s I j J 1 4.i t i jf-L ot the farmer. Animal That Chew the Cnd. Ruminating animals gther their fooJ rapidly, give it a few cuts with the teeth, and swallow it It goes to an interior re ceptacle where it is moistened ; this is very essential if it be dry hay. When the ani mal has filled himself, he masticates the food thua stowed away in the stomach, rais ing it cad by end. When a portion is com pletely masticated it passes to another rc- j ceptacle, and the process of digestion goes : on. Thua an ox, if left to him-elf, will j raise and masticate all his food thus stowed j away in his stomach. If he be pushed a j worked hard, and does not have time to , masticate, he falls off in flesh, hi health is ; poor, his digestion is im"P'c'te- The j horse, on the contrary, however much in a 1 harry he may be, masticate each j mouthful before he swallows it. A hnngry j ox let into a meadow will 11 himself in twen- j ty minutes, while a horse would want at ! least an honr and twenty minutes to take the same amount of grass. The ox, deer, sheep, goat, chamois and rabbit, being the I natural prey of ferocious beasts, are endow- ; ed wiih the extra stomach in which hastily 1 to stow away the food without mastication. ' This may perhaps be regarded as a wise j provision of nature, enabling them to sally ; forth where food is plenty, and in a .short time fill themselves and retire to a place of safety to ruminate their food at their pleas ure. Keeping Fowls in Okchardh. The public has yet to learn the fu!l advantage of keeping poultry. Few seem to appreciate what they may do among trees in an orchard Let any one try tin m in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, where they may be kept by a picket fence four or five f-et hiph, put ting in, ?ay one hundred and twenty-five fowls, and observe the result. lie willa voil the annoyance in the garden, of nhich so many complain, while they wil! work among the trees, doing jnt what is needed, keeping the ground well cultivated and de stroying everything that can injure the fruit trees in the shape of bugs, worms or other insects, and lay a lartre number of eggs, which are a cash article, to say nothing of the chickens, which pay well lor raiting at the present tiiiiv. I have tried it and know it is so. I have about one hundred fouls, which have work ed admirably among the trees, keeping the ground in good condition, keeping off the insects and promoting the growth of the or chard. I am satisfied that we have yet to learn the full benefit which may be derived from the proper arranement of fowls, and it is quite possible that the method which I . have suggested may offer the best way of getting our apple orchards into bearing condition again. Cor. Northern Fanner. TAMES MULLEN, with I. P. Chalfant W Si Co., Auction Jobbers of lloisery. No tions. White Goods, Embroideries. Gents' Furnish ing Goods, eto.. No 57 North Third street. Phila delphia Orders solicited. Apr 226S. . SOMETHING NEW in CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Wagon Shop, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectful); inform the c hi lens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he ia prepared to do all kinds of work op carriages, buggies, waguns. sleighs, sleds. Ac., on short notice and in a workmanlike n.anner. Or ders promptly attended to. WM. M KNIGHT. Clearfield. Feb. 7. IsutS-y. WAGON MAKERS and ' " will find a larpe lu-snrfmi 1JI....1. 1 , . . I'llUIJllU till, Ik J-lll o 115 Urilt fin. I Iq.rra . . , ,-t i . r, ,. 1 I ill.. niii ii'iu a laig i .- . . ' i ' i v i 1 1 1 i i li it,, Spoke. Felloes. Axles. Thimble Skeins. Ruzgv Springs, Bar. Scallop and Hod Iron, Nail Rod, Cast Sleel.Horse and MuleSboes. florsc Nails d-c, at the large Hardware Siore ofZKIGLER Jf CO . July li. 1SS Philipsburg. Pa. Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes sold cheaper than cy where in the country. QUA IKS! CHAIRS !! CHAIRS!!! jon. TKorui.ts Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his hop located on the let iu the rerr ot his residence on Market street, and a short dist ince west of the Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a rail, with every description of Windsor chairs. He baa a good assortment on band to which he directs the attention of purchasers. They are made of the very best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be old at prices to suit the times Examine tbem before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield. Pa., March JS. 1SB EW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well selected stock of g'wds. at Bald Hill;. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware.T in-ware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, eady made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment ot Notions, etc. They always keep on band the best quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed. All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filltd. Nov. 20, 1S67. F. B. A A IRWIN. JJ O! THIS W A T!! NEW STORE IX Mi PERA ! Jane Forkst A Sos. would respectfully in form the public, that they have just opei.ed. in Madera. Clearfield county, 1'a , mn entire new stock of SPRING AND SI".MMER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as chejn ih cheapest. Their stock oonsi.ts of Alpacas. De- i iaines. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties; Caj- j siuieres Satinets and Flannels, tou numiT.u-i tr, ' mention ; Kei.lt made clothing of the bet qual- j ity; Boots and Shites of the very best mukce; a ' complete stock of G roeerics. Jii In ebott. everv- ' thing usually kept in a country store. j Consumers ! Loo to vour interests. Call and examine our stocx and prices before purchasini; elsewhere. Lumber and grain of all Kinds taken in exchange fur gonis. Remember the place; MHdera.Clearfield countv. Oct.3. 67. JAMES FOUR EST A SOX." fi O M E T II I N G N E W IN AXSONVII.I.E. Clearfield county, I'enn'a. The undersigned having erected, during ,e fiast summer, a large and commodious store room, s now engaged in filling it up with a new and elect assortment of Fall and Winter oods. which he offers to the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from $10 toSJO for a whole suit. Flour.Salt.and tiro eerie, of every kind, a complete aatoittuent' Stove and Stove-pipe, a heavv stock ; Boots and ijboas, Ilats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' ores goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with aa endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, alwavs oa hand, and sor sale very cheap. Print at 10 cents a yard.and other goods U proportion. Now i the time to buv. Country produe. of every kind, at the highest racket pr,e. wil, be ,.k in .xeh.g, for ln;eV.efllnb,ek,-iIlno H SWAN T?VERYTHlXt; iu the Hardware litre NE"W STOBE. II E E I) & CO., Have jart opened a new stock of Foreign end Domeatie Dry Goods. Hoisery. Notion, Trimmings, etc , which they telling cheap for cul- CALL AND SEE THEM. Three door, bel"" the Post 0ffic. Market Prreet, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield, Jane IT, 1S6S. LOOK AT THIS ! LOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Bonks; Sheet Music fur Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pns Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Promisor; Notes; Bl.'tnk Legal Paper: While and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap; and Bill cap, etc , Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by 1'. A. G A U LIN, At the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5. IsflS TEAV STOHE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. II. MITCHELL Has just receive! a oil opnned, at the abve earn ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Sood, which he will fell very cheap for cash. il ia attack con?i?ts of I-ry Goods, tiroceritjs. Hardware, Queenware. tioots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Heady made Clothing, etc. He also keeps choice Flour. Coin Meal, Chop feed, Eacoti, Fish and dried Fraita. Fersocs dcsircus of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 1868. ED. W GRAHAM, DEALER IN DRY-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINER Y GOODS, CARPETS. OIL-CLOTHcJ, TTINDOW-SUADES, CURTAINS, WALL-PAPER, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS-WARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH, MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. MA.rI0.lS67. jVEAV STOCK! 5 P R IN O SI'RI N G SPRISl! GOODS! C, ) O I) S !! t; o o d si" AT TI.'E K E Y S T 0 X K ST 0 R E, Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Pl'YKRS OF PRY GOODS, TRIM MIN;, NOTIONS, IIOISEKT. GLOVES, 1ANCY UOOUS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, CARPET CUAIN. TOILET QUILT, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, ic, are invited to examine the most complete stock ev- brottzht to this Market. We Challenge Competition. CASH BUYERS AYill Find Rare Inducements. . STYLING & SnOAVERS. Clearfield, Penn'a. April S, 183. 7TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTU . . KAL SOCIETY. Will be held on the Fair Grounds, in the Borough of Clearfield. Pa., on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. On Zth, Hth, Ihth 4- DWA dags of October, 1863. BTJI.ES AND BEGULAII0N3. Fatnilv Tickets. : : : : : $1 00 Sinxle Ticket dnrinz Fair, : : : : SO Single Admission Ticket. : : : : 2i Children under 10 years old. when accompanied bj their par tuts or guardians, free. Children under 10 years of age not admitted unless accompanied by their parent. Checks will begiven at the door to persons de siring to pass oot during exhibition, bat will out admit the holder to any other exhibition each half day counting an exhibition. Every person wishing to be enrolled as mem ber of this Society must apply on or before tbe firet (lav of the fair, and on the payment of one dollar to the Tjeasurer shall receive a certificate j of membership containing the name of the appli- i cant and endorsed by the Secretary. ; Every person becoming a member as above sta- j ted shall, on tbe presentation of his certificate. receive a ticket which will admit him free during : the lair. Any person complying with the above j regulations and paying S10, shall become a life i member. Bnd shall be exempt from all contribu- ! lions, and shall annually receive from the Sec re- : tary a free family ticket. All persons must be provided with tickets, vthi.:h can be had from the Executive Committee, j Treasurer, or Secretary, or at the office on the i ground. Persons acting as judge are expected to become membersof the Society. Persons from othiT ccuntiesean become member" by complying with tbe above rule. Ladies can become mem- bets by making application as above. SDd paying 1 into the Treasury tifty cents when tbey will re- , ceive a ticket to admit them free. I Exhibitors must become members of the Soei- ety and have their animals and articles entered on tne secretary oooks on or oeiore me ursi uay of the Fair; and all animals ar.d articles, except horses for pleasure, and for the trotting prixea man be brought within the enclosure as early as ednesday, at 3 o cioet, K M., and all per sons entering animals and articles for exhibition must procure cards from the Secretary with the class and -number cf entry of said articles, pre vious to placing said articlesonthe ground. Hay and straw will be furnished gratis for all animals entered for premiums, and grain will be furnish ed at cost for those that dere to purchase. No bone sh'ill be entered or allowed a premi um unlesshe is free from disease Horses will bd received until Wednesday noon, but must be en tered previou?ly. All persons who intend to ex hibit horser. cattle. sheep, or swine or who inteud to f'ffur stock or any otber article for sale should notify tbe Secretary of such intention on or be fore the 1st of October, and have with him a list and full description ot the same The number and class, and the number in tbe class, with the name of the article will appear on the card attached ; but tbe name of the exhibit or will not appear. Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and after the first Monday after the Fair, and until the 1st day of Deccujlrir.lS''S. after which all mon ey premiums unclaimed will be considered i a dr-nation to the Society. The officers of the So ciety and members cf the Committee of Arrange meots mut wear a badge designating their office, mid it will be their duty as well as pleasure to at tend to the expressed wishes aud wants of exhib itors and others if it is in tbeir power so to do. A select police force will ie in constant atter.d ance for tbe preservation of order and protection of property. Tbe trotting course is level, well graded, and one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange tnents will be made for the convenience of vis itors. Instructions to JcnoES Xo animal to receive an award in more than one class. Judges are expressly required not to award pre miums to over-fed animals. No premiums are to be awarded to bulls, cows. or heiffers. which shall appear to hare been fattened, oitly in tbe class of fat cattle, the object of the Society bcin to have superior animals or this description tor breeding. Fat Cattle Tbe judges on tat cattle will give particular attention to the animals submitted for examination. It is believed all other things be ing equal those are the best cattle that have the greatest weight over the smallest superficies. Tbe judges will require all in (his class to be weighed and will take measure to give the superficies of ..h.nnd r-nbtih tlm re.nlt.with tb.ir r.rMir. They will alfo, before awarding any premiums, require tbe manner and cost of feeding, as re quired by the regulations of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and he uisy show several animals in one class, premiums will be awarded in accordance to the merits of the animal. The superintendent will take every precaution in his power, for the safety of stock and ai tides on exhibition fter their arrival, and arrange ment on the giounds. but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur The So ciety desires exhibitors to give persunal attention to their animals and articles and at tbe close of the fair to attend to their removal as the Society cannot take further care of tbem. I'.t i.es of Plowing. Ibename of the plowmnn must be given as well a the kind of plow to be used, at the time of entry. Tbe quantity of. ground to be plowed by each team be i acre. The time allowed to do the work will be three bouts. The furrow slice in all cases to be lapped. The teams to start at the same time and each plowman to do his without a driver or other assist ance. The premiums offered by the Society will be awarded to tbe individuals, w bo. in the judgment ot the committee, sha'l do tbeir work in the best manner, provided the work is done in the timo allowed for its performance. Each plowman tojp?trike hi own land, and plow entirely independent of the adjoining Bnd. ithin thoona. fourth of an acre plowed each plow man will be required to strike two back furrowed lands and finish with the dead furrow in the middle. Any info; motion required in regard to matters of the Society can be gained by addressing tbe Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will be pleased to give any information ic their pow er at any time. Any article not enumerated in the above class esand placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice, wiirbe suitably awarded The Executive Committee reserve a discretion ary power to award diplomas in any case for 2d bast articles, or forarticles not entitled to premi ums by the rules All articles may be entered free of charge, ex cepting horses for pleasure, aud for the trotting premiums. LIST OF PREMIUMS. Class 1 SieeepUates, open to all breeds and competitors. Bert bull. SI5; 2d best. 10; 3d best. $5 Besteow. 12; 2d best, 10; 3d best. 5 All breeds come together in this class and com pete witn each other, to be judged by their good . . . , - - . 7, J . points, sji. metr.v of frame, ability to fatten, and the stock tbey w,.l prodnc. j Cla's2 Grade cattle oiniej in county. I TtB ... . i In, milk CM. Q.ll . C. - J I . c! Best cow for milk. $10 ; 2d best, S3; 3d best. $5 I Bert heifer. 2 years old. 8: 2d best. 5 Bi st heifer. 3 years old. 8; 21 best. 5 Best calf, under e months old. 5. Class 3 0.r,-ii. rict yoked oxen. 510: 2d best. S5: 3d best. 2 Class 4 Fat Cattle Be,t fa, bullock, cow or heifer. :" 2d best. $3 Class 5 Thoroughbred horses 'oen to all. nest stiillion. any breed. 515; 2d best, $10 best mare and colt, any breed. 10; 2d best, 8 Claxs 6 Hiding. Draft and Farm Horses. Best saddle horse, 3 00 ; 2d best. S2 00 00 liest sinffle family horse. 3 3 Best matched carriage horfes. best geidiug or mare for work. Best span of draught horses or mares, Second best. CO I 00 I nil I 00 I 5 5 The exhibitor is required to produce a state ment of at least three responsible neighbors as to working qualities of draught horses for premiums in this class. Best colt. under 2 years old, 54 00 ; 2d best S2 00 Best 2-y car old colt, 5 00; 2d best, 3 00 Be,t 3-year old colt, 6 00; 2d bet. 4 00 The horse thai mves the heaviest load on the stone boat, according to bis weight. without a whip. Youatt on the horse and 7 09 Class 7 Trotting horses, open to all. Best time. 3 in 5. trotting in single harnesa Si 00 80 No premium will be paid in tbiaclasa unless there are ten entries of 3 00 each. Each horse to trot against time. Class 3 Stceepstal-es open to all Paertng in . harness. best 2 in mile heats, against time. S100 00 No premium will be awarded in thisclass unless there are six entriea Entrance fee 1. Class 9 Trotting iM single harness, for horses otrned in the county at least fifteen days before the Fair. Best 3 in 5, mile heats, against time. 550 00 No premium awarded in this class unless there are eight entries. Entrance fee 55. f he horse "inning the premium in class 7, cannot compete for the premium in this elas. Class 10 Trotting horses otciud and raised in the eonnty. Best! 2 in 3. nn time, in harness, J30 00 So premium awarded in thia claw onlesa there gfearftefb, are five horse entered to compete for the same. t ntranee free. t,M Best trotting horse or mare under saddle, a ow Second best. Best trotting hor mare in single harness.3 00 2 tlO Second best. ' Best walking horse or mare, $5 ; 2d best, 2 60 Clots 11 Trottins eott. rai'ed in the roHntg. not exceeding' 3 years old, open to all. Eest 1 in 3. against time, p 09 There must be at leat three entries in order to compe for thii premium. Entrance free. Class 12 Sheep and Wool Best buck, any breed, $i ; 2d btit, Best ewe, any breed. R.it ahn futfenftd far mutton. S3 DO 4 00 3 00 Best lamb, 2; best fleece of wool, 50 Clust 13 Surine, open to all. Best boar.any breed.Yourg Farmer' Manual A Best breeding sow, asy breed. -a Second best, Agriculturist for one year Best hog. S3; 2d best 52 Best pig under 6 mv'i old. Agriculturist I year. Clat U Poultry. Best coop spring chickens, not less than six. rieamont's American rouury ioo it -. Rest 2 heaviest turkev. " '" "V Best display of chickens, El 40 Clans, b Plowing. The man that plows green sward tbe best, ?20 . . Class 16 Plotc. Rollers. Drills. Jlarroirs and Cultivators. Best plow for stubble or sward, SI 00 Best sub-oil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden if 2 00 Best clod crusher and roller combined. 4 00 Best grain drill. Discretionary Premium. Best threshing machine. Discretionary Premium. Best corn planter. Discretionary Premium. Bet horse rake. Discretionary Premium. Best hay pitching machine, Disciet'ry Premium. Best stalk aud straw cutter. Discret'ry Premium. Best horse-power.gen purposes, Disc'y Premium. Best original invention or agricu"! implement, 55 Best side-hill plow, SI; best cultivator. 3 P.eist harrow. 3 : best corn sheller, 3 Best fanning m 4 ; beit ox yoKe, i All articles enumerated in this class, not made in tbe county, but produced upon exhibition, if worthy of it, will be awarded a discretionary pre mium by tbe Executive Committee. CVat.t 1" Misrrllaitrons Farming Implements. Best lee hive. Grimley's Mystery of Bee Keeping Best dx. hand rakes.Sl ; Best grain cradle, ft Oil Best stump machine, 5 ; Best potato oigger. 60 Best lot garden tools. ' " Best disp y fanning utensilsowned by farmer, 8 00 All articlesenuincrated in this class are subject to the same rules as closs 16. Class IS 1V!ieat, Rye, Corn, B irlry, Oat'.Srr. I Best acre of winter wheat, S10 Best bushel of winter wheat, 4 ; Best bushel of rye, 3 i Best acre of rye, $S ; Best bu?h. corn cars, 3 Best acre of oats, 4; Pest bush potatoes, 5 Best acre buckwheat 4; 2J best- 3 P. est acre clover seed. 3 ; 3d best ' " 1 Best i ac. broom corn, 2 ; Best t acre peas, 1 Best i ac ruiabagas, t; Best J acre sorgbutn. 2 1'est acre turnips, 2; Best bushel turnips, 1 Best acre corn. b; Best acre carrots, 1 Bust half i uahel timothy seed. 1 Crop? being equal, preference will bt given to those ihm yield tbe largest net profit Statements to be luri,i.-hcd by the exhibitors. They must he measured, or neighed, aud a sample furnished at Ibc tuir Applicants for premiums must furnish the committee with a statement signed by them selves, under pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre miuui. and must state as correctly as he can the kind and condition of the previouscrops.the kind and quantity of seed sown, and the time aud mode of putting it in the ground. Persons entering field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so, may give notice to the execu tive committee at any time, and have the field measured and examined by the committee while growing. Class 19 Bread and Cereal Food. Best loaf of wheat bread, Diploma and 50 eents best loht of rye bread. Diploma and 50 cents Diploma aad 50 cents Diploma and 50 cents Diploma and 50 cents Diploma and 50 cent 50 eents Best loaf of corn bread, Best sponge cake, Best jelly cake. Best bachelor's cake, Best pie, any kind. Best preserves and jelly. Diploma and 50 cents riestdisplayjcllyij-preserves. Diploma and so cts Best pound cake, Diploma and 50 cents Best fruit cake. Diploma and 50 cents il.... .i w w , IiipiM Mt4 mi emts Best Lady's cako. Diploma and 50 cent Best eake, Diploma Best jolly, Diploma Best ice cream, Diploma Class 20 Butler and Clieese. Best five pounds, or more, of butter, Best ten pounds of firkin butter, Best cheese, made by exhibitor, Class 21 Flour. Best fifty pounds wheat fiour, Best fif y pounds rye flour. Best fifty pound spring wheat flour, Best fifty pounds corn meal. Best twenty pounds buckwheat (tour. Class 22 Domestic Articles. S3 00 b 00 1 00 $4 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 Best box or jar of honey, SI 00 Best 10 pounds of maple sugar, 2 00 Best peacbes put up airtight. Dip or 50 Best tomatoes put up air tight. Dip or 50 Best black berries put up air tight, Dip or 50 Best currants put up uir tight, Dip or 50 Best tancy jar of pickles, Dsp or 50 Best gal. syrup or sorghum, or each, 1 00 Best cured bam (cooked) with mode of curing. Dip or 50 Best dried beef with mode of curing, Dip or 50 Class 23 Domestic Manujactures. Best !0 yards fl innel, S2 00 Best 10 yards sattinct. Best 15 yards woolen carpet. Best 10 yards cloth. Best 15 yards rn carpet woolen chain, Best pair woolen blankets, Best woolen ccverlet. Best wool fringed raita. Dip and Best fair knitnocien stockings. Dip and ii KuoMing.smmng or nee- ..- die work. by Miss under 1 1 yrs old. Dip and 50 Best pound linen sewing thread, Dip and 50 Best po.ind stocking yarn, Dip and 50 Best foot mat. "atlc; Best tidy mat. 50 Tbe premiums in this class are intended only for articles manufactured in tbe county. Class 24 .Y.Wc-, Shell, Wax Work, etc. Best specimen needle work. Dip and 50 Best epeciineii r.eeJIe work, machine, Dip and 50 Best specimen flowers in worsted. Dip and 00 Best ,-pe.rinicii embroidery in worsted. Din and 5ft Best spe-:!men embroidery in luce. l'ip and oO lest specimen embroidery in muslin, Best ..pecimen of leather work, Best specimen of wax floweis. Dip and 50 Dip and 50 Dip and 5u t ' ' leHlnrr wuri. uip ana OO Best specimen of ornamental work. Dip and 5C Vfri, shirt made by Mis. under 12yr., Dip and 50 Best patching or mending, Dip and 50 Hest specimen of feather work. Liip and oO Class 23MiHncrv and Dress Mating. Best mihnery, S3 ; Best dress mak ng. S3 Class 20 Artistic Work. Best difguerreo'ypes taken on the ground. Dip Dip Din I l!et ambrntv,,, a ., ,,.., I j B"-'6t Pbotoerapbs tanen on tbe ground, pTaT'6' j Best architectural drawing, S2 00 I Dip 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 no 1 00 1 00 j painting in oil. oefi portrait painim", Beat cattle painting. " Best painting in water colors, Best ornamental painting of any Kind, C'laxs 27 Designs. Best design for farm house, barn, cirriage bouse and stable. Sbiau'sOrnumental Houses - Sa 00 iiest design for dairy house. Manual of the iiome Cest design fur ice house. 1 50 Best desigu for fruit bouse. 1 50 Eest design for bridge, with plan. span not less than 20 feet, 3 00 Class 23 Metahc Fabrics and Macliinery. Best cook ing stove, wood or coal, $3 CO necona best. Third best, Bet parlor stove, 82; Best east-iron fence. Second beat, 1 ; Second best. .. Best specimen or lot of tinware, 2 00 Dip 3 00 Dip 2 00 50 2 00 2 00 Second best Dip and Best specimen blaeicsmithing, 2 Best specimen gunsmitbing, 2 Bet specimen iron-turning. 2 Best plate easting. $1; Best shower bath I itett original inveition in county, S Best ditplay of table and poexet cutlery, A- merican manufacture, 1 Best display of edge tools. 1 Best display of farming and field tool. 1 00 00 00 00 0u 00 tne aoovt piem lata are offered for article man nfactured in the county Diplomas may be award ed for any of tbe above article on exhibition without regard to tbeir place of manufacture. Class 2iTciicles of all kinds. Best family carriage, $4; Beat timber Ied, S2 Best buggy, 4 Best farm waeon. 4 Best horse cart. 1 Best wheelbarrow, 1 Best sleigh. 3 foe premiums In it,;, slaa are intndut I for article manufactured in the county. !a JUtgitirf Class 30 Cabinet-ware t county. n.. Jr..,r,r bureau. SS : Pest set of chain, S2 2 1 50e 50o bOe Best extension table, 2; Bert variety of chairs, 2 ; Beat bedstead. 1 ! IUi wanhstaud. 50c; Rest sofa. Best centre table, Best lounge, Best office chair, Best loosing glass. Bert aet of parlor furniture. Best display of cabinet-ware $4 00 Dip and 2 60 Class 31 Coopering and Carpentertug. manufar- ttred in county. Bert pine ware. tub, stauds.eto., Dip nd $5 00 Bestsetof grain measure, J Best window bunas. ; nesispeciiuo.. - -Best lot basset, 1 ; Best panel door, 2 00 Best lot bucteU, 1; Bert pump, 3 00 Class 32 Roots and Garden Vegetables. Best bu rutabaga 50e ; BestO h'ds eal.bage.50e Best J bo carrot. 50e ; Be.t 2 h ds ealifl is.SOe Best 4 stalKS celery. 50c ; Best variety melon 50o Besl 1 bu tomatoes. 50c ; Best " quashe.50c Bert i busbe! sweet potatoes, 5c Best quart Windsor beans, "c Best J bushel table beet. 5,,c It most be shown that all vegetables have been raised by the exhibitor. Class ZiCurners.Saddlers and Shotmaicr. Best gents' boots and shoes, $- Best ladys' boots and shoes, 1 Best display of boots and shoes, Best ladys' riding saddle. 2 Best riding bridle and martingale, 1 Best side finished harness leather, Best robe made by exhibitor, 1 l '..., i.rri.iir harness. S3: Beit tuz harness. 2 Best single harness, 3; Best gents' saddle.2 00 Best display saddlery. 4 ; Best travl trunK, 1 00 Best side Kip leather. 50c; Best calf Kin. 60 Best side sole leatber,50o ; Best side upper le'r.50 Class 31 Tailors and Vpholsters' tcork. Best suit of clothes made by hand, $4 Best coat made by nlady, J Best pants and vest made by a lady, , 1 Best hnsK mattress, SI ; Best straw mattress, 1 Best hair mattress, 2 ; Class 35 Printing in county. Best newspaper, $1; Best handbill, $1 Best blame. l;Betcard, 1 Eest ornamental printing. 5 Clans 3ti Stone-ware. Best assortment and best qu-.lity, Class 37 Chemicals and Chemical Action in Best available marure at moderate cost, Best available manure for farm products. Bost material for glue,50c ; Best linseed oil, Best tallowcandle. 5Hc; Bestvinegar. test specimen f soap. 50c; Eest writing inic, 85 $1 1 50 c oOc 50c Class 33 Wood u."J Stone. Best dressed stone, SI ; Best mill stor,. SI Best grind stone. I; Butter bowl. Dip i' 5o Best shingles, not less than 50, 51 Best turned article. 50o ttest floor boards, wonted, $' Best washing machine, 1 Best split or shaved hoops, Dip Best butter la I le. Dip Best weather boards, worked, si Class 3'J Xittiiral Minerals. Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield -county, including coal, 2 Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and ad joining counties. to be the property of the Society, 5 Best limestone, 50c; Best collection fossils, 1 j Best fire clay, bOo ; Best burnt lime, 1 Best potter's clay, 60c; Best uoal, 1 Class AO Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer aud winter, JInsbandmau on A merican Wine and 54 00 Second best, 2 00 Best display of pears, Cole's American Fruit Book and 1 00 Best plums and cherries, Cole Am Fruit Boos: Best quinces. 1 00 Best specimen apples. 1 pecK. 1 00 Best spec Am'ican grapes. Manning' Fruit Book Best natural grapes raised io county and wor thy of culiure. 50c Best domestic wine and mode of manufacture, Fuller's tirape Culture and SI 00 Best currant wine. Manning's Fruit Book - 1 00 Best blacKbrrry wine, " " "4-1 00 Best gooseberries, Manning's Fruit Book Class 41 Horsemanship, etc. To the lady who manage her horse beet and sits most gracefully. Dip Ta thff ar!tfiian who manage his horaa best ardsitsmost gracefully, 'Dip Best display of horsemanship, not less than five couple. Dip Best driving on the course by a laly, Dip Best company of cavalry. Dip liest compauy of infantry, Dip Bestband with brass instruments. Dip Best martial bi nd, Dip; Best ten singers. Dip Class 42 Kurscrirs. Best nursery . containing the greatest variety of fruits and shrubs cultivated in tbe most approv ed manner, tbe applicant to furnish written de scription the variety and mode of culture. S3 00 Second best, Barry's Fruit Garden Class i? General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowers, Dip Best display and greatest variety of plants, Dip Best display of floral ornaments, Dip Best basKet boquet, with handle, - Dip Best hand boquet, Dip r.'e Discretionary premiums will be awarded for all article of merit exhibited by mechanics in all the various branches, and it is hoped a gener al exhibition will be made For all Improvements uneful to the farmer. and having valuable proper ties, discretionary premium may be awarded by tbe Executive Committee. GEORGE R. BARRETT. Pbes't. I. G. Bargkr. A. M. Hills, Secretary Treasurer. ExecUTiVB Committee Nathaniel Rishel. S. B. Jordan. I.. F. Irwin. A C Tate. J. A. L. Flegal. Clearfield. July 15. 1863. "FARMERS will find a full and complete -1- stock of Grass. Grain and Brier ScvtLes, Sicales, Hay and Grain Bakes. ForKs. Scythe Stones. CrumcticK. Hay-rope. iVc., at the Hard ware Store of U. II. ZEDiLEK A CO.. July 15, 1SC8. Philipsburg, Pa. COLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has passed both Houses oi Congress.and signed by the President, giving soldiers who en-' listed prior to 22 j July. Irifil. served one year or more and were honorably discharged, a bounty of Slim. fiIioUDties and Pensions collected bv me for .thofceentitled to them. W A1.T1 K BARRETT, Att'y at Law, Aug. 15th. ISt'G. Clearfield, Pa. P I R E ! FIRE!! FIRE!!! The Insurance Com pan v of North America, Philadelphia. Capital ( Oldest Stuck Insurance ( Incorpora SiilO.lHHI ( Co in the Ir.ited States j ted 17K4 SIO.000.000 LOSSES PAID IN CASH ASSETS, JANUARY 1. 1H68, S2.001.2t.tt 72. Applications received and Dolicies issued, for any j length of time, without being subject to assesa- ments. oy field. Pa. joii.i . r t Lrunu, Agent. Ciear- February !9. IbtiS-fim. LIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 121 Chestnut Steeet, Pbil'a. Insure tives on favorable term, and will issue folicieton any of the ipproved plansof insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Lossea paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annually or quarterly; jt one-half in cash, and one-haif in note." By a supplement to toe charter, notes hereafter received will participate iu all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to January. I8a9, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of prem iums Agency, at the office of H. B. Swoops, Clear field, Pa Dr J. G. Hartswick. Medical Exami "r August 2t, 1 Si4 . JJ. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Ck'arfielJ, Ta. One door East of the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gent Fur nishing goods, snch as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Undershirt. Drawers and Socks, Neck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Umbrellas, Hat, etc , in great variety. Of pieee good he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the best make, . Fancy Cafcsiineres, ia great variety. Al. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, ant Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be old eheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Ca's Sewing Machines. Nov ember 1, 5 1868 PITTSBURG ADY EBT 1 SEME NTS. y ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. Jolin Hall & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers, No. 121 k 123 Liberty t., corner of Pitt t., Pittsburgh, P N. B. Our castings and point being made in an air furnace are in every way auperior to thoe made by other manufacturers. Feb 1263 ly. WOODRUFF'S PORTABLE BAIiOMETOK Has the following good qualities : 1st. Accuracy, j 2d. Portability, J 3d. Simplicity 4th. Durability. It is undoubtedly the best Barometer now in use. and can be relied upon for accuracy and durability. Any person whoso interests depend upon their knowledge of the COMING STORM should have one. aa it will be of incal culable icterest to them in time. Send for Circular giving Description. General Agent DUXSEATU & I1ASLETT, JEWELERS AND OI-riCASS, 5 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, P. July 8, 186S-3m. R EINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, o. 42 Fifth St.. 1 dpor from Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FIXE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware. French Clock. Piated Ware of every descrip - n. Tea Setts, Spoons. Forks i-e. Watch makers Tool and Material and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep tbe largest and most varied assort ment of the very belt American made CLOCKS to be found ci.'y- e.a,t w.e!t- .,. Persons in want of any ar.ir.'- in our l'?-''her at wholesale or for their own use. ill una our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. WA TC II K EPA IR TXO . To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) we pay very special Attention We employ a foice of tbe very best Artists in tbe country, and any and all fine, dolicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or individuals may rely on getting tbe utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in by express or itberwise. REINKM AN". MEYKAN if SEIDLE. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. ap29- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. '06-ly s. B. M E Y E R , PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, M ILESBL'RQ, CENTRE CGrSTV. PEX'A. Also agent for all the latest Improved Water Wheels bnd Portable Saw Mills. JanifC-JyP- P R A N KLIN HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATION, (OS OIL CREEK BAIL EOAO,) A enango County. Penn'a. TI1E HOUSE AND FURNITURE NE'.V. Jy 8,'6S-ly.l C. W. TWIST, Propbilor. MISS SUSAN REED, DEALER IS PLAIN AND FANCY BONNETS, Misses and Children's Hats and Caps, French and American Flowers. Ribbons, Ac Bleaching and Tiimming done in Latest Style Opposite Most op'i Store, Market Mrett. ap22,'6SJ Clearfield, Penn'a. GREAT WESTERN Horse Insurance & Detec tive Company. Incorporated by the Legislature of Illinois, with a Chartered Capital of 5300, 0r0, HOME OFFICE! DECATUR, ILLINOIS. Cash Assets, July 1, 1867, 171,097 So This is the only Company that insure against ACCIDENTS NOT RESULTING IN DEATH. J. F. EATON. Actcabt. Office College Block, North Third Street, UarrUburg, Penn'a. AVM. M. M'CULLOUGH, Esq., May 27,'(i8 Agent. Clearfield. Pa $5000. ACCIDENTS. 35000. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS INSURANCE FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. FOR ONE DAY. Five Dollars per month and from S25 to S50 per year with weekly compensation, in case of total disability. MEDICAL EXAMINATION IS MADE IN ACCIDEN'TjlNSURANCE. Policies and ticket, covering all kinds of acci dent, whether received whilst travel ing or otherwise, sold by ALFRED M. SMITH, Insurance Agent. Clearfield. April 1, 1SC3. X E W SPRING J. SHAW k STOCK! SON. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of uods in the room formerly occupied by Win. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest cash price. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoe. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails.wte. , in fact, everything usually kept iu a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well (elected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest price for eaah, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before mukiug your purchases, as w are determined to ilease all who may favor us with their custom. May , IB7. J. SHAW A SON. yOOLEN FACTORY! Having purchased an interest in the Union Mills, in Union township. Clearfield county, wo are prepared to card wool, manufacture and fin ish cloth, and do all kind of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, and lumber, also manufactured and for sale. Term, cash. Kockton, June 17. 1868.1 J. R- ARNOLD. N. B Wool intended for carding can be left at R. Mossop' s or J. P. K ratter's, in Clearfield.wbieh i will be taken away and returned when earded. I JEW 300T AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly oppoeit the reiidence ot 11. B Swoops. Kq , CLB.MtniLD, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the eitisen of Clearfield and vicinity, that ho ha opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, ia the building lately occupied by 1. L. Cuttla.a alawofflce.aod that ha ia determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or price. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf t-kin. of the best quality, alway on hand. Give him a call. Jan 24. '64. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Situate in Clearfield borough, on the South-west corner of Cherry and Third street. (bing Rail road treeto wit; A Sot. with a good two-tory tlnk build inr thereon. 36 by 18 feet, one room on I each floor, suitable for a More or otber buino Also, the adjoining lot. with a twtory uweu ing house thereon, aud several other town lot. Also a lot of well burnt brick, and a good as sortment of tone-wre. uch a crock, jugs, jara, fruit can, etc , at reduced price. For further particulars inquire at the stone ware pottery of F. LKITZINGKR, May 13. Clearfield. Pa. II O M V. I N D U S T R Y BOOTS AM) SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rate9. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citixen of Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give him a eali at his shop on Market St.. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin' drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in hi line. . Order entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work, warranted a represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra freneb calfskins, superb gaiter top, Ae., that I will finish up at the lowest figures. June 13th, ls. DANIEL CONNELLY COMETH ING NEW, IN SHAW'S ROW, FRANK A S TO UGH TON, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw'a Row. one door east of tbe Post Office, and having just returned from the eastfn oitie with a large aud elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting. Beavers, &a, and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wesr, are now prepared to make up to orderCLOTHINtl.from a, i SlLgie arilCIC IO a lull Bull. Ill lUO mien m.j.m. and most workmanlike manner Special atten. j tion given to enstom work and ouuirij out tor ! men and boy. We offer great bargains to eusto ! mers and warrant entire satisfaction. A libera!) sbare of pub'ic patronage is solicited Call ana; eiainine our goods M A . iRNK Oct 1, 167. Al-J Jlj UTU II AUTS WICK & I R " I ., DRUGGISTS, CLEARFIELD, FJi. , Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Richard Mossop.on Market St., now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment h DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also. Patent Medicines of all kind. Pa:t. Oil, tilass. Putty. Dye-tuffs. Stationary. To jaoeo and Sega.-s, Confectionary, Spice, and a larger tock of yirietie than ever before offered in thi place. ...,1 .rrntil in l. of the best tbe market af fords. Inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that jou will be pleased with the quality and price of their goods Remember the place Mossop' oldi stand. on AiarketSt. Dej. . 1665. 5 TBI riRST PREMIUM JI m ryllVlT JUCQOI f WAS AWAEtlEn io mnCTT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE 'it Va:r, hoklta in -uU., fci-t- iH, loot. IJ AllKETT'S Vctt lnLIe Hair EestoratiTe rr Cray Jliir tt Ttiirs! Oolort pro- st. T.i"l to t'i( :r orf V ' ttrfU'ti-yot r it a i to ncr :t:i2i orrinic tcuon j rrsai- -rvlnirt mir liirror!i ; prrretiU nut t is a n-.iurrrr-r lr. itinr, lie rvirf itrvu!r aim tu- -tifie t'l-vMifJimit tbe V rouin. wo J. R. BARRETT C. CO.. Proprietor. Sold by Hartswick A Irwin, Claarfield ; A. t. Shaw, Clearfisld ; J. K . Irwin, Cnrwensville. and all dealer in PatentMedicine. ap l.'U8-6m c LEAH FIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHKD IX TDK HIGHEST STILE OF TUK ART. f The subscriber beg lertye to announce to the cilizena of Clearfield county, that tbey havw opened an extensive Marble Yard, on tue South west corner of Market and Founh streets, Clear field, Pa., where they are prepared to make . Tomb Stones, Monument, Tombs, Box and Side Totnf, Cradle Toaibs, Cemetery I'osts, Mantles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc, on very short notice. They always keep on hand a large quantity of work, finished, except the lettering, so that per-i-ons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they flatter them selves that they can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman, ship or price, a tbey only employ the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. JOHN OUKLICH. May 22, l67-tf. HENRY GUELICH. II S T IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., A. Having just returned from the eastern citie we are now opening a full atocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second treet. to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The nock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such a Print. Delaines. Alpa cas. Merinos Ginghams ; Muslin, bleached and unbleached; Drilling Ticking, cotton and wool Flannel, Cassimera. Ladies' Shawl, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirt. Balmoral, Aa.. Ae.. all of wHoh will be sold low poa cash. Alio, a fin assortment of the best of MENS WEAR, consisting of Drawer and Shirts, Hat and Caps, Boots and Shoe, Handkerehieftt cravat, etc. Also, Raft Rope, Dog Rope, Raltiaa Augur and Axes. Nail and Spike. Tinware, Lamp and Lamp wicks and chimney, eto., etc Also, Queensware. Glassware, flardware.Groc ries, and spices of all kinds In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap' for cash, or approved eountry produce. Nov 2-jal0-nol3. WR IGHT A POS3. rj. II. ZEIGLER & CO.. at their large Hardware Store, in Philinsbar?, buy for casp, sell for cash, and consequently they sell cheap. July 15. 1888. I LARGE lot of Fly Nets, Team and Staire Harnesa, Horw Horse Collars), Garths, Sareiogle and Saddlery Hardware, just reoeived and for sale by the firm of G. H. ZEIGLER d- CO. A FULL stock of Platform, Counter, 8erm and Balance Scales, for sale at Manu facturers price, by G.U ZEIGLER a-CO . July ia, ibwa. Phllipsbnrg. Pa 200 keps N nils and Spikes just received and for sale by G. H. ZEIGLER & CO- If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers