fi;c mftmati . gourndf, gtofte, Ijf a., ptocf? 30, 1870, Jto the farmer." How to Seed Lawns. At this season of the year, many persons desire to reseed or i reparenew hwns, and wish to know what eed to nse and how to use it. Tiiere are, perhaps, no better or safer direct imis t fal low in reference to this matter, than the following : . Choose, if possihle.'a calm day. and sow your seed as evenly as you can. The seed to be sown fhould he a mixture of red top (AarostitcvTgari.) nd white clover (Trifoliuih repent,) which are hardy, short Krasses, and on the whole, Leat designed to wake the beat and most endurins lawn for this climate. The proportion s-houhl b-; about three-fourths red top to cue fourth clover. The seed should be perfectly clean Then sow exactly four bushels of it to the acre. Finish the whole by robins the sur fice even'j and neatly. A few .s"ft. vernal bhowera and bright, sunny days will tho you a coat of verdure bright a emerald By the Gr?t of June, if sown iu the early part of May, you must look about for your mowers. This jJau has the recommenda tion of Mr. Dawning, one of the best author ities upon uch su'joet. Tomato Raising Mr. J. P. Low ; who has paid great attention to tomato raising, gives a timely hint on seed sowing, for the bent fit of those who have no hot-beds, and yet want to raise a few ii'aits. For family use, (and it is especially wit this view wo wihe, the plants may be starrcu in a small box in a warm room ; and for field culture in a hot-bed or green house. In quite a tinall box all the plants any family need may be grown. A lew plants well cared for will be worth a great deal ni re than a large number ill grown, such as we so often see crowded to suffocation an I death in dealer's hot beds. Such long weakly things can have no value. The little box need be no vioie than two feet Ion?, a feet wide and a few inches deep, covered with glass to counteract the drynasn of the atmosphere of the room. Put the box in the sun.shine, keep the room warm and caiefully ven'ilated. Do not be in too great haste to gcrjninate the seeds ; but. once smarted, see that the plants get no check Jrom leant of cure. 1'hila. Pi ext. Early Peas. Get a few parers of the very earliest kind say extra Early May Select the warmest day in February or March yon c in, and spade up as much ground in a sheltered spot as you desire to plant (say an out-side feuce row or wail) plant your peas thick, three inches deep; cover with warm, dry leaf-mould or chip manure and on each side of the row lay corn-stalks. piling them up a foot on each bide, so they will not fall over on "the row. Scatter straw lightly over the row, so as not , to fully ex clude the-sunlight. If very rough weather sets in (which will be the cai2, in all proba bility ;) cover over the rows with p'auk or hoards until the rough weather is over. Uumove when the sun fchinea warmly. Iu this way you can have a few "rnesjos" a month or more in advance of thoe planted at the mual time. The pea U quite hardy, as I have had them covered with snuvr when two inches high without injuiy, when pro- tested a3 above directed. Cl'fTMBESS. Early in Maii-h procure H,me sod about eight inches thick. Turn them over and cut the soil so the seed ran be stuck in an inch or so deep, Piant oaly the' Early Frame." Set the d- in a pit or hot bed if you have them; if not, set them in a room where there is fire; water wi:h milk-warm water occasionally as the sod gots dry ; and, when wanner weather ciues, remove them to the garden and place small boxes a foot square, having ntither bottoms nor tops ver them. At night, until the young plants get 'hardened," place a pane " of glass over them. Remove the boxes as the ground and the air gets warmed up, and you will have fine early cucumbers. Early Potatoes. Seeing the inquiry of "A. C." fur the best early potato for mar ket, we would say, get the Early Mohawk, as they did well for us, as you will see by this statement, viz : From 1J lbs. of seed wc raised oz.; the largest po'ato weijjh inir 2 lbs. 1 os.; two from one hill weigh ed 3 J lbs.; fifteen of the largest weighed 3?1 lbs. Never have we seen a decayed f pot on one of them up to this time. We find them ten days earlier than the Rose, and of fine quality. Cor. of Country Gentleman. TnE Massachusetts Plowman says there is a clos and intimate connection between the "lervons and secretory sysletns oi a cow, tnd this explains the fact that she will often "hold up her milk,' as it is termed. It shiws also that every milker shiuld strive be on good terms with the cow he is about to milk. If he is a perfect stranger to her, he should have time to gain her confidence and good will by handling her gently and petting her, or giving her something she is iond of to eat. No farmer should build a house or make any other improvements without ascertain ing before hand the probable cost of the nam. The pre'tminsry excuse of every thing is essential to all agricultural thrift, and he who neglects it will be apt to discover his error after it ia too late. ' NOW! - NOW!! NOW!!! ' REMOVAL "The undersigned respectfully Inform tbe eitl tecs of Clearfield and vicinity, that ba bin re moved bi BAKKKY to the building on the corner of Jfsrket and TLfrJ Streets, formerly occupied l.y John Hiiburn, wbere he keeps on bend all kinds oi Confectioiiaries, BREAD, PIES," Cakes, etc., which will be told at very reasonable rates. BREAD ONLY 10 'JENTS A LOAF. , Feb 23, 1 S70-3m. JOHN A. BTADLEH. ATTENTION RAFTSMEN ! RuftMuen are ii formed tbat the best and cheap est lieail can at all times be bad at - STA DEER'S BAKERY, Clearfield, Pa. a. l. mem o. r. noop J F.w a. w. ro IWKLL, i J X A W.W.BS KTTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER 4 CO., Proprietors would respectfully inform the citixens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in tbis Borough, with the bestand latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all order is their line of business, such as Flooring, WcatLeiLoardinp, Sash, Doors, Rlinds, Brackets, aud Moldings, of all Ttinda. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand and will pay eah for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pannel plank preferred Nov 6. '67 LOU ILL AMD'S "EUREKA" Smo -tin Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia wherever introduced it is universally admired. I is put up in handsome muslin lines, in which or ders rur .Meerschaum l'ipes are dully packed. LORILLARD'S classed by allwhoconsume V irliT 1 Miil " the-hiiestof all;" l '" , is made of the choicest Smoking Tobacco I leaf grown ; it is anti-tier rous ir its effects, as tno Nicotine bas been ex tracted ; it leaves no disagreeaLle taste after smo king ; it is very mild, light in color and weight, hence one pound will last, as lonz as 3 of ordina- tobacco. In tbis brand we also pack orders every aj lor nrst quality Aleerscnaum i ipes. iry u and convince yourselves it is oil it claims to be toe finest of all." LORILLARD'S I This brand of Fine Cn C E N T U 11 Y Lb.?:,in.f. Tb"er,,h" 1 i;ncwing looacco. where, it 19 with ou doubt the best chewing tobacco in the country. LORILLARu'f I have now been in general S I ' r It Q Ufe " he United States V X X Oover, yeaT(!. on(i etin acxnowledged -'the best" wherever used If your storekeeper does not have theso articles fur sale, ask him to get them; they are sold by injicuiauic juuuers aiinusi every wnere. Circular of price forwarded on application Dec. 1,'A9-3m. P. LOKILLARD Ne vYork P U II N IT U II E ROO M S. JOHN Gl'ELlCH, Pcsires to inform bis old friendrand ecstotnerf thst having enlarged bis shop ci,d increased hit far iiities for manufacturing, be is r.ow prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style anil at cbeap rates tor carh He mostly has on band at his Furniture Lr.rnis,' a varied assortment of furniture, 1 ich U BV KEATS Al SinEWMRDS, Wardrobes and Bock-cases; Centre. 8ofa. Parlor. Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-land and other Uedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Spring-scat. Cain-bottom, and Pnrlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new fct old frames, which will be pot it on very r"sc;,ble terms, or. nort notice. I! also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-LusL. Hair and Cotton top Mattresccs. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting dir.e to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for apt-roved country product. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other l umber suit'ublc tor the bui-i-ne.'S. taken in exi-hange for furniture. Remember the shop is cn Mantel street. Clear field, and nearly opposite The -Old Jew Store " December 4. 1 i-fi 1 .'(' Ji Jv r. t J ( P. T. I. DR. BUYER'S PlltE - WEST BRANCH HITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Pafe and pounJed from froh an-1 choice herbs and pos iiirely pure spirits, free from fusil oil. or other irritaiinz properties, and will not disagree or ofi'end the inosi delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any Litters at present offered to the publio. IT NEEDS RUT A TRIAL. To increase tho Appetite to promofe Digestion to c-jre liyipcpsia to cure hv cr and Ague to cure l iiltmsLCsj 1 cure Constipation to cure Hiairbca to cure Flatulence to cure Aeid Eructations to cure Nervous Iebi!ity to cure Hypochondria to cure Sallownesy of the Complexion to curs Pimple and Blotches to cure General Oebility aud Prostration ot the Physical Powers, IT HAS XO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT $1 PER BOTTLE. A liberal di iron lit to tht trade. aXrrACTCHEO excixsivelt bt A. I. S II A W, . CLEARhlF.LV.PA - DoU !a",-.I,rV5- MinM- Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Oils. Paints. arnishes. Ac. Talent Mediciues. Pure Wins snd Liquors fur . . Fancy and Toilet . Articles, and all gni?j u-unliy kept in a i'rug Store, sold ' Feb. 23,1 cheap. I1S70. CANNED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Teaches and canned ocrn, ete , Xor aale at the Drug Store of A: I. 6JIAW . March Iff, 1WS. - : . LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Pooks; Sheet Masie for Piano, iflute and Violin ; Blank Aeeotint and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pensand Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and I) : . K rruuiitvij i Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment lirief; Legal cap; r.ecora eap auu . Bill cap, etc , Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. G AULIN, At the Post offier. on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. ; May 5, 1868- NEW' STORE. Corner of Second St. and llill Road. K. MITCHELL ilas just received and opened, at the abov nam ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which he will sell very cheap (or cash. Ilia stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Boots and Shoes; Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. lie alto keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of pnrcbasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to - give him a call.' Approved country produce will ba taken, at . the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 1863. 0, YES! 0, YES!! A GOOD FARM FOR SALE Persons desirous of pnrcbu.-iijg a farm, are di rected to examine tbat valuable property in Law reuce township, and situate at the mouth of Clearfield creek two miles East of the Borough of Clearfield, and convenient to schools and churches. " The property contains O.Y7 HUNDRED AI'l) TW nr TY A ' ' h.fs. part of which is ira tiroved and ur.iler a biirh state of cultivation the winle being well fenced. Coal, iron ore, and other minerals are found ou the same. The buildintrs consist of a good TIVO STOR ' J WKLLJXG HO US E, 48 feet a GOO D BARN, and othercourenientoutbuildings And there is growing ou tbe premises a young bearing orchard or enenco fruit trees. Tbis property is very pleasantly situated and beine at tbe confluence of Ihe crcoK ant tue river. it is a very desirable and inviting residence for n private fjinily. its position on Siie creelc and river also rentier it good situation for a board ing house durirg lh rafting season. The west and north sides of this property being bounded by the creek and river, makes it one of tbe best rafting grounas in tbis section, and a sucn yields a banusome revenue yearly. The owner. Mr. M. A. Frank, having perma nently settlei in the west, is the reason fur dis posmgof this valuable property. For terms, ete apply to c j. nun , October d, 1S69. Clearfield, Pa CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Third Session of tbe preset SjhoTastio year of tbisInstitution. will commence on Mon day. the 7th day of February, 1S70. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session The course of instruction embraces everythin included in a thororgh, practical aud accoux plisfaed education of both I :xes. The Principal 1 avin had the advange of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that bis entire ability an energies will be devoted to the mental and mora training of the youth placed under his charge. Tcnus or Tcitios: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session. (II weeks.) $5 00 Uraminar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Ilisto rv. S8.00 AlgebrijOnomctry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-kcepinr, Botany, and Phvsionl Genera phv. - $ Latin, Greek and French, with any of tbe a bove branches , $12.00 Music. Piano, (30 lessons') $10.00 l7"No deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rer P. L.HARRISON, a w. July 3I.1H87. Principal. M'GAUGIIEY'S Restaurant and Refreshment Saloon IN LEAVY'S NEW BUIUING, (formerly occupied by Rote.) Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly kept on hand a fine selection of Candies, Cigars. Tobacco, Nuts, Ac. Also Fresh Oysters, received daily, and served rp In any style, to suit the taste of customer. S5 Billiard Saloon in Second Story, Deo. 9, 13i8 DAVID M'GAl'GHEY REMOVAL! 11 EMOYAL! C. KRATZER Sc SONS, Have removed to the large and elegant NEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mer rell A Digler's Hardware Store, where they wi be pleased to see their old and new customers Citixens of the connty visiting Clearfield, an wishing to maka pnrcna,,cl- will find it to their advantage to examine their stock Goods at cash prices exchanged for all kinds of country produce. " Jan. 6,'f9. CAWED LUMBER. The underMgned limine started in tho Lumber business, near Osceola. Clearfield connty. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish pine boards, clear and panel stuff A 0. Pine snd Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notice. !' C.R.MACOJIBKR.- Osoee'a Mills.' May 6, 169-tf. Clear6eld CO.. Pa. SLEIGHS. FOUR SLEIGHS for sale by .. K, A. IRWIN ACO , CurwcnfvHI J. C U N N IN G II AM, AITOKNEY AT LAW, Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer. -ttkosb, blsir copstt, r. Special attention civen to the collection of claims Tyron.Pa., January 2T. 18C9-tf . BANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE McQIRK i. PERKS, . Successors to Foster Perks, Wright k Co., Pbilipssubo. Cestbb Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banking House ill be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20 -tf. .o.h'girk. JJEMOVA L-G UN SHOP The undersigned bees leave to inform bis old nd new customers, aud the public generally. that he bas titled up a new ci L N SHOP, on the lot on the corner of Fourih and Market streets. Clearfield. Pa., wbere be keeps constantly on hand, and wakes to order, all kinds ot liuna AIko. guns rebored and reverciabed. and reraired neatly on short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive pioinpt attention. Juneu, 1353. ' jyiin aiuuAt,. gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. II ARTS WICK i IRWIN are constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs, Medicines, ia. School books and Stationery, including tbe Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobaeeo and Ci- -gars, of tbe best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and see. ClearSeld, Nor 10, 1S69 rp HE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, I'a. G. D. GOODFELLOW Proprietor. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors proruptattentlance. aud lea tunable charges. Tbe patronage of the publio is respectfully .aliened. jy-I-tl BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. K I) W A r. D MACK, . Market Street, nearly opposite the residence of 11. I Mroups. tq , - Clkarpibld, Pa., Would rcspectfullT announce to the citixens ot Clearfield ami vicinity, that lie has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in lbs building lately occupied by J L. Cuttle. t a lawofBce.and thai he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices ecial attention given to tl.c manufacture o! sewed work, rrench Kip ana Call .-kins, of the best quality, always on baud uitc mm a can. i.iune. 04. TT F. N A U U L K , X s WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S HOW, CLEAKFIELD. The undersiened repectful!y informs his old customers and tbe public, that he nas on nana (slid constantly receiving new additions.) a large stock of Clocks, w atchesana jewetrj. t C LOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufatory.eiinji'itinK ol tight-day ana iriny-nou spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, strike aud Alarm clocks. WA I CIIESn tine assortment.o .'silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain aud full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elcxant assortment, of th best quality. Also, in silver extension and disk SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a singl piece to a fell set. A LSO.a fine ussortmcnt of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Al&bata. A I.SO. Hair Jewelry. with pure gold mounting gut up to order, lall anil see sample book. All kinds of Clucks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and v arrautrd A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. isth. 1885. H.F. NAIHJLE MUST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT THE KEYSTONE STORE The undersigned, intending to retire from the mercantile business is now closing out his en tiie stoik of goods at and below cost, comprising - SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, EMPRESS CLOTH, WOOL DELAINES MEN'S AND BOYS' C A S S I M E E S, CLOlllS, SATTINF.TTS. KENTl CKY JEANS DEN'INS, LADIES' CLOAKING, COATS, SHAWLS, Ac. A full line of Bomejtio Goods, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, . FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, ko., kc. LADIES' k CHILDREN'S SHOES, GUM & ARCTIC OVERSHOES, NATS AND CAPS, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets all widths, Window Shades and Wall Paper, asw - ' A great variety cf Rosier j , Notions and Trim mings of every description, Ladies' Trimmed Hats.Velvets, Ribbons, Balmoral and Hoop Skirls. Linen and Wool Table Covers, Napkins, Towels, Counterpanes, a large assortment of Ladies' an' Children's Wool Hoods, Nubias, Shawls, Ao. Persons in wont'of anything in the above line of Goods are invited to give me a eall, and obtain good, at wholesale prices. . QvnuiSQ Grain and eountry produce taken In exchange for G oonV Nov. 10, 18(19. j FOR SALE, White Lead, Zino Paint, Liusetd Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry,' Paint and Varnish brushes. ' HART3WICK A IRWIN, -ClearCeM.Pa-M 5,'ov. QN MY O wit liuuiv. - v y ll.vln i,ur. lrl tla fnlir stock at th Id Maud ot Kiik t S-nc?r,' in Limber City, iuteuj carrying on tho business nereiu- ore. MY MOTTO IS TO SELL CUE AI W CAali. . Tuankine our friends and customer l'r pnjst patrunaga I solicit contitiuaoce ul ti. same. Sc-pt. l-tli, 18G!), ISAAC KIRK. Fl-I.Lr.RTOK W. B. M'rHSRSOM NEW FIRM! FULLERTOX & MCPHERSON, Keep constantly on hand Fresh Meats, such as REEF, VEAL, MUTT0S, Etc., FRESH FISH, All kinds of Vegetables, in Bcasou, CANNED FRUITS. BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Which they will sell at the lowest market prices Cash pail for Cattle, Butter, etc. ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, Pa -May I2.T.9. A. P. BOYXTOS. Q S. YOfNS B0YNT0N & YOUNG, Cor. Fourth and P'mc Streets, CLEARFIELD, I'A., M AMUFACTIBEIIS OF STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, PL'LLEIS, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill woit. STANLEY TARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Slices, Plows, and eastings of all kinds. DEALERS IX Giffards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whiftlcs Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Check Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Tumps, Boiler Feed-Pumps, Anti-friction Metala. Soap Stone Packing, , Gum Packing, Ac. As., December 9, 186S-tf. 1. B. ORAHAH. C W.OXABJtM. A. A. OtlABA V N E W FIRM !. JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Sbnes, Hats and Caps. Notions, Groceries, Har-! ware,. Queens-, ware. Wood and Willowware, Flour, Eacon, Fiib.Salt etc., Markc'. St., CLEARFIELD, PA. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets Silks Coburga, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ging- -bams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves, Hosiery .Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a . general variety of rib- bons, trimmings, Buttons. Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassiinercs.Sattinetta, Tweeds, Mel tons, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Vestings, ete., in great variety, and at prices that' will give general satisfaction to buyeis. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-made Cloth ing. Hats and Caps, Boots and Sboes, Hardware and Queensware. a good . Stock, Wood and Willowware, and a full stock of Groceries. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles tbat are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence the people generally will find it to their advantage to , buj goods of them! Grain and country prodajetaxen exchange for Gor Js Av. 35-9. PITTSCUR ADVERTISEMENTS $30 H INKLE IT Knitting Machines. The moat perfect machine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a heel, or point the toe It will knit plain or libbed. It will knit stock ings, drawers, shirts hoods, comforters, mittens. Ac. It is cheap, simple and durable. It sets op its own work, uses but one needle, and requires no adjusting whatever It will do Ihe same work thai tbe Lamb machine will do. aud eosts less than half as much, and has not tbe tenth part of the machinery to get out of order. Ciioulars and samples moiled free on application. Agents wanted All machine guaranteed SHAW A MiiKTHN Uen'l Agents, Nov.2t Sm Ko. 20 Sialh St.. Pitubnrgh Pa JAS T. BRADY & CO., (ScrssBrs re S. Jones 6 Co..) CORNER FOliKTH AND WOOD S1RKETS. PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, B'-X AUD SB LI. ALU KISnS OF GOVERN EST SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Eix per cent, interest allowed oil deposits tub ject to ebck. Money loaned on Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. May 19. 9-ly. JAMES T. BRADY ir CO. QLEARFIEL1) HOUSE, FRONT STREET, PI11LIPSBUKG PA." 1 will impeach any one who says I fail to give direct and personal attention o all oor customers, or fail to cause them to rejoice over a well fur nished tatle. n un clean rooms ana new own. wbere all may feel at home and the weary be at rest. New stabling attached. rhilipsburg.Sep.2,'68. JAS. H.OALCK. y X C II A N G E HOT E L, AJ Huntingdon. Tenra. This old establishment havin been leased by J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of tbe "Morrison ltoue. bas been thcroucmy renovaieo ana re furnished, and supplied wirb all tbe modern im provemenis and conveniencies necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room bas been removed to the first floor, and is now spacious and airy. The chambers are all well ventilated, and the Proprietor will endeavor to mske his rueists per fectly at home. .J. MORRISON. Huntingdon. June l7,iRoS. I'roptiotor. rilO THE W-iRKING CLASS. We are now pre- J pared to furnish all classes with constant m nlovm'nt at home. tb who!e of tbe time or for the spare moments Tenons f ejther sex easily earn from 60c. to 55 per evening, and a prpr lional sura by devoMng their whole time to the bu.ines Lnyssnd giilsearn reariy as murh as men. Tbat all w bo see ibis noice may reid their address ant test the basinets, we make toe follow- nr unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send SI to pay for tbe trouble of writing run particulars, a vaiuaoie ssnirie. whi-h will do to commence work on. and a Copy of Thr Prcptr's Literary CompatoH os:e of me largest and bef family newiparters published all sent free by mail, yon wanr per naaent. profitable work. adJrsss E. C. -ALLEN A CO , Augus'a Maine. Dec. 1, B9-.5m. D 11. B. CLARK'S CRLKBRATrD FEMALE PILLS, '0R SALK RT Boyer 2 Shaw and Hartswiok i Irwin, - Clearfield, Ta. Aug sVBP-lyl Refail Price. 51.60 per package SuKvaron General' Orrirsj, ) Harrisburg. Pa... Oct. 22, 1S9. j To I lie Owner of Unpatented Ijandt : In obedience to au Act of Assembly, approved the eighth day of April, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-nine, you arc hereby notified 'ilir,t tbe -C'ou ity Land Lieu Docket." containing the list of unpatented lands for Cleatfield county. pi e paied under the Act of Assembiy of tbe Sutb of May one thousand eight boodred and sixty foar, and the supplement thereto, has this dsy been forwarded to the Protbouotary ef the county, at whose office it may be examined. The lians 'can only be liquadated by the payment of tbe pur chase money, interest and fees, and receiving pat ents through this Department JACOB M. CAMPBELL. Oct. 2769-1 m Surveyor General. rplIE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. -- This Liniment having been us:d, for some a fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effacts coming to the notice of bis neighbors, bas. at their sutgesiioo. con sented tomanufacture it for the benefit of tbe af flicted everywhere. It is ihe best icmedy for Catarrh and Billious Cbolio. ever offered to the publis; and will cure many other diseases in tbe human body. It is also a sure care for Pole eil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accomparv eah bottle. Price. (I por bottle, or six bottlHS for f i. Sent to ary address bv enclos ing tbe price to WM. II WAi'ONER. Hurl Postofiise, Oot. 18S9. Clearfield com ty, Ta. Q1GARS AND TOBACCO. ADOLPII SCIIOLPP, Miscrirrrsrs Aitn Wholesale ad Rltail DEALEU IX CldABS and Tosaccos. CLLAKFIKLD. PA . Would respectfully announce that he has remov ed to the large and commodious store-room, op posite the Couit House, Second Street, where he has opened a geueral assortment of Tubacce, Cigars. etc. which br if prepared tosell, wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices. His cigars are made of the very best material, and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. He has always on hand a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which bedi reers the attention of --ioversof tbe weed." . Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at the lowest w holesale prices. Call and examine his stock when yon eome to Clearfield. Jnne 10. 1S68. LIFE INSURANCE COMPARISON. Adventiff of the MUTUA L Plan over the Rrttirn Premium Plat of STOCK COMPANIES: HATES. Return Pr'nt Mutual Difference Yearly Age. Plan Plan on $1,000 u fiO.Ot kl 49 S0 !5 532 00 . H 1 SS 50 45 54 20 37 30 Iff J0 1S) (,0 50 75 50 47 00 2 50 235 00 55 . 109 35 59 40 49 95 499 50 On the aires named tbe rates of the Slock Com pany a re from 2 to 84 percent, higher th' n the Mutual rates. KESCLTS. Policy for S5.0H0 at I Policy in the Mutual age of 32, on the return Company same age. half premium plan 01 fioca , cast), ball note, tor 510 Companiea. annual pre ObO.will coat in lUyears, mium, all eah. $139 50. and no Divitlrnd to be made. 1 n caseof death at end of 10 years, tbe Stock Company will pay the Ain't of Pol icy $5 .000 Return Premium 1.3S5 in casn, including in terest on notes. (1,505 But the Mutual Compa ny will pay the Am 't of Policy $10,000 Less Pr'm notes Cash t,500 S.395 in Cash. snd 4 dividends. Showing that for $110 snora CoiA Premium, the gain on the Mutual plan to the insured mem ber s family is Fifty Per Cent. Should death occur at the end ot 5 years, the comparison would Ka Cash p'd Stock Co ,f 97 50-p'd to fimilySS .097 50 " " Mutual," 735 00- " 9,500 00 and dividend. At the age of 40, the Mutual plan lor SI, 916 40 Cash Premium will yield 0.3o0 ; while fbeStock plan for S2 032 50. Cash Premium, yields $7,032. 50. Showing a gain on the mutual clan of ,- 327 50, and dividend. INSURE TOCR LIFE IN THE PENN MUTUAL, OP PHILADELPHIA. H. B. SWOOPE, Agent, ' .r l4t-tf. rieaifiali.Ta. K R . T Z v t, ClearfieU, Pcnn a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Drew Coeds kiuia. Goods, OrocerlM U.rd--.r..Qu.en.-war. ware. Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps r Bacon,, .t..,1,eoUntl, rrivig upplies from the cities, which he will di at tbe lowest market prices, toeustomeri t purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock Clearfield. February 9, 1&7C JKW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SON. Have just returned from tbe east as. ,rt opening ao entire new stock of goods ia n, rtc formerly occupied by Ta. F. Irwin, eBjj,r, Street, which they now offsr to the puhiisatt. lowest eash prices. Their stock consists of a general asser-.,,, Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, U.rdw.;,. B00U, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Drets Q, Fruits, Csndies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, jtaiIli e ' in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail ,1. can be had byealHnfat this store, er .ill ke procured to order. Tlt.t. . L. I . , . , -" - "oeieo. ana consists f ,1, newest goo3s. is or tbe best quality, 0f tcs ltN styles, and will be sold at loweM prioes for c.ik or exohanged for approved ooentry prod use. Be sure an call and examine oor stock UUn making your purchases, as we are dteraiat4 o'ease aU who may favor cs with their catten May 8. 1SST. J. SHAW A SOX. R E M OVAL. IIARTSWICK & IRWIN, DP.CQGI5TS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and n -me.s. tbat we have removed oar estab'i-caitai ta the new building just erected on Market trc. nearly adji-imnx tbe Mansion II nine 00 it and tppositeGrahau A Sons' store, wbere wr re spectfully invite tbe public to come sad bay ibur DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS. PAINTS 4- YAKNiSHES Ourstock of Drugs and MedieinoconaUt ef enrr thing used, selected with tbe greatest ears. WARRANTED STRICTLY PURS'. W also keep afui; siock of Dyes Perfoaitns! Toilet articles. oap. Tooth Krusfaes Ilsir bmi es, Whitewash Lru:hes. and evei) eiher kia4 Brushes. We have a la ge lot ot White Lead, T urpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fsei everytbiag a Mi in tbe painting business, which we offer si Ci- prices to cash uuyrra. m TOBACCO ANP SEGARS. Confectionery Spiees. and the largest stoek of ft rietics ever offered in iL ia place and warrsite'. to be of tbe best the market ffnrf J. 0. HAKIEWITK, Dec. 2. 184-i " JOHN K. IRWIK. o 3 tea -3 " M 133 O e3 0 a e 'mmm4 r i . ! o o CD w o PLASTER the cheapest is the ewj i t. May 29 '67. GROUND AND U.VG R0V5P Sf .s English Currsnts, Essence Cofiss " gar ot the best quality. for "lr . rjWl? Jan 10. HATSnrK tv. st c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers