my itite 23, I860. af?aftematt,$ Journal -eLFRFIELDAJUNK 23, i860. ; jt p.tuons To insure the safe transmission 7" L3 by patrons should remit by check f " I order or have their letters registered. or "''in; will be enclosed in the firit paper after fBtr money comesjojiand- r ; "lyrone and Clearfield Eailroad. i , leave Tyrone at : : : 9 00 a m U Arrives Clearfield at : : J 00 ,. m. Mlil I Min leave. Clearfield : : :2.00 pm. 111,1 arrives st Tyrone at : : : z i.oOp w. ,s with Cincinnati Express East at 6 17 - m"i Wstat.44p, ; Bald Eagle Ex- pWs'at 7 fttipjn , . vn irntrs. Divine services will be held Jxt SalUt", in Clearfield, as follows : Bv Rev. W. II- PiJ. i the Methodist .Wh lunrnini! and evening. Sabbath VnVatO V l'raver n5-"n. everJ' t i t-il' M. Communion services ISsSbS.hofeyr, '-nth at 10-3 AM B Kev Nix Inrff in the Lutheran church in the utorniiM. and evening. j.Vn-icviin St Andrews hpiscopa! church oa Tuesday eveiiinss, at o'clock. Seats ini Fram-is' church Mass at 101 A. M., the seen- 1 aud fourth Sundava of each juoutli. l Colrt. The June term ff our courts on-iiienced on Monday Ia-st. The Call mur Jercaac was taken up yesterday (Tuesday.) AuMiNivTRATOit's Sale. The adminis trates of the estate of Matthew Forcey, oYe'J, offi.T several valuable tracts of laud 'ljr.-ale. See advertisement. BAmxi). On Sunday and Monday last cijiioas rains full in this reion, aud, iti con-Kiit-nee. the river tom; to a good rafting fax. We presume, all the remaining rafts trill ici off ou this flood. Xkw Goods. F. C. Crotuin, Merchant Tailor, Market street, Clearfield, Pa., has received a nice a.isortnteut of New Good?, rn.-isting of Cloths, Cassimeres, &u. , which lie i ir-;.ared to make up ia stylish SL'lTs to slit A limes. Dr-DiCATiu's. I'rovidenee permitting,thc m-w Methodist Church (Harmony Chapel) in Chest township, Clearfield county, Pa., will be dedicated to the worship of God, on Sunday, Julv -J:h, li'j'J. The friends are invited to be present Vim :. The Kxecutive Committee of the Clcarfidd County Agricultural Society are requested to meet at the Court House, mi Sat-jrAiy,-Juue-UCth, at-2 o'clock, I. M., t".r the purpose of determining whether to LiiJ a Fair this fall, or not. N. RisllKL, June 16, '6a. Chairman. 1'i.NATiON Thanks. The ladies and friends of Pat hinvillc and vicinity, will .1i-;im: accept the sincere thanks of Uev. W. 1!. 1'urdy, and family, for the present, re cently, of a new pocket-book well Glled with ''pirenhseks." May our Heavenly abundantly bless the kind doners. TV. B. r. Lay U tatiox. A vote was had in the 31. K. Church, in this place, oh Wed nesday evening last, on the fjoestihti of lay representation, which resulted as follows : Fr Jay representation!); against ll; ina irity against 7. There was b'tt lir'tle inter-t-t manifested on the question here, as is sppm-iit from the Miialiness of the vote ast. Nam. ix inic Foot. To relieve fro m the t.Tril'e effects f ruiiriin.; a nail in the f.ot of a man or, take peach leaves, braise tliem, applv M the wouuJ, confine evith a lindane. They care, as if by faiagic. Re iw.iur the a p plication Usually 3ovi the work, litli :iiU.n and h-r.-.e have been eared in a fvs hours, when they were apparently on tlie iiuint of having the lock jaw. The re-c-.ipe, reiiiemUired and practiced, will save iMr.Y valuable live. M. 11 Cin-Rni Festival. A handsome caie, lit the M. K. Churc h festival, is to be isp-v-eii of by ballot durin g the week the ate to !e presented to the clergyman who his the highest number of votes cast for fca. The contest, we understand, is ar ri?rl to be between the clergymen of Clear fi Hal Curwensville. The ballots will be rfcwrr.l at the old church edifice, where our M ;h ,li,t friends have in progress a first ' t. festival, for the benefit of the church. tnw oar citizens will not lack in spirit 'l!;lera!ity towards securing the prize for tor the other of our woithy ministers. Fata:. Accident. We learn that Mr. b .in; merman, residing at hope's u ,i m Cfutre county, met with a fatal ac 1 l-nt on Thursday last, June 17th, in Mor-r- t,iwi,siii, Clearfield county, under the .'.Wiiii; circumstances : Jlr. Z. and his "'thr M illiam, and others, were engaged u;,,, l r.Kifing a barn for Mr. N. Full r'r, kIku the Jc;ceasc-d suddenly fell from rwji" the cround, a height of 'G fest. h:- Lr ,:L,T William hastened to his relief, i-t life was already extinct. Upon esatui l:ti it wi, fui, tiiat lile nect of the de-t"l"-li broken no doubt, having struck tbeeros tiinbcrs in his descent." Mr. ' a worthy and industrious' roan, and years. He leaves a wife and 'irchinhvn to mourn bis sudden and dis Joath. The sympathies of the sure ctjinuiunity are with the bereaved ifcily. f. !IaR''"'.AK" Messrs. Lindsay, Sterret& wer The largest Tlardware House in tcrn lVnn'a. Loss than two years ago r "7' '"a'' tcrrit & Eawcr engaged & Ue Hardware business, and so marked Dtr-n. their success, that their store-room !oe;,.J entirely too small for their busi 'J therefore secured the present re. Xj,. 3 i Liberty street, ten doors be t ie ,jM stan(j j-hJch j3 the largest aud c.n.plete Hardware House west of -'lork. The gentlemen composing the -n, are youDg and energetic, and they have v a eSree of Uat enterprise tta c.uld not fail of success. They are Wmj mort goojs tijaa any house in "kourg, an,i tae on ha1(j a jarge and g. 'i,e, stock of Hardware, Cutlery, t''71y4' Soeaths, Sic, which they offer at 7 low priCC3 for cask We cheer fuly menJ this firm to the favorable con -"i!?tWn 0I r readers and the general 1 ih. Uev. J. W.Tlannct, of Huntingdon, will preach in the Baptist this place,' ou next Sabbath, at 7J o'clock, P. M. , Tic-sic and Faik. To meet the large expenses still necessary for the completion of the Osceola Catholic Church, the con gregation will have a Pic nic oa the 3d of July, to commemorate the glorious "4th ;" and the Fair will begin on the 5th of July, and continue at least one week. All wcll d is posed persons are most heartily welcome to participate in these festivities. K. O'Braxioan, Pastor. Late Publications. -Mi ; : f ' Godet. We have received the 3 uTy nnm her of that admirable family magazine. Go dnj Lady' Boole. It is an old favorite, and like good wine, seems to improve with age. Besides the literary matter, always excellent and interesting, the July number contains the following illustrations : The Wreck a steel plate. Colored Fashion plate, six figures. The Signal, a tinted pic ture. The Exchange, a fine wood cut. Fashions, Extension sheet, thirty-nine en gravings. Four designs of the latest styles of bodices, &o. A-cottage, with plans ; and twenty-two designs of useful articles in the work department. Among the contribu tions of first class stories in this number, are Marion TIarland, Jno. Churchhill, Ilellcn Maxwell and Pique. Lady's Friend. The July number of ibis excellent magazine is before us. "My native land, farewell," is a beautiful and ex pressive steel ent raving, and much admired by beholders. The colored fashion plate is good, and the literary contents interesting. Price $2.50 a year. Deacon fc Peterson, Thila. Musical Monthly. This excellent mu sical work (or July is out, and contains a number of entertaining pieces of music, fiinele copies 30 cents $3 per year. J. L. Peters, ICS Broadway. N. Y. A rafher extravagant piece of description is the following by the New York Tribune t historian of the Boston Peace Jubilee: Madame Parepa-Hosa crealed an extraor dinary impression by her singing of the "Star Spangled Banner," iu which her voice tang like trumpet above the noiseof a thousand instruments, ten thousand voices, the roaring organ, the big drum and twelve pieces of artillery." The Supreme Court decides that if a passenger on a railway trajn cannot find a scat, and gets injured while standing, in cdr.scqticnce, upon . the platform, he is not to"be blamed for negligence, but that the negligence must be imputed to the conduct or. It 'is the hitter's business to find a scat for tlie Vsssenger, hot the passenger's busi ness foldcik for one. The Mefnphis Evening lust says Alaska is a good market for the surplus butter of Orange county. A native of Sitka recently ate Ten lounds of butter at a meal, and finished off wiui a castor oil cocktail, and it was eot a jrood niorning for butter either. The Board of Trastecs.of Washington and Jefferson College, have determined to go on and complete the ameuded transferring to Washiugtou all the various departments. A President will be chosen iu Augas't next. The coal miners of Schuylkill county, af ter a protracted strike, have concluded to resume work, fearing that their continued idleness might lead to the repeal of the tar iff on coal, as in all probability it would. The liberrl minded and consistent Irish- of the couutry are to hold a Couvcbtson at Chicago on the 5th proximo, in favor of Universal Suffrage, Protection,' and Irish liberty iu Ireland. France lias appointed a Consul to Mexico; the first since the fall of Maximillian. A new tin mine has been tound in San Barnardino, Cal. , , MARRIED: On Sunday,. April 2oth. 1800. by Rev. W. B. Purdy, Mr. Abiatiiek. Campbell and Miss HANNAH M. Fab3. On Sunday, May 23d, 1S00, by Rev. W. B. Pnrdy, Mr. Andrew T. Barrett aud Miss Hannah M. Woods. On Sundav, June Cth, 1SG9, by Rev. W. B. Purdy, Mr. Joun T. Straw and Miss Maky E. Barrett, both of Ferguson tp. Ou Thursday, June 17th, 1809, at the "City Hotel." in Tyrone, by Uev. Thomas Barnhart, Mr. Sami e'I 11. GeAkhabt, of Williamsg-ovc, and Miss Mary G. Cakdon, of Clearfield, Pa. - On Wednesday. Jirtie. lGthT18o9, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, Mr. Robert H. Jamison. of Ferguson- township, and Miss ILanxaii M. Moure, of Lumber-city, Pa. On Tnps.l.-ir .Tnno 1st. ISf.Q. bv D. Dress- I?. Mr Vt S Hi-Rn. formerly of Maine, Miss Susannah Thompsox, of Union townsnip. , Clearfield Ketail Markets. ConaacTED bt R. Mossop. Juse 22, 1869. Apples. dried, lb, $ 16 Apples, green. bo, I 50 Applebutter, gal, I 00 Batter, lb, 25 Beef, fresh lb, IS Beef, dried, " 25 Buckwheat, bush. 1 00 Buckwheat flour lb. 4 Beans, bu, 3 00 Boards, per M, 15 00 Corn, shelled, 1 25 " ears, 62 ' meal, 2 80 Chop, rye, - 3 25 " mixed, 2 50 Cheese, lb. 23 Cherries, lb. 1 Chicken,drescd,lb, 20 Eggs, 20 Flour, bbl. 8 00 Hay, ton, Hams ' lb. " Lard, lb. Oats, bo. Onions. " Po, lb, " mess, bbl, 25 00 22 15 20 2i 80 2 00 15 35 00 1 10 Potatoes, bj, Plaster, bbl. 3 50 Peaehee, dried, lb, It) Rye. bush, 1 50 Rags, lb, 3 Salt, per sack, 3 00 Shingles, IS in. 5 00 2lt in ul Oil Timothy seed, bu, 5 00 w beat, ou, uu Wool, lb, 40 Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities, JA M E S T. BRADY CO., (Successors to S . Jonesr Co.) CORSCR Or FOCKTH ASD wood STBEKT3. Pittsburc June 19, 1S69. Tut 'sell- OOLI. 104 I4'J U.S. s 1SS1. 1171 ili &-20S.1SS2, 114j,US 5- 20s, 18R4, 104 1061. 6- 20i.l5, J05J.10B 10-40. 103j103r 5.20s. Jan. '65, lOSi 10SJ 5-20s, Jul. '65. 108 ,'1081. buy. sell. 1 10i;l 10i 108 '1081 109I0i 1091)1091 .114 , 5-20s, Jan.'7 5-20s. Jul. '67 June, 7-3tfs, July, 7-30s, May Comp,'65, Aug.Comp.'fi5. Seit.Comp65. Oct. Comp. '65, U81;1181 118 1USC 1171U8 We are now converting 7-3w-of the June and July series into Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of 1865-7. A Great 'itenietfy for tfie cure of Throiit ami Jfnr Disease. Doctor n'i&liart't 1'iite Tree Tar Cordial. 5 It is the vita! principle of the Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar. by which iu highest medical properties are retained. - ..i r . . It is safeguard and reliable semady which has ever-been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree ; It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. . . It strengthens the debilitated system.. It purities and enriches the blood, and expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breed J on the Jungs. . . . , ; It disolvea the iuaco3 or phlegm which stops the air-passages of the lungs. Its healing principle acts upon tbe irritated sarfaceofthe lun's and throat, penetratinjr ,to each diseased part, relieving pain and subuiing1 innmraaiin It is tbe resulfof yearsof study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assorance of it power to- cure the following duv eaes. if tbe patient has not too long delayed a re sort to the means of eure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat and Breast Bronchitis, Lifer Cotuplaint, Blind and P-leediag Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough. Diptheria. 4c. Ac We are often asked why are not other reftiedies in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and other Pulmonary -affootions equal to Dr. L, Q. Witharfs Pine Tree Cordial. We anwer tat. It cures, not ' by stepping coagh. but by loosening und assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most Ihroat and Lung Remedies are com-; posed of anodynes, which allay the, cough for awhile. but by their eonvtringing effects. the fibres become hardened". and tbe unhealthy fluids coog-1 ulute and are retained in the system, causing dis ease beyond tbe control of our most eminent phy sicians 3d The Pine Tree Cor4ial. with its assistants, are preferable, because they remove tbe canee of irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial tube, assist the longs to act and throw off the un healthy secretions, and1 purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. WUhart has on file at hif office hundreds and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo men of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but ihrougn the Prov idence of (iod were completely restored to health by tbe Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician in attendance woo can be consulted in person or by mail. J're of thrgr.. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $1 50 per Cottle, SI I per doi. Sent bv Express on recciot of price Address. -L. Q O Wisbart, M. D. So 232 North 2d Street Phila delphia Pa. April 21 st, 18fi9 3m. SPECIAL NOTICE. SdteueJv s Puhnome S;n(px ; Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills.will cure Con sumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if ta Ken according to directions. Tbey are all three to be taken at thtf same time. Thjy cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, anJ put it to work ' then the appetite becomes good the food digests and makes good blood, tbe patient begins to grow in fleih the diseased matter ripens in the 1-ugs.and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is lli a only way to cure the consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck. oi Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary consumption The Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the luugs. nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to beal. To do this, the Seaweed Tunio and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to clennso the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood.. - , . - Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption, buhenck's Seaweed Ion ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and tho alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is mada of, assists the stomach to throw out the gas trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic S-yrup.and it is made into good blood without fer mentation or souring in tbe stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cure consumption is they try to do too much ; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange tbe whole digestive powers. lock iDg up the secretions and erentuuHy the patient sinks and dies. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats ebilta or fever. - Re move the caue anl they will all stop of their own aceord No one can be cared of eunsumption, liv er complaint. dysppiia. catarrh, canker, ulcer ated throat. unless tlie liver and stomach are made healthy. If a per.'on ha consumption. of course the lungs in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of infl imation and fast de caying. In such cases what must be done? It is not only tbe lungs that are wasted, but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chnnce is to take Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grow, tbe lungs beg-n to heal up. and the patient gets flc.-hym l well. This is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, arid only liver complaint and . dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per fectly hanhleiS. Dr. Schenck.' wio has bnjoye'd uninterrupted he ah hi or maoy years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted. away to a mere skeleton, in the very la?f stage of p nlmonary consumption, bis physicians having pronounced bis case hopeless and abandoned him to his fate, fie was cured by the aforesaid medicines. and sinee his recovery many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarkable success The direettons accompanying each, make it not absolutely'riecessary to see Dr". Schenek, onlets the patients wish thefr lungs examined, and for this purpose be is Professionally at his Principal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. He is also professionally at No. 32 Bond Street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover St.. Boston, every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Kespirometor the price is to. Office hours at each city from 8 A, M to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each $1.50 per bottle, or 56 50 a half-dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. . by all druggists. DR. J. H. SCHENCK. Ap. 7,'69-ly. 15 N. 6th St., Phil' a. Pit. KfjAA POUNDS WOOL WANTED JyJyJ by the subscriber, which will be tanen on nook account or in exenange lor goods. MarKet prices paid for VYiol. - Rower May 26. DAVID BELL. - F. C. C110 M M , MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, LI ARKIKLD, PA., Adjoining the residence of Dr. J. G. Ilartswick,J Keeps a fine assortment of plain and fancy cloths, cassimeres, etc., which he will make np to order, in the latest styles, at tie lowest prices. Being ah experienced workman, he guarantees entire catisiaction. A share of public patronage solicited. Jan. 2U,'6-tf. F. N A TJ O L E , . WATCH XAXEBi GRAIIAM'S BOW, CLEARPlELtl. TheundersTftned respectfully informs his Old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, n atches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man- nfactory,eonsistingof Eight-dsJ and thirty-hour spring and n eight, and Levers, lime, strike and Alarm elocKS. VA TCHESi&no assortment. o silver Hunt ing and open ease American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment of the best quality. lo, in silver extension and desk nolners SPECTACLES, large assortmant, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. , JEWELRY of every variety, from s single piece to a full set. . A LSO. a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated On genuine Alabata. - ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting got up to order. Calf and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry car fully repaired and Warranted. A eontinuanee of patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth. 1865. H. F. NAL'GLE. TTlODDEfl CUTTERS of asnperiormakt for V sale at reasonable pntes, at Mi.rlKt.LL ano BIOLER'S. Clearfiel,PB. - . Kor. 14 TTARNESS, Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for II sale at MiSKH,LL BIliLtti a MGAUGIIEY'S Restaurant and Refreshment Saloon IS LEAVY'S NEW BUILDING, - (formerly occupied by Bote.) Second St., Clearfield, Pa. , Ceastsatly kept on hand a fin selection of Candies, Cigars; Tobacco, Nuts, Ac, , Also Fresh, Oysters, received daily, and : serf est up in nny style, to suit ih , taste of easterners. , . , . . , JK2f Bvliard Saloon in Second Story. Deo. 9, 1S6&J DAVID M'GAUtiHEY. ' 11EMOVAL! ' HEM OVAL! . C.-KIIATZBR '& SOXS, I ' Have removed to the large ac-a;clegant, NEW1 STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mer rell 1 Bigler's .Hardware Store, where they will be phased to see their old and new" customers. Citizens of the county visiting Clearfield, and wishing to make 'purchases, will f nd it to tlre'f advantage to examine their stock. Goods at casn prises exchanged for all k'rndsof country produce. Jan. 6, '69. McKMGlIT & JANXOT, ' Wagon and Sleigli Makers, (Immediately in rear of Planing Mill,) CLEARFIELI), PA. . The subscribers would respectfully Inform tbe citzensuf Clearfield, and the publi in general, that they are prepared to-do all kinds of work on WAGONS.CARRI AGES, SLEIG IIS,4e, on short notice and on reasonable terms, and in a workmanlike manner. A' tHw feature in our line si that we iron our own work". ' . All orders promptly attended to, wm. Mcknight. Nov. lSt 13?. CHARLES J AN NOT. E- R. L. STOIGIITON, MERCHANT TAIZVR, Market street. ciEARPieLD, fa., . W-onld rtspeetfully inform fhecrti2u9 0f Clear field and vicinity, that be has opened1 a new tail oring establishment in Shaw's Row, one door east of the Post Offieo, end has just returned from the eastern cities with a large and elegant stock of Cloths, Ctissimeres, Nestings, Beavers, &c, and all kinds of goods for men and boys wear, and is prepared to make np to order CLOTHING, from a single article to a full suit, n the latest styles and most workmanlike manner. Special atten tion given to custom work, and cutting out for men and boys. He offers great bargains to custo mers, and wanantfjPiitir satisfaction. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Call and examine the goods. Oct l.IW. 'E. R. IvtSTOl.'GHTOX. NEW STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. 11. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the abov nam ed placa, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. He also keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Pet-sons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give hiii a call. Approved country produce will b taken, at the highest prices, In exchange tor goods. . Clearfield, June 17, 1868.' LOOK AT THIS! BOOKS AND STATIONERY: Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Maaii for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account ahd Pass Books, Of every de- serlptinn; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Eieioptioh ahd PromUdry Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and . Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale bt- Retail by P. A. OAULIN, At the Post office, eh Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 6, ISflS Marble and Stone Y&rcL T. LiDDELL & CO , Desire to inform their friends, and tbe public, that they have now and will keep constantly on hand -a large and well selected stocK of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and are prepared to furnish to ordef . '. TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Sandstone and Marble, CTjRB and POSTS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS, ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNAMENTS, &c. They would invite special attention to their Sandstone Monuments which are builtf rom orig inal designs and will compare favorably with anything of the Kind ih the country. If desired they ean furnish Marble Window Sills and Cap's at a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. Yard on Reed street, near the Depot. Clearfield Penn'a. June 9, 1S69 BANNED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Peaches VV and canned corn, etc , tor sale at tbe Drug oiore ot A. x. SUA vv March 10, Ib69. t PITTS3LRG ADVERTISEMENTS FAIRBANKS- STANDARD .SCALES,- v: t- or ah. cods, .so Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying' Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ac. ! FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., j " 102 Second Avenu, near Wood St ,' j . PirTSBURGU, PA., j Apr.7-6m.J . ... Scales Promptly Repaired, . . (Swrer to S . Jones if Co.,) , ; '. COttrtER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS. PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, ; - : : RV IIS SELL ALL E1SDS Or ) GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ; Gold, Silver aixl Coupons. J Six per cent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to check. . .. - ( Money loaned on Government Bonds. j Bonds registered free of ehnrgo. Mayl9.1S9 1y. JfKES T. BRADY 4- CO. ! ED. F0ERSTER, - DEALER is Wall Paper, Window Sutdcs Floor and Table Oil Cloths' ' A very ev- tensive assortment of all qualities of above goods will be kept eonstHntly on band aad sold as lew as the lowest ( . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT; No. f f PithfreliT Stre-bt, rrclr 0th Avenu Pittsburg Pa. ASPT-ENTiFDSTOCTtOP , TOYS' AND FaNCY GOODS Will be found in another department of the same house. March 17, '69-Snr. D. B. rtTLLKl'.TOT. W. H. x'FRRRSQy. NEW FIRM! FULLERTOX Sc McPlIERSOX, j Keep consLintly on hand Fresh Meats, such at . BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, Etc., r : ' FRESH FISli,-v j All kinds of Vegetables, in season, j CANNED FRUITS, f BUTTER, LARD; Etc., ! Which they will sell at the lowest market prices. Cash" paid for Cattle, Butter, etc. i H00M ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, fa -May 12,'C9. CURWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, 1MERICAN .HOUSii, Havine taken charire of this well-known Hotel, the undersieied would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Travelers will find the accommodations equal to those of any other house in this section. - Charges moderate.. -Deo. 2. IStitTtf. JOHN J. HEED, Prop'r T S. C O L E would inform his old Cus- llv that be still continues to manulacture ujviia jau SHOES of the very best French Call and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce, lie also biases all kindsof heavy boots All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv- . . , , ,1. . en. uppostte lraucser s noiei, urwcusviiie,ra July Z9, 1 808-1 y. -., USCJUEliANNA HOUSE Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This' well-known Hotel, haviner been re-fitted aud re-furnished throughout, is how open for the accommouHiion oi travelers, aou iav iuuii iu general. Charges moderate. , , . August 14; 1867-tK jl. Ja. rw ecu Proprietor. r'LEAR FIELD NURSERY. EkbituB- ace Home IndustrT. The uudcrsiirn ed hariojr. established a, Nnrsety.on the Pike. halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to lurnisb all Kindsoirroi trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen". Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtch Black berrv. Stmwberrv and Raspbeiry vines. Also Sibnan drub trees. Quince hnd early Scarlet Rheui barb, Ac. ' Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31,18614.: J.D. WRIGHT, Curwiinsvill Q J. iiAYES, Surgeon DESTisT, Office '-' on Main fcjtreet, (JurwenviHe, .1 enn a.. nlll mase proirssiooai viaiis lor iuo ence of of the nub lie commencine in April. 1869 as follows. viz : Luthersbure fir Friday of every month ; Ansonville.first Monday of every month ; Lumber tJity. first Thursday of every month; eDendinz two days in either place. All ordeS for work should be presented on the day of his arri t"F" Teeth extracted by thb application of local anesthesia, comparatively without pain. All kinds of dental worK guaranteed. N. B. The public will please notice, that Dr II., when not engaged in the above visits, hiay be ound in bis ottic in usrwensvme. ip.i. ou-iy A I, W A Y S NEW, . WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN IHVIN, Has just received and opened at the old stand in t'urwensrllle. an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which tie Will sail very cheap for cash. His Stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries; Hardware, Queensware; Roots and Shoes, flats. Caps, Ready rhdde Clothirig, etc. The public generally is respecfully invited to eive bim a eall : see his stuck and hear his prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advsaitage. no?. io. iio JJEW SPRING GOODS ; JUST jieceiVeU AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform on.inm.r. .nd the rmblio in eeneral, that they have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps, Fish, Salt, Floor, Bacon. Nails, Paints, Oxls. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware, Baskets, Tubs, Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a feneral variety of snch articles as are usually ept in , country store, all of which they will Sell CHEAP TOR CASH. Thar weuld also direct attention to their larr stock of itady-made Clothing, which they offer for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK, A SPENCER. Lumber Citv. Pa.. May 8, 167. . N. B. We also manufacture to order, and eon stantly keep on hand, a general assortment of Boots ana snoes, lor men. women ana cnuaren. . K1KK. A SPENCER. PLASTER. Nova Scotia Land PI ac lor and Cal cined Piaster, for sale at J. P. HKAIZEB S . i ?i - , - . - - . .- . - : ; - , dr. r. j ; botkr. : ' j.: i : - ; - t ; a. I. sbaw. B0YER & SHAW, (LATE A'. I.' SHAW,) NEvV AND FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORE! MARKET STREET, A'jultUHg Slots of R. Muop, CLEARFIELD, TA. Having purchased the above Store Roont', and refitted it entirely, making rt in all respects FIRSt CLASS DRUG STORE, we are now opening, and offer to the public, a full. complete and strictly pete assortment of Dregs, Chemicals, Paiots, Varnishes, c., c. Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Tbeco, Cigars, Confectioneries, Stationery, &i. PJiyxicUtntf Will find our" floti of Drugafnll and complete and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices. SeJtooVJJofJc. Teachers and others will be furnished with class. ical and miscellaneous books hf express, at short notice. ' , . . Stationery f Consisting of Cap, Flat Cdp.Foolscap. Letter and Perfumed Not Paper, also, a very neat stock ol Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac. HhdstlivepcH Will find a full stock of Pur Spices, Soda Soda Ash, Concentrated Lye Soap, Ac. Ladles and Gentlemen Are requested to examine our stock of Perfume ry, Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brfrsnes, Combs. Toilet Setts, A. - , Smokers aiid (JJtcirers I Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Cigars. Snuff, Fine-cut, Ac. 1 Cartxin OU, ; Of the best brands, always on hand. ' - i Liquors. The boit quality of Liquors always on hand, for mdical purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. 1. J. UllltK, May 15, A. I. Mil AW. CREAT EXCITEMENT ! TKe Chcap'es and Best Goods in Clearfield county are sold by GEO I? (IE S. PERRY, WHOLESALE AND ttfeTAlL DEALER IX FOREIGN ANfj DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, NSfth-west cor. Curiih St.siod Pnblie Square, , OSCEOLA MILLS, Clearfield co Pa. We keep on hand Goods of etery grade and variety; FOR TUC LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fab'-rd, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Ready-made Clothing, fcioths, CassimefeS, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens, Ad. Also a full stock of Gents' Furuisli- ing Goods. - . ; IN BOOTS AND SHOES ; ' We pefv-cohpEtiio, as we buy for cash, add buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence ean sell cheap EE than other dealers. iiats and Caps of latest styles very cheap. NOTIONS. All goods in this line you can find with ns cheap and good. Hardware, of every description, for car penters, builders, add others. GROCERIES, SYRUPS, from the lowest grade to the best that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of ivery kind. TEAS of th very best qualities. COFFEES that esnnot be beat. " Either fn price of quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS, SpiBeS, 0., fl-o. We have always on hand a larsje stock of tgueehswsre, WboJ and Willbw-ware, ROrESj CARPETSj OIL CLOTliSj WALL & WINDOW PAPERS, FLOUR &. FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, ' OILS, &c, &C; Any goods yon are in want of can be found at our Store. All are cordially invited io rail and examine our stock before purchasingelsewhere, as we feel confident that w can sell yda batter goods.aod at lower prices, than can be purchased lsewhere. Particular attentibh paid tb orders ' from a distance, and to supply j. : ing log camps. - COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! No trouble to show Ooocls GEOftdE S: PFiRRY, OmsdU, Jeiy 29,'63-U. C The' is now or woot at the R Tyroni Beli r.s FebM N E V? jiKJE SltOP- -EDWARD MAC K ,.. V Market Street, nearly opposite lb residence of t H. II Swoopfl. Ktq:, ., Cl-earpiexb. Pv . Would respectfully announce t the citizen'Swf Clearfield and vxinitv,: that he has oia4 BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, iff the building lately occupied by J. L. alawcthee.and that be is determined not to be out-lone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to th manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Spins', of the best ouality, always ou bawd. Give him a call. (Jane 2. '64. JJ O M R I N D U S T R Y !' BOOTS AND SHOES' ' , Mde to Order at' the Lowest RateSi- Thditdrtighed woulf resweet'ully invite tb attention of tbe eititens of Clearfiel J and'rictni ty. to give him a call at his shop on Market St., nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in Sis irn. , Orders entrusted tb him Will be executed' with promptness, strength sod neataestf, aad all worlt warranted as represented. I have noori hand" si tfitt t exTra frenelf ealf skins, superb sraiter tops, e., that I will' finish np at tbe lowest figures'. Jnni:th. I860. DANIEL CONNELLY I OAR'S' AND TOBACCO. ADOLPir SCHOLPp; .' Mamtfactrrer axp Wholesale akd KETArt Dealer di Cioars asp Tobaccos, CLEARFIELB. PA.. Would respectfully announce that ha iu nno- ed to the large and commodious stere-room. op posite the CouTl House, Second Street, where' he has opened a general assortment of Tobaoco. Cigars, etc. which he is prepared to sell. Wholeaala or retail, at reasonable prices. ills cigars are made or the very best nraterml, and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. He has always on hand a superior article of chewing and smoxins tobaecos, to which he di rects the attention of - lovers of the weed." Merchants and Dealers, throughout th County supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. lan ana examine nis stock wben yon eotne tO' Clearfield. - June 10. 1868. EW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, . Clearfield county.- Tbe undersigned, saving opened1 a large iii well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hills, Clear field county, respectfully solicit assart of pnbtio patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Good's, Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Tin-ware, Boot and Shoes; Hats and Caps, eady-made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They always keep on hand th best nali( of Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged" for approved country produn. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are' predared to saw afl k'ind of lulhber to order. Orders solicited, and ponctostly filled. Nov. 20, 1867. F. B. A A. IRWIN. QLFARFIELi) MARBLE WORKS, ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST ST Y.LK OF THE ART. - The subscribers beg leave to annonhce to tb citizens of Clearfield oonnty,' fbat they hav opened an extensive Marble ard. on tb South west corner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear field, Pa . where they Ere prepared tb make Tomb Stones; Monuments, -Tombs. Box and Sid Tomfcfl, Cradle Tombs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles Shelves, Brackets, etc, etc.. , on very short notice. They always keep oh hand a large quantity 6f work, finished, except the lettering, so that pe'r tons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also' max fa order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they natter them selves that tbey can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price; as they Only employ the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. JOHN OUELICH. May 12, lS67-tf. HENRT Q UELIC11.' Just ' i n t i M Ei fab JfEW, goods. At , A til WRIGHT- & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA:, ' i; Having jui returned from the etfftera eft res we are now opening a full stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invito the attention ol th pub' lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is betng sbld very law fer cuh. Th stock consists In part of DRY GOODS of the best qfcnlity. such as Pririts, Defines. Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslini, bleached and unbleached; Drillings Ticking, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimers, Ladies' Sb awls. Coats, N bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals, it.. Ac all of wHch will be sold ssyw fob cisa. Also, a fin assortment of the best of M E N .6 ' . W B A B , consisting of Drawers and Shirts, HU and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Uahdkefchleftt cravats, etb; Also, Raft Rope. Dog Kope, Raltina Affgora and Axes. Nails and Spiles, Tinware, Lamps-smd Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc. ALSO, Queensware. Gasware. Hardwarw.Grtoe ries, and spices of all kinds. In short. general assortment of every thing usually kept in retail ; store, all cheap' for cash, or approved- country t produce. - - Nov.z3-jal0-n01. , WRIGHT? ft SONS'. pURNtTURE ROOMS. JOilN GVELICfty Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, a is now prepared to make to order snch furnitur as may b desir ed, in gobd Style and at cheap Tares for cash. He mostly has on hand at hie --Furniture Rooms," varied assortment ot rurnitur, among wbiea is l$t'REAlTS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Bofa. Ftrlor, .oreaKiasi mu i;uui extension xaoias. . Common, Freach-posta, Oottags), Tn-nv-l,ind ftnti othpr HaHIauH SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT AAlu3, Vf Adls-aX AxtllS, A,.. ... v Epring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; . And common and other Chairs. ' LOOKING-GLASS ES i Of every description on hand, and new glasses fer v.u .yiun win n pal it on very rwascaablc Urms,ohrhort notioe. -. He also keeps on hand. r furnishes t order. Hair. i. k. , , - , . . . . . vwi u-n ur n., a air auu iollod sop niattresses. COfFINS, OF EVERY &IND ' Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. , Also, Hons painting done to order. tbe above, and many other articles are furnished to onstomars cheap for cash ot exchanged for ap- L roved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, in-wood and other Lumber rci table for th busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remembor th shop is en MarKet street. Clear field, and nearly opposit the "Old Jew Store." . December . 1861 JOHN GUELICH. SWAIM S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Dis covery, Hembold's Buchu, Bake' Cod Livr Oil, Jayna'saad Ayer's Medicines for sale by Jan-10. BARTSWICKA IRWIX. f .'. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers