BI S. J. EOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1865. VOL. 11.-N0. 43. T EK MS OF THE JOURNAL. 'The Raftsman's Journal is published on VTed Mssilay al $ 2,00 per annum iu advance Adver t.sekests inserted at $1.50 per square, for three - less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting ncunre. For every additional insertion 50 cents. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. 38u$iuc$jS JHrrrtorju IRVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square fe Sawed Lumber. Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Grain, 4c , Ac, liurnjide Pa., Sept. 23, lsd3. T1 REDE RICK LEITZINGEIt. Manufacturer of V It kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or aer solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1363 C IR AN'S A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear- field, Pa. Mriy 13. 1363. v J. trans. w alter barrett. ROBERT J . WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa Office in Shaw'u new row. Market street, opposite Nauglo's jewelry store May 25. H F. NAUGI.E, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Ac. Room in Gruhnru's row, Market street. Nov. 10. t Bl'CHER RWOOPF. Attorney at Law. Clear 171 . field. Pa. OfEci inGrahaui' Row, four Joo e Weet'of Graham A Boyctons store. Nov. 10. . TARTSWICK A HUSTON. Dealers in Druars. J 1 Medicines. Paints, Oils. Stationary, Perfume ry "Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa June, 2, 1SG1. 7 P. KUATZER. dealer in Dry Goods. Clth . injr. Hardware. Queenware, tJrooeries. Pro- ti.-'i; cs le. rront street, CleaiCeld. Pa. above tuo ncaueniy, April 27. W 17 ILLIAM F.IRW IS. MarketBtrcot. Clearfield, V P . Dm'nr in Forciirn and Domestic Mer chandise, Uarlware, Queensware, Groceries, and faiuily articles generally. -ov. iu. -fTJTlN GT'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ol j Cabinet-ware. Market ftreet. Clearfitld, Pa. lie a!so makes to order Coffins, on short nmice. and attends funerals with a heurso. Aprl0.'59. "Y" M. WOOD. Practicing Pi'vsk iav, and I ) Fxntuininjr Surgeon for Pejjsious. fifiice. south-writ corner of Second and Cherry btrt. Clearfield, Pa January 21. lsrt:i. rpiIOMAS J. MCULLOl'uII, Attorney at Law. JL Clearfield. Pa. Office, eut of the -Clearfield a. Bank. Deeds aud other lesal instruments pre pared with prou-ptn?ss and accuracy. July 3. J. B M'LXALLT, Attorr.cyat Law. ClearGeld, Fa. i'rscticea in Clearfield and a;'jinir. cour.fies. OflSco mi new brio.K boil'iing ol ) . uoyn- !-. 2d itre-jt. on door tout a of Lanicn s Hotel. r)ICIIARD MOSPOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do- mestio Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, Liquors, lo. Room, on Market street, a few doors mat ot Journal Ojfice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. rARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to thoircarc in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. I860. rpHOMAS W. M'ORE. Land Purveyor or Con X veyancer. Office at his residence, i mile e.-wt f Pennville Postoffice address. Grampian Ililii I'eeds and other instruments of writing neatly executed. June 7th, ltt)5-ly A7"M. ALBERT A DUO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods, V t roceries. Hardware, Queeiiswate. Flour, Bacon, etc.. Woodlanl. Clearfield county, Penn'a. Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum ber, shingles, aud square timber. Orders soiici led. Woodland. Aug. 19th. Is63. l?CTIONEER. The undersigned having boen Licensed an Au;tioner. would respect fully inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will attend to the calling ot sales, in any part vf the county. whc desired. Terms moderate.. Address Z. 0 M CI ."LLOL'GH. June 11. IS'35 Clearfield. Pa. A rf'TION i;LH. -Tho undersigned having , u ;icori-d an Auctioneer, would inform tl. -: xoL'i of Clearfield county that ' he will at tend to culling nales. iu any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges mnderatu Address, JOHN M'OMLKIN, May 13 Bower Pp., Clearfield co., Pa. Al'CTiONLEIC The undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield couuty that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon Charges moderate. Address NATHANIEL RISIIEL, Feb. 22. Ih05. Clearfield, P.t. LICE XSfcl AI'CTIONEEIt. WILLIAM M BLOOM, of Pike township, desires to in f.Tu; Lis friends aud the public generally that he. Las taken out a License asan ALCTlOXEEil, and will attend to tho crying of sales iu any part of the county at the shortest notice, and at tho most reasonable charges. Address, either personally or by letter, either at Curweusvillo or Bloom iugville. May l 1St5i- tf- -BirsriK: notice. T RK A SURY DEPARTM E N T Ot r ice op the Comptroller ok the Cirrkncy Washington, Janruary oOth, Isoj. f IIEUEAS. BY SATISFACTORY EYIDEXCE f presented to the undersigned, it has been ma e to appear that "THE FIRST NATIONAL l!..'KOF CLEARFIELD," in the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield, and State ol Pennsylvania, has duly organixed under and according to the requirements of the Act of t'ongresa. entitled "An Act to provide National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bunds and to provide for the circulation and re demption theieof." approved June 3d, lao-l, and complied with all the provisions ot said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act ; Now. therefore, I, Hugh MeCulloch. Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that "JHh. fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARFIELD, in the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of Cieurfield. aad State of Pennsylvania, is author tied to commence the business ot Banking uudcr the Act aforesaid In testimony whereof, witness my SEAlfband and sealof office, this 30th day of VoxyJanuary, A. D. LSoj. HUGH McCCLLOCH, Feb. 8, 1S35. Comptroller of the Currency. SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber, either l7 note or bock account, are requested to pay up luiuiediatcly, as further indulgence cannot be iTn. May27-p G. II. H ALL. ACTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY OF YORK, PA. . tiiiures against loss or damage by fire. It is the aiest company in the State, aod has made no as tenuienti since its establishment, and hence it is A mopt economical S. J. ROW, Agent. tm 21, liii. fltarfleld, Pa. THE DAUGHTEE'S STEATAGEM. J udge Rose lived in Bellville, on the banks of a great river iu the West. Every year he went to Washington, and his voice was otten heard in the halls of Congress. Yet though he was called great, he was not good, because he was fond of drinking wine, brandy, &c, and frequented the gambling rooms .o numerous in the city. hab its gained on hint daily, until they conquer ed all his moral trtreugth. His townsmen refu.-ed to send him as their delegate any more. Judge Rose had an amiable wife and three pretty daughters. Mary the eldest was his special pet. He thought more of her than of himself, and no wish of hers went nngratilied. She was of a sweet dis position, and so obedient and respectful to her parents, and kind to every one about her, that she was beloved by everybod'. And though her father's dwelling was the most elegant, and they had beautiful grounds, aud servents, and horses, and car riage and fine clothes; she never put on airs as many do, but was laode-t and retir ing. Mr. Rose and his wife aud daughters were all members of a christain church. lie was often suspended from its fellowship, and on promise jf repentance received again. His influential po.-ition in society and the pious conduct of his wife and daughters, caused much pity for them, and elicited much pa tience. 'Ihey hoped by love and forbearance to restore him wholly. Dut all the love of his family and of the church could not stop this erring mail in his downward course. At last so low did he fall as to lose all self respect, and frequented the lowest whis key sb'ips in the town. ailyhe went out unhaved, unwashed, ragged, and almost naked, and when drunk would sing some low song which would draw around him a crowd of boys to jeer, and laugh, and scorn the oticc dignified and respectful judge. In personal appearance he was the lowest of the low. It is not to be supposed that Christians ami temperance men allowed such a man to ruin himself without efforts to save hiin. Karrn-tand persevei intr efforts were put forth ; prayers were offered up, and his family left no evenue to his heart unenter ed. But all were alike useless. His wife and daughters wept and prayed, but disput ed entirely. Mary, his pet, often labored to save her father from cien disgrace, if not from pri vate sin. She became very sad and refused t. .itfrtiil rlnii-r.L nr frrt intr irlptv WliPn her father was sober, he had sense to perceive the sorrowful change in his once happy Ma ry and seemed to regret his course more fbr her sake than his own. One morning he started as usual for the drink'ng shop. I le was a horrible.object, in decent to look at as well as filthy. His wife tried to hold him back, rnd get him at least to put on some decent clothing, but he would not yield. Mary made her appearance by his side, clothed in ratrs, low at the neck, bare armed and bonnet less with an old whis key-bottle in her hand. Taking her fath er's arm she said: "Come, father, I'm go ing too." '"Going where?" said he, stairngather as if horror struck. "To the dram shop. What is good for you is good for me. ' Then she began to flerish her bottle and sin? one of the low songs she had heard him sing in the street. "Go back girl, you are crazy; mother, take her in." "Rut I am going with yoa, father, to ruin my soul and body. It is of no use for me to be good while you are going to the bad place. You'll be lonely there without your Mary."; "(Jo away, girl, ycu'll drive me mad. "But you have been mad for some time, and I am going mad too. What do I care? My tether is only a poor old despised drunk ard ; liis daughter may as well drink and lie in tue gutter loo." t So Mary pulled away at her father s.arm, and went out to open the gate, lie drew back ; still she dragged on and sung louder. A few boys came toward them, and then her father broke from her hold, and went into the bouse. There he sat down ; and put ting his hands to his face, he wept aloud. "What is the matter?" said Mrs. Rose. "Mary is crazy, and I have made her so. I wish 1 was dead. Ho go out and get her iu ; L won't go out to-day. Mrs. Rose went out and told Mary what l.r f. f 1....1 w,m,1 and then she went in. She sat down with her bottle in her hand and all day kept on her old rags. Mr. Rose was in an awful state for want of his accus tomed stimu'u; snd frequently went to the door, but Mary was ready at his side on ev ery occasion. "Mrs. Rose prepared his meals with extra care, and gave her husband cups of strong coffee, and the latter part ot the day he lay down to sleep. When he woke up, Mary was still there in her rags, and her bottle by her side. With much shaking and trembling he put on a suit of clothes, and rsked his wife to send for a barb-jr. Then after tea he said, "I'm troing out." "Wliere?" "To the Temperance Hall uo with me and sec if 1 do not go there." So Mrs. Rose went with him to the door of the hall, Mary still saying : "I must fol low, for I'm afraid he will go to the whis kev shop without me." . But his wife sa v him go up stairs and en ter the meeting room, and the door closed upon him. Theu she and Mary went home to rejoice with trembling at the success of the strategem. . , Surprise, joy, and some distrust pervaded the inuids of the assembly ot temperance brothers when Mr. Rose walked in lie was invited to walk forward and asked to speak whatever he wished. lie rose and told his tale of the day, and then added, "When I saw how my angel daughter was transformed into a low, tutny creature; when I knew how much lower she would have to descend if she went with me, I abhorred myself. She vowed to go every where I went, and do everything I did. Could I see her do that ? Her loveliness stained her character ruined she pure as an angel? No sirs! If it kill me I will leave off", and never touch, taste or handle from this night henceforward and forever. And now gentleman, help me to be a man a- The building vibrated with the cheering, stamping and clapping, and a gush of song rose from those manly hearts which might have been heard for miles. Oh, "there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repent eth," and why shculd , there not be on earth? . We hope no other daughter will have to resort to so painful a remedy to save a father. Advice to Housekeepers. If you are subject to uninvited company, and your means do not al,ow you to set be fore your guests as good a table as they keep at home, do not distress yourself or them with apologies. If they are real friends, they will cheerfully sit down with you to such a table as is appropriate to your cir cumstances, and would be made uncomfort able by any effort in your power to provide a better one than you can afford. If your resources t re ample, live in such a way that an unexpected visitor shall occasion no dif ference. The less alterations made in fami ly arrangements on account of visitors, the happier for them as well as you. 2s ever treat the subject of having compa ny as if it were a great affair. Your doing this will excite your domestics, and lead them to imagine the addition to their usual work much greater than it is; your own cares too will be gieatly magnified. A calm und quiet way of meeting all sorts of do mestic vicissitudes, and of doing the work of each day, be it more or less, equalize the pressure of care, and prevent it becoming oppressive. Be composed when accidents happend to your furniture. The most careful hand is sometimes unsteady.' Angry words will not mend broken glass or china, but they will teach your domestics to conceal such occur rences from you, and the only explanation ever given you will be, that they came a part. Encourage every one whom you em ploy to come immediately and tell you, when they have been so unfortunate as to bak or injure anything belonging to you. The cases are very rare, in which it is better to deduct the value from their wages. In the best regulated families there will be some laborious, perplexing days. Ad verse and inconvenient circumstances will cluster together. At those times guard a gaitist two things discouragement and ir ritability. If others look on the dark side, find something cheering to say ; if they fret, sympathize in their share of the trial, while you set them the example of bearing your part in it well. A Sheriff Badly Sold. The following incident took place in the court of B ounty, Ohio, Judge M'F presiding. A new Sheriff had just been e lected, and the Judge wishing to have eve rythfng done in order, called the newly e lected official into his room to instruct him in his duties, and finding the said official de cidedly verdant as to the proper manner of opening court, wrote out the entire procla mation and gave him all necessary instruc tions in relation thereto. Now it so hap pened that F of I' county, a fun-loving attorney, was sitting by at the time, and seeing a chance for fun ahead. prepared an other proclamation, and by a little legerde main succeeded in substituting it in the sheriff's hat for the one given him by the J udge. Eleven o'clock came and so did the order from Judge M'F : "Sheriff, open court." Drawing his instructions deliber ately from his hat he commenced, in a sten torian voice : "Hear ye! hear ye! The Honorable District Court of the county ot B is wound up and all ready to grind. All having grists may pitch in, and ti eir grists shall be ground !" The lautrh that came in can only be appreciated by Western men. The Mrnxv Among tue Colored Troops at Fortress Monroe. Thestate ments first given in regard to the mutiny of the colored troops at Fortress Monroe have greatly exaggerated its nature and extent. An authentic account is now given, from which we learn, that the mutiny was caused by some rebels putting it in the heads of the soldiers ot the d colored cavalry, that they were to be sent to Texas as setvants for the white troops, and they would be kept there for five years. Believing these stories, they determined not ta go. They were soon undeceived, being informed that they were to go as soldiers, obedience was required of them. The troops on this quietly went on board the vessel bound for Texas. Thus ended the last attempt to bring the negro in to disgrace j tv,. fnll.tvSnv .is thft verdict of a nesTO ........... ...0 i , iurv : We, de undersigned, bein a koroner s jury to sit on ae ooay oo ue insurer camw, now dead and gone afore us, hab been sitten on de said nigger aforesaid, did on de night ob be fusteenth ob November, come to del by falling from de bridge ober de riber in de said riber, whar we find he was subsequent ly drown, and afterwards washed on de riber side, whar we 'spose he was froze to def. J "My sister in Charleston writes me," said a lady the other day, "that we (secesh) have no country. What do you say to that j "Only this," replied the gentleman addres sed, "that, if they have no country, I hope they won't insist on ruling ours. Large numbers of refugees, both wlite I and black, are in Washington, en route tor the South. There are also a large number who are determined to henceforth settle in the North. : THE DEACON'S BULL. Deacon Joseph Jones, of Litchfield, Conn., was a fine specimen of the old style sturdy farmer, honest, conscientious and hospitable to a fault, and with one leading vanity, which was his ability to raise the finest stock in the whole of New England. In his young er days the deacon had commaud of a com pany of State troops, which had done service during the last war with Uieat Britain, and though he had failed, in the technical ap plication of the term, "to smell gunpow der," yet he he had received the infusion of a warlike spirit, and earned the title of "cap tain," which, on the principle of "once a captain always a captain," stuck to him, and mingled with the more peaceful cogno men of the deacon. The warlike spirit inbibed in his youth, the deacon could never conquer, even though he had been frequently rebuked by the good dominie for showing so much of the church militant iu his daily bearing ; aud lie could find no greater delight, when he could ob tain an audience, than iu recalling the days of his captaincy and telliug the bloodless tales of ""when I was out iu '13 and '14." Among the deacon's fine stock was a bull, a splendid auimal, which for strength, size, and beauty, excited the envy and admiration of the whole country. So much was the deacon's bull prized, that very soon Its own er began to think that he possessed the most wonderful animal that ever existed, and to boast accordingly. From morning to night could be heard in the neighborhood of Litchfield but the praises of the deacon's bull, aud estimations of its value. At last to such a pitcli did this estimation reach, that the deacon, not content with bearing the palm from every cattle raiser in the coun try, sought, like Alexander, fresh worlds to conquer, and offered his bull to the compe tition of the whole country. To do this properly, deacon Jones issued a handbill, setting forth in glowing lines the qualities of his buil, its, size, weight, and color, leading off" with a challenge to any one possessing an animal bi like size ami age, to vanquish the deacon's in a fair fight for one hundred dollars. Here it was that the old warlike spirit peeped forth, and the deacon, instead of offering to match his bull for any of those qualities that go toward making good beef, proffered the challenge for its lighting qual ity. Those handbills were scattered far and wide by the aid of a peripatetic peddler, and one of them found its way to the hands of a noted breeder of stock in the western part of the State, who determined on accepting the challenge on behalf of a fine younjr ani mal of his own, and making an attempt to fob the deacon s one hundred dollars. Ac cordingly he started with his bull for the deacon s, but by some delavson the road he did not reach his destination until late on Saturday afternoon. Upon his stating his errand he was warmly welcomed by the dea con and honest praise bestowed upon the splendid animal lie had brought with him. It was too late that evening for the trial, and the bull was accordingly driven into the rich pastures to recruit after the journey, and his owner made free to the deacon's home. The next day being Sabbath, the family all set forth to church, the deacon surrend ering his placo in the family pew to the stranger, and staying at home under plea of not f eeling well. After they were all gone, the deacon, lo aid in dismissing the thought of the two bulls, and of the coming fight to-morrow, got down the family bible and read a chapter ; but still the bulls would mix themselves with the texts, and wander away with his thoughts. At last the dea con could stand it no longer, and putting on his hat, out he went to take one look at the fierce monster that was on the morrow to cany the laurels from his bull, and the hundred dollars from him, or leave him the happy victor. There be stood in the centre of the field, coal black, and shaking his fierce shaggy head in defiance. The deapon gazed in ad miration and the thought crept into his brain that to-morrow was a long time to wait and that there was no body to see and no one to tel' tales, he might as well give the bulls iust one little turn at each other that he might be the better able to judge, and if the contest waxed too warm. he could drive off his own animal without trouble. No sooner thought than done, and the deacon stealthily let down the bars that led into the field and proceeded to drive his bull, but the strange bull in an instant saw the entrance open, and without delay, rushed through and in less time than it takes tell to it, tackr led the deacon's bull. The fight was terrible and the deacon de lighted. For a while he forgot his Sabbath breaking in the keen enjoyment of the fight, and the belief that his bull would be the victor, but at length the stranger began to have the best of it, and the deacon, fearing the defeat of his tavonte, took a hand in the fight himself. He tore a rail from the fence and rushed at the black bull, punch ing him in the rear, and striving to drive him back to his pasture. The attack in stead of attaining its otject only increased the animal s rage, until with one fierce lunge he laid his antagonist on the ground, pierc ed him through the chest with one thrust of his sharp horns, and laid him dead in an in stant. No sooner had he finished his work in front than, like a good soldier, he made for the enemy in the rear ; and the deacon made for the opening in the fence with the bel lowing monster close at his heels. Away they went, deacon and bull, straight for the house, the first puffing and blowing under his fearful speed, the last pawing and bellowing in a manner to strike terror into firmer hearts than that of the deacon. It was a terrible race ; but the deacon won it by a few yards, just slamming the door of the house in the face of the bull, and rush ing to the kitchen for safety. In a moment he heard with terror the b,ow of th most- ster's head upon the door; a second thump and down it went, admitting him to the halL The door of the parlor stood open, and upon the wall opposite was a large mirror, the pride of the deacon's wife and daugh ter, and the choice piece of their household goods. The bull did not waste time, but seeing his image in the glass, made one rush scattering the glass in minute particles, and shaking the house with the crash. By this time the deacon began to recover his wind and his presence of mind and think of a loaded gun hanging over the niantle- Eiece in the kitchen. Rendered desjerate e clutched the weapon and rushed to the door of the parlor. The bull spied him in stantly and made a rush his last for al most running the muzzle of the gun into his head, the deacon fired, and a dead bull block ed up the hall, deluging the floor with blood just as the family presented themselves at the door on their return from church. The consternation of all may be imagined, and the deacon had nothing for it but to make a clean breast and confess his Sabbath breaking, pay the strarger for his bull, hand over the hundred dollars, and make good resolutions about bull fighting for the future. " - "Woolen Clothing. It is not generally understood how cloth ing keeps the body cool in hot weather, and warm in cold weather. Clothes are gener ally composed of some light substances, which do not conduct heat ; but woolen sub stances are worse conductors than those made of cotton or linen. Thus a flarnel shirt more effectually intercepts or keeps out heat than a linen or cotton one; and whether in warm or cold climates, attains the end of clothing more effectually. The exchange of woolen for cotton undershirts, in hot weather, is, therefore, an error. This is further proved by ice being pre served from melting when it is wrapped in blanket, which retard, for a long time, the approach of heat to it. These considera tions show the enor of supposing there is a positive warmth in the materials of clothing. "The thick cloak which guards a Spansard against the cold winter, is also, in summer, used by him as a protection against the di rect rays of the sun ; and white flannel is our warmest article of dress, yet we cannot more effectually preserve ice, than by wrap ping the vessel containing it in many folds of the softest flannel. Black clothes are known to be very warm in the sun ; but they are far from being so in the shade, especially in cold weather, when the temperature of the air i below that of the surface of the skin. We may thus gather the importance of attention to children's clothing. It is an absurd idea that, to render jouug limbs hearty, the body must be exposed to the un due influences ot our capricious climate. Soldier Governors. Major General Cox without much' doubt, will be the Union candidate for Governor of Ohio. It was in view of the strong current i' his favor that Governor Drouth got out of the way by re tiring gracefully from the field. The turn of politics in Ohio is not peculiar. It will be the same in other States, not alone for Gov ernor, but for other offices of honor and em olument. In the progress of the principle no doubt a good many noses will be put out of joint but it will prove to be a necessary result or the war, rather the ending of it. It was the remark ot one soldier to another: "Bill, when this war is over, we who do the fighting and 'live to get home, will own a good share of the country, I reckon." The philosophy of the remark is worthy, of con sideration. Something fortae Old Pub. Fcnc. A Yaukee soldier lately picked up a letter writ ten by Howell Cobb, to a Democratic editor in Atlanta, dated August 16, 1857, which concludes as follows: "I repeat to you that the Administration of Mr. Buchanan is the most thoroughly indentificd with our principles and our rights of any that hasev er preceded it, and lam willing to stand or fall by the same." In Mr. Buchanan's forth coming work, it is presumed this letter will be conspiciously inserted. The citizens of CJay county, Illinois, have made formal complaint to the Governor of the fact that that country is overrun with rebel soldiers and disloyal citizens, who in sult and even assault the Union people; wear butternut uniforms, and display flaunt ing rebel badges. The Governor has assur ed tbem that the laws shall be enforced, and that any person making himself in any way liable will be punished to the letter. Relics of the Past. Some classes of person.? will become otaelute by the purify ing process of war. The negro drivers occu pation is gone ; the poor white trash of the South will be renovated and be turned to some good account ; the doughfaces of the North will become an extinct race. The auction block, the slave whip, the negro pen will disappear, or be kept m museums, as curiosities of an ancient barbarism. An employee in the Surgeon General'sof fice at Washington has discovered a new use for petroleum. His invention consist of a simnle process of adhering the debris of dust of coal minesof yards with petroleum and in lumps or blacked masses, which ignite readily without use of soft coals or kindlings, lasts longer, and gives out a more intense heat than ordinary anthracites, ana costs a bout half as much. Would They ? The Springfield Eepvb- lican says that if "the Southern negroes had the suffrage to-morrow, they would be mnch more likfily to follow the lead of the white men around them, than that of politicians in Massachusetts, of whom or their ideas not one in a hundred know anything." This we know is the view many, good men take but is it the right otte? The Capture of Jeff. Davis. Correet Ac count. Col. (now Gen.) Pritchard, of the 4ti Michigan cavalry, who captured Jeff. Davis and party, is now in Philadelphia. He gives a correct account of the ciscumstanoes attending the capture, which we buljoin: It appears that Ger. Pritchard (theu Lieutenant Colonel) with his detachment of the 4th Michigan cavalry, fell in with a de tachment of the 1st Wisconsin cavalry whose officer informed him he was on Davis' traiL Magnanimously allowing them to pursue it. Gctiernl Pritchard moved his party to the left and making a long cctir, by a rapid march, reached about nihtf ali a wood where he learned that a party was euoa.mpci whoui he suspeeed of bciug those of whom he was in search. Posting guards all around the wood, he gave orders that at daylight the main column should advance upon it. But about 3 or 4 in the morning he heard firing to his left and then occurred the unfortun ate collision between his men and tho lit Michigan. Hurrying to the scene, the mis take was discovered and he returned to his command. The advance on tbe woods was made and was a complete surprise to the camp, for there was no resistance. Pritchard was re quested not to desturb a couple of tents, as the occupants were ladies, who vcie dres sing. He complied with the request. Byand by a couple of ladies, one of whom wore a white night gown md a shawl and who proved to be 5lrs. Davis, appeared and ask ed that an old lady with thtui might be al lowed to go to a spring to get some water. The "old lady" wore a lady's water-proof cloak fastened about the waist and reaching to the heels ; a large shawl, with a black ground and colored border, covered the head and the upper part of the person, and the wearer carried a tin bucket. The requesl wa3 granted and a couple of Holdiers were sent with the "lady" to the spring. On the way one of the soldiers detected the boots of a man beneath the femanine skirts, and at once suspected that they had Davis. He was taken back to Col. Pritch ard and soon confessed that he was Jefferson Davis. Preparations were at once made for removing him and the whole party, and they were safely conveyed to the sea coast. It will be observed that the main facts of the capture are almost precisely as they were at first reported. The accounts of Mrs. Davis' conduct are not as correct. She did not make the re ported remark about "the President" or complain of any thing, except on one occa sion. That was when she requested that the guards should not carry their guns cock ed. Col. Pritchard had.'to exr lain that the were only half-cocked ; that they were the Spencer carbine, which, when a charge is in the chamber, has to be kept at a half-cock, and that there was no danger. After this explanation there was no more complaint. Praying with their Friends. How often we omit prayer because of some fact which is the very reason for offer ing it. One of the most common excuses for not praying is that we are with others. A pastor, speaking of a devout young chris tian, says: "In the course of our conversation she referred to a young ladv, a dear friend of hers, who some time before had gone to be with God. Their friendship was of the most sacred character, bo pure and perfect that they seemed almost one. They were friends of Jesus and friends in Jesus. They were often, very often together, and, in speaking of the b!csedness of their inter views, the remarked: 'Whatever part of the house we were in, however limited our time, or whatever the circumstances sur rounding us, we never parted without praver.'" Never parted without prayer! Then they never parted without a blessing. Lov ing each other, they loved God more for the congenial natures he had given them, while God, pouring in through these channels of holy communion the elements of his own bliss, made their hearts swell with perpetu al tides of love. In one of his terrible menaces, Jeff. Da vis declared that when all the men ofthe South were put to death in battle, the wo men would seize their weapons and beat back the Northern vandals. When cap tured, the "President" evidently thought that the time had come when tbe women must maintain Southern chivalry. He would himseif lead them in petticoats. The Emperor of the French is having con structed at Toulon, a ram, pure and simple, which is to carry no guns at all, but butts its way through all obstacles, and attacks fleets as a sword-fish attacks whales. By dispensing with guns and putting the whole weight into armor and engines, the Emper or hopes to have a vessel that will send eve rything else to the bottom tovt de suit. A son of Dr. Breckenridge having return ed from the rebel army, the old man asked him in hisquintway,"Myson,bave you found out what you've been lighting for?" "Yes, father," the returned prodigal replied, "We've been trying to get the nigger into Kansas." Can the histqjy of the war, from a Southern stand-point be given in fewer words ? OiTT-k Tli a withdrawal of Brousrh. has ,l.Ua - - t7 reduced tbe contest for Governor, in the ea rning State Uonvention, to uen. lox ana Hon. Samuel Galloway. It is represented the former has the chances. The army del egates are sai 1 to be almost unaimous fbr him. It has been decided by the Ma?onio au thorities that the division of Virginia iseoa- rtitutionai, and that the Lodges in West Vinn! ara hsrtlvA frnm t Kft innsdtctaon of the Grand Lodge of OH Virginia. i ti t :: if'.' fl it ; v;i Uv Hi Hi. w tf f tt . - m in i m un m 11 J n J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers