Ipc Qaftmatf oimmf, gicarftefo, 1a., mtc 23, 1869 Thinning out Grapes. Ia the importance of thinning out the fruit of the vine, duly considered by the majority of cultivators? I think not From close observation, and even sad experience, the subject in my opinion, calls for much more attention than is usually given. In young vines, this is more particularly the case. Such vigorous and hardy constituted va rieties as the Concord may stand it to a con siderable extent, but even they will eventu ally suffer. This fault is not only to be found in the vinyards of the novice, but can be seen almost everywhere, in charge of those who know better. This, then, being ad mitted, the next question is, how shall it be remedied? Shall we prune so much shorter so as not to have more wood than the vine can carry safely through, or have more wood and then thiu out the bunches? The latter in my opinion, will be the best, for by the first plan we get our fruit too much crowed, and throw too much force in to the young canes for tie following year's bearing. My impression is that when a vine b pruned to what would seem about right, the pinching out of every third bunch, at the first operation, pinching back would be the proper method. I would leave but two bunches on each bearing shoot, and in some instances it is better to leave but one. We ail know that the forming of the seed of any fruit is the heaviest tax on the plant This being the case, do we not give consid erable relief when we diminish the tax one third? I think we would be safe in count ing on having the same weight of fruit on two bunches as if three were left. Some years ago we grew Concord bunches in this way, which the Committee, who were to test them, would not admit them to be of that variety until they tasted them. For market ing table grapes, this is particularly practicable. For instance, let one man take Concords that will average three fourths of a pound to the bunch, and another have them as usually grown, and my word for it, the large bunches will command nearly dou ble price, not only among the wealthy, but the masses. Grape Culturist. Training Tomato Vines. A neighbor lady last year trained her to matoes up small poles bean poles over six feet high, reaching out above the poles. This case is a practical demonstration of the success that may attend this method of training. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I could hardly credit a truthful ac count of it The poles were set before the plants were, and when the latter began to grow the leading shoot only was trained, all others being kept off through the season As it increased in length, it was tied to the pole with a common wool twine from time to time simply a vine like a morning-glory or honeysuckle. The fruit of course set first at the lower end of the vine, and as the season advanced. higher up, until now there is fruit that bids fair to ripen at the top of the poles. There it hung in beautiful clusters,easy accessible, with no obstruction whatever, and no fruit rotting under a'swamp of vines where the sun could not touch it This is all open to the , light and heat of the sun, and to the wind, The plant, in short, has a fair chance given to develope itself, and it was ready and glad to avail itself of the privilege. If there is a worm on the vines, he cannot hide away.but can easily be found and destroyed ; and the ground can be worked and the weeds kept down through the whole season as easily as among corn. Tho grower is "master of the situation," and he feels it, and the pies sire and profit are thereby en hanced. The plants may be set in rows four feet apart, and thirty inches apart in the row. They will bear to be set closer than this, bat there will be less freedom of movement for the hoeing, tying, etc Try it, reader ; it is as cheap as the common trellis yes, cheaper ; it is easy, certain, will ripen fruit i ; some earlier and give you more of it, of good quality, from the same areas, in a word, will please you. Journal of Agri culture. A slovenly dress, a shabby pate, The fences down, a broken gate. Figs in the garden, weeds very high, Children unwashed', no bacon to fry Lots of great dogs and yawling torn cats, Windows repaired with a dozen old hats, An empty barn not a spear of hay, Cows in the clover, horse tan away, Things sold by guess without being weigh'd, Bills coming in and taxes unpaid Pipes and tobacco whisky neglect, Drag in their train, as all might expect, All sorts of trouble to fret away life But worst of the whole, an unhappy wife. Insects. If any . tent caterpillars eggs have been left, the little webs will soon man ifest themselves. They are most readily seen when the dew is on them in the morning. They are easily destroyed by the hand, with a corn-cob, or by the use of a swab, with lye. Destroy them at any rate. Borers are to be cut out Where there is a depression in the bark, the knife will usually reveal a ORGANS AND PIANOS, ESTYS AND MASON & IIAMLINS, FOR SALK BY S. J. HAYES, Curwensville, Pa. A. P. BOTKTOH. : S. . TOOHO BOYNTON & YOUNG, Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., ". AHCrCTUEB.a of STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HE A D BL 0 CKS, WA TER WHEELS, SHAFTING: PULLEiS, BOLTS, and ail kinds -of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, ' COOK STOVES, Heating Stove?, Sled Shoes, Plows, and eastings of all kinds. DEALERS IX Giffsrds' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Check Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed-Pumps, Anti-friction Metals, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Packing, Ae., Ac, December 9, 1868-tf. NEW FIRM- NEW GOODS, AT LOW PRICES! NEW SPRING STOCK AT THE KEYSTONE STORH! DRESS GOODS, Trimmings aud notions in great variety. WHITE GOODS, Stamped Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets and Skirts, Ladies Shawls and Coats, new styles, STRAW GOODS, Flowers, Ribbons, in. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Window Shades and fixtures. Ladies' and Childrens Shoes, WALLPAPER, WALLPAPER, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, HATS AND CAPS, Prints, Maalins, Ginghams. Tickings, Cot tonades,Canimeres, Tweeds, Ae:, Ae. Cheaper than the cheapest. June 1, '9. D. G. NIVLING 18G9. : 1869. GRAND OPENING OF SPRING & SUMMER STYLES IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, SHAWLS, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S - FURNISHING GOODS, kc. Having selected our stock with the greatest care, we cannot be surpassed ia Style and Quality. All our goods will be sold at a close cash price, so that purchasers will find it to their advantage in calling on us Having fitted up a separate room for Hats and Caps and Straw Goods, the finest assortment of these goods will be kept, i WM. REED & CO., Market St. Clearfield, Fa. April 14, 1389. fRAlS WANTED. Wheat. Rye, Corn, Buck VJT wheat and Oats wanted, fur which ih est market price will be paid, by J. P. KRATZER, kJMowt, vffiuaiie me jairj v-iearneld, Fa . NOTICE. All parson indebted to the aubseri ber, are requested to come and settle with out delay. R. MOSSOP. QAWED LUMBER. The undersigned having started in the Lumber business, near Osceola, Clearfield county. Fa., ii now pre pared te furnish pine boards, elear and panel stuff, Ae. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and snipped on snort notice. Osceola Hills. May 5, 1868-tf. Clearfield co.. Pa. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brusbea. HABTSWICK A IRWIS, Oearfield.Pa -M S,'69. T A8SACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE J"- INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated ISM. Assets nearly Three Million Dollars. Dividends Annually. One-third or one half of the premium loaned to the assured. All Policies Nonforfeitable by law of the State of Massachusetts Reliable and energetic Agents wanted. Apply to JOHN Kn6X MARSHALL. State Agent, S. W. eor 6th and Walnut Streets, Mayl2,'69-3m Philadelphia. Pa. "POUND on Market Street, nearly oppo-- site the jail, the cheapest place to buy wholesale or retail,) Dry Goods, Confectionery, Nails, Groceries, Drugs, Glass, Notions, Medicines. Paints, Clothing. Boots A Shoes. Oils, Hardware, Hats A Caps, Sioves, Tinware, Flour, Leather, Queensware, Chop, Carpels. Woodenware, Bacon, Oilcloths.' Stationery, Fish, Wall Paper, Musical Goods, Salt, Tobacco and Shoe Findings, Plaster, Cigars, May 12-lm. at J. P. KRATZER'S. SOMETHING NEW .IN ANSONVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which uv uunra w me puuiro ai pnens u ami lap uiucs His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and rs offered to customers at from $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour, Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in (treat variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very oheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard,and other goods in proportion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused tor any artiole in store. Examine my stock be fore you ouy elsewhere. . October 30,1867. H.SWAN. ATTENTION, BUYERS ! READ! READ'! Who sells the cheapest goods in the county? MOSSOP ! Who sells best calicoes at 12$ cts a yard ? MOSSOP! Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at ?500? M O S S O T ! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at $1 SO? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than anybody else ? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSS'OP! Who Bells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? "" MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Wrho first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSS OP'S! Clearfield, May 1J. 1869. E D. PERKS A Co's flour, the best in market, for sale oy J. EH AW A SON. DESSICATEDCOCOANUTS.forpies.puddings, ete , for sale at GRAHAM'S. GABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and for sale by MERRELL A BIG LE-R. rj.RAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardy varieties of first quality Orders Solicited as soon as convenient and filled In rotation, by A M. HILLS. Q LEARFIELD HOUSE; FRONT STREET, PHILIPSBURG, PA. I will impeach any one who says I fail to give direct and personal attention to all oar customers, or fail to cause them to rejoice over a well fur- nisnea table, with clean rooms ana new ocas, where all may feel at home and the weary be at rest. New stabling attached. rmiipsourg, Sep. Zos. jab. tx. ualea. EXCHANGE HOTEL, IlnnHnmlftn Plinn', This old establishment havins been leased by J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of the "Morrison House.'' has been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, and supplied with all the modern im provements and conveniencies necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room has been removed to ine nrst noor, and is now spacious ana airy. The chambers are all well ventilated, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make his guests per fectly at home. J. MORRISON. Huntingdon-June 17,1868. Proprietor. BEE HIVES! BEE HIVES!! The undersigned having on band and for sale the American Movable-comb bra Hives, and finding it impossible to supply the demand for hives have concluded to sell one half of the terri tory which they own, to wit: Clearfield and parts of Centre and Cambria counties. They have made arrangements to have the material for hives cut to order. Persons desirous of seeing a sample of the hives will please call at Kivling 4- Showers Store, in Clearfield. Bee raisers will find it to their advantage, to have the patent hives. Per sons wishing to buy either hives or territory can address us to Glen Hope, Clearfield county. Pa. April 14. 1869. A. A W. A NIVL1NU. To th Working Class: I am now prepared to furnish all classes with const ant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profita ble. Fifty cent to $5 per evening, is easily earn ed by persons of either sex, and the boysand girls earn nearly as much as men Great inducements are offered thoce who will devote their whole time to the business: and. that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for themselves, I make the fol lowing nnparalled offer : To all who are not well satisfied with the basinets, I will send SI to pay for the trouble of writing me Full particulars, directions. Ac, sent free. Sample sent by mail tor 10 cents. Address E. C, Allkm, Augusta. Me. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned. Executors of the Estate of Jason Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-city, deceased, offer at private sale the following de scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of about two hundred acres of land, situate in Union township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the "Union Mills" property. About 22 acres of the land is cleared, from 80 to 100 acres is covered with excellent white pine, besides hemlock and other timber. The improvements are a valuable grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides a good frame house and barn. The water power is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about 12 miles above Jurwensville. Persons desirous of seeing the property, can call upon J. R. Arnold, residing inereon. cor further particulars apply iv tun uuuorsigueu at iiumoer-cny. ISAAC KIRK. SAMUEL KIRK, Jan. 13, '69. JOHN RUSSELL, Exrs gOMETIIING NEW AND BEAUTI The Photograph Marriage Certificate ia truly a luiug ui nro oeaoiy. 11 consists 01 a Deauuiui engraving, with a place on tbe left to insert tho photograph of the Husband, and a place on the right to insert the photograph of the Wife ; ac companied with passages of Scripture adopted to each Ac., Ac. What a pleasure it will be, when our hairs are getting gray, to have haning in our parlors, a "keepsake," that will remind us of our bridal day, and bridal beauty. All who have been lately married, and those contemplating marriage should nave them. Many who have been married for years are applying tor mem. Any competent penman can nil them out. The nndersigned is tbe exclusive agent for the Photograph Marriage Certificate, for Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. They will be sent by mail pre-paid. Send your address and get a descriptive circular grans. Aaaren n.u fVjliUt, Wrstover. March 17, '69-ty. Clearfield Co. Pa THE GIIEAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A Safe Blood Purifier, ' A Splendid Tonic, A Pleasant Beverage. A Certain Cure and PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The ZINGARI BITTERS are compounded fnm a prescription of the celebrated Egyptian physi cian Da. CuEurcs, who, after years of trial and experiment, discovered the Zingari Herb the most reniarxaoie vegetable production, the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded certainly tbe most effective in the cure of disease. It. in combina tion with tbe other valuable properties of which ine e.Lnu ah.1 jji ITERS is composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever ,Cholio, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Com . - plaints, Rheumatism, Dysentary, Acute and Chronic Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. Chol era, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula, Diseases of the Kidneys, Habitual Coetiveness, Ae., Ac, Ac, In the Prevention and Cork of the above dis eases, it has never been known to fail, as thou sands of our most prominent citiiens throughout all parts of the country will testify. Let the afflicted send for a circular containing testimoni als and certificates of those who have been cured after their cases have been pronounced hopeless vj uur uesi pnysicians. Principal depot. F. RAHTER A CO.. No N. Front St , Philadelphia Recommended by Ex-Gov. David R. Porter, of suuajrivania, non. ftooert j. nailer, oi Penn sylvania. Hon. Edward McPaerson. of Pennsyl vania. Hon. Joel B. Danner. of Pennsylvania Hon. Wm. McSherry, ol Pennsylvania, and others tor circulars. reo. mtn, JbfiV ly. ROUND AND TJNGROTJKD SPICES, Citnn VX cngusb Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best quality. for sale by Jn. 16. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. VERT FINE blankets will be sold cheap by J. SHAW A SON. fTIHE highest market prices paid for Shingles -a. "j j. on a it sua. B ACON, Hams. Sides and Shoulders at reduced prices, at MOSSOP'S D RIEB FRUIT, at reduced prices, at amy IX, BU. MUSbUf B. UEENSWARE Tea sets, best stone-ware, U pieces, at $ 50 at MOSSOP'S. s ADDLES, Bridle; harness, collars Ac, for saiear . MKKKfcLL niULttt s THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag. ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER T4KUNES a nnintitir nn hand and forsake at L May 27. GRAHAM'S o IL, Putty, Paints Gl ass and Kails for 8al at s TOVES of all sorts and sixes, eonstantly on band at MERRELL A BIGLER 8 c LOVER, Timothy and Orohard-grass seeds at " SHAW A SON now offer there whole stock of I - wnAla. f I .1 C . AA. in PI,!!. . wiyum 1U M iqu orBk WWH " urn. as. r II I LD REN'S furs twemj-fire per cent lens than rw T C LI A W aV CAV XRONI IRON'.! Best bar i'on. for sale at tbe j. sxore ot utKtiMii auiuii.iv fi UNS. Pistols and sword canes to be bad at VJT June,'6. MERRELL A JBiuLER t, WLE & LIQUOR STORE I. L. BEIZENSTEIN 4 CO., DBXLKRS IB WIXES AND LIQ UORS, MARKET STREET, CLBARFIELDJPA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on band. January 27. 18S9-6m. YOUT II S AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTHING to his former business, would respectfully solicit an examination ot his stock. Being a practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able to offer a better c1as of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line would save money by calling at bis store, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Gents 'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. April 23. 18fi9 II BRIDGE. B. B. PATTOSI, t B. A. IKVIS, : : : : jho pattoh, : : : : j.b. ibwis. E. B. PATT0N& CO., Having fitted up a first-class PLANING MILL, are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man ufaetured Lumber, such as FL O OUING, SID IX G, Surface-dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, and every description of Plain and Fancy Mould ings, Dealers will find it to their advantage to consult our prices before purchasing elsewhere Address, E. B. Patton & Co., Curwensville, Dec. 2,'G8. Cloarfield Co., Ta. ii BEST GOODS" AT "LOWEST PRICES." Bennett, Blattenberger & Co., NOW OFFER AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOPvE, IN OSCEOLA, A large and well selected stock of fre.h J SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at lowest market rates, and to be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD & WILLOWWARE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, FLOUR, FEED, And everything appertaining to well rcguIaU ( households, as well also to MILLS, MINES AND CAMPS. Orders received and promptlj filled. Highest market pric-e paidfo Country Produce. Salesmen are polite, attentive and obliging CALL, SEE, EXAMINE, and be convinced. Bennett, Blattenberger & Co. 0ceqla Mills, April 2i , 1869. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE WORLD THE NATIONAL BITTERS. has cured more cases of Dyspepsia, more cases ot LIVER COMFL.AI3T, more cases or jtnvuiiS HEADACHE, FEVER AAGUE, and more cases ot DIBILITT, than any other remedy before tbe publio in the same space of time. IT PURIFIES TIJE BLOOD clams tb mind, restnreasleep, is an Excel! en t Ap petiser, and a general vigorator of the System. TWAUjW. B (i W VJI 1 IVfil . was. No 9 N. Seventh 1st., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggets, and Dealers generally. Feb. 2. 1869. 6 mo. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Persons denrinr rood nietures.of any style and price, with all tbe modern improvements of the art. can be accommodated by calling at my rooms in Clearfield. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. ' CHILDRENS1 PICTURES taken, accurately in a few seconds. Tbe TONE and FINISH of my photographs guaranteed to equal that of any made ia Phila delphia or tv Xork. Constantly on hand a large supply of FRAMES, ALBUMS, and STERESCOPES, of all sixes, styles, and prices, and of the verv best finish. Also, a choice selection of STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tbe most interesting American and Foreign scenery, lor sale at reasonable rates. Frames, of all sixes, from any style of moulding. made to order, on short notice. Dee. 2. 1863. J. K. BOTTORF. REMOVAL. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, " Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new ousto me.s. that we have removed our establishment to the new building just erected on Market street. nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and buy their DRUGS, CHEMICAL, PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS. PAINTS 6- VARNISHES. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of every thing used, selected with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE.' We also keep a lull stock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articles.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes. We have a la ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to cash buyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in tbis place, and warranted to be of tbe best tbe market aAords. J. G. HARTSWICK, Deo. 2, ISflS. JOHN F. IRWIN. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! Something new hi Clearfield J Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes ! i Great Bargains in Hats and Caps ! THE GRECIAN BEND HAT! THE VELOCIPEDE HAT ! THE ALriNE HAT ! SILK II ATS, OF Til E LATEST STYLE ! ALL KINDS and STYLES and CHEAP! BOOTS AND SIIOES IN PROFUSION ! Ladies look to your interests and eall and see the latest and most fashionable styles of PLAIN AND FANCY SHOES. Purple. Blue, Bronte and Bismarck Shoes, for Misses and Children, of high cut. CUSTOM WORK made a speciality at this store. J. C. LIGIITCAP & SON would respectfully announce, to the eitisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have opened a large and varied assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, in the Store-room on Market Street, oppo site the residence of H. B. Swoope, Esq.. where they will be happy to wait on all who wish to patronise a First class SHOE AND HAT STORE. HAND MADE CHILDRENS' SHOES ! FINE BOOTS ! COARSE BOOTS! WATER-PROOF BOOTS ! TRUNKS, Ac, Ae. Call and see for yourselves what we have got for sale. Remember the place, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., Opposite tbe residence of H. B. Swoope, Esq. March 31, 1868-tf. MUSICAL GOODS.violins.flutes, fifeaelaronets, accordeons, Italian strings, guitar strings, clarionetreeds. music narer .' instruction books. for sale by J.P. &AXZR,gent for Pianos and vigaae. - January o, asov J. B ORABAll. ; B W. 8 RAH A. : a. A. NEW FIR M ! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SON'S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ia all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ha: and Caps,Notions,Groceries,IIard ware, Queensware, Wood ami Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc, etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Fa.- The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goods to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. C. GRAHAM & SONS. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets. Silks Coburgs, Alparu, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other 6 loves. Hosiery-Balmorals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons, trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN Tbey have Black and Blue Cloths. Black and Fancy Cassimeres,attinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Water-proof Cloth, Silk. Satin and common Vestings, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general satisfaction to buyers. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats.Dress coats of various (joll ities and prioes. Plain'and Fancy Vrstt, Cassiinere and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, Handkerchiefs and neck ties, Cotten and Woolen socks. Calf and Kip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Fhoes, Hats nd Caps, snd inch other articles as are utually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Amonp .bich may be found CarpeU.ftileloiht, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached .Voiius, Drillings, Pillow eaiing. Sheetings, Toweling, Table cloths, Table oovers, Window Blinds, Car tains.TicKings and a very large assortment of such articles as are wanted by housekeepers, and st prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A lull assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets. Pitchers, Bowls, Dishes, and a general vriety of ware that will be sold by the doten or piece, and as cheap as it can be purchaiwd elsewhere in the county. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files, Door Locks snd Latch es, Hinge or all inds, Augurs, Screws, Nails, Spines, TaoKS, Brads, Shovels, Spades.Hoes. Forks, Axes. II aich eU.Chisels.Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas. 5r Syrups,Dried Fruits, Cheese.Klour.Escoa. Feed, etc., always on hand and for sale at a small advance ou cost WOOD & WILLOWWARE, Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns. Cloth wringers and Wash boards, Clothes. Mar ket and Dinner Baskets.a general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articl.s that sr usually kept in a well-regulated coantry tore, and banco tbe people genemllj will find it to their advantage t buj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in W'l and selling all kinds of Sawed Lum and as we intend giving this brant-, of business special attention, we feelassuredthatwecanmake it to the advantage of those who Have lumber for sale to deal wita Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber- GOODS ARRIVING PAI IX Grain and country produae taxen exchange for Ooe ds Avq. J6-'6S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers