' The tut C'ensnsRepreaenfatlon tit The following will be the representation in Con- grew, from llio several states, agreeably to the late census of the population. The present ratio ia one Member of the House for 47,700 inhabitant. Under the new dlviaion it will be one for 60,000 ratio w hich Will alter very ma. teiially the relative atrength of many State.. According to the latter ratio, Main, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Dela ware will each retain the an me number of member. New Hampshire will loae I member, Vermont 1, Rhode faland I, Connecticut 1, Maryland I, Vir ginia 4,TVorlh Carolina 3, Mouth Carolina 2, Geor gia 1, Tennessee 1, and Kentucky I, making logo Kwa of 1 9 member. Ohio will gain 0 members, Indiana 4, Illinois 4, Michigan S, Alabama 1, Mississippi 3, Louisisna I, Missouri 3, making together a gain of 23, or net addition to l" House of 7 Repiesctitatives. Tbe free States in tu? 8",ge iH gain 1 6 mem bets and lose 4, and the Si.ve" States will gain 7 and lose 13 ; making a net aggregate fcRi'ri of seven Representatives from the free States. The whole number in tbe House at present ia 243 the new ratio would make "iid.DoyUtovn Democrat. Frederick County Bank. The money stolen some weeks ago frotn 'this insti tution haa been recoverred in New York, with the exception of 0,000 in gold, which the rogtie by compromise, waa permitted to retain in considera tion of ui rendering the balance of the property sto len. The negotiation which terminated in this re sult, was, it appears, managed through the interven tion of a lawyer of New York. Since the above waa in type we see it staled in the Patriot that all the money waa recovered except twenty-eight thousand dollars, under the following circumstances : Some time ago, tbe directors of the bank re ceived a communication from a person in New York named Wiley, who represented himself aa a lawyer, and atated that he had professionally become ac quainted with such facta aa would enable him to se cure the restitution of the stolen property upon cer tain terms. Dr. Wm. Bradely Tyler, one of the directors of the Frederick County Bank, and Wm. M. Beall, Esq., the cashier of the Farmers' and Me chanics' Bank of Fiederick county, lepaircd to New York, and, after good deal of negotiation, succee ded in recovering the whole amount, with the ex ception of the sum above stated. We understand that the gold and the notes of banks other than the issues of the robbed institution were retained, and that the lawyer who waa tbe agent in compounding the felony, charged a commission of some ten thou sand dollars for his services. No information waa given that could lead to the detection of the robbeia, although Mr. Wiley, upon being questioned upon that point by Dr. Tyler, said that he (the Doctor) had seen the principal of them several times during his visit to New York. Bait.- American. BALTlMOllE MARKET. Baltimore, Juno 28. GRAIN'. We hear of no sale of Whoat to-day. On Saturday aeveral sales of Pennsylvania reds were made at S I 23. Salea of Md. yellow Corn on Saturday at B0, and of white at 02 eta. A sale of white waa made to day at G3 els. Maryland Rye is worth -T8 cents. A ealo of Md. Oats to-day at 43 cts. No Virgi nia in market. WHISKEY. The demand is not brink and the salea are limited. We continue to quote hhda. at 22 cts., bbls. at 23 cts. The wagon piice of bbls. is 20 cts., exclusive of the barrel. Cor, in Missouri, haa aold as low aa tlireecents a bushel, at auction. Coal Trade. Amount of Coal carrivd on the Tanvillo Bfj PotUville Rail Road to Sunhurv 'or ahir-.p'tiiR, du ring the week ending on Jo-ie 24, 1024 Tons. Per tei report, 5,326 Totsl, 6,350 JOHN BUDD, w. h. Susquehanna Coal Trade. Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valley, to June 21st, Tons, 7,116 Srliuylklll Coal Trade. To June 24th, Tona, 88,471 Little Schuylkill Coal Trade. To June S4th, Tona, 6,047 Delaware & Hudson Coal Trade. ToJnel2lh, Tona, 36,160 Vine Grove Coal Trade. To June 1st, Tona, 6,177 Mount Carbon Hall Road. Amount transported to June 84lh, Tons, 16,601 IMPORTANT PROOF. Oftht efficacy of Dr. Harlich't Celebrated Medi cine. I Tk. r.JInmina -rl ifiral Uk a. sent VlV Mr. F.. D. Ilinman, agent attJiiiciiitiatli, Ohio. There can be no mistska in it. as the us r ties are well known. Mr. Exekiel Kigdon, of Anderson township, Hamilton county, Ohio, waa aeveial daye trouuicu wilh liill.ns allVrtinn. fccidilv of the SlonTavh. at tended with the usual symptoms of dyapepaia, and having made trial of various medicine without fuming relief, was cured by the above medicines. Atre.1, E. ltlGDON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. Business attended to in tbe Counties of Nor. thuiuUiUtid, Union, Lycoming and Columbia Kcfvr tai TuoMts Hart & Co., Lower A Barrom. a- Hart, Ccnaissi A Hart. PhilaJ, Ka woips, McKarlarr &. Co. 1 . .- . SSSIBS BBS i SrxRiaa, Ooou A Co price CURRENT. Corrected weekly by' Henry Yoxtheimer. Wrbat 100 Rib, "0 Cork, '"40 Oats, 30 Point, ...... 6 Fi.AT.atin, 100 UuTTRit, 10 Beksway, 2ft Taiiow, 12) Dhibd ArPLna, .75 Do. PsACHlt, ..... 200 Flax, 8 HacRLiit Flax, .... It) Ehob, ...... 7 DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE MEETINGS. rPHE Democratic electors of Northumberland - county, are tequested to hold their Borough and Township meetings, on Saturday, tho 7th day of August next, to elect the usual number of Dele gates, to meet in county convention, in the Borough of Sunlniry, on Monduy the 0th day of the same month, for the purpose of forming a Democra'ic County ticket. It la expected that every township and borough will be fullv Tpprrsrnted. Bv order of the STANDING COMMITTEE. My 3, 1841. A Dnnocr!!r Mrtttoft Will be held at the house Of Georee Conrad, In Augusta township, on Saturday, the 3i day of July insl. Punctual attendance ia requested. By or der of the COMMITTEE OF VIGILAONE. TROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THX COITSTITTTTIOIT. "RESCLCTIOS RELATIVE TO THX iKn.1 KBJT OF THR STATE CONSTITUTION. "Resolved by the Senate and House of Iteptr sentatives in General Assembly met, That the Constiiution of this Commonwealth le amended in the third aection of the second article, ao that it ahall read aa follows : "That the Governor ahall hold hia office during three year, from the third Tuesday of January, next ensuing his election, and shall not be capable of holding it longer than a tingle teim of three years, in any lei in of nine years." WM. A. CRABR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. J NO. H. EWLNG, Speaker of the Senate. Pennrylrania, ss. " Sack eta hi 'a Office. 5 I '' hereby cer tify that the forego ing is a true copy of a Resolution proposing an amendment of the Constitution, which was agreed to at the last session of the Legislature, by a ma jority of the members elected to each house, the original of which remains filed in thin office; and in compliance with the tenth article of the Consti tution of the Commonwealth, I do hereby cause the smile to be published, as directed by tho said article. C ) IN TESTIMONY whereof, I I S. Chave hereunto set my hand and J seal of said office at Harrisburg, this iaviv 14th day of .Im r, 1841. FRS. K. SHUNK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 3. 3m. r.slntr or William Knablc, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of Northumberland county has granted letters testamentary upon the estate of William Ko.ble, late of Shamokin township, dee'd., to the suhscii ber, residing in said township. All persona having any demands against said estate, are requested to present them, and those indebted to inuku payment to the subscriber. July 3. 6w. JACOB KNABI.E. COUNTY THEASTJRE H. rPHE Subscriber w ill be a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Northumberland county. He promises, if elected, faithfully to discharge the du ties appertaining to said iflice. July 3, IS41. CEO. WE IS EH. COUNTY TREASURER. rPIIE Subscriber respectfully offers himself to tho - citizen voters of this county, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer. Should he be e lecled, he promises faithfully to d;'-ctarce the duties of said office. GEORGE c. WEI.KEH. Sunbury, June 20, 1 Sii. COMMISSIONER. T HE Subscriber respectfully informa his fellow citizens, that be will 1 a candidate for the of fice of County Commissioner, at the ensuing elec tion, JACOB HAAS. Shamokin, June 20, 1841. Estate of James Cauipltell, dee'd. NOTICE ia hereby given, that lettcra of admin inirsii.in b I pen sranted to the suhscritiers. residing in Shamokin tonnthin. Northumberland county, upon the estate of James Cainplell, late of the said township, dee'd. All prisons having any demands against the said estate, are requested to present them projierly au heuticated, and those who are indebted, to pay to the subsciilirs without de lay. wii-i.iAM rr.K9i.Au. (JiiADIAli UAMriitlili, June 26, 1841 Ow. ITEV- GOOES. THE eubscrilier has received an assortment of New Oooda, which he will sell on the lowest terms. June 10. H.B. MASTER. JACOB MARTIN, Commission and Cor warding uminlsalon MXl 1YIXLRCIIANT, REsrECTFLLLY id forma hia friends and the Merchants oenersllv. lht he cdtittnues the t'ommiaaioo and Forwarding Business, at his ware house, fool of W illow at. Railroad, Delawaio and bcbuvlkill. Merchants having goods to le sliinned. will find it much to their advantage, aa to tune and Piicea of fieight, lo send their nierchandise to the tVpot, corner of Front and Willow alrcel Kailrnad, aa ihey can then be sent cirtier route by the l ido W are r Canal, or Schuylkill and Union Canals, aa boats will arrive and depart daily lor trre Juniata and Susquehanna Csnsls by Tkle-watet in tow of steam. or via Schuy Ik HI and Union Canala hvta I airinount dam. Merchants will please l particular to send all goods destined for erlhvr riute, to the largs Depot, eornvr of Front and Willsw strart Railroad, with ..timis accompanying them, which touts they v iT, them to I ahiiid. Coaise and fine Salt and Plaster at wholesale prices, od the Delawaie or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, June A, 1841. ly. A FEW ouncea of I unilt Silk Vorni I'aKt warranted good, can be had by apply ingsooH, tu H. B. MASSJSK May 'i'i, 1811. ATTENTION SCISBURY GREYS, "WTOII are required to meet for JL parade in Market-square, Sun bury, at 10 o'clock A. M.of Satur day, tho 3d day of July, next., In Summer uniform, each Memlx-r to be provided with 10 rounds of blank caitridge. By older of Captain Dcwart, J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Seig't. June 12, 1641. I IMPORTANT TO rMHE Undersigned take pleasure in auhmitting X to the pub ic the tol owing Heeo i mendalions of Pratt's Cast lion Smut Mill arid Grain Huller to all dealers in Grain mid manufuclora of Flour, be lieving it to be superior to anv thins of the kind ever off red to the public. All ordora uddressed to uol.J. M'haddeti, LewtRburt. Union eounlv I'enn. aylvania. EBE.NEEZEIt SQUIRE. JACKSON M 'FAD DIN. t KtlTIHIATFSt Moidz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. J. M'Faniux Him I eh.erlullv teslifv to the p.jone s ano O.itoMNty or Pratt a Cast Iruii Smut Mill aril Grain Huller, s being a far ujerior nni cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a great many years, and have always tried to have the best apparatua for manufacturing that could he got, and do say thst the above machine is the best apparatus I believe now in use. Johs Moaix. Ithmmsburg, Dec. 56, 1840. Col. J. M'Fadihn Sir: In reply to your lavor, received a few daya since, I have only to aay.that the fact of my having introduced into each of the four milla that 1 am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the lcst evidence I can give you of their utility, Youra truly, Wm. M'KxLvr. Ji7w, March 17, 1841. J. M'FAtinm Sir : I do heieby certify without any hesitation, that Pratt'a Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most irfect machine to clemae grain of smut and all other impel lections, that I have ever sve n, and I believe I have aren all the kinda that are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there ia nothing of the kind ever been invented that will come in coinpvtiiiiin with it. u.o. Uchkut. Col. J. M'Famiix Sir: Dur'ng the past 24 ye.ira I have been constantly engncid in manufac turing flour, and during the Ust I'i j ears have been ilia owner ol a rist and Homing mill, and among oil the Ciintrivaueea lo remove impurities from grain I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma chine ia superior lo any with which I am acquaint ed, having uiej one in my mill about ligliieen months. Fmldeuicb. Haas. YorWiire Mills, Dec, 1840. I went in my flouring mill as pood an apparatus to prep . re grain for flouring, as the bat, and I want no letter than Prill's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Cleaso. Sunbury, December 1840. Col. J. M Faimm Siri I have in my mill one of Pratt'a cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills and Grain Huller, ami am confident that in regard to simplicity of construction, and durability of mate rial, it ia superior to any I am acquainted with. II AUK! MasSKR. lirar U,,p Mills, Dec. 28, 1810. Col. J. M'Famh.v Siri I hae in n.y rlouiing mill one of l'mtt' Csst Iron Sp nil Smut Vn:, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it, is the best midline t prepare grain for flouring that I am ac quainted with, and aa audi checiiully recommend it to all who aie engaged in the manufacture of flour. Jacor Llibenriko. Aiironylurir, March 23, 1841. Col. J.M Fa ii in k Sir: 1 lake pleasure in say ing that Piatt's Cast I. on Smut Mill is one of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has yet come under my observation, and that I believe it lir sueiior to any thing ol the kind ever invented. You may use my name in any way you thii.k proper. O. P. Dumcar. t'nion Million. 14. 1841. This is to cf rtil v that I have had Piatt's Cast and wrought iron Smut Machine and Cilain Hullrr in use lor better than 12 monlha, and find it to answer every purpose Hist it waa internhcd lor. Prnut can be taken out of wheat 1 believe eveiy particle nl it can 1 taken out without bieskiny ilie gram ol the wheat. Jour Plamk. Aarontlmig, March S3, 1641. Col. M'Faiiiun Sir : 1 have been enguurd in manufacturing Siipeitine Flour for many ears, ai d have it this time one ol Prull'a Smut Mills in tact) of my milla, and I do hereby recommend them as the most valuable improvement for cleaning wheat of amut and all other impurities, that I am acquainted Willi. JAMIS JJl'hCAR. Vox. M'Fabkir Sir i I have lieen eugsgi d in the manulactuiing ot flour tor 8 ye.ira, and most cheerfully recommend the alcove maciime, aa leiug by far the beat apparatua lor cleansing giant that I have ever uud or seen. I consider it an imli.ien- ille article lor any mill that ptetenda to do any bu- kineas. Jour Fisher. .Ijmrdurt Mills, Dec. 24, 1840. Col. J. M l AimiN Sir: Piart'a Cast lion Smut Mill waa introduced into my mill aliout three years since, and I Mieve it ia the Ivat article of tbt kind now in use. It will not only remove amut en'eiely.but is a most valuable appaialua la clean wheal end rye of any character, and prepare U lor flouring, Bebjamir Bouse. Itwhburg, Dec. 22, 1840. Cut. J. M'Fadhi riiui Afier a caielul and caudal examination and trial of the machine, in re gard tocoiialruciion, neatness snd despatch in exe cution, economy in twice, and power lo set in ope ration. I am fully convinced and satisfied, lht the machine above alluded to, ia second to no one in use. J- Morrow, Miller and Flour Manufacturer. Cattatuissa, December S3, 1840. Col. J. M'Faudir Siri Piatt'a Cast and Wioughtlron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Hullrr, 1 consider tu be the brat machine to irinova smut and oilier impurities to which giain is aubjuct, that I bavs uard, or with which 1 am acquainted, in re gard lo durability of material, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and despatch in execution. Justm Paitom. N. B. The slxve cnai bines are manufactured at the Lewisburg Foundiy, Ui.ion county and at the Bloomtburg Foun.lrv, t'olumbia Count), Pa. Lewisbutg, June 19, 141. ( "n EDITORS TAKE NOTICE, That we have applied lo the Court of Common Pleas of N..r thuinberlai.d County, for the benefit of the luws made for the relief of the insolvent dchtoist and that the Judges of the said Court have appointed the first Moiidny of August next to hear ua nnd our creditors at the Couil House in tfunbury, when and where you may attend if you think proper. BENJAMIN WITMER, JACOB SNYDER. June ft, 1841. of Rush. JOHlTSlr, OTlimTG3. WHOLESALE SHOE, BONNET, Cup and I'ulm Lea f Hat Store, No. 10 South 4th Street. PHILADELPHIA, lHERE an eiteiisivo assortment of the alme ' articles are constantly kept on hand, for sale at tbe most reasonablo terms. Mny 2, 1841. ly. HAYS, EltlilOTVON & OOSH. M liolcsale lealeri, In Foreign, liritith and American Dry Goods, No. 13 North Thirii Street, Phi la or lmiia. OOUNTUY Merchants can I supplied at all timea with an extensive assortineiil of the ahote Good 4, on tbe most reasoliuble and salisfuctory terms. May 29, 1841. ly. Addicks, Y:ii.diicn aV Siuilli. WZIOZ.ESAXE SHOE, CAP, lionntt and J'ulm Leif Hat Warehouse, No. 16T Market Strkrt, arovb 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY icrchauls are respcc fully requested to csll and examine their extensive assortment, which they will sell on the most leasoiiahle lein.s. May 81. 1841. ly. JOHIY SI LMVA.Y & SO., f&fttx .rim GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20, Lioht Street Whaut, BALTIMORE. TTAYINO a spacious warehouse, near the Rail--a-J. road, and ample wharf and pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consiynmenta of flour, gruin, whiskey, tobacco, &c. With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they are promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can give satisfaction to all who niny employ them. Literal ailv.inces made on Consignments, and information as to markcla lucly communicated w hen required. Refer to W. LORMANT cV SON,? . HI GH M'EDERRY, S 1,all,,nore KK.Mt.NCV WIIAKTOX, Reading. Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Holli.la.buig, Pa. WAI.LINGFORD &. TAYLOR, Pitisburg.Pa. Apiil 10 141. SPANISH HIDES7 TANNEHS' OIL AND LEATHER. li. KIRK P A T R I (' K 6c SO N, Ao. 21. AbrA Third street, (DETWKER MARKET ANIt CHKSRDT STREETS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for aale a Inrge and excellent acsnttment of Spanish Hides, Polna Kips, Tanners' Oil, c., at the lowest maiket prices, either for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received fur sale, or purchased at the highest maikcl prices. (JTJ" Leather stoted frre of charge. April 17, S4I. ly. THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WORLD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AVEM'OKT'S Improved Patent Threhii g Machine and Hore Powoi, which threshes and cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which renders the shove machiuo perfect and past further improvement. Those who have teen waiting fur something better tln.n beretofoie offered foi sale, will find ihiu to he the article, CVtuo see it and juilpe for yourselves. The subscribers have puichased the rich! of the above Machine and Horse Power, lor the coun ties of Nortni'n nr.iiLAn, Ltcoxixo, Clinton, and Union and alio, the piiileie of tci.ding t! cm in uny other phiees lor which the light has Hot been tueviotisly sold. The advantrifree which this Machine has over all others inente;l arc muny nn.l ol viuus. One boy and three men can do all the tl.rmliiiir, ami cleaning ol 150 bushels of w heat in one day ui il this usually takea seven hnin's one day und three the next. For field threshing it tikes the hail of any thing in this woild no grain ia tcaiurcj or lost. Such ia the superiority (.f the Horse IVaer, that lime horses con thiesh as much with it as four can w ith any other. The Machines and Horse Power w ill l sold together or seperate, lo suit puichasers. Made and aold in Milton, bv the BulscnhfiK. W M WELCH. W'M.H. POMP, HENRY F1J1CK. Milton, April 17,1841. MlECO.WJHfWM T.V. THRESHING cV WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in tise, one of Davenport's Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and Icing rrpeafvdly called-upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durbi(iiy and advantages, we make, fiee lo state, that they exceed in uur opinion, any Thieshirg Machine we ever Ufoic witnessed in ure. They will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 bushels of Wheat per day, and Ibis with the aid of three hands Ix aides the driver. The Straw ia passed oil' from the grain on all incline plane, ex tending almut 12 fiel from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain la IokI. W hat ia i f some imioilaiice and greatly so, ia the fuel that no dust i ssues from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power aeema lo be perfection itself three horses may woik it with ease and iheir fastest Ruit i ced only lie the ordinary plough goit. W e must elieeifully rt commend the Machine to Fanners Ihey ate manufactuied in Millon by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Fiiik. PHILIP HILGERT. JOHN B HELLER- Chilisquaque Isbp., NoilVd to, March 20, 1841. Cheap T in-ware. MANl'FACTURED snd sold by thesubseri ber in Sunbury, of ihe best 'I'm, and ihe work warranted, which hs otters for sale at reduced essh prices, now aa low at leiail as formerly sold by wholesale. Good Watering Pols, formerly aold at 87. now at 75 cents: Lame Buckets, formerly aold at 76 and 62. now at 62 and bii ; Gallon Cotl.e Pots, founei Iv aold at 66. and llnev quart at 50, now at 45 and 3(1 cenls, and other article of Tin-Ware in uronuiiion. Siovh nine aud stoves tuade and a , jold eheou lor cash. eVe. N. B. All eraona indebted to the subaciihtr, snd who wikh lo save costs, aie requested to call iMid make aslikfsilion. without dtlay, cithei with cs-rti or bv giving then note. Sui.bu , Apul 10. HENRY MASSEB. ATTENTION' MERCHANTS, &c. b. p. 6c j. ik. rnicic, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADINO & rHont.tR coMMta.toR mercharts, to. 297, Market rfrwi.w ,tovr above Seventh, VHILAtiELVMA, O " a'e' rt ,h" ,owr" rnnrkel priees, a Molasses, V,ncs. Liquors, Spies,, Tobacco, e o,.KTr, Tiioiircr. received ad .old on commt s on. Merchanls, Hotel keepers, and other., will And it to their advantage to call and examine our stor k, l fre pur. ha-ing elsewhere. Men hnnts wnhii B their go,U c -Heeled i riiv, ,, , ,vins mi order, will have them promptly lorwnrded, by the most exprditioua lines, rrwiN r. rnicit, johm n. tbick. F.b. 0. 1841. ly. r.ii.riAKii.iai jcssop. Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Corner of Pratt and L'ght tt,., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, a.e respectfully invited to call and examine their Stock or GixmN. Jan ao. ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. rrilE Subacriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat Mnnufaclurera. for New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and oilier large cities, wloBe Hots are highly commended for good color and durability, has on hand a first rate assoitmcnt ( f HATS ai d CAPS, suitable for Sprigs .le, wh eh will be sold very low, for cash or approved credit, at the noted cheap store. No. 40, North Third alrctt, opposite the Citv Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. THACHER, Agent. N. B. Outers foi Hula in the rough, promptly attended lo. The highest prico in cash or trade given for Fur skins. Philadelphia, April 10, 1841. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for buining snd manufacturing purposes, which will !e aold much lower than they can lie procured f 'bow here, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil aold by the company nut proving aa leprcaented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chflser, and the money will l refunded. Their stock now In store consists ol the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallona Winter Bleached SpeinTi 5 "II, tr , 6000 do do Coloilcss Oil, 16,000 do Fall and Sprine Sperm Oil, 10.IH10 do Winter Sea Elephant, 20,0011 do do 1'ie.sed Whale Oil, 6000 do Summer do do do 15,000 do Common Whale Oil, SOO Barrels supeiioi Straits Oil, 31)0 do Cod Bank Oil, oo do rxea's I' out UH, tr ?5 Casks Olive Oil, 5 Pauncr'a Oils. djThis Company has a number of Vessels' en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon gci'iiig at all limes Oil a pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly. ATTE1TTI01T. TllIE special attention of buyeis fiom the south 1. and west, and for the state trade, ia respectful ly invited to tbe following assortment of GOODS, w hich the subscril-cr will dispose of at suih prices as will amply repay his friends for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the present time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 600 pieces ('anion m itiiliir, assoited 4-1, 6-4 and C-4 white, checked and flowered. 1000 In-ailh rugs, a l eaiitilul oss-o'tment of Wil ton, Itrus-elt, Tuflid, Turkey, and Hemp ruga. 200 piece woolen, worsted, coltuii, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting. An elegant var.elv of ilton, !'iu.mI, Sco'.th and English, Venetian, Damiitk, &c. Arc. 1000 ilnieii men und 1 ova rnps, comprising a gicnt variety of Fur, f-'cnl. Nutria, Muskrat, and Coney, Hair. Sealelle nnd Cloth Cups. 1 00 doteii Allicanl Muts, assorted nzff. 100 do Manilla do do do Ml do Shccp-skiu do do do SO bah a French Babke.a, computing every de scription. f.Ot) pair Vene ian Blinds, aM'J figuics and colors. 3001) patent do do do 1000 nests Cabas or Sutchels, aas'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. fiOOO dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra- zillisn doh 'Tn, ivory, brass and w ood, compribtug a large assornnenl of eery variety. 3000 dozen hips assorted wagon, gig, car- ri.ice. aulky, planters, drovers or riding, of gut, lea ther nnd thread, with Crrmun silver, gilt, ivory aud bono mountinpa. lOOO dozen painted pad, v ilson a brand. 1000 nests cedar Tuba aid Buckets; also, Churns, I'lpgins, Wster t'ani, vVc. I he abote toeelher with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Briliauia and German silver ware, feather and I n-tle Brushes, Looking Classes, Ma hogany und (idl Fiainee, of every size anddesi-rip-lion, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex prcAkly foi iho southern, western and stale Irade. No 13 North 'id atreel, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. G. V". & L. 3. T.YLC?a. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifih und Murkel Stittts, thiladel- Mens Uall-skin Uoots, 6tttclieo warranteu. do do do pegged do do do do water ptouf, double soles snd double uppers. do Calf skin do do da nailed and upiers. do Heavy Wster Leather Boots. do do Neate do do. do High quarter Shoes. Calf-skin. do do do Crotkera do do Fine Monroes warranted, do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coats do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Calf snd Seal Skin Pumpa. do List Socks with and without soles. do Carpel do do do 3 do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccaaina. Ladies' do do do do LaJi.a' tanned India Rubber shoes, tientlemens' do Over shoes. With every other desciiption of boots and ahoee. Fur Capa of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shos Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm l esfli.t Philadelphia, November 7, 140. ly- ... CIT3T AUCTION w.T.tTatiasii'AI BTORB A'ambcr 89 North Third Street, Philadetphta PMUC SALES of Dry Good., Hardw.r, and Cutlery, Bunks, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoe a and Hats, and in short almost tny description of goods, ere held at this establishment pr7 evening. Goods are also aold ul private aale during the day at the average auction prices. B orn. keepera and traders will find it lo their advantage by attending the sales. C.C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novrmh. i 7. 1840. ESHERICK, HANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ETCIiE.' ' No. 1UC 1-2 MflrLet Stre;t, I liila. ( lit l,w Fifth South side ) ALWAYS keep on hnd a full and per.eral at Sf.rtinentnf llo'iery, Lace, ai d Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are resjiectfully requested to give them a Call and examine fur tin in elv s. i nnnueipnra. ioveiii.cr 7, 1840. ly. SPERINK. f;nf)l) A- ? n No. 133 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to ihcir extensive sssortmint of B.itiih French and Ame rican Dry Goods, which ihey offer for sale on the moi-t reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840 ly, PETEIl DEW EES, LAST MAKER, No. 74 Caltowhill Street, Philadelphia, Srihree doors above Second. J HOE Findings always kept on band, which he offers for sale on the rowe.t terms. Country Merchants mt paiticulaily to call and judgo for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. lr. LOWER & BARRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Thiri Strut. Philadelphia. HERE their friends and customers will alwava find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Haidwate, which they will sell at the lowest prices, Philedetphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J . W.MVA llT, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Nooth Third street, two doors below the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchanta and other are solicited to examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7. 1R40. ly Jacob Fi Isniutli & $un. RESPEC TFULLY informa their friends anil , acquaintances generally that they still con. linue lo keep at Iho old stand, No. 246 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds nf TOBACCO SXVFF AND SEGAJiS. Which ihey will sell oti tho most accommodating' and reasonable teims. N. B. All sooda sold will be guaranteed, and ull orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1640. ly. r FETES. CClTCTEIa, Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. G6 North 2d street, a few doors ubove jlrch, Philatklf'hia. ALSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and V slices, of - ery desciiption, all of which he uffera lor sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly P. & A. ROVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehousr. No 164 North Third street , third door below Vine street, Philadelphia. YITHERE they constantly k.ep on hand a largj assortment of China, Glass and Livcri. Ware, which they will dispose of ou the most tei sonahle terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1S40. THEOPJLUS GULP. Manufacturer nnd Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. 6 South Tl'urd street. four doors be!ow Marlut Philadelphia: TfT' EEP constantly on hand a large and general M . Msortment Coach Lamps', I'arringe Ban.', A IK) A mm, Uliptic Springs, Patent Leatler. Ae. Country Merchanta nnd saddlers w ill be supplied at ull times on the most ic isoi.ablo t unn. '1 I ey w i I find it to their advantage to cull aud examine 1..S assni intent before purehnsins elsewhere. Philadelphia. Noveml er 7. Ih40. ly. jlit-ltat'l tVcavt'i & ci? Bcrc xwAiinrs & Einr cy.Aiivz,z?.2. No. '.S X-'th W. tcrS:rt!i P.'' .' ''ej.hia. MAYE coi.stantly on l. m! a get er l HKi.t ol Curduitc, S, ii e I li. i , &c . j : l si u Rope, Fist i' i; R pes. W hile b'nes, .' .! il ia Hopes, Ton Lima tor C'-.ii.iI Boats. A!.-, n complete assoitineiit of S ine Tw lies. A c. si i Hemp Shad and H.rruig 1 wine, best i utei I ( .1 Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llening 'I wii e. SI,, o Threads, i.c. A.C. Also, Bed Coid. I'I. ugh 1 .is i s, H utters, Traci a. Cotton and Linen Ci.rpet Cb- ii a, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on teaaon.ib.'e teims. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & ( O. Wholesale Dealres in Foreign British. and American Dry Goods. No. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant", and others can be sop. plied at all times with an extensive a s, it. nie.nl of the beat and moat fashionable Goods t,p u tbe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemler 7, 1S40. ly. J. 3. lCEDAR., Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store No. 44, North Fourth near Arch st., Philudt 'jha. WHERE Country Merchanta and others ran h.i supplied, at all times, with a large ass. mr. nt of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and ... I at Shiita and Drawers, Spool Cotton, Patent Threail, Cotton Corda, Buttons, Tapea, Bindings, Mik and Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a general variety nt ire ful articlea, which he oilers for sale at the I, wet pricea. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. KAY & SsROTEER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOuK.-CI. LERS AND STATIONERS', No. 122 Chesnut Street, below 1th, Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand a generul .n rt. nienl of Book" and Stationary ; c""tf 's tu Theological, Law. Medical, :Uaical Misce. , oua and School B.M.ka. Dsy Bucke. all sn-s. Led, fjera, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, W it.na. Papers, Wrapping Papers. Ac. ic. which ib. v ( ler at Ihe lowest p. ic to Country Merchai l a l i s fessioiisl Grntleaien, Teachers, and all oii. 'hit mmy favor ihem with their custom. Philadlphis, Novcoibci 7, 1810. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers