JO. i)e afaman'z gcmtuaf, gfcarficf ja., vparcp 30, 1870. :::tptik To insure the fa transmission TJ " b. ,, patrons should remit by cheek rf !nev order, of have tbeir letter, registered. f j, Wiii be enclosed io the first paper after ,hl poeycotti h,ndL- : .1- "'- IvTooe al Clearfield Railroad.;; aJ "i,b Cincinnati Express East at 1 05 Msil West at S 44 p, m ; Bald fcsglo Ex '.t; 03p.. ; Accommodation min. .Clearlieldat : J- J- Pbilipsburg - . ''L.iitfoere t : . . ArrVr. it IMe-rBeld at : : i r-M. "uoious. Divine services wilt le Leld next Sabbath, in CiearficlJ, a follows : ,'vRc Ni!:wfLin the Lutheran church, ,tll .H.d7P.M. S'-UthK:hooUiJ A. M. l'myr nieetiag every Wednesday eveninp at 7 o'clock. , . . BrlW. H!l, ir St. AnJrew s chinch. at II A. M "d 7 I'- Sunday Mhtwl at 3 P. M. Pr-V-er meeting every Wedne.-Jnv evening nl 7 P c.ock. liv Kev. the Presbyterian church, inrtrning and eveni.ip. SaU-dt school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every eduesiiay eenintr at 7 o'clock." By Rev. V. II. Din, in the :odit church, morrine and evening. Sdhcath school at & A )l. Pmyer meeting, Ci-'-.-y n't l.n.l'TiP M J'nnf'mpnirtn ftflrvH'"" First SVuUih f every month at 10 A. M. I St. rraiifw chorcii .Mas? hi ioj.v. .m.. the second and fourth S' of each month. ' .SuiRTiUNO New ih5 assortment of fine Cliromos lor .ale at the Photograph gal lery. Clkaki-iei.d Temple of Honor, No. 42, mtati in the OdJ Fellow's Hall, cu Monday evetiitijt next, at 8. o'clock , . Comes flitilnst-Jay, on . Friday, thin yrar. What vci'i cuperftitious people Io if they are compelled to move then? I5isikss Change. -rCapt. David Mc G ius;Wy. Ia-t week. soM his reirurnnt to Mr. r. II. .;W?o). Mr. F. it well and favorably knovn to our citizens as a:i ar C( n iii)f.:injr M.d 1ct Injects UiBii. Wn.D PmtoNS sec in plenty this season. Ltrge fl.K-ks passed nfirth "during the' pist trick. Tl:-ir I'iL-ht, however, was it little prcnature. if they anticipated warm weath er np ii their arrival in this northern lati" tu.' . " t: IN IT Al.oNK. Our -friend Wr. It-!cPh-ron havine purchased Mr. Fuller' !.. !( interest in the butchering .business, is it". Person in-want of choice will g'wa him a call... Mr. Ml'lier k:i i a pleasant and affable business .man. and worthy the p-ttroinge-of an appreeiat-. iuif public. : - AnvrmoT-rvsT?. The . foKor.inff new aUi-rii-eiiR-nt apptar to ciay : The L. Ar-cals; the dilution id Messrs: Fw'VrL.r. M J'herson ; the "Meat Mar- n!W. R;;M.-Pheron ; Bigkr k Co' ' N'l-w I. ini!i : the oi.e-uini e.f die "Shsw li 'Uc. ' :iid a nntif oi '"Imp iited Li j ;.i.'i," by 0. N. CuTburn. Nkvv I!ocik We are i.i rcceirit oi the" An-;! n t iiHc' of .1 t'in? II mi' Migiziix im- i'hH-lrra' Ilnir. Tiie-e publications 'f the ! est in the country, and are enin, i !. in I'lnul ii ity. No better book could be j ut in the h:mds of children than the ' il iur." It is.wnrt'ij a liberal patronage. A ! Ires.. T. S. -Artlrar A Sons, Phil. P. VTtv;. KlC The weather was very t-V.t (ii.titv' the past week rain, snow.. Mmhine. ntfft then miow, rain and sunshine. n I ,"f.rr. aij 1, in consequence, very little I ri'tinu in was done, although the rivpr wa j at a s-j-vl sfg.: For that purpf"-?. We pre-'j 'ifii'. h .tvever, the weather beinjt favorable, 'l Si;i is nill i) to work in food earnest in a r.-w i::yy. t' nua.NKli. The Phiiiphurir Jotr-t.-.! utMarch 'J4-li says : "An infaut duueh- t. r of M. O'l'al'aii, about three months qld, J wis fiiji'ia'.lv burned o:ie d.iy hint week, ly fi"'iiir f;i:i! a cradle, which was being Mcled by a brother a small child and Mi kii:g against a stove The mother was nWnt :ir a at! ot water, and upon her re. tutu ;f horror stricLcti tofttd ihe babe ly iii? iih one si k- of its face, sh.0u.ld2r and '' lit t '. ar;n piesscd aiain.-t the tove and. i: wvre. literally cooking. No! withstand 11 e be severitv ,f the bums the child is in a l.m way to irtMVi'r." M K. Ai'i'iirsruKxrs. U.-low we g'ce tin a:,Miiiitii:C!its for 'l.e Altootia District.' 11 the M. Iv Ciiurjh. for the ensuing year, l-'-v. J. H. MrCord, is the pastor appoint U-l tr tLi. )a, e: J S. Me.VfRKAV, Pre-iJing Elder. Altoo-- NtCl.uich, S. W. Sears ; Eighth Aven ' I. S. Lroe ; Hollitlayshurg, G. War i' ti , buncattsvil'.e, W. H. N'orcross ; Mar t'iLarg, J. V. LoeLie ; Williamsburg, J. tii.t : L sn's Valky, D. Ilartman ; Ty f' fe, T Rarnhart , and G. Guyer; Port MatiiJa. J. R. Akcrs ; Milesburg, J. W. t' ti' -r; Howard, J. W. Buckley ; Wash-I- K. 13. Rhodes ; Peon's Valley, "o. llanphawoiit ; Rcllelonte, J. Mul i" : Halt M Wa, E. Butler and G. A. Sin f'vr ; Warrior's Mark, D. Castleman and V'. C Rol bins ; Philipsbnrg, R. E. Wil ' n: titaliatnton. R. E. Kelly and T. U. s'U,r. tUP; (X-eola, J. F. Be!!; t.-a.tie!,!, J II. McCord ; Clear- -'1 Circuit, W. A. Clippinger ; Snow ';", W. S. Hamlin ; Curwensville. W. G. r--rhson ; G'ten Hope, R. Mallelieu ; New 'a.L'tngtou, L N. Clark ; Lumber City, JI- L Canoe. The name of Rev. W. II. Dill not appear among the appointments, we presume ke as tran.ferred to the "retired"' list, on junt of failing health. This will be much regretted by Mr. Dill's many warm friends ,ni persoual admirers. The anniversary of the Church Extcn j"n Society was held on Saturday eveuing, rc" 10;h. Dutini the progress of tho tateting Hon. John Pattou contributed five houMud dollarn to the loan fund of tie 'y ; and the collection lifted in the Ojusregat-otj ai0uaicl to wp huudre4 wdt.enty-oine dollars. New R. R. It is proposed by a western company to build a railroad from Tiffin. O , direct to New York, via. Newcastle, Phil ipburjr, Bellefonte, tfce.. to connect. wuh a railroad now buildintr from Tiffin due west, toUnuha, makin? a through line from the h.t'-er p'soati ihe eastern seaboard. Fliil ipslmrg JuurnaL The building of thi- road to the several points designated, would, naturally, lead it through Clearfield. We call l he attention of our citizens to this fact, and hope they will give the project the attention that its importance demands. Faikbask's In another col umn will be found tho card of Fairbanks. Morse k Co., of 102 Second Avenue, Pitts Jur? Ph., whoe rhnnnfactory is the lnrgest Lu the world, and whose Males hare stood the lest of years, and become the standard all over this country and in sotna parts of Europe. We would call the special atten tion of farmers to these scales believing, as we do, that they are really as indispensable to the farmer as a half bushel measure and will in a short time save many times their cot. Si-hino Trade. Latkst Arrival. Having selected a stock of goods with gnat care, I can offer to the trade of Clearfield county as handsome a line of goods as can be found io any market, and many of the goods at prices as low as before the war. Priuts, Delaines, Muslins, Ginghamf, Dress Ooods, and a very larje line of white goods, L.nJie'3 coating and coats, Spring Shawls, Notou-" Trimmings, Embroideries, real Laees, Lvlies and Oentlemans' furnishing goods, &.)&.!, ke. Call and see, and if prieea do Oi't uit do not purchase. N Wm. IIevi. Ma. ket Street Clearfield, Pa. Metf.rologicaL sRPOttT fjr the week ending March 24th, 1l!"J. from three daily observations, ad i furishou' b7 E. I'entosi, of Pcnn tp- Ma.t. of Thertuomot.T, 4ion Mar. 19th. Min. 12 on Match i'j.'h' at " a. ni. Mean of the week, 29. Max. of V'ometer. 28 TjO on March-2 JTh. M'n. 27.SC OS March 21st. Range . SL Mean of Biirotiiett f"r tlie week, 23.17. Depth of water fell -during the week,-1.433 of an ineh; 2vo snow. Snow during the winter, S3 inches. Con siderable fair weather during the week; rather cool but thawing on the south tides of the hills. Woods and tiort hern expos jres in the fields are yet well coverjd with snow some heavy drifts in the roads; wheels not yet on our roads north of Pennville. Sales of Real Estate. Delow we give a list of the Deeds, as entered of record in the Recorder's office in this county, for the week ending .Monday March, 2S;h, 1870, together with the con.-ddcratioti ' named, where located, and the aatu-js of the grant ors and grantees . Deed. Louis PiuU-11 to Jo;eph Riguet.for 128 perches in Curinton to'wmlMp. Con-' m deration. $600. . ... ; - Deed, .Ilieh. M-iip" to K'iibeth Glenn, for lOfi acres iu Hell township. ConstJera lion, $1. - . . . v . D-.'i'd, SiV M. Dickcrmtn to A, C. Hnp kins. 24S acres in Jordan tp. CoBaider atlon. -w-.tKxi. 1 . 1 Dee'l." AVut. Jos to Walter JJ-irrctt, for S low iii'-U'earlield IJjro'. Consideration, Deed, Mnnsen it Hoop to Dolph Tiros. , for lot iu Chester Ilill. Consideration, $10-1. Asii'tiniPiit, Dolph Bros, to J. F. Sietn -r. I'm- lot in Chester Hill. Consideration, $a'0. ' Assignment, David A-henfclter to ,Tee Lines, for 12-t acres in UtaJy tp. Consid eration, f 3,500. Deed Win. and Geo. Albert to Henry Al bert, for Ufactes in Hradf'ord. tp. Consid cratien, $250. .. Deed, Maria and Henry Waple to Wil liam, Georpc and Henry A-l ert, lor undi vided i of 190 acres iu liradford p. Con sTde.ratiou, $250. ' It is said tint as the result of the ci oper ative and iiiitruciive tii)veuJ -Qt-S in Bir mitighau), England, over twenty thousai.d dwellings have been erected. Many artisans own their own houses by this method, who would without such .scieties hare been still paying heavy rents for misetab'e accomnio dation'. Anr moveuieiit-that puts a decent roof over tho workman's head, an I nuke him frugal, sober and independent, is "pro gross" of the best kind. - MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. Jacob Lawrencetp, cm Thursday, March lOlh.lSTO, byL. F. Irwin, Eq . Mr. Pf.teii A Ri'FF NElt. of Woodward tp , and Miss Henrietta A. lit'FF, of Lawrence tp. OlED : " In Lawretico township, on Wednesday, Match 2;id, 1S70. Mrs. ELIZABETH DERRICK, agd tfi years, .' months and 19 days. At his residence iu Burnside, Pa., ot Tuesday, March 1870, W'lLLIAM C. Ibvin, in the 31st year of his age. In Patehinville, on Friday. March 4th. IS70, of consumption. GibKo.f JlVA, aged 19 years, 4 mouths and 1 day. Loring and beloved, another haj pajed away nd ihif should serve as a itrcin to thuse left. I5o ye aljo ready whea the Master ealls When life's tainpeituoai soenos are o'er, " We hope to meet thee On Canaan's bright and hsppy shore, Atid there to greet thee. Tbj early death hub brought thee peace, liath aoon relieved tbee; From effil hath brought a fweet release. That would haregrieved thee. M Clearfield Retail Markets. cohrected wekklt bt r. ossof. Apples, dried, lb, 12 1 May, ton. Applet srrean. bu, I &U ll.-iuis. lb. 09 25 1(1 IS 25 fin 25 14 pilebulltr, gal, 1 00 I .Sbnuldere, lb, liutier. lb. 4V Sides. Ib, Beer, fresh, lb. jterf. drid. lb, Huckwhest bu. 10 2S Lard, Ib. a's, bu. Onions, ba. Pork. Ib. Pork. mens, bbl, 1 25 1 Ruck wheat flour lb 5 Hans. bu. 2 50 .15 Oil 90 Board., per M 14 IMI Corn.rbelled, 1 2" " ears, 6n " m-tal, 3 lifl Chop. rye. 3 CO - mixed. 2 in Cheese, lb. 2i Cb'rriea. ib. IV Cfaickecf.dresFsed lb, la EgX, Flour, bbl,- .8 iO fotaioe. bo, fluster, bbl. Peaches, dried, lb Kye bn, Kxgs, Ib. Salt, per sack, shingles. iH in. 50 15 2 3 OO no 3 a Shina-lee 25 in. 13 00 Timothy eted, bo, i 00 1 K0 45 w neat. Bu, Wool. Ib, GROUND AND CXUROUND SPICES. Citria English Currant. Lsscrce Cctfee.atd Vine, gar ot the best quality. for sale bv . Jan. 10. HARTSWICK 4 IRWIN. D HIED FRUITS Apples. Peaches. Prunes, Cherries. Raisins. Currants, As., at C. K.K ATZEK'S, Oj-potite the Jail." SPECIAL NOTICE. ScJiencJcs I'uhnop.ic Syrvp, Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake PilU.will cure Con sumption. Liver Cin. plaint and Lyf iepta. if la Ken accordine; ta direction. They irf all three to be tnken at the some time. Th-'j oleanse the stomach, relax the liver, and pat it to work ; then te appetite becomes pood the food digests and Takes good blond, the patient begins to grow in fle?h the diseased matter ripens in the I dm and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is tlia only way to cure the consumption. To the.e three medicines Dr. J. II. Schetck. of Philadelphia, owes bis unrivalled success in the treaameut of pulmonary consumption. The Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nnture throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm ot matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to beal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely ured to cleanse the tiornaon and liver o that tbo Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood. Liver Complaint is one or the most prominent causes of Consumption. Scbeork's Seaweed Ton io is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is made of. awi'U the stomach to throw out the gas trie juice o dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is madeinto good blood without fer mentntlnn or souring in the stomach The great reason why physicians do not cui e consumption is they try to do too much ; ihey give medicine to flop the congb, to stop chills, tn stop Slight sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers.locking up the socretions and eventually the pnt'ent siuk and dies. lr Schenck. In his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re move the cause.and they will nil stop of theTrown accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv er complaint, dyspepsia, caiarrb, canker, ulcer ated throat. unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a rerson has jonsumption.of course tho laiig? in some way are diseased, either tubercle., ab SC63SCS. bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inSuiation and fast de caving. In such cases what must be done? It is not only the lungs that are wasteJ.but it is the whole body. Tle stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food, ow the only chance is to takeScbenck's three, which will bring up a tone tn the stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will din- st easOy and make good blood; then the pmicot bezins to gain in Hesli. and as soon as the bo ly begins to grow , the lungs be n to heal up. and the patient gets fleshy and well, -his U tiio only way to cure consumption. When there Is no lung dise.ise, and only liver complaint and dyspepsia, Soncnek'l Seaweed Tonic and M indmke Piils are sufficient without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mat.drarc Fills freely in all bilious complaint, as they are per feotl) unilnlras. Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and row weighs 22? pounds, was wasted awny to a rr.l-re skeleton, in the very last stne of uliuouary consumption, his physicians having pronounced his cSo hepeless t"od aoandonefhim to his fate. lie was cured bv the foreaid medicines. and since his recovery 'u'jn ' similarly afiiicted buve used Dr. Schenck's prei. i ""lions 'th tho same remarkable success, i i. J -ri. stions accomuanvine each, make it rot abjolu',eyyneocssary to see Dr. Schonck, unlets .i ...' I, "eish their lanes examined, and for this purpose he i Professionally at bis Principal Office, l'hilaa.Mpi" every r-aiurnay nere ... letterforadvic.'"-ustbe.ddrfsel He is also professionallv at 32 Bond Strec cw ork. ever, other Tuesdav. a.tJ t No. 3, Hanover M . P.... ih, 11V1. esunj. lie free, but for a ihorougu .examination with Kespiroinetor the nrUe is C. Office hours at. his eacb city Irotn A. 31 to 3 Y. M. -. Price o the Pulmonic Syrup n '' Seaweed Ton ieeaah 51 .50 per bottle, or SdV" a ha r-dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. k bJ " dru.;iats. PP.. J. II. SCIIENK. Ap. 7.'69-lyJ 15 iV ffA St.. rhJ COUNTY HIllHCTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. -1 Monday in January ''A - in March, 4th ' in May, 3d Monday in June. 2 w. 4th in Sept 2 w. 2J in Nov 2 w. COUNTY AXD "DISTRCT OFFICERS. i'res'tJuJgc Ilon.Chas A Mayer. Lock Haven. ts'te.Judgcs Hon. Samuel Clj ie. L'le irSeld llou Ja b Wilihcim Ur itiamton Shiriff. . . . Cyrenus Howe. . . . Clearfield HrothonVitary, Aaron O. Tate. . . lleg. A Kcc. . Astuiry W. Lee. " . i'Ulrict AU'y.W. M M Cullough, . " Treasurer. . . Lever Flcgal.. . . Co. Surveyor, S. F McCloskey, . Curwensville Comaiiss'n'rs, Othello Snie id, . N.Washington Samott shr7-:er, .. Clearfield. Sauiuej ll. tliudinan, Ulen Hope. Auditors. . . Clark ilro-vn. . . . Clearfield. Price A. Kowles, . S Millport. John II. Miller, . . Hurt. Coroner. . . . Jnines A. Moore, . . Clearfield Co.Superind't Ueo W.Suyder, . M5T OF POST-OFFICES. ToTiisAtpt. Nam' of P. O. ?Tmrsf P.M. bet-caria. ' 11 Itel)., - - - utcn imjie, - - iiomer uuurce, . Utahville, - - - S. McFarland. - Hegarty'sX Boads Samuel Hegarty Bower, - - S A. ftorahaugb - Caest, ... - Thos A. M'Uhce " ... Cusb. - - - - J. W Campbcil. " - - - - Ostpi.d. - - - - ii. L. Henderson illoom. - - Forrest. - - - - A'gernon tioldea Boirirs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - Jas Forrest. - W!lieton, John K .Moore Grndford, Erady, - - Woodluud. - - - Wm 'a tirovo, - Lulhersburg, - Troulvilie, Jeflerson Line, - New Washington Wm. Albert. - Ed. Williims - L, B. Csrlile- - Mr4 C Weaver . John Ilcberlin. . Sam'l McCune - Matthew I-win. .lack Patchin. - W Summerville - Lewis J. Hurd ; Wm MctJarvey - S A. Farber. . - P. A. Oaulin - Claud Barmoy . John Keiter Uurnside, - - - Iturnside. " . - - - Patcbinrille, - - - East Kidge, Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - - ... Mc'Sarvey. - - 1 ... H'eatover, - - Clearfield. Covingtoa, - Clearfield. - - French vtl'e, - Kartbaus. " - Curwensville Curwensville, . Charles Hoe I Uecatur, Philipsburg. Centre county. Pa West Decatur. - - Lever Smcal Ferguson. - Marron, - -tiirard, - - Leconte's Mills. Buld Hills, - John P Straw. - Augu's Leuonte, Alex. Irwin. - II. 11. Morrow. - Tbos. 11. Forcey - Jcs. G . (lanoe. . Henry Alleman. - Miss K J. Tylor. Frank Bowman. II Swan, tlen. Heckaderc. II J. Sloppy. Kd. C. Ilreiiner. John Odell. T. F Boalioh. II W. Spencer. Jona. Wall Chas lloel. Goshen, - - Sbawsville. tiraham. - - Orahnutton, liuelich. - Smith's Mills, - Allemans Huston, - - Tylr. ' - - - Per.r.fiel.l. - Jordan, - - Ausonviile. - Karthaus. - Salt Lick, - -Knox. - - - New MLIport, -Morris. - - - Kylcrtown, - -... Morrisdalc. - -Osceola. - " Osceola Miils.- -Penn. - - - Lumber City.t - ftraicpian Hills. Pike. - - - - Curwensville, -Union. - - - Bocklon, - - -vVaodward. Jeffries. - . - - - Ma,;era. - - - D. E. Brubaker. James Lockett. J.U Derby. This Post Office w 11 do for Chest township, t Will answer for Ferguson township. STATE & T. STATES MUECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENS5YLVANIA. Governor. - . - John Wr. Geary, Cumberland, See'y of Cora. - Frank Jordan, - Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J M Weakley. -AudiiorGen - John F lianranft, Montgomery, Surveyor Gen.-. J. M. Campbell, Cambria, Attorney en. - F. C Brewster. - Pbiladelj hia, Adju'ant Gen. - I. B. M'Crea y. - Erie, State Tna&urer, Wm W Irwin. - Beaver, Sup Com Sob's J. P.Wickershain. Lancastar, Deputy Sup'r. - C. R.Col-utn, - - Bradford, Stale Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin. SurnexiE Cocrt Chief Justice James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. Williams. obn M Keed. Daniel Agnew. Ueorgo Sharswood. Ses sions, PbilaJelpib. 1st Mon lay of January. Har-ris-bur?. 4tb Monday of April Sunbary. 1st Mon day of October Piltaburg, 3d Mono ay of October. OFFICERS OF THE CXITED STATES. President. - - - Ulysses S Oratit. - Illinois Vice President. Schuyler Colfax, - Indiana. Sec. of State, - Hamilton Fish. - J"ew Vork. See. ofTreas'y, Geo S Hnutwell. Massachusetts See of War, - Wm W. Belknap. Iowa. Sec. of Navy. - Gei. M. Kobeeon, New Jersey, Sec. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - OSio. P M Gen. - - J A J. Creswell, Maryland. Attorney Gen. K. R Hoar, - - -' Massachusetts Si:pnEe Cornr Chief Justice. 8. P. Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justices Naihan Clifford, of Maine Samuel Nelson of Sew York. David Da vis f Illinois. Noah U Swsyne. of Ohio. Sam uel F. Miller, of Iowa. Stephen J. Field, of Cel. Salary of Chief Justice SJ-500.of Associates SS, 000. - - - PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at May 27. GRAHAM'S. t AriSS U. S. SWAN'S. School for. Girls, ! J-L Cleartioid, Pa. i The next Terra of twentr-two weeks win com mence on Monday, February 21, Ibil). TXRMS or TC1TIOS. Heading. Orthography. Writing. Object Les sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Ueography. per half term, (or 11 weeks). SJ 00 History, lcal and Descriptive Ueography itn 31 ap urswio?. unmuisr, Aientat and Written Arithmetic, 6 SO Algebra and the Sciences. 9 on Instruction in Instrumental Mu!e, 14 00 Oil Painting, 12 00 Wax Work, 8 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. Angnst 25. Isfi9-ly. C.-KRATZER & SONS are receiving a EP-bndM stock cf CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, VTINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK CO ATS AND OVERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOOD i AND TRIMMINGS, IJEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADiES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAlfERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAYT CALF COOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, EEST STONE TEA SETTS, SG, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION. TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. ClearfloM June 80, 18t3!. - ATTENTION, B tJ Y E It S READ! READ!! Vflio wells ihe chenpeFt goods in tho county? MOSSOP ! Who sells best Cau:co?s at 12 cts a yard Who sells best unbleached musl.'n at-' J7 cents' . MOSSOP!' Who sells Hall's Calf Hoots at 50f .MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boote at $4 50 t MOSSOP! Who sells Il.tii's lest K'p Eoot3 at 4,50? MOSSOP! Who selii Hats lower than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who sells Sujar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! '.i ; Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? ii o s s o r ? Who sells Tinware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first broughf goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at M OS SOP'S! ' - Clearfield. May illSf.9. T71D. PERKS 4 Co'i flour, the brst In market for FJ eale k- J SflAW A SON. SLEIfftiSi-FOCR SLFIGH8 for sale bv E. A. IRWIN CO , Curwensville. TERMS or THE JOITRNAL. The RirrswAti's Jocbbal is pebluhed on Wed uesday at (2,60 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the ear. $2.50 will be charged,. and 93,00 if not paid before the close. AovKKTtsBitKKTS wTl be inserted at il.5u per square, for three or "less Insertion Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 eents wilt be, charged. A dednetion will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription tafen for a shorter time than six months, and 00 paper will be discontinued un tillall arrearages are paid, except at the option of the pablisher. S. J. ROW. WINE & LIQUOR STORE: I. L: SEIZENSTEIN & CO., tALEKS IS WINES AND IAQ TJORS, MARKET STKEET; CLK.CRTIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical parpoees always on band. January 27. lSR9-fim. UNITED STATES BONDS, BOUGUT.SOLD AXD EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET RATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC II. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BO UGH Tand SOLXio COMMISSION n!y. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeHAVEN & BI10., 1 40 SOUTH 3n STB EET, PHILADELPHIA. March 2. 187C-!y, MENS- Y 0 U T II S" AND BOYS', CLOTHING; Tb ondersigned having recently added READTMADE CLO THING to his former business, would respectfully - solicit an examination ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor he flatters himself that he is abto to offer a better elas f ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to boy goods in this line would save money by calling at bis store, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Genta'furnishing r goods always on band. 'Feeling thankful for past favors, ha wonld re spectfully solicit a eontindance of the same. April 23, 18(19. H. BRIDGE. 1870. APRIL. 1870. SPRING aSTYLES! 1 1 Intend to FigJi it Out on Tas Line." Wii. R'EED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. dress goods, Fancy goods; NOTIONS, T 11 1 M MIN GS, LADIES' AND. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ladles'; Misses' and Childens' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES The CDtire stock on hand will be sold at PRESENT VALUE; and the stock will be replenished every sixty days, with the choicest and best goods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doora west of the rostoffice.) CLEARFIELD, PA. February 1, 1870. MUSICAL GOODS Violins. Flutes, Fifes. Ao eordeons, Claronets. Harmonicaus. Violin Strings. Bridges, Keys, and Tail Piece Toning Fork', Preceptors and Musio Papjr. at . C KK AT ZER'S. Opposiie the Jail. mnE celebrated riciiardso's boots I . Liebt tip, i; French Kip. French Calf. Si: t. C KRATZER'S March fl.'frf. Opptte ihe Jail o II. CLOTH S, at greatly reduced prieji. a May 12. MPSgut LEATHER Oak-tan and Spanish Pole.Freneh and - American" Calf and Kip. Upper Morocco, Bindings. Lining's aad Shoe-8ndings at (Opposite ib Jail.) C. KRATZERS. CtRWESaYILLK ADVERTISE JiFJfTS. A M E R I CA S r H O U S K, - Curwensville, IV liaving taken charge of tsi wcu- ,.ow n Cotet. the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Travelers will Ind the accommodations equal to those of any other bouse in this section. Charges moderate. Deo 2. ISns-tf, JOHN J it KKI. Prop r rjLEARFIELD N URSEKY. Encour w ack Home Isdcstrt. The undersign ed having establiaEed. a . .Nursery. on the Pike, halfway bet wet a Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kiadt of Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen-. Shrob bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and Kaspheiry viives. Also Sibriantlrab trees (Juinco and early ScarleiHbeu barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31.1304 J.U. WHIG IIT.Curwertville Q J. HAYES, SubgWn Dfxti'vt, Office V n Main Street, (Jiirw'niHe. Pcnn'a., Will make professional vinits for the conveni ence of of t be public cnmnieneinarin April. IS69. as follows. vis : Lnthersburg first Friday of every month; Ansonville.fir't Monday of every month; Lumber City, first Tbnrsday of every snout h; spending two days in either place. Ail ordes for work should be presented on the day of bis arri ve lin each place. CI?" Teeth extracted by the application of local aoasthesia. comparatively without pais. All kinds of dental work guarantee!. N. B. The public will please notice, that 1'r. H , when not eneazed in tbe above visits, mnv be found in hia office in Curwensville. sp l.'f9 ly X E W F O, IT. N D R Y - .i" Curwerisvillm The ondersigned havintr entered rnt. et. part nership. in the FOCXDRV BUSINESS in Curwensville. won'd inform the public that they Keep on band and will manufacture to order. Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other description of articles generally made iu a oountry foundry.. Terms reasonable. Old metal taVen in ex change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. jacIvon ko'thson Feb. 2V7-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. FILL OPENING ! ARNOLI) & HARTSHORN, Curwcmville, Pcnn'a.i Have jujt epened a large and most com plete stock OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. IJOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE; QUEENS WX R E,- ' GROCERIES, . BACON, SALT,.ic. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY AND PRICES. All kinds of Lumber and Produce taken ia ex change for goods. Give us a call before purchasing else where. ARNOLD k HARTSHORN. Curwensville, Sept 22, 1869 SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvix & Co.; Being specially engaged in the bnsinese of buy. ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent fhat they are now prepare! to purchase tim ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville. Lock Ilaven or iiarietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on comm iesion, making such advances as are nccersary. . Those erg'ged In getting ont timber will find at our store in Curwensville, a very large stock of STAPLE GOODS, f all descriptions: Also, FLOUR; MEAT, RYE, OATS, CORN, Sfd everytnlng necessary for use of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPB, of all sites, kept on hand in large quantities, and soli at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, Ac ' i Special inducements offered to those mannlae taring Square Timber. E. A. IRVIX k CO. Curwensville. Jan. 12, 170 c URRAST5 tho best and cheapest in th county, at OK A II AM S. 'ANTED ln.nno pounds of WOOL, at tbe Kersrose storc. '"JlearDcId. Fa. Jel s ALT. FIUi;. BRAN and CHOP, at wholesale. (Opposite tbe Jail.) by C. RIlAIZrP- VERT F(SB blankets will tie told cheap by,. J SHAW A SON. C UILDRENSfurs twemyfive percent less than cost at J SHAW A SON B A CON. items. Sides and Shoulders at red need pr ees. at MOSSOP'B. QUEENSWARE Tea sets. best stone-war. 4 pieces. at St So at MOgSP'S. s PB ISO OOODS. Just opening a splendid t-ck of new roods at C KHATZKK S'.. c LOVER, Timothy and Orcbrd-grss seeds at SWAIM'8 PANACEA. Kennedy Medioal Pis eovery.' Ilembold's Bnebu. Bake s Cod Uv. Oil, Jsyce's and Ayer's MeWiclnes.for sale by JaV.I UABTSWICK IRW JAMES n. PARKER. Pork Packer and .wholesale dealer in Bacon. Mew Pork, Lard Sugar Cored Haass and Beef. So. .V Lib erty Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. iFsb.2. 7 2a.p. FOR SALE, White Lead, tine Paint, Linseed OU. Turpentine". Varnishes of all kinds, Colon, ia oil and. dry. Paint and Varniih brushes. itartswick: irwin, Clearfield. Pa -M S,8s. ' QN MY 0 W .V u o o K. Having purchased tlip entire sl.rk at th old atat.d ot Kirk t Sl'xstictr, in Lumber City, .! intend carrying on the buaineaa s hereto fore. , MY-MOTTO IS TO' SELL CllfiAP ffjk CA,II. Ti'aiiklng ot.r friends and cnsloniert for psst patronage I solicit a cootiiiuauca ol tho same. Scpt.Uth, ISfl'J, ISAAC KIRK. Q LOTH 1X6 r CLOTHINGfl 600D A5D CHEAP V.I Men. Toutbsand Boysean beUTlptd witifnlt t'Jtli of seasonable and fashionable clothing at n ei ZESTE.1, i s os-1 co.v where ft fa sold at prises that will indnce their porchase. The universal satisfaction which baa' been given, has Induced them, to increase their' s'ook, which is now oat surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Ileizenstein Cro'tS i Co.,! Sell goods ai a very small roSti for cafr Their goods are well mad and fashionable' They give every one the worth of his money7' They treat tSefr customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced pr-rbes they can sell cheaper 0 an others. cor these and ether reasons persoss should buy their clothing at , , , 94IZKSSTE13J BftO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18. Ib64. JUST IS . T IMF.! THE SEW GOODS AT A. K. W li I O H T ft SONS; CLEARFIELD, PA.; ' Raving justieturned from the eastern cities we mi now opening a full etoea if eeaaeaabla goods, at our rooms on t-econd street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for eash. The uoek consists is part ot ilY GOODS of the best quali'lr- snch as Prints. Pela'ires. Alpa" eas. Merinos. Ginghams ;; Manlirs. bleached and HnM.,.)aJ " Tlrll ltn T C 1. : - .... J ' , ....... u . .v Kia. cwuub ana ooi Flannels. Caasimera. Ladies Shawls. i. : 1 1 i - . . ... uim. iivoua. nuop oaimoraia. e.. 4c.. aft of wHcb will be sold low roa cas. Abo. a fin .s'portment of tbe beal of it s x s' consisting of Drawers and' Shirts, Hats and CspS, B?U and Shoes, Uandkcrchiefu cravats, ttw. Also. Raft Rope. log Qepe, Raltlna Angara and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc, etc. Also. Queensware niassware Hardware. Oroce ries. and spices of all kinds Tn short, a geb. ral assortmet t of every thing usually kept In a retail store, ail thtap for cash, or approved country produce. NOV. 2-jalO-ncl3. WRIGHT A SOKS. H. l BIGLER & CO., PCALBRS IS II A R D A ii E, ?tn AnrjctLiski or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD. PA. TIIIMBLE-SKEISS and Pipe-boxes. t f Wag. ons, for sal by H. F. BIULKR & CO ' TRO.V, IKOS:: Be.t bari'on for sale at tho 1 store of 11. F. BIOLEK CO. STOVES of all sorts and sixes, constantly on band at H. F. BIGLLU A GO'S CABLE CHAINS a good artiele.on band and for sale by II F. BIGLER A CO. HORFE-SIiOEE. aad horse-nails, to be had at t. F. BIGLER Z. CO'8. SA D!)LES, Bridles, harness, collar for sale at . 11. F. BIGLER & CO'S. l''S. Pistols and sword canes lobe bad at 11 V. BIOLEK I CO S. H ARXESF. Trimmings, and Shoe findings for sal at ii. F. BIliLEK A CO S. o IL. Putty, Paints Glass snd Sails, for sale at Mtrfh 0 a r. tilULLK. A CO o. FA 111BANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL S.IND.S. ALSO, Pftrrows, Warehouse Tracks. Copying Presses. In'iproved Money Drawers, A., roa sals rv It. F". BIGLER k CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 16 d.CAPIKLD, PA (I87. C, LOTH Up A largo stock of ' CLOTHING, ) will be closed out at a sacrifice, at (Opposite the Jail ) C. KB ATZER'3. STOVES The celebrated Ironside and Farmer Cooks. Revolving Light and Sun Parlors, and an assortment of Pipe, at C. KRATZER'S. Jan. 26.70' Of posite the Jail. D RY GOODS th cheapest in tbe county, at ii.-o r ninssoP'S. "VfOTICk. All persons Indebted to the subseri i bar. are requested to com and settle with "nt delay. R. MOSSOr SALT SALT!! A prim artiol of grocr J a urn sslt. pates in patent tares, forsaleeata at therm if R. MOSWli' QUEENSWARE Tea Sets. Chamber Reta. Wa ter Pitchers. Bowls, Soup Tureens, Cream jog. Meet Disbes, Sauce Dishes. Bntter Plates, Sorer Bowls. Tea Pota.and an assortment of Glass aad Yellow-ware, for sale by C. KRA1ZEK. Opposite the Jail. FRUITS- Canned Strawberries. Lima Beans, Corn, Peaches. Tnmates.Asparagus. Prune. Cherries. Sueeotash and Aprisots; Presr;Ta Prunes. Cranberry Sanee, Jellies, Pepper Sadce Mirabelles. Ketcbun. Mustird. As . at . ' C. KRATZER'S Cpposirt J'ait r BACCO Prima articl of J,' .. . Spun Roll, and 1 .- ' -T; Cawdili, CR"" .. Laf. Cigara, 8uff, HI t If;
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