SUNBUHY AMERICAN. PJUCES or A.OVERTI3IXG. I nq-ivti I inerlion, fO BO I ,., 2 do - . 0 75 1 d 3 d 1 P..-f anlneqiii'nt inwrii n, - 0 Yrady Advniiiemcnt. (wilh the (rivilega ol nlterjii.iii) one colu nil iM'M hlf eoliitnn, $li, ih ce t iur.s. f 1 two square, (9 ; ont squtre. Without thf rivilco of alteration a literal difcount wit' he made. Advertisement letl without direction to lh length of lime the are to lie pnhlUhcd, will b continued until ordered out, and charged accord inRly. Cjf"'iitocn tine make a square. lot"1Z I MIRE KT STHKRT, KriH BFK1I. THE AMERICAN" is published every Salnr day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ueJ ti:l all arrearages are paid. No subscription received for a less period thin ait months. All communication or letlcri on business relating to the ollice, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. Absolute acquiescence in the, decision of the mnjori'y, the vital principle of Republics, from which there i no opp al but to force, the primiplo nnJ immediate parent of despotism. Jrrtnoi. k . - Ily Master & Elsrly. Hunbiiry, Xortliuinhei imul Co. Vn. Sutuidny, January 9, Vol. I o. XVII. TERMS OF THE "AMERICA." HE.VRY B. M ASTER, i Peat.,, A, JOSEPH EISELY. $ Paorair.Toas. CARRIER'S ADBBISS TO TUB FATROXS OP TUB AMERICAN. Ills views conrrrnlnff the World, Van Huron mid IslimcIT Tlie world has run its annual race, And came out as heretofore, Starting, the usual time and place, It will ru. the same course o'er. And as we live in ruxsixa times, Don't think it passixc strange, That I should Rt'K about with rhymes, Since I've ru n out of change. Van Buren too has nus behind, As many more have done ; And as to day I'll speak my mind, I'll tell how that was done. But first of all, fork o'er your disks, Then hear me through my bard, Vor think it strange I speak in rhymes, Since truth in prose is hard. lis ilrtvi rnnrrriiliitf Hie recent defeat ol'llic Democratic Party. ."e whigs and Antics far and near, Who grace your famous party, ust listen whilst I now declare How you defeated Marty, "irst for that opportunity, Conceive yourselves tiite lucky, v'hen you trick'd so skilfully, The statesman of Kentucky. c had a hard contested race, To fear wc were no stranger, e lost the game wc had in chase, Which long had been in danger; lie whigs got up an awful noise, With cider barrel forces, ' ad drove the democratic bovs, Clear oil' their undent courses. ;'posc you've read it in the prints. How Stevens once attempted i throw old Tip clear o'er the fence, Hut which the whigs prevented; r Jemmy Todd received the shock, And thought the occasion lucky, shake otTThaddy and his flock, Who clung to old Kentucky. pose you've heard how Florida Aras overrun with savages, tiering whigs most horridly, , their bloody ravages ; i)ko the whigs they made their brags. JfTip should chance to thrash us, ei sew them up in cotton bags, And roast them all to ashes. hus we, llio' always wide awake. Were caught this time a napping, nd got for once an awful shake, Instead of a gentle tapping; Id Tip himself got on the stump, And swore it was past enduren, fe'd lick'd the Indians in a swamp, And now could lick Van Hurcn. Tannlngr of Metals. Among the important discoveries of modern times is one of changing the character of metals by a process re sembling that which skins go through in tanning. The pores of the metal arc filled with another metal, or a che mical preparation of metals. This is done, by dipping the plates to be opera ted upon in a melted metal, or oilier preparation, and then placing them in an oven subject to intense heat Hy this process, the new ingredients become incorporated with ihe principal matter, so as to essentially change its character in some respects, especially the plates are rendered more maleablc, and at the same time, incapable of oxydation. A French discovery, applicable to iron, has been sometime in use in this coun try, and so far, has accomplished all which it professed. The sheets of iron are immersed in melted spelter, and then baked, as stated above. The iron is afterwards softer, and does not rust at all from exposure to air or salt wa ter. It is therefore far more valuable formany purposes Iron so prepared is called galvanized iron. An Kuglish man some two or three years ago dis covered a similar process applicable t copper, spelter and iron. What the composition is which he puts upon the plates, we do not know, but his opera tion is of the same nature with the one described above, and the c fleets are the same. The copper becomes impervi ous to the action not onlv of air and salt water, but of powerful acids also; and what is of no small importance for sheathing of vessels, marine vegetation and shells do not form upon it. If these mucinous scutlemcii will but contrive now, some way of imparting this anti oxyding quality to iron and steel, with out impairing the firmness of their structure, they will have discovered the philosophsr's stone in a good degree, and our servants will thank them for putting an end to the disagreeable bu siness of scouring knives and forks. A steel knife that would not rust, would be better than a silver one, and the same might be said of spoons, and almost c very thing else, The peculiar excel lence of silver consists in its resistance of oxvdation. For many purposes an increase of softness in iron or copper is on increase of value. Ihe improve ments of which wchavc been speaking, both lhat invented in France and thai in Kngland, scorn to us of very great importance. The original idea, per I haps, ought to go to the credit of Sir Humphrey Daw. He mixed metals so as to prevent the oxydation of cop. per on ships, but barnacles lormcu much faster on the copper prepared by him. than on that which had not been prepared, The injury was found to be where the soil has enough manure and lime to feed the crop. Agriculturalist household but on the contrary, would be extremely mortified at ignorance of such essentials. It is no matter if for tune has so blessed her that she need hot soil her fingers in domestic occupa tions. A knowledge of them is abso lutely necessary to procure their per Winter Hulter. If milch cows were fed with roots, butler might be made during the win ter. Some dairy women, however, formancebv servants. She is a wretch- complain that it is almost impossible to ' ed butt of kitc hen malice, and a victim churn their cream into butter in cold ! of wanton waste, who cannot detect weather. Mr. Van Fniberg, See IS', servants in their misdoings by her own Fj. Farmer, vol. ii. p. 121, 125. directs , kcowledee. To command the respect to keep the milk till it begins to change, ! and obedience of servants, a housekce and then to churn it. He advises to per should be so well informed, as to be mix the night's milk with that of the ' able to answer them upon questions next morning, and "in summer this sometimes maliciously put. Her eye change generally takes place about ten I should never lone loose sight of any part o'clock; in cold weather it requires to ( of the domestic establishment; and she bo kept longer for this purpose, say in ' should be qualified to oversee undor spring and autumn, the milk of the fust standingly also. Else might a man rich mess may be kept till the day following. ! as Crrsfm be beggared by his kitchen, and then requires the addition of warm and still he fare none ihe better fr it. water to the milk to bring it to the right j N. V. Tattler. temperature lor cnurnmg. uiners ad vise in cold weather to pour as inucl boiling water into the cream as will bring it to about the temperature ofi milk just from the cow. It is said that, cream managed in that way will re (iiiuc but very little churning, and is attended with no disadvantage, excent ; here he nn.V thousands of concerts. He then that the butter w ill be white a day or I J lhr ri,.v pf I'uhiin, "m'. wlirrP WO. I ""'i' B "c sunn c It is said in Hunter's Georeicnl F,s- U,,J Tcinp.nnce Mciials, ami administered the says, that good butter mav be made "'cf in n less than thi ty-thrte thousand pe from COWS led oil lui llips as follow s : ora. Lord Morpeth, and several other Hiverim nt "Let the vessels which receive the, IVgnitmii rbreied him m in the good work, by milk be kept constantly clean, and well lh i' presence on the. platform, and he announced scalded With boiling water. Wild! the t the close of the third .'av, tint the Iiith Tempcr- lnilk is brought from the dairv, W illl nrce Sociity then consisted i.f over three m:llcms every eight quai ls mix one quart of , f nrmlurt. boiling water, find then put It Up to: A a further i'htvtration of too rtT c's of thin de stand for cream." This, it is asserted, linhtful reform, we give the fallowing ske ch fr. in will destroy the tasle of the turnip, and j Mrs. Hull's I'. I'hiud. Jnj. perhaps may fac ilitate the process of j We entered one day a roltapc in n ru' urb of churning. j ("oik: a woman wn knitting stivkTigs at the door ; Dr. Dearie's X. Fngland Farmer i it wa neat oud con f.rtM.' o any i:i iho most Stales that "a strong rancid llaVor wiU ! rrosperou!iliict of England. Wot-ll rt Irif li-OKrr ttf Father Mitlthew. T 12 M P 12 It A N C K. Tho Iridh Apnstl.. of Tein er.ince w . s ill, at thy list d:itiF, (ti:, in rd iii fie earnest and anc PB-fiil pin rctili n ol hi pit intic nnJ philanthropic a iK Ur. lie uceritlv inlcil (lie noitli ol l eiuiui, be given to the butter, if we churn so near the fire as to heat the wood in the w inter season. In churning for butler always have an orifice suflicient for the air to have access to the cream. Butter is produced by the union of oxy story in her own wt rds, n near as we ran r call, 'My uuntiHnd is a wheelwright, and always enrned his guinra a wek ; he was a Rood woikmin, and neither a bid mr.n nor a had hu-b.ind, but the love for Ihe dtink was strong in him, and it wasn't oflrn he brought me home more than five shillings to x-nd t ifchool. to siy no'tiit g of the starved look llit-y had nut of the little I could g've them, We i, . Raxk was raised they thought it best, (The old one lhcn was dying,) V lock the specie in a chest, And keep the bills a flying ; Id Nick then reigned within its walls And wound the" regulator, iut wousu it lp with cotton balls, By turning speculator. 'hey seldom left their patience tire, Tho' long they walch'd for places, lv keeping up a constant fire, 'They work'd finely in their traces ; Jut then we ran too near the brink, Before wc thought to stop 'cm, W Eightccn-fourtv-four, we think. 'We'll show you' how to drop 'cm. ."ntil that time 'tis a'm 10 fight We never fight for booty ; Jut lot the whigs prepare lor flight, When wc are called to duty. nd lest now dangers should arise. By turning round our ladies, A'c'll send in time our gallant boys, And keep them from the kkouies. Sunbury, January 1, lbll. greater than the benefit. X. V. Jour. Com. gen w ith cream, and more butler w ill I out of his me pound on a Saturday night ; and be produced, and of a, finer flavor, if 1 it i.r, ke my heart to seethe pourch Uten toonc d the churn is sulhcicntly open. It i recommended by some writers to shorten the operation of churning hy . (;,l l praised, he took ihe jlcdg. ; and the next mixing a litlle distilled vinegar with the j s lturii.,v l.e laid iwni-y-one .hillings up.m the chuir . , i ..ii i tit cream 111 IMC cliui ll. , tablespoon lull j v ,u M u,on. )li! min i I r,ive tliank on my or two to a gallon of cream is advi-ed, j icn.vd ki.ecs th-t ni;htt H ill, I ws f.-u ful it ami the acid may be carried ofl by j wouldn't last, at.d I p.nt ni mire than the five washing the butter in two or thee chan- , , hillings I was used, to, sajins to myself, my U ges ol w ilier. j :1m miney w II lie more w.mied ihmi it i n iw. Ill Scotland dairy women give their ll. the net wek. he hroimht me the wirn, and buitcra fine vcllow color, ttv grating From a London Taicr. lam ftcott, the American ntrer. This extraordinary m n on Mot day afternoon gave a fiyii g leap fiorn the ton-pallsnt yard of the coal hrig Wakrfiel l, of Blyth, lying iff Itolherhithe, in the presence of an iininrrnc c nicouiso of sprca tors, Who lined tho sliorus on both i'los of the i'hjines. He a-tonislic I the ira fir upwatd of an hour on the top-gallant ya-d by hi f ats, al though i, was blowing a ;iilo at the time. On uioun - ng al, ft he fisu.l himscif on the top-gillan' hrad, and w th his feet kicking in the ai", ont his head rn the top of ihe in ist, remained in lh it p si lion fir tome time. Itethrndc.c nde 1 to the yar I which waa brjeed taut, and althouah the hip was anyililur; hut sto.idy,rnn fiom one end of the yard to the, n ihout holding on hy any Mpe, occa sionally bar niguing the people. He inadu a noose, which he pl.ict'd r uud his neck, and th ew himself off the ynul. Hu remaine l susp-iided for a few se conds, with the ropo under his chin, ai.d rained him self with grejt dexteiity on to the yard, when he exel liim d, Come here to morrow and you will sec me huig niyu'lf aain.'' He thin hung to the yrd ly one font, l h li s hed downwards, nml exhibited inmy other unties. All 'his was dune with the (jreati tit nppirent indif ft-ri-nce, arid Indeed he appeared the only Unconcern id person preeol. lie stated that he had jumpe I off a place b.low the fulls of!, a heisht of 107 ft-et from tho watt r, and am m;;st his othrr ex ioits he hnd leiped from a cl.ff at Port Isaac, in Cornwall, 31? feel hi h, into the sen from Uanuor bridge, the hi;hftt in Ureal Britain, 210 f ct high, and repeatedly from the top ga'lant tn it of E igli-h and American line ol hattlo bhips. Atlthepre- pared for his leap, fir-t m ikiog UA a h inilkcrchicf rolli.d lua load, nnJ a. curing one of his hands with a rope, which he twisted about his wrist and fi-igTS. Af-i-r d .irig thi he hi Id up his arm, and t Xcluinn'd, - I n lv ue one ; tho other is tiid up, and I cin't move it." Jlr t .Id the eople that his h. ad was ,.s haul as ir. n, :ind to cotni'.ce th in tliat it was to, he laMb d it a iinut the top must until he actually made the I iwer must bhakr. He ihen nude his las' adilrtss prrvinuf to ihe h-np, by acq ia;nting the peo I le lhat it w is erroneous to supp sj that a nun's bicsth was taken away by falling from a great height, for while he was defending lie would upcak something which he hoped woulJ not be f irgut ten. Ho then pulleJ offliis bhoea, h IJ them tip a bove his head, and exclsiming, "Now, h.-re gs," he made a flying leap f om the en I of the yard into the Wjter, calling out na he descended, " O ind bye, don.t forget me ss I come whoif " When he II into the liver the p'y roe abovo l im to the h'ight of 1 2 or 1 1 feet, and in an iniUiit his head and arms appeared bImv rhe stufice of the wale-, waving ihe si.k l.umlkerchii f which he had fislened a'loul his head while on the yar'.. Loud ch-ers greeted htm front all .pi irtel', and ho i n asUor.-; the p.vpl .is he bin led rewardoj him with in .hey, wb.eti he depo.iled in his shoe.-, and iu a b.x tutriid by u mail on iratcl.c-, f it i- ben fit. History of Hard Money. The fullowins; brief history of hard money coin oge wo extraM from an exchange t Uopper was not coined in England until ths) limn of El tib 'th and then in ama'l qumtitics, ond not well received- In 1672, a greater coin igo touk place, of half pennies and farthings, Si!er p-nce, hiilf pence an I f irthings were coined d;wn to the reii-n of Edward III. 1351 ; then gnats and -half groats j next a shilling. Hon'y VIII. coineJ crjwns; Edard Vf. half crown', a'xrMwcs, and three farthing pieces. From 4JJ of Elizabeth tj iho pr.afnt time, the coinage has remained the aime. The frst gold coin was under Henry III. 1557, in g dd penn cs. The guinea was coined in IGCn. of Guinea gold, to go fir 20a, but it never went lor less th m 21s by licit consent. It is com puted that the who'e coined cash of ihe kingdom passed through the Bank every thrae ycats." Children Missing. There are said to bo seventy odd chi'dien mlssin J in . ur city and lilicrii. within the last few days. Wc do not say lhat this f jet accounts for the quan tity of mince meal munuf ictureJ about these limre, t ut it s rongty reminds us of a ti tle affair th'-U oc curred in Taiis not long a-jo, near iho Cafe Tvrtoni. a i our ncighboi ti e Standard would say. One of the gnu d' or ma, in luting a piece of pie, cncou- tered a child's finger. 'I ho house of the pie-maker w is instantly searched. In walking acro-s the shop, a trsp suddenly opened and cloud, and oue of lh oirice a w as enwng the missing. 8t arch was mad. , s:id he was found under ground with two children, all of whom, Itko hu idrtds before them, had hern pifLipitatoJ through the trap, and would probabU hive made the:r appcataiicc in a day or two after war Is, in a suit of " pssic" wbh trimmings to su all tastes and a, peiitO'. Saturday Eve. Pott. Ilcd Itccl The Kctl licet generally appears on , . -i j ii i . ... our tame in an aciu anu ioim, ns a nickle onlv: whereas if our te male friends would take the matter in hand, wc doubt not that it may be prepared in a variety of ways ; stipe- nor to any garden production which we possess as it is abundantly and easily cultivated, and kept in a state of perfect freshness during the whole year. liv a recent trial it lias been (omul that pies may be made of it, which arc equal if "not superior to rhubarb. Kithcr from tlie leaves, the same as rhubarb, or from tlie root, by cutting it into square pieces; vinegar ami su irar, "and other spices if liked," can be added to suit any palate, while it possesses the advantage ol furnishing ... "ii r i ns with a delicate and Deaimnu pie, bii-b van rrace oui' tables at any season of the year. Farmer's Car Souk Throat ix Swixb. Turn am the next, and the next until tight week' pacd ; nnd glory be to (J.d ! tl.ere w is no chang for the h id in mv l.u-bandi and all lh while he never ak"d me w' v there w as n.vhing better for him out of h s Inn earnings so I fell there was no f-.r lor him ; and the ninth week when heciineto me, I had th: table bought, ai.d these 't ehails, one for my self, fntii for my rhililrmi, and one for hi nso'f. And I ilis-ed in a rew gown, and th children id. to w cloilo a and hoc an t ftoikints, and upon his own chair I put a bran new bu t; and u.ion hi. pi ile I put the hill and resa'u f r them alt J i-t the right sitte, ii t.h:llings thi y cot t'l it I'd kved out ol his waiies, not k-iowing what might happon, and hat always tef.ire went for dunk. And he C'ied, good lady and god gr:i;lo!un, he ciieJ like a baby but 'twas With har' to f k1 ; and now wheie's the hrabhier man Oian my husband In the county Cork, or a happier wife than myself, or dacent r or hsrler foil child en than our own fiur V" too expressing the most protund ig norance respect mi? domestic economy, i wiiiteficin Credit her ow n words, and vntl WOuU, upon a time, when the c V rV.d Wh-tr- bclievf that she dues not know how, U I field was addressing an immense crowd with his pi it a toe looks before it is COoked-.or ' aeruslnmed f rvor and el.quence, under the shade some orange carrots, straining the juice and mixing it with the cream previous lo churning. liutler thus made acquires not only a beautiful yellow color, but a flavor whith a this greatly to its value. The quantity of carrot juice to be used, must be ascertained by experiment and the judgment of the manufacturer. Fcssendcri. .V. Crane, of Newark, X. J. litis taken out a patent for an improved ck. It runs ills davs with one win ding, and is said to be a most ingenious liecc of mechanism. i liilly licntccl. We happened the other day to hear a young woman, very pretty she is FLOIltUA. There- is nith'ng of in'eriKt by the latent da ts from Florida i xcept the f II iwing p ar igr iphs : "II is repoeeJ tint Wild Cat (Cj l-coo chee) ai d Tiger Tail hae had a fijht, and that Whild Cat was kiia d in the atTray. "Is ,w a few d ij s since, continues our corespon dent, Wild Cat's litlle daughier L'hiu-me chst-lce, who was recently taken hy the Dragoons on tho W.kiwa. She is a smart firtive child of nine or ten yeats, and evinced ar ato mic eJucation by paying little oi no tttont on to her fa'd iw prisomrs, whom i ha tega d. i s plebians. Of Ihe U'lor etas was a male child i f four or five, years of ai;e, whom hi companions deigna'ed a J.ic. Joo tsofa.Uily d spoitiun, and by no me.ns a Chin-mi - ihat-We, when -he firM saw him blur his cap me, rcmarliid 'llut she could not sen the use uf keeping him a prisoner, that ho could not lijtt a flro or lr nu w .ter. and lhat they ought to dah h s brains out.' " Globe. Tables tnmtil on Robbers. On t'ne Dth in I. three villains mado an uttemi I to r.ih a bat lying on the Mi-s'ssippi river, ne r WUhurg. They entrred the bo it 12 o'clock at rrght, when the captain and ciew wete as'eep. At t eir oppn arh the captain soon aoke called up Ins men, and as uracil the defensive. Tho sttitd captain qui k'y drew a pis'ol and d.sch-irgcd it at thu titfirhius po-fe. The hall lodged in the hip of one f How narr.el (JoJfrey, al as Hu'tan. Th capt iin f.dlowed this wi!i a plunge of hi bowii knifu, which euteied the bjdy of the same individu al. The rohliers, at 1'iivling them-eles thus a'.err.l met, mado their escape by j, imping one after another intJ the wa'er, r.nJ swimming fur Ihe shore. Ths wounded man sori began to fail, ar.d cried out ino.1 lustily to his companions, ' help me or I sink!" It is said there is honor ant ing thievos, &nd in this instance it soems so, for ihey immediately turned nbiut and dragged the poor devil ashore, and took thvuwlves iff as f ist as their I gs could tarrr tl em. Hero the miserable wre'eh lay until m.irn iiig, w utnle I and blecdii.g ptofusodly , dtenched t- the i-kin in tlie turbid waters of the Mississippi, an I up d ull niht to the cold damp dews', ho pr wn'e I a mntt pitiable spectacle. He was placed ia , jiil and his wounds attended to. Ocean. Ouur Opinion too. The fd ow'ng from the P.cayune proses tl editor to be a gentleman of taste : "If mn waa made in the imigo of his maker, purely womaa was dosignoJ to keep hira still in rcm;rubrsnce of heaven. When a man reflects upon paradise and asks his mind fr something earthly lhat lescmbloi it, he eat) think of woman, lovely woman, and nothing elee. Picture, innocence, youth snj beauty ia woman, ar.d if you d i not eee paiadise, go to an occulisl immediately, f. r depend upon it, there is something the mitler w'uh your eyes." Preirnttvv ol llu' Tlii?at Insfi-f or IICNftlaii 1'l.v. Mr. K. IHommedicu, w ho lived ant uTiite.. sibout 5(1 vear atro. some excel mals so alVectcd into an open pasture, . tunr,s upon agriculture, savs "the I setl. where mere is iresu icco, mw jn-.w.. root, from confinement mixed with food, where pasture cannot or whether it grows upon trees with a shell like a walnut, or is a domestic ani mal, f-d on corn, ami slap'ntcrcd for the table. She would her friends or perhaps vc shoM S!,y her ac quaintanccs suppose that she was ne ver nearer- a, kronen than in the hall on the hjv;cr lk,or; and lhat she has no more idea, r,( culinary operations than 1'obins.m Crusoe's man 1 riday posscs- vet wc arc ready to stake our there is fresh feed, and ground to w)cat c-ro, (ur nianv j cars n atx0k r-fi u ,,e fatt tnat ( s,e was not It is a disease resulting generally N y (his ,-csidence.) averagei Urn in a kitchen, she was educated as onfinement. 1 oumled cl.arcoa . fiv(J or six uusli;is lr, th(J a,.re seullioilari(i tri!lt her fingers were in with food, where pasture cannot jnsu.t gr 1,eMi..n j,. her earlier youth she is young yet be had. or room for exercise, s one of an end to t, -s k;uJ of tlUsbadrV ihe best preventives of disease in swmc. -n that & instead of a, Curse : iQ other way being cj.. , Tim Clearfield (l'a.l Banner found to Prevent the iniurv to this crop .,t'ti,:,t Salt water has been disco- bv tlji insect, but bv hiulily manuring vnro.l in that county, and urges capita- tll( land." o observed during the lists to enage in the nianutacuire. u i devastations of tins insect the past sea son, that wheat on strong ami riured artic'tt is gam ui- - - could be floated to market very cheaply on the Susquehanna, in the proper sca 1 1 wen manured land was but little injured, while that on poor land made invtriiiig her earlier youth she is young yet much more familiar w ith the brasses on the area iiulincs, and with ihe interior of the stew-nans, and with the ashes in the grales, than with the piano lone keys, or with cambrick needles. Io thinii but a ridiculous desire to conceal what would be no disgrace to her, i know n, could tempt her to such ridicu Ions and lying affectation. No true lady i ashamed of a know lede of the details and duties of a of a venrrable Uee in the Meadows at K dinhurgh, a p.xir creature, th nkiog to turn him into ridicule, had lurched himself on one of the overhanging hough right above the preachei's hi ad, and, with inoi. key-like dexterity mimicking his gesticulations ende avoied to raise a liuh among the, audience. iuided by the looks of some of his heaters. While- field caught a glance of him, but w ithout teaming to have noticed him, coiitiuuid his discourse. He w as expatiating at the moment on tho power and the soveregnly of llivinn grace. With gathering force and earnestness be tuld of the unlikely objects it had often chosen, and Ihe unlouked for triumph it had ofieu aehieted. As he rose to the climax of hi inspiring theme, and when in the full twnep of his eloquence, he suddenly paused, and turning round, and palming slowly at ihe wretch above him exclaimed in a tone of deep and thril ing pathos Even he may yol be the subject of that free, that resistless grace." It wss a shaft fiom the Almighty. Winged by the divine bpiril, it struck the scoffer to the heart, and realized in hi conversion the glori ous tiuth il conveyed. Scottish Guardian. Combe, the phiuiolr-iti-t, it pirpning a wgrk on i the t'nitid S aits. Muntflceut Donation. We leun that our fellow citizen, Mf N.tiiji Di ss, t fiicntl to liberal education, has iccently given to the Managers of Haveiford ExIiojI, the only Quaker College, we bilene, on the continent, the sum ol iwmiTT THorsisn hollars, which A ' Cst." In Was! itifiton coun'y Court, Pennsylvinia, a man named Andrew Miller waa re cently iried for stoaling a gallon measure, with wAi key from the distill- ry of J. Gabby, and aenteneed to 3 years imprisonment. Thi individual was but recently d aohargaji from the peniuratiaiy, wheie ho hd been led f ir stealin j from tho tame dis tillery the ari gallon measure, with wMaluy, threw vears since. .Vt. Ii tl. Cost or a Diait. In the year 157S a laboring nnn in Eng'and was pail only three and halfpence establishes lhat inteneiin inaiitution on a durable h ie more than th-ee centa a day, f..r hummt. andi n 1272 a IJ.ble, with marg nal no es.sotu tl.iity p.unl or about one hundrednd ihirty-ihreo d. liar'. It then nquiied the enliie wages of dab teen vear' lab r to purchase a Bible. What basis. Il ha seldom, ifeer,bi en our happy I tto tcord so munificent a donation, during the life of the do nor 5 and wh it render il alill in re giutifying is li st this sum was voluntarily paid to Mr. Dunn ly Mr. Joseph Arclu-r, .he only suivning sail und of our la'.o I enevoleul t awnsmnn, Mr. Sam uel Archer, who ut the timo of his death was large ly indebted lo Mr. Dunn, This noble act is an ear nest that the son inherits the vtrlues of his departed parent, who truly wus a friend toth friendless and a father to the fitherless. J'hila. North Anwr. Mit of London. London is probably the largest city in the world, ut least if we set down as doubtful the exaggerated arcountsof Ihe population i f some of the Chine e and Japanese cities We carl form some Idea of its six when we aie told it contain as msny in habitants a do the five slate of M issichusetn, Mait.e, Connecticut, New Hamfw-hire and Vmuion'. change hath been wrought hy means of the ait i f pruning an) Bible Soiieliis. Philad. Star.dird. Bra.BtsMca. The New York ;ar aays: TL" opcr.tion for the cure uf squinting is performed, wo Ul.tve, in fiom two to four minutes anil lh charge is f orn ate hw.dred to one hundrtd and" ffty dollar. Th discovery is a very important ot.o, and we think ihe bene&U derivable tram it should not be confined solely to the wealthy. CouM not Ihe praelitiouera who hare introduced the operation in ihiscoun'ry affud to perfofm h at less exorbitant charge t TartTRts. Th curtain drew up at tho rj't in Katuiday fight lo cur audience; he .pi-nu.a-K i. sod ih pi rf iim-nre fisdl. Gijoik An iud.vidual went before Jus'lc Mf Donald yesterday and rlunUri j took oath to ab. stain Irom the u of " spirituous li'ioor for ew ymr sf er 13 o'flock lat nigh. He. aaid ha was d.-tetoi ned to onl what hl bocoms of thi There is no tear of the Hessian Klv, v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers