbcilar d county : Milton Maekey oV Chanibcilin. Sunhury If. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Geddes, Green At Walls. Geoigetown F. Midhnger A. Co. Union county : Lcwishurg Walls &. Gedde. Millliiihiirg Pcllman & Bceklv. New Berlin John M. Henfer. Selinsgrove Eyre & Co. Mid dleburg Inac Smith. Lycoming county : Williamsport John Smith. Newberry M. A j. C. Funston. Muney W. A. Petrican. Jersey Shore James II. Hepburn. Colombia county : Danville T. ci. E. B. Rey nolds. Caltawissa C. A. Brobts. Berwick Shu man A Kittenhouse. Blocmi&burg-John R. Meyer. Sunhury, Sept. 9, 1840. "llAZAlt '""' UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc umentH, facts and other useful information, illustra tive of the histoiy and resource of the American Union, and of each State ; embracing commerce, manufactures, agriculture, internal improvement, banks, currency, finances, education, &c. &.C. Ldi led by Samuel Hazard. Publi-hed every cdnesday, at 9 Dock street. The price to subscriber is $5 per annum, payable on the fust of January of each year. No subscrip tion received fur less than a year. Subscriber out of the principal citit to pay in advance. LlVKlt COMFLAIXT, Curtd by the use if Dr. Harlich's Cosroirn Sri'lOTHlMMI A N It A P K 11 1 11 !i T 1 ILLS. Mr. Wii.i.iam RiciiAiins, Pittsburgh, Pa., en tirely cured of the above distressing disease : Hi symtoms were, pain and weight in the lift side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, disten tion of the stomach, silk headache, fuired tongue, countenance changed lo a citron color, diiliculty ol breathing, diMurhid rest, attended with a cough, gtent debility, with other symlums indicnting great derangement of the function of the liver. Mr. Riciiahiis had the advne of several physcians, but received no relief, until using Dr. Haiilich's Med icine, which terminated inrllecting a peifect cure. Principal Ollice, 19 North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Also for s.dr at Ihe diug store of liU.MiY 1 OA 1 lit-lM t. It, May 1, 1811. Agent. Till: CAUSi: OF DISEASE. Nearly all classe of disease, are caused by some obstruction in ihe system, whieh prevent the iegu- lar and wholesome operation of the animal func tions. Thi slate of the system, is disease, whieh is manifested in a variety of forms, more, or less malignant in their character. To restore the system lo a btate of health, then, it is only necessary to re move the cause of disease, and the end is accom plished. The cause is obstruction somewhere. This can I removed by purgation, which i tho only means that should be resorted to, because, suggested by reason, and by nature. Dr. Harlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Pills, are allowed by llu thousands who have used them, to he the best purgative medicine in existence. Because, ihey not only remove all obstructions, and purge the sys tem of il impurities, but, because, and which i ex tremely important, strengthen and give proper tone to tie stomal h, and produce a healthy action of all the purl. Besides, ihey are so mild and gentle in their operation, a to letulii them at all limes a ihh fectly safe and desirablo remedy. The alllicted would do well, then, to purchase a box or two of Hi! invaluable medicine, and give it fair trial, in stead of destroying their systems with oft-repeated dose of calomel, and other drugs, so injurious to human life and happiness The above mi ih cine for sale at the Drug atore of HENRY YOXTH ELMER, May 1. 1S4 1 . , Igent. ' sTck headacTTe. Is a very common atl'ectiou. Iu attack are very severe, and chaiacleiizcd by spasmodic pains, shitt ing fiom one pait of the head to the other, fre quently commencing in the morning, attended with siik ins of the stomach, nausea, fainting, and lometime, vomiting, giddiness, and confusion ol sight, Ac Ac. This deseate is pioduced fiom va rious causes, perhaps the most common, i a de rangement of the stomach and digestive organ. FEMALES are most subject lo this atVectioa, par licularly those who lead a sedentary lifa. Dr. Har lich's Cum found Stniigthtiiing Tvuis and fc'er muri Aperient Fi.'ls, are wausrtted lo ariesl thi troublesome disease : first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, punfving the bluod, and leuioviug all diseased and xcremcntaous humor from the liver and intestines. By the use, liist, of a few doses of the Apeiient G'erman Pi)', afterward two or three dose of the f'reHgtluning Tunis Fills, which are used Is strengthen and invigerat Ihe ncrtous system, give tcne l the stomach and organ of Uigestieu, inn imparting la their subtile tluid it pristine vigor, thi afllicting disease may heer;rt. lemoved. 'J hi U the only mode utailiig thi annoying, j CM Uen Un(ll.j wiA success in iho-f arj4 pr C5M, ' i'smplt-ts giving genera) directions, ansy be ob tained gtaus, at ia. IV INwth Icigbin street, fails dtlfkia, HENRY Y OATH ELMER. My 1, 1841. Agsnt. TO THE COMMUNITY. THE success which hxa attended the use of Dr. Harlich's Herman Aperient and Compound ttrengthening Tonie. Fills, Is truly astonishing. It is no vain boast lo say thia medicine ha proved by it happy t fleets in the cure of a variety of diseases to which the human frame is liable, to be vastly su perior to thn many preparations before the publx. Many of these preparstiuns are compounded by in dividuals who an positively ignorant of the myste ries of the human system, and mere pretender to medical knowledge. Dr. Harlich, however, is cele brated among the German faculty a a man of the highest scientific attainments, and equally distin guished throughout Europe, a a successful medical practitioner, spent most of the yrars of a useful life in the aquisilion of such knowledge as might prove beneficial to his fellow creatures. In Ihe pills which he invented, and which bear hi name, the public are assured of an article that possesses more than ordinary virtue. From the acknowledged talent of this inventor, nothing lesa than s good article could he expected ; and tho experience of many years his all'urded demonstration of the virtues of his medicine. In Getmany and other parts of Eu rope, its r. potation i established. In this country into whieh it has hut been recently introduced, it is rapidly gaining the most substantial reputation. The numerous cert licates of cures of the most ohstinato diseases effected by the use of Harlich's Pills, which the proprietor is constantly receiving, is proof of tho fact. Day after day he receive new testimonial of their efficacy, and week after week increases the demand for them. This is not mere assertion ; in tiumciahle certificates are open for the Inspection of the public, and the doubts of any w ho arc skeptical, can le removed by examining them at the ollice of the proprietor. We take the liberty, then, of sugcrsting to every family, that they muke use of Dr. iliiiliih's Pills. Let them keep a supply constantly on hand, to he used when occasion demands, and they will receive the most unequivocal proof of utility. Mtdicul Deft tier. Piincipal r.flice for the United States, No. 19 North bight h slieet, Philadelphia. Western Depot. No. 4 1, St. Clair street, Pitts burgh. HENRY YOXTHELMER, May 1, 1841. Jscnt. HEFAT1T1S, OH LIVER COMFLA1NT. Liver complaint is described to be of two forms, viz ; Acute and Chronic, w hich ared Hi rent in their seat and charade and are produced from ulcers nn the Liver, which is diseased on the surface oi in the centre. In the former, the patient is attacked with sudden pain, in the region of Ihe Liver, so severe that even the led chthes are insupportable ; the pa tient cannot bear to turn or lay on his left side from the pressure exerted in that position of the inflamed organs. The latter may go on in such a manner that the first symtoms of Liver Complaint are thnso which mark the occurrence of suppuration. The Acute and Suh-aculf varieties, almost always com mence with some chilly feelings succeeded by heat of the skin, fevered tongue, having a yellowish ap pearance. Ii regular state of tho bowels, costiveness, countcucanee changes to a pale or citron color, or yellow like those ufllicted with jaundice, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with cuuph, fe verish symtoms, a dry and parched skin, difficulty of lying on the tight side, urine scanty and h gh colon d, the patient passes many bad nights and is frequmtly trout. h d with Diarrhoea, Tenesmus and Piles, nausea and vomiting, and has a considerable thirst. hen the inflammation affects the perito neal coat of the Liver the pain is much more intense and the fever higher than when confined tu the Liv er. In chronic aflections it i uncertain in its ter mination ; the pain is intense, attended occasional ly with feverish symtoms, a dry and parched skin, irregular bowels, sallow countenance, frcqeunt at tack of juandice, the tongue i scarcely ever free from yellow fur, the appetite bad, and a coiruptiort attacks the face and back, behind the shouldcis, Ac. Dn. Harlich's Compound Strengthening '1 ou ic and Aperient Gcrmnn Pills, will, in a majority of cases, produce a perfect cure, and if used at the very onset ef affliction will in every case arrest the disease. This is not meiely theory but fact, which can be subMantiatid by the testimoniis of various persons who have witnessed the astonishing euccts of this invaluable medicine. The diet must bt at tended to, anJ the warm bath niu:t not bo neglect ed whin the patient can have access to it. Full and explicit d.rections are di fined in the medical pamplet which accompanies the medicine, and can be obtained gratis of any of the regularly appointed agents who sell this medicine. Piincipal Ollice and Ceiieral Depot for the Uni ted States, is at No. 19 North Eighth Street, Phila delphia, where all communications for Agencies, Advertising and Medicines must be addiesscd (post paid,) which will meet with immediate attention. HENRY YOXTH ELM LR, May 1, 1911. Agent. FlUXCU'A L REASONS Why Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strengthen ing and German Aperient Pills u re used by all clas ses of people, in pnference to other Medicines, be cause they are prepared from a pure eztract if herbs, a whohsome medicine, mild in its operation and pleasant in its effect the most ceitnin pieserver of health, a sale and effectual cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, and all stomach complaints, a preserver and puiil'iei of the whole system. Because they soothe the nerves of sensibility and fortify the nerve of motion, imparling to their most subtle fluid it pristine tone, thus giving strength and clearness of mind. BecausH ihey never destroy the coata of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do. Because wience and experience teach u that no meie purgative alone will cure the disease of the stomach and ncrvi s. Weakness is the primary cuuse of a host of diseases, and, by continually ic sorting to Drastic purgatives, you inako the disease UlUCt) worse, liisteud ol Letter. Because Dr. Hailich'a Med'cines are put Up Cp on tho common tense principle, to "cleanse and strengthen," which i the only courte lo pursue lo ellect a cute. Lastly, Because these Medicines really do curt the dis ea-e lor Which tbry sre n commended. Principal OfTico for Ihe Unitid Slates, is at No. 19 oitii Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHELMER, May 1, 184 1. JenA. CLEANSE AXD STRENGTHEN. The only sure and best course to pursue in cu ring diKSinns, of whatever nature they may be, is : 3it, to drama and purify the Sturuaah mid Bow els by gentle aperieuts; secondly, to give s'rengtft and tune to those tender organs by ths ise of proper Ionics. This made ia always pursued by regular physieians, whieh ihey well know to be the ouly course to resoit lo, to etfecl a speedy and ptsmanent ure. Dr. Haiilicii Compound Sin rgrhenins Tonic and Apeiient pills, are a sure meduiue to rllecl thi graad obei. The German Apeiient pills are to cleanse the atomach and intestine, sl ier whieh ihe Compound Suen'.gfning Tonic pill are used, to give strength and tone to these or Em which requite teclcr trestinent. Nsailv twov third of tho disease whkk W daily heboid, I disease ef the nrousytem, and by contm ally using dsaU4 mincul purgative the surf, rcr will sjju find himself bini( too much re lined lo remain kmg isi existence. Fall and explicit di irttion both in Engh.h and Curiuan, accompany thia uotice. 'I k above aicdieiu far sals at th Drug Store of WENKR 10XTHELMER. May 1, 1641. Agent.
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