ME ,tiptjino..:, 1863. , 1863: pe;SL-01 1 111N-G' EMPORtUEMPORIUM, FR:ANELLNIIOTEL BUILDING. CIANEWOF T qmlarr sTREET and tho DUNIOND, Old/Of-' BEItBIIIIIIG, Pa. JOHN T HOSKIN:4ON, Proprietor. 'the *undersigned giro notice to his legion, gentrons Patraus apd to thepuolic generally - . that he has now oat - 'band; and offers to purchasers, for ea-ih, the rdrifrat and endst,getralire stark of- , . RF,IDY3f ADE CLOTHING, la' the Spring and Summer seasons, ever presented in this plats - ills long established character 'for selling eethir,g. unstirpassed in Style. tinisii and Durability, hots determined to maintain. and mold ng his purchases In the Eastern. Cities this seasan,at the. propitious time, Staables him to offer his patrons 'garments at prices „h el per than the cheapest. , He makes these statements ie_no boasting or vain spirit. but asks a discriminating, frantic to give him a call and slecipe ft,r themselNes who. In the trade In this section. offers the best imincemen's to purchasers. The material , of every garment said by him is purchased from first-class Hmself° the prineis pal cities, and the manufacturing is done under his own supervision in this place, by workmen of acknowledged ability. -With his stock of PE aDY-UADE CLGTHING, ha invites attention to a large and splendid asssertmont of Gentlemen's . . .-- - FURNISHING- GOODS, or vrhich ho warrants tomtit the 13104 t fastidious taste or he most economical pocketf;_ . Keep hie plale in realm - Worn nod give him n call. V niie IL 'Oil. , JOHN T. lIISKINSOIsr. ki- ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South -- West Corner of the biA3IOIVD. nest door' to the tank, pIiAiIIIEUSSTIEG, los fast returned from the City with a large stock 01" superior and sgasonnble Goods, each as CLOTif6. C.e-SiIifERES, FATINETTS, JEA.O-,C /US. fcc., for Costs and VELVETS, SATINS, M insEiLLES ' and other VeStings. Also -a very fine' selection at' READY-MADE CLOTIUEG, which to is prepared to sell at the very lawet niarkot prices. CUSTiplhift ViOltli.—As be employs a first-rate eta ter, he il'prepared to make ...up all kinds of Garments,' rtr 5 lett and Boys, to order, in the hest styles. Satis faction will bo gillvratfecil. - A bags assortment of GENTLEMEN'S runrtsnrse Goons.; encb qs Shirts, Drawers. Cellar:4, Itamlkerchieff, Sus pendero, Cirpnt Bags, Umbrellas. &c., &c., always • on hand, Give film a cal I amtl t min monoy. [June 17,'63. A J. tIVIIITt, lf --ERCICANT TAILOR, • AN.DDEALEIZ IN 12.E41)1"-MADE CLOTR- V;—(11.03n: MADE)-, , ~, • CL TIES, 1 , CASS] MERVIS, , VE TINGA, , . . GEN'TLEM EN'S FuitsrsiliNG GOODS. , . „ . GUM OVERCOATS,,, ' ' UMBRELLAS. , ffi Piece Goods sold by the yard, and no charge fur Cutting; , . Garments sold . to persons who wish them Made at 'Owe. , , ~ ' „ .- Machine Silk". Chalk, and inch measures sold. Three 40er , 's Mirth of Eystees Dry Goods Store, Chambers btirg;Pa.4— - . Vl:mel7, 18iB. thcai. WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY.—At the present time thoughtful minds everywhere are looking for the revelation of new end important discoveries in science, and when a theory iispresented claiming to have ,discovered new light and tohave removed the veil of obscurity from a subject of the highest importance, upon which much has been written, it is proper that the claims of this theory be presented and carefully examined and tested, which as destined to transcend in importance to suffering human ity,all other discoveries; the lightning rod and telegraph not excepted. Weliold that the human system is but a galvanic arrangement, with its .acid:: and alkalies, con stituting the positive and negative forces, and that every mental and physical manifestation, either voluntary or involuntary, is the result of this antagonism; that diges tion, circulation, secretion, end excretion are wholly at tributable to the law of electrical influences; that the nerves are the conductors of eLECTRIVITY, and that there is a polar action established through the nervous system which connects with every part of the body, establishing and preserving a proper balance of the electric element, which constitutes health, it nd ,a.. - ,disturbance of which causes disease; that there are strictly but two conditions of disease—the one positive, the other negative; and as ELECTRICITY poisesses these two inherent principles, it will, if applied according to the electric polarities and -requirements of the system, arrest, or, in other words, neutrolize the disease by the restoration ef proper polar - action. We also assert that all drags taken into thesys tem act strictly upon electrical principles; that from ) decomposition the intent electricity is set free, and that, though the electrical polarities of the nervous system, all changes are produced either fir good or for - evil ; that ia'the incipient stage of disease it may tend to equalize the eit'bes, and restore harmony; but after the case has become refractory, paralyzing the 'nervous cornmanies.- : tions,and changing the 'constituents of the fluids, arid arresting the digestive action of the stomach and its • • power of approbation, no internal process of medication ever has, or ever can, succeed in removing the cause of the disease. its only tendency being to multiply and cum.' plicate the symptoms - On the contrary. Eltertathr being•the rad element upon which life depends can be directed to any part of the bbdy. and even after 'the _vita functions seem para lyzed,-possesses the power of aronsiug the dormant en ergies, equal izing and the system to a self sustaining. system.- One Terry important feature of this treatment is, that no - time is lost in experimenting , with disease. By means of electrical test an accurate diagnosis is givep at once, determining the locality and cb,sracter of the disease and indicating the treatment to be pursued.' The cifrAts are perfectly under the con tinter the operator , an can be regulated to snit the (falcate nerves of a chili without any unpleasant seam- Gm , All those who re lone sufferoilfronjpainfuland obstinate disefti acute, Chronic, Inflammatory or Par4lytic—ar ' lted to call and consult, ', • %)- • CONSULTATIO - -• DP... BROWN k PROF. WALK. (} ,n9E in 'Franklin Building, West Market Street, 4th iloor from the corner of the Diamond, Chambersburg;Pu. ..Junen, '63-tf VICONOMY IS WPATITH! • CURE YOUR COUGir YOH TIARTERN CENTS The Best and Cheapest HouSehotd enzedy in the Wor/d. 31A.D.DIE ZADOC PORTtit'S -REAT COUGH REMEDY!! Madame Zadoe Poi•ter's Curative Balsam ip,inirranted frped. according to the directions. to cute iR all cases, CoughK, d ohla, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all affections of the Throa.t and Lungs. .Afadame Zadoe Porter's Balsam 14 prepared with ail the requisite care and Skill, frame conthination of the be remedies the vegetable kingdom aLfords. 'lts remedial qualities are based on its power toasAist'the healthy and 'vigorous circulation of the ' blood, through the longs. It ix ant a violent remedy, lint emollient, wa rming, starching and effective; can be taken by the oldest pereon or yi!nuilest child. 3farlame-7rcke Porteii's Balsam haahUti aged bitfibnblic for over ;18 years aid hoe &Nutted it.proierit saihnelitarily by being. recommentleil by tboge Wi7o bare augfit, to their aillicted friculds'and `Attars. . . liosT IMPORTANT 3fit'lame 2.1d0c Porter's Curative ittlsam Is th4d at kik price which brings it ih the' rea h of every one to keepTt lioctreitient to use. The timely use ora siugle bottle will prove be-worth 100 times its cost. NOTIQE articles your money t Po not be pomaded to purchatie articles at 3s;to Si, which do not contain the virtues ol is 13 ct Bottle of Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, the teeter manufacturing which is as great as that of al atostany other medicine; and the very low price at is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparent ly small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes re commend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless the customers.instst upotf having/lodate° Porter's and none other.' Ask for Madam. Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price 13 cis., and in large bottles at 25 ad., and take no other, If you can not get It at one stare you can at another. JSoldby all Druggists and. Storekeepers at 13 cts. and in larger bottles at 26 cts. &11:UCKBL, Proprietors. - Zen - > 7 New York. , 0.v..F0r Sale bylitiller & nshey and Satoh .111. ton, Chambersburg. . 110Willb ASSOCIATION, - prittADELprizA, litre the R I lkf of the Sisk and Distressed, afflicted with ' Virulent and Chronic Disease. and especially for the 4704 of Diseasesqf tie Sexual Organs 6IEDICALADVICE alren gratis, by the Acting gut triird WJ. VALUABLE RI:PORT& on Spermatorrhocea li er fealmess, and other Diseases the Bez • thgans,and on the NEW 111n111D1r,S employed in he i 'Map ensary s ent to the afflicted in sealed letter enrol , eiktr, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage ;be accentahle. ; ' 'Address, J. SFCILLIN 11 0tV.ITON, Acting Sur. can, Howard Association, No .2 South Ninth - Street, • 'llisCiade/Phia3raY Sept . 'B2l.i .. - • Drup, IttOirines, . IXON'S COLUMN.. -L. •At no time since the commenement of Nix on's Drug Store. has - there been so . FULL AND COMPLETE A STOCK of Fresh and PERFECTLY RELIABLE MEDICINES To offer to those Ivho are so unfortunato as to be compelled ,to indulge in such luxuries: The Tact is. that unless there are large and rapid sales. no establishibent can supply its , customers with strictly fresh and re liable remedies, in, the shape of Drum and Chemicals. Time • affects with much more ' rapiditymany more arti- ' • • des in medicine than in any other merchandiseXence tbene • cessity of rapid ehmge of stock to secure to the purchaser just -.what is wanted. NIXON is able, by rapid changes / in stock, always to present the very bast to his customers. Ho desires to keep the above facts be , - fore the community, and to solicit a continuance of favors. In connection with his fall - - stock of - DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, ho.offers a, ftgl assortment of PATENT. MEDICINES OF STANDARD CHAR- ACTER. Such as: ' Jaycee's Family Medicines,', Ayer's Postural, Ayer's Sarsaparilla_ ; Ayer's Pills, Helmbold's Preparations, • Hostetter's Bitters, - Drake's Bitters, - ; - German Bitters, • Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial, • v Tarran Aperient, , . Kennedy's Discovery, Hunt's Liniment. Blair's" liypophosphites, llobensack's Pills, Wright's Pills, Morse's Pills, Brandreth's Pills, Leidy 's Pills, • Townsend's Pills, Perry Davis's Pain Killer, . Fahnestock;s Vermifage • Worm Confections, Worm Candy, - Plasters. Ointments, , Washes, Lotiops, witlimany other articles in this line, all of which are iipl,d'on/y on the representation of the makers of the articles. LUBIN'fi, BDRrEII.'S and other CHOICE- •PERFUMERY AND SOAPS Hair Dyes,Tomades, and other articles for the Hair, amonicthich is NIXON-'S MROIII4.TRIOHOS, CCM II AI It rp'q D, One of the best and most cleanly artieles for ,the - Hair, cantaining no grease, yet rendering *- the Hair soft and - ' glossy, and preventing it from prematurely falling OM NIXON'S GLYCERINE LOTION, WhiCh is just the article needed for the remov al of Dandruff from the Scalp, and leaving the hair soft and glossy. In Preseniang these two articles, for.the Bair, the Proprietor has the satisfaction of _ knowing -that they do -all " that is represented. NIXON'S TETTER OINTMENT continues as, much a , favorite. as ever and it can anq doe., perform remarkable cures of Skirt Diseases, and is guaranteCd in all cases to act as represented. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER; • In less than one - year and a half OVEP. MEN . TY-FIVR HONDARD PACES HAVE BERN BOLD, and the sales are on the increase. It is just the.powder fur The Horse, The Cow, The Hog. It is neatly put up and .full directions go with each . Pack. Hundreds of testimonials could be presented. •but but, pro- prietor deems it best to let it travel on its own merits. ' ° RABER C.EOUP'•SYBIJP= Is made only at Nixon's-for this County, and has a host of friends who can testify to its merits. , • Nixon is able to offer alarge stock of . Trusses, shoulder Braces, Supporters, • also • Combs, Brushes, • - • Toilet Powders, -Perfumes, . Shaving Soaps, Toilet Soaps, • • Pocket Books, "Purse's, Indelible Ink, - • Tooth Powder, , Tooth Washes, • • . • Tooth Brushes,. Sponges, Flesh Brushes, . • Pure Spices. • Starch, - Indigo, Stove Black, - Saponifier, _ Rat and Roach Destroyer. . In conclusion, Nixon begs leave 'to say tbat'his , • stock will always be kept op to the very , best point, and will include • _ every thing cal- _ • cula- " • ted to give health = andcomfort to the afflicted, besides such articles as taste requires. The Important lever in business is money, and asap merchandise can bo had at lower rates for cash than time, Nixo N desires to make HIS Bltsrypss_ ,sTRICTLY CASH'. , ;Tune 17.1863, SADDLERS' - SADDLERY r--LSad= dles, Bridles, harness, Collars. Trunks, Valises, &c. Signor the HORSE ICOLDAIt. JEREMIAH OYSTER, respectfully returns his th'anke to hie patrons for the liberal encouragement received from them hefetofore. and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him is call at his OLD STAND, on the East side of Main' Street, Chamhersburg?tve floors South of Iluber & Tolbert's hardware Store, where be keeps con stantly on band every variety of -13 D L AND R - AnNEss of his own Manufacture. and he is prepared to sell thesame at terms that defy competition. Every articie offered for sale - Is:Warranted to be made of the best material and by competent worklnen, which will be fully demonstrated da en examination thereof. TRUNKS AND - V,ALDES.-41is would also call the attention of persons wanting a good., neat, cheap and substantial Trunk or Villitte„to hie assortment. Join 17, , - ,2 QADDIJE AND:-HARNESS MAN UFACTORY.:—The 'undersigned would respectfully :mum:nice to his friends and the public generally, that he has to SADDLE "ANDnAltti iISS SHOP for merly carried 'oft by ,'.tiatthew Oillan, dec'd, on WEST MARKET .S7'HElB'irear the conocacheagut Creek, in the Borough of Chamberaburg, where' ho manufactures Saddles, ,Bridles and 11arness.anil hai constantly on band an exceiTent - assortment of collars, Whips. &c. - 11e emp/oYs nano but the best of IVarkmen, And con structs all work from the best material. TRUNKS and VALISES - constantly on band. all of which will be sold es cheap with° cheapest. A continuan , e of the former pa tronage of the shop Is most respectfully solicited. :- June 17, 63 JA.I,IES B. GILLAIL. WHIPS ! WHIPS ! 'WHIPS!-- . _ Vrt.tant Stumm° di . _ Soz•n, corner- id' Main and Washington Streets': ChambershUrg,Pa., manufActin ors of all kinds et WHIPS. such as . Wagon. Carriage 'end- Riding Whips or various sizes and of superior quality, whichlll%v offer to tba-Public, either-by Wholesale or RetaiL at ery moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand end for sale by the dozen very cheap. They also manufacture superior HORSE COL LARS, to whicli they invite attention. - r Orders from a distance solicitedand promptly attend ed to.- . • June 17.'63. , QADDLES, Harness, Gears, Bridles, Halters, Collars, Whips, Stirrups. Bitts,Spurs al ways onhand. at our Shops. Dt.llllL Sc: GORDON. (1 1;JR STOCK OF SSDDLES - AND kJr Bridles Is very superior, and the price', will suit every hotly. Come and see. DEVIL I: GORDON. OUR WORK IS WARRANTED 'and we believe cannot be beat. We employ an journeyman. DElifir; & 'GORDON. 10FARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIP tion, l3road Gears, Plow Gears; Coliars, &e., on and of our own make. . D Ili4 & W 1 E USE NONE BUT THE BED Leather. and keep none tatt the kept - made goo and sell at reasonable prices. DEW L k GORDON. G. A. DEITZ TEITZ 3I'DOTEI:L WILL PAY TER (GfIEST PRICE FLOUR; CHE,VP - CASII, The Sheep, Bandages Zig fr. 441 din Illepositorn, dijantbtal?urg ,Sabbler,n, Illarnego, grad, tumbei t Sec. IN CASH FOR TVII`EAT; RYE, CORN, OATS, CLOVER SEED, - ' ' ))±3/0 THY SEED, And . 9,11 kinds of. PRODUC ALL' KINDS OP '4 , SALT, LiUMBER, eRIVEN , • 'FL TER, AND SAND, .FOR SALE, DEITZ 21,FDOTVELL'S WAREHOUSE AND COAL YARD, Near the . R4ilrettd, Depot, C HAM BERSB:URG, PA.., AND On North Carlisle Street, GREENCASTLE, P,ENN'A June 1i•.'63 N - E,W FI R !-COAL 1 COOL! LtkilitEßl—LSO. EttERT SON, ivving purchased the'Cuat and Ltimber: Yard ; of George A. 'Mita, neil c mthsue lo car on the same businces t and willalwnys hare on hand a large - snpply of Lumber end Coal. They will be prepared to fill all milers at the shortest notice. They re.specdttilly solicit the patron age of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire Vont and Lumber to glen them a call, feeling assured that no means will - be spared to accom. modate therm on the moot reasonable terms. June 17, '63-tf. -LEO. SL'EST & SON._ tooto anb ,Sti3CO. MEW SHOE STOR,E.Tbe Sub, scriber takes this method - of informing the citi zens of Chambereburg and vicinity, that'he has past returned frond Philadelphia with an BIiTIBBLy may STOCK of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of the beet manufactures. - He has no old Shopkeepers on hand. Nis who stock is new. Give him a call—you con easily snit yourself. Ile Invites the Ladles, especially, to call, as he will take pleasure in showing- his goods. Store in the room for merly occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq., as a Law Office, and more recently used for the purpose by George Eye. ter, Esq., two doors North of Fisher's Hotel, Main St! eel, Chambersburg. Pa. His large and well selected stock; be being a practical Shoemaker, consists of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, Slippers and Buskins ,• Misses' and Children's Boots -and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, Boots and Brogans. Do not forget the place. No trouble to show Goods at the NEW STORE, two doors Korth of Fisher's Hotel, Main Streeet, Chamberiturg, try June 17.1882. - , PETER FELDMAN. CALL AND SEE !-- - - . -THE UNDER SIGNED announces to his numerous .friends and customers, that he continues to manufacture to order, and keeps on hand a full and complete assortment of various qualities and styles of SHOES and - GAITERS, for Ladies, Misses and Children. His assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, &c., for Men and Boys' 'wear is com plete, towhich he respectfully invites attention. Work of all kinds made tcrorder r ina neat and durable man ner, and at short notice. .. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. and be will stably purchasers that he sells at very small profits for Csah. Don't forget the place— nearly opposite Hutz d ,Ileefer's Store, tbarabersburg, Pa. GEORGE .6EIIIIER. June 17,1863. _ GENUINE PRE:_ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED, COA. POUND FLUID. EXTRACT A positive and sPerifie remedy for Diseases of the • BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and' , DROPSICAL _SWELLINGS. ' This medicine increases the power of Digestion and excites the absorbents into healthy action, by which - thelVatery or Calcareous Depositions, and all Unnatu ral Enlargements are . reduced, as well as Pain and Infiamniation, and is - GOOD FOE: - MEN, WOMEN , AND CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU, • For Weaknesses arising from - - EXCESSES;' H.4.131TS OF DISSIPATION; EARLY INDISCRETIONS. • OR ABUSE. ATTE:MEL ) WITO TOE rom,tivixci.s`gmerosigt, indisposition to Exertion; - Loss o We f a M k em Ne e r rY ve 5, ,, - _ _ Horror of Disease, • ' Dimness of 'Vision. - 4 Hot Hands. -"= ' - ', Pallid Countenance. „ - Dryness of the Skin,. Universal Lassitude of the Muse:Mar System; - - • -'Loss of Power. - • , Difficulty of Breathing, - Trembling. Wakefulness.. -' • Pain in the Back, ' • _ . Flushing of the "Body - _ . - Eruptions on the Face' symptqrns if allowed •to go- on; Which the tut34litine invariably removes,- - - soon follow IMPOTENCY. - FATUITY, EPILEPTIC., FITS,' In one of Which the patient may expire. Who can say that they aro not frequently followed by those direful diseases, INSANITY'.AND CONSUMPTION." - Alany are aware of the cause of their Suffering, hut none will confess. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUM,- and the melancholy deaths by ConsumP . tion bear ample witness to - the truth of the assertion. TINE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Requites the aid of medicine to strengthen and in - vigorato the system, which LMBOLD'S -EXTRACT 41TCHIT Invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical TS-MALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, :married. or contem, plating marriage. In many affections peCuliar to Females the Extract Buena is unequalled by any other remedy, as Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity; Pain fulness, or Suppression of Customary- - Evacuation, Ulcerated or Sehirrons • state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility. and for all complain is incident to the Sex. whether ari sing from Indic ' . ere ion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the - r , DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. (See Symptom's above.) SO F~SIILY SHOELE BE WITHOUT IT. TENCH Take no morel!sal; Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleat:ant, and Danger- . gerons Dis'easea. HILMBOLDS - EXTRAOT BITCHTT HELMBOLD'S IIik ; ROVED ROSE. WATER, ger SECRET DISEASES, In all their Stages:. , • . Little or no change in Diet: At little Expense; . . . No Inconvenience: AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes a frequent: desire Ind gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Pro * venting and Curing Strictures of the Erre : tha, Allaying Tam and Inflammation, so frequent in class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, dis eased and worn out "natter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS 'Who hare been`-the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in ash ort time, have found they weredeceived, and that the Poison has, by the use of Powerful As tringents, broil dried up in the system, to break out in an aggra.Vated form, perhaps after MARRIAGE. HELMBOLD'S _EXTRACT B'[JCHU for all itiTcetions and Diseases of THE "URINARY- ORGANS, - whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE - ORIGINATING AND NO MAT - TER ROW LONG STANDING. - . Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diuretic, HELSIBOLD'S EXTRACT' BUCHIJ - IS TETI GREAT DIURETIC. , And it is certain to have the desired effect on Disea ses for which it is recommended. EVIDENCE. OF THE MOST RELIA.- • .BCE AND RESPONSIBLE CHARACTER ". . will accampnis the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES OF DIS- EASES OE' FROM EIGHT TO TWEN TY, YEARS STANDING. with names known to science and fame. " PHYSICIANS" PLEASE " NOTICE," we make no secret of Ingredients. • HELAIBOIrD'S EXTRACT BUCHU I s 'composed of Buehu, Cnbebs,Juniper Berries, selected with great cureby a cow petentdrug gitt, Prepared in vacuo, by H. T. • HELMBULD. Practieal and Ana lytical Chemist, arid solo Manufacturer of HELMBOLDS GENUINE PREPARATIONS. AFFIDAVIT. •`.' Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, who being duly sworn, doth say his preparations • contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely veg - ,etable. H. T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of November, mi. - • WILLIAM P—HIBBARD. • -Alderman, Ninth st., ab. Race, Phila. PHYSICIANS IN 'ATTENDANCE FROM 8 A. • -M. TILL BP. M. • PRICE •$i nil BOTTLE on, roR $5. Delivered to any 'address, securely Packed from observation. Address let - tors for information in confidence to H. T. HELMI3OLD, CHEMIST. Depot 104 SOUTH TENTH 'STREET, Below Chestnut, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRIN CIPLED-DEALERS, • who endeavor to dispose of their own and othir ar ticles on the reputation attained by ITELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Heltribold's Genuine Extract Buohu; Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla; . Helmbold's Genuine Improved Rose Wash. Sold by Drtiggists Everywhere. ASS FOR ; HELMBOLDS--T4KE NO OTHER. Cut cm the advertisenient and send fora, and avoid position and exposure. Describe symptoms in anent- • munieations. CURES. GUARANTEED, ADVICE GRATIS. Sept: 10,'62-Iy. Barbital, MEI LSE Lew rif umber. ,„. ENNSVIVANIA. RAIL -ROAD 'B MME TIME TABLE. Iliac' Vains Daily o and frank Phladtlpl ia, on and alter MONDAri . APRIL 231 h, 7863. ThiiPassenxer Trains of Pennaylvinin - . Titanziad Company wilt depart front and arrive at Harrillnitz and Philadelphia as follows: - ,EASTWARD: ' -I THROUGH la YR.F.SS TRAIN leaves Ilarrisoirg 41aR ~ yat 2.00 A it., and arrives at West Philadelphl at btu A.M. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (exbepttdonday) at 5.45 di kr, and arrives, at West ' hliseelphis at 94 - 0' A. at Passengers take breakfast at Lat.cester. WAY AC 'O3I3IODATION; via Mount Joy, leaves llarrlsbnrg at - 4,00 , A. 31., and arrives at West „Philadel phis. at 12.25 - FAST MAI a TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except -Sunday) at 1.00 r. se., and arrives at West Philadelplua at 5.00 -P. HARRISBURG ACCOSISIODATION TRAIN, via Co loaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. sr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9:30"P. M. • - WESTWARD. .. , . BALTIMORE, EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Marrisbrirg daily (except Monday) at 2.00 A. .1.t.;• Altoona, 7.18 A. 31., tike breakttst. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily . nt 3.00 A. u.;, Altoona at 8.00 A. M, take breakast, and arriVes at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. M. , • S.IA.IL:TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 P. at., take sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.M. " ' EAST LlNEleaves -Harrisburg at 3.50 P. /14'AM/bile. at 8.35 P. at., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. X: lIARRISISURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaVea PhiladeTplila at 2.30 P. 31., and arrives 'at Harrisburg at 500 p." at. , • WAY'ACCOMMODATIOS TRAIN leaves Piriladelpbia pt 4.00 P. SS., and arrives at Harrisburg at 940 alit train runs via Mt: Joy. . • SAMITEL D. YOUNG, . Supt—dliddle 12. June 17,1863.41. _ ' NORTTTRRN' CENTRAL RAIL WAYI-SUMMER TIME TABLE. Three trains daily to' and icon Baltimore 'and Medi. •ngton City. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Rail ,rad, - to and from Pittsburg an d'the West. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and Vest Branch Susquehanna; Elmira, and all of Northern ke* - York. . - . . . On and after Monday; April 20th, 159, the - Passenger , !rains of the Northern Central 'Railway will arrive at ‘rLdepart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, SOUTHWARD. - IIA.IL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10.10 s. leaves Harrisburg 1.15 P. st sirriviis at Milliner° - 6.357. M. EXPRESS TRAIN , leaves Sunbury daily • (except Sunday) . . " leaves Harrisburg- (except Monday) 2.001. " . arrives at Baltimore daily,- .- • (except Monday) HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves 6.151.3 f. - Harrisburg ' 6.30 .11.-111 i , NORTHWARD: HAIL TIIAIN leaves - Baltimore daily cept Sunday) 9.15 e. x cc - leaves Itarriebtt tg ' 135 P. arrives at Sunbury 4.05 P It. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltlntore daily... 9.15 P. - 31. 44 arrives at Harrisburg 1.35 A. leaves Harrisburg dully (ex cept litonday) . 3.00 A a " -arrives at Sunbury 5.38 A. se. HARRISBURG A.OOOMMODATION leaves , - Baltimore daily. (except - Sun- day) ' 2.65 P. Y. arrives at Harrisburg.-- 7.30 P. 1.1. For farther information apply at the Office, in Penn Sylvania Railroad Depot, Harrisburg. , J. N. Du-DABBY, Gen Supt. June V, MAL VEW AIR LINE ROUTE.—Thtee .0 Trains Daily to Now York and Rdlad'olphia. ;On and nfter'lioaddy, Altil,2otlt, 1863, the Passenger Trains wilt lesie tho Philadelphia and Beading Railroad - Depot, as Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz;' EASTWARD. -.EXPRESS - LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. x., on irrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 9.30 A. H., and Phila- delphia at 8.20 a. M. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg, without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. If, tuTiving in New'York at 5.30 r. M. and Philadelphia at 1.50 P. M. PAST - LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 9.111,, arriving in New York at 16.25 P. at., and Philadelphia at 7.00 v. ag. • • • .W STW ARD. PAST LINE lathes New York_at 6.00 A. at., and Phila. lelphiaatB,ls A. at., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. 1,,t HAIL TRAIN leaves New-York at 12,00 noon, and 'Philadelphia dt 3.30 P. It., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN loaves New York at 7.00 p, ic, ar riving nt Harrisburg, at 2.10 e. st. and connecting -with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. sleep ing car isalso attached to this train. . - (I connections are made at Harrisburg With trains on ,the Pennsylvania. Northern Central and. Cumberland Valley railroads, awl at Reading for Philadelphia, Potts ville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, ac. , Baggage cbeckedthrough. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 1b; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 36 in No.l. cars, and $3 in No.«. For tickets otother information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Stine 17,'63. tf. General Agent, Harrisburg,' 1862 WINTER 'ARRANGEMENT, Cumff _BE LAND VALLEY ANDFRANKLIN RA LL, RO.A ORANGE OF 110IIRS.—On and after Monday, No vember 17,1862, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): FOR COMBERSBURG ..AND, HAR RISBURG: . \ A. M., P. M. Leave Hagersto;m • - 7.00 '2.40 " - Greencastle - 7.37 3.35 , ~ {Arrive at.... 8.17 4.29 Cha t rihersburg - Leave at 8.30 12.65 Leaves Shilmensbut% - - . o.vo - 1.28 Newville - ' 9.32 % - 2.00 ~ Carlisle 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg - 10.42 3.12 - Arrive at Harrisburg ' . 41.15 3.40 FOR C.EfAIithERSBITROAN'D HAt4ERS- TOWN , . • A. M. - Pi:M. : Leaves Harrisburg' 895 115 . ' " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 - " Carlisle 9.27 - 296 " Nevrville: ' 1092 3.29 , .ibippeusburgr 10.38 4.00 Arrive at Chambersburg .11.00 , 4.30 Leave ebambersburg 11.10 4.40 "= Oreencastle - ' ' .11.55 590 -, -Arrive , at Harrisburg—. ..... —....12.35 0.10 , .tai Making close connections at . Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphla,'New York -and Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points West, 0. N.: LULL, Supt, R. %. Office, Chairtiyerabirg. Nov, l7, 1862. 1563. - 1868. 131111LADELPHIA AN D ERIR RAILROAD.—This great line traverses the Northj ern end Northwest counties of Pennsylvania-to the city of Ede. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Chnipany, and- under their auspices is being rapidly opened Carmel:ma its entire length. - It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business mom Harrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork.) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (7g Miles,) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT lIARRISBURG. MAIL TRAIN leaves North LIS A. is. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves North 'Cars run through Wrrnotrr mesas both ways on these trains between Philadelphia. and Lock Haven, and pc,- tween Baltimore and Lock Raven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express train both ways. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets, Philadelphia; And far Freight business of the Company's Agents: 8..73. Kingston, Jr.,Cor.l3th and Market sts.,Philada. J. W. Reynolds, Erio. - J. M. Drill, lent N. O.K. 8.. Baltimore, bid. IL 11. HOUSTON, , ,General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. IiO,UPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. . • - JOB. D. POTTS, June IT , 63] General Manager, Williamsport. PARENTS: of Soldiers in the Ser vice, or in flosilitals. can furnish them with the It.c.POSITORY threemonths for 25 cents; Biz months for 50 cents. or one year for $l.OO. pROTHERS of Soldiers in the Ser vice, A vice or la Hospitals, can furnish theta 'with the NYHEITTORY three mouths Or 24 was; six months for 60 cents, or one year for $l,OO, TO MERCHANTS.--The way to secure profitable snots= is 20 `I.DEICRTIES in the itANKIZ:i XEPECTOILY. ' . -, ',tine rl : of -Zr0.4.•,,- 11) BARING.- RAW • 110A,D,-.IWW It, MIR. 'AERANGERENT. UREA? TRUNK LINE from the North' and North- \ west for Phibdelphia. Ilevr ,York, heading , Pottsville, • Lebanon, Allentown,,Enstoi. Act, Ike. Trains leaseilarrisbnrg for Philadelphia, New York,. Rosa*, Pottsville, and all intermediate etations, at B.oo' a. st., and:WO p. w ;York Express Imre§ Harrisburg. at. 2.1.5 A.M., awing at New York at 9:16 the same Morning: Pareefrom Harrisburg: To New York $5.15: to Phase tielphia P. 35,11341 S2,SO. _Baggage checked through. Beiuraing; leave New York at 6 A. m.,12 Noon ana z 72. kr:, (Pittsburg Express.) Leave .Plailadelphea t 8.15 A. 1(..-„ani33.36 P. N. • Sleeping cars in the New York Express Tratna through to and from Pittsburg without change , --Passengers by' the CaMwiasa Railroad leave Tainagne at 8.50 a. a, and 2.15 v. u., tor - Phßadelphia, New York; and all Way Points. , Traineleave Pottsville at 9.15 IL. u., and 2.30 P. If for Philadelphia,'Harrisbnrg and NSW -Pork. - An Acemarnedation Poseenger train lemma Reading at 6.00 A. If . and returns from Philadelphia at 5.60 rad. may{- All the above 'trains run ;1'47, Eundapr: ex cepted. A. 'Sunday train haves Puttevilie "aVtollla. Is., and Philadelphia at 3;15 P. ".4. - OMMUtatiOn) Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets at reduced - raw to and from all ixrinta. _ Janol7;lBt3.e. 'Aatiyinarr, eittlerg, kr. ITARIMARE 8311TH & RICHARDSON: 6AI Market St.; - .r.4nuto. alma. I • - cnAB.SIOBASDso - The vaaersigued would respectfully call the attention of COUNTRY 3IEItCII,INTS to their large and yell se lected stack of AR D WA RE! Saving =ado special arrangements for the Yall nude,' . we flatter °Unwires we out offer inducements to pur-A chasers that will fully remunerate the trouble of exam ining our stock. We usk but a trial, to convince th e Country inntcle; that an are prepared to sell' low and accommodate. , ,Onr stock of *bre .Thal,:d Cutlery is inoinuslly large, selected with care. and including ararletYofatylea • that vim:to:tut suit alt tnatezt. WO have,constantly nu lrand a large assortment of . . Bniltling Hardware, = Tools, Cutlery, .. i - Piles, Tool-Boa-est . - ) - and Cheats, Saddlers, • and liboemakers , •Tools, 4 Screws, Nails, • ~ everything in short, pert aining too firot class Hardware, store. • , - _ . , Particular attention paid . to Country orders. It is our aim to secure the confialeace °four customers, mid to this, end we are particular, in filling orders, to give the beets and as cheap-as though the customers were busing. in-; person. Give us a trial. , A. ItrrsannosS.--J. K. mhprock i Esq., A. R. McClure, L. B. EytterChambersburg. SMITH & RICHARDSON, till Market St., Philadelphia; aug. NE'''. lIARDWARE STORE. ', 4 • - L. B. riSTER! . would restectfully infirm hie frierlds,'and the puhilj' generally, that in cdnnextioit withids- • - - , 4 RRROSENE OIL AND LMLIP STORE, ,s he has commenced the HARDWARE business, at hisf new Storeroom, one door north of • 91. Tluber's Grocery., His stock Consists In the following articles, viz : Building Hardware, . noose FUrniahing Goole,. 3. Table and Pocket C,'utleiy, - t Mott:mice' Toole, ICBMs by the small or keg. , • ' 5 Also, Mats, Fainis, Bcnzo'e, Linseed, Kerosene. and Lubricating' Oils, _ Lamps of all diseriptious,, . , Chanddiers for Gas and Kerostme, Fruit Jars, best quality, ,4e.,,kt. 4 la" Agent re'? Sale of EVANS & WATSON'S SIM Proof Safes . , [July 29, '63.11. riARDWARE AND CUTLERY - W. W. KNIGHT L SON, ) Importers and Dealers In • •3 • AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HARDWARE, , '-• • 609 Coinrn.eree Street, Between stb and sth and Market and Arch eta, alig.f!,!-M4f SIifiEMAKERS ATTENTION) We have always on hand, Shoe Thread, .Lasts,, &lett Trees, Leathers, Shoe Irons ,&e. „&c. J. Jane 17, - UTE* & BRAND. • MYE.RS & BRAND are constantly receiving fresh Hardware, to which-they invitak tee attenifort or the public. We have a largo stout Oi Nails and Iron, which we offer at reduced juices. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT BUILDING ItIATBRLft - LB, nab as Magee, Boltsp screws, Bock; Glaas,atty, &c. wyßits.a Blum (AILS AND PAINTS—Best Buck) Raul, White Lead, Linseed OIL and all kinds 01 colors, at the lowest oash prices. MYERS A BRAND. A 'LARGE STOCK OF CEDAR WARE, Tabs,Bnekets, Churns, Baskets, Wate'r' cam, An. MYER& d: BRAND. 1863. fl WA PACKING AND BELTING - 7 , Mani" Mope, 35" and BEM. insurance. T'RANKLIN INS WiANCE COM) PANY OF pnr.LADELpitca, Na. 435 and 437 1 tdiestntit Street. • • Capital,Perpetal Premiums, ..... ./. Unexpired Temporary Premiums- Surplus . - , • , : , Total—. _ 52,362,110 30§ Statement of the Assets Of the Company on January 1463. - First-Mortgages, amply 5ecured.......... 41,993,031 , 40 1 Real Estate, (present value $133,322.47,) cost 125,970 771 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Seca- " rities - ' 84,626'00! Stocks, (present Value $94,30 16,) Notes and Bills receivable......... ............. 1,549 bOj Cash. 76,312 03 s2,3B*roat Advance In value of Real Estate over cost, on 7o) Advance in value of Stocks over c05t............ 13,473.06 , . To 4,322,116' ` The only Profits from Premiums which - this Oom-, pony can divide by law,are from Risks whielrhave been determined. -Extract from the Charter elf the ifeatpart* But the moneys received as premiums upon Make whet remain undetermined, and areoutstandingat the , time of declaring such Dividend; shall 'not be cotesidired 4 . as part of the profits of said Corporation, or divided twl such." • • PE.RPETVAL or zratrrED INSURANCES made, on every description of property, in Town and Clountryis for Owners, Mortgages, 13round, Landlords, deg 40.1 Rates aglow as are consistent with security. - - Since their Incorporation, a period of thirty yearn, they have paid over FOUR MILLIONS OP DOLLARS' LOSSES RY-FIRE, thereby , affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and position to meet with promptness all liabilities, LOSSES BY VIBE Losses paid etching the year 1863..... .. DIRECTORS, Charles N. Bawler, ' David S. Brown, Teen Wagner, "Isaac Lee, Samuel Grant. " Edward 0. Dale, Jacob 8.. Smith, George Fates, George W. Riebarde,, 'Alfred Fttler., • CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. - : EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice President. JAB. Sp. itrAittsTEN, Seey pro tem, - 13:111. AppUcation undo to. DAVID 0.1.1C9. or Chambet! burg, who is an - nutborisid Agent fOr thti Company , ' either persmially or by letter, will meet with attention: ► 3tarcti4,lBo3. nort, AGENT.--MR. Joror V(of Chatnbersburg, is the Gemini Agent of the • Franklin County Mutual Immune° Company. • ' A June 1'4'61 WhI.McIaGLAH. . ) IDOIRto BASKETS-, • .11 Bath Tuba, Cutle Platalann, • Canary llama, Eape and Vawgeed, at ETANCLZIt'S. El ea G. A. NICOOLL9, " fieneral Suporintandent, • Panning tlteasiladmth /341 SLIMS. Epadeic FnlIF„ • L'aatv.Liftere j Scythe,B, etc.,etc:, .-. 895,824.11% 1 71, 22 5 65 ; 924,766 31. $69,798 1 t 111 E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers