BY S. J. BOW. CLEAEFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAECH 9, 1864. VOL. 10 NO. 28. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Birrsif A.t's Journal is published on vTeil nedy ' Ver rmuin advance. Adver- tisbikT9 inserted at 51.00 per square, for three r less insertions Twelve lines (or less', counting a auare. For every additional mecrtiun 2a cents A deduction will oe made to yearly advertisers. IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square A Sawed Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grain, Ac . Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 183. Select joctnu J FREDERICK LEITZINGEK. Manufacturer of kll kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1S63 GRANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear field, Pa. -May 13. 1863. l. i. crams. :::::: Walter barrett ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Nuugle Jewelry store. May 28. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in :lirahiiai'8 row, Market street. Nov. 10. "IT EUC HER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear ;l 1 . field. Pa. Off.ct in Graham's Row. four doo 8 et of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10. "V P. KRAT7.ER Merchant, and dealer in I Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produoe. front St. bove the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. j!2 1 I TAL.V4C: if.4LL, Attorneys at Law, Cleur- field, P. December 17, 1862. wii.liam a. WALtAC. ': f : f : : : : juh.v o. hall. M A FLEMMLXti, 'CnrwensviL'e. Pa., Nursery V man and Dealer in all kino'.' of Fruit and ornamental Trees. Plantsand lirubivry All or ders by mail promptly attended to. May 14. T A TILL! AM F. IRWIN, Market street. Cle.irfie'd; W I!rin Foreisrn and Domestic Mer- rliHiidlae. 'Hardware. Queeusware, liroceries, t-iuiily articles generally. Nov and 10. 1 0il N Gl'ELICH. Manufacturer of nfl kinds of t) Cabinet-ware, Market street, Cieurfield. Pa. j;e also makes to order Coffin.', onfchert notice, and i.:ud(1s funerals with a hearse. AprlUott. DR M. WOODS, Phacticixo Pvsicia.n, And Examining Surgeon fofijtensions. uaico. South-we eoraer of Second and Cherry hireet. Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1863. rnliU.M AS J. M'CL'LLOb'UH, Attorney at Law. J. Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of the "Clearfield co. bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. Ju'y :i B M'EXALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining '.'juiilies. Ofiice zn new brick building ot J . uoyn lou. 2d street, one door south cf Lenicb? Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal Office. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. J. rnHOMrsoN. WATSON. Dealers in Timber .1. S aw Logs. Boards and Shingles, Marysville, Clearfield county, Penn a Augnst 11, IfebJ. s. w. Tnovpsos : : : : : JA3. e. watsos. T ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.CJear- 1J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Llear field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856. TK. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional I J services to the citizens of Monhannon and vi cinity. He can be consulted at his residence at all times, unless absent on professional business. Mijhmnnon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, 1863. Tl pl. ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Flour, llacon, etc.. Woodland, Clearfield county, Penn'a. Alio, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum ber, thiugles, and square timber. Orders solici ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th. 1803. DK. LITCII'S MEDICI ES. A fresh sup fly of these invaluable Family r fur sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting ! Pain Curer ; Restorative, a greatcure for colds !,J cough ; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and ire highly approved. Tbv them. VI C'TI ON .The undersigned having beenLi oened an auctioneer would inform the citi zens of Clearfield County, that he will attend to culling sales in any part of the County whenever wiled upon. Charges Moderate. Address J M. SMITH. Hegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co.. Pa February 3d 1804 'EW V aTcH & J IVELRY STOIIeT ' The undersigned having I oca tod in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied 'J it Welch as a jewelry shop,) is prepared to uu wurk of aril kinds on the most reasonable terms. The cah will positively be expected when the urk is delivered, lie is confident that he can not be excelled by any workmen in town orcounty. C'j- our', come all totktSipn of the. Biir Watih. I'jily, 62-1 y-pcU S. 11. LALCI1LIX. A I t riONEEK. The undersigne d having l been licensed an Auctioneer, would inform 'oe citizens of Clearfield county that he will at t'lii to railing sales, in any part of the county, heuevtr called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M QUILKI.V. May 13. Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. . B. Persons calliiur sales without a nroner li a' subject to a penalty of So0, which pro 'j'lun will be enforced against those who may vi- -tt me 5aine. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. The followin? lines. sav9 the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, were suggested by an incident related bv Mr. Go ugh in his lecture on "1'eculiar People." Supposed to be the narration cf an old nurse in one of the hospitals He was brought in with the wounded, Six bullets in his frame ; We knew we could not save him, But we tried to, all the same, And when we'd washed and fed him, I sat down by his side To tell him of the Saviour, And be with him when he died. He lay there still and peaceful, And listened to the Book It seemed an old friend to him, By his happy, trusting look. And then we prayed beside him, For' we are not heathens here. But try to help our brothers when The hour of death draws near. His breath came short and painful. And his words were. faint and low, As he gave his farewell messages, I bent to bear them so ; "His love and thanks to mother, He had triad to do his best, He'd often read her Bible, She would find it in hiscbest ; It had been a comfort to him, But the balls had found her boy, And she would soon come to him In realms of endless joy." There was a pause, a falter ; I asked himj "Nothing more VI And with a flush he quickly Drew off a ring he wore, 'Send this to mother, Madam, And tell her I was true To the one who gave it ; she will know What I would have her do." And then the bright flush faded. And a deadly paleness came. And I knew his heart was breaking For the one he could not name. Just then along the passage, Between the rows of beds, Carue on a group of ladies, With red roses in their heads, And colours gay and flaunting Were mingled in their dress. And they talked and laughed out gaily In the sight of such distress ' I frowned upon them grimly And tried to stop their noise, (If there's one thing makes me angry, :2'is unkindness to the boys.) " But iLeir hearts were hard and selfish. And they would not heed my frown, But came on near the pillow where I watched death settling down. They stopped there, and a tall one, The handsomest of all. Spoke out in tones as flippant As tho' at dance or ball ; Spoke to the man just dying, With questioning far amiss. My friend, pray tell we truly. Was the country worth, all this ?" Life came back for a moment, And ho rose up in his bed, Forgetful of his sufferings. As with steady voice he said, "Aye ! Madam, the dear country Is worth it. ttrorti it all ! I pray our God to save it, tho' A million men should fall '." His latest word for Freedom, He tottered back, and died; The ladies turned away their heads ; I do believe they cried. I closed hi3 eyelids sobbing, I have looked on many a death, But never saw a soldier give More gladly life and breath. They laid him down to slumber In the crowded army-lot, And in a leisure moment, I put flowers above the spot, But, whenever I go near it, 1 think he is not there, He's where the "faithful unto death" A crown of glory wear. . . I 1 I'M.KY S P ATENT-Li; M BER DRIED - Kl 81 I'KRHEATED STEAM. The unrter- f j i reTtrii!!y informs the people of Clear "'I and ailjoinin counties that he has the agen- "' 'he above patent and will sell individual, t ''7 " lownship riehts for its use. The lum- . aie-i by this process is stronger, finishes Let is easier on tools, and requires less time in . rnK than any other process known, drying 1 .'"'h !u'uber perfectly in 30 hours better than " tuonths under the old system using the ton MUQnl or 'uel per day that a com mo a Kiln uuc. ine MrtifiifttA Af R nnrnhor ar MSI. tons 4(1t mechan IOC tvul ! VnstwM Cm k .a AAin nnitv i a t .w "vu juunu in tui9 Win -u u ui i. y o opij ' sufficient to convince the most sceptical oT :,, ;;. crsons desirous oi puronasing rignis ""1 14 irpaa Tnifv t nlTTTI r JOHN L. Cearfield. Penn'a. MILLINERY & FANCY STORE. MRS. H. D. "WELSH, SPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO THE LA jits of Clearfield and vicinity that she as opened a Millinerv. Notion and Trim ""og store, on Second Street, next door to hot,. I ancn'8 where she will be Oil k; rece,Te orders for either work or goods. sd Pkm? made 0Ter into the late8t Ncw York WB- e,phi' y ,e8' on 8hort notice. By pur- ., Jf. " u win always nave I;.? ylesof Dres Trimmin s, Collars, Sleeves, Ac., which she will on hand the II ai ll t .u eieeves, ., wnicti ab Cl.Hr,Iwi?cgt Possible profit for oash. Worship God with Flowers. Flowers are the memories of childhood. which accompany us from the cradle to the crave. 1 Jeit my birthplace at the aire ot seventeen, yet the, tulips and roses of my mother's garden are pictured in my mind with a vernal freshness. Jeach vour children to Jove flowers, and thev will love home and all its inmates. Reautif'v the grounds around your dwelling with rich foli age, plants, and the bright blossoms of sweet flowers, and the faces of all avIio look upon the scene will he lighted with smiles, while their hearts will worship the great Giver of all good and perfect gift.5 to man. If I could be the means of creating a general taste for gardening and love of flowers, I should feel as though I had been of more benefit to my country than all the military heroes of the present age. Worship God with flowers. As lie loves all that is beautiful and good, so will lie love you as you make your liome lovelv. The Rome correspondent of the London Time says that at the last annual "Aca lculia Poliglotta" of the great Catholic Col lege of the Propaganda, the youths who (mieu on t lie palm were two negroes, re joicing in the name of William Samba and John Provost. Their delivery and action were wonderful, and called forth thunders of applause even in a church. A 'big Injun' having strayed from the camp, found himself lost on trying to return to it. After looking about, he drew himself up and exclaimed, 'Injun lost! but recover ing hiniself,and feeling unwilling to acknowl edge such short-sightedness, continued, No, Injun no lost wigwam lost; (striking his breast) Injun here! The new State of West Virginia has been divided by her Legislature into townships, like other Free States and unlike the Slave States, which have no civil division below counties. She has also adopted a free school system. They say West Virginia is unconstitutional ; but she don't act like it. A school-bov being asked by bis teacher how he should flog him, replied: "If you please, sir, I should like to have it upon the Italian system of penmanship the heavy troke upward and the down onefc light ! SPEECH OF EON. A. MTEES. ITie Hon. Amos Myers, of Western Pennsylvania delivered a very able speech in the United States House of Representa tives, on the 3d of February last, on the Constitutionality and neecessity of the draft After having dealt a merited and excoriat ing rebuke to Chauncy C. Burr, Clement L. vallandigham and John U. Andrews, for merly of Virginia, who asserted that the draft law was unpopular, and that it was the highwayman's call for "your money or your life," the Hon. gentlemen went on to prove most clearly and conclusively the constitu tionality of the draft as well as its necessity In the course of his remarks after having quoted from 9th Wheaton, 196, and 3Iar shall's life of Washington, 3d vol. p. 241, he asks the question "What is a draft?" and before answering it says : Every citizeiyn this land owes it to his country to support it in time of trial : that "1 1 . i 1 every man is Dounu to taKe up arms in de fense of the life of the nation. Every citi zen is bound to do that. I know that Gov ernment, in its humanitarian ideas, in the liberal notions, in its exercise of sovereignty as it pleases, may exempt whom it will and how it will. But, sir, the great proposition stands out boldly, and as the truth, that every man is bound to march to the battle field to defend his country in the dav of its danger. In other words, the Government at this time has a draft upon all of her peo ple. She has her hand upon every man's shoulder, saying, "Come; my life is in dan ger, i am drawing you to mv support: come. help me out of these troubles." That is the position which the Government occupies ivmuus rvcij citizen. Xjvery one is bound t r rrn of drawing-strings between the Government and its citizens ! and the draft is to ascer tain which of those strings .hall be cut We have been told that tho draft is to as certain who shall go to fight the battles of our country. Sir, that is a mistaken defini tion. The draft is to ascertain who may stay at home, for all are bound to go ; and the man who cannot see that has studied the Constitution and the meaning of the true requisitions of our Government to very little purpose, or he has gone to a verv bad school teacher lor patriotic education. I he honorable gentleman took decided ground that it is the duty of all to take up arms in defense of the country, and advoca ted an increase of pay to the private soldier, as well as the privilege of voting. In re ference to the Administration, Mr. Myers said : - But, sir, the Administration could not be left alone without a fling at it the other day in respect to its treatment of what was called the favorite General of the Army of the Potomac. I did not intend, had it riot been thrown out in this wav. to sav one word against that once favorite General, either here or elsewhere. But when an attempt is made to stab this Administration, to mis represent this Administration, one which the people have taken up. determined that he who for four years has held the helm of state so steadily shall run the good ship in to port, I cannot be sileut. Politicians may think and say and do as thev please, but God and people are for Abraham Lincoln. Jeff Davis and the others may be for whom tney hte. L daughter. J e cannot quote at any length from this able and common-sense speech. The fol lowing paragraphs will be found not only interesting, put will serve to place the patriotism and soundness of the speaker's views in marked contrast with (hose who opposed the draft : Sir, there may be a great struggle in the spring, and we owe it to our country that we should speedily rill up our Arm v. The way to make the struggle brief is to present a bold, united, strong front to the enemy, and that is the object of this bill. We need men to be draited into the Armv. The boI- diers in the Army want a draft, and I sav let the soldiers, will be done. Let us have a darft aud an increase of the Army, so that we may encourage the daring and heroism of our brave soldiers' to crush out the last rebel foe that may come against them. Let us do that, and then let us, oh, let us con fiscate every species of property of rebels now and forever. "What will VOH do wirri triia nrnnerfir when conficated ?' ' I have a way of dispos ing of it. I would take a part of it and throw it into our Treasury, about the sol vency of which some people have so much concern, l he rest 1 would parcel out into sections, and give them to the men who have fought our battles. I do not know that it is necessary to go into the details of the division, but I think I would give to every single man eighty acres, to every mar ried man one hundred and sixty, to every married man with a child one hundred and eighty acres, and if God. bless them with twins, three hundred acres ; and tell all the soldiers that a like merit shall have a like reward. A BRIEF HIST0ET OF THE TIMES. Chronology of the War, etc. June 10 An enrolling officer murdered at maiiwiie, jnd. . . . lighting near Monticel i i 'i rebel3 ftated Kebels repuls ed at Lake Providence by negro troops. June H Col. Montgomery leaves Hilton Head with his colored regiment for a raid in Georgia. . . . Preparations in Pennsylva- icjici reuei invasion. . . . Kebelcaval pan, the guerrilla, whipped at Green River .LMiuge, xvy. July 5 Vallandjgham arrives at Halifax. . . . Raid from Newbern to Warsaw, N. C. July 6 John Morgan's rebels invade In diana and capture Corydon. J uly 7 Great scare'in Louisville ; Mor gan said to be coming. ... Two steamboats captured by rebels at Bradenburg, Ky. . . . Bragg retreats across the Tennessee, destroy- ing uie xriugeport pridge. party to destroy Lee's communication with Richmond return to Fortress Monroe. July 10 Gilmore lands off Morris Island, taking all the rebel works except Fts. Wag oner and Gregg, which are. shelled by the Monitors. . . . Our forces occupy Jackson, Miss. . . . Rebels defeated at Big Creek, Ark. . . . Cavalry fight on the old Antietam field. . . . Lee in fortifications opposite Wil liamsport, . . . Morgan burns depot at Sa lem, Ind. July 11 Morgan burns railroad bridge at A ienna, Ind. July 12 Morgan gets into Ohio. . . .Mar tial law in Cincinnati, Newport and Coving- i T.V 1 L - . T 1 4T- iun. ... x ignt at, j acKson, Ji iss. July 13 Great Draft Riot in New York : many buildings destn3'ed ; The Tribune of- nce assailed; Colored Orphan Assylum burned, several negroes killed. . . . Bragg pulls up at Chattanooga, . . . 1 .1 i i. . J . A T f Y.t -r . J part of u-,eauiU at acKson, xenn. . . . l azoo city mntisji mj .u.i uuuuft. . . union ieia.L 3L ry cross the Potomac at Poolesville, but are ,rJ ulT Surrender of Port Hudson ; the driven back .Meeting in New-i'ork to Ml,sPPi opened. raise colored troops Peace Democrat. . J "ly Rebel cavalry defeated at Boons- meeting in Brooklyn. . . . Vallandigham boro' MJ- with heavT loss. ... Raiding Humiudieu lor uovernor ot Ohio. . . . Lee s army begins to move up the Rappahannock. . . . Ivebels attack Trinnn "IV r, r. ...i driven off. . . . Steamer Mr.L ortress Monroe, seized by rebel prisoners. June 12 Union mnlmau Iw.ll oi,.. James River. . . . Darien, Geo., burned r.y Unionists. . . . Union cavalry near Port Hudson captured. . . . SLi tiletown, a .; rebels defeated. . . . Rebel pirate Clarence captures six vessels off the Chesapeake, converting one (the Tacony) into a pirate Gen. Corcoran leaves Suf- lolk, Va., with a strong force. . Gen Hunter relieved from command of Depart ment of the South. . . . Af.tni.fc ris Island by our gunboats : reVl or fav our troops on Folly Island. J une 13 Rebels plunder a railway train it Lhzabethtown. Kr SL-;,: Slate Creek, Ky. ; Union defeat Lee surrounds lUiiroy at Winchester: .111. . .. t II f . . c -"" . . iiwm;i army in rapid march toward Man-land. . . . Skirm- isnand rebel deteat near Boston. Kv. .4 At . "J mJ - dune 14 ien. Jianks assan t.sTnrf TT.,1 son ana is repulsed. . . . Hne- sh and - irian consuls sent away from Richmond. iveoei raid upon MaysviUc, Ky. June 15 Jjoe lnnrcfips !nri Aro-l-.n,! President calls for KMJ,hh men to repel in vasion. . . . Immense excitement, in Ppnn- sylvariia . . The Potomac army at old Bull jun oatne-neid. . . . Knm nwnt vatK.t.i ; Joone Co.. Ind. . . . -!., fo..i- ----- - - ' u ii uvriv ' iuaysvme caught ; their plunder and 100 prisoners rajccn. June 16 Lee's nnrtVi Plnm bersburg. . . . Gen. Milrov arrives at Harp- wBrem', reuei auacK there unsncnpsstnl. . fckirnush near Aldie. T., 1 "T Tl l.l 1 . II' wuui; 1 1 auu reuei advance at w est min ster, llagerstown, and Chambersburg, -tew lork troops start for liar risburg. Cavalry fight at Thoroughfare Gap. kirimsh on the Blackwater. . . . Rioters in liolmes county, Ohio, resist enrollment they are put down by military. . . . Skirm ish near Uig Rlack Bridge, Miss. . . . Fight with guerrillas near est port, Mo. . . . Reb el iron-clad Nashville (Atlanta) captured in i ii saw oounu. f ..... 1 u 1 ..1 . n ifi , wane o jiuv or lunroy s men arrive saiely at Uedlord, Pa. . . . Rebels burn ca nal boats at Hancock, Md. . . . Small skir mishes with Jjee m Maryland. . . . Skirm ishing near Aldie. . . . Lrnion defeat near Hernando, Miss. June 1 9 Rebel cavalry cross the Ohio in to Harrison Co., Ind.; 40 of them captured June 20 Gen. Schneck supresses disloy ai papers in Raltimore. . . . Cavalry fight near .New Baltimore. . . . icksburg bom barded. J une 21 Brilliant cavalry fight, and reb els Whipped at Aldie (Jan Skirmish near New Baltimore ; Union repulse. . . . Skirmish at Low Creek, West Va. ; reikis beaten. . . . Rebels defeated at Lafourcho Crossing, La. June 22 Skirmish at Frederick, Md. ; relels driven out. - J une 23 Rebels occupy Chambersburg, SSaftjsmtan'is 3ournal CLEARFIELD, PA., MAR. 9, 1864. liayou La-fourche, La. ; 210 taken prisoners. July 14 New York Riot continues ; mil itary called out ; several conflicts and some rioters killed ; Gov. Seymour issues a proc lamation. . . . Lee gets his army saiely a cross the Potomac ; we capture a few strag glers at Falling Waters. July 15 -New York Riot continues; cars and stages stopped : two negroes killed ; military attacked Col. O'Brien killed. . . . Cavalry skirmish near Charleston, Va. . . . Riots in Troy and Boston. . . . Jeff. Davis calls out white men from 18 to 45 to serve three years. July 16 Last day of the New York riot; a great many rioters killed. . . . Rebels de feated near Fort Gibson, Ark. . . . Rebel dash upon Hickman, Ky. . . . Rebels de feated at Elk Creek, Indian Territory. July i Urders given to enrorce the draft at all hazards, . . . Huntsville, Ala., taken by Union troops. . . . Rebels evacuate Jack son, Miss. July 18 Gillmore assaults Fort Wagner, but fails to take it. . . . Rebels defeated at Wytheville, Va. ; the place destined and the Tennessee and Virginia railroad broken. . . . Raid from Newborn into North Caroli na. . . . 400 rebels captured at liienzi. Miss. July 19 Fighting with Morgan at Buff- ington Island ; 300 of his men taken. July 20 basil Duke and a portion of Morgan's force taken near Pomeroy, O.; Morgan escaping. July 21 Joe Johnston retreats to Bran- don, jiiss. . . . union raid to larltivcr and Rocky Mount, N. C. July 22 Skirmish near Nolan s xerrv on the Potomac. . . . Skirmish at Chester Gap, v a. . . . urasnear uity, jja., recaptured fav our gunboats. July 22 Engagement at Manases Gap. V a.; dOO rebels killed or wounded, 60 prisoners. July 24 Skirmish with Morgan's men at Y ashmgton, Ohio. I I fll TIT 11 V )uiyo jonn luorgan .ana au his men captured near New Lisbon, Ohio. Letter from South Carolina. Hilton Head Island, S. C. Co. C 76th Pa, Vol., Feb. 25, 1864. Friend Row : Allow me through the columns of your worthy "Journal," to com municate, lor the benefit of your leaders, a few items of interest which I copy from the Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier," (publish ed in Charleston City, S. C. at eight dollars, for six months) and captured with some oth er mail, by the Expedition that was fitted out here a short time ago. and left for Flori da under command ot Gen. Seymour I will begin with an article, from the Courier: styled "Promts, and Performances." Yhen thc,war began, says the Richmond Whig, everybody professed to be willing to lay down life, and give up propert v in rhalf ot the cause. Now. few miiF K ;m . . i , . v i... nm ing to part with either, a rJiono-r. tha d- - . , . " ..m, I1UUJI- ay sun is no plaincrthan rim f-,ct tl,ot -:i. out additional sacrifices, the army cannot be sustained, and the cause must fail The fear of getting killed or wounded threatens to reduce us all to slavery, and the i.r nf starvation, added to the lust of gain, may produce a famine in the army, if not at home. A little Jess fright and more common scDse we will not say Patriotism may compose these difficulties, and show us a pathway out ot the bog into which we have fallen." Again, the Courier quotes an article in which it says: "The Rockingham (Va.,) Register says Mr. Smugood, of that county is selling flour to soldiers families at ten dol lars per barrel, notwithstanding it is gener aly selling there at from sixty to one hun dred dollars per barrel. ' ' I will now. give the prices of domestic goods and gram at Augusta Ga., as taken from the Courier by myself. Domestics are quoted as follows ; f Shirting, $2 40 1 Sheeting 2.60 ; 4,4 Sheeting, ?3,25, osna- ourgs, w (a) , a ; yarns, $28, per bunch; Uorn, S7.50, $4. 4,50 per bushel. 1 funking, that the few items wbich I have copied from a paper, published right in the hot bed of secession, will be sufficient to convince the careful reader at once if there is a spark of Patriotism in Li l,,-. , that the Southern Confederacy is what we -. call ' pretty hard up." I would say to my. copperneaa inenas (U they are worthy the V3 per bushel: f5,fe?6; Cow Peas, $506; Rye, (ai 10: Bar lev. 7.00 Cd ft? Ta-fUtl (iunboat Sumter sunk by accident off Cape Henry. . . . Union raiding force return from East Tennessee, where they made great navoc. June 24 Rebels advance to Shtntvnc burg and llagerstown. . . . The pirate Ta- - Reb els defeated at Lexincton. Tenn. .Jiuy ieueis unve union lorcesoutot lllv wys in ipis jxcgirnent, 76th J, v., are Richmond, Ky. all well and in good spirits, and ever ready name mend) at home. that, wh tV ci diers in the Confederate army are almost hi a starving condition, we have plenty, and to spare , yec, wirn an this, i know there are a few eyen in the Federal army, who make themselves little enough to write home to their friends, if not to some Copperhead sheet for publication, that they have not enough to cat, while, at the same time, it is more than likely that these very growlers have more to eat in the army than they would have at home. True, we have not got Sofas, large Arm Chairs, soft Feather beds and downy pillows to rest our weary bodies upon, when weaned and fatigued by duty, but what is this in comparison to a divided coun try ? But now, in conclusion, I hope that my Democratic friends will hot think, from the above, that I mean teat all Democrats are Copperheads. Not at all. But I do mean that, if there arc any claiming to be Democrats, or Republicans, that are in S3-m-pathy with Southern Traitors, thev are, in my estimation. Copperheads of the most venomous character. 1-or the benefit of the friends I will say that ,i uiy jieoeis aeieatea at i aris, rvy. July 30 President Lincoln issued an or der for retaliation in case of barbarous treat went of our men. duly 6i Liee s and .ueade s army again Great laughter. A Massachusettsyoungster has got a glass eye that is worth more to him in these days than a good farm. He enlists, passes the surgeon, pockets the bounty, goes into camp, is discharged for defective vision, and ,tries the same game at the next place. He had received seven bounties at last accounts, and was about to re-enlist as a veteran, when he was arrested, and possibly he will next go with his eye out. . The Wilkesberre Times pavs 14 per bun dle for printing paper, for which he former ly paid $6. Is it any wonder that printers raise the price of papers and other wovkf cony destroying fishimr vpsspIs nff V. " the Riippahannock. . . . Rebels take n-l i,i.-l nnt,... ' tt. . . i e . -i I Stanford. Kv.. but, are r f.i..n. vajui,. . . . union ram lorce returned from Northern Miss, after much success. . . Gen Rosecran's armj' in motion ; skirmish es at Guy's Gap and Liberty Pike. June 25 Rebels near Carlisle, Pa. . . . Fight at Liberty Gap, Tenn. ; rebels routed. June 26 Rebels occupy Gettysburg. . . . Unionists evacuate Carlisle. . . . Skirmish at South Anna, Va.; Gen. W. F. Lee (reb el) captured. . . . Death of Admiral Foote. June 27 The Potomac armv north wast. of Baltimore. . . . Cavalry fight at Fairfax : Union defeat. . . . Rosecran's army occupy Manchester, Tenn., after slight resistance ; also Shelbyville. June 28 Gen. Hooker snnercpdivl hv ten. Meade. . . . Rebels oceunv York and threaten Harrisburg. . . . Rebels captnre a train near Rockville, Md. ; also sutler's stores at Annadale, Va. . . . Skirmish at Columbia bridge,. Pa. . . . Enrollment in In diana enforced by military. . . . Rebels de feated at Donaldsonville, La. J une 29 Rebels driven from Decherd, Tenn. June 30 Mines exploded and rebel out works breached at V icksburg. . . . Cavalry fight at Hanover. July 1 Rebels repulsed in attack on Car lisle, Pa. ... First conflict at Gettysburg ; rebel advance checked ; Gen. Reynolds kill ed . . Bragg retreats before llosecrans ; x ullahoma occupied by our advance. July 2 Second battle of Gettysburg; no especial advantage to either side ; rebel loss es very heavy. Skirmish at Bottom's Bridge, Va. . July 3 Final battle of Gettysburg ; com plete IJnion victory ; Jee withdrew at night, marching back toward Virginia. . . . Pem- berton proposes terms for the surrender of Vicksburg Grant refnses anything short of unconditional submission. J uly 4 Surrender of Vicksburg and Pem berton's entire army. . . . Lee's army rapid ly retreating to the Potomac. . . . ReM at tack on Helena, Ark. , repulsed. . . . Mor- tanford, Ky., but are quickly driven out. August 1 Heavy cavalry fight at Kelly's Ford ; rebels defeated. . . . Richardson's rebel guerrillas driven from West Tennes see. . . . A doleful proclamation issued by Jeff Davis. August 2 The Enfans Perdus,, of N.Y;, capture 500 relels at Folly Island. August 3 Skirmish near Kelly s rord. . Gen. Foster goes up James River on reconnoissance ; his boat attacked at Uutch Gap; he returns safe. August 4-'-.kirmish near Rrandy Station. . Steamer Ruth accidentally burned be low Cario. August 5 Union raid upon Woodvil'ej Miss. ; railroad broken. August 6 Gen. Sibley reports three battles and defeat of the hostile Indians in Minne sota. August 10 Admiral Farragut arrived with his flagship at New lork. August 12 Robert Toombs publishes a letter of this date, exposing the bankruptcy of the Confederacy. August 14 Some Union signal officers captured near Warrenton, Va. . . . Gillmore trios the range of his heavy guns toward Sumter. August 15 Union cavalry return to Cor inth, Miss., with 250 prisoners just conscrip ted by Forrest. August 16 Explosion of the City of Madison, ammunition boat, at Vicksburg ; about 150 men killed. August 17 Grand bombardment of Sum ter begun. August 18 union raid in North Caroli na ; 30 rebels killed near Pasquotank.- August 19 Union raid upon Grenada, Miss. ; great destruction of railroad prop erty. August 20 Lawrence, Kansas sacked and fired by Quaritrell : many citizens mur dered. TO BE CONTINUED. . xui uui.. coping mat southern Iraitors, and Northern Sympathisers, may soon see the sinfulness of the course thev are pursu ing in trying to destroy one of the best Gov ernments ever the sun shone upon , and that they may repent, I remain yours respectfully, a. w. K; The total loss at the battle ga on the part of the Federalists was 17,200. The total loss of the Confederates was 19, 600. 1 he time consumed in fighting was 16 hours mid thirty minutes. This makes a to t?l combined loss of 36,800, or over 2,200 per hour. The total Federal force engaged was 38.000 ; the rebel force (according to their own reports) was 64,000. The Washington National Monument So ciety has recently shown signs of vitality bv l ...11 rn - . . iije re-eieciion vi us oia onicers, including Lieutenant General Scott, as one of the viv presidents. I he work on the was years ago suspended. ice monument Little and often fills the purse. The "Irish Bull" is not, nrvulia,. , - i v..iu. uu.j pat ent to the corduroys, A writer in the Dub lin UiiicerKitu rish, says : "Many thousands of them were often destitute of the only food they possessed. . Between one ami two hundred foreigners, employed in the various gangs in the Navy lard of Charleston, Mass., have lieen dis charged, within a few days, for neglecting' to become naturalized citizens of the United States, " , yEsop'sfly, sittingon theaxleof the chari ot, has been much laughed at for exclaim ing, 'What a dust I do raise!' Yet which of us, in his own way, has not sometimes been guilty of the like. A letter from the army in Texas, says the inhabitants of Indianola and Old Town, alxrve six hundred in number, have volun tarily come forward and taken the oatrr of allegianee. "Enry, take the 'arness hoff the 'orsc, put t-lie alter hover 'is 'cad, hand give 'm 'ay and boats. ' .... : i i nr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers