. . , ~ , ' . ' " ... • , . - - , - ' : , ... ,_ ', _l \ -'- 'l , - , 1 - <-....-, .: a ".._ -l• i ., ... '" . . : %..... ' . _,. , , , . • .. . . :- ' ' . 1 '-. j '' f. , .;-- :.° „:.,, - i ::,. : ..-,; ' •:', ....- , • ' ' . 1 -1 , ° I f'' 1. . f' ' - / -', -.',, ; ~ _!- LI • - . , , , . . . 1 r,. - \ l'. ; . i j 2 , r . ' ' I i . , ~ . . , . , . . . . . . .. VOL. 70 O. truldin THE INVASbON Tmrm oxaz)mlzs RBA, IDEAS OF TgE NORTH! Pestiuction of t Steiens 7 WOrks! How Rebels Seep their Spirits 'Sp ! MR. MITE BMUS MURDERED 10fifiaARDtatNT OF CARLISLE • *s , post - of the histery.of-the Rebel Inv,a on of,the North,-we have gathered up all , the geiternl orders issued by tl-bins. Lee and refitting to the treatment of citizens and•property, while in the Cumberland Val ley, , Lee's tiratesder on the subject was is ,Sued on the -21st - of June, before he .41tered ..3hambersbor,g. , 4:was evidently 414igned to .define generalVthe plan of oper ations of his army in our.county, and as Will be seen - aimed at a fair standard of humanity tad decoranilln his ra.nki;.' The following hi the order. • Hitidizzarters Army Nortivc Virstinia,l • June 21", 1863. • f - ,-9enera I_Orders No. 72.-W,hile' in ' - •the emenifs c o untry, , s regulations fot procuring supplies will be strictly obser V -4 And any violation of them promptly and rigorously:punished : - -;I. No private property, shall be injured or dOstroyed by any person belonging to (iron), - fleeted with the army, or Oen, • except by. • the officers hereinafter designated. The chiefs of the Commissary, Quar ter Master, Ordnance and Medical depart l'Ornts of the army- will make requisitions • upon the local authorities or, inhabitants for - the necessary supplies, for their respective dapartments, designating the places and times o delivery. kit persons complying with• sttch requisitions Shall he paid, the. Market ; . price for tivartieles furnished, if they so de sie, the officer making, 'such payment shall take duglie.ate receipts ',for the same, skeifying.the fiame of the, .person paid, and tie quantity, kird, and price of the property, oho of which receipts shall -be at - once for warded to the chief of the:\ department •tO -Which such officer is attzelred. Should the authorities or inhabitants neglest or refuse to comply- with• such refili,. sitions, this-supplies-required will be taken the nearest' intaabitaiffs ! :so refusing, by' under the direetions of the • respective chiefs-of -the (leper tments I V.. When • any conimand detached from the main body, the chiefs of the sever al departments of such command will. pro-. Ore supplies for the same, and such other. stores- as they may be ordered to provide, in he manner and -subject to . the pro Visions herein prescribed, reporting I their action : to' the heads of their respective departments, to which they , will forward duplicates of all' vouchers given or received. V. ,AllpersonsWho shall decline trireceive payment for property furnished on ,requisi tions; and all fromwhom it Shall -he neees !airy retake stores or supplies, shall- be ..fur nished by the officers receiving or taking the name Yith receipt specifying the Mild and and: quantity •of the property ,received or •'taken, as the case may be, the name -of the .person from whom it was received or, taken, •,the•coniiinand for the .use- Of; which .it is in :Adnded, and the market ,price. A duplicate of said receipt shall he at once • forwarded to the chief of the department to which the officer by whom it is executed is-attached., ; -VI, If any person shall remove or , con ! cent property necessary for the use of the army; or attempt to do so; the officers here ! inbefore mentioned will cause-such property and ali.other property: belonging to such persons that ma v be required ey the army, to be seized, and the officer , seizing the . same I will forthwith report to the, chief of his de partment the kind, quantity - , and market I price of the property so seized, and the name .1 of. the :owner.. • • • ,- By command of Gen. B. E. Liß.. \ B.. H. CHILTON:, A. A. andl.. Gr. Lieut.-Gen. B. S. En - zra,, . ' , Camtg-2d'A.rmy Corps. . On the day following -the date -of Lees' or. *r, Gen. Ewell . issued a general order on ilie Same subject, as follows: Readvailers 2d. Corp • Army _Northern Va.,June 22 r '1.663 _ -I) General. Orders, No. 49.-I.n moving in "." the enemy's country th(utmost circumspec t tion and vigilance is necessary for the safety of die army and the success of tire great ob ) ject it has to accomplish, depends npon the' observance of the most rigid discipline. The, • i Lieutenant General Commanding, therefore, . mot earnestly appeals•to the gallant officers 1 and men of his- eininnand,who have attested I their bravery and devotion to the causeof ~ their country on so many ' battle fields, to 4 yield- a ready acquiesence in,the rules requires .4 ed by the exigencies'of the case.: , ' ~' 1 :• Ally - straggling and marauding from the. ? ranks, and•all marauding and plundering by'- liadividwkare prohibited, upon pain of the severest per)-alties known to the Service.. • What is required for the use ,of,the army will be taken under regulations to he estab lished by the CommandingGerieral, accord-. 'ing to the usages of civilized warfare. \ t. ;Citizens of the °wintry, through which the array may pass, who are not in the militaty" service, are admonished to abstain from all' 1.-. sets of hostility, upon the- penalty of being daft' with in a sutannary manner. A ready . *ttieience to the demands of the Military - thorities will Serie greatly' , to lessen the a „ . . r .,rigors of war. By command of ' • Lieut. Gen. R. S. EWELL, ' - .A. L. rzunt,trON . ,'A'. A. G en . .r... :"Ibeltrtgoing was issued bef or e Ewell 'e .. iv,' -- '•- 1 - , :epred•Chambersburg : .` 'On the 28d aportion *i''ottifs . cinriMaud reached this place, and on . ^ -the44th.the 'tencrat arrived, and iramedi katelY iSsite, d theplloWing: ' • , ..„ -- • iffea4earters 2ireorps• -' • Army of Nort/teryirginia,,lnate 22; - '; • • Chanthereburg, \June 24, 1863. ScioratOrtkre.-1. Ile sale of into-aim- 1 \-1 \.i. tins liquors to this cenima.nd, „ without writ ten - permission - froi- a Major-General,' is strictly prohibited', • ' •' Pas* hi , : their posses zsien are required to• report. the. faet -ti the Provost-Marshal; 4 . 3 r the nearestigefieral offi e&c stating the amount anth'kind, guard may be - placed ever' it, ••••••and the men • prevented froingetting it. ' ' • 3. Any viola ion- of- Part I. of these' ders, or failure to comply• with Part IL, be punished' by •the immediate- Confiscation ' of all liquors in , the puseisimr• cif the effendz , ing parties, beside rendering - their, other property liable te'eetzure. 4. 'Citizens, of. the cotintry through which, the army may piss; - ttho are not in the mil; itary service, -are admonished to abstain from all acts of litiStility; upon the'penalty of being digt,' with inn suniiiimy 'manner. A feaclyaequiesenee to the demands•of the mil itary authorities•will serve to Tess.h.”' the rig ors of war. By command of ' Lieut.• Gen. R. J. 'SWELL. - A. S. RENDT;ITTOIit A.-A. General. : Notwithstanding .the orders - of both Leo and Ewell , 'the s re were numerous instances of\wlmten injury to property and outrages eominitt,ed upon eitikens: ~Gen. Lee reached this phiee on tho..27th, andwas'doubtleAs in formed that portion'of his arniy ,waS,disie-' aarding, his iilQtructions, and 'he at - once sued another order, as,follows : ..ffeadquartors Northerla Clutynberebdrg, Pa., , 'Jtme 2.7, 1863.- I:. 'Ge?leral Orders Yo. 73.--The 413Ommanding General has observed with marked satisfies. tion the conduet,of the troops ;on the march, and confidently anticipates results- common= surate with:tiro-high spirit they- haire mani- fested. . troops could. have displayed• greater fortitude, or better . performed the . arduous marches of the . past ten days,* .Their conduct. in other respects has, with few exceptions, been, in keeping with their character - as solcliers,lind entitles them to a 1)... probation and praise, - , • . . .There have, hoiveter, been instances of forgetfulness on -the part of - smile, that they have in keeping. the yet unsullied reputation of this army, and that -the- duties exacted of, us by • civilization and christianity are, net. less obligatory, in the country of the.enemy than in oneown..• . The Commanding 'General- considers: that .no greater. disgrace could betel the army, and through it; our whole, people, than Ihe per; , petration of the barbarous outrages uponthe unarnied mad &fenceless, and the V'.auton de .struction of . privatC property, that , have marked the course hf the enemy in onrown , - country:, ; Such groceedin;rs not only degrade thoper petrators and. all connected with them, but , are.subversive of the discipline and efficiency 'of the army, and destructive of thb ends of our resent movement. zflt must be rfe,crahcred that re make war, only' upon arilleli•PaiLa, titd take vengeance for, :the 'wrongs our. people, have suffered without lowering __ourselves in , the eyes °flail whose abhorrence has been excited by the atrocities of our.erieraiw,-and. -offending - against Hire to whom 'vengeance belongeth,"without whose fayor and support our efforts must all prove in vain. The Commanding General therefore-ear •nestlfy exhorts the troops to, abstain with most scrupulous care from unnecessarror wanton injury to private prinerty, and he enjoins upon ell officers to arrest and bring tcv sum. mart' 'punishment all 'who shall in any. iway offend against orders oti this subject. E. LEE, General. The' only,othcr order issued in this valley relating to the conduct of the rebel' army, Was issued in- the-form of an address tb the citizens of York; to impress . the iie6ple of that ancient village of the subliinated Mag . nanimity of the rebel commander.'", was as follows : To 'run CITIR.MIB OR YOBS.: I.have ab stained from burning the. railroad buildings and car shops in your town, because; after examination, I am satisfied the safety of the town would be endangered; and, acting in the spirit of humanity; whicb has ever char acterized my Government and its military authorities, I. do not' desire to involve the innocent in the same 'Punishment with the guilty. Had I applied the ' torch N'ittiosit , regard to - consevences, I would have- pur sued a course thal'would have been vindi cated as an 'act, of just retalitition' for the many - authoriied acts' of barbarity perpe trated by your "own army upon our soil.' But we do not war upon 'Women and' 'children, and I trust:the treatment you have Met with at the hands of my soldiers will 'open your eyes to the monstrous; iniquity of the war, waged by your G-overntnent uportlthe people of the Confederate Ettaos, and that you Will make an etroft &Ake - off the revolting tyranny Under - which apparent to all you are yourselves groaniri'g. • J. A. EARLY,I'Maj.-Gen. C. 8. A:. lIEBEL CathlT MAIttIAL, The discipline of the rebel army was admi rable: ; No' private, or, subaltern dared to (*- regard an order in, presence of his superior,' or where his superior officer was lik'elytolle advised of it, When the rebel"colurnn4 filed through ohiirribersburg, they marched with! the utmost order and decorum, and l a ughing, talking loudly or singing was not indulged in. .Tlast tlifs'wee' the residt'of the strictest discipline' rather than an indication of 'the ,good breeding of- the infantry rank and, file, is evident' from the fact that whenever, a Iquad Could get isolated from:their officers or, commanders, they would. roh Mercilessly; end . commit all manner of outrages. When rebel officer's: , behave badly, they do not . dismiss; "thern;•but reduce:them to the rank's, as in 'thecase of Lieut. J. A. Countiss, given b(4, The followirig order,-issued by Gen.' exhibits the proceedings of. several oases tried by court Martial 14 rarell's head quaitera 'nea.r, the 'Brick :Church ' north 'o Chernhenibtirg : "kap' p ' ,artery 2d Ormy Array' Northern Va., June 25, `Gencral Befor e 'the 3ltlitary Court, convened`. at the Tfeadquar ters'of.the Army Corps of 'Lieut." Gen. R. S.: Ewell; and of which Court. Cel. R.lr. , Led is Tadesiding Judge; were arraigned end . trie& The specifications in the following cases being lengthy and minute, are omitted : • CIIAMBERSBURG, PA,, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, Ist: Lieut. J. B. Counliris.)aa. - Regim en t. ". Charge I. Drunkenness cin d u t y . Charge 11. Conduet to the prejudiei .of good order and discipline , • - Finding-4)f , the Specification of the :,Ist charge, Of .the Ist Charge,.. • , -Guilty. Of the. Specification o'.f- thp. 2d. Charge, - • • : Guilty, Of the 2(l'o:large,' .2 :- • Quip Sentence—A:nd • the Court • do , therefore sentence the, said Lieut. J. B. COuntiss, 2tst Georgia Regiment, to be cashiered:- - - 2d. Private Charles Smith, Co.. C, 45th N, C. Regiinent. . • - • etarfe--- 7 Desertion. • Finding.!--Of:the Specidcation ' Of the Charge, ,„ Not 4414, but . Of absence without lea - ye Sentence—And the Court'do therefore sen tence the said . Private Charles - Stith, Co. C, 145th 13 C. Regim( n to brat, th.ree months, pay, and to be branded on,the left• hip with the • Jotter S'-two inches in length; in the presence, of his Regiment - - Bd. Private Louis 114_Waymic - .4, 45th Regiment—, Charge—Desertion. Vindintr—Of the Spetificrtion • Guilty. Of the Charge, • Not Guilty, hilt Of 4„.bsence without leave, - 'fientene—And the . court do therefore sentence the said Louis 3i, Waynock, Co. B, 45th N. C: Re,gt.,-:to forfeit three months. pay, and to be/brawled in the left hit' with the letter S; two inches in length, in the pre- ence of his Regiment. • 4th. Private Patrick. • Herne, Cp. C,, sth Ala. Regirnent. ; Charge—Violation; of 9th Article of War. Finding—Of the Specification,- Guilty. ,Qt the Charge, ' . • Sentence—And., the_ Court,,do therefore sentence the saida'atriek Herne, Co. C sth Ala Regt.,. to forfeit ' hipay for three months, to perform-extra police and fatigue dtitY for two months, and to be .bucked two hours'each day, for 'seven \ days. U. The prceeedings,findings and sentence 'in 'the • case of'•Lletit. 4. B. Countiss, '2lit Georgia Reginientoire'.aPproved, .and the •-sentenCe i will be carried_into effect; and Lieut.' J. B. Countiss ceases, ,frern this date; to be an officer„ of the corifAderate States Army. He will be enrolled 'thid conscriptedby his ,Brigade commander, and -will be allowed to join any company in his prescatßrigade that lie may select.. ‘. The proceedings, . Millings arid sentences' in, the cases et Privates Charles Smith, Co. 0,, 45th 1.C.C. - Regt., arid Louis M. Waynbek, Co. B; 45th N. C. 'Reit, tire apProVed, and tbe,sentexicesAvill be esrried into effete, eept so much of them is inflict* -punish ment of brariding, which is bereli)'remitted. `The proceedings, thadingf;And sentence iri the case Of• Private Patraqi Herrie, Co. C, Regt., tire, approved, aridthii sentence will be:earned into elicit. '• ••••, • Try command ot ' • , • EWEit. A. - S. PArir.r...roN„, J. A:General- „ • • ecru ,tannis 'An) Tat anrints. Our ladies: gave thdrebels -rather' n jolly time while they Ivereheie." :They did-not imitate the wiVes andiaughters of the chiv alry by spitting in thrillers pf soldiers, pois oning their 'meat and driik,Alaunting flags in their faces, and tniexifg themselves ,gen crony ; but-they did -give them rather an univelcomelsoltO,of tl it le . roisra and \strate gyi - One lady took,lter. thickens from the rebels after they had kille4 them, and dined sumptuously at homeat 14it - one day under rebel rule. Another arr4ted Dr. Todd in. his insolence by infonninghim in rather an earnest.manner that Turtlar searches in her house would result 'in tie 'splitting of his bead with her hatchet. Doctor subsided. -Another imtie'd herself by run ning rebel deserters - outer the-lines dressed in hoops and calico ; andzenerally our la: dies resented the arrogane of the rebel hoste , with such spirit and detemination as to as , tour them.. Communicaion between Chem bersburg and-Harrisburgwas interrupted for ' ten clays, and amongst tin other unre • liaSle, reports whidhre6hed here was the . gratifying information 'that dens. Couch, McClellan andSigel werait Harridburg with from ki to 100,000'inen, lad the intelligence. Was glyon to the - rebeliOvery step with' all the, defiant •ardor rat. to the sex. .In many instances our ladiet.prevented the bold est thieving by raokily resisting, and si!aining, The rebels - 610f their purpose.— Those who shall be so fittunate as to return to Viiginia mill carry with them the liycli est appreciation- of theleroism and intelli gence; of Pennsylvania ladies. EVBF.L Oi.A.S'"O1 4 TSE ".117 - , Some of the border'Sate, and most of ,the. more southern rebels, hdrather peculiar con- . Options of theTennsylv nip, Dutch. Quite a number were astonisherlbto.::dnd our people speaking .t r i g ii s fi, its , :tliiy. s upposed that. the first when they attemptetcleriOve •remarks,,, prevalent bkneuage sr al tfle-, German. , :tit they. would . ftnitfite the' brolien 'English of when eao unknown oi3o:9 cc zn y wu tiY eans ev : tn re ee i rn t t u: atn e 3 ; tie4,jud;lt3n,agnuf:t7p_.:nvweell:s de- ma the n oli fo tri r a k , ,,foup:ilt Thitch. ~14, I:l 2s din 'b g h ls of sourktout at a, season. would require an intcnOY Dutch,communi tY to Supplyeourkroutin• July. 'Onr i farm, buildings -and especk: f t our',. lll ralttta. fine' barns,, all the fleY, nt once excited tneir astOniShmont *LIDO/0; 1 0 60 i . - 1 :4111t0 st, number of ,olEcers v4ed ., the.i barn of the as I ? , 'matter t rouriosity, 'although , ther9 ! i:r e r i tan y in , Ve. vallq tau& larger ind - gilite as ,well'aiii* , The iriva,te :$Ol-, ;fliers "generally onc i ll icl. that it must he the, Aux.& of toms ver7 ige denominitiert in, this puntunnity; and 0 out-buildings about 1t . ,, such as chiclien.:.6o , , hog-pen,' .Carriage-* house, 4 . c., were giMera.suppased to be ser: vant's houses, and veiPent ones! , ._ Bun p arrm At'.. i nt STBALIN,(I - - - .. • Clpan'as'den. - Lee Pkept ' his 'reetird by his human_ e, orders, 14174 y . did tI?A3 most., gigantic an d Brite e stealing. They stole everything they* possibly use, or hope to use and' tvben.thitit little' remnant of sharae edmpelled" them. to: offer' soma ePoligy for -I t;theriny f triii*Auniir end 'oa,t, ottr troppsliad none_ so and ,Much .more min their country:: 'Everyrebel who wanted to steers 'ettielien or a tat, 'Or a , -watch, Insisted that . was paOstijgedrous and humane conque.rr-4bat honte hid been burned down ov . e . r Out heads of his family by , the Yankees,', While %e generously 'spared our .homeS frc,nn the torch. Dirty, lousy, thie4 - ing whelps iliothltd s'Careely 'ever seen a - house at:horne, 'M4OI less owned one, and who are despised in Ow south evenby the slaves - es `qtoor trash" deelared with one accord that the'y laid beenbUrned out of house and home by tit? Yankees." Armed with this - exent4, ',.they"-.4ung the-lie into every body's facilitntil it became estanding-joke of the boys, ,i4d Was-treated with scorn *by °tn. people gele'ra,,lly. Even' the scanty .ward 'robes of 'lel negro.lantlies vere appropriated by the iehrtalry by way of demonstrating their elonitin and humane views of war. SMUTS UP. • Never lias an - army alive confident and jubilent tth were the rebels while in Cham bersburz vand the effieers evidently appre-. eiated'the necessity of keeping: their ' , hopes up to thii highest point. , The Richmond papers wrns received ablest daily 'daring their'stli* Mid the menwere inspired Wale Sensathm Res ptiblished'rePretieritiag rebel sneeess in almost, every portion of the Sonth; and the raiiellal demand made.hy the rebel 'Pressfur k ePneial devastationaf the Norili, induced tiq.soldierS to helive that as soon as theirledgnient was made safe, they would be at lilitrty . to oeCupy'br sack our homes at pleasure. edition of the Richniond papers,re'eived here announced that `Gen, johnsenhad defeated Gen. Grant and raised the - seikent-Vicksburg., •It was read to the army's vib4on parade - and they cheered them-, selVes - hatrie over their imaginarytrinuipit: ivelelnspir They inspired by every conceivable . falsehdo4,l;Not a rebel in the ranks_doubted that ;vaiiiid from t 128,000 to 150,000' men; while he.4d:i)at over 'BO,OOO all and "they, 1ic74414i1 firmly 'convinced ;that they; had Au4di GMI.:A/mide's army; and that it was in st!tr+ll of filtedi - in the valley 'of Shen ' andoah„,:whi4nothing but the militia stood hetrieekthein "Ahd . Aarrisburg; BiStinVre and *raillagioni Titeir. rather sudden re-, treat frth , rerk,and Carlisle thraw a shadow of doitbOcr . their high oxpectatiorti, and cor.:;.;+;;gen rasriot strengthened 41y_:_b_y_ the deliitit Of T atir.people whq conatted . rem at every step 'with' the issurapca!hat they •were marching to defeat' and man 7t\e,,death. MlNG'e s r PIYRNAOE. Then private'proPerty ~ destroyed by the order f auloffichrin l this valley was the extensiv Iron Works of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens miles east of this place— They consisted- a large charcoal Furnace, Forge, Rolling-1111, coal-house, shops Ike.- On Tuesdayl.e. 23d Srrtion of Jelikin'a caval ry came iion the works by an unfreqUented meuntainvad from Hughes' works>and de manded rte horses, and especidly the two riding hOles, which - they de§,efibed. They threatengthat they would destroy thebuil-_, dings if 0- horses Were not given up,' ;Mr: Sweeneypiwho has charge of the werks, agreed' te•eliver up the riding horses if* the property; Mould be protected. This they agreed o,iut'on going for the riding horses they ,metste teamsters and compelled' them to prod+,ll the horses and mules, nearly forty in sal with' gears, -harness an.. They had evideily been minutely' infornied Of the wherealio-$ of _Mr. Stevens' horses', as they described rem and knew exactly where 'to go afterl tim.. The day after, den. Early rode_ up!,ti the works acconmanied-, by staff and Ivoviedbis intention to - destroy j 3.1 Sweeney reminded him that he would inbt a much niore,.serious: injury upon s4nbuildred . poor laborers who work ed tber4 tin upon Mr. Stevens: Gen. Ear ly repliediat 'Mr. Stevens was:uan enemy of the Sol, in favor of. confiscating , their priierty al arming their negroes, and the property test be destroyed." He then plac ed a guararound it- and gave speeial structidnshatit-should, ript,be - destroyed until hO, 0 the order. Ho seemed exceed ingly feari that'll° might miss the doligtO fulspeCtati of 3lr."Staverie "works in flanges, He thei 'r,urned to, Greenwood,'' - wherel he had hia h4-quertera,:but returned the.next day, andtsonally detailed Col.. Frenehi of Jenkia's Orillas,. with- his command to' il- [ hern.ehivalry and humanity; by :'tared to the priitte property'of [because heyea guilty aftbe crime thp Republicaf our fathers; The ruction tvesirell done, and aeon itOtrat§ 4PPIYing Mi'.Btov ofdefetai work (if d; all: th wt were in ashes. Pie 'houses, m ei:Tied, ,bifamilieS were - not - tired. Some $3,009- tIL ) of charcoal was destroyed; lbg, aeon stolen , - leaving the families of thella rs without foodilin oite -of the earnest reeocinfotions: roade•by Mr. 'FiNe6-: ney al to sit necessitous e.Onditiori. )sfr. Stevens 'hi is not las than SSQ: 0Q He is the otily in - in'Peruisylvaniamho has ,l)een thus lion by the vandals for Mai: =flinch ing 6voin' to ,Freedora. , • .• - -, :1 i - *tt.- tu4tuatis VARY. _ i Wileilee z rehl - horde &it 'entored' the Statapusid *nth ,the hope of _easy vietoriea on the Sc and boundless phinder in tar ilardeiphia, Battisnore. d Wash= iiigtou tir would. yell insolently:at isyeiy min ;or , onion they met..."' 'Well Yank; -how pa 1 ffarilsburg ? " "How 'far to NM 1863. Baltimore? the charge at, the Continental? HoW do you like Our 're- : , turn to the Hid*? ", -;t 4 Whiet , to Washington?" Hew do you Ai*e'Liri coWs Devils ?," , Thes - tma similar nqui- res -were made with ii i dogree . -:of artanne and confidenee - that elehrly betokened'their eipeciatiEms to see, as conquerors, the cities named : during their ! their, ,shattered and bleeding.colommt ~ ,- cam mended' their retreat*Saturday . ", after bat-. tie, there - , was 'hut one - iniPairy Davde:alike - by officers and men--- , ‘ How;far i to, - i ho ,Poto, mach" Howfgr_to ihe,Pptomac.": And thes_their brolipa, decimated ranks straggled . along. the menutain , passeS,- grasping foi.the last hope left- them : the 1 1 (4*a - a three' 'days of •amarysprife with the 0,6 , 41ey effect- tO despise, turned hails upon. their hones already Aesolated..by their wanton_,- I Wicked wart • - . s, .1 REBEL 'IDEAS 0i IMICinN" "Eyen'intelligenirei4officers insisted that' Lincoln _wail a fugitive ; in .BostOn and dare not occupyhis capital; and the rank' and ..file were regaled with' that' and eqUally absurd falsehoo4 'Others declared that he was ha; bitually intoxicated and Unable to attend, to his official duties because' of his intei<iper. ante. TheSellien'were: evidently" tauglit`te regard President Lincoln as.brutal - and bar barons in ameminent degree, and= they were amazed to find the loyal 'of all parties alike respeetinghim and the Governlner4., v.ixivaam PALLS 'UPON TEBM.- • - str.vEg. , • . • . There was quite an assortment of:Hospital goods here when the :rebels name,' Most 'of which they ; wantonly; destroyed-Lbreaking up the bed frames.Jand tearing the• clothes. When they left Tor Gettysburg they 'left a number of their sick in ,the School-hbuse in charge of a young rebel medical student With the charities of the,PeOple of our town to'de. pend upon for subsistence;'medicines, Subsequently a number pf their wounded werecaptured'and bidaght heni'and the vap:•' dalism of their * troop 'upon their own: sick and 'Wonn,ilea, ,as we were Without -the necessary supplies to riltetbemeonifortable: After- robbing_all ourArug•stores,_onti :phy sicians •I:aid to furnisiv,medielies for_their sick and wounded.' „ , • pcv. -31'r,Pryor,_ father qf ''the,blustnring Gen. Boger A Pryor, 'who tlitin:t fight. Pot.; ter when in'Coniress; vas with Je,nenintia,p4 lain and seemed th„ ba),-C'n gpner s peryis t -ion Of-the piety . of t er4rYy, Herepieeeiitetit t the progr&ss , 'of; religion as eminently ; satis:- factot-y, and neemed•te. regard the - rebels' as perfectly Crotoweilian in morals. true tbek would steaUlegroei and' frOm: negroes, and anything'elsefrotn'a,tenl•penny nailio a six horse_ team; . but, thy , were nevertheless: model army; 'according to Pryor, in, all , the attributes of 'christian character. Qin. -peo ple generally ,thought that the scale of Zion must be very low down South;- • -• lIEAVY LOSS ,orjavz srocs. • 3lr. David -Brandt, residing. near , town; was taken and held prisoner. by the',Rebels near Williamsport;Builby, the bth inst. Being , released 'hUr.E . iday, he returned hone and informed' us that the. Behels teMpte4 to idrive 700 load of cattle end 1000 head of sheep aercisi'Sbe kotoinne on 3ion;• dry, but owing to the great height of the river, all the stock Was drovned,eseept; of the cattle. . , .1 SO . ME'EISI.III/iTlSl3tra' t ODIC S op THE REISS. The Rehs,performed Some exploits 'while in our tewn - ,and 'vicinity of an'exceedingly chivalric; ..p.l4:7,welPs . ceiPS was about .enternig town, a young nian manwas 'corn pellet' by certain parties togiye up his watch. Rev, Dr. ISChneek was met'llear town, while ond:of the Corps were; ori \ the 'march, by two persons the , unifOrm of Reb soldiers,' and threatened with', instant :death if he , did , not atonce urrender his watfh ''and his money; The ,anionnt, taken Was ,§s9,iand the watch was of gat it highly prized gift from some of the hietor's friends when he visited Germany some - years ago. Bev. Father Cullom was also • robbed' of his watchtind suni of'money upon ri, peremptory' *demand. As 'the' lets seem to:he entirely Proficient in theeptaMand to "make titre," they:evincidgeod judgment in stealing Waitehes to "make time" for therm, Their hatred of "..4b6 ; .tin. corn" was exhib ited iu 'the alacrity with,*hieh they stole "greenbacis,".- containing;ihe said "Abe's portrait and certain - emblems of the Govern.' meat over Which:he trosidps, and holding on to them with A most brilliant ierfornianee was stealing a; pipe out of 4 the Mouth of our venerable friend,'Alr. `Jan Neel, with the itmaikthat he told smoked it lOng eneUgh.l:theeiivina; stance gave the old, gentlemn. erriple:oppor tunity to express, his orriMot},em,Oatfenity l on the 'gabs and Itebeidom,- mist with icertain threati iresucceeded in getting, his pipe baehli ' A number of intelligent and ente9wisitig Rebels stataki`Orl',fo.nklin surmountingiHthe eniola (it'oui:COuitilioaaa „ was intendedtorepi*nt"Old l'eteLineeTte ' ant - lex-040d fleterminatithitedeitroy - it. Their*andaliininiotti hosvOi Y ei, they tidied ;:, • Li: The akin of the inc frore did I:l4ds' bf .04ier4 ;vrea and 4014: i satigkabat-- aFter for aTLY" tiiß in t 11 :_. 6- .Pli.#": 2- 41049, 1 17 ing a eitiien, they would steal his hat while sn the eat of interiegatinglainOr tittering a reply. 114 some of our' people were -compelled to sit deVre:sVhile. the Rebelsstole beetiAnd sh* 'front 'their - feet.' :1'1146,w only . a rim exhilgticnati of Reh.irefinentent, - gentility: and i enterini;as: Por 'evidence of what, they did on a Imp scale, eur'veaders need but see out depletoi stores, the, ruins of hyiltling4 and the miles of torn ind t burhea- ;411414 track.. - Nearly 'every .. ihrmer ini the wholtt valley sustained loam in''stUek alznesOir 7 isipakahle,and -bartilY a Ozen buthia wa r f9rctl to amore 'otless extent. ' • lIIIRD:EIVOrIdIi:4ITRITS. phitil, a peaceful and inoffensi7iacitt4 , , sent was cruelly muidered:..by.somci - of Reh-aoldiers Of Rill's corps, On his failn : lo ': Cated.near the qreettcastle road, thriierailes from town. 1143'was'sianding iri ilia 'yard; When three of the villains•epmiached. anikdeinanded money. He immediate* surrendered it.• Aooh after two more, inert nie te-him making a similar demand. The Muiderifi buried his - body in a dung heap t 601 fled leav f s a large family; The shocking Manner of his death' occasioned the: mold- rectum& indignation wherever' it becimie' j kiown:':': A:N*OTUE* '3E04E4;10 ACT. _ leamthat fir. Risher, residing.o s n the, .*zirm-pring Road, a few 'miles from town s was shamefully beaten' and• robbed,'"and is now in critical condition' , PAUL**, Major Adanis,..lst N. Ir . J Cavalry, ptrol4 a large number of_invalidebs hero in' the School Hopse - U2spital on' Sunday, the. sth _ instant. , - - BESS IN OUB corstt MUM% - - A large plumber of Reba, captured smiths road leading from town, wore quartered dpi= ring the last week in our.county prison,. and removed in parties at -tithes- nada strong guard to Harrisbufg. - The sent off Priday, numbered* 214 • May of than eiLL pressed on earnest desire AO take the oatl a allegiance, but the Military authorities,tailed to gratify them. • r The .4p:triunity:will, us &at; be afforded theni , toglve this evident* of retUrnifkgsdnse andl4alty at the tiniel.and Place 13p11334.1C1)111M Q. • c anraaL.s. - The _only ,engagement- 'beyond the.' Ali: . wishing of 'seouie,lmtbe Clunibeiland Vpltcy Waa4t - Carliele. Gen Pe had Re called' hia , troope; from Toik i Carlisle and Alter poi* :North to loin ldm ,Gettyaburg. Gen. I hugl,l:l4e, Naltielisidivision Cavalry elC:esed from Itarioyei t"i§ition•to join Oen. togi*a_itt'Oiifistii - 1 . 50 - t:- - ,wheit:: ha - ilasiit tit)* point,lm found :Gen.,Ranith.in the, Own itith several thousand_ 'Union troop.. Loo :Was evidentird'iscdneeTted, and in , order! tb Iced Gran. Smlth to euprare, that he : 4,ll*i , , 9 ngto: - .4* , 644;045 . -enable him to make-hisescape aboul&Smith'a force - be very large; , ha - Oonotideinanded an inaniadiate' ea*earler - oar _the town:! Thia Smith leMpliatica4ioUsSa ; r 44 r a Second deMand for, bis..airieneer•was sleet hiin ho notifladi ! eo that he would_ riicei/te no more =such communications from biiri: by the: son ,of the l ie - 61cOminander-iti 7 ehiek,for *omen and children to getout_ of the town Qf 'puma but few got,aasy.o - it - - Was' OW and - thachit , ,airia: - X4o opened his guns ~. • • .• upon the Own. .• He threw, mie.il) , :par4" . lkaa r tired shells, -most- of which:-did net, explode', and but little damagewati dotal, ‘ - 'fielreral house's were penetrated, r of,`tlie citizens -witness, his .flither's ,WaterielklitecttyshMliee: woos wads mum General. Dix, hm,suopMded ontting.9ft ell Tailrotidreonimedeation . between Bleb roond and Gen. Lee's tinny. • He ,bas tbna compelledbpiis 't"o' i kepp large n u mbs of mien that,Wouldotheiyi* hike gone to force Gen. Lee. •' The dirt.ntaat with:Jeff. *Viet ; ruse in ITer4k beryline s heaotniing_forinidahle"in de~ed-; -ffhe:Hon. Wpli, [4., Grithain. lit The .I?,rdeigh. Stvitiatri, a 'strong -allele, de - eying the ?Wit ife*ion "from the Pi:4- gal Unfqu, arrarniine (the' rfght of pair*: ,by the Federal GoverArant, diaelai aing-the ilroprietyarad ineteateo 'ot.the pending as agahrat the tlairt,- and strongly-A& Eel:* th right' of any tOitheriiir awilr from the CerrH.f.ediii*-1,„ 'The &tit 'General War just ~etarkinetteet, , • , the work ,o .m aking out' - complete. a** Of all s:KdierMp ; ltair -died•dining, tha present war.. Thal* is interaled %Arra. every death in tlAlx:Pirdirand Nounkteer en; ees, and je give ra4; rt*ltrititit, eompy, cause of 'lleatii,"dito of death 'it,ted Plate of ; 'death, it . nrkwill he' of e 4 .value to the Pension !.444- •14apd'Ofiet*, in fa tune adjudication& in f rogardi' to .." , isseasksed sot,. diers, -- and taw' the Gov:awned =eh e?50 7 1 8 4_ t*ir;,4,P*l44 cases **l wnuid e l)thgtiaa fuTIVT 'Gerv. Ileaglieri-the Irish Patriot, who un l . 'tilireeently cointrauto4,:the Irish Brigade; event , in,s leech ,• New York': which he paid -.:-‘,'l•truatilitt hot!). tko4 ll , theme Pitattbb4(e. l 3o/ 1 7 14 : 046 M 8 f*I`Plar# 4 40 thileiliPPlithO' h4i4 : l7 Yl 49 ' 4 4o -se l ie This is not a c404)ixiitt:7 06 44 1 :K9:%- tardy not for- one who. bas 'lleakit to utter nothing but words ototaaniitd to see -those words prtiipkt i li; literati obe ed. I',ne, cannot. sant any, one uttP,* PutiOitia moiled/4st; as ta:pkilit , r44nritcrPuteltne4-.• tot." U ~ / *NO. 25. IMIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers