UL oimxat, kaxfidh, ga., hu$l$t -5, 1868. Trrena and Clearfield Railroad, leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 2(t m ,r Arrives at PhtliDfborg at : :1120.m. , niB leaves Philinsburg a : : : 2.05 p m. )n A-ivesatTvrono at : : : : 4 00 p. m. icier."". Divine service will beheld next Ftraui. 1,1 v-" -- Bv I!pv- Nixdorff in the Lutheran church in the mornins and eveninff. Bv Bpv- Archer (Preshytenan), ia the On'rt limine, mo-.Tiiriir ami evening Bv Kev. litiyer in the Methodist church, in the evenine. . j. Bv Rev. Hayes, in the DarTIist Church, in the morning ADJOURNED COVNTY fOXYEXTIOX. TLc late Cuiuitv Convention having :1,li1,rr1cl to ro-nssemUe at tlic call of CvMp jjEmsalThe fricnj9 of Camp the Cii'tirnmn of the County Comimtu-e ; reetinar are requested to meet on the Camp f ir the purpose of nominating :! county - Ground, rear of Centre Church, on Satur-tiVki-t. on consultation with the mem-i day, August Sth, 1SCS, for the purpose of hi-s of the Committer, I designate j TUESDAY, tlu 1st of SKPTEM- ! BEIt. f'.r the re-assenhling of the Convention. i'i the Court House, in ; (.Jrarflcld, at 2 o'clock, T.M. II. P.. SWOI.I'E, Ch'n. Co. Com. July 20.2t. - -- -:-r. r . : ,tipknt. Irenzo D. Ilile, of Ltun- : , , . .. . . , , b,r ( iy, h..d h.s eye mjured by a broken lath, on Monday, so seriously that it is .sup- i .i - i . :n t j l i pn-ol the sight, will be destroyed. j 1 " " ! Lr.Mur.n City- at Work. Fri.lay evening nt xt h.is l.-een appointed tor the organization ofa Grant r.inl Colfax Club in Lnmhcr City. , , , Tlns isn.-rht, let the jroo.l work go on. I'l - XlC The Sabbath School of the M. V.. Church will have a Pic Nic to-day in the vicinity of Liberty Spring. All the i- i r.i.c t t i- ti.. t . . i i it u' t -i or the School are cordial! invited to j( r ( )( - - Fisiiin'is Ext ritsiox. Two car-loads of i .nnati"ir fisherman made a raid on Osceola, I:t-t wt-i-k. They were employees of the lVnn'a 1'ailroad from Aitoona. Thev had i a ? iy and f'-tive time. The people of Os- j ccola an 1 vicinitv have still a few trout left. ! A Masonic ExecHsmx. A delegation rf ("n arfi.-'d Masons went to Philipburg l:i-t w.-k, where there seemed to be some ; , i i c , i sort of a inw wow. A delegation from the , l.l.liri, fit tlC..ii.l TT:I J tlll'rn 1 ma i icre a!so. l iiey met , Isitii af:c:n,i n and night. The Editor, who K'!oa? to the litl le apron' fraternity, is , : -i i't. M.ii r.cr.tc we are nt't ra itti up. ! ("av: M kitting. Extcn.-ive prepenitions in' -m itcfag fir a grani C.iiiit reptfrtg. ).'. I .v:i.-b :;w.'cn Clearfield a:i 1 f 'urwcii-ville, 1 1 ! ri!r,ier..'e on the 121.-1 ir.st. It is expected t'mt it will l.f the ln-ee-t moeti'io; of the kind vi ,' ii. i l in tlte eouiitv. A creat mativdls- t:n.; ii-' ".l ilivinos will I.e present. Faftirday ' t: X! is tin- ,l;iy Inr reparing the trrnnnd. I - .- I',,,,. r r t .1 ! .Va i'l km. r.Torenee another; i '"" i? vvi'I he .-eenth.it James P.. Graham i S .as hare etst -re 1 in c )-part.ierhip in i f.e .M..rea:,ti!e hdMness. This will make ' . . . ., , : oi i'ii;!! pri-iti tit! i aetivi-nriii. i p.ej uavu a til!.- -ton r 111, a larpc suplily ff perils, aw rkvor.a..inin.vlatinff. and csnerietieed ! ! tm-iticss ub'11. an l will serd re a large share j w die trade. i ; A :.(.! Si'lK.t'I.. We lieartilv reeotn- i ii .' !"! (''. iiS.-M AeatJ.-my and it. excellent i.-.,.v IV-if. Harrison, to the patronage of l: 'Vf children to etl'teate. The i u-iv.ii at this iiiFtitntinn is the :u '', t!i'.ni'tmenf. Thedi-ei-' i. 't : i ! yi t linn, witliotU l ein.tr r-.-i or ..vere. This is tlte sche.d A Nr.-. i:i.!.i..-A lull arrived last , 1. si- M-:h ..li-t Chtir-.-h. It : s !i! 1 '.' lii.'s. or :::'.it pium.l.s more : tdc C,:::i H.,,,-0 hell. It has a fine '.. I-;. -. ;,.!,,. J w h. ;i uiiitttited ill the bid- : 1 1 - . : i-1 j.ir iii;lo around the town, j ''i-.--t-;r y :!, ;.,li,-s f the CnSre- j -n. ;!... , : ,-, .?s f their Aid So- ' ' r. a .1 .L.t S'.T't. ineluding fixtures and Ti" lalit-s deserve great credit for I :! :' ; :'":! li'-raH-v. ' ::i. lUiircui. On Saturday last the! - r ' o ' I'i iii.-yivatiia P.ailroad was re- ''"'i i,.,.;.t oiio half cent per mile. The , ::'r' - twroti l'liilaJelpliiaaml Pills- :ts ! r-n i .';.iv. ; t10 rat0 fr iriicrniedi- j 1 " -i.'tu-i ;? thro. cents per mile, and for j t: ft-s'!.., n five and twelve years ofj " rat.;. This change applies only to j - who purchase tickets at the tiek :.! wl.o j ay in the ears will Le re ray tho old rates. Travelers will :m','onanee of purchasing tickets t .:r- i 5-c th -ti,-y ,.v. I'tw T'i wn p Aheao. The first Grant ' "as f duh.in this eounty.wns organized in t nn '"wndiip on Friday evening last. Klisha 1 -ntotj. wa? oi- ctod President, Jno. Iiussel Cretan-, atnl Ahraliam Speneer Treasurer. -s- M toro, I's!., Samuel Wideniire, An ' Spencor, Elijah Wall, and A. P. Wall e stloctcd as vigilance committee one t',t"1 residing in each cub-school district. f)ar ''nl1 town-hip friends are always ac tlve and in earnest. We trust this good cx 12ip!e will Le fallowed immediately in every 1 "nhip 'm the couuty. Iit us go to vroik dice. Persens intending to teach school, should, if possible, spend one term at the Normal School, at Edinboro. It will prove of great value to them. "Dandruff Annihilator" was the exclama tion of an enthusiastic oid bachelor when experiencing the magic effect of one bottle of "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative,"the premium article. Burlington IJau-Jc Eye. UFA". L. Oslkr, of Providence II. I. will preach in the Baptist Church, in Clearfield, commencing on Wednesday evening, Aug. 12th, JSCS, and to continue ear-h eveniii" during the week and on the Salba;h. Mr. O.sler proposes to give a scries of discourses on the Advent Faith. The Community are respectfully invited to attend. preparing the ground and selecting sites for te,lts - A large U " a ; great deal of work is yet to be done. Camp to commence August 21. juiyl,.ot A. W. Gitkr, Pastor. MARRIED : i On Tue.--day..7u!y.2S.l.'XS, by Kev. AAV. j Guyer, Mr. John II. McPhersox, of I,av- rence township, and Mist, Hannah J. Hax- nK K' f,f 1iku township. Or. Thursday, July ?,0. ISf.S.i.v Bev. W. y EunWiull, Mr. John II. Mkk.ivman, of Iecatur township, and Miss .M.ViC.IE WlTHKHoM", of Knox township. , , ' On Julv 26. ISrtS. bv E. II ltel.rand. Esq.. Mr. Shannon With Kit itf., and Miss Cath- kiun!-: Ti r.ns, Lioih of Ferguson township. i ) Surl(:,y, August 2. 1S0S, at the rei- ! ll'm-e J'- J- Wallace, in this hoi- i osh, hv ltev. (J. A. NiX'lorfF, Mr. Irf.d- ; ERirK I;. I uvix.and Miss Emm.v S. llllKKM, ; both of this county. j The happy couple will accept our thanks i 'or reiiietnbering the printer. We extend j fo tnc,n our hearty eoneratulafions.and trust :their pathway through life will be strewn J with flowers, and that they may have a gay and festive time cenerallv. . ? cir 5 C vc vt is cm c n t. . AUvrruxrm'ntx srt ;; rnrvr tvp',or out nt pf ttn vli'tfyifttl bf charged ftfuthlr itxtaf ratr. iOftrt- "VOTICE. All persons having unsettled x accounts with the undersigned will please cail and settle at once without further no tice. T. it. FOKiLY. i ra'j ::mptnn. Angust 5, 133S-:tt ("JAITIOX. All perons arc hereby can tinned :io;iinst iiiich;i.-ing or takis. ai aiSf tnent ..t certain yromisorr not, rtate, aI.tv ltiS. rillinr fur Fkh Htmilrpil fiTiil Kiftv ;. ' .'....u "f ... ,.. ' ler id" llerrv Toinrikins As I h;ive received no ; value for said note I wiil not pay the same unless cotrpellel by due course d law tilen Mope. Aug. o-M:p. S. M. DICKFKMAX. - . - - .. LJ.E;iIENY IRONWORKS VAK )Y X . A 1 1 X ETi k CO . Proptictors of tiles'! w irks, havs d !"1 to the Machine boj, enlarged Machineiy. of the best .lesciipcon. for heavy work, a steam hammer in fbe 111 icksinith ?'hi'ii. and in the Coiier Sloo tools necessary for the nianuf ictoring of ftcain i.'oil er3 in t!ie nc?t ty le. They would respectfully notify Miller. I.om- berraen and Tunnery n.cn that thev are j rcpar- 1 , - ' ' ed to receive, and promrtiy execute, orders for EXGIXES, BOlLKliS, CIIICL'LAR MILLS, SHINGLE MaCMIXES, AND BARLOWS J'A1 KXT ROTARY MITLEY-SAW IIAXG- ixns, PLf)vs, &c. Th.r ..ikii.litir rw.tm l-t thn Kiat wnrltmMi and purchase the best material tho market affords. Th-y feel ""u,p'1 lbHt ,hc-v " ,hus be ;,hle to ! turn out work n hu h will give satif action to tin ir CU;ton)Cr3. The Harlow Patent Kotary Cutting , Muley fan Hangings are considered the most j perfect Muley ever yot introduced. We will i Ei rantce them to cut twenty five per cent, more j Inmler than any other Muley now in use Our Circular Mill may be seen at the Mill of Ellis Irwin iV Pon. at Lick Run, where iuforma- tion respecting them can be obtained. H W P.R'JWX. L. W. AliNETT Ang.5.T,s .,m. T1IS STULiTIIEU.S. N E W I 11 M ! JAS. B. (Hi A HAM &; SONS, MARKET STKEET, CuKAiiFiELn, Pa. SPI'X'IAI, P.AIIGAIXS. Kvci y DqiartiiK nt Well Assorted. o WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0 HAMBURG EDC.IXUS, 1 1 a i b t" i : i f l o u x c i x ( ; s , WHITE GOODS, riQL'F.S, Stt"!S3. VICTORIA LAWXS, JACOXET, XAIXSO01C, LIXEX collars axd currs, HOISERV, the best assortment, nml Tt the lowest figures to be found in the comity, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRT-s, CORSETS, LADIES' GAUZE UNDERWEAR, GENTS' LISLE AND GAUZE SHIRTS, PATER COLLARS AND CUFFS, " COUXTRV YARN, FLANNEL, GRENADINES, ORGANDIES, THIN DRESS GOODS, INDIA SILKS, WHITE GRENADINE SHAWLS, WHITE DELAIN SHAW LS, WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. 0 A fall assorttnen of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, always on hand. -0- Goods Arriving Dailv. PRICES G REATLY R E I) U C EP. CALL AND SEE. J S. COLE would inform his old cus . tomers, and the public generally, that he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND S1IUES of the very best French Calt and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce. He also maKes all kind of heavy boots. AH work wnrranted. and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Draueker's Hotel, Curwensville. Pa. July2!lfiiS-lr: ft AMP MEETING. Providence permit- ting, the Third Annual Camp Meeting of Sutquehauna Circuit, .M. E. Church, will com mence on Friday. August 14tb. ISrtS, in the Grove of Messrs Beyers, near .New Washington. A number of eminent ministers are engaged for the occasion. The members, of Cberry Tree, liri'okvilla and Clenrfiel.1 circuits are invited to come and tent with us. I . J"!Jr-.''!y WT.jriLSOX.PatoT. I fJALTION. All persons are hereby etui- j tioned against pnrchasin? a proniissorv i note, calling tor Fifty L'olltirs. and due about the i middle of April. ISnil. sniil note being given in i favor of M ti. lirown for the privileee of selling i his Horse Hay Fork in the townships of Penn, liloom and Lumber-city 1'orotigh. Having re- ; reived no Talue fi.r said note I am determined ; not to pay the same unless compelled bv duo i course of law. SAMCEL WIDEMIHE. Grampian Hills. July 2, lSis-3t. GREAT EXCimilOTr Thc Chetqiost and Test Gootls in Clearfield comity aresobl by GEOIU; E S. V EURY, WHOLESALE AXI RET.y. DEALER IN l OUEI.iX AND lnMi:STfO MEKCHAXII?E, Xorth-west cor Cortin St. end Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS, Clearfield co Pa. A c keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. K O It THE LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabric, FOR THE HEXTLFMEX, r.eady-made Clothirg, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts. Twecus, Jeans, Linens. Ac. Also a full stock of Gents' Furnish ing 'ioods. IX BOOTS AND SHOES V"e rFrv roitpfTiTiov. as we buy for CAsn, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cheap- kh than other dealers. Iiats and Caps of latest styles very cheap. XOTIOXS. AH goils in this lino you can find with us cheap and good. IIAIIIAVARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. (I HOC1 K HIES. SYnt'PS, from the lowest grade to the best that can bo bought in the markets. SL'GAUS of every kind. , TEAs of the very best qualities COFFEE.s that cannot be beat. Either in priee or quality. CAXXED FIU'IT of all kinds. IHUF.U Flil lTS. Spices, A-c, A-e. AVe Jmre always on hand a largo stock of (JueetiMrnre, M'ootl nnd WiI!ow-ware; eope?, caiipets, oil cloths, wall & window papers, flol'k & i-t;ld,eacox, piioyisioxs, fish, OILS, Sc., &c. Any goods rnti arc in wart of can be found at our Store. All are cordially invited fo c::li and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can sell you better poods. and at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. I'aiticul.'ir at'er tion paid to orders from a distance, and to supply ing leg camps. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! Nti trouble lo show Good. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osckola, July 2'J,'oS.tf. URE BUCK LEAD, eoual in quality to j English white lead: t) Is. 1 iiints and! Varni.-hes of all kinds; tiold leaf in books, and bronr.es. fjr sale by A. I. SilAW. Cleariicld. October 2. 1667. rpHE OLD ESTABLISHED HUM, .1. .1. KiriTAKDSON A CO.. 12o Market iStreet. Philadelphia. re tha largest Manufacturing Con lect loners and Wholesale Deal ers in Fruits. Nuts. c , iu the I'r.itcd States. March . I-Sos-Iy. "V"OTK'Iv Notice is hereby given that -L' the ho'iks of .lames L. furry have heen left with mo for settlement. Persons knotrintr thcmselvt"j to have unsettled accounts on said books wi 1 please cali upon me immediately and settle the same, or cn-ds w'll be added. Lumbcr-city.jyJ.'-.ttp J P. FA KWELL, J.P. QitPiiAXs.1 ronrr sale.-p.v virtue of "an ortler of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, tho undersij ned wille.xpose to public sale, on the premises, in tho borough of leartiuld. on the 2Hih dny of Anirust. lsil-. all that eei'tain House and Lot. late the property of li.ot. Wallace. Epq.. situare at the corner ot Locust at d Third streets, the said lot t.einir :) feet front by 17a fret deep, and having a laiee l'raino dwell inr bouse and out building- ttiereon erect-'d. Tkhis or Sik. One half cash, and the balance in one year with interest, secured by bond and mortjrasfc on the premises. - . ; Juiv 2.', ::t Olio W. H IIEE.M. Adm r. SSHJNEE'S N )TICK. In the TU-rift urt t.f Hi" Ihiittjd States lor the Wes'err I'tstri't of Penr.sy Ivani.i : In the m. liter id WILLIAM F. IUV. IX. I,i Bini,s,Ptry. Fan krupt. ) Jo "oil IT WAV Contkrv The nndcr.-ined hcren 'v.-s rO'ico of his iippointtint.t r.s As si 'i ce of H'li.i im F Irwin, ot tho Dornoch of Clearfield, in the cy.m'V of Clearfield. Mate of Pennsylvania, withit. said Linnet, who hav been ndju 'ged a li.uikriipt. upon hiso-.n r"""". hT the District Court of said District. ( Julv 'rts i t . M. W TATE. Assignee. C II ERI I K S SALE. Py virtue of sun.l.-y writs nt J'it rf l'itcinx issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county. and to tne directed, there will be exposed to sale at tho Court house in tho borough of Clearfield, on SAT I RDAY. the l.i'h day of Al'G 1ST. 1.S, at 2 o'clock P.M. .the following described Real Es tate, to wit : All defendants interest of in and to all that certain tract of land, situate in ?ae!tch township. Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and descri'tel as follows: Peginning at a Maple thence South 50 dejrrees. West SI perches to White ak. thence South 40 degrees East !tl I perches to Post, thence South .'( degrees West S4 perches to Post, thence North 4i) degrees West 1 1 ft 3 perches to Pnst.thence South 50 deg. West 1.1-1 4. perches to Post, thence North 1 1 i degrees West 70 perches to White "ak. thence South 77 degrees Wej 51 perehes to lleia. lock, ther.ce North it' degrees East ;;'.': perches to Post, thence South 4U degrees East iOS perches to place of beginning containing 2IS acres and 5 perches and allowance. Also all defendants in terest in the limber standing upon tho old home stead, tving North nf a continnation of the John P.evers Northern line.through the old homestead. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Hegarty. Also all the interest ot S. W. Thompson cf in and to all that certain tract or piece of laad Ktu ate in Rlooui township, (ilearfield county. Penn a. and surveved on warrant No. 5925. in name of Nicklin A Griffith. and containing about. "00 acres. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proper v of Stacy W Thompson July i!2, IAOS C. HOWE. Sheriff. CCRWEXSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. C J. II AYES, Si'rc;eon Dextist; Office -' on 'I hompson street, Curwensville, Pa. leeth extracted by the application of local an a;sthesia. aud ail kinds i f modern dental work don: May tS. lsfi-y. rjLEAIJFIELI NITI5SE11Y.-Excoi;r. w ace Home Ixm-STtir. The mideritf ti ed having established Xurserv. on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville'and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Eversrem-. Shrub bery. (ir.ipe Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtm Rlack berry. Strawberry and Kaspb'erry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and earlv Scarlet Kheu barb. 4c. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address Aug 31, ISf.4 J.1). WRIUHT, Curwensville. s US Q TIE II AX X A HOUSE. Curwensville, Pa, EXPKESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well known Hotel, having been re-fitted aud rc-furnihed throughout, is ni.w open for the accommodation of travelers, and the public in general. Charges moderate. VM. M. JEFFRIES. August U, ISiiT-tf Proprietor. T E II M ! JLirtsoek & Goodwin, One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, CrnWK.Ns.rn.itK, Pa. Having just received a full and well selected assortment of Iry Wools. Ores. Goods. Clothing. Xotions. Hats. Caps. lioots. Shoes, lrug Hard' ware. 'Jueeusware. Tinware. Cedar and Willow ware, llroonis, Groceries. Flour. Fish. Salt, etc., to vhich they ask the attention of the public Our a-s trtment is complete in every department, and our prices arc moderate, as will LefoOnd upon exi'minaiion by purrhnsers. (ioods will bu sold cheap for CRsh. orexehnnfred fur country produce. DA.MKL II MtTSOHK. Feb. 12. lnW. tl) (JOvlDWIX. L W A Y S X E W, Vt'ITHOL'T FAIL. J O II X I It V I N, Husut rocoivcil nnd opcnc-l nt tho ptnnd in Curwensville. an .'ntire new stork f FnM and Winter 'J o'Is which he will tell very cbeap ftt cash, lii. tft"i"k ooiisiprs of Dry (ii)u(iH, CrsTti'ons, llai'lw i: v, 'tli!t'ciwA;iit Hoots and Shot's. Tups, lUv.ilf Ki;tut. C'ioliirt;j-, etc. T!ie puV'io croiicrn-iy is nKe-fally irvitod to vp h iin acini : c h st?k unii hear b i? pric"8. and pnr'h:.?e from him if you find it will he to vuur advantage -Nov. 15, I Soft v T T i: XTIOX! P. U V K 11 S :! IIIPPLE Sz FAUST IiKALKKS 1.1 FOP-EIC-X AX3 DOK'iSTIC EP.Y-G00DS, &C M.'.IX STIir.F.T. CritWE.SSVIt.LK. r.., Ilavint; ju.-t returned from the east with a iren eral assortnifnt ot oods. to which they desire tc invito tho atteniion of their oid customers and friends. Their stock consists of Iry Goods. C, roceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. Hoots, Shoes, Jlats and Cups, Clothing. Xotions. etc., in great variety, which they niw ofTer at prices fu cash to suit the titnes. They also deal in Grain. Pork. Shines. Hoards nnd other lumber, which will be received at the hihi'St markrt prices in exchange for goods. 9 Persons desirous of purchasing goods nt fair rates are respectfully rpqnested to frive us a call Heinettibi r yr.u can find us at the o!d stand en Main street where we are prfpart.-d to ncrnino dato customers with anything in our line of business. sent. rt. IStrt.l. Iirn.E A FAUST. g O M E T II I X G X E W i n : r n '.v ex s v j i.r. k. DRUGS! DRUGS.'! DRUGS!!! Tlic un'lf r?if?r. wonM rrspnotfully announce tr the pub'ic tiiar he h.'in njichoi a Drui Store, in ihe romi rfentlv ' .t! up hi the bouse of t.eore KiliicbitrLT. on Main Mr('or. Curwensville. I'a., one '!i'T V.'cst of Ilipj.lcifc Kau.t'. srir.e. wliore he in tend to keep a general assortment of I)-:ils Mt'iu"injs. Oils, Points, Jyc -SrutTs, l'mont 3If'li."inos, IVr fuinery, Toilot Goods, ( Vniectioiiiirios Spices. CaninJ Fruit, Tu'k.ccd and (Ji.irar.s, J?ookst Stritioncry, Pencils, I'cns, Iiiks, and a perioral variety of Notions; I:iiTott's Hair Restorative, Glass, Patty, etc., etc., etc. The wnnt of n. Druj Store h"? Ion? been felt in CurwcnFvif !e. nnd as that wnnt ifnw suppliJ. the undcrpijncl hopes, hy fitrict attention to hn- sitip?, to merit -nmi receive a libera.! nhare of pulir pafronup. His!tock embriicp? most articles neeled in a rninninnity, i? ei:t:rflv new. and of Ihe best qual ity, n-hieh he will dipne of jit roasonahle pricf 'all and examine the "roods which cannot fait topical. IKWIN ft AIONTELU-S. November S. 1 S'i5.-J uly S.'tiS. E W SPUING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber Tity. Ta., Tho undersigned wnald respectfully inform their customer", and the puiiii't in general, that they have just rereied tl: -i r ."-pring stock of goods, eonststinir of l'ry 'ioods. Groceries. I'.oots. ."-hoes. Ila's. I'aps. Fisli. Sitlt. Flour, I'.ncon. NiiJf. Faints. Ills. Stoneware, llard'.viire. Queenswarc. IJaskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cioth, and a general variety ot suith arri ves us nre usually kept in a eoi:nirv store, all of which they wiil Bell flit: p roit c 1SH. Th"-y would also direct attit,tion to their lare stock of Kca ly-made Clotnin.'. which they otler for sale at a small advance tt.i,n cost. KIKK A SPENCER. Lumber City. Pa.. Mav X, 1-,;r. N. 14 We also manufacture to order nnd con stantly keep on hand ii Kl-lteral assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for men. w'fiipn and chiMren. KIKK .V SPENCKft. X NOT HER BIG " F E.O P ! mm p. jonva."1:. : : : : : : j. n. bailkv. Sfinie two months ago it was formally annt unced that Pennviilc was "ilight side up."' lleccnt events have pr ven tho arnouncement pteoiaturc. A nother "Flop" rocentty occurred, awd I'hict" amotigtbe improved, -interestiiiir. and important' phases presented, is the one portray ing TIIK M;V, LWiOK. AN1 t'tlW M OTtlOt' S STOUK 11 Vi si:, of JOHNSON &. BAILEY who have just returned fr-ai the Earn, with a .-ryp ait'L tftrrfvlhi srrrt'-it xtnrf of srainnrih'r ynoit of greater variety, and of better quality, than have heretofore, been oflered in this section of the county. Call nt the New Store l.i.us. and you will find : J ry ( rooils r.U'1 Groceries, Hai.-,"Ciij)S. Lioots ami Sliocs Iltird-wtire. neens vtire. Ilollovr w?ro. Wood ami St-me-ware, Dniss Oils, i'nintsand 'tunis!ies. Glass. Putty, Read' , iale Cl'dliing, Clocks,' Conteetioiiary. Cliee-e.Eliitir. F'sh. and Provisions generally. Our stock of Hardware will hear injrrtion. as it ia full and of the bru itairi Our stock of Coots and Shoes is unequalled in quality and low prices. To tuc ladies, we would say we intend to make the NnSion and Dre.ss department worthy their patronage Articles not on hand will be specially ordered, to suit our customers. The strikine feature in the "F"op," and the one we would keep before 'he feople is. tup. vbrv low pi-.ifES AT wmrii wkbk SF-LLtv?. The pub lic are invited to gi c us a call. Prin" on yonr Produce, your Hoards. Shitglcs. Grain. Pork, I'.u'ter. Fglrs. Dried Apples. Kaes. Ae. Our motto, 'Cheapest i. Rest. JOli.ON 4 BAILEY. Pennvillo, Augus' 25. 1S07. SALT' SALT'.: A prime article of ground al um salt, pjtup in patent juj'Ks. for salecheap t the ft-MU if R. MOSSOr. GF.rCERIF.S tho chcape.-t in the county, at May 25. MOSSOP'.tj, CLEiKFfELD XV ADEMV tL,UI,r Ml'V ilVAlIiJlI. Tho First f-ession of the next Scholastic vr of thi i,iiiii yearorth.slnst.tution.,,! commenceon Mon. day, the, th day of September. 1S63 Pupils can enter at any time. They will charged with tuition from the time they enter to t the close of tho session 1 ti e i ... I x tuurfu ni iiisiruULiuii cmuriicw cvcrTthini ; included in a thorough, practical and accom. I plished education of both sexes. i The Principal having had the advantage of 1 . " ; maeh experience in his profession, assures pa- rents ana guardians mat nis entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mert.il and moral . - - r.u ,. , traimng of the youth placed under hueharge. T..t nm Tnm.w ng and Primary s.) 55 no Orthography, Heading. Writing Arithtnt tie. per session. (11 weeks.) Oraiumar, Geography, Arithmetic, and liisto TV s.ij.(i Algobr.i.Goornetry. Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying.-Philosophy. Physiology. Chemistry Ijook-keeping, Eotany, and Thysical (Jencra phy. D.(MI Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a- bove branobes; SI 2. CO 1 Zr' No deduction will bo made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Kev. P. Ij. UAKUISOX. a m. July 31,1R67. 1'rincipol. o. I., npp.n. G. p. nooi w . row r. ll. l r i j i jt w n . u kit a CLEAI1FIELD I'LANIXG MILL A L L 11 I (i 11 T, SiEssns. Iinor, .AVEAVKH & CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely reSlted f.n l i supplied their PLASIXG MILL, in this Borough. i j with tho best and latest improved i WOOD WORKING MACillXFUY, l nnd nre now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooi'iii":, Wc:i t lievlioMrdin cr, ba.-ii, Doors, Ji:nIs, .brackets, anil Jloitliiirrs of all lands. They have a largo stock of dry lumber on band. and will pay c;wh for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch panncl plnnk preferred Nov 0. 67. NTEW iiaebayaee S T 0 R E; m rillUPSBT'nO, CENTHE CO. . PA. Gco.IT. Zeigler & Co., i',w;..n n,l Dompstlc Hardware Cutlery. Wxuul-Jiiul-Willi) w, tricv Tia -wara Stove?, Oils, Paints, G!:!s, Iron, Nails, etc., etc., etc. The attention of Meobanios. Huil lcr". Farmer' Lumbermen and Ruyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort- incut of on-ls; in our line than can bo found else- :.so- Fitit where in this part of tbe SU at prices to the times. Our stock comprises a cencrnl assort- mi ..r T..n' Mnterinls nnl hv r.inien'prs Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon m.-.liers. Join ers. Ac. together with a large stock of Inon, Steel, Nails, Spikes, ltailroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Hopes. ! Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut j Saws; Enameled, FinishcJ. and Plain Hollow- 1 , . . , , , , ., , .nd j ware in great variet ; Cobles, Coal oil I-nr" nn" Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, cat and Lubricating nils; nn.l n extensive and good selection of Fine Cutler", n - .A-tini rtrf!i.tVt. and folks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives ar.d forks, po.-ket and pen kn.ves. raiinr r5, lr lid shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar j ttdes. n.. - ,i I plated forks, in great variety anil ot the host man- ufneture. Also. Brittania and silver-plated ware. I j Tin-waro ' 1 n great variety, aim m iuc oci wavs ou hand, among which will be f .und buck- e,ts of every sizo, tin-cups, oil cms. spnnklin? In great variety, and of the best luar.uf.arture al cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint mca.-uras. and many o'her articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbidv. Blacksmiths i ' Can lip pr,n!ieti with .An vi!.. PrlTow?. A ' , , i i v 's'e.Jgcs, hammers, hor.ee an.l mule shoe, hon-e niii's. and i'll kinds of flat and round bar iron. nail rods- etc ; an J witn cast, sn-ar. spring ana blister steel, from the best manufacturers in tho I'nited States, or of foreign manufacture. Carp L I 1 I C 1 "5 Antl liuiiuers win lint iu our csirtuiiriiiiit-iiL m , T, -, , " 1 1 C 1 . . I T ' . I , superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. Aogurs, Hatchets, H inimers, Files. Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Locks. Dolts, Pulley, gash, Cord. Ae Farmers Will find CAerything in their line, ami chenr-er ,f the State-corn- ral. farming n than clfewhero in this section o. prising IIoueho!d, horticultural. ,j m(lSt im. rafting implements, of the latest and most im- proved pattern. Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood ar.d coal Stoves. Comprising Spears justly celebrated Anti dsst ... . ,, , cook and parlor stoves of ail sties ; Al.'O, The agra cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, lawn, Dew- - P- .nd Picket stoves. - anii.niM-,t All of the above goods will be fold cheap for Cash. O-H :uiiu.ftav.'j, Philipsburg. Oct. 16th, 13"7 i - - st in the eonnty, MOSSHP S. OIL PA: May IL PAIXTS the cheapest i i rrRAPE vines fou sale. ah ti Ur Upline hardy varieties of first qualit the ualitv. I Couvord Cuttinirs. cl.t!0 per hundred. j rdcrl "ol'et'ed as soon as convenic nt and filled ! in 'otation. bv A M. HILLS. Aug. 21, 'i7. Clearfield. Pa. ! p ITrAKS AN D TOBACC O. ' t n n n ti ADOLPII SCIIOLIT, ! - ; .HIN' ri rriri:B Ai vi ji u.i- i.r. A.M :i KTAIL ; " r wuM ,rsrcctfu!iVaV.nounee" that he has rcmov- ' the laru-e and e diou, store-r..,, op polite the n-i l..pee.,r j It S,,(,c V'u whtre . ho h: upen,,, a as,,,r,,.ie,,, ,,f V'.ba""" : lirs.etc. whu-b 1 r ij mc ired to e!l wholcalo ! or re-ail. at reasonable "prices. ' ' " ! His eigars are Mad, f very 1-e-t matcriil i j tvlcf u.aintrn-."ri. v i ' 'tn "re -h those f uv other estah;;-i..,,..l.." " ! He has u'hvavs nn hand a,vIe.:lir B'tV'e ..f ' chewing and smokii.g tobaccos. 1 in, '.e di- : recu the attention of dovi'rs of the k,-.-. " ' .M-n.-bants and ieler. tlirowlioiit th county '"IT""' ' -.- - pi no Cull and examine h is stork when yon come to Cle-iriield ut.o I ti. 1,- : : jj 1'. N A I" G L E WA1CH EIAEE2, GRAHAM'S ROW, CI.EAKFIKLD ! thorough einminat on into its construction and Tlieutidcrsin'iil rsper-ifuliv ir;f'irms his old , scientitii' cc mb-nation. customers and thepuMi,:. that l:c has on hand. , ' he undi-r'igtied . being the Agent for Clear ( at -I constantly reeeivii't; new additions. ; a Ijr-c I'eM eounfy. will put up r xls for all wbomay de stock of Clocks". W.it. h' s and Jewcirv. I siro fbein. on short noure and reonable terms. CLOCKS, a !:tri?c varietv from the r-st - ..... .. ... . ....... . si'i l."2 an I eight, and Levers. 1 line, .-trine -lt d ' Alarm cl.., ks WA 7 ( 71 IIS n 2n .-5;ort!ntit.n 'i!vpr Hun;- "'"".T Pat Levers. Piain , and full joweled (lOhl) J'hISS. unoVisnl nfsortn -eot of the ' he-f ooa'iitv. Also, in silver e'-i.sinn and desk ' holdi'rs S 'ISCTAC KfCS. ,i larc ns-r'tnattf. far and reir si'4ht. colort-d and i .in i-'a-s. PtW''l"f "V'-'rr V"ri,,,-V' fn"" " ?!'!!f,e ALSO. fine .,rt.nef nf?.,M !'..,',. ,.,. tor Knives, cm., plated on L''::iiii.e Aiab'ata. AM kind" of C!odt. Wat.-Iies and Jewelry eiiTe ,u.,y repaired ami II , .--,', A coijt i nuance ot paLi'ui:ac l- i .T.vtc l Nov. '1 ;!. IS';') t 1'. .'Al i;;.i: !jl O t ii j: a i- r 1. 1 c r i: d :: it k i) ! !ci:af: r. THE GtlEAT AMF?.ICA.:,T STKEItir-J I'iTion 'ilji."'t to rariois al'ments, frcqoiT.'ly a-k the o iio.-'ioti.- '."h at s!i a'l . 1 do to tv i if ve in,- ?" To Mit h wf w v, try tli f .1 lov i ti ;r i r, -i ' u a i ; illtr(((iuL.t;ii , ,h, r,vi,. :,uhl::h rhry have! heen in u-.-i lr a nu:nhor of rcirs ae run:i!v ! iicir.edies. I A-Vr2?.lCA"V TG SA?.L rtTTrUS- Th;s Vet-t title OomnoriTi-l !s a crrnin cure for j Ivpen'ta' li.ease of the Liver. C.rhumf. K ! runtioitsoi tne kin. ( at.ker in 'Id1 Monnch. etc. ! A lf.'ii?fit i.f nlwnys operiruct-'d from tiie n."(. ..f ! a ft? bottle and a pw'rtt cure warr.intt-d when the i patient perseveres in t ikiv? : suPieient quantity. : In Home c.i.-'t'S tnmi tT; to three bjttIeM will eno.t i acure. Nochnnireof diet is neces-bry Our ad J vice is, eat rood substantial f'd nd enough of it. j ASEKICA J.U:Cr RESTOB ATI VE. j Th is prepa rat-ion i;' a "eetah!e Coitiponml ! an I ndian cure tr Lun lieastis. Coui;bs, Cuids. '1 'ihtneas of the het. Pain in ihe Ureast, Asth i in, llrtitiehiti. etc 'lhi Medicine has a ino.-'t ! hiippv eil.'ct in the above com plaints, whentaken Hccordin-j to direction?. It can be taken at all ; times, and urrit?r all elr 'urii-tiiccrs and the pa j tieiit jiri'r;i ! !y eTperiences an almost inln:ta ; neons reiii f. It woith a trial nttasf. AMEKICAX tlNIMEST. j nuir! rev. taitis the mo?t wondorfitl Th ! mclu-i! Vt.,ntef. an-l U U,,arir t.. .V "thi-r " , lii:!iue:.t uow I su re c u re f .r K iiotniiai m . Neu r:i ;j in. Earaeli-. ? i?",-,y-l ; so?. 11 : nesp. 'urni roahis. . ni (hsiiis.. t in i.ruise j ;'"";.";". "' "roi.... Velon. Choler-. Mtu "hu.s. ( iilii'. etc. -No fatin.v siould be witU'i" j i a.- ir tru!y an indispensable and vaiin.. ' I r mcdy. AMTtlAV GITEK CTJKE. This i an i:itf:i;!ip rmdy for that loathsome di'M(. t he f?ohT. or S'velled neck. It i? simple j ;'."-:"': I'"'-1 .Tn! I"'-r'ul in its e!Te-t I i e l Piiernal v and crtcrnallv Persons nftiicted . in Mi j ii iv slioiiid not I'e-itate to oht iin the r.m- : e'ly nt the earii.-t imsililc moment, and be re- liuved from their unple 'Sant cnn paint. I All the above remedies are nren i'-ed and Sold M. A. FJIANK A CO Cliarficld. P.i. Country Pe:iler stti-pTicil at Vholen-iie pri-rs T II E C II E A ' E ST GOO D S ai:k polo r.y RICH Ii ZX O fS S ( .) I. .' iKLts in '. ronetGN AN'i DOVCSTIC DRY GOODS, 1C I MAI.'KtT STRKKT, CllABflt LD. PA. i j ! j ,rt .."Z,,,,,,, ,, prflli rrr, ! i Cnrou TC.W Tiir - A riTT. s ' Cr.,, ! 1 ! L (l rtt it . . , , Citron Always on hand a lunge stuck of I,s- iff0''. I C.-ei d'eSoodi f-n 'i asCoburg Clotii. j, ;""', i Cur.;i Ac"'- V? !';'';!'.cs' J.i'.Shatn'.. ,,;,;,, ! I'i,..' ' rliits.t li mt I. Kerebtet. u- I r'j,',,' i)ie3. Unn!,ets. Uloves. etc. F-M CEXTI.KME.V. C,.r..i.!. i C'rti Al-vays on hntti Itlaek. I:inc Tl .-own i (;..., j i and Grey I'lotbs Kan.-.y m,l liiark !',. ' j Vtr,:ji Casitii'.:res. S.iitjm-'i. . ,isi::c's. Uitttii . ' C......! J w.'cds. l"aii at::! l-'.-im-.v Vcft- ; ,;,,.'.,. i,IJCn. .,ir,i. ere .etc. etc . (J;, , .,; ; K A i i - T MHt. '.-? Such as Coats. Faiiis. 'cts. I'ntler- ' '!!') -hirts. and othr i'ianl'.el fhiri.t. i''-- .i'tp lioots. .--hue-. Kais. C it.s. Net-k- li-ut l ' r ' ' . lics.tiiiru iiijoti-and 1' i.':s.'U.,i i'..:a '.(';! a variety ot other ariiclej. , rltTSK!!0.Ii OoGDs. ! , . Sceb as I'nl.leaehed and lilcachcd . - ,.,,, .;u-!ins. Colored Mu.-Iins. Linen 't n.-,i-ti an ( c,,ttn tablecloths, t lilcloth. , hnl!i ii.ti'L' l.,.fM Arnmls Chr C-V, .-,, ! Linen mid h''!up tow's, car- jifets. cui'-atns, Inr.g-:. etc HAl.DU'AUE. AC. 1 r Ch. ' CI,:-., ... If w;":t "' " "pikes. Manure ;,.,.,, ; Che. 1,1 or oibcr forl: aiv-tnill or other t;, .,,,, ') saws, niootn' r? iron. Locks. lllojfey. "'c, go to Mor-op's where you ii huy c!'eap IK VI WAX'f ;.,:! ' Chrit,1 Chr to Kn?vo .'iri'l forl.s. lii'hor Knives. 7 j ; J ..boC ant t,;Ve ;M.,. M:ixi:i, , I- . C.:r ,,, ard heotp mprs. t r.h- l'::per or t 'iir-tn Pens. Powder. Shot or Lead. Cmil . ty etc , buy them at Moss., p i. ; C'r,i,t IF Y1; WAN'I 1 Chr.i.) Shoe Last or Pegs I'.iini or. Funey ', '"' ' ; Cie.rp Muip mjitIi. tt.il! Paj.-er or M in- i Cirnp dow Shades. Lamps. J,u:p tu be ' "'V' ' ' CIk,,., r Wicks, co il oil. etc . Co ' i ! ' t, . . ... ..I i, .T..rp ;o"W' i Cheap MoKsi.p's cheap ea-h store IF Vt.' i: WANT ('jtlnp . r. . i i lCr Vh:teor t :..-. (;..,. i ii . i .1 ...i j lr'mn ytl r.'.r. U .1 1"--- ' u ni v 1 -ir . . W""t' iil't'!. inj'Mii:i. 1 mini f hs.ip- n't sop's. ch'T' for rush. ionH '- i CrifOff ' 1 Vh:t't Tiiilow c;itii!o:i. Sijt or .(;(io Palt. foot vrt:p or iiioi:i . eh !. dried fi -o J I - (, applf or penciics. wut.-T or io (iftO'i 1 Is i t"I,i' wnere vou ran nuy cneap. -"' . !. ... I . l , 1, ', C,rm.lt , c.,rfJti' jp ov WANT ; Vx.rV winr f..r Me.ii;2;l or Sacrnmen- j ; tal usew et wine, old ionon- ; C(p gahe1 or rye whieKy. Cherry. i Chrvp- and Coenae brandy, buy at """' , chJ j,,,,,-, chesp cash store. -Goo-, Cl.ra,,' IF TOU WAXT ffilli. Gnei,. ;'"' Rl' J, ru"s" "r 'IW ' he.tp ?r.rana nuts, candies. Li.j uorice ' J C heap; or Liquorice root, buy tbem j " Cheap- at Mosop sebcapand good. n , ; IF TOC WANT v,w.. ; -,, ' To buy any otner article cheap, he Goo . Cheap ,,., to RO to Moop. far be sel!f doo-i j c'nesper for b than any other .CmoH, "W person in v.r cwuu.r . ,,,. ", November 27. Innl. ap27sy.f;, I Cheap. ' , .. .,.,. ! Appr.,-eJ r,trV proi,.ce of 'rv "ef taken at Oaod the nun! market prtre I ROl-ND AND Util'."LiMJ rin-ii-. vnroi. VT English Currants. Essence Coffee. and me- gar ot the best .'. . , K,VIN ' Jan. 10. UARTsW ICK 4 IKn I- IROCND AND TJSGr.orNI- SPICES. Citron EUREKA! j ST R LIGIITXIXG ROD' t iTllO I'r ond thrt fhnniif f I i j Tbe St n G At.vAxir.K.n LtoitTXiso Ron is supe ; nor to any in use, and will last tor generations. i It is made from Magnetic Iron iths sonare. . , . T . . . t i nccted with pure copper couplings, readerinit it ' c ?"1,ltn" fjper rod.the whole surmounted with I " ."n-""" fTf rJl KrTi; 1 ,rminS a eonttnunus iod rrom the pel nt to the ' ?roand ,he combin-ftioi, of metals forming a , J , J " "T Yl1 c,e:,n-''d "''I never corrode or rut, tnus pre- enunS a neat . ornamental appearand on the : '""I'I ins. worth more than its cost as a matter of or'l'n,h ,n 3J ".thing about its sure protection I'ghtnmg. , 1 " f '"',r ",e popularity of the fialvantsed Star Hod. it is onlv r.eoessarv to say that the pronri- eoos have pulled iff more than one hundred tons of nld rusty iro-is, within twelve months, from cidleires. academies, public buildings, barns, etc., , ana pui up tue star tied in their place. I As the " stag" is better and sold at a less price ; tniin eoy other rod, is more durable and more or- nameutal iiersons should consult their own inter , est-' and s.i!:y to life and property, before they have a rod erected on their building, i All that is necessiry to convince the public of , the mirrrioritr of the Star l.i.-htnin-. Itod ia . 1 L ;i ' ,'Jt!":,,,,0,hn ' 'heirstore in Clearfield. Air.lllilLI, J BIItLKK. ! "V" P W A K 11 A N Cr E M E N T. i j i v I. S II A , DKUGtilST, (Sieor ! ftrcet, opposite theConrt Bouse.) Clearfield. Pa. i The suWriber would respectfully inform th. "f lffield ocunty, that he continues to cirri on the I'rug business, at the old stand. and that he is now prepared to furnish j DllVCS. PATENT Mt'DICINES, , f'ye tu.Ts. Tobacco. Cigars. Confectioneries, Stationery, Ac. PHYSICIANS V,"I1 fiml our stock of Prugs full and complete, and at a vry slight ad vance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL I5rH)Kf. T':tcher and other will he farnighed with elat? ical and unte! fancou: bttoka by exprefta, at short notice. t U- L '1' , ' oht t.r'r o; i ni. j iaf i an, r oolseap, better and Perfumed Note Paper. aNo. ft tery neatstoeK ot .Vuririt ir Note Taper and Envelopes on hand. Pen?, Pencil", Ink. ftc JIOI'SKKEEPEUS U fnd n full etock of Pure Ppices, Boda, Soda ; A.-h. Concent: atcd Lyo ioHp, ftc. ! ; LADIES AXD GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery, H:r t'ilii. Fine Toiiet Soaj.s. Uraehes, Combs, Toilet Sett... Ac. SMOKF.US AXD CIIF.WERS Will firM a full Fiipply. of prime Chewing and Smoking Tubaeco. Imported and Doraestio Cigars, SnuQ'. Fiuc-cut. Jcc. CAH BON OIL, Of the beft brand, alway? on hand. uqrons. The be,--t quality of Liquors always on band, for m ilieal j urpocs. Physieiani" preKeriptinns promptly and carefully compounded. August 7, 1867. ! y ITDT H J Hi)! II. j UAVOfT OOIf-J 1)0 U.I 11 T Vt L j. L I iii BENNETT, BL ATTENTCERG Ell & CO., (iicc-ef?ors to Lawshe, White A Co.,) WIIOI.ESA' r. AND RETAIL BEALEBS IW (.KNKHATi MERCHANDISE. OSCEOLA, PENS'A., I K-ppctfu!!y invite an examination of their j are stor-k -f f-en?oi'ahle goods, purchased for cah", and selling at greatly reduced prices. Yc Defy Competition. V.'e sel! better Cnnds at lower rates than any other house in the county. t n k rkaso x ir zr r.- . ) iiccause wo buy for cash and buy close, and are thus enaoieii to give our customers and pa tron the benefit of the greater portion of the profits they have hitherto been paying ; and rtecnuse we sell more goods than any other house in Clearnelu county. Our stock consists of Dry Goous. Groceries Queensware, Hardware, Woodware. Willowware. lioots and Shoes, Jlats. Caps.Clothing. Furniture. Carpets, and "ii Cloths. Provisions of all kinds, Feed, ire. DUE."? GOOIj? FOR LADIES, of every style. DF.i:.-'S GOODS F-Hl CHILDREN, in neat and tasteful designs. !U:SS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, in variety. te:nly mide Cl .thing nt greatly reduoed price-. iriif-rs taken for suits of Clothing. Samp') to select from always on hand. X 0 TIOXS. From our large stock of Notions, every want in that line can be supplied, every iletiro gratified. Gmcorics anl Provisions Sugars of everv g'ade. fyrups of every quality. I'rescTvct I-'ruits and Jellies. Tomatoes and Pe-tches. Sugar Cured Hams. Shoulders and ji;;r; ,Ves Pork. Mess Reef Dried Beef. Shad, Mackerel. Codfi-h. Roundilerri , Lake Trout. i.xtrA Flour. Corn Meal and Buckwheat Meal. Ca-'i Pit il for Country IVoduce. BUILPIXf! antlotlier HARDWARE. Tools for Carpenters and others. Best Double at.d Single I'.itt Axes. Pick'. Ropes and Cordage. Rrushes, Mill Findings. 1 0HJA11S AXD TOBACCO. Finest brands of Cigars. Chewing and Smo king fr'obacco. The celebrated Michigan Fine Cut in bulk. TV Country nierchants supplied on as fair terms as can be had in the Eastern eitiea. . - .-v i.nrui. nr. 1 ' r1 11 inr nnr nuMii meri. mdu v ai . " r ' istaction guaranteed. To buy to save, to buy to please, To buy to make, to buy with ease, Tn Vitiv nil as nil must do. - n- (.a-h store all should ro. To thecueap ca-h stor BcilIICtt, IjhlttCIll )erjrer k. Co., I Mill.. May 27. 'H-tf. I , )AKEl PEACHKS the best in market at the , of K. W. iRAH AM. . 1'K)TS k SUOES-the cheapest in the eonnty, J at "'""' " . ' . " , . lEEp-th. cheapest in the eou.sop,B I i ."-'J ' I LOTIIIN'' 'he cheapest in the county, at f-uyfl , M 23 MOSSOPS. APIES' CLOAKS-the cheapest in heeouty. I j Ij4 at . LnURthe cheapest in the county t I May 29, 'C7. MfV-.-OF ?. i- 1 'i f t i' ' t tl nr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers