Wc liiafanxan'z gonrmtf, teaxfidb, .r., mte' 8, 1870. Raftsman' gouraal "CLEARFI LLDIA-ji JUNE S, .870. - To insnio the safe tranmisslon T r " bmail, patrons should remit by check ' m.l order or hare their letters registered. r m"" Jt will be ecclosed io the first paper after x 1 - r . pprn' E. E. Summer Arrangement. lU ,nin lea.es Tyrone at . irriTes at Osceola at : : ' '.. r hilipsburg at .1 Clearfield at : - .in Clearfield a : Arris t Philipsburg at Osceola at : : Tyrone at : : Bellefonteat : .. Lock Haven at Williamspertat : 0 35 a.m : 11.00 a. m : 12.e5f.m : 2.30 p m : 3 40 p. m. .- 4 00 p. m :. 5.30 p. m : 8.1ft p. m. : v sup. m. : 10.50 p.m. Accommodation Train. , ...Clearfield at : : : : : : 7.00 A. u Lcaym Clear ..,. ,, at :: 9 40 a. a. .. Osceola at : : : 10 25 a.m. Intersection at : : 1 08 p. m Tyrone at : : : 120 a.m. r r.nmi leave Williamsaort at 8 00 a. m. at Lock Haven at . :10.10 am. Bellefonte : : : 1140 a m i Interaction at : : l.OSp. m Oseeola at : : ; : 2 4 p. m, Fhilipsbueg at : Sdip.ia Clearfield at : : : e 00 p. 111. nTi.cfinns made at Tyrone with trains v... a v.t on the Maino Line. rD-crs leaving Clearfield at 2 30 p. m., reach WM'iamTort at 10 50 p. m. the same day. r r. leaving Williamsport atS 60 a in. reach ClearfleiJ ai o.vi p "-J Kei.igiocs. Divine services will te held ,.n Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: By Iter. Hail, in St. Andrew's Episcopal m'.-li. at 11 A. M. and 7 I. M. Sunday -h ,o at 3 r. M. Prayer meeting ever: ii..i,..,lnv eveninir 't 7 o'clock. By Rev. Uutler.in tho Presbyterian church norning and evening. Sabauth school a at 3 I'. M. Prayer meeting every eduesaay avtiine at 7 o clock. Dy lU'f.J. II. M Cord, in the Methodist church, morning and evening. Sabbath w'noJ at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Tinir.-c'ay at 7 P. M. Communion services f:rt Sabbath of every month at 10i A. M. it. Francis' church Mas at 101 A. M., the .eeouJ and fourth Sundays of each ssonth. li tis. We had several fine showera of rain, in this region, within the past week, si.d the crops are growing rapidly in conse quence. . Isivine Services. Ilev. M. Officer, of Y.rk, l'a., will preach in the Lutheran Church, in thi.s place, on Sabbath next, June 12th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , and at li P. M. CorriT. Court convened on Monday rooming. Judge Mayer and associates on tlie bench. A large number of persons are in attendance, and much business has been traii-aettd. Din you see that magnificent meteor in tim North-western horizon, on Monday even in,;, on which was emblazoned the impor tant inscription, "Heed is Milling the best and cheapest goods in the county?" Admitted. It gives -tisploaure to an nounce that J. 1". lrvin Esq., was admitted to practice in the several courts of this cunty, on Monday last." lie was a student of II. B. Swoope, Esq. Mr. Irvin is a younjr man of fine talents, superior legal af u'liiucnt, and possesed of a good busines.s ts't. We cheerfully recommend biiu to s;c!i of mir readers as may have business to t:?-.ii-a;t in the courts of this county. Sales !' Heal Estate. Ik-low we give a li- tA' the I'eeds, as entered of record in tl I'ce .pier's office in this county, for the wc k ending Monday, May 30 th, 1S70, t j ;!).-!- with the consideration named, The great centre of attraction, to those in want of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats, is at Wm. Heed's, Market St, Clearfield, Pa. Wallaceton Items. We learn that a lad named Miller had the front finger cut offhis loft hand, and the thumb badly la cerated, on Friday last, while engaged in sawing slabs for lath, at the saw mill near W allaceton. .... ."'. A young man named Hichards, on Monday last, while carrying a heavy oak plank, fell and lacerated one knee joint very seiiously behaving had the knee cut previously with an axe. Any one attending Court, this week and next, having a few leasure moments, should drop in and take a look at my stock and prices ; and if you have any stamps you wish to invest, we will be glad to accoinino- date you with anything in our line. June 8. Wm. Hkd. Just So. An exchange says : A man who is too stingy tj pay for a neat notice of a --Farm for Sali." wrote it out and stuck it up in the Post Office. A gentleman looking for a farm was re ferred to the notice in the Office, but replied. '-I don't want to buy of him. and beaides, I can't buy at a fair price of a man who advertises in that way. He'll steal the lence, the pump handle and" the locks off the doers of the nou.-o before he gives possession." . A similar circumstance' occurred in this place, recently. One of this "stingy" class wishing to sell some household goods, wrote a notice snd stuck it up at. the Tost Office, Two gentlemen observed it, when one ask- el the other if he was going to the sale? "No ! I won't attend a sale where the man is too stingy to have a decent bill printed." And now for the finale of the story. The good? were not sold, because no bidders were in attendance. i. located, and the names or. the grant or- in l gra:itv3 : i'r l Newton Lightncr and G. L. Pee l t !!. Ilfidcon. for two tracts nf land in l'.-;i t;.. com 'lining 10:) acres SO p. and l')0 a aul I4 per. Consideration $1,050. I' 1. Iwis Smith ta A. UAl ,fc J Ste I :!cn-hi, t'ir 4 tracts of land in ISoli towu-si-ip. C!is';darati;m $0,000. I'cv l. ALraru Goss Si Co. to John Law !!, !.t in O coola." Consideration $100. I'- 1: M nhinnou La:i 1 t Lumber Co. to ; .: M;il-.-r, for lot in OiCJola. Consid- !'- 1. Oivi 1 Tor-ee to William, George A fb'!.-;.- A'I.ert, for 5S acres iu Goslcn C.:i-i.!ci'ation $2,-b)0. I'-c!. Samuel & K.;U H iss to Austin : t .r i a,;i0 Huston :;. Consider- 1'-. ;1. Sam-iel & Kh'Cta Km to Arnold k l.-.iw. fur I acre in ilu'.ton to. Coir :'!l::i::..u $1. I'.vl. n-if 1 Lons to Alfred Txinir, for ' acres in tt). Con.-ideraiion $3:000. iVe l. Dr. D. lloutz to Clara McAtecr, ' ! jt in O-ceo'a. Consideration $2,300. t't-. I':-. I. lloutz to James Haley, for '- hi il -,vr. !i!c. Consideration .75. -i' P. H.iyr et al. to Thos. P.af- ! : ,'.s acres in Pcuii tp. Considera- Wm. Schwem to Jacob Schwcni, ', ' '- ttrvs in lira ly tp. Consideration Pi-Jcl Hoiifz, M. D. to Patrick I' .!;-, !...r i.jt iii Hjutzdale. Corsidera- ar;:-i 1 1; T el lloutz. M. P. to Benjamin .'or Lt in Ilouizdale. Considcra- r Dve.i. paiiiclTToutz. M. P. to Richard V. ?-.t kt iu Uoutz lile. Consideration JV-rl. Dir.iel Ilootr, M. P. to William .''"i-, i-a Ll.'iu Ilouizdale. Cousidera- l: .yl. , J. l,,,iel Hon, M. P. to Charles .'':i;:n, lurlot in lloutzdale. Considera :i i .ii. to George Considers J, Daniel Jlout. M. D. iiirit.in, it !ut in llouUdale. t:.'a ... lci Daniel Houtz, M. D. to Thomas fc-i'Tii, lor lot in Iloutxdahi. Considera- Ai.so, (Los ectered up to Monday, June '-li. IbTii. I;teJ, Juhn Cooper to II. B. Wright, for lji m Glen Hope. Consideration $50. Kel, H. Philips Ex. to Joshua Com -J" ;''ck (or 137 acres in Beccaria township. -uu.!dcration $CS3. ,"! Elizabeth Thompson to G. II. Ly .r lut in Curwensville. Consideration -.0. . f.l. G. II. Lytle to E. A. nipple, for -Jt m CurweusTilie. Consideration $800. I'f-el, Horace Patcbin to D. Mitchell, for acr ln lurn!.i,e tp Consideration $95(J. . Jeed, II. Waple to Isaac Smith, for lot in ln, township. Consideration $25. Death of Montgomery rullertcn, A Philipsburg, Montana, torrespondent. writing to the Xtio North )Ytst, printed at Deer Lodge City, gives the following par ticulars relating the d;ath of Montgomery Fullcrton, to which we referred last week. Mr. F1. was in the 35th year of age, al the time of his death. To the Editor New North West. Upon my return from your very interesting ana growing town, i tound our little com munity overwhelmed with sorrow in conse quence of the sudden and terrioie dea.h ol one of our best loved citizens, Mr Mont gomery Fullcrton. Mr. F. was one of the pioneers ot this district, and has remained a constant resident ever since. ILe was at tached to his mountain home, and exhibit ed a warm interest in its prosperity. From the following, foaud among bis private paj pers, carefully preserved, he was not un mindful of the future silent sleep toward which we are all irrevocably hastening, and which came upon htm sudden and uncs pected as the lightning's flash : 'Metitgoinery Fullcrton, born in Clearfield, Ps. Ilia si.ter.-i. Miss Carrie Fullcrton and Mrs. Jen nie Urevf n, live at Monroe Cenlie, ?gie county, 111. (Siirtied ) SloNTUomnr Fullehtos. As your readers ere tliia reaches them will be made familliar with many particulars of the fatal occurrence, I will endeavor to be brief. Suffice it to say, that as an accom modation, and at the earnest solicitation of some parlies here he consented to work for a tew days in the Purlea & liadley shaft in place ol Mr. Ld. l'uriee, who is a mechanic, and was much needed iu the crectiou of the Saunders Co. smelters. On the evening of 1 1th. after explodiuz and removing the rock from five blasts, and lighting a Sre at the bottom of the shaft, three of the work men complained of dizziness and nausea. Cut little was thought of I he matter, arid in ie mormnjr it was ah over. ' Soon after six u'elock in the uicrninsr, the four proceeded to the shaft as usual, and made preparations to go down. Nothing peculiar attracted at tention. The I'urfee boys gathered the tools and had lowered one tuh lull to within a short distance of the bottom, when Fuller-, ton spoke and said he would go down. He had scarce disappeared below the surface when the younger Purfee at the windlass heard him apparently struggling for breath. He looked over and saw Fui.'crton trying to come up the ladder, and asked, ''what's the matter?" to which he received no answer. Surmising something sci ious, he cried out, "for God's take hold on 1" ai, the name lime grasping the rope to lower himself and help F'uilertoii out. Alas for goud intentions ! It was all too late. As Durfeo's words eB caped from his lips, Fullerton stretched himself to his full height, locked up, gasped and throwing his arms high over his head, fell backward from the ladder to the bottom of tho shaft a distance of ninety feet The alarm was immediately given; but two hoars and ten minutes had e!ap?ed before the foul air could be removed and the body recover ed. The tub containing the tools was with in four feet of the bottom when the body struck it, and broke the windlass rope as a twine. The right arm was broken in seve ral places, and ribs on the right side had that appearance. FJxcept this the body was but little mutilated, the face wearing a singularly na'ural and pleasing expression. Thus suddenly, without a moment's warn ing, one ol nature's noblemen, the earliest at the lick man's bed and the last to leave it the earnest, true friend of his fellow-man was plunged into that long sleep from which there is no waking. Yesterday, as the funeral cortege swo'len by many addi tional members of the Masonic order from abroad moved slowly away to the grave, many a manly frame shook with emotion, while their sun brown checks cave evidence of a heart-felt tribute to the dead. 'As Mr. Fullcrton was Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge located here, it fs needless to say he received the burial rites, of that time honored Order. . Your-', XXX. Pbilipsburg, May 14th, 1S70. MASONIC RESOLUTION'S. At a meeting of the Flint Creek Lodge, No- 11, A. F. 4 A. M , of Philipsbnrg , M T., held on the 14th day of May, A. D. 1370, tho fallowing reso lutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Archi tect of the Universe," in the mysterious dispensa tion of His providence, Wehasten our hearts with sore affliction, in the sudden removal by death from our midst, of Montgomery Fullerton our well-beloved Brother and Worshipful Master, whose exemplary virtues, and untiring devotion to the princip'eaof Masonry have leit his memo ory an enduring monument in-the hearts of all brothers as well as an entire community. There fore, be it That we freely mingle our tears to day with the sisters and brother of the deceased in their and our bereavement ; that we deeply fee! the irreparable loss we have all sustained in his death, and regret we can only testify our ap preciation of his worth while living, by honor ing bis ashes and consecrating his memory RenolveJ. That in the death of our Worshiful Master, we have lost a solicitous and kind-hearted friend a worthy Brother a living, practical illustration of the principles of Masonry, and the community one of its noblest and best citizens He-otvtd. That in token ol respect to the mem ory of our W. M., flint Creek Lodge, No. 11, A. V. A A. M. of Philipsburg. M. T., be draped in mourning for three months, and the members thereof wear tho usual badge on the left arm, for 30 days Rtflvrd, That certified copies of the resolu tions ba sent to the relatives of the deeeased, and to the Lodge of which our Brother was formerly a member, (Clearfield Lodge. No. 314.) and copies furnished to the newspapers of the Territory for publication. The River. The waters in the river are very low, notwithstanding the fall of rain on IViday and Sunday last. The prospect for rafting is dull. Is full blast the Fair and Festival, at the old "Western Hotel." Everybody is in vited to call, and partake of the good tbiucs provided for the occasion. Cet Ose. Everybody is fond of deli ciously cooked meats. Broiled meats are the most savory and palatable, yet very few persons have the necessary conveniences for broiling. "Bower's American Broiler," a new article, however supplies the necessary aparatus to euable everybody to have their meats cooked iu the very best manner, Having tried one, we speak from experi ence iu this respect,' and wonll advise our readers to call at II. F. Ligler & Co s hard ware store and get one. They do their work most admirably. List op Letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Clearfield, Pa., June 1st 1870 FER'D KENSETT, ) J. M. .MKKUELL, Co ' ti. V. SUEKMAN, ) mmittee. Chas. F. Blake. Messrs E A A. A. Bloom Christian Bennet, Henry A. Bathurst, Miss lie 11 a L'ressler. George Blanchard, Jacob Conrad. (2) JtSie Chamberlin. Mrs. Rachel Coulter, C. A. totlman, Washingion J Daggett ti. YV. liickinson, Oeorge Dawson, Mr. Force. John Ouillord, M C.Hall, (4) Charlie llou.e. Miss Hester Henry, Mrs. Fin in a Hess, Oeo. W. Jose, Miss S. Maria Kline, Geo L. Knarr. W. S. McLaughlin, (2) William Miller. Adam Musser, R. T. .VieConaughey, Miss Mary Moyer, N. J. Martin, E. M. Moody. Jonny McSpaden, Mrs. Sarah McCosklin W. C. Parker, Jacob Reed. David P". Smith, Mi.ssC. M Whitman, llvram Wilson, Willis Watson, D. S. Watkins (2) Mi.TS Ella Willis, Wise A Son, P A. (lACLia, P. M." MARRIED. On Monday. May 23d, 1S70, by E. Ililtc brand, Fsq , Mr. Jamks Raney and Miss Sarah J. Lewis, both of Clearfield Co. On Sunday, June. 5th, 1870, by E. Hike brand, Esq., Mr. Math ias Hcxaoas and Miss KkELlNE Tcbbs, both of Furguson township. On Monday, June Gth, 1S70, by Rev. K. O Branigan, Mr Philip J. Weaver of Luthersburg, Pa., and Miss Annie S. Grif fin, of Clearfield, Pa. We tender to the happy couple the good wishes of all hands in this office, for the excellent cake which accompanied this no tice, and hope their jouraey through life may be as sweet as the same, and as easy to "take." Clearfield Eeiail Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLT r K. HOSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 Hay, ton, 10 00 Apples, green, bu, 1 50 Hams lb. 24 Applebutter, gal, 1 00 Shoulders, !b, IS liutter, lb, 25 Sides, lb, 18 Beef, freah, lb, 10 Lard, lb, 25 licef. dried, lb, 2i Oats, bu, 60 Buckwheat, hu, 1 25 Onions, bu, 1 00 Huekwueat flour. Ib o Pork. lb. 14 Beans, bu, 2 50 I'ork. me.-s. febl, 35 00 Boards, per M, 14 00 Potatoes, bu, 75 Corn, shelled, 1 25 Plaster, bbl. 3 50 " ears, 60 Poaches, dried, lb, 11 " meal, S 00 Rye, bu, 1 25 Chop, rye. 2 0 Kas, lb, 3 " mixed. 2 40 Salt, per sack, 3 50 Cheese, lb, 25 !hingles, 8 in, 5 00 Cherries, lb, 18 Shingles. 2S in, 12 00 Chickons.dresssed.lU, 15 Timothy seed, ba, 8 00 EgTS, 20 Wheat, bu, 1 40 Flour, bbl, . 6 50 Wool, lb, 40 LOSING PRICES OF DellAVF.X A 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia 3 o clock ir. Al., June 4, loiU. II. S. (i's of 1331, t;. s. fa of is;2. V S. 6's of 1S'. U. S. 6 s of 1G5, L". S. 6's of IS65. new, LT. S. 6's fcf I5')7, new, U. S. li s of 18.18, U. S. 5's. 10-40's. L . S. 30 vear 6 per cent C., Due Compound Interest Ntites, Gold, Mirer, Union Tacifio Tt. R. 1st M. Bonds, Central 1'aciBo R. R.. Uuiiin Pacifio Land Grant Bonds. BRO., 1I4 1141 110 lluj 190 loa.1 109 10!J 108 10s 193 ly 109J 1091 iosj ioa 112 19 1141 1141 lt-t 110 820 830 930 960 TZ0 730 COUNTY DIltECTORV. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. I Monday in Januarv, 3d Monday in June. 2 w. .id " iu March, I 4th in Sept. 2 w. 4th ' in May, 21 in Nov. 2 w. pnrvTv ivn tiwtiipt nrprPTTis; Pres't.lu lge Hun. Chas. A Mayer. Lock Haven. As te. Judges Hon. Samuel Clyde, Clearfield. lion. Jaeoo n inneiin wranumion :h.lir Pvrniiiii flnwa . . Clearfield f'rothonotary, Aaron C. Tate, . . Keg. A l'.ec. . AMury W. Lee, . " District Att'y, W. M M'Cullough, . Trii an rfr . T. r Flcir :it . Co. Surveyor, S. F McClo-sksy, Cummiss'u'rs, Othello Sinead, . rainuel channer, -Samuel II. liindman Clarlt Brown, . . Price A. Howies, . John D. Miller. . , . James A. Moore Auditors. Coroner Co.SuperinJ't Geo W. Snyder, Curwensville N. Washington Clearfield. G lea Hope. Clearfield. N. Millport. Hurd. ClearSoId LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Towinfiip. Names o f P. O. iV'inu- f P.M. Beecaria, - - Glen Hope, - - lloiuer uuBrce, - - Utahviilc, - - - S. McFarland. " - - Hegarty 'sX Roads Samuel Ilegarty Bell, - - - Bower, - - S A. ltnrabaugh " - - - - CVest, ... - Thos.A. M Ghee u ... Cush. - - - - J. W Campbell. .... Ostend. - - " - - H. L. Henderson Slooin, - - Forrest. - - - - Algernou Holden Boggs, Clear6eld Bridge, - Jas. F'orrcst. .... Wallaceton, - - John K .Moore Bradford, - Woodland, - - - Wm. Albert. ... - Wru's Grove, - - Kd. Williams Brady, - - - Luthersburg, - L. B. Carlil i ... Troutville, - - Mrs. C. Weaver i . . Jefferson Lino, - John Heberlin. Burnside, - New Washington - Sam'l McCune u ... Hurn.ide. - Matthew Irwin. n ... Patchinrille, - Jack Patchin. --- East Ridge, - - W. Summerville Chest,- - - - Hurd, .... Lewis J. Hurd McGarvey, - - - Wm McGarvey i Westover, - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. . Gaulin Covington, - Frenchvil'e, - - Claud Barnioy " - - - Karthaus. - - - John Reiter Curwensville Curwensville, - - Charles Hoet Decatur, - Philipsburg, Ccntrecounty, Pa. .. . . Vest Dccotur, Lever Sineal, Ferguson, - Marron, - - - John P Straw. Girard,- - - loonte's Mills. - Angu's Lecoute, " - - - Bald Hills, - - Alex. Irwin. Goshen, - - Snawsville, - - H.H.Morrow. Graham, - - Grahamton,; - - Thos. II. Forcey Guelich, -- Smith's Mills, - - Jos. 11. Ganoe. .... Allemaus' - - - Henry Alleman. Huston, - -Tyler, - - - - Miss R J. Tyler. ... penufield, - - Frank Bowman. Jordan, - - Ansonville, - - 11. Swan. Karthaus, - Salt Lick, - - Geo. Hcckadoro.' Knox, - - - New Millport, - H J. Sloppy. Morris, - -- Kylertown, - - Kd. C. Brenner. " ... Morrisdale. - - John Odell. Osceola. - - Osceola Mills.- - T. F Boalich. Penn, --- Lumber City .t - H W. Spencer. u .... Grampian Hills, Jona. Wall Pike. - - - - Curwensville, - Chas. Hoel. Union, - - - Rockton, - - - D. E. Ilrubaker. Woodward. Jeffries. - - - James Lockett. . . .'. Malera, - - - - J.G. Derby. 4 This Post Office will do for Chest township. t Will answer for Ferguson township. 5 STATE ft P. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - John w.ueary, oumoenana, Sec'yofCom. - Frat.k Jordan, - ueuiora, Den. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, -Auditor Gen - John F.IIartranft, Montgomery, Surveyor Gen.- J. M. Campbell, - Cambria. Attorney Gen. - F. C Brewster, - Philadelphia. Adjutant Gen. - D- B. M'Crea-y, - Erie, State Treasurer, Wm. W. Irwin, - Beaver, Sup. Com Sch's J. P.Wickersham, Lancaster, Deputy Sup't. - C. .K. Cobum, - - Bradford, State Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin. Supreme CorBT. Chief Justice. James Thompson- Associates. Henry W. Williams, John M. Keed. Daniel Agocw. George Sharswood. Ses sions, Philadelpiha, 1st Monday of January. Har risburg, 4th Monday of Apri Wunbury . 1st Mon day of October. Pi ttsburg, 3d Monaay of October. TREASURER'S SALE Or URSKATKD roa Tins For 1SG9 nd previous jears. NOTICE is HBREBV gi vex, that in par suance of an Act of Assembly, pa Med tie 12th day of June, A. D. 1815. entitled ..A . . . 1 . A.t ,ltratin. ! mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county." will to exposed to I'ublio Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, ax the Court lioufe m the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday in June, A. D. 1870 : 40 Susanna Rayser, 6 55- 85 John Haona, 19 63 20 Bobert Blain, 4 15 I7o Leonard & Clyda, 28 10 200 Keyno'd Kjn, 14 80 46 John G. Gray, 10 02 50 Mordica Shirk, 10 89 49 George Turaer, 12 85 80 Andrew Pettil, 21 88 Ae. 88 53 50 26 J9 71 232 loO 85 433 399 349 181 134 104 215 433 433 30 330 2116 328 74 100 300 SO 174 ire 100 118 118 186 89 So. 5520 576 4Sfi 3ifi5 Sill a 5619 42s7 5G19 590(5 5y07 4 287 42S7 BSCCAHIA TOWltSHIP. Per. . Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Mailer, I'eter Miller, Fred'k JJubley, Jubo Bausmau, Fred'k Hawnian, Thomas Billington, Philip Mysoncope, John Mysoncope, Michael Musser, John Porduey, John Witiuor, Henry Witmor, William Wilson, Jacob Krug, John Gibson, Robert Wilson, William Gray, John .Miller, John Ki t land, . Martin Pautz, Jacob FauU, George Musser, Thomas Gibson, John Beam, Jacob Krug, Wm. Pluntket, Adam Mjsoncupe, Jere. Mysoncope, KeaggJ Fred. Beates, Adjni K n hn, Tln.maa Billington, John Beams, 113 80 103 73 153 153 80 153 125 153 3 47 $26 .90 18 80 16 20 9 42 82 OS 24 00 75 16 48 60 28 54 141 32 129 32 114 08 40 50 43 42 33 40 69 C6 104 21 104 21 9 72 81 00 96 00 79 80 23 30 32 40 88 4S 9 72 57 3b 67 02 82 40 88 24 40 50 60 2t 23 84 BKLL T0V75SHIP. Ae. Per. Warrai tees, etc. Taxes 590 Henry Beck, $101 77 71 Heury Beck, 13 16 1000 half Henry Beck, 82 52 506 half Henry Beck, 46 81 161 118 John Nicholson. 53 67 150 Nieklin A Griffith, M 76 433 Benjamin Gibbs, 139 81 242 20 Henry Be-k, 50 22 S3 S3 Henry Beck, 17 25 101 S3 Henrv Bei-k. 20 61 31 123 Nieklin A Griffi n, 6 22 90 Nieklin A Griffith, 18 41 4(10 Henry Beck, 74 00 203 Henry Beck, 33 5 BQ305 TaTSTSSHlF. Ac. Per. Warranters, etc. Taxes. 16 John Thorns, $39 20 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 80 408 76 II. S. Drinker. 81 61 413 Win. McCormicb, 83 61 4-10 Xaticy Cogps. 88 00 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 86 8.8 429 41 John Byers, 86 88 100 Barbara Snyder, 20 00 132 George lioutmau, 23 00 127 George Ayrcs, 64 00 427 21 Wm. Troutwina, 04 00 400 John Ream, 60 4l0 100 Hannah Stewart, 20 00 139 27 John Montgomery, !1 61 49 Barbara Snvdcr, 9 80 404 .Blair M'Linuhsn, 80 80 427 Jonas Stcinhriser, 61 20 96 157 Richard Waple, 20 20 96 Jat.C. Williams, 20 20 216 Milson & Monson, 43 20 125 G. Hootnian, 25 00 163 third Joseph Ball, ,, 13 80 i BLOOM TOWSSHir. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eta. Taxes 5925 rsi i 235 Z21 100 135 5 111 J. W. Smith, 47 65 A. K. Wright, Tl 20 Kirk A Wbitmore, S7 39 Fenton A Sner.cer, 2 22 Roberts A Fox, 12 z J 14 99 11 10 S4 50 3590 10C5 159 Roberts A Fox, b61 100 Jacob Bilger. 250 Daiid Irtin Eit. BSADroaD T0W53HIP. Ac. Per. Warrantee!, ate. taxes an llnirh Klv. 102 35 John Campbell, 153 IU1I Sc Duck, 175 Juhn aughn, 100 Johu Vaughn, 250 Blair M Lanahan, 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 103 Audrew Petera, 48 Matthias SUymaker, 8') Matthias SUymikcr, 21 0 52 Francos West, 100 Xcueruiall Maim, Thomas Unit, 64 Dnvid Mains, 100 Joseph Powell, 50 Daniel Graham, 50 Horatio D. Hall, 127 V. B. Holt, 85 Wni. Graham, 40 Alex. Dallas, $13 29 18 74 20 80 22 45 8 70 84 80 67 08 28 47 8 36 6 53 34 80 17 40 ' 87 11 17 13 05 8 70 8 70 23 09 14 79 7 30 5e. BRADT TOWNSHIP. Ac Par. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 492 30S W. Kirk-patrick, 75 01 626 Sl Conrad Long, 51 32 5861 SiO Joua. li. Smith. 4C( 10 58771 II 84 Henry vTykeff, 260 S 5886 j 323 331 John Dunlap, 119 22 195 100 Casper Stiver, 27 30 195 77 Casper Stiver, 2106 218 501 . Christian Lower, 195 40 2009 650 Roberts A Fox. 253 50 13 421 Christian Lower. 174 21 1988 ! 409 Christian Lower, 156 10 1994 365 Roberts Fox, 142 36 2010 604 Roberts A Fox, 226 44 35S0 995 94 Roberts A Fox, 3S9 16 2009 611 Roberts A Fox, 238 30 27 256 Benj. Henry, 9 84 155 135 Casper Stiver, 52 66 276 472 Casper Stiver Sr., 184 OS 92 83 62 George Shafer, 32 38 55 R. S. A J. Cathers, 19 94 223 Kobt. 8. Cathers, b9 14 100 Baum, 23 30 0 MoGairy. 13 56 110 132 Christian Lower, 66 4 BURXSIDI TOWJfSHIP. Ao. Per. Wairantees. ate. Taxes. 200 Snydur & Burns, $52 80 S0O Jere. Williamion, 105 60 324 Mary Crawford, 114 05 100 Leonard Mollis, 21 80 CHEST TOWHSHIP. TKB.GTJ30K TOWHoHlP. Ae. Far. Warrantees, etc Taxe 58 Matthias Slough, $10 45 433 152 George Ross, 78 99 74 Lewis Jordan, 19 73 50 Hiram Pasamor. 10 80 100 John Hambrif.ht, 21 60 100 Adam Kelgart 18 00 209 72 John Dougbton, 45 93 150 J. U. Furguson, 24 40 6IKA2D TOWKSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 153 John Boyd. $41 50 813 U3 Josiah Haines, 121 91 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 180 71 255 . Jim ii Ross, 107 97 433 153 John Cunninghair, 14-5 89 433 153 John Cook, 134 89 433 153 Joseph Fning, 134 89 433 153 William Cook, 134 89 386 Isaac Kirk & Co., 162 39 100 21 Henry Pole, 47 ',5 HO Fulton, 87 35 256 Miller & Crist, 106 24 22 Miller & Crist, 9 23 200 Mahafley & Mitchell, 49 50 433 Mathias Slough, 88 94 100 John Brenuetuan, 26 05 61 J. & II. Broth, . 22 25 600 Samuol McCune, 75 70 1(H) John Witmer, 34 20 57 William Roland, 25 67 150 Jos. R. McMurray, 20 25 So. 5303 5373 5374 540S 5359 5170 5410 53f7 5373 5404 5407 1892 1910 3941 1891 5377 C0VIHGT0H T0WK8EIP. A. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 1083 1100 1100 1100 1048 1100 1100 804 433 325 1000 00 George Mead, George Maad, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Morris A Stewart, 175 122 Morris A Stewart 133 283 1100 127 200 133 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart George Mead. Kmerick A Reiter, 11 Burgett, Charles Brown, $76 36 87 65 87 55 87 55 T3 88 87 55 87 55 59 63 38 08 52 92 71 50 35 25 9 25 10 67 59 35 77 55 8 97 23 20 50 Ae. 241 123 408 S58 203 106 49 34 73 433 152 391 100 50 202 404 84 200 108 20 50 90 333 400 200 281 195 1U8 100 50 83 COO 125 200 17 75 137 137 154 115 41 60 60 159 127 D2CATCR T0W33HIP Per. Warrantees, etc. 47 - John Drinker, John Skvron. Richard Thomas, Jacob Downing, Hugh Ely, Jos. Hamilton, John Skyron, Wni. Montgomery, Thos. Edmonson, Joliu Anderson, Gilbert Vaught, Thoiuas Billington, Thoa. Stewartson, Robert Haltznmer, Mary M'Lahahan, Ann M'Lauaban, Joseph Whitehall, Mary M'Lanaban, Jacob Downing, Joseph Sansom, William Sansom, Thos. Stewardson, John Drinker, Thos. Edinomlson. Samuel Hambletou, Casper Haines, Gilbert Vaught, Josrph Harrison, 80 Joseph Harrison, Wm. Hoover, Thos. Stewardson. Joseph Whitehall, Jonathan Nesbit, A. c J. G.ss, Sani'l. M'Clarran, Joseph Sansom, David Stewart, 76 99 147 136 Taxes $98 75 50 44 167 07 146 61 83 18 43 42 20 12 14 93 29 94 167 62 65 82 133 37 27 40 15 75 73 72 91 91 81 57 63 70 40 31 7 28 28 65 18 20 32 80 121 82 128 40 82 80 102 39 70 98 72 08 33 S5 13 65 31 22 65 CO 43 85 74 80 7 18 83 76 Ho. 5356 5364 5365 6375 53G3 5372 5379 5371 6360 535S 5364 5359 5355 1838 1931 1935 1924 1913 1890 3647 5352 5376 5353 5357 3547 18SS 3443 1929 1890 1926 1888 1917 3650 1837 1916 Ae. Per. 11C0 1064 752 1082 1100 1100 641 1083 1100 1043 1008 1003 1100 150 549 116 536 403 100 114 254 120 10 798 1100 1100 1100 194 81 227 125 232 56 S3 187 105 378 346 106 456 -60 . Warrantees, ete. Taxes George Mead, $61 07 George Mead, 68 46 George Mead, 39 87 George Mead, 69 20 George Mead, 61 97 George Mead, CI 07 George Mead, 47 00 George Mead, 60 17 George Mead, 61 07 George Mead, 61 81 George Mead, 61 07 George Mead, 55 60 George Mead, 61 07 Morris A Stewart, 19 40 Morris A Stewart. 72 04 Morris A Stewart, 70 40 Morris A Stewart 37 74 Morris A Slew art, 14 80 Morris A Stewart, 51 64 Morris A Stewart, 1 71 George Mead, 17S 15 George Mead, 244 20 George Mead, 244 20 George Mead, 244 20 Morris A Stewart, 7 24 Morris A Stewart, 17 81 Morris A Stewart, 21 83 Morris A Stewart, 2 47 F. Berthand est, - 13 85 Stephen Butband. 7 59 Morris A Stewart, 27 96 Morris A Stewart, 26 61 Morris A Stecart, 8 84 Morris A Stewart, 33 75 Morris A Stewart, , 3 70 S675 677 5678 4181 35S9 2000 2U01 ms 4200 4133 4IS9 4181 3593 3601 3G0O 3573 3576 3594 3597 3607 35S4 3585 3604 5068 4193 42i6 4254 5679 252 11 13 8 16 4271 4271 547 147 1041 347 85S 1020 429 330 140 20 495 1020 437 899 733 908 1029 88 685 1020 1020 89i 297 927 888 927 1041 206 500 96 30 105 4 S 110 495 495 8t Moora A Delaev, 3 cl Moore A Deianey. 26 81 Moere A Deianey, 141 27 Jas Wilson's art, 23 22 Roberts o- Fox, Roberta A Fox, Roberts A Pox. Roberta A Fox. 3 Roberts A- Fox, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wi!;n, SO Robert ir Fox, 20 Roberts A Fox. 151 Roberts A- Fox, Roberts A Fox, 109 Roberts ir Fox, 60 lUbrrts A Fox, 35 Roberts A Fox, 65 Roberts A- Fox. 64 Rooerts A Fox,' 64 Roberts A Fox. 136 Roberts A Fox, Wm. Powers, 23 James Wilson, 115 James Wilson, 28 James W ilson, 52 2 S3 21 81 Moore A Deianey, 2s8 79 05 V3 110 25 164 234 240 ISO 1 16 8 Si 24 192 83 203 143 171 193 167 159 193 193 179 65 175 167 176 John Dunlan. Duboite if Low, Reynolds sab J. Nicholsoa, 109 James Wilsen, James Wi.soa, 20 S 23 1 24 Ai IS J02BAI T0WJT2HIP. O0SHE2T TOWltSHIP. Se. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 6313 653 George Mead,. $55 41 5217 1059 George Mead. SO C3 5313 1039 George Mead. 93 83 5319 1099 George Mead, S3 83 5320 1100 George Mead, 93 83 5321 1003 George Mead, 85 84 5323 1100 George Mead, 93 50 6314 760 George Mead. SS 90 5315 1000 George Mead, 127 50 5316 1000 GeorgeMead, 127 50 5323 1100 GeorgeMead, 93 50 5331 1100 George .Mead, 93 50 5325 200 George Mead, 27 50 5134 3CS W m. Mapes, 38 2j 1912 433 Morris A Stewart. 37 23 1884 ) 1915 (430 151 Morris A Stewart. 54 4 5324 1213 67 GeorgeMead, 309 32 5326 1100 George Mead, 2S0 50 5327 1113 GeorgeMead, 284 83 5329 1100 GeorgeMead, 280 0 5329 1100 GeorgeMead, 280 60 1903 100 Amos Reed. 35 00 1923 368 G. Albert A Bro., 32 03 1921 200 Wm A. Wallace, 17 00 1922 200 Morris A Stewart. 25 50 1886 899 15 Gil mi)-Garrison,169 S3 OUA3AK T0WKSHIP Ae. Per. Warrantees, eta. 297 Thoa. P. Cope, 198 John Skyron, 1 Juhn Skj ron, 145 T. Cope, 109 Geo. Moore, 240 Joseph Sinjons, 164 Bernard Grata, 130 Bernard Grata, 10 Joseph Henry, 248 Joseph Henry, 100 Charles Hall, 41 C. J. Allport, 60 John Skyron, Taxes. 0? Ae. Per. 245 100 48 114 849 9S 184 158 433 153 260 98 126 116 100 100 ISO EI.ICH TOWNSHIP, Warrantees, ete. Benj. Wilson, Ricb'd Atherton, Geo. Moore, Geo. Moore, Philip Gloninger, John M'Cahen, Edward Hand, Johu M'Caheo, Juhn Lampblack, Benj. Wilson, John Witmer, John Witmer, Daniel Fulkerson, Robert Henderson, $41 88 29 01 2 86 20 34 40 98 127 84 233 12 193 SO 2 76 81 77 28 60 15 42 4 60 Taxes. $80 E9 28 70 13 79 110 21 88 46 45 35 98 81 74 72 28 12 87 21 19 03 28 70 8 20 12 94 No. ' HUST0S TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. 200 I.G. Ridder. $56 195 Dan 1 Caldwell, 49 5673 1041 Moore A Deianey. 262 5674 1041. Moore A Deianey; 2 2 1041 Moore A Deianey, 262 990 Wm. Powers, 251 879 Wm. Powers, 231 S47 27 Moore A Deianey, 80 833 15 James Wilson. 54 990 James Wi son, 189 S60 James Wilson, 930 James Wilson, 495 James Wilson, 495 James Wilson, 990 Jamrs Wi)-on. 420 Willhelm Wiilink 93 490 James Wilsm, 92 740 James Wilson, 810 Wm Powers, 990 Wm Powers, 376 E. Shoemaker, 101 E. Shoemaker, 250 James Wilson, 600 James Wilton, 5675 5066 6067 5672 4257 4204 4200 4182 4199 4199 42-W 4902 4236 4225 5064 5065 4225 4236 Taxes 40 14 37 37 37 43 9 97 94 01 65 99 57 57 11 01 71 86 i4 41 73 25 25 50 51 77 93 93 197 149 17 218 84 22 43 94 Ac. Per Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $59 SI 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 61 06 209 Richaid Potere, 67 82 433 153 Thomas Martin, 135 89 283 Robert Martin, 43 20 91 135 Philip Loust, 21 22 49 Wru. JeUostoa, 6 60 100 Jouathan Jocea, IS 59 - 100 Richard Martin, 22 25 100 Richard Martin, 22 2a 433 168 John Duewoodie, 115 70 22t 411 :eo2 i2o 90 286 74 4( S 28 41 10 6290 483 6291 1100 1905 173 1903 173 1957 241 1913 37 19l3 1C9 35 Oat Lot 52 114 IABTHAUS T0WB1HIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taes 5409 1100 George Mud, $53 46 6411 1100 George Mead, 53 46 5412 747 Gorge Mead, 41 00 5413 1043 George Mesd, 6170 540S 110 George Mead, 63 46 5414 1100 George Mesd, 6.146 5405 107 27 George Mead, 4 60 1430 249 Wm Smith, 67 82 1055 97 129 Charles WiliiDg. S 81 1095 122 Charles Willing, 12 30 1097 100 Charles Willing, 11 14 1097 U'O Charts Willii.g, 1114 1097 b9 Charles Willing, 7 22 43 J R MeCIOekey, 5 78 200 Wm Michaels, 24 30 1665 300 McClosky A Polter.43 60 1665 350 li. D Hall, 56 70 1097 25 Charles Willing. 2 04 1096 6 Charles Willh.g. 5 36 500 F.A SchnarrsV Co SI 00 122 Daniel Yotbers, 19 86 83 Mary EjE;ans, 10 14 8 F 4- I. N uite, 9 0& IS F A- I White, 2 30 37 F A I TThite, 7 65 133 Christian Brown, 21 90 255 John Giililaad 17 02 144 John Gillilacd, 16 61 26 Oliver Moore. 93 60 John McGonegal, 8 09 ISO Mary K Mich.!., 10 14 11 Jlenty Yothcrs 49 A. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 233 433 433 433 433 373 72 433 100 423 854 S51 225 109 255 100 2'J0 200 40 364 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes $85 22 84 83 43 It. Haynes, 5 6 60 Luke Uorris, 5 6 153 Josrph Milliard. 5 6 84 44 153 Robeit Gray.o 6 84 44 41 J. Bingburst, 5-6 83 06 153 Sarah Ward, 5 6 84 44 153 George Eddy, 6 6 84 44 153 Moore Wharton. 5 6 84 44 153 George Ashl&n, 6 C 54 53 153 William Hunter, 111 33 153 Johu Doraey, 69 65 153 Benj. Poultnoy, 145 10 153 Israel Morris, 145 10 153 Martin Pierce, 188 88 Thomas Jordan, 14 04 153 .Isabella Jordan, 101 24 Henry Trout, 23 40 158 Caleb Foolk 109 40 163 George Wescntt, 82 84 153 George StieaiT, 82 IS John Boyd, 62 67 SosanfTa Ward, 25 63 G. & M. M'Cormick,o9 66 6298 1100 George Mead, 60 13 5293 374 Geora Mead, 21 n 5289 330 George Mead, 102 92 1V96 33 SO Roberts A Fox, 6 0S 1995 33 80 Roberts A Foi. 8 09 Hugh Joidaa, 25 64 John Reed. 48 30 CO Robert A Fox, 69 6 Robert Mitchell, S5 00 Wm. Montgomery, 44 48 J. M. Macumber, IT 28 J B. Garrison, 7 13 W. W. Snyder, 2 12 Isaao Conklia, 2 82 Jas. B Skew, 3 02 Israel Sichols, 6A -GeorgeMead, 162 47 George Mead, S3 20 Ellis Irwin A Son, 21 SI Kliitlrwin A Sob, 21 77 Ellis Ira in A Son, 30 19 Ellis Irwin A Son, 4 13 Ho cry Mead. 7 30 Morgan, 13 53 Mordica Shirk, 1 7 Rudolph Li:, 2 6 K0EEIS TOWXs'Kr? Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc 402 George Weizell, 2"u William Werts, 827 Christian Werli, 878 David Larch, 440 65 Joseph Turner, 440 109 Joseph Turner, 840 20 Joseph Turner, 423 George Ilahecker, 815 91 Johu Read, 272 16 Robeit Glenn, 400 John Huston, 433 158 Clem Stockor, 4t3 158 John Vaughn, 433 163 Jonathan Nesbit, 170 Blair M 'Lanahan, 2'.'8 William Stewart, 407 139 Richard R. Smith. 244 Jss Smith, 231 Christopher Backer, 126 George Gates, 14 Iiyuian Grate, 213 40 Conrad Swans, 19 17 John Graff. 187 'Nicholas Ridenonr. 10 84 484 95 Robert Carson, I ... 117 (.Vich.Ridono.r f 114 72 276 ilatlhias Slough, 68 89 25 Henry DriDker, 7 14 400 Frederick Hubtey, 7S 20 88 Matthias Slougb, 6 SI 100 William Bigler, 15 80 96 Joseph Putter, 4 69 1S8 Francis Johnston, 10 7$ 62 FiaDcis Johnston, 4 90 ISO Ralttoo & Hoover, 21 2 FIST TOWNSHir. Ne. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete- Taxes 163 Greenwood Bell, $33 81 6S63 63 Klijah Heath. 12 72 136 Mieklin A Griffith, SO 68 PISE TOWNSHIP. TaXe $64 61 2 66 61 66 9 94 69 62 69 62 64 72 CO 84 82 78 43 25 63 20 68 42 63 42 68 42 6 72 47 19 IS 80 19 27 9 17 1 91 17 69 23 es 2 9 No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eta. Taxec 4252 S57 86 James Wilson, 281 38 6777 418 12 John Nicholson, 62 29 5777 410 12 John KichelsoB, 62 29 1429 70 S. Bledgett, 8 84 25 John P. Hoy I, 8 39 42S0 930 James Wilson, tT S3 136 George James. 17 13 4020 476 Wm. 8. Roberts, 6 69 400 Joseph Bailey, 28 93 296 R. W.MeSaul,' 21 I 460 Z McSanl. 22 27 6776 27 John Nichelsen, 8 89 67T6 178 J. A Caldwell. 44 87 6776 140 John Nicholson, 53 70 6776 201 John Nicholson, 25 59 6778 ItS John Siebolson, U 25 UNION TOWNSHIP. No. At. Per. Warrantees, els. Taxes 3'.03 909 151 Roberts A Fox, S-2S4 83 3599 606 66 Roberts A Fox. 1 87 b 3582 799 SO Roberta A Fox, 247 70 35S1 125 Roberta A Fcx, 21 88 3593 350 . Roberta 6 i x, T IS W0ODWABD TOWNSHIP. Alex. Hunter, Silas Wilcot, Isabella Jordan, Henry Trout, John 1'iron, 15 60 21 'SO 21 20 4 68 85 27 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantee, elo. Taxti No. 5299 1100 5.100 1100 5301 1100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 l'OO 5305 1100 5306 1100 5307 1190 5303 1100 6309 1100 5310 1100 5311 1100 5292 1100 5294 1100 6295 1100 George George George George George Georze G eorge George George George George George Georce Gaorg George George Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead, $60 OS 60 06 60 0 60 06 60 06 60 05 60 06 60 06 " 60 06 60 06 60 C5 60 08 60 OS 60 06 60 06 60 00 Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes. 433 153 John Vonght, $179 81 4o6 169 John Walls, 188 81 433 153 Johu Roll, 19 31 100 William Wilson, 41 40 412 John Cannon, 132 67 433 15S - Israel Wheeler, 99 64 215 6 Thomas Neil, 49 42 60 Eli Hootnian, 12 80 204 Mary Neil, 65 68 333 Benj. Johnston, 107 19 638 Hegarty, 103 24 402 Matthias Barton, 121 45 311 145 John M'Cahen, 92 72 67 143 Mary Connelly, 16 76 100 Roland Evans, 41 40 121 Eli Huotuian, 88 92 1C0 Mary Sandwick, 18 40 21S Chauncey Rickets, 40 12 IJ Chauncey Rickets, 2 21 248 CharUs Ilight, 102 68 237 Daniel Turner, 98 03 170 Peter Louder, 64 75 91 Charles Louder, 24 19 40 William Wiater, 7 88 150 John Low, 27 60 100 Isaac Gog, 27 60 72 Roland Evans, IS 24 100 Brnjtmin jLbnttoo, 41 40 96 Marv Niel, 29 76 437 1 half Reuben Haine, 140 76 433 1 half Luka Morris, 129 Id 100 1 half George Altitun, 27 60 LEVER FLEG AL, Treai'r, Clearfield, April 6, 1370. "VTOTICE. Having purchased the interes-d-N nP.T K lil:itenber?er. Esn.. in the but sinefs heretofore carried on under the firm name of J. A. blattenoeyer ej- Co., the same will be con ducted hereafter under the name tl Moshannon Land and Lumber Co.. (Store;. H. II SHILLING FORD, JOHN LAWSHE, President. Sup't. May II, '78.-tf. ' J)R. B. CLARK'S CBLIHITE FEMALE PILLS, rea sals sr Boyer A Shaw and HarUwwk A Irwis, Cliarfiold, Pa. Aug 4.'69-1y Retail Price, $1.50 per package. IMPORTED LIQUORS, seen s BR AA' DIES mndHOLLASD G7.VS, PURE OLD GRAPE BRAyDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel aavthinr in this market for medicinal pur pec, GEO. N.COLBURS, Mareh S0,'70-tf. Prop r of Sbaw Home. N E W TJN SHOP! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIN. COPPER mad SHEET IRON WARE, (nearly apposite the jail), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOVTING and JOB WORK done oa reasonable terms. April 6. 1378. Y K. S M I T II, 'merchant tailor, . Clearfield, Ta., Would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear field county that he has pure'based the interest of E. R. L Stougnton. and is now prepared to make np, in the most fashionable manner, all kinds of clothing that customers may desire, be has CLOTHS. DOESKINS, AND CASSIMERES, of every style, always on band, from which cus tomers can make their selections. One door East of the Postoffice. April 20, 1870. 11 O SAD AL I S O S milE 8 RE AT AMERICAN HEALTH X RESTORER, purifies the blood and cures Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Rheu matism, Diseases of women, and all Cbron ie Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty and many lhoesands of our best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have nsed Rosadali; send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al oianao for this year, which we publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in recommending your Rosadalis as a veiy powerful alterative. I have sees it nsed io two cases with happy results one in a case of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine. The other is a case of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre dients. Dr. Sparks, of Mcholasville, Kt., says he has nsed Rosadalis in cafes of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results as a cleanir of the Bload I know ne bet- Lter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tenn , says: I have nsed seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, I who has scrofulous sore eyes. Beaiamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty year with an in veterate eruption over my whole body ; a abort time ainco I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect core. Labratory, 61 Exchange Plaee.Baltimore. S CLEMENTS, A CO., Proprietor. Rosadali is sold bv Hartswick A Irwin and A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, D. K. Good, Osceola, and by Druggists generally. lApril 6, 0-ly PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS D A NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residiao if ill. B. Swoope, Esq., Clbabfixld, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the eitixens ef Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cnttle.a a law office. and that he ia determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or price. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the beat quality, always on hand. Give him a call. June 24. '64. F OR BALE a good bUGOT, on easy terms WW ABA II AM Appiy to " ' D RIED FRUIT, at reduced prices, at May 12, 09. - mvcDUi a. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M.30-6m. 102 Second Av., Pittsburg. Pa. NEW BAKERY. The undersigned respectfully informs the eiti xens of Clearfield that she has opened a Bakery on Fourth street.a short distance above Mr. Shirk' tannery, where she is prepared at all times to fur nish fresh BREAD, CAKIiS, and TIES, to fami lies snd others, April 20, 1870. Mrs. M. J. PURVIANCB. -FOR SALE, White Lead, fine Paint, Linseid Oil. Terpentine Tarnishes ef all kinds, Colon, in oil sad dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICK A IRWIM, Clearfield. Pa -M 6, 49. 0 N MY OWN II O O K. flaring purchased the entire stock at the old stsnd ot Kirk St Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on the business as hereto fore. MT MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CAaU. Thanking onr friends and enstomrrs for past patronage I solicit a contineaoco of the same. Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. II. F. BIGLER & CO., bbalsrs rs II A li D WAR E, A MAaCFACTCaSKS OT Tin and Sheet Iron "Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. THIMBLS-SKE1N3 and Pipe-boxes, ter Wag ens, for sale by II. P. BKiLKR A CO I s c P.ONi IRON!! Best bar iron, far sale at tho store of H. F. BIGLER A CO. TOVES of all sorts and sites, eonstaatly est sacs at U. If. BIGLER A CO B. ABLE CHAINS a good artiele. en hand a ad lorsaie y xi. x7. cluLA m HORSS-SHOES, and horse-nails, te be had et H. F. BIGLER A CO 8. ' SADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ac., fcr sale at li. V. BIGLER A CO'. GCNS. Pistols sad sword canes to be bad at li I. BIGLER A CO'rJ. SOMETHING NEW IN ANSONVILLE, -Clearfield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, daring the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, wbieh he offers to the public at prices to suit the times Hisstock of Mens' and boys' clothing is nnusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at ftpm $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour, Salt, and Gro eeries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boot and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notion tee tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and nr sal very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in proporjion. Now is the time to bay. Country produce ot every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will net be refused for any article in store. Examine mysteck be fore yon bny elsewhere. October 30,1867, H-SWAN. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for sale at il. F. BIGLBR CO'. o IL, Petty, Paint Glass and Nails, fer sale at March '70. H F, mui.a,n. wa. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, er ALL KIXDf . ALSO, Baggage Barrew. Warhoue Trucks, Cepying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, A., roa sals sr It. F. BIGLER 4 CO., Dealers ia Hardware, March 16 ClbarItiblp, Pa. ' U7Q1. E D. PERKS A Co's fiourf the best in market, fer sale by J.SHAW A SON. ti TTINTS ON HOUSE PAINTING," b; XI Masury. CL, 48 p., 40e. Free by i receipt ef price MASostr Warroa, N. T. n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers