T8E UkWT CLEAEFTELD, PA., NOV. 30, 1864. Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. t....iT.mnt : : : : : 8.55 a. in Arrives at Philipsburg at Train leaves Philipsburg at : Arrives at Tyrone at : : 11 00 a. m. 3 50 p. m. 5.55 p- ui. Correction. We have been requested to state, that iu the Commissioners ".Notice to Collectors," aa heretofore published, an omission occurred. The corrected notice will be found under our head of ew Ad- TertLsemen tstoja-v- A Desertkr Caught. We clip the fol lowing from the Elk County Adcocate: 'Deputy Mar.sh.ill, A. II. Head, left on the Eastern train to-day for 1 1 arri.-burp. hav ing in ehar.ee one Harry Fisher, arrested as a -deserter from the regular service v It ap pears on investigation, that Fisher is rather a slippery chap his own statement is rather unfavorable. The last charge is for deser tion f oni Waterford camp, after leinr re ceived as a substitute for Sheriff Perks of Clearfield. Important Change. We learn that Provost Marshall Campbell is about to re move his headquarters to Ridgway, E!k 'otint. It is expected that the Board of Enrollment will be fully established there a-Jn-ut the 15th of December. Had the rail road and telegraph been .in operation to KiJgway, it would have been the place se lected at first. It will be more central and convenient for all parts of the district. Good Advice. A hfge number of pack ages intended for the army arrived at Wash ington postofiice with the wrappers destroy ed, or the address so mutilated that they cannot be forwarded, and are therefore ne cessarily sent to the Dead Letter Office. It is officially suggested that persons sending packages write on a card the full address, and fasten securely to the contents of the will package inside the wrapper, and this will secure prompt delivery. Ocr Street Crossings. It is a burning disgrace to our town that in crossiiur the street pedestrians are com polled to wade an kle deep in fund. It is next to impossible fur ladies to get across at all. The citizens f-hould take the matter in hand, and if the Borough authorities do not attend to it, have them indicted for a nuisance. If not attended to t once, it will toon be too late this season, and we will be compelled to wade in the mud all winter, save when it happens to liejrojen. The On. Well. The oil-well is progres sing favorably. It is now down about thirty feet. Thoy bore night and day, and average about fix feet in twenty-four hours. The gentleman in charge, who is from the Oil region, thinks the indications are good. We confess, our own faith in the discovery of oil in this locality, is rather of ttc weakest. But the luring of the well will, at all events, let us kuow what i.- under our feet. As we have a natural salt-luk at the river Ik re, palt water will no doubt be found ih plenty. Indeed, a salt well was bored a cumber of years ago by Dr. Hoyt, some ten miles tip the river, which produced salt water in large quantity. How to Prevent Wet Feet. A wri ter in the Mechanics' Magazine, who says he has had three pair ef boots last him six years, and thmks he will wot require any more for six years to come, tells how he treats them. I put a pound of each of tallow and rosin in a pot on the fire; when melted and mixed, apply it Lot to the boot with a pain ter'? brush until neither tkesole nor the up per will soak any more. If it is desireable that the boots should- immediately take a polish, dissolve an ounce of wax in a tea spoon full of turpentine and lamr black. A dfty or two after the boots have been treated with the rosin and tallow, rub over them this wax ami turpentine, but not before the fire. Thus the exterior will have a. coat of wax a loneand shine like a miror. Tllw and grease become raeid and r.t the slitt ing or leather, but the rosin gives it an antiseptic quality which preserves te whole. Candy as a Dessert. Pure sugar and candies, says ILilV Jwrwil ur Fi'altJi, do Ji it injure the teeth, except indirectly by their injudicious use, in exeitiiig acidity of sT-imach, or dyspepsia", as will any other kind ff.Mt-1, or drink, or beverege, if extrava gantly ucd. At seasons of the year when fruit and berries may not be ripe, fresh and RriVet, as deserts pure sugars and candies iiny l; ued as such in thier stead, to .great a-kantage, because they are healthful, be in? warming, nutricious, and agreeable; "'m-e, as a table article they are very valua '''. while almost universal love of them liiws that they were intended to be eaten. It' a child is not allowed to eat anything con taining sugar, it will sicken ami die in a vtry short time. Children need the carbon tiie fuel contained insugar tokeep them wanii ; without it they would -perish from :'M ; hence the love of such things is an in-v,-!ix t, implanted by the kind and wise Ma- kr of us all, for the child's preservatiou. There are a parcel of stupid creatures in the '"rid. whose stock in trade of brains and '"cie amounts to this, that "what is good is "'"h.-althy" It is not advised that children JoulJ be allowed to eat sugar and candy h never they want it ; but that as a dessert, after each regular meal, the use of pure rpar and candies would benefit and not :"jure. IVj unto others, as you would that others onH do Unto you: Oar Eailroal. If our citizens do not take some interest in the extension of the Tyrone and Clear field Railroad, they may wake Dp some fine j morning and find themselves left in the lurch, by the proposed extension west from Osceola. We are informed that eertaiu in fluences are at work to extend the road in such a way that Clearfield will be left about ten miles to the North. The proposed change of the route of the Pennsylvania Railroad, so as to avoid the Summit Tunnel, i.s also worthy of our im mediate attention. If Tyrone is made the point at which this change of route will be commenced, the road will probably run through the Southern part of this county. In that event it would require but little ef fort to secure the erection of a road, to con nect with the Sunbury and Erie, at the mouth of the Sinnemahoning. It would complete a road from Erie to Philadelphia seventy-five miles shorter, than by the route now in use. Our business men and proper ty holders should give this inatter-their im mediate attention. It is of the utmost im portance to the prosperity of ur county. THANKSGIVING. In accordance with the Presidential and Gubernatorial proclamations, Thursday last was generally observed in this community as a dayof thanksgiving. Most of our people seemed to enter inio the spirit of the appointment,- and the observance was more general than it has been on former occasions of the same kind. i crvice was held here, in the Presbyte rian church. The congregation was large ami attentive. The ceremonies, conducted by the liev. W. E. Ijams, were singularly appropriate and impressive. The sermon was from the PJth verse of the VI chapter of Revelations : lilessing and glory, and wisdom, and thanks giving, nnd honor, and power, and might, be un to our God tor ever and ever." We have seldom listened to a. more chaste, eloquent, and beautiful discourse. Mr. ijams is a gifted writer, and one of the finest elo- i cut'.oHits we have ever heard. 11 is voice. evidently under the most perfect control, is melody itself. His argument is both clear and profound, yet garnished with the most beautiful imagery. The sermon was replete with noble sentiments and devout thanks givings, while it glowed with the truest Christian patriotism. We regret to say, that this eloquent preacher has accepted a call from Danville Pa., and left for that place ou yesterday. In Curw ensville services were held in the Methudist church, and were conducted by the liev. L. M. Gardner. The sermon was from the last verse of the XXXIII chap ter of Deuteronomy: "Who is lite onto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency I nnd thy enemies shall be found liars unto rhce; and th-oa shall tread upon their high places." It i.s spoken of as one of Mr. Gardner's best efforts. The congregation went home delighted. He is, indeed, one of the most eloque nt preachers in the Kast Baltimore Conference. Our Methodist friends were exceedumly fortunate iu securing hi' servi ces, and when the time for his departure ar rives (the end of his second year here is ap proaching) not only the members of his church, but a large portion of this commu nity will part from him with sincere regret. Letter from Philipsburg, Pa. PuiLipsBCRO, Pa., Nov. 28th, 1804. Dear -lor iinal: We have had a taste of winter during the past week, but for the la.-t few day. the weather has been moder ate, and the circulating population are mov ing to and 1V', as usual. The meivliHiits, mechanics .and business portion oi our community, generally, have at Jong ht.-t resolved to pay a proper respect to the days set apart by the National and State authorities for giving thanks to the Great Giver of all good things, and prayer for His infinite mercy. Thursday last as was very generally observed by our citizens. The stores and work-shops, with only one or two exceptions, wore closed, and our town presented very much of a Sunday appear ance. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themlves to their full bent, and more es pecially in the afternoon, arising from the iiwt. no doubt, that each and every one had something extra for dinner. 'J his is as it should le and I am glad to chronicle the creditable manner in which .the business population or our town observed thanksgiv ing day November 2-lth, 1864, A very marked change is visible in the conversation anr conduct of our political op ponents since the 8th instant. Where wo, previous to that date, heard loud talk of a strong traitorous, treasonable tendency, all is now quiet as the grave not a vord es caping the lips of those who were the most violent opponents of the Administration, ynd well they may be silent, txor fellows, they must fear and tremble, when they take into consideration the large majority that is against them. Another invoice of tickets to Lincoln's Ball, came to town a few days since. The favored ones immediately in the town and vicinitv were Jacob M. Keplar, Wm. Bnr ris. Efias Hale, L. Stinerook. and Wm. M' Clellan. The number drafted was ten. The quota is now filled within five, and this last draft will very probably fill it entirely. The large number of persons clad in Un cle Sam's regalia, seen in our streets for the last twenty days, suddenly disappeared dur ing the week, and betook themselves to more congenial quarters. A great many of the boys were home on furlough. They were all from the military hospitals. Some of them looked well.and thought they would soon be fit to join their regiments-. Others we-e yet afilicted more or less, and it will be some time before they are able to go to the field. let thev all seemed cheerful, and were "gay and happy" during their visit. May the boon of health soon be theirs, and may thev long live to enjoy the liberties they have periled their lives to maintain, is the fervent wit-h of Lehoi. MARRIED: At Kylertown, Clearfield county. Pa., at the residence of the bride's mother, bv the Rev. W. O. Wright, Mr. Edmund C. Brf.n NER.of Morrisdale, to Miss Mary A. .daugh ter of the late Lieut. Thomas G. Snyder. nOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 135 Broadway, X Y. cash capital. :::::::; S2.(t!)rt.0OO 00 asskts. 1st July, 1364. : : : : -.3,000.000 00 liabilities, ::::::::: 51,577 54 CHAS. S. MARTIN. President, A. F. WILLMARTH, Vice-President. JOHN McGEE, .Secretary. Policies of Insurance against Los or Dainaga by Fire.bv J. 11. Fl'LFORD Agent. August I". 1364-fim. Clearfield Pa Richmond Taken. The subscriber offers for sale bis house and lot, situated in Lawrence twp't. Clearfield County, two miles west of Clearfiabl Town, on the pike leading from Clearfield to Curwensville. The lot contains one acre and a half with a good frame house and stable erected thereon. The lot is un der good fence, and an excellent well of water is on the' premises. Also twenty-six apple trees, nine peach trees and one grape-vine, all of choice fruit For further information call on the sub scriber on the premises. Sep. 7th. l8ii4.3mo.-pd. ISAAC SWALES. Life Insurance at Home. The Perm Mutual Life Insurance Co., '.121 Chestnut Stukf.t, Piiil'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, anil will issue Policieson any of the approved plansof insurance. Assets liable to losses $1221, 28l 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annually or quarterly; r one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate iu all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to January. 185!), inclusive, are now receivable in payment of preniums Agency, at the office of II B. Swooru, Clear field, Pa Dr J. li. JIartswick. Medical Exami ner. August 21, lBt. HHLlOGRAI'llia THE undersigned having completed his Photo graph Uallery, in Shaw's Row, two doors west of the Mansion House, Clearfield, Pa., is now ready to wait on those iu want of first class portraits-. My arrangements are such as enable me to furn ish those beautiful productions of 'sun drawing1' iu the highest style of the art. Having fitted up my rooms at considerable expense, with a view to the comfort and ple;isur of my patrons, I hope by strict attention to business, and a desire to sat isfy those who call, to merit a liberal share of public patronago. A goo-1 assortment of Gilt, Rosewood, and mould frames; Albums nnd an endless variety of cases on hand, at moderate pri ces. Particular attention given to copying every kind of pictures. 11. BUIDijE. September 2, ISfU. Artist. Instruction in the art of Fhotography given, and aparatus furnished at city prices. 1864 1864 GRAND OPENING OF SPRING GOODS AT C. W. & IT. AV. SMITH'S, comprising a general assortment of Drv-Goods," Groceries, Queens-ware, Wooden-ware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c., &.C., &c. . Best quality of Prints. Delaines, Mozambiques, Linen, Poplins, Balzarines. Lavellas, Ginghams check, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls, plain silks, fowlard silks, cassamcres cottonades, jeans, tweeds, satinetts. bleached muslins (at less than city wholesale prices) brown niusliiis. IIOSIEUY.Gloveg, Ribbons,Trimming9, But tons, (in great variety) collars, velvet ribbon, veils, h end nets, embroidery, braids, handkershiefs. la dies elastic pages, whalebones, bindings, chil drens', misses', and ladies' hoop ekirts, Quaker and Corset Skirts, .NEW STYLE BALMORALS. Sugar. Tea. Coffee. Molasses, Spices.Ac... Oranges, Split Peas. Lemons, Full Tea Setts. Dishes, com mon and fine ware, cups.saucers.preservej.irs Ac. TUIfS, Brooms, Churns, .Mops. Bucket. Meas ures, brushes, combs, wickj. fancy baskets, bowls, door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, etc., etc Cbildrens. Misses and Ladies' morocco boots, shoes, bal morals, and gaitors. GODEX'S LADY'S BOOK. THE FASIIIO.V MAGAZINE OF TIIE WORLD. Literature, lino Arts and Fashions. Ihe most magnificent Steel engravings. Double Fashion plates. Wood ensrra vin-: on every subjoet that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting. Netting, Kmbroidery. Articles for the Toilet, (or the Par lor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. THE LADIES FAVORITE FOR 3i YEARS. No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. GOBEV'S mil'ElPTS for every department of a household. These n lone are worth the price of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. Drawing lessons for the young. Anotherspc eiality withtiodey. Original MusK-. worth 3 a year. Other Maga zines publish old worn-out music: but the subscri bers to (iodey get it before the music stores. tar-tening for Ladies. Another peculiarity with (lodey. lYshions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co , of New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Gdey. the only Magazine that has them. Also. Fa.-hions from the celebrated Brodie of New York. Ladies' Honnet. We give more of them in a vear than any other Magazine In fact, the La dy's Book enables every lady to be her own bon net maker. MARION IIARLAND. Aitt'torn of - A' oil."' ITul.tleii pit'i,'' "jlV?.t Sid?.'' IWitir ami " A7-V." writes for 'lodey each month, and tor no other magazine. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. FOR 1865. ( triich thrre ran be vo Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1HS5. At present, we willtfeeeive subscribers at the following rates Due notice will be given if we are obliged to advance, wnion win aepenu upon the price of paper. One copy, one year Two copies, one year ' Three copiw, one year Four conies, one year S3 oo 5 oo 7 oo 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six camee li 00 Eight copies, one year, and an estra copy to the perron senaing iu cm.mnii8 nine conies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra eopy to the person sending the club.making 00 Additions to any of the above clubs, S2 50 each subscriber. Godey'a Lvdy's Book and Arthur Home Mag azine will be sent, each one year.on receipt of $4 50. We have no clubs with any other Magazine or Newspaper. The money must all be ent at one time for any Club. Address L. A GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets. Oct. 13, 1861. Philadelphia. New Firm-New Goods. HEAD ! READ!! HEAD!!! ' B0YNT0N, SHOWEKS AND GBaHAH. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hare received tbeir first (supply of Seasonable Goods, which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASH PK1CES. Their stock consists of a general variety o Drv-Goods. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware. Tin-ware, Millow-ware. Wooden-ware. I rovisions. jihi. aps, rois, cooes, anu. v.oiuiiig. j For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the lrge and good assortment of new styles and patterns ol j LADIES DXESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas. Ginghams. Ducals. Prints. Me rinos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins. I'e rege. Lawns Nankins. Linen. Lace. Edgings, Col erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts. Nu bias, Woods, Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons. Hats. Trimmings. Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, BobineU, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear" They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashuierets. Tweeds. Jeans. Cordu roys. Bevcr-Teeu. Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck' ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps. Scarfs, etc., etc. Heady-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tlemen, consisting of Top Boots. Brogans. Pumps Gaiters. Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc 'Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee. Syrups, Sugar. Rice. Crackers, Vinegar, Candles. Cheese. Flour. Meal. Bacon, Fish, coarse ond fine Salt. Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty, .Tapanware. Egg beaters. Spiee boxes, Wire Lad els, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc . etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Broom?. Brushes. Baskets, Washboards. Buckets. Tubs, Churns Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. Rafting Ropes, Augers, Axes, Chisels. Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. N'-ils. Spikes. Gri .d stones. Sttmeware, Trunks. Carpet bags, Powder. Shot, Lead, etc. School Rook?, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mcrcial paper, pens, pencils ami ink. copy books, slates, ink stands, fancy nnd common envelopes. Carriage Tri minings, Shoe Finding. Glass and Putty. Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed corJs and Bed screws. Matches, Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc. Flavoring Ex tra ets, Patent Medicines. Perfumery of various kinds. Fancv soaps. Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact everv thinu usually kei.t in a first class Store They invite all persons toea'.l and examine their stoek, and hope to give entire satisiaction. BOYNTON. SHOWERS & GRAHAM Clearfield, Pa-Julv 20th. ls.fll. Three Farms For Sale ! SITUATE IN PIKE TOWNSHIP. The subscriber will sell his three farms situate in Pike township, Clearfield county. Pa., at pri varesalo. Also, one tra;t of unimproved land numbered and described as follows, to wit: No 1 Is an improved tract on which he re sides, and contains about 2i"() acres 20H acres t which is cleared. 23 acres being in meadow, and the whole in a high state of cultivation and nn der irood fences. The improvements are a good frame house, frame barn,(7.i by 58 feet.) wagon shed, grain house, smoke house, wood nous? and other outbuildings. There is timber suflicient on the land for all farm uses, and an excellent coal bank. Also good water and a fine orchard of choice fruit growing thereon. No. 2. Is an improved tract, and contains 135 acres of which SO acres are cleared, 10 acres be- in-' in meadow, and the whole in a good state of cultivation and under good fences, with excel lent water on the farm. The buildings are a log house and an excellent frame b;:rn and some oth er outbuildings. There is on this tract sufficient eood timber for 7 or 8 rafts, and an excellent coal bank, together with an orchard of choic-3 fruit trees. No. 3. Is an improved tract, containing about 100 acres. acres cleared, (new.) with a email plank housoand barn tbereon erected. Tb.e land is under good fences, with excellent water ou it. About 3 raftsof good tiinberalsostanding thereon .No. 4. Is an unimproved tract of 400 acres. with some eood r-ine timber irrowing on it. and will make an excellent farm when cleared The above tracts will be sold in a body, or sen eratelv. to suit purchasers nreferrinc, however. to selfthem in a body. The terms will be reason I able. The tracts can beseen at any time by call- in' on the suoseribcr, or inquiries by letter will be' ap.swi'-ed if addressed to Cnr ensville. Pa Au-ust .). JSol DANIEL BAILEY. "3. ALLY U0T7HD THE COUUTFB. BOYS." TIIE 2D SERIES Of Grand Races have commenced on the Lumber-City course! OPEN FOR COMPETITION Ec ry (f t '. Si'iuhiyx t-.wptrd.) A prize fur r.vcrihoJi. Apply ioiDifdiat'y to rhr pruprii tor. Kirk t'- Sh'iiw, at tlirir Xetn Ctrif ,Storr, in Jjumhfr-City, J'run'a. The fact can bo no longer denied the people have said it. tiie people know it. and everybody believes it, that the new store is the place to buy cheap goods, to buy new goods, to buy fashiona ble goods, to buy any kind of goods you want. The summer stock, now opening at Kirk t Spen cers, is the largest, the best assorted and bext that ever came to the place. Ladies can find delaines, alpacas, merinos, cashmeres,French and American ginghams. lawns, plaids, nankins, berege.cambries. muslins, bal mo ral and hoop skirts, silk and cloth mantles, veils. edgings, lace, braid, nets, corsets, belts, collaretts, nostery. gloves, i iouous, uuniivis.uais, iiimiiuuga, bobinett, mull and swiss muslins, shawls, combs, wristlets.-linen handkerchiefs, toilet articles. Ac. Gentlemen can find coats, pants, vests, boots, shoes, hats, caps, collars, neck-ties, suspenders, shirts, handkerchiefs, perfumery tc. Children can find toys in great variety, candies, nuts. Ac. n. I It is the place to buy your dry goods ; yourgro- i ceries, your boots and shoes, hats, caps and bon nets ; your notions your hardware, scythes, forks, shovels, hoes, rakes; your brooms, cedar and wil low ware; your clocks and looking glasses ; your stone and queensware; your flour, fish and bacon ; yeur glass, putty, paints, oil and varnish ; your nails and spikes ; in laet anything you want. If you wish the highest cash pi ice for yourprodnce, your butter, eggs, grain, flax-seed, rags, timber, boards and shingles, it is the place to exchange to the best ad vantage to yourselves Anyart'cle not on hand will be ordered on short notice. Ladies wishing bonnets or dress goods can have them or dered by calling at Kirk A Spencer's cheap store, as special arrangements have been made for that purpose. We do not wish to wound or seriously hurt any body, but will do our utmost to maintain the rep utation we have won, of selling goods a little lower than anybody else. "Rally 'roi nd the counter, boys!" and be con vinced of the truth of our assertions. Lumber-city, June 24. " KIRK A SPENCER. Innn non LBS' wool wanted, jV7Vv7,V7V J for which the highest price will be paid in cash by R- MOSSOP, July 1864. Clearfield, Pa. A number of vesr hare elapsed Mnce the intro duction of HOSTETTER S CKLERKATED BIT TERN to the public. Tko prejudice existing in the minds of many persons ag uiist what are ue-iioininate-i patent medicines atfiryt greatly retar ded its 8;ile; but. as its virtue and merits became known, this b.-.tricrof prejudice was overthrown, nnd the Uetn.uid increased so rapidly that in a few years rcareely a village existed in the I'nited States in which the atficted bad nt experienced the benefits sri.-:ing from tbo use of the --Uittero." and at the present Uav there are to be found IX ALL PARTS OK THE" WORLD vouchers for the great merits of the article. Xo greater cure for Dyspepsia can be found Sue aivrrti&'mnt. Tor gHie by Druggists and dealers every where. EYEE & LANDELL, F0T-RTH AND ARCH STREETS, 3IIILAIEI.,PI-IIA, Cater for the best trade, and offer no baits or deception to induce custom, but rely on fair deal ing and Good Goods'. Best Merinoes. Fashionable Silks. Nobility Plaids, Pirn's Poplins. Dark Flonrards. Figured Merinoes, Plaid Shawls. Good Blankets P. S. We follow Gold down, as close as we fol low it up. Now is a geod time fr Merchants and Consumers te come in Oct. 5, lStl4-2in. Great reduction in prices of Fall and Winter Goods. J. P. KRATZER, FRONT STREET, Having purchased a large stock since thelatedecline in prices, is now en abled to ofi"er great bargains in NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS. Richest printed goods; All wool De laines: French Merinos: Good Rlaek Silk; Coburgs and Al pacas ; Woolen Shawls ; READY MADE CLOTHING, Ladies" Mantels ; Furs and Runnels; Staple Dry Goods; Millinery Goods ; Hosiery and Not ions; Hats and Caps; Roots and Shoes ; II AR I) WAR E, Q UEENSWA RE, Drugs ami Groceries; Carpets and oil cloths ; Household goods gener crally ; all of which will be sold at greatly reduced Oct. 17, 18G4. IWINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter Cm. of Administration on the estate of James Johnson, late of Jordan tw"p. Clearfiuld county, PennTa, dee'd. having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement Oct. 12. isr.l-pd. JAS. R. JOHNSON, Adm'r. FODPEK ClTTTKRS of a superior make for sale at reason.il le pr-jes. a MERRELL and UIO.LEK'S. ClearfieJi. Pa ANOTHER CARGO. J. I. MORRIS & CO., PI1ILIPSBUKGII, PA. SELLS TIIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TIIE COUNTY", And are just recieving the following goods : A splendid assortment of Prints and Re Laiaes, very cheap. A larjre stock Brown and Bleached Muslins, very cheap. I-'lanels, Linsej-s, Satinetts. Jeans, Twewls, &e, very cheap. Balmoral Skirts. (Ladies and chil dren's.) The greatest variety of Yankee Notions, ever opened in the County, and at less jsriees. Rio, Rye and Laaruara Coffee, Sutra rs, White Brown and Yellow, dried Peas, Swet Potatoes. Crau Berries, Butter, Eirirs, Lard, Cheese, I lam. s oJioulders and .Sides. Ltidies Coats and Circulars. Ladies Furs, M'vSs Capes and Victorias, 1 raveling Trunks and Carpet Bars, Wood and Willow Ware, Ladies Baskets. A larce stoek of Boots and Shoes, of all kin. Is, ( Ladies Gent's and Children's.) with (itirns. Buff, over Shoes, Sec, at auction prices. A beautiful assortment of Hoods, Nubias. Sontags, Comforts, Breakfast Capes, a great variety ut ( loves, Are. Grind Stones and Fixtnres, one 2-Horse Olean Wagon, Timber Sleds, Buggies, Sleiirhs, Carriages, &c. Saddles. Bridles, Horse Collars. Trimmed Horse Blankets. Robes, Sleitrh Bells, Whins, Harness and Haines. Clothing of all kinds, for Men and Boys. Over-coats, Pants & Vests, cheaper than the cheapest. Hardware in endless variety with Broad Axes, Double Bitts, Baiting and Barking Axes. .. A general assortment of Drugs, Medi- cines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, See , Dried Beef, Cod Fish, 3Iackerel, Her- ring and Fresh Shad. Cooking and Parlor Stoves, and Stove Pi pe. Flour, Chop and Salt. In fact nothing that man or heast con sumes, but what we keep or can get for our customers. And will sell a little cheaper having ad vantages that no others in our business have. Lumbermen supplied by the quantity with Goods. Flour, Bacon, Chop or any thing in our line at 10 per cent on cost. We discount all bills over $10, ten per cent. Our Clearfield friends will please not forget to call and see us when they come to town, thev will find us on the corner, for merly occupied by John Runk, nearly oppo site the Conrad House, Main Street. Philipsburg' Xovember9th, 1864. j. j. mowus. : : : t. w. morris. : : : t. k. watsos. TERMS OF THE JUl'R5AL. The Raftsmax's JorBAL is published on "Wed nesday at SI, 90 per annum in advance Adtir TtSEMKSTS inserted at 51 .00 per square, for three I or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a j square. For every additional insertion 2i cents. v ut-uuciion win ue maue 10 jmnr iioriuwia. JUtsincssi JHrcdont. "I RVIN BROTHERS. Dealers In Square A Sawed . I. Lumber. Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Grain, Ao , Ac., Rurnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1S63. I FREDERICK LKITZINCER. Manufacturer of ' 11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1,1663 CRANS A. 15ARRETT, Attornev at Law. Clear j field. Pa. ' May 13. 1S63. u. j.oraxs. :::::: Walter eabkett. I) ORERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear V field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle's jewelry store. May 26. HF. NATO LE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HBl'CHER SWOOPE. Attorney at I.aw.CIear . field. Pa. Offic in Graham's Row. fonrdoo west of Graham A P.oynton's store. Nov. 10. HARTSWICK A HUSTON. IValers in Prugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume rr. Fucv Goods, Notions, etc.. etc.. Market street, Clearfield. Pa. June, 2i. 1S84. A FLEM MING, Lumber-city, Pa., Nursery- . man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Plantsaud Shrubbery All or ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13. J. P. "KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth. ini. Hardware, queensware, vrocenos. rro- visions Front Street. above the Academy, Clearfield. Ta. April Li. WILLIAM F.IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. TOllS Gl-F.LICH. Manufacturer of all kinds Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. lie alo makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,69. DR M. WOODS. Practicing Phvsicias, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions. OCiee, South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street. Clearfield, Pa. January 2.1. ISti.l. rpllOMAS J. M CULLorGlI, Attorney at Law, JL Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the - Clearfield co. Rank . Deedsand other legal instruments pro pared w ith promptness and accuracy. v July 3. JB M"EX ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining oountics. Office in new brick building of.I.Boyn ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. RIC1IAKI) MOSSOP. Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Floun Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west r.f JnitmitOfirf. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LARRIMER A TEiST. Attorneys at Law.Clear field.'Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to theircare in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, lfSB. DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizens of Moshannon and vi cinity. Ileenn be consulted at his residence at all times, unless absent on professional business. Mohsuunon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, 1863. WM. ALBERT & BRO S, Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Flour, Bacon, etc.. Woodlan L Clearfield county. Penn'a. Also, extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solioi ted. Woodland. Aug. lath, 163. A UL'TIOMJER.-The undersigned having i. been Liccns-ed an auctioneer would inform the citizens of Clearfield County, that he will at tend to calling sales in any part of the County whenever called upon. Charges Moderate. Address J M. SMITH. Hegarfys X Roads, Clearfield Co., Pa February 3d 1S4 4 UCTIONEEU. The undersigned having f. been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M Q UI LKIN, May 13 Rower Po , Clearfield co., Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of So0, which pro vision will be enforced against thoso who may vi olate the same. nOMl.SAXD .NOTES FOR SALE. The XJ undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those seeking investments. Government and county bonds Also five per cent Uovernment notes. JI B. SWOOPE, Clearfield May 4. lst)4. Ait y at Law MISS K. A. 1'. UYXDER, Teacher of Piano-Forte, Melodean. Guitar, Har mony, and Vocal Music. Sixty private, and twelve class lesson included in one term. Rooms with Mrs. H. D. Welsh. Clearfield, July 1, 1S03. DK. L ITCH'S MEDICI N ES. A fresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, Consisting ot Pain (Jtirer ; llentoratirf . a greatcure for colds and cough; and Anti-Bilious i'Jiyitir. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Tkvthex. DENTISTKV ! DE3TISTKV ! !-Dr. F. M M'Kiernan having located at Smith's Mills. (.Ianesville.) Clearfield Co., Pa., informs the citizens of that place and vicinity, that he will endeavor to render patUfactiou to all who may favor him with their pat.ouage. Professional calls to any part of the country promptly attend ed to. Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate. May 11. lSi5t.-3m. Dr. F. M. McKlERXAN. TVTEW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE. 1 1 The undersigued having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by R Welch as a jewelry shop,) is prepared t do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. The cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. He is confident that he can not be excelled by any workmen in town oreounty. Come one! come all toihtSign of the Hit Watrh. April 8. 62-ly-pd. S. H. LAUCllLIN. CLEARFIELD N I'RSER Y. ENCOUR AGE HOME INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreens. Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also.. Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rheu- baro. 4c. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address Aug 31,1854. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, ED. A. IEVIN MERCHANT AKD DEALER I IT LUMBER CrBWEXSVILLE, PA. 3TE77" GOODS Of every description, just received at the "Cor ner Store." and selling as low for Cash and coun try produce as can be bought elsewhere in the county The stock consists of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Queensware. Glassware, Willow-ware, Woodenware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made clothing. Flour, Racon. Molasses, Syrups. Rice, Fruits. Candies, Nuts, etc. Pur chasers should see the goods and post them -selves in prices. July 13, 1SG4, FOUR (4) good draught horses for sale by E A..1RVIN, Curwensville. S ALT" good article, and very cheap at ba store of wm. if. inWl.N. ClaarCH X.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers