'gUffowtttt'd owntaf, gf caxfd b,- Ijf a., mte 8, 1870. s 1 Raftsman's Journal. I. J. BOW, DlTOBA.Dr-BOPBiT0R. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 8, 1ST0. Wayne M'Vcigh Esq., has been nomi nated by die President to be Minister Resi dent at Constantinople (Turkey), in place of Hon. E. Joy Morris. From tLe Falls City, Nebraska, Journal, we learn that Frank. Barrett, Esq., formerly of tills place, has taken editorial charge of the Jiulo Register, a Dotuocratiu paper. Success to you, FraDk. Dr. Schoeppe, it is pretty certain, will not be granted a new trial, but it 19 pretty generally believed that Governor Geary will not order bis execution until the Legisla ture reassembles and has a chance to per fect that which its former acuon sought to accomplish. . The postoffice at Alexandria, Virginia, is under seizure, while a special agent is investigating various charges against the Postmaster and hia clerks, one being intem plranceanl oglectof business. Wb.2Q the agent took possession of the office, he found a quantity of letters in the basement, which bad been opened, some of then seven oreight years old. A late Texas paper says a band of Indians a few days ago approached within a short distance of the town of Lampasas. A com pany of the Fourth Cavalry went out to meet them, under command of Major llusscll. The company was divided into two detach ments, one of which met the Indians, and in the fight Major Eussell was - mortally wounded. The detachment met with some loss. While we sympathize with the starving Fenians huddled along the Canadian bor ders, in prison and out, we cannot see any good reason fir the interference of our Gov ernment in their behalf. Not only have their misfortunes resulted from making war on a people with whom wo are at peace, but they have violated the law of the land of their adoption to which they now appeal for assistance and protection. Really, the Fenian idea of justice and right is, to say the least, a little mixed. The rebel element in Louisana is terribly excited over the proposition of Mr. Conway, Superintendent of Education, to put the new school bill into operation. It provides for the establishment of public schools in every parish throughout the State. The rebel newspapers are prating loudly about having their "old system" of education sup planted by "carpet-bag" legislation, but when it is stated that prior to the warhere was not a single free school in the State, the "pld system" will not be deeply mourned by the friends of progress. TheFenians have returned home disgust ed, leaving only their leaders behind them. These are in the hands of the United States authoritias, and to all appearance are there like'y to remaia for some time. The Goveri -went, 'to the surprise of many, does not look upon tLe raid as a joke or ho liday excursion and prosecutes the leaders with rigor. Though this may be greatly to the discom fort of the leaders, it is indirectly for the benefit of the masseaof Fenians, who will thus have, fewer Head Centers aud Treasur ers to deceive them in the future. The New York Herald characterizes the late election"iti the State of New York, so far as affording a test of the strength of parties as "a Democratic victory which signifies nothing." From official returns from most of the counties, and generally ac cepted estimates from the rest, it appears that the whole vote cast will not exceed 430,000, against 829,776 cast in 1SGS, show inga lefieiencyof419,776, or about one half of the vote of the State, which loss the stay at-home Republicans count two hundred and fifty thousand and the Democrats one hundred and eighty thousand. The accumulated evidence from all parts of Mexico reveals the condition of that coun try in every sense deplorable. Financially bankrupt, socially demoralized, and political ly disrupted, there is protection neither for property nor persons. Trial by jury is sus pended and special taxes are levied by mere Governors of States. Brigandage is a fa vorite occupation of dissatisfied citizens and defeated politicians. Congress is without authority and the President without power. We bad hoped braver and wiser thinga from this, peoj le after the expulsion of the French and we reluctantly confess to grave disap pointment at witnessing this result of repub lican rule in that unfortunate couhtiy. A Democratic contemporary takes the House of Representatives neverely to task for its action in excluding from the veterans to be pensioned by a proposed bill tho.e who were disloyal to, the country during the late rebellion. Say this organ of the party which is al way full of excuses for the late rebels: "The soldiers of the war with Great Britian were old men when the re bellion broke out. They were unfit for ser vice in field or camp, and at most they could barm their old flag, under which they fought and bled, only by mumbling disloyal phrases." Age has commonly been regarded as the period of wisdom. We certainly never before knew it to be pleaded in ex tenuation of crime. If these veterans were too old to fight either for or against the nation, and could only mumble, they ought to have remained true to their patriotic rccoid, and at least mumbled in favor of Lo;r fTirttry. The Census. The blank schedules, to be used in taking the census, are in the hands of the Assistant Marshals,' some of whom have already com menced operations. There are five sched ules altogether. They embrace a wide range of information. In order that our readers may know what is required of them we give a condeused form of these blanks. Let each one familiarize themselves with the questions, so that prompt answers may be given when the officer calls :' Scbidcli No. 1 will contain information in re lation to the inhabitants of each county. Dwelling houses, numbered in the order of visitation. Families numbered in the order of visitation. The name of every person whose place of atioue on the nrst day ot J aiie, ISiO, was in this family, with age, sex and color. Profession, occupation, or trade of each person, male or female. Value of real estate and personal estate. Place of birth, naming State or Territory of U. S. ; or the country, if of foreign birth. Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic. Male citizens of U. S. of 21 years ot age and upward. Male citizens of U. S. of 21 years of age and upwards, whose right to vote is denied or abridged on other grounds than rebellion aud other crime. ScncDULB No. 2 will give the statistics in rela tion to deaths under the following heads. : Number of the family, as given in the 2d column of schedule 1. Name of every person who died durincj the year ending June I, 18.0, whose place of abode at the time of death was in this family, giving age, sex and color. Placed birth, naming the btate or Ter ritory of the U. S., or the country, if of for eign birth, with birth-plac of parents. lhe month in which the person died. Profession, occupation or trade. Disease or cause of death. Kchedi li No 3 will be used for the purpose of recording the productions of agriculture, under the following heads : Name ot agent, owner, or manacer of land; whether improved or unimproved, with value of farm. Farming implements and machinery. Total amount of wattes paid d urine the year, including the value ot board. Number and value of live stock, June 1, 1870. Amount of grain raised. Schboclb No 4 will relate to product of in dustry, under the following heads. Name of corporation, company, or indi vidual producing the value of $500, annu ally. Name of business, manufacture or pro duct. Capital (real and personal ) invested in the business. Kind of power (steam, water, wind,horse, or hand.) Name, description and number of ma chines. Average number of hands employed, with total amount paid in wages during year,and number of months in active operation, re ducing part time to full time. Kinds, qualities and value of materials, (including mill supplies and fuel.) Production, (including all jobbing and repairing.) Scbidcli No. 5 will contain social atatiatios, which are divided as follows : Valuation real and personal estate. Public debt county debts for which bonds have been issued, other county debt, debt ofborough, township, &c Taxation (not National.) State, county, town, &c. Pauperism whole number of paupers sunporteu during the year, native white, native black and foreign. Crime number ot criminals convicted, native white, native black and foreign. Libraries State, town, or city, court,(.tc. Wages average paid to farm hand per mouth, hired by the year and boarded, aveiage wages paid day labor, with and without board, amount paid carpenter, do mestic, ko. Newspapers and periodicals name, char acter, how often" published, average chcu " lation. Colleges, academies and schools. Religion number of church organiza tions and edifices, denomination, number of persons each church will accommodate, val ue of church property. Protecting the Ballot. The bill to enforce the Fifteenth -Amendment, which has passed both Houses of Congress, is sweeping in its character. It imposes heavy penalties not only on fraudulent voters, but on all aiders and abettors in frauds at elec tions on the judges and inspectors who knowingly refuse to receive honest votes or knowingly receive dishonest ones: or any person who attempts by bribery, intimida tion or threats to prevent any one from vo ting, or from doing any of the acts necessary to qualify him to vote, and on any person who shall oppress or. injure another on ac count of his vote. It gives United States Marshals the power to arrest persons for such offences, and United States courts the power to try them, and it gives the Presi dent authority to enforce the execution of judicial processes under the act by the em ployment of the naval and military forces. It provides that any person, a candidate, who has been deprived of his election by reason of the denial to any citizens of the right to vote, may bring suit to recover his office in Federal or State Courts, aste may choose. It provides also penalties against persons who accept offices, knowing them selves to be ineligible, and abolishes spe cial State tax on Chinese immigrants. B. F. Whitteracre, member of Congress from the First District of South Carolina, who was compelled to resien his seat to avoid expulsion for selling cadetships, has been re -elected. It is to be regretted that his constituency did not select a more hono rable gentlemen to fill bis place. Though the Republican party cannot be held respon sible, since a Republican majority once promptly condemned him, yet it is discred itable to the country that such a man should be re-elected. Decoration Day was generally observed throughout the country, and was made a more general holiday than heretofore. Thus once more, has the memory of our fallen heroes been fitly remembered by au appre ciating people. May this day ever be sa cred as a national holiday. The Canadians may be pardoned for their recent alarm. When it 13 remembered that they have constantly before them the dreadful example of New York and what it n n,lor Ionian U una vut. iv uuuvi jlvuuuiuiC aiiu ouarvtj- ly better fate was threatening the Domin- 1VU. Massacre of Jews. A Constantinople dispatch of J une 1 st, says that a fearful war of religious intoler ance had broken out in the Province of Roumelia, a metropolitan province of the Turkish Empire', in the South of Europe. On Sunday, May 29th, all the houses of the Jews were invaded by the native "Chris tians," and all the" Jewish occupants who were unable to escape massacred in cold blood. The Washington Chronicle, in re ferring to this wholesale murder, says : "Such a massacre, surpassing the horrors of St. Bartholomew, is a blot on the age and a disgrace on modern civilization. That it should have been perpetrated by people calling themselves Christians is as humilia ting as it is amazing. Civilized nations should lift up a loud and indignant protest against this beastly outrage upon humanity- Our own Government, we are glad to say, has not been slow to manifest in unmistaka ble terms its abhorence of these outrages. S. Wolf, Esq., having yesterday, Thursday, received telegrams from New York, Louis ville, and Chicago, asking is assistance to prevent the continuance of the outrages in Roumelia, called upon the Secretary of State, who ordered at once the appointment of Adolphe Buchuer, Esq., as Consul Gen eral at Bucharest, Roumelia. Mr. Buch ner is an Israelite, and his appointment is as positive action as the Executive Depart ment of the Government could take to ex press its abhorrence of the massacre." The subject of this persecution and mas sacre has already been introduced into both Houses of Congreis. This prompt action on the part of the American Congress will have a powerful effect on the whole civilized world in condemning this horrible butchery of defenceless and inoffensive people. Democracy in the Southern States is dis covered to be as unregenerate as ever. A late experience at Richmond may be accep ted as pregnant with instruction for their Northern friends who insist upon an imme diate and sweeping amnesty for past politi cal crimes. The municipal election in that city resulted in a clear majority for the Re publican ticket. The Commissioners, with whom lay the duty of summing up the re turns, happen to be all Democrats. Beaten at the polls, what was more natural or easy for Democratic officers than to ignore the popular choice, proceeding coolly to elect their own favorites by the familiar method of doctoring the ballots. But even a Dem ocrat won't stand too much ot that sort of thing in Virginia, and the Whiff, an able journal of the opposition, protests against these illegal proceedings, denouncing them as without a shadow of authority. The mi nority ticket thus electioneered into place is declared "not to be worth the paper it is written on, and should be universally repu diated." We commend the honest candor of this Virginia Democrat, as an example for the Democracy of our Somerset, or Westmoreland, or Philadelphia districts. Pittsburgh Gazette. IIomkNkwspapehs. We have on more than one occasion given our reasons why it is not only the paramount duty of every community to give a willing and substantial support to its local newspapers, but also why it is the best policy. The Xew York Tribune gives the following sensible and comprehensive views on this subject : Nothing is more common than to hear people talk of what thty pay newspapers for advertising, tic, us so much given in charity. Newspapers by enhancing the value 01 property in tneir neignnornoou, ana giving the localities in which they are pub lished a reputation abroad benefit all such, particularly if they arc merchants or real estate owners, thrice the amount yearly of the meagresum they pay for their support. Besides every public spirited citizen has a laudable pride in having a paper of which he is not ashamed, even though he should pick it up in New York or Washington. A good looking, thriving sheet helps pro perty, gives character to the locality, and in many respects S a desirable public conven ience. If from any cause the matter in the local or editorial columnsshould not be up to your standard, do not cast it aside and pro nouce it good for nothing, until satisfied that there has been no more labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good readable sheet it must be supported and it must not be supported in a spirit of charity either, but because you feel a necesiity to support it. The local press is the power that moves the people. It is announced that the great Papal Council will proclaim the dogma of the in fallibility of the head of their Church, on the 29th of June. From the' same day, will date a more general disbelief in its just foundations, than ever yet led the world or disturbed the Roman Church. In all the nineteen centuries, there could be found no bolder challenge to Christian enlightenment. Exchange. Congress is about to proclaim the neu trality of the United States in the contest between Spain and Cuba, A resolution, instructing the-Executive to demand prompt indemnity from the Spanish government for outrages upon American citizens, will in all probability be passed before the adjourn ment of Congress. The World, the Issachar of the Demo critic party, accepts with commendable pa tience the pre-Adamite platform of the Ohio Democracy. It is rather unprofitable food, but it is not the first bunch of thistles which our contemporary has been forced to eat. Col. John W. Forney declines to have his name used in connection with the candidacy for the next Governorship of Pennsylvania. He says that he has "not the slightest am bition for any office whatsoever." $14,301,902 47 are the figures which rep resent the decrease of the public debt for the month of May. The total decrease since the advent of the present Administration has been $103,069,630 16. An exchange says: "Rev. Levi Little, of Ridgway, Elk county, is a candidate for Congress in opposition to Judge Scofield, in the Nineteenth District. It will amount to verylittle." The Chicago Post says if O'Xeil had been smart, he'd have been out of Burlington jail before now, on a plea of temporary insanity. A diversified agriculture results from a diversified industry, A Little of Everything-. The if j to the devil's- kitchen whiskey. The question ef "putrid milk" againsttMncin-nati- The oldest lunatic on record Time out of mind. There is not a place of Protestant worship in Cuba Millions of grasshoppers have began their rav ages in some parts of Kansas. A statue to Martin Luther is about to be put mp In Eisleben, Saxony, hia native town. The crops in Missouri are unusually good this year, especially the rattlesnake erop.- Delightful very the musio discoursed by the "harmonican" serenaders, the other night. The enemy most feared by the Red River ex pedition is the black fly, which won't"' shoj. England is getting excited over Dr. Living stone again, and a party it going out to finil him. The unfortunate Fenians who are tarving on the border are getting plenty of advice but no bread. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has ap proved a design for a new two cent stamp for hank checks. A complete statement of tbe late Fenian raid gives eleven killed and seven wounded, three mortally. The latest addition to the ehoo-fly collection has appeared in San Francisco in the shape ef a pony with two tails. Two young women turned out with spades and hoes and paid their road tax in the the town of Beleit, the other day. Oar devil declares that he is so fond of his girl that he rubbed the akin from off his nose by kis sing her shadow on the wall. The BostonPo.it says: A Wisconsin gentleman sat dvwn on a bee-hive the other day. He regrets the thinness of his trousers. A Missouri drover has hogs so fat that to find out where their heads are it is necessary to beat them and judgo by the squeal. One of the "latest fashions" among the ladies is, round hats, three stories high, with cupalo and balcony, and a flag at half mast. A Norwich, has batched a chicken with one bead, two bodies and four legs. The head has got all that it can do to pick up food sufficient for two bodies. "When he shot at me the third time," said California teauiste r, "I began to think he meant business, ao I up with my rifle and put a bullet throngh his head. A secret order, with ritual, signs and grips, called the Earthquake, has originated in Tipton, Ind. Its object and purpose are unknown Dem ocratic, of course. A little girl seven years old, was asked in one of oar schools what she would be when she 'grew up. "A wife," was tbe quick reply. No idea of being an old maid. Tbe reason the monument In Washington is not finished is because they don't want it. The only monument any one needs in the National Capital is a monument of patience. James Black, of Washington, Arkansas, now an old man and hopelessly blind, made the original knife, according to a plan furnished him by the celebrated Colonel Bowie. The coal fields of Illinois are estimated to con tain 1,277,500,600 tons of coal, (six times as much as Great Brituin) and one third of ail the coal measures ef North America. Beth Boyden, a famous scrawberry raiser, said if bo could live twenty years be would produce a strawberry as large as a pineapple, and as deli cious as the best field strawberry. A Massachusetts man, who had never before seen the elephant, insisted, when a circus proces sion passed through his town last week, that the elephant was walking backward. Two more Fenian officers, Fitzpatrick and Mo- Neil, were arrested by the U. S. Marshal, at Ma lone. Several New Yerk reporters have also been arrested as Fenians and tent to prison. Increasing tne business .at tbe railroad. If correctly informed, on Thursday night last an extra accommodation train, and a goodly num ber of passengers, arrived.at the depot. A man named Jones, in Troy, told bis wife to pour a little Kerosene in tbe stove and the fire would kindle quicker. Mr Jones broke up house keeping that morning before breakfast. No stateary that the rich man ever placed in his window is to be compared with the little ex pectant face pressed against the windew pane, watching for "papa," when his day's labor is done. Dakotah clamors for flhool-m'a3, but young- ladies averse to matrimony should notacsept tbe situation. The average duration of single life after their arrival in the Territory is only three days. Victor Emannel is in a bad way. His physi cians do not allow him to drink wine or eat meat. Another apoplectic fit would, it is feared, put an end to his eventful life, and place upon the throne tbe unpopular Prince Humbert. Ecuador journals defend LopeZj and say that "the death of the heroio President of Paraguay has the appearance of an assassination, which if unexplained satisfactorily, will even cover the victory of Aguidaban with the blackest stain of inhumanity to the conquered." The Nevada City Gazette of May 21st says: Mr. Aahburne, of Scotch Flat, informs ns tbat tbe immense slide on their claim is still moving forward as regularly as a glacier. The mass thus moving is about 2,040 feet long by 500 feet wide ; depth unknown. The moving mass ocea pies about 24 acres of surface. . A National Bank at Erie is invited into our Federal Court, to answer npon a quo warranto to charges of illegal practices which if proved should forfeit its charter. The case has been for some time under discussion in banking circles, and will now have the careful attention which is to establish it or disprove it. The Warren Mail says: A weman was put off the cars here tbe other day because she had no money. She begged enough to get drunk with, became troublesome and was ohucked into jail by constable Davis She plead insanity. Why net treat an insane weman like insane McFarland, and let her go? This is another outrage on "wo men's rights." Though the shipping bill lost the support of the Protectionists at the close, its defeat was clearly a triumph of tbe Republican free trade interest, which fought the measure with the at most obstinacy. The scene waa quite exciting all through tbe debate, and there is great rejoicing at tbe result among the British importing and steamship agents, who are in Washington in force. An enterprising American has startled all Italy by a proposition to lease Mount Vesuvius. He says he will make roads and lay out pleasure grounds npon its rocky sides, build hotels and set op soda fountains on its summit, and help vis itors up and down by machinery. To pay him for all this outlay, and amass a fortune besides, he will charges small admission fee from all who wish te step up and see the show. . Writing of George Francis Train and his Feni an bloviation, a correspondent of the New York Star says: "The Herald says he .is worth five million dollars and has given five dollars. I dont believe either statement. He is just worth two hundred dollars a night a a show, and be hoc given fifty dqllars, beaide his oath. I kaow it's so, for I've a picture of him in a long Irish over coat, with tails four feet long and button as big as a plate ". gciv Mwrti$ciucnt$. ' Mm l ttyl;trill te charged douUt usual rat.-.. No tut GEORGE C' KIRK, Justioo of the Peace, Sur veyor and Conveyancer, Lutheraburg. Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ Survey or will do well to give him a call, as be flatters himsell that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal papers promptly and neatly executed Je8'70-yp ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters of Administration on the estate of Richard Asheraft. late of Burnside township, deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed, notice is hereby given that all parsons in debted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment.and those having claims against tbe same will present them . properly authentica ted for settlement to ALEX. McILWAlNK, June 1, 1870-6t. Administrator. A GREAT OFFER. Horace Waters, 4S1 Broadway, New York, will dispose of ONE HUNDRED PIANOES. ME LODEONS and ORGANS of six first class makera, including Checkering A Sons, at cxtremilt low PRICKS FOB CASH. DCRIlfO THIS MOSTO, or will take from Si to $25 monthly until paid. 4-13-'70-ly. LONGEST ROOF in the United States is on Rinek's Sons' Factory, Easton, Pa., one third of a mile long and is covered with , READY ROOFING CUBAP, DURABLE and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to the manufacturers. READY ROOFING CO, June 1-ap. 13, y. No. 64 Coortland St. N. Y. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of J Jos. A. Caldwell, deceased. Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Joseph A. Caldwell, late of Pixe township, deceased, have been gran tea to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to the said estate are requested to maice immediate payment, and those having olaims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement JOHN PATTON. THOMAS STK0N4, Jun.l.lS7. Executors. WOOL CARDING. The undersigned, ' proprietorof the Union Mills, in Union township, Clearfield county, would inform the public that he is prepared to card wool, on rea sonable terms and in a workmanlike manner Persons having wool to card should attend to it immcdiatly, as the factory will be closed after September 1st. Wool intended for carding can be left al R. Mossop s er C. Kratzar's, in Clear field, and I will take it away and return it when carded. Jcnol,lS79. J R. ARNOLD. AVOOL ! WOOL ! ! FIFTY THOUSAND pounds of WOOL wanted atThompsen A Co's., where you can get the best price for all produce, and GOODS as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST bouse in this county. "Thev don t defy competition, but are prepar ed to meet it. They are eonttantly receiving roods from New lork, Philadelphia and Pitts burg Call and see their geoda an I prices. 6-1 -tt Curwensville, June I. lhiu. tfAUTION. "-All persons are hereby cau Aioned not to purchase a certain nromis- anrv note, triren bv D. . A J. H. BruRiker to Mrs. Susannah Thompson, ot Union township, for one hundred dollars, said note nas oeeu lost or stolen, and having been paid, we will net pay it again unless compelled to do so by law. 0-l-3t.-p. D. E J. H. BRCBAKER. MEAT MARKET- J. E. Wrigley & Bro.. Having purchased the shop and fixtures ef W. R McPhersou, would inform the citizens ot Clear field and vicinity that they are at all times pre pared to furnish FRESH BEEF, Veal, Mutton, etc., at tbe lowest cash rates to customers. A liberal share of public patronage is respect fully solicited Cash paid for Cattle, Slieep and Hogs ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, Pa., June 1. 1S70. SO A A A a year and expenses to agents to sell ,UUU the celebrated WILSON SEWING MACUiNES. Tbe best machine in the world Stitch alike on both sides. One Machine without money. For further particulars, address 2i N. 9th St , rnil a, t". (Jiarcn au. u-.sm. t ORE AT OFFER. HORACE WATERS, No 431 Broadway, New York, will dispose of Une Hundred 1'ianos, Alelodeons ana urgans, oi vix first cla.s makers, at extremely low prices for cash during this month.or will take from S3 to $25 monthly until paid. New 7 Octavo Pianos for S275 and upwards. ew Organs for S4j and upwards lorcasn. Ap I6, i0-iy TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ' WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of x. m. no OVER, Two doors east of the Postoffice. Clearfield, Pa. Cenatantly on band a fine asaertment of Navy, Congress Cavendish, Cable, Sponrell, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tebacco, te. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported ' and Domestio Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipe, Pipe fixtures, Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything gener " foand in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. f""Remembcr the place: Two door east of tbe Postoffice, Clearfield, Pa. May 25, '70. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtueol sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Plea of Clearfield coun ty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in tbe borongh of Clearfield, on MONDAY, the 13th DAY OF JUNE 1970, at 2 o'clock P. M the following described property to wit : A certain tract of land situate in Guelich twp., Clearfield eeunty, Pa., beginning at a post on the line of the Sarah McMurtrie survey, thence north 61 deg. east lfi perche to a post, thence south 29 deg. east 160 perches to stones, thence along line of Thorn Merrgatral sonth 61 deg West 26 perches to a post on tbe plank road, thence along tbe plank road north 20 deg. west 4 perches, north 70 deg. west 4 perches, north 86 deg. west 14 perches, north 69 deg. west 26 perches, north 62 dog. west 20 perches, north 72 deg. west 91 perches to a pot,thence nerth 29 deg- west 5S perches to white pine stump, thence north 61 deg east 160 perches to post, thence north 29 deg. west 114 perches to place of beginning, contain ing 311 acres, more or less, b.'ing same land con veyed to Allemen, Byers k Lovell, bv J. Fry and wife and rceorded in Deed Book "B. U.page 474 Ao , at Clearfield, Pa. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be seld as the property of Morris Sayer. Also A certain traotof land situate in Brady twp., Clearfield county. Pa., beginning at a white oak corner thence lit perches to a post oorner of land sold to Robert Patton. thence north 132 per ches to a post, thence east 53 perches to a poat, tbenoe south 21 perches to a post, thence east 11 perches to a pest, thence south 112 perches to place of beginning, being th same land convey ed from J. C. Fuller and wife to W. C. Suffth and G. W. Canfield by deed recorded in Clearfield, Pa., in Deed Book "B. B." page 247 Ac, Seised, taken in exeeotion, and to be sold a tbe prop erty of Smith, Curry A Co. Also By virtue f a writ of Levari fa cta the following Real Estate, to wit: - All that certain h( use situated in Utahville, Beccaria Township, Clearfield county, Pa., and bound by lot of , the bona being twenty-four feet in length and sixteen feet in depth together with ground enoojh for the ordw . nary use of house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be told aa th property of J. H. Hyssong. C. HOWE, May, 55, 70. ' fcberiff t-r-TOW SHALL WE PAINT OUR II0U3ES?" by mail on receipt of price. Mascbt A Wbitosj. iew ion. i fp.i.-iu. Til Hl'IlllirkS Nulla ;ia Gils. Paint. Cal. eine Plaster. Lead, Varnishes. Locks. Hinges, Ae, at rcuuvea prices, irppoaite in jaii. GROCERIES. Old Goverement Java and choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson Imperial Black and Japan leas, Sugar, Syrup, Rice, lavenuisn, Navr. Spunr.tll, and Cue Tobaccos, and Snuff, at reduced prices. Opposite the jail. WAGONS FOR SALE. The under- r i ci nnail fine fur anlp Kpvpnl nAV eatrrmv of the best md most substantial make, which will be sold low for cash, bhop on 3d street, near Market. Clearfield, Pa. May 25, lS70-3t. tiS. V. U.MUn. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau tioned not to harbor or trust my wife. Lydia A, Kanonff, on my account, as I will pay no dsats of her contracting she having leu my bed and board without just cause or provocation lsojgs ip. mz'-Jtp. wua nn-mtrr- For Sale or Rent. A two storv Store House, with laree one story ware room in rear 23 by 20 feet of srround situate on Second street, Clearfield. This prop erty is in good repair, and well situated for a bu siness stana. r or runner particulars inquire ui May 3t, '70-tf. u. ii. KliLiau. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau t?Ana,l tfriinwt ntirrliAincr nr in inr vpftv meddling with the following property now in nn..n.a!iTi nf AnHraw Unit (if ! r ,f mnn lavn. ship, to wit : One brindle cow, one cooking steve. tnree beds ana Cleaning, as me same Deiong 10 me, and are subject to my order. May 2,lS70-3tp. Milliner and Dressmaker. MRS. JONES, desires to inform th public that she has opened a Millinerv and Dress-making es tablishment, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa , near the residence of Mrs. C D. Watson. A share of publio patreaage ia solicited. One icoed Dress maker wanted. May, 13, St. s MALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWIOK A IRWIN are constantly replenishing their atock ef Druga, Medicines. Ae. School books and Stationery, insluding tbe Osgood and National scries f readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of tbe best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and see. Clearfield. Nov 10, 1S69 NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEAK FIELD, PENN'A. Monuments, Grecian Tombs. French Couchea, Mantles, Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Head and Foot Stenes, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 25 percent ies inan any otner esiaousnment in mis county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in tho best workmanlike manner. S. A. GIBSON. May 11, 1S70 -tf. Jauis Watsom, Agant. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewiaville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R, McCrackcn, solicits a con tinuance ef the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned irom the eastern cities their stoen cmbiaces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken ia exchange for goods C. A. ROROBAVG H, May 18, '70. tf. C R. McCRACKEN REG ISTEK'S NOTICE. Notice is here by given that the following account have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection ef hirs legatees creditors and all other in anyway, interested and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Cearfield county, to be held at the Court Uoue, in the Borough of Clearfied commencing on the 3d Monday of June, 1S70 : Partial account of Samuel lleearty. Executor of Samuel Uegarty, sr., late of Woodward tewu- nip, dee d. Final account of Henry and Jacob Mefarwine. Executor of Conrad Mchrwine, lata -of Brady Township, dee d Final aecout of Free erick Arnold, Administra torof Peter Arnold, late of Brady township, deo'd. A. W LEE, May 11. 187. Rcgiaier PAY YOUR TAXES! In accordance with an act ef the General A sembly of thia Commonwealth, approved the 22d day of March, A. D. lb"0, -'relating to the collec tion of taxes in tbe county of Clearfield," Notice is therefore hereby given to the tax-payers re siding in tbe districts below named. that the coun ty Treasurer. in accordance with tbe 2d section ef said act, will attend at tbe place of holding the Borongh and Township elections, on' tbe follow ing numed days for tbe purpose of receiving the county, bounty, State taxes and militia fiaes, as sessed for 1H70 : For Bradford, on Saturday. June 11th. For Woodward, on Tuesday, June 21st. For Guelich, on Wednesday. June 2 2d. For beccaria, on ri hursflay, June id. For Jordan, on Friday, June 24th. For Knox, on Saturday. June 2dth. For liell, on Tuesday. June 2.Stb. For Hurnsiclc. on Wednesday, June !9th. For New Washington, on Thursday, June (30th. For Chest, on Friday, July 1st. For Ferguson, en Saturday, July 2d. ' Citixena of Penn and Ferguson who find it more convenient to meet the Treasurer at Lumber City than at their election houses can avail themselves of thatprivilcge. Parties can alra pay their taxes at the Treasurer' oflje at any time from this fer. ward. Upon all taxes paid on th day designated there will be a reduction of Eiv per Cent. The balance of tn districts will be announoed in da time. LEVER FLEGAL, April 13. Trcaserer. TRUSTEE'S SALE. In tbe Court of Common Plea of Clearfield County. First National Bank Clearfield, ) No , March T vs. S J 869. Domestio Giobgi W. Shimmel. ) Attachment. There will be exposed to publio sale, at the Court House, in Clearfield Borough, n MONDAT th I3th DAY OF JUNE, A. D. Is't, by virtue of the authority in them vested a Trustees of the estate of George W. Sbimroel. All the right, title and interest of George W. Shimmel, jr., in that certain traot of land former ly known a the PeterGearhart farm, upon which said George W. ?hinimel now lives, situate in Beggs township, Clearfield county. Pa., described as follows: Beginning at a whit oak oorner en tho fonth west corner of the survey, thence cart by Walbro Frazer and James Crawford survey 238 perches to chestnut; thence north by Charles Crawford about lit perches, or so far till it comes te the corner of George W. Shimmer pur. chase ; thence west along his line about 110 per ches; thence south about 10 perches till it striks tbe line as surveyed off between isele and Warren and Peter Gearhart a made by Moses Boggs ; thence west along that line 12S perches to the o.d line between the two survey; thence by Walbro Frajer survey south 109 perches to the plaoe of beginning, containing about lit acres more or less. Said Shimmer interest in laid land ia such as he has under a purchase by article of agreement from J. B. M'Enally, dated May 12, lbSS. in which among ether things there are reserved to said M'Enally bia heirs and assigns out of the same 10 acres at the eastern end of the tract te include the saw mill and dam, and all the water power of th stream Laurel run, and right tor is the water in tbe same by a dam nr dam and to use the sapic Said reservation alro includes all tbe timber fit for sawing except a hundrod thou sand feet, and all the stone coal and other valua ble minerals or substances beneath th eurfaoe with the right to enter and remove th cam. Said described property will be sold subject to forgoing reservation and tbe balance of purchase money du from George W. Shimmel te J. B M'Enally. J Money to be paid at confirmation of sale. THO:?- J. McCULLOI Gn, WM M. McCULLOUGH, D. L.KREB3. I May 25, 1379.-3$. Trustee. TEKMS dr THE JOl'KS AL.J The Raptshah'i Jurmr ; mmuw . OMda, . $2,oo pe, .nm in aJvane. r, !I paid at th, berinnin, f it, , ""l barged, and $3,00 if not paid before ,h. cl'I' AnTKBTiSEaxars will h. i .. for three or less insertions-T.a r CO"D .. For ever, addi,ioB j insertion 50 ce.u .ir. be charged. A ded.JL. riu oe made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time th,. ix months, and no paper will K. . . tillall arrearages are paid,exc.pt at the optiJ?, the publisher. - s , " WE, the undersigned, Blacksmith, 0f the th. fnB0Ugh of Afield, hereby ,d, f,t tbe following' rates fnr work .! .V-'P gard to securing pay for our labor; n , i"w" uunor as men ana mechanics to aUh.r. to and enforce the same, irons and aft.r M.r 1, All work done at shninr Knr v r , . when the work is done, at th. fnll-;,. .... Ior SETTING NEW Simp- .... .!' RE-SETTING SHOE, '; ': '. ,."'' No "ed'ditto be given for a longer period th. three months ED. P. PASSMORE, J. H UN K W E I LE R, THOMAS REILLY, Apr.20,70-3m.J AMOS KEXXARp CORNELIUS OMEV. G.L. LAMC1I. G. C. PASSMORK. rplIE "EAGLE HOTEL" A-...,, , t. , vm wcusvijie, i a. Having leased for a term of vears tkm .i well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept bv Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts), and batinr J. .... xig, u, uic preacnl proprietor feels assured tbat he can render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with hia. A fioa large stable and yard is attached. Tor the care and protection of horses, carriages and w.. hare of patronage ia solicited May 4,'70-ly A J. DKAUlKEK, Prop'r. II E "S II A W IIOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLBURN, : : : : : : Paraisroa. Tt,i. t,riij w u. ..! 1 J j - . mFicii anujHSl Optl- ed to tbe publio is newly larnished.and providac with al 1 the mnilitrn imnrnw mA,.B r f . hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the busiaass part of tbe town, and near to the public build ings. A share of patronage is respectfullv solia. ited. Charge moderate. Th best of I. in,. the bar. March 30Va-if JIIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, P. G. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : PiioraiaTo. A new first class Hotel in evcrv respect corn, fortable rooms all th modern improvements the best of Liquors promptattendance. and rea sonable eharges. The patrenag of th poolit ia respectfully solicited. jy-ZI-tf aURVErOR. The undersigned offrTj his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in l.awienre township, when not engaged ; or addrautd by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March 6th, ISC7.-tf. JtMES MITCHELL. TEFFER SO N L I T Z, M. p., Phyfician and Surgeon. Having located at Osceola. Pa , offers his prfa sional services to the people of that place aud iur rounding country. All calls promptly attanded to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline May 19. '69. T K. BOTTORF'8 " PIIO TOGRA PII GA 1J.ER T, BASKET STRICT, CLCARf 1 tLP. PV Negatives made in cloudy as well as in e'far wea'ber. Constantly en band a good asuor'naal of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Vnws. Frames, from anv atvle of mnul'lin; tiJi order. CHROMOS A SPECIALITY. Dee. 2.'6S-jy. 14-69-tf. THANKING k COLLECTION OFFICE or McGirk a perks. 8aceaaore to Foster. Perka. Wright A Ce., PeiLirsataa. Caavac Co.. Pa. a Where all the business of a Eicxing Ben will be tranaacted promptly and (pen the rat favorable term. March 26 -tf. j.d.h'ciri. wt rtr.is. w ALLACI A WALTER I, r RAL ESTAT AGXT AXD C0VtTACKS, Clearfield. Pa Real estate bought and auld, titlea exaaiicad, taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran ces taxen. Office in new building, nearly opposite Coerl Ti I & tc-n UUUS1.. IU IOiV. Uan i WSJ. A. WALLATB LAS WILTS. OOLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A i has passed both I louses of Con recent mil passed roth I louses ot Conrrej: ana signed by tbe President, giving soldiers whean listed prior to 22d July. 1S61. served oncvaarar more and were honorably discharged, a boauty of S!00. ryBonntien and Pension eelleeted by ace fer thoseentitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, A tt'y at Law. Aug. 15th, 1866. Clearfield. P JEMOVA L-G UN SnOP Th undersigned begs leave to inform his aid and new customers, and th public eeneraMy, that he has fitted up a new GUN SHOP, on tbe let on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. Clearfield, Pa., where he kaepe constantly band, and' makes to order, all kinds of (una. Also, guns re bored and revercished. and retailed neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attcntien. June 9, 1S69. JOHN MOORS rpHE ELLirjTCSEWINfi MACHINE. x The best Double Thread Machine now in as will be sold lower tbaa any ether machine finished in like manner, and doirg the saire range of work. Maori inee can be seen at the store ' of Thompson A Co., Cnrwensville. er at th re't danc of the undersigned LEWIS C. BLOOM May 11, 18.-3m. Blooai a Bridge. SHOES. Ladies' and Children' eoetom male, Lasting Gaitare, Kid and Carpt Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Balmorals, Children's Culx tad Shoea, very cheap OnMsita the iail. C. KRATZER. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Tabs. Brooms. Churn. Wash Rubbers. Butter Bowls. Ce Mills. B.i'h Brick, Hall and Paper and Muslin Blinds, Clothes Baakets, Tea T'ravs Opposite tbe jail. VV C KRATZIS- WOOL Highest market prie wUI be gia for wool, opposite the jail. C. KRATZER. CANNED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Tesches and canned cern, etc , for sale at tbe Prog Store of A. I. SHA". Maroh 10, 1S69. s WAIM'S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Pis eoverT. Uembold'a Rurhu. Bake Cod Liver Oil, Jayne'saod Avers Medicines. for saw by Jan. 10 1IARTSWICK A IRWIN "VTEW LAMPS.--PerklnsA House 'r Noo-Exp!J L sive Lamp a new article jut received and for sale by HARRT F. LIOLER CO PRUNES a quantity on band and foraale May 27. GRAHAM "VTOTICK All person indebted to the eubrj ber, arc requested to come and aettie"''" out delay. . R. MOi-OP Q CEENSWARE Tea tf.best stone ware." . - naccnP'S. pieces, at ou at J"---- -- - n ROUND AND UNGROUSD BPICEB. Citr - e.iiih rnrrinu F..r,- Coffee, ana V iae- garot the best quality. for aale by ' . - . .irr.l' IRWIN. Jan. io. iiari?h u r " N AILS A SPIKES thecbeapert intbn'J 4t MO&SOP S mflB highest market prices rid for J. by J. EHAW A SO D ,KT GOODS th cheapest ia the '-T' ' I w.. ii -t r MOS80P S B ACON, Ham 8idi and thoulderj-r4 price; as '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers