jm - y " f , ; BY S. J- BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1864. VOL. 10.-NO. 27. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Hafts -v's Jocbsal is published on Wed nesday t I,aO p" annum in advance Auver riscxK.sTS inserted at SI. 00 per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a Viuare. For every additional insertion 25 cents. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. ht$MC.$.$ g nectary. 1RVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A Sawed Lumber, lrj Goods, Groceries. Flour. Grain, Ae , Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 186:1. 11KELEKICK LEITZINUEK, Manufacturer of . II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or der solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1863 tlKANS l BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear- Beld, Pa. May 13. 18d3. l. j.craxs. :::::: Walter barrett. TjOBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear J t field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle 8 jewelry store. May 2ft. H F. N AUG I.E. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Grnham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. T T Bl'CIIER SWO0PE. Attorney at .11. field. Pa. 'fEct inGrataauTs Row, fourdoo s wt of (iruliam A Boynton's storo. Nov. 10. I" P KKATZER Merchant, and dealer in f . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce. Front St. above the Academy. Clearfield. Pa. j!2 "VITA LLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear- field. P. ! 17. 1S:S2. v. A. WAi.LACn. :::::::: juiis o. halt.. MA KI.KMMI.VU. Ciirvrcnsi-ille. Pa.. Xuryery . man and Pealer ia all kind" of Fruit and i rii:iiuviitnl Tre-H. rUntft nixl Shrubbery All or-de.-.-i by lu.-iil promptly attended to. May 13. A r 1 U.I A M F. IRW IN. Market strict. Clearfield, Y Pa.. Iiesler in Foreign and Iloinestic Mer-ctiai.ili.-tr. Hardware. Queeusware, Groceries, and J.iii! -articles generally. .Nov. 10. vllN (U'ELIfH. Mancfacturerof M kinds of ) Cabinet-ware. Market strret. Clearfield. Pa. lie alwiuakes to order Coffins, ou short notiee. and funerals u ith a hoarse. Api ltl, Oa. IV M. WO" US. Pn vorn'isii Phvsrmvs, nl Kxami'iutg Suri;.."n fr Penone. Oiinv. Mjiitli-west euiuer ot ieeoml and i ncrry Street. Clearfield. Pa. January 21. ls;.'5. AIT V. SHAW. M. I . has resumed the prac Y . tiee of Medicine and Surgery in Sfcawsville, l ei.n a. where he still respectfully solicits a con tinuance of public patronage.. May 27, U63. J. B M'EXALLV, Attorney tit La--, Cl-wu-fieU, Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining .i.iiiitiei. Once :n new brick building of J. J.oyn- t..u. 2d street, one door south of Lank-a s Hotel. ")ICllAUD MOSSOP, I'ea'ivTin F-.reignand lo li tnestic Drv Goods. .Groceries. Flour. Itanon, Liquor. c. Room, on Market street, a few doors e.-t of . Jonrtit-l tfv, Cleartield, Pa. Apr27. rn HOMPSOX. A WATSON. Dealers in Timber 1 Saw Log. Board. i and Singles, Marysville, Clearfield rtnunty, Penn'a Asgcst H. iSe;i. s. iv. ti:opsu. : : : : : J.vs. e. watson. f AKKIMEil A TEST, Attorneys at Law.CIear j J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal ami ot!i-T business entrusted to their care in Clear Iv ! I and adjoining cour.tie3. August 6. ISofi. ilt. WM. CAMPDELL. offers his professional services to the citizens ot Moshannon and vi cinity. Ho can be consulted at his restile?e at all time, unless absent on professional business. Mohs:-nuua, Centre co , Pa., May I.'!, IrftW. yH AI.HERT A l!RJ Seniors'. n IryGods, Gruceries. Hardware, Queensware. Flour, l.jcn. etc.. Woodlan-l. Clearfield county. Pcnn'a. aL'u. extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum l"r. hiiiglcs, and square tiiabcr. Orders solici ;rd. Woodland, Aug. ltfth. ISfiS. T' UIOMAS J. M'CVLLOUGil, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of the ' Clearfield . Em:k. Deeds and other lecal instrumeuts pre- 'red with prouiptuees ad accuracy. Jny . i'. u. Btsii. :::::::: t.j.m'ccllocgh BL'SH A M CULLOUGH S Collection Okficb, Clkarfield, Psns'a DR. l.ITCMS ei:ICI' ES. A fresh sup ply of thfle invaluable Family Medicines arfi,rs:.leby M. A. Frank. Clearfield, Consisting t Pain Currr; RestoratiTr, a great cure for colds r.d cough; tLuiiAuti-Bi7ion.trtysir. They have keen thoroughly tested in this community, and "hij;hly approved. TrvtiikW. A' E W WATCH & J E XVELll Y STORE. The undersirned having located iu the bor- Wh (if Oarfield. (at the shop formerly occupied "J'1' Wtich as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to work .jf all kinds on the most reasonable terms, itacv-h will positively be expected when the rk isdiilivered. Ha is eonndent that hecan ''t be excelled by aoy workmen in tewnM county, t "me out : rume all to the Sign oftJte Biir Wtttth. :ril .V.2-ly.p,l. S. U. LAUC1ILIN. l "CTIONEEK. The undersigned having I'een U---nee(i an Auctioneer, would inform t-fcitirpns of Clearfield county that he will at ,caJ to calling sales, in any part of the county, henever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M QUILKIX. May 13. Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. K. Persons calling sales without a proper lt- t.i hre .llli!.i t.. a non.tFir Qftft ichiph TITO. will be enforced against those who may vi u -tc the same. I r I. K L K VSPAT E XT LTi MBEll DRIED X-9 Kv SI I'KIUIEATED STEAM. The under- Sed re.-pectfully informs the people of Clear nj iidjoining counties that he has the agen- cv fth k. ..... . i :n m :.);.,: i ..i .v "f the above patent and will sell individual, ! -"'VIC jiiicui auu Will luuai, , or township rights for its use. The lum- .rie1 by this process is stronger, finishes bet- f .1 easier on tools, and require less time in 'Irvine .1 ' 1 j : '"a 'umber perfectly in 3fi hours better than i,1'iy months under the old system using the amount of fuel per dar that commoa kiln mechanics weil known in this community is ' ine CBrtihcHffl of A number ! rC81- P'y.'ufiicient to convince the most sceptical of ntiii.y Persons desirous of purchasing rights Jv2i. 1S63. i 8UilrAv JOHX L. CUTTLE, Cearfield. Penn'a. MILLINERY k FANCY STORE. , MRS. II. D.WELSH, hEr-ECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO THE LA I'ltS of ClearfieW and ricinity thut she S. ha opened a Millinery, Notion an Trim 'g store, on fcecond Mreet, neit door to j Mrs. Lamch s Hotel, where ebe will be in.lv7 0 rceive orders for either ri... . "J oor,uet md r.,.r ;nt ti. iat. (, ,de!Pbi ylee, en Aort notice. By pur itn i Bt ,1" always have on hand the kiT uH s,7le8 of Dres Trimmings. Hats, Nn Wi T1'' CoHars. Sleeves, Ac, which she will ' i. ""'est possible profit for cash. 'wWl,r. Nor. 18.1883. Select I'octni. E00KS. My days among the dead are passed ; Around me I behold, Where'er these casual eyes are cast, The mighty minds of old ; My never failing friends are they, With whom I converse day by day. With them I take delight in weal, And seek relief in woe ; And. while I understand and feel How much to theui I owe. My cheeks have often been bedewed With tears of thoughtful gratitude. My thoughts are with the dead ; with them X live in long past years; Their virtues love, their faults condemn, Partake their hopes and fears; And from their lessons seek and find Instruction with an humble mind. My hopes are with the dead; anon My place with them will be. And I with them will travel on Through all futurity; Yet leaving here a name I trust, That will not perish in the dust. "Seeing the Elephant." Some years since, at one of the Philadel phia theaters, a pageant was in rehearsal in which it was necessary to have an elephant. No elephant was to be had. The '"wild Leasts' ' were all traveling, and the property man, stage director and manager almost contracted epilepsy when they thought ot it. Jays passed in the hopeless task or try ing to secure one ; but at last Yankee inge nuity triumphed, as indeed it always does, and an elcimaiitwas made to order, of wood, skins, paint, and varnish. Thus far the matter was all very well : but as yet thev had found no means to make said combina tion travel. Here again the geniuus of the manager, the stage directors and property man stuck out, and two ' "broths were duly installed as lciis. Ned L. , one ut the true and srenuine '"b'hoys," held the station of fore-ies, and fur several nights he plaved that heavy part to the entire satisfaction of the managers and the delight or the audi ence. The part, however, was a very tediou one, as the elephant was obliged to be on the stage about an hour, and Ned was rath er too fond of the bottle to remain so long without "'wetting his whistle," so lie set his wits to work to tind a way to carry a wee drop with him. The eyes of the elephant being made of two porter littles, with the necks in, N'ed conceived the britlianti idea of tilling t hem with good stuff. This he fully carried out ; and elated with success, he willingly undertook to play fbre-l'?gs again. N ight came on the theater was densely crowded with the denizens of the Quaker city the music was played in the sweetest strains the curtain rose and the play began. Ned and the "hind-legs" marched upon the stage.' The elephant was greeted with round upon round of applause. The deco rations and the trappings were gorgeous. The elfphant and the prince seated upon hi back were loudly cheered. The play proceeded ; the elepliant was inarched round and round upon the stage. The fore-legs got dry, withdrew one of the corks and treated the hind-legs, and then drank the health to the audience in a bum per of genuine tleplinnt-cye whiskey, a brand, by the way, till then unknown. On went the play, and on went Ned drinking. The conclusion march was to be made the signal was given, and ibr-legs staggered to wards the front of the stage. The conduc tor pulled the ears of the elephant to the right the fore-legs staggered to the left. The foot lights obstructed the way, and he raised his foot and steppedfdunip into the orchestra ( Down went the fore-legs on to the leader's liddle ; over, of course, turned the elephant, sending the prince and hind- Jegs into the middle ot the pit. ihe mana gers stood horror-struck ; the prince and hind-legs lay confounded, the boxes in con vulsions, the actors choking with laughter. Poor Ned, casting orielook, a strange blend ing of drunkenness, grief, and laughter, at the scene, fled hastily out of the theatre, closely followed by the leader with the wreck of his fiddle, performing variou cut and thrust motions in the air. The curtains dropped on a scene behind the scenes. No more pageant no more fore-legs but eve rybody held their sides. Music, actors, pit, boxes, and gallery, rushed from the theatre shrieking between every breath, Have yon seen the elephant " Hence the origin of this popular interrogatory. A Northern Stonewall Jackson. One morning last week, says the Brooklyn, New York, times, a young farmer from Ogdensburcr, in this State, applied at the office of Oapt. Maddox, No. 23 Grand street, for a place in the Union ranks. The attending surgeon gave a favorable opinion of his physique, and he was accepted. l 1 'hen askei Wihl L,, nVr.L snv ' hi ked to sign his name, he wrote in t.le characters, "Stonewall Jack- son. ihe commissioner asKeci mm u mat, was really his name. "Everybody asks me that question," said the young volunteer; "it rises mv blood. It is my name, and I n. " ' I -11" J. mean to let the Jteoeis Kt.ovs m u.ere is a . . i i i .L.. .1 r Th K. G. C's. The Copperheads of the Ohio Legislature are trving to secure the release of George W. J3icklev, the founder of the treasonable order of "Knighs ofthe Golden Circle," who was arrested in Kentucky a few nights ago, and has since been imprisoned in the Ohio penitentiary. They threaten that, un less he is relea-sed peaceably, they will re t; forc.iblr. By their interest m the r,?"?" 1 Lu, tUivn n. workorgcd," I behalf of aii original traitor, they give un teet New York mistakable endence that they belong to his traitorous secret organization. There is a "city of tents," at Bridgeport, Alabama, containingjwenty thousand troops under command of "Hen. Geary.' A BEIEF HIST0ET OF THE TIMES. Chronology of the "War, etc. April 11 Col. Streight's raiding force left Nashville for Georgia. . . . Union caval ry camp near Williamsburg, Va., broken up by rebel attack. April 12 Iron clad fleet leaves Charles ton harbor. . . . Skirmish near Gloucester Point, Ya. . . . Lieut. Col. Kimball killed by Gen. Corcoran. April 1 3 Transport Escort ran the bat teries below Washington. N. C, bringing aid for Gen. Foster. . . . Skirmish near Suf folk, Ya. April 14 Battle at Bayou Teshe, La. ; rebels defeated and their three gunboats, Diana, Hart, and Queen of the West, de stroyed ; Union loss about 350 ; rebel, much larger. . . . Gen. Foster escaped from Wash ington, N. C, by running the rebel block ade in the steamer escort. . . . llebel battery on Nansemond River silenced by gunboats. April 15 Franklin, La., occupied by U nion troops. . . . Rebels raise the siege of Washington, N. C. . . . Fight with and de feat of Indians 70 miles south of Salt Lake City. . . . Fighting continued on the N anse moud River. . . . Dash upon l'ikeville, Ky. ; 17 rebel officers and 61 privates captured. April 10 Admiral Porter's fleet of eight gunboats and several transports ran past the VicksL'urg batteries, losing only one trans port and no men. . . . Fight with Indians at 3Ieda!ia, Minn. April 17 Gen. Ponelson (rebel,) neph ew of Andrew Jackson, died at Knoxville. . . . Skirmish near Suffolk, Ya. . . . Col. Grierson's famous cavalry raiding force' started from La Grange. Tenn. . . . Skirm ish at Bear Creek; rebels defeated. . . . Skirmish at Yermillion Bayou, La. ; rebels driven off. April IS Reconnoitering party at Sabine Pass captured by concealed rebels ; Captain lcJ'ermott, ot gunboat Lavuera. killed. . Relx'ls repulsed in an attack on Faycttevilie Arkansas. April l:t Cavalry skirmishing near Ifcr- V. "m: :.i ... uauuu, j'iis.. uiui aiy nig buecos. April -0 Opclousas, La., occupied bv U- nion forces. . . . Cavalry skirmish near He lena, Ark. . . . Fiidit at Patterson, .Mo.; no uecisive resuit; l ihoii iosm, ou. . . . Jjiue la Rose, La., captured by Union gunboats, April 21 skirmish and caoture of a few rebels near Berrvville, Ya. April 22 iiebel raid on Tomnkinsvil e. Ivy. ; court house burned. . . . Seven loyal u v;il-i-"". iutor l-irur in.nlo r-i'icnnin! n Ledar county, mo., stripped and shut by guerriHa.. . . . lUc.unmviilo, lenn., occn pied bv Union troops. . . . 3(H) rebels routed near Strasburg, Ya. with los of 40 ; Union loss 2. April 23 Skirmish at Chuckatuck, Ya. April 24 Tuscumbia, Ala., occupied the rebels being driven out. . . . Rebels de feutcd at WeLtr Falls, Ark. . . . Skirmish ing near .uttofk, a. . . . Unionists defeat ed at Beverlv, Va. Annl 2o Kebel shore batteries at Duck River shoals, Tennessee River, silenced by gunboats; 2j rebels killed and wounded. . . . Fight at Greenland Gap, Ya.; rebels severe ly punished. April 2(5 30 rebel cotton gins and mills and 350.000 bushels of corn destroyed by a raid to Deer Creek, Miss. . . . Cape Girar deau, Mo., attacked bv Marmadukes rebels. who were defeated with heavy loss. April 27 Gen. Hooker besrius his move ment upon rredencksburg. ... A lexan egion captured near Franklin, Tenn. April 28 Hooker crosses the Rappahan nock. . . . Mannaduke overtaken and badly defeated near Jackson, Mo. . . . Skirmish near Mill Spring, Ky. April 20 rail-mount, a., taken by the rebels, who lost about tuu; union io-js slight. . . . Bombardment of Grand Gulf, Miss., by Porter's fleet ; rebel works great ly damaged ; fleet considerably injured ; 20 killed and many wounded. ' April 30 uen. tu-ant s army lands near Port Gibson, Miss. . . . Rebel battery ori the Nansemond River silenced. ... 52 U- niou cavalry captured near Spotsylvania, Ya. ; 53 others cut their way out. May 1 Battle at Port Gibson (beginning of Grant's march to Yicksburg,) 1 1,000 reb els defeated, 500 taken; they retreat to wards Yicksburg. . . . Fight at Montioello, Ky.; rebels driven. . . . Skirmish near La Grange, Ark.; Unionists defeated with loss of 41. . . . Fight at South Quay on the Nansemond ; rebels defeated with great loss; Union loss 41. May 2 Battle of Chancellorville between the armies of Hooker and Lee ; Union army checked after a fierce battle; Stonewall Jackson wounded. . . . Marmaduke's rebels driven into Arkansas. . . . CoL Grierson's raiders reached Baton Rouge, La., after 15 days of work on Mississippi ; they defeated tlfc rebels several times, destroyed railroads and bridges, and captured many prisoners. May 3 Col. Streight's Union raiding force of 1,500 captured near Gadsden, Ala. . . . Second battle of Chancellorville ; U nion troops repulsed ; heavy loss on both sides. . . . Mosby's guerrillas routed near Warrenton Junction, Ya. . . . The colored regiment returned to Beaufort from the Cambahee River raid ; they captured 800 slaves, snd destroyed $2,000,000 worth of rebel property. 3Iay 4 Battle of Chancellorville contin ued; Unionists forced back. . . . Capt. Dwight murdered, after surrender, by reb els, at Washington La. May 5 Yallandigham arrested. ... A rebel company captured near Peltre's Mills, S. C; no Union loss Fort De Hussy, Red River, occupied by Union forces. May 6 Hooker retreats safely across tie Rappahannock ; Lee does not follow. . . . Alexandria, Miss., occupied by Union troops. . . . Fight near Tupelo, Miss.; rebels whip ped and lose 90 prisoners. M ay 7 Uoi IvilpatricK s cavairy, uiu-i marching around Jjee s Gloucester Point, Va. . army, arrived at Reconnoifsance SX?!! prisoners retaken from thf rr-HI May 8 An attack upon Port Hudson commenced. May J Bombardment of Port Hudson continued ; no reply. . . . Scouting on Stone River, lenn.; some rebels taken. rrf ldh 1 Stonewall Jackson died Ihe ship est Florida ran ashore on Gal veston island by the Owasco and Katahdin. . . . l'ort Hudson assault renewed ; rebel batteries silenced. May 11 Fight at Greasy Creek, Ky. ; Unionists defeated with loss of 25 ; rebel loss, nearly 100. . . . Crystal Springs, Miss., burned bv Union cavalrv. May 12 Battle of Raymond, Miss,; Mc 1 herson defeats the rebels under Gregg. . . . Radroad bridge destroyed bv Unionists at Hammond Station, La. . . . Skirmish and rebels defeated near Woodburn, Ky. . . . U nion raid upon LindenT Tenn.; courthouse burned. May 13 Yazoo City, Miss., captured by gunboats; rebels ran off; 2.000.000 of property destroyed. . . . Guerrillas and In dians defeated at Pontachula, Miss.; their camp destroyed. . . . Skirmish, and rebels worsted at South Union, Ky. May" 14 Jackson, Miss., captured ; Joe Johnston retreats northward. . . . Ham mond btation, La., destroyed by Union iorees. . . . Mcnnush rmish. and rebel cavalry dis- irfax C II Vi UiUA V.-. 11., a. pcrsed near Fai May 15 Grant defeats Pembcrtonat Ed wards Station. Miss. . . . Reliel camp Moore, La., captured and destroyed, with the Rail road depot. . . . and Graw executed at Sandusky, ()., fir recruiting in Union linos. . . . fc-harp cavalry fighting near Suf folk ; no result. May 16 Battle of Champion Hill, Miss.; Grant drives Pem hereon to Big Black Riv er. .. . Union cavalry company captured at Charleston, Ya., last nijrht retaken to-rl.-iv: 40 rebels taken. . . . Skirmish and 18 rebels captured near Cripple Creek, Tenn. . . . U nion cavalry routed with loss near Suffolk. . . . Skirmish at Berry's Ferry, Va.; Union prisoners retaken from Mosby. May 17 Battle at the crossing of Big Black ; Pemberton retreats towards Yicks burg, after great loss. . . . Union forces c vacuate Jackson, Miss. M ay IS G ran t i u vests Y icksburg ; Hai n es Bluff abandoned by the rebels and taken by Admiral Porter. . . . Skirmish near Sher wood, Mo.; Union defeat May 19-Richmond, Mo., captured bv guerrillas ; unionists ueieaU-u. . . . tu: iuisn near n ineiiesier, v a.; a lew reoeis : i . . 1 " I i 1 ' .. . i" I 1 killed and taken. May 20 Fighting in front of Yicksburg. . . . Skirmish near Faycttevilie, Va.; rebels defeated, . . . Fight near Fort Gibson, Ark.; rel'els driven off. May 21 Yicksburg fully invested ; rebels offer to surrender if they can march out, but G rant gives no conditions. . . . Rebel camp broken up near Middleton, Tenn. May 22 Assault upon Yicksburg; Grant rapulsed after a heavy fight. . . . Successful raid into Gloucester Co.. Ya. . . . Reeonnois sance to Green Swamp, N. C; many rebels taken. May 24 Austin. Miss., burned by Union forces. . . . Guerrillas capture a wagon train at Shawnee Creek, Kan. . . . Gen. ScoGeld relieves Gen. Curtis in Department of the West. May 25 Rebels defeated at Senatobia, Miss. . . . Skirmish at Hart lord Ky. May 2Q Scoutinir near McMinnvillc, lenn.; skirmishing and some reixe-ls captur ed. ... A raid into Alabama started from from Cory nth, Miss. May 27 Gen Banks assaults Port Hud son, but is repulsed with heavy loss ; dis tinguished braverr of colored troops. . . . Gunboat Cincinnati sunk by rebel batteries at V icksburg. May 28 Successful cavalry scout return ed to Hooker's headquarters after eleven day's work along the Rappahannock, de stroying- many sloops and boats, and other property, and bnniring in 800 contrabands. rirst colored regiment from the North left Boston. . . . Skirmish and Union defeat near Somerset, Ky. . . . Skirmish near Don iphau, Mo.; Union defeat with loss of 80. ilay 29 Skirmish and rebel defeat near Thoroughfare Gap. May 30 Earthwork and mines begun by Grant. . . . Tappahannock, Ya., taken by union gunboats. . . . Kebels capture a lor- age train near Warrenton Junction, Ya. . . . Rebel camp near Carthage, Tenn., surpris ed ; 22 prisoners taken. May 31 Haiders return to U-onnth,Mis.s., after destroying 7 cotton factories and many mills and shops, the bridge at rlorence. houses, arms, &c., bringing in 100 prisoners ajiu 600 cattle. . . . right in .Lincoln county, Mo.; nnhtia defeated by rebels. . . . Scout near Monticello. Kv. : lfi rebels taken. . . Gunboat Alert accidentally burned at Nor folk, a. June 1 Blair's reeonnoissance in search of Johnston returns, having been unsuc cessful Skiruiishin'r in Howard Co., Mo. June 2 3,000 rebel prisoners arrive at Indianapolis. . . . Gen. Buruside prohibits the circulation in the Department ot the O hio of The X. Y. World and The. Chun go Tintes. . . . Union troops evacuate West Poiat, Ya. June 3 Indian (rebel) prisoners arrive in New lork. ... New lork City Supreme Uourt decide against lecal tender notes. . . Mass- Convention of Peace Democrats in New lork. . . . Admiral roote ordered to relieve Admiral Dupont at Charleston. . . . Skir mish near Manchester, Tenn. . . . Bombard ment of Port Hudson continued. June 4 The President revokes Gen. Burnside's order suppressing Tte X". Yl World and The Chicago Times. . . . Rebel euerrillas defeated near Fairfax, V a. . . . Fighting at Franklin and Triune, Tenn.; rebels defeated with heavy loss. ... Gen. Gillmore eoes to relieve Gen. Hunter of command of Department of the South. . . . tfiuuton, . u, buriica py union troops. . , e FightatSatartia,Miss.; 100 rebels taken. SimmonSDOrt. Ia.. dftstrnvod lv nnr jnin , j j - - j e boats. June 5 Guerrillas routed at Liberty, Tenn. ... A division of Hooker's armv -itim. ... uivi.Mou oi iiooKer s am cross the Rappahannock and capture 1 prisoners. . . . Raid to Warwick River, Ya 90 - , . , a reoei uoats destroyed. June 6 Fight at Miliken's Bend; rebels defeated mainly by negro troops. J une 8 Districts of theFrontier set offand given to Gen. Blunt. . . . Two rebel spies shot at Franklin, Tenn. . . . Reeonnoissance on the Chickahominy. June 9 Meeting of editors in New York about censorship. . . . Fight at Beverly Ford, Va., with Stuart's cavalry ; Union victory. . . . Explosion in Fort Lyon, near Alexan dria : 30 men killed. . . . Union cavalry re turn to Winchester. Ya., with several pris oners. . . More of Hooker's army cross the Rappahannock, at Kelly's Ford, without opposition. . . Skirmish at Triune, Tenn.; rebels repulsed. . to be continued. Wreck of the Bohemian. Portland, Feb. 23. The stcamsliin Bo hemian, Captain Boreland, from Liverpool, struck on Aldcn's Rock, four miles outside of Cape Elizabeth, about nine o'clock last evening. She beat over the rock, turned i i i, .T . . I j loV u- uJellorc un,4, UIlk an hour and a half, about two miles from the I V I ' . 1 T i l 1 rin.pic oi jiiejinioiiu isianu. naving stove a hole in her engine compartment. Part of her steerage passengers are supposed to be lost. Her bridge is covered at high water, and the seas are breaking over her. The night was clear, and the Cape Light house iu full view. From James Scott, the Second officer, I learn that all the officers were on deck when me sicamer struck. Jt was hve minutes past eight o cluck, and the watch was bein changed when the shin struck on a rock ami went over. Orders were immediately given to clear away the boats and soon the ship was headed for shore, but shortly afterwards she sunk m four fathoms of water. Boat No. 1, under the care of the boatswains mate, made two trips to the shore, saving on the first trip about eighty persons, and on the second trip about seventy. Boat No. 2, was swamped. Boat No. 3, under charge ot the Second officer, landed about ninety-four persons. In the broad cove boat No. 3, under the charge of the First and f,mx-m?; n(lcd twenty-bve persons l i,.roai, i0 : ,n enarge or tne fourth olhcer i w v w v-aav v 'H"V miTi A vtWMiai UU1 .rva i ti, . i. " :..t,i i a: i of the Bohemian. The whole number of passengers was 218, and the number of the crew yy. J he number of saved was 298 i trtii .trt m i leaving iy to ue accounted lor. ne lamp trimmer, Ferrer Hart, and the store keeper, whose name is unknown, are supposed to have been drowned. All the .remaining of ficers and crew were saved. It is thought that but few of her passen gers are lost besides those who were in the swamped boat probably perished. home of the firemen Homicide in Johnstown. The citizens of Johnstown where horrifi- eu, on rnuay reouary :.otii ry the occur rence of a shocking tragedy in their midst i ni ii .i the parties concerned bein old and influen tial citizens. The particulars of the trage dy are briefly these : Mr. Joseph Moore, auctioneer of Johnstown, on his recent re turn from nine month's service in the army, ascertained that his domestic happiness had been destroyed, it is alleged, by Mr. Jordan Marbourg, a wealthy merchant of the town. On hearing of the intimacy said to exist du ring his absence, between Marbourg and Mrs, Moore, who is represented as prepossessing in appearance and of a gay and dashing dis position, Moore called upon the former, and after an explanation, told him he would shoot hint. Mrs. Marbourg, hearing ot Moore's threats appealed to him not to take her husband's life, but the outraged husband would not listen to her. On Friday morning Moore arose ear ly, and, leaving his house, visited a grocery store near the Post-office, where he remain ed until between eight and nine o'clock, when Marbourg passed by. Moore started out immediately, and caught Marbourg by the collar, saying. liGet down on j our knees ; I am going to kill you. My wife made a 'clean breast of it' last night. She told me all, and gave me a portion of the money which you paid her." Saying this, he drew a revolver and fired the first shot taking effect in the region of the heart Marbourg fell forward, and Moore discharged two balls into his head, and then fired a fourth, which took effect in the left arm. Marbounr fell over and almost instantly expired. Moore walked to a magistrate's office, surrendered himself and was committed to jail to await the action ot the authorities. The deceased man leaves a most estimable wife and eight or nine children the oldest, a son. about twenty years old. Ihe mur derer has a wife and one child, the latter a promising boy of fifteen 3-ears. The State "Canals. The present Legislature lias obtained the first official statement of the canals in Penn sylvania. Although not complete, the re cord is of importance. It shows that there are about. 1,200 miles of canals in the State, having no less than 750 locks ; and employ ing in the asrcTeirate about 6,000 boats, the greater portion of which are owned by pri vate individuals. Mr. O. Montcalm, late a leading com missary under the rebel government, arrived in Nashville a few days since, from Hunts- ville, Alabama. He was arrested, when upon investigation it appears that he had taken the oath of amnesty, having come voluntarily within the Federal lines for that purpose. Think much, speak little, and write less. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAR. 2, 1864. TiilBUTE OF RESPECT. A meeting of the officers of the 5th Regiment, V. R. C. V., was held at Regimental Headquarters, near Alex andria, Ya., on the loth instant, to to express their feeling on the death of Major James II. Larrimeu, and to pay u tribute of respect to his memory. Caj.t. Alfred M. Smith, Co. C, com manding the regiment, was ediosen chairman, and Adj. Willoughby, Sec'y. On motion, a committee, consisting of Surgeon Samuel (J. Lane, Capt. W. H. II. McCall, Co. D, and Capt. Maus, Co. B, were appointed to drtift resolu tions expressive of the sense of tho meeting. The committee reported the following preamble and resolutions which were adopted : Whereas Treason has added another martyr to the cause of our country, in the person of our e loved officer, Major J. II. Larri y eji, who fell in an unequal contest with ambushed gueuillas, near Brents vilie, Va., on the afternoon of the 14th inst. And whereas, the nation has lost a patriotic son, and her .irmy a chivalrous soldier, ami society an intellectual coner ous and public tpinied member,- And whereas, his los is irrepurab'o to ourselve- he had bhared with us. for nearly three memorable years, all the perils and priva tions, and the glory of so many haid-fought battle-fields, and had strengthened iu hv his counsel, encouraged us by his example, and cheered and animated uby higenial social attractions, and given a distinction to our organization by his graceful bearing and varied accomplish m-nts. Therefore Jitiovai, That ine recognize the gravity of our bereavement ;n the untimely death of our beloved Major whose memory we shall ever cherish with prideand aflection. and whogave up his lite with that habit ual heroism which has been so frequently our admiration upon the fields of carnage, consecrated by the blood of our division.' Jiesoved, That the officers of this Regi ment have lost a companion who wa au exempler, a support, a soldier who could fined ; who could add charms to the rough life of the caaip ; an officer who knew bo well how to terappr unrelaxing discip line with kindness, and softness of manner, so as to endear hiro to the men under his command, that hardy vet erans, who have seen two thirds of their original number borne from their side by disease and death, Ehed teats over his in animate body Jiesohed, lhat in respect for the memo ry of the deceased we will wear crane on our left arm for the period of 30 days. Ji.esoi.veu, that a copy ot the proceedings be preserved in the archives of the Regi ment,, and lhat thev he published in tho Clearfield and Centre County Tenna. pa pers, in the Washington Morninir Chroni cle, l'niladelphia Enqurer,m and Franklin Repository. A. M. S?IlTII, Cant. Co. C, eom'dgreg't, President. O. A. V ILIjOLGIIBi, Lieutenant, act'g Adg't, Secy. Head-Ql arters Penn'a Reserves, ) 2d Division, 5th Army Qprps, V Camp near Bristoc Station, Va. j Special Order No. 37. It is the nainful duty of the General Commanding the Divis ion to announce the death, at the hands of the enemy, of Major James II. Larrimer. Acting assistant Inspector General of the Division. Major Laurt.meu entered the ser vice in June 1861, as 1st Lieutenant in the 5th Regiment P. R. V. C. from which po sition he rose to the rank of a field officer ever zealous in the discharge of his duties, faithful in camp, fearless in the field. Ma jor Larrimf.r united with a reserved and unobtrusive deportment the highest quali ties of a soldier. His love to his brother officers, and the Division, will w keenlv felt. The officers, and the staff, at these Head Quarters, will wear the prescribed badge of mourning for thirty days. liy command of Brig. Gen. Crawford, Commanding Division. Robert A McCoy, Major an J A. A. A. General. Official, Charles It. Ciiamberlix. The Escape of Prisoners. Over one hundred Union prisoners suc ceeded in escaping from Libby prison about two weeks since. A portion of them have arrived at Washington, but many were re captured by the rebels. 1 hey made their escape by passing down a chimney into the cellar and from thence by means of a tun nel which they dug passing under a street to a shed opposite the prison. This escape of Union prisoner? from the Libby Prison in Richmond is one of the fin est episodes of the war. Nowhere in history can a parallel be found for . such a general jail delivery. To this exchange of prisoners the Rebels can have no objections, as the , ghost of all their fears, General Butler, had no visible hand in the matter. The escape, of General Morgan and his companions is east jn the shade by the exploit of Colonel Streight and his gallant associates. Dig-, ging tunnels is a game that both parties can work at, and the Union prisoners have made ' the biggest and the longest, hole yet worked" under ground in the '"Confederacx-." Our soldiers have beaten them i t he field in ev-' ery fair fight with anything like equal num bers, and our prisoner? have beat them digging- ' Nearly one-third of the Population of Panama have died of Small-pox.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers