TERMS OF THE "AMEIUCAHV HENRY B. MASSER,? JOSEPH EI8ELY. SPuor.itxoiis. . B. MAUSER, tidUor orrict iir mibbst stbxst, hue mm. THE AMERICAN" published svery Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper diacontin ued till all arrearage are paid. No subscriptions received Tor a less period thin ix MOHtns. All communicationa or letter on business relating to the office, to insure attention, tnuat be POST PAID. SHJNBUJM AMEMCAN. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL: miCES OF ADVERTISING. t square I insertion, . Jo 60 1 do 3 do . . 0 76 1 do 3 dj I 00 Every subsequent insertii n, o lit Vr.rlv Advertisements. ( with the t rivilroa r - j ' , - r " alter. liiinl nrie rnlnmfl .25 1 half column. AIR three squares, $12 ; two squares, f 0 ( one square, ee tin. i . . i -I. .:jC - I . l. f.i. r imoui we privilege ui aiiciauuu uuviai discount will be made. Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jevmbio-. Advertisements left without directions ss to the length of time the? are to be published, will b continued until ordered out, and charged accord By Blasser & Elsely. Sunbury, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, July 4, 1811. Vol. lXo. XLIV. ingly. Cj-Sixleen lines make a square. The following beautiful effusion taken from the Southern Literary Messenger, for April, like all fhe (iroductiona of Amklia, ia diatinguiahed for purity tnd gentleness of thought, and a aweetnese of ex pression almoat inimitable. It quiet melody its Ireamlike and spiritual beauty and its tinea of be witching tendemeaa come over the heart. 'Like aofieat music heard in sleep," r "Like the low chant of the distant waves Dy Spring's soft breathings stiried." Musings. BY AMELIA or LOUISVILLE, KESTl'CKT. I wandered out one summer night 'Twas when my yeara were lew: The breeze was ainging in tho light And I waa ainging loo. The moonlieama lay upon the hill The shadows in the vale, And here and there a leaking rill Was luughing at the gale. One fleecy cloud upon the air Was all that met my eyes ; It floated like an angel there between me and the skies. I clapped my hands and warhled wild As here and there I flew; for I was but a careless child, And did as children dti. The reaves came dancing o'er the sea In bright and glittering Sands: Like little children wild with glee, They linked their dimple hands. They linked their hands hut ere I caught Their mingled drops of dew, They kissed my feet as quick as thought, Away the ripples flew. The twilight hours like, birds flew by, As lightly and aa free; Ten thousand stars were in the sky, Ten thousand in the sea ; For every wave with dimpled cheek That leaped upon the air, Had caught a star in its embrace And held it trembling ikcre. Tho young moon too, with upturned aides, Her mirror'd beauty gave; And as a bark at anchor rides, She rode upon the wave. The aea waa like the Heaven above, Aa perfect and Ma whole, Save that it seemed to thrill with love As thrills the immortal soul, The leaves, by spirit voices stirr'd, Made murmurs on the air Low murmurs, that my spirit heard, And answered with a prayer; Foi 'twas upon the dewy aound, Deside the moaning seas, I learned at fir si to worship God, And sing such strains as these. The flowers, all folded to their dreams, Were bowed in slumber free, Dy hreesy hills and murmuring streams, Wheie e're they chanced to be, IV o guilty teara had they to weep, No sins to be forgiven ; They closed their eyea and went to sleep Right in the face of heaven. No costly raiment round them shone. No jewels for the seas, Yet Solomon upon his throne Was ne'er arrayed like these: And just as free from guilt and art, Wre lovely human flowers, Ere sorrow set her bleeding heart On this fair world of ours. I hsve heard the laughing wind behind, A playing with my bail The breezy fingers of the win J, How cool and moist thej were. I heard the night bird warbling o'er Its soft enchanting strain 1 never heard sun sounds before, And never sUkll again, Then wherefore weave such strains as these, And sing them day by day, When every bird upon the breeze Can sing a sweeter lay 1 I'd Rive the world for their aweet art. The simple, the divine ; I'd give the world to melt one heart. As they have melted mine. A simple and effectual mode of keeping ice is mentioned iu the Kentucky Farmer. The editor says We take, at sunrise, from the ice house, as much ice as will probably be wanted through the day and cover it up in some saw-dut placed in a bar re which Ins in the dairy house. At night, the ize of any given lump is scarce perceptibly dimin. i.hed. It is a perfect charm. Away with your h ilf ton of lumber, charcoal and tine, with which you are, humbugged under the name of "refrigera tor." The editor of the Fiankford Commonwealth adds that he haa tried the method here recommen ded, and that it answers perfectly. Dsath or am Isdiah Wabbiob. The Little Rock papers notice the death of Tishb Misso relebiated Warriof, who fought under General 'Wayne. He waa a Choctaw Chief. He hat ' fought in nine battles for the United States, has served his country faithfully, and has been for many yeara a pensioner of the nation. It is estimated that there are 10.000 strangers at all timee in the city of New York, and that theie ara upwards of 8,000 females in that city, who ob tain their living by the needle. llcrculaneunt and Pompeii In 1S39. Ilerculanium and Pompeii seem both very distant from the focus of Vesuvi us. They are now separated from it by inhabitants and cultivated spaces, which have been conquered from the lava and recovered from the volcano. The village of Portici is built upon the roofs of the first of those two cities, which was petrified on the day of its death, and into the tomb of which one descends as into a mine, by a sort of shaft, ending at the theatre w here, it is conjectured, the inhabitants were as semblcd when the eruption surprised them. It was in 1080 that the ruins of the city made their appearance for the first time, in an excavation made at random, which was resumed in 1720, and finally organized in 1738 with admirable success. The discove ry of the theatre and of every thing else has taken place since that period. The theatre is of Greek architecture; it is ornamented with a fine front, and with marble columns standing on the stage itself; the spectators occupied twenty-one rows of steps, with a gallery above embellished with bronze statues. One can still distinguish the places allotted to the magistrates, the scene behind which the actors withdrew, and a number of objects which excite in the traveller mingled astonishment and c motion. There are also at llerculaneum a forum surrounded with porticos and temples, which are almost all of them damaged, and a gaol with old rusty iron bars, to which the prisoners were named a melancholy leature ol all times and places, and a momentous emblem of human society at all periods. As you leave these excavations, which have as vet made little progress, and i a cannot be much extended without en- angering the safety of Portici, you distinctly perceive several strata of la va, proving beyond a doubt that llercu- aneum was drowned in repeated erup tions of Vesuvius. The difficulty of carrying on the ex cavations at so great a depth, and un- er the very foundations of a new town, has caused the ruins of llerculaneum to be almost abandoned for those of Pom peii, which present a far more striking nterest. At llerculaneum there are only catacombs. At Pompeii the Ro mans entirelv revive : the houses stand and are furnished and ornamented with picturesque paintings, the cellars are stocked as well as the tables ; in more than one dwelling the dinner has been found on the table, and the skeletons of the cuests around it, and then you en ter every where on the same floor 5 and as the nshes, which lie but a fiv me tres thick upon the ancient, buildings, are cleared, the towa Appears as ours come to light again when the snow melts in mountainous countries. You arrive by a suburb wholly lined with Roman tombs, and walk over a Roman pavement, worn out by Roman vehicles; you may enter the inn; there are the stables, with the rings to fasten the hor scs ; close by is the farrier, with his sign over his door. If you penetrate in to one of these tombs, you will hnd urns, containing ashes, hair, and fragments of calcined bones. Every where are displayed inscriptions, unaffected, and touching, such as the epitaph dedicated by a woman to her husband: "bervi lia, to the friend of her soul." Let us advance; we are in the town. To the right of the gate you behold the guar dian's sentry box cut into the stone. lake the footway, for there are loot- ways at Pompeii, Roman footways, with posts at intervals on both sides, footways wherein one ceases not to gaze 011 wheel ruts, nude 1800 years Whom do you wish to be taken to ? You have but to speak the names are written on tho door of every house in large red letters. Here is an apotheca ry's shop, with his drugs in phials, with surgical instruments aud balsams still yielding a smell. Here are far differ ent things, but my faith ! lSntcr, you have nothing to fear ; but I dare not tell where you are, unless you have percei ved the sign over the door. What think vou of it 1 and yet facing one of those houses 6tands a temple ol esta Let us, then, pay a few visits ; we are in a baker's shop, and here is the flour- grindstone suppose a stone sugar loal, covered with an extinguisher also of stone rub the one against the other, Bftcr throwing some corn between them, and you have a Roman mill. This wretched piece of machinery w as entrusted to the hand of slaves. But I , have reserved a surprize for you ; here is some bread do you read the baker's name hollowed out of that carbonized pancake? take and break it. Open that cupboard ; you will find there pre served olives, dried figs, lintels and eat ables of all descriptions. A saucepan has been carried to the Naples Muse um, containing a piece of meat, as well preserved as by Mr. Appert's process. What a number of meals Vesuvius in tcrrupted on that day ! I nevertheless, do not think that the Romans were great eaters. I have carefully explored a number of kitch ens and dining rooms at Pompeii, and I have found, but very trifling cooking apparatus, and miniature table utensils. Their plates were real saucers, and the tables upon w hich the dinner -was ser ved up, but little stands, in general of stone or marble, which could hold but one dish at a time. The guests lay down as soldiers round their mess. What is admirable, delightful, charm ing, overwhelming, to us barbarians of the nineteenth century, is the exquisite pureness and delicacy of shape of all the utensils which served the Romans in domestic life. One must see those can dclabras, lamps, vases of all sizes, those charming little bronze calefactors, (for every thing was of bronze,) those tri pods, scales, beds, chairs, those grace ful and so ingeniously wrought shields which fill up whole rooms at :hc Naples Museum. One must, above all, sec the toilet arsenal of the Roman ladies; their combs, tooth-picks, curling irons, and the pots of vegetable and mineral rouge found in a boudoir. Thus the Roman ladies used rouge, and deceived the people just as is practised now a days ; they wore, like our ladies, those necklaces, rings and ridiculous ear rings, which add nothing to beauty and diminish not ugliness. How times re semble one another, in spite of the space that separates them. Above thirty streets of Pompeii are now restored to light ; it is a third part of the town. The walls which formed its ancient enclosure have been recog nized; a magnificent amphitheatre, a theatre, a forum, the temple of Isis, that of Venus, and a number of other build ings, have been cleared. The secret stairs by which the priests of those times slily crept to prompt the oracles, have been detected. On beholding so many monuments which display in so lively a manner the importance of pub lic "and the independence of private life among the Romans, it is impossible to rcsis a feeling of sadness and melan choly. Rehold, along the fall of earth, the vestige of the breast of a woman who was buried alive, and stiltened by death behold the stones of that wall, worn by the rubbinc of the ropes ex amine that guardhouse, coverered with caricatures of soldiers one might sup pose that the Roman people still existed, and that we were but strangers in one of their towns. Who knows what fu ture discoveries may be made in those august ruins ! Murat employed upon them 200 men every vear. Only 60 men and 1.000 are now employed upon them. The excavations proceed, . . . . . . n consequence, with dismal slowness, however great may oe tne interest . 1 rt ! ... I wnicn nis Sicilian ;uaiestv tanes in their success. It is not in Rome de vastated and disfigured Rome, that one must co to study the Romans it is in Pompeii. Pompeii, as regards antiqui ties, is worth all Italy together. The following is the narative of the gentleman who was lust lor lourteen days in the swamps and morasses of Louisiana. It is an interesting story : From the St. Francitvilte Chronirk, Mr. Editor: In looking over the Picayune of tho 14th inst, 1 percieved that some friend had made mention of the fact that an indiv idual had been lost in the swamps near Bayou Gross Tete, and I feel it my duty to give, through your paper, to the public, a brief sketch of the suffering consequent upon a four teen days sojourn in a cane-break. I left the east bank of Bayou Alaba ma, six miles above Whiskey Bay, on the morning of the 18th of May, on a hunting expedition. Leaving Bayou Alabama on my left hand, and travel ling south by west for about two hours, I shot n deer. After divesting the ani mal of its head, &c,I took it on my shoulder and started lor the encamp ment. When 1 retraced my steps some distance I found where a panther had recently been scratching the ground ; the track on the soft earth was easily followed, and his course being nearly the same as mine, I followed him, kec- ping On my gaurd, as.I knew the "na- ture of the beast." I had not pursued more than forty rods w here I heard him in the edge of a small cane break; I threw off my burden, to enable me to use my rifle with more ease and certain- ty. He immediately made his appear ance, and I retreated, leaving the deer between US. When he Came to the Carcase, he then stopped, placing one foot on it his CVes On me, and mine on him. He was the largest animal of that species I had ever seen, and the distance was not more than twentyfive yards belwen US. Aflcr looking at him a few mo- mcnts, I brought my rifle to boar Upon his head at the report pf Which he fell, I remained in the position until I had reloaded my rifle, when 1 approached, as I supposed my dead panther ; but, to my surprise, he rose and made the best of his way to the cane he had JUSt left, I had shot him too low, 1 followed him from One small cane break to another for near an hour, and finding that I COUId not get a second StlOt at mm, I a- bandoned the pursuit, turning in search Of the deer I had Unburdened myself, of on my first encounter with the pan ther. I soon found it, and resumed my supposed course toward camp. Ii y this time it had become cloudy, and I had no means of ascertaining the cer tainty of my situation ; however, I tra velled on, and soon found, by coming in contact with a small stream of wa ter, that I was pursuing a wrong, direc tion I turned and found another stream, I then came to the painful con clusion that I was "lost." Time wore away, and it had reach ed the Meridian of the day, and the sun was yet clouded, when I threw down my burthen, hoping by renewed energy to yet be enabled to regain the en campment ere night. I travelled on, I know not whether, I had lost all con ception of latitude or longitude ; and at four in the afternoon I found myself on the. marrrln of an onen swamn. Here D the sun again made his appearance. I SUPDOsed mvselfto be near the bor- rW nf Whlsknv Rav. nnd shaned mv rniir nororino-1 v. hut soon found that I was surrounded by waters, and pre- ventwi from lb ow ner anv direct ine !n cnrxh fnr kirrh lnnt nnrl nt l.iwt mm. 1 ' ri j i nelled to take the water. After wa- dinff for about two miles, w aist deep I o . I the greater part of way, 1 fortunately found a small SPOt. Here 1 examined mv Ammunition, nnrl fnilnd both cans and powder wet. I CUt some palmetto, Strewed part On the eround, kept the balance for a Covering, and laid myself down for the night, as It Was quite dark, and, althous the musquitoes surrounded me like a thick cloud, from the fatigue of the day, I soon fell asleep When I awoke the sun was shining on the tree tope. Without having eaten a morsel ol lood since the morning of the previous day, I set out a gain in search of the ramp, with the prospect of spending the longest day of my life in the fruitless attempt. I wandered on, sometimes in water, sometimes iu small patches of cane ; and when the night came, I threw myst If down, and slept ss well as could be eipected,the musquitoes and tick, feast' ing the while on my blood, which, notwithstanding hunzer. was the word! feature of my siualion. On the fourth night I found myself in four foot water. I succeeded, however, in finding s treo which had fallen, but remaining abavo water, on which I slept through the night. In the morning, I again hreaat ed the water, and aoon discovcud some cane ; kee- ping the same course, as near as 1 could, I crossed the cane and came to an open swamp. Here I saw some wild cattle, which were the first animila I had seen since I had abandoned the purauil of llin wounded panther. They were numerous, largd. aud in fine condition, one of which would doubtless have hcen sicriQcJ to jtify the craving of hua ger, which had beeu tho day previous almost insuf- feraMe, were it not my ammunition had becume damaged and useless. This day I also eulTcred much from hunger, but n longer fell the Incessant tiling of the mu.quitos and licks, my flesh br ing apparently doad to pain, yet my feet were giving way (icing covered with aorns from the friction ot the shoes in the water. On the following duy I found some arten blackberrie. snd ate a few ; and after this lh Cih day I felt no hunger. I now found myself in a very heavy cane break, which seemed to be interriiiri ihle, and ull my effoils to extricate mysolf from it proved unavailable, un til the lSih day. The cane wss so heavy th.it it was iinpjaibld to keep sny direct course, snd con- sequently. my progrea. must have been but slow. On the Uih day, however I struck a small stream, and to avoid the difficulty of pushing my sell through the cane, I took to the water, and about 12 o'clock I struck a trail, that had been cut by Mr. Lee, U the banks of the bayou Alabama, I unfortunate. y took the wrong end of thia trail, and following it oma distance I found a camo. Takine a careful obseivstion of the camp and every thing counected ' it, I concluded I was wrong and decided upon Puing the trail to its termination at the other enJ' I retraced my steps, and followed it about three miles, when I laid down, and though I could "t l,,,p- My feet were worn out, and looked mor 'iie tw 'urnP o( decaying flesh than the pedestals of a living being, When I afemptrd to rise, in the morning, I could not stand, my shoes could not contain my f?et, I thought my lime had come j and I wished, fervently prayed, that it might be so. I at length succeeded in walking, though it waa some time before I could wear my shoes. At ten, on the Uih day, I found myself at the plantation of Mr. Lee. I had sufficient strength to crocs his fence, but when I walked a few rods, I fou.nd I was not able to proceej further in the open field my feet could not bear the heat of the earth, and the sun seemed to exhaust the little remaining strength which I hid l.'fu I stretched myself on tho ground and hollowed at the top of my voice. Mr Lee. heard me and came to mv assistance. He re- ccived me with the utmost kindness, furnished me with clothing, as I was liicrlly naked, snd bo-tow cd on me every attention which my deplorable situ stjon required; and in remembrance of which I beg leave to nfT.r him and his amiabie family my sincere gratitude for their agency in restoring to health one who had hid himself down on tho earth . ,;, no more, if it had not been for their hnmani 'y- WM. ADAMS. Bayou Sara, June 5C, 1941. The Idiot aurl the lleauty. From a review in Tail's Magazino, of Mr. Combe's Notes on the United Slates, we quote an interesting passage descriptive of the quickening effects produced on an idiot's mind by his habits of d lily intercourse with a beautiful young girl. Muore would turn this anecdote to admirable ac count in a poem. ''In tho course ot conversation, a case was mentioned to me aa having occurcd in the experitnee of a highly respectable physician, snd which was ao fully authenticated thatl enter tain no doubt of ita truth. The physician alluded to had a patient, a young man, who was almost idi otic from the suppression of all his faculties. He ne ver spoke, and never moved voluntarily, but sat habitually with his hand shading his eyes. The physician sent him to walk as a remedial measure, In the neighbourhood, a beautilul young girl of '" w'tl h" pnts, nd useJ 10 ,ce lhe young man in his wsfrs, and speak kindly to him. r l . L. k kilt at flap RNM. r or aome ume ne wi . u. . i"B her for several months, he began to look for her, and to reel disappointed if she did not appear. He became so uiuch interested thai he directed hia P voluntarily io ner lainera cou.Ec, her boquets oi rowers, ry ueg., . . . with hur throunh tho window. His mental tJCUlties were roused ; the diwn cf convalescence appeared The girl waa virtuous, inlellgient, and lovely, . ....... i .l I .I,-. na encouraged ms visua wnen see wa. imu .u. she was benefiting nis mental neanu. 0110 pcu him if he could read and write. He answered no She wrote aome lines to him to induce him to lejrn. This had the desired eiieci. in appirea himself to study, and soon wrote good and aensi- ble lettera to her. He recovered his reason. Sh was married to a young man from the neighboring city. G cat fears were entertained that this event would undo the good she had accomplished. The young patient sustained a severe shock, but bis mind did not sink under it. He acquiesced in the propriety of her choice continued to improve, and at last, was restored to his family, cured. She bad a child, and waa soon after brought to the same hos pital perfectly insane. The young man heard of this event and was exceeeding anxious to see her but an Interview waa denied to him, both on her ac count and hia own. She died. He continued well, and became an active member of society. What s beantifal romance might be founded on this bar rative !" From le Mirror. Fourth of July In New York. "Pop, pop bang, bang Fii On Monday last, gunpowder was ss plenty aa street dust, the Dec laraiion of Independence was read in ten thousand I idjceat a', least half a million of speeches were de- liveied, and miny lillions of toasts were drank The Park became the El Dorado of root-been an apple-women ( the peop'e showed their dexterity In eating pie ; and theie were at least six miles of roast pig iu Broadway, ('hathara street, and th Do tvery. The city ordinances aud auth rrities pro hibited boys from issuing fire-works, and the boy allowed their independence of all ordinances, by s iting oil' squibs under the very noses of the nu thorities. Fiery serpen's hissed at our heels i rock ets penetrated our windows, aud explore! our bed chambers and crikera were any thing but goo I t eat. The jnbdee of King Alcohol had arrived, an in the evuii ig po.ia aud feucea to lean agaiu weie in diinind, and tho oidiiunce lespectuij the grass nf the l'aik snd lljliery were viidjled by the acie. Alercy on ui now lucay n is mai uio fourth of July comes but once a year I Let ua be allowed to leiuark here, ihat though we have great reason to be prouJ of the rec Elections ibis day aug B's:., and j.-y.ul in ine mossing. co.nme.nor.re. ttiere is no reason wuy ikjjiij u .u u urina uioro than is reasonable j anj that ihere is no oecestary connexion between noise and grjtiiude to heaven. Heie enJelh the chapter ; and we dismi-s the congregation, exhorting them to profit h) the dis course, which, for convenience' Saks, we have divi ded into nineteen geueial beads, of which we re- e eigUtecn for another homily. From the Missionary Herald for March. Flerjr Flying; Serpent. In the early period of 1832, a native chief of Id mo Manis, in the vicinity of Padang, named Tam Dasar in company with another person, mentioned to Mra. F. A. Vandenberg and myself that they had just before aeen a serpent (lying, and as it was considered dangeroua, had killed i' We smild at them aa romancing, but they affirmed positively that they had seen it fly , and offered to take us to it We accordingly went and examined it ; and find, ing no appendage of the nature of wings wo again laughed at them aa attempting to impose on our credulily. They, however, continued positive that they had seen it Dy, and explained the mode of fly. ing by aaying it had power to render the under part of tho belly concave instead of convex, aa far at the libs extended, whence it derived its support in the air I whilst its propultfion was produced by a motion of lhe body similar to that of swimming in the water. We, however, continued incredulous, and took no further notice of the circumstance. In January, t83i, I was walking with Mr. P. Ro gers, in a forest near the river Padang Bessie, a bout a mi'e from the spot where the abjve waa f killed, when stopping for a moment to admire an immense tree, covcreJ as with a girment of creep ers, I beheld a serpent fly from it, at tho hight of fifty or sixty feet above tho ground, and alight upon another at the distance of forty fathoms. Its ve locity was rapid ai a birj, its motion that of a ser pent swimming through water. It had no appear ance of wings. Its course that of a direct line an nclination of ten or fifteen degrees to the horizon. It appeared to be fjur feet long. The one killed y tho native chief was about the same length, was f .hinder proportion, daik colored back, light be low and was not characterized by any peculiarity hich would make it remarkable to a stranger.- Thus waa I convinced of the existence of flying; serpents; snd en inquiry, I found some of the na ves, accustomed to the forest, aware of the fact. Those acquainted with (he serpent called it 'Ular tampang hart,' (the fiery serpcni) from the burning pain and mortal effect of its bite ; so that the fiery flying serpent of the Scriptures was not an imagi nary creators though it appears now extinct in the regions it formerly inhabited. I have delayed the present notice in hopes of obtaining a specimen which I could offer as a more convincing proof than my bare assertion t but further delay may possibly with some weaken even this testimony on a point hich appears to have been long disputed, and which has not been credited by any of the Dutch gentlemen employed in collecting specimens of the natrual history of these parta to whom I have men tioned it. 1 learn from the natives, however, that this is not the only species that flies. There is one culled "Ular Tadung," with red head, and not ex ceeding two feet long, seen sometimes about cocoa trees, whoso bite is instantly nuital, and which has tho power of flying or rather leaping a distance of twenty fathoms, for it is described ss not having the wiving motion through the air of the ono I saw. N. M. Wabo. Padang, West Coast Somalia. When we look upon the beautiful metals that we meet with in the Laboratory of the Chemists, we seldom stop to reflect upon the great labour and the deleterious operation, thtough which the mi ners have to pans, in presenting them to ua for . All the mines in the woilJ.aro so many great ainka of slow and poisonous death to their inmates. The Lead, (hat we would at first sight imagine innox ious, is not altogether so to those who work at it. Even the painters have a disease, that is produced by the use of lead ss a pigment. Dut those mines, that lie deep in the bowels of the earth, impose a dreadful existence upon those who have to work them, either eolim'ary or upon compulsion. The mercurial mines are horrid. The following is a de scription of the Quick.ilver mine Guanca Velica of Peru l It is one hundred and seventy fathoms in circumference, snd four hundred and eighty deep. In thia profound abyss are seen streets, squares and a chapel where religious mysteries on all lewtival sre celebrated Millions of fla'nbeaux are continue ally burning to enlighten it. The mine genorally affects with convulsions those who work in it The unfortunate victims of an inaatiuble avarice are crowded all together in these abysses. Tyranny haa invented this refinement in cruelty, to isndai il impossible for any thing to escape it." "There in the dark Peruvian mine confined. Lost to the cheerful commeice of mankind. The groaning capiive wastes his bfo away, Foieverexil'd from the realms of day. While all forlorn and sad he pines in vain For scenes he never shall possess sgiin." We usually find mercury ia a fluid state as it re quires but a smalt quantity of hrat to keep up its fluidity. Mercury becomes solid at thirty -nine de giees below aero, on Fahrenheit, thermometer. In Kj-sia sod Canada, mercury frequently congeals. In 1799, Mr. Pepys, as will bo seen in the Phi losophical Migatine, froze HAy-.i poon J of me" cury into a solid malleable man. American Sentinel. More than a million of paasengera have been car rieJ on the Eastern railroad, since iu opening, ami lhe only accident which has happened to any of them wss in tk case of Hon. Mr. SaUonstsll. whose arm wss a little bruised a few months ago, ita consequence of the door of a baggage car being left ojx-n as (he Wain was entering the depot aa th of posite Hack. ytwburnport Hera'J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers