i agricuitutd: RVRE MITT M. THE SHER.--The - :- - -übserit;er tA the only authorize. Agentifor thoealu heeler & 3lellook's eretnlord — Tir - O-lionio Miro:Jar' ,and Cleaner,:with Railroad Power, Or Franklin _and Marna Counties. Rota now ready tefreeelcci orders for • - • This linchineis • a Two-home- Power, and Will Thresh ~. y_k and Clean any of Grain. It is the PaBKIUti MA ' ,VILINB, having, taken the Premium at the United States, and all thoStato and County Vairs,adherever hibited.' They are undo of the best material, and war anted by ono. of the largest and mosti.,responsible establishments inthe United States. It is warranted to thrh and clean from 150 to -Oa bushels of Wheat, and do ble that quantity of Oats in a day. /t requires but two horses, and no driver. The Power and !Machine can bbtio be worked in en ordinary Barn Floor. ! The Agent himself used one of these Machines last *maim for four months constantly, and can testify to the jtrnthfulness of the hove state of facts. Ile has threshed as much as 102 Bushels of Wheat, In 4,,,f, hours. Ile! worked the same two horses constantly in the Machine, and at the end of the time, they wore in as good condition as at d rat. Ile, therefore, is prepared to refute the idea, that they are hard on horses. Ho mud $5O 00 !for one horse flied, and $.0.00 far the ether, and they rather improved Con depreciated in value. _ Piraeus wishing to buy will please maw application s'S'on,;ita it will take some , timo to get them, from Albany, li t .2%, .Pricarrlth Railroad power at Albany. V 285, with freight added. Lever powor, nu...horse.ith same Ma chine, $255, freight added. The agent will order none but those sold. ROBERT BLAQLf,Agent, Jane 17, '63.30.* • Fayetteville. Franklin Co „ Pa. STRUCK, M.A.NITFAOTURR xy, OF AGItiOULTIJRAL TM 0 - I . .l.lYffliiTS.—!Shop on ater Street, between Queen and Washington, Chug.. bershurg, Pa. ' 'WAGON MAICINGI—EIaving connected with his mill and [take Factory that of Wagon-Making, and havnig employed one of the boat practical Wagommakers in the county. he feels-confident in assuring Northam. and oth era needing this kind of work, that he Is • prepared to render entire satisfaction to all who may leave their or dure. All work entrusted to him will be !promptly and neatly, executed.uttonilerate prices. either fir now or old work. Farmers are invited to call, gilre him a trial, and get the worth of their money. BLACELS3fITIIINGII-11e also carries. on the Black smithing, and employs a skillful workman, who Is able to do all kinds of Smithing which is required for Wagons, dm. GUM-SPRING GRAIN AND 11 - Ail RAKE. lin coutti nes to construct his uusurpaased Patented Onm•Spring rain and flay Rake. 0 iii—Stste and Conaty Rights for sale.. June 17,'03. D. STROCK. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTOR MS.— WM. . BCirkie ti 11.1Z0, :Sixth St. and Germant Av nue, - ct Philadelphia; t . . . Manufacturers of e j Premium Farm drisl i ill Gorse Powers an.' Thresherik, -• Circular Saw uachines, Corn Shelters, Grain Fans, i . . . . Cultivators,. • , Harrows, - i Plows, - -,--------- , • and every variety of npprisruk , - • ~„ Agricultural implesnents, - &a for Circular and - address' -' , WM. L.;BOY.ER A - BRO., jillV - 15.'6a-ly. Philadelphia. DREMIUM:- FARM. GRIST RILL Th,9 only reliable F atom's Of Ist 72111. Rimple, durable and efficient. I . 'Grinds aft lands of grain rapidly: Is adapted to ilorso.Porrerti. i Every Farmer should hate one. Prize moderate. Send dosoriptive Circular and address WM. L. BOYER, 6c BRO., A griontturalimplerneut 111,anufacturera„ Firtit st. and tiermontown Avenuey Philadelphia. July 161"5.3-6rn . ARM BELLS.—Myers & Brand are agents for Prazdtlin co.. to sell; the LEBANON rr LS: These Bolls are ,superior to fany other Bell . model: , the Stato. We bait) sold a largo number in the -County and find thorn to give good satisfaction. These : belle oi e superlor in tone to any othdr Iron bell, and equal to most brass bells. All bells sold are warranted to stand,and if any should break, we will supply a now onein place. June 11,'63 RAI BELLS.—We arc'Agents to eriC theLebannn Iron Bell. The %est article made. All ben; warranted not to break. Call {end examine our itock, WI we aro determined tone!' geode at shortprofits. June 17,'63. - MYERS. BRAND. Ic rA RUSTING TOOLS.--Forks jilt Rakes, Scythes, Cradles, Snat 3IYERS /4 BRAND. 1360 ks an' 21tatiznerp. THOLESALE ONLY. - - AMERICAN STATIONERY WAREHOUSE; JOHN 3. MERRITT, .; . , - 1 IMPORTER. WHOLESALE STATIONER, And Sole Agent fur Windsor and Clifton Mills - Premium Paper, Conaistlng of Commercial Notes, Bill, Legal S Foolscap, ' No: 18 Decimals Strad, near Nassau, Neva York. Also, Proprietor and sole Agent for the following new and useful articles: Oliver's Patent Erasive Tips.. ' Thls Tipts different fejm an yheretofore made, being easi ly fluid to any pemil. It is tnannfietured from vulcan -. feed Rubber of the beat orasive quality; can be readily • Changed from one pencil to another.; and is sold tat an txtremely'low price. It is the most desirable article of the hind in the market. Rurnet'a Patent Rubber Inkstand and Rack, , an4aque inkstank, preierring ink from the decompos ing effect of light. Green's Patent Ink-Eraser 4. Paper-Cleaner, .thit best articte made for rubbing ont psi:mil-marl:a, ac complishing the work hi one•haif the time of ordinary talmer, , , ' tite,.Patent C,onthinationF:aper-Cutter .5. Rider gi, new and useful article, combining the the uses of two indispensable things. '. _Platt's Patent Portable Copying Press, a, light, cheap, and useful article. ' Merritt 4. Broom's Pig Pen, ' iliery suPerior steel-pen, made and selected with the greatest care ; put up tteo dozen in a box, Biz bozeß en ...closed in another neatly finished box, the moat cone infant shape possible for _etc:fling. The National Portrait Chess ,f Checker_ Board A most durable and cheap article for the million sa rising on the unusual squares fine life-like photo hic lectures of all our prominent Generals and Co ere; idso the President, Secretary of State,tc. The ic e ores Alone ate worth at least dou'de the cost of the Board. All orders will recap, prompt and Careful at mien. -. Reiland examine one of the largest and-beat : : ortel otookeof atatloneryln the United States. JOHN 3. MERE • = Wrroixitaxa Sm./41241k Beelaaan-st., New York. At . • tie aborenamed ar idte f , are for sale: by S t S. Sear . Oa, Charnbersbtr - g, P. ) - July 15, 6.1,1 m . - INIEW STORE !—WATSON & SON nj_x_ hive opened at their Store Boom, on the North . of-et Corner of_the Diamond, opposite_ Franklin thimberaburg, Pa., an entirely new stock of goods, consisting of BOOKS of alarhst every description. Sta. - -(Amery of all kinds, Envelopes', Stool Peus ' Ink, &c. Also a large assortment of WALL PAPDR, WINDOW ' BLINDS, various prices, and a great variefyofNOTlONS AND PA.Nkik' ARTICIAIS,Picturee. Fang; Vases, Ladles, and lasses Baskets, &c. Fancy Soap and Perfumery., Also a good Assortment of Worsted; Shetland Wool, dc. Aiitra great variety otgoods too numerous to insert to which they Invite the - attention of the Public, and re- Specttully solicit a share of tho public patronage. - Plea a call and oxamine our stock. c`.;;Juite 17,'63. • ' WATSON .fc SON. Vainting, elating, &r. BA.RNA.Ip T. FELLOWS, ilousE AND SIGN PAYNTDR, • GRAINER, GLAZIER, AND, PAPER EfANGER, SHOP Armory Building, (up stairs, ' in the Ol d . 1, ” p e iff er 4. Fol's ' - next door to "OldJaz Carriage Manufactorlb opposite Brown's Hotel, and I= COMER OP SECOND &ND MARKET BTB., Chambersbarg, Pa. I respectfully take this' mowed of thanking the °lll -4sena of Chambersburg and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage I have received at their hands for the past year, (my Bret year funds piece,) and, - flattering myself that I have done, and and am still prep! ea to do, the very Istzt work in my line, I solicit a continuance eipaat favor. B. T. RELLQIVS. KS. I respettfallyrofbr to any othypatrons—Jarries Ityater, Wm. Sighenahan, A. K. McClure, Rev, Mr. ig Presbyterian Church, Dr. klebards,Dr. Fisher, Of M. Kieffer & Co., German herd Messenger. J. Allison Nytiter, Woe. C.ltystor, and any others for Whom I have *no work—for (Infante*. of Work done, and oxpedition . !Juna'l7. '634f. B. 7. P. JOB PRINTING, - in, every style, donee: the 0111 , ,0 of the FRANE i LIN REPOSITORY. ALTIMORELOCK . HOSPITAL- jll_, DR. JOHNSON, the founder 'of this Celebrated 1 i otrorni-offers—the. ”"ctet cesta M T-sigaidy.-lindl-only effectual remedy to the world for Uleets, Structures. 1 Seminal Weakness, p do in the Leins,Coustitutionel De. bility, Impotence, Weakness of the Back ant:- Limbs. Affections of the Kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or tFkin ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from the' destructive habits o, Youth, which destroyboth body and mina. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the exig of the Syrene to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes, or acticipations rendering marriage, &c., Impossible. YOUNG MEN. , . Young Men especially, who have become the viz lints of Suntory Vice.that dreadful and oestructivo habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted ta,ent and brillian Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the th tuders of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the living lyre; may call with tall confidence. MARRIAGE I ' • • blamed persons, or young men contemplating mar tinge, twinge-ware of physicaltreat nese, organic debility, deformities, b.c., should immediately consult Dr. Johns ton. Re vain places himself under the care of Dr.Johoston may religiously confide in hishonor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill tei a ph : Von:in. . ORGANIC' WEMINSS! • - IMMEDIATELY COULD AND FULL TIOi_6ig:P.STOrIBD. This disease ie the penalty mist paid b,• those who have- become the victims otimproper hh/. genceS. Young persons are too apt to ! commit excess) from not being aware of the dreadful"Mgisequences th) may Now, who that untierataAds the sub)° , will pretend to deny that the power y 6 Procreation lost sooner by those falling into iniprop.o habit than I the prudent, Besides being deprived of the pleasure% . healthy offspring, the most serious and destructi', sympathy tomind-and body arise. The system become deranged. the physical ani mental powers weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart ind4estion, a wasting of the frame, cough, symp.um of consumption • Office Ikto. 7 South Frederick 'Street, seven doors from Baltimere street, 'East side, up tb the steps. Be particular In observing the name at. number,or you will mistake the place. Air A CIIIIkWABRANTED IN TWO - DAYS.-a3' No Mercury O. Nauseous Drugs, J . "O HNSTON, Member of the Royal 4 'otlego of Surgeon's, London, grr duate from one of the most eminent Colleges of tl United States. and the greater part of whose life been spent in the hospitals of London. Pods, Philade. phia and elsewhere, has effected some of the inset este) iehing cures that were ever known. Many trouble with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, grel nervousness, being ale-tined at sadden sounds, and, basl fulness, with fteipiefft Welshing, attended sometimi with derangement of mind, were cured immediately: . A CERTAIN DISEASE 4 When the misguided and imprudent- votary of plea sure finds he has imbibed ti e seeds of this painful di: ease, it too often happsns that an ill-timed sense shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applyin to those who from education and respectability ca alone befilend him,delaying till the constitutional Byrn) toms ofthis horrid disease make their appearance, sae as u corated eons throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pair in the head and limbs, dimness'of sight, deafness, nor on the shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, fae and extremities. progressing with frightful rapidit - till at last the palate of the mouth or thls, bones of tl noes hill in and the victith or this awful disease becom, a horrid object of commisseratien, till d. nth puts ap. rind to his dreadful sufferings, by serning him to "iii bourne frees - whence' no traveller returns." To end therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve tl must inviolable secrecy ; and from his extensive petted. in the first Hospitals of Europa and America, he ea c -rnislently recommend a safe and -speedy cure to th unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It is is melancholy f.t,t that thousands fall victims this horrid disease owing to the nnskilfullness of igia rant pretenders wha-by use of thatdeadfu/ poison, Mel curt'. ruin the constitution,and either send the un'ortr nate than uutimely - grave, or make the residue of lit * miserable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr addresses those who have, Injured themselves private and iinpropee indulgences. -These aro some of the sad and melancholy effects pre dnced by early habits of youth. viz :—Weakriess of ti. . Back and Limbs, Pales in the Head, Dimness of Sigh Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dy. ; pepsin, Nervous Irritablilly, Derangement of the Digs tive Fianctions r aenerul Debility, Symptoeus of Cons ump .&e. fitxtursur, the fearful effect's on the mind, are ranch r . e dreaded: loss of 'fernery, Confusion of Ideas, Dupre eion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. A version' to Society Self-Distrust, Love of Sulitude.'fimiditr, - th., are son.. of the torn effects. ; Thoisands of persons of all ages can now judge vrhn istire cause of, their declining health, losing the r vigor becoming weak, pale, - have singular appearance alien the eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Or ganic Weakness. • By this great and Important remedy, Weakness * the Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor restore. Thousands or the most nervous and debilitated,wir had lost all hope, bare been intmedlately relieved. impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental Diernsal Station, Nervous Irritability, Trembling. Weakness o Exhaustion of the most fearfultind ' speedily. cur ed b • Dr. Johnston. 31YEMS & BRAND Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice. In dulgotin when alone—a habit-frequently learned fr evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, an d' if not cured, render ma -- Hags impossible, one destroys moth mind and body. should rqiply immediately. . What a pity that a young man, thehope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should bo snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lira, by the consequencs ofdevlatingfn m c he path of nature. and indulging in a certain Secret habit-. Su ti persons, before contemplat. ing uA RIAGE should reflect that s onnd mind and body are the moirtne.eSsary reqnisit s to promote connubial happl ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark ens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed With de spair, and filled with the 'melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another bcicemes blighted with our Own. OFFICE No. 7, Sp - o - Tg FREDERICK ST., - BALTIMORE. The many thousands cured at this Institution In the last fifteen years: and the numerous important surgical Operations perrovned by Dr, J., witnessed by the re• porters of the papers, and many other persona, notices of which have appealed again and again before the pub • lic, ill a sufficient guarantee to the of . .li, There are so many Ignorant an worthless quacks advertising therme lees as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say to those unacquainted with ble rep utation, that his Diplomas hang in bis office.' IX•rtilLE Never—All letters tenet be post paid, and contain a posta,:e !vamp for'the reply, or no answer will be sent. Feb 25, '63-Iyr. IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE, fiIECIIANICSBURG, PA. 'rho attention of parents having datighteis to educate, is respectfkdly called to the advantages afforded at this lnstitutioni for acquiring a, thorough and accomplished education. It Is easy of access, is healthfully and picas• aptly located. employs 0 fall corps of efficient and expe rienced Teachers, - is chartered by the Legislature with full Collegiate powers to.confor Literrtr Honors upon its Graduates, and its terms are as low as they can be iu view of the comfort of the students and the permanency of the Institution. The FALL SESSION Will Commence on WecinaclaN Srptember2vid. Stutlonts should enter promptly and at La as possible patrons should write or come on and en. gage roving In advance. Pot Catalogues address Aug 6 63.4 t - A. G. MARLA.rE. President. FMORY FEMALE COLLEGE, u GE, Two Institution o f Learning, for Young Ladles, will be opened on Thursday; September 3d, 1563. The:rPresi. dent wilt be assisted by an efficient corps of Tenders. The course of Instruction will embr coell the branches necessary to givoyonng ladies a refined and thorough Collegiate education. . For Circulars and particular information. address the undersigned, Carlisle, Pa.: IL D. CIiAISIBEItS, July 29,'63.10t. , President. _____• ETYSENTII SESSION OF Sunny Side Seminary will open on Tuesday, Sop bomber let. [July 22-6 t, 00K BINDERY.-M. KEEPER & 11 CO. have removed their BOOS BIN DBRY to the Third story of the MAN-lON lIOUSB, on the Diamond, above Shryock's Beek Store. Entrance' between the Book Ftore and Dr.linlrely's (Ace. Old Books, Periodi cals, Mules, Newspapers, Ac„ bound In any style. Blank Backe made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Nov. 1,'60. 'Orbital. YOUNG MEN, TO STRANGERS aturationat. _bt.,-, : ' : :stiOitfi':,44::4,o . .o* . i=;',":t.6(iniOrgi.titti_gi'l-t). - 0 , Aitopti v i k taixf. _ _ it, ' _ • , .. ' .T, , NNi- E:DY &.N L..-.--Law Part .ntrahip—The anderdled have associated tnelp seises in the practice of the h. raja the several courts. of Erank,in County. Offo eon 3 arket Street, in the room heretofore occupied by T. 13.Vietinedy. .. - ' . _ T. B. IC EIiNFJS'I. June'l7, '63. t. T. J. NILE,. TTORNEY _ S._ SON EMI Lr; Atto.rner at Laut.—Office on Mar ket St—formerly occupied by tidily & Ku rp, directly OPP site the Court tbn Phn.hibersburg, Pa. Ail legal hminesa entrusted tohirn wflhrecelre prompt Attention. Ile will.practico in aVirdng Vonnties. Junol7, -63. , di .-Al. 4.% W.i'S,. SIT EN-GER, Attor- U-I 4 , new at bate, Clininliersbnrg, j's. Collections promptly, atteaded to. 'W. a' Stenger ; District Attor ney and ru s -ent fur procnring IPensions, Bounty Money and Amara of Pay. Office an 'Franklin - Bnildinu, lid door from tl) e. corner. ' j Junel7. '63. IV' S. EVERETT,.. Attorney at Law. 0 Office in Slrs. Bard's dwelling,: dircettls* oppo site the C mat [loose, Chanibdrsburg, Pa. Will practice in, the, noveral Courts of Franlltn and Fulton Counties. All legriL business entruste to his care will receive i prompt attention. ' June 27, 1863. Y. 8. STIIIITAVGA. • SOHN STEWART. QTURIBAUGII STEWART, At 0-torneys at 4.2 w, Chambersburg. Pa.. give their undi vided attention to the Prartideof their Profesn. - Arr Office in the Town RA. - - June 1". AVDOWELL SFIARPE , Attorney Ohambersburg.l Pa. Oftico in Um Bard's Buildings, directly oppcsite die Court House. June 17.1.863: GO.: SEILIIAMER, Attorney at .. 4atv, Chanitberaburg,!Pa, iimeo—Min Street, above Queen, in the room fornterly occupied by S Rajah. or, E. q, Junot 7. Itida. fZ_EORGE EYSTER . & E. J. BONE NJ' : BRAKE, Attorneys at .62v. have removed to the room on Main Street , une door South of Eyster's Store. June 1.7.'63. T. 4 , S. - CLARK, Att' ney at Law, has removed his Mrs a few rloorra FAA of his former lunation. on Market streoo(South.sitle.) Juno IT. '63. rIALVIN - M. MINOAN, Attorney at ki Law. Office on Market Steer, in 'Lawyer's Rots. opposite the Court House. - June 17.'63. T Ti. FLETCHER,I4ftorney at Law, o Chamheraburg. Pa. Offihoott .11;trItot arreet, ueArlsopposite the C , ,urt House. June 17. 'Us. - A LEX. M'CLIPIE, Attorney at la_ Law, Ptlmbertiburg, Pn.t °tan in the Ft - auk/in Aeposito,:y liu tdioga. Juno 17,'63. ntis j. DR.! WM. B. ITUPD'S DENTAL Iti?,3IEDIES ARE THE E ESTIN THE, - IVORLE ii,syr 2 ng Pine Teeth and Swbet Breath, and curing, Toothache and Neuralgia. Do you wish to be blessed wigs andad 'deed f a - Pearly White and Sound Teeth? ITse Dr. WM. B. WU Itni UNRIVALLED TOO'tfl POWDER, warritatea free from acid, alkali, or 'any injurious substance- Piice.9.fi cents per bum. far Beware of the ordivar; cheap Tooth Powders, which whiten but destroy. Do you wish to be ce• tai' that your Breath is pure. sweet and aureealde to husbantl;br wife, loyer.and iro•nd Use Dr. lIIIRD'e CELEBRAW . k.D /1101/TII WASH,— Price, 37 cents per bottle. 5 The astringent wash is also ,the best remedy in the world for Canker, Bad Breath. Bleeding Gums, Sole Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds. Do you wish your cliildro.. Isuffer from Toothache? Get S ... .MAGIC TOOT/lAMB DROPS. Price, cents per bottle. Are you at:dieted with Netnsslgial Get pr. B MS LLD'S NEURA LGI A PLAStEIIS. The roost effective and delightful remedy known! for Pains in The Face, Chest, Shoulders. Neck, or anyipart of the body They do not adhere nor blister. but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price; 15 and 37 cenn. Mauled on receipt of pi ice. A Treatise un the best misthed of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of the' price -10 cents. It is a valuabls little wort, and should be in the possession of every, person, For sale at all the best stores throughout the —ores throughout the country. CACTION.—AS there ore dealers Who take inivittitage or our advertisenients to itnpoYeupon their re tourers ferior preparations. ii is necessary to insist upon having what you call for, and you itiill CET THE BEST, thororighly tested, and prepared by .an experienced and scientific Dentist, Tcemurer of the New York State Dentists As sociation, and Tice President of the New Yerlc .3ity Den tal Society. Address Miltlt & CO.. June '63-tf Tribune Buildings. New York. rpEETII INSERTED ON AMBER. BASE.—DR. N. SCLILI./SSER, Othe still Allis res•i• aence on LAST MARKET STREET, near the Franklin Railroad. 'DPrithitry in all its branches at teaded tow ith ail the modern improvements. liaving published to this community for more than two years. that teeth on Anther is in every way CHEAPER:AND REITER than teeth on any ether material,l would say that I still see no rezewn to change my opinion, for there are nanny Per sons in Chamberaleirg 13 n(1 vicinity for when 1 have inserted teeth on MIME a alto can testify to theta - helot• rior merit. N. B. AU work 'warranted to give satlAnctlnu, or on charge. Teeth extracted without rain with perfect Rafety without taking Chloroform. For 'further infor tuition call at We fiftice. , [J tine 17, ISO. DR. W. W. SCIILOSSEIL Surgeon Dentist.—The undersig,ned has removed 'his Office trout the Mansion' House to the tesidence of 31r John Noel. Nortive‘t corner of the Diamond. and immetlt at!Ay opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the se cond f100r....: trance through the passage, to the right tu, you ascend e Maim June 17, 1803. W. W.SCHLOSSER. pcEMOVAL.—Dr. J. K. REJU, Dc4 tizt, hi, removed hi 3 olfce Iron the corner or the Public Square, where he practised se many yenta, to the corner of Main and Queen Street:, there Heyser's Drug store. Chino bersbnrg. Pa.:where he will be gleaned to receive the calls of bin trienda. [June 17, 1t63. - DR. A. R. SHAW': returns his thanks to the citizeris of Frunk !HI county. for the Ith to m encouragement bestowed rac him the last three years. And Invitee ihose who hare not made trial of nolicropATirr to do so. tonsultaicma in,- All ere table cases can rely on n mare speedy cure Ihnn under any Atilt!' systeni. Dr. S has 'motored -to North Main ittreet.a short distance below the point, s. here he can be found ready 1., Attend, to calls, either in or country, when not limont on professlonll business. June 17,1863. D. W. B. BROWN. 'PROF. F. W MOWN & WALK, Electrical Pity Oiflro in Franklin Building, WEST M i ll sas dmti..r,Chninl34irsburg. . The above treats all Chronic Direase.4 by means o GA LTA NISI! and tie different rtiodillcutions of MAC Tli lel TY. rt.N discovered and taught by - Pref. BOlrt4. - Jane 10. 8.1 tr.• TR. I. N. SNIVELY has, opened an office for the practiCe of Medicine in the een - tre to of the Mansion Ho se. one door South of Mr. SitrY och'tßooh Store. whore fie can - he found et di hours day and night. except, When professionally engaged, - .Tune 3, V.l-31ws DR. JOHN MONTGOMERY ...will n Mull promptly to all calls in his lino. Office vn Main strOot,,noxt dour to the Engle Hotel; and nearly uppovite the resitlonve of the Elan, Geergii. , Chainhers., Chambersburg, Juno 17, 18C3. R. J. C. EICIIARDS will attend promptly to nil coils In his lino. Oillc'e on :Main Street, next door to Spongler's , Drn2 Store., • OffiCE HOURS—Prom 7 to 0, A.M.; 12 to 2 and 6 p. 11. • .Tone 17,1869: • 3uotireo of the jeaee. _JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-H. ty D. DAVISON, Jostle,. of the Peace-110c° Immediate ly opposite the" Indian Queen lintel." All business en ti ueted to his care shall recePte prompt attention, In; struntents' of Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in a 'Batts factory manner. Juno 17,M. D ITAMMAN, Justice of the Peace Chamberabarg, Pa. Jana 17, '63. TEMPLEMENTS.—DeaIera and Man 'lliacturerB of Agricultural and other Implements enn reach a large cues of raluablo enemas by ADM. 'caw; In the FRANKLIN _REPOSITORX. TO MERCHANTS.--The way -to son re profltabie custom is tchinvErrist in the I , RA NELIN REPOSITORY. . TOR PRINTING; in every style V done at tho office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITstRY 13oolis, ,Statiorirtv, . .., _ SHRYOOK . - .Se °. " '., ROOKSELI ___ ER, it - STATIONER, ' Now occupies his NEW STORE RO9ll, andi4PlTParEd; to transact business with greater .faellitiea than , ,_. ever, „ i. l r, ... 1 .. , , BOOBS ScNool Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toy Books, Law Books, MclEOlll Books, Sunday School Books, 31ilitaiy Books. „ . • . -BIBLES.; A large assortment of Pocket and Family _Bibles, BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes qualities and styles of binding . ; STATIONERY. A great variety of alt kinds of Writing and 'Print ing Papers, of French, English and America-nnatin efacture. Alio, Envelopes of all sizesand nnalittcs, Ink. Pens, Pencils, liadia Rubber„ Tape . Seitls, Quills, Copy Books, Blotting Board, Knives, Erasere, Writing Sand, &c., &c. GOLD PENS The very beat, Gnu. PENS in the market,fully warranted, made by Leroy W. Fairchild, of N. Y. - BLIND :PAPER. A fullvarieti of patterps,anii WALL PAPER Nearly Two VIMDET,I3 differeid patterns.together with suitable , Berderinv, Plain, Velvet and Velvet Gilt. PICTURE FRAMES. OyalandSquarerramesforPhotogratihs. Frames made to ordei. - FRENCH GLASS For Picture Framei, of any Size. CHEAP NOVELS Much lower Than publisher=' prices, among which , are the following: . , The White Cruiser, . _ - • 1 •' - . The Banger, Th+ Midnight Queen. • : . -. English-Ton, , : . : - , , iJosep ice. • - ' i _ Mold of the Saranac, ; - . ' Cant. Ilnwhes. - . Don Bernardo's Daughter, ' Helene, . .. ' David Dui:Baer . , Sketches in Prance. • Vern er's'Pride. ' • Strut's Novels,' . - • ' % - • Dickens' Novels, - Mrs. Southw'th's Novels, /Am. P,rayje, Novels, • • billwer's- - ovels, • ' Arthur's Luok Sanford, Rifle Slots, . . Trial and Prince and Podia, - • Annette, ~. • East Lynne, liliriam,Alroy, .. Legends and Stories, _ - • F.,ed Jack, Red Scout, . Belle of the .13oweiy, • Sybil Campbell,' . Grrice'Veliion. Rival BcautVes• ' Thu Grumbler, Barren Honor, . . . The Sqare, Falkland, )11ilroSe, Chipp from Uncle Sam's Jack-knife„ The Everlasting Fortune Teller, The Mameuvering Mother, • Marguerite de Vnloia, ' • - Foggy Night at Orford. The Quiet Busband.- TwoPrima Donnas, Morgan's Freemasonry, The Debtor's Daughter, ° The• Banker's Wife, - Highwayman's Ride, Nobleman's Daughter. •• The Searlet.Floer. The Virifo Triils, Cecilia Reward, • • Lena Cameron, The Expectant, . Miserables, • • 4 4U0 Puzzles. • ENGRAVINGS. English, French, German and American Entra vings. BASKETS Fancy. Traveling, 800. Picnic - , Fruit. Knife and Clothes Btokets.,; -ZEPI3YI WORSXEDS. Single and Double Zephyr, Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland Wool, &e. NEWSPAPERS. The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received daily. Cl4* - or individuals supplied. • • WEEKL I Y PAPERS. Harper's Weekly, , • • Frirak'Leslie. , N. Y. Mercury.; . N. Y. WeeklY. . New York Lodger, etc, received weekly. . . . " PERIODICALS. Monthly; • Atlantic - Continental. ,_ • - Peterson: • ; , • Knielierbocker, • ; - l i thp ly.earitoun4, etc., • received as soon ak published.] „ tr All the. Dime Pakßastions: Weekly ik,Touvellettes, Song Books, Mo., reeeiveel,daily. • 1 s ] . We take orders for all kind of goods. - We receive goods by Express F.V.KIIYIDAT from tke j East. . 4 , ] Blank Bemis. , I Writing and PriAng Cirds. ' RulerA.l „ PtpoT Weights, . Fancy Boxes, - • Combs Mid 13rnsbes, ] • Oak Crayons, and all atandatd , goods in -our line constantly on hand. - • MUSIq. _Sheet Music, l'Ar Piano, Guitar, Violin, Mao, ete. PIANOS We purebaseOs-on cornmiision, so as to save our elastomers irdin Filly to One Hundred and Filly Dollars. • MIISICA.It-INSTRUILENTS We can supply any kind of Musical Instrunienis at prices far lower than usual. , PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.: • We can sell Photograph Albums at lower Prices than - they can be proiured for in the cities. We have no hesitation in saying t , o cur custom ers that (rent our long experience. our =inner - et do ing busineis, and our great facilities, we do not fear competition, and, have no doubt of our being able to' give entire satisfaction. - Coma and sea oar New. Store, our now and en lamed stook, and form your own opinions. • ' Chamborsburg, Juno 17,1863. ens do &113ounin -agencies. . .. . Toim_ Al. pomßßo, Y, , - - . ey . ... ...R...., AND! NAVY AGENcr i , 204 sourri FOTTT LI HI II S REST, l a) - , P ELPI.A. The ondeoolgited, having riesiwied hi peaition as Fey master in the U.S, Army. his opened a N 0,201 0011111 FOURTH STREET, an AGENCY F R FROOLTRI.NG PENSIONO, and for the colt.-ction of Orracsr.s!, Sointe.aW, and ail other Citrate against the Government. iy long experience as - eitYmastel, has given ins ttnu anal facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with this business in all its .details. On the receipt. by mail, of a slatOrneet of the- case of claimants, I will forward the necessary pipers fur tbeirsignsture. ' Personal at. tention will be given to the cases at Wnehingt. n. No charge unless successful, when $5 will be charged for COlectit g alienist, under $BO, and $lO on all sunisaer that amount and under $2OO. Larger - dahlia taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases as fixed by law. , . 114FORMATIOIN FOR INSTRUCTION'S TO Ali Soldiers of the present .war,who bare served - Iwo yearn, and Soldiers discharged for wounds received in battle, -without reference to,time of - service, arc entitled besides their regular pay, ta.3100 Bounty. In case Soldiersor Seamen are discharged for disability or tgaiinekreccived while in toe suttee, they are entitled to a Pension accoging to - the disability. in case of the ath of the Soldier before discharge. tbrbugh disease centr tetra!, or wounds received while in, service, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, beskiCrarrearage of pay- andpension during her lifetime or widowhocd. If the Soldier lie after discharge. from disease con tracted or Wound: received while in service, his widely is entitled to arpens on of VS per annum.' . If no widow ur'ininur children, the mother of the Sol dier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if dependant on him wholly or in part fur support. if deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his children are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the children may be over thong° of lti years. If no widow or minor children; the bounty and pay will descend to ale heirs as follows: First to the Father, seeend to the 3lother, third to the Brothershnd Slaters, and teen to flat next of kin. Disetarged Soldiers. whose clothing account was nn settled at the time of discharge; can recover any balance due there. if the Company books are not destroyed. To draw this balance, write to your Captain for a descrip tive list, showing Clothing itccoult, and forward it to nun 'with your preltuanarystatement, giving also the date of ; your discharge Soldiers, who served with the nine months' volunteers, can recover $27 bounty and premium. without regard to time of service, if they have,not already received it. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiers who were absent on sick furlough, are entitled to com mutation of rations. Communicating with this office, state the' nature of N kiln fully, and Rise the Company and Hex meat to •i or the Soldier for whom yuu claim belonged, tour present Post Office ad,ress. - I your which rts well -as ' 1... I ' His EiceHen •,,, sylvania. Fros il . z.zsdonCa 1 HON. Jostßll C I Washington" . ~, 110 x. E. 11. Rao E, Chief Clark of Department Washington. HON: EDWAN.T. 31OP c" ZION. Jas. P. :":TEILItra, 1 Pittsburgh. . LION. A. K. McCtuan.Ch. hamburg. Pa. Ilox..Tnostts A. SCOTT, VIC President Penn's Rail Roadr ; HaN. Wittikat B. THOMAS, , (lector of.tbe Port: Philad'a j . LION. C. A:WALBORN Post Mter, Philadelphia. . DREXEL .k• CO., Bank , ro, Philo Iphia. JAMES DONLAP, President of If ion Bank, Philadelphia BI.O.LITT & NATRIIIONNE. AttOrDi 6, .. kunst, Wzigt & ERVIN, Merchants, . Lumps, KliglaDLEß 46 Co. Merchants,. , n PIIITCII - ETT, BAUCHI & CO., - • f: DAM FAUST & CO., Merchants, FSF.N.TAININ S. 3 ANNEY, JR, dc Co.. Merchants, -" , CHIMES E. blouttcs & Co., Merchants, ATWOOD, 'WHITE& CO., Merchants, . JOAN M. PIIMBOY, No 204 South Fourth Street. June 17, 'Et-tf. DENSION, BOUNTY AND. WAR CLAINI AU NCY.--Possions procured fiw soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds received. pr disease contracted, while in the service of the Quitel States ;•and Pensions. $lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pa} obtained fur widows or heirs of tho=ff who hart died or been killed whits in ',wrier!: - JOHN R. ORR. Claim Agent, Fe 25, Cbambersburg;Pa TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, ciIAMBEIIBI3GRG FOGA DRY. undersigned takes this method to inform the public that he has taken the EittUNDItY so long denied on by Vfm. Seibert, with all the PATTliiteiS connected there with, where he purposed continuing the business, nud is now prepared to make ; t 4 ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS • that mil be wanted by the community. Pm:tient:lr nt tentiouwill be paid to making and keeping on hand ev ery description of PLOWS, .CASTINGS., AWN. box kiS, Ace. An kinds cd - Castings made to order. New Plows, of did•-reut patterns, always -on hand or madelo order. "uLIMETAL taken in trade, for which the highest price will be given. - - --' lay devoting himself attentively. to lynsiness he hop& to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Juno 17,'63. ABRAHAM. 3IETZ. .QILVER AND BRASS PLATER AAD BIT .A.VD STIRRUP AMKEB.—The . sub scriber respectfully informs his friends and the Public. that he continues to carry on the above business at his old guild on Main Street,opposite the erman Reformed Church; Chamhersburg. ifft,us enlarged his business, Sadd/rfs and Coda• rataers will find in his Store Room a general inhort merit of Goods suitable to their several requirements, such as Fair and Country llogskins, Pa:out Leather; Gig Trees, fall Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Self-Adjusting Trees. Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web. lower than Cotton; Hatnes,,flits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned; COnch Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands;' Bridle Fmints, Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Gaines, Buckles., Brass, Silver and Japanned, all styles and patterns; Ivory and Wooden 31artingile Rings, Stuinp Joints. and a variety of other Goods snit : • able fur the trade. EEO irir All kinds of Plating, &c., done with neatness and despatch. LAMS NV-AMPLER. March :25, _ NEW MARBLE YARD.--t-The undersigned respect Ily announces to the citiiten.v 01 Franklin county that e 11:13 opened a New .Thu ble Yard in the roqtrt form ly occupied by Dr.-/liiniiiton,, directly opposite J. S .'iron's Drug Store, 3lain Street, In the Dortnigh of Ch bersburg, where be will keep on hand or make Dior& all nrticlea in his line of business, such as MONUMEN S. TOMBS and HEAD STON.ES. MANI LDS. TAB,LD STAND TOM, ac., manufactured from the very beat F reign and. Domestic Marble. lie respectfully solicits a call from those who may both Want of any article in the above line. no is confident in his ability to satisfy all who-may be pleased to patronize eithur as regards his prices, or the quality, beauty, anti chasteness of his work, .tiny 8, 'OO WANAArAKER respectful V ly •11181.116abl recently occupied by N. Warminster. and has appointed ' SAMUEL BAMFORD, A PRACTICAL MECHANIC, to conduct the business. He res.pectfully solicits the patronage bestowed upon the-former occupant: and hopes By prompt attention to business, always having a large suplay aW SOLID, - WELL MADE BRICK, of all styles and qualities, to secure all Om trade, both city and country. gilL.Dricklayers are invited to melamine our stock. WASTED.—About ilCri) cords of „good Wood.- , May 134.1 m. . H. - 1:14331,CHi,• t N " , F. BBIBICII. etENTREWOOLE FACTORY. N.J. The subscrißefit respectfully Infirm their friends and' the public generally, that they' have leased the above named 'Factory ono mile north-west of Ch Imbers burg, '(best known as tforat'a Fabtorylfor a term of years, where they intend to manufacture Cloth, Betti na. Blankets, Flannels and Carpeting from the fleece of yarn. Country Carding end Fulling attended to. Also- - - Indigo blue, and fincy dying done to order. "laving thoroughly repaired the Machinery , they hope to be to render general satisfaction-to all who may favor them with' their custom. • - May 6, '634m. - if.E.MBICa do SON. • lk t TE _TOBA 0 AND SEGAR STORE.—To the Cafsens of Chambersburg and Ytcinity: The undersigned, haring been compelled to leave Virginia on account of hie ,llnion !sentiments, has vine among you tdestablieh a business, hoping I' out his 'ice, and by close attention, be will meet nipport. His stock will consist of all "9,IIAECO and SEGARS, which he will n where in town. Dent forget tila nigger, " opposite ' ock's 'look Store, RUSH. lo g exp , . with a goner) .4 4 be /Het brands o sell as cheap as can be, ,n • the place, sign of the "Mt e the Franklin Hotel, - utott door to-. South-east corner of the Diamond. June 17,1863: BLANKS printed promptly, an. at owes = rates, at the of of the FRANKLIN 081:011Y PLAIALA_NTS REFERENCES. A NDIIEW G. COITIN, Governor of Ponn LEON, Harrisburg, Pa. VET, Chief Justice of the Court of Cieims: .03, St. C.. Washington. "resident Judge, District Cone _PAanitfartures. .70I1N A. GROVE Cobacco anb Vublitations. CAPITAL KEW BOOKS, - JOST PUBLISI.II.II O . IIN II RA DBITRY, - 4 , : (successor M.0.Di11.14..k.D1) t 4J Walker Street, Or lttockilway). 'NEN 'YOKEL 01TY. . * • LRAVESLIIIONI THE AIAkII OF AR ARMY Silt= EON - , by boctoi'Thos. T. ELIAS, Late Post I:argot:at at New York, and Acting Medical Dlred.or W11 , 116/1 ,.. ta1 t a ,_ . „. Va.• .3 . 50 Apogee. 12,r00. Price $l. A UUera ' Enseountto the trade. ,}:nth copy contains un ,unto. graph letter from Gederal, McClellan. DR. CEMNIINO'S L PLY TO I.IISIIOP.COLLNSO. .RishoF Voices° folly Anne/wet: Ilis Errors /elated-, and rhe•Meti?vie authorship t' the Pentatench clear/y Cat tablishod. by the .n7..34111 cuinming, D. D„ in a series o f Lectures.' 'Clotir,2ll pp. 12mo. Price $.1.! THE , ACTRESSI \ Mott .An Epia;talein Win ter Quarters, by n Indy of South aneolinis. ''''P/1 pages 12me. ADVENTURES SEA ANI/ LAND OF THE cotINT DD G4NAy ; Or, the Arotten and Fidehtyof Weston. 4 .1,a Lpisode of the Colualmtlon of ..C41111%17. Ey ,11. taui Chevalier. Cloth 312 pp., I2ino. $l. , LES SIL.EILAELES, 15y Vietorj„lngo, Fivo Vols. in Ore. Flu:amyl - Ilartutt , St , Deuß, Coot:tie r Valjean- Cloth. 476 pp. s‘o.- Si.zo. • • lIANS OF ICELAND:—YiIe Denton o f th e Na r ti, A Renatnee by Victor lingo. Cloth. lki.pp. SOc. AttlllTttAEY ARRESTS •IN TIII4 'loUTLf.:—Steries in the Experience of air Alt/Winn Uniontst. by R.:S. fharin, A. M.. A ative of Charleston; for thiity yp are resident of the Cotton :hates . ; and commonly known In the West as "- the Alabama Refugee.'i Cloth. 319 pp. JESANDLETTERS OF AIIELARD AND TISLOISE YO. W. Wright. Cloth - ' 319 pp 1:2 mo. ' `llll= Y.e..&P.S: TN CU] LI: Cloth. Ifl pp. 12tack. WOODS AND WATIU:St— The Setrqnact arid 'Eaelsf. by Altered IL tract. Cll.& 3(I ittgee. lcnw y 1 sromes OF FRONTIER ADYF.ETURiE IN TUE SO UTII_AND WEST. Ey Wm. T. Author. "Rome llits and 111643,*". Eons and Poetry of, tho West." &c. Cloth, 3 3 pp. 22in0.. THE BATTLE OF WATERIOO. By Victor iftigo. Paper Cetera. 75 pages. 'Mao. 15c. ' TRIPS IN FifE LIVE OF A LOCOMOTIVE ENO/N -EER. Pape: Covere. 224ipp. 12mo. 500. Cloth:St. OUR FARM OF FOUR-ACRES, and the iinnextve made by it. From the 12th London Ed. by Harriet Mar ttnean. Paper tioyeee. 11. S, pp. nmo. 21c. Cloth. 38c. These Woke may tio bolv4ht at retail from thoStr , i) of S; StIRYOCK. Only 22-3 m.. VERY CURIOUS BOOK.—=Just published.' * h oc, fcs of Life, Death and Futuri ty, oy Horace Welby. One Vol-12 too., cl ,thantudsouie iy printed - with an emblematic frontispiece Price %lb. It it difficult to give any adequate idea of the. varied and curious topics of which this eminently interesting volumes treats. It is a valuable array of the hest thoughts, impressions and beliefs of the most distin guished minds on the phenomena of Lite, Death and Fu turity. ; it is - such a canofionplace hook fel some thought ful divine might have gmpiled, and in fns thontend and one safes onset' to the worts and opinions of our best and greatest writer's is not inferior, its an interesting liters. ryeuriosity, to the famous "Anatomy of itlelancimly,", .From the 'Boehm Transcript. "The work before BO by Horace %Veiby.gives the for lowing opinions, tralkfa and superstitions which' histery and literature afford in any manner pertaining to What may be called the nu - ondes of humanity. Life and time, thelpitore of the 'Soul. spirltnal life, mental phe nomena, bellefand skepticism. death, the resurrection, '&c., and discussed and dlinstrated from the highest au- Glorifies, from ti edition rn.d Scripture, Egyptian legends and Christian Tacts. Greek .fable. and Pilgrim's 'Pro gress. A truly religions spirit pervades the book; It is the result of patient r search, and to the philosopher, the psychologl-t, the physioligist—to the curious, the pious. the.humaue, it appeals with full and 'Del - Until knowledge, suggestion and aspiration.", • 7 . „ J 4 ,. G. 011Eaorty, Publisher,-. No. ;18 Wallternt.. New York. Juuti . l7: '63 VIEWS OF THE BAT.TL GROUND AT ORTTYKRIRG, PA. P. GIPTEKUNSI,IO4 dnl 706 Arch St.,-Pht7adelphia,' Respectfully announces that, ided pei sonally by A prom inent lawyer of 'Gettysburg . . who was 4 useful guide; tie our forcei daring tho tattles there, he lies succeeded in making setTra. floe photographic views of prominent parts of the britt'e-gronnd at that eventful plate. ' Ttr 4 Y.are published in it seriti of seven 10 tiv , l2‘viewe., and will be sold by gubscription only; the proceeds of sales to be need for the benefit ct our sick and wounded soldiers. - 'The enbseriptien books and- sampltw ere now ready.. The views are, viz: ". 1. Major Gormial Mesde's headquarters. 2 The Field of Battle:Julyl. 3. Our Centro--lookirm east from Cemetery htll. 4. Gateway of the Cemetery. 5. The Seminary. • ~ - G. Re/31(101re of the "Old Patriot." 7. Second Corps hospital and flandquartens - - The price of the set will by $lO. Orders should lin given et once to secure good prints and prompt &livery Photographer, - 704 and 700 Arch et.. Phil*. nng. 5..3t THE PORTRAIT MONTHLY, •-IPARVI. AIVP ZZ=NOW PEA!) T. PRICE 10 CENTS If you want to know who ore tho great men of tho present day, ant Oil about them, subscribe to the PORTRAIT MONTLY. Sdbscription . prica One . DAlor a year in-advance. This ork is published the 10th of every month:, W Each (mintier will be composed of sixteen -quarto pages, elegantly printed. containing come - • PORTRAITS OP TEM 1,10-$T -PROMINENT MEN OF 'ME-DAY I With carefully prepared and authentic kilogniphlea. A History of the People of the Day Subscription Price, $1 per annum. ii CopieS to one address ..... 10 Copiestoone address Sample Copies 1.0 cent». The N,vr Turk ILLUSTRATED NEWS and ..PORTRAI7 MONTIILT," toget4or,furaii.livel to Suliseribora at $l: per year. Published by THOS. D. LEGGETT & CO., July :3943t • 00 Beekman St..Newlfork.' rri•' GREAT `CAUSE OF II U- A_ IkIAN SIISERY.—JUst Published in a Sealed Enh - olio; Price 6 cts. A. Lecture by Dr. Culverwell. on the Cause and Cure of Spermlttorrhma, Consumption, Men tal and Physical Dobiltty. Nervousness. Epilepsy, Im -pared Nutrition of the Body; Idistitude; Wenkuess of the _Limbs and the Bach; indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; bass or Memory ; Aversion to Society-; Love of Solitude; Timidi t .4,11-Distrust Dizziness: 'lead:idle:Affections of the Eyes: Pimples on the Face: Involuntary Emmla lone, and Sexual Intapacity; tire Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &c., d.e. • .. This admirable Lecture clearly-.proves that the above enumerated. ofteilaellt.ttlicted °rill, may be re moved without medicine and without dangerous Surgi cal operations. and should be read by every youth and every Man in the land: r SeOt under seal, zoany'_:uldress;in a plain. A wiled enve lope, on the receipt orals cents or. twit postage *tamps, by addressing, CHAS. S.C. ELINE & CO.. . Bowery, Mew York, Bdst Office Be; 458'. - May THE NEW YORK • ILLUSTRATED NEW& - THE PEST FAMILY PICTORIAL BYER POILLIRIIRDt TtB I'ICTOTIES ala xonas 01/ Es Cli s igit*tl.:lllatler is Furnished by ills abase Writers_ If C.gntains the Creara otthe English Ma gazine%--Easaja Poems, Norela, and Personal llossip. THE NEW _lloltg. ILLUSTRATED NEWS • ;a Instructive: Entertaining and 'Alive. - TERMS, 43,50 PER YEAR. . Sitrapte Copier . .. Sent free On Application. - Published every Wednesday by THOS. B. LEGGETT S CO . — Ne:9o Beekman jai, 29,3 t lark anb Sancg (Boobs. . G R ",T BARGAINS -..- • /*Rom' NEFF' YORK AUCTIONS I 1 ,', AT,WALLACE'S, ' clips - Er. or MAIN AND QUEEN sritzirl4. Now style lifoealubiluss, • ..... ~ _ Diana choice 'Plain, Twilled Illosamblques for travelling dresses, Suporior Muslin Delaines in colors, , Colored Lawns andCrapode Pony, Black Silk, superior quality, , _ Superior Lyons Itadzarner Silks, (sublime quaiffy4 • 4 large lot of Linen Cambric Gandkerchlefe, -. ..a, large lot of Irish Linen, Jaconet Collars, new Style, - _ . sW Deems :adios, Mims and Men's Cotton Woes, ti White Linen and Cotton Duck, . . _. • Superior FrenclrDocaltin, • Suporlor solid color Pointille Fig Silke„ ' superior Grey Loonoras, - Superior Grey.Poplln, Bost quality Grey Leonoras, - Silk Neck Ties and Collarsl • , Ladies and Misses! Fillet MittN Marseilles 'Postings, • -- Super Ladies and Mena' Kid Gloves, • _ Handsome New style Prints and Ginghams. CARPETS. Brussels, Velvet, Three-ply(snporior Sne) and costistite CurVit, Four-four live-four Cactus and Canton Matting, - 4. 4-46-48-4 8-4 LO-4 floor.oll Cloths, -• ' Superior Bolting Cloths, Bonnet Ribbons, - Balmoral Skirts. EMMEN .84 60 . 8 00 (June 19,'63.1!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers