RAFTSMAN'S Jlaft-smunVs gcurna. Tvrone and Clearfield Railroad. . . J , 1 rrone at : : : : : 8.5oa. m. SpSb0rg.t : ;1T 00 a.m. Train leaves PhiHpsburg at : : : 3.56 p.m. Arrive at Tyrone at : : : : 5 oo pm. TTTF-ToTrrcRi nrox. adertising RA AND JOBBING. 2 00 current volume, unless paid for before January i.n'rs and F-x'rs notices, each. 6 times, Au iii'T S uo'.ices, each, acn-ns and Estrays, each. 3 times, I;.-':aMon notices, each. 3 time. Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less .i time, oi Ie.3, For each subsequent insertion, fffieial Advertis.g, for each square of 10 lice?, or less 3 tiuiea. or less, Fc r ei -h suiiseqnnnt insertion, " Trtife.-s-''"' card, it line, one year, I,.- - ,1 uoticcs. per line. 1 time, ( ri-nary notices, ovtr 5 lites. per line. Yearly Advertising, one sqaare, : : : yertv Advertising, two squares. : : Tear'V Adver;isiag. tbrce .qures, : Yearly A''rt?fi.ing. one-fourth co'inmn, V- jriy Advertising. oie-h.tif column, Teariv Advertising, one column, F. irks .sir jtle quire. :::::': l:!n,ks .3 quires, per quire. : : : : J.l.u.ks. o quires, per quire. " ; : : : Llai.Vs- ovrr quire, per quire. : : : liabdbi'U. etch th sheet. 25 or less. f-urth sheet, 25 " - half fbpet. 2 " " whole shept. 25 " 2 SO 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 01 12 0 15 0(1 2n 00 35 0(1 60 CO 2 50 2 CO I 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 5. 8 03 Artr 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates Tv rocs rites wore otrree j upon, by the en '. -..-icned. on the 3d day of December. 1S34. and he strictly adhered to during the present ti-'h prievs of'all kinds of printing materials. D. V. MoO!!E. Publisher of '-C'earfieid '"epub'ican." s j. uay. Publisher of ' Raftsman's Journal.' TJinOS STATE CO3VENTI02J. A State C;'!'l'ention will be h obi at Har rVvirgott Vv'sdnesday, TilE 19TII Jclv. l-Co. at 12 o'c-ck for the purpose of fatting in nvutr.af.ion a State tieket, to be supported by the friends of theUniou at the of tiling October election. The earnest an zealous labor? of loyal pnna secure 1 the creat victory in l.St',4, and ra ie the war, which onr enemies denounc ed as a failure-, a glorious ?ucees$ in Ij-05. Our flag has been maintained our er,e rr.ies destroyed our Government re-orv-e b and peace re-establisbeA Let every friend, who aided in thi. result, take measure- to be represented in that Convention. Tv'e mu?t see to it that tbe fruit? of our luc res? are not lost to the Nation. r?uinev of vast importance will be pre sented for its consideration, and every dis trict in the Stitc should W. represented. Simon Camkron, Chairman. A. W. Benedict. ' WlEN I'OItNF.Y, J Secretaries. JIais. On Monday and Tuesday we we re favored by a succession of copu ns rains, which will have tbe effect of rapidly ad vancing all the growing crops. Grain and gra?H promise an abundant yield tbe present scioon. roCND about the 12th of May last, H miles east of this place, an overcoat some whnt worn, with several small articles in the p.tcke?. The owner can have the same by calling at this oSv, an 1 giving a uecrip tien. Tire by Litt-itmng. During tbe rain E" "rTn on 'a-' Monday forenoon, the light - c- r-;- :l ;rce near this place, and set it on fre. Although it rained pretty hard all tbe time, the Same was not extinguished, and tbe Ore continued until the tree burnt i'I an. fell. 150 TIewap.d. Incendiarisms being of frequent occurrence in Knox township, of Jate. the citizens of tbe town-hip have deter mined to procure the arrest and punishment of the perpetrators, it ioBsilh, and accord ingly offer a reward of $150. See .adver tisement in to-day's. J.y.frih-.f. New Curncn. We un lerstan 1 that the Frc-byiesian congregation in this borough, have in contemplation the erection of a new church edifice, and that tbe suliscriptions f..r that purpose already exceed seven thousand 1 liars. Tlie building is to be of brick, and "sheii completed will be quite an addition to our toan, and a credit to the congregation. The ForxPRY. By reference to our ad v rti-ing columns it will be ssen that Mr. B. llarley, has refitted the Clearfield foundry, I is now prepared to make to order all LinJs of castir gs. Farmers and mill-owners tbould bear this fact in mind. Ben is a good workman and will give general satisfaction ; aad hence, deserves to be liberally supported. Destructive Fire in Harrisbtirg. A fire on the morning of June 15th in II -irrisburg destroyed Fleming's coach fac tory and blacksmith shop. James Foulter's Billiard saloon, I less' news depot, and William ParkerhiU's dwelling house and plumbing establishment. Tlif Daily Tele grnh printing office was partially destroj ti. aad Bryant's Hall damaged. The Ex-thir.L-e. the County Courf House, and the Sutc- Arsenal were sometime iu danger, but fortunately escaped. The total lass is I31.U00, partially insured. The fire is at tributed to incendiarism. A Mobile clergyman went to General Granger and asked him if he proposed to compel the rebel clergy to pray for Andrew Johnson? "Compel you!" was the Gen eral" reply; "why, if your prayers don't do tre President of the United States any more food than they have to Jeff Davis, it's no it of consequence about your prayers any-T-" Tht parcon took a naw view of th ' bi. - : r.;.-,Ti in advance. I year, : : : c.bfMTiption. if not paid within the year, 3 (M 1 khnr rites of tubfeription to apply to tho A2airs in Geor;-; Tlie Chattanooira Gazttlr .says that Bre vet Major-General J. II. Wilson, c-m-njan ling our forces in lower Georgia, has his headquarters vt 3Iacou. His adminis tration of affairs is giving general satisfac- j tion to all classes. Thousands of negroes j left tbe plant iti ins in Alabama an 1 Georgia and followed his corps on their march. Several hundred of them have been put to work repairing and keeping in order the railroads used by our forces, and in other government work, and the rest of them are now being sent back to their homes, to ena ble the planter- to raise crops. It IS yet well remembered that when the war for the suppresson of the rebellion broke out, that the Northern sympathizers in our midst gathered the old copper .cents and had them trausfered into breast-pins to in dicate that they were copperheads. Now, that the chief of the rebels has adopted the "'petticoat." would it not be well for them to get a new badcre? No suggestion is need ed as to what it should be. - About five hundred Sioux Indians, in camp fifteen miles west of Fort Mitchell, ar d .supposed to be friendly, on the 14th inst attacked a guard of a hundred mer un der Capt. Fouks of the 11th Ohio Veteran Cavalry, killing Capt. Fouks and four men and woundinz seven. A r.umler of the In dians were killed. The Indians crossed over to the north side of the Platte lliver. Adjutant-General Morse of Connecticut has just made a report of the number of men furni.-hed by that State for the war. The total quotas were 47.02, and the State has fui ni-hed 54,46S men, including nine months enlistments and re-enlistments. ll-?ducing the whole to the standard of three years, there have Leen furnished 47,572. Two Arkansas Bebel regiments and a battalion of cavalry arrived at Fort Smith on Friday, and surrendered their arms, transportation, horses, and wagons, and are being paroled. They have not been paid for two years. They say they are going home to fight gueii las, if necessary to se cure peace. The los; at the Chattanooga lire amount ed to 20 .(K". and that at Nashville to nearly $ "5.000. (HW, which may be reduced o'li-haff by theiron, ehiins, machinery, tbut may be saved from the wreck. It is tlie opinion of the authorities that these fires were the work of incendiaries. A Citizen of Massachusetts has written to Wa-hiuL'ton sigge-tiug that the gallows on which Jdin Brown was hung lie secured and taken to Washington for future use. Out. of seventy thousand soldiers that have gone to the front from Iowa, only one has beeir di.-honorably dismissed from the .service. MARRIED: On the 15th June, 1n"5, at, St. Paul's Church, Lock Haven, by Bev. C. W. Knanff. John G. Hall, Esq.. to Miss E. A. Hyde, both of Bidgway, Fa. No cards. It is with emotions of pleasure that we record the above union of hearts and bands. We ex len d to the happy couple our warme st congratulations, and hope that their present blLsf'ul anticipations may be fully realized. InTnlon township, on June 11th lsr,5, by D. Dressier, Eq., Mr. J. W. T. Hol i.opetek of Union tp., to Mi-s M. C. Ster ling, of Curwensviile. So then ; another soldier is captured at last. For three years our friend evaded be ing taken by the rebels, yet the strategy of a young la jy accomplished his capture in a lew weeks. But, lucky fellow that he is, instead of being captured and robbed by rebs, he is the recipient of about 140 pounds Sterling. May prosperity ever attend the happy couple. DIED : At his residence iu Bell town.-bip. Clear field county, J'enn'a. on June 13th, iSoo. James Bluer, E-q'r, in the 70th year of his age. The de ca-t-d was born in Mifflin t urg. Union county, Pa., and in early life re moved to what is now Clinton county. From there he came, in ls.32, with his fam ily, to the place of his residence and death. At the time of his removal hither, Clear field cfuntv was comparatively a wilderness: a"d- he was of those who devoted a life of persevering toil and energy to its improve ment and advancement. Iu 1S47 he was e-h-cied to the office of county Commissioner, for a term of three vears. and performed the duties of the trust with credit tohim.-eii and profit to the people. Being a man ot genial manners, prompt and upright in his business relations, and pure in his morals, he obtained and preserve 1 the respect of all who knew him. As a warm hearted friend, an affectionate father, a devoted husband, an honest man. and a firm believer in the blight hopes of a Christains. future, he has passed from our midst. May he rest in peace. X Clint ; n papers, please copy. TL-S. Tax Appeals. U. S. Assessor's Office, ltith District, Pa., ) OSce, Curwensviile. Clearfield co , Pa. J "JToti E is hereby given that the assessment lists, valuations and enumerations made and taken within the aasessineiit district composed of the county of Clearfield, State of Penn'a. by the as sistant assessor, under the Laws of the United ."-tates. will remain open to all persons concerned for examination for the space of 15 days from the J5th day of June, A. l. 18o5. at the offi?e of Win. Hemphill, Esq.. Assistant Assessor of 1st Division at Curwelsvilie in the said county of Clearfield And. at the same place, the undersigned Asses sor of this collection district., will attend on the .'Sdth of June. 1SG5. to receive, her, and deter mine all appeals relative to any erroneous or ex cessive valuations or enumerations by the assist ant assessor. . In regard to appeals, the law provides. '-That the question to be determined by the assessor, on an appeal respecticg the valuation or enumera tion of property, or otjeets liable to duty or taxa tion, shall "be. whether the valuation complain ed of be or be not in a just relation or proportion to other valuations in the same assessment dis trict, and whether tbe enumeration be or be not correct. And all appeals to the assessor as afore said shall be made in writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a decision is requested ; and shall, moreo ver, state the ground or principle of inequality or arrftr complained of " -, or error comp DANIEL LIVINGSTON. Assessor f ta 19th collection district. 4 FARM WANTED, having from 30 to g acres cleared, tillable land, with soma tim ber land. Poor buildings po ebjection. Address, girin location, description and terms. C.W.ROB BINS, May 3,-."t p;l Port Richmond. Pa. E XECFTORS' NOTICE. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Moses Fulton, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Penn'a, having been granted to the undeisigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said esta'e are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. AXNA II. FULTOX, T. X FULTON, June 14. lS65-pd. Executors. 1YESTER. CENTRAL 1C. R. CO Xo- T v tice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders in the Western Central Railroad Co. of Penn a. will be held at the '-M'llenry House'' in Meadville. Crawford county. Pa., on Monday the 3d day of July. lSt"5 for the purpose of elect ing one President, one Vice President, and twelve Directrs for said company, between the hours of 2 and so clock, p. in. WALTER BARRETT, June 1, l:v5. Secretary. ELI EF NOTICE. The Board of Relief for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tbe Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Wednes day and Thursday, the 2sth and 29th days of June, lSt5 The Hoard of Relief have directed that the wife of tbe soldier must appear before the board, aud produce her sworn st&iement. detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the t. wnship in which they resided at the time ot enlistment, and their present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for herself and children w ho are dependent upon he Two witnesses of credibility from the township in which she resides, must also be produced. hosj certificate (sworn to before the Board of Reliet) must et forth t'lat the applicant is the person she represents herself to be. that the statement of the number and age of her family is true, that she is in destitute circumstances and her family in ac tual want, and that all the facts set forth ia her application are correct and true Forms containing these requisitions can be ob tained at the Office of the Board of Relief, when application is made and the witnesses appear. N. B. Illness of tbo aplicant, properly proven will excuse personal attendance. June 7, ISfij. WM S BRADLEY, clerk. 0, W. & H. W. SlYliTH, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., Room, heretofore occupied as a Post-office. j 1865 1865 GRAND OPENING OF SPRIISTG GOODS, - comprising a general assortment of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware, Wooden-ware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, kc, ic, &c. Best quality of PrinU, Delaines. Mozambiques, Linen, Poplins, Baliarines. Lavellas. Ginghams check, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls, plain silks, fowlard silks, cassameres cottonades, jeans, tweeds, satinetta. bleached muslins Jat less than city wholesale prices) brown muslins. HOSIERY, filorcs. Ribhons.Trimmings. But tons, (in great variety) collars.velvet ribbon. veils, headnets, embroidery, braids, har.dkershiefs. la dies elastic pages, whalebones, bindings, chil drens'. misses", and ladies hoop skirts, Quaker and Corset Skirts. NEW STYLE BALMORALS. Sugar, Tea. Coffee, Molasses. 5pices.Ac..0ranges, Split Peas. Lemons. Full Tea Setts, Dishes, com mon and fine ware, cups. saucers. preservejars Slq. TUPS, Brooms. Churns, Mops, Buckets. Meas ures, brushes, combs, wicks, fancy baskets, bowls, door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, etc-, etc. Children?. Misses and Ladies' morocco boots, shoes, baluiorals. and gaitors. Mny 24. I 1ST OF RETAILERS of ForeigD and Do J niestic Mer haridize in Clearfield county for the year lSti5, subject to the pa?nu nt of License. N AMES KEsOKNC K CLASS. TO PAT. John Robson, Beccaria tp. . 13 SUl 00 L W. WeU, " " 14 7 00 Israel Cooper, - " H 7 90 Samuel llegarty, " " 14 7 00 Thomas Groom, " " 14 7 00 Wm. Brady. Bell town"p, 14 7 00 H. L. Henderson, 14 7 00 Lewis Smith. " 11 7 00 S. V. Thompson, Boggs tow'p, 14 7 09 IVra. Albert i Co. Bradford tp. 14 7 00 J.,hn Holt. " - 14 7 00 D. tloodlander, Brady tow'p 14 7 00 l K. Arnold, 11 7 00 S A mold. t " " 13 00 R. H. Moore, " 14 7 00 Geo. Wilson, " " 14 7 00 Carlile A Co " " 14 7 00 Lobough A Curhers. " " 14 7 py Arnold k Ttrpe. " " 14 7 00 E. M'.Masters Burnside tp. 14 7 00 J. R. M'Murray, - 14 7 00 Vni. Feaih ;l " 14 7 00 A. 1'MebiD 4 Ero. " " 14 7 00 II Patcbin " " It 7 00 lrvin ilro s " " 13 10 00 Wm. Hunter, Chest tow'p. 14 7 00 J.P. Kratzer. Clearfield Bor. 12 12 50 Richard Mossnp. " 11 15 00 Reizenstein Bros, k Co " " 14 7 00 C. W. A- H. V Smith. ' 13 10 00 Urn. F. Irvin, " "It 7 00 Merrell A L-igler, " " 13 10 00 Boynton A Showers. " ' 12 12 5u 11 F. Naug'.e. " " 14 7 00 A. K. Wriijbt A Sons. " " 14 7 00 Francis Coudrii t, Covington tp. 14 7 00 Claudius Barmov, " " 14 7 00 llegarty A Gaur'in, " " 14 7 00 J. D. Thompson. Curwensvi'Ie, 13 10 00 Hippie A Faust, " 14 7 00 Jared F. Irvin. " " 13 10 00 AioiitgomeryAUartsock ' 14 7 00 Ed A Irvin. " " 11 15 00 A Montgomery, D'eatur tw p. 13 10 00 Augustus Leconte, Girard tw'p, 14 7 00 A S. i'lckiiison, Goshen tw'p, 14 7 00 Tho s Forcee. Graham tw'p, 14 7 00 Elliott A Miller, Guelich tw p, 14 7 00 11. A Ionian, " 14 7 00 Patrick Flinn, 14 7 00 Wm. Brady, Houston tw'p, 14 7 00 David Tyler, " 14 7 00 11. Woodward, " 14 7 00 11 Swan. Jordan tow p, 14 7 00 Dav id M Feehan, ' 14 7 00 Wm. S Sankey, Karthaus tp. 14 7 00 Isaac M Closkey, " " 14 7 00 James Forrest. Lawrence tp. 14 7 00 Hiles. Kirk A Co. Lumber-city, 14 7 00 Kirk A Spencer, " ' 14 -7 00 John Ferguson, ' " 14 7 00 J.C.Brenner, Morris tow'p, 14 7 00 Leonard Kvler. " " 14 7 00 J. C. Brener. A Son, ' " 14 7 00 Laushe. White A Co. Osceola, 14 7 00 S. Hammerslaugh " 14 7 00 A. Shaw A Co 41 14 7 00 Tho s Wall A Bros , Penn tow'p, 14 7 00 David Brubaker. Vnion tp. 14 7 00 John M Chase. Woodward tp, 14 7 00 Tbo s Henderson, 14 7 00 George Uegarty, " " 1 0J DRUGS. nartswick A Huston, " " 4 5 00 C.D.Watson. " " " 5 00 CONFECTIOSERS ASD GROCERS. W. Entras. "" f f Wm. Hoffman, " " f 5 00 Stephen Graff, Curwensviile 8 5 00 E. Goodwin. " " 8 5 00 BREWERS AM DISTILLERS. Charles Haut. Clearfield 10 5 00 HessenthaltrALeapoId- " 10 JohriFeeney, " 10 . . 5 00, The appeal will beheld at the Commissioners offiee, in Clearfield on Thursday the 29th day of June at 10 o'clock A. m. WM. H. THORP, JBM 7th, ltU. Mronila Apprir. SETTLE YOUR ACCOUNTS. All per sons knowing themselves in any way indebted to the undersigned, are requested to call and set tle their accounts without further delay, as our books must be balanced. A. H. PIERCE BRO. Burnside tp., May 17, lS65-p. STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of the subscriber, in, Lawrence township, on the 25th of April, a small red cow. with white spot in face, some white on rump, end of tail white, and the point of left horn broke off. and is fie years old this spring. Any information respecting her whereabouts will be thankfully received, or alib eral reward paid for her return. May 17, 1S65. NATHANIEL RISHEL. C CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned J against purchasing or meddling with the fol lowing property, to wit: Ore rone mare, one bay horse, one 2-year old roan colt, one yearling gray colt, one brindle cow. and one black cow, nw in tbe possession of Hiram Barrett of Jordan town ship, as the same belongs to me and is subject to my order at any time. U. SWAN. June 14 l505-pd. NORTn AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, $500,000. Agency at the offiee of H. B. Swoope, Esq , CLEARFIELD, PA, This company grants policies to secure the pay ment of a fixed sum in the event of death by ac cident, with a weekly allowance in case of icjury, on paymentof au annual premium, ranging ac cording to the occupation of the insured. An ex cellent opportunity is thus afforded to the Lum bermen of Clearfield county, to provide for their families, in the event of aocident on tbe river, or elsewhere. Particulars and circulars may be bad on application to H. B. SWOOPE, Agent. MayoO CHEAPER STILL!! SEASONABLE GOODS JCST RECEIVED AT WILL1A3I F. IRWIN'S STORE, OS MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD. PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST GOODS ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tna reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine bu stock of goods, and ascertain tbe prices before purchasing elsewhere as be leels persuaded none undersell him. Hie stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, GEOCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Goto the '-cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. May 24, ISBd WM F. I RAVIN. NEWS ! NEWS !! ANOTHER CAPTURE ! And New Goods Arriving at Mossop's Ft I C II A II I) MOSSO P, DEALER IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. &.C.. MAKKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. SELLS The Cheapest Goods IX THE COUNTY. Read the following list of poodxaiui profit thrrehy. Chs4 FOR THE LADIES. .ood Ohrap Always on hand a large stock of La- Q00(is Cheap Cheap Ch z p Chup Cheap Cheap dies goods sucn as uoourg v-iom Alpacas' De LaineS; Ginghams, Prints, Chinti. Kerchiefs. Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, 1 1 Goods I Goods i Goods Hioods lirujt Always on band Black, Blue. Brown .Good hrani and Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black lioodx Cheap Cheap Cheap) Casimeres. Sattinets, Cassinets, (roods Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Ooodt ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. Gowlx Ch'ap READY-MADE. t'taodt Che-ap Such as Coats. Pants. Vests. Under-Good L.heap shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Cheap, JJoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Neck Cheap ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Che.ap a variety of other articles. n i. j Goods Goodt Goods I Goods y.',faP HOUSEHOED GOODS. C'W:Such inbleacbed and Bleached''""'' Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen Goods Gtods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap', Cheap Cheap and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. AC. Lsiiiop Ch eup Chej,n -iyou waonain ur fpiae. .uanuro (Joods , r i v- -1 : l -.r Cheap, or other forks, i-aw-mill or other Goods Cheap saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, -Goods CheJp Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's Goods Cheap where you can buy cheap. Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Chenp Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Goods Cheap Shoe and Stove hlacking. Manilla Goods Cheapi and bemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Clte-ap Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, Cheap etc., buy them at Mossop's. Cheap if YOU WANT Cheap Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Cheap goap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win Cheap dow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes Chetp or wicks, coal oH, etc , go to Cheapi Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods orp ip VOH WANT Goods Cheap brown sugar, hams, shoulders or Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap ; Goods Goods I Goods Goods sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. Cheap', IF YOU WANT Goods CVJiiiTallow candles, fine or coarse saltGoorf Cueap Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Goods Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- Goods Cheap do craeKers. call at Mossop's Goods Cheap where you can buy cheap. Good Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Port wine for Medical or Saeramen-;o7oo(j Cheap tal uses, Swjet wine, old Monon- -Goods Cheap gahela or rye wbisKy, Cherry Goods Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Goods Cheap ' Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Cheap jp YOC WANT Goods Cisav u - A-il -. troods Cheap Cheap rants; filberts, cream, peon or ground nuts, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Ch'ap Cheap Cheap To boy any other article cheap, be Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap sure to go to Mossop, for he sells Goeds cheaper lor casn man any otner , Goods person in Clearfield county. -Good Cheap November 27. 1861. ap27'59. Croo3s Approved ctnxtnr prott ttee or every jcma lateen ai the usual market prices in exehang for rondt. SALT a rood article, and very cheap at the storof WM. F. IRWIN. Clear fielL U. S. 7-30 LOAN. TliliFtTJ SERIES. " 8230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subserip tion Agent for the sale or Un:ted Stte securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the 7-30 iIOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15th. IS65, and are payable three years from that data in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS, These Bonds are now worth a handsome premi um, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State. County, and Municipal taxa tion, which adds from one to thr je per cent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per ct. amounts to One cent per day on a $50 note. Two cents per day on a 100 note Ten cents per day on a 500 note. 20 cents per day on a 1000 note. 1 per day on a 5000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of this third series are precisely sim ilar in form and privileges to tbe Seven-Thirties already sold, except th at the Government reserves to itself the option of payiDg interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th at the time they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of tbe Seven thirties will commence on the 1st of June, and will be made promptly and contiuous ly after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this Third Series affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold. if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize pri ces that purchases made with six per ceut. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent in currency. This is The Only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $200,000,000 ot the Loan authorized by tbe last Congress are dow on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed will all be subscribed for within two months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has nniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other loans. In order that the citizens of every town and section of country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be re sponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAT COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. May 15th, 1S55. Subscriptions will be received at tha First National Bank of Clearfield. First National Bank of Curwensviile. County National Bank of Clearfield. PROVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, cheese, dried beef, dried Iruit, received regularly, at the store of Mar. 22. J. P. KRATZER. MUSICAL. PROF. AV. LIGHTON. rspect fully announces that he will be in Clearfield in a few weeks and will take a limited number of pupils in Piano music. Pianos tuned and repair ed on reasonable terms. May 24. 165. LIME. AVe are now prepared to furnish wood and coal-burnt Lime, from tbe celebrated "Bellefonte Limestone, " at short notice. Our wood-burnt Lime is equal to any other Lime pro duced in the State. Orders to ship by Railroad promptly attended to. Address. SHORTL1DGE A CO.. May 24, 1865-3m. Bellefonte. Pa. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE Letter testa mentary on the estate of Jr.seph Michaels, late of liurnside township, ClearhelJ county, ra, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. WM. HCXTO.V. May 10, l(5o-pd. Executor. AD M I N ISTRATORS N OTI C E Letters of Administration on the Estate of John AV Graham, lateof Bradford townp Clearfield coun ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present th;ia properly authenticated for settle ment. GAVEN GRAHAM, ED. DALE. May 2. 1 B65-pd. Administrator's. FLEM KC:OTL.ll.irA."Sr, WITH GRAFF, W A T K I N & CO., AVholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 425 Market Street, Philadelphia. PAC", GRAFF. : : ISAAC WATKISS. Z I W. H. WEIMZB Ap.23 THOS. SAPPI5GT0X . IS65 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 135 Broadwat, N Y. cash capital. :::::::: $2,000,000 00 assets. 1st July, 1S64. : : : : : 3,OC,H0 00 liabilities, ::::::::: 51,577 54 CHAS. S. MARTIN. President. A. . WI LLMAKTH, V ice-President. JOHN McGEE, Secretary. Policies of Insurance against Loss or Damag by fira.by J. H- FCLFORD Agent. August 17, 164-m. CUarfild Pa SEED POTATOES for sale by (Apr. 26.J J. P. KRATZEK. 4 LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paint, otto, white d.etc.. at fc. A. IRVINS FISH, Salt and plaster In large quanU t Mar 22, lad. J. P. hLRAlZER. jnOTOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS, for sals at Hart wick A Huston t:iwrneia. ra OIL TERRITORY AND LEASES lor salebv H. B. SWOOPE, Clearfield. Pa., Mar. 22. 1585. Atty at Law. IOR SLE a goobl-horse Rockaway Bug gy. For particulars inquire at tbe jaarca zt. isoo. JOURNAL OFFICE. LEATF1EK sn assoitment for sale MERRELL A BIGLER December 14, 1S64. Clearfield FLOUR. A large quantity Extra Family Flour, in Barrels. Satk s and i Sacks for sale by Feb. 22. IS55 W. F. IRWIN. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any way medling with a certain Gray Maje. now in possession of Ja cob Miller of Decatur township, as tbe same be longs to me and has only been left with said Mil ler on loan, subject to my order at any time. May 3. !S65-pd. ISAAC GOS3. HIPPIE & FAUST, dealers t FOREIGN AND DOIdESTIC DRY-GOODS, - MAIS STREET, CCEWSSSTILLI, PA." THE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stwec of merchandise of the late firm of Pat ton. Hippie A Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drags. Queensware, Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Muslins, De Laine Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc,, whisk they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR "READY PAT. Grain. Pore, Shingles and Boards, taKen fa ex change for goods. AA'e respectfuliy asK a share of patronage. Call and examine our store. Curwensviile. Dec. 11. HIPPLE A FAUST. N a. The accounts of Patton. Hippie-A Co., are in oar hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle tbe same as we desire to have the books closed. . December 11. 1S61. HIPPLE A FAUST. CLOTHING!!!! Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with ft suits of seasonable and lahionable clothing a REIZENSTEIN BRO'S & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induce them to increase thatr s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of-the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's & Co., Sell go at a very small profit, for cart ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his aootf. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock at red Mad prices they can sell cheaper than other. For these and other reasons persons should biy their clothing at REIZENSTEIN BRO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 13, 1S64 FIRST ARRIVAL! SPRING Sc STJ-NTMER JDJEtrST GOODS. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have received their first supply of Seasonable Goods. which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASn PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety e Dry-Goods. Groceries. Hard-wars, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, AVil low-ware, AA'ooden-ware, Provisions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, A a. LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, eonsisticg of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams. Ducals. Prints, Me rinos, Cashmeres, Plaids. Brilliants, Poplins, Be rege. Lawns. Nankirs, Linen, Lace. Edgipgs, Col erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils. Nets, Corsetts, Na bias. Hoods, Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves, Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons, Hats. Trimmings, Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins. Irish Linens, Cambrics. Victoria Lawn, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs eta. Of Men's "Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmerets. Tweeds. Jeans, Cordu roys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Necki ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., ele. Ready-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Ovep coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, ets-. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies and Ge tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans. Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Rice, Crackers, A'inegar, Candles. Cheese, Flour. Meal. Bacon, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, to. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware. Egg beaters. Spice boxes, Wir Lad els, Sieves, Dasting pans, Lanterns, etc., eto. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Washboards. Bncketa, Tubs, Churns Wall-paper, Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Baiting, AVork baskets. Umbrellas, at. Rafting Ropes, . Augers, Axes, Chisels, Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. Mls, bpiKes. Uri-d stones, Moneware. Trunks, Carpet bgs, Powder, Shot, Lead, etot School Books, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and eon mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, Elates, ink stands, fancy and common envelope. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings. Glass and Putty. Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed eords and Bed screws. Matches, . Stove blacking, AV ashing soda and Soap, eto. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds. Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. A'arnishes, and in fae every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons toeall and examine their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. BOYNTON. SHOWERS A GRAHAM Clearfield. Pa.. May 10th. 185. TTTIIISKERS ! WniSKERS! Doyon wan, VY Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoth est faee or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six AVeess. Prioe, SI. 00 Sent by mail anywhere. closely sealed, on receipt or price. Addrc WARNER A CO., Box 158. Brooklin. X. York. Mscreh tk, 1995.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers