i;e "glaftiman' mmat, gftttrftefb, a., gtme 29, 1870. fox the ".farmer. Farming. For a man who is thorouslily in earnest farming offers a gran l fk-1 1 for eTii t ; lut the man who is only half in tarui'st. who thinks that costly barns, iinportcj stock ari'i a nicely rolled l.wn arc the great oiijivts of attainment may auonjp'i-U pretty resu't.s but they wll be hid all ones, the Jiiet tante farmer who has a snvttteriiiff cf science whose heailia filled with iiostiuun, who thinks hia salts will do it ail, who .loses his crops now to feebleness" a ti-J i" 10 " 11,1 natural exuberance, who dawdles over his fermentations while his neighbor's oxen are breaking into his rye field, who has no managing capacity, no Lreatii of vl-ion, v;h-- sends two men to accomplish the workoi one let such a man give up all hope of ma king farming a lucrative pursuit. But if a man, as we said, be tiiouroutrhly in earnest, if he have the muaeity to see all over the farm, to systematize bis labor, to carry out his plans puuctually and thouroughly ; if he is not above economies, nor heedless to the teachings of science, uor unobservant of pro gress elsewhere, rcr r.ettlltil of .such op poituniiies as were the Yale Agricultural Lectures let him wo:k, for lie will have Lis reward. Cut even such an one will never come to his "four in har;d," except they " be colts of his owu raising ; or to private con certs in his own grounds, elect t what the birds make. IIov." to Fatten a Poor IIopsu. Many good liorsos devour lariie cpuantities of grain or hay ; at,J Mill continue thin and poor; the food eaten is not properly r.s?imulated. If the usual feed ha.s been unground grain, nothing but a change will effcet any desira ble alteration iu the appearance of the ani mal. In case oil meal cannot be obtain ed readily, mingle a bushel of flax seed with a bushel of barley, one of oats aai another bushel of Indian corn and let it be ground into fine meal. This will be a fair propor tion for all his feed. Or the meal or the barley, oats and corn in equal quantities, may first be procured, and one fourth part oil cake mingled with it, when the weal is sprinkled on cut feed. Teed two or three times daily, iuiugled with a peck of cut hay and Ftraw. If the horse will eat that gteedi ly, let the quantity bet gradually increased until he will eat four to six quarts at every feeding three times a day. Hut avoid the practice of allowing a horse to stand at a rack well filled with hay. In order to fatten a horse that has run down iu fle;h, the groom should be very particular to feed the ani ual no more than ho will eat up clean,, and lick his manger lor more." Amcriwn Stud. Journal. A Good Farmer. N. Austin Smith, of Sunderland, Mass.", raised lat yei0 fqtiare rods of mangolds and stisar beets, the pro duce of a single rod of which w as 5 j3 pounds equal to 37,310 pounds for the 70 rods, or 85,280 pounds to an acre. He fed them to Lis neat stock and swine and milch com. Computing the aggregate number of pounds at CO pounds per bushel, the product of one acre will equal about 1421 bushels. We are credibly informed that Jlr. Smith scru pulously excludes the very exhausting and pernicious crop of tobacco from his farm. Those tillers of the foil who cultivate the "vile weed," cannot toast of such abundant crops. The Cuors. The New York JhmJd i,a gleaned aa iinniese mass of teports concern iug the condition of the crops from its ex changes from all portions of of the count ry, from which it appears that with but very few exceptions the prospects of abundant harvest is every where promising. From the touth particularly, the information i. encouraging. In some places the fro.t has nipped in the bud the peach blossoms, and diruinaheJ returns may le anticipated from those districts when the ripening period ar rives. But altogether it is not impossible from present observations to predict anoth er year of plenty and richness. Iron Bird House. Who among all the -readers of the OUcrirr, can tell us whether the feathered tongsters of the grove Lave ever been known to inhabit an iron house? We LaTe bad a costly and beautif ul iron bird house in an excellent place for bird?, for two years, and birds in large numbers, during both summer and winter, come into the yard below and all around the house but a bird has never been seen to pass nearer to this little Gothic structure; than it would approach a den of adders. We have thus far been unable to learn that birds have ever built a nest iu any kind of a hojse made of iron. X. Y. Observer. W ilhani Younz. an extensive fruit rmwrr oflieadiDg, has a very simple remedy fur curcuno. lie picks up the fallen frjuit, or shakes the tree am the fruit infected with the curculio falls at once to the ground, and then he burns it. Fire is tie only enemy and destroyer of the curculio that he tn.,w of. The infected fallen fruit being kit upou the ground, the curculio spreads and mul tiplies to an incalculable extent. Ileesii mates the quantity of curculio in a siujjlu quart of fruit at 400, and in a bushel at the enormous number of 14,000. - . To cure colic in horfos, take a piece of carpet, blanket, or any thick material, large enough to cover the horse from Lis fore to hmd legs, and from the ,vxn to the floor as he hes ; ring it out of hot water an hot a you caa possibly handle it. You need not fear scalding the animal. Apply this to the horse, and coyer it with a similarly dry cloth. As aoon as the heat diminishes much, dip the wet cloth again in hot water. This plan will within an hour cure- the worst case of cholie. To Keep Eggs, Lime-water and salt poured over eggs stood upon the small end many vessc-l where they are to remain, will keep lor many months provided the eggs are not cracked and are sound when put cd1.;!"1 tb.ly a!Io?h)s t- T ESt MS OF THE JOURNAL The RaptsmaiTb Jocrxal is published on Wed nesday at 32.00 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of tlie jear, 52.50 will be charged, and 53,00 if not paid before the close. Adtbictiseuixts wi'I be inserted at 1,50 per square, for three or less insertions ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction ill be m ado to yearly advertiser! No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un tiilail arrearages are paid, except at the option ol the publisher. . 8. J. ROW. For Sale or Kent. A two story Store House, with large one story ware room in rear Si by 200 fret of ground situate on Second street. Clearfield. This prop erty is in good repair, and well situated fur a bu siness stand For farther particulars inquire of Miiy 3t), 70-tf. IV rt. SIVLlN. fPHE ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE. -- The b(:5t Double Thread Machine now in uso will be sold lower than any other machine finished in like manner, and doing the same runtse of work. Machines can be teen at the store of Thompson Co., Curwenarilie, or at the resi dence of the undersigned. LEWIS C. ELOOM. May II. lS79.-?m. Bloom's Bridge gMALL PROFITS sndQUICK SALES. JIARTS'iVICK A IRWIN are constantly replenis'uirg their suck of Drugs, Medicines, le. febeo! books aiid Stationery, including the O.-good and National series f readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and aee ClcarScld. Not 10, 1S69 " WOOL CAMPING The undersigned, proprietor of the Union MilKin Uuion township. Clearfield couniy, would inform the public that ha is prepared lo card wool, on rea sonable terras and in a workmanlike manner Persons having wool to card should attend to it immediatly, as the factory wil 1 bo closed after September 1st. Wool intended for carding can be left al R. Afossop'a or C. Kratzer's. in Clear field, and I trill taka it away aud return it when carded. June I, 1ST. ' J K. ARNOLD. JJEMOVA L-G U N S II O P The andirsigned begs leave to inform his old and new customers, and the publie generally, that he has fitted up a new til'N SHOP, on the lot on the corner of Fourth and Maiket streets. Clearfield, Pa., where be keeps constantly en hand, and makos to order, all kinds ot Guns. Alto, guns rebored and revarnished. and repaired neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. June 9, lboU. JOllNMOOKE. THE "EAGLE HOTEL," x Main St., Curwensville, l'a. Having leased for a tevm of years the above well-known and popular ilntol. (formerly kept by -Mr. Mason, and lately by Jlr. Foul), and having newly refitted ol4 refurnished it, the present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guest? sojourning wilh Lim. Aline, lare stable and yard isattached, for the care an J protection o4iornes. carriages and wagons. A frharc of patronage is solicited Ma j 4 70-l'y 1 A J. DUAl't. KElt , Prop'r. fi II E "S H A W HOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. CiEOKGE N. COLBt'R Jf , :::::; Pior-nrsToa I his house was lately completed an j just opei f i to the public is i,e ly turnbhed.and provided ni-h al 1 the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. J t is pleasantly located, iu the business part of the town, and near to the public build ings. A bhare of patronage is respectfully solie ited. Chargtj moderate. The bestof Liquors in tb 'T. March 30,'Vo-lf. .rjiIIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Xear the I!ai:road Dtpot), Heed Siret t, Ciearfield, Fa. G. D. OOUDFELLOW : : : : : rwtieTC. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors promptattenditce. and rea sonable charges. The patronage of the publie is rrspectfnlly elicite l. jv-il-tf. WOOL ! WOOL ! ! FIFTY TIPjrSAKD poonds of W'OL wanted atThompsen A Co's , where yea can get the best price for all produce, and UOOD3 as CHEAP as the CHKAPliST house in this county. 'They don't defy competition,'' but are prepar ed to meet it. They are constantly receiving goods from New York, Philadelphia and Pitts burg. Call and seo their geods and prices. t-l-4t Curwerisvilie, June I. 1S70. yE, the undersigned, Black siuiths of the ' Korouirh of Clearfield, hereby adopt the following rates for work, and rules with re gard to eccuring pay for our labor; and we each pledge our honor a: men and niechanies.fo adhere j0"1 eEf"ri:0 b same, lrom and aftor May 1st, All work done at shoins; horses must be paid for when the work is dote, at the following rates HT-rrTtXG NEW MIOE, : : : ; SOcrt EE-SETTING SHOE, : ; ; . 20 .! No credi ditto be given for a longer period tbia three months. Kl. V. PASSMORK, AMOS KENNARD. i-.r,ltrXK,Wi'"n-E,' CORNEL! l.'S OWENS, THOMAS RE1LLY, (i.L LAMCH. Apr. 20, 7i)-:tm O C. PAS.-iAiORS. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, FE.N.VA. Monuments, Grecian Tombs, French Couches J .H"; V n"r'' lW,'oin'5 n"S, 0rd.n fctatuary Terra Cott. Ware, of ever, description, Head and loot .-l.r.es.pf iw and beautiful de i.SU, all of wlch we ofler at eity prices, or 1!J percent le than any other establishment in this county. Haying a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eases Or ders thankfully received and promptly t& in the best workmaoliko manner. S A. (JIBSON May 11, 1S.0 -if. Jmii Watsom, Agent. Co-Partiiership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugu having abiated with .hioa in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field eounty. Mr. C. II. M.;Craeken. solicits a con tinuance ef the patronago so generously extended uerciuiore Havingjust retaritfd from the eastern cities their sloe embia,-oj a large and varied assort-v mentof Dry Uoods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, an 1 ia fact nearly everything' usu ally kept in a eouutry store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country preduce taken iaexchange for good, 1 C. A. R'litOBALtiH. May IS, '70. tf. C R. MrCRACKKX MEAT MARKET- J. E. Wrigley &IJro., UaviDg purchased the shop and fixtures of W. R. McPherson. would inform the citizens of Ciear field and vicinity that they are at all times pre pared to furnish FRESH BEEF, ' Veal, Mutton, etc., at the lowest cash rates to cuworner A liberal share of public patronage i, respect fully solicited Cash paid for Cattle, Sheep and IW ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield. Pa., Jane 1. 1870. CHILDRENSfurs twemy-fiye per cent less thaw tt J. sllAW 4 SOS. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eighty-six Th 4HfaaJ.Srren IluiiJrr.J ani Eigh-ly-iie Machines Made and Sold the Tost Year .' N " - The number exceeds by thousands the ales of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. TILE ItEASOXS WHY: Because it embodies essontial principles not found in any other .Machine ; because of its sim plicity of construction, ease of operation, uni formity of precise action at ' any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest range an 1 variety of work, tine or coarse. Parties wish i5 to purchase should not fail to examins tbia beat of all Sewing Machines. I have the Agancy for this Ma-jhine, and will keen a full supply on band. ClearfieId,May4,'70 tf J. 8. SHOWERS. Marble and Stone Yard. . MRS. S. S. LID DELL, Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to intcrm her f riends, and the public, that nhe has now and will keep constantly on hand larjre and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furni. to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Sand stone and Marble, CURBS aai P03 TS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AXD CAPS, AIICIUTECTURAL A.XD LAWN OIZNA MENTS.bc. ' She would invito special attontien to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any tiling of tho kind in the country. If desired she can furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps at a si ia lit advance on the price of Sandstone. lard on Reed Street, near the Depot.Clearfield, Pa. - IMay 4, lftTO II O SAD A L I S TITHE GREAT AMFT.ICAN HEALTH J. RESTORER, purifies the blood tnd euies Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Disease. Rheu- Omaiism. Diseases of women and all Chron ic A flections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recouiuscnded by the medical Fac ulty and many thousands of eur best citi tens. Read the testimony of Physirians and pa- Stients who have used RciaduIU; send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year, which we pi.blish for gratuitous distribution; it will givo yo mvh valuable information ir. rt. w. Carr, o: umtimore. says : 1 take pleasure in recommending your Rosadnlis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with happy results one in a case of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottles of Dyour medicine. The other is a case of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its u.-o, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. A have carefully cxamiued the formula irQf whicn your Kosadalin is made, and find it l an excellent compound of alterative ingre , clients. Dr. pa-ks. cf Niholasville, Ky . says he his uicd Ropadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis wilh satisfactory results as a c'sAntr of the llload I know no ket- Lter remedy. Samuel O. McFuiden, Murfretsboro'. Tenn , says : I have used feven bottle ef Hodalis and am entirely cured of KhbutuatUra ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, I who has scrofulous sore eyes. Be.tjrunin I'oohtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes. I have suGore 1 for twenty years wilh an in veterato eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadulis and it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 01 Exchange Placo, Baltimore. s CLENJENTS, A CO . Proprietors. Itosadalis is S'.ld by Hartswick & Irwiu and A. I. Shaw. CIcartioiM, D. K. Good, Osceola, and by Druggists generally. April 6,'70-ly L 0 A N Chesapeake k Ohio R. It. Co. The advantaj;' and attraction of this Loan for investment purposes, are Many and importftut: 1. It is based upon one of the Great Through Lines between the Seaboard and the West. 2. Tho security t' already created, the greater part of the lino being in successful running oper ation. 3. The LecM TrnfSc. from the unrivailed Agri cultural regions and Iron and Ceal deposits ad jacent, mmt be large and profitable. 4. The enterprise receives important conces sions and privileges from life States of Virginia and West Virginia. &. It is. under the management of efficient and well-known capitalists, whose names are guaran tees for its earlj ccmplation and successful oper ation. 6. The Ponds cm b had tiiher In - " COUPON OTt REGISTERED form; they have thirty years to run, both princi pal and interest being payable in gul l. T. They are of denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100, bearing interest at the rate of six per cept. in coin, payable May 1st and November 1st. From our intimate acquaintance with the affairs and condition of the Company, we know these se curities to be peculiarly desirable, and suitable for safo einploymentof surplus capital, and fund ing of Government Bonds, by Investors. Trustoes of Estates, and others who prefer absolute secu rity with reasonable iccetne. Holders of United States FiveTwenties are en abled to procure thee Bonds, bearing the tame rate of interest and having a Ion jer period to run and to realize a large increase of capital ia ad dition. tlondi and Stocks dealt in at the Stock Ex change, received ia exchange for this Loan, at the full market value, and the bonds returned free ef express charges. Price 90 ami accrued Interest irfCur rency. Pamphlet.. Maps, and full information furnish ed on application. FISK & HATCH, - Iay4 I0w . & sassau itwbkt, Kbw iobk WIIO KAS A HOL'SE TO PAINT? READY-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad" Colors, (iuaranteed to be more economical, more durable anil more conveni ent thau any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled -Plain talk with Practical Painters," with samples, seut free by mail on applicatioa. " MASLRY A WHITON. 7o White Iail and Color Work, A p. 13-3ni 1 1 1 Eulto St.. New York. Cewnre of Imitations. Established 1S35. FURNITURE ! FURXITURE ! ! JOHN TROUTMAN, Ilavingjust fitted ur a new n?i elegant Furni ture Room, on Market street. Kast of the "Alle- rhecy H"use," Clearfield. Pa., notifies the public that he keeps on hand all kinds of Chamber sails, (walnut and common), Cane seat and Windsor chairs, etc , which will be told cheap for cash. A share of patronago is respectfully solicited. April 13 IS7U. riUIK WOXDEHFCL LIXIMKXT. This Liniment having been used, for some years pastas a fami'y medicine- by the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice of his neighhors, hai. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture itfor the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billions' Cholio, ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a cure cure far Pole evil and Wind-g.ills in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. 51 per bottle, or six bottles fur $5. Sent to any nddrrss by enclos ing the price to WM 11. WAUONLIt. Hurd PostoOice, Oct. (!, 18(50. Clearfield county, Pa. MIS3 II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girh, Clearfield, Pa. The next Term of twrtv-twe weeks will com mence on Monday, .May u, 1S70. TEKHS or TOITIOS. Reading ."Orthography .Writing. Object Les sons. Primary Arithmetic and Primary (iieography, per half term, (of 11 weeks). 55 99 lliftory. Local and Descriptive ycography with Map Drawing, 'irammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 8 SB Algebra and the Sciences. 9 Of I nstrucison in Instrumental Music, 00 Oil Painting, li 03 Wax Work. t 00 Fur full particulars sen 1 for Circalar. Clearfield, August 2:. H6'J-ly M'lLLWRIG HTING. II. T. Fa ens wo ut 1 1 , Would inform Mill owners, and those desirou of having .Mills built, thit he is prepnred to build and lepair either Circular er Muley Satv Mills, and !ri;t Mills after the latest improved patterns He has alto for sale au improved Water Wheel, which he guarantees to give sati.-fiction in re.ari to power and speed. His motto is, to do work so as to give perfcotaiisf:tc:ion. Thnu wishin fur ther informaiitin will be promptly answered by addressing hiru at Cic&rfieM. Cleurtiel 1 county. Pa. Write yo'ir name and address plain. April 20, H70-ly. THE NEW FAMILY SEWlXti MACHINE 29 1 BOWEO.V. EMPIRE 194 now atr. The extraordinary sn.'eoss of their new and im proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy work, has induced the EM P lit E SEWING MACHINE CO. lo manufacture a new Family Machine of the same stylo and construction. wi:h additional ornamen tation, making it crjual ia beauty and fio:!-h wilh other family uiHchines.whtreas in usefulness it far OUTSTltJI'S ALL COMPETITORS. The price cf this now acknowledged ne-jessary ar:ic!a ci;n)-!s within reiCU of every clu-s and the Company is prepared lo ofler the most literal i nduce:ui:u to buyers, dealers and agents. Lvery Machine warranted, Apply for circulars aud samples to EMPIR K SEWING M ArinNE CO Ap 13 -tra-i -"o. '.4 ISoirert, Xewjarl-. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Fourth Session of the present Schelastie year of this Institution, w ill commence en ilea day, the 2ith day cf April, 1S70. Pujiili can enter at any time. They will be charged wiib tuition from the time they enter te the close of the session. The coarjo of instruction embraces every t5:ig included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sties. The Principal having had the advantage ef much experience in his profession, assure pa rents and guardiuns that his ontiro ability and energies rriil bs devoted to the menUl and eioral training of the youth placed und&r hia charge. Taxxt or Tcirinie : Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmtic, per eeion, (11 weeks.) Si OS Grammar, litegraphy, Ariihtnetie, and Hitn ry. $3.09 Algebra, Ccorcefry, Trijncraetry, iItr.sars.tion .urveyirjg. Philosophy. Physiology, Chemistry P.ook-keeping, Rotanv, and Physical (Jeogra phy. J9.eS Latin, Greek 4nd French, with aay ef the t bove branches. 612.69 Music. Piano. (J 9 lesioes.) 916.68 I irNo deduction will t made for science For further particulars inquire ef Riv. P. L. HARRISON, a. . July 31,1?G7. Principal. It E M 0 V AX. II ARTS WICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St, Clearfield, Pa. yft beg leave to inform onr old aad new custo mers, that we have removed our establishment te the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, and opposite Graham A Sont' store, where we re spectfully invite the publio to come and boy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATEXT MEDI- CIXES, OILS, PAINTS If VA UXISHES. Our stock of Drugs and Medicinescoasist of every thing Uiud. iclfcted with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep afull stock of Dyes. Perfemeries Toilet articles.r-oaps. Tooth lirushes. Hair Rrusb es. Whitewash lirushes. and every other kind ef Brushes. We have a la' go lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and iu faet everything used in the painting business, which we offer al City prices to cash buyers. - TOBACCO AXD SEGAltS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market affords. J. O. HARTSWICK, Dee.j, 1SS8. JOHN F. IRWIN. rpriK highest market prices paid for Shingles JL by J. SHAW A SON. DRY GOODS the cheapest in the eounty. sit May 29, '7. MOSSOP;S. V BACON, Hams, gides and Shoulders at reduced prices, at MOSSOP'S. CCRRANTS the best and cheapest in th county, at GRAHAM'S. PLASTER the cheapest in the county, at May 29 '7. MOSSOP'S. SALT ! SALT!! A prime article of grourd a um salt, pat up in patent sacs s. for salecnea attherteieof R. MOSSOP N AILS EPIKES thecbeapest in the eennty HARRY F. BIGLER k CO., Clearfield, Pa., Have just received and offer for sale cheap, Single and double, iron and wood, SHOVEL PLOWS ; Patent, iron and wood, expanding CULTIVATORS; Patent-screw, atcel CULTIVATOR TKETH ; Solid steel, single and double, SHOVEL PLOW BLADES ; FI"K AND WniTE LINING SKIS3, AND ROAN SKINS. Clearfield, April 20. 1870. C. KRATZER & SONS ar receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TP.IMVIED HATS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, DEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCT SILKS, FINE CLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, IJEAVr CALF SOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND COTS' FINK AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $8, CASSIMERES VERT CHEAP, GROCERIES, rLOCR AND PROVISIONS AT'LOWEST KATES, - LIEEUAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL,. MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, June 80, 1860. ATTENTION, E IT Y E R S HEAD! READ:! Vho sella tlie cheapest good? in tlie count j ? M O S S O P ! Who t slls Les t calicoes s.t 12 1 cts a yard MOSS on Wis cells best nnkleaahed Kaslia at !7 cents' JiOSSOP! Who gells Hall's Calf Boot at 5 00? M OSSOP! Whs tells Hall's Ut Cearse Boots at Si if) ? MOSSOP! Who scll Hall's bestKip Boots at?-i,50? MOSSOP! Whs sails Hats lewer than any edy ols ? MOSSOP! Who eclln Sugar th cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup th cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the chespest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who Bells Qtieenswrare the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware'the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sella Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP!' Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield, May 12 1S09. FULLERTON S (formerly M'Oaughey'a.) Restaurant and Ice Cream Saln, in lbavt's new buildijcu, Second St., Clcartield, Pa. Constantly kept en hand a fine scleotion ef Candies, Cijara. Tobaceo, Nuts, Ae. Ala 1'resh Oysters, rteoirei daily, and served ap in any style, to tait the taite of eastosers. A full stork ef goods just receive 1 from the Ea;t. Billiard Saloon in Second Story. April 27-"70.) D. 11. rULLEUTON. NEW STORE. Cercarof Eeeoai St. and Hill Read. 11. MITCHELL Has just reeeired and opeaed, at the abov sain ed plaee, an entire new stoek of Spring and Samraer (Joeds, whieh he will ceil rery (heap fur eati. His staek eoasists of lry Goods, Groceries, Ilaraware, Queensware. ttoots and Shoes. Hats aid Caps, Ready made Clothing, elo. Im keeps choice Floar, Corn Meal, Chep feed, Eaeon.rish and dried Fraita. Persoas desireas of purchasing goads at fair rates are respeetiully reqaeMed to giro hies a eall. Approved country produce will te take, at the highest prices, in exchange lor goods. Clearfield, Juno 17, 1S8S. 0, YES! 0, YES.'! A GOOD FA11M FOR SALE Persons desirous of purchajing a farm, are di rected to examine that valuable property ia Law reuce towusliip. ami situate at tno uiosth cf ( learfield creek two milt East of the Uoroa jh of Jlr fiild. and convenient to ssheois and churches. The property contains O.VE HUNDRED AND TW EN'TY Ar. R US. tart ef ttnich is nn proved and under a high stale r eultiration tho whole being well fenced- Coal, iroa ore, and other minerals are found on tho same. The buildincs enn.'ijt of a 5ao J TiYO-STOR Y JI& E Ll.I.Mi HOI. li. 2i,i.T it teet a WU 1 1 BARN.m-.td other coiiTCnuntcuthuiUinss And there is 'rowing on the preraisas a yai.s; hearing orchard of choice fiuil trees. This property is Tory pleasantly sitaat.J and ben g at iho eonuuenee of tne creoit ana tee nvor it is a rery desirable and inritic residence for t pntetc family. Jts poFfticn on ttie craok and river also render it a g-'uj siuiaun for a ooara ig Louse during tho rafting season. The west and north sides of this property being bounded by tho creek and river, makes it oso of tho befct rafting grounus iu this section, and as such yields a haudome revenue yearly. The ointr. Mr. M. A. Frank, having porma uently su!e 1 in the west, is the re2?o:i for d: posin of this raloable propenv. for leruis. ote.. applT to S. J. KOMT. Oe"'ol.er t. 150. ClearticM. Pa. BxVRGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS A T T II E M A M M 0 T II STORE of ma Moshannon Land nad Lnnibcr Co.5 OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. SI 140 ampli made it in 8 mos with stencil. es mailed free. A. J. Follam, iew ion. April 13-3m. TKRY FIXE blankets will bo fold cheap J. EHAW 4 SOU. III. f. n a u g WATCH MAXER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEAKFlELti. The underpinned resnectfull ;r. .. f"'.0""'"4. th-PJiWic, that he Z, "i h'. lr V ,r ,t'J receivugnew additions ) j. stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a ., ' . r . ' r : b" i rum tne hest V Cfactory.eun6is,nSof Eiht-daT and thiV,, ,r" spring and W cizUl, aud Ler.r. "Ti.. . : l -r Alarm clocks. ' i-d WATCHES tin asioriinsnt a tc:i... .. ing and open case American patent Lever, . ' and full jeweled. M,ers..:a GOLD PENS. aneleir.t ... best quality. Also., in silver .xt,5ioo ;d' SPECTACLES, m larj. .rtm.c, fw ... near sight, colored and plain glase r "4 JKWELUYot every variety, troa . pieco to a fall set. A LSO, a 5ne assortment of?poon. Porks kut ter Knives, etc., plated ongennine Alahstj. ALSO. Ilair.'ewelry.with puregold mouBiry got up to order. Call and see sample took All kinds of Clocks. VTatches and Jew, r fully repaired and Warranted. A continuance ot patronago is colicited Sov.th, IsSj. H. f. (iLE a. L. run o r. i r.wEAvsn : NOTICE, w Jtllt "tlTTSi. w. row ILL CLEARFIELD J 'LAN ING MILL ALL RIGHT. Mssms HOOP. TVIAYER A CO., Prtprinon. would respectfully inform tho eitiiens of tfcs eoanty that they have completely reG'ted sit supplied their TEASING XlILL.ia tail Eerccgk, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders la their lino of busicess. such as Flooring, Weatlierlioarrline', Sash, Doors, Blinds, racktt aii'l MoMing., of all kirn'.. They have a largestock of ery leui'.er en fcsr.l, and will pay eash foretear s'nfT. oae ard s tslf inch pannel plank preferred lv 6. ST. E W SPRISfi 3TOC K! j. S II A W k SON. Tf are jest retorDed from tho east as J i' er t cpeniej aa entire now s'.eiik of gfo-l i. tt r-a formerly oooapi.d by T7m. F. Irwia. it t; ? Str.at, whieh they aew offer to tee ji'Vni at Se lowest eask priecs. T:r ftcck eocs;sts ef a gor.trt' siir'tL!( Dry Geeds. Groeeries, Qaitrsswars, Err.:r., l octi. ftocs. Hats, Caps. Eonaets, I'reis Fruits. Candlas. Fish, Salt. !irisi. halls. t , in fset, everything asca'ly kpt is a reui'. yt in Lo had by ealliag at th.s store, er ill m proecrod to order. Their steak is well seleeted. aad eesiiit if .s newest gaods. is of the best quality, f :i. Ut-t stylo, acd will Za Sid at lavcit prices f.r or exchanged for approved country protince. He snro axd c&ll cad'exaositie our itecs kf.-s asking your parelttts. as w nrj ec'tra'ul 'ace ail who ay favtr as wiib ti:r ees:e. HayS. 167. J SrT W 1 SjS IJ UNIT U ii S ROOKS. ri'ssiresfo inform his eld frisns erd ttsriwtn hat hsvinp enlarreJ his shop sr-d itrreanif s J '1.1 iiitie fr rot;ufarinriiig. he is r.w prvrsirl To irak to order such fnrniturc a rr.ay be d.tir td. in f,ood ;t1 .rd at cheap i!5f fr :ath. te voctly has cn Lard t his Tui r ilur Y a varied assortment of furniture, srrcrj ries ii ei'keai'.s a."s jnr:?.Ar:r;s, Wardrobes and Couk-casf.s ; Centre. Pf. Farlr, X.c :aVfat and 1'ir.iug tit.r.s eD T al ias. Zotainon, Prench-postR Ccttsge, Jn-ny-Jjind snd other IiC-d..tC6f-s. OFAS 0? ALL KINI.J. ffT.UK-J-T ASlS. Bit R A CKS. lT A S il S T A SW. . 4 1 . 'pnr sent. Cain-bottom, aid Ptrl.r Ckairt; And coirmcn and other Chsiis LOOKIKG-GLISIIB Of every description cn hard, ar.d ntw f oid frames, which will bo pu la on vry roasuuai-ia terms, or s3ort antics. rls tlso keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hir, Corn-hust. ilair and Gotten tip Mkttituai t orri.s. or eveki' ki.?, iliie to order, and funerals attend.d wilk a Hoarse. wher.ror desirable. Alio, jiou?o paintirg done U order. The above, and many other artic os are fprriifiei to customers chtf for CAa or eicf irtod fer as proved country produce. Cherry. Msple Pplf, Lin-wood and other Lumber suiiablo for the bsii ncss. taken in exchanjie for furr.'tuio Remember the jhop'ij r-r. Marcet street, Clr Sold, and noarlv opposite the -Old Jew Ftoro.' rtecembori. 1S1 JCH01I11 P. T. I. DR. BOYEIT3 PL'KI WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Psfo and P.e'iablo Tonie ex pounded from freh an t choice her'-s ' P" itivoly pure spiriu. free from ta.il oi. ' other irritating properties, ani will not disagree or offend the bicp delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any bitterc at present offered to the puSlic. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL, To increase tho Appetite to promote n-.geetKa to cure Iiy?pep.ia lo cure tVerai.d A?u care f'.illr.usness to cure Cons ipalic.u lo turt Chronic IMatrbea to cure I-'lj:ulei:oe o cor Acid Kructations to euro Nervous I',t"'"I""v' cure Hypochondria to cure tllcwn " Complexion to cure Pimples and I""'""!,, cure. General Debility and Prostration o. -Physical Powers, IT HAS XO EQUAL TRY IT AND EE CONVINCED. SOLO EVERYWHERE, AT $1 rEKK'TTlX A literal d it count te the trae'e. CAarrACTrasn xclcsivilt it A. I. S II A AV, CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemical'. Stuffs, Oils, Paints. Varnishes. Ae., Patsnl Medicines. Puro Wines and Liquors for medical purposes, Fancy and Teilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold cheap. Ifavinr in hia employ a elork a Rradaste ia Pharmacy who speaks both English and ( man, tho undersigned feels no hosiianey in savin that oustomorsean rely upon having the VT??uf tioni properly put up. A. I. SUA" Vok S.v lira. at . aiunsur'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers