6 - tiftebicat. DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM , D;ISORDERS OF THE LIVER • AND .DIGESTIVE ORGANS,', are cured by HOOFLANDB GERMAN BITTERS, THE-GREAT STRENGHING TONIC. These Bittershave performed more Cures! Made and do give better satisfaction! Have more testimony! Have Have morcirespeotable people to vouch for them! Than any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and * WILL PAY $l,OOO To anyone who will produce a Certificate published by us, that is nut penalize. • HOOFLAND'S q..EBMAN BITTERS - Will cute every - case of Chronic'or Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kid . veys, and Diseases arising from a Disorderati'Stomach. • , Qbserve the following !iiitptom.s, resulting froth Disorders of the Digestive Organs: , Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Brood to" • the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, • Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Full . ness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Eructa,- • dons, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swint- , ming' of the head, Hurried and Dif eult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart.. Choking or or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs , • before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain ' - in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow- .. . . ' noes of the ! Skin and Eyes. Pain " in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burying in the Flesh, Constant Imagin ,ings of F.Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, !. REMEMBER, that this -Bitters is NOT ALCO HOLM contains no Rum or Whiskey, and can't make Drunkards, but is the. BEST TONIC in the World, - Zig- READ WHO SAYS SO: From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Bliptlst Church, Pemberton. N. J.. formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia: * * I have known Hoefland's German Bitters fa{-orably for a number of years. I have;used them in'my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner s I take, great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and eallingthehittention of those afflicted with the dis eases for which they are recommended, to those Bitters, knowing from experience that my recom mendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer fully as Hoofland's Bitters is intended to , benefit the afflicted, and is " not a rum drink." Yours truly. LEVI G. BECK. rnna roc: J. 'Newton Brown,D. D., Editor of the .liooy.:lonudiu of Religious Knowledge and Chris tiun Uhronicle. Philridelphia. is:ltlioughnot disposed_ to favot or recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their : ingredients and effects..l yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to hhve received froM any simple prept.ieti.e.,, Wt.. hop... that he may thus contrib ! ute to the benefit of I 16 1 ii. 6uc Law v. r..,“111v in regard to Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. .M. , Jackson, of this city, because I seas krejudleed against them for t many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic miiture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker. Esq., for the removal of ; • this prejudice by proper tests, and fot encourage ment to try them, when suffering. from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of i these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year. ! was followed by evident relief, and restoration to n degree ii' bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt f tr S i x. month before, and had almost despaired 1 of re .aining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing ice to the_use of them. J. NEWTON BROOWN, Philada. From the Iter. , Jos. R. Kennard, Pastor of the 10th - Baptist Church. - 1 , • Dr. Jackson :=Dear Sir : I Itive been frOgnently requeked to connect my name with cornmendations of different kinds of medicines. but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in " all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various inataneesi and particularly in - my family, of the use fulness of Dr. Iloofland's Germnn Bitters, I depart for once from my usnal course, to express my full , conviction that, for general debility of the system and especially for Liver Complaint. it is a Safe and vat , abte preparation. In some cases it may fail: but 3 ) nally, I doubt not. it will be very, beneficial to / hose who suffer from the above :ause. • •,„ . 1), Yours very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD. Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia. •A From Rev. - W"arren Randolph. Pastor of Baptist Chard(, Germantown. Penna. . Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir: Personal experi ence enablesime to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a roost e.: cellentmedicine. In oases of severe cold and general debility I have • been greatly benefitted by the use of the Bitters. _ and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner. Pastor of Redding M. E. - Church, Philadelphia. ' Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir ,• Having used your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared to say that it has been of great service. I believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours respectfully. • J. H. TURNER, 726 N. 19th Street. Prom the Rev. J. M. Lyons, former Pastor of the Columbus (N. J. and Millerstosvii (Penna.) Bap tist Chkrohes. NSW ROCHELLE, N. Y. 'Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir: I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. tine years since being much at3licte4 with Dyspeps I used them with very beneficial results. Ihave often re commended themlto persons enfee bled - by that tor menting disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimopials as to their great value. In oases of general debility, I belliive it to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. M..LYONS. From the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxbor °ugh Baptist Church. Dr. Jacksoht—Dear Sir : I feel it due to your ex cellent preparation, Hoofland's German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. Gwas advised by a friend to try a bottle of your erman Bitters. I did so, and have experienced great end mnexpected reliefi_ my health has been very materially benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article where I meet with cases similar- to my own, and have.been assured by many of their good effects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborongh. Pa. Tram the Rev. J. S. Herman. of Hie German Re ;formed Church. Kutztown, Berk; county, Pa. ' ' Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Respected Sir I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and • have never used any medicine that did me as much ' salmi as Hooiland's Bitters. I am very much im proved in health. after having taken Yours with respect. J. S. HERMAN. PRICES: Large She (holding 'nearly double quantity) $1 per Bottle—half dozen $5 00 Small Size-75 Cents per Bottle—half dozen 400 BEWARE OF COiINDERFEITSI See that the sigeature of "C. M. JACKSON." is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article. do not be put off by any entre intoxicating prepara tions that maybe offered in its place, but send to us. and we will forward, securely packed.; by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE A no ND MANUFACTORY. N 0.631 An STREeT JONES di 'VANS, • (Sucieosors to C. If. Jackson A: Co.). paopatETo es, 'FOR SALE by Druggists and Dealers in e•eil Own la this United &stag. Wee 9,83-7 m Eirugo, ';; eticinto, &c. ,wm..utysra.: aft.- CHAS. C11E831,84. HEYSER CRESSLETZ; GRADUATSB IN. PHARMACY, EMEEMI DRUGS,CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, drp CHAMBERSBURG. PA PURE DRUGS Knowing' the importance to the Patient, as well as to the Physician, to have pure reliable 'Medicines, wo make our purchases from first-class lioness. All oueTinctures. Sy reps, Fluid Extracts, Pills and other preparations are made by ourseires,and every article examined before it Is sold. • CHEMICALS We buy our Chemicals from the best manufActorers h. the country. and are satisfied they' are' pure and of tot strength. We have a constant supply of- PHOTO 13HAPHIC CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES We haw , constantly on hand all the standard Pateh Medicines, and warrant them genuine. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Black, Blue, Green, Scarlet, Magentor, Drab, Brown Slate and many other colors, with directions that an one can color by, for 35 and 25 cents. KEROSENE LAMPS AND OIL, Shades and Chironies, all of beautiful styles, of -the bee , quality aid very cheap. ARTIFICIAL TEETH, Artists' 011 Colors. Canvas and Brushes, tine Extracts au , Cologne, fine and cheap Soaps; Hair, Cloth and Tooti Brushes, Elorn and Rubber Combs. . POCKET BOOKS AND WALLETS A large assortment at all prices. , s O'NIEL'S HORSE POWDER Has been sold in this establisinient for fifteen year. We believe it the test in use. We have all the best NORSE MEDICINES OF THE DAY. PRESCRIPTION'S The Prescription Counter is under our ORM especial care, and we humbly believe that we can give satisfat tion to all who will give their prescriptions to our care. Va. Medicines can be had at night or on Sunday by calling at the Store or at W. lieysees residence, a few doors South of the Store. We buy all goods at the lowest market rates, and sell at fair pricy ' Oct 7,63 MAIZENA.—A new article for des sert and Invalids, at FAMILY DYES.—Every Color and Shade, at NIXON'S Drug Store. PURE PEPPER.—Ground in the Estabitahmerit, and sold in lots to "snit . , at NIXON'S Drug Store. CONCENTRATED POTASH.,' superior arttcle for making Soap. at • ' NIXON'S Drug Store. TOOTx BRUSYLES.-A supeTio lot Just opened, at NIXON'S Drag Store. FFIATS, REDDING, NECK, LON and other Combs, at NIXON'S Drug Store A FULL 'LINE OF SUPERIO MONEY WALLETS,at NIXON'S Drug Store LIQUORICE —A large lot of quaLity, at NIXON'S Drug Store. FOR COLDS.—Nixon prepares remedy which has the approval of all our Phy, Mans. It la safe, pleasant and efficacious. Try it. A FULL STOCK OF STANDAR! Patera Ho:Heine's, at NIXON'S Drag Store. TrAilt BRUtIiES----ELEGAN' ' II STYLES, at - NIXON'S Drug Store. • DRUGS Ijr Stock full am ) SUPERIOR GROU Warranted Pure, ut "VINE FRAGRANT SOAPI, \:\ Fine Perfumery, , Fine /lair Oils, Vac ramaclea) at u0y.25-tf = NIXON'S!' MILLER & HENSHEY, 1 r, DR lIGG7ST.S' STORE ON-THE DIAMOND,. Hare inatreceived a lar4a and freak dock of DRUGS, - - CHI" BOCILB, Purchased from reliable Homes in the Eastern Cities and offered to the public as strictly pure. 'laving a Spice Mill, upon which is ground all the PEPPER, CORIANDER, ' CINNAMON, CLOVES, -SWEET MARJORY, Av., sold by tis.; The Spices die always fresh' and pure. Remember this • as the butchering semen is now here, and to make good ' puddings and sausages you must hare good Spices. - VOR CURING BEEF AND PORK. A: —Don't forget to call at MILLER, & RENS uud get the preparitlon the.; make for this purpime, you would hare sweet Hama and good corned Beef. F, ARTLY DYE COLORS —A new article and just what %needed in every family, at htILLSII k lIENSILICY'S. TOILET ARTICLES, STERLING'S AMBROSIA, COCOAINE, HAIR DYES, POMADES, EXTRACTS OF ALL HINDS, HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, TOOTH BRUSHES, and a full aescutment of every thing in the Toilet line, can be had at ,MILLFR &TIENSHEY'S. PediATENT MEDJCINES.—AIways on hand a eomplete stock of all the iloptibir patent cinee of the day, at HILLZR a, IIItNSIIIKY'B, KEROSENE OIL, 'KEROSHNN LAMPS, • CIIEWNHYB AND MONS. ALOMOL, ritnr, AND A fell aseertment of each artklesuenally found in a DAtg; Store. eon he had at MILLER A IIIiNSHEYV VOHS CAW. [dee. 2.) yANUFACTITRERS can reach a. largo film of thrifty dealer' by Abyss:tun ia: do) fitANKLIN BEPOSITOBT. ,-- , . T Ef.F., DRAFT. I ' - WILLIAM GELWICKS; the largest • assortment of - Merchandise offered. " In this place. Aa this large stock enahracei such a rest variety - j of articles, it Would be impuseible to leonine] ate articles and give prices. Suffice to es 3 that this varied assortment of 1 goods embraces a full apd complete - assortment of GILOCiiiINS •' from the COIIIMIOII to I • the most choice • i • and finest - - grades known to the market. -Choice C Teen andlllack Teas, Chocolate, but, Syrups, - Sugars, Coffees, Spit, Fish, pickles, Rice, -. Cheese, fresh Crackers, dried Beans, Ilomiuy, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Vine gar, &c., Sc. Also a complete as aortruelit PURE. FRESH, GROUND AND lINGROTND SPICES, AND BAKING' ARTICLES. , All spices sole are carefully cleaned and ground on hii n spice mill. Also, a full •ariety cf NIXON'S Drag Store It rooms. Buckets,' , queensware, 1 . . Choice Segue, - Starch, . Taney Soaps, - - - Common Seams, - - WHOLESALE ANp`RETAIL, Call and examine for yourself anti 1)0 eunTiticeti that at GELWICK'S CHEAP STORE -P. S.—l have also 100 Huttlei of &mastic inamufae tore of strictly pure Grape Wine for rtle. decl6; r 3; MASON_t HAMLI.N'S `CAIIINET ORGA,V-3, WITLI ONE OR TWO SETS OF - ItEEDN, - Containing the 3 , kUTOMATTC, SWELL, DOIII3LE BELLOWS. KNEE 11. 4 %. Every /n.strumert Warranted for Five Years. "The cabinet Organ is the only instrument Nshiciv combines the reouisites.for chunk and parlor music; for the schocl room and the socialjesta gal gatherin For while it possesses sufficient power for th; accompa niment of a large chorus. it is. from its capability of ali shades of expression, and its wonderful crescs ‘ ndo and diminurndo. most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral effects, and Japid music.te trills, arpeggios, etc. From its sustained tones. it EMI a decided advantage over the Plano-forte. for the render ing of ninny of the choicest morcormx of the masters, such as symphonies, quartettes. etc." R. A. McCLUR.It, Chambershnrg. Pa. General Agent fur Pennsylvania.. N. be underaigned will sell and deliver. In cans wt .an, Cabinet Organs anywhere In this State. at factory prices. Ali inquiries J:ty letter promptly au swered• [June n, , 6341.1 . It. A Sic. NLKON'S. PIANOS ! . • . F R. A. M'CLURE', ante agent for the -celebrated DECKER BROTHERS' (NEW YORK) Pt ANO. &inly+ delivered, and put up in perfeetcondition, in any part of the State, at FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. All Instruments warranted for five yearn, , Pianos from othor factories will lie furnished,; _ fle4treal, R. A„3IcCLUP.E. June 17.'63. Citanthersburr, Pp. s4toN , s. I R )RINCE'& CO.'S WALT. NOW); . .N.i EI,ODEONS AND HARMONIU MS! introducing the effect of Pedal rims on every Instrument - . H. bABLKK'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash at a lib eral deduction.. or on Monthly I ipitalmen ts. 47 - Over 30.900 sold in Philadelphia. , JAMES IIfiLLAK, Selo Agent. - 279 and2sl.Sonth Fifth street, above Spruce et.. • cep 16. 63-ly ' Pit IL A.DELPISLA. _ VLEMIVI & BROTHER, Il hnimrters, !lanufacturm, and Wholucire Deart.94 IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, • GERMAN. FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRING. No. 705 MATMKT STRIMT, PRIIADELPRIA. Orders cerefully attended to by S. S.SIIRYOOK- Ehambershnrg. feePt 23-1,a.-.- AND SPICES TOCAL MUST C.-1?.. A. .111celuro. v will teach chasm and private pnpils. the art of Sin in r, Musical Notation. Harmony, and Musical Com position. f00r25-qj FAMILY DYE COLORS. PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 18133. Black. Dark Green Block tar Silk, Light Green, ' - Dark Blue, Magenta,' - .. Light Blue, - ' Maize, French Blue,- Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Brown, Pink, ~ . 'Light Brown, - Purple, Snuff Brown, , Royal Purple, - Cherry, 'Salmon, . Crimson, ' Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate. - Light Drab, Soiferino, Fawn Drab, ' • 'Violet, . ' Light Fawn Drab, Yellow, For Dyeing Silk, Woolen - and Mixed Goods, Shawls ; • -Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hato, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, ' and all kinds of Wearing Appaiel- Sir A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. "ER For 28 cents you can color as many goods as would ptberwiee cod five times that sum. Various shades can. ?be produced from the same dye. The process le simple, N and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Di rections In Bnglish, French and German, inside of each package. . . For further Information in Dyeing, and-giving &per fect knowledge what colors are beat adapted to dye over othersi (with many valuable recipes,) purchase Howe k Stevens Treadle 'on Dyeing andColoring.' Sent by - mail on receipt of price -10 sente. Manufactured by HOWB k STEVENS, nov2ll.lyl - 200 Broadway, Boston. , For Sale by druggists and dealers generally. ' JOl3 PRINTING, in every style, dual MO' office e 1111111ELIN RIPOSIT it* - Ortitklin--ftpod4q,„Prec**,, V., 1863. Groceries, &T. Tr.TIOLESALE itET:LIL GROCER', and Dealer in all kinds of Merchandise hsa MADE ANOTREE DRAFT . on Philadelphia and New York for NE W GOODS, and succeeded in bringing to CILAMBERSBURG Wash Boards, Twines, IE3 Stoneware, Brushes, Indigo, Combs, Pocket Knives, Articles of 'Hardware, „ Lubricating 011, , Kerosene Oil. AND 5000-ARTICLES NOT NAMED, all of which will be sold at cheap figures le the piece fortargainn ftluoicat. AND COMBINATION Y ALVE STOP PRiazs PROM •STO rc;3460 ftlioceltattrous. "Aarbb3are, euttryp, COACH ACID SAPDLERY The subsciihei respectfully informs. his friends and the Public, that he cnutinnes to carry on .he aboie bOsiness at hie old stand on Main Street, op- posite the Gorman Reformed Church; raring enlarged bin tousincse. Saddlers and Coach maLers will find in his ntore - Aoom s general assortment of Goods suitable to their several requirements, such as Farr and Country llogskins, Patent Leather, Saddle Tree% and Glrthing, Gix Trees, tall Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat llatr, Stralelng Wtb and,Worstod Rain Wed, lower than Cotton, new styles ; Curtin Frames ; Nub /Sands ; Bridle Fronts; Itaseates, Sensels find Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Games; BUCKLES-BRASS SILVE R AND Japanned, all etylesand Patterns; ivory and Wocelea Martingale nips, Stump Joints, and a variety of other Goodirimitable fur the trade. All I:hi:arid" Plating, &c., dope with neat- 1108 d and despatch no? 'illttl HIV ARDA RE ! • skim & RICHARDSON 611 Market St., — 'Philadelphia. .T. FRED. sxtxu. I CRAS.RICLIARDSON The undersigned would respectfully mill the attention of COUNTR Y MK lICIIAN TS to *their large and. well'am lectcd stock of HARDWARE! Having madespecial arrangements for tLe Fall Trades. - we flatter ourselves we. can offer Inducements to pur chasers that Will fully remunerate the - trouble of exam-. Ming our stozlt. We ask but a trial, to convince the Country Pratte, that we are prepared to sell low and accommodate. Our stock of Table and Pachvt Cutlery is unusnall lerge,selected with cm e. and including a variety ofstylt that cannot hut suit all tastes. We have constantly on baud a large assortmenlot Building Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Files, Tool-Bost , s. and Chests, 'Saddlers, and shoemakecs Touts, • r Screws, Naila. everything in short, pertaining to a first class Hardware Store. - Partici - 113r attention paid to Country orders. It is our aim to secure the confidence of our customers. and t 0 this end we are mirth:War, in filling orders, to give the best and as cheap as though the customers were bn log in person. Give ns a trial. . „ R,fVERENCE.I.—J. K. Shryock; Esq., A. K. McClure, L. B. Eyster,ChaitilArshorg. SMITH A RICHARDSON, sug. 5,`63.1.f 611 Market St., Philadelphia. Citolce Tobacco, Unite , s Stove Polish NEW H..-VP.DWARE STORE. L. B. EYSTER r wotild respectfully inrlrm his Irienthi,.atl the public generally, that in connection withhie , t RbiIOSENE OIL AND LAMP STORE, he ha commenced tIie , IIA.RDW A 8.% business. at his new Store room. ono door north of 01. liuber's Grocery. Ilia stock consists in the following articles, viz : Budding Hardware, lions.' Furnishing Goods. Table and Pocket Cutlery, - Mechanics' To•de., Nails by the smaller keg, Fanning Utensils, such as Shoves, , . Spades. Forks, • Potato Lifters, Scythes, etc.,etc. Also, Glass, Paints. Benzole, Linseed, Kerosene. and Lubricating Oils, • Lamps omen . iiscriptions, Chand-liers Pella. and Kerosene, Fruit Jars. best quality, &c., &t, Agent for _Sure of SPANS & WATSON'S Fire Proof Safes. [july 29. • ARDAVARE.—The public aro in ,a-itod to call and examine our extensive stock of Llaidnare. Cutlery, &o. We ke-p on hand a large stock of good our! line composisl partly of the following goods which *we offer very cheap. 14'ou Fibs Nail, R.44p4 Steel hocks Gins, - Binges Chains Pl.in . Anvils Bolts Vices Saws BruNltes Paints flames Oils . Shovels Turpentine Rak*s Hoes - Spades CAI and examine our stock. Speck fered f.r cash. foci 2l BR. HARDW,A.RE AND CUTLERY 'W. W. KNIGHT & SON. importers and Dealers to - "AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMA:t HARDWARE, 500 Commerce Street, Between 4th and fith and Market and Arch St* Philadelphia. ang.s, etairo, eabinct--Matr, &c. .TOSEPF PREY.. VELLUX K. mom! - 1:4 1 R E & 3 ONG, UNDERTAKERS MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET WARE CIIAMBERSOURG.YENNA. 11101111(lerSigtled, respectfnlty announces to tho citi- Zelis of Oliainberstairg and sitrrounding country. thdt they have - leased the Cabinet Rooms of. Mr. WM. FLORD, dpe:ll, on Main Street near Waiilittigton, and bought out all the material of Mr. Wiiir.A.lliaLLET pertaining to the UNDERTA:RING. incinding hiatus liozraee, where they intenirto.give special attention to this branch of the COFFINS (If Cl,th, Walnut, Cherry. toorder at the hurteit notice and on most reasonable terms, They will also attend to the Laying out of antxtes, which will be done in a satisfactory manner. Funerals attended in town and country. . IiSNITIAN BLINDS made to order. BA. AU kinds of Cabinet ware repaired 'neatly :tend cheaply. The public are reepectfdlly referred to Mr. Wm. A. RUBLE?. Remember Wm. Ftsry's del stand. nor 4, '63-3m FRET & MONG CHEAP CHAIRAND CABINET WARE ROOMS.-The subscriber informs the pull 1k that he continues the Manuffseture of the Tatiana ar ticles of FURNITURE in his line, at his Shop, on Main Street, three doors South of 'Huber and Tolbert's Hard. wareS tare. He has always on band, or It prepared to manufacture upon thep shortest notice, Spring &NA Cana Bottom and Windsor Chairs, Sofas, Plain and F i ti Ti cy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing and Common ardro Wash Stands, Book Cases, Bedsteads. VENETIA BLINDS got up in the best style. particular attention will be paid t• - .) ROUSE PAIMB G AND PAPER RANGING, and entire aatiafactkra in every instance gnaranteea. REPAIRING of all kinds in jots Ilna 'of busts— p •omptly attended to at moderate prices. UNDERTAKING,—Haring pur , hased the Hearse of Mr. Wm. FLORY, dec'd, he le able to attend funerals at manufacture Calmest the shortest notice,ofCloth,Viti nut orCherry. A Layer.ont will be inattendance: nor 4138-ly JOSIAH B. SCHOFIELD. To MERCHANTS.—The way .to -More profltab,e custom b t• ADTSMUS ii ! t_the nsisava IRPOBITOUT, H - A H B IV : A H E CHAMBERSBURG, PA Bit• and Stirrups. • Plated, Tinnednnd Japanned, Coach Handles, LEWIS IWAIRLER, Chitrubersburg, Pa Looking Glasses Farm 13ells Sprimrs and. Axles 13,x.tt Trees Shot:maker K it Sttddlers Tools •• Tritivni Coffin Trimmings rind St ones Cedar Ware. 111xAt in pi PowdeY Shot and Load _ Pocket Kniveo al induciments of 'AND k FLACK. Bil ;Liquors.. IM.PORTERS ow WINES AND LIQUORS LA.IIMAN, SALLADE A CO., No. 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET. (DAMEN CIIENOTT AND WAINDT,) PRILgrELPII7.A OEO. M;LAVNIAN. A. AL BALLADE, } J. D 1 ItIVESE, GARDRAT & CO'S , ' SUPERIOR= COGNAC BRANDY, rINTAGE OF US, - EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH GREEN WAX, WITH THE 'INITIALS OF THE FIRM =PORTED BY LAIIMAN, BALLADE & CO SUPERIOR OLDMUDEIRA WLYR FINE SHERRY, CLARET, AND BOCK *INES, AND AN ASSORTMENT SW PINS BRANDI •) CHAMPAGNE. , OSBORNE. tt CO.'S . PO Gila°. TEDY FINE AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE. - EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX, - WITH. THE INITIALS OF TILE FIRM. IMPORTED DT LAIIMAN, BALLADE &CP., • Nu. 123 SOIITUMNTII STREET, - PfiIIMPELA7A OLD RYE WHISKEY, ' OLD WHEAT WHISKEY,'' WARRANTED. OLD JAMAICA SPIRITS, OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY,- VAPPEY'S WHISKEY," , AltD READING WINES, LAIDIAN, BALLADE & 125 SOUTH NINTH STREW, GREAT DISCOVERY! KUNKEL'S IitITER WINE OF IRON, kill t he cure of Wi STOSIACIIk t GE.NTRAL'DEBLIITY, DIGZSTION, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS Sinn( ' CON STIPATION. ACIDITY OP TRY 6TOMACII, and for all caws requiring a This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we poss . e-si,eitrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the must energetic of Yegloble Tonica, Yellow Peruvian Bark. Thu effect in many: cases of de- Witty, loss of appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salto iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is Must happy. It augments the appetite. raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness removes the polar of and gives& florid vigorlo the counts. mince.. DO you want something to strengthen you ? Do yen want a good appetite? ~ Do yon want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well? Iha you want to get rid ot nervousness? ' • - Do you want energy! • Do you waist to sleepvrell? Do you want a brisk and vignrous feeling? - If you do,try RUNK WS BITTER OF IRON- This truly valuable Tonic hae been so thoroughly test ed by all classes cf the community,that ii is now deem ed indispensable as "Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blucii, gives - tone to the stomach, renovates the system, andprolongs Elle. I now onty ask trial of th le valuable Tonic. TEST.MONlALl—lfayrisbarg, Feb 20, 1.1183. Mr..S. A KUNKLE, DrUggiNt :—LearlYir I huve great pleasurein testifying to the complete anecess of your Bitter Wine of Iron in my case. I have! been afflicted for a number of years 'with weakness, general debility and giddiness. so much so that I have been confined to my bed for the-greater part of my time 'and have had the attendance 01 our best physizians, but received but little henent. I had despahed of ever 'regaining my health, until bearing of your inestimable remedy, RIT UAL WINE or IKON. I determined to try its virtt.e, and a= happy to state it has resulted in a cuinplete cure. I am more robust and vigorous than I have tieen fur many years. which feeling I attribute solely to lour Bitter Wine of Iron. I have no hesitation in rectimmending it to others, similarly affected, and sheltie; happy to bear" personal testimony. Youry, truly, HAINAN FRISCH. stir TO TUB PUBLIC.—Dr. S. A. Ktutsm.:—Dear Sir: When on toy way,last summer, to join My regiment at Yorktown, Virbinia. you were kind enongh ta give me several bottles of your Wine of (rOn.'! I found it most valuable in the climate of the Peninsula and the diseases Incident to it. _Bops' maration of °arks exceed it in value. 1 believe that its use would :prevent much UILLIOUS MFR, and rertaimy prove a greet value in its cure. Yonre.respectfully. IL P. HUNT, Chaplain 178th Reginien t. P. D. M. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail. by KUNKUL 11 "• •Arnthecarf-RlllB. Market Street,thirrisbnrg,Pa .1.8.N-IXOX, Agent, ChilllltrebEirg. PA. oct2B'Bd-aiin VCONOMY IS WEALTH CURE YOUR COUGH FOR THIRTEEN CENTS' The Best end, Cheapest Household Remedy MADAME ZADOC PORTER' GREAT COUGH RE.NEDY:: • Madame Zadoe Porter's Curatfbe Balsam Is warranted if used according to the direction's. to cure in all cases,Coughso2olds ' Whooping Cough, Asthma, mind al Inflections of the Thinatand Lunge. Madame Zadoe Porter's Balsam es prepared with all the reqiiislte care and skill, from a ps binat ion of the besttemedies the vimetable k ingdom affords. Its remedial qealities are based on its power to assist the healthy and vigoroni rireu iation of the klood. through the lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but einellient,warming.searching and effective; can be tekenbythe oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam heti been need by tht pnkfic for over 18, years and has acquired Represent salee simply by being recommended by thoee who have used it, to their afflicted friends and others. ~~~_~.. MOST IMPORTANT. ,- Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Balaam is sold at It price which brings It in the reach of every one to k eep I t oonventent to use. The timely use of a sittgle both ewill prove to be worth 100 times its coml. NOTICE. -! Baveyour money. Do not be persuaded to purchase ortielssat.33,to $l, which do not contain the virtues o a 13 et Bottleof Madan' e Porter's Curative, Balsam, the coetof manufacturing which is as groat as that of al most any other medicine ; and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit tothesellerapparent ly small,and unprincipled dealers will sometimes re commendother medicines on which their prolita_ar e larger,unless the customers insist upon having Madame Porter's and noneother. Ask for ladam. Porter's -Cu rative Balsam, price 13 ate.. and in large bottles at 25 eta., arid take no other. If you Can not get it at one ■torelou can at another. .pii?-Sold by all Druggist sand Store-keepers at 13 eta andin largerbottles at 25 ow HALL dt BITOBBL, Proprietors. 7ark 28:63-Iy. ' New York. imPor Sale by Miller k Ilensbei and Jacob fit.N lam!' ahambera burg. 4O -W. SCOTT, GVSTLgMENAI . • FURNISHING STORE, and SHIRT MANI:WAG?! RT, No. 814 Chestnut Street, Four doors . helots tba "Continental." Philadelphia. •-k'articulatattentiork erns to ordered Shirts. I perfect fit guaranteed. Persons it a distance can order by the following Shirt MeasuXos* Size around the Neck: -- . " " " Cheat under the Arm. :, " .. " ' Waist : , 0 " Wrist: Length of Arms (bent)fromeentre of bask to middle of hand : Length of Bosom at Side: - " ‘ 4 ?kid : . 1 IN(ebicaL the World (ao►.ti-17 farbitat. i fiILMBOLVS GENUINE PRE PARATIONS.--COMPOUN D FLUID EXTRACT 111.1‘ MU, a Positive and Specific helot:di tor diseenes o theßlader, Kidneys. Gravel. and Dropsical Swellings. Thin Medicine Inc reves the power of Digestion/old ex cite the Absorbentitinto healthy-action, by whi c h th e Watery demptvdtioni and nil Dime-torsi Enlargements are reduced. as well as Pain, and :leg ate ; mation. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCFIU. For Weaknessess arisinir from Excesses. Habits of Dia. rogation, Early Indiscretion of Abuse, attended %fhb thsr following symptom - Indlepogiticm to Exertion. < Lots of Power. Lose of Memory - Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, rgeeintiting, Horror of Dlseme, WAS Dimness of Vision. Pain in tlitillisck. universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. 'I Hot Elands, klushing of tlio )100, Dryness 'Of 'the Skin, - &Nit ions on the Vact.-. -Pallid Conntenan.s. - -- These syrnptons, it allowed to no on, which this tiaetii clue invariably mauves, snail f.llOlvN - impotencg, Fatuity. Epileptic Pitt, In one ofwhich the Patient may expire. 'Who can say that they are not frepiently followed by 'those "Direful Digemes." .'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Malay are aware of the cause of thtir stiffnring. MIT NONE 51141 CONMS, THE ItECOI6.I Or SHE MAIM - AST LUEIS And 3141andinly Deaths by Onsumption bear wltness.to th" Truth or the assertion. the Constitution once (fretted with , Organ ie Weal:ne n rlies the aid of Medicate to Strengthen and InTit orate the Syettan. Which liguthoW§ IIXTRACT BODETU inrariabyslim A Trial wilreonvince lto moat FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES.. In many Affections pecutiar to Fiintrics the Erratof Buono is unequaled any other remedy. on In Chin rosin or Rotenteon, Irregulitrity, Puinfiiipees, or Stip pre_ssion of tlitstmusry Evircutioirs, Ulcerates or,Scirr, hous state of the 'Uterus, Leuchorrimm or Whites. Sterility, and for'.ll cmplaints incident to the se r x. whether arising from indiscretion Habits of Diselpatßar, or in the DECLINE OR 011AtiOR OF LIFE. Take no more Balsam, dfercury, or unp/easant //Wi dnes for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. - - HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE AND IMPROViID ROSE WASH CURES SECR•ET.DISEASES Irrall their Stages, Little or no change in Met And no Expo-sure, It_ causes a frequent desire and gives strength to 'Uri. nate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and In flaniation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and pell ink all Poisonous, Diseased and usernota outlier. THOLBANDI3IIPON THOUSAND/311RO HAVE BUN Uri Vie- Time oy Qtracx, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short Mine. have- found they' were deeeivid, . anti that the POISON" has, by the nse of "Powitarti. ASTRINowrs," been dried up in the ti 3 stem, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after ifarriu,9r. tree lixamovu's EXTRACT lirCIIU for all affections and diseases of the 'URINARY ORGANS, svht•ther existing in MALE or FEMALE. ft oni whatever cause originating_ and no matter of lIOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a DIURL►f IC. II ELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCUU IS ME GREAT DIURETIC. and is certain to have the desired effect !n al Diseases for which it is Recomizended. Evidence of the most reliable and -responsible elyntso ter will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l,OO PER MOTTLE, OR SIX FOR $5.00 DellYered to any Address, securely packed - from °beam DOlribe S.ymptana in all Communications, CURES GUARANTEED! ADVICE ORATISI Address letters for information to 13. B. RELMEOLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth et., bid. Chestnut, HILMBOLD'S Medical Depot. s ' HELSIBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPEI?iCI, PLED DLA'LERS who endeavor to dispose "of thew owe and "other" articles on the reputation attained by - - - "[limbold's Genuine Preparations. - Extract. " Sarsaparilla. " Improved Rose-Wm& BOLD DT ALL D??UGGISTS E.TERYI97IERE. ASK FOR I.IE6ISOLD'S TAKE NO Orlifit!t. Cut Ont the Advertisement an d send for it. • ' AND AVOID IMPoSITIONAND EXPOSeDE n0Y.11,'6 , 321y - OS'TETTER';k CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerturTonie, correefirUftrul alterative o wonderful efficacy in diseases of the, STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS Cures Dyspvia,„ Liver Complaint, lleadacbe, Generni Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Ye- Ten, Cramps and Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Wraknee abether inherent to TIIE SYSTEM OR PRODUCED ItY SPECIAL CAUSES NOTEISG that is not wholesome. genial and restore tire inits nature enters int; the composition of HOS TETTER'S wromAcn• BITTERS, This popular pis!. partition contains no min eralof any kind. no deadly bo tanical element no fiery eicitant; but it is a combi nation of the extracts of rare halsamt herbs alba plants with the purest 'and mildest of all ditlimirse stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against disonec i ald, so k as the human system can be p, otected by human menus against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atn phere, impure watei and other-external causes, 1108- TETTER'S !JIVER'S may be relied on as a safegtutul. In districts infested with FEVER AND AGUE, it NU been found infallible ns a preventive and irresistible sea remedy, and thousands who resort to It under apprehem PlOll of an attack, escape thn scourge; and thousands who neglect ;to avail themselves of its protective goal-, ties is advance, ere cnretlby e :very brief course of-this marvelous medicine. Fever and Aguo patlents,attur being plied with qilitrine fur mouths in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerons alkalvid, are not nut*. anent', restored to health within a few days by Mouse, of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the ap petite restored .by this agreeable Tonicotud hence it works wonders' in cases of DISE EPSIA and in lees confirmed forms of IXDIOES'TION. Acting as a gentle and ;sinless apperient, as well the liver, it aloe invariably relieves the CONSTIPATION saperindtanal. by irregular "ion of the diga't.tive andaecretive organs. Persons of feeble lmbit, I labia to NERVOUS ATTACH 8 LOWNESS ot i, SPIRITS and FITS 'OF LANGUOR, find prompt fina permanent relict Ikon Atte Bitters.— The testimony on this point is most conclusive, *ad from both sexes . _ The agony of iILOCII COW is Immediately amnia ged_by a single dose of the stimulant, aid 13Y mak. eionally resorting to it, the return of the complulne may be prevented. As a General Tonle NOSTETTER'S BITTERS pas :duce effects which' must be experienced or Witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases of CON STITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE,. DECAY and DEBILITY and DECEEPITIIDE arising from .OLD AGE, it exercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a deligbillrl fillgorant. When the powers of .nature are relaxed) it pperatee to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but not leaust,it is -TEE ONLY SAFE SITAII• LANT, being mannfactured from sound and innomstose materials, and entirely free from the acid elements pre sent more or less In all tile ordinary tonics and alcanasti ice of the day. No family medicine has been so universally, and, 111 may be truly added, deservedly Popular with the intel ligent portion of the community, as DOSTETILER4 BITTERS. • Prepared b'y lIOSTErria & SMITH, Pittsburg, Ete, Bold by all Dritggists Gviicareand dtor *keepers refry. wham.r 210 T/ 44411 At little Expense. No Incourenleoce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers