I giaftzman' gonxml, gfcarficfb, "ga., gime 29, 1870. a CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 29, .870. Te Patho:"- To injur the safe transmission f siorey by mail, patron should remit by check ..i-order. or have their letters registered. A receipt will be enclosed in the first paperafter the money ccecs i Perm'- E. E. Summer Arrangement. Mai,Trin leaves Tyrone at . , : 9.00 a. m. : : 10 .15 a.m. Arrives at Osceola uc hilipsburg-at . : 11 00 a.m. : Clearfield at : : : izospm w4;i Triin leaves Clearfield a : : : 2.30 p m Arrives at Philipcburg at : 3 49 p. m. ' Osceola at : : : : 4.00 p. m Tyrone at : : : : 5.30 p. m Bellefonteat : : : 8.1 p. m. .. Lock Haven at : : 5(1 p. m. a Williamsportat : :10.50 pm. Accommodation Train. leiCleariield at : : : : : : J "A Arrives at Philipsburg at : : 9 40 a. m. .. Osreola at : : 10.25 a.m. Intersection at : : 1 08 p. m. Tyrone at : : : : I 20 p. m. B E Txprcs leaves Williamsaort at 8 0 a.m. Arrives at l ock Haven at . : 10 10 a m. " Bellefonte : : : 11 40 a m Intersection at : : 1.03 p. lu. O-eeoIa at : : : : 2 4 p. m, Philipsbueg at : : 3 35 p.m. ' Clearfield at : : : 00 p. m. CM- connections mde at Tyrone with trains East and Vest on the Maine Line. PaMcajcrs Uavine: Clearfield at 2 30 p. m.. reach Williamsport at 1" 50 p. m. the dir. pa..-en;rleaTine WilIiamsport.it8 Ita ru. reach t!esre!d at 8 SO p m. the same day. r'F.l.IilOCS. Divine services will 1 e held ant SilA'sitli, in Clearfield, as follows: B.f Iter- 1 1 all, in St. Andrew's Episcopal at 11 A. M. and 7 1'. M. Sunday r bool at 3 1. M. rrayer meeting every Vt 'lae-'iav eveiiinsr at i o clock. CyK'v. LJjtler.in the Presbyterian clinrch. )ora;ng vd eveniiic. feabaath whonl at 5 1'. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eTn:MS it i o clock. By ll-'T. J. H. M'Cord, in the Methodist caurch, morning and evening, Sabbath M'sotfl at 'i A. M. Prayer nieeting, every Tb.uT.iay at 7 P. M. Communion services ri:.-t Sabbath of every month at 10J A. M. St. Fraii-'is church Mas at 10i A. M., tUe voaJ and fourth Suncbivs of each K.-.n:ii. 5IFJJBLICAN COUNTY C0KVEETI05, Friday, July 8th, 1870. The annus! Convention of the Republican j srty cf Clearfield County, for the purpose of noriiiiiati!!?: a County ticket, will be held at the Court House in Clearfield, on Friday, J.i;y ,-tlt, IS7i, at 2 o'clock, P. M. It is I-. '' th-.t every township in the county vili l-e fully reprcsr nicd. By order of tLe Ci'j'j'ity Committee. T. II. Murray. Chairman. IV. AV. C. Met, li. L. licmlerron, J.vn ( 'larv, .t.iB!; ir. V. '. II. Whirry, !. A . fipaekman, Ja-k IVcbir., li. ii. fli.rcl, Etui! Mirnot, (.iffrgC UfrS. J. F. I'.ipelin, I. W. Smith, Ali-x. Mtirrav, W. A. Nelson. Lucten Waml, Wm. Riddle, Win. Woodward, John Swan. Jr., . John M'frarvey, Abraham Walker, Phiiip Antes, .1. Ii. Ferguson, F.d. C. li re finer, James L. Cook, Ueorpe II. Lou?, 1 avid S. Moore, E. A. Hoover, David Dressier, John M. Chase. !I"T !-IurIi:!; the past week, the sun 1:t been uticonifn! table hot in this region f' c. mercury rising to SlO in the sbaJo on Sritnn'ay last. AiiMittf.d. At the June term of our r. mts Orrin T. Noble, Esq., of Lock Ifa v.mi. was a-iuiittcd to practice in the several .nirtsof this county. .Mr. N. if a peniie jii in of Sue abilities, and will attend punctu a::y lo all business entrusted to his care. Ihs card appcass in to"day' paper. No Paper In accordance with our an nua! custom, no paper wilt I e issued from tliU .llice nest week, to afford our hands !!:? :t jionuiiity of celebrating the Fouith. A little recreation is relished bv all only f'jiue are inclined to adulterate it ra' her highly with "fire water" betimes, which, wc hope, will not be the, case with our ''l ovs.-' Uut, "doubtful things are mighty in:.:er!i!n. " Pritmus Act iUK.VT. We learn that Mr. I'avid McDowell, of (jraham township, met with a tioiis accident on Tuesday, June -':li. lie was diiviu5 a pair of horses in a .ij"n, and in going down the hill to Gra liaiuton, the doubletrees became unloosed h'"i:i the tongue, which caused the horses to Mi M.Til spring forward and detach the neci v"k?, causing them to rua away. Mr. j .K'Dowell jumped off the wagon, at this juncture, and, it is supposed, one of the nhi"?l- ran over his rifht ankle, as it was so l a liv crushed that amputation was necessary- was doing wall at hst accounts. S.ut k Real Estate. Below we give list ot'tiie Deeds, as entered of record in tlii Kccorder's office in this county, for the "tk ending Monday, June 27th, 1870, t'other with the consideration named, :i'.-re located, and the names of the grant ors and grantees : IVed, Lioniel W. Weld to Simon McFar Had. for Jots in Utahviile. Consideration i-J.bx'i. K-ed. Alram T. Bloom to Ed. Swarts for 51 acres in Pike tp. Considers lion IVkI, John B. Kyler to the Trustees of lf M. K. Church, for lot in Kylertown. I- 'UMleration $M. l'ee l. J'.l.n Hoover lo Robert Dougherty, -JT I aere in Morris tp. Consideratfen tl. John Holt to Jas. B. Graham," or II- sores in Bradford tp. Consideration f -j. '.). I'cel.Jae. B. Graham to A. S. Goodrich, fT 1 1"2 acres in Bradford tp. Considera tion $).(::). , Jfeed. Itobort I. Gartley to Philander Smith, for I aero in New Washington. Con- oration Vim. ppl, Lorenzo D. Y14 to Wm. E. Wor rl. for 5j acres in Beccaria tp. Consider ation $172. , Deed, Oliver P. Price to Porter McFad fur l acre in Chest tp. Consideration f-f-rj. Deed, R. S. Bailey to Micheal Wolf, for Sot lots No. 209 and 21 1 in Osceola. Con " leration $223. Deed. Joshua Comstock to C. J. Arthurs, 'w -3 acres in Becearia tp. Consideration ,")!. Deed, John R. Carr, Admr. to Henry lulll, for 63 acres in Girard tp. Consid eration f 900. Deed, Wm. D. Bigler et al. to John W. kyler, for -lot No. 112 at Bigler Station'. V'WMderation f w. . Quarterly Misting.- The Second Quarterly Meeting for Curwensville M. K. Church, will be held on Saturday and Sun cay. duly ana a. services comuiencinfr on Saturday evening. "Make hay while the sun shines," is trite old saying ; but w hope our iaruiers have followed the advice durinc the past weet. A better time for hay-making has not been offered for some years. Arm Broke. One day last week, Ed die, grand-son of Mrs. Walters in this place, fell off a store box and fractured his left arm in two places. The fractures were reduced. and he is getting along as well as could be anticipated, under the circumstances. Festival. The ladies of the M. E. Church, in Lumber-city, will hold a festival on Satuaday, July 2d, for the benefit of the church. Ice cream and other refreshments will be on hand in profusion. All are invit ed to ca'l and participate in the festivities of the occasion. The Excursion". The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, np on the completion of the Tvrone and Clear field branch, tendered to the citizens of this place an excursion, at any time they would name. Accordingly, last week, the eonina- ny placed at the disposal of a eommittee of arrangement a train, consisting of four ps- senger coaches, a baggage car and engine, for a '"free ride" to Williumsport and back. Ihis being made known, on Thursday morn ing last, June 23d, about one hundred of our citizens, with a few friends from the vi cinityand from Curwensville.and the Clear field Cornet Band, assembled at the depot and started at S..10 a. m. on the proposed trip, taking on "board" a few friends at Wallaeeton and Philipsburg, making in all a party of one hundred and forty persons old and young, male and female. nder the .admirable arrangement of Su perintendent J. G. Wilkins, Esq., and Dan. M. Woods, Esq., the despatcher, the party arrived at Lock Haven, at lt35 p. m. on time. On reaching Lock Haven, the excursion isls left the train and started lor the Fallon and Montour Hotels. proceeded by the Music where accommodations and refresh ments were in readiness lor they reception and entertainment. In due time dinner was announced, nd, s all were pretty hungry, ample justice was done to the rich viands and many seasonable delicacies that were set be fore thrin. After the repast, a sufficient number of carriages and buggies to accom modate all who wished to visit the various "sights" in and around Lock Haven, were placed at the diposal of the excursionists by Judge Mayer, L. A. M.ickey, Esq., and others. On behalf of the party, we tender theso gentlemen, and the citizens of Lock Ilayen generally, the hearty thanks of ail. for their imifonii courtesy and the many kindnesses extended, during our biiul stay in their midst. At 0.30 p. m., the time for starting, the excursionists repaired to the depotand soon" were on their way to illiamsport, where they arrived at S o'clock, and put up at the Herdic House. Afier a brief delays rooms were assigned to all tor the niirht the de sirable accommodations being impossible at the time, on account of the crowded state of the house ly persons attending the U: S. District Courts, then in session in that city. The toilet being attended to, all repaired to the dining room to refresh the "inner man." Tea over, several hours were spent in pleas ant social conversation an.! in promenading, after which they retired for the night. On Friday, the excursionists visited the Ilcrdie Park and Trout Ponds, the public buildings In the city, aud theext?nsive lum bering establishments in the vicinity. In tbe evening several hours were passed in "tripping the light fantastic toe" to the merry music. Thi source of amusement was. however, left principally to the youth and beauty cf Williamsport very few of the excursionists feeling inclined to enjoy them selves in that way. after the fatigues of the day, and on account of the healed state of the atmosphere the mercury having reach ed the nineties on the afternoon previous. At an early hour all retirtd to rest, well sat isfied with the recreations and pleasures of the day. On Saturday morning at 8 o'clock the party left the Herdic House on the return trio, stopping a short time at Lock Haven to once more exchange congratulations with tlieii friends at that place. Leaving Lock Haven, the train arrived at Bellefonte at 1 1.35 a. m. a portion of the party going to the "BrokerLoof House," whileothers stop ped at ths "Biith IIoue, where a profu sion of good thine? awaited their arrival. And, in our opinion, (disclaiming all inten rion of making invidious distinctions,) the dinner at Bellefonte was the most aried and the most t as' y gotten up repast, enjoy ed by the excursionists throughout their trip. At 3.45 p. m., the excursion train left the depot at Bellefonte. and arrived at Clear field At 8 p. m. having been detained at the Intersection to shift tire cars and engine. The entire trip was a very pleasant one. Everybody was sociable, jovial, and enjoyed themselves nothing having occurred to mar the anticipated pleasures in the least. The spirited and enlivening music dis coursed by the Clearfield Cornet Band, re lieved the monotony, and added much to the enjoyment of the ride. Although anew organization, with but little practice, the Band acquitted themselves to the satisfac tion of our citizens, and received the com mendation of many strangers at the several places visited. Long may it "blow," is the verdict of the Jriends of the Band. The thanks of the excursionists are due to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the use of the cars; to Mr. Wilkins, the superintendent of the branch roads, and to Mr. Woods, the despatcher, for the complete arrangement and management of the train ; to Mr. Meadville, the brakesman, for his uniform courtesy to the passengers ; and to "Yank," the engineer, for the care he exer cised over his "fiery steed" and our safe ar rival at home "on time." And long may the excursion to Williams port be remembered by all who participated in its pleasures and associations, either as passeneers, or employees of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company. Thanks. The Committee in charce of th recent excursion from Clearfield to Wil.iamspo.-t take pleasure in recognizing the obligation: or themselves and those they represent in i enn a Ivan iioau uo. lor its cener- ous conduct in tendering to us the facilities tor the excursion ; to Geo. C. Wilkina, Esq.,the efficient Su perintendeot of the Branches, for the admi rable arrangement of Schedule, for the fine coaches furnished us, for his watchful care lor ouf safety, and for his prompt attention to everything in the line of his duty; the company lias no more courteous gentleman nor efficient orrk-er in its employ ; to D. M. Wood, Esq., the prompt and relia ble assistant to Mr. Wilkins, for his vigi lance and still in the performance of his du ties in connection with our train, and the comfort and safety with which the trip was conducted under his supervision ; to The employees uDon the train tor resnect ful demeanor, and unflagging attention to their duties ; to .The gentlemen and ladies from adjacent villages, who united with us in the effort to extend the circle of our sosial intercourses ; and to The Clearfield Cornet Band for their com pany and ntie music. In this attempt to renew and extend the heretofore cordial relations that have exist ed with our friends and neighbors in the towns of Lock Haven, Bellefonte and ii liamsport, we were cordially met and fra ternallv welcomed by the estimable citizens of Ijoek Haven and Jiellsfonte, and we thank them for their-just appreciation of the purposes ol our visit and tor their noble hospitality. . Wm. A. Wallace. Wm. Biglkr, J. ii. McH sally, Jonathan Boynton, John F. Weaver. Jas. B.Graham, James T. Leonard. . Frank Fiii.li.no, A. A. Graiiam, D. W. McCcrdy, S. P. Shaw, Harry F. Bioi.er, John P. Irvin, Asbluy . Lee. Committees. Clearfield. June 27, 1870. DIED : PniLo W elton Barrett died at his res idence in Kidgway. Elk county, Pa., on Saturday the 25tKjof June, after a protract ed illness of several months, in the 49th year of his age. Thedeeeascd was born in Clear field county, and was a resident of the coun tv until 1858, when he removed to Kidgway. His remains were broucht back to Luthers- bure at his request, to be buried bv t he side of his father, mother and sister. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn the loss of a husband and father. As his death was not unexpected the friends were prepared for the event. lor two months, both he and his family had been informed that death was inevitable. With no accute pain, and retaining his faculties to the last, surround ed by his wife and children, brothers and sisters and many friends, he seemed calmly to await the final hour. He made his own arranaemetits for his funeral, and before his peech left him; thanked his friends and neighbors lor their kindness and attention to him diiriiicr his suffering. His affectionate regard for his neighbors in hisadopted home, speaks volumes for the christian character of the people of Kidgway. God will remem ber them in the hour of their affliction, and abundantly reward them tor their labors. Clearfield Eetail Markets. CORRECTED WEEELT ST K. MOSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 1 Hay, ton, H 00 Apple, groan, bu, 1 5(1 Hums. lb. 24 Applebmter, gal, 1 0" Should. r, lb, 1 ttutter. H, ' 25 Sides, lb, IS Beef, fresh, lb, 10 Lard, lb, 25 ,fef. dri?d. lb, 2.- Oats. bu. 6J lliickwheat. Iu, 1 25 Onions, bu, 1 00 Puck if heat flour. lb 5 Pork. ib. 14 lleans. bu. 2 50 Pork, mess, bbl, 3i 00 Hoards, per M Ii 00 Potaloes, bu, 75 Corn. shelled 1 2o Plaster, bbl. 3 50 ' ears, 60 Peaches, dried, lb. 13 " meal, Jl0n IUe. bu. 1 25 Chop. rre. 2 90 Rigs, lb. 3 ' mixed. 2 40 Salt, per sack, 3 58 Cheese, lb. 2: Shingles, iS in. 5 00 Cherries, lb, IS Shin?!es 25 in, 12 00 Chickens. drcsficl. lb. 15 Timothy seed, bu, 8 00 Kegs, 20 Wheat, bu, 1 4a flour, bbl. 50 Wool, lb, 40 c LOPING PRICES OF PzdAVKN A BKO 40 South Third Street. Philadelphia. 3o'clock P. H.. June 18, 1S70. IT. S. R-soflSSI, 114 114f I!. S. 8 s of ISfiJ. 110 1 101 ti S. 6 s Of 1SS4, 100 109J C. S. 6 s of 1S6',, 109 109 IT. S rof 1305. nerf, 10S 10i U. S. 6 s cf ISH7. ne, 19 1091 IT. S. 6"s of lfl-W, 109 I09J V. S. 5. 10-40'. 105J ICS If. S. 33 year fi per cent Cy., 112J 1 12 j Due Compodaii Ititarest Notes, 19 Hold. 11-"U ll"i Silver, 10S 110 Union Pacifie U. R. 1st M. Donds, 820 830 Centr.-il Pacific R. R.. 930 8G0 I'bijn Pacific Land Urant Dondj, 720 730 1870. .JUKE. 1S70. SPRING STYLES! 11 1 Intend to lurjltt it Out on This Line.1 AVM. REED, Market Street, Cleariteld, Ta. DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS', TRIMMINGS, LADIES' AND GENTS' F CRN I SUING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ladies', Misses' and Childrcns' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES- The entire stock on hand will be sold at PRESENT VALUE, rand the stock will be replenished every . sixty days, with the. choicest and best goods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doors west of the Postofiice,) CLEARFIELD, PA. February 2. 1870. GROCERIES. Old Gorerement Java and choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson. Imperial Black ndJepsn Teas, ngs,r. Syrup, Rice, Cavendish, Navy. Spunroll, and Cut Tobaccos, and Snuff, at reduced prices. Opposite) the jail. Q. KRATZEE. REMOVAL! R E M O V A L i . C. KRATZER & SONS, Hare removed te the larje asd e!egaae VtW STORE ROOM, on Seaend Street, adjoining- Mar rell A Bigler'i Hardware Store, where they will be pleased te see their old and new easterners. . Citisensof the county visiting Clearfield, aao, wishing to make psrehases. will find it te their advantage to examine their steek. G oods at eash prices exchanged for all kinds ef coa-itry produce. Jan. 8,'Sf. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and ili-cellancous Eoeks; Sheet Masie far Piaae, Flu:e aad Violin; Blank Accoant and Pass Books, ef every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. Preach pressed aad plain; Pensand Pencils; Deeds; liortgages; Judgment, Exemption aad ProBiUory iiotes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Briof; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc, Will he sold at Wholesale er Retail hj P. A. GAULIN, At the Post cSse, en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May , 18JS A. r. sersTes. ; . s. revs. BOYiYTON & YOUNG, Cor. Fourth and Pine StrceU, CLEARFIELD, PA., m ase-ncTBBiKs r STEAM ENGINES, Mu!y and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTIUCJ. Pl'LLBTS, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVIS, COOK STOVES, Ieating Stoves, Slod Show, Tlowa, and eastisgi ef all kinds. DEALER8 IX . . ; . ..... Oifards' Injeotor, Steam Ganges, teasa Whistles, Oilers, Tallew Caps', Oil Ccps. Cange Teeks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Cheek Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Paatpa, Boiler Feed-Pompe, Anti-ft-idlea Metals. Sean Steae Packing, Cam Packing. As.. Ac, December 9, ltsS-tf. j. a. CHASIM. b w. aaiHAM. A. A. nms. NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE 1KD RETAIL CBAL1KS In all kinds tt t)rj Goods, Boots aed Bhees, Hats aad Caps, Xotioas, Groceries, Hardware, Qaoeac ware, Woed and Wlllowware, Clear, Bassa, Fish,5alt etc, MarketSl., CLEARFIELD, PA. FOR THE LADIES They have Basnets, Silks, Cebargs, Alpacas,' Merinos. Wool Delaines. Leitres, Sing hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Saa shades, Handkerchiefs Kid aad ether O loves.H osier v,BaIme- rals. Hoop-skirts, aid a ' general Variety ef tit oi, trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowed prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They hate Black and Bine Cloths, Black a Taney Cassimeres.Sattinctts, Tweeds, Met tons, Wster-proef Cloth. Silk. Satta and common Vestlngs, etc., la great variety, aad at prices tfcatt will five gsaefsl satisfaction te hirers. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-made Ciena ing. Hats and Caps, Beots and Ghees, Hardware and Queenswaro. a geed Btoek, Wood and Wlllowware, and a fall stock of Groceries. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell alt articles that are sually kept in a well-regulated country store, and henee the people generally will find it to their advantage te bnj goods of them. Grain and ooantry prodnte tasei exchange for Gee 1. A. 24-'9. CAWED LU31BER. The undersigned having started in the Lumber, business, noar Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish pine boards, clear ami panel stuff, Ac. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed te order and shipped en short notice. C. R. MACOMBER. ' Osceola Mills. Msy 5, 1889-tf. Clearfield CO.. Pa. ""OTTCE. Having purchased the intere: X1 of J. A. Blattenberger, Esq., in the bi intere."- mr sines heretofore carried nn nnrl.p h firm nam of .1 A HlntraBhertr.VfA Ik. .. .;tl k..... ducted hereafter under the name ct Moshannon uana ana i.amncr lo.. (more). H. H 3T1ILLI5GF0RI, JOHN LAWSHE, President. " Sup't. May 11, '7.-tf. g A M U E L I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Clbakfibld, Pa. All work warranted to give satisfaction. A goad assortment of Watch-glasses and Keys al ways on hand. Rooms on Second Street, opposite the Court House. March 2. Irl70-tf. 0 N MY OWN HOOK. Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on the business as hereto fore. Mr MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOE CASH. Thanking our friends and cnatomars for past patronage 1 solicit a continuance ot tba same. Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. "EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. Market Street, nearly opposite the reaiasaceef Jt. li bwoope. fcsq., . Clearfield, Pa., Would respectfully annoanec te the citizens ef Clearfield and vicinitv. that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle. as alawoffiee.and that he is determined not to be outdone cither in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best quality, always on hand. (Jive him a call. I June 24. '64. c. K R A T Z E R, Opposite the Jail. Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer ia Dry Goods. Dre?s Goods, Millinery Goods. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stoae- ware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Flour. Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which be will dispose of at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his sierk. Clearfield, February 9, 187C. D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. D R. A.M. HILLS dosires to inform his patients and the public generally, that he has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry. S. P.SHAW, D. D 8 , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and therolore has the highest attestations of his Professional skill. AH work ddns in ths office I will hold myself personally responsible tor being- done in the most satisfactory manner and highest orderof the pro fession. An established practice of twentv-two years in th ij" plaoe enables me to speak to my patrons with confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before the patient designs coming. Clearfield; June S, 186-ly. JJ O M K I N DUST R Y I BOOTS AUD SHOES Made to Order at th Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Clearfiel i and vicini .'y to Cv bm ' eH st his shop on Market St., nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted fo him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac., that I will finish up at the lowest figures. June 13th, I860. DANIEL CONNELLT "JKW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS Clearfield county. The andersigned. having opened a large and well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hills. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share ef jJublie patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Tin-ware, Boots and hees, liats and Caps, ready-made Clothing, aad a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They always keep on hand the best quality ef Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap for eash, er exohanged far approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lumber te order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Nov. 20. 1867. F. B. A A. IRWIN. COMETH ING NEW IS ANSO.N'VILLB, Cleared county, Penn'a. The nnderslgned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortmentof Fall and Wintergoods, which he offers to the publio at prices to suit the times 11 is stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a eomplete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions toe tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very ehesp. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and ether goods in proportion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, St the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Bxamine my stock be fore yon bdy elsewhere. October 30.18B7. H. BWAW. JUST IN TIME! THS NBW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT k SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned' from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub tic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this seetion, and Is being sold very lew for eash. The Hock consists in part ef DRY GOODS of the best quality, snoh as Prints. Delaines. Alpa sas. Merinos. Ginghams Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings. Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals. Ac Ac. .all of vH ich will be sold low for cash. Also, a fine assortmentof tba best of M K N S W H A R consisting of Drawers and Shirts, flats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Handkerchieftt cravats, etc - Also, Raft Rope, Dog Rope, Raltina Augurs and Axes, nails and spiles, 1 in ware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, ete., ete. Also, Queenswaro. Glassware. Hard ware, Groce rles. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thine usually kept ia a retail store, all cheap for rath, or approved country produce. Kov. 2-jalO-nolSs WRIGHT A SOSB F OR SALI a good BUGGY, on easy terms Apply tO JS. W.UKStlAM. D RIED FRUIT, at redaced prioes, at a- ca ISA UrtOCABlfl CCRWEMSVILLK ADVERTISEMENTS, T"EETH ! TEETH ! 1 Extracted for 25 Cents. Extracted with the use of Nitrous Oxyd' Gas. ana Local Anaesthesia, (the only harmless aad euicient ansrstbetics now in use,) by 3 J. Hays, Surgton Dentist, Crrrit-. Pa., Who would hereby most respectfully return his thanks for the libeial patronage r.f the past, and inform the Drib tin that ha has removed nil Office to Jhe Cornei of State) and Locust Streets, over Jenkins store, where he is prepared to receive his customers in newly Cited up Rooms, and do their work lUthemoi: skilful and workmanlike manner All work dons in the latest and most approved styles, and guaranteed. Dr. Hays will be engaged in bis office from the 1st to the 23d of each month ; the balxnclof each month, he will spend in Glen Hope, Ba reside, and Luthersburg. alternately. Parties residing at a distance, should write to us previous ot their coming. Office hours, from 8 to 12 o'clock, A. JI., and from 1 to i o'clock, P. M We use none but the very best material, and defy competition for beauty, cheapness, aad du rability Give us a call. Curwensville. Pa . May 2, 1870 -feb.ly. J E W FOUNDRY in Curwensville. The undersigned having entered into , part nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS in Curwensville, would inform the public that they keep on band, and will manufacture to order. Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., nd every other desertntinn nf artiAt made in a country foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex change for work. A share of patronage is respect folly solicited. JACKS05 ROBISON reb.23,'70-ly. JAMKS M. WELCH. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!" HARTSOCK & GOODWIN. Curwensville, Ta., Are now receivinir. direot from Baltimore Boston. New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, an im- mcuse stock oi DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES,, bought at lower prices than have been made to any house in the town since the good old days before the late war, all to be distributed to tboe whovisit Curwensville for supplies. in accordance with the great sacrifice at which they were bought. LADIES Are particularly invited to call at Ilartsoek A Goodwin's cheap store, and examine the splendid stock of 'DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SUA WLS, Fa nc y goo ns. 4-., on exhibition. They Defy Competition! Parties cannot do justice to themselves in buying any) of the necessaries ef life, withoutealliug oa May .-jo-:tm i MAnrsuck a uwunix 'CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED ISY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West Fir6t Kat. Bank.) Having just returned from the Hart with a eom plete assortment of Goods, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade, we are now prepared to for- man an sinus oi vooas "CHEAPER THAN TUB CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers fnr their lib oral patronage during the past year, we would most respeclluliy ask for a continuance oi the same. Uur stock consists of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, Wood a Nn WILLOW-WARE. GROCER TES. HOOTS b SHOES. HATS If CAPS, vjuinijyif. CARPETS, TOBACCOS, Eta. Also. Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fish. Grain, Ac, Ac, all of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms, snd the highest market price paid for Grain Wool and all kinds of lumber and country produce. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main a Thompson Sts. April 20,70 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin & Co., Being specially engaged in the business of bay ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delivorid at either Curwensville, Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advances as are necessary. Those Dggcd in getting Out timber will find at our store in Curwensville, a very large stock of STAPLE GOODS, ef all deseriptiens. ALSO, FLOUR, MEATj RYE, OATS, CORN, And everything- necessary for ase of Lumbermen. RAIT ROPB, of all sixes, kept oa hand in large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by ths coil. Also, PTJLLBY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPB, Ao Special inducements offered te those manufac turing Square Timber. E. A. IRVIN A CO. Cwrweaerille, Jas. 13, 1879. PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, Of ALL KINBS-ALSO, IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., jj iijf" 1 Second Ay., Pittsburg. Pa. AMERICAN HOUSE. . ' Cnrwensville. P- llliHnir takan rb.,.. Kr ,k: . the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the pnbhc patronage. Travelers will find the WVu.,Vu vuhai &v IBM VI SB J Slflr DMIS in tbss section. Cbarjfea moderate. uec. x. i50-ii. JUM.T J. JKEED, Prop'r. fJLEARFIELD NURSERY. Emcocr-" nnrlprviirn ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike halfway between Curwensville and Clearfiel 1 Boroughs, is prepared to furnish' all liadsof'rui treei. (StaaHard mat tfwarf.) Kvrgi-eCn. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and KannhnrrV in.. a l.. SibrianCrab treef.CTuince and early ScarlelRbea oaro, c uraers pnmptly attended to. Addres if J. u:jv RIGHT, Cu-rweosville J) R. B. C L A K-' S- riLiiiiTse' FEMALE PILLS", rea sale ay Boycr A lhaw and Hartswick A Irwia. Clearfield,' Pa? Aug 4,'89-Iy Retail Price, gl.SO per package. J?m K. S M I- T H ,. MERCHANT TAILOR, Clearfield; Pa.r Would resiee!fullv inform th nr'r'ii... field county that be taai nnrahaaait th int.,Mi rV E. R L Stougbtoa. and- is now prepared to make up, iu imw must jaeuitTOtioic manner, all Kinds or clothing that customers may desire, he has VL.UTHS. DOESKINS, and'cassimeres, of every style, always oa hand: from- which ens tomera can make their selections. One door East of the Potomac. April 21, 187. QLO THING! CL6THINl9!f 0000 AHD CHEAP!!!-: Men, Tenths and Boys can besupTpled wita ful; suits of seasonable and fashionable eiothing at I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices tint wiir iirduo their purchase. The aniversal satisfaction which has been given, has induced biei to--increase his- s'ork, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part -of the-Stats. L L. REIZENSTEISV Fells goods at a very small profit, for e'ii; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth of bis money-. He treats bis customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased his stock tV reduced prices he aa sell cheaper ti an ethers-. For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at I. L. REIZSNSTBrN'S. rredoee of every kind taken strhe highest market prices. May 18, lb. YOUTHS' AtfD BOYS', CLOTHING, The undersigned having recently added READT-MADE CLOTHING te his former business, would respectfully solicit an examination his stock. Being: a practical Tailor he flatters himself that he Is able to offer a batter class of ready-made work than has heretofore been ' brought to this mar ket. A ly one wishing to buy foods In this fine would save money by calling at bis sfere, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Gents 'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance ef tba lime. April 29. 189. H. BRIDGE. H. F. BIGLER & CO., naiLsss nt HARDWARE, aaa B-iscyACTrstsi er Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. THIMBLE-SKEINS atta Pipe-boxes for Wag ons, fereale by t. F. BIOLBR A CO. IRON i IRON!! Best bar iron, for sale at th store of H. T. BIGLER A CO. STOVES of all sorts and sires, sbftetaatly ea hand at H. T. BIGLER A CO 8 CABLE CHAINS a good artiste, ea hand and ferialeey H- F. BIGLER A CO. HORf E-BHOES, and horse-nails, t be bad at H. F. BIGLER A CO'S. SADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ac, for sal at H. E. BIGLER A CO'S. G CNS. Pistels and iword canes fob had si if JT. BIGLER A CO'S. HARNES". Trimmings, and Shoe-findings fe sal at ii, JT. BIULBB. A CO S. OIL, Patty, Paints Glass and Nails, tr sale A March '70. H F, BIGLER A CO S. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, or ALL KJHD1. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehoas Tracks, Cepyiaf P reuse, Improved Honey Drawers, A., . fOa SALB BV H. F. BIGLER i CO, Dealers in Hardware, Match lft J . CiaAariBU, Pa, 1170 : t; -r; 5 - - 5 - ' ii 't k '"':- 5 r. -9 t i f : - -"ii : i ' '' i ' . 5 .1. "' r i : 1 : - 1 ill hi L i t-- 5f :j i H :. 5;! S 1 . ?'t ' . 4 . : ' rJ. I' 7 V i . i :. 3 t; -'; t- 5Ji.V 'it a 1 1 r i s :H';. i '-4c: si ; r: t i: '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers