c ft 3 $?? : I .ill "& i! 3 V- ' 4- , V jr. P'!3 ill I ia : . '! "-" ':V.. : '4' -. .! -; 5 lei Hi: I il: ? J gtaftemanVs journal CLILFIELD, .PA., NOV. 20, 1?54. Raftsman's Journal Alraanae-lrG-i. r- 2 -? ? h ?: ? s: - la-it r- r 2. a 5 ! 1554 - 3 s- 'r- M 4 .. vL i '- - -;l JlLT. 1 2 ! 5 5 7 S 9 I 12 1.1 1 15 ! i ... : " " i 3x. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 ! a; 10 11 12 13 U li Is 17 IS la 21 21 22 25; 21 2 2-. 27 21 2J 3i; 31 ; Feb. 1 2 3 4 5 Irs 7 i 10 II 1 2 Li 14 15 16 17 HI 2"' 21 22 2-5 24 25 25 27' 2S 2J " ! ' 3 4 lu 11 17 is rj 2- 21 1j 2 i 27 I 22 T -a -0 ! I 2 .5 1 i 6 7 ; ii. 11 12 13 14 15 lri 17 H Yi 2 21 22 2 i 21 25 2d 27 2- li 30 31 1 2 3 4567891 0 11 12 13 14 15 lb YI 15 li 2H 2! 22 23 21 5 2-5 27 25 2i -50 1 2 3 4 5 f 7 b ) 10 11 !2 13 11 15 15 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 2) 27 2S 2 J Si 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1112 13 14 15 1 17 IS ly 2') 21 22 23 2i 25 2 27 25 2'J 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 2lAR. 1 2 3 4 0 -EP. 5 7 9 1' 10 H 12 13 11 15 15 !7 IS 13 -20 2! 22 23 21 25 2o 27 2a 2'J SO 31 ;iB. 1 2 Oct. 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 15: 17 13 10 2'J 21 22 23. Si 25 20 27 2-3 29 Mat. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 ?Tov. S 5 10 11 12 13 1 ; 15 1-5 17 15 ltf 20 21. 22 23 21 2i 'li 27 25. 2V SO 31 ' Joe. 1 2 3 4 Dec 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 Irt 17 t 19 20 21 22 23 21 2- 25 27 25 2j :;j .vi 10 31 COl'NTY DIHECTOIi Y " TIME OF 110LL'INi COI RT. '".1 Mondav in January, j 31 Monday in June .Vi in March. ( 4'h Of each year, and continue two week in .-ep: ci r. if necessury. COrXTY ANI) DIS.TRCT OFFICEKS. I'reg'tJudire Hon. Samuel Linn. Ileiiejouie. 1 t. J.',I..r, J. li. Thoict-son. Cur-.ve..-vil ic vuut-. - lion. James 100111 Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks, . .Protbonotary. 1). F. izweiler, . iiez. i Kec. . Isaiah il. Barker . I ';-irict rtt'y. Israel Test. ... -Treasurer..". C. Kri'ztr. . . Co. Surveyor, II. H. r:-ht. Coinmisi n'rs. Ja'iob Kuntz. . ' Ihos. doc-herty, A si os Head.' . . t orrest Cleai deid Glen Hope. Luthersbur Or. ll'ul. Clearueli. N.V.'ai'-tor Pfunaeid" l.ecmtes M:i Lec ?i tes Mi: (.'Is raeld. Auditors. . Chas Worrell, . Jl Woodward, . 1. F. Couiriet. Coroner . J V.'. Poster Co.i-uperind't C. ii. San Iforl. LIT OF POST-OFFICE.- roirnshiuS. S im" of 1' . O . W P.M. - Veil, i e ,r i iy "icke o. M I'r.ee Leearia, ilea ilope . I t: iVU.e. - - Tiico i .i " -' - lieg-trty i lioa ii r- iiu:o-i , nv m - - - ihos A. Eell. - - - Bower, , " .... Chest, - - -" - - - Cush. - - -. . . . i ister. i. - - -Edoom. - - Forrest, - - -!$..?. - - - Clearfield Bridge Lrad'ford, - Woodland. - -Eredy, - - - Luthersbur. . - . Troutvilie, - . Jtti'erson Line- -Bcrnaide, - New U'i.shinion ... Ijurnsiie. i ... Patetiinville. -" - - - East Kid.te, Cbest,- - - - Hurd, - - -4. ... M-iarvey. - -. ... W'estover, - -Clearfield, - Clearfield. - -Covington, - Frenchviile, " - - Karthaua, - - - J . W C iiiii. be ii . - II. L. ::L-!iji:rf'jti. - James .'-.olu. , - Jits. Forrest. - Yi'ji. Albert. - ii. Ii. Moore - Charles Sloppy. . John Heberlin. - Jiiu.es Oii,!i...er. - . C. Irvjrj. - Jack Pate Liu. - J. o ISoice. - (t. Torer. jf. - Wm M-'inrvcy - S A. Father. - M. A. Frank - P. A. Oaulia. - J. F.W- Schmxrr Curwensville CureiiSvilie, - T. W Flemin '. Leeatur. Philir.sbars. Cei.tre c .unty, Pa. - - NVeet "Decatur, - - Sophie Kadebach i . . Osceola Mills. . - T. p Ferguson. - Marron. - - - - LJm. Vi iiliiitus. For'! .... Hellen Post iffiee, Elk county-Pa. .;irr,! ... Leeonte's Mills, - C. Miguor. - - - Bald Hills, - -Goshen, - - Shawjviilo, - -Graham, - - Orahainton.- -(iuelich, - - Smith's Mills, - ' .... Ma-lera. - - -Huston. - - Tyler, - - - " - Pennfield, - -Jordan, - - Ansonvilie. - -Karthaus. - Salt Lick. - -Knox. - - - New Millport, -Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - ' ... Morrisdalc, - -Penn, - - - Lumber City.t - u .... Grampian Uilla, Pike, - - - - Cnrwensville, - " .... Blooiningville. -I'nion, - - - llocktoa, - - -Woodward. Jeffries. - - - William Carr. - A. 13. Shaw. Taos. H. Forcue - A. O. iox. - Chus. J. Pu-.ey. - liu-.id Tyler. - H. Woo F.vard - Eliza Chase. - (ieo. Ileckalorn . M. O. Stirk. - Jas Thompson - J. C ilreuner. - U V. Spencer. - A. C. Mooie. - T- W. Fleming. - llenj. F Dale. - I). Lrub iker. - iir.c-s Lockctt. iThia Post Office will do for - nest townsnij VTiU answer for Fergi son township. 8TATE & IT. STATES DIRECTORY OFFICERS OF PEXV Governor. - - - A.G Curtir.. Pec'v of Com. Eli .-lifer. - YLVAXIA. - - Cc litre cou nty - - Vnion count v Dep. Secretary, W. II. Armstrong. AmlitorGen. - Isa-M? Slei.ker, - - l uion county '. f-urveyor 'ien. - Jr.g. P. Bare - - - Pit'sbur;. j Attorney Gsn. - NV. M. Meredith, Phiiaieiphin ! Adjutant Gen. - A 'i. i.nssell. - - fctate Trensurer, W. V M'Grarh. -Pup. Com. Sea's Chas. It Coburn. ', lteputy Sup't, - S. P. rlates. - - - Crawford c-o Stato Librarian. Wien Forney. - - - ILirrisi.-ire Sri KEMB Cot i:T t. -"ef Justice. G- W Woo t- j ward, Associates. Jus Thomti.-o-i. Win Strong. ( j. M. l.eed. Di-Ajnew. Seions. Philndciphi-i ! lt Monday of Jntiuary. Harris'ruri; ith Monday ' of April, Sunbury 1st Monday of October, and in , Pittsburg on the 3d Mond.ty "f 'ctobcr. 0FFICEK5 UF THE UNITED S'i AXES. "President, -,- - Abraham Lincoln. f Illinois Vice President. Hannibal Hamlin, Of Maine. ?ec. of State. - Wm H Seward, - New York. Ittj. Ul i lJ.l.s Jf ... . . a ;.:i...iJ r-'ec. ot AYar. - E. M. Strtntori. -Sec. ot Navy Gideon Welle -Sec. of Interior leiae P. Usher- lainc Pctinsylviuii Connecticut. Iritliana. P. M. Gen. - - Montir. Blair, - - - Mnrylaud. Attorney Gen. - Ldward Hates, - - Missouri. frfREMS Cmtt. Chief Justice, lloijer B. Ta ney, of Maryland Associate .. uslices r-amuei ' Nelson of New York, llobcvt C. Grier "f Pcnnsyl- ' vania, John'M. Wiiync of Ge'irjrta. John Catron of Tennessee, Nathan Clifford of M line. Caleb li. Smith of Iniiiina. Meets in Washington city on the 1st Monday of December nnilE EXCELSIOR Sr.MlEAM l'fld J. TOGllAPII, AMBIlOl l PL AND IT XL Alii CAE. v T.. ..11 I. . ..' ' j y ; & Co , Vi- cently re- ' VvCllpt r fitted their -;4C? t'-'.. J Mammoth ? 5SV V-VVy V Car Market st, east of the "Court House, (at present) where they can supply all those ... iu want of pictures of any style or quality.. They it of pictures of any style or quality.. I'hey i skylight and sidelight combined, which is or to any- other light. Their pictures are ,, . . j i i, celled anywhere d fhev 'challenge com- have supern not exc , panson respecting quality ana price, norwitn- j .standing the increase iu price, of chemicals and j ' other material. They will take Photographs at the following low prices: Large Photograph.! i.t o. aua lor aciti ltion.ti copies 5-i.tM' car.ts kinds of pictures into photographs at reasonable price. ., f . BKADLEY AC ) 15 ber 1-i, lhH. 0lri8li P. , " -o plain, for Sl.2o: duplicates 2" cents. 4 cards, vig- 1 Ciie.re lo ,jUJ BDV olner article eneap. M, nette. $1,50; duplinatesM eeuts. i card Ferre- I Cheap' w H.i MuJsop, for he sells Qvois otvpes 51.50; duplicates 35 cents. ' ' Ulie-'p'. cueaper !. .- cash than anyther 'iGomt P. S. Particular attenfi on given to copying all ! Chrttp "person in Clearfield county. Goats TERMS OF THE JorR-NAL. The Kaptsmas's Joiesal is published on Wei- I cesday at SI. 50 per annum in advance. It not paid at the begir-nttsg of the year, sj.uu wm oe ckarzed. ADTERTl?eE.-TS will be inserted at 1.00per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less; ousting a square. For every additional insertion 25 cert will be charged A deduction will be insde to yearly advertisers. No subscription taken for a snorter time than six month?, and no paper will be discontinued un t?l all arrearages are loiid. except at the option of the nuhiisher. ' S. J- KOW. rflO HOUSE OWNERS. The undersigned i X hariu recently discovered an infallible ar.d j sinirde eure ff-r tb.at tniioyins malady in horses, t k&oVsi as - Hoof-boas!." Any pern fcadiri? Si ! in a let'er. will receive by rt-'urn ninil a re- re ; "iviD - proper directioas as to the nt-c.-55.irv treat- ! meat.! A 1 3 1 .-. JAC-'Il IKWIN. i September 21, l-rl-tf. Clearfield. Pa. , 1 J U L K L E Y 'S 1' AT E.VT-LV EKK DXI EI ! L l si I'KKHLATKD .-TEAM. The under- ! signed respectfully inturina the. people of Cle&r- j field and adjoining counties that Lehas the ft gen- ) cy of the above p atett atd will soil individual. J couuty or tow-hsp riht f.r iti ue 'J be lu:a- j ber dried by taU provess is rtroner. fiti.-jhe-s bet- i U:T. iieiisierou tools, and rejuirs !e.- time in drying than any tter prooe knovn. !.ryicg i ii.ch itisiibt-r perfectly in 3 hours btcter than Ujany laotths unJer the old system uriri tlio toe atnouiit of fuel p- r day that a eomuicra kiln ft.cst.Bic. The eertigj-ttte .-f a rin-.nbcr of resi- jcm. - . v. T amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical 01 i:s ktiliry. IVrsons desirou, f poieh:,.ti:g rights will al ires? oUil-N L. U II LU. June2i. i-iS'-i Cearfiell. Pci:ii"a IIIPPLE & FAUST, - i I0SZIC a: iJAl.S STHEKT. Cl-KW'fcSSVSi.1.1:, f. rfIIE l" N L E US ICiN Fit havlss taken th ft- X ofi-or "iippl- i, L :b-K:d;ze .. he ii ut t"ie l.i ;st a.Mc i re tirm o! a fresti i SEASO.VABLL' COOBS, co.j;pri-i:i irK;?rse. Lr.;. Queer.-" loots and .--lioes. Obi'Liji. Mu!ir.s. 1'c ire. 1'rii.t.s Sa-tinets. i laiit eis. c-s.. wtii they olTcr at ;o. i.rk-.-ii ron cash on heady pay iirair.. Pt-r:. SLtn'':es. tsr.l P'.arJ eji.ti.e fj.'-. is. V.'e respe :; !'u u eit 1 :i ex is s a s:. ire t j ..;r--n Cur wens vi i r.iii! zul lii: ii.e our S :. ; e. Dee. 1 1 . iti I'l'LL d I'Al .-T. N . The a..oou:is -if P.tf.oj. Ihppb .t Co . are in our Lands, ant we l.ertby i.o.ii pers.or.3 h:i ii g uriSett'ed accoun's. to 'rail in.-e'tie tbesu.e e dtsi.'e to have the feooiv"1 !.-: 1 lie-;vtuber 11. Ivll. HIPPLE .t FAl'sT. .NEW I IIOI AN!) NEW ;)()i)S. CARLISLE & CO-, I.E ALKiis IS acs i3 Lr7 Qri. Grcceii.s, PfILlPS3l'KG. CtStilE CCL t. - 1'F.N.' A. OAULISLS A C t.. hnve r-?c fct-cciiii; the Irtr - js; a- --vel ar,I aro jutt rtinetit of ttie LEt-I. .TiEAPE.-rr,-and icot. seasonable itoodti ever I-r zbt to this sctjtioa of Co-.: ,.tr y. c j.it'titiT.-j of Di:Y bO.liHANi) GI-toCEHtES; JsoLl .ill ii r.i .iti n; i eitsVi-art.' : LAI JILLS FUJi ubias Son'as. Palmora a r, a : : "hoes ; rkirts ; Hats. Caps. Boots a:.i Uea-ly-ni-t'l Ci jtLinrz htt st -.'; Cch.oci Uocks and Static-nary ; Ilice-tif.in-, i'ai'iiid. Ltud Coin St:tvc!i; L'ru-ts, Oils. Paints. Putty r.t-1 Glass: Coal-oil Lam; s. Wood and Wiiiow war-: : THI NKS AND CAKPET HAGS ; Pipe?. TobnciO and -c;rs; Fish. Sa't. N-iils, Coal and Lii.seed Oils: Flour. Feed and I'rov i-ions ; and ail ar;icles u.-ual ly kept in a country store All of which will besold CHEAP FOR CASH or ar proved produce, Lumber or ."hin'es. Nov is, 1 63-tf CARLISLE, i CO. NOW lb TilE TIME ! n i c i i a k i :m : s s i?, Hi.UtE t.N FOSSIGN AND DOMESTIC DH Y GOODS, iC, MAUn.LT Stfi.t.rr. Ch K A 8 FI r. Lt, PA. fita.J the folfowtuvt'M ofsro.liJ prnfit thfrrhif. C ' rati Ci(ifj C'. ' if.', Always on band a Inrjre stock cf La dies coo-is su.ih as Coburi: Cloth. A it iu-a.s, I'e Ltiines. liiuhnms. Prihta. Chintz. Kerchiefs. .Nu bles. IJonnets. (j loves, etc. I roil is ' l-..'-f1 ' r'.j.l.t l:,Ol (i ll) G'-ov.. i't- ;' fi.,:,.i G i (l ,U I Ofl'lV (I'luriS Ir-i t.is (i-.in i CiJO'l-1 rnoii': Go . .' (run 1 1 G.IOxl (rJtti FO.i GENTLEMEN. (.' in Always on han- l.i. t: 'OWti ic k and -irey Cloths. Fu;:t an I HI -noeres. S.i; li iie Is. -us. ineta. Twe-;-J.-.PU:c a:. 1 I'ai.cy Ycst ii is. Shirti-.i .;. cc. etc. etc. hEAL Y-MaIiE. Siiuli is Co.ttiS. i'ar. -. Wits, Umler-wiir'-i, an-1 other I birioe! shirts. Boots. Shoe. Ha's. Cape. Ne-k-ties.Gutu Ito- t.-ar.d .-iiocs.ai.d a xnt-ieiy of other articles, ii 'i ".-EH .'i l) lii'DbS. Such is; I'l.rdeai-l.t. i i itd Bleached ?du.-:lir..s. C"!f-r(-d ."'l.i- in. Lit:ea at.d .I'loii 'ableciotbs ' 'ii cloth. Linen ai.J In. nip Is. cir pct. ewitaiiis, fiine. eto iiAi.IiW.il.E, AC. If you v. -,iot Sails or spikes. Manure or titbor rks. S.i-:i-.iil or other taw si tmoothin irons. Locks, liiiies. e'... jt' to Mussop's where you can buy cheap. (.; : . . ( '-if C.-.r';, C ,-,. Ci-fl:, Cli:; c C.'if;ip Ufi ' j' C !.,, Chr.-,,. t '.-.,;, IF YOU WANT 'GVi.tG llutcht-r Kiiivcs.' Ouutt. Ki,i es n i .1 f orks. SSiotj iiii i '.-t-.ve id and hi-ii. p relies lVi.s. i"-.t l, r. e'.c , buy them ickit.g. Mai.ilU Gao l I i.k, i'.iper or 'Go-i .'t hot orL'iid, .G-juJi iit MiisM)ri'j. 'Go-tit IF YOU WANT .Gotiitx r-he-e Last or Pejrs. Palm or Fancv (ri' "'I J -i j (jl. j Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow S-h.vli'3. Lampj. L.'itirp tubes , or Wicks, coal oil. etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YoU WANT Good ', I ' r"rfi-i i j i Goo-it l'.od extra family Flour. White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or tides, coffee: Imperial. Young jiyson or bbicK ten, buy them at liossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT t ri'itffl if t7oi'j, (roou's G.'O: Gun txo a Or my V.hfup t'linin OlfH v Cht,.-p c ', C- v ' (Jll -d j) Ci f's.l I J r; Is TniiOwenridl.es. fine or coarse drm I Syrup or aioliis'es. cheese, dried (!.,ois at. pies or peaches, water or so- (rooJs do cracKers. call ft Mogscp's .Goo It where you can buy cheap . (1 , IF 'U WANT Goa.., Ci'ip Port wine for Medical or Sacramor,-''''-'('. t.firnp V-S'up CK'.xp tal lists' Sw et wiue, old Monon gii.hela or rye whisKy, Cherry Goods Gonds an 1 L ognac t-randy. buy at Gottls Guo'tt Gun 1 ('ro-i's Goo is G'to-is G-wis .Goo ' ;Go '. j Ql'tup: ' Alos3op s cheap cash store. . (Jh.-p , )j. WANT ! Ch o v. i ,.V. . " ' La use ua, rigs, liui.es or dried Cu CUcrp ,.,.,. bh-j.,.. ,,, Cur rants; niberts. cream, pecjn or i.hfnp Cieup C Chtap gruiind cuts, cattdies. Liquorije or I.iqtiorice root, buy theia at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT ' Vfn'-tp (rawlX Cheap .ovemoer i. isui. apii aa. GixjI J Apawd eiiiufiy produce of ' ei erjf li.nd t,i,nat rh vel tr-i-i- y w ree4anfs tor goo-ii. i . CLOTHING!!:! j Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with full ; suits of seasonable and lashionable clothing at ; UE1ZEM STEIN Bl'.O'S ft CO., ; where it is fold at prices that will induce their j purchiss. The universal rfatisfactioii which has ! been given, has ibduced ii.eui to increase their s'ock, whijh is ov njt surpassed by :tiy estab ! lisbtueut of the kind in this part cf ihj irate'. lieizensrtcin Bro's ?c Co., J Sell g-, at a very small profit, for cash ; ! Their goods are well made and fashionable, i They give every one the worth of his money. ' They treat their customers all alike. ! They sell eheaprr thsin every body else, i Their store is conveniently situated. They having purebred their stock et reduced 1 prices they c.th seK cheaper tLj.a others i Fit these a i:d other reas-jas persons should bay I tlitr olotiiiug at i I.EIZIINV.TEIN E'.ly CO. j rro.Huc :" overy kind taken at the htopest I market prices May 15, I70I. f ' i : a A C , i ' A i I i ! I 1 i , 1 1 & , ("J A K k 1 -rl It ) i j iU ' 2iUiIl U U K,UD, ! j; t uKCr.ivr.D at i W I LL 1 A M t I li W I N ' S T O It E, uX M AHKF.T ST.. Ci.EAUFlitI.iJ. PA. THE CHEAPEST A.D BEST Seasonable G o d s ARE TO LE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASH STOilE. The ur. lrsi.'r,c-1 has jtist re ? .jived fi-oin 'be East- trii Cities a 1 i ce :;r..i v. el! ?eTc,-'.e 1 sto.-k of "i-lii'v.-t sL. ..)),.;;. . .i.. which he c.i !i d i-;--,-c of i;,o i f ...-:i::,'c . lt. friend- and custoni et'i are invited to exaraii.u Li ft. -k .f goods and a-ti iaio rlie prices before purchasii 'r elsewiieru lis he Icr'.s pers u.irii-1 not-e undtrseil him. HU stock ea.brace.T a veil eit;cted asorruit-tit of i);l Y-o:()DS AND N'O'i'IONS, Ihm I v"a re , Q u e e n s va re . o it ) r: tm r: s. Dili tiS, OILS, r.VINTS Am:i,ASS, IS'.fJ I S. .-H'-KS. HA'I A N J CAPS. " BUCK T.' T a AND EASXilTSj ...co..-i t-.-i.'i nte? P'.c.c;ry, NAD AM' SALT.' ill t.:-h "'iii i .i sola ci.eiir. for ca-h. - i ts ehsoged tor approved pr..du:c. tr. ".'i'j--..b'.ti.p cash store' it yo i wa;i'. to bay z'' -wr at fair tiices Miv 1 1. l.-M. WM IK WIN. JF, OI :iv.D ' GOOD3 AT A LOT 3IRS. WELCH'S, Conrfx-iiig of Ar:::Icia!. Eonr.ets.P.uck les, Crupes. La lies" c.ip. Lai.!-boxes. Cape-r.et. Fentida tiots f.r Hats mil Botiticts. Flowers. Fe't and Srriw Hats, Fjaib.'-rs for Hat,, Plumes. Jet Eonn-tt-; ins. Hu. hts, lliusion Plbbons. eils.Utb bon wire. Bonnet Silks. And every Vitfie'y of Mjilinary Goods. ALSO, Perfumeries. Lr.irl's Flnom of Youth, So.iiis, Paper end envelopes t."edles Pins. ;!e:-.i drt-s-cs hair uels. Lair-pins, hair-oils, kiii-giovis. iit. 'lve. deri'ial cre.iia. ambro-bt eoiubs, urers-trim-: i gs. Cro Let cotton and kneeiics. s-iik. lisle .bread, wool and cotton irloves. ivjol iiud eott-iii hose, gum bulls, siay binding, tiipe. tiik threud magic Krrn.iNG. Saddlers' bilk, i sachicrs i.'5t. co't on-th re-t L but tons, burkcis co',;iirs.p!ee-coI?ii.r' and veils, be-It, XUla-i.-oiubs. gUin ccj'd. 'oiis'.e.-. hooks itLd tyes. bra:l.b-.-ads.i;'!sto-ho.ir.'..j::.i!:-orai-L Ja'.lah'sr's soiip ao-i hair oi'. ,l awi p?ri. snit'eris. niusi-r. music p:t; er. ei.ts ic. rad .'n l bu rle trimmings. VELVET KliJJ0.S. Wire. Berlin split zephyr. Shetland wool. t:ttting-c.i(;on ar d shuttie. erocbet needles, twi lights, whitlehos.es. toys, cnudies. china ami iv.. ry toy?, bol l ii.ctts. j-ciicils. pers. (.mbrtdderies. coriois boojoskirts. ii. urniiig- ei mournijig er and envelopes, nubias, liilv T.hite. nets WHITE TillMMING .. Quilling un iersletives. dolls, ivorre-tnotioais?. Lai.dkerchi-.-f s. s.iss. rs m-rb!es :i:i-l tissue pai.er. All of vvbich she will ,-t-il sLcap for easb. Lrrud and Ltaoroidcry lami-jii-r with the ia- 1 t'-sr pctt-.-r.is. Miii jii ;u. I3C1. ! "WHAT IS IT?" i i GnUAT EXCIlEMLXr If, OTSZ'-T HOPE. PA KVKitVBoOV SEr.y.S fLKH'iKn, Ai..I Wliy Shutilil Tlit-y Xot H-? Surely, the people . in th it suction of Clearfield county huvc groat rcas-'itto be rejoiced over 'he plc o-iiig tiur-a:.eeiaTt that C O kobsois: bus jus-t ope;. el in his New Store Uoota. the larg est ani best toieited sto.-k of goods ever brougnt to th.it ; it of die countv of Clcarilcld Z'ff t-IOnE A:D NLT7 The nndt-rsigned having removed bis store to hisi Xcv.t i' eliding on l'ine Street, tilen Hope op p.i.-i;c !t:c - i i.tou House.' is uow opening and oi leriug to ;he puolic the largest end best selec'ed stock of seasonable goods ever offered in this place ard s.eighborboo.I. arid will be -0id at j,ri ccs to suit the times 1 1 i s "-lock e: braces I'ry-'iools. Notion. Hard ware, 'lueens are. Loots. Shoes. 'i' mj-i C-it-.s Lcady' made clothing. Paints. ' i!s. O lass. Nai'ln. Paeon, Fish. Flour, .-alt; Willow, .-done and Ear-ihen-wnre. and Stoves OF LEY -GOODS, he has Cloths. CasMiners.-Fat-tit et is, Tv .'e is. tstir.g. F lutii c's, . Shii'ti.gs. Prints. Cubu: slot'n. Aipaeis. Do. Laices. uiiig hiiias. t i.ii.-i Leuhief, Nubias, Smtags. Nan kin, Latins. I.rr.t-n. Lace Edgings .Collars, 'i rim loings. L'r-i is. Vails, etc F HAKDWAltil. he has axes, s.iws, ehisels. knives and f -rks. locks, hinges, screws, augers, hammers, imils, uplkes, Stoves of various paticrus aii l sixes, (lat irous. c'.3 ' . - OF GROCFP.IE.-L he has coSce. sugar, loolas ps. tens, rife, popper einamon. cloves. Fiour. hums, sides. -s-houl iers, fish. cto. OF QUEKNS.WAhE, he has tea sets, cupg an saucers, croiuii jugs, tea and coffee pol3: pitchers 'bow Is. plates, dishes, etc. OF CLOTHING, he has corits. pants, rests, un dershirts, sfcii-ts, drapers, neck-ties, gloves, socks. hat, caps, boots, shoes, etc .... All the above, and numerous other -prticie3. for sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds ol lumber and couoiry produce. ,. . Kemembor. thut I am rcreiving goods weekly from lialiimore, Philadelphia, New York; and Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furuLihed cu very shoi t notice. . Call and exanine the goods and prices and sat isfy yourselves of the utility of buviirtc tt - JOHN "iiOLSoX'S. Glen Hope, December 23, 1SS3. i i e . . t . . j-. , , , -. r"7 t ' .vLT! SALT I! SALT!!! A ririsie arti- oie of ground alum salt, put np. in patent tacKs, at S3.25.per sacK, at the cheat) cash store of Noyctuber 27. K. MOSS0P. HOSTETTERS' CELKBKATED ST0JIACH BITTERS. A pure and poerlul Tonic, Corrective and Alterative 01 wuii'lertiil tlijcaoy m disease of the Stomach, Liver Cures. Pyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Headache. General liiiity, Nervousness, depression of ;-pirits. Corrstioation. Coiic, Intertuitteitt Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Oouiplaiatsof either Sex. arising from Bodily Weakness v.-hcther lnheresit ia tiio syitciji or produced by rpecial eau:3. Nothing !h.i is not whole'oine. -r!'.-! asd re storative in its nature eaters iufo the cimpositi -n r;f '.'.(". FtHPFirpt Biilfrr. TiilS popular prei irrfii-ju contains no miiierl ot auv kint. no je.-i'jiy botanical eluacm: uu fiery excitant ; but 11 is a coiii'iinauoa 01 tue extracts i rare oa s.uu ie herb sad plauts with the pureat and liiiidcst of d itTustve stimulants. It is well to be f.irea'-ii.ed amir? disease. i;d. solar as the human system on be protcci-?d iiy huuian means aaiiit tcttiadie etieii.lereJ by an uijwhoicsoijie a.L'MS; hero. Impure water nui o! it er exteru.it causr. Jortt-.r 3 Bit.'r. i may be re iird on as s.ifer;anrd. i 11 district in.'Vs'ed with ' r .,.;. .4-'-'--. it L:h been found iiifalliMe as a rrevt i.tivo a; i i tresis t: ie as a reuudy am! thuuaods Lo res-. : ! it under apprt: het-sion of ou aitack es.'aj u the s.-our-e; and thousands who 1 cjle-r to av.iii tbiui-selves of its protri-'i ve i.ua:i'i -s in ;idv;u are cured by a very brief rMisc of tr.is tii 11 vt-1-ous uiediciue Fever tnd Anc y itien:.-. altr c iijjr piieti ni h ,i;ioii!e tvi lu.ii.ths in vsuu. un;i! ta.tiy s" . 1 v: .j it n.. t u !.:',- jUCoti v da tf;;ei its aiknl ! ' -1 t-i ti --ii :'n v. ithiii i ri r.sd ly ; .'orated :: ti.iS a '.'- - 1 :.- J o i : i : n' c-'iscs i f i'i-in j .-i : ; i i ir-i ir-! ioi- i ; : -in i t. s u'( i) :.s ii; i'i v (tiii-i es I hi' " 1: .. 1 re tit l-y. by ;ite us; of JT.i.-t, i be rvtatt s-' !.-U i fhe retire rt .. :,:! by herice. it ..iks v.i . 1. ic r j ill I? Coot.'IiieJ f..-:ias. j a gfti.ttf :-t..l ivui: es :s; I the i 1 Vl-r . ; ;.,-,) i ; ; ;: i .. ! lion p-i K-rni-Jii -i by tr ir.ijiir a!-: r..ti of ihtr li j gC'tlf. t:.l fe:-etiv. o,-.-:.., 1'evi-oi- t-i tc.i.- h :i ill tacks. '.. ' - . .' i '; it'--v-u.-! At- ; ii:':ior (hid I tut- i.!i!ers ; conclusive. r il.iiiilv a,- i or. . .,.'! I;. : '.i-.e com - ! pro:l 1 and pe.-U! uieut I'be Tc-stinitMsy ir. tliis lt :tf fror.i ii U-OcC an t irou tfotn sexes. l.'.u .-j-oisy id . i: ious Colic ttiita ni 'i ry tx .-i..,i'::' ..-.; ..f -?ie s'liiiU. loc.i-i.tii--.iiy vi-j 11 r to it. the rUutii i" iu.t I rcvenifi .-li i -I oe,. experience.! or w iti.es-c - fiiiy iij.-j-rc-iiH'. 1 I-. .:ic t-.ik!.:ss. iVelH.i'U TO 1-1. iV ..- jt-pitude ari.-ii'-r :r-;iii id Kclrio ir.Sueiice. lu iLe cuv all uis.--e.- it opcriiics -is it liiif C ! 'l.-;e .-Ji. : Lc'.i.iri '-- it t.criii-cs the ( i iCr-.o.-Ilt Sttsjfcs i -1 '.- --.-il.t it. n the It... vr - re-et ivi of bi-'.u-j u.id le-cs- I- it ope atcs f u.b!.i,h iL..n.. I.i'i.-t. but i.ot leasr. i: ? the only s tf-j s'i:i b'iiii;; liii: i.uf t -: urci fri.ui wuiiti an i ii. iu:iiL riiit.-. a.nu ecdreiy tree jrom the ac: an-ii'; ci.t lueoe or .-a J,i ii-.: ix.c oi'i.iiiir- to i' S I.-;:; 1 i.f iJii.i JY tr, r. bo yer prove S.-ri; tur.i -Ho' fr. r.rei ar-.-ti iy i; sioi-i -bi.-s tl.'j dor. - I r. iiit-rerisrt i' lioiue an !!;:'. t trie U'"llCtij.J ti .-. the Siilc t-f .1 i:ro;ii, tj ii ri :.g : i; ; ritl. while it o'- t i lii : s ' t .rl- whi.h IS -1 .; , :.s. i.ke 'is.ii-i.us f'ur::j.;. i.re Co: j- u'i. bnt li-i-jlr ehar.ic'er s- eovero l. m"1 I'.ey nre -iSung liks- rrorth'.e-s wo'. .s. i-wsiy." Ou ti.c oiiicr hand, a grc.a; ani": !-. ti i'. pcrfiriiis :iil it pro;.ii-es. iiud vwn tuorc ti,.ii. i:s proprietor-, f iaiiiii-d for it i r. i s introduction, is rot tor i:y. bu 1 1 or al ii mo. " No :"i!c;ii n.r lb. y.n. has iee; o u i.ivcr- lly.rn-l. it may i -yj y a:i Ud. deserve dly p .ptuar toe i si-.c!!..:;..! portion of the coatuiunity. .is tttrr B::- rs. Prepared by Ho'TKTTast A SviTtt. Pit-sburg Pa. Sold by ail iruggi--is.ij iocers ni.tl Storekeepers evervxoiiero. Nov. I o. 1 tuf. j. i r. ILEMBOLD'S GD?7ITIirjtI PREPARATIONS. CoMvori I- Li'i.'i Extk t P.i'i H'". a Positive and "'pecifjo Pemedy 1-r diseases of the LUa-iJer.Kid-i,t ys.t.rivel. uol Uroj tic.t! Swell; 3s. 1 i-.U i.ied icine i; -;rens-.s t ie power of l-t2tr-.tiori.aiid excite t'.c Al -e.-r bents iuto heaithy uati-ji-, by which the ' atery or Calcerons dev-"''s'riort. ua ! ". 1 unr. .tu nl er..'.irg-;tat.nts aie re laced, us iivli ;-sF'aiu and iiiflniiia'i i II ELMUrij.D'S EXTRACT HUC'lir. i or -i o I'issij auo with :hc ' :l.'js arising Iroui i's-.-'-s-cs. .Lihiis of erir y in li.scrt-tion oi abuse, -tUeuded lowing semi i-jir.s : ft-disposition to Exerti-i.;. Lo.-s of I'. 'if, I.. of M.i.io'rv I-'itll-jalt v of ilre-'iihi- g. We-tk Nerr, 'i rcui iti 1 i.g. Horrir !' i'isetise. Va kefv.1 r.ess. L'iia r.ess of vision. 1'aiu in ihe back Emver-Ml Eas.-i-inde ol tj.e-Mus. ui tr syrtcm. ii it Hands, i'hish ing (!' tl.c liouy. l-'ryn s- ol the skin, i.-rujtii.r.s on tlio F:it.a-. Pa lid toiiiitenance 'i'h( s ?yu;.to:DS. if allowed ; go . wbieu this me Jiv.i:,c invariably removes, soon f.iiov- s llnjiv. Te.'io.v :. j'l.-ity. Foiieptic Fits, in one cf ..hi.-h the Patir-r.- i r.i--y f-xjirc. Who can s;.y that rhey are ly followed brthoso lirptaS lnse.t.-es , tutttt ait.l C't. nxi'l.i fttiiii '" ?':.i!iy j re awi-rt- oi f.j cause of their si;i!"e ; irjj bo' ii'.mh- will cuil'. ss tue ri-.-.-ras ot i ro iii.-.irje as yluuts. And in-.-lar.chc I v iiea:)is bv t oiis;m' tio: I !' -'!- in rile wi'res t- the Irhih of tfco assertioti 1 ,e i.diistilution once efiecte.l with Orsrmrii eakness reijuires the aid of Me ii.-ioe to st ettg' !; , in, ; iijvigvrnte tlie system, wt icu iieanoolU i.-.VlM-.f istteliu invariaoiv uocs. A tnal wiii c.-fc vim-.- the most skepticnl j FElALE.-i FEMALES FEMALES. In naiiv Affections peculiar to FeuiaLs tee Ex- ' tract .'.uciia is ubvquiled by any ot:jer lei.ie i , . i j :- in i;iiiro.-is or tierention. 1 1 1 t;gu ari'y . i'.iin- i i itli.es.- c: .-u;ipressiou of Cu.-toiua:y ilviu u.i:) .i.s. ; J U'.o;r.rei or S.-irrhous state of the Uterus. h.eu ( citorn-a or V'hites. Sterility, and for all co:.;- ! ! i.odui.s incident lo iho sex. whether ri!ng lr -ut ; I tii-itscreiioti. ilab-ta of Diitpavioti. or iu the JJC- j j titur ur C-itHitz oi hi i . ; I Take no more lials im. Mercury, or uiip'casant ! medicines for unpleasant and dangerous disoses. ; I Heimbolil's Lxtra-t Uuvivu an i iiu proved iloo; ' j Wash eurer iSrrr lJi.-t.ixr. iii uli their itag, '. i At little Lxpei.ce. Little or no chaiige in diet. No j j iiicoiiveiiicLice. And no Exposure. j Steatites a lieqieii! -i'sire and gives rtren-'th 1 to Urttiate. tb..-n . Ly jetuoviug Gbstruciions i'r - i veti ting ial our, tig ti-K-:u;es of the Ur.shra. ai- i i v tiii i Ji o a.j.i .n.iaui n.i'.fi. toiioqacui r. io i el-its ot liiseases.-iioti iKCpcIJiiijr all Poisonous. l;i.--- ; ea.-'-! ;ii.d vv-t.-.-ii iut lii.tl.-r. r Tiiousiia.ls upon Ti;onsm-ls who! are been the ' victim of qu .c k:-, .ii. i who have p..i-l heavy fees to oe car.-. i iii . sh-ri t'lu.'. hive toun.i they were , dc.o-ived :i.d i h..t he P..is'.i)" has. bv ;b" use i of - Po v-ri'i;! isiriLg-ii's v btt n drie J up in the' sj stem, to '.re ou. i i a a. aggra la!.; i f.um. and perhaps .:fter iiiarri-ii.'-;. t se lleimoola ir.. tract llui hu for al! affce!:en ana Utsenses ot tue t rmary Orgiiiis. whether ex- is'.iug in iiaie or 1 cmale Irom whatever cause oiigiuating and tii. matter of how b.tig stai. tii g. liisitasi's of ihi-s-.- organs requires the a;d of a Diuretic. Helmhol d's Extract .'-a-hii is the Oreat in all disease for whicb it is recomended. . jivtueuerot tue most re.iable ant respoastole caaracur will accouipany the inetlmine. ' ..t Price, jl.OO p.-r li.jtte. or xir. fur i,0'j.tr-? v Iclivored to auy iidilress. securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in ull communi cations. Cures guarsnteed 1 Advice gratis !'. Address letters ior information to. t - - H. IJ. HELMiJOLD. Chemist. ' 104 South Tenih-st , beL Chestnut. PUil'a. Helmbold'a Medical Depot. 1 ' Hclmbold's Drug and t hem ior. 1 Warehouse. - 'i . . 5'J4 kroadw.y, New York. Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Deal ers who endeavor to dispose id their own and oth er artie'es on the repu'ation nttai led by Helm bold's' Genuine prepjratiijns. Extract" Luchu. Sarsaparilla. Improved Kosa wash. "Sold by all Pruggi-f's everywhere. Ask for Hclmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Adver tisement and tend for it, and avoid exposure. Not. 10. 1863. 1 yr. rI-EAKFIELD IIOESE, CLEAP FIELD. yA- Ibe subscriber havinsr ruruhaeJ the turuitnre ani iatcret from II. li. Morrow, in .iid House, is now prepared for the r: cepti.m of trau sient and pennaneot boarders. EverY depart ment connected with hU estubiiyhmeiLt will be 4k('(t..i Ilit M...T.rt t ........ J .t . . fl , w x. m uwuc hi liie coutiTv. lift res- j pectfuily solicits a share of public patrona July 11,1 f!0. y. E. N. C'M.lil KN. 1 -I ! . SERIOUSLY HURT! I All the Merchants in the nciirhborhnod .f Cur j wensviile. because I have brought or. and opened ! a large and well assorted stoelc ot N E VV" G 0 0 I) S. which I am selling at extremely low prites for cvh My stock eiubraci.s all the v irierv usun'ly tefn iu couu r store, ami seic ;e 1 . ttii at to ;U1' thef. V A R TIKE i I wiii nor, here attempt to enumerate all the arti- j t'!"" keep ; au 1 their fx bul iisiy low price iio.;i l wi.-oif.io oui .iiieryou ..ii nave pi-oj and exaiuiu for you'.c:ves. you will exciaiiu, in the liiiau:ige of the Qa!i ..f the Soa-h -ilALF HAS" NOT MEEX TOLD " T v. ii! merely say. cot.ne ai.J tVr for yourselves, for I feel s.ttiiSed tLut I caa suit j oar ta?t as well as jour pures ... 1. ; . v T : -1 . .1 t. .. - . . . c I.UU.S r and all kiiids cf prJa-:c a' pj.'hai'xc f.r p":ds. Curweiisrt.ie. 'tt. 22 15'2 J. I o taken in li-.VIX. -'-'i.b J Vi 10 , iji-i u v.; !J it IIARTSWiCK Hi. "TuX, riiti i X i. MAKKET ST l'.; ci.; AUEIEED, Keep constiinvlv on ! .ir.l a ' c sr-.i. k DRUGS AZ-: b CJLEM CALS. PAINTS, OILS AM) .VAUMSflES. i emiiiiery, i ouct rood; BIA.NIi HO(!j.:S STA'I IO.V !!V, 'KjUAc( i) si-:.;Ai.-v iriicle- . V. ,- i-.fcj . v t : fid nt . r ii t -. e I t 't'is tht .r ? ; I .- 'Jail.', t! s:u t u w e .i Cit.i. r I v the w, r.T - all i. I : X V; ' ! . - t STILL A GUAM) MISTAKE ! ! 1 Tii AT a i.l.'i ill: ML!!.; HANTS AT 0 Ed we: ill ; were oi::id,-i. "! t '- v i v-s at. i-nt-L.-s- " I... I ..... : r. 1 her : and ir:e s -s ir'tnoi.t ..: s ! from !.c eiv. wi: I V : am ji.-io-jj i.-: ":i tiiaii .t.iV :jl h .;t.sc i:. ;h-- .-..tii.i URAVi: Ariortg the Ltd P..; s';.,.i;: 5 , oi-r sea ii :i" e ; Co -. L i-i i vs V, ii.. Ciii.1 stouit! e ii 1 ;i CUjTIIL.WG A. U HAD: head: es" frt'Ss foi.-is will b f-.ur.d l-ii.'S. 1.IHT.J ar.-d a lari. ty of r: re:- s. at lowest -ir pro . i. t-i tiiike h good invest, a eX-iuil iic mvt;,..k. J'.ye. oti'.s ar..l c- tor sale. Ai- icon. fish. etc., at vei y I -. figures. Le-st su.-.'.r at from i 2 15 cents per Lest syi uu i.t cei. ' per giiliou. pound ii i t;..f.r groeeric? at the s.nr.e r .tic. Loots a.t shot, Sho Uindli-gs. cheap. Now if tLe tiiae to buy, when g.(., Is are p ti.j all I itsk is, T. r per-ntis to f-x imin-i i..y and I f: el persuade I they a '.! i. it c :i.nv out piircha-iog J lo "IHO.-Il r urwensviiie. M if 2oth. 1 --i ; ill. .titV "D 9- - -r-i r- !' '!'! K i- Mb! v JOIEX GUELICK, l'cires to inforTu bis old friends and ciis I that, ha-.ias enLrgcd I fhoti a.d L.crvai j facilities for niai.'ttVir.r.'-g h- h row prr; rci to make to order su -ii i'urnttnr! us may t-e ae.-ir- ed. in g-io-d stv !e iii. ! :ir cheap ri'ej lor cash. il i mostiy bus on hand nt his -Kai riintre ilooms ,'r a varied asMiitinttit of fun.ituie. aiuong which is Sl'UtAl'S AND SIDI.HOAEDS, Ward n;':.i-'s nnd tlcok -mvs : 'ertre.-Sot. Parlor JUreukfant and idaing exlensMn IVbles. Common, jPcen--r.-ri03t?. Cott ier, Jou- ny-Jjind iteo. other JSiidstt-ada. SOFAS OF AL. Id NHS. Wo;:K-STAN'l)S. II AT . UA'.'K..-, V. Asll STAXi's, Ac. T i1.m'i,., A -i.iv Ol v Tt. . ! - 1 vVl.l 1 1 -1 i i v.1 iXl i i ! j 1 id 1 i r, j c . . . ... - v , n , . . ' -ii, -rr.;',- a. ... ' ; t out . ti'i-i . it rt or .1 ,: I r? . And eomir.on and :t"r,cr Ch ;irs. L O K I X C, - Ct L A S S E S 1 i every descri u Iistnd. ah.' for old iraii.e.-;. wL.':'u will be j .: iu c-u v rv reasoiiHijie f.;rn:s. on shot t notice . i lie s!v -t -ero-on ha.-s-l. or fartii.sl.es to order. Hair. Corn-has!;. Hair tc-iCotfca top Maitrusses. COI'ITNS. OE EVERY RIND, Made- to order, and t'ener's r.t ten led with a iiearse. whi-o..cr d -:r ole. Also, ilouse p&iaiin.-; tiot.e to order. 1 he ab'iv.. Hi j taary other arth-'es are furnished to cu.si on. ,;i s i lioiio f;,r cash or e.eii .luge i for a;- rov.-d .-oi.iii -y pro iuc.t. Cheiry. Mat .e. Poplar. Lia-'voo i ,-u. , the' Latrber u t- (,.r t'... busi- l.css. taken in -xeh.iJige for furtiiture. K-ii.eniber fite sitoji Js M;.r'.et street. ficar tield aioi lieatiV oppoti'e the "! 1 Jew Stc.ro. ' i-iec. iiil.-r l. ifs.vi jOiiN Gt'ELiCii. r 1 I LT T?T Have just oi rued a I u go and splendid assort- iteiA of n i : NV r c IJ s nt their oid Stand in ClearSoli. Pern a. be' 1, a ve It" be.tl assort nieii lot liaTH ;i iire f i.: u t :Vtr I cell . rougtitto tiiis cUiii;,. which I hey ii.-'-t r-:is..r:i.',:- r ri,.--,-. ;..in.ji,g t b.Ulid 11 SJ-ii invite the sj di '. ecia!" Z ot cr.?t.rrv iiticction of rhi-1. ti.ov Le public ba.nl au assor.ruet.t of i t-avy siiver-p'.atetl I'.ii ',s.- Si.oui.s. m ii It.i'ri'r ti iiH. .-f ti... ir..! : maiiufac uie. I A 1" ;...,t. ,.r ,i i.,., ..,,,..,., ., i : r-arui. Al-oa gi-r.c-ra! ?nirimeul of pistol i eH.rr:dgjs; ali of which niil be sold at reasot.a- : tie Micc-s. ! lie, coniitue to miiiiif.ictt.re all kinds- of tiu- car.fijt .--Jj Je srrins?e.l in this' bfiht! sta-e. - They a whaye on' hai.d Pittsburg Plows, a ma-' ""si icb are sleel cntro lever ntuws. Alc i. Jiov Ciietitigs, and oiher agr ical! urai im plcmcnts Conk stoves, aud Parlor .-ir-i ("o.-il Moves a gen era! iissor Ait-iit. and of the best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil, Coal oil lamps, paints, oils aud vr- t.islls 1 L.niti.ril u.,j.r;nY.f lit . ... t, k.i'.. iron, .in i i-iistii.-., ii jiiti i -itiety : la ia ; aiiiiosi atiythiag that may be watito-l ly the public can be found in their eatablishment. and at prices that 1 car. not be beat. i Now is the time to purchase, if ; oa de.-ire aiy J thing in their line of business tiivc them a call and examine their st-ick. ;.nd they feel assured that yon can be accommodated. .. Keinember. their establishmer.t is on 2-1 Street. ! Cliiarheid. Pa., where you etn bay goods to tho very bi-fct advantage.- ; ' Old silver, copper, trass,' pewter and old cast irig will be taken in exchange for .'oojs. May Ta.lis43 MEKECIiI, A BIGI.EP. i lt. A. N. IIILES I.L?HFS TO IN t w I turatroK8 thatIrt.f-.r.t.aj bu.i-.;;lf tres hzm tc his 4.5 aii the time. 1.- . therefore ? 1 1 acctt'Toue J t.:.-J 6 ;tWSuzz - - r- tv- si feu 'in. uier : buta.v nca hi, i s.'Cthr -i.. streets at all times, except hen i.ofe in the twa papers to the contrary. Ju'v. lUj LOOK HERE !:! ?C3:iniTG SITSr, TANrilL ia LTTJC2IB CITY JOHN M SPENt Ell 3!:t? n-eentl v opered a shop in LuiLih-r Ci- p. where he will keep err.ii.tly on hani. aci'-a,-' r.fn'.ture to order, aii kiLds of Tic iact Ir"c ucd Cor per w:;.re R4FTI.NO STOVES oonstarf v E tt.j .. which Lumi-ermtu wiil pleace take' lo; i - .1 . i- . .l,. T- -re . rt.t . ,--'!,. i.c.eu. i.tp;.iriu promp .y at:-;- jt-a ;.j Store keepers nd des'cr upj,;;..,j fi. r,.s bbi-rit. s. as le irten l kepi: gnotVbut tlVlt of workaiei. the rub i.r ma'v re v on ' "n .-ori: Call at the Z,.bta.-t'.,t 7; . d '." tor yourseiv. -. J liNV wi vnt -71 1 i 1 Hi - r ..fv.. -Ht H ti-n 3. r l v v ; i v e v. a t x - -- ; ai ; i i"-s A 1 V IT i.V sT'Tp.E. -.is- 'Vi . . t-t id. Pa., a L : as; : "iV Ll V. Ac. s c. r v. ; : :i i L-: i ! !- v-i . i ec i. ii : t: Lg w ui o; tct i : -rer-t -u:t ::- ot (- w t C. tOI' ,1 rtt'i.'O ' ' J. :.n :d. 1 . : 'c. iirtreiin j ti::;i :. N.U .; .s. lip. r -Jroi . jl o y Ir-'. if -u NAi'ti t-o.ic.is. ir J per - i .saic. I'.- ! j St .-, c or sii ' cbii.-iieii ' li '.! s: ii . ; e.-.r . t vt-r I . Nil' .i 'v ii.1 e orJtton. fh.rT -n. t'a i. -- i.t N V! ; :. .s g .': i 5riger ri: rs of l.f ,i i-ackh s and : : . r- .-, C to as-i;rtii ei to! .- 1 - -it ! : ees. 5 1 ver '..ii;:ble. f.i:;y. : ! io -keis. col hi i: es S; rit-!--s. wiidh gifr 1 fsi Itrt. a biiud Kt NAl i.;i S. a fii.c au-roi tiueiit of Fl::- '- asl ftli iiriie.e- in his J i: - t rc-i iv e 1. . f.r;: -1 -1; t'l.M.-hs and Fancy Time-pie-es ti . a l.li t to l. dollar at N A i ,i i.ll'S v. i Gild ..i.i Silver -.i:S be t..ken in ti for -..--..I:-, nt XAl'i:.: - ' Al. gt ..ids -.rranted as rcpresei ted. ' ri s.w j tey r-sjiii Jt-J. a". . NAi' .1. : j If j'.u i.-.h yct r wn'..-hes put in g- -1 r-;i ! n!:u u,.rr::'v i. ias fti XA' c. i ?:odel S!KW r 1 J.G- iV'i A I 1 i-M ! a. n- i t v : j-t i-x. v-' j..1 . ". Till K iff I w ! ... ! T HE sni'TTLE STITCH ! Tii: VELD .-C.ViNG MACHINE CJMI'i5f. 00 LlioAliW AT, Nf.W YOKtt, 'f i :,f.iciurc the riiost perfect Mjchine for .-ewdri, of !-.!! kind, ever presenter! to the mer:o-iri pub lie. and challenge comparison with any cew-.u Machine ma-It in the I nilei Sta'es. The S ELD Machines, with all their vs'tsble improvements. entirely overcome al! iuj erfccujc :tre r-oioii ir to t.:: c tli-.-v.-. I Riuii", .. .i i . , , uit'i .ii- i li a i ii. no 1 1; u rl;; td.-i-.-t. I Siuiiile in cons' rc.-'ion . ijurat-le in al! t!.e:r i arti I und'KEAI'lIA IN h LHS'l ( d. Theyhscc 1 tatiify of stitch ou all kinds of fabrics. ai.-J ; re s- j u.pO;U to a iae range ot w-..rs wiTl.c-ut i or adiasttiierit Usii.jall kii Jsof Ihtea-i v :! jr., Fr.'l imi'i. it in fact do Llhtr. llr.ud. T- ".. (."' nil kinds of work re.ii.ird Ct ! by I-amilie-or Manu! .turers. They make t- vihii-h CiiLTto! be ti .t'rrd durability 8 t-i eVjr. liiterii.ck ". ,tit ; for tiruiness. tlastici; v. of Ui.ish. ! Tiil'V L.,vn. Poi lv,., li ,,.ST iTC t I'r- , j. ....... v... ... ...r- laiuHis! in every it.stiir.ee. where they hive Iron vxbibiUd iii competition with o:L.r u-"'i!-t' Wo tniTi. .-ii i,i,i,..i:i in st'-.r, li t.f all iL-'ru: to execute tny kind of Sewing now i .M- j chiiiory. to ii.spcct tncm. aiitw-.f-.1 i -rr t'.c Ut. iy j.rov iug the WEEL' IchMsiiitir. 'I hi- Coiiitisnv bciitgduiv ii ! f.-re I oerisca, .a-! ! M ionises a:o protected against itfncgvtasfc- 'St a:o prute Iiiigiit ou. ?"?PersoriS nt a distance can order Irmt witu a perieet coi:f,.L-ii-e that I he .! '-f"' re-.-h il.em t...f-y. and tkat they ;ii "''' " ma'i aire it to tbr.r entire satisf-ctb r. '''"''" j ther aid than the printed instructiri s urirou , i.Tin r each Mschit:e. Every explauati-iii f cheerfully given to ull. whether they v i-- t" L' chase or "ii..!. Di .-criptiv e eucuinrs. tojreii r ' Spe.-iia-ii of Work, will l-.e fjrei-hed to a.l- deir then, by mail or otherwise. FsTKeliibTe Agents Wanted, in all b cabti" in. the United States. Canadas. PritLh Prwvi. Cuba. Mexijo. Cenin.l ar.d South Aaieru-a - InJii Islands and the Ijalaro Islatds.-1 wa we i.fTjr rre;t in.",rnr.ttr. Er.ergetie PN liud it h ptviti.' batces. af re'iabl St" ir- - ' chines Lave become a necessity iu every ua We liiar.ufacture a great variety !J' s 5 w'aich we give a ftw rii-is : No I. "n'i -, i',1 No. 1. Lxtra. i ; No 2. Half vase, bit - No. 3 A 4. -Manofac-riBg 'ci 5 ' V. EFD SEWIXa MACHINE CO (Pox 2.041 P. O.) i,i.l fcioad way. New York. May 2", 15GL-Km Thomas Mills. CJe.rSeM. Pv. i. regoU authorited agert for the sale f the U eta . Machine Cat! and tta Maehrne i-trii-er-.-1 . March 2. Ifit . , ' 7: '","'. " r ' ' . . .- i - '. " . :-".- " 4'. .- :- - -- THE v . n MGT1'E: n.er.- i -- . . 1 ( ; I . , - J.. . ' n in - e k 4 f E ' ! 1 n ri II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers