~i~ui~iae. A MERMAN LIFE . INSURANCE AND MUST CO., Omer Fourth and Plabitit Streets, Philadelphia. Theorpented 1850. Charter Perpetaal Attberized °cow, $500,000. Paid•Up Capital,elg,o" ,050: Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1884. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PEE CKNIT, on all premiums receivednpon Mc- TOAL POLiere9 daring the year ending December 31st, /8013, and In force at that date, the above amount to be et:edited to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi dend of 1860 on 'Policies issued during that year to be paid, as the annual' premiums on said Policies ore re ceived, _OFFICERS, :1 3 tjidenz-'4lexander Set:resary and Drersturen—John S. Wilson. dauctirn , —Jobn C. Sims. . ________ BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Wbllldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Regent, 'dim. James Polloc.k, Albert C. Roberts, P. B. itingie, Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Alkman, Charles P. lleazlitt, Isaac Hazlehurst. Wit. G. REED, Chamberstrarg, Pa, is the authorized Agitut of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com pw9y, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any Information wanted, and to take Insurances. DES. J. C. RICHAEDS and W. H. BOYLP,, Medina Er. tininess. REVERENCES—Hon. A. E. /Velure, Rev. S. J. Ric ca', J. S. Nixon, Chambersburg, and Wm: M. Marshall, Cashier of the Ilagerstown Bank. Persons desiring Information or wishing to Insure will pleasel call on, or by addressing tho undersigned they will be waited on in any part of the eouhty Or State, marS3 W. G. REED, Agent. 1829CHARTE ' PERPETUAL.- FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PIIILADELPHLI. ASSETS - 6 4 _501, 04 On January 1, 1865 CAPITAL ACCEPTED SURPLUS. ISTMITI) .DisErn.ED Clams, $9,416. LasEs Peso Sins 1829 INcour. FOR 1865 $3,000,000. $5,121,950 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Banker. Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, • Eduard C. Dale. • Samuel Grata, Geo. Fales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Fitler, George W. Richards, Free W. Lewis, H. D. , CHARLES N. RANCHER, President. - EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. ll'Au.asTEE, Seey pro. tem. DAVID )ASS is the authorized Agent of the Com pany in Chxunbersburgt, who will firnish all information necessary to applicants. marO•tf. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA: Incorporated MI. Charter PerpetnaL CAPITAL $500,000. Office = Walnut Street, Phila delphia... The prompt payment of Claims for Losses during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Tigicontpany will also insure against loos by WAR or INVASION. Persons sv,..'llsing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chamberrimrgg, As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel alt Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the:SOth of July, returning the fall premium paid on applfcation at my office. - W. G. REED, Agent. IttEERF-NCES—J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eyries, r.sq., )laJor J. C. Austin, Col. A. K. Al'Clure. febB • A .-Mr. OEM GROVE, 0 Cbauthersburg, is the General r%);ent of the Frank lin County Mutnal last:lran - en Company. - june7) liftuoital. MASON , Ze; CABINET ORGANS. - MELODEONS were introduced some twenty years since; and were succeeded by the HARMONIUMS about nine years ego. The CABINET ORGAN was brought to its present state of perfection only in the atm:liner of THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL " has great advantages over any other invention of the Ida d, • i capable of muck finrr effects than can be produced by - hay other,-and is more easily used by tke performer, and excels especially in capacity for apression. 1.... V" Please notice advance in prices. . CABINET ORGANS.—Stu LE Mean. No:15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case $llO No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 135 No. 17. Five Octave, Stogie Reed, In Walnut or Oak Case 130 No. 18. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.-- 160 DOUBLE REED. No. IS. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case..,, 140 No. 20. The Saute, in elegant Rosewisod Case. 165 . No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Waltuit or Oak Case. 170 No. 22. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 200 No. RI The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut or (Yak, with Walnut Carvings. 200 Sts STOP. No. 14. "St: Stop 'Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Cat Cake 300 vy 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 360 EIGHT STOP. NoOak : 12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Case. 4Z No. 11: The Same, in elegant Boneworni Cane 500 No. 24. The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut. 500 PEDAL Bass. . No. 10. Pedal Bans Cabinet Organ, in' Walnut or Oak Cam • 600 Cases of tetra finish on hand, or made to order." MELODEONS. No. 5 Five Octave, Piano Style, Rosewood Ctm...6150 No. 6. The Same, Portable, Rosewood Case. ...... . 116 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case . 55 No: 9. Pour Octave, Portable, Rosewood Case.- 7.5 Elf' Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the subscri ocr. • As Agents for Messrs. Mason & Harrdin we are enabled to sell at their New York prices. and charge nothing for freight. We have sold a number of their instruments, and mn give numerous satisfactory references. S. S. SIIRYOCR, Agent. Chambersburg, Pa. an,g3l STEINIVAY PIANOS.-MESSRS STE.I.NWAT lc SoNs have received upmuds of THIRTY FIRST PRE311.1731. gold and silver medals, in Washington, New' York,Cin rinnati, St. Louis. Chicago. Detroit and other cities.. AT TILE WORLD'S FAZE • held irC,LoNDON, 12G2, at which th Pianos were on Ex hibition from nil parts of the world, the 'FIRST PEIZESIED. AL was awarded to STEINICaIC & SONS, for powerful, clear, brilliant and sympathetic tone, with escelicnse of workinan ship. Por farther particulars apply to S. S. SHRYOCK. Agent for Steinway 6: Son's, Charnbersbarg, Pa. julyl9 : r1 HUNTING, TEACHER OF MU- A./. SIC, takes great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Chambersburg, that he is prepared to give in struction on the PIANO, MELODEON, or CABINET ORGAN, and most respectfully solicits a liberal share of their patronage. Those not in ,he possession of Pianos can obtain instruction at his home, and the use of a Piano Residence ofJotttt Mont, Queen street, near Second. Terms reasonable. - may3l-15- 1300t5 ant *bees. T 0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. JACOB HUTTON'S BOOT h. SHOE STORE.— The undersigned takes this method of returning his thanks to his tunnerous customers, anti the publid generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes, in his present misforune in common with =ar ty every business man in town, that he will still continue to be remembered. He has the pleasure of informing the public that be has opened his Store in the Basement of .1 B. MeLanahan's Lhcelling, on Second Street, four doors North of the Methodist Church, where he is prepared to offer a general assortment of Men', Women's and Chil dren's Boots and Shoes, embracing his own and City man ufacture, which. fur excellete of style and durability are superior to and of his former stock,: and will be offered at prices to suit aIL He is in Weekly Receipt of Goods from, Philadelphia, which for beauty mad excellence cannot be surpassed South of the Susquehanna. CUSTOMER WORK of every variety done with promptness—As he employs none but superior workmen, he feels Justified in guaranteeing all work made at his ea. tablishment. Don't forget the place, Four Doors N ort h 6,f eke Methodist Church, Second Street, East Side.— TRUNKS, of the latest style, from approved makers, al ways on hand, and for sale at a very small advance on original coat laug'24) JACOB HUTTON R. EMOVED.—The undersigned has the pleasure of informing. his old customers and the pub lie generally, that he Las removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE to the New Brief: Building of George Ludwig, on Main Street, one door south of Greenawalt's Hotel, where be is now opening the largest assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to the carroty. His stock embra ces every variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's 1300 TS & SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be surpassed in the county, and which will be sold at prices to cult the times. Having purchased THE 'LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he Is prepared to make Customer work: at short notice, by tho best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and ac. commodatin, he hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage—without a desire to monopolize, as his motto is, in our common calamity, to live and let live. rorticuleir attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. TERMS GASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. OUT EXTORTION fie has also on hand, and for sale, Cheap, Trunks, Va lises, Carpet Sacks, Linen and Paper Collars, Paper, Barelams, Ink.stands, Steel Pens, &C., may 10 P.FELDMAN. -- • • N. B.—All _persoas knowing themselves Indebted will please call and make Immediate settlement, that I may taa enabled to meet my former Nat'l/ales in the City. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' ROPES & , x~•y\ES. The undersigned havoc purchased the entire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope and Twine Manufactory of J. P. Orey, deed, respectfully announces to her friends, and the former patrons of the establishment, that she will continue to entry on the business, In all Its various branches, at THE OLD STAND, on Franklin street, Chambertburg, where she will be pleas. led to receive the call. and orders of the public. All kinds, deep, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on hand or made to order of the best material, and ionised at reasonable prices. In connection with the above business, she is also prepared to manufacture • HAIR, HUSK, AND OTHER MATTRASSES, ns well as Horse Blankets and Fly Nets of superior coal and style. Persons In want of 6uperiur articles in the above line are requested to call, or send their orders, which will be attended In promptly. dec2l.ly PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SPCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will bold its Exhibition on September 26th, 27th, 42th and 211th, 1665, at WIELIASISPORT, Lycoming tY.Nausylvanta. Wm - motion desired by persons desiring to exhibit, al PlicarNtr r fur premium list or posters, or by members of fiftt &els will be given by the undersigned, or A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Inles A. BROWER moat ErR. Beo'y. zarigi D R $400,000 ~. 971,000 2,0.8,289 • West End of Brom's Hotel ANEW MOVE.—Nixon has moved in to his new room, one door North, of the one he occu pied since December. He has now the facilities for eon ducting his business pleasantly to customers and himself, and can offer advantages in stock not to be had since the Are. He invites alt his old cashmere and the balance of the world to visit him, -A NEW ROO M.—A full stock of liIIESN MEDICINES, with all the appliances to conduct the Drug business proderly, can be found at NIXON'S, - os SecoND Sr. VIXON'S CATTLE POWDER.—The demand far this excellent article Is larger than ever. No Powder imstainsits reputation better. NIBOY'S HORSE POWDER.—Every Farmer shonld have it . There is nothing better for impoverished condition of the blood. Tti THE ;WAY OF FANCY GOODS 1. Nixon's stock is the one to examine and purchase from. Q. IV A I ' S PANACEA, PORE COD Liver Oil, and all patent Medicines always on band at NIXON'S. LAMPS.—COAL OIL LAMPS at - hIXON'S. I VI, XON'S DlrnG STORE WON SEq .l.l OND STllEE'r—halt way between the Methodist Chnrcb and Seller's New UoteL SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC, AT SPANGLER'A. COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR, at SPANGLER'S. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, Lindsay's BiOod Searcher, Hostetter's Bitters, lielmbold's Etachri7 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Eiwaim's Panacea, - Haol!lazd's German Bitters, at SPA.NGLER'S. SOZODONT FOR THE TEETH, AT , . SPANGLER'S. B at's TETT'S COCOAINE F 0 R THE HAIR at SPANGLER'S. S}VAIW , S PANACEA, AT • SPANGLER'S. AR S PIL L S, Wrizlzfe Pills, l'ownsand's Pills, at D . ..) • RUG-S!DICUGS!! C. H. CRESSLER, 'poems= to HEYBER 4 CUSS. 4EII, has opened in his new Mom, on Second street, oppo• Bite the Post Office, where intery effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old.establisbatent had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stoek of Drags, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. ~Alle a desirable sissortment of - Perfumers', - Soaps, - Pocket Books, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, ' Cosmetics, and Fancy Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every description of Hand /Aunt's, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kitchen use, Parlor use, Store use and Moe THE BEST COAL OIL, IN THE MARKET. FLunDY Dyes of all Colors Eferything in a Druggists line of business.. O P Presmiptions receive special ,attention ' and are compounded with care and skil I. - C. H. CRESSLER, Second Street, opposite the Post Office. ling ant smug Gooto. R E 31 bare zrziored their Dry Good Store to the stand occupied by them, precious to the Ore, on the Corner of Main and Queen Streets,. and ore In receipt of a large lot of Goods,,honght at reduc ed prices, at the late New York Auctione, towhich they invite the attfmtion of the public. to Tbny.o persons. in; want of Dry Goods we say now lathe time To the Valles we otar a large assortment of Dress Goode: 4 Black nisi Fancy Silks, Poplins, Baratheas, Plain and Fancy, 'Whines, &c. We - have a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, On Cloths, which we will sell low. Call snort and get bargains, at Jun e 22 W/SL WALLACE & CO'S. TUNE )1 / 1 0T,HIITJEWPWEATHER1 3 6 5 - PREPARE FOE IT, METCALFE- ir RITESRE W hare just returned from the Eastern. Citiee and aro reef , i9 hag thls day A beery stock of Simmer Goods. lar They sell wholesale and retail. MARY E GRAY. rDYSPEPTICS.—Having been (Wile ted fora number, ofenrs with Dyipepairs, I was advised to try DE. 4VVISHAIrrB MEDICINE for that areas 0. I derivedlonat benefit and recommended It to quite a member of-nnr friends and who -murals° moth benefh led by It, and tpbose testimonials can bebad three. emery.. 'have been. appointed 'by Dr. Wisbart as Agent for the Sale of kis bier time, wbelesaleor WVitEE. D, Re pordtmy of9ne , Cbmnbenstrara Pa ncrr3 3 The Fertilizers prepared by ttio Agricultural Chemical (it Company chartered by The Legislature of Perinsyl , • vania with a capital of WoCk000,) Inge been proved in . practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for • the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit-grower, of all concentra ted manures now offered in any market. The Company's M I L L 1, R.* list embraces the following at hie NEW DRUG STORE. axe door wed 13R0 'S HOTEL has a WELL SELEGIVID MCg. PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and at the best PATENT MEDICINES, KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, PERPIIMEItY SOAPS, .ko. SPANGLER'S VA L ! WM. WALLACE tr. CO. - 14rctuituria; AGBICULIIRAL - CHEMICAL CO.'S CHEAP FERTILIZERS 2_, . PABII,XETTE FertilizerTtis is composed of night soil and the fertilh. ing elements of urine, combined cherniCrilly and mechard tally with other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbents It Is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; ready for im mediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fer tUtzing properties-- its - univertud applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active r qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can desire. CHEMICAL COMPOST This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, Ur, leather, hair and wool, together witirshemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, mad retain the nitrogenous elements. - It la a very valuable fertilizer for field crops geherally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes, Its excellent qualities, strength and cheapness, have made it very popular frith all who hive used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphatic fertilizer is particularly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits,. lawns and &MM. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood arid fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For troVhotile and household plants and flowers, it trill be found an indispensable arti cle to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, andis excellent for grass and lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. The formula or method of combining its constituent fer tilizing Ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific atOicalturist.. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Apiculteral , Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a new and valuable formula by which a very• superior article is produced, so as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the hest Phosphate of Lime in the I=2 TERMS CASH an orders of a Tort or more, Win be delivered at the Railroad Stations and the 'Wharves of Shlpmenj, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of 6-bar rels or less. One dollar per Ton allowance for cartage will be made on all sales delivered at the Work-4 of the Company, on Canal-Wbarf. AGRICL'LTURAL CHEMICAL CO.'S WORKS AT CANAL. WRARF, ON TILE DELAWARE Office, 4134, Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. The ComPany's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full di rections for using the above Portißuns, sent by mail, free, when requested. march B-limos raw, Vines anti pants. WEST FRANKLIN NURSERIES.- y LARGE AND CHOICE FRUIT TREES -I A PREVAILING ERROR CORRECTED. The Idea has become current, that Ryder has sold out his nurseries, in cart from the circumstance of having sold at auction a portion of stock last spring, the sate of which were intended only to reduce the surplus stock of some leading items, and give all an opportunity to see for them. klves, and all who were in attendance at the several au,. 'Guns well know that the stock on hand is very large and of `superior quality. Several pretending nurserymen, sac. icing orders through this county have endeavored to make this rides bear upon the community , that this establish ment is sold ant and the business diicontinned Such and similar f.ilsehoodshave been indulged in by local an,' trAveling tree speculators for the peculiar benefit of therm publlo are hereby informedthat the business is and wilfbe continued as heretofore, and all orders how ever large or small, will be filled entire from our own grounds. We grow a full stock of every - Fruit Tree, Flan; or Gtape 'Vine described in our catalogue, and con sequently are not dependent on other nurseries for a sup• ply, nor compelled to send off several hundred miles fur Trees to fill the orders of our -customers. We are-Vrepared to till orders entire from our own grounds and twenty per cent cheaper, considering the quality of the stock, than any other establishment in the county. All persons who wish to purchase are invited to call personally and,examine stock. - Early attention tothis will be of vast interest to those interested, as we can show a great variety of fruit through the fruit season. Fruit for sale at the nurseries in large or small quantities. Post Office address, Loudon Franklin Co., Penna. " • • 13. L. RYDER, Proprietor, . West Franklin Nurseries, on the Loudon and (Vire Gap road,. juntd3,3na FRANKLIN NURSERY.—Desirous of clearing rail of my grounds, I offer for sale, 30,000 APPLE TREES. These Trees are grafted with the best and most appro ved varieties of Apples, and are grown on good sandy loam. They have an abundance of line fibrous roots, and can be removed without risk: They can be furnished from five feet to nine feet in hoighth, with proportionately heavy stalks, and are well worth the attention of persons wishing to plant orchards. I will sell them at from 810 to $l4 per 100, according to size and quality of 'Tree, when ordered in quantities of 100 and upwards. PEAR, CHERRY and PEACH TREES for fall plant ing also on hand. EVERGREEN and SHADE TREES in variety, with a general assortment of SHILCIIRERY. - GRAPES.—Lam prepared to receive and fill orders' for Grapes for fall planting, such as Concords (the best dark now cultivated.) Diana, Rebecca, Delaware, T. Salon, and all the latest varieties offered. A moderate charge to cover expenses for packing. All goods delivered to Chambersborg or at the Rail Road it dewed. Qom' Orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. J. HiIYSER, Agent, may3l-4m Franklin Nursery, Chambersburg Pa. WEST FRANKLIN NURSERIES. TREES, PLANTS, VINES, &c. The subscriber would call the attention of all persons who have not a full supply of Fruit on their premises, to the large and well selected assortment of Fruit Trees, Vines, dc., now offered for the fall trade. Our stock Is very large and comprises the best varieties kpown to po roologiste.. Oar collection of Fruits of every class Is by far the largest In the county and second to none in the State. We invite all who with to purchase Trees to any extent, to come - and see and leave their orders at the earliest pas sible opportunity. We guarantee that no ono will !egret the visit, as we are prepared to show more variety in the trait line than any similar establishment in the country. Fruit can be seen growing at any lime through the fruit season. Fruit for sale at the nurseries of all kinds in sea- son. Address, B. L „RYDER, Proprietor. Dentifrices, Loldon, Franklin Co., Pa. West Franklin Nurseries, on the London and Cove Gap road. june2d•3m SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES IN VARIETY.—Large sized Shade Trees for street planting. Drams for those should be sent in early. They can best be seen and determined upon while the foliage upon them. [june23-3ml B. L. RYDER. MEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK i.l THE OLD CLOTHING EMPORIUM, LY VIE RgET ROUSE, ' Chambeffskrg, Pa. The undersigned, after a temporary absence necessitated by the destruction of Chambersbarg, has again returned and opened out in full blast in the Market House between Wallace's Dry Good store and Esther & Letnaster's Gro cery store, a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every description and quality. This stook consists of Ready Made Clothing such as Over Coats. Dress Coats, rants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, &c., also GENTLENESS' FURNISHING GOODS, such as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchieh, Col lars, Umbrellas, &e., &O. His stock of Cloths for customer work consists of French, English and Domestic manufacture.. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Casaimers, Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestinge which writ be ramie up to order in styles tosuit the taste of customers, on short mike, and reasonable terms. Ittivin g e a gage d a practical Clatter from the East, lam prepared to furnish clothing In the most ftwhionable styles, and as none but experienced workmen aro engaged per sons may rely upon getting their work well done at my Store. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, I re spectfully solicit a continuance of the wee. oetl9 3. T. HOSKINSON. TOB PRINTING, in every style, done etit the Me* of the FRANI:UN TIRPOSITORY. _~ ~ .~~~ R. B. FITTS, General Agent. Clothing. r:cfr - r..; , efl , ...60tellt0,-. at. ELWICRS dt 15111trEfART wbounal•ooas a 1 my prim. W6n3eeale vials al City pilees. GELViriOKS 45c BURKHART Res, the urged suaartmeat in towa. Keep the largest assortmeallia town. 'Ci_ELWICKS -& BURKHART ILA Have an immense stook offish, cheap, la whole, half; quarter and eight barrels. aELWICKS & BURKHART ILA Offer WOO bloke G. A. Salt, American, Liverpool - and patent racke;_wholuale and retail, at lees figures than any otherhonse it town. a ELWICKS Zr. - 13IIRKHART IJI Keep o very fine Selection of Pickled and Preserved Frulle , Jellies, pickles ready for the table, Spiced Oys ters, Canned Perches, Canned Com, Canned Tomatoes, choice Dried Bed, fine Sugar Cured Hams. Q i--`` ELWICKS & BURKHARX Offer fine Green and Black 'Teas, Chocolate mire Spices, and baking article& prime Cheeses, lenge assort ment of Fresh Crackers and Cakes. riELWICKS & BURKHART Nil Sell all grades of Swumimem, Coffees. ll ablir s and Rice, wholesale and GE4wicKs & BURKHART Have a verylirge assortment of Queen:ware, Stone ware, Tumblera, 13ruataes, Brooms, Basketa, Corda and Twine. GELWICKS cti BITAKH-ART keep a very heavy dock of all ihihr ;nut rides of Tobaccos and &TM and sell ow, Lfh&esala turd vita% pARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTER- I.: EST. Go to GELWIGES & Bt EEICAETS for Salt, Fl , ll and Groceries. GELWICKS & BURKHART Manufacture all kinds of Candy and ConfeeSkinary,' sell all Muds of Fruits, Nara, Oranges, Lernone k Prunes, Almonds, Itoi , Sr• &c., &c., wholeaale andre. OELWICKS & BURKHART'S la the place to go for the largest and most vatted assortment of Store Goods in tows, and at reasonable retem GELWICKS & BURKHART Bell Sperm, Co&, Wbale, Lobricattng and Kato elerte On. yACTS! FACTS!! FACTS!!! E. D. REID having just returned froin the Eastern elides, is now opening a . large and general , uraortineut of FRESH GROCERIES. City Cured Rams and Dried Beef, • Prime No. 1 and 2 Shore _Mackerel, in barrels, half-barrels, quarters and kiln. Havre-de-Grace. Smoked and Salt ,Herring, Pickled Shad (without bones), Canned Fruits and Jellies, Oranges, Lemons, Barnum', Pine Apples, 4 • Prunes, Figs German Pears, Raisins and Nuts, Aud last, but not least, the largett. and • beet assortment of • - GLASS AND QUEENSWARE out of the city of Philaddrhia. FRUIT JARS 'of all the improved patent patterns. Also, CORK•BEALED GLASS .AND STONE JARS besides one thousand Hee hundred articles not above named, and all of which will be Bald at a email advance, at the Family • Grocery on the South•cast corner of Main and Waaliawzon areas, atamberat.urg. CaaA paid for Country Product. jane2l MARKET HOUSE.—The undersigned respectfully inform their numerous customers and the public generally that they have re-opened their Ora eery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hoek and Ladder Company, in the Market Haase, and take ads, method of returning their thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Their stock is complete in every Variety of FAMILY GROCERIES; consistisur of Ham, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To baccos, Brushes, Mrootto, Rackets, Cords, Twines, Glass ware, Queensware and everything heretofore kept at their former place of business. They will always keep a sufa cientstock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands of the community. ,COUNTRY PRODECErdien in ea. change for goods at cash market - prices. D'ra't forget the place, (Market Moose,)) three doom from-She corner, on Queen Street fang3l) HUBER & LEMASTER QPRECHER'S GROCERY STORE.- 10 The undersigned has the largest stock of PARTLY GROCERIES In tovnl, which he offers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICES. It is not necessary to enumerate, as his stock is large and complete. Inr Highest mime paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange for goods. Eaug3ll CYRUS EiPRECHER. CT. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE • GROCER AND COMMISSIONIMERCEANT, 50.5 MARKAT firma., (North side, abosi FM street) Philadelphia. aug24-ly IF YOU WANT GOOD GOODS 'AT the lowest prices, call at the Family Grocery of E. D. REED, opposite Dm fiinesserott's. iLiquoro. IMP•ORTERS WINES AND LIQUORS. LAILIMAN, SALLADP, & CO., I'l3 SOUTH xralt*TritzET., Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. OF.o. M LAlrm.frac, • A. M. &MADE, J. D. Btriria, RIVESE, GARDRAT & CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OP 1838, Each bottle sealed with green wax with. the Initials of the. LAD AN, BALLADE &CO SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AIM HOCK WINES AND AN ASSORTMENT OF ME BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & CO.'S' OPORTO. T.. ♦ERT PINE ANT) DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, Dish bottle sealed with yellow wax with the initials of the Flan. IMPORTED BY LATIM.A.R,'SALLADE & CO., No. V.B South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. OLD RYE WHISKEY OLD uiAT WHISKEY, W►riaen^rED. OBEHHOLTE WHISKEY, FOOT WHISKEY, WERRT'S WHISKEY, TAFTEYS WILMILEY, READING WINES. LAUMAN, BALLADE & ito.l 8 soulkmfuk sew, PAN 4440 4, n0714v. 11 ' 3 "it -- • Amu DENNISYLVANIA RAILIOAD I. WINTER-TIM "P&BLP....- EMZ TAINS DAILY wand frees' . Piiiaddphie and Pittsburg. On - and after 3gesala3h VictoberZtrk 4864.-theltsestigu Twee of the peausylvestle Itailscist Company will depart from Harris bantandadire at Prlndelptda and Pitishrag ILI MOWS: MASTWA:RD: TUROUPHEXPRESSTRAMeavesHarsisbrag dai• bav2.4s'a. at; and - arrives at West Thiladelidda -at 5.55 M. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dany (except Monday) at 8.00 A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.41:1 P. M. Passer take breakfast at Laheaster, MAIL TRAIN leaves amisbur); daily (except Sin day) at 1.30 P. M., and arrives at West Madelplda at 5.- 35 P. if. PITTSBURG AND F.R.TF EXPRESSileaves Harris. burg $ 1, 147t Sundays) at U. 55 P. Si., and arrives at West Ma at 4.20 A. M. HAMS ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, lama Harrisburg day (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. m., and ar rives atWestadelphia at 930 PAL Thistraia has no connection fries the West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATlONTBAttileavesliar risburg day (except Sunday) andarrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. M.: connecting (except on sforelay) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD: PITTSBURG AND "ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 S., Altoona 6.50 A. M., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.M. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.45 A. M.: Altoona 8.15 A. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. M. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg danyat 25 A. M., Altoona at 8.1.5 A. IL, take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40. P. It. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. AL: Altoona at - 810 P. M., take rapper, and ar• rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 S. 11. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except San. day) at 1.40 P. M.: Altoona at 7.1 S P. at., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATIONwest leaves Lan. caster at 11.20 A.m., connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy at ILSI A. It, andanives at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. IL SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 P. M., stopi there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay crver un til 1145 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 Sup't Middle Div. Pecusa. R. R. TORTIIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY -LI FALL TIME TABLE—Four Traitta Daily to and from Baltimore and Washington City. Cosmeotkrns made with mains on Pennsylvaniaßailroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. 011 R TRAINS DAILY to, and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern New York. f.ht and after Monday, Oct 17th, ISM, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart front Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows': ,EIOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 160 A.M. leaves Harrisburg 1:33 P.M. arrivesat 8a1tim0re....5:90 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN lewresStmburydally (ex- cept Sunday) 1E45 Par. " leaves Harrisburg (exoept Monday) 2:50 am. arrives at Baltimore 700 A.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg 7:00 A.M. SVNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (ex. Sunday)... 7:30 A.M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAMPS leaves Sunburylidaily (ex. Sunday) 9:05 P.N. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except 0 leaves Harrisburg 1:35 P.M. arrives at Sunbury 4:R5 - P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily. -. 9:301".B. arrivesaf Harrisburg 1:50 A.M. " , leaves Harrisburg. daily (ex. ceptMunday) 315 A.N. arrives at Sunbury 5.53 A.R. FMTV EXPRESS TRAM leaves Baltimore daily (except Sardays) at.. 7:30 P.M. loaves Marrislmrg daily (ex cept Sundays) at 12:35 A.M. arrives at Sunbury at 3:25 HARRIt3BURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily(ex.Moaday 3:00 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg at...-. 7450 P.M. BEN. BURY ACCOMMODATION leavesHar- riebnrg daily (ez. Sunday). 4:00 The Erie Exprees and Philadelphia Exprem are through trains to and from Erie and all intern ate point& Rail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For farther information apply at the Office, in Penney]. renia Railriad Depot. 0et26 . 64 J. N. DV-BARRY, Gen. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAM TCOAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest comities of Pennsylvania' to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It bas been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and Is operated by them Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, October 17th, 1%1 THIN OF PASSENGER TRAIN S AT HARRISBURG Hall Train Lock Haven Accommodation. EMNMME Passenger Cars ran through on Mail Train, without • ehange bath ways betweind Philadelphia and Erie, unit ihdtiraureand Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Train both ways between, Philadelphia and 1..0en Haven, and on Elmira - Express Trabiltsgtrwars between Williamsport and Halthnore. Frizqnfinviation respecting Passenger baldness apply 01 Center .30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight brusinera a the Company's Agent*: 48. a Smar', Jr., Cor. 12th and Market Sta., Phila. J. W. REEiot,De, Erie. :W.m.Baowx, Agent N. C. B. R., Beldame, Md. • H. H. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. - W. GWINNEE, Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, MOS Gnu. Manager, Williamsport CUMBERLAND VALLEY & FRANK LIN OF HOURS.— On and after Monday, October 31, 1864, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundffs exceo_ed): FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND EIRLSBITRO: • A.M. P.M. Leave Hagerstown 7:00 2:45 Greencastle 7:37 ,3:35 Arrive at Chatabersburg Leave at Leave Shippeasburg Newyille &M.. " Carlisle, 6:30 10:10 2:46 Mechanicsburg 7:00 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Hanisbarg 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR CHAMBEMBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Harrisburg 8:05 1:40 4:15 Mechanicsburg 8:47 2:20 4:50 Carlisle 9:27 2:58 5:15 "- Newville 10:02 3:34 • " Shlppensburg 10:33 4:04 Arrive at Charabersbrug 1140 4:35 Leave Chambenburg 11:10 4:45 Greencastle 11:55 5:35 . Arrive at Hagertowit 12:35 i 6:15 'sinking close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains far all points West. - The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P. M. runs only as far as Carlisle., G. N. LULL. Supt. R. R.-Office, Chamb'g, Oct. 31, 1864 _ E. D. REID. 'Mato, anti grapo. BOYS' LEGHORN it BRAID HATS STYLES AND COLORS, `NEW STYLE OF HEATS THE PATENT RESORT HAT, MOAT CONTORTABLE HAT WORN, STRAW GOODS ! STRAW GOODS ! ! has received another large lot of which he is selling at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A SPLENDID ARTICLE OF MACKINAW HATS COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. .W. W. PAXTON has itud opened a fine assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, at his new Store in , the Market House, where he am tarnish all articles in his line, cheap for cosh. Soma goods ant sold at old prints. A flnecassorlanent of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAR PET BAGS, VALISES, b.c., eta, constantly on band. Call and alumina our large stock of goods: sept2l W. W. PAXTON. Sortuarlying Rousts. UNDERLICH & NEAT Poawartnmm AND COMM-SION illEscrtaltre North Second Street, empire the Cumberland Valley Railroad Depot, Chu:OxmanlV, Pa. Cart run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Balti more. AGENTR—Peseoch, Zen & trunthrture, No:808 Mr het St, Philadelphia- Lykes* Palley,Eroken Egg and NnttqCAL,___( - dneet hem the mines), litesbarre and PitteGratreEOClWßY COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Smock CEMENT, kept constantly ad Intstd, FLOUR, GRAtoula PRODUCE o? all purchased - at, the hitosteat'atah Floes. . Eth tVUNDEELICH & READ. ... 1:40 AAL 1:20 P. X. ... 1:15 A. X. ... 1:40 P. X 8:17 4:2:0 8:30 1.255 9:00 , 1:553 9:M 2:00 Cr] at pi THAT DEPT CeariCEMION, DEC HERT'S DECHERT'S DECHERT STRAW HATS, AT DECHEBT'S 544beet.atilvItiMillUtre. G FEAT-RED 'U T-. 1 0 N IN PRIC-E•S!! MILLER. AMELTON & TINWARE STOVE DRATYNS, have redgeed the of their goods 25 Tv cent They will put ou the best quality TIN Noopria, (finding the Tin, &e.) for .10 per Num. If the owner flu& the l'ln they will put ft Cu, soldered, for $2 00 per El! People would do well to call upon them before making contracts or pnrcluscs clamber& Particular attention will be paid to SPOUTING, JOB BING, duL, at the cheapest rates, LIGHTNING Roos, of brad Galvanized Thin', put up strongly and cheaply EL & CO., !lave gr. time aseartsoent of JAPANNED, IMI BRASS, AND ENAMELED WARE, and slag BIRD CAGES. P(o3ilic4DWll4: - 434*mi: 4, 1 WATER COOLERS, &C. all of which they act at stunt profits Give them a call and see for yourselvel. , [may 10 C OOK STOVES & TIT WARE.—We have just received a new wad Complete assortment'of Cook Stoves, which we are selling at lower prices than can be bought to Philadelphia, and all stoves sold by us are guaranteed to be "good bakers and give satisfaction. Also—A large lot of TM Ware, which we are selling at very low prices. Persons In want of good Cook Stoves or Tin Ware are invited to call and Examine for themselves at ETTER & EYSTER'S, "Main St., opposite Eyster d, Bros Store. IZEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS.—We J.l.:banajust received sAiew assortinent of Kerosene Lampe, width - we are selling at very low prices. Per mu in want oinks and good Kerosene Lamps will awe money byoelling.and examining our rusearbnent. Also, all kinds of repairing Lampe done by ETTER & ESTTEE, Maln St., opposite Eyster & Bro's Store. HOUSE AND BARN SPOUTING.- We are prepared to do Spouting and Jobbing of all kinds with neatness and dispatch, and warranted to give satisfaction. AIso—"LIGHTNING RODS" put up on Houses or Rants at short notice, by ETTER, & EYSTER, tnaylo 3fain,,St., opposite Eyster & Bro's Store. PlarbinatT eutlerg, &c. H ARW A R E UtBER 3c TOLBERT Have opened their store , on Rain street, • . nearly opposite their old place of business, with an extensive stook-of Hardware, Cutlery, Be., consisting in part of Iron Paints, • Wang, 0116, -- Spates, Turpentine, Steel. Tar, .- - • , Varnish, Flee. ' ..I:llasting Powder, Brushes, Grind Stones, Shovels, Cedar Ware, Bakes Pocket Knives, Spades, &0., &c. - - - Special attention is called • to Builders and Contractors, as they are Prepared to &nal in any quantity, ,• at wholesale, everything in their line. Call and examine our stock. aprill2 COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscrfber respectfully informs his fiiends and the public, that he Continues to carry on the above businets, at bis old stand, ett Main Street, opp osi te the German Re. formeACharch, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Raving enlarged his btudness, Saddles and Coarh• makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their several reltdrements, such as Fair and Country Rogskuts, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girdling. Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Bair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Gorton flames, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Coach }Undies, newatyles; Curtain Pennies; Bub Bands; Bridle Fr 011211; Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig flames. - BI.N.XT.FS—BRASS, MINER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings Stump Joints, and a variety ot other goodssnitable for`the trade. ALL KINDS OP PLATDIG, &c., done with neatness and despatch. [decli] LEWIS WAMPUM. CHEAP HARDW ARE! BRAND & FLACK Had a few goals tender the pavement, which were not hurtled. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard- ware. Besides, they have jest received from New ,York and Philadelphia& very large let ofgoods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been banal out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Belts, Oils, Glass, Paint, &a., at the lowestfigate- TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We have on band about 10 Toni Iron of different kinds, which we will tell lees than it can be bought in the city. Also we base 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at hen 8 tolo doll= per keFr. CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Eazors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, &c., just received from New York'which we offer very low. , sep9,3 CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Findln l / 4 Saddlers' FM at B ND & FLACK'S. SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT centa each and many other articles width was in the fire, which can be made as goods as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. CEDAR W ARE.—CaII at the Store in the Alley. , BRAND &FLACK. Edam aub *vjanti jACOBS' , TQBACCO AND CIGAR BTORE.—gating re-built my Tobacco and Cigar Storo on South Blain street ," of Washington a Main streets,) two squares item the Diamond, I would invite all to call and examine my stock, consisting of CHEWING TOBACCO: °Yerall kinds, wh m' it, all Made, Flounder, Navy, Michigan Pine Cut. Solace,. Cavendish, • Rose Twist, Old Virginia, Honey Dew, &e. Hart's Delight, Sunny Side, 40. Anderson Shorts! Talisman, Plantation, - SNUFFS Ranee, Scotch. Coarse. SHOEING: • Large Hand, - Big Lick, Cut and Dry Danville, , Lynchburg. , Hassbaldi, James River, Grant, Mead, Sigel, sep M J. A. JACOBS. REMOVAL OF BUSH'S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—.The undersigned has r e • mooed hie Tobacco and, Sege: Store to hie new room, on SECOND STREET, nod door to the .Friendthip Engine Howe, where he will keep on hand a -complete etock of TOBACCO AND BECIS, itnebaSNatand Leaf, Mich igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pips% &A aprils FINFROCK'S 3IARBLE WORKS, szooND STaffial. Serra in climes_ 011ADISERSBURG, PA. _ 'MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, Manufactured to order to tbe . tteat style and of the Latest iltssligoa talys.om. - 4 26 1866 . •L• AT Stationerge THE OLD BOOK STAND OF S. S. SHRYOOIt, Kamm removed to the new building-mitaitathe POth cippleg; where a fall assortment of sellout , ARDVISCELLAHEOUSBOOHS. ' BTATIONERY. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS; Km • - Can ballad at exceedingly LoarPrices. WALL PAPAS. and•WHYDGIV SHADES, a larg and new stock. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pens, fully matirnmid. Orders taken for goods. which will be Expressed Maw _shortestsiossible time. Thelsew York and Philadelphla Papers received dail, for which weekly abtacriptinas - will be taken Find Class Noveis, Magazines and Periodicals receivec a4soon as published. We can sell Photograph Albums cheaper hauthey cac be had elsewhere. Hcs. to sent free of portage to any part of the county. Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on band.. Our arrangements are such that we can supply any or. den satisfamerßY and with dispatch. - MB. J. K. Smayocx,, is now locatedin New York, which enables no to undertake the most complex commtssloas. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style, hunted up at a reasonable commission. [nor2] jfire.-Mreof ,Safes. LILLIES' PATE . NT WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. - - - - VAULT DOORS, AND LOCKS. Every safe of this mauaracture Is ban ace bell= ore inches thick (according to size,) of solid awn, chilled by casting on to a network of Wrought intnters, and is fas tened by Dillies' Combination Lock, whichhars no Key nor Key hole, unto rendering it Secure against burglars, and inside of this Iron wall is attached the best &elm:ening known. The great thickness of iron in these safes renders them secure in a fire from being warped or drawn oat of shape by heat, or Prom being crushed by the fall of •walls or, timbers or its own ran. The VoultDoors are inches thick and. 2 inches thick of chilled and Wrought Iron and are fastened by Dillies' celebrated Lock. Send for circu lars or price lists to the subscriber, who is rugs agent for .central Penwlvanla. GEO. W. PARSONS, niarahl-6m - 110 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. 3. C. RICHARDS, M. D. AIONTGOURRY, IL D. T 'CHARDS 6: MONTGOMERY have _LIU associated themselves in the Practice of Medicine, and have opened =office in Dr. Richards' TIM building, on Main street, a few doors Sontit s of the Diamond. All persons Indebted to eltherof the above, will please make early settlement of the same. tang 24- bil • DR. J. S. MAURER OFFERS HIS services as a Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of St. Thomas and vicinity. Promptness at al hours. Residence opposite the Post Office, aprill.9-6m "nit. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt ly to all professional calls, Mace In the Vestibule of the New School Muse near the Jail. ; rango.9:' IMP OK T A TO ALL I N V AL_DS IRON .IN TUE BLOOD It is well known to the medical profession that IRON is the vital principle or Life Element of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the toed we eat ; -but If the food is not properly digested, or if, tiotti any cause whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is nottaken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system slams. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the bruin, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all pasts of the system, and every one will stiffer in whatever organ may be pre disposed to disease. The great value of IRON AS A bIEISICI-NE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. The difficulty 143 been to obtain such preparation of it as will enter the circulation and aasimulato at once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes, Massachusetts State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. - THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Ise PROTECTED Slutiottof the PROXIDE OF IRON, A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE' that strikes at the Root of Disease-by supplying the blood with is Vital Principles or Life Element—lron. • TH 4 E PERUVIAN SYRUP Cores Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Fever-and Agee, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. THE PERIIVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the system and builds up an "Lon Constitution. THE PERUVIAN -SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN S=YRUP Is a SPECIFIC for all diseases originating br a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompanied by Debi 9• ty or a Low State of the System Pamphlets containing certificates of cores and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen and others, will besent FREE to any address. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, Esq., President of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate & Journal. Rev. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle.- , Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnian, M. D., • Rev. Warren Barton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, EL D., Rev. Gordon RObins, W. R. Chisholm, M. D., Rear. Sylvanus Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D., Rev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, AL D., Rev. Ephraim Nute, Jr., Jose Antonio Sanchez, M.D. Rev. Joseph H. Clinch, A. A. Hays, N. D., Rev. Henry• Upham, Abraham Wendell, M. D., Rev. P. C. Headley, J. R. Chilton, X 13.,_ Rev. John W. Olmstead, IL E. Kitniey,-M. D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exdusively for J. P. DENS - MN — RE, 491 Broadway, New York. Sold by all Druggists. [julyl3.eow.iy I)EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE , FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE has fully established the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparaikets. It cares all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Boils, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns, Sue Lips, Sore Eyes, &e., removing - the pain at ones, and re ducing the most angry-looking Swellings and lo.damma riots as if by magic. ONLY 2,5 CE L NTS BY A 330 X. YOB J. DDZSMORE, 4 8 9'113roadway, New York. S. W. FOWLE & co., No. 48 Tremont street, Boston, and by all Druggists. • Oulyi3-eow.ly *Mang anb Rearms. •Q. ADDLERY! _ RESIOVAL!!- L 7 JEREALIALI OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recei ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing to his line, to give him a tall at his new stand, on Mein - Street, on the same site occupied by him preykas tothe fire, where be keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy cornpeti tion. Every article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the best materiel and by competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated on an examination there of. - TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also pill the attention of persons wanting a good, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to hisassortment. aptill9 SAD D LER S' HARDWARE.-C. H. GORDON has just purchased in the East alarge stock of SADDLERS' HARDWARE conahlting. of Buckets, Rings. Butts, Hames, Bridle Fronts. Tacks, Riv. ets, Rosettes, Swivels, pad Screws, Gig Trees, Black trimmed and full-plate self-adjusting- Trees, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Saddlers' Bair. Patent Leather Col. !are, Ornaments, Girth and Rein Web, Cook•eyes. Thread, Trunk, Nails, Neck Protectors. 4,c., , tr-, Which he invites Saddler's and others to call and examin, and whlchwill be sold at low rates. 11 H. GORDON- HAS ON HAND A • Large assortment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bri dles, Ratters, flossy Round - Bridles, Wagon, Carriage and Linen Nets of all kinds, from 81,60 to 87,00; Carry Combs, Horse Cards, Matte Coats, Brushes/Wm Boar% Cow Rides, and Tarty other articles aat,nsomary to enu• merate. REMOVAL. ---C. H. GORDON has re waved his SADDLERY SHOP to - thereto:id occu pied by bint previous to the fire, oo hfART Sgt alew doori - Saith - of Greenamdt'a Hotel - MOSS SPRING WOOLEN FACTORY M "761 undersigned, thankful ror.thellberal patron age extended to him heretafona t respectftallyannowneos to the patine that he has addeda variety Of NEW MACHI tislty; to hi s Factory, adjoining the Easfend of Given castle, which w ill no t only enable him to facilitate "Mk, but to execute it in a tiandertlattwlitteceetretactimi to all who may entrust him with - -theirfattorsi', Iftr4now Prepared to manufacture Cloths, s yngittas, gi aa k o t a p l a i n and (10$3.barred FZecnete, shortest p o em a style that cannot fail to render satishwaron„ Algq Oink• fag and RagCarpain,:c Wovexi to order, on the Mart so. commottatiog terms. a villithm attend to oaekti Mani jag and cohrreng, from the present date J2l3l4ATA t ltt of 'November, and no pains tell be spared - tarkahni may hawor him with their work. GiO. ILGINFUTZ flreetesetie, April C. H. BUSFL tibgoiciano. littebiral
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers