Ti:nw or the American." HENKY irMA!tER,5 Publishf. asd JOSEPH ElSEI.Y. PnoraiiToii. M. jBM.l8SEttt Editor. orrtCB IH NAkKXT STBKtT, HH- THE AMERICAN" ipuhiihcd every Saturday- ml TWO t'OLI.ARS r annum m ba paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued ti l Att arrearngce are pniil. No subscription rocciveil fur a leas period th 'n aix xomth. All communication or letters on businest relating to tha olfice, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. TUe Urat es of Ibo Signers. BUMBUffiT AMERICAN. PIUCC3 OF ADVKaTIflEfO. I aq'iare I inaor'iwn, f 0 50 1 do 8 do - . 0 73 I di da - . H) Every ufwequnnl in-emi. n, 0 S3 AND SIIAIMOKIN JOURNAL Tearly Advrtiomen'a, (with the privilege uf lierstion) one colu nn (33; half euluraii, (19, three square, (13 ; two squares, f 8 ; one squue, $5. W ithout Ih privilege of aJtuation lihuraj di-counl will ba made. Absolute acquiescence in the deeinl m .,f the mnj iri y, the vital principle of Republic, f.om which there I, no app al l,t to force, the vital principle and immedia'e pwenl ofdeepKum.- Jrrn Adveitiuinenl left wiihnut directions a to the (OS. leniith of time the are lo be publi.hrd. wuj b continued until ordered out, and charged accord Dy Master & CHely. Ranbury, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, , Octofcr 31, IS 10. To. INo. Til. ingly. CJ&uteou lines make t square. T XI A. M. . ai'CSAVA. Where lie our country' gloiiou dead! In grave that know nor rite n .r name, Whence every passing wind h pred The story to that country' ihaiiie t Where, oil unchecked, the rank weed stiooU, lis noxious Clues through their clay $ And where in safely, loathsome brute AciO it drag thiir Mingled pry 1 Where human pride anil hope and love Ne'er rueel the rugged duds above. 1 No! midst the dear home of the Und, E'en a their own hi arthe, unforgot ! The Nirth' stern yeoman lilt hi hand, Proud, from hi p'ouh, to point tin- jot; An4 the will oi-b y he hits nu sed, B-side thcin ip.hi tirtd knee, And te l their (Tame and deed, the A.tt Th-tt he h i known of lin-tny ; While the winn Wish lo k torooxh hi eye, Like them to live and thus to he I No! where the Sou h' blight lum ged Irrd And bnghl hui'd (lowers, sing and w.ve I There haugity men of burning word In i overture seek each ijuiel grave; And ih'To, if lightly h ive been spent Their own rich gilts of Uid and earth, Up fr.mi ihoduat v. ice is scut. That t rtlf them to aim of wurth ; There hinh-soul d womnrkpauac to pray, May thoe we love trove auch a lucy !" They lie, where in their glory time, They a ived their aine' gray head from harm ; In fiuiifui field", throughout our clime. Won from thed.uk wood by their aim; Where fir-t th ir rhild.en the light. And where, wU 'it piresed by ill hd wrong A u to tare - owc'i d with might, E'i'ii yet their children's rlnlilien tilling, And lei l w .a' writ may nerve their pow.rs, Why suould we nink! tap ilo,d in oust'' And ye would break their holy sleep, And hear tlit in 1 1 Mime I.. bored pile, Whore Munition grudge time to wctp, Am i ion cold to dioii its uiir ; Wh re th- pour pi-ismi ne'er c ul I g. To hie tliv:n i t ill. ir g.i.i-likc part, Andci'tli ii vpi i'. :d. t gio.v, Au.l ra' tin ul, an. I arei hit heart; Where la-ni .n'e fliglii.' -I .ves would turn From t1" in, uu o till it blazoned urn ! G.i miIi in ilv and seek tljeir shrine, And l iii.k, wlHlre'.T each in .nrcd breast, Pi.e tio tiii biei te, llie sun bam shines, llo.v sweet how ioveiy auch rest ; So th.it thi-ii memory around, Stump freedom on each lorui and face; Hear tiidt, in danei' hour, each nijui;d Would be legien' rally og-plce; If ye hive hearts, there their tone, And dare to touch thoe ha IoabJ bone! suggested by the question Do we not owe it to i hi imni'iy i f tlie Signeia of the Declaration ot Ii di ninut!, collect tneir rcmuii.a, and place lb' in in a n itiJnaJ nionumciit ?" moM TUC CASKKT. Vtinuiiii Hcvc nge. A TALK Or YkXICR. 'l'wa night ; und the broad expanse nf heaven glittered wi n my ri id iifitir. At a iKiftanre the moon ttirew its nft light upon the tower of De Vasca. Venice, the lovely Venice, the seat of joy and luxury, was hushed ; U street we e all vacant, nd not a fjult'p broke the stillness uf ihe night. It was the hour whm the stranger might gac i on iti n ble pal ice through the dim mist of night, and, wrapt in wonder an.) awe, exclaim, this is in deed a bright land. The dttaiit bell of S. Duminic tolled the midnight h ur, s a gondi la suddenly made its appearance bineiih the Uridge of M gha; it neand the shore, and from it stepped a female form. Closely wrapping her mantle around her ahe anceuded the step that led to the bridge. Site bad ju.t leached it when live aoui.d of fooUteps broke on her ear ; and placing herself behind one of the abutments, where ahe was free from dincov ery, she waited iheir c-uiing. They soon approach ed Ihe bridge, und were iho.o of a young and gal lant caviller, wi h his arm entwined round a female four). N iy, Donnei-lii." exclaimed the civ.l er, pau-i-ing, In li"ve not what the woild uys, I swear I love thee, and none oilier. Be mine then, awocl ouc !"' " Gl idly would I, Antonia, but my sire will not be t jw hi child n on whom he saya love unii ther. 'Tin ru noied Ctttl e. thi hand-otii.i E telle, ii your future b ide." lUnJiumo !" echoed the youth. ' HanJoine ! not so hands me a thee. Etelle was never my choice, Dotini rctti. Thu dost not believe these tale V "Beluve thera," echoed Donr.exctti, cla-ping btr arm anund the civalier'a neck. H Believe them! oh, no; )oj love none other. D nnezetii is lone thy choice, and he is unworiby of it." " Unworthy of it ! never, weet one ! But hak ! Iitady hi our ca.he lal bell tolled the hour of midn ght : the I leeze is springing, and daik clouds hover o'er our heads. Let u away; to-monow nigt.t le at tue window which overlook tho ruer I will lie tU. ie.M Foigul not, Antonia," w his' red the maiden. " Forget !'' echoed the youth, a tin y retiacvd their t p. I will be lucre, and g-ze again upon that I ivi lv face." You hall," npli d tha fetnal", rmeiging fioui h i h.dii g place, ' but f r the last lime," 'i'wia uigiil amu i an. .ther day bid dawued nd fled o'er Venice. The ac ne ol bu'y lite ha I lcn 'iiaC'd, 'he -y h: J ;in na-'ged itni l iheir pleasur., the bupy had pl.cJ their, labor well, and death had mingled with the laugh of death. But, hark, St Dominic' licit toll the midnight hour, and light shlnea from the large gothie window of the castlo D'Istra. It rpens, and see I maiden lo k from it upon the dark water tint frown at di Unco beneath." Ah, my Antonia! "ahe exclaimed, a foiin atood beneath her window, " thou art here." " Here I echoed voice In .ft whisper, but for abort time ; and I have gift uch a Donnctetti merit. A silken cord let down by thy sweet hand will soon give it thee." The cord waa lowired. "Now," eichiimd Donnezotti, a ahe clasped smalt b. x in hei hand, "Ye mine Antonia l- " 'Tie fair bridal gift, Donnrzetli, and auch a thou alone meri est, who art hndsroer tlian E telte." A loud explosion echoed o'er the water, fullow od by a hr ek loud kiid piercing, and the form of D.iimri'tll diaappeaied fr. m tliew.ndow. "Now who triumph-V' excNimed a v io nnd the voice wa that of the my erinua fem.it'! of last night : but the cavalier atood before hei ua she pre pared to depart. " Ha, Eatclle I" he exclaimed, etuttii g bitck, ' you here P "Aye, Antonia, I have come ti gati on thy D.mneze'ti, ao lar lovelier than Estrlle. I have eeen her gazed on her .the wait fir Hire, An to is. Farew. II." u Stiy, tay, exclaimcJ tho cavalier, but she wa far from hi reach, and ua he watched her dis tant form he ;g!ied. " Donni zetti ! Donm z tti !" he eicla'med, but the low muiiuuring of .he breize waa .he only re sponse. " Douiiezctli ! Dant e z tti I' Agaiu exelaimed he but Doin:ezet:i ai.aweted n.U "fboia pl-yi g wit!i me," eirlniinid ti.e cvaliei, climbing up the inde l dgn that flanked the window. The breezv had blown nut te fl ckenng Ump, and as he youth leaied fora the window into th' room, the moon's beam ''iscovered to him th prostrate fum of D m nezettt. Dunnezet'i ! Donnez'tti I" exclaimed he, kneeling down by her aide ; hut a bud shriek broke from him aa he clapped her cold form. Shn i dead dead !" he exclaimed, u and Eatelle ia avenged " Twm m irning the sun ros weetly on Venice, and all waa buatle and g'irty. Iu atreeta were thronged with idiot ; the gondolieia pie I awiftly on the water, ringing their rude aong. 'l b man sion of the nobility echoed ith the loud laugh and dulcet warbling; but in one, wailing wa heard lovely and fair flower had perished ; the fairest in Venice and a noble mother wept o'er her dear child. The voice of woe might I e heard mingled with the laugh of the gay. Salutation weie given and teceived ; but amid these the name of Doiinexetti waa whicied with grief. Vengeance and cur- were heaped on the head of her dealroy ei ; and many who had once liatcned to her en ch. tit rig voice and g.zed upon her Iwauty, wep I he great square of Pluca di Napola w filled with spectator, and the windovra of the house i pled by fair l.idie, who g.iz.-d vilh peifect in dilT.renie on the scene enaelini Ik-Ijw. I i tho m'.ddle of the iquare platform wa erected, at the farther end of w hich atood a block of wood coveted with black cloth, and by the side of it an execu tioner. "They cornel they come V- echoed through the throng, a from the farther aide of the square a pro eo-sion waa een alowly advancing ; all eyca were direct, d lo it It aoon leached the platform, and as a female form ascended the steps, Cry of exul tation burst from the crowd. The maiden looked around a if to reproach the crowd. 'Twa ETitK ! the young, the fair E telle ! For time ahe spi ke not, btlt fixed her eye upon a young man who stood near the scaffold closely wr'pped up. Ani'Miio!' she wbiqieied in silver lore. The youth turned fiom the spot. Will you refuse lo hear the dying word of E tell. of your Eslel e ! "Not mine 1" exclaimed the youth, springing upon the platform, not mine, Estel'e." 'J'U f.ibe !" she exclaimed, 44 did you not one balmy ete, awear you loved me ! Oh, Antonia, 1 have done much to keep that 1 ve " Bay rather to Ioomi it, Eat. lie, I did but j" t.". And odid I. when I gave Donm zctti her b i dal gift. But I shall ikvoi see you anotht '" u It would not matter if you did E-.te le." Antonio !" eielaiined the maiden, and she fixed her ey a on him, 1 have loved f oil, and you a one. I am tetfi.h, very selfish ; and, though in the last hour of my existence, I cannot bear the thought i f youi being nolherV " Cannot !" echoed the youth; ' cannot ! When " E-tePe ia not yet dead, Antonia; there ia ti!l time left fol her to hinder thee. Hln.ll I tell tho how V and ahe diew nearer to him, If it ia possible," replied the youth. " ' I'is poHsible ! and thus, thus, Antonia, you are mine in dea h." A dagjer glenned aloft io tha air, and Antonia fell I loading corpe at the maidtu' feet, breathing the name of Donncaelti. A cry of horror burst from ifce crowd. The en raged populace sprang forward to wreak their ven g. sure, wh' U loud shriek pcoelaimed that all wa over; and the executioner held the gory head ! 'ft, smile of dens. on Lung over the feature of the ouoo fair LV.ello, l, F. W, joawgcrs of. Tin: TOTTXO. The mental and tnoiol ir lining of youth is, at all time, question i f the very highest inbrest and Importance but if ever thtre can be a period when the. future course and conduct of the rising genera tion ought to become a m.itUr of mora anxious thought than at any oiher, it i the present, that tag of our history through which we are now pas sing, llie apirit of inquiry, the intellectual excite ment, the increased and increasing intelligence by which all clar, and more especially the lower and labouring clause, are ditinguished in thee daya, beyond all former experience, would if rightly di rected, lend to good, both . it reaped the commu nity at large, -and the individuals of which it con sists. Bnt the agent of insubordination and of in fidelity are d ligently at work, in poisoning the po pular mind, in shaking ita confidence, even eeti the very first principle of molality and riligion, and it ttachment to our established institution, both m church and state; and iu emboldening ttiM cla of anci ty in which the physical atrength of a nation lie, to cast off all fear of God and man, and to set at 1 1 fiance, ai far a may la), all law, human and divine, t-otiulitm i andering lo the low-iat and ov't IxctriooH pr pencities of human nature; wlnle by it impietlea and b'aiphemie, it ia endeavoring to de-troy that sense of mural te.-tponsibility which seivcs wholesome check upon man's sensual lftites and p u-tion. Chartitm ia addressing it i If to that spirit of iimul jeciiou to constituted au thoriiy that impatience of control and .restraint tli at Oi-atisfictioii with what ia .-eg.irdid at an in ferior lot, and that nvy of Ihe higher conditions of life, which are natural to fallen man, Poptry also i spreading it snares; it ia rkilfu ly adapting its devices lo ibe popular bias; hi sinking iu with the cunent of prevailing opinions availing it- If i f every mean of furthering it deign, nd wi h cenaclrt insinuaiion, woikii g. and winding and winning it way into the very heart t our Pro tectant constitution, und clocking and cone, aling under fair r fsinii uf lilierality, it ine ar.ble intolerance, and ita innate deHtim, till t can throw oflfthe mak with safely and -uccvj. Ri,. tionatinn, nie.tnwhile, in it various form and ha ai, i degrading divine revelation, and defying hu mm tea-oii; l aching, like the teiin-trr of old, tha' by eating of the fruit of the tree ol knowMgr, men will be a, goda setting up ita intellect u-il idol, and perana ling poor b ind crenturea of day to expect from their own mental power and mural resource what nothing but the grace ef God can effect. The agent of the wicked on are thu aailii.g the ri sing g.'neratiiwiih every kind uf aob citation to e vil,by which man may be drawn away and enticed, w hether it l e the filthinr of the flesh or the fi thi nera if the spirit. And it is a tru h of whicb we cannot be too mindful, that the prices by which the human character is formed, and at hngth fixed is continually progressing either fir good or for evil, according to the influence under which each indi vidual i liod. You cannot atop the education of the youthful mind. It will take it form and pressure from the circumstance by which it i sur rounded, and the communication which it is con tinually receiving. The young era leirnii g eery day what ia profitable or whit i prejudicial. Their li'ibit of thought and action are gradually acquiring itrmgth and establishing their power and prevalent cy. And you m'g' I as well attempt to aneat tae wheels of lime, and itop Ihe ceurae of nature, at t prevent the plastic influence of the acquisition and association which the i Xpun ling and active mind of rational being is contiriua'ly making, in the daily intercourse of life. Rv. T. Bet. VAIXC Or EX AMPLE. Wlietl.er it be for g.Kid or whether it be for evil, t'e education of a child ia principally deriv. il from it own obaorvation of the actiona, the word, the voice, the look of thor-e with whom it livt a. bur -ly then, the friend of youth cannot be too careful to avo d, in their present e, even the iWl appear ance ofevil. It is not enough that chrstian pa rent hct no bid ex triple: they nitist ah .w f.iith good be; they inuat not only ctin viituoua, they mukt he virluou. Their house, their habits, Ibeii family, thv'.r suiiciatOJ, llu'ir pu -ui's, their tecrea lions, ought all lo be ao reguluttd, a to sh.iw that relig on ia indeed the pnent of order, the iu, iier of good ci.e, the wcll-pring of good humor, the tea cher ii good mannuia, and the unfa.lii g miu n- ol happinora and peace. Accutmed io dve in auch a ho ne, it i aliu ut impossible that a child can ma terially go wrong. And hi U beyond all, the most valuable ('ranch of a Christian education -Bp.Jebb I'nprccedeiitcd Despatch. Aau instance of tliyh theito unequalled npidi ty of cominunicA.mii Ulween England and the: United Mte,niay le mentioned the ciicumataiico that b.y were w'.li.ig iu our ttrceU, on Baturdiy morning laat, I.oi.Jon pupors of Saturday Evening, Oct, 3d, reociied via Liverpool luing le- Hi n fourteen day Ujia the time I! ey were tMUd IVuin the Loud n pri , i)on Trotucript. Il insy be added, that the news b the Acad. a on her lust arrival, wa published iniul i.eou.ly m the momiug j apeta if Boeton, New Ymk ai d Phi ladelphia, on Monday morning, (she aimed on Saturday,) aud might have been nbhhed iu Ihe liuliiinore pp. r uf the i-anie morning. I'bi il lustrvte the 'ra4diiy of coinniUiii.lion" in the U. Siates, '1'be dwtanco Irn Baltiuwia lo Boat an i about 400 uiil.-a Jj-.tr J Cvm, FATHER MATTHEW. , That gioal and good man. Father Matihew, ha ' worked a p rlcct miracle in Iielaud. Even the mod Violent tory papers adin t now the wonderful ! eflrc'a of the remprrunca movCtncn', but at tho aame time they are fearful that there i some poll i Cal ncheme at the bottom of the wholo, und that the priema are preparing some diabolical affair. Silly ml absurd a uch id. a are, yet tliey "are en lei- laiued by many ne.l informed men, wLo notwith- atanding their abilities uie ao fettered by prejudice well known in the scientific and literary world, bo as to believe that il ia impossible for good to cma- gan exhibiting a mall catrlage, which wa set in nale from Catholic clergyman, for g. Id to ba motion by compreiacd air on a small railway laid extract I fioin the bnaeat of m tals. ilnwcvct ! down for the purpoce of thi cariiagc, wa moved oppo-ed I may la to Catholicism, I am bound up and down eevenil time at Ihe rate of about CS to admit li e truly extraordinary blessing which miba an hour. The air, comprraned only to about have followed the labor of thi apo. le of Temper- ance, :md the ref re It dii' nt from the opinion that he has o'her obj et than thoae of morality and so- briery. On the 3S h. ho agidn vUied Dublin, and administered the pledge to thousand, but the mint remaikable feature in hi vii,to the Irih metropo- Ii wa hi pieacl.ing ut the Catholic Cathedral, and Lord Morpeth, the Hvervtary for Ireland, with the Attorney General, and ouY r Pr.vy Councilor, holding the plate at the door for a col e . ti in in aid of the ti mfierance cause. The o her day ihe Ma-quia of Lansdowne, a Cabinet Minister, fur- worded the reverend gentleman a donation of one hundred pound for the same purpose. Invits ion hsve been apecially forwarded to him to come over to England, and the Central Society in I.ond n ' anticipate that he will comply with their most fer vent entreaties. They express the gre.iteat confi donca in the result of suih a visit, believing that there ia t strong di-p iaitiun on the part of thou sands in the capilol to join the variou leinierance ao. ietie in which it ultouud, and which have ao aud lerVy started i.ito exitt''nce but the. thev only require an excuse to do. To have I. .ken the plrdg.from Fa'her Matthew oppear to havo b.en a poweiful incentive io keep it and multitude are now wailing to rece. it only f.om h m- " Step 'till Faihir Matihew comes, and then 111 join," 1 re,icaie'llv t be heard, and it is to bohoj ed that he wilKpi e tily realize our wishes. The native of the Coc iignu !, f artic.u!arly the thousand of gin-diiiikmg women, nquiie Ilia presence, admoni tion, exhortations, influence and anaitiein. a. The labor will be found most Herculean, but with D.vine p rni.saion, J have no fear but that it will eventual ly 13 mo.t happily and iff ctivcly Bccompliahed. AT. Y. Journal of Commtm. JewlNli Marriage Ceremony Although pol t ly toodered with an invitation, we were unable to le present t the interesting ce remony, ycbtcrday evening, which friend has kindly fivored us with the following aketih of: We had the pleasure of wiinesring, VVednesilsy ficrnojll, w.dding according to tho foimcr of the Jewish ritual. It took place at the S ng gue, the Rev, Mr. CoheH etriciating. Our ignorance of Ihe anciint and starred language in which thi inten cl ing renmnny wa conducted, piever.tad u, pania! Iv, from appreciating it full force. That which we iaw, however, waa tt iking and leaut ful. A service wa ieeated in the Hebrew language a canopy raised, tunler which the bride and brido g o nu, with thone who took an active part in t'le servi. e, met Hero wine wa passed In the I p of the Im trothod, the ring was placed on the finger of th" bride, w ne glaas waa dashed upon the fl ior, and the parliea were united in iht holy u ion which b ih Jew and Chiiiian llicve to be of di vine origin. Pieviou to the ceremony the Kev. Mr. Cohen, among other remarks, me. tioncd that tllreo tigiufic itton hid b en given to the breaking of Ihe uineglaa-. One implies that aoi row is ever uiin g id Willi our joy, bnd lliat the cup of sparkling tiii. .a h iblet be d.aucd into IratimenU from our I ps. A'lothi r di finoa it a conveying the idea that it would bo as easy to ri-ut.iu.- the bioken and bril tie panicle of the gla-s, aa lo put under ihoae wiio were then jou.ed together. Whether Mr. C. g ve this fecund i iei aa fU-s of the tiguifualionsuf t i ceieinony o. not, wo are not CeitJtn. The third meaning conveyed by the ay nibJ, is the ie inembiance that it viTnd the I Itit ro v of hit ileo Lied her t it and Ida over hiown unctuary. 'Ilii l.ii-t i beautiful and sff cttna idea, i n I n.dmd it needed not th.it to c til lo the. miu t uf Hie iifloe ti ig bpeciator, Ihe pecu tar circumstance ot thai nati u who-e wedding rif.-a he waa there wttne-sing. Il waa a thrilling sight, then, with so ma:iy Uetilile fae a looking on, to aee that canopy reated, and that tile performed, fir away from the vineyard of Zion and her h.ily phce, by those who .till cling lo the symbol of her ancient faith, al rr the long lapse of generations. Richmond Compiler, Piiozas itt. Avoid those who ere pr..fjo anl obscene in their languat;. By loo Lng aci ting with iuih youth, you will Ly J.rcrsba' Ituitd youieilf to the language, and thus be ahunuoj ty the viituou and the good. When you hear Ihe i sine ' f (jod irrevficolly i-pokeH by companion, M t him down a an unsafe friend and o tile he brvuk away f.oiu I'm hai il, in fu'ure ha but hiile to do with h tn. "Pi. P iton," aid a peuU.-iiisn Iu the great "Gr,. .-ian," w ith wlioin ba had been disputing "Dr. I'orkO'i, uiy . pinion if yeu ia mot contemptible," "Sii'reiurind the doctor, "I never knew au opinion of y.iu' that vnn net coot-inptibK" t box th( AitRicA!V aantiasfc. Comprcasrd Air ua a MotlTe . Power. (From out Parii Corrtipnndtnl.) Several distinguished engineer and other ecien- tiCiC men attended on Saturday to witnea series of experiment on compreaaed air, at the lata rata- blishment of M. Perrier 6c Co. at Chaillot. The inventor of tho variou new ind ingenious mode of applying thi power, M.'Andfaud, gentleman atmosphere, which 1 little more than one thltl OI" ,n power to which it can be compreaaed without ''nRr ofexploion, 1 contained in proof rylen l',r or reservoir, which enpplira the piston In ihe s,me I"uf locomotive. M. Andraud atatea, ,A' of heee cy lender are aufflcirnt for the supply of a locomotive f.r aeveral milee on a rail way ; and a air can lie compressed a! moat without ex pen wherever there ia atream or even wind m"l ""Tli mnehinery, fresh charged cylendera can ba kept ready at atntiona ond applied o the lo- eomo'ive, this being the work of only one minute, The improvement in M. Android'- air locomotive, on all other which have been invented, ia in the application of a resulator by which tho air is sup- l'"d with unniilir g regularity and certainty, and which i under the full control of the engineer, and in the mode of dilating the air by heat, ao a to cauae great economy. In dilating air it ia necrasa ry, for the purpose of locomotion, that il ahnuld be done very rapidly, for otherwise the apeed cannot le kept up. It cannot be dilated in the cy lender or reaerv ir without gre it danger of expl aion ; and by the ordinary process only the ixternil surface ! of tn air immodiatrly expo'ed, the action nf heal is r ipidly dilated, the internal mo!ecule, air being a bad conductor, requiring great time for dilation. M. Andraud go's rid of all thi difficulty by paining the air through a very long spiral tube immersed in boiling lead, and in thi way the whole is dilated in the twelfth part of a second, aud a reservoir of the piston, whereas the same qttnnti'y of air undilated gives only 2,500. Another of the experiments was with an air cannon. Balls were thrown from it which, at disttnee of 150 yard, broke in the roof of building and lodged with great force in wall, although the air was compressed to only 30 stinos pi eri . M Andraud propose that batter ie in for liliid town th II be work-d by compressed air in stead of owder, the expenso, where ihcre i power or wind tJ compress the sir, I cing, according lo M. Pouct 1 1, only one ?5th of that of powder, and if Ci mpres-ed by a s eam engii e about one 60th. M' Andraud imaginea that field artillery may bo wo'k ed in the aame manner, as the hori-e in drawing the g ins lo the field, would by the motion of the wine!, fill all the user voir n cessary f r l-ing batt'e. The next experiment was on the power of compressed sir in raising water, ei her. for the sup ply of towns or for Ihe draining of marshes, mines etc. by very small eppara'ua, column of water waa thrown to a height of 75 feet. llow to preserve Fruit. W have been informed by gentleman who ha bad practical proof of it sucresa, of a new mode of keeping fresh fiuit for the table, gr .pea, plums, dec a long time alter they have been git hei el. It i simply to ulteinate them in layer with cotton batting, in clean stone jara and pluc them in chamber secure from frot- The discovery wa ac cidental. A aervanl maid in the family of Wm M. rey, of Union Village, Washii g on county, a bout to visit her friend secured a quantity of plums ir this way, to preserve them till her return. - They were found to have k'-pl in an excellent condition long after thi fruit had di.apM-ared in the gardan. From th hint thue aflfoded, Mr. Mo ey, Mr. Holme nd one or two neighbor laid down their grape in thi rnmnT last fill, and they enjoyed the luxury of frnh, fine flavored fiuit through th winter, un til the eaily p.rt of March BicTi Cultivator. 11 randy from Potatoe Starch. A great levolution i at present going on in th" distilling trade, from the recent discovery that pot i the flour, or atan h, ia capable, by du fermentation, of yielding a very pure and well-tasted spirit, Some specimen have recently been submitted to th spi rit inirchanta, which even th most experience among them hat scarcely been al le to ditingu'sh from French Brandy ; f r even the true vinom fit- vor of C'o;naehia been aucce-afully imitated by cert in chemical composition, which the Engli-h ret) .era have been en.ibbd to add to the s, iiit from potato March. Thn dn-tilleriiat f rthe p'oJuc tion uf thi kind of British Brandy hav recently boen erected in th rtauopuLU, md two of th axa ..Ir.aJy in aitlvi.y. Moai or wakin CtisT ht-i.3 m CatjUA-Tt Ciiiner, in manufacturing the thin .heist lead in whicb their tea are imported into thi country, con duct th o.ratioo on au exceeding simple manner. The lamine ar not rolled, , from their extreme thinneis), might I cuppoiM'd; not even hammered, aa the anpearaaee of th surface might indicate, bill actually cast al once in I lie state, in which w f them. Two men r employed; one of thera i seated on the flaur, with a large flat stcn standing I hi iJ Hi rt-Uow workmio aiaada ieMt hi'n, withe crucible eoutainin th melted lead; nd having posreij a anTicJent quihtity on the alab, the other lifts ths moveable stone, and placing it sud denly on tlis fluid lead, prease it out into a flat and thin plats, which he inat intly removes from thai tons, A aecond quantity of lead ia poured on ia similar manner, and similar plats formed Uie process being carried on with ainguhvr rapidity. The rough edge of the plat are than out ci audi they ar afterward soldered together for nss. Mr. Waddell, Scotchman, who witnessed th opa lion In Chins, applied s similar method with great uceesa Ua lb fortaaticQ of thin plates of sine, for galvsAtle ItUrxwales. ' O.K. A lb bjUVra wlU, we plainly perceive. It quoted t dVaxth for day or two, at least, we era anxioa to civ all th commentaries upon them. The sanaied ar th lautat, and may, according to all legal asagss ba pronounced Oil Komplets. Tuef f iv evsry thing that has been said, all round, with out giving th enquirer sny information i Vat asy mi an by ae letters O. K. vfch I ses every day, almost two, tri-e, eleven time in as jonr nal politique of se day 1" asked a French geouV man in a crowd ytcrday. I read ao grand na tional affair, and vn tae end I behold O. K! t g'aucs my ey to se report of ae election, and ba baiii wi of O. K. and I never shall Mmrtrakatia. him." " Hunt awa man,' said a Bonnie Scot, "4ian ye ken It' tha ahoriosl way of eel ting down Oil Kurrtd t O blood asd miu I" said a raw Greek wh wa protest, " did you hear that 1 O murther, mu ther, was there aver such an inhuman butchery f the Qaeen' vcrnscaUi 1 Surs th letter mn Orul Katattrophe, and what mother, am of a ihrisiisn could give them any othsr signification 1 ' Ha! ha I ha I ki i if whew! hoohr" roar avl a strapping Kentackian, I ny, my luda, y n gut your bronghteu up in mother eouutry, didn't yoat Come here, I pity your ignorance. O. K. suads for Old Kenhith, up and down, all th world ovit, cven-eiht peipiudicular of a horse and consider able of a rireumferance of an alligator. Old Ktn- lutM, and nothing else. I .ell you, stranger, yea can't nv.ike it nothing else no way yau can it it, O. K. Old Kentuck hooh ! hooh ! hooh ! ki i i ! give her a lack b.ck !" ' You make a devil of a noise thers," said a chip from Maine, who wa hurrying pist, O. K. araatta Oil for Kent. Shut up." " You ist all tarn non.hense," said aDjtch Jsvr oppiug a hooked nose between the shoulders of tws oihr speculat r, O. K. hh de sham sth ta hay OU uh Konjirmed." Vy you dineu'l. hundemtand tho Hmgluh IsJl guige," ail a " nice young man,' with kid glow and a cane, 0. K. forma tho initial abreviation tot the In tegunt etprea.ion of Oil KompUitP No air," said an important looking pmong looking around upon the bystanders with " ya sevtre" and aaeoming the striking manner of a Sir Oracle No air, the letter O. K. a ,) used, sre intended to signify the brief and coTDffe hensiv rxpreion Oil KompeHtd." The whole crowd was now hushed into ajlers by the learned solemuity of tha umpire; when Corn Meal came singing aioond the corner, saJ a ii tie nigger with a basket of vegetables in hi hear, who had been listening, with hi normorj raj cavern of a mouth wide open, to all ihie conversa tion, ran out into the mtddl of the street, bawling l the top of his voics," I know wh .1 O. E. rasua Old Karnmnlf Old Ktmmtalt ch ! hi! whew ! gut away ! Old Kommeol " Exit little nigger lound the corner. Mob ii perse severally .JroAsr Jonalicn. A Xsw Tazear. Ths causa of ladW teeth da caying at ao much earlier stage of lifs, fhan thoee of tho other m, ha usual'y been attributed to tha friction produced by Ihe eouatant action ef tha tongue. Dut according to the editor of th Baits ford Courier, a Yanke paper, it is owing to fha Mtetnttt nf thtir lp it is a fcet well eefsh. lwhei by avsry bedy'a saying, that n'Ht ikp ruin the teeth. CirTiorr-wi. Taking man Into a Mfthr and then speaking so loud that all I be room eazt hear you. Or sneaking down a dark al.'ey, to arc! J meeting a ereditor. Or lel'ing a man to tska care," tfter you have run against him and knocked him ofer. PazrACTioa. A Yankee wa tolj by hi frJenJa lo jump up, afiei being knocked &on by a big follow who still atood owr him la a thrsalenlng aui ude, W'by, what's th uao of mj gtrag up," exclaimed Jonathan, " when that dirne4 groat fillow cuuid ready to kooei ma right dvra agaiuV KktL. Mi 3vJUk boactlo!'y rrxa-tsj that, " Children sra tiks xnilo-atoaes, set a.'og road remind rg us of the distance we Jve got Mt the jouniry of lilVi." Wuixu) "I'll black your face," a Uu roller said to the type. - We fl tti r ours- Ives we've ma le a goud ut predion hire," as the type a,d to the papit. u Do you w ko!"a ihv auuSjis oiv) totfi caudle.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers